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Indenpendece of

United States

My name is Maykon Vinícius, I am 18 yers old and I have been

studying at Fisk about 2 or 3 yers, I already completed my high
school and now I’m preparing for my military exams.
I chose this theme because while i was studying for my exams, I
realized that studying the past is the best way to understand the
presente, so I wanted to bring something diferente.
I hope this presentation brings some new information to you.
Cause: The independence of the United States was the result
of the break in relations between the Thirteen Colonies and
England. This happened because the interests of England and the
interests of the colonists began to show themselves to be
different, generating friction between the parties. From a certain
point, the colonists came to understand that it no longer made
sense to maintain colonial ties with the British.

The colonists supported all the weight of the battles, forming and
sustaining battalions, so that, in the end, their interests would
not be considered by England.

As well the colonists felt the burden of taxes increase on them,

with the conflicts, more troops were sent to North America, and
their support was the obligation of the colonists. The wars also
required the colonists to raise taxes.
From the 1760s onwards, a series of laws (known as the
Intolerable Laws) were enacted by England with the aim of
increasing the income of the Thirteen Colonies:

 Sugar Law (1764): Increase in rates of import in sugar

produced in Antilles
 Stamp Law (1765): A stamp was created circulation for all
types of document and publication that circulated in the
colonies since books contracts, magazines and newspapers
 Tea Law (1773) – The most important: Nationalized control
of tea trade, delegaing the monopoly to a company of
trade, the company English of the Indies
These laws determined the following:

 Closing of Port of Boston.

 Military occupation in this area. Massachusetts for exemple
was placed under military rule.
 Payment of damages and compensation (wars).
 Restriction of liberties economics and civils.

With what had happened, it made it clear to the colonists that

there was a great divergence of interests between colony and
metropolis, making them start to think about the possibility of
separation, they started to consider the Independence, and this
became clear when the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia
was organized.
United States Declaration of Independence:

The Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia, the colonists

came to the conclusion that it was no longer possible to remain
under English colonial rule, since who considered that the
actions of the metropolis were a disrespect to the interests of
the colonists. From this congress, the Declaration of
Independence of the United States was elaborated, published on
July 4, 1776.
United States War of Independence:

The American War of Independence lasted five years, The English

sent a series of important commanders to lead their troops in
America. In addition, they had many traitorous colonists who
provided them with important information. The colonists, in
turn, united against the English motivated, mainly, by the
violence with that were treated during the war.

In the end, the colonists won with help from the Spanish and
French after the Battle of Yorktown, which ran on October 19,

The Independence of the United States is also known as the

American Revolution. From this process, the main consequences
that can be highlighted are:

 Consolidation of the United States as an independent


 Enlightenment ideals championed by Americans inspired

independence movements in other parts of America,
including Brazil.

 Republicanism was consolidated as a political alternative. In

the 19th century, the Spanish colonies, for example,
became republics after gaining their independence.

 Decline of British colonial rule in continental America.

 France and Spain recovered part of their territories in

America, after the English defeat in the war.

And the main, the Bill of Rights (1783). That charter defended
the rights of freedom of expression,freedom of the press,
religious freedom, Of peaceful assembly and demonstration,
representation against the Government.

This Project helped me teach new things to other people about

history. I'm happy with what I did and I believe it turned good. So
i want to thank teacher edna for teaching me and giving me ear

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