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NAME Diego Andres SURNAME Herrera Chipana FECHA 17/11/2021

Mg. Mario Araujo Gamero

1. What is a CV for a job?

A CV, which stands for curriculum vitae, is a document used when applying for
jobs. It allows you to summarise your education, skills and experience enabling you
to successfully sell your abilities to potential employers.

2. Write an invitation for a potential employee

Dear Jane Applicant,

Thank you for applying for the position of office administrator with ABC Company in
Minneapolis, MN.

We would like to invite you to come to our office to interview for the position. Your
interview has been scheduled for May 1, 20XX, 1 pm, at 123 Main Street,
Minneapolis, MN 55199.

Please call me at 651-555-6666 or email me at if you

have any questions or need to reschedule.


John Smith
John Smith
Regional Manager
ABC Company
123 Main Street, Minneapolis, MN 55199
3. What are processes in production? Write five examples.
A production process is the method of using economic input or resources, like
labor, capital equipment or land, to provide goods and services to consumers. The
production process typically covers how to efficiently and productively manufacture
products for sale to reach customers quickly without sacrificing the quality of the
product. There are many different types of production processes businesses can
follow, according to their manufacture goals, production numbers and technology
tools or software systems.

• Repetitive manufacturing.
• Discrete manufacturing.
• Job shop manufacturing.
• Process manufacturing (continuous)
• Process manufacturing (batch)

4. What is a memorándum ? write twoexamples

A memorandum, more commonly known as a memo, is a short message or

record used for internal communication in a business. Once the primary form of
internal written communication, memorandums have declined in use since the
introduction of email and other forms of electronic messaging; however, being
able to write clear memos certainly can serve you well in writing internal
business emails, as they often serve the same purpose.

• Examples 1

Corporación Igesar

Memorándum N ° 001

Arequipa 17 de noviembre de 2021

Para: Sr. Sergio Ortiz - Área de mantenimiento, Asunto: Tardanza

Por medio de la presente se le informa que el día 25 de noviembre del presente

año usted ha incurrido en una falta al llegar tarde a esta empresa. Le recuerdo que
el horario de ingreso a su área de trabajo es a las 11:00 AM y tiene una tolerancia
máxima de 10 minutos. Por ser la primera vez que comete esta falta el presente
memorándum se restringirá a una llamada de atención. De repetirse esta falta la
empresa tomara las acciones correspondientes.

Martín Ramírez Galván, Supervisor de planta

• Examples 2

Memorando-003. Para: Carlos Villanueva Fuentes, Auxiliar de Contabilidad. De:

Remberto Suárez Arteaga, GERENTE GENERAL. Asunto: Despido. Debido a las
quejas en repetidas ocasiones por su falta de pertinencia y entrega a su labor, la
gerencia le informa de la manera más cordial que debe pasar a recoger su carta
de despido al departamento de talento humano, el próximo 9 de agosto a las 7:00

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