E8 LegacyConversion

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Ellipse 8 Legacy Conversion Guide

Ellipse 8 Legacy Conversion Guide

Ellipse 8 Legacy Conversion Guide 2
Commercial In Confidence 3
Conversion for Ellipse versions 5 & 6 to 8 4
Additional Components Provided 4
Warning 4
Preparation 4
Conversion Process 5
Part 1 – Create Ellipse 8.1 Schema 5
Part 2 – Run COBOL data conversion. 5
Part 3 – Run JI Conversion (Update from 8.1 to 8.+) 5
Part 4 – Load Core Data 6
Part 5 – Execute Housekeeping, Cross Reference and Utilities 6
Commercial In Confidence
Copyright 2016 ABB
All Rights Reserved
Confidential and Proprietary
Legal Disclaimer
The product described in this documentation may be connected to, and/or communicate information and data via, a network
interface, which should be connected to a secure network. It is your sole responsibility to ensure a secure connection to the
network and to establish and maintain appropriate measures (such as but not limited to the installation of firewalls, application
of authentication measures, encryption of data, installation of antivirus programs, etc.) to protect the product, the network,
your systems, and the interface against any kind of security breach, unauthorised access, interference, intrusion, leakage,
damage, or corruption or theft of data. We are not liable for damages or losses related to any such security breach,
unauthorised access, interference, intrusion, leakage, damage, or corruption or theft of data.
Conversion for Ellipse versions 5 & 6 to 8
Upgrading Ellipse involves a conversion process whenever database changes have occurred. Ellipse 8 contains significant
changes to the database structure (as have most major releases of Ellipse).
When converting, it will be necessary to utilize the old conversion process (typical COBOL Conversion process utilized in Ellipse
versions prior to 8) to update the data structure to Ellipse 8.1, and a final conversion performed by the replacement conversion
tool – JI Conversion to bring it up to Ellipse 8.2 and later versions.
It is recommended that the existing Ellipse infrastructure (that is MIMS/Ellipse 5 & 6) servers are utilized for the COBOL
conversion component of the Ellipse 8 conversion process.

Ellipse 8 Conversion Process

Additional Components Provided

The follow components are provided in addition to the standard Ellipse 8 distribution:

• Ellipse 8.1 Conversion COBOL Source tarball (yymmdd_8100_conv_src.tar.gz).

• Ellipse 8.1 Datamodel (for creating 8.1 Ellipse Schema) (datamodel.jar).
• Ellipse Technical Data Conversion and Migration Guide (COBOL Conversion Guide).

The following can occur as an issue:
Upon running the Conversion program in report mode on pre-Ellipse 8 systems, the following message can be received
from the MicroFocus COBOL Runtime:

154 PERFORM nested too deeply

Ensure that MSSIOSDB has been compiled (MSPIOSDB Executable exists).

The following are required prior to conversion:

1. Existing Ellipse/MIMS Infrastructure prepared by an technical consultant as follows:

• COBOL source environment with Ellipse 8.1 Conversion Source capable of compiling into COBOL executables. It is
recommended to create a new source folder, expand the tar, and then copy a config directory from another source
area. Customize the config/srccfg.xml file to suit the new source area. Do not use EAC to create this environment.
• Compile Ellipse 8.1 Conversion and Utility programs. Depending on the version of EDE, you need to generate the
makefiles (that is, mimsoemkfl.pl or msgenmkfl.pl), followed by a full compile (that is, gmake all).
• Generate and Compile Load Programs. (i.e. msdmplod.pl –compile –load –all)
• Ellipse Instance capable of executing COBOL Conversion, Load and Utility programs with assistance of BES and EDE
conversion framework (no CICS/Mincom TP/Tuxedo or Batch/BEC required). A copy of an existing instance which is
then customized by updating the config/instcfg.xml and subscription file system links will suffice.
2. Ellipse 8 Infrastructure:

1. Ellipse Schema created (with permission to create objects) in new Ellipse 8 destination Database along with a
tablespace each for tables and indexes.
2. Ellipse 8.x installed (but not necessary to have running – required for creation of the Ellipse 8 schemas).
3. Java version 1.6+ is default Java on Ellipse 8.x server (i.e. java –version should return 1.6). Ellipse 8 installation will
satisfy this requirement.
Conversion Process

Part 1 – Create Ellipse 8.1 Schema

The destination database must first be created as an Ellipse 8.1 data structure.
Create an empty Oracle schema that will contain the Ellipse Tables and Indexes.
On the server with Ellipse 8 installed, locate the Ellipse.ear directory and browse to <Ellipse.ear directory>/lib
That is:


Create a temporary working area:-

mkdir /opt/ellipse/conv

Change directory to the 81conversion directory

cd /opt/ellipse/jboss/ 81conversion

Copy the distributed jar files to the 81conversion directory

cp /opt/ellipse/jboss/standalone/deployments/Ellipse-EL8.5.8_.6762.ear/lib/*.jar .

Remove the datamodel.jar files.

rm datamodel*.jar

Copy the distributed Ellipse 8.1 datamodel.jar file to datamodel-8100.jar in the 81conversion directory.
Change directory to the 81conversion directory
In the the 81conversion directory, execute the following command to create the Ellipse 8.1 database objects in the ellipse
java -cp datamodel-8100.jar:/opt/ellipse/jboss/standalone/deployments/Ellipse-EL8.5.8_.6762.ear/lib/*:/opt/ellipse/jboss/modules/com/oracle/ojdbc/main/*: com.mincom.ellipse.conversion.Update jdbc:oracle:thin:<username>/<password>@<db server hostname>:<port>:<OracleSID> --indexTableSpace <Index Tablespace name> --tableTableSpace <Table Tablespace name> --schema <Ellipse schema> –all

java –cp datamodel-8100.jar:/opt/ellipse/jboss/standalone/deployments/Ellipse-EL8.5.8_.6762.ear/lib/*:/opt/ellipse/jboss/modules/com/oracle/ojdbc/main/*: com.mincom.ellipse.conversion.Update jdbc:oracle:thin:el85cpy/ellipse@awsdevorahome:1521:prddb01 --indexTableSpace EL85CPY_IDX --tableTableSpace EL85CPY_TAB --schema EL85CPY –all

If you need to generate DDL only, append --ddl to the above commands.

Part 2 – Run COBOL data conversion.

Please refer to the 'Ellipse Technical Data Conversion and Migration Guide'. This will execute the Conversion load and Utility

Do not execute the housekeeping programs. You will need to request these manually using the Ellipse 8 Online application
once the conversion has been completed.
This will load the data into the new Ellipse 8.1 Schema – not into an existing Ellipse/MIMS schema.

This step has changed as the Utility programs have been run the 8.+ Java instance. The Utility Programs (msu*cbl) need to
be run with the Ellispe 8.1 Schema.

Part 3 – Run JI Conversion (Update from 8.1 to 8.+)

On the server with Ellipse 8.1 installed, locate the Ellipse.ear directory and browse to <Ellipse.ear directory>/lib
Ensure this is executed as the root user.
That is:
allcd /opt/ellipse/jboss/bin

The output from this command is only sent to the screen. Redirect the stdout and stderr to save the output.
Part 4 – Load Core Data
For the manual installation of Ellipse the batch.properties file is configured to load the core data.
For the installation using the Appliance Manager this is done as part of the Environment installation. In both cases the core data
is loaded as part of the batch server creation.
Refer to the installation guides for further details.
In the case that a problem is encountered during the core data load, information indicating an issue shall be contained in the
server log.
Core Data load issues can be displayed as data missing when an administrator logs onto Ellipse Online.
The log files are found in:

If there is an issue with a core data load then run it again manually with the debug feature on, so as to provide additional
information to diagnose the problem.
To do this run coredataload.sh with the additional argument '--debug'; for example:
[root@batchhost]/opt/ellipse/jboss/bin/ellipseCoreData.sh --debug

This will automatically print out the following additional information

1. The field and primary keys of the receiving table.

2. A list of the fields contained inside the file.xml
3. The delete statement being called to remove existing conflicting data.
4. The number of rows being loaded from the file
5. Warnings if the expected number of rows loaded isn't achieved.

Part 5 – Execute Housekeeping, Cross Reference and Utilities

After loading core data, a request for each required cross reference and housekeeping should be submitted.
The utility_file generated during the COBOL conversion process contains the list of housekeeping, cross-reference and utilities
required to complete the conversion process. Submit a batch request for each of the programs listed.

Refer to the batch sections of the operations guide for details on submitting requests, managing batch request and
tuning the batch system.

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