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Paper 3 – Implementing the Curriculum

1. What are the roles of stakeholders in curriculum implementation?

Stakeholders are individuals or institutions that are interested in the school
curriculum. Their interests vary in and complexity. They get involved in many ways in
the implementation, because the curriculum affects them directly or indirectly. These
stakeholders shape the school curriculum implementation.
1. Learners at the Center of the curriculum for a particular curriculum design mentioned
earlier, the learner is placed at the center. The learners are the very reason a curriculum
is developed. They are the ones who are directly influenced by it. Learners in all levels
make or unmake the curriculum by their active and direct involvement. How each
individual learner contributes to the realization of a planned curriculum would depend
on the interactions and internalization of the different learning experiences provided.
After all, in curriculum implementation, the concluding question will always be: has the
learner learned?
2. Teachers as curriculum developers and implementers In the teaching and learning
process, the other side of the coin is the teacher. Most curricula start to gain life from
the time it is conceived and written. Planning and writing the curriculum are the primary
roles of the teacher. A teacher is a curriculum maker. He/ she writes a curriculum daily
through a lesson plan, a unit plan or a yearly plan. The teacher designs, enriches, and
modifies the curriculum to suit the learner’s characteristics. Teachers are empowered to
develop their own curricula taking into consideration their own expertise, the context of
the school and the abilities of the learners. By so doing, teachers become architects of
school curriculum.
3. Curriculum managers and administrators- In school organization, there is always a
curriculum manager or school administrator. In fact, for school principals, one of their
functions is being a curriculum manager. They supervise curriculum implementation,
select and recruit new teachers, admit students, procure equipment and materials
needed for effective learning. They also plan for the improvement of school facilities
and physical plants. The role of the administrators can never be ignored. The principle of
command responsibility and institutional leadership rests on the shoulders of the school
administrators. The final decision making in terms of the school’s purpose rests on the
shoulders of school administrators. In the academic institution, school administrators
have a great stake or concern about what kind of curriculum their schools offer and how
these are implemented.
4. Parents as supporters to the curriculum “my child and my money go to this school”.
Reads a car sticker. What is the implication of this statement to the school curriculum?
It simply means that the parents are the best supporters of the school, especially
because they are the ones paying for the child’s education. Parent’s voices are very loud
and clear. In our country, it is a general fact that even in college the parents are
responsible for their child’s education. The power of parent’s to influence curricula to
include instructional materials and school activities is great, such that success of
curricula would somehow depend on their support.
How do parents shape the curriculum and why are they considered as stakeholders?
• Here are some observations:
i. Effective parental involvement in school affairs may be linked to parent
educational programs which is central to high quality educational experiences of
the children.
ii. The parent’s involvement extends from the confine of the school to the homes.
iii. In most schools the Parents Association is organized
5. Community Members as curriculum resources -The success in the implementation of
the curriculum requires resources. However, most often teachers complain that
resources are very scarce. There are no books, materials nor facilities available. These
are usual complaints of teachers. The community members and materials in the existing
local community can very well substitute for what are needed to implement the
curriculum. Respected community members may be included in school boards as in
some schools.
Other stakeholders in curriculum implementation. There are other important
stakeholders in curriculum implementation.
6. Professional organizations have shown great influence in school curriculum. They are
being asked by curriculum specialists to contribute in curriculum review because they
have a voice in licensure examinations, curriculum enhancement and many more. Often,
professional organizations are those of each profession, like teachers’ organization,
lawyers’ organizations, medical doctors’ association, engineers’ organizations and many
7. On the other hand, since all schools in the country, are under the regulation of the
national government as provided for in the Phil. Constitution, then the government has
a great stake in curriculum implementation. The government is represented by the
DepEd for basic education curricula and the CHED for the tertiary and graduate
education curricula. These two government agencies have mandatory and regulatory
powers over the implementation of any curricula. The third government agency that has
high stake in the schools’ curricula is the professional regulation commission (PRC).


2. What is the role of technology in the delivery of curriculum?

For now, the primary roles of educational technology in delivering the school
curriculum’s instructional program have been identified:
• Upgrading the quality of teaching-and-learning in schools.
• Increasing the capability of the teacher to effectively inculcate learning, and for
students to gain mastery of lessons and courses.
• Broadening the delivery of education outside school through non-n traditional
approaches to formal and informal learning, such as Open Universities and lifelong
learning to adult courses
• Revolutionizing the use of technology to boost educational paradigm shifts that give
importance to student-centered and holistic learning.


3. How is pilot testing done in the implementation of curriculum? What about

Monitoring? And what about Evaluating curriculum implementation, how is it also
Pilot testing, monitoring and evaluating the implementation of curriculum Pilot testing or
field try-out Whenever a curriculum is written as in books, course manuals, modules or the
whole curricular program, there is a need to have a try-out or field testing. This process will
gather empirical data to support whether the material or curriculum is useful, relevant, reliable
and valid.
Most of the field testing or try-out follows some form of researched designs. Usually it
follows an experimental method, however an initial process can be done without any
comparison group. In this case only one group of students will be used as a try out for the
curriculum. Using the principles of curriculum writing and backed up by the content
specialization of the writers and the consultants, the modules were written. The printed
modules were reviewed by the consultants and peers, however, there was a need to try out or
pilot test the activities and the field practicals by the users who are the students themselves.
The try-out or pilot testing assures the teachers and the schools that indeed the curriculum
materials are ready for use. Modification and revisions are inherent characteristics of a
curriculum. The pilot test or try-out is a developmental process that gives the signal as to
whether the particular curriculum can already be implemented with confidence.
However, as the curriculum is being implemented, there is a need to continuously monitor
the process. Curriculum monitoring Curriculum evaluation. School-based evaluation is an
approach to curriculum evaluation which places the content, design, operation, and
maintenance of evaluation procedure in the hands of the school personnel.
Some of the disadvantages of the school based-evaluation include the following:
i. Accountability is shared by all; hence bias and conflict are minimized.
ii. School personnel develop evaluation skills.
iii. The real concerns of the school and community are addressed by the evaluation iv.
iv. Broad participation of school personnel provide opportunities for building school
cohesiveness. v. Provides reliable and valid information on curriculum, resources ,
and general school functioning.
Accreditation- this is a voluntary process of submitting a curricular program to an external
accrediting body for review in any level of education: tertiary or graduate school to assure
standard. Accreditation studies the statement of the educational intentions of the school and
affirms a standard of excellence.


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