Moderator of Oral Presentation Session Guideline KN

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Before the conference day

1. The organizing committee will send the Received package of oral presentation
session to the moderator. The package includes tools:
a. List of abstracts and presentation schedule of each presenter in the assigned
b. Presentation evaluation form link (Google form)
c. Video presentation list and/or You tube link
2. The moderator and co-moderator review the VDO presentation provided in
youtube link for comments.
3. The moderator and co-moderator are invited to participate in the rehearsal session
on December, 20 at …..
The zoomlink is…………..

On the conference day

1. The moderator and co-moderator are welcome to participate in the conference.
Provide zoom link
2. The moderator and co-moderator should be present 15 minutes before the
current session is started.
3. The IT man will assign the moderator and co-moderator to the breakout room.
At the time for starting the concurrent session.
4. Co-modorator will
a. Inviting/checking whether all presenters listed enter the breakout room
b. Explain presentation procedures (i.e. moderator/secretary or operator
will play the video presentation submitted, conduct 2-3 minutes QA
answer in the end of each presentation, and presentation evaluation)
c. Introduce yourself and a moderator briefly.
5. The moderator starts the session on time.
4. Enter the break out room set by the IT person
5. Opening the oral presentation session
a. Inviting/checking whether all presenter listed enter the breakout room
b. Describe the presentation procedures (moderator/secretary or operator will play
the video presentation submitted, conduct 2-3 minutes QA answer in the end of
each presentation, and presentation evaluation)
6. The moderator Start starts the oral presentation by introducing the presenter.

7. The moderator or co-moderator play the 1st presentation video (can be helped by
the secretary or operator in each break out room), conduct 2-3 minutes QA answer
in the end of each presentation, and fill the presentation evaluation link.
8. The moderator and co-moderator repeat that procedures for the 2nd – 8th
presentation video.
Closing the oral presentation
9. The moderator and co-moderator provide general comments or suggestion on the
presentation session.
10. The moderator wrap up “take home message” and invite all presenters to the
main room
Play the 1st presentation video (can be helped by the secretary or operator in
each break out room), conduct 2-3 minutes QA answer in the end of each
presentation, and fill the presentation evaluation link
Repeat that procedures for the 2nd – 8th presentation video
Closing the oral presentation
Provide general comments or suggestion on the presentation session
Wrap up “take home message”
Invite all presenters to the main room

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