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afi ‘Ra CHS 3 009 aa 903 Paras cae some opera ou) Fete or-2 wey A200 laBay-ecere erce aIm ee Ce etm cAI TR I] FT ATS 8 ood wa 31 feos exerts Bea forge ¢ ‘uxe=oo FT ace re ares mp oe x bea ieee ERP TAT PH | aR React ey afte wet ser wen sore soe A fre at ‘roa aeons omar frga es >. Bs Starter wrace OE | 8. rade erate ae Peg Rr CF | o. Ueorte oe Rave ‘afer! ar SCTE | rapa arena aR ATS ATTA ROT | Oa RUSS OTT AT | eG rea rs TE BITTER FH | £9 ew ‘frcon erai-stamraa calf ater frye 2 Bye, ee ee, or TA AE CS eee SAT, Tin et OE AEH OT corer ars Tem, aT TEMS, SHE-Phd AE Sore CaTgTE Boe BE | BO Rome stapes IA >. carat outt era Fests a Say ene | Cr) eae Par ae a aT | (AAR) 9, meat ware wT | (APA) 8, after ages ore | (fea=) CORE i MTT TER, STE AAS | (canes) cy, Reaprara ae SF ( fore qr geo) CRSP FHT S wy meee eee TTT She ay ACRE GAH AH CTA GAT | wT PO whee Se OTR RTE a ATE aafigrar comer Feearcers rat seep saraart fing & 20 Bi were, ae eR BTR TTC corara Frei Sze eer Fa Set | ener crfrmicg arena Fre, neca eet gareace Feat, BA He TH MYCE FT SIUrTa OA | ae eT Sasi cow om Font area sre saat 9 eat | opie tanta ef are waft wen ae Ape o Borere sern com ns Sesh say, Fors opal ct Set ads @ AE Sel CST Ae, CRE BC frees equi aes Baa fis: 0X30 = 00 phioicn Peete MACE OF enor are or Feeree fra | So Reger ce sate Grace Boe aroar ae wT FT| pr sete eT CATR REN TM BA pray OMT TCE FAA get SPE ats OTT AA qn FF | Lat epg Peoria THI PCE ATE FT | (xO eae se Ht 5 on FT a ene FOREN DATS Oey rere aOR FT wi corer scone LEA ote fr \ ot orecatere 28 Sta ar a Tan ST Hs ro | j oe Traffic jam is not an uncofhmon Phenomenon in our country, especially in the Dhaka City. Traffigiam, by definition, is the huddling up of too many vehicles in a specific place of a highway or ina street, with the Tesult that the vehicles clog up,-S0 to say, and cannot move ahead. This creates a great problem. People who are busy on urgent business miss their timetable. In the morning, for example, many people sail to attend their workplaces in time. The transportation of goods get delayed. Perhaps the worst consequence is suffered by patients being carried to hospitals.or clinics, The mental and physical sufferings, too, are no less important. The Humber of vehicles, especially rickshaws, is a major cause of this nuisance. LAT area ast yferiet oe Wee gee ae eC TT UTE a¢ FRc reerrst fPTg=t | as | Srace then Start corm free ten ese tort cab efor le fret . J ti duties soar sll eaites ae aati 27 sabe fo gto a oe OTE A 3e ei Or oe fracH eta AOAT AE 80 Si, Tec nbs Sez 4) Bret Carer year owt at) finer @ ctf j ea sre ores Ror 6 FER 81 At Baer | } el (#) Aer tale free a Gerry fe Fee (a) Weert ARIA 20x) AER HET Saree THT AR PETIA SH | Gt) rT tg een aise ace fe eH 2 (9) GUT Ga Seta AETET ae INS RAAT SPT | aR eA a) @) Aaa RUA TAT recA ef Serer HOA fee (a) ctorere forer aa afecarara aT, SaaPPE Sara CHT COM CATA Te BE? AAA PAA | (1) weer 245 aris eet Rect eer seq afer Reale Feat @ crema? Se Roraiod air cae seme corners Stet ery (8) see war aermais wreshioe ctor ate AAR TT FT @ AB y wiesifes wom Eee 4 ore were Fae cam ar eRe oo a Bue (%) -E-Tendering ware fe gaa? aestiercs veer ceca? E-Tendering @ DEAT OR Pa VAC? () mefeatre om were fe gine a af aKeeTe mA aT e | Resta wR Pree | (A) wee FA | ona fdr hart wet Gayere wt aremereta sefercr FRbhie aceneickra aetafee cersrit ¢ ery afar TPF | C8) Senoreta eeTcaT Cr ANAT | e¢ (8) crerencets meteors sQr aeCTE | @ () seers Hears seme TET | cs (8) aierences aeeTETE wT ART 1 @ dof That Fras or cara BBB | @x8=20 @) SRR GT (2) Brett firerf-go30 1 (1) SIRT ae SHIRE ToT FT (@) SAARC ae argent | (8) Representation of Peoples’ Order (RPO)! (8) arencact ean ries “ATST al GHG bone fritenserica wy {geai-arere Ses): 7 SITET SICA CAME SCE GG >| (GE) sieieacta Spiers are Ps ae iff (ay wer ayy eerpel BALA 2 (sly igeronc fare «2 ees EH (3) Sere sughe? (Gry menor ca aT (oy aise sprene mace Fe eee . #) (@) FIERO yaaa, > ¢ (Sy ereerroncers seein t ¢ ¢ € & t e @ aise aes Gr Silex (2) Feta He Seis Freres a () WEA sae cor sre cara & PF | (2) apenoeces Rie ee are ae asia es ITT Subjeet Code : 003 Time - 4 hours Full Marks-200 Part-A and answer question Nos 1-7 @ abeut reconstruct Most people, when asked what spiritual fed to rebuild-eivilizalion, will reply "Love". Men must love one ise, and then the serics of cataclysms which is Read the following pa: Everybody is talk quality is aptly nici zi another, dhey sayy nations must do li threatening to destray us will be chee ed. Respeettially but firmly, I disagree, Love is a great foree in private life; it is indeed the greatest of all things: but love in public affairs does not work, Tt has been tried again and again: by the Christian civiliz tion of the Middle Ages, and also by the French Revolution, a secular movement which reasserted the Brotherhood of man. And it has always failed. The idea that nations should love one another, or that~ business concerns or marketing boards should love one another, or that a man in Portugal should love a man in Peru of whom he bas never heard — it is absurd, unreal, dangerous, It leads us into pi rilous and vague sentimentalism. ‘Love’ is what is needed’, we chant and then sit back and the warld goes on as before, The fact is we can only love what we know personally. And we cannot know much. In public affairs, in the rebuilding of civilization, something much less dramatic and emotional is needed, namely, tolerance. Tolerance is a very dull virtue. [Lis baring. Unlike love, it has always had a bad press. 11 is negative. It merely means putting up with people, being able to stand things. No one has ever wr jtten an ode to tolerance, or raised a statue to her. Yet this is the quatity which will be most needed after the war. This is the sound state of mind which we are eamestly leoking for. This is the only force which will enable different races and classes and interests to settle down together to the work of reconstruction. The world is very full of people-appallingly full; it has never been so full before, and. they are all tumbling over each other. Most of these people one doesn’t know and some of them one doesn’t like; doesn’t like the colour of their skins, say, or the shapes'of their noses, or the way blow them or don’t blow them or the way they talk, or their smell or their clothes, or their fondness for Jazz or their dislike of Jazz, and so on, Well, what is one to do? There are tvo solutions. One of them is the Nazi solution. If you don’t like people, kill them, segregate them and then strut up and down proclaiming that you are the salt of the earth. The other way is much less. thrilling, but it is on the whole the way of democracies and | prefer it, If you don’t like people, put up with them as well as you can. Don’t try te love them: you can’t, you will only strain yourself. But try to tolerate them. On the basis of that tolerance, a ees future may be built. Certainly T ean see no other foundation for the postswar world, [Please turn over; nv sec (pies Marks Answer the question below. De notcopy any sentence from me 3x10 My passage above, Write the answerg in your own sentences having. your own wordings and phrasing: (a) What is the passage about? (b) What was traditionally believed to be the most powerful Virtue needed tor civilizinion? — {e) Does the author hold the traditional view? (d} How does ‘love" work for public li (ce) What is the most desired virtue for rebuilding civilization? (How does the writer describe tolerance? (g} What does the passage s (hb) What according to the auther, are the two soll (i) Which of the ways do the author like? 4G) Give atitle of the passage. Guess the meanings of the following words/expressions using 1X5=5. contextual clues: (The words are underlined in the passage) @) Perilous. (b) Chant (©) Appallingly (a) Scgregate (ce) Strain Fill in the table by putting words in the cmpty cells according to 1X55 their parts of speech: f Noun, Verb Adjective (a) Danger | x | | F rr | (ce) brotherhood | | (a) real (e) democracy | Join the sets of sentences into one sentence. 2xS=10 (a) Love is a great virtue in private life, Love docs not work in public life. (b) Tolerance is a desired virtue, It is not a mere talked about thing. (6) Love is good for private life. Tolerance is good in public life. (qd) There are two solutions; one is a Nazi solution. (©) The way is less thrilling. [ like it. ” : Mar) Write a seotenee with ciel) Of the fellowin: (ub Spantaaly 4b) Uhrestenings to} absurd (d) secitar (o} assert; (fF) semtim te) dull (hy settle down G) fondness (1 the salt of ihe earth Summarize the pussage in your own words in 100 words, 20 Write a feature to the editor of a ret wwagd English Daily on “The 20 otal and national life" owing importance of lolerance PAR B Write an essay in about 1000 words on any ong of the following tepics: 50 (a) Development activities in Bangladesh {b) Global climate crisis: {ce} Bangladeshi euiture. Translate the following passage into Bangla: 25 Should the soft spring breath of kindly appreciation wann the current chilly atmosphere, Aowers af greater Iuxuriance and beauty soon blossom forth, to beautify and enrich our literate. If these anticipations are not realized, it will not be because there is anything in our country thet is uncongenial to poetry. If we are deprived of many of the advantages of the older countries, our youthful country provides ample campensation not only in the ways in which nature unveils het most majestic formeie exalt and inspire; but also in our unshackled freedom of thought and broad spheres of action. Despite. the unpropitious circumstances that exist, some true poetry has been written in our country, and represents aa eamest of better things for the future and basis to hope that it will not always be winter with our native poctry, Pociry, like truth, will unveil her beauty and dispense her honour.only to those who love her with a deep and reverential affection. There are many who-are not gified with the power of giving expressions to the deeper sensibilities who nevertheless experience them throbbing in their hearts. To then poctry appeals. [Please turn over] 10. Translate the following into English : waa afar armene sfeage fear | Sonor Sheet gers ves oof eee oer afrqs oft aes see oe are aie Fram arn yfegs area cli ore 5, SMa Gurl, ates Beiteeier yet) AVR See, Teri awe neue oq ra) yfegad ad Ute, TST ee She STOR OPEN CIEE a a2 HekeEt onriee erareaivar Rene agi cor) wre Shier ACTT aif, aya, siffergar He fg ace ate fever oerIeTaS | GeTaT yRPTAe sprens titeagis (She, Src cies ater ae aCe FT Ge SISTA fered Veer Smnd Tee oes eswies Sige wed wee was Aol Sega amin, wimg asters ¢ wrgeioy TH zor) eid yfepa He 4h ere oe Sea, Tega Hee TT SPT ITT As AAT RT ART Ss | APTA aR eats onan we afin cote 9 Bera aM | St stem 2 gon teeta TT EO bel | I eS BE Piss wiles afem: GT ames br sit Penge FT| Sa 6 Feet ocd eter Bye wat Pret chen Boers, Sfeg, Giterp on aresier ear ST oT 1 GI AGT HET ay at ANGE GF Bes ont os an, fofest ¢ aces firmer 4 cafe eer oe ake | aE Say aeey tog Bore yess Prester ype, Gene cece fir) aa Smit ext aT AEE AeA wee TET @ Fra) AO SHAE SIRE wel aun af sae wie wom < fib aoe ASE 3 serrcniss rice Tay Fenn ¢ fomere Eafe ont ae) wit story pres OPATATAME SR! | 9d Ie TYLA, COT G GREAT WINTERS SITCY, SETS eR SASS Wats | Marks 25 sla EEE CSTE f 030 faire sao WOT STRTA-300 (BRAT: ACerS ere SR STS OPE TCS COAT BEATE I Part A-srereet fairy (& Com SSB cea Des fax) TA-to as yd om | whom farmy refee SPOTS YETHR ATER TT BOA | (%) Gene therapy 72 & aren 2 (4) om, 26 OS ca ae fing | (1) Chere wteren qe weg Sere eg et TTT A ) Vote enfss pee er ee) aie ms Body Mass Index (BMI) re @ carat 2 (7%) BMI se8 wreacea sitar oy Stora com Bfie-are ea | (7) saree the afes fears epogs sous efetiem Stat 2 (1) RET are ose « ores editres see Tae “a Ht ‘ar efefen 78 wa oe o@ afore ferns ara | O1 (8) Gram ent os aes 6 were STOTT SA | (9) Rone Comer sara em ore srefS citar emfe oa way art At aT CTSA SFR | (91) sre force aye rears Set STOO FT 81 (*) “2 BOD 4 TDS #7 (9) Wom Benes gests PH cee PF at Ory SICTEAT HA | (1) ofan ene far oni ear p STOTT A (*) DDT ara ~sitca & afefaen aft ara? rer ine aa ores wfetie wether or Sar wer Stef cond ae Wee FIT | (3) Coredts seam spies afrs @ sic Hee fT | (%) GR farteres are fia ee or afte 6 erate areree 4 af eta Oop ara, (9) drafers Stars aE ¢ wre ae fafteus OY STOR FH | () Bots seers cond Gere SET ITO FFF vi (® afrae 92, Grace aren A Ft Sone she 2H) wer seToAT oFF | (®) Sereda o uiige Gree sen Store sre ara OT Cree eae | (*) ARE Spa ase Soma cb! 6 fe era eT HAA ae free waft wits cane ea ae CT ST ITT FFA | a1 ger afte erare orn Pree sre eat SH @ gee Ter fiey “The sapara ahaa Sacer | ore GTS UN awaraa ea sora come faster Ufrafine Sor ATOTE | SATE GM WO WF wets GE o UE fase ATS TEACE I (*) Benign 6 Malignant Oren == | (3) Ber airs rr Sere Got aba ae erga (1) Weer afices aie weg cerita fans Geena HeTST wae A-TT ARIT BHA | (®) Zika virus 4 Sree wraCET ered, Freret ¢ Fares SteTeAT Fa | af (%) Teer erie TCTs ITE SEP wre et? (1) -Moist deciduous, dry deciduous 42 wet deciduous 7 # (9) Rain forest a3 ey STATSA SF | shes Biodiversity conservation 44 Gy SICHSaT Seq | (8) Metered are Hearecta eafmol FH Hy () Community Conserved Area (CCA) @ave # carara p (3) Renewable resource te #1 cara x TURAN Fra crs 009 Brite m2 wy stfaF-S00 [aBar-ore sneer teem tesa optane errs |) wa 31 Pattie cx cor eet frees Sere aes SoemoaT aa 3 8X30=80 (BRICS) # + ‘onfeenige ak arcs fe corey y PS wetcoega tan RE (3) Aarafecantt rent arate cent rece Fa 1 (8 Bite 6 Preece meen ft | (8) fears eftemra ye oiftret sfecren HH oh swe 6 maaan omer H+ 4 “@ta ber (Bretton Woods) sfeerern 1s tere fires | (#8) -afre8e (Copyright) #7 ) BARES (WTO) vam entree meres rg wdtafse safe seer sft (ASEAN) @ & sire set sere 7 wafer ereray (Balance of Power) Mee # carat ACEC SITET FA | 21 oh cer feat scare Sen fas drexo=6e (@) Tenert-sre fienfies versa oye frerern (Important Issue) >9¢ Pies ser) (3) PR firera arenyfire areetaafes areeecia rare SHICHI A | oe (ot) Sraamrfata wrewcela engfs fart aera | ae (8) (i) wafers ranerar free eit srry mea afer tower afer Hy & (ii) afore safe Fiera sree Sete A STOTT A | » 1 TEMA creran orer cae sere ances fiers pfraire T xe NRT raTRS GaN SICMTORANT TART NT ICS STITT SIA | eect ¢ gree gen Raper STS att cael ee See EE Get woe 60.29 sgraniia Rea ES 4 ae 2a sat Heeeine wrae a Ceara Suan, Ge APART as ‘gaat 2 Recedics GHG ET | (sea pen wet nugiaa wie GO" 2 St AD, BC mga Sea Ber 1 asst: “2 ACD . a ARC Bei AB= BC=CA Guan a, A om ABD = 4 31 ; € (ay (AD+BE+CF) oft U = [3,5.6,7,9}, A= fx |x ieorahosune ‘yf < 12} @y Ax AT SET i). pl(AUA) 4% plana) em Sane Ae a areaent Sat) ri! ape seats a cera dorian aaa fies Ne ig ge on to@ a 2) es note “1 ferent, then — 3) Delt: Creuit 3p Real yseute + Property f} Poritou Amnesty 7) Fidelity ; Honesty #) Stuy 1y. Flecwiciry 8) Laghtaing 2), Darkness ai Tr } Hospital and paticnl ¥) Teaeher sad stalent si) Nest znd tnd 14) Prisoa aad extprit edd pairin the following: aye? 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BY tamboice Faken EP 2 SH) -hunberes ©) Junbeve zZ t

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