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Owner PuRBAC \.-2a /43220004 Unit 2 (hater ) |S. Nb js bese, and to thelept op Ma 4 Aus between Pe and Hy : “ib. fais Vertically Below Ag, at the it Fe is Nerweally above _ Pu. 2 the fist column from the right, in the My is diogmatly below 2h, fo. the left. we :. 3. Qn is degonaly above Ag, jo the night. the right. Inthe midge, Ue Ny is verHcally above Au ae from the lee, m Aw iS Verkcany below Ag. the bop con cra ; G. Vis in the third cowymn from the lefe.a | EXescise 3 He op Now [TT is 0m the second Column from the eft in|) Whit {sthere atthe fop of the rectangle? ‘the top row. | Thereis a circle at the top of Ahe rectange 8. Tip onthe Seeand coluny prom the left 24 3. What Is there. at the bottom op reetanye > the pe S There is an ellipee at the bottom of rectangle. TY ts a the fist Coumn from the. lft, in the 3) What is there at {he right of fectangle 2 Middle cow. There 1s pardlleogram gt the right ofréctangie. 15 on the first Colimq from the left, Ia the 4: What is there at the eft o rectangle ? be row. _ si There is tangle atthe Wet oF rangle. [ML Dn is on the frst _colunmn from the righe [5 Whar tha Bt the top op elipse > In the top row. | There is rectangle at the top oF elipse- [Hy ison the fie column trom the right, inthe bottom row. BENow mae AKA lhe theyfonowing | WB. Ge js on the Seand Coluny fron thenght; Where is the Circle in the relation to square ? Inthe top pow The Gircle js above the square. ~ fu is on the second column from theright, 2. whera iS the gquare in the. relapon to circle ? pete The Square (S below the circle. yn from therigat. in 5 Where 18 the parateoyram in the rayon to Soave? The 727alelograne & on the right o Square. 4. Where i's the triangle in the rélaton to Square ? The tale is on the left of Sue. §. Where is the €lipse inthe relétyon tosqure? _ The Ewipse is below the squire. Where iS the Sguire In the lelaion 0 square ? The Svare is above the Elippe. the Squat tin the Mltpon to tangle are is on the right 9% tangle. 2 Gap Square is on the lege oF Paras logram. Exe; 2 cise. 4 5 eae plese re 1917 | 23-06 7tong x We |) Exerase 5 ere 6 th sae Inthe (elakon to pare nele im receving fase i : al 4 sane water is collected. inside the aK fase, t s) The base of be ceny Ht ederd water and dished water ©. the bunten burner is Under the dshtahon flose —_ 7. The comp Stond js ab the “botton of ot Stand. 8) The thermometer 6 dt the top & the distibgy fa. Between the stand and the dg tapon fase there's a camp. AS you Can see here, it Seems ike Face lest ‘0. The dstlahion flatle, the bensen lara tol whetrs Congimeted by ane and two dimeniiv”al | Shapes. The part ated the “mouth fs shaped lita 4 Squire, the square (5 be/ow the triangle. The | Pact caled the "nose 1s Shyped lita a tvangle, 4 the triangle 1¢ above the Suisse. The port Called 3- the "eyes /s shaped Waa circle, 4 parr of errcles, The tirde 13 béba the curvecl tine ind Above the triangle. And the last part. thepert Called \4 the* tye brows’, 4 Pair 9% curved lineg. The curved ling is above the wire. i Exercise & | 1 The Yprghe cone is under the sphere the condenser are part Of hppirane. Exercise 8 Those art desks and Chairs i the midile room. There 184 cupboard in front of the wall Those are white board, 4 clock, anda winclow on the wall. #) The white board is between a clock and? _ Cup board | ‘The window /S on the [eee oF the desk. The deck is in front of the white boded Xercise 7 2 Tre wectinguiar prism isin front of the syd In the top lepe- hind plan of a hovies 3, The wiender is under the vpright Core. 4. The iphere hanyny Under the rope Si The Upright cone ison the cylinder & The inverted cone and the cube (5 beyond the Yonder. D_the Fletangylar fiipn fs over the sphere. Exe # 7 4. There's 4 stand which is part % Ape avatus. The receiving flask IS pat of Appaats | =2- There's 9 bedroom 3 b. In the Bottom wtt- hand: plan of a house, There's a Bedroom 2, i © Un the top right - hand flan of a house | There's 9 laundry . | di. In the Bottom ayhe-hand plan a 7 house, There's a gar €. Sn the Miqde fan eae ‘There's a bung fom and Kitchen dining a a4 The condenterts between the deyfanin place end | 92 The bithraom is between baboon t and — Brebes is lolaed to the west of the provnce gf central jae. a Demak is located to the forth west ofthe wy vince op @ntral Java. 6 er is located tv the Morth of the pro OF entra Java. Sai “4 Bambang is loated to the North Fase | Sans sleel ____ the provinaa of Gaatal sava Se ‘fb Bbra 1s poate to the Fut Of the prowng, ee Steel java. yri_is loCéled +0 the Sovth bast of IE ithe ' g “province of central Java. | “D_Keburen is located tothe Sovthot the | aS nce of Central Java nt Gilacap 15 located +0 the south West of ns eg © the pounce op eeeal gave falembary 1 i located t0 the fast Of ee] - wa A [x loated 10 the mrth of loa meio it locaped to the South Ware

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