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Mindanao State University

Iligan Institute of Technology

Gregorio T. Lluch Memorial Hospital

Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Area: _______________________________ Date of Duty:

I. Formulate and write your General Objective for the whole rotation.

General Objective: After two days of duty exposure in the Pediatrics ward, the learners will be
able to:

Utilize nursing concepts and skills during his/her shift in the area by obtaining vital signs and
conducting interviews. Utilize the expertise of vital sign-taking and interviews to generate
valuable information about the patient's health status.

Specific Objectives:

Day: 1-2
After two days of duty exposure in the Pediatrics ward, the learners will be able to:
1. Evaluate the patient's health status using the knowledge of vital signs and
2. Handle patients' concerns about their health and vital sign values with knowledge.
3. Demonstrate nursing skills in taking the vital signs of patients appropriately
4. Assess relevant information gathered regarding the patient's health status
5. Analyze the patient's areas of worry about their health that need to be addressed.
Mindanao State University
Iligan Institute of Technology

Gregorio T. Lluch Memorial Hospital

Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Area: _______________________________ Date of Duty:

II. Organize the daily plan of activities for your succeeding exposure.


11:45 AM My groupmates and I meet at Jollibee

11:55 AM We took a jeep going to Gregorio T. Lluch Memorial Hospital

12:15 - 12:20 PM Arrived at GTLMH

12:20 PM Waiting for our Clinical Instructor

12:30 PM Changing our smacked gowns to PPE’s

12:30 - 1:00 PM Preparing for our assigned area duty

1:00 - 5:00 PM Starting of our duty rounds

5:00 PM End of Duty

Mindanao State University
Iligan Institute of Technology

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