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Thorumntal 0alhod o Analypis CP 7o1T

Atomic Absovphon Spacropholomat Dr. M.P. Bingh Ctasss
T main Combonants d afomic abaovpion spachobhokemat

( KadiohionSouru
(3) Atomisar»
4)Nebulisokons of Ki liquid Sample.
5) Monochromakovs
6) Ampliiex
CT)Raad ou Daviu.
(Motaing Shu ta)
Hallow Cahod Slit
lomp hiom 67 grofing

-Sombls Photo ll
To drain

0)Kodiaion Souru_ T a d'ahon Aouyu

Ahould emit stabl, inkanse xodiahion

oT bmun to h daBerminud
Tk uwonanu Apathral linu should ba narrow

By- Dr.Mabundro Araab Sngt»

(a) Hallow Cathodu Lamp t
Dr. Parjanya Shukla

TRCakhoda comsiah a ho.Wow up

Dr. M.P. 8tngh Claaeee

Tk onod i o ungstan wira. 1 1 1Sodium

The two luchodes ars kouud worlg or spLthcm
in o tubs contain'nqg on inargas.

xTk TnATt gas Vobeizad

Jomp window ta cmshuehad d aoms
eitr quuar, aibto , or gla.
(ahoda (Na
Anod (w)-
xact mataial dabends upon
wavslngh to br omitad.
wun a
potenial is abhlisd blo too ahurodus
o (Unt in milamprTe Hange oriaus

Ao ingrt gas sthorgad al t onodt

chongd gai Ratahods

rachd a
igh vslouky

imhockimpocd oith (ahod vapenges domu of Rs Na aoms.

Ras ors xutad and whn uhurnsing to qraund stat
givos sodium emiwion Apara.

C) elcrodlus Discharga lomb_-

6 is difhull to mak stabh Hollow (ahodas

hos olamunta which 0Ys volahl Li

013anic, geTmanium or Aalunium.
x So altanaiva gh s0unu davalopad
Dr. Parjanya Shukla
Ral is olechodblus dischara domp (EDL) Dr.M.P.aunghdas

cmsith don vacualad tuba

In which malal d interast
T6 Vocuum
H nbo is ludandwikhorgon at Pump
Jow pr.uTk salud o
aalud tubs ts Rn þlaud in o

micTOwoV diachorga coriky

Undiy tKas cmdikon

argon botomus o pJas mo and

Coue xutaion makal &ial1d insids tis tuba.

Rmision om maal givAs omiion spachrum.

Tntarniky RsaJamps v high and 9uita

Chopo A Motakng uhul s ploud buhoun

Rodow cahod Jamp and Jamu.

Ris otahnq wha s known' as chopper.

brak R stody igh om damb into

intarmiHant or þulsahHng ba
givas pulsaking cuTent in phooull a

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