The Golden Guava

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Narrator -
Edong is a simple farmer. He lives in the middle of his farm. There is a guava tree
in his yard that has yet to bear fruit. He has a wife whose name is Elsa, both of them wish
to have a child. Edong and Elsa are happy inspite of their simple life. It is because they
love each other.

Edong – “I really wish to have plenty of money to give Elsa everything she wants. But I
know it is impossible.”

Narrator -
He said, looking up at the guava tree and wondered;
Edong – “I wonder when it would bear fruits. I hope its fruits taste good! What if the tree
bears golden guavas? I'm sure I will be the happiest man on earth because we will get

Narrator -
He uttered. Edong had just arrived from the farm when Elsa greeted him with some news,

Elsa - “The guava tree has fruit buds now, We will soon taste its fruits”.

Narrator -
The guavas grew bigger each day. It had been Edong and Elsa’s joy to watch them as
they grew bigger.
Until something happened one day, when Elsa kept throwing up. Edong rushes to his
wife in the bathroom to help her.
Edong - “I will bring you to a doctor, we have to know why you are vomiting. “
Doctor – Welcome! How may I help you two?

Edong – Oh Doctor, please help my wife Elsa. She has been vomiting for a while and we
want to check-up on her health.
Doctor – Of course. Please sit down here and I will examine you.
**After Examination**
Oh my god! Elsa, you are pregnant! Congratulations, you’re going to be a mother

Narrator -
The couple was full of joy when they heard such an announcement, because they would
soon have a child of their own. Elsa had experienced a difficult pregnancy. She is
always dizzy, throwing up, and she had also lost her appetite. Due to this, Edong
was worried for Elsa and their baby.

Edong - “I wish I have lots of money so I can bring Elsa to the best doctor. “

Narrator -
He said with sorrowful hope, leaving the house to check up on the guava tree while Elsa

Edong - “The guavas are already ripe.“

Narrator -
Edong observed the guavas, climbing up the tree to take a closer look. He picked one
guava, How astonished was he when he saw it in his hand.

Edong - “It turned into gold!”

Narrator -
He blurted out in shock. Edong was ecstatic. He left to the town immediately and went to
the house of a jeweler.

Jewelry Inspector - “ Oh my, this is a miracle to behold for I have never seen any
valuables similar to this. Your 'golden guava' is of high quality! “

Narrator -
The jeweler said in pure satisfaction, selling it for a high price and Edong left to buy food
for him and his wife, Elsa. He brought home lots of food such as fried chicken,
pancit guisado, lechon, siopao, and different kinds of foods. They both shared a fair
amount of food. Edong did not tell Elsa that the guavas from the tree become
golden when picked out ripe.

Edong - “ What do you want? Tell me and I will buy it.”

Elsa - “I have tasted new kinds of foods, but now I want to taste the fruit from the guava
tree. “

Narrator -
Elsa sought to taste the ripe fruits from the guava tree, so Edong went to the said tree and
pick out another fruit. But instead of joy in his eyes, he was devastated. Seeing
another ripe fruit turning into gold once removed from the tree. Edong reminisced
about what he had wished before. It was his wish that the guavas turn into gold.

Narrator - He made the wish to be able to buy everything Elsa would long for. Edong
shed a tear, leaning on the tree as tears started to flow down his cheeks.
Edong - "I don't like golden guavas anymore, what I want is a guava Elsa could eat.

Narrator -
He knelt down woefully; his tears watered the guava tree. Days had passed, another
guava has ripened. The couple went out for the tree, Elsa picked out a guava and
Edong was in joy seeing what happened. The guava was normal, it had not turned

Narrator - Edong realized that gold and money are not the true source of happiness.
What's important is to be contented with the blessing God has given you.

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