Atomic Absorption Spectros

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IhaTumuntal hod or Hnalysis 3P 701T

w Atomic lbs0rphonprosco
Dr. Parjanya Shuhla
Thtro dueion TKi's tachniqut was inroduud by . w.. 8tngh Gaee
Alon Walsh (mid- 19so)
xAtomic absorp hon spacroscofy
most poafal, insumental tachnigu
or quonhtativa "dahavminaion d trou matals in bigwdh

xX Mahod þrovidas total malal cmBant q bamble.

indspandend dmobulor fom mal in liqud.

Thi's mohod is voTsah datarmina 60-70 olmanh
Common Hars sarHh mstals.

By is malhod Jatarminakons con bs mads in Ke

rAsen a d mony okur lamunts
(Sabaraion d ibmanB not uqurad)

Tmalhod is vy Aansikive and can dalat marals in

Vy Jow cmatrahkon (Jower Kan 1 phm)

& A disodvontaqu mathod t > only ont tlamunt con b

datarminud aB a imt.
By-Dr m.P. Singh
change in iht Aounu and analyhcal wowbngh
ncwnoy fo datarmins Ascond alumunt.

ing- absorphon enngy y ground shku abms.

in gassaus babi
sla form is basid
atomic abaorphon spchos tob y.
Liguid Sompl Heat
Vapour dmetalbi Apa ois as

Atoms Atoms
Raiaad to Exutad CCround Stabs)

Atomic. Emiuion. Afomic AbsorpHon

Shachohcopy or
Emiwion flomu
bhen Ao.luhion containing maallic sacias inroduud into lamt

vapour maalli't Apesas obhintd.

ommatal atoms Maiaad to an enugy lavs (Exatad)

Aucienty high toemit chavacterishe
y-Dr. P. Sing AadiahonD h mhl.

Ka phanomanon is ABomic Emimion

Bu Jor9g perantag maal aoma will umain in
- non- ohiting Ardund

Kus ground staka aomA oa priulr samunt absoT

adiahion ouroun spsu'ic owonanu wovbngk.

when a ight d Ris wavlngkan hraagh dam

havinq aom^ maallic spruu.
pont bght toill bs absorbad
a absov phion l l b broporHonal to Ka danay o
atoma inlau
Mahemahically th tobal anmaun of bgh absorkud
Dr. Parfangya Shukla
may ivan
Dr. M.P. 8ngh Clases

AH Hi total amaun! of bighl abaorbtd = CJteNf

e charg on elehon
m mam aom
C Spaad o light (3x 1o m/s ov 3xloto cm/)
N Tofal numbr d aoms to abhovb a uuny
04tillabor sngh.
HsJ, e, m, and c 0rA Costant
T6td amoun of ght absorbad = Cmshant x Nxf

Or.Makundvo fralab Singk

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