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Background of the Study

Humans have dreamed up and created some amazing – and sometimes

unorthodox – inventions. These inventions had lead to countless advancements and
one of which is the advancement of technology. The development of technology has
become unstoppable. Numerous companies on various countries are determined to
compete with each other in discovering more sophisticated software and devices
that exceeds the capabilities of it’s predecessors. Some of the most common
technological discoveries are computers and the internet. According to Zaki Al Fuad,
the best technological discovery is the Internet as it is the limitless and accessible
connection in any time, this phenomenon is caused by the technological

Internet discovery has lead the world of gaming into a new sensation. The old
games were played without any network but since the discovery of the Internet,
some of the games can now be played online. Andriani, et. Al (2011) stated that
offline games are different with the online games. Therefore, it is expected to the
users and gamers to wisely alter the gained information in the internet and online
games that has a wide information and action that has not been filtered yet.

Online game is a fond kind of game that has become the most favorite of
adults, teenagers, and even children gamers who are still under mental
development. Related to this issue, online games have a lot of either positive or
negative impact towards students specially children. Some of the negative impacts
are on social development such as socialization skills. Contrary to this, the positive
impacts of online gaming are habituating students to be responsible, friendly,
visionary, having self-control, hard-working, and being a person who likes to share,
and many other impacts. In line with social development, online games also give
effect to the children’s cognitive development, for instance, children who play a
game online have a strong memory, better problem-solving skills, capability to
synchronize their brains, hands, and their eyes in addition to having a high
comprehension skill.

However, even though online games posses both positive and negative
impact towards the society, games only have been considered more as a bad
influence to the student’s development. Contrarily, Pratama (2018) has stated that
there are some advantages of playing online games. Online games can provide an
interesting leisure time for student’s and even those already with a job to “kill the
time”. In line with the statement of Hermawan (2019) who stated that playing online
games is an Entertainment to eliminate boredom in a daily routine. Additionally,
online games also help its users to find new acquaintances in online games with the
added feature of the chat feature in some online games which will probably will allow
them to communicate through social.

Moreover, online games also bring a positive impact toward social and
cognitive development. This fact was identified through the research that was
conducted in Australia which found that online games can effectively enhance the
knowledge and the skill in mathematics, reading, science as well as ease the
learning activity and homework. Furthermore, online games can develop the
student’s problem-solving, exercising the harmony between eyes and hand’s
movement and motoric skill. But the impact of online is not perceived by all students,
online games influenced negatively to some students which cause the student’s
development hampered. This phenomenon is due to the overtime spent by students
to play games rather than study.

Online gaming has also been one of the numerous reasons for the decrease
of the student’s academic performance. Video games are designed to be addictive
using state-of-the-art behavioral psychology to keep you hooked. Games are
immersive experiences that provide you with a high amount of dopamine, and
overexposure to this level of stimulation can cause structural changes to your brain.

Students spending too much time on online games every week tend to suffer
from worsened learning ability, concentration problems, poor academic performance,
and decreased interactions with other people (LNAI, volume 8019).

Statement of the Problem

This research proposal aims to determine the effects of online gaming to the
Grade 11- Purple Yam student’s academic performance from the school year 2021-
2022 during the pandemic. It explicitly aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the reasons the said students play online games?
2. How frequent do they play online games in terms of hours each week?
3. What are the negative and positive effects of online gaming towards the
4. What is the nature/type of online games do these students play?
5. How does these effects influence the academic performance of the students?

Significance of the Study

This study will be undertaken to determine how online gaming influence the
academic performance of the Grade 11- Purple Yam students from the school year
2021-2022 during the pandemic through finding out the type/genre of online games
they play and how much time they spend within a week in terms of hours.
The researcher believes that the vital results of this study could be highly
notable and beneficial to the following:

The Students. The results of this study can help inform the students about
the effects of playing too much online games and how this could influence their
academic performance. Any progress towards the student’s addiction to online
gaming can help improve their mental and physical health leading to a better
performance in school.

The Teachers. The given data could serve as an example why their students
perform/behave poorly in school and use this as basis to possibly help the students
in their academic endeavor.

The Parents. Like the teachers, the parents too will understand and could use
the results of this study as basis to help decrease the addiction of their children on
online gaming.

The Researchers. This enables them to pursue their interests, to learn

something new, to hone their problem-solving skills and to challenge themselves in
new ways.

Future Researchers. The knowledge achieved from the results of this can
serve as an example for the other researchers who would plan to make any related
study precisely on the effects of online gaming towards the students and how this
could influence their academic performance.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The general intent of this research proposal is to find out the effects of online
gaming towards the Grade 11-Purple Yam students of Gen. MacArthur National
Agricultural School ranging from the school year 2021-2022 during the pandemic by
citing the factors in terms of: reason why they play; the duration of the time they
spend; the effects of playing online games; the nature/type of games they play, and
how this would affect their academic performance.

This mainly involves both the study of literature, which is analyzing the
opinions of experts, and a survey questionnaire modified and adapted from the study
entitled Effects of Online Gaming conducted by Balbuena, et al. (2022) which will be
used in gathering the data from the school year 2021-2022.

This study will be conducted to 24 selected respondents out of 44 students in

Grade-11 Purple Yam who are enrolled at Gen. MacArthur National Agricultural
School established in Barangay Aguinaldo, Gen. MacArthur, Eastern Samar.
Research Design

This study is quantitative in nature which describes the methods and

procedures to be utilized by the researcher in the conduct of this study. This was
done using a non-probability sampling method to determine the effects of online
gaming to the students through finding out the reasons why they play online games;
the frequency of how much time they spend on playing online games within a week
in terms of hours; the effects of playing online games towards the students;
nature/type of games they play; and how these factors can influence the academic
performance of the respondents/students during the school year 2021-2022. A
survey questionnaire will serve as a major tool to gather and analyze the data
needed to answer the specific question cited in the statement of the problem.

Participants of the Study

This study will be conducted to 24 selected respondents out of 44 students in

Grade-11 Purple Yam who are enrolled at Gen. MacArthur National Agricultural
School established in Barangay Aguinaldo, Gen. MacArthur, Eastern Samar of the
school year 2021-2022.

Sampling Technique

In this study, the researcher will employ non-random sampling technique

wherein the researcher selects samples based on the subjective judgement of the
researcher rather than random selection. It uses a less stringent method. This
sampling method depends heavily on the expertise of the researchers. To determine
the sample size, the method used is the Sloven's Formula:

1+ Ne 2

Where: n = sample size

N = population size

e = desired margin error

Research Instruments

The researcher will conduct a survey questionnaire made by Balbuena, et al.

(2022) entitled Effects of Online Gaming to gather the needed data in determining
the effects of online gaming to the student's academic performance. The survey
questionnaire will contain two (2) Yes-No questions, two (2) Multiple Choice, and
one (1) Checkboxes pertaining to reasons why they play, how much time they
spend, and the effects they are currently experiencing. One of the multiple choices
contains the questionnaire about the amount of time in terms of hours per week
expended which are divided to four (4) choices, specifically: less than (<) 7 hrs., 7-14
hrs., 21-35 hrs., and 42-70 hrs. Each choices are interpreted as Low to Very High

Data Gathering Procedure

To gather the data needed in this study, the researcher will seek a letter of
information and approval from the # about the undertaking. Prior to the survey, a
letter of permission to the # must be acquired. Then after seeking the respondents’
consent, the data gathering shall be commenced. After the data gathering, the
researcher now collected it for tallying the scores and apply the appropriate
statistical treatment to be used in the study.

Measurement of Variables

The researcher of this study will use the interval variable as a measurement
variable for the time spent of the students on online gaming which could influence
their academic performance. It will be then used to define values measured along a
several choices of: less than (<) 7 hrs., 7-14 hrs., 21-35 hrs., and 42-70 hrs., with
each choice placed at an equal distance from one another. Arithmetic operations can
be performed on the numerical values of the interval variable.

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