Secrets of The Mātṛkā

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Secrets of the Mātṛkā

From Śrī Tripurārahasya, Māhātmya-khaṇḍa Chapter 40

Guru Dattātreya replied to Paraśurāma:

“O Paraśurāma! You are totally under the blessings of Devī Tripurasundarī.

The desire to listen to stories of the Devī is a rare wonderful fortune to
persons immersed in worldly cravings. O Bhārgava! Listen and I will tell
you how Brahmā, Viṣṇu and others praised Devī Tripurasundarī, the
embodiment of the Sanskrit alphabet. Seeing Her as the manifestation of
the entire knowledge characterized by the fifty letters of the Sanskrit
alphabet, the gods bowed and hailed Her glory, singing an extremely great
prayer.” (6-10)

“O Śaṅkarī! Victory to You who are immanent and transcendent! Victory to

You, the Mother of the universe! Victory to You who illuminate the
universe as Your sport! Victory to You, the support of the universe! Victory
to You, the annihilator of the universe! Victory to You, the soul of
everything! Victory to You, the shining consciousness! Please protect us!

“O Śaṅkarī! Victory to You who are beyond the guṇas, action and class! You
are the ambrosial ocean of concentrated consciousness! You are the
unlimited supreme eloquence! You are the primordial effulgence! You are
the embodiment of liberation! Your thoughts are independent! You dwell in
the maṇipura-cakra! You are paśyantī—the second level of the manifestation
of speech! Victory to You, the shining consciousness! Please protect us! (12)

“Further, in Your Self as consciousness, the madhyamā sound is distinct, and

You dwell in the anāhata-cakra with the mixed form of the madhyamā sound,
a part of which is cognizable. You transcend the eight forms of mystic
power—aṇimā, laghimā, mahimā, prākāmya, prāpti, īśitva, vaśitva and

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kāmāvasāyitā—which are only apparent. You dwell in many wonderful
energy vortexes. Victory to You, the shining consciousness! Please protect
us! (13)

“Though You are the primordial nondual consciousness, You assume

dualistic forms. You manifest as fifteen excellent rays, which become ten
when considered in pairs. And those again in union with other aspects take
four different forms. O Śaṅkarī! Victory to You, the shining consciousness!
Please protect us! (14)

“Though divided, undivided and manifold, finally You constitute the

fourteen vowels.You are the twenty-five consonants in five groups. The
primordial sound with its modifications takes four forms. Further, these
four levels of sound, ignoring the subtle portion of madhyamā, considering
aspects like bīja and yoni for each letter, and Śiva and Śakti aspects, are in
pairs. O Śaṅkarī! Victory to You, the shining consciousness! Please protect
us! (15)

“You are thus the Queen and the Mother of knowledge, rich with the fifty-
one letters of the Sanskrit alphabet. You are the sound of speech. You
generate sounds by clear distinctions between the letters. Dissociated from
Your differentiated aspects, everything would be naught like the sky. O
Śaṅkarī! Victory to You, the shining consciousness! Please protect us! (16)

“O Mother! Without Your differentiation, the three regions (tri-purā) would

not exist. Without Your prominence even the highest abode would be
naught but a mere conjugation. By Your skill of combining with them, You
always shine by pervading them. O Śaṅkarī! Victory to You, the shining
consciousness! Please protect us! (17)

“Fearing You, we are engaged in the tasks of creation and so on. Though
born out of Your lotus feet we are suffering by not comprehending You. O
Śaṅkarī! Please protect us who are afraid, ignorant and helpless, and who
are prostrating before You again and again. Victory to You, who are the
shining consciousness!

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“O Devī! You are intelligence, vāṇī, Bhāratī, vidyā, Mother, Sarasvatī,
Brāhmī, Māyā, the Letters, Transcendence, the Primordium, action and
eternity. You are vikalpā, nirvikalpā, ajā, kalā, sound, action, the power of
time, all forms, auspiciousness and the Supreme, the Vedas. O Mahādevī! O
Devī of the universe! Protect us; protect us who are at Your feet. O Devī! We
bow to You.” (19-21)

Sanskrit (संस्कृतम्)
Sanskrit is the classical language of Indian and the liturgical language of
Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. It is also one of the 22 official languages
of India. The name Sanskrit means refined, consecrated and sanctified. It
has always been regarded as the high language and used mainly for
religious and scientific discourse.

Vedic Sanskrit, the pre-Classical form of the language and the liturgical
language of the Vedic religion, is one of the earliest attested members of the
Indo-European language family. The oldest known text in Sanskrit, the
Ṛgveda, a collection of over a thousand Hindu hymns, was recorded in
writing during the 2nd millenium BC, although probably compose much
earlier and handed down by oral transmission.

Today Sanskrit is used mainly in Vedic religious texts and rituals as a

ceremonial language for sacred literature, hymns and mantras. Since the
late 19th century, Sanskrit has been written mostly with the Devanāgarī
alphabet. However it has also been written with all the other alphabets of

Since the late 18th century, Sanskrit has also been written with the Latin
alphabet. The most commonly used system is the International Alphabet of
Sanskrit Transliteration (IAST), which was been the standard for academic
work since 1912.

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The letters of the Sanskrit alphabet are listed with Devanāgarī, IAST
transliterations and phonetic categories:

Vowels and categories

Devanāgarī IAST Category

अ a
आ ā
इ i
ई ī
उ u monophthongs
and syllabic
ऊ ū liquids
ऋ ṛ
ॠ ṝ
ऌ Ḷ
ॡ Ḹ
ए e
ऐ ai
ओ o
औ au
◌ं ṃ anusvara
◌ः ḥ visarga
◌ँ (none) candrabindu
ऽ avagraha

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Category velars palatals retroflexes dentals labials

क च ट त प
tenuis stops
k  K c  C ṭ  Ṭ t  T p  P
ख छ ठ थ फ
aspirated stops
kh  Kh ch  Ch ṭh  Ṭh th  Th ph  Ph
ग ज ड द ब
voiced stops
g  G j  J ḍ  Ḍ d  D b  B
breathy-voiced घ झ ढ ध भ
stops gh  Gh jh  Jh ḍh  Ḍh dh  Dh bh  Bh
ङ ञ ण न म
nasal stops
ṅ  Ṅ ñ  Ñ ṇ  Ṇ n  N m  M
ह य र ल व
h  H y  Y r  R l  L v  V
श ष स
ś  Ś ṣ  Ṣ s  S
Long vowels are marked with a macron (overline); vocalic (syllabic)
consonants and retroflexes have an underdot.

The term mātṛka refers to the subtle form of speech. The mātṛka-śaktis are
associated with each letter of the Sanskrit alphabet. They represent an
energy or set of energies and denote various characteristics inherent in the
power of the respective character. This is also called akṣara-mālā, the
garland of letters, also denoted as Mālinī, is a tool that can lead to Self-
realization by awakening the Kuṇḍalinī energy latent within us.

The mātṛka-śaktis are expansions of Mahā-Māyā the Divine Mother as

Gāyatrī, the origin of all language and speech. They empower all aspects of
creation, maintenance and destruction of the universe. They represent the
gross and subtle aspects of matter and energy, and are omnipresent.

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In Tantrik practice, they constitute all mantras and are the power of all bījas
(seed syllables). The mātṛkas are placed in the various parts of the human
body by meditation (nyāsa). Their invocation activates the subtle cakras and
nādīs within the body, thereby helping us attract and fulfill all our desires.
The mātṛka invocation itself fulfills all desires, and is also part of the
activation of mantras through the life-infusing prāṇa-pratiṣṭha. The mātṛkas
as essential parts of the various Tantrik nyāsās (placement of mantras on
body parts) are essential for realization and fructification of mantras and the
subsequent fulfillment of the cherished desires. The ultimate motive and
purpose of the mātṛkas is to grant us liberation from the cycle of life and
death and reveal our true existence as consciousness Itself.

Below is a brief understanding of the meaning of each of the 51 letters of

the mātṛka, which constitute the vowels and consonants of the Sanskrit
language. The letters in combination with bindu (m̐ , the nasal termination)
constitute the mātṛkas. The exceptions are the bindu itself and the visarga (ḥ),
the 15th and 16th letters of the alphabet, which represent themselves as part
of the mātṛkas.

IAST Śakti Description
Amṛtā-devī represents a, Creation, and
symbolizes the spiritual nectar that precedes the
complete awakening of the Kuṇḍalini. She is also
am̐ अँ amṛtā the source of all other energies. She promotes
detachment and progress towards mokṣa.
“May the mātṛka am̐ energize us fully and promote
our mokṣa.”
Ākarṣiṇi-devī represents ā, which is both Śiva and
Śakti. She therefore represents the devolution of
the Supreme Being into the five aspects of
Creation (Brahmā), Preservation (Viṣṇu),
ām̐ आँ ākarṣiṇi Destruction (Rudra), Annihilation (Īśvara) and
Resurrection (Sadāśiva).
“May the mātṛka ām̐ expand our consciousness
and promote our mokṣa.”

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Indrāṇi-devī represents the power of overcoming
jealousy, passion and wrath. She is the grantor of
all wishes and bestows enjoyment and liberation
to the devotee. She is the icchā-śakti and
im̐ इँ indrāṇi represents all wishes.
“May the mātṛka im̐ help us overcome our inner
deficiencies such as jealousy, anger etc. and
guide us towards mokṣa.
Īśāni-devī signifies the richness of divine
perfection and is the Kāmakalā and turiyā-bīja.
She is the grantor of spiritual liberation and
īm̐ ईँ īśāni represents both the static and dynamic aspects of
the superconsciousness.
“May the mātṛka īm̐ help us in gaining mokṣa with
complete cleansing of all karmas.”
Umā-devī signifies great power and strength, as
well as tender motherly love, care and unstinted
devotion. She is the destroyer of all evil and is
fiercely aggressive in achieving the objectives.
um̐ उँ umā The bīja fulfills all the four coveted desires – virtue
(dharma), wealth and prosperity (artha), worldly
desires (kāma) and finally liberation (mokṣa).
“May the mātṛka um̐ grant us the unstinted
devotion essential in gaining mokṣa.”
Ūrdhvakeśī-devī signifies great excellence and
greatness. Literally, She signifies the hair’s end,
meaning the epitome of power. Spiritually, the bīja
ūm̐ ऊँ ūrdhvakeśī is associated with the rise of the Kuṇḍalini energy.
“May the mātṛka ūm̐ help us in gaining mokṣa and
remain under the bliss of immense power.”
Ṛddhidāyī-devī is the goddess of everlasting
Truth. She represents revelation and true dharma
ṛm̐ ऋँ ṛddhidāyī (virtues), as well as pure bliss.
“May the mātṛka ṛm̐ help inculcate good virtues
and merge us in Brahman at all times.”
Ṝkārā-devī represents the mindless state of
consciousness. The realization of one’s own true
Self, beyond all distractions of the mind. She is the
ṝm̐ ॠँ ṝkārā void of the fullness and the plentitude of the being.
“May the mātṛka ṝm̐ help remove distractions of
the mind and merge us in Brahman at all times.”

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Ḷkārā-devī represents the stability of the void, the
blissful state of liberation and the culmination of all
ḷm̐ ऌँ ḷkārā triads into the singular reality, Brahman.
“May the mātṛka ḷm̐ help culminate all triads and
merge us in Brahman at all times.”
Ḹkārā-devī represents the complete dissolution of
the mind and the attainment of ultimate liberation.
She is the blissful void in a state of perfect
ḹm̐ ॡँ ḹkārā stability.
“May the mātṛka ḹm̐ help in the complete
dissolution of the mind and merging in Brahman at
all times.”
Ekapadā-devī represents all the triads that make
up the Creation, such as the śaktis (powers) icchā
(desire), kriyā (action) and jñāna (wisdom), etc.
em̐ एँ ekapadā She is also the yoni-bīja representing Creation,
Sustenance and Destruction and all other triads.
“May the mātṛka em̐ help reveal the secrets of the
entire Creation to us.”
Aiśvaryātmikā-devī represents abundance of
fortune, not just in material terms but also in
spiritual aspects. This is also the Sarasvatī-bīja
aim̐ ऐँ aiśvaryātmikā representing knowledge and all arts.
“May the mātṛka aim̐ help in gaining the wealth of
knowledge of the known and the unknown.”
Oṃkārā-devī represents the ever pure word, and
is simply consciousness descended in the form of
sound. She is the primordial sound that has
om̐ ओँ oṃkārā emanated from the Superconsciousness.
“May the mātṛka om̐ help infuse purity and words
of wisdom, that make us conscious of the True
Reality at all times and experience pure bliss.”
Auṣadhātmikā-devī represents the curative power
of medicine and promotes healing.
aum̐ औ ँ auṣadhātmikā “May the mātṛka aum̐ help infuse the power to
cure, free us of all disease and remain in the state
of pure bliss.”

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Aṃbikā-devī is the universal mother of the entire
Creation. She is the unblemished one and
signifies completion and fulfillment. This letter is
anusvarā or simply bindu (dot), the singular reality
am̐ अँ aṃbikā and is also a representation of the fulfillment of all
“May the mātṛka am̐ fulfill all desires and help us
remain in the state of pure bliss.”
Aḥkṣarā-devī is the constant, eternal and
unalterable reality. She is the unborn Brahman or
superconsciousness. This letter is visarga and
aḥ अः aḥkṣarā represents culmination and ecstasy in all its forms.
“May the mātṛka aḥ help us remain ecstatic at all
times in the state of pure bliss.”
The Kālarātri-devī Mātṛkā bīja-mantra kam̐
represents victory, desire (kāma), wealth (artha),
as well as justice (dharma). She represents the
triple śaktis of icchā (desire), jñāna (knowledge)
kam̐ कँ kālarātri and kriyā (action).
“May the mātṛka kam̐ reveal in us the secrets of
Creation and help us to overcome the numerous
triads and remain in the state of pure bliss.”
The Khaṇḍitā-devī Mātṛkā bīja-mantra kham̐
represents detachment, severance, illumination.
She also represents the triple śaktis of icchā
kham̐ खँ khaṇḍitā (desire), jñāna (knowledge) and kriyā (action).
“May the mātṛka kham̐ keep us detached from the
effects of the numerous triads and remain in the
state of pure bliss.”
The Gāyatrī-devī Mātṛkā bīja-mantra gam̐
represents clarity of the discerning knowledge,
direct vision and eternal wisdom, masked by
delusion. This is also the Gaṇapati or Gaṇeśa
bīja-mantra representing the same aspect as well
as removal of all obstacles towards progress. It
gam̐ गँ gāyatrī also represents the great Kuṇḍalini or the latent
energy at the bottom of the spine.
“May the mātṛka gam̐ remove all obstacles in our
spiritual growth, indulge us in the discerning
knowledge and help us remain in the state of pure

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The Ghaṇṭākarṣiṇī Vārāhī-devī Mātṛkā bīja-
mantra gham̐ represents sound and is the
banisher of all enemies, internal and external. It is
the subtle sound that manifests the energy to
dispel all inimical forces. She is the karma
gham̐ घँ ghaṇṭākarṣiṇī cleanser who expels the karmas from the five
“May the mātṛka gham̐ dispel all inimical forces,
cleanse our karma and help us remain in the state
of pure bliss.”
The Ṅārnā-devī Mātṛkā bīja-mantra ṅam̐
represents growth and complete development.
She signifies identification with the True Self and
ṅam̐ ङँ ṅārṇā not with the individual body and mind.
“May the mātṛka ṅam̐ help us establish our true
identity with the supreme Self and help us remain
in the state of pure bliss.”
The Caṇḍikā-devī Mātṛkā bīja-mantra cam̐
signifies destruction of evil and spread of love and
compassion. The awakening of the Kuṇḍalini and
cam̐ चँ caṇḍikā its rise is signified.
“May the mātṛka cam̐ remove all evil thoughts,
spread love and compassion and help us remain
in the state of pure bliss.”
The Chāyārta-devī Mātṛkā bīja-mantra cham̐
signifies arising from the shadowy depths of the
material world to discover the pure spiritual reality
that represents us.
cham̐ छँ chāyārta “May the mātṛka cham̐ uproot us from the
shadowy depths of evil thoughts, influences and
indulgence and help us remain in the state of pure
The Jayā-devī Mātṛkā bīja-mantra jam̐ signifies
victory and is also the giver of fortune. Further,
She can provide the experience of Divine bliss for
those leading a worldly life as well. In addition,
jam̐ जँ jayā She is unrivalled in dispelling black magic.
“May the mātṛka jam̐ provide enough material
wealth to help us sustain ourselves in the world
and remain in the state of pure bliss.”

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The Jhaṅkāriṇī-devī Mātṛkā bīja-mantra jham̐
represents a balance amongst material and
spiritual desires. She allows a free movement
between the base mūlādhāra-cakra representing
jham̐ झँ jhaṅkāriṇī the Earth element and the sacral svādhiṣṭhāna-
cakra representing water.
“May the mātṛka jham̐ provide the balance in
material and spiritual pursuits and help us remain
in the state of pure bliss.”
The Jñānarūpā-devī Mātṛkā bīja-mantra ñam̐
represents true knowledge of the Self and the
realization that we are not this body and mind.
ñam̐ ञँ jñānarūpā She finally liberates us.
“May the mātṛka ñam̐ help us identify that we are
not the body but pure consciousness and help us
remain in the state of true bliss.”
The Ṭaṅkahastā-devī Mātṛkā bīja-mantra ṭam̐
represents the sustenance of the physical, astral
and causal bodies. She also lifts the Kuṇḍalini to
the maṇipūra-cakra and lights the flame of the
spiritual transformation. At the physical level,
ṭam̐ टँ ṭaṅkahastā courage is signified. She’s also the curer of all
“May the mātṛka ṭam̐ help us balance the physical,
astral and causal bodies to remain in the state of
true bliss.”
The Ṭhaṅkāriṇī-devī Mātṛkā bīja-mantra ṭham̐
represents the destruction of all types of affliction
through knowledge and action.
ṭham̐ ठँ ṭhaṅkāriṇī “May the mātṛka ṭham̐ destroy all afflictions to the
three bodies, through knowledge and action in
order for us to remain in the state of true bliss.”
The Ḍamarī-devī Mātṛkā bīja-mantra ḍam̐
signifies control over all the five senses, removal
of all poisonous and harmful elements in the body
and the expulsion of negativity from within us.
ḍam̐ डँ ḍāmarī “May the mātṛka ḍam̐ destroy and remove all
negativity and provide complete control of all
senses, in order for us to remain in the state of
true bliss.”

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The Ḍhaṅkāriṇī-devī Mātṛkā bīja-mantra ḍham̐
signifies spiritual enlightenment as well as
abundant wealth, both spiritual and material. She
also grants the power to exhibit divine splendor
ḍham̐ ढँ ḍhaṅkāriṇī from within.
“May the mātṛka ḍham̐ illumine us with abundant
wealth of spiritual knowledge and power and also
help us remain in the state of true bliss.”
The Ṇārnā-devī Mātṛkā bīja-mantra ṇam̐ signifies
granting of all magical siddhis as well as spiritual
ṇam̐ णँ ṇārṇā enlightenment.
“May the mātṛka ṇam̐ grant us spiritual powers
and also help us remain in the state of true bliss.”
The Tāmasya-devī Mātṛkā bīja-mantra tam̐
signifies the expulsion of all darkness, hatred,
jealousy and other vices and ushering in
compassion and true unconditional love. She is
tam̐ तँ tāmasya also the giver of fortune. She takes up the
Kuṇḍalini to the anāhata-cakra.
“May the mātṛka tam̐ expel all vices and inculcate
compassion and unconditional love within us and
help us remain in the state of true bliss.”
The Sthāṇvi-devī Mātṛkā bīja-mantra tham̐
signifies attaining all virtues and leading a
moralistic life. She grants the ability to fearlessly
withstand any evil, as well the power to maintain
tham̐ थँ sthāṇvi calm and composure, in distressing
“May the mātṛka tham̐ grant us the power to
maintain composure under all circumstances and
also help us remain in the state of true bliss.”
The Dākṣāyaṇī-devī Mātṛkā bīja-mantra dam̐
signifies great power, wealth, authority, good
fortune and immense happiness. She also grants
immense contentment, so that one does not get
fully overcome by greed, to pursue much more
dam̐ दँ dākṣāyaṇī material wealth than what’s already granted in
abundance and instead focus on the spiritual
“May the mātṛka dam̐ grant us contentment with
what we have and also help us remain in the state
of true bliss.”

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The Dhattayā-devī Mātṛkā bīja-mantra dham̐
signifies removal of all impurities and is also the
curer of all deadly diseases.
dham̐ धँ dhāttayā “May the mātṛka dham̐ remove all impurities in all
the three bodies and also help us remain in the
state of true bliss.”
The Nāryā-devī Mātṛkā bīja-mantra nam̐ signifies
liberation or mokṣa. She reveals our true Self.
nam̐ नँ nāryā “May the mātṛka nam̐ reveal our true identity
(turīya or pure consciousness) and also help us
remain in the state of true bliss.”
The Pārvatī-devī Mātṛkā bīja-mantra pam̐
represents will power, endurance and great
strength, both physical and mental. Her power
grants stability and gives one immense confidence
pam̐ पँ pārvatī and success in all endeavors.
“May the mātṛka pam̐ grant stability of mind and
thought and provide all the endurance to remain
steadfast, in the state of true bliss.”
The Phaṭkāriṇī-devī Mātṛkā bīja-mantra pham̐
represents freedom from all worries and
negativities. She’s also the giver of all siddhis or
pham̐ फँ phaṭkāriṇī magical powers.
“May the mātṛka pham̐ grant us freedom from all
types of worries and help us remain in the state of
true bliss.”
The Bandhinī-devī Mātṛkā bīja-mantra bam̐
signifies the removal of all bondage leading us
towards self-realization and ultimate liberation.
bam̐ बँ bandhinī “May the mātṛka bam̐ remove all bondage, help us
remain in the state of true bliss, obtain liberation
from the cycle of life and death and unification with
the superconsciousness.”
The Bhadrakālī-devī Mātṛkā bīja-mantra bham̐
signifies the destruction of all negativity, evil spirits
and heralds the beginning of auspicious and
bham̐ भँ bhadrakālī fortuitous time.
“May the mātṛka bham̐ usher in auspiciousness at
all times and help us remain in the state of

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The Mahāmāyā-devī Mātṛkā bīja-mantra mam̐
signifies the great cosmic illusion and its secrets.
She helps us realize our true inner Self and leads
mam̐ मँ mahāmāyā us towards liberation.
“May the mātṛka mam̐ liberate us from the cosmic
illusion and help us remain in the state of
The Yaśasvinī-devī Mātṛkā bīja-mantra yam̐ ,
represents immense glory and the awakening of
the spiritual glow – ājñā-cakra. She heralds the
flood of knowledge, light and the realization of a
yam̐ यँ yaśasvinī complete new self within us.
“May the mātṛka yam̐ help us illumine the world
with true knowledge while we remain in the state
of liberation.”
The Raktā-devī Mātṛkā bīja-mantra ram̐
represents cleansing of the soul and depleting all
negativities. She also generates a new zeal and
drive in us, to accomplish higher spiritual pursuits
leading us towards liberation. She provides vāk-
ram̐ रँ raktā siddhi or the power to make words come true.
“May the mātṛka ram̐ make every word spoken
and action performed by us, to come true and help
make the world a better place, while we continue
to remain in the state of liberation and detached
from the fruits of all our actions.”
The Lamboṣṭhī-devī Mātṛkā bīja-mantra lam̐
represents great power of attraction and
mesmerism. She also leads us to the non-dual
lam̐ लँ lamboṣṭhī state of knowing and being Brahman.
“May the mātṛka lam̐ make us aware at all times
that we are Brahman, as we continue to remain in
the state of liberation.”
The Varadā-devī Mātṛkā bīja-mantra vam̐
represents wish fulfillment and auspicious,
favorable outcomes of all endeavors.
vam̐ वँ varadā “May the mātṛka vam̐ make every wish of ours
come true and help us remain detached and
immersed in the state of liberation.”

Secrets of the Mātṛkā 15 of 31

The Śrī-devī Mātṛkā bīja-mantra śam̐ represents
auspiciousness and the sum total of all material
and spiritual wealth. She grants us immense
spiritual and material wealth and takes care of all
śam̐ शँ śrī our comforts and ultimately liberates us.
“May the mātṛka śam̐ provide all comforts and
help us remain detached and immersed in the
state of liberation.”
The Ṣaṇḍā-devī Mātṛkā bīja-mantra ṣam̐
represents selfless service to the Divine. She is
the giver of all fruitful results. She also grants us
the nondual state of knowing and being.
ṣam̐ षँ ṣaṇḍā “May the mātṛka ṣam̐ grant us humility, help us
render selfless service to the needy in the name of
the Divine superconsciousness, and at the same
time keep us detached and immersed in the state
of liberation.”
The Sarasvatī-devī Mātṛkā bīja-mantra sam̐
represents arts, knowledge and wisdom and is
also the cause of all Creation. She grants success
in all accomplishments and fulfills life’s very
sam̐ सँ sarasvatī purpose of liberation.
“May the mātṛka sam̐ grant us success in all
undertakings and at the same time keep us
detached and immersed in the state of liberation.”
The Haṃsavatī-devī Mātṛkā bīja-mantra ham̐
represents the True Self and attaining liberation
and merger with Brahman. This is the last bīja in
the word aham representing the ego or the
individual self, beginning with ‘a’, the creation and
ham̐ हँ hamsavatī ending with ‘ham’ the liberation and merging with
the True Self.
“May the mātṛka ham̐ merge us into the Divine at
all times and keep us immersed in the state of
The Ḻakārā-devī Mātṛkā bīja-mantra ḻam̐
represents the acquisition of all siddhis (magical
powers) and also the release from all bondage of
ḻam̐ ळँ ḻakārā karmas and attainment of liberation.
“May the mātṛka ḻam̐ grant all spiritual powers,
merge us into the Divine at all times and keep us
immersed in the state of liberation.”

Secrets of the Mātṛkā 16 of 31

The Kṣamāvatī-devī Mātṛkā bīja-mantra kṣam̐
represents the dissolution of all karmas through
the Divine grace and pardon. She leads us to and
grants us liberation. The complete energization of
the ājñā and sahasrāra-cakras is realized at this
kṣam̐ क्षँ kṣamāvatī point.
“May the mātṛka kṣam̐ grant divine grace and
pardon, vanquish all karmas to merge us
completely into the Divine and keep us immersed
in the state of liberation.”

Pīṭhamātṛkā nyāsaḥ
This nyāsa is for obtaining the grace of all śakti pīṭhas—power spots and
pilgrimage temples—fused with the powers of the mātṛkās, in order to
obtain all our material and spiritual desires and progress in the path of self-
realization and attain liberation.

Viniyogaḥ (िविनयोगः) -

āūm̐ asya śrī pīṭhamātṛkā nyāsa mantrasya ।

dakṣiṇāmūrti ṛṣiḥ ।
gāyatrī chandaḥ ।
pīṭha rūpiṇī śrī sundarī devatā ।
āūm̐ śrī vidyāṅgatvena nyāse viniyogaḥ ॥

“To fulfill our wish of reciting the ṣoḍhānyāsa, that is a part (aṅga) of śrī
vidyā, whose preceptor/ṛṣiḥ is Dakṣiṇāmūrti. The meter or chandas is
Gāyatrī. The deity associated with this mantra is Śrī Mātṛkā Pīṭha Rūpiṇī
Śrī Sundarī, One who governs all the deities associated with the Sanskrit
letters that govern the guṇas or qualities such as sattva (gentle), rājas
(passion) and tamas (aggression) manifested in the form of rāśis, houses of
the zodiac.”

Secrets of the Mātṛkā 17 of 31

ṛṣyādi nyāsaḥ (ऋष्यािद न्यासः) -

Mantra Procedure
Open the right palm and touch the top of
āūm̐ dakṣiṇāmūrtaye ṛṣaye
the forehead with the ring and thumb
namaḥ śirasi
fingers joined at the top.
āūm̐ gāyatrī chandase namaḥ Now touch the lips of the mouth with the
mukhe above mudrā.
āūm̐ pīṭha rūpiṇī śrī sundarī
Touch the heart with the right palm.
devatāyai namaḥ hṛdi
āūm̐ śrīvidyāṅgatvena nyāse
Run both the palms all over the body.
viniyogāya namaḥ sarvāṅge
iti ṛṣyādi nyāsaḥ

Dhyānam (ध्यानम्) -

āūm̐ sitā sitārūṇa śyāma-harit pītānyanu-kramāt ।

punar-etat-kramād-devī pañcāśatsthāna sañcaye ॥
pīṭhānīha smared-vidvān sarva-kāmārtha siddhaye ।

“Let us meditate upon the Divine Mother whose complexion differs from
white to pale white, dark, golden, pale yellow and all other possible
variations. She manifests Herself collectively in fifty locations and is prayed
to by all scholars and wise men for fulfillment of all desires and wishes.”

Secrets of the Mātṛkā 18 of 31

Nyāsamārambham (न्यासमारम्भम् )

Mantra Procedure & Dhyānam

Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ am̐
the forehead.
kāmarūpa pīṭhāya
“Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the desire
manifesting Kāmarūpa pīṭhā as Kāmākhyā Devī, who fulfills all
wishes and desires, and showers infinite grace with Her
lalāṭe (forehead)
benevolent sight. May the power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the
wealth and fertility-signifying bīja śrīm̐ , combined with the
Kāmākhyā Temple,
mātṛka am̐ awaken our Kuṇḍalini, manifest various enegies,
Guwahati, Assam
promote detachment and mokṣa.”
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch
the mouth.
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ ām̐
“Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the liberation
varāṇasī pīṭhāya
granting Varāṇasī pīṭhā as Viśālākṣī Devī, the wide-eyed and
all-seeing, who watches over us and showers infinite grace
with Her benevolent sight. May the power-signifying bīja hrīm̐
mukhavṛtte (mouth)
and the wealth and fertility-signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with
the mātṛka ām̐ , help us understand the secrets of the Divine
Viśālākṣī Temple,
Mother and Her acts of Creation, Preservation, Destruction,
Varanasi UP
Annihilation and Resurrection, and also help us progress in our
quest towards mokṣa.”
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ im̐
the right eye.
nepāla pīṭhāya namaḥ
“Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the liberation-
granting Muktināth Nepāla pīṭhā as Gandakī Caṇḍī Devī, the
duality destroyer. May the power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the
(right eye)
wealth and fertility-signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the
mātṛka im̐ help us overcome our inner deficiencies, fulfill all
Muktināth Temple,
desires and also help us progress in our quest towards
Nawalparasi, Nepal
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ īm̐
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch
the left eye.
pīṭhāya namaḥ
“Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the austere
and strength-granting Pauṇḍra-vardhana pīṭhā as Umā Devī,
the pious and committed. May the power-signifying bīja hrīm̐
(left eye)
and the wealth and fertility-signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with
the mātṛka īm̐ help us overcome our karma and reveal the
Mithila near Janakpur,
identity of the dynamic and static superconsciousness.”

Secrets of the Mātṛkā 19 of 31

Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch
the right ear.
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ um̐
“Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the tranquil
kāśmīra pīṭhāya
and humility-granting Kāśmīra pīṭhā as Mahāmāyā Devī, the
cosmic illusion. May the power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the
wealth and fertility-signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the
mātṛka um̐ , help fulfill all our desires, grant unstinted devotion,
(right ear)
empower and strengthen our commitment on the path to
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch
the left ear.
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ ūm̐ “Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the knowledge,
kānyakubja pīṭhāya power and liberation-granting Kānya-kubja pīṭhā as Bālā Devī,
namaḥ the one who grants all the material and spiritual riches,
knowledge, power and liberation. May the power-signifying
vāmakarṇe bīja hrīm̐ and the wealth and fertility-signifying bīja śrīm̐
(left ear) combined with the mātṛka ūm̐ , grant immense power, raise our
Kuṇḍalini energy and strengthen our commitment on the path
to mokṣa.”
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch
the right nostril.
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ ṛm̐ “Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the complete
pūrṇagiri pīṭhāya liberation-granting Pūrṇagiri pīṭhā as Māhākāli Devī, the
namaḥ timeless One who grants the highest knowledge and
dakṣa-nāsāyām experience leading to liberation. May the power-signifying bīja
(right nostril) hrīm̐ and the wealth and fertility-signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined
with the mātṛka ṛm̐ , inculcate good virtues and merge us in the
void of the singular reality and everlasting Truth.”
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch
the left nostril.
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ ṝm̐
“Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
arbudācala pīṭhāya
energy-invigorating Arbudācala pīṭhā as Māhākāli Devī, the
timeless one who grants the highest knowledge and
experience leading to liberation. May the power-signifying bīja
hrīm̐ and the wealth and fertility-signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined
(left nostril)
with the mātṛka ṝm̐ , remove distractions of the mind and merge
us in the void of the singular reality and everlasting Truth.”

Secrets of the Mātṛkā 20 of 31

Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch
the right cheek.
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ ḷm̐
“Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
energy-invigorating Āmrātakeśvara pīṭhā as Sūkṣmanāsikā
pīṭhāya namaḥ
Devī, one who moderates our breath and leads us to
liberation. May the power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the wealth
and fertility-signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the mātṛka ḷm̐ ,
(right cheek)
culiminate all triads and merge us in the void of the singular
reality and everlasting Truth.”
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch
the left cheek.
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ ḹm̐
“Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
ekāmrāya pīṭhāya
energy-invigorating Ekāmrāya pīṭhā as Ādi Kāmākṣī Devī,
one who bestows infinite grace and leads us to liberation. May
the power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the wealth and fertility-
signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the mātṛka ḹm̐ , enable the
(left cheek)
complete dissolution of the mind and grant Self-realization and
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch
the upper lip.
“Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ em̐
energy-invigorating Trisrota pīṭhā as Bhramarī Devī, one who
trisrota pīṭhāya namaḥ
bestows the cerebral nectar, gives us immense pleasure
during deep meditation and leads us to liberation. May the
power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the wealth and fertility-
(upper lip)
signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the mātṛka em̐ , unravel the
secrets of the entire Creation and grant Self-realization and
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch
the lower lip.
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ aim̐
“Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
kāmakoṭi pīṭhāya
energy-invigorating Kāmakoṭi pīṭhā as Kāmākṣī Devī, one
who bestows infinite grace and leads us to liberation. May the
power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the wealth and fertility-
signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the mātṛka aim̐ , bestow
(lower lip)
complete wealth of material and spiritual knowledge and lead
us to Self-realization and liberation.”

Secrets of the Mātṛkā 21 of 31

Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch
the upper teeth.
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ om̐ “Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
kailāsa pīṭhāya namaḥ energy-invigorating Kailāsa pīṭhā as Pārvatī Devī, one who
bestows immense power and resolve to lead us towards
ūrdhva-danta-paṅktau liberation. May the power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the wealth
(upper teeth) and fertility-signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the mātṛka om̐ ,
bestow auspiciousness, prosperity, wealth and lead us to Self-
realization and liberation.”
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch
the lower teeth.
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ aum̐ “Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
bhṛgu pīṭhāya namaḥ energy-invigorating Bhṛgu pīṭhā as Māhālakṣmī Devī, one
who bestows immense material and spiritual wealth to lead us
adho-danta-paṅktau towards liberation. May the power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the
(lower teeth) wealth and fertility-signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the
mātṛka aum̐ , bestow health, auspiciousness and the resolve to
us towards Self-realization and liberation.”
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch
the crown of the head.
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ am̐ “Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
kedāra pīṭhāya namaḥ energy-invigorating Kedāra pīṭhā as Dharī Devī, one who
offers protection and strength and leads us towards liberation.
mūrdhini May the power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the wealth and
(crown of the head) fertility-signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the mātṛka am̐ ,
fulfill all desires and lead us towards Self-realization and
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch
the tip of the tongue.
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ aḥ
“Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
candrapura pīṭhāya
energy-invigorating Candrapurā pīṭhā as Candrahāsinī Vārāhī
Devī, one who removes all evils afflicting us and clears the
path towards liberation. May the power-signifying bīja hrīm̐
and the wealth and fertility-signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with
(tip of the tongue)
the mātṛka aḥ, culminate our search for self-realization and
liberation and make us one with the Divine.”

Secrets of the Mātṛkā 22 of 31

Join the thumb and the ring finger of the left hand and touch
the right shoulder joint near armpit.
“Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ kam̐
energy-invigorating Śrīśaila pīṭhā as Śrī Bhramarāmba Devī,
śrīpīṭhāya namaḥ
one who bestows Her immense grace in manifesting the entire
Creation, manifests the cerebral nectar causing joy in deep
meditation and also grants liberation. May the power-signifying
(right shoulder joint
bīja hrīm̐ and the wealth and fertility-signifying bīja śrīm̐
near armpit)
combined with the mātṛka kam̐ , reveal in us the secrets of
Creation and the ability to overcome the numerous triads and
remain in the state of pure bliss.”
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the left hand and touch
the right elbow.
“Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ kham̐
energy-invigorating Oṃkāreśvara pīṭhā as Śrī Gāyatrī Devī in
oṃkāra pīṭhāya
the form of Śabda Brahman (primordial sound), one who
bestows Her immense grace in manifesting the entire Creation
with all the sound frequencies and also grants liberation. May
the power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the wealth and fertility-
(right arm elbow)
signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the mātṛka kham̐ , keep us
detached from the effects of the numerous triads and keep us
steadfast in the state of pure bliss.”
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the left hand and touch
the right arm wrist.
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ gam̐
“Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
jālandhara pīṭhāya
energy-invigorating Jālandhara pīṭhā as Śrī Tripuramālinī
Devī in the form of all triads and also grants liberation. May the
power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the wealth and fertility-
signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the mātṛka gam̐ , remove
all obstacles in our spiritual growth, indulge us in the
(right arm wrist)
discerning knowledge to keep us steadfast in the state of pure
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the left hand and touch
̐ ̐ ̐ ̐
āūm hrīm śrīm gham the base of the right hand fingers.
mālava pīṭhāya “Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
namaḥ energy-invigorating Mālava pīṭhā as Mahākāli Devī who
transforms us completely and grants liberation. May the
dakṣa-hastāṅguli-mūle power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the wealth and fertility-
(base of the right hand signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the mātṛka gham̐ , dispel all
fingers) inimical forces and cleanse our karmas and lead us to

Secrets of the Mātṛkā 23 of 31

Join the thumb and the ring finger of the left hand and touch
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ ṅam̐
the tips of the right hand fingers on the other side of the nails.
kulānta pīṭhāya
“Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
energy-invigorating Kulānta pīṭhā as Mahākāli Devī who
transforms us completely and grants liberation. May the
power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the wealth and fertility-
(tip of the right hand
signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the mātṛka ṅam̐ , establish
our true identity with the supreme Self.”
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ cam̐ the left shoulder joint near armpit.
devīkoṭṭaka pīṭhāya “Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
namaḥ energy-invigorating Devīkoṭṭaka pīṭhā as Hiṅgulā Devī who
offers complete protection in our journey towards liberation.
vāma-bāhu-mūle May the power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the wealth and
(left shoulder joint near fertility-signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the mātṛka cam̐ ,
armpit) remove all evil thoughts, spread love and compassion and
help us on the path towards liberation.”
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch
the left arm elbow.
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ cham̐ “Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
gokarṇa pīṭhāya energy-invigorating cow ear shaped Gokarṇa pīṭhā as Vārāhī
namaḥ Devī who offers complete protection in our journey towards
liberation. May the power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the wealth
vāma-bāhu-kūrpare and fertility-signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the mātṛka
(left arm elbow) cham̐ , uproot us from the shadowy depths of evil thoughts,
influences and indulgences and help us on the path towards
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ jam̐ the left arm wrist.
mārūteśvara pīṭhāya “Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
namaḥ energy-invigorating Mārūteśvara pīṭhā as Pārvatī Devī who
offers complete protection in our journey towards liberation.
vāma-bāhu- May the power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the wealth and
maṇibandhe fertility-signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the mātṛka jam̐ ,
(left arm wrist) provide enough material wealth to help us sustain ourselves in
the world and remain in the state of pure bliss.”
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ jham̐ the base of the left hand fingers.
aṭṭāhāsa pīṭhāya “Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
namaḥ energy-invigorating Aṭṭāhāsa pīṭhā as Phullarā Devī who
signifies the expansion of our consciousness leading towards
vāma-hastāṅguli-mūle liberation. May the power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the wealth
(base of the left hand and fertility-signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the mātṛka
fingers) jham̐ , provide balance in the material and spiritual pursuits
and remain in the state of pure bliss.”

Secrets of the Mātṛkā 24 of 31

Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch
the tip of the left hand fingers.
“Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ ñam̐
energy-invigorating Virajā pīṭhā as Girijā Devī who signifies
virajā pīṭhāya namaḥ 
the expansion of our consciousness and the power to
withstand any challenges on our journey towards liberation.
May the power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the wealth and
(tip of the left hand
fertility-signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the mātṛka ñam̐ ,
grant the knowledge and experience that we are not the body,
but pure consciousness alone, to help us remain in the state of
pure bliss.”
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the left hand and touch
the hip of the right leg.
“Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ ṭam̐
energy-invigorating Rājagṛha pīṭhā as Śivāni Devī who
rājagṛha pīṭhāya
signifies the expansion of our consciousness and the power to
withstand any challenges on our journey towards liberation.
May the power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the wealth and
fertility-signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the mātṛka ṭam̐ ,
(right hip)
balance the three bodies – physical, astral and causal, through
knowledge and action, to help us remain in the state of pure
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the left hand and touch
the right leg knees.
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ ṭham̐ “Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
mahāpatha pīṭhāya energy-invigorating Mahāpatha pīṭhā as Candravadani Devī
namaḥ who signifies the calm and composure on our journey towards
liberation. May the power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the wealth
dakṣiṇa-jānuni and fertility-signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the mātṛka
(right knee) ṭham̐ , destroy all afflictions to the three bodies, through
knowledge and action, to help us remain in the state of pure
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the left hand and touch
the right leg ankle.
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ ḍam̐ “Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
kollagiri pīṭhāya energy-invigorating Kollagiri pīṭhā as Mahālakṣmī Devī who
namaḥ signifies the material and spiritual wealth needed for
sustenance, on our journey towards liberation. May the power-
dakṣiṇa-gulphe signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the wealth and fertility-signifying bīja
(right ankle) śrīm̐ combined with the mātṛka ḍam̐ , destroy and remove all
negativity and provide complete control of all senses, in order
for us remain in the state of true bliss.”

Secrets of the Mātṛkā 25 of 31

Join the thumb and the ring finger of the left hand and touch
the base of the right leg toes.
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ ḍham̐
“Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
elāpura pīṭhāya
energy-invigorating Elāpura pīṭhā as Yogāmbā Devī who
signifies the union of the self with the Self through yogic
practices, on our journey towards liberation. May the power-
signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the wealth and fertility-signifying bīja
śrīm̐ combined with the mātṛka ḍham̐ , provide abundant
(right leg toe base)
material and spiritual wealth, in order for us remain in the state
of true bliss.”
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the left hand and touch
the tips of the right leg toes.
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ ṇam̐
“Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
kāleśvara pīṭhāya
energy-invigorating Kāleśvara pīṭhā as Harasiddhi Devī who
signifies the fructification of all desires, on our journey towards
liberation. May the power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the wealth
and fertility-signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the mātṛka
ṇam̐ , grant all mystical powers that can help experience higher
(right leg toes tips)
states of consciousness and help us to remain in the state of
true bliss.”
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch
the hip of the left leg.
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ tam̐ “Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
jayantī pīṭhāya namaḥ energy-invigorating Jayantī pīṭhā as Jayantī Devī who
signifies victory on our journey towards liberation. May the
vāmoru-mūle power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the wealth and fertility-
(left hip) signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the mātṛka tam̐ , inculcate
compassion and unconditional love within us and help us to
remain in the state of true bliss.”
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch
the left leg knees.
̐ ̐ ̐ ̐
āūm hrīm śrīm tham “Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
ujjayinī pīṭhāya energy-invigorating Ujjayinī pīṭhā as Mahākālī Devī who
namaḥ signifies the timeless state that can be experienced in higher
states of meditation, on our journey towards liberation. May the
vāma-jānuni power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the wealth and fertility-
(left knee) signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the mātṛka tham̐ , grant the
power to maintain composure under all circumstances and
help us to remain in the state of true bliss.”

Secrets of the Mātṛkā 26 of 31

Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch
the left leg ankle.
“Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ dam̐ energy-invigorating Citrā pīṭhā as Śivānī Devī who signifies
citrā pīṭhāya namaḥ the ascensioin of the consciousness that can be experienced
vāma-gulphe in higher states of meditation, on our journey towards
(left ankle) liberation. May the power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the wealth
and fertility-signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the mātṛka
dam̐ , grant contentment in life and help us to remain in the
state of true bliss.”
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch
the base of the left leg toes.
“Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ dham̐
energy-invigorating Kṣīrikā pīṭhā as Yogādyā Devī who
kṣīrikā pīṭhāya namaḥ
signifies the ascensioin of the consciousness that can be
experienced in higher states of meditation, on our journey
towards liberation. May the power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the
(base of the left leg
wealth and fertility-signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the
mātṛka dham̐ , remove all impurities in the three bodies –
physical, astral and causal and help us to remain in the state
of true bliss.”
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ nam̐
the tips of the left leg toes.
hastināpura pīṭhāya
“Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
energy-invigorating Hastināpura pīṭhā as Jayantī Devī who
signifies victory on our journey towards liberation. May the
power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the wealth and fertility-
(tips of the left leg
signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the mātṛka nam̐ , reveal our
true identity and help us to remain in the state of true bliss.”
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the left hand and touch
the right side of the body.
“Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ pam̐
energy-invigorating Uḍḍīśa pīṭhā as Tārā Tāriṇī Devī who
uḍḍīśa pīṭhāya namaḥ
signifies spiritual transformation and progress on our journey
towards liberation. May the power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the
wealth and fertility-signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the
(right side of the body)
mātṛka pam̐ , grant stability of mind and thought and provide all
the endurance to remain steadfast and help us to remain in the
state of true bliss.”

Secrets of the Mātṛkā 27 of 31

Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch
the left side of the body.
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ pham̐ “Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
prayāga pīṭhāya energy-invigorating Prayāga pīṭhā as Mādhaveśvarī Devī who
namaḥ signifies spiritual nectar (cerebral fluid) obtained in deep
meditation, on our journey towards liberation. May the power-
vāma-pārśve signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the wealth and fertility-signifying bīja
(left side of the body) śrīm̐ combined with the mātṛka pham̐ , grant freedom from all
types of worries and help us to remain in the state of true
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch
the lower back of the body.
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ bam̐
“Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
ṣaṣṭīśa pīṭhāya
energy-invigorating Ṣaṣṭīśa pīṭhā as Kātyāyaṇī Devī who
signifies support and protection, on our journey towards
liberation. May the power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the wealth
and fertility-signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the mātṛka
(lower back)
bam̐ , grant freedom from all types of bondage and help us to
remain in the state of true bliss.”
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch
the navel.
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ bham̐ “Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
māyāpurī pīṭhāya energy-invigorating Māyāpurī pīṭhā as Māyā Devī who
namaḥ signifies the cosmic virtual reality that needs to be
transcended, on our journey towards liberation. May the
nābhau power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the wealth and fertility-
(navel) signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the mātṛka bham̐ , usher in
auspiciousness and help us to remain in the state of true
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch
the whole belly/stomach area.
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ mam̐
“Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
malayagiri pīṭhāya
energy-invigorating Malayagiri pīṭhā as Gāyatrī Devī who
signifies purity that needs to be attained, on our journey
towards liberation. May the power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the
wealth and fertility-signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the
mātṛka mam̐ , remove the effects of the cosmic illusion and
help us to remain in the state of true bliss.”

Secrets of the Mātṛkā 28 of 31

Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch
the heart area.
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ yam̐
“Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
śrīśaila pīṭhāya
energy-invigorating Śrīśaila pīṭhā as Bhramarāmba Devī who
signifies spiritual bliss experienced in deep meditation, on our
journey towards liberation. May the power-signifying bīja hrīm̐
and the wealth and fertility-signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with
the mātṛka yam̐ , grant all the knowledge leading to liberation
and help us to remain in the state of true bliss.”
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the left hand and touch
the region on the right shoulder between the armpit and the
neck area.
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ ram̐
“Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
merupīṭhāya namaḥ
energy-invigorating Meru pīṭhā as Pārvatī Devī who signifies
immense strength, on our journey towards liberation. May the
power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the wealth and fertility-
(space on the right
signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the mātṛka ram̐ , make
shoulder between the
every word spoken and action performed by us, to come true
right arm and neck)
and help make the world a better place, while we continue to
remain in the state of liberation and detached from the fruits of
all our actions.”
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch
the base of the neck.
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ lam̐ giri
“Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
pīṭhāya namaḥ
energy-invigorating Giri pīṭhā as Pārvatī Devī who signifies
immense strength, on our journey towards liberation. May the
power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the wealth and fertility-
(base of the neck)
signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the mātṛka lam̐ , make us
aware at all times that we are It – the Superconsciousness.”
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and touch
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ vam̐ the region on the left shoulder between the armpit and the
mahendra pīṭhāya neck area.
namaḥ “Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
energy-invigorating Mahendra pīṭhā as Kaṅkālinī Devī who
vāmāṃse signifies ascension over the mind and body, on our journey
(space on the right towards liberation. May the power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the
shoulder between the wealth and fertility-signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the
right arm and neck) mātṛka vam̐ , make every wish of ours come true and we
ascend to the state of liberation.”

Secrets of the Mātṛkā 29 of 31

Join the thumb and the ring finger of the left hand and swipe
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ śam̐
the region from the heart to the end of the right hand.
vāmana pīṭhāya
“Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
energy-invigorating Vāmana pīṭhā as Aparṇā Devī who
signifies ascension over the mind and body, on our journey
hṛdayādi dakṣa-
towards liberation. May the power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the
wealth and fertility-signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the
(heart to the end of the
mātṛka śam̐ , provide all comforts and help us ascend to the
right hand)
state of liberation.”
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and swipe
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ ṣam̐ the region from the heart to the end of the left hand.
hiraṇyapura pīṭhāya “Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
namaḥ energy-invigorating Hiraṇyapura pīṭhā as Ambā Devī who is
the dynamic superconsciousness. May the power-signifying
hṛdayādi vāma- bīja hrīm̐ and the wealth and fertility-signifying bīja śrīm̐
hastāntam combined with the mātṛka ṣam̐ , grant us humility and help us
(heart to the end of the render selfless service to the needy in the name of the Divine
left hand) superconsciousness and at the same time keep us detached
and help us ascend to the state of liberation.”
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the left hand and swipe
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ sam̐ the region from the heart to the end of the right leg.
mahālakṣmī pīṭhāya “Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
namaḥ energy-invigorating Mahālakṣmī pīṭhā as Mahālakṣmī Devī
who is the dynamic superconsciousness and represents
hṛdayādi dakṣa- complete evolution of the consciousness as Kamalā Devī. May
pādāntam the power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the wealth and fertility-
(heart to the end of the signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the mātṛka sam̐ , grant us
right leg) success in all undertakings and at the same time keep us
detached and help us ascend to the state of liberation.”
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and swipe
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ ham̐
the region from the heart to the end of the left leg.
uḍḍiyāna kāmākṣā
“Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
pīṭhāya namaḥ
energy-invigorating Uḍḍiyāna pīṭhā as Vimalā Devī who is the
dynamic superconsciousness and represents purity. May the
hṛdayādi vāma-
power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the wealth and fertility-
signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the mātṛka ham̐ , merge us
(heart to the end of the
into the Divine at all times and keep us immersed in the state
left leg)
of liberation.”

Secrets of the Mātṛkā 30 of 31

Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and swipe
the region from the heart to the lower abdomen and up to the
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ ḻam̐ “Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
chāyā pīṭhāya namaḥ energy-invigorating Chāyā pīṭhā as Chāyā Devī who is the
dynamic superconsciousness and represents our true nature
hṛdayādi udare and not the reflection we see through our body. May the
(heart to the abdomen) power-signifying bīja hrīm̐ and the wealth and fertility-
signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined with the mātṛka ḻam̐ , grant all
magical powers (siddhis) and merge us into the Divine at all
times and keep us immersed in the state of liberation.”
Join the thumb and the ring finger of the right hand and swipe
the region from the heart to the top of the head.
āūm̐ hrīm̐ śrīm̐ kṣam̐ “Salutations to the Divine Mother manifested at the Kuṇḍalini
kṣatrapura pīṭhāya energy-invigorating Kṣatrapura pīṭhā as Tārā Devī who is the
namaḥ dynamic superconsciousness and represents complete
transformation in us to the Self. May the power-signifying bīja
hṛdayādi mukhe hrīm̐ and the wealth and fertility-signifying bīja śrīm̐ combined
(heart to the head) with the mātṛka kṣam̐ , divine grace and pardon, vanquish all
karmas and merge us into the Divine at all times and keep us
immersed in the state of liberation.
iti pīṭha mātṛkā ṣoḍhā

Secrets of the Mātṛkā 31 of 31

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