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Globalization has made people aware of the world in general, but it has also made Filipinos more

cognizant of specific areas such as Southeast Asia.

Regionalization is about regional concentration of economic flows. Regionalism is often seen as apolitical
and economic phenomenon; the term actually encompasses a broader area. It can be examined in
relation to identities, ethics, religion, ecological sustainability, and health.

A region is an area of land that has common features. Basically, regions reformed based on various
factors such as those provided above. However, they are mostly defined, determined, and kept together
by virtue of a law or statute passed by the legislature branch of certain government.


Regionalism has a better opportunity to solve problems.

A process, and must be treated as an "emergent, socially constituted phenomenon".


The possible disadvantage for each individual city or country to lose their respective independence
and/or identity.

They will become a dependent in making decision. *It can be too inclusive and keep new individuals out.

 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NTO) formed during the Cold War. To protect Europe
against the threat of the Soviet Union. Soviet Union – responded by creating its regional
alliance, the Warsaw Pact, consisting of the Eastern European countries under the Soviet
Union. - Imploded in December 1991, but NATO remains in Place.
 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Established in 1960 by Iran,
Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela to regulate the production and sale of oil. Non-
aligned Movement (NM) in 1961 Pursue world peace and international cooperation,
human rights, national sovereignty, racial and national equality, non-intervention, and
peaceful conflict resolution.  NAM had 120 member countries.
 Finally, economic crisis compels countries to come together.  Thai economy collapsed
in 1996.  Crisis began to spread to the Asian countries. The International Monetary
Fund (IMF) Tried to reverse the crisis, but it was only after the ASEAN countries along
with China, Japan, and South Korea agreed to establish an emergency fund to anticipate
a crisis that the Asian economies stabilized. The crisis made SE N more "unified and

Countries, Regions, and Globalization According to, Edward D. Mansfield and Helen V. Milner the
economic and political definitions of regions vary, but there are certain basic features that everyone can
agree on.
First, regions are "a group of countries located in the same geographically specified area" or are "an
amalgamation of two regions or a combination of more than two regions" organize to regulate and
"oversee flows and policy.

•Second, the words regionalization? regionalism should not be interchanged, as former refers to the
"regional concentration economic policy cooperation and coordination among countries".


China, offers its cheap and huge workforce to attract foreign businesses and expand trade with countries
it once considered its enemies but now sees as markets for its goods (e.g., the United States and Japan).

Singapore developed it harbor facilities a first-class transit port for ships carrying different commodities
from Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and Mainland Southeast Asia to counties in the Asia-Pacific.

NON-STATE REGIONALISM "New Regionalism" Tiny association focused on

a single problem or huge unions that address a broad set of common problems What do they do?

-Rely on the power of individuals, NGOs, and associations to link up with one another in pursuit of a
particular goal/s

Reformists who share the same values, norms,

institutions, and system that exist outside of the traditional established mainstream institutions and

systems Some organizations partners with governments to initiate social change (Legitimizers)

-Other organizations dedicate themselves to specialized causes

-Power lies in their moral standing and their ability to combine lobbying with pressure politics

- Challenges financed, discord Poorly


 Resurgence of militant nationalism and populism

 Financial crisis
 Disagreements on sovereignty vs.
 stability
 Differing visions of what regionalism should be

 Regionalism faces multiple challenges, the most serious of which is the resurgence of militant
nationalism and populism.
 The refusal to dismantle NATO after the collapse of the Soviet Union became the basis of anti-
NATO rhetoric of Vladimir Putin.

 Anti-immigrant sentiment along with a populist movement has led the United Kingdom to voting
itself out of the European Union in a move that the media termed as "Brexit" Another challenge
pertains to differing visions of what regionalism should be for.

 *Western governments may see regional organizations not simply as economic formations but
also as democratization. instruments political

 Non-Western and developing societies however, may have different view regarding
globalization, development and democracy. Singapore, China and Russia see democracy as an
obstacle to the implementation and deepening of economic globalization because constant
public inquiry about economic projects and lengthy debate slow down implementation or lead
to unclear outcomes.


There are now widespread official regional associations throughout the world.
In 2007, 37% of the world's population lived in the nations that are members of the Asia-
Pacific Economic Council (APEC). Some nations also belong to "smaller" organizations.

Both rejecting global economic integration in all of its manifestations and turning one's
 back on one's region will be challenging for the nations. Regional groups form as new 
global problems materialize, as seen by the history of regionalism. The profound changes
 in global politics that will take place in the 21st century will determine the course of 

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