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1. ESOPHAGEAL VARICES BLEEDING – Dilated tortuous veins usually found in the submucosa of the
lower esophagus or extend into the stomach caused by portal hypertension.

2. GASTRO ESOPHAGEAL REFLUX DISEASE - Reflux of stomach acid into the esophagus.

Common on:

• Men

• Obese, smokers

• Worse after eating or lying down

• Aging increases the incidence of reflux

3. GASTRITIS - Inflammation of the stomach lining due to either inflammation or atrophy.


• Stress (physical illness)

• Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids)


• Hx of prior sx

• Pernicious anemia

• Alcohol use

• Helicobacter pylori

4. PEPTIC ULCER DISEASE - Erosion of the mucosal layer of the stomach or duodenum -> contact of acid
with the epithelial tissues.

Gastric ulcer – lesser curvature of the stomach; occur more often in clients over age 40.

Duodenal ulcer – deeper, penetrating through the mucosa to the muscular layer; tend to occur in
people 20 – 40 years of age.


CROHN’S DISEASE - Regional enteritis

• A non-continuous inflammatory disease that can affect any point from the mouth to the anus.

• The majority of cases involve the small and large intestine, often in the right lower quadrant at the
point where the terminal ileum and the
ascending colon meets.

ULCERATIVE COLITIS - Recurrent ulcerative and inflammatory disease of the mucosal and submucosal
layer of the colon and rectum.

• Serious disease accompanied by systemic complications & high mortality rate.

• 10 – 15% develops carcinoma of the colon.

DIARRHEA - A condition defined by an increase in the frequency of bowel movements (>3x/day).

• Increased amount of stool (>200g/day)

• Altered consistency (liquid stool)

CONSTIPATION - Abnormal infrequency or irregularity of defecation.

•Abnormal hardening of stools (difficult and painful).

•Decrease in stool volume.

•Develops when people do not take the time to defecate or as a result of dietary habits, lack of exercise,
and a stress-filled life.

CHOLELITHIASIS (gallstones) – forms in the gallbladder from solid constituents of bile and vary greatly in
shape, size, and composition.

•Pigment stone

•Cholesterol stones

CHOLECYSTITIS - Acute complication of cholelithiasis.

•Acute infection of the gallbladder

•Gallstone -> obstruction of bile outflow -> compromise of vascular supply -> gangrene.

HEPATIC CIRRHOSIS - Chronic disease characterized by replacement of normal liver tissue with diffuse
fibrosis that disrupts the function of the liver


•Alcoholic (most common)

•Post necrotic


PANCREATITIS - Inflammation of the pancreas

• Acute - Autodigestion of the pancreas by pancreatic enzymes -> fibrosis -> blood glucose control may
be affected.

• Chronic - Recurrent episodes of exacerbation -> fibrosis and decrease in pancreatic function.

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