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Mapel : Bahasa Inggris Hari, tanggal : Rabu, 28-09-2022
Kelas : IX (Sembilan) Waktu : 07.30-08.30

A. Read carefully then choose the correct answer!

1. Patrick : Hey. Do you know? I will follow Choir Competition with my team in Singapore next month.
I’m very excited.
Sandy : Wow! Congratulations! I hope you will get a nice experience there and your team can be the
Patrick : Thank you. I will share my experience with my friends.
Sandy : You can share your pictures with your activities there by your Instagram account.
Patrick : Hmmm. I agree with you!
The underlined sentence is expression of . . . .
A. to agree C. to congratulate others
B. to express hopes and wishes D. to disagree

2. Patrick : Hey. Do you know? I will follow Choir Competition with my team in Singapore next month.
I’m very excited.
Sandy : Wow! Congratulations! I hope you will get a nice experience there and your team can be the
Patrick : Thank you. I will share my experience with my friends.
Sandy : You can share your pictures with your activities there by your Instagram account.
Patrick : Hmmm. I agree with you!
The underlined sentence is expression of . . . .
A. to congratulate others C. to agree
B. to disagree D. to express hopes and wishes

3. Jessi : Happy birthday, Barney! I wish you all the best. I hope your dreams come true. You are a good
Barney : Thank you. But, I still get a bad score for the science lesson. I feel confused.
Jessi : You should take a science private course so you can get more exercise.
Barney : Okay. I understand. Thanks, Jessi.
The underlined sentence is an expression of . . . .
A. to agree C. to congratulate others
B. to give suggestion D. to express hopes and wishes

4. Gito : Ivan, it’s still drizzling, but I have to go home now. My parents are waiting for me now.
Ivan : Okay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Take care.
Gito : Thank you. Bye!
The suitable expression to complete the dialog above is . . . .
A. I hope you arrive home safely C. Hopefully you like it
B. I hope it rains hard D. I’d like to congratulate you

5. Indra : I’m going to visit Parangtritis Beach next week.

Rudi : That’s good. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The suitable expression to complete the dialog above is . . . .
A. I don’t agree with you C. That’s not exciting
B. I do agree with you D. I hope you will have a good time

6. Jessi : Happy birthday, Barney! I wish you all the best. I hope your dreams come true. You are a good
Barney : Thank you. But, I still get a bad score for the science lesson. I feel confused.
Jessi : You should take a science private course so you can get more exercise.
Barney : I don’t think so because I have a swimming course every afternoon.
Jessi : Take swimming course only three days, and the other days you should take a science course
because you must prepare for your final exam well.
Barney : Thanks. I agree. I will try it.
The underlined sentence is an expression of . . . .
A. to show appreciation C. to give compliment
B. to congratulate someone D. to express hopes and wishes

7. Mia : I’m sorry, Sir. I come late to school.
Mr. Dani : This is a problem for you. Why do you often come late to school?
Mia : I have to help my mother in the morning to prepare breakfast for all family.
Mr. Dani : You should wake up earlier so that you can help your mother earlier too.
Mia : But I always wake up at 4.30 a.m. Before helping my mother I usually prepare my books and
kinds of stuff into my bag.
Mr. Dani : You must prepare your books and kinds of stuff in the evening before. You must not prepare in
The morning. Manage your time well to not come late again to school.
Mia : Thank you, Sir. I think so. I will try it.
Mr. Dani : I know you can do it. I hope you can be a better girl in school and your family.
The underlined sentence is the expression of . . . .
A. to state the rules C. to state the purpose
B. to agree D. to express hopes and wishes

8. Rachel : Hi, friend! Do you know? Yesterday I got a ticket to watch the BTS concert in Jakarta.
Tomorrow I will fly there to meet them.
Charlie : Wow! Really? Congrats, Rachel! I’m happy for you. Save flight, my friend!
The underlined sentence is the expression of . . . .
A. to state the purpose
B. to express hopes and wishes
C. to ask for an opinion
D. to congratulate others

9. Kelly : Hi, Harry. What are you doing?

Harry : Hi, Kelly. I am studying mathematic. The competition will be held tomorrow.
Kelly : So, were you selected to take part in the Math Olympiad?
Harry : Yes. I am nervous.
Kelly : Wow! That’s cool! I am happy for you Harry. You will be our school representative for Math
Olympiad. Good luck, Harry!
Harry : Thank you, Kelly. I will do my best.
The underlined sentence is expression of . . . .
A. to ask for opinion
B. to congratulate others
C. to ask for attention
D. to express hopes and wishes

10. Kelly : Hi, Harry. What are you doing?

Harry : Hi, Kelly. I am studying mathematic. The competition will be held tomorrow.
Kelly : So, were you selected to take part in the Math Olympiad?
Harry : Yes. I am nervous.
Kelly : Wow! That’s cool! I am happy for you Harry. You will be our school representative for Math
Olympiad. Good luck, Harry!
Harry : Thank you, Kelly. I will do my best.
The underlined sentence is expression of . . . .
A. to congratulate others
B. to ask for attention
C. to give compliment
D. to express hopes and wishes

11. Kelly : Hi, Harry. What are you doing?

Harry : Hi, Kelly. I am studying mathematic. The competition will be held tomorrow.
Kelly : So, were you selected to take part in the Math Olympiad?
Harry : Yes. I am nervous.
Kelly : Wow! That’s cool! I am happy for you Harry. You will be our school representative for Math
Olympiad. Good luck, Harry!
Harry : Thank you, Kelly. I will do my best.
The underlined sentence is the expression of . . . .
A. to congratulate others
B. to ask for attention
C. to give compliment
D. to express hopes and wishes
12. Dilan : Oh my God. Tomorrow I will follow the volleyball competition in Surabaya.
Milea :....
The suitable sentence to express hopes/wishes for Dilan is . . . .
A. I hope you will have many fans there.
B. I hope you can do your best and be the winner.
C. I hope you can go to Sumatera carefully and safely.
D. I hope we can go to Surabaya and follow the got talent.

13. Dilan : Yeah! I won the bicycle contest. I got the first winner. Next, I will follow the singing
Milea :....
The suitable sentence to congratulate Dilan is . . . .
A. I’m happy for you, you are the best.
B. congratulations on winning the run contest.
C. congratulations to follow the singing competition.
D. I hope you will also be the winner of the singing competition.

14. Dilan : Yeah! I won the bicycle contest. I got the first winner. Next, I will follow the singing
Milea :....
The suitable sentence to express hopes/wishes for Dilan is . . . .
A. I’m happy for you, you are the best.
B. congratulations on winning the run contest.
C. congratulations to follow the singing competition.
D. I hope you will also be the winner of the singing competition.

15. Milea : Congratulations on winning the Singing Competition! Your voice is like an angel voice.
Dilan :....
The underlined sentence is the expression of . . . .
A. to congratulate others C. to express hopes and wishes
B. to give compliment D. to give opinion

16. Milea : Congratulations on winning the Singing Competition! Your voice is like an angel voice.
Dilan :....
The underlined sentence is the expression of . . . .
A. to congratulate others C. to express hopes and wishes
B. to give compliment D. to give opinion

17. Milea : Congratulations on winning the Singing Competition! Your voice is like an angel voice.
Dilan :....
Based on Milea’s statement, what is the best response of Dilan?
A. I’m sorry to hear that, Milea. C. Thank you, Milea. You are so kind.
B. Pardon me? Can you repeat it? D. It’s okay, Milea. I will sing the song for you.

18. Edward : Next semester, I will take a students’ exchange program to study in Finland.
Shania :....
The suitable sentence to express hopes/wishes for Edward is . . . .
A. I hope you will have many fans there.
B. I hope you will have a nice holiday there.
C. I hope you can do your best and you can get the prize.
D. I hope you will pass the selection test and can reach your dream.

19. Edward : Shania! Yesterday, I heard that I get a free ticket to go to Finland and the college will fund all
of my costs during my study in Finland.
Shania :....
The suitable sentence to congratulate Edward is . . . .
A. Congratulations on being the winner.
B. I wish someday you can invite me there.
C. Congratulations, Edward! I’m happy for you.
D. I hope you will also be the winner of the singing competition.

20. Owen : I’m excited. Tomorrow I will get my first Covid-19 vaccine.
Felicia : . . ..
The suitable sentence to express hopes/wishes for Owen is . . . .
A. I hope you will have a safe flight.
B. I hope your vaccination will run well tomorrow.
C. I hope you can go to school safely and study hard.
D. I hope you are fine and give the best performance on stage.

The following text is for questions number 21 to 25.


Ingredients: Ginger Sauce:
 150 grams of glutinous rice flour - 1 liter water
 2 teaspoons sago flour - 3 tablespoons ginger, minced
 Salt - 3 stalks lemongrass, cut into 3
 25 cc betel lime liquid pieces each and bruised
 50 cc warm water - 2 pandan leaves, shredded and tied
Filling: into knots
 50 grams peanuts with granulated sugar (brown sugar) - 200 grams granulated sugar

1. Skin: mix glutinous rice flour and salt. Add betel lime liquid and warm water a little at a time; knead
until the dough can be shaped. Divide into 2-3 parts, each dyed a different color.
2. Make balls as big as quail’s eggs, flatten and place filling in the center. Close up the dough and
reshape into balls.
3. Cook balls in the boiling water until they float and are done. Drain.
4. Ginger sauce: boil water and ingredients in a covered saucepan on low heat for 30 minutes until the
aroma is quite strong. Sieve.
5. Put the balls in the ginger sauce and serve.

21. How many ingredients do we need to make ginger sauce?

A. one B. five C. ten D. eleven

22. When should we remove the balls from the boiling water?
A. After they float on the water surface C. Before they change shape
B. After they turn brown D. When they are soft

23. Wedang ronde uses ginger as one of the main ingredients and it creates warmth in our bodies. In what
weather condition are people best drink such a beverage?
A. Cold C. Summer
B. Warm D. Hot

24. Where must we cook the dough ball?

A. In the boiling water B. In the pan C. In the oven D. In the fire

25. The purpose of the text above is . . ..

A. to show how to make ginger sauce C. to tell how to cook dough balls
B. to tell how to mix glutinous rice flour D. to show the steps to make wedang ronde

The following text is for questions number 26 to 30.

How to Make Mobiles

Make some mobiles to decorate your room. You can hang them from the ceiling or on the
windows or doors. You need strings, sticks, and cardboard to make mobiles.
How to make it:
1. Take a stick. Tie a piece of string at stick’s centre. Balance the stick from this string. Each end of the
stick should not be higher or lower than the other.
2. Draw squares, circles, rectangles, triangles, stars, and other shapes on a cardboard. Cut out the shapes.
3. Use string to hang the cut-out shapes on both sides of the stick. Make sure that the stick is balanced.
4. Do the same thing with another stick. Then, tie these two sticks to another stick above them.
You can hang other light things like keys, feathers, pencil or sharpeners. They will move easily when
there is some wind.

26. To make simple mobile, you need at least . . . sticks.

A. one B. two C. three D. four

27. The string should be tied . . ..

A. to keys, feathers, and sharpeners C. at the center of the stick
B. to the door, window, or ceiling D. at both ends of the stick

28. It is best to use light things because they . . ..

A. are of many shapes B. are balanced C. are colorful D. move easily

29. The word decorate in the first paragraph means to make a place . . ..
A. clean B. colorful C. beautiful D. large

30. The purpose of the text abov7 e is . . ..

A. to tell the steps to make mobiles C. to show how to decorate your room
B. to show how to tie the string D. to show how to hang the mobiles

The following text is for questions number 31 to 35.

Materials you need:
- A shoebox - Glue
- Cardboard sheet - Scissors
- Different colored glazed paper - Pencil, eraser, and sketch pens

1. Take a shoebox without the lid.
2. Draw out a fishing boat on the cardboard and cut it.
3. Use glazed paper in different colors to stick on the cardboard boat so that it looks bright and
4. Stick the boat on one side of the shoebox.
5. This is it! Now, your letter holder is ready to use.

31. How many things should we prepare based on the text?

A. six B. seven C. eight D. nine

32. The communicative purpose of the text above is . . ..

A. to give a complete description on shoebox C. to recycle shoebox for other purposes
B. to tell how to make a letter holder D. to tell readers how to use a shoebox

33. Why should we use glazed paper in different colors?

A. It makes the holder bright and colorful. C. It is a bit cheaper when we use them.
B. It is easier to apply. D. It is important for the shoebox.

34. What should you do after drawing out a fishing boat on the cardboard?
A. Cut the cardboard. C. Stick the boat in the picture.
B. Use the glue to stick it. D. Draw the picture again and paint it.

35. “. . . . it looks bright and colorful.” (step 3). The underlined word has a similar meaning with . . ..
A. shine B. fantastic C. sharp D. brilliant

The following text is for questions number 36 to 40.

The following steps tell how to wash the clothes using a washing machine. First, separate the
colored clothes from the others. Second, put them in the washing machine, turn the machine on. Next, set
it to the wash selection, pour the detergent powder in. And wait for the tub to fill with water. After the
process of washing has finished, let the clothes drain through the drain hose. Then, set the knob of the
wash timer again, this time to rinse for three minutes. Do this twice for a good rinsing. Finally, put the
wet clothes into the spin compartment, set the knob and wait until the spin processing shuts off. Now, you
are ready to put the dry clothes on the line.

36. From the text above we know that . . ..

A. it needs much electricity to wash using a washing machine
B. it is bad to wash colored clothes using a washing machine
C. it is useful to use detergent powder to rinse the clothes
D. it is not enough to rinse the clothes only once

37. What should we do before the detergent powder is poured into the washing machine?
A. We turn the machine on. C. We rinse the clothes for the second time.
B. We put the dirty clothes in the machine. D. We set the machine to the wash position.

38. The purpose of the text above is . . ..

A. to tell how to operate washing machine C. to tell how to turn on a washing machine
B. to tell how to wash washing machine D. to tell how to rinse the dirty clothes

39. What is the kind of text above?

A. announcement B. procedure C. advertisement D. report

40. After putting the wet clothes into the spin compartment, we can . . ..
A. set the knob and wait until the spin processing shuts off
B. wait until the spin processing shuts off
C. set the knob of the wash timer again
D. put the dry clothes on the line


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