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‘Writing Task : Write about what you would do if you had a lot of money. TF 1 had a lot of money tem share the money with my sister treat my friends to Junch harity group = i donate money toa chat € soto baseball game with my fa a ctaccvnteesl WeaeeTeTINVTT Er 1. How much money do you have? 2. What is the most money that you have ever had? ® 7 eesoseeseeseeet If I Had 300 Dollars Tf I had 300 dollars, I would do three things. With the first (00 dollars, I would buy a nice present for my mom. My mom loves scarves, so I would get her a beautiful scarf. Next, I would donate 00 dollars to a charity group. I think you should help other people whenever you can. Finally, T would spend 100 dollars on myself. A baseball glove and some comic books would cost me about 70 dollars. With the rest of the money, I would treat my friends to lunch. Wouldn't it be great to have 300 dollars? 4. What would Nathan do with the first 100 dollars? 2. How much would a baseball glove and some comic books cost Nathan? i Unit 05 o 4 ‘Look at the pictures, Write the sentences using the phrases in the box. treat my friends to lunch ‘open up a bank account have a meal at a fancy restaurant 4 5. o go to a baseball game with my family 1, I would buy a nice present for my mom. _buy-@-nioe-present-formy- mom share the money with my sister donate the money to a charity group give the money to a homeless person Gi , How would you spend 300 dollars? Choose words from each box and complete the sentences. If Thad 300 dollars, I would spend 100 dollars on myself. none of the money — my brother, fe all ofthe money snacks. bei : __ dollars accessories. ite (Exemple] | would spend 200 dollars on myself. 4. | would spend on 2. | would spend = on 3.1 would 4.1 would ¢ Choose two items and complete the sentences by giving the total price. + a movie ticket ($10) + a book ($20) + a meal at a restaurant ($35) + some comic books ($35) + a baseball glove ($40) + an MP3 player ($45) + a video game ($60) + a pair of amusement park tickets ($80) +a pair of concert tickets ($120) _« a bicycle ($450) [Example] AA baseball glove and some comic books would cost me 75 dollars. £ __and would cost me 2. and would cost me a. and oe 4. and [ Unit 05 eo % Look at the example. Complete the sentences in the same way. [Example] My mom loves scarves, so I would get her a scarf. ‘L My dad loves ties, 2. My brother enjoys computer games, _ 3. My sister likes mystery novels, 4, My grandfather needs hats, 5, My parents collect movie DVDs, - Write the sentences using the phrases in the box. enjoy good food save your money be nice to your friends -help-other-people— make your family happy _learn about different cultures [Example] | would donate $100 to a charity group. I think you should help other people. 1. | would give a present to my mom. 2. | would open up a bank account. 3. | would go to a nice restaurant. 4. | would treat my friends to a movie. 5. | would take a trip to the U.S. @ 7 é Look at the example. Write the sentences in the same way. [Example] (the rest / go to the movies) With the rest of the money, I would go to the movies. 1. (some / treat my friends to lunch) 2. (most / open up @ bank account) 3. (all / buy schoo! supplies) 4. (half / buy dinner for my family) 5. (a third / get a new book bag) s Correct the mistakes and rewrite the sentences. 1. if | had 300 dollars, | will do three things. C > 2. | would buy a nice present to my mom. > 3. | would donate 1.00 dollar to a charity group. _ » 4. Wouldn't it great to have 300 dollars? 7 Unit 05 @ Euy dbs prevent for mystiom my mom loves scarves t_| donate $100 dollars to a charity group ?) you should help other people g0 ona trip get a haircut. perm my hair buya pair of sunglasses buy some new clothes buy a fish tank for my class d — fi Drafting If had , | would (Parsgreph 2) Next, | would (Next | think fermen) Finally, | would : would cost me . With the rest of the money, | would Wouldn't it be Writing about unreal facts When you write about something that is unreal, you use the ‘if’ clause in the past tense. In the main clause that follows the ‘if clause in the past tense, you use ‘would’ instead of ‘wil’. if | had 300 dollars, | would... If Lived in Sweden, | would... Remember that you usually use ‘were’ instead of ‘was’ in the ‘if’ clause. if | were a millionaire, | would... If she were here, she would... Ei Unit 05°

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