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Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

3rd Quarter– Module 3: Formulating Business Code of Ethics


1. B
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. D
6. A
7. B

There is no number 8.

9. D
10. B

Looking Back:

Scramble Letters Core Principles of Good Corporate Governance


What’s More (Activity) Activity 1.1: Formulate a “Code of Ethics” in business setting which covers
different major areas of concern.

Areas of Concern Code of Ethics

Ex. Responsibility to other members, or groups. An employee should not supplant or maliciously
injure the reputation or business of another co-
worker, or groups.
1. Relationship with fellow employer. Giving fellow employers trust and mutual
respect, as well as being communicative with
them for effective communication
2. In fulfilling his responsibility. An employee should do something that he has
promised to do or that he is expected to do
3. Responsibility with customers An employee should answer customers inquiries
or complaints with a respectful manner.
Activity 1.2: Case Study Direction: Explain on not less than three (3) sentences your response in the
following situation.

A civil engineer sees colleagues from his own firm finishing off a side road into a nearby estate without
constructing a proper foundation. Should he tell his superiors?

If necessary, because there are three factors he must consider first: his profession, which requires him
to maintain high standards, his colleagues, who may be in trouble if his superiors are aware of the
situation, and his dedication to the business, which requires him not to harm the company's name. So I
believe the best course of action for him is to inform his colleagues about what he saw and assist them
in resolving the problem. If that fails, he should inform his colleagues that he needs to inform his
superiors, but that he needs to allow them time to remedy the problem.

Activity 1.3: Role of Whistleblower: Approve or Disapprove?

Personal Position (Approve or Disapprove) Explanation/ Argument

1. Approve 1. A whistleblower is a person, usually an
employee, who exposes illegal, immoral,
illicit, unsafe, or fraudulent information
or activity within a private, public, or
government organization.
Whistleblowing is critical in protecting
our country and directly protecting fellow
Filipinos by combating fraud and
2. Although being a government
whistleblower is extremely risky and can
have serious consequences for your life
and family, if you don't reveal the truth
about illegal acts . Those actions will not
be stopped. Whistleblowers are also
protected by laws, such as OSHA's
Whistleblower Protection Program,
which ensures secrecy for

Direction: Put the Six Stakeholders in the hexagon below

1. The Financiers

2. Employees 3. Customers

4. Suppliers 5. Surrounding

6. Environment


1. Bad
2. A
3. Good
4. C
5. Good
6. B


Reflection: As student how can you be a catalyst in promoting moral standard in our school and society?
I put it into practice and set a positive example for others. If I see something in my school or society that
is ethically wrong, I will educate them in a respectful and non-offensive manner. I will respect their
decision if they do not wish to be educated.

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