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National Service Training Program 1


Name: __________________________________

Instructions: Answer the following questions as best as you can, based on the points that have been
discussed in the Basic Premises of the Philippine Constitution.

NOTE: In justifying your answers, you may use any references (journals, textbook, online sites, etc.)
and cite the author properly using the APA 7th edition format.

1. What is the purpose of Constitution?

2. What are the four (4) main purposes of a constitution?

3. What are the 7 Constitutions of the Philippines? Explain briefly.

4. What is the most important part of the Constitution?

5. What are the manifestations of civilian supremacy over the military?

6. What is the prime duty of the government to the people?

7. What is the reciprocal duty of the people to the State?

8. Select at least one (1) Article Provisions of the Philippine Constitution and expound,
choice of Article as follows:

a. Article 1 – National Territory

b. Article 2 – Declaration of Principles and State policies Principles
c. Article 3 – Bill of Rights
d. Article 4 – Citizenship
e. Article 5 – Suffrage
f. Article 6 – Legislative Department
g. Article 7 – Executive Department
h. Article 8 – Judiciary Department

9. Situational
a. Pedring and Anna are already 5 years married, natural born Filipino citizen and
are currently living now in Canada for 2 years. Anna got pregnant and delivered a
baby boy. What is the citizenship of their baby, is it Filipino or Canadian or Dual
Citizen? Explain.

b. Mr. X was born in America of a foreign father and a Filipino mother. Her mother
applied for American citizenship a month after Mr. X’s birth, then became a
naturalized American citizen. Is Mr. X a natural-born Filipino? Explain.

c. Ms. AAA, a natural-born Filipino, married an Australian national who brought her
to Australia where she gave birth to BBB. She was naturalized one month after.
Ms. AAA applied to re-acquire her Philippine Citizenship but failed to include BBB
as her dependent when she applied. BBB is now 22. Can she apply for the
retention of her Philippine citizenship on her own? Explain.

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