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ISHCMC IB MYP Grade 9 Individuals and Societies

Unit 1 “Profits & People”

Summative Assessment
Unit Description

Global Context Fairness and Development (ethics)

Key Concept Global interactions
Related Choice and equity
Statement of C The global interactions and choices of corporations can affect equity and fairness.
ATLs Communication: Communicates information and ideas in a way that is completely clear,
completely organizes information and ideas effectively &
lists sources in a way that always follows the task instructions.

Critical Thinking: Synthesize information to make valid, well-supported arguments &

interprets different perspectives and their implications
Command Terms - check your work. How many of these keywords have you used?

Research Document - use this to begin your research.

Answer the following question:

In your corporation's efforts to promote CSR, to what extent did the choices they
made balance the needs and wants of at least two stakeholders in a fair and
equitable way?
GRASPS Descriptor
Goal To write a report to the CEO of your chosen corporation. You will evaluate the extent
to which the choices they made with regards to CSR balance the needs and wants of
at least two stakeholders in a fair and equitable way

Role Management consultant

Audience The CEO of your chosen corporations

Situation You are a management consultant and have been hired by the corporation to write a
report evaluating the choices they have made with regards to CSR.

Product To write a report to the CEO of your chosen corporation. You will evaluate the extent
to which the choices they made with regards to CSR balance the needs and wants of
at two stakeholders in a fair and equitable way.

Standards or Criteria ➢ Your name, corporation, date, teacher, class section and group mates should
for Success be identified in the top right of the assignment.
➢ The response should be a maximum of 1000 words
➢ You must include a works cited list and in-text citations
➢ Please read and consider the rubrics below.
Name of the company:

The specific aspect of CSR/ ethical decision making you will focus on:

Stakeholders you will focus on:

Statement of Inquiry: Your Research Question should link to the statement below.

The global interactions and choices of corporations can affect equity and

Summative assessment question:

To what extent has your chosen company’s approach to CSR balanced the
needs and wants of at least two stakeholders?
Research Question: Write a question based upon your choices in the coloured rows above, the
Statement of Inquiry and the summative assessment question e.g. To what extent has Disney’s
approach to the environment balanced the needs and wants of investors, customers and
environmental groups?

Write your research question here:

Research Template
A research question does not always have a clear answer. This is because there are many
“supporting questions” or “supporting topics” that could be asked and answered before we try
to answer this research question.

What would you need to find out more about before trying to answer the research question

Supporting Paraphrased findings Source (including

topics/ URL)


Research on
the decision
or action your
company has
made that
negatively or

Research on
Stakeholder 1
was affected.

Research on
2 was
SOI: The global interactions and choices of corporations can affect equity and fairness.

Introduction - The specific aspect of CSR/ ethical decision making you will focus on. Remember to link this to global


Paragraph 1 - Evaluate the extent to which the choices they made with regards to CSR balance the needs and wants
of the 1st stakeholders

Point: [Name of stakeholder] has been impacted by [name of the company] ethical/ unethical

Evidence: (Provide at least one factual piece of evidence of the positive impact on the
stakeholder. Include in-text citations)

One way [name of stakeholder] has been impacted by [name of the company] ethical/
unethical choice is…
According to [source]...

Analysis: (Explain how your evidence links to the stakeholder’s wants and needs)

The evidence links to the stakeholder’s wants and needs because/by...

Evidence: (Provide at least one factual piece of evidence of the positive impact on the
stakeholder. Include in-text citations)
Another way [name of stakeholder] has been impacted by [name of the company] ethical/
unethical choice is…
According to [source]...

Analysis: (Explain how your evidence links to the stakeholder’s wants and needs)

The evidence links to the stakeholder’s wants and needs because/by...

So what/Significance?: (What is the significance of this analysis for understanding ethical

decision making in companies? Why is the impact on the stakeholder significant? (think equity
and fairness ))

This is important because (name of company) choice has…

The significance of...

Paragraph 2 - Evaluate the extent to which the choices they made with regards to CSR balance the needs and wants
of the 2nd stakeholders

Point: [Name of stakeholder] has been impacted by [name of the company] ethical/ unethical

Evidence: (Provide at least one factual piece of evidence of the negative impact on the
stakeholder. Include in-text citations)

Analysis: (Explain how your evidence links to the stakeholder’s wants and needs)

Evidence: (Provide at least one factual piece of evidence of the negative impact on the
stakeholder. Include in-text citations)
Analysis: (Explain how your evidence links to the stakeholder’s wants and needs)

So what/Significance?: (What is the significance of this analysis for understanding ethical

decision making in companies? Why is the impact on the stakeholder significant? (think
equity and fairness ))

Conclusion - Write a summary of your 3 body paragraphs. Try to include the implications of your findings (the “so
what”) with relation to CSR. To what extent was the corporation’s “choice” justifiable?


Restate your RQ: “To what extent has Disney’s approach to the environment balanced the
needs and wants of investors, customers and environmental groups?”

Write one sentence to summarize the most significant impact on the first stakeholder.
The most significant impact of Disney’s approach on the investors is…

Write one sentence to summarize the most significant impact on the second stakeholder.
The most significant impact of Disney’s approach on environmental groups is…

Write one sentence to summarize the most significant impact on the third stakeholder.
The most significant impact of Disney’s approach on investors is…

To a great extent Disney’s approach to the environment has balanced the wants and
needs of the customers and environmental groups because...

To a very small extent, Disney’s approach to the environment has balanced the wants and
needs of the investors because...
Reference List


Individuals and Societies Criterion A: Knowing and understanding

Achievement Level descriptor Task specific clarification


The student does not reach a standard

0 described by any of the descriptors below.

The student: To be successful, you should:

● uses limited relevant terminology
1-2 ● demonstrates basic knowledge and ● use a wide range of terminology in context
understanding of content and concepts with ○ use vocabulary and language relevant
minimal descriptions and/or examples to business and CSR
● demonstrate knowledge and understanding of subject-
The student: specific content and concepts through developed
● uses some terminology accurately and descriptions, explanations and examples
appropriately ○ include detailed, accurate and
3-4 ● demonstrates adequate knowledge and relevant knowledge of your chosen
understanding of content and concepts corporation’s CSR choices
through satisfactory descriptions, ○ use appropriate and relevant evidence
explanations and examples to explain the extent to which your
chosen corporation’s CSR choices
The student: balanced the needs and wants of
● uses a range of terminology accurately and stakeholders in a fair and equitable
appropriately way
5-6 ● demonstrates substantial knowledge and
understanding of content and concepts
through accurate descriptions, explanations
and examples

The student:
● consistently uses a wide range of terminology
7-8 ● demonstrates excellent knowledge and
understanding of content and concepts
through thorough, accurate descriptions,
explanations and examples
Individuals and Societies Criterion C: Communicating

Achievement Level descriptor Task specific clarification


The student does not reach a standard

0 described by any of the descriptors below.

The student: To be successful, you should:

● communicates information and ideas in a
limited way, using a style that is limited in its ● communicate information and ideas
appropriateness to the audience and effectively using an appropriate style for the
1-2 purpose audience and purpose
● structures information and ideas according ○ write in a style and tone
to the specified format in a limited way appropriate for a report from a
● documents sources of information in a management consultant to a
limited way corporation CEO
● structure information and ideas in a way that
The student: is appropriate to the specified format
● communicates information and ideas ○ write an introduction with a
satisfactorily by using a style that is thesis statement
somewhat appropriate to the audience and ○ write focused body paragraphs
purpose by using PEE, PEA, PEAS or PEEL
3-4 ● structures information and ideas in a way ○ write a concluding paragraph
that is somewhat appropriate to the that includes a justification of
specified format your conclusion/thesis
● sometimes documents sources of ○ write a maximum of 1000 words
information using a recognized convention ● document sources of information using a
recognized convention
The student: ○ include a Works Cited list using
● communicates information and ideas the MLA format
accurately by using a style that is mostly ○ Include in text citations using the
appropriate to the audience and purpose MLA format
5-6 ● structures information and ideas in a way
that is mostly appropriate to the specified
● often documents sources of information
using a recognized convention

The student:
● communicates information and ideas effectively
and accurately by using a style that is
completely appropriate to the audience and
7-8 ● structures information and ideas in a way that is
completely appropriate to the specified
● consistently documents sources of information
using a recognized convention
Individuals and Societies Criterion D: Thinking critically

Achievement Level descriptor Task specific clarification


The student does not reach a standard

0 described by any of the descriptors below.

The student: To be successful, you should:

● analyses concepts, issues, models, visual
representation and theories to a limited ● discuss concepts, issues, models, visual
extent representation and theories
1-2 ● summarizes information to a limited extent ○ complete a detailed analysis
to make arguments of the choices your
● identifies different perspectives and minimal corporation’s CSR choices
implications and the extent to which they
balanced the needs and
The student: wants of at least two
● analyses concepts, issues, models, visual stakeholders in a fair and
representation and theories equitable way
3-4 ● summarizes information to make arguments ● synthesize information to make valid, well-
● interprets different perspectives and some of supported arguments
their implications ○ justify a conclusion/argument
on the extent to which your
The student: corporation’s CSR choices
● discusses concepts, issues, models, visual balanced the needs and
representation and theories wants of at least two
5-6 ● synthesizes information to make valid stakeholders in a fair and
arguments equitable way
● interprets different perspectives and their ● interpret different perspectives and their
implications implications
○ identify the perspectives of at
The student: least two stakeholders
● completes a detailed discussion of concepts, ○ interpret (draw conclusions)
issues, models, visual representation and on the impact the
theories perspectives of different
7-8 ● synthesizes information to make valid, well- stakeholders had on your
supported arguments chosen corporation’s CSR
● thoroughly interprets a range of different choices.
perspectives and their implications

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