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Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

3rd Quarter– Module 4: Virtue Ethics


1. C
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. D
6. A
7. B
8. C
9. C
10. D

Looking Back

1. The financiers
2. Employees
3. Customers
4. Suppliers
5. Surrounding community
6. Environment community

What’s More (Activity) You’re the BEST! Activity 1.1: Among the three pillars of classical ethics, which do
you think is the one who gives us the best foundation? Put the name of the philosopher and your
explanation below

Name: Aristotle

Explanation: Because of his philosophy of virtue ethics, I believe Aristotle is the one who provides us
with the best foundation. People, according to Aristotle, are not only rational but also social beings. We
lived in groups because the population's well-being was more essential than the well-being of a single
individual. He compares developing virtues to learning to play an instrument, where one must practice
and polish the skill. Which serves as a basis upon which we must exercise virtue in order to enjoy and do
so naturally throughout our life. Aristotle's Golden Mean concept is particularly significant, especially in
business, because the mean is not the same for everyone and varies depending on circumstance. You
must use phorensis (practical wisdom) to determine the best course of action in each situation.
Activity 1.2: Balancing Act!! Direction: Choose one virtue and gives a situation in business setting

Aristotle Concept of the Golden Mean

Virtue Deficiency Mean Excess
Generosity Selling not good quality Providing good quality Spending more money
products to customers of products to on non-essential
to be able to achieve customers and also aspects of your
more profit. selling them at business.
competitive price.

Activity 1.3:

Cardinal Virtues Symbols Explanation

1. temperance The sign represents mental
strength; it indicates that you
have self-control and can
manage your actions.
2. courage The symbol depicts a lion, which
we all know represents bravery,
is a symbol of Kingly strength
and might, but is also associated
with the Great Mother and
protection as the lioness.
3. prudence The symbol depicts a cautionary
sign, indicating that you should
be cautious in your actions.

4. justice The symbol shows a set of equal

scales that represent equality or

1. B
2. A
3. D
4. C


1. AR
2. AR
3. PL
4. PL
5. BO
6. SO
7. SO
8. AR
9. AR
10. AR


“We acquire virtues by doing virtuous acts. We acquire a skill by practicing the activities involved in the

Practice means to do something over and over, we don't just automatically learn to ride a bicycle we
need to practice it. Virtues and skills are the same as riding a bicycle, we need to practice virtues and
skills in our everyday life to acquire them.

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