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72 Hotrs in New York City

New York, New York, it's my kind of t.own! There's so mu::h to see and do. Here are our top tips !
The Statue of Liberty is an absolute m ust. 1 t used to be the first thing that people sawwhen they arrived in the USA as imm
igrants from their own countries. 1t's on an island and to visit it you have to catch a ferry at the

ha rbour in Battery Park.

• NúfVIA is an essentia l place to visit far culture fans. lts r eal name is the
Nletropol itan M..Jseum of Art. You ca n see artworks by Dega s and \km Gogh in
its huge art gallery.
• l f you need a break, you can spend an a fternoon in Central Park. Have a picnic
on the grass or take a boat on the lake. Enorm ous buildings surround it, because
New York is the hom e of the skyscraper.
• One of the city's most k:onic sights is Brooklyn Bridge which goes over the East
River. 1 t used to be the longest suspension bridge in the world and it's still a n
impressive sight today. Hollywood directors have shot countless scenes near by,
ma king it the perfect spot far a selfie.
Although most visi tors today arrive in New York by plane, the city's ma in
railway station, Grand Central, should not be m issed. Built in 1913, it
also contains the fam ous Gra nd Central Oyster Bar, but it is pricey!
• 1 f you' re on a budget, the best place to get a snack is undoubtedly
Chinatown where you ca n have delicious Asían faod at many different
types of restaura nt. 1f pasta is m ore your thing, a nother popular
neighbourhood is right next door in Little 1taly.
72 hours is not enough to explore all of New York, but it is enough
time to get a taste of this am azing city. No doubt the best part of your
trip will be m eeting the New Yorkers themselves as you walk down
the pavement, the star of your own personal movie.

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