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Asking Opinion (Menanyakan Pendapat/Opini)

• What do you think of…?
• What is your opinion?
• What do you think about…?
• What is your idea?
• How about…?
• How do you feel?
• How do you think?
• Please give me your opinion?
• Give me your comment?
• Do you have opinion of…?
• Do you have any idea?
• What is your comment?
• How is your opinion?
• How about this?
• How do you like?
• How was the trip?
• How do you think of my idea?
• What are you feeling?
• What your view on?
• What is your reaction?
• What do you like?
• Do you like that?
• Do you think is it good?


Giving Opinion (Memberikan Pendapat)

• In my opinion
• I personally believe
• I tend to think that
• It is my comment
• In my view
• As far I know
• I think….
• I think that
• I think I like it
• I personally consider ….
• In my opinion
• From my point of view
• The way I see is that
• My comment is

===>>> Artikel terkait : 10 Contoh Dialog Asking and Giving Opinion Singkat

Contoh Agreeing dan Disagreeing Opinion

Setiap pendapat atau opini yang dikemukakan seseorang tentu ada yang menyetujuinya
dan ada juga yang tidak menyetujuinya. Dalam bahasa Inggris disebut dengan Agreeing and
Disagreeing Opinion. Berikut ini beberapa contoh pengungkapan nya;


Agreeing with an Opinion (Menyetujui Pendapat)

• Of course.
• This is absolutely right.
• I agree with this opinion.
• I agree with your Opinion.
• That’s a good point.
• I think so too.
• I couldn’t agree more.
• I agree with what you are saying.
• I agree, I never thought of that.
• Neither do I.

Disagreeing with an Opinion (Menolak/Tidak Menyetujui

• I am sorry, I don’t agree with you.
• I can’t say I agree with this, and here’s why…..
• I do not believe that.
• By this I mean…..
• I disagree with you.
• I think you are wrong.
• That’s not the same thing at all.
• I am not sure I agree with you.
• I don’t agree with you.
• I am afraid I have to disagree with you.
• It is not justified to say so.
• I am not convinced that….

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