Unit 2 Describing Location PDF

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Exercise 1: Look at this table of elements


----------------------------------------- columns ---------------------------------------
First First
column column
from the from the
right right

Above there is a table of some elements. The elements are arranged in horizontal rows and
vertical columns. The following sentences describe the position of elements in relation to the
whole table.

1. Lu is in the first column from the left, in the bottom row.

2. Lu is on the left, at the bottom.
3. Cd is in the first column from the right, in the middle row.
4. Cd is on the right, in the middle.
5. V is in the third column from the left, in the top row.
6. V is in the third column from the left, at the top.

Now select 15 elements and describe the position of each element in relation to the whole

Exercise 2: Look at the table again.

The following sentences describe the position of the elements in relation to others.

1. Y is beside, and to the left of Zr.

2. Nb is beside, and to the right of Zr.
3. Zr is between Y and Nb.
4. Y and Nb are on either side of Zr.
5. Sc is diagonally above Zr, to the left.
6. V is diagonally above Zr, to the right.
7. Ti is vertically above Zr.

Now give the position of these elements in relation to others:

1. Os in relation to Re.
2. Os in relation to Ir.
3. Os in relation to Re and Ir
4. Os in relation to Tc.
5. Os in relation to Ru.
6. Os in relation to Rh.
7. Co in relation to Fe and Ni.
8. Nb in relation to Mo.
9. Pt and Hg in relation to Au.
10. Au in relation to Ag.
11. Fe in relation to Rh.
12. Ag in relation to Zn.
13. Zn in relation to Ag.
14. Ag in relation to Au.
15. Au in relation to Ag.

Exercise 3: Look at this picture

A. Now make questions and answers like the

1. What is there at the top of the rectangle?
There is a circle at the top of the rectangle.

B. Now make questions and answers like the

1. Where is the circle in relation to the square?
The circle is above the square.

Exercise 4: Read these descriptions and draw the pictures.

a) Draw a small rectangle wtih the longer side horizontal. Label the bottom left-hand corner
A outside the rectangle, and the top right-hand corner C also outside. Draw a diagonal
line joining AC. Label the bottom right-hand corner B, also outside the rectangle.

b) Draw a rectangle, measuring roughly 6 cm by 3 cm. The longer side is lying horizontally.
Draw two lines, one dividing the rectangle vertically into two halves, the other dividing
the rectangle horizontally in half. In the top left-hand box, write the word “year”, and in
the box next to it write “output”. In the box just below “year” write, in figures, “1917”. In
the box next to that, write also in figures “23,067 tons”.

Exercise 5: Look at this picture and describe the position of shapes in relation to the
rectangle and in relation to one another.


Exercise 6: Look and read.

The sphere is above the other solids, but it is over only the
upright cone and the middle of the cylinder.

Now describe the position of these shapes.

1. The upright cone in relation to the sphere.
2. The rectangular prism in relation to the cylinder.
3. The cylinder in relation to the upright cone.
4. The sphere in relation to the rope.
5. The upright cone in relation to the cylinder.
6. The inverted cone and the cube in relation to the
7. The rectangular prism in relation to the sphere.

Exercise 7: Look at this apparatus for distilling water.

Now complete these sentences.

1. There is a stand ....... of the apparatus.
2. The receiving flask is ...... of the apparatus.
3. The condenser is ..... the distillation flask and the
receiving flask.
4. Salt water is collected ..... of the distillation flask.
5. The base of the receiving flask is .... and ....
6. The bunsen burner is .... the distillation flask.
7. The clamp stand is .......... of the stand.
8. The thermometer is ........ of the distillation flask.
9. ...... the stand and the distillation flask there is a
10. The distillation flask, the bunsen burner, and the
condenser are ........ of the apparatus.
Exercise 8: Look at this picture.

Write 6 sentences describing the position of the

objects (3 sentences in relation to the room, and 3
sentences in relation to other objects.)

Exercise 9: Look at the plan of a house.

1. Write 5 sentences describing the position of each room in relation to the house.
2. Write 5 sentences describing the position of the rooms in relation to one another.


Look at these pictures.

Exercise 10: Write 8 sentences describing the position of the cities in relation to the
Province of Central Java.

Example: 1. Brebes is located in the west of the Province of Central Java.

Exercise 11: Write 8 sentences describing the position of the cities in relation to the one

Example: 1. Brebes is located to the west of Tegal.



Prepositions of Place are used to show the position or location of one thing with another.
It answers the question "Where?"
Below we have some more examples of Prepositions of Place:

In front of
A band plays their music in front of an audience.
The teacher stands in front of the students.
The man standing in the line in front of me smells bad.
Teenagers normally squeeze their zits in front of a mirror.

Behind is the opposite of In front of. It means at the back (part) of something.
When the teacher writes on the whiteboard, the students are behind him (or her).
Who is that person behind the mask?
I slowly down because there was a police car behind me.

Between normally refers to something in the middle of two objects or things (or places).
There are mountains between Chile and Argentina.
The number 5 is between the number 4 and 6.
There is a sea (The English Channel) between England and France.

Across From / Opposite

Across from and Opposite mean the same thing. It usually refers to something being in front
of something else BUT there is normally something between them like a street or table. It is
similar to saying that someone (or a place) is on the other side of something.
I live across from a supermarket (= it is on the other side of the road)
The chess players sat opposite each other before they began their game.
(= They are in front of each other and there is a table between them)

Next to / Beside
Next to and Beside mean the same thing. It usually refers to a thing (or person) that is at the
side of another thing.
At a wedding, the bride stands next to the groom.
Guards stand next to the entrance of the bank.
He walked beside me as we went down the street.
In this part of town there isn't a footpath beside the road so you have to be careful.

Near / Close to
Near and Close to mean the same thing. It is similar to next to / beside but there is more of a
distance between the two things.
The receptionist is near the front door.
This building is near a subway station.
We couldn't park the car close to the store.
Our house is close to a supermarket.

On means that something is in a position that is physically touching, covering or attached to
The clock on the wall is slow.
He put the food on the table.
I can see a spider on the ceiling.
We were told not to walk on the grass.

Above / Over
Above and Over have a similar meaning. The both mean "at a higher position than X"
but above normally refers to being directly (vertically) above you.
Planes normally fly above the clouds.
There is a ceiling above you.
There is a halo over my head. ;)
We put a sun umbrella over the table so we wouldn't get so hot.
Our neighbors in the apartment above us are rally noisy.
Over can also mean: physically covering the surface of something and is often used with the
word All as in All over.
There water all over the floor.
I accidentally spilled red wine all over the new carpet.
Over is often used as a Preposition of Movement too.

Under / Below
Under and Below have a similar meaning. They mean at a lower level. (Something is above
Your legs are under the table.
Monsters live under your bed.
A river flows under a bridge.
How long can you stay under the water?
Miners work below the surface of the Earth.
Sometimes we use the word underneath instead of under and beneath instead of below. There
is no difference in meaning those they are less common nowadays.
(Source: http://www.grammar.cl/rules/prepositions-of-place.htm. Downloaded on 08/10/2017,


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