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MANU A L TH E RA P Y of the

an integrated approach


This comprehensive, well-illustrated manual offers you all the information necessary to

provide a high level of care to patients with any musculoskeletal dysfunction of the entire

vertebral column and temporomandibular joint (TMJ). This book describes the anatomy

and biomechanics of each area of the spine, pelvis, and TMJ, and provides the theories

behind the subjective and objective exams. Both students and clinicians of any level can

use this book as a resource for an accurate biomechanical assessment and specific

treatment plan design. Case studies and review questions are included along with details

about both commonly encountered conditions as well as the more serious pathologies

that can mimic a musculoskeletal dysfunction.

• More than 300 illustrations clearly review the anatomy and biomechanics of the spine, pelvis, and TMJ

• Includes musculoskeletal and systemic case studies to highlight evaluation and treatment techniques

• Offers treatment strategies and techniques for the entire spine, pelvis, and TMJ based on a wide
range of philosophies

• Differential Diagnosis principles are covered through the use of subjective examination, scanning
examination, and special tests

• Review questions included

• Follows the APTA's Guide to Physical Therapy Practice


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an integrated appro ach

Medicine is an ever-changing science. As new research and clinical

experience broaden our knowledge, changes in treatment and drug
therapy are required. The author and the publisher of this work have
checked with sources believed to be reliable in their efforts to provide
information that is complete and generally in accord with the standards
accepted at the time of publication. However, in view of the possibility of
human error or changes in medical sciences , neither the author nor the
publisher nor any other party who has been involved in the preparation
or publication of this work warrants that the information contained
herein is in every respect accurate or complete, and they disclaim all
responsibility for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained
from use of such information contained in this work. Readers are en­
couraged to confirm the information contained herein with other
sources. For example and in particular, readers are advised to check the
product information sheet included in the package of each drug they
plan to administer to be certain that the information contained in this
work is accurate and that changes have not been made in the recom­
mended dose or in the contraindications for administration. This
recommendation is of particular importance in connection with new or
infrequently used drugs.




an ntegr ated appro ach


Human Motion Rehabilitation

Allegheny General Hospital
Pittsburgh, PA

Medical Publishing Division

New York / Chicago / San Francisco / Lisbon / London

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A Division o(TheMcGraw-HillCompanies

Manual Therapy of the Spine: An Integrated Approach

Copyright © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed
in the United States of America. Except as permitted under the United States
Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed
in any form or by any means, or stored in a data base or retrieval system, without the
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ISBN 0-07-137582-1

This book was set in New Baskerville by TechBooks.

The editors were Stephen Zollo and Barbara Holton.
The production supervisor was Rick Ruzycka.
The cover designer was Aimee Nordin.
The index was prepared by Deborah TourtIotte.

Quebecor World Kingsport was printer and binder.

This book is printed on acid-free paper.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Dutton, Mark.
Manual therapy of the spine: an integrated approach / author, Mark Dutton.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-07-137582-1
1. Spine-Diseases-Physical therapy. 2. Spinal adjustment. 3. Manipulation
(Therapeutics) I. Title.
[DNLM: 1. Spine-physiopathology. 2. Manipulation, Orthopedic. 3. Physical
Examination. 4. Spinal Diseases-rehabilitation. WE 725 D981m 2001]

RD768 .D88 2001

617.5'6062-dc21 2001030679
This book is dedicated to the memory of
David W Lamb, a major contributor to the
field of manual medicine worldwide, and
an inspiration to all who aspire
to teach, and treat patients.

PREFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi

1. Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2. Musculoskeletal Tissue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

3. Biomechanical Implications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

4. The Nervous System and Its Transmission of Pain . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

5. The Vertebral Artery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

6. The Spinal Nerves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

7. The Invertebral Disc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III

8. Differential Diagnosis-Systems Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 48

9. The Subjective Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 62

10. The Scanning Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171

11. The Biomechanical Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225

12. Direct Interventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249

13. The Lumbar Spine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272

14. The Cervical Spine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342

15. The CervicothoracicJunction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379

16. The Thoracic Spine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408

17. The SacroiliacJoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446

18. The CraniovertebralJunction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494

19. Whiplash-associated Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524

20. The Temporomandibular Joint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537

INDEX ........................................................................................ 573


There is a vast amount of information available on the the rationale, allowing a clinician of any proficiency
spine. As an undergraduate, and later, as a practicing level to use this book as a resource for an accurate bio­
clinician, I was frustrated that the material I required mechanical examination. Working from this founda­
was scattered throughout a multitude of texts. This usu­ tion, detailed explanations for each of the various areas
ally resulted in long hours of searching, and so I began are given, enabling the clinician to differentially diag­
compiling this information, including the pertinent in­ nose, and to integrate the results gleaned from the ex­
formation I had obtained from a wide variety of contin­ amination, in order to formulate a working hypothesis.
uing education courses, and the peer-reviewed articles I The working hypothesis is based on the findings from
had collected. the comprehensive examination, and helps to plan the
What began as a fairly modest task, resulted in this intervention, focusing on the cause of the problem in
book, which I feel has achieved my original goal of hav­ addition to alleviating the symptoms. Recognizing the
ing a text containing the information required to pro­ varying abilities between clinicians, most of the evalua­
vide a high level of care to a varied outpatient popula­ tion and treatment techniques are described with the
tion. patient in different positions.
W ith the recent advances in technology, the tendency Therapeutic exercise is a major component of the
has been for an increased reliance on the findings from intervention plan for spinal impairments, and the exer­
imaging studies such as computed axial tomography cises for each of the areas are covered in detail, with spe­
(CAT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) , and a cial emphasis on stabilization exercises.
decreased reliance on the clinical findings and diagno­ The approaches drawn upon for this book stem from
sis. This often results in the physician having to rely on the teachings of the North American Institute of
the imaging study results and not on the clinician's Orthopaedic Manual Therapy (NAIOMT).l,2,3,4.5, About
opinion. ten years ago I began a series of NAIOMT courses, and
A systematic approach is imperative for the provision the standards and philosophy of the faculty impressed
of an accurate clinical, and biomechanical, diagnosis. me. Perhaps the most refreshing characteristic of their
This book, aimed at all clinicians who use manual ther­ philosophy was an eclectic approach, a sort of 'best of
apy techniques, including physical therapists, osteopaths the best'. This eclectic approach was founded upon a
and chiropractors, covers the functional anatomy, clini­ vast amount of experience in attempting the various
cal examination, pathology and intervention of the examination and intervention techniques that existed
spine, pelvis, and temporomandibular joint. Although in the field of manual therapy. From these trials,
each area is dealt with separately, they should be consid­ an amalgam of doctrines and techniques, that had
ered as being interrelated. The temporomandibular proved successful in the clinic, and were supported by
joint is included because of its functional relationship to a credible scientific foundation, emerged. The tech­
the upper quadrant. The W hiplash Associated Disorder niques incorporate the biomechanical concepts of the
(WAD) is afforded its own chapter, as this syndrome pro­ Nor wegians/, , the selective tissue tension principles of
duces impairments in multiple body systems, and the James Cyriax MD, the muscle energy concepts of the
lI 2
treatment approach thus incorporates attention to each American osteopaths, ,1 the manipulative techniques
of these systems simultaneously. of Alan Stoddard, DO/ the stability therapy exercises
The sequential flow of the subjective and objective of the Australians, the exercise protocols of McKenzie, 15
examinations is outlined, with explanations given as to the muscle balancing concepts of Janda Jull, and


SahrmannI6,17,18 and the movement re-education prin­ 4. Lee DG. Clinical manifestations of pelvic girdle dys­
ciples of the neurodevelopment and sensory integra­ function. In: BoylingJD, Palastanga N. (eds). Grieve's
tionist physical therapists. Modern Manual Therapy: The Vertebral Column, 2nd
T he numerous case studies in this book serve a vari­ ed. Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone, 1994.
ety of functions. At times they are used to illustrate the 5. Meadows JTS. Orthopedic Differential Diagnosis in Physi­
clinical presentation, examination and intervention of cal Therapy, McGraw-Hill, 1999.
common musculoskeletal impairments. At other times 6. Pettman E. In: Boyling JD, Palastanga N. (eds).
they give an in-depth description of the underlying Grieve's Modern Manual Therapy: The Vertebral
pathologic processes of commonly encountered condi­ Column, 2nd ed. Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone,
tions. In addition, the case studies reinforce the con­ 1994.
tents of this book, guiding the clinician through the 7. Kaltenborn F. The Spine: Basic Evaluation and Mobiliza­
necessary thought processes and evaluation sequences. tion Techniques. New Zealand University Press, Welling­
The chapter entitled Differential Diagnosis for the ton, 1993.
Manual Therapist-Systems Review emphasizes and 8. Kaltenborn F. Manual Therapy for Extremity joints.
expands upon Grieve's work on the masqueraders of Bokhandel, Oslo, 1974.
musculoskeletal pain.19 In the chapter entitled the Sub­ 9. E\jenth 0, Hamberg J. Muscle Stretching in Manual
jective Examination, illustrative case studies are used to Therapy; A Clinical manual, Vol 1; The Extremities; Vol 2,
highlight the clinical presentation of the more serious The Spinal Column and the TMJ Alfta, Sweden, Alfta
pathologies that can mimic a musculoskeletal dysfunc­ rehab Foriag, 1980.
tion to help the inexperienced clinician recognize 10. Cyriax J. Textbook of Orthopedic Medicine, vol 1, 8th ed.
these pernicious signs and symptoms. London, Balliere Tindall and Cassell, 1982.
W hile it would be nice to be able to give myself credit 11. MennellJM. Back Pain. Little Brown, Boston, 1960.
for the contents of this book, that would be a gross mis­ 12. Mitchell F, Moran PS, Pruzzo NA. An Evaluation and
representation. A huge debt is owed to all those practi­ Treatment Manual of Osteopathic Muscle Energy Proce­
tioners who continue to publish their findings for the dures, 1979.
benefit of the rest of us. I am merely serving as a 13. Stoddard A. Manual of Osteopathic Technique.
conduit for that information and to select those tech­ London, Hutchinson, 1983
niques and principles that have worked for me as prac­ 14. Maitland GD. Vertebral Manipulation. 5th ed. Butter­
ticing clinician. worths, London, 1986.
15. McKenzie RA. The Lumbar Spine: Mechanical Diag­
nosis and Therapy. Waikanae, New Zealand: Spinal
REFERENCES Publications Limited, 1989.
16. Jull GA, Janda V. Muscle and Motor control in low
1. Fowler C. Muscle energy techniques for pelvic dysfunc­ back pain, In: Twomey LT, Taylor JR. (eds). Physical
tion. In: Grieve GP. (ed). Modern Manual Therapy of the Therapy of the Low Back: Clinics in Physical Therapy,
Vertebral Column. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, New York, Churchill Livingstone, 1987;259-276.
1986;57:781. 17. Janda V. Muscle Function Testing, London, Butter­
2. Lee DG, Walsh MC. A Workbook of Manual Therapy worths, 1983;163-167.
Techniques for the Vertebral Column and pelvic 18. Sahrmann SA. Diagnosis and Treatment of Movement
girdle, 2nd ed. Nascent, Vancouver, 1996. Impairment Syndromes. Mosby, St. Louis, 2001.
3. Lee D. The Pelvic Girdle: An Approach to the Examination 19. Grieve GP. The Masqueraders. In: Boyling JD.
and Treatment of the Lumbo-Pelvic-Hip Region. 2nd ed. Palastanga N. (eds). Grieve's Modern Manual Ther­
Churchill Livingstone, 1999. apy, 2nd ed. Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone, 1994.

It is my firm belief that our accomplishments in life are irreplaceable, and so I attempted to minimize those
due to a number of personal characteristics such as sacrifices as much as possible.
perseverance and motivation, and to a supporting cast • The production team of McGraw-Hill-Steve Zollo
of people, who help shape, direct and inspire. Most of for his confidence in this project, Julie Scardiglia
the time, these people are unaware of the effect that and Barbara Holton for their patience, guidance,
they have, and the opportunity to thank them never and support.
arises, until such a time as this. I would like to thank the • My parents, Ron and Brenda, for teaching me the
following: importance of hard work and perseverance, and for
giving me my independence. My Dad, a talented ab­
• The faculty of the North American Institute of stract artist, prepared the initial illustrations for this
Manual and Manipulative Therapy (NAIOMT)­ book.
especially the late Dave Lamb, Jim Meadows, • Bob Davis for the photography
Erl Pettman, Cliff Fowler and Diane Lee, who pro­ • Phil and Shari V islosky for agreeing to be the pho­
vided me with the inspiration to pursue a special­ tographic models
ization in manual therapy. My enthusiasm for man­ • The staff of Human Motion Rehabilitation, Al­
ual therapy was ignited following the first NAIOMT legheny General Hospital
course that I attended, and I highly recommend • Marianne Tomnay and Nancy Drakulic for gener­
these courses. It was Jim Meadows who gave me the ously giving up their personal time to help in the
confidence, and provided me with the impetus, to preparation of this manuscript
write this book. • Ted Laska, PT and Richard Lambie, PT for intro­
• My family-my wife Beth, and my two daughters, ducing me to the NAIOMT courses
Leah and Lauren. Whenever a task of this size is • To the countless manual therapists throughout the
undertaken, certain sacrifices are necessary. I world who continually strive to improve their
am convinced that time spent with the family is knowledge and clinical skills





an integr ated appro ach


HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE1,2 attached with ropes to an elevated ladder, was practiced

through the 15th century AD. It was hoped that the jerk
The history of the spine, its pathology, and its biomechan­ produced by the sudden deceleration would realign any
ics, is a long and fascinating one. The earliest clinical spinal deformity.12
accounts of a spinal injury date back to when the great The Middle Ages, aside from Galen, were almost
pyramids were being built. These accounts were contained devoid of any advancement in biomechanics. Galen
in the Edwin Smith surgical papyrus, originally written dur­ (AD 131-201) was a firm believer in the Hippocratic teach­
ing the Egyptian Old Kingdom (2600-2200 BC).3-8 It is clear ings and used spinal manipulation to treat spinal prob­
that the ancient Egyptians recognized that misalignment of lems. He was the first to use the terms "kyphosis," "lordo­
the bony vertebral column could have disastrous conse­ sis," and "scoliosis."13 Unlike Hippocrates, Galen had a
quences, and that a fracture-dislocation was associated with keen interest in anatomy, and he correctly identified many
a poorer prognosis than a simple fracture of the spine. anatomic features of the spinal column, including the
There is also good evidence that the Egyptians realized that number of vertebrae in each segment of the spinal column
the appropriate intervention for extremity fractures was re­ (7 cervical, 12 thoracic, and 5 lumbar) ,14 and the correla­
duction and immobilization, although there is no evidence tion of neurologic findings with specific spinal levels.15
to suggest that this was practiced with spinal fractures. Galen was also the first to describe the ligamentum flavum
Unearthed splints, dating from the Fifth Dynasty, suggest as a ligamentous structure distinct from the underlying
that bone setting was an established art in ancient Egypt.9 dura and pia mater.15
The first account of an intervention for spinal dysfunc­ Many ancient Greek and Roman texts on medicine,
tion is recorded in the Srimad Bhagwat Mahapuranam, an an­ philosophy, and the natural sciences were rediscovered in
cient Indian epic written between 3500 and 1800 BC.IO.1 I Italy during the 15th and 16th centuries. The study of me­
Hippocrates (460-361 BC) is probably the most cele­ chanics was revived, and several scientists began to con­
brated physician in history, although judged against mod­ template the relationship between anatomy, mathematics,
ern standards, his knowledge of anatomy was poor. Hip­ and mechanics.16
pocrates did, however, realize that the bony column was Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) was a master artist,
held together by the discs, ligaments, and muscles. He also engineer, and anatomist. His uncompleted work on hu­
noted that the spinous process could be broken without ill man anatomy, De Figura Humana, reveals that he embraced
effect, but that injury to the vertebral body was often fatal. a mechanistic approach to the study of the human body.17
Spinal manipulation, as an intervention for spinal dys­ Da Vinci was the first to accurately describe the spine with
function, was an accepted practice at the time of Hip­ the correct curvatures and articulations. He was also the
pocrates. Hippocrates recommended subjecting the body first to suggest that stability to the spine was provided, in
to traction, and applying pressure locally to the area of the part, by the cervical musculature. IS In his later works, da
kyphosis to treat kyphotic deformities.12 Later physicians, Vinci began to wonder how the body moved, and how
such as Henri de Mondeville (1260-1320) and Guy de geometry and mechanics could further unlock the secrets
Chauliac (1300-1368), commonly used Hippocrates' of human physiology.
methods through the Middle Ages. Vesalius (1514-1564) deserves a place in the history of
"Succussion," a procedure that involved flinging a spinal biomechanics because of his accurate descriptions
patient to the ground in an upside-down position while of spinal anatomy.


Giovanni Alfonso Borelli ( 1 608-1679) was one of the Julius Wolff ( 1 836-1 902), a German orthopedic sur­
founders of "iatromechanics," or the application of me­ geon, was engrossed with the relationship between the
chanics to physiology-the forerunner of what we now call form and function of bone.37 Based on his own experi­
biomechanics. Borelli, who was not a physician, worked ments and the work of others, he detailed Wolff's law:
with Marcello Malphigi, professor of theoretical medicine "Every change in tlle function of a bone is followed by cer­
at the University of Pisa, to ensure that his mechanical cal­ tain definite changes in internal architecture and external
culations made biologic sense. Although Borelli's knowl­ conformation in accordance with mathematical laws."
edge of mechanics was restricted to the principle of levers Wolff's law has important implications for the clinician,
and the triangle of forces, he was able to generate an accu­ and it explains why an intervertebral bone graft will fuse
rate and comprehensive account of muscle action. 19 when subjected to loading.
His work, De Motu Animalium,20 published posthu­ Strasser, Krammer, and Novogrodsky were the first to
mously in 1 680, is the first comprehensive text devoted to study the effects of external forces on two adjacent verte­
biomechanics. Borelli noted that the muscles act with short brae.33,38 They attempted to systematize and classifY spinal
lever arms, so that the intervening joint transmits a force of movements by defining frames of reference, so that each
a greater magnitude than the weight of the load. This con­ movement could be expressed in terms of three angular
cept overturned the older posits of muscle action, which values.33,39
stated that long lever arms allowed weak muscles to move Until recently, attempts to measure spinal movement in
heavy objects.21 In addition, Borelli realized that the inter­ vivo have been, at best, approximate. Lohr's method in­
vertebral discs acted like a viscoelastic substance, by both volved the measurement of spine movement from shadows
cushioning the bones and acting like springs, and that the tllfOwn onto a screen. He measured sagittal plane move­
discs must perform some load sharing because of an inabil­ ment of the thoracic and lumbar spines in 47 subjects.26,4o
ity of the spinal musculature alone to support heavy weights. McKendrick, in 1 9 1 6, measured the interspinous distances
In 1 646, Fabricus Hildanus, a German surgeon, pro­ in flexion and extension.4! This marked tlle beginning of
posed a method of spinal reduction that was very advanced the appearance of many ingenious devices to record the
for his time. He also described a method for reducing cer­ range of movement of the spine in vivo. Cyriax produced a
vical fracture-dislocations, similar in principle to modern spinal torsionometer,42 Dunham produced a spondylome­
cervical traction.22 ter,43 and Asmussen used an inclinometer to assess spinal
Leonhard Euler ( 1 707-1783), one of the founders of movement in the sagittal plane.44 Israel and Goff both intro­
pure mathematics, noted that the mathematical stability of duced special instruments for measuring spinal mobility.45,46
a column was a function of column height and stiff­ One recent introduction is the vector stereograph, capable
ness,23,24 and although Euler did not address spinal biome­ of measuring spinal mobility in three dimensions.47.48
chanics per se, his studies had a direct bearing on biome­ Francis Denis49 proposed a three-column model in
chanical models of the spine. 1 983, and he described a middle column consisting of the
Eduard Weber is reported as being the first to study posterior vertebral body, tlle posterior anulus fibrosis, and
cadaveric spines with the specific intention of determining the posterior longitudinal ligament. Disruption of two
mechanical properties. Using observational methods, he columns was required for instability. Denis's model has
assessed the range of movement in various regions, corre­ undergone modification by many authors, but the concept
lating the results with his observations of spinal movement of three columns in the spine has withstood more than a
in vivo. He stated that the lumbar spine could flex only in decade of scrutiny.50
the sagittal and coronal planes, it being devoid of any axial As the understanding of spinal anatomy and its
rotation.25,26 More recently this latter statement has been biomechanics became more refined, treatment of spinal in­
challenged by Fisk,27 and actual recordings of transverse juries became more sophisticated, with devices being intro­
plane movements in the lumbar spine have been recorded duced that could achieve the intended therapeutic goals.51
by Murray28 and Thurston.29-31
In 1 872, Hughes related the rotations of one verte­
bra to those of the adjacent vertebrae.3!,32 In 1 873, von MANUAL THERAPY
Meyer33,34 determined the axis of movement in lateral flex­
ion and rotation, and Guerin described centers of lateral Together with these advances in the knowledge of spinal
inclination and their relationship to articular and muscu­ anatomy and biomechanics, came the methods for treating
lar systems.35 Morris, in studying facet joint movements, the soft tissue injuries around the spine. The field of man­
claimed that the superior and inferior facets in the lumbar ual therapy was born. Over the past few decades, manual
spine did not contact, and that the intervening space pro­ therapy for the spine has become popular and has been
vided for rotation.26,36 deemed a useful intervention to spinal dysfunctions.

Many clinicians have played their part in making man­ clinics result from the joint, or joints, moving too much
ual therapy a specialization within the field of physical (being hypermobile), or too little (being hypomobile).
therapy, and Cyriax,52 Grieve,53 Kaltenborn,54,55 E\jenth,56 Either macrotrauma or microtrauma induces this change
janda,57 Maitland,58 McKenzie,59 Mennel,6o Paris,61 and in motion status. Macrotrauma occurs when the muscu­
others, have all contributed to this process. This specializa­ loskeletal system receives a direct physical insult. This
tion should be viewed as a positive step as it allows the insult may be controlled, as occurs with surgery, or uncon­
manual therapist to provide a comprehensive, and conser­ trolled, as occurs during a high-speed collision. Micro­
vative, approach to the management of spinal and periph­ trauma, often the result of faulty biomechanics or overuse,
eral joint pain of musculoskeletal origin. From the selfish is induced by a repeated absorption of daily stresses. These
viewpoint, this increase in competence provides the pro­ stresses eventually cause a gradual breakdown of the joint,
fession with added kudos, and, altruistically, the patients slowly reducing its adaptive potential and increasing its vul­
benefit from this increase in knowledge and expertise. nerability.
Traditionally, the manual therapist has had to be a The breakdown of the joint results in anomalies of
highly motivated clinician, as very little of this special­ motion, modifying the normal arthrokinematics and in­
ized area is covered in the average physical therapy cur­ creasing the shear forces across the joint, resulting in
riculum. This has placed the responsibility on individuals arthrotic destruction. What begins as a painful, but mild,
to pursue their development through a series of continu­ degree of hypermobility in the early stages of arthrosis be­
ing education courses or through a training institution. To comes a gradual fibrosis and thickening of the joint, re­
acquire the necessary skill to be good manual therapists, ducing its motion and decreasing the pain. Contiguous
clinicians must practice constantly, and continually build regions are coupled functionally, and changes in one com­
upon their knowledge base. ponent of the complex result in compensation of the other
The manual therapy approach described in this book components; thus, a secondary joint dysfunction occurs.
is based on a systematic examination and the utilization of These changes result in a level of pain sufficiently high for
sound biomechanical principles. The causes of spinal dys­ the patient to seek help.
function are multifactorial and cannot just be ascribed to One of the objectives of the musculoskeletal exami­
a simple alteration in the position of the various mechan­ nation is to determine whether the clinician is con­
ical structures that compose the functional unit of the fronted with a hypomobility, or hypermobility, problem
spine.62,63 and then to locate the specific structure at fault. If a pa­
Unfortunately, too many physical therapists with no tient's symptoms are reproduced with a motion that is
training in manual therapy are treating patients in the out­ found to be limited, the clinician needs to determine
patient setting. These generalists place too much emphasis which structure is producing the limitation: Is a restric­
on the alleviation of a patient's pain and not enough em­ tion within the joint limiting the motion, or is surround­
phasis on eliciting the correct diagnosis of a patient. This ing soft tissue causing the limitation? If, on the other
lack of a specific diagnosis, or clinical knowledge, forces a hand, the patient's symptoms are reproduced with a mo­
clinician to rely on the "shotgun" approach to an interven­ tion that appears to be excessive, the clinician needs to
tion, resulting in the use of a host of nonspecific techniques determine if a hypermobility, or instability, exists and
and modalities, only to find that the patient's condition whether that hypermobility, or instability, is ligamentous
does not improve. This approach has done little to pro­ or articular in origin.
mote the profession. Although the intention to alleviate the A specific intervention requires a specific biomechan­
patient's sufferings is honorable, the patient is being short­ ical diagnosis. Damage to the spinal unit can produce
changed. Clinicians have no business treating patients for inflammation, pain, abnormal tissue texture, and muscle
whom there is no specific, or clinically tested diagnosis, or splinting. The pain, with its own characteristics, is either
treating a patient by blindly following a prescription. felt locally or referred in a predictable pattern.64,65 As one
It is imperative that the clinician determine the cause can appreciate, merely reproducing a patient'S pain Witll a
of the patient's symptoms so that the optimum level of care movement does not implicate the structure involved, un­
can be delivered, and any recurrence of symptoms pre­ less the clinician has a sound knowledge of anatomy and
vented. This is especially true for symptoms with an insidi­ function, and an appreciation of all the structures t11at can
ous onset where the cause may be more serious, or sys­ produce pain in, or refer pain to, that area. Armed with
temic in nature. The tools for a ver y specific and accurate this knowledge, and through use of specific techniques
examination are available, but, as with any skill, time and to correctly isolate a structure, either for palpation pur­
work are needed to master their use. poses or for applying stresses through it, the clinician can
In simplistic terms, most articular pathologies of the deduce that the symptoms are being reproduced by the
musculoskeletal system that are treated in physical therapy structure under scrutiny.

On the surface this would seem to utilize nothing more 3. The biomechanical examination, which looks for specific
than a simple and common sense approach to the interven­ motion problems, or imbalances. (Refer to Chapter 11)
tion of orthopedic problems. However, upon reflection, it is The biomechanical examination is performed if the
clear that although the approach is simple, it demands a scanning examination does not indicate either the pres­
level of knowledge in anatomy, biomechanics, and differen­ ence of any serious signs or symptoms, or a diagnosis.
tial diagnosis that is well beyond that of the average clinician.
Cyriax52 devised a sequential scheme of systematic
analysis to provide the clinician with a portrait of the joint THE DISABLEMENT PROCESS
dysfunction in relation to signs and symptoms. He coined
the expression "selective tissue tension tests" and reasoned The main aim of the clinician is the prevention of disabil­
that if one isolated, and then applied stress to a structure, ity whenever possible, and to help the patient regain a
one could make a conclusion as to the integrity of that meaningful level of function. The outcomes of the treat­
structure. Put more simply, reproducing the pain while ments must not only measure objective improvements, but
stressing a particular structure implicates that structure. also subjective ones. The vast majority of the tests used in
Thus, the intervention should involve techniques geared our clinics, such as range of motion and strength, are not
toward alleviating the stresses from that structure. His measures of function and do not truly reflect a patient's
scanning examination is the foundation on which addi­ quality of life. Even the assessment of pain, which is sub­
tional information can be built. Several other methods of jective, affords little information as to functional improve­
analysis are employed by the manual therapist; these in­ ment, unless the pain is removed entirely. That is not to say
clude testing of intervertebral joint motion, compression that these measurements should be discontinued, as there
and distraction techniques, application of specific pres­ is a clear link between deficits in motion and strength and
sures on bony landmarks, analysis of joint position, and the level of function.
passive stretching of the neural system.63 Disability can be defined as a difficulty performing
Each examination is a new experience. There will be activities in any domain of life (from hygiene to hobbies,
times when different patients relate the same symptoms, errands to sleep) due to a health or physical problem.
but each one will have subtle differences. Every patient Disability can be assessed as perceived difficulty in differ­
perceives pain differently, heals at a different rate, and ent activities, or as a level of dependence on personal
uses his or her joints differently. Although manual thera­ help. As Jette66 pointed out, the rating of perceived diffi­
pists expect to treat only musculoskeletal dysfunctions, culty in performing various activities can be considered
knowledge of referred or systemic pain is essential, be­ the primary assessment of disability, whereas the rating
cause many nonmusculoskeletal impairments mimic mus­ of actual dependence on assistance is an assessment of
culoskeletal ones. the consequence of disability. Both types of assessment
One of the roles of the manual therapist is to confirm are useful in increasing our understanding of the dis­
a physician's diagnosis. This is not an attempt by our pro­ ablement process.
fession to belittle the knowledge of the prescribing physi­ The disablement process proposed by Jette and
cian. On the con trary, we are merely acting as a second pair Verbrugge66 describes how a chronic and acute condition
of eyes and ears and are working with the physician in the can affect the functioning of specific body systems, generic
patient's best interest. Most primary care physicians would physical and mental actions, and activities of daily life. It
admit that their knowledge of the musculoskeletal system is also describes the personal and environmental factors that
scant at best, and that they occasionally rely on the manual speed or slow disablement, namely, risk factors, interven­
therapist to arrive at a more definitive diagnosis. When tions, and exacerbators.
used correctly, manual therapy can save the patient from Other models or schemes have been proposed to de­
having to go through a battery of unnecessary diagnostic scribe the disablement process,67-70 each with slight varia­
imaging tests or a course of unnecessary drug therapy. tions. Like the Jette and Verbrugge model, these models
The examination of the musculoskeletal system falls postulate a main disease-disability pathway, which consists
into three parts: of a series of consecutive, linked events as follows:

1. The subjective examination, which utilizes the informa­ Pathology -. Impairment -. Functional limitations
tion gained from the replies to questions to screen for -. Disability.
clues to the patient's condition. (Refer to Chapter 9)
2. The scanning examination, which screens for diagnoses In this sequence, the term pathology is self-explanatory and
that need medical intervention or that can be treated encompasses any diagnosed disease, injury, or abnormal
without further examination. (Refer to Chapter 10) condition.66

Impairment represents a pathologic dysfunction or the disability index of the modified Health Assessment
structural abnormality in a specific body system that leads Questionnaire (M_HAQ),83 which measures the amount of
to a loss of function, and includes pain, loss of motion, loss difficulty in performing eight activities of daily living, are
of strength, or any other impairment diagnosis.71.72 Factors two examples. The Functional Independence Measure
not directly related to impairment have been shown to (FIM) is another tool designed to measure functional dis­
contribute to patient disability in patients with rheumatoid ability.84 The FIM assesses seif-care, sphincter management,
arthritis, and it is clear that these factors would have a sim­ mobility, locomotion, communication, and social cognition
ilar impact on any significant impairment. The factors in­ on a seven-level scale.
clude quality of life issues such as the patients' physical sta­ The main disease-disability pathway outlined earlier is
tus, economic status, psychological status,73.74 educational itself modified by contextual variables, which are innate
background/5 social support/6 and coexistent morbid­ characteristics or secondary conditions of a person that
ity.77-80 The interactions among the various factors that can are not considered amenable to modification. The exter­
cause disability in the individual patient often make it dif­ nal modifiers are factors that can infl uence the level of dis­
ficult to determine which ones are the most suitable tar­ ability but are not directly related to the disease process
gets for intervention. itself (Fig. 1-1).
Functional limitations are restrictions in performing Reducing the possibility of disability is critical when
basic physical and mental actions at the level of the whole treating patients with a spinal impairment. Disability as
organism. Examples of functional limitations include gait a result of spinal impairment is multifactorial. Articular
abnormalities and an inability to put on shoes. pain and tenderness, muscle weakness, impairment dura­
Disability is defined as difficulty in the performance of tion, and the presence of deformities (e.g., scoliosis), all
socially defined roles and tasks within a sociocultural and contribute to the disablement process. The aim of the in­
physical environment.66•81 There are a number of measures tervention plan is to change the direction of travel along
of physical disability. The physical-function scale of the the pathway whenever possible. Thus inter ventions can
Short Form 36 (SF-36) questionnaire,82 which measures work anywhere along the continuum from pathology to
perceived limitations in a variety of physical activities, and disability.

External Modifiers
Ethnic background
Marital status
Social support
Specific medications
Economic status

Pathology ------.. Impairment ----

1 • Functional limitations ------.. Disability

Contextual Variables
Other medications
Incorrect interventions
Adverse reaction to interventions
Alcohol use and other lifestyle behaviors
Coping strategies
FIGURE 1-1 The disablement process.

Low back pain (LBP) provides a good example of the limitations; the intervention plan is then designed to ad­
disablement pathway as it takes its toll on the individual in dress those limitations rather than just the musculoskele­
multiple ways. tal impairments.
Relationships need to be founded that establish the
required amount of motion and strength at each joint
to perform functional tasks. For example, Badley and
The etiology of LBP remains elusive, although a num­ associates86 found that at least 70 degrees of knee flexion
ber of structures have been implicated, including the in­ was needed by the majority of their subjects to perform
ter vertebral disc, the zygapophysial joints, and the sur­ such activities as walking to a toilet, getting in and out
rounding soft tissues. As in any disease with which the body of a bathtub, and walking up and down steps.85 This
is confronted, the forces to counteract the injury are mo­ linking of range of motion with functional ability is to be
bilized and the body attempts to return to its normal, commended and must become the central focus for phys­
prepathological state.85 ical therapy practice and research. Unfortunately, all of
the tests that have been traditionally used in the outpa­
tient clinics to obtain objective measures have little, if
any, correlation with function. Perhaps physical thera­
The primary physical impairments that can be associ­ pists should change their examination process to focus
ated with LBP are pain, loss of range, and loss of strength. on ( 1 ) assessing the patients' ability to perform such
Psychological and social impairments also develop. The functional tasks as transfers, dressing, activities of daily
degree of impairment from LBP depends on a number of living, or other tasks that they feel are important, and (2)
factors related to the pathology itself such as: grading them on how difficult these tasks are to com­
plete. Each of these functional tasks could then be bro­
• The extent of the disease process ken down to the physical requirements necessary to per­
• The chronicity of the pathology form each task. Regaining these requirements would
• The number of intervertebral segments involved constitute the short-term goals, while the completion of
• Which structures are involved and to what extent the task would be the long-term goal. The functional out­
• The presence of radiculopathy come measures would then be a reflection of how suc­
cessful the clinician was at returning the patient to the
Factors not directly involved with the pathology also have a desired level of function, for it is the ability of the patient
part to play and include: to function in his or her environment that is the true test
of treatment effectiveness. It is no longer acceptable to
• The patient's perception use objective measures such as improvement in range of
• The compensatory and coping strategies of the motion or strength, or both, as a means of assessing
patient effectiveness of treatment. All of the outcomes need to
• The patient's pain tolerance and motivation evaluate functional improvement as perceived by the
• Comorbidity patient.
• The patient's personal and health habits In the case studies throughout this book, the reader
• The level of social support should be able to determine the pathology, impairment,
• Marital status and functional limitations of each patient and the inter­
• Obesity ventions that are undertaken to counteract them. The
• Litigation challenge for the clinician appears to be the identification
of those factors that may assist in predicting which
patients have a propensity toward disability, so that the
Functional Limitations
provision of an appropriate intervention strategy can be
The functional limitations associated with LBP de­ made.
pend largely on the degree of impairment and the extent
and severity of the pathology. The disease pathway in LBP
is highly individual in clinical presentation and progres­ WORKING HYPOTHESIS
sion. The progression along the pathway can be slowed or
halted by proper medical care, lifestyle changes, and The clinician's plan of care should be based on the clinical
rehabilitation interventions.85 Ideally, the clinical presen­ evidence formulated from both the signs observed and the
tation should be classified according to the muscu­ symptoms reported. From this clinical evidence, a working
loskeletal impairments producing certain functional hypothesis should be sought. This working hypothesis is

not rigid, and needs to remain responsive to any emerging effectiveness, can be divided up according to the degree of
information. The working hypothesis is based on the specificity of the technique used, and the time taken to
following information: achieve the desired result-the contact time with the
patient. The ultimate goal should be to LIse the most ap­
• The physician's diagnosis. The diagnosis given by the propriate and specific intervention that achieves the de­
physician may be vague, as in the case of LBP, or spe­ sired result in the least amount of time. Clearly, the selec­
cific, as in L4-5 disc herniation. The clinician must tion criteria need to be based on the best interests of the
determine the accuracy of the diagnosis patient and not just on cost-effectiveness, and are neces­
• Severity, irritability, and stage of the condition sarily based on the findings from the examination. Ideally,
• Location, nature, and extent of the condition the two should coincide-an efficient clinician can be
• Cause of the pain. Is it due to a loss or to an excess both expeditious and cost-effective if his or her expertise
of motion? permits the correct diagnosis to be made at the initial visit.
• Relationship of end feel and resistance to passive motion Once the clinician has determined if the injured structure
• Reliability of the patient's subjective information is a contractile or inert tissue, and whether the aberration
of motion is angular or linear, subsequent treatments can
At the end of the examination, an evaluation is per­ be targeted at the specific dysfunction, and the home
formed to determine a specific diagnosis. The evaluation is exercise program tailored to reinforce those activities
an interpretation of the data collected in the examination performed in the clinic.
process.87 The diagnosis is based on: As the knowledge of the evaluation and treatment
of the musculoskeletal system advances, the clinician
• A summation of all the relevant findings faces !l number of choices as to which intervention
• The recognition of a clinical syndrome or preferred should be used. Clinicians now have a continuum of tools
practice pattern87 at their disposal, from general to specific techniques
(Table 1-1 ) .
Based on the diagnosis, a prognosis is made and a plan The least efficient technique is a general technique
of care is established. The prognosis includes the pre­ that is time and labor intensive, whereas the most efficient
dicted optimal level of improvement in function and
amount of time needed to reach that leveI.87 In designing
the plan of care, the clinician integrates all of the previous INTERVENTIONS
data, incorporates the prognostic predictions, and deter­
mines the degree to which the interventions are likely to SPECIFICITY TECHNIQUE EXAMPLES

achieve the anticipated goals and desired outcomes.87 The General Deep myofascial releases
goals should relate to the remediation of the impairments, Exercise that involves muscle groups with more
and the outcomes should relate to the minimization of than one action (cervical rotation)
functional limitations.8 7 Modality applied to a general area
Semi-specific Strain-counterstrain & trigger-point therapy­
are you treating the symptoms rather than
the cause?
INTERVENTION Muscle energy techniques that use minimal
Once the specific diagnosis, prognosis, and plan of care Symmetric mobilization techniques
3D exercises involving muscle groups with the
have been determined, the intervention is initiated. As
same actions (e.g., cervical side flexion and
part of the plan of care, the clinician needs to ascertain his rotation)
or her expectations for the patient's progress, including Specific Myofascial techniques to specific muscles, or
the estimated changes expected, the natural progression stretching of specific muscles when angular
of the condition, and the rate of change. motion is found to be restricted
Asymmetric mobilizations (grades I-V)
The intervention may involve the use of a certain pro­
tocol for the recognized clinical syndrome, or it may be Exercises involving one muscle, or one joint
based on the stage of healing (the principles of protection, (VMO, atlanto-axial rotation, supraspinatus, etc.)
rest, ice, compression, and elevation [PRICE] for the pa­ Specific traction to a particular level (grades I-II)
tient with an acute condition). Modalities-ES, ice, massage, US applied to a
specific structure
In these days of managed care and overall cost
containment, the clinician needs to be both efficient and ES, Electrical stimulation; US, Ultrasound; VMO, Vastus medialis
cost effective. Efficiency, a function of time taken and obliquus.

technique is a specific technique that requires little con­ behind the intervention, the clinician is empowering
tact time, yet is effective. The more experienced and them for the future.
skilled clinicians rely heavily on the specific techniques,
and less on the general and semispecific techniques, al­
though there are times when the latter are useful. The
term specific should not be interpreted as complicated.
Many specific techniques are simple in their execution
The treatment plan is dynamic. At each subsequent visit,
and, wherever possible, the clinician should ensure that
the clinician needs to determine what has changed. This
their intervention remains as simple as possible for the
determination is made by assessing:
patient's sake. Fortunately, most musculoskeletal lesions
respond well to a combination of heat, ice, and specific
• The quantity and quality of motion. Often the quantity
strengthening and stretching exercises. The skill involves
increases before the quality. Has the end feel
an accurate selection. This selection is based on the fol­
lowing factors:
• The pain. An increase in the patient's localized pain
following an intervention should not be viewed as a
• Identification of the structure, or structures, at fault negative, and is better than no change as it indicates
• Stage of healing that the clinician was working on the correct struc­
• Reasons for the aberration in movement ture, albeit too aggressively. An increase in peripheral
• Prognosis symptoms is not a good sign.
• The ability to aid the healing process, while simulta­
• The effect of the last intervention. How much relief
neously working toward the prevention of recur­
occurred immediately after, and how did the patient
feel the day after?
• Selection and intent of technique Functional changes. Are there any activities of daily

• Comorbidity
living that the patient can now perform?
• Age
• Severity of symptoms
Based on an assessment of the last intervention session,
the clinician determines what modifications, if any, are nec­
essary. If there is no change in the patient's status after one
PATIENT-RELATED INSTRUCTION or two visits, some modification is imperative. If a particular
exercise or manual technique appears to be irritating the
Two people will typically affect the outcome of a plan of condition, it should be modified or discontinued. If the
care, the clinician and the patient. Patients need to be patient appears to be making progress, additions to the plan
encouraged to become active participants in their own may be required.
recover y so they do not rely solely on the intervention
sessions to improve their outcome. Every therapy session
needs to include an educational component as well
as a therapeutic one, and the prescribed home exercise
program must be carefully explained to ensure that the
A discharge is the process of discontinuing interventions
and is based on the clinician's analysis of the dynamic in­
terplay between the achievement of anticipated goals and
• Performs the exercises precisely the achievement of desired outcomes.87 Before discharg­
• Is aware of the rationale for the exercises ing the improving patient, a number of questions must be
• Is knowledgeable about the types of pain that might addressed:
be encountered during and after the exercises
• Can use the simple modalities of heat and cold to • Is the patient completely or partly recovered?
assist in the healing process • Is a recurrence of the impairment likely and, if so,
• Modifies certain postures or activities how is the patient going to prevent these recur­
The exercises prescribed as home exercises should • Which exercises must the patient continue to perform
first be demonstrated by the clinician. As the patient per­ at home, and for how long?
forms each exercise, questions should be asked about • What modifications must the patient make in his or
changes in symptoms. By increasing each patient'S knowl­ her lifestyle?
edge about his or her own condition and the rationale • Is an external support necessary?

EXA MINATION FLOW findings and provides a framework for the clinician to
work from.
The flow diagram in Figure 1-2 outlines the examination In the absence of criterion validity, most of the theories
sequence used throughout this book. The various com­ behind the examination and treatment approaches are
ponents of the flow diagram will be described in the based on construct validity. However, in the absence of con­
various chapters, and its logical sequence is employed for vincing evidence to refute the construct, this validity is
each joint, with the pertinent details for those joints ex­ preferable to no validity, and is stronger than the unvalidated
plained. The flow sequence is dependent on the clinical attacks on the theory.

History (systems review) -----I�� Scan -----I�� Positive for serious signs/symptoms � Refer to
Negative scan

Scan findings cause no serious concern

N'�olog" """hYmp,
Reproduction of symptoms
/� No neurologic signs and/or reproduction of symptoms

Musculoskeletal diagnosis

Consider intervention

Biomechanical examination

Observation, AROM, PROM, resisted, palpation, screening


Positional tests for transverse processes
Combined motion testing (H and I test)
PPIVM and PPAIVM t ests

Positional diagnosis (FRS, ERS)

Apply passive intervertebral mobility

test to examine for hypomobility

If negative

If positive, mobilize and reassess If hypermobile,

mobilize and reassess

Assume hypermobility
Perform stress tests
(generally more painful than hypomobility)

If negative, hypermobility confirmed

Intervention to include muscle reeducation/stabilization
If positive, look for nearby
hypomobility and introduce
intervention of stabilization therapy

FIGURE 1-2 General examination sequence for the spine. (Abbreviations: AROM, Active
range of motions; H and I, 'H' and 'I' Tests; PPAIVM, Passive physiological articular intervertebral
motion; PPIVM, Passive physiological intervertebral motion; PROM, Passive range of motion)

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Chapter Objectives 1. The magnitude oj the Jorce. The force may b e large, such
as that occurring with blunt trauma or a traction in­
At the completion of this chapter, the reader will be able jury (macrotrauma) , or it may be small but cumulative
to: (microtrauma) . Cumulative forces may strengthen the
bone or cause it to fracture.
1. Describe the composition properties and function of 2. The location oj the injury. Thicker bones can resist larger
bone. forces.
2. List the differences between osteoporosis and osteo­ 3. The presence ofan underlying disease process. Two such dis­
malacia. ease processes are osteoporosis and osteomalacia.
3. Describe the composition properties and function of
articular cartilage.
4. Describe the composition properties and function of OSTEOPOROSIS
the synovial membrane, and list the different theories
of joint lubrication. Based on World Health Organization criteria, it is estimated
5. Describe the disease process of osteoarthritis and its that 15% of postmenopausal Caucasian women in the United
affect on function. States and 35% of women older than 65 years of age have
6. Describe the function and location of joint receptors. osteoporosis. 2 As many as 50% of women have some degree
7. Describe the composition properties and function of of low bone density in the hip. One of every two Caucasian
skeletal muscle. women will experience an osteoporotic fracture at some
8. Describe the three phases of soft tissue healing and point in her lifetime. There is a significant risk, although
their implications for treatment. lower, for men and non-Caucasian women to also sustain
osteoporotic fractures. Patients with fragility fractures create
a significant economic burden with more than 400,000 hos­
THE STRUCTURE AND GROWTH OF BONE1 pital admissions and 2.5 million physician visits per year. 2
Riggs and Melton 3,4 in 1 983 proposed that involu­
The function of bone is to provide support, enhance lever­ tional osteoporosis could be divided into two distinct types,
age, protect vital structures, and store calcium. From the although it has always been acknowledged that this model
manual clinician's perspective, it would appear that the is an oversimplification and that overlap exists. The first
most important function of the bones is that they serve as type, type I postmenopausal osteoporosis, characterized by
useful landmarks during the palpation phase of the exami­ the accelerated phase of bone loss in the early post­
nation , and that they serve as the attachment for both ten­ menopausal period, affects primarily cancellous bone and
dons and ligaments. However, although it is true that most therefore particularly affects the spine. 5 This rapid phase
of the manual clinician's caseload involves the examination of bone loss ( usually 1 % to 2% per year) generally lasts 4 to
and treatment of the soft tissues, including the tendons, 8 years and is related to estrogen deficiency. 5 Estrogen
muscles, ligaments, and joints, the ability to detect the pres­ seems to control the local production of bone-resorbing
ence of an injury to the bone is vital, especially in the spine. cytokines and other factors. 6 Reduced estrogen seems to
The injury sustained to a bone depends largely on result in osteoclastic activation and bone resorption. 5 The
three factors: reduction of estrogen also seems to allow for an increase in


bone sensitivity to the bone-resorbing effect of parathyroid same bone density, the risk of fracture rose eightfold to
hormone ( PTH ) . 5 The mobilization of calcium from bone 1 0-fold from age younger than 45 years to 80 years or
tends to suppress serum PTH levels. 5 Increased loss of uri­ older. In a sample of 5800 Dutch men and women more
nary calcium and reduced gastroin testinal calcium absorp­ than 55 years of age, the risk of hip fracture rose l 3-fold
tion maintains normal serum calcium levels. 4 with age, to which the decrease in bone density con­
The second phase of bone loss, type II osteoporosis tributed only l.9 in women and l . 6 in men. 14 These ob­
(age-related or senile osteoporosis ) , occurs 1 0 to 20 years servations indicate that something very important in the
after menopause (late menopause) , is associated with a aging process influences fracture risk, independently of
more gradual loss of bone ( about 0.5% to 1 % per year) , bone density. Because of this rise in the frequency of
and affects cancellous and cortical bone loss in both impact fractures with age , intervention should be fo­
women and men . 4•5 During this phase of bone loss, a vari­ cused on infirm older people, irrespective of their bone
ety of age-related alterations in calcium metabolism re­ density.
sult in secondary hyperparathyroidism. 7 PTH levels tend It is highly likely that bone depends more on architec­
to rise ( although generally stay within the normal range ) , ture than on mass for its strength. Whereas bone in a
leading to increased bone turnover. 5 Age-related declines younger person is structurally normal, its architecture in
in the renal function, intestinal malabsorption of cal­ older people is compromised in two ways:
cium, and altered vitamin D metabolism have all been
attributed to the rise in PTH . 5 In addition , senescent 1. The progressive erosion of trabeculae, the internal
changes in osteoblast function cause reduced bone scaffolding of bone, leaves them weakened. 15.16
formation . s 2. The rate of bone turnover in women who are deficient
Osteoporosis is characterized by a decrease in bone in estrogen inevitably is higher, mass for mass, than in
mass, microarchitectural deterioration of the matrix, and women who are estrogen replete.
fragility fractures,9 whereas osteomalacia is characterized
by a failure to mineralize the matrix. Osteomalacia is often Osteoporosis is also common in alcoholics, drug ad­
associated with a vitamin D deficiency, although there are dicts, and individuals who undertook severe dieting during
other causes, including hereditary causes such as vitamin D­ their teenage years.
resistant rickets. Vertebral fracture resulting from minimal trauma is a
When the mineralized matrix disintegrates, calcium is classical manifestation of osteoporosis. The epidemiology
inevitably lost. The negative calcium balance observed and risk factors of vertebral fractures are difficult to study
with matrix loss has given rise to erroneous beliefs that the because significant proportions of the fractures are asymp­
calcium requirements of postmenopausal women are tomatic. The acute pain of a compression fracture super­
higher than those of premenopausal women, and that os­ imposed on chronic discomfort, often in the absence of a
teoporosis could be prevented by calcium supplementa­ history of trauma, may be the only presenting symptom.
tion. IO Although calcium is certainly critical during the de­ The patient may recall a "snap" associated with mild back
velopment of bone, it cannot replace the disintegrating pain that occurred when bending over to pick up a small
matrix or prevent its loss. I I Calcium is a nutrient, not a object. More intense pain may not develop for hours or un­
drug, and the only disorder it can be expected to alleviate til the next day. l7
is a calcium deficiency. 12 In addition, excess calcium sup­ The differential diagnosis between osteomalacia and
plementation suppresses the secretion of PTH, retarding osteoporosis can be made certain only by using bone
the natural turnover of bone, and increasing its risk for biopsy. IS Figure 2-1 lists the conditions thought to provoke
microfractures. Thus, the focus on preventing osteoporo­ osteoporosis or osteomalacia. 19
sis should be on preserving bone matrix, rather than on The significance of osteoporosis to the clinician is
calcium therapy. twofold;
Bone turnover is maintained by osteoclasts, which dig
pits in mineralized matrix, and osteoblasts, which refill the • The link to patient Jails. Falls and osteoporotic fractures
pits. Osteoclastic activity is constrained by the action of sex are highly prevalent, interrelated conditions in older
steroids, and coordination with the osteoblasts is normally adults. 2o Each year, approximately 30% of community­
maintained such that there is no net change in bone mass dwelling older people in developed countries fall at
during early adult life. After menopause, estrogen concen­ least once and 1 0 % to 20% fall twice or more. 21-24
trations fall rapidly and osteoclastic activity accelerates. Although less than 5% of falls among older adults
The net result is bone loss that over a period of years, may lead to a bone fracture, multiple falling is clearly a
amount to 20% or more of the skeleton. marker of physical frailty. 21-24 Accumulating evidence
Hui and colleaguesl3 related fracture risk to bone indicates that activities that help to maintain mobility,
density in differen t age groups, finding that, for th e physical functioning, bone mineral density, muscle

Cushing's syndrome-this syndrome occurs as a result of large doses of

cortisol in some patients. Patients with Cushing's syndrome of long duration
almost always demonstrate demineralization of bone. In severe cases, this may
lead to pathologic fractures, but more commonly it results in wedging of the
vertebrae, kyphosis, bone pain, and back pain ( secondary to bone loss) .

• Hypogonadism
• Hypercalciuria
• Hyperparathyroidism
• Hyperthyroidism
• Vitamin D deficiency
• Osteogenesis imperfecta
• Renal tubular acidosis

FIGURE 2-1 Conditions that promote osteoporosis.

strength, and balance, may prevent falls and osteo­ Normal articular cartilage is comprised of chondro­
porotic fractures.25-2 7 cytes and an extracellular matrix that consists primarily of
• The potential for spinal fractures. The location can vary, collagen and proteoglycans. The chondrocytes, which
but these fractures are particularly significant if they make up approximately 1 0% of the wet weight of articular
occur in the upper cervical spine, where their proxim­ cartilage, are specialized cells that are responsible for the
ity to vital structures can have disastrous consequences development of articular cartilage, and the maintenance
following an overzealous manual technique. of the extracellular matrix.31 The extracellular matrix also
contains additional, but quan titatively minor, glycopro­
teins and lipids.32 Water and dissolved electrolytes com­
ARTICULAR CARTILAGE28 prise 60% to 85% of the wet weight of normal cartilage.
Collagen is found in numerous tissues, including
The development of bone is usually preceded by the for­ articular cartilage, bone, muscles, tendons, ligaments,
mation of cartilage, a type of connective tissue. Body menisci, and blood vessels. Collagen makes up lO% to 30%
cartilage exists in three forms: elastic, hyaline, and fibro­ of the wet weight of normal articular cartilage. While colla­
cartilage. gen fibers do not offer much in the way of resistance to com­
pression, they do, however, possess great tensile strength,33,34
• Elastic cartilage is a very specialized connective tissue, Three distinct zones, with differing collagen orienta­
primarily found in the symphysis pubis and the larynx. tions, are found in articular cartilage: the superficial zone
• Hyaline cartilage covers the ends of long bones and, (zone I ) , the transitional or middle zone (zone I I ) , and the
along with the synovial fluid that bathes it, provides a deep zone (zone III ) . 35,36 In the superficial zone, the colla­
smoothly articulating, slippery, friction-free surface gen fibrils are arranged parallel to the surface. In the mid­
when two bones move against each other. dle zone, the collagen fibril orientation is less organized,
• Fibrocartilage basically acts as a shock absorber in and in the deep zone, the fibrils are perpendicular to the
both weight-bearing and non-weight-bearing joints. surface of the joint. The tidemark delineates the boundary
Its large fiber content makes it ideal for bearing large between zone I I I and the zone of calcified cartilage.
stresses in all directions. Proteoglycans comprise 3% to 1 0 % of the wet weight
of articular cartilage.29 To the proteoglycans are attached
Articular cartilage plays a vital role in the function of many extended polysaccharide units called glycosamino­
the musculoskeletal system by allowing almost frictionless glycans,37 of which there are two types: chondroitin sulfate
motion to occur and distributing the loads of articulation and keratin sulfate. Chondrocytes produce aggrecan, link
over a larger contact area, thereby minimizing the contact protein, and hyaluronan, which are extruded into the ex­
stresses, and dissipating the energy associated with the tracellular matrix where they aggregate spontaneously.3 7
load.29,30 These properties allow the potential for articular The aggrecans form a strong, porous-permeable, fiber­
cartilage to remain healthy and fully functional through­ reinforced composite material with collagen.
out decades of life, despite the very slow turnover rate of its Viscoelasticity is defined as the time-dependen t re­
collagen matrix. sponse of a material that has been subj ected to a constant

load or deformation . Viscoelastic structures are capable frictional resistance between the weight-bearing surfaces.
of responding in one of two ways, creep and stress relax­ Fluid lubrication happens when a film is established and
ation. Creep occurs when a viscoelastic material under­ maintained between the two surfaces as long as movement
goes constant loading, and responds by initially deform­ occurs. There are a number of theories with regard to joint
ing rapidly and then deforming more slowly over time lubrication:
until the load is balanced and deformation ceases. Stress
relaxation occurs when a viscoelastic material undergoes 1. Boundary lubrication.39 The hyaluronate molecules ad­
constant deformation, and responds with a high initial hering to the joint surfaces provide this and keep a
stress that progressively decreases over time, until equi­ very thin film of fluid between the two moving sur­
librium is reached. Articular cartilage has been shown to faces.
exhibit both creep and stress relaxation behaviors.38 2. Hydrostatic (weeping) lubrication.4o Under compression,
Understanding the compressive properties of articu­ the cartilage weeps water and small ions between the
lar cartilage is vital to understanding its overall function. surfaces. This maintains a lubricating layer under
As it is compressed, articular cartilage undergoes a change weight-bearing conditions.
in volume that causes a pressure change in the tissue, and 3. Hydrodynamic lufrrication. The motion of the lubricant in
results in the flow of interstitial fluid.38 the tapered gaps of the primary and secondary contours
The primary functions of cartilage are threefold: generates the pressure required to support the load.
4. Elastohydrodynamic lubrication. The pressure generated
1. Wear resistance, with the collagen providing strength, by the moving fluid deforms the elasticity of the
and the matrix providing smoothness and firmness. weight-bearing surfaces ( i.e., it flattens the ridges) and
2. Low coefficient of friction owing to the smoothness, so smoothes the surfaces.
elasticity, and viscoelasticity. Cartilage is 1 0 times 5. Boosted lubrication. Under very heavy loads, small mole­
smoother than the surface of a ball bearing. cules pass into the cartilage, leaving large hyaluronate
3. Compression force attenuation is afforded by the elas­ molecules in the hollows. This increases the viscosity
tic and viscoelastic properties of the cartilage. Carti­ of the synovial fluid and so improves its lubricating
lage is 1 0 times more effective than bone at reducing abilities.
compression, but there is much less of it.

Disease, Damage, and Repair41

Synovial Membrane
Diseases such as osteoarthritis (OA) that affect articu­
The synovial membrane is derived from the embry­ lar cartilage and other joint structures represent some of
onic mesenchyme and is found as the nonarticular com­ the most common and debilitating diseases encountered
ponent of joints, in bursae, and in tendon sheaths. It is in orthopedic practice. Yelin 42 estimated the cost of OA in
formed in two layers: the United States at $15.5 billion (in 1 994 dollars ) , roughly
three times the cost of rheumatoid arthritis. More than
1. Lamina intima consists of one to four layers of synovial half of the OA costs are a result of work loss. Admissions to
cells embedded in a granular fiber free matrix. It pro­ hospitals for conditions directly related to OA were the
duces synovial fluid and absorbs substances from the third most common form of admission between 1985 and
joint cavity. 1 988.43 It is estimated that approximately 1 23,000 hip
2. Lamina subintima is formed by a vascular fibrous layer arthroplasties and 95,000 total knee replacements were
where the collagen and elastin run parallel to the sur­ performed annually during this time; the majority of these
face and contains fibroblasts, macrophages, and fat arthroplasties were performed to treat OA.43 Moreover,
cells. Its elasticity prevents excessive folding of the syn­ diseases of cartilage cause activity limitations in an even
ovial membrane during movement, thereby prevent­ greater numbers of patients, limiting their performance of
ing pinching. The fat imparts firmness, deformability, sports, and even adversely affecting normal activities of
and elastic recoil. daily living.
OA is the most common articular disease of older
adults. Reported incidence and prevalence rates of OA in
Joint Lubrication
specific joints vary widely, however, because of differences
The function of synovial fluid is to provide nutrition, in the contributing risk factors and the case definition of
lubrication, and heat dissipation. OA.44-47 OA may be defined by radiographic abnormali­
The friction between the articular surfaces is greatest ties ( radiographic OA) alone, by typical symptoms (symp­
during sliding, and lubrication is necessary to minimize tomatic OA) , or by both.48 The distal and proximal

interphalangeal joints of the hand are the most prevalent surrounded by their extracellular matrix, articular chon­
location of radiographic abnormalities but are least likely drocytes are sheltered even from immunologic recognition.
to be symptomatic.45,46,49--5 1 The knee,50,52 and hip,46,52 are
the second and third most common locations of radi­ Risk Factors for Osteoarthritis
ographic abnormalities, respectively, and, in contrast to
the hand, are frequently symptomatic.49,50,53,54 Age Although specific risk factors for OA differ by
OA is diagnosed by typical symptoms, physical find­ anatomic joint region, age is the most consistently identi­
ings, and radiographic changes.55 Patients early in the dis­ fied demographic risk fac tor for all articular sites.46,47 The
ease process experience localized joint pain that worsens incidence of OA has been reported to be 0.2 per 1 00 males
witll activity and lessens with rest, whereas those with se­ and 0.4 per 1 00 females under 20 years of age, and 1 7.0 per
vere disease may have pain at rest.56 Weight-bearing joints 1 00 males and 29.6 per 1 00 females over 60 years of age.43
may "lock" or "give way" as a result of internal derange­ Before the age of 50 years, men have a higher prevalence
ment that is a consequence of advanced disease. Morning and incidence of this disease than women, but after age 50,
stiffness and stiffness following inactivity, also known as gel women have a higher prevalence and incidence.68 Both in­
phenomena, rarely exceed 30 minutes.56 Physical findings in cidence and prevalence appear to level off or decline in
osteoartllfitic joints include bony prominence, crepitus, both sexes at around age 80.49 However, survivor bias may
and deficits in range of motion. Tenderness on palpation falsely lower estimates of prevalence and incidence of hip
at the joint line and pain on passive motion are also com­ OA in tlle oldest age group.49,69
mon, although not unique to OA.56 Progressive cartilage The increase in the incidence and prevalence of OA
destruction, malalignment, joint effusions, and subchon­ witl1 age is likely a consequence of several biologic changes
dral bone collapse contribute to irreversible deformity.55 that occur wi th aging, including a decreased responsiveness
Radiographic findings in OA include osteophyte forma­ of chondrocytes to growth factors tl1at stimulate repair; an
tion, joint space narrowing, subchondral sclerosis, and increase in tl1e laxity of ligaments around the joints, mak­
cysts.57-60 ing older joints relatively unstable and, therefore, more
Both systemic and local factors affect the likelihood susceptible to injury; and a gradual decrease in strengtll
that a joint will develop OA.61 Systemic factors probably and a slowing of peripheral neurologic responses,71 both of
make cartilage more vulnerable to daily inj uries and less which protect the joint. The question arises as to whether
capable of repair. Many mechanisms could explain this OA is a disease or a natural consequence of aging, as in­
process, including the effects of growth factors and cy­ creasing age does not appear to be an absolute risk factor,
tokines on chondrocytes and their synthesis of cartilage for not every elderly person develops osteoarthri lis. 72 , 73
matrix. Other systemic factors including bone factors, OA and normal aging cartilage are distinguished by rela­
might accelerate enzymatic destruction of the matrix, and tive differences in water content and the ratio of chon­
reduce its repair capabilities. Once the systemic vulnera­ droitin sulfate to keratan sulfate constituents.74 ,75 Another
bility factors are in place, local biomechanical factors distinction is that degradative enzyme activity is increased
begin to play a role. in OA but not in normal aging cartilage.72 Even over many
It is well established that damaged articular cartilage decades, the accumulated damage in normal articular car­
has a very limited potential for healing, and articular de­ tilage is usually minimal, indicating that an effective mech­
fects larger than 2 to 4 mm in diameter rarely heal, even anism for protecting the cartilage from supporting loads
with such advances as the use of continuous passive mo­ must exist.
tion .62-64 Damage to articular cartilage is a common prob­ Degenerative changes in diarthrodial joints, occur­
lem. In one study, it was associated with 1 6% ( 2 1 ) of 1 3 2 ring gradually over time, probably result from an initial re­
injuries o f the knee that were sufficient to cause intra­ duction in the ability of the solid matrix to support loads,
articular bleeding.65 Furthermore, damage to a joint sur­ which causes a breakdown of the matrix, further reducing
face can lead to premature arthritis.66 Elderly patients its load-bearing capacity.76-78 Eventually, loss of the articu­
( those who are 65 years of age or older) , who have an lar surface may occur. If tlle rate of this kind of damage ex­
artllfitic condition can obtain dramatic relief from pain ceeds the rate at which the cartilage cells can repair the tis­
and restoration of function after total joint replacement. 56 sue, the accumulated damage may eventually lead to bulk
However, such procedures have higher rates of failure in tissue failure.30, 77
young and early-middle-aged patients ( those who are
younger than 40 years old and those who are 40 to 60 years Racial Characteristics Cross-national and cross-racial
old, respectively) , than in elderly patients.67 studies can often produce insights about disease etiology.
Articular cartilage in adults possesses neither a blood With respect to OA, there is conflicting evidence as to
supply nor lymphatic drainage. In fact, after they are whether blacks have different rates of OA than whites.8l,82

The higher relative weight of black women may predispose that predisposes it to �A. Another theory postulates that
them to high rates of knee OA there is a biologic mediator of obesity that in some way
also causes cartilage degeneration, although such a medi­
Genetic Susceptibility Generalized OA, an entity com­ ator has yet to be found.95
mon in elderly women, consists of concurrent OA in the
hand join ts, including the distal interphalangeal ( D I P ) , Immobility Joint immobility is also suspected as a factor
proximal interphalangeal, and first carpometacarpal that can lead to eventual cartilage OA, and studies in ani­
( CMC) joints; the cervical and l umbosacral spine; the mals have, in fact, shown that the immobilization of ajoint
knees; and, possibly, the hips. There are two types of gen­ can lead to cartilage degeneration. For example, a de­
eralized OA, nodal OA ( Heberden's nodes) and non­ crease in cartilage thickness, and a change in the mechan­
nodal OA83 ical properties of articular cartilage, have been noted in
Several studies have confirmed that OA in the general dogs that were immobilized using a cast or external fixa­
population is inherited. Thus, for risk-profiling purposes, tor.9 7-99 Compositional changes in articular cartilage re­
persons whose parents had OA, especially if the disease was sulting from immobilization have also been demonsu·ated.
polyarticular, or if the onset was in middle age or earlier, Proteoglycan content has been shown to decrease, while
are at high risk of OA themselves. an increase in water content has been observed.loo Such
compositional changes may result in decreased cartilage
Osteoporosis Radin 86 has suggested that subchondral stiffness and an associated reduced capacity for it to
bone deformation during impact loading of the joint bear normal loads. 10 1 Although remobilization generally
protects articular cartilage from damage. Those with more can restore the cartilage to normal composition and func­
deformable bone may be less susceptible to OA Dequeker tion, prolonged immobilization may result in permanent
and associates87 recently found that osteoporosis and OA changes. 102
were inversely associated in 53 of the 67 ( mostly cross­
sectional) studies reviewed. Individuals with osteoporosis Repetitive Activities While studies have shown that nor­
exhibit a lower-than-expected rate of OA88 Furthermore, mal loading of the joint is required to sustain healthy
bone density in patients with OA is greater than in age­ articular cartilage, repetitive activities over a long period
matched controls, even at sites distant from the joint af­ of time have been associated with cartilage degeneration,
fected by OA89,90 and occupations that involve repetitive actions have been
shown to be correlated with increased rates of os­
Estrogen In addition to the high incidence of OA in teoarthritis. Farmers, for example, have high rates of OA
women after age 50, which is the approximate age of of the hip, 1 03 and epidemiologic studies have shown that
menopause, some women develop "menopausal arthritis, " firefighters, farmers, construction workers, and miners
that is, rapidly progressive hand OA at the time of have a higher prevalence of OA of the knee than the gen­
menopause. These sex- and age-related prevalence pat­ eral population.95 In fact, workers whose jobs require
terns are consistent with the role of postmenopausal hor­ knee bending, as well as lifting or regularly carrying loads
mone deficiency in increasing the risk of OA of 25 lbs or more, have increased radiologic evidence of
OA in the knee compared with those workers who do
Nutritional Factors Damage from reactive oxygen species not. 8l This trend has also been shown to hold true for the
has been implicated as pathogenic in a variety of human upper extremity, as jackhammer operators exhibit an in­
diseases, including OA,93 and there is evidence that an­ creased prevalence of OA of the upper extremity when
tioxidants from diet or other sources may prevent or delay compared with the general population.95 Complete
the occurrence of some of these diseases. avoidance of repetitive motions at work may prove ex­
tremely difficult, especially if they are requirements for
Obesity Obesity clearly plays a role in the development the job. However, the iden tification of those activities
of OA Epidemiologic studies, for example, the Framing­ which are the most harmful to articular cartilage is
ham study,54 demonstrated a temporal link between obe­ important.
sity and the development of �A. Cohort studies have
demonstrated a clear association of obesity with the de­ Impact In addition to the long-term accumulation of
velopment of radiographic OA of the knee in older fatigue damage to the matrix that may eventually lead to
women and a weaker association with OA of the hip.54 bulk tissue failure, it has been observed that transarticu­
There are several theories about the link between obesity lar impact may result in the development of OA in the
and the developmen t of �A. One theory holds that obe­ traumatized joint. A single episode of joint impact, if suffi­
sity causes an abnormally increased load across the joint ciently large, may cause cracks at or near tlle junction of

cartilage and the zone of calcified cartilage-subchondral running i n dogs and concluded that regular lifelong ex­
bone/9.107-109 often without immediate disruption to the ercise does not necessarily predispose the joint to OA.
joint surface. As indicated, the solid matrix of cartilage is Exercise in the setting of an abnormal joint, however, may
normally shielded from the high stresses of joint loading predispose the joint to degenerative changes. Epidemio­
through the presence of interstitial fluid pressurization. logic studies show that runners who have an anatomic ab­
In cartilage with a perforation in the zone of calcified normality, such as genu varum, or who have had a prior in­
cartilage-subchondral bone , however, the solid matrix jury are predisposed to degenerative changes of the
stresses and strains are significantly increased owing to knee. 1 28.129
the diminished fluid pressurization in the region of the
1 l30
defect. 1 0 Temperature The enzymatic processes III cartilage
breakdown involves the production of degradative en­
Repetitive Injury and Physical Trauma Although the preva­ zymes and protease inhibitors. Matrix pH and physical fac­
lence of OA in tlle knee is greater in adults who have en­ tors, such as temperature, influence enzymatic activity. For
gaged in repetitive bending and strenuous activities, an as­ example, collagenase is more active at high joint tempera­
sociation with intense exercise or physical activity has not tures (36°C versus 33°C) . If cells are even mildly heated,
been as easy to establish. 1 13 This difficulty may partly arise they synthesize a substance called a heat shock protein,
from the high prevalence of OA in the knees of older which is found in the synovia of arthritic joints. Heat shock
adults. The Framingham study provides the first longitudi­ proteins are molecules produced in response to various
nal association between level of physical activity and inci­ stimuli with an ability to bind to, and influence, the intra­
dent knee OA of the OA1 1 4 In contrast, studies have not cellular function and distribution of other proteins. They
associated low-impact recreational activities1l5 with OA of appear to provoke a cellular stress response. It is believed
the knee. that the temperature of an inflamed joint has the adverse
effect of inducing synthesis of these proteins. 1 3 1 .132 In
Sports As a risk fac tor for osteoarthritis, sports is an area rheumatoid arthritis, serum antibodies to these proteins
of debate, 1 l 6 particularly because so many people engage are present. Such data support the use of cold over heat in
in athletic activities. Studies performed on runners have acutely inflamed join ts.
presented conflicting evidence of an increased incidence
of OA of the hip,85.1 1 7 and have not shown an increased Injlammation The typical inflammatory response to in­
incidence of OA of the knee.95.1 1 5. 1 1 8.1 1 9 To the contrary, jury or pathology is more visible in the most vascular joint
studies suggest that older adults who engage in running tissue, the synovial lining tissue. Synovitis may result from a
and vigorous activities have slower development of dis­ variety of stimuli and creates an environment that is hostile
ability than more sedimentary individuals.12o However, to articular cartilage.
epidemiologic studies have shown that athletes in certain The enzymatically degraded cartilage releases proteo­
sports may be predisposed to OA of particular joints. For glycans. This initiates a vicious cycle resulting in synovial
example, soccer and football players have been shown to intimal cells releasing more collagenase and proteinases,
have an increased prevalence of OA of the knee,1 2l- 1 23 cytokines, and interleukin-l, which further weakens the
whereas baseball pitchers may be predisposed to degener­ cartilage and enhances mechanical damage. 1 34- 136 Type B
ative changes of the shoulder and elbow. 1 24 However, synovial cells may be primarily involved in this reaction, while
these degenerative changes may be related to traumatic Type A synovial cells are believed to release cytokines (chem­
injuries that participants undergo as a result of their activ­ ical messengers) , such as interleukin-l and prostaglandin E ,
ities,125 rather than from performing the activity itself. which may play a major role in the perpetuation of synovi­
Studies have demonstrated that sudden and extreme load­ tiS.138 I n terleukin-l is an inflammatory mediator that can
ing of the joint may be responsible for superficial damage cause chondrocytes to decrease matrix synthesis and re­
to the cartilage (fissures, flaps and fragmentation) , 1 1 6 sorb their surrounding matrix.
and that if the loading is sufficiently severe, cracks can Not until the subchondral bone is penetrated does the
occur at or near the junction of cartilage and the zone usual inflammatory wound-healing response occur in a
of calcified cartilage-subchondral bone. 79.1 0 7. 1 08.1 26 It is damaged joint surface. This involves cells from the bone
possible that these cracks predispose the traumatized joint marrow, which attempt to fill the defect with new tissue.
to OA. The extent to which the new tissue resembles articular car­
tilage depends on the age and species of the host, as well as
Weight Bearing To examine whether long-term weight­ the size and location of the defect. However, complete
bearing exercise predisposes the joints to osteoarthritis, restoration of the hyaline articular cartilage and tlle sub­
Newton and colleagues 1 2 7 studied the effects of lifelong chondral bone to a normal status is rarely seen.

The options for operative intervention after a joint Type III mechanoreceptors, located in the intrinsic and
surface has been damaged, or a portion has been lost, can extrinsic joint ligaments, except the longitudinal ligaments
be grouped according to four concepts or principles. The of spine, may be regarded as high threshold. They are thinly
articular cartilage can be restored, replaced, relieved, or encapsulated and similar to Golgi tendon organs in func­
resected ( the four R's) . Restoration refers to healing or re­ tion, evoking discharges only during strong capsular tension.
generation of the joint surface, including the hyaline artic­ The type IV receptor system, located in the joint cap­
ular cartilage and the subchondral bone. Replacement can sule, fibrocartilage, fat pads, ligaments, blood walls (vessels) ,
be accomplished with use of an allograft or a prosthesis. periosteum, and synovium, consists of high threshold, non­
The pressures through a damaged joint surface can be re­ adapting, nociceptor and non-nociceptor receptors. The
lieved by an osteotomy that unloads and decreases the system is activated when its nerve fibers are depolarized by
stresses on it. The final option is resection with or without the generation of high mechanical or chemical stresses in
an interposition arthroplasty. the joint capsule. These receptors are usually controlled by
gate inhibition.
A knowledge of receptors is important in the applica­
JOINT RECEPTORS tion of treatment.

Periarticular receptors, highly specialized cells within the • Rest prevents mechanical irritation, thereby decreas­
nervous system, detect the presence of, and changes in, ing type IV input.
differen t forms of energy, and convert these forms of • Joint mobilizations (grades I to IV), help to con trol
energy into proprioceptive information. 1 39. 1 40 The periar­ pain through the stimulation of type I and II recep­
ticular receptors are mechanoreceptors that are sensitive tors, thereby increasing large A fiber input.
to mechanical deformation of the tissue and cell mem­ • Active range of motion stimulates the mechanorecep­
branes.'41 This deformation can arise in a number of tors, acts as a muscle pump, and stimulates an inhibi­
ways including indentation, compression, relaxation, and tion of the antagonists.
stretch, and each nerve ending serves as a filter for a spe­ • Joint distraction techniques, which are maximum and
cific kind of stimulus. The information received by each of sustained, produce muscle inhibition through the
these mechanoreceptors must be conveyed rapidly and ac­ type III mechanoreceptors.
curately to the central nervous system in order to regulate
joint position and angulation, thereby protecting the joint
from damage. SKELETAL MUSCLE147
Most of the mechanoreceptors are only active near the
end of range of motion. 1 42 Four of these mechanorecep­ Skeletal muscle, unlike cardiac and smooth muscle, can
tors are discussed next . 1 43- 1 46 operate only under neural control.
Type I receptors consist of small, thinly encapsulated
globular corpuscles located in the peripheral layers of the
Muscle Fibers
fibrous joint capsule. These are low-threshold, slowly adapt­
ing mechanoreceptors whose frequency of discharge is a The nod of the head, the handshake, and the gesture
continuous function of the prevailing tension in the region are all brought about by muscular actions. The mechanism
of the joint capsule where they are located. They have an in­ behind these muscle actions was first discovered from early
hibitory effect on the nociceptive activity from the type IV studies of living skeletal muscle, when it was noted that
articular receptor system , and their activity exerts powerful stripes were localized in long fibrous cylinders called my­
influences on the motor neuronal pool of the muscles. Type ofibrils that ran the length of the muscle cell. It is the my­
I mechanoreceptors also contribute to the reflex regulation ofibrils that contain the machinery of the muscles. Each
of postural tone, to coordination of muscle activity, and to myofibril is punctuated with alternating light and dark
the perceptional awareness ofjoint position. bands called A and I bands, which are arranged so that an
Type II receptors operate as low-threshold, rapidly A band on one myofibril is closest to an A band on its
adapting mechanoreceptors that fire off brief bursts of im­ neighbor. When a muscle contracts, the I band shortens,
pulses only at the onset of changes in tension in the joint but the A band does not change size.
capsule. They are thickly encapsulated and myelinated. Each myofibril contains many fibers called filaments,
Their behavior suggests their role as a control mechanism which run parallel to the myofibril axis. Some filaments,
to regulate motor-unit activity of the prime movers of the the thick ones, are confined to the A band; the other, thin­
joint, giving information with regard to acceleration and ner ones seem to arise in the middle of the I band, at
deceleration of quick joint movements. the Z line (a structure that runs perpendicular to the

myofibril through the I band, connecting neighboring my­ "prime" the myosin head so that it can attach to the myosin
ofibrils) . The thin filaments run the course of the I band and repeat the cycle.
and partway into the A band, where they overlap with the An additional substance, calcium ( Ca 2 + ) , which is
thick filaments. required for the attachment phase of the cycle, serves to
When the protein actin is extracted from muscle tis­ prevent the muscle continuing to con tract until all the
sue, the thin filaments disappear, and when the protein ATP is used up. If there is sufficient Ca2 + , attachment can
myosin is extracted, the thick filaments disappear. More­ occur, but at lower levels, it cannot. Refer to Figure 2-2.
over, when the cell membrane is destroyed and substances
other than these two proteins are removed, the muscle
Motor Unit
can still contract. These results imply that the thick and
thin filaments are the contractile machinery, and that the Witllin a given muscle, the smallest motor units have
thick filaments are made of myosin , and the thin ones are the lowest thresholds for recruitment. That is, they are the
actin. easiest to call into play and the hardest to prevent from re­
The thick A band consists of a lighter middle region sponding, so they are generally considered to be active
(the H zone ) , with denser regions on each side . The whenever the muscle is producing any force at al l . 1 48 By
denser edges are where the thick myosin and thin actin fil­ contrast, the largest units within the muscle have tile high­
aments overlap. The middle (H zone) contains only est thresholds, and so are recruited only for the maximum
myosin. The I bands contain only actin. Whenever a mus­ force. This is the size principle of motor unit recruit­
cle or myofibril changes length, either by contracting or ment. 1 49 This principle applies in all types of contractions.
stretching, neither myosin nor actin filaments change For the purpose of this text, three types of contraction
length. Thus, they must slide past each other, increasing are discussed:
their area of overlap during contraction, and decreasing it
during stretching. During contraction, the I band and the 1. Concentric. A concentric contraction occurs when the
H zone decrease. The A band cannot change because it tension generated within the muscle exceeds the load
represents the length of the myosin filaments, which do to be moved, and is one in which the prime mover
not change. produces a shortening of the muscle.
Structures, called cross-bridges, serve to connect the 2. Isometric. An isometric contraction occurs when the
actin and myosin filaments. When a muscle is relaxed, the tension generated witllin the muscle is equal to the
cross-bridges are detached from the actin filaments. Dur­ load, and no movement of the limb or trunk occurs.
ing contraction, they attach and provide the contractile Consequently, there is no overall change in the muscle
force. The thick filamen ts con tain two flexible hinge-like length.
regions that allow the cross-bridges to attach and detach 3. Eccentric. An eccentric contraction occurs when the
from the actin filament. This attaching and detaching is load exceeds the tension generated by the muscle and
asynchronous, so that some are attaching while others are the muscle is forced to lengthen. There is some evi­
detaching. Thus, at each moment, some of the cross­ dence to suggest that the large motor units are prefer­
bridges are pulling, while others are releasing. The move­ entially selected for eccentric actions. 150
ment is not jerky, and there is no tendency for the fila­
ments to slip backward. When stimulated, all the fibers of tile motor units re­
A muscle contraction involves mechanical, chemical, cruited attempt to shorten. Although this con traction is
or electrical processes, or a combination, producing force all-or-none, it is obvious that body movements are not.
as a result of the interaction of the cross-bridges of the Sometimes they are forceful, at other times, slight. This is
myosin with the actin. The force produced requires en­ because body movements are brought about by whole mus­
ergy. The immediate source of this energy is adenosine cles and not by single cells acting alone.
triphosphate (ATP) . It is ATP that energizes the myosin, Increasing the force of movement may simply be a
but in doing so, it loses a phosphate, and becomes adeno­ matter of recruiting more and more cells into cooperative
sine diphosphate (ADP) . The energized cross-bridge is action. However, the maximum tension that is created
now ready for action. If the muscle is stimulated, the cross­ within a fully activated muscle is not a constant and de­
bridge will move the actin along ( the power stroke ) . Fol­ pends on a number of factors:
lowing the power stroke, the myosin and actin remain
attached until the beginning of the next cycle, when • Speed and t.ype ofmuscle action. During a concentric or iso­
ATP once again binds, releases the attachment, and de­ metric muscle contraction, the maximum tension gen­
energizes the myosin cross-bridge. The ATP splitting is not erated decreases witll increasing speeds of shortening.
directly involved in the power stroke. Its energy is used to During slow eccentric muscle actions, a small increase

Arrival of nerve impulse at neuromuscular junction

Acetycholine release at neuromuscular j unction

Action potential spreads over fiber

Ca2+ released

Ca2+ binds with troponin

Tropomyosin shifts on actin

Myosin binding sites exposed

Actin and myosin interact

Potential energy of myosin released as movement between actin and myosin

Ca2+ and troponin unbind

Muscle relaxes
FIGURE 2-2 M uscle contraction. 145

in the speed of lengthening results i n a disproportion­ • Force-length relationship oj muscle. The number of
ately large increase in maximum muscle tension. 151 I n cross-bridges that can be formed is dependent on the
this action , because the load exceeds the bond between extent of the overlap between the actin and myosin
the actin and myosin filaments, it probably results in filaments. 153 At the natural resting length of the mus­
some of the myosin being torn from the binding sites cle, there is near optimal overlap of the filaments, al­
on the actin filament while the remainder are complet­ lowing for the generation of maximum tension at
ing the cycle. 1 52 The resulting force is substantially this length. If the muscle shortens, the overlap re­
larger for a torn cross-bridge than for one being cre­ duces the number of sites available for cross-bridge
ated during a normal cycle. Consequently, the com­ formation . If the muscle is lengthened beyond the
bined increase in force per cross-bridge and the num­ resting length , the actin filaments are pulled away
ber of active cross-bridges results in a maximum from the myosin heads such that they cannot create
eccentric muscle tension that is greater than that which cross-bridges. 1 52
could be created during a concentric muscle action . 152 • Angle ojpennation. When the fibers of a muscle lie par­
A comparison of the three types of muscle actions allel to the long axis of the muscle, and act directly
shows that: along the line of pull of the muscle, there is no angle
of pennation . However, when the fibers are
Eccentric maximum tension > Isometric maximum arranged such that they are angled away from the
tension > Concentric maximum tension line of pull of the muscle, the angle created between

the fiber direction and the line of pull of the muscle be "stuck" in the inflammatory or proliferative phase, with
is the angle of pennatio n . The n umber of fibers accumulation of excessive extracellular matrix compo­
within a fixed volume of muscle increases with the nents and matrix metalloproteinases, such as collagenase
angle of pennation. 1 52 Although maximum tension and elastase, which result in premature degradation of col­
can be improved with pennation, the range of short­ lagen and growth factors. 158
ening of the muscle is reduced. Muscles that need to In a crush, sprain, or strain injury, the blood vessels
have large changes in length without the need for are damaged and oxygenated blood is unable to reach the
very high tension, such as the sartorius, do not have tissues, resulting in the death of those tissues through hy­
pennate muscle fibers. 152 In con trast, pennate mus­ poxia. Tissue hypoxia is considered a major signal that ini­
cle fibers are found in those muscles in which the tiates and regulates processes such as wound healing and
emphasis is on a high capacity for tension genera­ tumor growth. 1 59-- 1 61 Hypoxia has been shown (in vitro) to
tion rather than range of motion . induce several major cytokines from a wide variety of cells
• Angle of insertion. Not only are muscles required to involved in tissue repair, including fibroblasts, endothelial
move bones, but a component of the force produced cells, and macrophages. During wound healing, tissue oxy­
is needed to maintain the integrity of the joints. The gen levels are considered to be low at the center of the
actual tension generated by a muscle is a function of wound, but they increase as the wound heals.162.1 63
its length and the speed of length change, and the an­ The other major event during early wound healing
gie of insertion, all of which are changing during dy­ is the generation of thrombin , and the formation of a
namic movements.152 Just as there are optimal speeds provisional fibrin matrix. The provisional fibrin matrix
of length change and optimal muscle lengths, there provides the essential scaffold for the endothelial and
are optimal insertion angles for each of the muscles. inflammatory cells to move into the wounded tissue. The
degradation of fibrin can induce a wide array of biological
With the exception of the angle of pennation, the cli­ effects on the invading cells, and can induce the produc­
nician can control the factors involved with force genera­ tion of cytokines to initiate repair and angiogenesis during
tion. For example, the use of a verbal command can change early wound healing.
an exercise from a concentric one ( "push your arm in to my
hand") to an eccentric one ( "don ' t let me move your
Stages of Healing
arm ") . This has important implications in both the exami­
nation of muscle strength, and in exercise prescription. "Healing is the result of cell movement, cell division
From the clinician's perspective, movement of a joint and cellular synthesis of various proteins. The end prod­
can be both provided by, and restricted by, muscles. Joint uct is primarily a fibrous protein which behaves pre­
dysfunction involves a "loss of joint play movement that dictably and which can be manipulated according to basic
cannot be produced by voluntary muscles. "154 A dysfunc­ principles of protein chemistry. Control of the syn thesis
tional joint can be painful, and this pain can have an effect and degradation of collagen, and manipulation of the
on the tone of the surrounding muscles, either inhibiting physical properties which i t imparts to scar, is the goal of
or facilitating them. Thus, a harmonic balance has to be therapy. 164
maintained between the strength of a muscle and its flexi­ Healing is related to the signs and symptoms pre­
bility in order for it to function optimally. This concept is sented rather than the actual diagnosis. It is these signs
discussed in Chapter 1 1 . and symptoms that inform the clinician as to the stage of
repair that the tissue is undergoing. Three stages of heal­
ing are recognized: acute or inflammatory, subacute or tis­
SOFT TISSUE INJURY AND HEALING sue formation (neovascularization ) , and chronic or re­
modeling (see Table 1 2. 1 ) . With only a few exceptions,
A wound is the medical term for cellular damage. Wound bone being the chief among them, mammalian tissue re­
healing includes three overlapping phases: inflammation, pairs by replacement, rather than regeneration; that is, the
neovascularization, and tissue remodeling. These phases original tissue is replaced by another type of tissue rather
involve a complex, dynamic series of events, including clot­ than the original type. 1 55
ting, inflammation, granulation tissue formation, epithe­ I n tissues that do not have the ability to regenerate,
lialization, neovascularization, collagen synthesis, and the repair process follows identical steps independen t
wound contraction. 155 Wounds may be classified as acute, of the tissue undergoing healing. Healing cannot be accel­
which heal with an orderly and timely restoration of erated, but if the basic mechanisms by which it occurs
anatomic and functional integrity;156 or chronic, which do are known, delayed healing or a very poor repair can be
not heal in a timely fashion. 157 Chronic wounds appear to prevented.

Inflammation Swelling is caused by the chemical acting on the local

This is the body's reaction to infection. The extent and blood vessels, which increases the permeability of the ves­
severity of the inflammatory response depend on the size sels. This allows the proteins and lymphocytes to pass
and the type of the wound. This stage typically lasts from through and create the inflammatory exudate. The osmo­
o to 5 days, providing that the tissue is not being continu­ larity is altered in the area, resulting in more fluid being
ally damaged, and includes the release of heparin and drawn out, and the swelling is increased. Protein and
histamine . 1 55 Tissue injury causes the disruption of blood inflammatory exudate include gamma globulins. The
vessels and extravasation of blood constituents. 1 55 Ex­ gamma globulins are antibodies, and are the body's de­
travasated blood contains plasma cells and platelets, both fense against infection.
of which are dead, owing to the lack of oxygen . The dead Subjectively, the patient complains of pain at rest that
cells break down into cellular debris and hemoglobin . The is felt over a diffused area and is aggravated by activity. Ob­
platelets not only facilitate the formation of a hemostatic jectively, in addition to the palpable warmth over the area,
plug, but also secrete several mediators of wound healing, passive range of motion of the involved joints is often re­
such as platelet-derived growth factor, that attract and acti­ stricted owing to pain or muscle guarding, or both.
vate macrophages and fibroblasts.165 However, in the ab­ The traditional dichotomy of acute pain, with its re­
sence of hemorrhage, platelets are not essential to wound cent onset and short duration, and chronic pain, which
healing. The purpose of the hemostatic plug is threefold: persists after an ir�jury has healed, is undergoing revision.
An international task force has acknowledged that acute
I. I t acts as glue to hold the wound edges together. pain, associated with new tissue injury, may last for less
2. It gives an immediate, albeit a very poor, mechanical than 1 month, but at times for longer than 6 months,16 7
protection against foreign material coming into the and preclinical studies show that the basis for neuronal
wound. sensitization and remodeling occurs within 20 minutes of
3. It prevents the spread of infection. injury. Recent clinical literature also suggests that acute
pain may rapidly evolve into chronic pain. Neonatal heel
Numerous vasoactive mediators and chemotactic fac­ lancing provokes weeks of local sensitivity to touch, 68 and
tors are generated by the coagulation, and by the injured infant circumcision is associated with exaggerated behav­
cells. These substances recruit inflammatory leukocytes to ioral responses to immunization months later. 169 In adults,
the site ofinjury. 1 66 The leukocytes in the inflammatory ex­ meticulous perioperative analgesia for radical prostatec­
udate engulf the bacteria through phagocytosis and re­ tomy lowers the analgesic requirement, and improves
move the dead and disruptive cells from the area, when functional status for months afterward. 1 7O These observa­
the bacteria and debris is caught in the web or fibrin. Infil­ tions seem to indicate that the biologic and psychological
trating neutrophils cleanse the wounded area of foreign foundation for long-term persistent pain is in place within
particles. hours of injury. 1 7 1 Acute pain should therefore be viewed
Fibrinogen changes to fibrin, which eventually be­ as the initiation phase of an extensive, persistent nocicep­
comes organized into scar tissue. The wound is vulnera­ tive and behavioral cascade u'iggered by tissue injury. l 72
ble at th is point as the edges are held together only by the Intervention goals during this phase are to decrease
fibri n , which has a low tensile strength and which can be early bleeding, facilitate the removal of the inflammatory
easily damaged by motion. The region of the i njury pro­ exudate and "pain-causing" chemical, while preventing fur­
duces the following clinical signs and symptoms: ther damage and inflammation to the area. Methods are
along the principles of PRICE (protection, rest, ice, com­
• Redness pression, and elevation ) . Modalities can include cold appli­
• Pain cations, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
• Swelling (TENS) , electroacupuncture, pulsed ultrasound, and high­
• Heat voltage electrical stimulation. No manual techniques should
be employed; however, gentle isometric exercises, to main­
The heat and redness are caused when the Iysosyme tain muscle function, and passive range of motion exercises,
breaks, and releases its chemical, which acts on the local to avoid pain and muscle guarding, may be considered.
blood vessels, causing a dilation and an increase in the vas­
cular bed, resulting in the area becoming pink and warm a Neurovascular Stage
few minutes after injury. The neurovascular stage begins when the nearby cells,
Pain is the result of the chemical action on the bare which have been dormant, begin to divide. The basal cells
nerve ending of the nerve fibers. It is also the result of an of the epithelium migrate by a leap-frogging action and in­
increase of local tissue pressure. vade or pass through the clot. In 48 hours, a peeling and

excised wound can be completely epithelized. This cover­ minimal effect, but in the hand where there is no extra
ing is very thin and can be easily eroded by friction. Be­ skin , wound contracture can create a disastrous result.
cause of the poor blood supply, pressure necrosis is easily New scar tissue must always be stretched, because it will
produced. tend to shorten. If the healing tissues are kept immobile,
New stroma, often cal led gran ulation tissue, begins the fibrous repair is weak, and there are no forces influ­
to invade the wound space approximately 4 days after in­ encing the collagen. This results in an abundance of
jury. The granulation tissue is red and bleeds easily when poorly engineered and weak collagen which is vulnerable
touched. Macrophages, fibroblasts, and blood vessels to breakdown .
move into the wound space at the same time . 1 7 3 The Wounds gain only about 20% of their final strength in
macrophages provide a continuing source of growth fac­ the first 3 weeks, during which time fibrillar collagen has
tors necessary to stimulate fibroplasia and angiogenesis. accumulated relatively rapidly and has been remodeled by
The fibroblasts produce the new extracellular matrix contraction of the wound. Thereafter the rate at which
necessary to support cell ingrowth, and blood vessels wounds gain tensile strength is slow, reflecting a much
carry oxygen and nutrients necessary to sustain cell me­ slower rate of accumulation of collagen and, more impor­
tabolism. The structural molecules of newly formed tant, collagen remodeling with the formation of larger col­
extracellular matrix, termed the provisional matrix, 1 74 con­ lagen bundles and an increase in the number of intermol­
tribute to the formation of granulation tissue by pro­ ecular cross-links . 1 82 Nevertheless, wounds never attain the
viding a scaffold or conduit for cell migration. These same breaking strength ( the tension at which skin breaks)
molecules include fibrin, fibronectin , and hyaluronic as uninjured skin. At maximal strength, a scar is only 70%
acid. 1 75,1 76 as strong as normal skin. 1 83 It seems that the fi broblasts
The new capillaries grow toward the clot and invade it. need to be guided as to how to lay the collagen, and gentle
This can start 1 to 2 hours after the inj ury and generally movements provide natural tensions for the healing tis­
continues for 3 days. Capillary buds are formed with the sues, which results in a stronger repair.
growth of the capillaries, and then blood begins to flow Subjectively, the patient reports no pain at rest. With
through them. specific activities, the pain is felt over a fairly localized area,
At about the same time, the fibrocytes increase in size and the motion of related joints is often restricted by soft
and migrate into wounds. Fibroblasts commence the syn­ tissue tightness.
thesis of extracellular matrix, and begin to multiply. I 77, 1 78 Intervention goals during this phase are to protect the
The provisional extracellular matrix is gradually replaced forming collagen, direct its orientation to be parallel with
with a collagenous matrix 1 77,1 78 by about the fifth day. This the lines of force it must withstand, and to prevent cross­
is the fibrous tissue of the repair stage, in which the wound linking and scar contracture. If these two aims are
changes from a predominately cellular area, or cellular achieved, the scar will be strong and extensible. These may
sU'ucture, to an extracellular structure. This period lasts be accomplished by gentle active and passive exercises
from 5 to 15 days, and often up to 10 weeks. Collagen, mu­ (well within the tolerance of the new collage n ) , and gentle
copolysaccharides, and glycoproteins are synthesized and transverse frictions. Modalities can include h igh-voltage
deposited within the granulation tissue. The collagen electrical stimulation and ultrasound, which in vitro ex­
fibers are small, weak, and vulnerable to tearing. Once an periments have demonstrated results in the stimulation of
abundant collagen matrix has been deposited in the collagen production. The manual techniques employed
wound, the fibroblasts stop producing collagen, and the fi­ are based on the test of the end feel:
broblast-rich granulation tissue is replaced by a relatively
acellular scar. Cells in the wound undergo apoptosis • If pain occurs before the motion barrier, specific u-ac­
(programmed cell death) 179 triggered by unknown signals. tion to a singlejoint should be the manual intervention
Dysregulation of these processes occurs in fibrotic disor­ of choice.
ders such as keloid formation, and scleroderma. During • If pain occurs at the motion barrier, oscillations start­
this stage, con tracture of the forming scar occurs. This ing at the joint neutral should be employed, beginning
contracture is the cause of scar hypomobility and results in with grade I and II mobilizations, before progressing
cross-linking of the collagen fibers and bundles, and adhe­ to grades III and IV.
sions between the immature collagen and surrounding
tissues. Remodeling
Collagen remodeling during this transition phase is Although collagen production and deposition is completed
dependent on continued synthesis and catabolism of colla­ after 2 months, the process of remodeling can last many
gen. By 3 weeks, the scar is 20% less than its original size. years. Scar remodeling continues to take place during this
In areas where the skin is loose and mobile, this creates period, as the scar changes in appearance, strengtl1, size,

firmness, and fold. A wound at 2 months bears no resem­ 23. What also occurs during the subacute phase?
blance to the wound 1 year later. The orientation of the col­ 24. What are the intervention aims of the subacute phase?
lagen bundles can still be influenced and tends to be laid 25. How long does the chronic phase last?
down parallel to the lines of force, as it was in the substrate
Intervention goals, depending on the time frame, are
to encourage optimum collagen aggregation, orientation, 1 . Type III.
and arrangement of collagen fibers. Modalities can in­ 2. The application of a maximum and sustained stretch/
clude electric stimulation ( ES) and continuous ultra­ distraction.
sound. Exercises are continued, progressing as tolerated to 3. Type I and II.
more vigorous exercises and, if necessary, deep transverse 4. Type IV.
friction massage. If during the end feel test: 5. Actin and myosin.
6. Myosin.
• Pain occurs after the motion barrier, grade IV oscilla­ 7. I bands (isotropic ) .
tions at the barrier and gentle muscle energy tech­ 8 . A bands ( contain actin and myosin ) .
niques should be the manual intervention of choice. 9. Troponin.
• There is a painless restriction, a prolonged stretch or 1 0. Actin.
grade V mobilization should be employed. 1 1 . Synthesis of collagen.
1 2. Nutritional transport and to maintenance of architec-
13. Tangential, transitional, radial, and calcified.
1 . Which type o fjoint receptor inhibits muscle function 14. Calcified.
around a j oint? 1 5. Transitional.
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bind with? 24. Protection of the forming collagen with gentle exer­
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what? transverse frictional massage and ultrasound.
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Chapter Objectives removed from the clinic, and the treatment of patients.
Some years later I began reading Muscles and Movements by
At the completion of this chapter, the reader will be able MacConaill and Basmajian.1 Unfortunately, this did little
to: to change my opinions. The book seemed to be full of
chapter upon chapter of mathematical equations and yet
1. Identify the differences between angular and acces­ more definitions. It was only after I had been practicing for
sory motion and their relevance to motion assessment. a few years that the true importance of this information
2. Describe the differences between the open-packed finally sunk in. What follows is my attempt to make the sub­
and close-packed positions of a joint. ject of biomechanics both interesting and clinically rele­
3. Describe the biomechanics of spinal motion. vant using, ironically, the aforementioned book as a
4. Describe the biomechanics of sacral motion. source.
5. Identify capsular patterns of the spinal joints. If one views the human body simplistically, it is a me­
6. List Fryette's three laws of motion and their relevance chanical system controlled by an electrical system. As such,
in the assessment and treatment of the spine. it obeys the same physical laws of the universe that every
7. Describe the biomechanics of combined motions in other system does. It is, therefore, important that the clini­
the spine. cian understand some of the basic concepts that underlie
8. Describe the differences between hypomobility, hy­ the conditions that will be encountered clinically. Not only
permobility, and instability. will these principles be used for diagnostic purposes, but
9. Describe the two main types of spinal locking and they will also add a high degree of specificity to the manual
their respective uses. techniques used in the clinic.
10. Identify normal and abnormal end feels.
1 1. Outline the differences between conjunct, congruent
and adjunct rotations. ANGU LAR A N D ACCESSORY MOTION
1 2. Understand the significance of a concave and convex
surface when mobilizing. All motions in the musculoskeletal system involve a combi­
13. Discuss the relevance of the capsular pattern. nation of angular motion and accessory motion. Angular
14. Describe the biomechanics of mechanical stress. motion can be viewed as the motion tlIat is visible, such as
an arm, leg, or trunk moving through space. Accessory
motion is the "invisible" motion that occurs at the joint sur­
OVERVIEW faces during the visible motions.
For a joint to function completely, both of these mo­
It has been some years now since I sat and suffered tions have to occur normally. In fact, they are directly pro­
through my first exposure to biomechanics. I was an un­ portional to each other-a small increment of accessory
dergraduate and, although the professor did his best to motion represents a larger increment of angular motion.
hold the attention of his audience by injecting some hu­ It follows, therefore, that if a joint is not functioning cor­
mor, I failed to grasp the relevance of it all. Learning about rectly, one or both of these motions is at fault, and the in­
the various classes of levers and pulling actions of the mus­ tervention to restore the complete function must be aimed
cles, and memorizing numerous definitions, seemed far at the specific cause.


In the extremities, the angular motion is produced joint mobilizations. Distraction and compression can be
and controlled by the contractile tissues, whereas the ac­ used to help differentiate the cause of the restriction.
cessory motion is controlled by the integrity of the joint 1. Distraction: Traction is a force imparted passively by
surfaces and the noncontractile (inert) tissues. This is seen the clinician that results in a distraction of the joint
clinically following a complete rupture of the anterior cru­ surfaces.
ciate ligament of the knee. Upon examination of that a. If the distraction is limited, a contracture of con­
knee, the accessory motion (joint glide) is found to be in­ nective tissue should be suspected.
creased, illustrated by a positive Lachman's test, but the b. If the distraction increases the pain, it may indicate
range of motion of the knee-its angular motion-is not a tear of connective tissue, and may be associated
affected. This rule changes with a joint that has undergone with increased range.
degenerative changes, resulting in joint glides that are in­ c. If the distraction eases the pain, it may indicate an
creased, owing to the lack of integrity of the joint surface, involvement of the joint surface.
but an angular motion that is decreased, demonstrated by 2. Compression: The opposite movement occurs when
the capsular pattern of restriction. (See later) compared to distraction. Compression involves the
Spinal motions obey slightly different rules to those of pushing of joint surfaces together by the clinician.
the extremities. Here, contractile tissues produce the an­ a. If the compression increases the pain, a loose
gular motion, but both the contractile and inert tissues body or internal derangement of the joint may be
control the motion. present.
The clinician faced with a patient who has lost motion b. If the compression decreases the pain, it may im­
at a joint needs to determine whether the loss of motion is plicate the joint capsule.
the result of a contractile or inert structure. If the clinician
assesses the accessory motion of the joint by performing a Once the joint glide is restored, the angular motion
joint glide, information about the integrity of the inert can be assessed again. If it is still reduced, the contractile
structures will be given. There are two scenarios: tissues are at fault.

A. The joint glide is normal (unrestricted). An unrestricted

joint glide indicates two differing conclusions:
1. The integrity of both the joint surface and the periar­
The close-packed position of a joint is that position of the
ticular tissue is good. If the joint surface and periartic­
joint that results in maximal tautness of the major liga­
ular structures are intact, the patient's loss of motion
ments, maximal surface congruity, least transarticular
must be due to a contractile tissue. The intervention
pressure, minimal joint volume, and maximal stability, al­
for this patient would involve techniques designed to
lowing least distraction of the joints surfaces, and reducing
change the length of a contractile tissue-stretching
the degrees of freedom to zero. It is for this reason that
or muscle energy techniques, or both.
most fractures and dislocations occur when a joint is in its
2. The joint glide is not only unrestricted, it is excessive,
close-packed position. The close-packed posi tion of a joint
in which case the joint has undergone significant de­
always occurs at the end of range with habitual movements
generative changes, and if there is a loss of angular
(e.g., hip extension). Once the close-packed position is
motion, it is in a capsular pattern. Other clinical find­
achieved, no further motion in tllat direction is possible.
ings, such as x-rays and a subjective history, would be
Therefore, movement toward the close-packed position in­
needed as confirmation in those joints that have a
volves some degree of compression, whereas motion out of
two-dimensional capsular pattern, involving only the
this position involves distraction.
relationship between flexion and extension, as in
From a clinical perspective, this position is avoided
the elbow. Three-dimensional capsular patterns,
when the clinician is attempting to assess joint play. How­
like those occurring at the shoulder or hip, can help
ever, if the aim is to restore motion to a joint, tlle close­
the clinician determine if the rest of the capsular pat­
packed position is sought first as it is this position that pro­
tern is present. The intervention for this patient
vides maximum stability and nutrition to the joint, and it is
would concentrate on stabilizing techniques.
the position the joint uses when speciaJ effort is undertaken.
B. The joint glide is restricted. If the joint glide is restricted, The open-packed position of a joint is that position of
the joint surface and periarticular tissues are implicated the joint that results in the slackening of the major liga­
as the cause for the patient's loss of motion, although ments of the joint, minimal surface congruity, minimal
the contractile tissues cannot, at this stage, be ruled out. joint surface contact, maximal joint volume, and minimal
The intervention for this patient would involve specific stability, allowing maximal distraction of the joint surfaces.

It is for this reason that most capsular or ligamentous TABLE 3-1 COUPLING IN THE LUMBAR SPINE
sprains occur when a joint is in its open-packed position.
In essence, any position of the joint other than the close­
packed position could be considered to be the open­ Farfan Contralateral Contralateral
packed position. It is this position that a joint tends to Kaltenborn76 Ipsilateral Ipsilateral
Grieve80 Ipsilateral Contralateral
move into when inflamed. From a clinical perspective, this
Fryette57 Contralateral Ipsilateral Ipsilateral
position is used for joint mobilizations when the joint is in
Evjenth74 Ipsilateral Contralateral
the acute stage of healing.

occur at the vertebral segments are complex, involving a

multijoint complex, and have been studied by several au­
thors.!>--7 Including translations and rotations around three
Although the spine is divided into its anatomic regions for
different axes, the spine is considered by some to possess six
the purpose of this book, there are similarities between
degrees of freedom.8 The range of motion at individual seg­
these areas. The function of the spine is to:2
ments varies; however, the relative amount of motion that
occurs at each region is well documented.9 Because the ori­
• House and protect vital structures, especially the
entation of the articular facets does not correspond exactly
spinal cord.
to pure planes of motion, pure motion occurs very infre­
• Provide support.
quently.8 Thus, motions in the spine typically occur three­
• Provide mobility.
dimensionally, and the phenomenon of coupling occurs, in
• Provide control.
which two or more individual motions occur simultaneously
10 . II . 1
throughout the lumbar, thoraCiC, and cerVlca I regIOns. 2

The spine is a flexible curved column, presenting a

Coupling involves one motion being accompanied by
lordotic curve in the lumbar and cervical regions, and a
another. In the spine, the coupled motions are side-flexion
kyphotic curve in the thoracic and sacral regions. The cur­
and rotation. This coupling occurs as a result of the geome­
vature of the lumbar and cervical regions is largely due to
try and configuration of the spine, especially the zy­
the wedge-shaped intervertebral discs.3 The function of
gapophysial joints. Coupling occurs tllroughout the whole
these curves is to provide the spinal column with increased
spine, I�15 and in the lumbar spine appears to vary with tlle
flexibility and shock-absorbing capabilities, while simulta­ . 6
level and is significantly affected by the posture of the spme. 1
neously maintaining adequate stiffness and support at the
There have been many opinions on tlle direction (ipsilateral
intervertebraljoints.4 In contrast to the thoracic and sacral
or contralateral) of the coupling (Table 3-1), but until rela­
regions, the lumbar and cervical regions are quite mobile
tively recently, little objective evidence has been produced to
and yet are still capable of supporting heavy loads.
support or refute any particular clinical impressions.
Movements of the spine, as elsewhere, are produced
All normal spinal motion in the cervical, thoracic, and
by the coordinated action of nerves and muscles. Agonistic
lumbar regions involves both sides of the segmen t moving
muscles initiate and perform the movements, whereas the
simultaneously around the same axis. That is to say, a mo­
antagonistic muscles control and modify the movements.
tion of the right side of a segment produces a motion on
The amount of motion available at each region of the
the left side of that same segment. If both sides of a verte­
spine is a factor of:
bral segment are equally impaired (equally hypomobile or
hypermobile), there is no change in the axis of motion,
• The disc-to-vertebral height ratio
unless it should cease to exist due to excessive scarring, or
• The compliance of the fibrocartilage
ankylosis. Where a symmetric motion impairment exists,
• The dimensions and shape of the adjacent vertebral
there is no noticeable deviation from the path of flexion or
end plates
extension (impaired side-flexion and rotation), but rather
the path is shortened with a hypomobility, or lengthened
The type of motion available is governed by:
with a hypermobility.

• The shape and orientation of the vertebral arch artic­

• The ligaments and muscles of the arch and its processes
Although various motion patterns have been proposed for
Although it is convenient to describe the various mo­ the sacroiliac joint,l7-20 the precise model for sacroiliac
tions of the spine in a certain direction, the movements that motion has remained fairly elusive,21-24 and no thorough

evaluation is available to clarify whether a motion test can Under the premise that pelvic asymmetry is related to
specifically identify sacroiliac joint displacements. Post­ low back pain, clinical tests of static (positional) and dy­
mortem analysis has shown that up to an advanced age, namic (motion or functional) asymmetry have been devel­
small movements are measurable under different load oped and promoted in orthopedic, osteopathic, physical
conditions.25-27 However, little is known about movements therapy, and chiropractic texts.8.18.37-46 However, the as­
in the sacroiliacjoints in patients with posterior pelvic pain sumption of the association between pelvic asymmetry and
after birth and in patients with inflammatory disease. low back pain has not been validated. Indeed, the findings
Reliable studies on living persons have been per­ from a recent study47 did not support a substantive positive
formed with radiostereometric analysis (RSA) of im­ association between low back pain and pelvic asymmetry.
planted markers,24.28-3I and with measurements based on The same study reported a weak association with standing
implanted external Steinman rods.32 In a study using fresh posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS) asymmetry with low
cadavers,25 all muscular tissue and the symphysial part of back pain, at least in selected groups.
the pelvis were removed. Each innominate was fixed into a Unilateral limitation of hip rotation range of motion,
block of acrylic cement. With both innominates fixed, the in which a specific movement such as external rotation is
mean rotation of the sacrum around tile x-axis was 3.2 de­ unequal between the left and right sides, has been ob­
grees (flexion plus extension); with only one innominate served in patients with disorders of the sacroiliac joint,48-50
fixed, the mean rotation was 6.2 degrees.24 In another which is often considered a component of low back
study by, Vleeming and associates,27 both the symphysis pain.51-53 LaBan and associates5o noted asymmetry in uni­
and the ligaments around the sacroiliac joints were intact; lateral hip rotation-that is, abduction and external rota­
the maximal rotation observed was 4 degrees. In an RSA of tion were limited unilaterally-in patients with inflamma­
four patients, Egund and col\eagues28 demonstrated a tion of the sacroiliac joints. Dunn and co-workers54
maximal rotation of 2 degrees in the sacroiliac joints. With reported limited hip mobility in patients with infection of
RSA of patients changing from supine to standing posi­ the sacroiliac joint; however, no mention was given to
tion, Sturesson and co-workers3o demonstrated that the in­ which movements were limited. Others have described
nominates rotate as a unit around the sacrum a mean of cases in which patients with low back pain had unilateral,
2.5 degrees (range: 1.6 to 3.9 degrees).24 During hyperex­ limited internal hip rotation and excessive external hip ro­
tension of one hip, the sacroiliac joint on the provoked tation and also exhibited signs of sacroiliac joint dysfunc­
side rotated 0.5 degrees more than that on the nonpro­ tion.49.52 A controversy, therefore, exists about whether hip
voked side.24 The mobility of both sides was also the same rotation is limited in patients with signs of sacroiliac joint
in 1 7 patients with unilateral symptoms.24 Kissling and dysfunction. A recent stud/5 attempted to determine
associates33 used a stereophotogrammetric method in whether a characteristic pattern of hip rotation range of
healthy volunteers. Using stainless steel rods in the ilia motion existed in patients with low back pain, and whether
and the sacrum, they showed approximately 3 degrees of tllOse classified as having sacroiliac joint dysfunction have
movement in the sacroiliacjoints between maximal flexion a different pattern of hip range of motion compared with
and extension of the spine. those with unspecified low back pain. The study found that
Recently, in two in vivo studies using a sustained recip­ patients with low back pain, who had signs suggesting
rocal straddle position, Smidt and colleagues registered a sacroiliac joint regional pain, had significantly more exter­
sacroiliac motion of 9 degrees in one stud/4 and 22 to nal than internal rotation range of motion on one side and
36 degrees in the other,35 around "an oblique sagittal axis," concluded that identifying unilateral hip range of motion
by using skin landmarks. In a fresh cadaver study,36 with asymmetry in patients with low back pain may help in di­
computed tomography the same investigators reported a agnosing sacroiliac joint regional pain.55
total sacroiliac joint motion between extreme hip extension Despite the controversy surrounding tllisjoint, certain
and flexion of 7 degrees around the sagittal axis (x-axis) on conclusions can be drawn:
the left side and 8 degrees on the right side. Testing in the
reciprocal straddle position showed 5 degrees of sacroiliac • The sacroiliac joint can be a source of pain.
joint movement on the left side and 8 degrees on the right • Motions occur at the sacroiliac joint. The motions that
side. A recent study by Sturesson and co-workers evaluated, are thought to occur include rotation around the x-axis
with RSA, the movements in the sacroiliac joints during a (sacral nutation/ counternutation, and innominate
sustained reciprocal straddle position in patients with poste­ rotation), and translations between the sacral and
rior pelvic pain and compared the results with those of innominate surfaces. Sacral nutation is a forward flex­
Smidt and colleagues. The findings from this study found ion of the sacrum within the two innominates, whereas
the values reported by Smidt and colleagues34 to be five sacral counternutation is a backward extension of
times higher. the sacrum within the two innominates. Innominate

rotation occurs in either a posterior or anterior direc­ In other words, when the segment is under load (close
tion in the same direction as the sacrum motion. packed, under ligamentous tension, or in positions of flex­
• Traditional tests for this joint that rely on position by ion or extension) the coupling of side-flexion and rotation
palpation are unreliable.56 occur to the same side.
Dysfunctions occurring in the flexion or extension
ranges are described, by osteopaths, as type II dysfunctions.
FRYETT E'S LAWS OF PHYSIOLOG I C This law describes the coupling that occurs in the C2
SPI NAL MOTION57.58 to T3 areas of the spine.

Although referred to as "laws," these statements are better Fryette's Third Law
viewed as concepts as they have undergone review and
Fryette's third law tells us that if motion in one plane is
modification over time. The modifications are highlighted
int-roduced to the spine, motion in the other two planes is therery
here and in later chapters, where relevant. However, the
concepts serve as useful guidelines in the evaluation and
treatment of spinal dysfunction, and are cited throughout
many books when discussing spinal coupling. The term COMB I N E D MOTIONS
neutral, according to Fryette, is interpreted as any position
in which the zygapophysial joints are not engaged in any Combined motions are used by the clinician to increase or
surface contact, and the position in which the ligaments decrease symptoms, or to provoke the reproduction of a
and capsules of the segment are not under tension. symptom that was not reproduced using the planar mo­
tions of flexion, extension, side-flexion, and rotation.60-62
Care should be taken when utilizing combined motions,
Fryette's First Law
especially with acute and subacute patients, in whom a re­
'men any part of the lumbar or thoracic spine is in neutral duction of symptoms through modalities and gentle exer­
position, sidebending of a vertebra will be opposite to the side of the cise might be preferable to exacerbating their condition.
-rotation of that vertebra." It should be obvious that, irrespective of the coupling
When a lumbar or thoracic vertebra is side-flexed that occurs, there is a great deal of similarity between a mo­
from its neutral position, the vertebral body will turn to­ tion involving flexion followed by left side-flexion, and a
ward the convexity that is being formed, with the maxi­ motion involving left side-flexion, followed by flexion.
mum rotation occurring near the apex of the curve Both motions have the same end result, they merely use
formed. In other words, when no loading of the segment is different methods to arrive there. The same could be said
occurring (it is in neural), side-flexion and rotation occur of the following combined motions:
in opposite directions. The exception to this is the cran­
iovertebral joints, although it could be argued that as they • Flexion and right side-flexion, followed by right side­
do not possess a disc, they are not true spinal joints. flexion and flexion
Dysfunctions that occur in the neutral range are • Extension and right side-flexion, followed by right
termed, by osteopaths, type I dysfunctions. side-flexion and extension
This law describes the coupling for the thoracic and • Extension and left side-flexion, followed by left side­
lumbar spines. Lee59 and Pettrnan, however, have proposed flexion and extension
that at the T3 to TIO levels, the coupling depends on which
of the two coupled motions initiates the movement (rota­ Motions that involve flexion and side-flexion away
tion or side-flexion). They propose that if rotation initiates from the symptoms invoke a stretch to the structures on
the motion (rotexion) then ipsilateral side-flexion is pro­ the side of the symptoms, whereas motions that involve ex­
duced, but if side-flexion initiates the motion (latexion) tension and side-flexion toward the side of the symptoms
then the side-flexion produces a contralateral rotation. produce a compression of the structures on the side of the
The cer vical spine is not included in this law, as the symptoms.61-63 An example of a stretching pattern would
zygapophysial joints of this region are always engaged. be pain on the right side of the spine that is increased with
a flexion followed by a left side-flexion movement, or a left
side-flexion motion followed by a flexion movement. A
Fryette's Second Law
compression pattern would involve pain on the right side
"When any part of the spine is in a position ofhyperextension of the spine that is increased with a movement involving
or hyperflexion, the sidebending of the vertebra will be to the same either extension followed by right side-flexion, or right
side as the -rotation of that vertebra." side-flexion followed by extension.

The combined motions mentioned thus far, and the accessory or linear glide. Most muscles that cause hypomo­
reproduction of symptoms, could be said to follow a logical bility are hypertonic rather than structurally shortened.65
and predictable pattern. Indeed, there are recognized pat­ Structural shortening results from post-traumatic adhe­
terns that can be used to aid in the correct diagnosis of a sions and scarring, or from adaptive shortening as a result
patient, and these are detailed in the relevant chapters. of postural habits. A recommended way to determine the
However, there are situations where non-logical pat­ presence of structural shortening is to try to reduce the
terns are found. An example of a non-logical pattern muscle tone by the nonrepetitive stretches of Janda or
would be pain on the right side of the spine which is in­ Sahrmann.65 Phasic eye exercises, hold-relax, muscle belly
creased with a flexion and right side-flexion combination, pressure techniques, and brief oscillatory spinal traction
but decreased with an extension and right side-flexion are all theorized to decrease tone.65 If these techniques fail,
combination. The movements just described involve a then traditional stretching techniques are advocated.
combination of stretching and compression movements. Hypertonicity may also be produced by a segmental fa­
These non-logical patterns typically indicate that more cilitation.66 This phenomenon is discussed in Chapter 4
than one structure is involved.60-62 Of course, they could and 12. Vestibular dysfunction has also been implicated in
also indicate to the clinician that the patient does not have increasing the tone of muscles, reducing head motion, and
a musculoskeletal impairment. increasing tone in the trunk and limbs, although the exact
mechanism is unknown.67,68
Hypermobility is defined as excessive angular motion
HYPOMOBI LlTY, HYPE RMOB I LlTY, at a joint. The hypermobile joint retains its stability and
A N D I NSTAB I LITY functions normally under physiologic loads. In the lumbar
spine, a patient with segmental hypermobility typically re­
A normal joint has a specific amount of motion available to ports that sustained positions cause discomfort, and that
it, which is based on a number of factors such as the pa­ activity eases the pain to some degree. Examination of the
tient's age and sex, as well as the health of the joint. If a lumbar spine reveals that the patient has difficulties mov­
joint moves less than one would expect it to, it is described ing from flexion to extension, and there is a late onset of
as hypomobile; if it moves further than one would expect, it resistance with the end feel. An excess of motion in one di­
is deemed hypermobile; and if it moves so excessively that it rection produces a deficit of motion in another direction.
becomes pathologic, it is deemed unstable. Clearly the cli­ Generalized hypermobility is a non progressive and
nician needs to identify whether the joint is moving a nor­ often nonpathologic, syndrome that is characterized by
mal or abnormal amount, and treat it accordingly. a laxity of connective tissue, ligaments, and muscles re­
Active range of motion of a joint is traditionally used sulting in:
to test the amount of angular motion available at the joint.
Any reduced range will be in either a capsular or a non­ • Decreased muscle tone
capsular pattern, depending on the cause. Because angu­ • Decreased strength
lar motion is directly proportional to linear motion, a loss • Increased ROM
of angular motion can result in a loss of the linear motion
(glide). Although there is no agreed upon conservative inter­
If, upon checking the range of motion of a joint, the vention for this syndrome, the clinician needs to be aware
clinician finds it to be restricted, he or she must determine of its existence to prevent unnecessary stretching of already
whether the loss of range is occurring: lax tissues and to incorporate a prolonged strengthening
and sensory motor program to help provide muscular
• At the joint surfaces, and is thus a linear motion re­ stability. The most useful tests to determine the presence
striction. of this syndrome are:
• In a structure that surrounds the joint, such as a myo­
fascial6'1 or periarticular structure, and is thus a true • Head rotation. The patient is placed in a sitting position
angular motion restriction. and is asked to perform head rotation. At the end of
the available active range of motion, tile clinician per­
If the motion is found to be reduced, the joint glide forms passive over-pressure. The normal range is ap­
needs to be assessed, so a passive articular motion (PAM) test proximately 80 degrees to each side.
in the extremities, and passive physiologic articular interver­ • High arm cross. The patient is positioned sitting or
tebral motion (PPAIVM) test in the spine, is performed. standing, and is asked to put his or her arm around
Myofascial restrictions are recognized by a reduction in the neck from the front to the opposite side. Normally
the passive physiologic range in the presence of a normal the fingers should reach the spinous process of the

cervical spine while the elbows almost reach the me­ • A feeling of instability, or giving way
dian plane of the body. • Consistent clunking or clicking noises
• Touching of the hands behind the neck. The patient is • Inconsistent function and dysfunction
positioned sitting or standing and is asked to bring • Hypermobility on segmental testing
both hands together behind the back. Normally the • Instability of segmental testing
tips of fingers touch without any decrease in the tho­
racic kyphosis. Ligamentous stability tests utilize a nonphysiological
• Crossing of the arms behind the neck. The patient is posi­ motion/stress in the position of maximal tautness of the
tioned sitting or standing and is asked to put his or her joint. For example the anterior talofibular ligament of the
arms across the neck with the fingers extended in the ankle is positioned in plantar flexion, tautened with inver­
direction of the shoulder blades. Normally the fingers sion, and then stressed with abduction-a nonphysiologic
reach the spines of the scapula. motion for the ankle.
• Extension of the elbows. The patient is positioned sitting, Articular instability is tested by placing the joint in its
arms in front, with both elbows and lower arms touch­ close-packed position. In this position, there should be
ing and in maximal elbow flexion. The patient is asked no ability to distract the bone ends or angulate/glide one
to keep both arms together as he or she extends them surface on another except in the presence of articular
at the elbows. Normally, approximately 1 1 0 degrees of instability.
extension should be achieved before separation of the
arms occurs.
• Hyperextension of the thumb. Passive extension of the SPI NAL LOCK I NG7o,74
thumb is performed by the clinician. The normal
range is up to 20 degrees in the interphalangeal joint The structure and function of the vertebral column dictate
and 0 degrees in the metacarpophalangeal (MCP). that the therapeutic approach to the spine has to differ
• Fingers in the mouth. The normal number is about 2'/2 from that of the extremity joints in two respects:
to 3 fingers in the mouth.
1. Because the vertebral column consists of many articu­
Instability is defined as an excessive degree of linear lating segments, movements are complex and usually
motion (accessory glide) that is nonreversible. Degenera­ involve several segments, resulting in restrictions that
tion or degradation of a joint produces a decrease in the may be complex. For instance, if a single segmen t is re­
angular motion in the form of a capsular pattern, and an stricted, the adjacent segments may assume p(j,rt of its
increase in the accessory motion, because the degeneration normal tasks in executing movement. Thus, hypomo­
produces cartilage thinning and allows the bone ends to bility and forced hypermobility may both exist in a rel­
move closer together, thereby slackening off the capsule atively short section of the spine.
and surrounding ligaments. Articular instability leads to ab­ 2. Because the spinal cord runs along the channel
normal patterns of coupled and translational movements, formed by the vertebral column, damage to, or exces­
whereas ligamentous instability can lead to multiple planes sive movement of, the column is potentially haz­
of aberrant joint motion.70 ardous to the central nervous system. It is extremely
For an instability to be classed as a functional instabil­ important that the manual clinician have a working
ity, it must interfere with function, and there are a number knowledge of the combined motions that occur
of criteria to indicate such interference, including:65,7 -73 throughout the spine in any given position of flexion
or extension.
• Long term, nonacute low back pain
• Early morning stiffness The movement pattern of the spine delineates the move­
• Short-term episodic pain ments attainable by the unrestricted, normal spine. It
• A history of ineffective treatments should not, and normally cannot, be exceeded without
• Posterior creases injury.
• Full range but abnormal movement, which may in­ In order to safely and specifically evaluate or treat a
clude angulation, hinging, deviation, using the thighs spinal segment, the other segments that may be affected by
to walk up on recovery from flexion, and wiggling the mobilization must be protected by locking them in
• Apprehension such a manner that they are not stressed during the inter­
• A ledge deformity on palpation vention. In addition, once the joints above and below the
• Minimal provocation segment to be treated are locked, they can then be used as
• Incomplete recovery from trauma a lever to facilitate the treatment technique. There are

essentially two main methods of locking: ( 1 ) congruent, motion barrier, either as part of the locking technique, or
and (2) incongruent. separately, after the locking has occurred.
Congruent or ligamentous locking involves taking
the joint to its full range, using the normal coupling of
side-flexion and rotation, to tighten the ligaments and
E N D F E E LS70

capsule to stabilize the joint. The disadvantage with this

An end feel was defined by Cyriax75 as the sensation of tis­
type of locking is that the ligaments and capsule take the
brunt of the mobilization force and, if the joint is hyper­ sue resistance that is felt by the clinician's hands at the ex­

mobile in that direction, further damage may ensue. This treme of the possible range during passive ROM testing of
a joint. The first resistance that is met on passively moving
form of locking has been advocated in cases of articular
a joint is muscle. If this is not stretched sufficiently, the un­
Incongruent or articular locking takes the joint to its derlying end feel cannot be felt. Over the years, Cyriax's

full range while deliberately employing incongruent rota­ original list has been modified and added to, and what is
presented here are the common end feels that the clini­
tion and side-flexion to essentially jam the joint surfaces
cian can encounter.
on each other, and so lock the joint, without tautening the
capsule or ligaments. Incongruent locking tends to pro­
duce a much firmer lock and the potential of overstretching Normal End Feels
the capsule and ligaments is minimized. It has been pro­
moted as the locking method of choice in cases of liga­ Bony
mentous instability. However, the presence of articular A. Produced by bone-to-bone approximation.
instability obviates this locking method.
B. Characteristics: Abrupt and unyielding, with the impres­
In fact, it is difficult to be sure which type of locking
sion that further forcing will break something.
is being done at any given series of spinal joints. As previ­
ously mentioned, the research into coupled movements C. Examples:
in the lower lumbar spine has upset most of the theories 1 . Normal: Elbow extension.
on side-flexion and rotation coupling, and there is no 2. Abnormal: Cervical rotation (may indicate osteophyte).
reason to suppose that any other area of the spine is any
more predictable. While in theory, the use of an incon­ Elastic
gruent lock in the presence of a ligamentous instability, A. Produced by the muscle-tendon unit. May occur with
and the use of a congruent lock in the presence of an ar­ adaptive shortening.
ticular instability, appears to be reasonable, the lack of
B. Characteristics: Stretch with elastic recoil and exhibits
consensus as to the coupling, makes it almost impossible
constant-length phenomenon. Further forcing feels as
to determine which is occurring at any given time. It is
if it will snap something.
probably better to avoid the direction of the instability or
hypermobility as these can, with a fair degree of confi­ C. Examples:
dence, be detected. 1. Normal: Wrist flexion with finger flexion, the
For example, if the L4-5 segment is to be treated and straight leg raise, and ankle dorsiflexion with the
the L3-4 segment is hyper mobile into extension and left knee extended.
rotation, then it must be locked into flexion and right ro­ 2. Abnormal: Decreased dorsiflexion of the ankle with
tation. If an anterior instability exists at L5 to Sl, then the knee flexed.
the segment should be locked with nonsequential flex­
ion; that is, the sacrum is extended under L5, thereby Soft Tissue Interposition
flexing the segment, but applying a posterior force while A. Produced by the contact of two muscle bulks on either
doing so, and avoiding the anterior shear force at the side of a flexing joint where the joint range exceeds
segment. other restraints.
A further consideration when locking is the interven­
B. Characteristics: A very forgiving end feel that gives the
tion technique that will be applied. If the intervention is
impression that further normal motion is possible if
neurophysiologically based, where grades I or II oscilla­
enough force could be applied.
tions are to be employed, the joint must be left in its neu­
tral position, while the remainder of the spine is locked C. Examples:
around it. If, on the other hand, mechanical considera­ 1 . Normal: Knee flexion, elbow flexion in extremely
tions predominate and a grade IV+ or a prolonged stretch muscular subjects.
are to be used, then the joint should be positioned at its 2. Abnormal: Elbow flexion in the obese subject.

Capsular 2. With joint inflammation, it occurs early in the range,

A. Produced by capsule or ligaments. especially toward the close-packed position to pre­
vent further stress.
B. Characteristics:
3. With an irritable joint hypermobility, it occurs at the
l . Various degrees of stretch without elasticity. Stretch
end of what should be normal range as it prevents ex­
ability is dependent on thickness of the tissue.
cessive motion from further stimulating tl1e nociceptor.
2. Strong capsular or extracapsular ligaments produce a
4. Spasm in grade I I muscle tears becomes apparent as
hard capsular end feel whereas a thin capsule pro­
the muscle is passively lengthened and is accompa­
duces a softer one.
nied by a painful weakness of that muscle.
3. The impression given to the clinician is, if further
Note: Muscle guarding is not a true end feel as it involves a
force is applied something will tear.
C. Examples:
C. Examples:
l . Normal: Wrist flexion (soft), elbow flexion in supina­
1. Normal: None.
tion (medium), and knee extension (hard).
2. Abnormal: Significant traumatic arthritis, recent
2. Abnormal: Inappropriate stretch ability for a specific
traumatic hypermobility, grade II muscle tears.
joint. If too hard, may indicate a hypomobility caused
by arthrosis; if too soft, a hypermobility. Empty
A. Produced solely by pain. Frequently caused by serious
Abnormal End Feels and severe pathologic changes that do not affect the joint
or muscle and so do not produce spasm. Demonstration
Springy of this end feel is, with the exception of acute subdeltoid
A. Produced by the articular surface rebounding from an bursitis, evidence of serious pathology. Furtller forcing
intra-articular meniscus or disc. The impression is that simply increases the pain to unacceptable levels.
if forced further, something will collapse. B. Characteristics: The limitation of motion has no tissue

B. Characteristics: A rebound sensation, as if pushing off resistance component, and the resistance is from the
from a Sorbo rubber pad. patient being unable to tolerate further motion be­
cause of severe pain. Although, by definition, an end
C. Examples: feel is something the clinician must feel, the empty
l . Normal: Axial compression of the cervical spine.
end feel is very difficult to obtain, even with the most
2. Abnormal: Knee flexion or extension with a dis­ complian t patient.
placed meniscus.
C. Examples:
Boggy 1 . Normal: None.
A. Produced by viscous fluid (blood) within a joint. 2. Abnormal: Acute subdeltoid bursitis, sign of the but­
B. Characteristics: A "squishy" sensation as the joint is
moved toward its end range. Further forcing feels as if it Facilitation
will burst the joint. A. Not truly an end feel because facilitated hypertonicity
does not restrict motion. It can, however, be perceived
C. Examples:
near the end range.
l . Normal: None.
2. Abnormal: Hemarthrosis at the knee. B. Characteristics: A light resistance, as from a constant
light muscle contraction, throughout the latter half of
Spasm the range that does not prevent the end of range being
A. Produced by reflex and reactive muscle contraction in reached. The resistance is unaffected by the rate of
response to irritation of the nociceptor, predominantly movement.
in articular structures and muscle. Forcing it further
C. Examples:
feels as if nothing will give.
1. Normal: None.
B. Characteristics: 2. Abnormal: Spinal facilitation at any level.
1. An abrupt and "twangy" end to movement that is
unyielding while the structure is being threatened, Biomechanical
but disappears when the threat is removed (kicks A. Speculated to be produced by a pathomechanical 111 -

back). congruity at the articular surface level.


B. Characteristics: An abrupt, hard end feel at one ex­ if the tissue does not recover sufficiently before a subse­
treme of range. Further forcing feels as if something will quent stress is applied, failure may occur.
tear and break simultaneously. Hysteresis is the difference in the behavior of a tissue
when it is being loaded versus unloaded. The deformation
C. Examples:
of the tissue occurs to a greater extent over a different time
1 . Normal: Any incongruent movement such as flexion
period than its recovery. That is, the tissue remains de­
of the first MCP joint in medial rotation.
formed and takes longer to recover its prestress length
2. Abnormal: Articular subluxation.
than it did to become deformed. This is because of a de­
crease in back pressure, the breaking of bonds, and their
subsequent inability to contribute to the recovery of the
The difference between the resting length and the
The term load describes the type of force applied to the tis­ length immediately after the load has been removed is
sue in question and may be tensile, compressive, bending, called the set. The more bonds that are broken, the greater
torsional, or perpendicular, or a combination. Each of is the amount of hysteresis and set. Gradually, providing
these loads produces a certain type of stress within the tis­ the chemical bonds remain intact, the collagen and pro­
sue and tends to produce motion. In addition, each of teoglycans will recover their original alignment but, if the
these types of load tends to produce a certain type of fail­ bonds are broken, full recovery cannot occur until they are
ure if it exceeds the tolerance of the tissue. For example, re-formed. If healing occurs in the set position, permanent
excessive compressive loading may result in burst vertebral elongation may result.
fractures or vertical disc prolapses; bending forces may Stress is the force per unit area that is generated by an
produce a tension fracture on the convex side of the bone, externally applied force within a tissue. Two types of
and compression fracture on the concave. If more than force are produced within the musculoskeletal system:
one type of load is applied at any given time, failure is shear and normal. Shear stress is produced by perpendicu­
more likely than if an equal single load is applied. lar forces applied to a tissue that is not able to freely move
Stiffness, the resistance of a structure to deformation is linearly or angularly. Normal stress is generated by non­
the force required to produce a unit of deformation. The perpendicular forces such as tension, compression, or
stiffer the structure, the steeper will be the slope of its bending. Most loads are combined and so tend to pro­
stress/strain curve. In collagen fibers, the greater the den­ duce a combination of normal and shear forces. Stress is
sity of the chemical bonds between the fibers or between expressed as a quotient of the applied force by the area
the fibers and their surrounding matrix, the greater the under that force.
stiffness. Collagen fibers at rest are buckled particularly in
the larger collagenous structures such as the joint capsule
and its ligaments-that is, there are multifiber folds pres­ CONJU NCT, CONG R U ENT,
ent, owing to its relaxed state. When a force that lengthens A N D ADJ U NCT ROTATION
the fi ber is initially applied, these folds are affected first
and, as they unfold, the slack is taken up. This slack is the Try this: Stand with your arms by your side, palms facing
tissue's crimp. inward, thumbs extended. Notice that the thumb is point­
Once the crimp has been taken out, increasing ing forward. Flex one arm 90 degrees at the shoulder so
amounts of force are required to break the chemical bonds that the thumb is pointing up. From this position,
between the molecules and the fibrils. If the stress is suffi­ horizontally extend your arm so that the thumb remains
cient, it will break these bonds, and, if enough of these pointing up but your arm is in a position of 90 degrees of
bonds are broken, the tissue fails and is no longer capable of glenohumeral abduction. From this position, without ro­
resisting the force. At this point, very little extra force is re­ tating your arm, return the arm to your side and note that
quired to tear the tissue. On average, collagen fibers are your thumb is now pointing away from your thigh. Refer­
able to sustain a 4% increase in elongation (strain) before ring to the start position, and using the thumb as the refer­
microscopic damage occurs. If the force is continued be­ ence, it can be seen that the arm has undergone an external
yond the stage that microscopic damage occurs, macro fail­ rotation of 90 degrees. But where and when did the rota­
ure, and finally, a complete rupture will occur. tion take place? Undoubtedly, it occurred during the three
Creep is the time-dependent deformation that occurs separate straight plane motions that etched a triangle in
as a result of a constantly applied force after the initial space. What you have just witnessed is an example of a con­
lengthening due to crimp has ceased. Clinically, creep is of junct rotation-a rotation that occurs as a result of joint
relevance because prolonged postures can produce it and, surface shapes, and the effect of inert tissues rather than

contractile tissues. It is this rotation that causes the joint not something that can be performed without some de­
capsule to twist when moving toward the c lose-packed po­ gree of thought. The former motio n , a habi tual one, in­
sition. An adjunct rotation is any other rotation that occurs volved a congruent rotation; the latter, an incongruent
with a motion. Conjunct rotations only occur in joints that rotation. Congruen t rotations, involved in all habi tual
can internally or externally rotate, but the rotation is only motions, should be considered in muscle re-education
under volitional control in joints with 3 degrees of free­ protocols.
dom, not in those with only 2. Although most clinicians
think they can name all of the joints that can internally and
externally rotate, many would be surprised to learn that al­ CONCAVE AND CONVEX JOINT S U R FACES
most all joints are capable of achieving these rotations.
Consider elbow flexion and extension. While fully flexing Put simply, a joint is a junction between two or more bone
and extending your elbow several times, watch the pisi­ ends. The vast majority of these bone ends have surfaces
form bone. If you watch carefully, you will notice that the that are either concave or convex in shape, or a combina­
pisiform, and the forearm, move in a direction of prona­ tion of both. 76•77 When a bone moves relative to another
tion during flexion and supination during extension of the bone, one of two types of movement can occur between
elbow. The elbow, which is considered to be a hinge joint thejoint surfaces. A roll occurs if points on the moving sur­
with 2 degrees of freedom, does not allow volitional con­ face make contact on the opposing surface at the same in­
trol of this rotation. In fact, all hinge joints do not allow vo­ tervals (Fig. 3-1 ) . A slide occurs if only one point on the
litional control of the rotation that occurs during flexion moving surface makes contact with varying points on the
and extension. This fact becomes extremely significant opposing surface (Fig. 3-1 ) . In reality, these two move­
when the clinician is restoring the loss of motion i n any ments occur simultaneously with most movements. Al­
ovoid joint except the glenohumeral and hip joint. It is no though the roll of a joint always occurs in the same direc­
longer sufficient to restore motion using straight plane tion as the swing of a bone, the shape of the end of the
techniques; a knowledge of the conjunct rotations occur­ bone that is moving determines the direction of the joint
ring at each joint is imperative if the clinician is to give the glide, or slide, that occurs at the joint surface when the
highest level of care. joint moves.
Try this: Stand with your arms by your side, palms If the bone end presents a convexity to its joint
faci ng inward. Flex your e lbow to 90 degrees. Now try partner, the glide (accessory motion) occurs in the oppo­
to internally rotate your shoulder while simultaneously site direction to the bone movement (angular motion) 76
pronating your forearm. That was easy. Next, try to in­ (Fig. 3-2A) . To give a clinical example, the talocrural joint is
ternally rotate your shoulder while simultaneously the junction between the bone end, or joint surface, of the
supinating your forearm. Although not impossible, i t is talus and the bone end of the tibia and fibula. The bone end


FIGURE 3-1 Joint move­

ments. A. Roll and slide occur­
ring with knee extension with a
stationary t i b i a . B. Roll and slide
occurring with knee extension
with a stationary fem u r.

FIGURE 3-2 G l i d i n g motions.
A. G l ides of the convex segment
s h o u l d be in the d i rection opposite
to the restriction. B. G l ides of the
concave seg ment should be i n the
d i rection of the restri cti o n .

of the talus is convex, whereas the bone ends of the tibia and The Maitland grading system, based on amplitude
fibula are concave. To restore dorsiflexion, the clinician of motion, is followed throughout this book. 78 In tllis
needs to mobilize the talus on the stabilized crura in a pos­ system, the range of motion is defined as the available
terior direction. Using the principles concerning conjunct range, not the full range, and is usually in one direction only
rotation, the clinician also applies an external rotation to (Fig. 3-3) . Each joint has an anatomic limit (AL) , which is
the mobilization direction. Conversely, to restore plantar determined by the configuration of the joint surfaces and
flexion, an anterior glide with an internal rotation is used. the surrounding soft tissues. The point of limitation (PL) is
If the bone end presents a concavity to its joint the point in the range that is short of the anatomic limit and
partner, the glide (accessory motion) occurs in the same is reduced by either pain or tissue resistance.
direction to the bone movement (angular motion) 76 (see The joint mobilization techniques, which are used
Fig. 3-2B) . To give a clinical example, the tibiofemoral joint to improve the joint glides of a joint, are usually of a small
is the junction between the bone or joint surface of the tibia ampli tude, incorporating an oscillatory component. Mait­
and the bone end of the femur. The bone end of the tibia is land has described five types of oscillations, each of which
concave, whereas the bone ends of the femur- the femoral falls within the available range of motion that exists at the
condyles-are convex. To restore knee flexion, the clinician joint-a point somewhere between the beginning point
needs to mobilize the tibia on the stabilized femur in a pos­ and the anatomic limit (see Fig. 3-3) .
terior direction to restore flexion. Using the principles con­
cerning conjunct rotation, the clinician also applies an in­ • Grade I: Low amplitude and performed at, or near, tlle
ternal rotation to the mobilization direction. beginning of the range.
As a general rule, if the concave-on-convex glide is • Grade II: High amplitude and performed through a
restricted, there is a contracture of the trailing portion of greater range of motion, but still does not reach the
the capsule, whereas if the convex-on-concave glide is end of available motion and so does not stretch the
restricted, there is an inability of the moving surface to glide limiting tissue.
into the contracted portion of the capsule. This, of course, • Grade III: High amplitude and performed to the end
is not always the case, but it serves as a useful guideline. of the range.

Grode III I
Grode IV at- I
Grode I Grode II limit of range I Grode V
• II' .. ..I_ ..

BP (Point of Al
(Beginning limitation) (Anatomic
point in limit)
range of motion)
FIGURE 3-3 Ma itlan d's five grades of motion. PL = point of l i m itatio n ;
AL anatomic l i m it.

• Grade IV: Low amplitude and performed in the range 6. What is a common cause of creep seen in the clinic?
that exceeds the restricted range 7. What is the name given to the difference in behavior
• Grade V: Low amplitude and high velocity performed of a tissue when being loaded and unloaded?
at the end of available range 8. What is a definition of the term set?
9. Which end feel is always normal?
Although the relationship that exists between the five 10. Which end feels are always abnormal?
grades in terms of their positions within the range of motion 11. Which end feels can have both normal and abnormal
is always constant, the point of limitation shifts further to the findings?
left as the severity of the motion limitation increases. The di­ 12. A boggy end feel indicates the presence of what in the
rection of the glide incorporated is determined by the con­ joint?
vex-concave rule described earlier, and the joint to be mo­ 13. What would be an example of an abnormal elastic end
bilized is placed in its loose-packed position. If mobilizing in feel?
the appropriate direction according to the convex-concave 14. What could cause an abnormal bony end feel in the
rule appears to exacerbate the patient's symptoms, the cli­ cervical region?
nician should apply the technique in the opposite direction 15. What is a biomechanical end feel speculated to be
until the patient can tolerate the appropriate direction. 79 produced by?
Refer to Chapter 1 2 for more details on joint mobiliza­

1. Opposite to the glide.

CAPSU LAR AND NONCAPS U LAR 2. Bony, spasm, capsular, springy, empty, soft tissue
PATTERNS OF RESTRICTION approximation, facilitation, elastic, boggy, biomechan­
A capsular pattern is a characteristic pattern of restriction 3. Arthritis, prolonged immobilization, acute trauma, ef-
adopted by those synovial joints controlled by muscles in fusion.
response to an arthritis of that joint. 75 This pattern is the 4. Internal derangement, adhesion, or muscle tightness.
result of a total joint reaction resulting in muscle spasm, 5. Creep.
contracture of the joint capsule, or osteophyte formation, 6. Prolonged postures.
or a combination. Eachjoint has its own characteristic pat­ 7. Hysteresis.
tern although some have the same type of pattern. The 8. The difference between the resting length and the
presence of the capsular pattern does not indicate to the length immediately after removal of the load.
clinician the type ofjoint involvement, but it does serve to 9. Soft tissue approximation (except with obese individ­
help the clinician determine if the underlying cause for a uals) .
loss in range is the result ofjoint arthritis. 10. Boggy (painless emptiness to the feel) , facilitation
Noncapsular patterns occur when there is a loss of (near end range hypertonicity that is unaffected by
range in a synovial joint controlled by muscles that does the speed of passive range of motion ) , and empty.
not correspond to the capsular pattern for that joint. 1 1. All of them except facilitation and empty.
Causes for this include a ligamentous adhesion, an inter­ 12. Blood or fluid.
nal derangement (loose fragment within the joint) , or an 13. No change i n range of motion when comparing dor­
extra-articular impairment such as an inflamed sciatic siflexion of the ankle with the knee flexed versus
nerve limiting a straight leg raise. with the knee extended. The range of motion of
ankle dorsiflexion should im prove with the knee
14. The presence of an osteophyte.
1. With a convex bone surface, moving on a concave 15. A pathomechanical incongruity at the articular
bone surface, in which direction does the bone shaft surfaces.
move relative to the direction of the glide?
2. What are the 1 0 types of end feel?
3. List some of the pathologic processes that can cause a R E F E R E NCES
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Chapter Objectives information or commands of one type are called tracts, and
these tracts form the white matter of the CNS. In the PNS,
At the completion of this chapter, the reader will be able bundles of axons bringing information to the CNS from
to: peripheral structures, and conducting motor commands
are called nerves.
1. Classify the various types of neurons. The basic neuronal unit consists of a cell body, and
2. Describe how nerve impulses are transmitted. one or more processes called dendrites. Neurons without
3. Understand how muscle spindles and Golgi tendon processes or with only one can be classified as apolar and
organs function . unipolar. Bipolar neurons, those neurons limited to two
4. Discuss the various spinal pathways pertinent to the processes, are usually formed from one dendrite and one
manual clini cian and the information they convey. axon, occasionally, from two dendrites. Multipolar neu­
5. Describe the categorization, receptors, transmission, rons are distinguished by one axon and two or more den­
sources, distribution patterns, and modulation of drites, and are the most common neurons in the nervous
pain. system. Golgi I neurons are multipolar cells whose axons
6. Describe the characteristics of each of the neural im­ extend considerable d istan ces to their target cells, and are
pairments. thus found throughout the nervous system. The anterior
7. Understand the principles beh ind the clinical applica­ horn cell of the spinal cord is an example.
tions that modulate pain. Neurons can be sensory or motor, or serve as an 111-

CLASSIFICATION OF NEURONS' • Sensory neurons conduct information (touch, pain,

etc.) from receptors to the brain and spinal cord. Sen­
Each part of the nervous system is characterized by the sory neurons are the afferent component of the spinal
size, shape, and arrangement of its smallest un its, the neu­ and cranial nerves, and their cell bodies largely con­
roos. Although some neurons may have many similar char­ stitute the posterior root of the spinal nerve and the
acteristics, tJleir differences allow them to be classified ac­ cranial ganglia.
cording to type. • Motor neurons conduct impulses from the brain and
Cell bodies of neurons are usually found in groups. A spinal cord to muscles, producing a contraction of
group of such cell bodies in the central nervous system muscle fibers. Motor neurons are the efferent compo­
(CNS) are called nuclei. (singular: nucleus) . The cell bodies nent of spinal and cranial nerves, and are referred to
of the CNS are unencapsulated, and multitudes of these as lower motor neurons.
neuronal cell bodies, and neuroglia, largely contribute to • Interneurons are entirely contained witJlin the CNS,
the gray matter of the brain and spinal cord. The counter­ and have no d irect contact with peripheral structures.
parts of these cell bodies, located in the peripheral nerv­ From the manual therapist's perspective, the most im­
ous system (PNS) , and generally encapsulated, are called portant group of interneurons, whose axons descend
ganglia (singular: ganglion) . and terminate on motor neurons in the brain stem
When neurons are arranged into long fibers, they and spinal cord, are called upper motor neurons. The
are called axons. In the CNS, bundles of axons carrying function of interneurons is to modify, coordinate,


integrate, facilitate, and inhibit sensory and motor called a n inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) , be­
output. cause the hyperpolarization spreads to some extent to
the adjacent voltage-activated channels, inhibiting
them from responding to a stimulus from any other

Nerve impulses travel both along axons, and from cell to Synapses are not alike. Those that occur at neuro­
cell. This traveling, or transmission, is called synaptic trans­ muscular jurictions, between nerve and skeletal muscle,
mission, and the sites of this transmission are called u se ace tyl choline as a neurotransmitter and are always
synapses. The terminal branch of an incoming nerve axon, excitatory. Those that occur in vi sceral organ s (i. e . , auto­
called the presynaptic cell, connects with the target cell, or nomic synapses) use either norepinephrine or acetyl­
postsynaptic cell, and the di stance between these two cells choline and may be either excitatory or inhibitory. Finally,
at a synapse i s called the synaptic cleft. the synapses that occur between neuron and neuron in
the CNS are the most varied, and use a multitude of neu­
Transmission of Nerve Impulses'
Axons vary in diameter as well as length. The larger
Transmissions can be electrical, but more often, tran s­ the diameter, the faster the conduction of nerve impulses.
mission occurs through the release of a neurotransmitter. The speed of conduction depends on how far away the
The sequen ce of events in chemical transmi ssion i s as electrical effects of the excitatory impulse reach. The far­
follows. ther they reach, the quicker the distant regions become ex­
cited. These ele ctrical effects are propagated by charge
1. The impulse arrives at the terminal branch of the in­ movement (i.e., electrical current) inside the axon as well
coming axon and depolarizes the presynaptic mem­ as out, and the narrower the axon, the more resistant it be­
brane. Thi s depolarization opens Ca 2+ channels in the comes to these movements. As a result, the electrical im­
presynaptic membrane, and Ca2 + flows down its gradi­ pulse created in a narrow axon is confined to regions close
ent from outside the cell, where its concentration is by, and the velocity of conduction is small.
high, to inside, where it i s very low. Rapid reflexes require fast impulses. Invertebrates ac­
2. The raised concentration of intracellular Ca 2+ pro­ quire rapid response s by using very large nerve axons.
motes the fusion of vesicles with the presynaptic mem­ However, their behavior is uncomplicated, and they do not
brane . This process releases neurotransmitters that require very many of these nerves. Because vertebrates
had been stored within the vesicles into the synaptic have complex behavior, and require many more axons,
cleft. large axons would be cumbersome and create a storage
3. The neurotransmitter parti cles diffuse across the problem. The problem i s solved by using myelin sheaths to
synaptic cleft and bind to proteins called receptors on achieve rapid conduction velocities along narrow axons.
the postsynaptic membranes. These white, fatty, myelin sheaths are not continuous but
4. The transmitter-receptor complex promotes the o pen­ are broken at intervals called nodes ofRanvier. The nodes of
ing of specific postsynaptic ion channels. Ranvier are about 1 to 2 mm apart, and they are the only
5. Ions flow through the open channels and, if excitatory place that the bare axon membrane is exposed to the ex­
channels are opened, the postsynaptic membrane i s ternal solution. A neighboring node becomes depolarized,
depolarized. The resulting membrane potential gen­ and the impulse jumps from node to node in a process
erated across the postsynaptic membrane is called an called saltatory conduction.
excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) . This depolariza­ The transmission of nerves occurs along groups of
tion (EPSP) stimulates other voltage-activated chan­ axons called tracts or pathways. Spinal pathways are ascend­
nels adjacent to the synaptic region. If enough of ing, in whi ch case they carry information to the brain; de­
these channels are activated, the postsynaptic cell scending, in which case they transmit instructions from the
membrane becomes excited, and the impulse is dis­ brain and CNS; or mixed. Three of the more important as­
seminated out from the synaptic region, over the sur­ cending pathways to the manual clinician include the
face of the postsynaptic cell membrane by the same spinothalamic tract, which conveys information about pain
electrical mechanism that brought the impulse into and temperature (Table 4-1 ) ; the dorsal medial lemniscus
the synapse on the presynaptic axon. tract, whi ch conveys information about well-localized
6. If the open channel s are inhibitory, the postsynaptic touch, movement, and position (Table 4-2) ; and the
membrane hyperpolarizes. Now the membrane po­ spinocerebellar tract, which conveys information about
tential generated across the postsynaptic membrane i s proprioception (Table 4-3) .


• Helps mediate the sensations of pain, cold, warmth, and touch from receptors throughout the body (except the face) to the brain 34-37
• Laterally projecting spinothalamic neurons are more likely to be situated in laminae I and V.
• Medially projecting cells are more likely to be situated in the deep dorsal horn and in the ventral horn.
• Most of the cells project to the contralateral thalamus, although a small fraction projects ipsilaterally.4
• Spinothalamic axons in the anterior-lateral quadrant of the spinal cord are arranged somatotopically-at cervical levels, spinothalamic
axons representing the lower extremity and caudal body are placed more laterally, and those representing the upper extremity and rostral
body, more anterior-medially3B3.9
• Most of the neurons show their best responses when the skin is stimulated mechanically at a noxious intensity. However, many
spinothalamic tract cells also respond, although less effectively, to innocuous mechanical stimuli, and some respond best to
innocuous mechanical stimuli.4o
• A large fraction of spinothalamic tract cells also responds to a noxious heating of the skin,41 whereas others respond to stimulation of the
receptors in muscle,42 joints, or viscera4 3
• Spinothalamic tract cells can b e inhibited effectively b y repetitive electrical stimulation o f peripheral nerves,44 with the inhibition
outlasting the stimulation by 20-30 minutes.
• Some inhibition can be evoked by stimulation of the large myelinated axons of a peripheral nerve, but the inhibition is much more
powerful if small myelinated or unmyelinated afferents are included in the voileys4S The best inhibition is produced by stimulation of a
peripheral nerve in the same limb as the excitatory receptive field, but some inhibition occurs when nerves in other limbs are stimulated.
A similar inhibition results when high-intensity stimuli are applied to the skin with a clinical transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator
(TENS unit) in place of direct stimulation of a peripheral nerve46
• As the spinothalamic tract ascends, it migrates from a lateral position to a posterior-lateral position. In the midbrain, the tract lies adjacent
to the medial lemniscus. The axons of the secondary neurons terminate in one of a number of centers in the thalamus.


These spindles are numerous in the muscles of the

Special receptors are needed III muscles, tendons, liga­
limbs and especially the small muscles of the hands and
ments, and joints to provide information about muscle
feet, and are located throughout the belly of each muscle.
and joint movements and their positions. Information
They lie parallel to the surrounding skeletal muscle fibers
about joint position is called proprioception. There are four
and are attached at each of their ends to the fascial enve­
types of mechanoreceptors in muscle, of which two are
lope of the adjacent skeletal muscle. Within each spindle
commonly cited. These two encapsulated proprioceptors,
there are 2 to 1 2 long, slender, specialized skeletal muscle
called muscle spindles and Golgi organs, are activated by the
fibers called intrafusal fibers (intra-, "within"; fu sal,
stretching of the muscles and tendons, respectively, within
"fusiform, slender") . 2 The central portion of the in trafusal
which they are located. Impulses from these receptors
fiber, containing only sensory receptors, i s devoid of actin
reach the CNS (via the spinal nerves or cranial nerves) ,
or myosin, and so is i n capable of contracting and con­
resulting in the coordination of muscle activity during
tributing to the movement of bones around join ts. Intra­
fusal fibers are smaller than extrafusal muscle fibers, and
put tension on the spindle only.
Intrafusal fibers are of two types: nuclear bag fibers
TABLE 4-2 THE DORSAL MEDIAL LEMNISCUS TRACT and nuclear chain fibers. Nuclear bag fibers extend beyond
• Conveys impulses concerned with well-localized touch, and with
the capsule ends, and tighten relatively slowly. Nuclear
the sense of movement and position (kinesthesis). chain fibers each contain a single row or chain of nuclei,
• Important in moment-to-moment (temporal) and point-to-point and are each attached at their ends to the bag fibers.
(spatial) discrimination. Muscle spindles are supplied by axons of both sensory
• Makes it possible for you to put a key in a door lock without
and motor neurons.
light or to visualize the position of any part of your body
without looking.
• Lesions to the tract from destructive tumors, hemorrhage,
A. The sensory axons are of two kinds: large myelinated
scar tissue, swelling, infections, direct trauma, and so on,
abolish or diminish tactile sensations and movement or fibers that come into the spindle and terminate around
position sense. the nuclear bag and chain fibers with wraparound or
• The cell bodies of the primary neurons in the dorsal column annulospiral endings; and smaller myelinated axons
pathway are in the spinal ganglion. The peripheral processes of (group II or class A secondary muscle spindle afferents)
these neurons begin at receptors in the joint capsule, muscles,
that terminate primarily around nuclear chain fibers
and skin (tactile and pressure receptors).
with flowerspray endings.2 The sensory endings of these


• Conducts impulses related to the position and movement of muscles to the cerebellum. This information enables the cerebellum to add
smoothness and precision to patterns of movement initiated in the cerebral hemispheres.
• Spinocerebellar impulses, by definition, never reach the cerebrum directly and, therefore, have no conscious representation.
• Four tracts constitute the spinocerebellar pathway: posterior spinocerebellar and cuneocerebellar, and anterior and rostral spinocerebellar
• The posterior spinocerebellar tract conveys muscle spindle- or tendon organ-related impulses from the lower half of the body (below the
level of the T6 spinal cord segment); the cuneocerebellar tract is concerned with such impulses from the body above T6. The "grain" of
information carried in these two tracts is fine, often involving single muscle cells or portions of a muscle-tendon complex. A much broader
representation is carried by the individual fibers of the anterior and rostral spinocerebellar tracts.
• The axons conducting impulses from muscle spindles, tendon organs, and skin in the lower half of the body are large type la, Ib, and type
II fibers, the cell bodies of which are in the spinal ganglia of spinal nerves T6 and below.
• Primary neurons below L3 send their central processes into the posterior columns. These processes then bend and ascend in the columns
to the L3 level. From L3 to T6, incoming central processes and those in the posterior columns project to the medial part of lamina VII,
where there is a well-demarcated column of cells, called Clarke's column. Largely limited to the thoracic cord, Clarke's column can be
seen from segments L3 to C8 of the cord. Here the central processes of the primary neurons synapse with secondary neurons, the axons
of which are directed to the lateral funiculi as the posterior spinocerebellar tracts.

axons are stimulated in two ways: • It would make the length of the contraction less load
1 . Lengthening or stretching of the entire muscle, pro­ sensitive, as it would control the desired length of the
ducing a stretch or elongation of the intrafusal fibers. muscle under almost any load.
They are not sensitive to extrafusal muscle contraction. • It would compensate fo r muscle fatigue as any failure
2 . Stimulation of the intrafusal fibers by the yafferent of the muscle in its contraction would cause an extra
system resulting in a stretching of the central portion. muscle spindle reflex that would excite the extrafusal
B. The motor axons to muscle spindles are specialized, rela­
tively small, myelinated efferents (classified A-y effer­
Clinical exploitation of the stretch reflex includes the
ents) . y Effe rents cause the contraction of intrafusal
so-called deep tendon reflex (ankle jerk, etc.) and clonus. 2
fibers in response to involuntary commands from the
CNS, resulting in a resetting of afferent nerve-ending sen­
sitivity to extrafusal muscle and muscle spindle stretch. 2
Golgi Tendon Organ

A major functional role of the muscle spindle is to pro­ Golgi organs are encapsulated receptors found in ten­
duce a smooth contraction and relaxation of muscle and, dons. The capsules of these receptors are tightly layered
the reby, eliminate any jerkiness during movement. Over cellular sheets. The re ceptors consist of twisted braids of
30% of all motor ne rve fibers entering the muscle, are small collagen fibers, called fibrils, inte rtwined with group
yefferent rather than a motor fibers. These yneurons are Ib afferents. 2 It is believed that tension on the tendon dur­
stimulated simultaneously with the a neurons. This is called ing muscle lengthening or shortening stretches the twisted
coactivation and causes simultaneous contraction of both fibrils, tightening them and deforming the entrapped ax­
the intra- and extrafusal fibers and no stimulation of the ons suffi ciently to generate an action potential.
sensory fibers of the spindle. This keeps the muscle spindle In the state of contraction, extrafusal muscle fibers are
from opposing the contraction or relaxation of the muscle. stimulated to shorten by the alpha (a) motor neurons
In addition, if the relative degree of contraction be­ (a efferent axon ) . Muscle contraction puts the tendon un­
tween the two sets of muscle fibers is not equal, such as der tension and moves the bone. In tllis situation, the con­
du ring a contraction under heavy load, whe re the intra­ traction of the extrafusal fibers takes tlle tension off the
fusal shortening is greater than the extrafusal, the extra resident muscle spindle. This action removes the stimulus
stretch in the in trafusal fibers would eli cit a stretch reflex for activation of the affe ren t endings around the intrafusal
that would, in turn, cause extra excitation of the extra­ fibers, and the afferent axons of the spindle do not fire.
fusal. This me chanism would provide a number of advan­ The neurotendinous organ within the tendon is stretched,
tages: however, and it fi res impulses along the tendon afferent
axon to the spinal cord.
• The muscle spindle rather than the brain would pro­ If a muscle is stretched and then contracted, the
vide most of the nervous energy in muscle contraction conditions are no different from the preceding situation.
against heavy load. During the stretch phase, the spindle is tensed, and the

afferent endings begin to fire. Once the a efferent axon • There are distinct sensory channels for different qual­
fires, however, the extrafusal fibers contract, taking the ten­ ities of pain.4
sion off the muscle spindle, and the afferent endings do • Pain can result from activation of central nociceptive
not fire. The neurotendinous organ is stimulated in both pathways wi thou t involving peripheral nociceptors;
cases, as the tendon is tensed in stretch and in contraction. for example, in cases of central pain that may follow
In a static stretch of the extrafusal muscle, the muscle damage to the CNS. 5
spindle is put under stretch, and both primary and sec­
ondary endings fire. The secondary afferent axons have an Pain is felt by everyone. No longer considered just a
increased rate of firing over the primary (annulospiral) af­ sensation and a symptom of many diseases, pain is an emo­
ferents during sustained stretch, suggesting that the nu­ tional experience that is highly individualized and ex­
clear chain fibers are more sensitive to changes in length tremely difficult to evaluate. It is, thus, very important that
than in the rate of change in lengthening (stretch ing) . In the clinician have an understanding of the mechanisms
static su'etch, the neurotendinous organ fires as before, involved with pain perception , because a knowledge of its
but there is no activity in the efferent axons. transmission, referral patterns, and control is essential for
During varying degrees of lengthening or dynamic intervention planning.
stretch, the primary afferents fire at a faster rate than the The purpose of pain is to serve as a protective me ch­
secondary axons; in fact, the rate of firing of the secondary anism-to make the subject aware of a situation's poten­
axons does not change significantly during variations in tial for produ cing tissue damage, and to provoke a re­
muscle stretch. This suggests that the nuclear bag fibers sponse from the subject that results in minimizing the
are more sensitive to changes in the rate of stretch (veloc­ damage.
ity, acceleration) than the nuclear chain fibers, which seem Pain can be categorized according to its speed of
sensitive only to the lengthen ing itself. transmission or its source.
It is important that the CNS have the capacity to alter
the sensitivity of the spindles in the face of changing Speed
lengths of extrafusal muscle fibers, so as to have a contin­ Slow or sclerotomic pain travels via unmyelinated C fibers
ual, updated input on the position and activity of the body and is a deep, aching, burning, or throbbing type of sensa­
musculature. It does so through the gamma ('Y) efferen t tion. This type of pain is caused by the stimulation of any
system of neurons. As the spindle is stretched, the afferent innervated tissue, and can last for prolonged periods.
endings fire, and the CNS is informed of the stretch via the Fast or dermatomal pain o ccurs within a tenth of a
primary and secondary afferent axons, as well as by the ten­ second of the stimulus application. Whereas slow, or scle­
don afferent axon . In succeeding stretches and contrac­ rotomic, pain takes a second or more and continues to
tions, the 'Y efferents fire and stimulate contraction of the increase over a relatively protracted period, fast, or der­
intrafusal fibers, tensing up the spindle and enhan cing its matomal pain, travels over small, myelinated A-delta (8)
sensitivity to changing conditions. Although 'Y efferents fibers; tends to be sharp, such as when a pin is stuck into
fire during muscle stretching, it is probable that they also the skin; and is usually not felt when deeper tissues are
fire during contractions, making possible a continuum of stimulated.
muscle-state information to the CNS throughout a spec­
trum of muscle activity. Source
Pain may be referred from a wide variety of sources, in­
cluding both visceral and somatic structures. The severity
PAIN SYSTEM of the pain, and the distance of referral away from the
involved source, is directly proportional to the strength of
Our knowledge of the pain system has greatly improved the stimulus. A given stimulus may or may not result in
over the past few years with d iscoveries that have in­ pain, and it is possible to have pain behavior in the absence
creased our understanding of the role of noci ceptors and ofnociception. The determination as to whether or not re­
the processing of nociceptive information in the CNS. Fur­ ferred pain is diffuse or localized appears to depend more
thermore, new findings have illuminated our knowledge on the depth of the involved structure than on its type. 6 Su­
about descending pathways that modulate nociceptive perfi cial structures give rise to well-localized dermatomal
activity. It would appear from tllese findings that: pain, whereas deep structures give rise to pain that is more
difficult to localize.
• Pain sensation normally results from the activity of no­ Pain that is of a chronic nature is easier to localize
ciceptors, and not from overactivation of other kinds than pain that is acute. Pain is usually referred d istally to
of receptors. 3 tlle involved structure.

Pressure on the spinal cord as well as the dura mater inflammation or injury can be classified as either hyperal­
produces extrasegmental pain. gesia or allodynia.
A study by Kellgren and associates,? involving the in­
je ction of saline into various structures, found that the • Hyperalgesia is a term used to describe an abnormal or
structures most sensitive to noxious stimulation are the in creased response to a previously noxious stimuli. IS
periosteum and the joint capsule. Subchondral bone, H yperalgesia can be further divided into primary and
tendons, and l igaments were found to be moderately secondary h yperalgesia. Primary hyperalgesia is be­
pain sensitive; and muscle and cortical bone were less lieved to be a consequence of the sensitization of no­
sensitive. ciceptors during the process of inflammation . 19
The quality of the pain sensation depends on the tis­ Whereas primary hyperalgesia refe rs to an increase re­
sue innervated by the noci ceptors being stimulated; for sponse to peripheral noxious stimuli in the area of the
example, stimulation of the cutaneous A-8 nociceptors injury, secondary hyperalgesia is felt at a site remote
leads to pricking pain,s whereas stimulation of the cuta­ from the original injury.20.21
neous C nociceptors results in burning o r dull pain.9 Acti­ • Allodynia is a term used to describe a painful response
vation of nociceptors in muscle nerves by electrical stimu­ to a previously innocuous stimuli, such as the brush­
lation produces aching pain.lo Electrical stimulation of ing or stroking of the skin . IS
visceral ne rves at low intensities results in vague sensations
of fullness and nausea, but higher intensities cause a sen­ The activity of nociceptors can be affe cted not
sation of pain. I I only by adequate stimuli-such as strong mechanical,
Motivational -affe ctive circuits can also mimic pain thermal, o r chemical stimuli-but also by chemical
states, most notably in patients with anxiety, neurotic de­ actions on the su rface mem brane re ceptors of their
pression, or h ysteria. 1 2 axons.6

Pain Receptors Pain Transmission6,22.4

A major discove ry in the 1 98 0s indicated that many Tissue degeneration leads to an excitation of the
noci ceptors, possibly most, are inactive and rather unre­ ne rve endings. This, in turn , produces affe ren t sympa­
sponsive under normal circumstan ces.6 This observation thetic impulses to the sympathetic chai n . The central
was fi rst made in recordings from the nerves suppl yi ng pathways for processing noci ceptive information begin at
the knee join tl3•14 and led to the description of these the level of the spinal cord (and medullary) dorsal horn.
afferents as "silent" or "sleeping" nociceptors.6 However, Interneuronal networks in the dorsal horn not only are
it appeared that i n flammation could cause the sensitiza­ responsi ble for the transmission of nociceptive informa­
tion of these nerve fi bers, after whi ch they "awoke, " by de­ tion to neurons that p roject to the brain, but also help
veloping spontaneous discharges, and became much modulate that information, passing it on to other spinal
more sensi tive to periphe ral stimulation. IS Silent noci­ cord neurons, including the flexor motoneurons and the
ceptors have now been described not only in joint nerves, noci ceptive projection neurons. For example, ce rtain
but also in cutan eous and visceral nerves.16 Sensitization patterns of stimulation have the effect of both enhanci '
of nociceptors appears to depend on the activation of reflex actions and in creasing the speed of noci ceptive
"second-messenger" systems by the action of inflamma­ transmissions. Other inputs result in the i nhibition of
to ry mediato rs released in the damaged tissue, such as projection neurons. The common free nerve endings
bradykin in ( BK) , prostaglandins, serotoni n , and h ista­ have two distinct pathways into the CNS that correspond
mine.I?6 to the two different types of pain.
These tissue pain receptors appear to exist as free The fast, or dermatomal, pain signals are transmitted
ne rve endings or in plexi. They are found extensively in in the peripheral ne rves by small m yelinated A fibers at
the skin, periosteum, arterial walls, the outer layers of the velocities between 6 and 30 m ( 2 0 and 98 ft) per second,
annulus fi brosis, joint capsules, and Iigaments.6 They are whe reas the slow, or sclerotomal, pain is transmitted in
less widespread in the viscera. Most pain receptors are sen­ eve n , smal l , and unmyelinated nerves at much slower
sitive to varying types of stimuli, but some are responsive to velocities between 0.5 and 2 m ( 1 .6 and 6.6 ft) per second.
only one type. The fast pain impulse is an emergen cy signal telling
Pain receptors, u nlike other receptors, are non adapt­ the subject that the re is a threat present and p rovoking
ing in nature; that is, they will con tinue to fire for as an almost i nstantaneous and often reflexive response .
long as the stimulus is applied. Painful responses to This is often followed a second or more later by a duller

pain that tells of either tissue damage or continuing Lamina V is the area for convergence, summation,
stimulation. and projectio n . This lam in a has the most complex re­
On entering the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, the sponsiveness of all of the posterior laminae. Almost all
pain signals from both visceral and somatic tissues ascend nociceptive and mechanoreceptive impulses eventually
or descend one to three segments in the tract of Lissauer reach this lamina. A few of the fast pain signals bypass
(dorsolateral fasciculus) before entering the gray matter of this lamina and go directly to h igher cen ters. The re­
the dorsal horn.22 They then relay with cells in the sub­ sponse of the cells in lamina V depends largel y on the
stantia gelatinosa ( laminae II and III), and some proceed i n tensity of the stimulus. H igh-i n tensity stimul ation
to synapse ipsilaterally in the dorsal funicular gray matter leads to facil itation of the cell and relative l y easy trans­
( lamina V) and are transmitted upward in one of two m ission across the cord to the other side and, from
pathways: here , upward . More gen tl e stim ulation in h ibits this
transmission . T h is inhibition is, according to th eory,
1. The fast pain fibers terminate in laminae I and V of the result of pre- and postsynaptic effects produced by
the dorsal horn . Here they excite neurons ( inter­ the cells of laminae II and I I I . In addition, where the
nunc;:ial neurons, segmen tal motor neurons, and impulses originate also determines whether facilitation
flexor reflex afferents) that send long fibers to the occurs, or not. Successive impulses fro m the nocicep­
opposite side of the cord and then upward to the tive system , have a "wind -up" effect so that fur ther
brain in the lateral division of the an terior-Iateral impulse s that occur for longer durations facilitate
senso r y pathway ( lateral spinothalamic tract) (see transmission. If the signal arises from the A-beta ( f3)
Table 4-1). fibers, a q u ie t period foll ows each discharge and so
2. The slow signals of the C fibers terminate in laminae II tends to i n h ibit transm issio n . The effect of pain signals
and III of the dorsal horn. Most of the signal then at lamin a V tends to fac ilitate transmission upward, the
passes through another short fiber neuron to termi­ greater the i n tensity of stimulation . H owever, m ilder
nate in lamina V. Here the neuron gives off a long intensi ties, and mild to moderate input from the
axon , most of which joins with the fast signal axons to mechanoreceptor, tend to in h i b it lamina V as far as
cross the spinal cord, and continue on upward in the pain transmission is concerned. Thus, the net effect at
brain in the same spinal tract. lamin a V will determ ine whether or not the pain signal
is relayed upwards. Thus, the pain signal is prevented
About 75% to 9 0% of all pain fibers terminate in the from progressing if mild mechanoreceptor dominates,
reticular formation of the medulla, pons, and mesen­ but if the pain input dominates, the transmission of the
cephalon. From here, other neurons transmit the signal pain signal occurs.
to the thalamus, hypothalamus (pituitary), l imbic system,
and the cerebral cortex. A small number of fast fibers are
passed directly to the thalamus, and then to the cerebral Sources of Pain
cortex, bypassing the brain stem. It is believed that these
signals are importan t for recogniz ing and localizing Referred

pain , but not for analyzing it. Of the slow signals, none, This is basically a m isrepresentation of pain and generally
or at least ver y few, avoid the reticular system. Because follows the main innervating segment's embryologic deri­
most of the fast, and all of the slow, pain s ignals go vation, although in more severe pain, several segments
through the reticular formation, they can have wide­ may be involved.
ranging and potent effects on almost the entire nervous
system, because the reticular formation is the autonomic Tissue Ischemia
system's center and transmits activating signals into all Tissue ischemia is a source of ver y intense pain. This pain
parts of the brain. Signals that pass through this system intensity is greater, and occurs faster, if the ischemic tissues
can only localize to gross body areas and are, therefore, are functioning and demand a greater blood supply, or if
of little use in pain localization; however, they are more the metabolic rate of the tissue is high. It was once bel ieved
important in interpreting and producing an awareness of that the pain was caused by a buildup of lactic acid, bu t as
ongoing destructive processes. The fast and slow pain ischemic pain can also occur in the skin where lactic acid is
fibers remain undifferentiated from each other i n the not a significant factor, this theory lost favor. It is now
spinothalamic tract, with the fast pain fibers having a believed that the ischemia causes actual tissue damage,
larger diameter, and a correspondingly faster transmis­ and the pain is a result of the release of those chemicals as­
sion rate (see Table 4-1 ) . sociated with the damage.



Quite obviously, a lesion to the CNS is a major cause fo r a
Neurogenic Myogenic Autonomic nervous concern for any clinician, especially because it is out of the
system (ANS)
practi ce domain of most. Thus, it is very important that cli­
nicians be able to identify a CNS impairment when it pres­
sweating, nausea
Sharp, electric-like Dull, achy, boring ANS reactions: ents itself. Listed below are signs and symptoms that origi­
sweating, nausea nate from a lesion of the CNS.
Superficial Deep ANS reactions:
sweating, nausea
• Ataxia
Distal paresthesia Tenderness of ANS reactions:
(hyperesthesia) specific points sweating, nausea
• Spasticity
Fairly well Moderately well ANS reactions: • Subje ctive complaints of a multisegmental paresis or
localized localized sweating, nausea paralysis
Dermatomal Myotomal/ ANS reactions: • Subjective complaints of a multisegmental senso ry
distribution sclerotomal sweating, nausea
deficit or paresthesia
increased reflexes
• Subjective complaints of a bilateral or quadrilateral
• H yper-reflexia
• Clonus or Babi nski reflex
• N ystagmus
Excessive Physical Deformation
• D ysphasia
Excessive p h ysical deformation is a source of pain. The
• Wallenberg's syndrome
stimulation from the deformation can be sudden, as in
• Cranial nerve signs-these include nystagmus, diplopia,
the pain of a partial tear of a tendon or l igament befo re
and other visual disturbances, and loss of the pupillary
th e chemicals have been released, o r the deformation
can be slow and gradual. A good example of this o ccurs
when sitting on one chair with the legs crossed, while rest­
This is by no means an all-inclusive list, and the reader
ing the fee t on another chair, with the knees unsup­
should refer to Chapte rs 8, 9, and 10 for more information.
ported, fo r a prolonged period. No pain is fel t i nitially
but after a period of time, an ache occurs in the back of
the knees.
Dural Sleeve
With nerve root deformation, the symptoms vary ac­
cording to which nerve is involved and whether the ne rve Lesions to the dural sleeve p roduce the following
is compressed o r irritated. findings:

• Subjective complaints of a localized pain

Irritated Nerve Root
• Subjective complaints of an extrasegmental radiating
Refe r to Table 4-4.
pain ( in a nondermatomal pattern)
• Restricted dural mobility tests as evidenced during ad­
Compressed Nerve Root verse neural tissue testing
Refer to Table 4-5.

Posterior Root Ganglion


Compression of this structure results in the following:
• Subjective complaints of a paresthesia in a dermatomal
Loss of sensation Weakness/paralysis Decreased autonomic • Subjective complaints of a radicular-type pain in a der­
nervous system matomal distribution
reactions • Subjective complaints of a hypoesthesia in a der­
Decreased reflexes
matomal distribution
No tenderness
• H yporeflexic or areflexic deep tendon reflexes

Posterior Nerve Root phenomenon is nonpathologic and can occur with a vari­
ety of postural positions, such as prolonged sitting on a
This can occur in the disc impingement syndrome,
railing. The railing compresse s the sciatic nerve, resulting
producing any of the following sensory and reflex
in paresthesia in the foot upon walking. It is interesting to
note that the release phenomena does not occur in the
brachial plexus.
• Subjective complaints of a dermatomal paresthesia
• Subjective complaints of a dermatomal hypoesthesia
• Hyporeflexic or areflexic deep tendon reflexes Peripheral Nerve (Small Nerve) Lesions
• Possible associated dural signs, and nerve root tension
A lesion to a small peripheral sensory nerve leads to
pain, paresthesia, and numbness in a clearly defined
boundary served by that peripheral nerve.
Anterior Nerve Root

This can also occur in the classic disc i mpingement

syndrome, producing any of the following motor and re­ PAIN MODULATION
flex changes:
Gate Control Theory
• Segmental paresis (key muscle weakness) Melzack and Wa1l 23 po stulated that interneurons in
• Hyporeflexic or areflexic deep tendon reflexes the substantia gelatinosa act as a "gate" to modulate sen­
• Possible associated du ral and n e rve root ten sion sory input. They proposed that the substantia gelatinosa
signs interneuron p rojected to the second-order neuron of the
pain-temperature pathway located in lamina V, which they
called the transmission cell. It was reasoned that if the
Spinal Nerve
substantia gelatinosa interneuron were depolarized, i t
Following a spinal nerve root impairment, the symp­ would inhibit transmission cell firing, and thus decrease
toms described by the patient will be paresthesia, o ccur­ further transmission of input ascending in the spinothala­
ring first, followed by paresis o r cutaneous analgesia. A mic tract. The degree of modulation appeared to depend
spinal ne rve root impairment leads to pain only if the on the proportion of input from the large A fibers, and
dural sheath is i n flamed; if just the paren chyma is in­ the small C fibers, so that the gate could be closed by ei­
volved, paresthesia results. Both motor and sen sory ther decreasing C-fiber input or by in creasing A-fiber in­
deficits are seen; these are related to the involved segment put ( Fig. 4- 1 ) .
and can be felt in all, or any part of, the de rmatome. A Melzack and Wall also believed that the gate could be
mixture of anterior and posterior nerve root signs i s usu­ modified by a descending inhibitory pathway from the
ally present. b rain, or brain stem, 24 sugge sting that the CNS apparently
plays a part in thi s modulation in a mechanism called
central biasing (Fig. 4- 1 ) .
Nerve Trunk or Plexus Lesions
The gate con trol theory was, and i s, suppo rted by
A lesion to a nerve trunk or plexus leads to paresthe­ practical evidence, although the experi men tal evidence
sia and numbness in the di stal part of the cutaneous sup­ fo r the theory i s lacking. Researchers have iden tified
ply. For example, a lesion to the sciatic nerve is felt in the many clinical pain states that cannot be fully explained
foot. The sensation is usually felt in a vague area rather by the gate control theory. 25 A p roblem with this theory
than in an area of dermatomal distribution. With a trunk i s that there is evidence to suggest that the A-f3 fibers
or plexus impairment, a loss of motor and sensory fun c­ from the mechanoreceptor do not synapse i n the sub­
tion is noted as well as the release phenomenon, which i s stantia gelatinosa. In this case, the modulation at the
related t o the length o f compre ssion. The release phe­ spinal co rd level must o ccur i n lamina V, where there is a
nomenon occurs following compression of a nerve; in this simple summation of signals from the pain fibers and the
condition, the neurologic signs go from numbness to tin­ me chanoreceptor fibers. However, seve re or prolonged
gling and are accompanied by some pain as the ischemia pain tends to have the segmen t iden tifying all input
to the ne rve is released. If the release phenomenon i s as painful, and summation modulation has little if any
present, the patient reports in creased feelings o f pares­ effe ct. The likelihood is that our pain pe rception i s
thesia over the analgesic part of the skin during passive much more complicated, and that fu rthe r research i s
range of motion or stroking of the area. The release needed.

A·Beta Fibers
Transmission of
Sensory Input to
Higher Brain Centers

A·Delta & C Fibers

FIGURE 4-2 A schematic representation of the

desce n d i n g a n a l g esia system of the periaquaductal g ray,
raphe n u cleus, pons, a n d medulla regions.

The PAG area of the upper pons sends signals to the

raphe magnus nucleus in the lower pons and upper
medulla. This structure relays the signal down the cord to
a pain inhibitory complex located in the dorsal horn of
the cord. Stimulation in the lateral column of the PAG
evokes a defen se re sponse , whi ch consists of avoidance
behavior in rats, retraction of the ears or arching of the
back in cats, sympathetic activation, vocalization, and
sometimes a flight reaction, 27 as well as analgesia. By con­
trast, stimulation in the ventrolateral PAG results in im­
mobility and sympathoinhibi tion, as well as analgesia. 28
A·� Fiber A·S & C Therefore, the PAG i s believed to be involved in complex
Afferents Fiber Afferents
behavioral re sponses to stressful or life-th reatening situa­
F I G U R E 4-1 Mod u l ation of pain by the Gate Control tions, or to promote recuperative behavior after a defense
System .
The nerve fibers derived from the gray area secrete
enkephalin and serotonin, whereas the raphe magnus
releases enkephalin only (Fig. 4-3) . The fibers terminating
In 1969, Reynolds26 reported that he found it possible in the cord's dorsal horn secrete serotonin, which has been
to perform abdominal surgery on rats without chemi cal shown to act on another set of cord neurons that, in turn,
anesthesia during stimulation in the periaqueductal gray release enkephalin. This enkephalin is believed to produce
( PAG) region of the midbrain . The rats did not have mo­ presynaptic inhibition of the incoming pain signal s to
tor impairment, and they showed normal responses to in­ laminae I through V, thereby blocking pain signals at their
nocuous stimuli. Sin ce then, numerous investigations have entry point into the cord. 29 It is further believed that the
been made of what became known as the "descending chemical releases in the upper end of the pathway can
analgesia systems." These pathways have been shown to uti­ inhibit pain signal transmission in the reticular formation
lize seve ral different neurotransmitters, including opioids, and thalamus. The inhibition from this system is effective
serotonin, and catecholamines, and the anatomic struc­ on both fast and slow pain. The more important morphine­
tures giving rise to them include not only the PAG, but al so like substances that act in synaptic receptors are:
the locus ce ruleus, subceruleus, and Kolliker-Fuse nuclei,
the nucleus raphe magnus, and several nuclei of the bul­ • f3-endorphin, found in the hypothalamus and pitu-
bar reticular formation (Fig. 4-2) . In addition, structures itary gland.
at higher levels of the nervous system (including the cere­ • Met-enkephalin.
bral cortex) and various limbic structures (including the • Leu-enkephalin.
hypothalamus) contribute to the analgesia pathways. The • Dynorphin, found only in minute quantities in nerv­
system is thought to work in the following manner. ous tissue; it acts as an extremely powerful analgesic.

Within any given segmen t of the spine, tl1ere are a fixed

number of sensory and motor neurons. Much like a relay
center in a telephone exchange, there are limits to the
number of "calls" that can be handled. If the number or
amplitude of impulses from the proprioceptors, and noci­
_ J3-endorphin ceptors throughout the body, exceeds the capacity of the
released normal routing pathway, the electrochemical discharges
may begin to affect collateral pathways. Thi s spillover ef­
fe ct may be exerted ipsilaterally, contralaterally, or verti­
cally. The closer to the spine that thi s phenomenon o ccurs,
the greater the effect it has on the other areas within the
body. When these impulses extend beyond their no rmal
sensorimotor pathways, the CNS begins to misinterpret the
information because of the effe ct of an overflow of neuro­
transmitter substan ce within the involved segment. For ex­
ample, afferent impulses intended to regi ster as pain in
the gallbladder manifest as shoulder pain, because the
Serotonin phrenic nerve, and portions of the brachial plexus, share
Enkep hal i n
released common spinal origins.
tract The resulting overload at the CNS level is referred to
+ E nkephalin as a facilitated segment.
"---411 > �
I nterneuron
./ A-Delta & C fibers
� • Chronic irritation of a joint can involve the sympa­
thetic and autonomic pathways and lead to trophic
FIGURE 4-3 The nerve fibers derived from the grey a rea
and metabolic changes, wh i ch may be the basis fo r
secrete enkeph a l i n and serotonin wh i l e the raphe magnus
some of the local tissue changes associated with mus­
releases enkeph a l i n only.
culoskeletal impairment.
• The excessive motion that occurs at a hypermobile
Neurophysiologic segment can produce a hyperexcitable reaction in
terms of the impulses, as it moves beyond the normal
A negative feedback loop exists in the cortex called ranges it is designed for.
the corticifugal system. 30 This originates at the termination
point of the various sensory pathways. Excessive stimula­
The neuromu scular reflex arc i s at the crossroads
tion of the feedback loop results in a signal being trans­
for several sources of noxious stimuli, including trauma,
mitted down from the sensory cortex to the posterior horn
vi scero somati c reflexes, and e motional di stress, as well
of the level from whi ch the input arose. Thi s produces lat­
as the vast proprioceptive system reporting from stri­
eral or recurrent inhibition of the cells adjacent to the
ated muscle throughout the body. Acco rding to U p­
stimulated cell, thereby preventing the spread of the sig­
ledger,3 1 the facilitated segmen t i s exemplified by the
nal. This is an automatic gain control system to prevent
overloading of the sensory system.

• Hypersensitivity. Minimal impulses may produce exces­

sive responses or sen sations because of a reduced
threshold for stimulation and depolarization at the
level of the facilitated segment.
The Facilitated Segment
• Overflow. Impulses may become nonspecific and spill
A facilitated segment i s a theoretical explanation of over to adjacent pathways. Collateral nerve cells, lat­
a phenomenon seen clinically and is thought to be eral tracts, and vertical tracts may be stimulated and
the result of a breakdown in the nervous system of the produce symptoms of a widely divergent nature, such
body. as those whi ch occur willi referred pain.
The CNS is continuously subject to afferent impulses • Autonomic dystrophy. The sympathetic ganglia be come
arising from countless receptors throughout the body. excessively activated, leading to reduced healing and

repair of target cells, reduced i mmune function, i m­ B. Chronic pain. This is the pain that is more aggravating
paired circulation, accelerated aging, and deteriora­ than worrying. It typically has the following character­
tion of peripheral tissues. Digestive and cardiovascular i stics:3 2
di sturban ces and visceral parenchymal dystrophy may 1 . It has been experienced before and has remitted
also develop over time. spontaneously, or after simple measures.
2. It is usually mild to moderate in intensity.
Because of the excessive discharge arising from a vari­ 3. It is usually of limited duration.
ety of receptors, the facilitated segment may eventually 4. The pain site does not cause alarm (e.g., knee,
become a self-perpetuating source of irritation in its own ankle) .
right. An injury of the biceps, for example, produces an in­ 5. There are no alarming associated symptoms.
crease in high-frequency di scharge ( increased neural im­
pul ses) , whi ch is transmitted to the spinal segment at the The p resence of pain should not always be viewed
level of C-5. If the discharge is excessive, other muscles negatively by the clinician. After all, its presence helps to
connected to this segmen t ( supraspinatus, teres minor, le­ determine the location of the injury, and its behavior aids
vator scapula, pectoralis minor, etc. ) may receive a certain the clinician i n determining the stage of healing, the
amount of spillover discharge. This results in an increase prognosis, its source, the degree of patient dysfunction,
in the 'Y gain to these muscles. Thus several muscles sup­ and its degree of irritability. As discussed in Chapter 1 2,
plied by the same segment may have a generally increased pain is used as a guide in determining the grade of mobi­
setting of their 'Y bias ( background tone fed to the muscle lization to be employed. A number of factors need to be
spindle apparatus) , which leads to increased hypertonici ty considered by the clinician when planning an interven­
and susceptibility to strain. Other tissues ( skin receptors, tion:
vi scera, and cerebral emotional centers) may also feed into
this loop either as primary sources of h igh-frequency dis­ • Stage of healing (refer to Chapter 2 ) .
charge or secondary to the neuromuscularly induced hy­ • Source. Cyriax33 devised a sequential scheme of sys­
peri rritability. Another clinical example of a facilitated tematic analysi s to provide the clinician with a portrait
segment could involve the posterior tibialis which, when of the joint dysfunction in relation to signs and symp­
facilitated, produces a relative inhibition of the peroneus toms. He coined the expre ssion "selective ti ssue
longus resulting in metatarsalgia, as the peroneus longus is tension tests" and reasoned that if one isolates and
relatively inhibited. Conversely, if the segment that inner­ tllen applies tension to a structure, one could make a
vates the peroneus longus is facilitated, shin splints can conclusion as to the integrity of that structure. The
o ccur, as its antagonist, the tibialis posterior is relatively intervention should involve techniques geared toward
inhibited. alleviating the stresses from that structure.
Positional release and muscle energy therapy appear • Degree of patient dysfunction. When pain is associ­
to have a damping influence on the general level of ex­ ated with a loss of function, the major focus of the cli­
citability within the facilitated segment, and they exert an nician should be to seek methods to control the pain,
influence in reducing the threshold within the facilitated and address the strength and flexibility deficits, so that
segment. Thi s may open a window of opportunity for the the fun ction can be improved. Obviously the degree
CNS to normalize the level of neural activity. of dysfunction can vary between individuals and diag­
noses, and even between individuals with the same
Use of Direct Interventions to Control Pain
• Degree of irritability. An irritable structure is one that
Pain can be described using many terms. Perhaps the produces a sharp increase in pain with the minimal
simplest descriptors are "acute" and "chronic. " amount of i n tervention. Irritable structures, wh ich
suggest an acute stage of healing or a serious underly­
A. Acute pain. Thi s is the pain that usually precipitates a ing cause, should always be approached with care.
visit to a physician because it has one or more of the fol­
lowing characteristics:3 2 The observation that most nociceptors are normally
1 . It is new and has not been experienced before. "sleeping" but "awaken " when they are sensitized (e.g.,
2. It is so severe and disabling. by inflammatio n ) sugge sts that the pain of inflamma­
3. It is continuous or recurs very frequently. tion should be reduced if sensitization i s minimized. 6
4. The site of the pain may cause alarm (e.g., chest, The traditional approach has been the use of nons­
eye) . teroidal anti-inflammatory agents, such as aspirin , to
5. The associated symptoms may be alarming. block the synthesis of prostaglandins. However, many

other substances also contribute to peripheral sensitiza­ 6. What are the two types of anterior motor neurons
tion , including bradykinin, serotonin, and a variety of called, and what are their functions?
cytokines released from immune cells. Presumably, phar­ 7. The presence of nystagmus, dysphasia, dysphagia, or
macologic agents directed against the actions of these Wallenberg's syndrome indicates a compromise to
agents should prove as useful as aspirin, at least under what?
some conditions. 6 8. Schwann cells, nodes of Ranvier, and saltatory con­
Peripheral nerve damage causes changes in the con­ duction are associated with which nerve fibers?
centrations of several pep tides in the dorsal root ganglia, 9. Are cranial nerves considered part of the CNS or
and in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, possibly con­ PNS?
tributing to neuropathic or other pain states. 6 10. What is the major function of the muscle spindle?
Our knowledge of the descending endogenous anal­ 1 1. What is the major function of the Golgi tendon
gesia system remains incomplete. organ?
The gate control theory, utilizing either a decrease in
C-fiber input, or an increase in the A-o fiber input, can be
applied in the clinic setting. C-fiber input can be de­
creased by removing the chemical or physical irritant, 1. a.
through the application of protection, rest, ice, compres­ 2. a.
sion, and elevation (PRICE ) . The application of manual 3. a.
therapy techniques such as joint mobilizations, massage, 4. b.
and transverse frictions is thought to increase A-o fiber in­ 5. Laminae II and III.
put, thereby "closing the gate" and preventing C-fiber 6. a-Innervation of large muscle fibers; '}I-supply the
transmission. A-o fiber input can also be increased small intrafusal muscle fibers of the muscle spindle.
through the use of exercise, hot packs, whirlpools, vibra­ 7. CNS.
tors, or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation 8. Myelinated.
(TENS) . These methods are discussed in more detail in 9. CNS.
Chapter 1 2. 10. To give information regarding the length of the muscle.
1 1. To provide information with regard to tension of the

1. Loss of light touch is the result of a lesion of which

a. Spinothalamic tracts-posterior columns

h. Spinocerebellar l . Diamond MC, Scheibel AB, Elson LM. The Human

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d. Medial lemniscus-posterior columns 1 985.
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b. One direction, axon to dendrites J H , Jessel TM, eds. Principles of Neural Science, 3rd ed.
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3. Sensory or afferent nerve fibers enter the spinal cord lation to perceived sensation . A critical review. Pain
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5. In which lamina(e) is the spinal gating's presynaptic tion of the articular capsule. J Bone Joint Surg 1 950;
inhibition supposed to occur? 32 ( B ) :84-92.

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Chapter Objectives Proximal Portion3,s

This segment normally originates from the first part of

At the completion of this chapter, the reader will be able
the subclavian artery, although it can originate from the
aortic arch. It ascends posteriorly between tlle longus colli
and scalenus anterior, behind the common carotid artery
1. Describe the anatomy of the vertebral artery.
and vertebral vein to enter the foramina transversaria of C6
2. Iden tify the areas of vulnerability in the vertebral
although its exact direction is dependent on its exact point
of origin. Posterior to it are the first rib, the seventll cervi­
3. List the signs and symptoms that indicate a vertebral
cal transverse process, the stellate ganglion and the ventral
artery insufficiency.
rami of the seventh and eighth cervical spinal nerves.
4. Perform an examination of the vertebral artery.
Although the typical entry point to the cervical spine
is at the C6 transverse foramen, other levels of entry be­
OVERVIEW tween C3 and C7 occur. Tortuosity and kinking of this por­
tion of the artery is more common than it is elsewhere and
The first description of a spontaneous occlusion of a verte­ the artery can also be compressed by the fascia of the
bral artery was provided by Wallenberg in 1895.1 Since that scalenovertebral angle.6
time, there have been numerous reports outlining the
pathomechanics of vertebral artery compromise.
Transverse Portion3,s
No other artery in the body has been discussed in as
much detail by manual therapists as the vertebral arter y. The second part of the vertebral artery runs with a
To fully comprehend its significance, a review of its large branch of sympathetic nerve fibers from the stellate
anatomy and function is in order. ganglion, from the point of entry at the spinal column to
The vertebral artery appears at the fourth to fifth week the transverse foramen of C2 (see Fig. 5-1 ) . Throughout
of intrauterine development.2 An anastomosis of the up­ this section of the spinal column, the ar ter y travels ante­
per six cervical and posterior-lateral intersegmental arter­ rior to the ventral rami of the cervical spinal nerves
ies forms the posterior costal anastomosis, which, in turn , (C2-C6), and medial to the uncinate processes, in a canal
eventually forms most o f the vertebral artery. 2 The verte­ called the transverse canal, which is formed by the bony
bral arteries are different from other arteries in the body, transverse foramina at each spinal level, and by the over­
in that they run for most of their length within an osteofi­ lying ligamentous and muscular str uctures. Within the
brotic channel tllat has movable segments. H owever, tlle canal , the artery is encased in a sheath that is adherent to
vertebral arteries are susceptible to mechanical compres­ the periosteum of the transverse processes and uncinate
sion, especially with cervical extension and rotation, be­ processes which for m a protective boundary and restrict
cause of their anatomic relationship with neighboring motion of the artery.
bone, muscle, ligaments, and fascia. Anatomically the ar­ Tortuosity of this portion of the artery is character­
tery, along its course, can be viewed as four segments: the ized by looping within the intervertebral foramina to
proximal, transverse, suboccipital, and intracranial por­ the extent of causing pedicle erosion, and widening of the
tions (Fig. 5-1 ) Y intervertebral foramen with nerve root compression.7


Basilar artery -:. I Fourth part of Suboccipital Portion3.5

I vertebral artery
Third part of This part of the artery extends from its entry into the
vertebral artery transverse foramen of C2 to its point of penetration into
the foramen magnum (Fig. 5-2) . In this portion the verte­
bral artery has four curves:

1. Within the transverse foramen of C2. This portion lies

in a complete bony canal formed by the two curves of
Second part of the C2 transverse foramen.
vertebral artery 2. Between C2 and C l . The second part bends laterally
and slightly anteriorly to the transverse foramen of C2.
At the atlantoaxial joint, the artery can be compressed
by fibers from the inferior oblique capitis, intertrans­
versarius muscle, membrane hypertrophy, or vertebral
subluxation . The length of this segment varies with
head position, being elongated on the side contralat­
eral to head rotation.
3. In the transverse foramen of C l . I n its third part, the
suboccipital portion of the vertebral artery curves su­
FIGURE 5-1 The four parts of the vertebral artery. periorly within the transverse foramen of C l in which
i t is completely enclosed (see Fig. 5-2 ) .
Arthrotic changes at these levels may have important con­ 4. Between the posterior arch of the atlas and its entry
sequences for the blood flow. The artery is susceptible to into the foramen magnum (see Fig. 5-1 ) . On exiting
compression at this portion by osteophytes and other de­ from the transverse foramen of C l, the artery winds
generative changes of cervical spondylosis. posteriorly behind the lateral mass of the superior

:::---- PICA

FIGURE 5-2 The basilar artery.

articular process of the atlas in a groove on the supe­ that kinking and stretching of the contralateral artery
rior aspect of the posterior arch of the atlas. The can be observed at this site with 30 degrees of head
groove extends horizontally from the medial border rotation and becomes well marked at 45 degrees.6
of the transverse foramen to the medial edge of the Thus, both stenotic and aneurysmal lesions are most
posterior ring of the atlas. In the vertebral artery common in the distal segment of the artery, at the level
groove, the vertebral artery lies lateral to the spinal of the first and second cervical vertebra.
canal, posterior to the lateral mass, anterior to the
atlanto-occipital membrane, and medial to the rectus
Intracranial Portion3.s
capitis lateralis muscle ( Fig. 5-2 ) .
Occasionally, this groove is closed to form an ar­ After entering the skull, the right and left vertebral
terial canal. As the artery leaves the groove it is sur­ arteries bend superiorly to meet on or near the midline
rounded anteriorly by the joint capsules of the at­ of the clivus, to form the basilar artery. The basilar ar­
lanto-occipital joints and posteriorly by the superior tery ( Fig. 5-2) serves much of the medulla, pons and
oblique capitis and rectus capitis posterior major cerebellum. The periosteal sheath continues in tracra­
muscles. nially for about half a centimeter. Unlike the internal
After leaving the groove, the artery penetrates the carotid artery, which enters the skull through this narrow
dural sac on the lateral aspect of the foramen magnum osseous forame n , the vertebral artery enters the skull
by piercing the posterior atlanto-occipital membrane through the foramen magnum, which explains why as
and dura mater (see Fig. 5-1 ) . This upper portion of many as 10 percent of vertebral-artery dissections extend
the extracranial vertebral artery is relatively superfi­ intracranially. 10
cial. Having bone beneath it, and only muscles above,
it is vulnerable to direct blunt trauma. s Indeed, be­
cause of their unique course through four or five
transverse foramina, the vertebral arteries are vulner­
able to direct traumatic damage which results in a dis­
The vertebral artery gives off both cervical and cranial
section. The pathomechanics behind a vertebral ar­
tery dissection have yet to be established, but it would
appear there are changes in the arterial wall.
A. The cervical branches include spinal and muscular
In addition to blunt trauma, the vertebral artery is vul­
1 . The spinal branch divides in two.
nerable during movement of the head and neck. Although
a. One branch enters the vertebral canal by the
the artery is affected by vertebral motion in the lower cer­
intervertebral foramen, anastomoses with other
vical region, it is affected even more between C2 and the oc­
spinal arteries, and supplies the dural sleeve of the
cipital bone. This is a result both of the osteology and
nerve roots, the spinal cord, and its membranes.
the biomechanics of tl1e upper cervical spine. Because the
b. The other branch supplies the periosteum, bone,
transverse foramen of C l is more lateral than that of C2,
and ligaments of the posterior aspect of the verte­
the artery must incline laterally between the two vertebrae.
bral body.
At this point, the artery is vulnerable to impingement from:
2. The muscular branches arise from the vertebral artery
as it curves around the lateral mass of the atlas, supply
• Abnormal posture. 9
the deep suboccipital muscles, and anastomose with
• Excursion of the C l transverse mass during rotation.
the occipital and cervical arteries.
Because a larger amount of axial rotation occurs be­
tween C l and C2, there is a large excursion of the B. I ntracranially, the vertebral artery generates small
transverse mass of Cl with rotation. The artery is meningeal branches that supply the bone and dura
stretched during this process, and the size of the lu­ mater of the cerebellar fossa.
men can be reduced. The artery most vulnerable to
the rotation is usually the one that is contralateral to The total blood supply to the brain is carried by four
the side of the rotation.lO During head rotation to the arteries: the two internal carotid arteries, and the two ver­
right, the left transverse foramen of C l moves anteri­ tebral arteries. I n all , the vertebral arteries contribute
orly and slightly to the right. This movement imparts a about 1 1 % of the total cerebral blood flow, the remaining
marked stretch on the left artery, and it increases the 89% being supplied by the carotid system. I I
acuteness of the angle formed between its ascending Near the termination of the artery, the anterior spinal
and posterior-medial courses. It has been demonstrated artery arises. This branch unites with its opposite number

and then descends, receiving reinforcement from the 16

Internal Causes
spinal branches of the regional arteries (vertebral, cervical,
or posterior in tercostal and lumbar arteries) . Together Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis
these arteries supply the spinal cord and cauda equina. Atherosclerosis of the extracranial part of the vertebral
The posterior spinal arteries commonly arise from the artery primarily affects the proximal and transverse por­
posterior inferior cerebellar artery, which is the largest tions. Castaigne and colleaguesl? investigated 44 patients
branch of the vertebral artery, supplying either directly or with vertebrobasilar artery occlusions and found that in
indirectly, the medulla and the cerebellum and, via the 35 of the 44 patients the cause was atherosclerosis.
posterior spinal arteries, the dorsal portion of the spinal Another studyl3 found that vertebral artery stenosis
cord. was about equal to that seen in the cerebral vessels, and
The formation of the basilar artery by the union of that the right side was affected more frequently than the
the two vertebral arteries (see Fig. 5-2 ) at the lower left, a finding coincident with the relative sizes of the two
border of the pons marks the termination of the verte­ sides. The chief site of occlusion occurred at the origin of
bral artery. The basilar artery and its branches supply the the artery, at the angle formed between the subclavian and
pons, the visual area of the occipital lobe , the membra­ vertebral arteries. I t was also noted that the stenosis oc­
nous labyrinth , the medulla , the temporal lobe, the pos­ curred more frequently in the smaller of the two arteries,
terior thala mus, and the cerebellum. although no possible explanation was given as to the rea­
A major change in the structure of the artery occurs as son for this observation.
it becomes intracranial. The tunica adventitia and tunica Thrombosis can occur at any level of the vertebral ar­
media become tllinner, and there is a gross reduction in tery, but is rarer in the transverse part, and more common
the number of elastic fibers in these coats.12 Variations in in the suboccipital and intracranial parts.
the elasticity of the vertebral artery occur in the transverse Atherosclerosis has the potential to produce signs and
and proximal portions, and it is thought that these are an symptoms resulting from ischemia of the tissues supplied
adaptation to the greater mobility required in these sec­ by the artery distal to the occlusion.
tions of the artery.
Fibromuscular Dysplasia (FMD)
This condition is a multifocal, noninflammatory, angiopathy
General Anomalies
of unknown etiology which commonly affects the renal ar­
The vertebral artery is subject to variations in the gross teries, but has also been described in the vertebral arteries.
anatomy of its general structure. These variations are of Angiographic changes of fibromuscular dysplasia are
particular concern and significance to the manipulating found in about 1 5 percent of patients with a spontaneous
clinician. dissection of the vertebral artery. 13
By far the most common variant is tlle side-to-side cal­ Stanley and associatesl8 reporting on 15 patients, de­
iber of the two arteries.13,14 Asymmetry in tlle size of the scribed multiple intracranial aneurysms of which seven
two vertebral arteries is common, with one study finding ruptured, killing the patient. He further found that of 1 4
that only 4 1 % were equal in diameter.13 Of the remaining vertebral arteries investigated, 6 were fibrodysplastic.
subjects, the left vertebral artery was the larger of the two
in 36% of the cases, with the right one larger in the re­ Arteriovenous Fistula
maining 24%.13,1 5 Where there is nonequivalency, the This is an abnormal communication between the extracra­
larger artery, is termed the dominant artery and the smaller, nial vertebral artery, or one its muscular or radicular
the minor artery. branches, and an adjacent vein. It has variable causes, in­
Unilateral occlusion of the vertebral artery by thrombo­ cluding traumatic dissections or dissecting aneurysms, and
sis or dissection may not lead to clinical signs and symptoms may occur spontaneously as a result of existing disease, or
when con tralateral flow via the contralateral vertebral artery as a congenital condition. Most spontaneous arteriovenous
is sufficient. However, it can be assumed that patients with a fistulas occur at the level of C2-3.
unilateral dependence on one artery will be particularly vul­ Traumatic causes of atriovenous fistulas include pene­
nerable if that dependence is on the dominant artery. trating trauma, such as bullet and knife wounds; and blunt


External Compression

The vertebral artery is subject to occlusion from internal The vertebral artery is particularly vulnerable to ex­
and external causes. ternal compression in the portion that courses through

the foramina transversaria from C6 to Cl. 19 Because of its Dissections of the vertebral artery usually arise from a
fixation to the spine in this segment, subluxations of one primary tear of the intima. The tear allows blood under ar­
vertebral body on another may exert undue tension and terial pressure to enter the wall of the artery, between the
traction on the artery. Unilateral occlusion of the verte­ intima and media, and form an intramural hematoma, the
bral ar tery rarely results in a neurologic deficit because of so-called false lumen. Subintimal hemorrhage can pro­
collateral supply through the contralateral vertebral and duce various degrees of stenosis; subadventitial hemor­
posterior inferior cerebellar arteries.2o However, ex­ rhage can cause a aneurysmal dilatation. Tearing of the ar­
tracranial compression of the vertebral artery may cause tery is not always related to remarkable trauma and so this
neurologic symptoms, depending on the acuteness of the aspect may not appear in the history unless the symptoms
occlusion and preexisting conditions such as atheroscle­ appear immediately following the inj ury. The activities
rosis, and th e absence of a contralateral vertebral artery. that have immediately preceded a spontaneous dissection
Signs of vertebral artery insufficiency may manifest as of the vertebral artery range from boxing, trampolining,
dizziness, speech deficits, dysphagia, diplopia, blurred vi­ athletics, being bitten by a dog, coughing, "bottoms-up"
sion, and tinnitus,21 whereas vertebral artery occlusion drinking, "head banging" to music, moving furniture,
may result in death.22,23 parking a car, roller coaster riding, vomiting, performing
The constant feature of non penetrating trauma in­ yardwork, and nose blowing.
jures to the vertebral artery is hyperextension of the A potential link with common risk factors for vascular
neck, with or without rotation and lateral flexion.24,2 5 The disease, such as tobacco use and hypertension, has not
most common mechanism of injury to the vertebral ar­ been systematically evaluated, but atherosclerosis appears
tery after non penetrating trauma is stretching and tear­ to be distinctly uncommon in patients with a vertebral
ing of the intima and media in a vessel tethered to artery dissection.
bone.22,26 There are some weaker areas that are subjected Two clinical studies examined vertebral artery injuries
to great stresses during anterior-posterior, lateral, or rota­ after cervical spine trauma. Louw and co-workers32 studied
tory movements of the head. The vertebral artery is 1 2 consecutive patients with facet joint dislocations, and
prone to injury at the following sites: ( 1 ) its entry point documented vertebral artery occlusions in 9 of 1 2 patients
into the transverse foramen of C6 ; (2) anywhere in the (75%) using digital subtraction angiography. Willis and
bone canal secondary to fracture-dislocations of the associates33 similarly looked at 26 patients with facet dislo­
spine, and ( 3 ) its course from the foramen of C 1 to its cations and angiographically identified vertebral artery in­
entry point into the skul1.27 juries in 1 2 patients (46% ) .
The vertebral artery can b e damaged with road traffic
Dissection accidents. The mechanism of arterial injury is often not
Spontaneous dissections of the carotid and vertebral entirely clear and may be multifactorial, although in some
arteries affect all age groups, includin g children , but cases there appears to be a close association with the head
there is a distinct peak in the fifth decade of Iife .28 Al­ and neck motions produced during the accident. Such
though there is no overall sex-based predilection, motions, particularly when they are sudden, may injure the
women are on average about five years younger than arter y as a result of mechanical stretching.
men at the time of the dissection .28 Although sponta­ Postmortem studies34 have shown that vertebral artery
neous dissections can occur in arteries throughout the lesions are found in about one-third of fatally injured road
body, they are more likely to occur in the extracranial traffic accident victims with vertebral atlas injury. In other
segments of the vertebral and carotid arteries, and reports, neurologic deficits or death have followed poste­
extracranial vertebral artery dissection has been re­ rior neck injuries up to 8 days after the accident.3 5,36 One
ported with increasing frequency during the last report described a case of letllal basilar thrombotic embo­
decade.28,29 The most common clinical findings are brain lus occurring as late as 2 months after a serious whiplash in­
stem or cerebellar ischemic symptoms preceded by se­ jury. 37 In the time interval between the accident and death,
vere neck pain or occipital headache, or both. Occasion­ the victim complained of episodic visual disturbances. The
ally, patients report radicular symptoms. 30 authors of this report suggest that anticoagulant therapy be
A headache is often the earliest symptom of carotid considered, particularly in patients who, after whiplash
artery dissection, and is reportedly present in 60% to 75% trauma, develop signs of transient ischemic attacks result­
of patients. 31 The typical patient with vertebral artery dis­ ing from posterior cerebral circulation disturbances.37
section presents with pain in the back of the head or neck
which can be bilateral, and ischemic symptoms related to Other Activities Associated with Dissection of the Vertebral
the lateral medulla (Wallenberg's syndrome ) , thalomus, Artery Sherman and colleagues38 described two cases of
cerebral hemispheres and cervical spinal cord. vertebrobasilar i nfarction after turning the head while

driving an automobile. In both cases, the patients reported of severe injury, mainly arterial dissection or brainstem le­
a headache and temporary visual loss. sions, of which 1 8% were fa tal.
A myriad of sports activities have been implicated in Whether as a result of manipula tive intervention,
the etiology of vertebrobasilar artery infarction. Nagler39 sudden movement, or spontaneity, the portion of the ar­
described an infarction occurring in an I8-year-old high tery most frequently damaged is the suboccipital part be­
school student doing a handstand on a set of parallel tween C I and C2. Among the possible reasons for this
bars, when the head was thrown back into extension to preference is the large range of motion available a t the
maintain bala nce. The patient lost strength in his upper a tlanto-axial joint, and the rela tively large degree of ro­
and lower extremities, but denied losing consciousness. tation at the a tlanto-occipital joint. 47 I f the main re­
Eighteen months after the onset of quadriplegia, the pa­ straint to atlanto-axial rotation, the alar ligament, is rup­
tient was still wheelchair-bound. In the same series of tured, the degree of this movement has been shown to
case studies, a 55-year-old man who became concerned increase by 30%.48
about his health and posture decided to begin an exer­ A recent history of a respiratory tract infection ap­
cise regimen. As he performed a series of lumbar exten­ pears to be a risk factor for spontaneous dissections of the
sion exercises over the edge of a table, he hyperextended vertebral artery,49 although an infection with Ch lamydia
his neck and experienced sudden dizziness with bilateral pneumoniae or the associated mechanical factors such as
C-4 and C-5 sensory and motor weakness. Radiographs coughing do not appear to be the cause. 49
showed osteoarthritic changes at the C I -2 level, and a Even in the absence of underlying disease or trauma ,
myelogram demonstrated an abnormally small foramen functional ranges of motion, especially the extremes of ro­
magnum. tation and extension, have been shown to compromise
Even Yoga has been documented as the immediate the flow of tlle vertebral artery to almost nonexistence. In
cause of vertebral artery infarction in two separate cases.39,40 a cross-sectional study, 64 symptoma tic individuals with
Diving has been reported to produce a vertebrobasi­ well-documented brain stem ischemic events (average
lar thrombosis following cervical trauma. 4! Although the age, 70.9 years) and 37 control subjects (average age, 66. 3
42-year-old man was conscious, oriented, and alert when years) were evaluated using a dynamic MRA technique de­
he arrived at the emergency department, he began to signed to mimic activities of daily living. Occlusion was
complain of paresthesias all over his body 3 hours after noted in all subjects with con tralateral neck rotation. 5 0
admission, and he abruptly became unresponsive, with The same study demonstrated that the degree of rotation
disconjugate gaze and pinpoint pupils. The patient died required to compromise the artery could be very sma ll if
1 week after the initial injury. underlying osteophytosis was present, already preocclud­
Softball, a relatively benign sport, was reported by ing the artery, and this was compounded if the artery had
Goldstein42 as a cause of vertebral artery dissection in a lost some of its inherent elasticity.
3 1 -year-old woman. The patient had a sudden onset of The correlative fi nding of increased blood flow
headache, speech slurring, dizziness, and left-sided weak­ through the carotid artery during vertebral artery occlu­
ness while playing softball. The patient was found to have sion was made by Stern, S! who demonstrated that the flow
irregular narrowing of the left vertebral artery and a rate in the contralateral carotid artery increased by one­
smaller than normal right artery. and-half to two times with experimental occlusion of me
Chiropractic manipulations have been linked to ver­ vertebral artery.16 These alterations in flow rates, following
tebrobasilar complications. 43 One report estimated that as an occlusion of the parallel artery, serve as an apparent
many as 1 in 20,000 spinal manipulations causes a safety mechanism and may explain why more patients are
stroke,44 whereas Dvorak and Orelli45 estimated an inci­ not injured during cervical manipulation. !6
dence of 1 in 400,000. Various assumptions obviously had This view is clinically supported by Nagler, 5 2 who
to be made regarding the total number of trea tments be­ stated that the risk of vertebrobasilar insufficiency sympto­
ing performed, so these estimates are speculative. The matology from hyperextension movements was increased
prevalence of strokes with cervical manipulations is re­ in the presence of pathologic changes in the artery or
lated to the initial symptoms of vertebral artery dissection the spine. !6
mimicking those of a musculoskeletal cervical dysfunc­
tion. Although cervical manipulations are used with the The Association of Dizziness with Vertebral Artery Compro­
intention of relieving pain and improving range of mo­ mise The pamogenesis of dizziness must be considered
tion, and are generally perceived as being safe, they are in the context of the vascular anatomy and physiology of
obviously fraught with danger. Summarizing reported the vestibular system. At the level of the brain stem, the
cases of injury following cervical spine manipulation pub­ vestibular nuclei are supplied by penetrating and short
lished between 1 925 and 1 997, di Fabio46 found 1 77 cases circumferential arterial branches of the basilar artery.

In turn , the internal auditory artery, arising either directly VERTE BRAL ARTERY EXAMINATION
from the basilar artery or from the anterior inferior cere­
bellar artery (AlGA), supplies the vestibulocochlear nerve, Prior to any grade 1 to 5 passive mobilization of the cervi­
the cochlea, and the labyrinth.5H5 cal spine, maintaining the immediate premobilization po­
Because the labyrinthine branches are small and sition for 30 seconds tests vertebral artery patency. A posi­
receive less collateral flow, i t is possible that the labyrinth tive test is one in which any signs or symptoms, especially
becomes a more prominent target of the effects of athero­ those mentioned earlier, occur. Following a positive test,
sclerosis of the vertebrobasilar system.53,56 In contrast, the the patien t must be handled very carefully, and further
cochlea receives collateral flow from branches of the inter­ treatment, particularly manipulation of the cervical spine,
nal carotid artery that supply the adjacent portions of the should not be delivered. The patient should not, under
petrous bone and, thus, may have more protection against any circumstance, be allowed to leave the clinic until his or
vascular insufficiency.53,56 her physician has been contacted, or until the necessary
Traditionally, the examination of patients with vertigo arrangements have been made for safe transport to an ap­
has been centered on the differentiation between central propriate facility. As always, the patient should be educated
and peripheral vestibular dysfunction, witll vertebrobasilar as to the condition and should be strongly advised to defer
insufficiency included among the potential causes for cen­ from any neck motions that induce either extension, lat­
u-ally mediated vertigo. This approach , however, is clearly in­ eral flexion, or rotation of the cervical spine.
adequate because ischemia may affect both the central and
the peripheral portions of the vestibular system. Support for
Upper Part
this hypothesis comes from a report by Oas and Baloh570f
two patients with isolated vertigo lasting several months who The patient is positioned in supine lying, with the
later developed extensive infarcts in the territory of the head supported over the edge of the table, and the clini­
AlGA. It was only when widespread infarction occurred that cian standing at the patient's head, facing the shoulders.
hearing loss and tinnitus were noted by the patients. With one hand the clinician suppor ts the mid- and lower
The testing for dizziness has been a part of patient cervical spine while the other hand supports the occiput.
screening by manual therapists for many years, being first
described by Maitland in 1 968. 58 However, other signs and • Maintaining the lower and the mid-cervical spine in a
symptoms have now been linked, directly or indirectly, to neutral position, the clinician extends the craniover­
vertebral artery insufficiency; these include: tebral region, holding this position for 30 seconds,
and noting any symptoms or signs produced.
• Wallenberg's, Horner's, and similar syndromes • The clinician adds a compression force through the
• Bila teral or quadrilateral paresthesia cranium and holds this force for 30 seconds, noting
• Hemiparesthesia any symptoms or signs produced.
• Ataxia • The clinician rotates the craniovertebral region to the
• Scotoma left, holding this position for 30 seconds, and noting
• Nystagmus any symptoms or signs produced (Fig. 5-3) .
• Drop a ttacks
• Periodic loss of consciousness This test i s repeated with right rotation o f tlle cranioverte­
• Lip anaesthesia bral region.
• Hemifacial para/anaesthesia
• Hyperreflexia
Lower Part
• Positive Babinski, Hoffman , or Oppenheimer reflexes
• Clonus The patien t is positioned in supine lying, with the
• Dysphasia head resting on the table without a pillow, and the clini­
• Dysarthria cian standing at the patient's head, facing the shoulders.
• Absent auditory reflexes With one hand the clinician palpates the cervicothoracic
• Neural hypoacousia diplopia junction while the other hand pa lpates the cranium and
craniovertebral joints.
These signs and symptoms are discussed in relevant chap­
ters of this book. • The clinician fixes the cervicothoracic junction and
It should be apparent from the preceding discussion craniovertebral region, and extends the mid- and lower
that the vertebral artery is a structure that requires testing cervical spine. This position is held for 30 seconds, and a
if the clinician plans to evaluate or treat the neck. note is made of any symptoms or signs produced.

• From this position of extension and left rotation, the

clinician applies a traction force through the mid­
cervical spine. This position is held for 30 seconds, and
a note is made of any symptoms or signs produced.

This test is repeated with the cervical spine extended, with

right rotation and traction.

Case Study: The Dizzy Patient59

The following case study illustrates the common sub­

jective and objective findings for a vertebrobasilar artery

A 62-year-old woman with no history of vertigo or dizziness
reported to the clinic for her scheduled therapy session for
cervical degenerative joint disease. During the course of
conversation, the patient reported experiencing dizziness
after a shampoo trea tment of her hair at a hairdressing sa­
FIGURE 5-3 The vertebral artery test of the upper lon. She had visited her hairdresser the previous day and
cervical s pine. Note the lack of excessive cervical extension. reported severe vertigo, occipital pain, difficulty standing,
and a periodic numbness of the right arm and leg. A re­
cent radiograph and MRl of the cervical spine had shown
• From this maximally extended position, the clinician cervical spondylosis and narrowing of C-4, and minor cer­
rotates the mid-cervical spine to the left (Fig. 5-4) , vical compression at the same level.
and holds this position for 30 seconds, noting any
symptoms or signs produced. Examination
A glove-and-stocking-type hypesthesia was present. Deep
tendon reflexes and muscle power were normal. However,
disturbances of equilibrium were noted, and nystagmus
was present.60 The patient was referred back to her physi­
cian for further testing.

MRA showed a blood flow defect in the left vertebral artery
at the atlanto-occipital junction. MRl of the brain revealed
a few low-intensity areas, which were supplied by the verte­
bral artery, and testing showed right and left nystagmus.
A diagnosis of vertebrobasilar artery insufficiency with
cerebellar infarction caused by neck hyperextension in the
hair dressing salon was made. The patient was treated con­
servatively with rest and medication, and the vertigo im­
proved 1 week after injury, at which time the patient could
walk without assistance.
Beauty parlor stroke syndrome was first described by
Weintraub61 in 1 992. Since then , various authors have
reported similar cases.62,63 Because this syndrome is
not widely recognized, a careful history is necessary in
the presence of symptoms such as those described. Such
FIGURE 5-4 The vertebral artery test of the lower symptoms are often thought to be nonspecific and might
cervical spine. Note the opened eyes of the patient. be attributed to neurosis, psychogenic headache, or

menopause, particularly when imaging studies do not show 5. List tlle structures that form the transverse tunnel.
specific findings. Routine radiography, CT, and MRI studies 6. Describe the course of the third part of the artery
usually do not help to identify lesions in this syndrome. Spe­ (suboccipital) .
cial care is therefore necessary to evaluate the clinical find­ 7. List the branches generated directly by the vertebral
ings during examination of the nervous and auditory sys­ artery.
tems for back lifting or cerebellum dysfunction. 8. What structures are vascularized by the vertebral ar­
The most likely pathophysiologic mechanism of the tery and i ts branches?
beauty parlor stroke syndrome is stenosis of the vertebral 9. List the anomalies in each of the parts of the vertebral
artery caused by compression at the atlanto-occipital artery and i ts branches.
junction. This stenosis leads to damage of the intima, 10. Which of the cranial nerves is (are) not vascularized
thrombus formation, stenosis of the artery by fibrosis, or by the vertebral artery?
embolism, followed by infarction of the brain stem or cere­ 11. Give two types of intrinsic occlusion.
bellum. The vertebral arteries can also be compressed by 12. Give four causes of extrinsic occlusion.
the posterior edge of foramen magnum and the first cervi­ 13. What is a pseudoanuerysm?
cal vertebra in cervical extension ( approximately 20 de­ 14. What is fibromuscular dysplasia with reference to the
grees) and right rotation (approximately 20 degrees) in vertebrobasilar system?
cases involving the left vertebral artery, and by left rotation 15. How could cervical manipulation adversely affect the
in cases involving the right artery, respectively.59 vertebrobasilar system?
On the other hand, Thiel and colleagues64 found no 16. List four anomalies of the vertebral artery that may
occlusion in the vertebral artery blood flow during various predispose a patient to vertebrobasilar compromise.
head and neck positioning tests on the patient. Williams 17. What cervical movemen ts have been found to occlude
and Wilson65 provided a detailed description of ver te­ the vertebral artery?
brobasilar artery insufficiency almost 40 years ago and in­
dicated that reversible symptoms were related to i neffi­
ciency of the basilar system.
Mas and associates29 described 25 patients with previ­ 1. The usual site of origin is from the proximal part of
ous transient ischemic attacks. Among these, 1 8 reported the subclavian artery.
the appearance of symptoms after neck hyperextension. 2. The four parts are ( 1 ) osteal-arises from the C6 fora­
Usually, vertebrobasilar artery insufficiency occurs as a mi­ men and travels to the transverse tunnel; (2) trans­
nor attack ( temporary vertigo or dizziness), with no clini­ verse-arises from the entry of the transverse tunnel
cal or radiologic evidence of neural abnormalities. and travels cranially through the tunnel to the C2 trans­
Many cases are not caused by occlusion of the basilar ar­ verse foramen; (3) suboccipital-arises from the C2
tery, but rather by narrowing, structural anomaly, or arterial transverse foramen and travels into the foramen mag­
hypotension. Therefore, a correlation between symptoms num; and (4) intracranial-arises from the foramen
and reduced blood flow has been postulated. In the major­ magnum and travels to the lower border of the pons.
ity of cases, however, symptoms stabilize within 8 months.63 3. Four percent of the left arteries arise from the aorta.
Beauty parlor syndrome can be explained not only by The left artery runs vertically and slightly medial and
this mechanism but also by whiplash inj ury, dental work, posterior to reach the transverse foramen of the lower
endotracheal intubation, certain radiograph positioning, cervical spine, although its exact direction is depend­
perimetry, and chiropractic manipulation, which may also ent on its exact point of origin (any anomalies result
produce cervical vertigo. in tortuosity). The typical point of entry is at the C6
transverse foramen, but 1 0% of the population have
entry points from C5 to C7. Also, the postsubclavian
artery could have a kink in it.
1. From which artery does the vertebral artery normally 4. Adverse: Abnormalities in entry point are most com­
arise? monly associated with origin of the artery from the
2. What are the four parts of the vertebral artery and aorta. This causes increased blood pressure in the ver­
from where do they originate? tebral artery and may be a factor in vertebral bone
3. What is the most common variation in the origin of erosion, tortuosity of the artery, and widening of the
the vertebral artery? intervertebral foramen with nerve root compression.
4. Give one adverse and one beneficial consequence of The artery loses bony protection, is more vulnerable,
the second part of the artery beginning much more and is fur ther away from the axis of movement. Benefi­
cranially. cial: Increased slack occurs in the artery, preventing

compression of the vertebral artery between the trans­ 13. There is damage of the tunica intima and tunica me­
verse and suboccipital portions. The artery may thus dia of the arterial wall. The blood flow strips the in­
avoid impingement from osteophytes; also it is less vul­ tima and media away from the adventitia. The pres­
nerable to instability and disc prolapse. sure causes the adventitia to balloon outward.
5. The bony transverse foramina at each spinal level , the 14. Stenosis of the vertebral artery associated with normal
overlying anterior and posterior intertransverse mus­ anatomic variation of the dominant left vertebral
cles, the lateral border scaleni and longus anterior artery.
colli muscles, the lateral margins of the vertebral bod­ 15. Because of the location of the vertebral artery in the
ies, and the superior facets of the apophyseal joints. transverse tunnel and the sharp directional changes
The transverse tunnel dimensions are proportional to that occur in the third portion of the artery (suboc­
the diameter of the artery. The average diameter is cipital) , rotation, extension, and traction can occlude
6 mm, or about 1 to 2 mm greater than the vertebral one or both arteries.
artery. The vertebral artery is surrounded by a pe­ 16. Hypoplastic artery, a tretic artery, direct origin of
riosteal sheath that is adherent to the boundaries of vertebral artery from aorta, or an absent vertebral
the canal and affords further protection of the artery. artery.
6. Divided in to four parts : ( 1 ) Wi thin the transverse fora­ 17. Rotation-extension-traction is most stressful, followed
men of C2, the C2 vertebral foramen has two curves. by rotation-extension, rotation alone, extension alone,
(2) Between C2 and C 1 . The second part runs verti­ and flexion.
cally upwards in the transverse foramen of C2 and is
covered by the levator scapulae and the inferior capi­
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Chapter Objectives (SI-5 ) , and 1 coccygeal (Fig. 6- 1 ). T he spinal nerve proper

is not within the vertebral canal, and usually occupies the
At the completion of this chapter, the reader will be able intervertebral foramen. However, the dorsal and ventral
to: roots, which form the spinal nerves, are in the vertebral
canal. Nerve roots must penet rat e t he dura mater before
1. Describe the anatomy and dist ribut ion of the spinal passing t h rough dural sleeves within the intervert ebral
and peripheral nerves. foramen, t hat are continuous with the epineurium of the
2. Describe the components of the brachial and lum­ nerves.
bosacral plexus. Spinal nerves cont ain several kinds of fibers, as
3. Recognize the charact erist ics of a peripheral nerve follows:
4. List the clinical syndromes associated with i mpair­ • Motor fibers originate in large cells in the anterior
ments to each of the peripheral nerves. gray column of the spinal cord. T hese form the ven­
tral root and pass to the skeletal muscles.
• Sensory fibers originat e in unipolar cells in t he spinal
OVERVI EW ganglia and are interposed in the course of t he dorsal
roots. Peripheral branches of t hese ganglion cells are
Knowledge of the spinal nerves and t he peripheral dist ributed to both visceral and somatic structures as
nerves that they serve is essential to the manual clinician , mediators of sensory impulses to t he central nervous
as many apparent "peripheral" dysfunct ions, such as t en­ system (CNS) . T he central branches convey these im­
nis elbow, can be caused by a spinal dysfunct ion. I n addi­ pulses through dorsal roots into the dorsal gray col­
tion, the manual clinician must be able to discriminate umn and the ascending tracts of the spinal cord.
between the sensory changes t hat follow a spinal nerve le­ • Sympathetic fibers, which originate from the thoracic
sion, and those t h at are produced by a peripheral nerve and lumbar cord segment s, are distributed t hrough­
lesion. A m uscle weakness can result from disuse, inhibi­ out the body to the viscera, blood vessels, glands, and
tion, or nerve palsy. Weakness from a spinal nerve root le­ smoot h muscle.
sion differs from that of a peripheral nerve lesion in its • Parasympat het ic fibers, located in the middle three
distribution. For example a compression of the C7 nerve sacral nerves, pass to the pelvic and lower abdominal
root can result in a weakness of the elbow extensors and VIscera.
wrist flexors, whereas a radial nerve injury, although also
resulting in a weakness of the elbow extensors, produces T he spinal nerve roots are thought to have different
a weakness of the wrist extensors rather than the wrist mechanical properties than a peripheral nerve. There are
flexors. no connective tissue components (at least t hey are not de­
A total of 3 1 symmetrically arranged pairs of nerves veloped to t he same degree) comparable to t he epineurium
exit from all levels of the vertebral column, except for those and perineurium.2 As a result, the spinal nerve roots are
of Cl and C2,1 each of which is derived from the spinal more sensitive to both tension and compression. These
cord. T hey are divided topographically into 8 cervical pairs roots also are devoid of lymphatics and, thus, are predis­
( CI-8) , 1 2 thoracic (T l - 1 2 ) , 5 lumbar ( Ll -5 ) , 5 sacral posed to prolonged inflammat ion.


Sensory levels Motor levels

Hearing, equilibrium Medulla

Taste oblongata Facial muscles VII
Pharynx, esophagus Pharyngeal, palatine muscles X
Larynx,trachea Laryngeal muscles XI
Occipital region (Cl , 2) Tongue muscles XII


� Neck region (C2, 3, 4)
Shoulder (C4, 5)
Axillary (C5, 6)
Radial (C6, 7, 8)
Median (C6, 7,8)
Esophagus X
Sternocleidomastoid XI (Cl, 2, 3)
Neck muscles (Cl, 2,3)
Trapezius (C3,4)
Rhomboids (C4, 5)
Ulnar (C8, Tl) Diaphragm (C3, 4, 5)
Supra-, infraspinatus (C4, 5, 6)
Deltoid, brachioradialis,
and biceps (C5,6)
Serratus anterior (C5, 6, 7)

Spine of
Pectoralis major (C5, 6, 7, 8) E
scapula (T3)
Teres minor (C4, 5)
Pronators (C6, 7, 8; Tl)
Thorax Triceps (C6, 7, 8)
Long extensors of carpi
and digits (C6, 7, 8) E
Latissimus dorsi,teres (ij

major (C5,6, 7,8)
Long flexors (C7, 8; T1) u..
Thumb extensors (C7, 8)
Interossei,lumbricales, lii
thenar,hypothenar (C8,Tl) J:
Iliopsoas (L1, 2, 3)
Sartorius (L2, 3)
Quadriceps femoris (L2,3, 4)
Umbilicus Gluteal muscles (L4, 5; Sl)
(T10) Tensor fasciae latae (L4, 5)
Adductors of femur (L2, 3, 4)
Abductors of femur (L4, 5; Sl)
Gluteal region (T12, Ll) Tibialis anterior (LS)

(L1, 2, 3)

Inguinal region (L1, 2)

Gastrocnemius,soleus (L5; Sl, 2)
Biceps, semitendinosus,
semimembranosus (L4, 5; Sl)
quadratus femoris (L4, 5; Sl)
Posterior Flexors of the foot,
extensors of toes (LS, S1 )
Peronei (LS, Sl)
Flexors of toes (LS; Sl, 2)
Median Interossei (Sl, 2)
Lateral Perineal muscles (S3, 4)
Vesicular muscles (54,S)
Rectal muscles (54,S; Col)

perineum (Sl, 2)
Bladder (S3, 4)
Rectum (54,S)
Anus (S5,Col)


FIGURE 6-1 Motor and sensory levels of the spinal cord.


Meninges and Related S paces tho ugh the arachno id and pia mater are interconnected
by trabeculae, there is a space between t hem called the suI>­
The meninges and related spaces are impo rt an t to
arachnoid space, that co ntains the cerebrospinal fluid t hat is
bot h t he nut rit ion and prot ect io n of the spinal co rd. T he
also found wit hin t he ventricles of t he brain, and the cen­
t h ree meningeal layers ( dura mater, arachno id, pia
t ral canal of the spinal co rd. It is the supposed rhythmic
mater) ancho r the spinal co rd and create spaces, o ne of
flow of t his cerebro spinal fl uid which is used by cran­
which co n tains the cerebro spinal fluid, which provides
iosacral therapists to explain the ratio nale behind their
a cushion fo r the spinal co rd. T he meninges also fo r m
techniques (refer to Chapter 1 2) .
barriers t hat resist the entrance o f a variety o f noxio us
Because the arachno id is held against t he dura mater
o rganisms.
by t he cerebrospinal fluid, an accumulation of material, in­
The dura mater (Latin, " to ugh mo ther" ) is the o ut er­
cluding bloo d, inflammato ry or i nfect io us material, can
mo st and stro ngest o f the layers, co m po sed o f to ugh fi­
create a subdural space. 3
bro us co nnective tissue. It runs fro m the interio r of the
cranium through the fo ramen magnum, and surro unds
the spi nal co rd thro ugho ut its distribution fro m the cra­ Definitions
nium to the co ccyx at the second sacral level (S2) . 3 It is also • Sclerotome: An area of segmental innervat ion of bo ne.
attached to the po sterio r surfaces of C2 and C3.4 • Myotome: T he gro up of muscles supplied fro m a single
T he dura fo rms a vertical sac (dural sac) around the spinal segment. Very few muscles fall into this cat e­
spinal co rd, and its sho rt lateral projectio ns blend with t he go ry, as most are supplied fro m two o r more seg­
epineurium of the spinal nerves. T he dura is separated mental levels.
fro m the bo nes and ligament s that fo rm the walls of t he • Dermatome: The cutaneous area supplied by a single
vertebral canal by an epidural space. T his space co ntains post erio r roo t and its ganglion thro ugh the interme­
the internal venous ( Bato n 's) plexus, embedded in diat io n of one or more peripheral nerves. Fo r every
epidural fat. 3 The internal venous pl exus is a valveless sys­ spinal segment, t here is a co rresponding dermatome
tem of veins t hat interco n nect s the bo dy cavities and the (except C l ) . Refer to Chapter 1 0.
cranial cavity, and can provide t he means by which • Doubly innervated muscles: So me muscles are innervated
metastatic disease can spread fro m the viscera (i.e., fro m by two peripheral nerves. Examples of such muscles
the lungs to the vertebral canal or cranial cavity) . 3 T his include: Pectoralis majo r, subscapularis, adducto r
space also co nt ains branches of t he radicular arteries. magnus, flexor digitorum profundus, biceps femo ris.
The pia mater is the deepest of the layers, and is inti­
mately related to the o ut er surface of the spinal co rd and
nerve roots. It is firmly attached to the surfaces of both, CE RVICAL N E RVES
and fo llows the co n to urs intimately. It covers the nerve
roo ts and blends with t he co n nective t issue i nvest ments of The eight pairs of cervical nerves are derived fro m cord
the spinal nerve. T he pia is the vascular layer and co nveys segment s between the level of the fo ramen magnum and
the bloo d vessels that supply the spinal co rd. 3 The inner the middle of the seventh cervical vertebra. T he spinal
pia mater and intermediate arachno id are interco nnected nerves fro m C3 to C7, exit ing fro m t he in tervertebral fo ra­
by variable n umbers of trabeculae. men, divide into a larger ventral ramus and a smaller do r­
T he pia mater has a series of lateral specializatio ns, sal ramus. The ventral ramus of the cervical spinal nerve
the denticulat e (dentate) ligaments, which anchor the co urses on the t ransverse pro cess in an anterio r-lateral
spinal cord to the dura mater. 3 T hese ligament s, which de­ directio n to fo rm the cervical plexus and brachial plexus.
rive their name fro m t heir too th-like appearance, extend The do rsal ramus of the spinal nerve runs posteriorly
the who le length o f the spinal co rd, serving an important aro und the superio r articular process, supplying the facet
tet hering funct io n. jo int, ligament s, deep muscles, and skin of the po sterio r
A specializatio n o f the pia mater, the filum terminale, aspect of t h e neck. 3
anchors the spinal cord inferiorly fro m t he tip o f the co nus E ach nerve jo ins wit h a gray co mmunicating ramus
medullaris. A co rd of pia and dura, called the coccygeal lig­ fro m t he sympathetic trunk. It also sends a small recurrent
ament, attaches to the co ccyx and anchors the spinal co rd meningeal branch back into t he spinal canal to supply the
and dural sac inferiorly. T his inferio r anchor ensures t hat dura with senso ry and vaso moto r innervation, and branches
tensile fo rces applied to t he spinal cord are dist ributed into anterio r and posterior primary divisio ns, which are
thro ugh its entire length. mixed nerves that pass to their respective peripheral distri­
The arachno id is a t hin and delicate nonvascular layer, butio ns. T he mo to r branches carry a few senso ry fibers that
co ex tensive with the dura mat er and the pia mater. Even convey pro prioceptive impulses fro m the neck muscles.

Daniels and colleagues5 and P ech and associates6 stud­ muscles, and to the sternohyoid and sternothyroid mus­
ied magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) and computed cles by way of the superior root of the ansa cervicalis ( see
tomography (CT) of the cervical intervertebral foramens Fig. 6-2 ) . The nerve to the thyrohyoid branches from
and found that the cervical nerve root is located in the th e hypoglossal nerve, and runs obliquely across the
lower part of the in terpedicular foramen and occupies the hyoid bone to innervate the thyrohyoid. The nerve to
major inferior part of the in tertransverse foramen. the superior belly of the omohyoid branches from the
superior root (see Fig. 6-2 ) , and enters the muscle at a
level between the thyroid notch and a horizontal plane
Posterior Primary Divisions
2 cm inferior to the notch. The nerves to the sternohy­
C I (suboccipital nerve) is the only branch of the first oid and sternothyroid share a common trun k , which
posterior primary divisions; it is a motor nerve to the m us­ branches from the loop ( Fig. 6-2 ) . The nerve to the
cles of the suboccipital triangle, with very few sensory inferior belly of the omohyoid also branches from the
fibers. loop (Fig. 6-2 ) . The loop is most frequently located just
deep to the site where the superior belly (or tendon) of
the omohyoid muscle crosses the internal j ugular vei n .
Anterior Primary Divisions
There is a branch t o t h e sternocleidomastoid m uscle
The anterior primary divisions of the first four cervical from C2, and branches to the trapezius muscles (C3-4)
nerves ( C I -4) collectively form the cervical plexus via the subtrapezial plexus. S maller branches to the adja­
(Fig. 6-2) . Those of the second four nerves (C5-8) , together cent vertebral musculature supply the rectus capitis lat­
with the first thoracic nerve, form the brachial plexus. eralis and rectus capitis anterior ( C l ), the longus capitis
(C2, 4) and longus coli ( C I -4) , the scalenus medius (C3,
4) and scalenus anterior (C4) , and the levator scapulae
Cervical Plexus (C1 -4)
(C3-S ) .
The phrenic nerve (C3-S ) passes obliquely over the
Sensory Branches
scalenus anterior muscle and between the subclavian artery
• The small occipital nerve (C2, 3) supplies the skin of
and vein to enter the thorax behind the sternoclavicular
the lateral occipital portion of the scalp, the upper
joint, where it descends vertically through the superior and
median part of the auricle, and the area over the mas­
middle mediastinum to the diaphragm (see Fig. 6-2 ) . Mo­
toid process.
tor branches supply the diaphragm. Sensory branches sup­
• The great auricular nerve (C2, 3) supplies sensation
ply the pericardium, the diaphragm, and part of the costal
to the ear and face over the ascending ramus of the
and mediastinal pleurae. The phrenic nerve is the largest
mandible. The nerve lies on or just below the deep
branch of the cervical plexus and plays an important role in
layer of the investing fascia of the neck, arises from the
anterior rami of the second and third cervical nerves,
and emerges from behind the sternomastoid muscle, Lesions of the First Four Cervical Nerves
before ascending on it to cross over the parotid gland. P hrenic nerve involvement has been described in several
• The cervical cutaneous nerve (cutaneous coli) (C2, 3) neuropathies, including critical illness, polyneuropathy,
supplies the skin over the anterior portion of the neck. Guillain-Barre syndrome, brachial neuritis, and heredi­
• S upraclavicular branches (C3, 4) supply the skin over tary motor and sensory neuropathy type 1.7,8 The symp­
the clavicle and the upper deltoid and pectoral re­ toms depend largely on the degree of involvement, and
gions, as low as the third rib. whether one, or both of the nerves are involved. Thus, the
following can occur:
Communicating Branches
The ansa cervicalis nerve (see Fig. 6-2) is formed by the • Unilateral paralysis of the diaphragm, which causes
junction of two main nerve roots derived entirely from few or no symptoms except with heavy exertion.
ventral cervical rami. A loop is formed at the point of their • Bilateral paralysis of the diaphragm, which is charac­
anastomosis, and sensory fibers are carried to the dura of terized by dyspnea on the slightest exertion: and diffi­
the posterior fossa of the skull via the recurrent meningeal culty in coughing and sneezing.
branch of the hypoglossal nerve. • P hrenic neuralgia, resulting from neck tumors, aortic
aneurysm, and pericardial or other mediastinal infec­
Muscular Branches tions, which is characterized by pain near the free
Communication with the hypoglossal nerve from C l -2 border of the ribs, beneath the clavicle, and deep in
carries motor fibers to the geniohyoid and thyrohyoid the neck.

Cranial nerves IlllillIlillIIt Motor nerves �

Sensory nerves cr:=::::=:J

Sympathetic rami



Trapezius Sternohyoid
muscle muscle

Supraclavicular nerves nerve

* To adjacent vertebral musclature

FIGURE 6-2 The cervical plexus.

Rigidity of the neck can occur with neuralgia, and The brain is protected fr om infection by the skull, the
with other irritative lesions of the meninges, such as pia, arachnoid, and dural meninges covering its surface,
meningitis. 9 and the blood-brain barrier. When any of these defenses
are broached by a pathogen , infection of the meninges and
As early as the fifth century Be the seriousness of subarachnoid space can occur, resulting in meningitis. 1 3
infectious meningitis was recognized. lo In the 20th cen­ Predisposing factors for the development of community-ac­
tury, the annual incidence of bacterial meningitis ranged quired meningitis include preexisting diabetes mellitus,
from approximately 3 per 1 00,000 population in the otitis media, pneumonia, sinusitis, and alcohol abuse. 14
United States, I I to 500 per 1 00,000 in the "meningitis belt" The clinical features of meningitis are a reflection of
of Africa. 12 the underlying pathophysiologic processes. 9 Systemic

infection generates nonspecific fi ndings such as fever, nerves: musculocutaneous ( lateral cord), ax ill ary and
myalgia, and rash. Once the bl ood-brain barrier is radial ( posterior cord) , ulnar ( m edial cord ) , and median
breached, an inflammatory response within the cere­ ( medial and lateral cords) . 18 Numerous small er nerves
brospinal fl uid occurs. The resultant meningeal inflam­ arise from the roots, trunks, and cords of the plexus, as
mation and irritation el icit a protective reflex to prevent fol lows:
stretching of the inflamed and hypersensitive nerve
roots, which is detectabl e clinically as neck stiffness or A. From the Roots
Kernig or Brudzinski signs. 1 5• 1 6 The meningeal inflam­ 1. A small branch passes to the phrenic nerve from CS .
mation may al so cause headache and cranial nerve 2. The dorsal scapular nerve ( CS ) . The origin of the
palsies. 1 7 If the inflammatory process progresses to cere­ dorsal scapular nerve frequently shares a common
bral vasculitis or causes cerebral edema and el evated trunk with the long thoracic nerve (see Fig. 6-3 ) ,
intracranial pressure, al terations in men tal status, and passes through the scalenus medius anterior­
headache, vomiting, seizures, and cranial nerve palsies internally and posterior-laterally with the presence
may ensue. 1 3 of some tendinous tissues. Leaving the long
Despite classic descriptions of meningeal signs and thoracic nerve, it often gives branches to the sh oul­
sweeping statements about its clinical presentation, der and the subaxil lary region before the branches
the signs and symptoms of meningitis have been inade­ join the long thor acic ner ve again . Th e dors al
quately studied.9 Based on the limited studies, the following scapular nerve suppl ies the rhomboids and levator
should be remembered during the assessment:9 scapulae.
3. The long thoracic nerve ( CS-7) . The long thoracic
• The absence of all 3 signs of the classic triad of fever, nerve is purely a motor nerve that originates from
neck stiffness, and an altered mental status virtually the ven tral rami of the fifth, sixth, and seventh ce rvi­
eliminates a diagnosis of meningitis. Fever is the cal roots (see Fig. 6-3) . It is the sole in nervation to
most sensitive of the classic triad of signs of meningi­ the serratus anterior muscle. The fifth and sixth cer­
tis, and occurs in a majority of patients, with neck vical roots, along with the dorsal scapul ar nerve, p ass
stiff ness the next most sensitive sign. Alterations in through the scalenus medius muscle, whereas the
mental status also have a relatively high sensitivity, seventh cervical root passes anterior to i t. 1 9 The
indicating that normal mental status helps to ex­ nerve then travel s beneath the brachial plexus and
cl ude meningitis in low-risk patients. Changes in clavicle to pass over the first rib. From there, il de­
mental status are more common in bacterial than vi­ scends al ong the l ateral aspect of the chest wall ,
ral meningitis. where it innervates the serratus anterior muscle. The
• Among the signs of meningeal irritation, Kernig and nerve extends as far inferior as the eighth or ni nth
Brudzinski signs appear to have low sensitivity but rib. I ts long, relatively superficial course makes it sus­
high specificity. ceptible to i nj u ry. P athomechanics postulated to
cause injury to the long thoracic nerve include en­
trapment of the fifth and sixth cervical roots as they
BRACHIAL PLEXUS pass through the scalenus medius muscle, compres­
sion of the nerve during traction to the upper ex­
The brachial plexus arises from the anterior primary tremity by the undersurface of the scapula as the
divisions of the fifth cervical through the first thoracic nerve crosses over the second rib, and compression
nerve roots, with occasional contributions from the and traction to the nerve by the inferior angl e of the
fourth cervical and second thoracic roots (Fig. 6-3 ) . The scapula during general anesthesia or passive abduc­
roots of the plexus, which consist of CS and C6, j oin tion of the arm. 20--23
to form the upper trunk; C7 becomes the middle trunk; The serratus anterior, along with the levator
and C8 and Tl join to form the l ower trunks. Each of scapulae, trapezius, and rhomboids, is a scapular ro­
the trunks divide into anterior and posterior divisions tator. It takes its origin from the first through nin th
and then form cords. The anterior divisions of the upper ribs. The muscle is composed of three functional
and middl e trunk form the lateral cord; the anterior di­ components. 24,25 The upper component originates
vision of the l ower trunk forms the medial cord; and all from the first and second ribs and inserts on the su­
three posterior divisions unite to form the posterior perior angle of the scapula. The middle component
cord. The three cords (named for their relationship to arises from the second, third, and fourth ribs, and in­
the axill ary artery) spli t to form the main branches of serts along the anterior aspect of the medial scapular
the plexus. These branches give rise to the peripheral border. The lower component is the largest and most

Nerves or
). -----7
....._--,... , plexus roots

* Divisions

To phrenic nerve
To subclavius
nerve (5)
muscle (5-6)


To scaleni
longus colli
Musculocutaneous nerve muscles

Median nerve

Medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve

(8 -1) intercostal nerve
Medial brachial cutaneous nerve
(T1) �
Intercostobrachial nerves

* Splitting of the plexus into anterior and posterior divisions is one of the most significant features
in the redistribution of nerve fibers, because it is here that fibers supplying the flexor and
extensor groups of muscles of the upper extremity are separated. Similar splitting is noted
in the lumbar and sacral plexuses for the supply of muscles of the lower extremity.

FIGURE 6-3 The brachial plexus.


powerful, originating from the fifth through ninth wide, Rengachary and associates33 describes six types
ribs, and converging to insert on the inferior angle of of notches, depending on their configuration and
the scapula. enclosure. The suprascapular artery and vein initially
The main function of the serratus anterior is to run with the nerve and then run above the transverse
protract and upwardly rotate the scapula.26,27 In syn­ suprascapular ligament over the notch. After passing
ergy with the trapezius, the serratus anterior acts to through the notch, the nerve supplies the supras­
provide a strong, mobile base of support to position capular muscle and provides articular branches to
the glenoid optimally for maximum efficiency of the the glenohumeral and acromioclavicular joints, pro­
upper extremity.28,29 This action causes the entire viding sensory and sympathetic fibers to two-thirds of
shoulder to be brought forward, as in fencing. The the shoulder capsule, and to the glenohumeral and
serratus anterior is more active in forward flexion acromioclavicular joints. The nerve then turns
than pure abduction, as abduction requires some re­ around the lateral edge of the scapular spine to in­
traction of the scapula.25 Without upward rotation nervate the infraspinatus. There are no skin sensory
and protraction of the scapula by the serratus ante­ branches.
rior, full glenohumeral elevation is not possible. In
C. From the Cords
patients with complete paralysis of the serratus ante­
1. The medial and lateral pectoral nerves extend from
rior, Gregg and colleagues28 reported that abduction
the medial and lateral cords, respectively (see
is limited to 1 10 degrees,
Fig. 6-- 3) , and are usually united by a loop. They sup­
An injury to the long thoracic nerve causes
ply the pectoralis major and pectoralis minor mus­
scapular winging, as the scapula assumes a position
cles. The pectoralis major muscle has dual innerva­
of medial translation and upward rotation of the in­
tion.34 The lateral pectoral nerve (C5-7) is actually
ferior angle.3o The medial border of the scapula
more medial in the muscle; it travels with the thora­
becomes prominent as the dysfunctional serratus an­
coacromial vessels and innervates the clavicular and
terior no longer is able to hold the scapula against
sternal heads. The medial pectoral nerve ( CS to T l)
the thoracic cage. The greater the degree of muscle
shares a course with the lateral thoracic vessels and
impairment, the greater the displacement or wing­
provides innervation to the sternal and costal
ing.31 The deformity is accentuated as the patient
heads.35 The main trunk of these nerves can be
elevates the arm into forward flexion against resist­
found near the origin of the muscle's vascular
ance, Resisted shoulder protraction also accentuates
the winging.
2. The three subscapular nerves from the posterior
4. Smaller branches extend to the scaleni and longus
cord consist of:
coli muscles from C6 to CS .
a. The upper subscapular nerve (C5-6) to the sub­
5. The first intercostal nerve extends from T1.
scapularis muscle (see Fig. 6-- 3) .
B, From the Trunks b. The thoracodorsal nerve, or middle subscapular
l . A nerve extends to the subclavius muscle (C5-6) from nerve, which arises from the posterior cord of the
the upper trunk or fifth root. The subclavius muscle brachial plexus with its motor fiber contributions
acts mainly on the stability of the sternoclavicular from C6, C7, and CS (see Fig. 6-- 3) . It courses
joint, with more or less intensity according to the along the posterior-lateral chest wall, along the
degree of the clavicular interaction with the move­ surface of the serratus anterior, and deep to the
ments of the peripheral parts of the superior limb, subscapularis, giving rise to branches that supply
and seems to act as a substitute for the ligaments of the latissimus dorsi. The latissimus dorsi originates
the sternoclavicular joint.32 from the lumbar aponeurosis at the spines of the
2, The suprascapular nerve originates from the upper T6-12 and Ll-5 vertebrae, the supraspinous liga­
trunk of the brachial plexus formed by the roots of C5 ment, the iliac crest, and the lower four ribs, and
and C6 (see Fig, 6-- 3) at Erb's point. The nerve travels inserts on the inferior aspect of the intertubular
downward and laterally, behind the brachial plexus groove of the humerus. It acts as an extensor, ad­
and parallel to the omohyoid muscle beneath the ductor, and powerful internal rotator of the shoul­
trapezius, to the superior edge of the scapula, through der, and also assists in scapular depression, retrac­
the suprascapular notch. The roof of the suprascapular tion, and downward rotation.36
notch is formed by the transverse scapular ligament. c. The lower subscapular nerve (C5-6) to the teres
The notch may assume various shapes such as the let­ major and part of the subscapularis muscle (see
ter "U" or may be deep and narrow or shallow and Fig. 6-- 3)

3. Sensory branches of the medial cord (C8 to Tl) com­ (predominantly C8 and Tl), and total (C5, C6, C7, C8, and
prise the medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve to the sometimes Tl) plexus palsies.40,41 Upper brachial plexus
medial surface of the forearm and the medial palsy, although described first by Duchenne,42 bears the
brachial cutaneous nerve to the medial surface of name Erb's palsy.43 Lower brachial plexus palsy is extremely
the arm (see Fig. 6-3) . Several anatomic studies on rare in birth injuries44 and is referred to as Klumpke's
the medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve trunk have palsy.45 Most cases of obstetric brachial plexus palsy are of
been performed, showing variable derivation of the Erb's palsy, and tlle lesion is always supraclavicular.
medial antebrachial cutaneous sensor y fibers. In The infant with Erb's palsy typically shows the classic
1 9 1 8 , Kerr37 reported that the medial antebrachial "waiter's tip" posture of the paralyzed limb.46,47 The arm
cutaneous nerve trunk branched from the medial lies internally rotated at the side of the chest, the elbow ex­
cord in 82% of patients. It received contributions tended (paralysis of C5, C6) or slightly flexed (paralysis of
from the C8 and T l segments in 97% of individuals, C5, C6, C7), the forearm pronated, and the wrist and fin­
and from Tl alone in only 4 of 167 individuals. gers flexed. This posture occurs because of paralysis and
Wichman,38 in the same year, reported 51 patients in atrophy of the deltoid, biceps, brachialis, and brachioradi­
whom the medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve alis muscles, and hence the surgical results in patients with
trunk was derived from C8 and Tl fibers, and 38 pa­ Erb's palsy traditionally have been expressed in terms of
tients in whom it was derived from Tl fibers alone. recovery of shoulder abduction and external rotation, el­
bow flexion and extension, forearm supination, and
extension of the wrist, fingers, and thumb.48
Klumpke's paralysis is characterized by paralysis and
Brachial Plexus Lesions
atrophy of the small hand muscles and flexors of the wrist
The rate of occurrence of brachial plexus injuries in ("claw hand"). Prognosis of this type is more favorable. If
the North American population is presently unknown. By the sympathetic rami of Tl are involved, Horner's syn­
using the Mayo Clinic records, an overall annual incidence drome may be present.
rate of 1.64 cases per 1 00,000 population for idiopathic
brachial plexus neuropathy was identified.39 Unfortunately,
this type of data collection has not been performed for pa­
Peripheral Nerves
tients with traumatic brachial plexus injuries. The patllO­
morphologic spectrum of traumatic brachial plexus impair­ The large peripheral nerves are enclosed in three
ments most often includes combinations of various types of layers of tissue of differing character. From the inside out­
injuries: compression of spinal nerves, traction injuries of ward, these are the endoneurium, perineurium, and
spinal roots and nerves, and avulsions of spinal roots. If the epineurium.49 Nerve fibers embedded in endoneurium
rootlets are traumatically disconnected from the spinal form a funiculus surrounded by perineurium, a tllin but
cord, they normally exit the intradural space; in rare cases, strong sheath of connective tissue. The nerve bundles are
however, they also may remain within the dural space. embedded in a loose areolar connective tissue framework
Brachial plexus injuries are most commonly seen in called the epineurium. The epineurium that extends be­
children, and are usually caused by birth injuries. Obstetric tween the fascicles is termed the inner or interfascicular­
brachial plexus palsy is quite different from adult brachial epineurium, whereas that surrounding the entire nerve
plexus injury, and needs a different analysis. Although the epifascicular- epineu·rium.50 The connec­
trunk is called the
mechanisms resulting in plexus injury in both are similar tive tissue outside the epineurium is referred to as the
(i.e., traction), in obstetric brachial plexus palsy the trac­ adventitia of the nerve or epineural tissue. 50 Although the
tion force is less in energy velocity. Stretch (neurapraxia or epineurium is continuous with the surrounding connec­
axonotmesis) and incomplete rupture are more common tive tissue, its attachment is loose, so that nerve trunks are
in obstetric brachial plexus palsy than complete rupture or relatively mobile except where tethered by entering vessels
avulsion, which is often seen in adult brachial plexus injury. or exiting nerve branches.51
Often, there is paresis (incomplete paralysis) rather than There are basically three types of peripheral nerves that
flaccid paralysis (complete paralysis) in obstetric brachial are affected by a neuropathy: sensory, motor, and mixed.
plexus palsy. Even when there is complete rupture, the gaps
are short and regeneration is still possible, whereas in adult Sensory Nerves
brachial plexus injury the gaps are long and the scars are Sensory nerves carry afferents from a portion of the skin.
dense, which makes regeneration impossible. They also carry efferents to the skin structures. When a sen­
Obstetrical brachial plexus palsy is classified into sory nerve is involved, the pain occurs in the area of its dis­
upper (involving C5, C6, and usually C7 roots), lower tribution. This pain can be sharp, burning, or accompanied

with paresthesia. Commonly affected sensory nerves are the

lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, the saphenous nerve, and
the interdigital nerves.

Motor Nerves Deltoid muscle

The motor nerves carry efferents to muscles, and return

(by superior division)

sensation from muscles, joints, and associated ligamen­

tous structures. Pain produced as the result of a motor
nerve involvement is not well localized, because it encom­
passes a wider region. This pain may be sharp and severe,
Teres minor muscle

or a dull ache. The muscle is usually tender to palpation,

and there may be atrophy. Examples include the ulnar
nerve, the suprascapular nerve, and the dorsal scapular Biceps
brachial is muscle
Short head
Musculocutaneous nerve

Long head

Mixed Nerves
A mixed nerve is a combination of skin, sensory, and
motor fibers to one trunk. Involvement of a mixed nerve
presents with a combination of sensory and motor find­
ings. Some examples of mixed nerves are the median cutaneous nerve

nerve, the ulnar nerve at the elbow or as it enters the tun­

nel of Guyon, the peroneal nerve at the knee, and the il­
ioinguinal nerve.
Any nerve that innervates a muscle also mediates the
sensation from the joint on which that muscle acts. In
nerve entrapments the primary concern is axonocachexia,
which is a narrowing of the axon at the site of compression
and distal to it, with a subsequent reduction in the con­
duction speed across the site of compression as well as
along the entire distal portion of the nerve. Conduction
velocity for motor and sensory nerve fibers is generally
FIGURE 6-4 Musculocutaneous (C5, 6) and axillary
(C5, 6) nerves.
decreased significantly, and the latency is prolonged. The
usual causes of nerve entrapment are swelling and com­
pression during muscle contraction, tight fascia, osteo­
chondroma, ganglia, lipomas and other benign neo­ lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve, which then divides
plasms, and bony protuberances. into anterior and posterior divisions to innervate the ante­
The diagnosis of peripheral nerve impairments rior-lateral aspect of the forearm53 (see Fig. 6-4).
depends on a careful history and physical examination. Atraumatic, isolated musculocutaneous neuropathies
are rare. Reported cases have been associated with posi­
tioning during general anesthesia56 and peripheral nerve
Musculocutaneous Nerve (CS-6)
tumors.57 Several cases have been attributed to strenuous
The musculocutaneous nerve is the terminal branch of upper extremity exercise without apparent underlying
tile lateral cord, which in turn is derived from the anterior disease.5s-61 These activities included weight lifting,58 foot­
division of the upper and middle trunks of the fifth through ball throwing,61 rowing,60 and carrying heavy textile rolls
seventll cervical nerve roots.52,53 It arises from the lateral on the shoulder with the arm curled over the roll.59 Mech­
cord of the brachial plexus at tile level of the insertion of tile anisms proposed for these exercise-related cases include
pectoralis minor.53,54 The nerve proceeds caudally and later­ entrapment within the coracobrachialis,58-6o as well as trac­
ally, giving one or more branches to the coracobrachialis, tion between a proximal fixation point at the coraco­
before penetrating tllis muscle 3 to 8 cm below the coracoid brachialis and a distal fixation point at the deep fascia
process.53,55 It tllen courses tl1rough and supplies the biceps at the elbow.53 Because the musculocutaneous nerve
brachii and brachialis muscles, before emerging between does not penetrate the coracobrachialis muscle in some
tile biceps brachii and the brachioradialis muscles 2 to 5 cm anatomic variants,53 coracobrachialis entrapment may not
above the elbow (Fig. 6-4) . At this level, it is called the account for all of the exercise-related cases.

The brachialis is a pure elbow flexor, whereas the bi­ A deltoid paralysis causes an inability to protract or re­
ceps brachii is an elbow flexor and supinator of the fore­ tract the arm, or raise it to the horizontal position. After
arm.53,62 With complete loss of motor function of these two some time, supplementary movements may partially take
muscles, functional elbow flexion strength can still be ob­ over these functions. Teres minor paralysis causes weak­
tained with contraction of the brachioradialis and prona­ ness of external rotation. Sensation is lost over the deltoid
tor teres.63.64 The extensor carpi radialis longus, flexor prominence.
carpi ulnaris, flexor carpi radialis, and palmaris longus
may also assist with flexing the elbow.65 The brachioradialis
Radial Nerve (C6-8, T 1 )
has a better mechanical advantage when the elbow is
flexed to 90 degrees and is more active when the forearm The radial nerve i s the largest branch of the brachial
is in the pronated or neutral position. 62,65 The pronator plexus. Originating at the lower border of the pectoralis mi­
teres can produce full elbow flexion, but this is accompa­ nor as the direct continuation of tlle posterior cord, it de­
nied by forearm pronation. 64,66 Thus, with a complete mus­ rives fibers of the last three cervical and first thoracic seg­
culocutaneous nerve palsy, full antigravity elbow flexion ments of the spinal cord. During its descent in the arm, it
can still be obtained and is strongest with the elbow flexed accompanies the profunda artery behind, and around, the
at 90 degrees and the forearm pronated. humerus and in the musculospiral groove. It pierces tlle lat­
An isolated injury to the proximal musculocutaneous eral intermuscular septum and reaches the lower anterior side
nerve should not result in weakness of all shoulder motions. of the forearm, where its terminal branches arise (Fig. 6--5 ).
The coracobrachialis and long and short heads of the biceps This nerve is frequently entrapped at its bifurcation in tlle re­
brachii all cross the shoulder joint. They are active with gion of the elbow, where the common radial nerve becomes
shoulder flexion and abduction,62,65,67,68 and slightly active the sensory branch and a deep or posterior interosseous
with shoulder adduction,65,68 and internal rotation.68 These
muscles also help stabilize the shoulder joint,53 and main­
tain the static position of the arm.67 Therefore, it is probable
that with complete paralysis of these muscles, slight weak­ Wristdrop in radial nerve injury

ness of all shoulder motions would occur.

Thus, the clinical features of musculocutaneous
involvement include the weaknesses described previously,
loss of biceps jerk, muscle atrophy, and loss of sensation to
the anterior-lateral surface of the forearm.

Axillary Nerve (CS-6)

The axillary nerve is the last nerve of the posterior Extensor-supinator group

cord of the brachial plexus before the latter becomes the 8rachloradialis /
--- Dorsal antebrachial
radial nerve (see Fig. 6-4) . The axillary nerve arises as one Extensor carpi radialis longus
cutaneous nerve

of the terminal branches of the posterior cord of the

brachial plexus, with its neural origin in the fifth and sixth Deep radial nerve

cervical nerve roots. The axillary nerve crosses the

anterior-inferior aspect of the subscapularis muscle, where
it then crosses posteriorly through the quadrilateral space
and divides into two major trunks. The posterior trunk
gives a branch to the teres minor muscle and the posterior
deltoid muscle, before terminating as the superior lateral
$UPinator /
brachial cutaneous nerve (see Fig. 6-4) . The anterior
Abductor pallieis longus / \'li
trunk continues, giving branches to supply the middle and
Extensor poHicis brevis /'

anterior deltoid muscle, while traveling on the deep sub­ Extensor pOflicis longus /

fascial surface and within the deltoid muscle. The axillary

nerve is susceptible to injury at several sites, including the
origin of the nerve from the posterior cord, the anterior­
inferior aspect of the subscapularis muscle and shoulder Sensory distribution

capsule, the quadrilateral space, and within the subfascial

surface of the deltoid muscle. FIGURE 6-5 The radial nerve (C6-8; T 1 ).

branch. The radial nerve crosses the elbow immediately the radial head;82 chronic minor repetltJve motion at
anterior to the radial head, just beneath the heads of the work;83,84 and entrapment by the arcade of Frohse.85
extensor OIigin of the extensor carpi radialis brevis, then The major disability associated with radial nerve in­
divides. The deep branch runs through the body of the jury is a weak wrist and fingers. The hand grip is weakened
supinator muscle to gain the posterior aspect of the forearm. as a result of poor stabilization of the wrist and finger
In this relationship, it is therefore subject to the fibrous edge joints, and the patient demonstrates an inability to extend
of the extensor carpi radialis brevis, and some fibers over the the thumb, proximal phalanges, wrist, and elbow. Prona­
radial head. When it enters the fibrous slit in the supinator, tion of the hand and adduction of the thumb is also
or arcade of Frohse, the deep branch is often trapped.69 affected, and the wrist and fi n gers adopt a position termed
A neuropathy of the superficial branch causes pain and wrist drop. The triceps, radial, and periosteal-radial reflexes
alteration in the sensation of its distribution, and therefore it are absent, but the sensory loss is often slight, owing to
appears to be stemming from the first carpometacarpaljoint overlapping innervation.
or the tendons of the anatomical snuff box, or both, and is The site of the impairment can often be determined
often confused with de Quervain's disease. When the deep by the clinical findings.
branch is involved, it innervates the group of muscles that
extend the wdst and the fingers, and weakness can occur. • If the impairment occurs at a point below the triceps
There is pain in the elbow region, and this is often confused innervation, the strengtll of tile triceps is intact.
with tennis elbow. A very significant test is to extend the third • If the impairment occurs at a point below the brachio­
digit against resistance while the elbow is maintained in radialis branch, some supination will be retained.
extension. This reproduces the elbow pain caused by entrap­ • If the impairment occurs at a point in the forearm, the
ment of the posterior interosseous nerve. branches to the small muscle groups, extensors of
The radial nerve in the arm supplies the triceps, an­ the thumb, extensors of the index finger, extensors of
coneus, and the upper portion of the extensor-supinator the other fingers, and extensor carpi ulnaris, may be
group of forearm muscles. In the forearm, the muscles are affected.
supplied by the posterior interosseous nerve, which inner­ • If the impairment occurs at a point on the dorsum of
vates all muscles of the six extensor compartments of the the wrist, only sensory loss on the hand will be affected.
wrist, with the exception of the second compartment,
namely the extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB) and exten­
Median Nerve (CS to T 1 )
sor carpi radialis longus (ECRL) .
The skin areas supplied by the radial nerve, include The trunk dedves its fibers from the lower three (some­
the posterior brachial cutaneous nerve, to the dorsal as­ times four) cervical and the first tllOracic segments of the
pect of the arm; the posterior antebrachial cutaneous spinal cord. Although it has no branches in the upper arm,
nerve, to the dorsal surface of the forearm; and the super­ the trunk descends along the course of the brachial artery
ficial radial nerve, to the dorsal aspect of the radial half of and passes onto the volar side of the forearm, where it gives
the hand. The isolated area of supply is a small patch of off muscular branches, including the anterior interosseous
skin over the dorsum of the first interosseous space nerve. It then enters the hand, where it terminates with
(see Fig. 6-5) . both muscular and cutaneous branches (Fig. 6-6) . The sen­
The radial nerve is the most commonly injured sory branches of the median nerve supply the skin of the
peripheral nerve. Because of the radial nerve's spiral palmar aspect of the thumb and tile lateral 2 112 fingers and
course across the back of the mid-shaft of the humerus, and the distal ends of the same fingers (see Fig. 6-6) .
its relatively fixed position in the distal arm as it penetrates The anterior interosseous nerve arises from the poste­
the lateral intermuscular septum, it is the most frequently rior aspect of the median nerve, 5 cm distal to the medial
injured nerve associated with fractures of the humerus. humeral epicondyle, and passes witll the main trunk of the
Radial nerve injuries usually involve a contusion or a mild median nerve between the two heads of the pronator
stretch, and full recovery can generally be expected. teres.86 It continues along the volar aspect of tile flexor
Conditions tllat may produce nontraumatic paralysis digitorum profundus and then passes between the flexor
of the posterior interosseous nerve include compression digitorum profundus and the flexor pollicis longus, running
by the fibrous edge of the entrance70 or exit7I of the in close apposition to tile interosseous membrane, to enter
supinator; benign tumors or tumorous conditions, includ­ the pronator quadratus.86 It provides motor innervation to

ing a lipoma72,73 or a ganglion ; 74 fibrous adhesions/5 flexor pollicis longus, tile medial part of flexor digitorum
rheumatoid arthritis/6,77 neuralgic amyotrophy/8 constric­ profundus, involving the index and sometimes tile middle
tion of tile nerve;79,80 delayed paralysis resulting from a finger, and to tile pronator quadratus. It also sends sensory
Monteggia fracture8 I or unreduced anterior dislocation of fibers to the distal radioulnar, radiocarpal, intercarpal, and

Lateral cord 8 cm distal to the level of the lateral epicondyle, it is vttlner­

Medial cord
able to injury or compression by the following means:

• A tendinous origin of the deep pronator teres

• A tendinous origin of the flexor superficialis to the
long finger

Sensory distribution
• A thrombosis of crossing ulnar collateral vessels
• An accessory muscle and tendon from the flexor
superficialis to the flexor pollicis longus (Zantzer's
Median nerve

• An aberrant radial artery

Flexor-pronator muscle group • A tendinous origin of a variant muscle, the palmaris
Articular rami (2)

Pronator leres
• An enlarged bicipital bursa encroaching on the me­
dian nerve near the region of the origin of the ante­
Flexor digllorum superllcialls
Flexor digitorum
rior interosseous nerve
(radial ponion)
Flexor pallicis longus

The patient with this syndrome usually presents with a

�\�rB��� l �1�. history of pain in the proximal forearm that lasts for several
Thenar muscles
hours, followed by paresis or total paralysis of the flexor pol­
Abductor poHicls brevis

Opponens poIlicis ..-----I Iicis longus, and the flexor profundus of the index and long
U nopposed
AnastomOSIS with 'humb

Flexor palllcis brevis

ulnar nerve finger. The pronator quadratus is also usually paralyzed.

.� g.- €- The hand that presents with an anterior interosseous paral­

(superfIcial head)

First and second

/ . !f ysis has a typical appearance with a characteristic distur­
lumbricales bance of pinch. Additional variations can occur with the an­
terior interosseous nerve syndrome. A Martin-Gruber
"Ape-hand" deformity anastomosis, a communication between the median and ul­
in median nerve lesion

nar nerves, was found by Hirasawa92 in 1 0.5% of forearms

FIGURE 6-6 The median nerve (C6-8; T1 ).
and by Thomson93 in 1 5% . It has been reported91 that half
of these communications arise from the anterior in­
carpometacarpal joints.87 Variations in the distribution of terosseous nerve. It is possible that a palsy of the anterior in­
the nerve have been noted; it may supply all or none of the terosseous nerve can lead to weakness or paralysis of the
flexor digitorum profundus and part of the flexor digito­ muscles of the hand normally supplied by the ulnar nerve.91
rum superficialis.88,89 The anterior interosseous nerve can also be en­
The congenital abnormality of the distal portion of the trapped as it passes through the pronator teres muscle.
humerus that may cause a nerve entrapment is the supra­ The importance of this situation is that it is a mixed nerve,
trochlear spur or supracondylar process of the distal anterior­ and the sensory involvement will include the radial side of
medial surface of the humerus. When this process is present, the palm and the palmar aspect of the first, second, third,
a fibrous band usually runs from the tip of the spur to the me­ and half of the fourth digit. Motor loss is reflected in the
dial epicondylar area. This is the ligament of Struthers, patient's inability to pronate the wrist, partial loss of flex­
which encloses a foramen through which the nerve travels ion of the fingers, and loss of opposition of the thumb.
above the elbow in association with the brachial artery.90 The The clinical features of a median nerve impairment,
important discriminating factor between this syndrome and depending on the level of injury include:94
the pronator syndrome is the fact that, in a pronator syn­
drome, the innervation of the pronator teres is spared. • Paralysis of the flexor-pronator muscles of the fore­
Several factors appear to play a part in the production arm, all of the superficial volar muscles except the
of a paralysis of the anterior interosseous nerve. The ante­ flexor carpi ulnaris, and all of the deep volar muscles
rior interosseous nerve syndrome is a compressive neuropa­ except the ulnar half of the flexor digitorum profun­
thy of the anterior interosseous nerve characterized by par­ dus, and the thenar muscles that lie superficial to the
tial or total paralysis of the flexor pollicis longus, the flexor tendon of the flexor pollicis longus.
digitorum to the index finger, and the pronator quadratus, • In the forearm, pronation that is weak or lost and is
with no loss of sensation.91 Located near the site of origin of supplemented by flexing the forearm and holding the
the motor branch, which arises from the median nerve 5 to elbow out.

• At the wrist, weak flexion and abduction; the hand specificity of 67%; tlle corresponding values for Phalen's
inclining to the ulnar side. test are 75% and 47% .99, J OO There have been scattered
• In the hand, an "ape-hand" deformity-an inability to attempts to improve the sensitivity of the sensory examina­
oppose or flex the thumb or abduct it in its own plane; tion. 101 In a clinical setting, an assessment of strength, sen­
weakened grip, especially in thumb and index finger, sory loss, and pain is sufficient to monitor the progress of
with a tendency for these digits to become hyperex­ the syndrome.
tended, and the thumb adducted; inability to flex the Electrodiagnostic testing is particularly useful for
distal phalanx of the thumb and index finger (never differential diagnosis, Radiculopathy resulting from dis­
supplemented) , tested by having the patient clasp the ease of the cervical spine, diffuse peripheral neuropathy,
hands as in prayer or attempt to make a fist. Flexion of or proximal median neuropathy can pose clinical ques­
the middle finger is weakened. tions that electrodiagnostic testing can settle.98
• Loss of sensation to a variable degree over the cuta­ The diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome is most reli­
neous distribution of the median nerve, most con­ ably made by an experienced clinician 1 02 after a review of
stantly over the distal phalanges of the first two fin­ the patient's history and a physical examination. Cervical
gers. Pain is present in many median nerve radiculopathy may be identified by the occurrence of prox­
impairmen ts. imal radiation of pain above the shoulder, paresthesias with
• Atrophy of the thenar eminence, which is seen early. coughing or sneezing, or a pattern of motor or sensory dis­
Atrophy of the flexor-pronator groups of muscles in turbances outside of tlle territory of the median nerve.98
the forearm is seen after a few months. Ulnar neuropathy must be considered because no more
• Skin of the palm that is frequently dry, cold, discol­ than half the patients with carpal tunnel syndrome can reli­
ored, chapped, and at times keratotic. ably report the location of their parestllesias. J 03 Thoracic
outlet syndrome is occasionally a concern. Transient cere­
bral ischemia, not a rare occurrence, can be recognized by
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
the absence of pain during an episode of numbness.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is an important cause of pain Overuse syndrome (cumulative trauma syndrome) is a
and functional impairment of the hand as a result of com­ common diagnostic problem in occupational settings.
pression of the median nerve at the wrist. Affected patients Since 1 989, these disorders have accounted for more than
report numbness, tingling, and pain in the hand, which of­ 50% of all occupational illnesses in the U ni ted States. 104
ten worsens at night, or after use of the hand. The pain may
radiate proximally into the forearm and arm. A study of the
U lnar Nerve (Ca, T 1 )
syndrome in Rochester, Minnesota, that examined medical
records, included symptoms compatible with the syndrome, The ulnar nerve i s the largest branch o f the medial
and excluded other illnesses, calculated an incidence of 1 25 cord of the brachial plexus, It arises from the medial cord
per 1 00,000 population for the period 1 976 through 1 980.95 of the brachial plexus and contains fibers from the C8 and
A survey of physicians in California estimated that 5 1 5 of Tl nerve roots, although C7 may contribute some fibers
every l OO,OOO patients sought medical attention for carpal (Fig. 6-7) . The ulnar nerve continues along the anterior
tunnel syndrome in 1 988; the syndrome in half of these pa­ compartment of the arm, and it passes through the medial
tients was thought to be occupational in origin.96 In the intermuscular septum at the level of the coracobrachialis
Netherlands, 8% of a random sample of 7 1 5 persons awoke insertion, As the ulnar nerve passes to the posterior com­
witll nocturnal parestllesias of the hand, and one-third of partment of the arm, it courses through the arcade of
the subjects were subsequently shown to have carpal tunnel Struthers, which is a potential site for its compression . This
syndrome, for a prevalence of 220 per 1 00,000.97 fascial structure arises to 8 to 1 0 cm proximal to the medial
Examination in the early stages often reveals n o epicondyle and extends from the medial head of the
abnormality. With more severe nerve compression, t h e pa­ triceps to the medial intermuscular septum. 1 05
tient will have sensory loss over some or all of the digits At the level of the elbow, the ulnar nerve passes posterior
innervated by the median nerve ( thumb, index finger, to the medial epicondyle, where it enters the cubital tunnel.
middle finger, and ring finger) and weakness of thumb This fibro-osseous canal is made up of the medial epicondyle
abduction.98 anteriorly and the elbowjoint and medial collateral ligament
Clinical assessment includes Phalen's test (appear­ medially. The roof of the tunnel is formed by an aponeuro­
ance or worsening of paresthesia with maximal passive sis, which extends from the medial epicondyle to the olecra­
wrist flexion for 1 minute ) , and Tinel's sign (paresthesia in non and arises from tlle origin of the two heads of the flexor
the median territory elicited by gentle tapping over the carpi ulnaris.106 This aponeurosis has been given various
carpal tunnel) .98 Tinel's sign has a sensitivity of 60% and a names, including the arcuate ligament, Osborne's band, tlle

Area 01 isolated supply

As indicated, there are a number of sites, along the
nerve's course, at which the ulnar nerve can be compro­
mised. It can be trapped in the cubital tunnel, or at the
elbow, in the region of the humeral and ulnar edge of the
flexor carpi ulnaris. The former entrapment would have
sensory changes in tlle palmar aspect of the fourth and
fifth digits, and not in the palm itself. The latter entrap­
Sensory distribution
ment results in disturbed sensation in the fourth and fifth
digits, with burning pain in the fingers associated with sen­
sory findings in the palm and the fourth and fifth digits.
Normally the ulnar nerve at the elbow is exposed to
Ulnar nerve
compression, traction , and frictional forces. 107, 1 12 One
cause of ulnar nerve compression is a decrease in canal
size. The volume of the cubital tunnel is greatest with the
elbow held in extension. As the elbow is brought into full
Cutaneous branches
flexion, there is a 55% decrease in canal volume. 1 06 Several
Palmaris brevis factors have been attributed to this decrease in volume.
Vanderpool and colleagues l l 3 reported that, with each
Abductor digiti quinll

Flexor pollicis brevis -H-�£I Opponens digiti quinti

45-degrees of flexion of the elbow, there was a concomi­
(deep head)
Flexor digiti quinli
tant 5-mm increase in the distance between the ulnar and
humeral attachments of the arcuate ligament. At full elbow
flexion, there was a 40% elongation of the ligament and a
decrease in canal heigh t of approximately 2.5 mm.
Bulging of the medial collateral ligamen t also has been de­
scribed as a factor. I 1 3 O'Driscoll and associates l 08 reported
<> Dorsal interossei (4) that the groove on the inferior aspect of the medial epi­
o Palmar interossei (3)
o Ulnar lumbricales (2) condyle was not as deep as the groove posteriorly, and the
See medIan nerve
Claw·hand delorrnity
In ulnsr lesions
floor of the canal seems to rise with elbow flexion. These
FIGURE 6-7 The ulnar nerve (C8, T1 ). changes lead to an alteration of the cross-sectional area of
the cubital tunnel from a rounded surface to a triangular
cubital tunnel retinaculum, and the triangular liga­ or elliptic surface Witll elbow flexion. 106
ment. 105. 1 07, 108 The ulnar nerve passes between the two heads The clinical features of an ulnar nerve impairment
of the flexor carpi ulnaris origin and traverses the deep include: 94
flexor-pronator aponeurosis. This aponeurosis is superficial
to the flexor digitorum profundus and deep to the flexor • Claw hand, resulting from unopposed action of the
carpi ulnaris and flexor digitorum superficialis muscles. 1 09, 1 1 0 extensor digitorum communis in the fourth and fifth
Sunderland I I I described the intraneural topography digits.
of the ulnar nerve at various levels of the arm. At the me­ • An inability to extend the second and distal phalanges
dial epicondyle, the sensory fibers to the hand and the mo­ of any of the fingers.
tor fibers to the intrinsic muscles are superficial, whereas • An inability to adduct or abduct the fingers, or to
the motor fibers to flexor carpi ulnaris and flexor digito­ oppose all the fingertips, as in making a cone with the
rum profundus are deep. This may explain the common fingers and thumb.
finding in cubital tunnel syndrome of sensory loss, weak­ • An inability to adduct the thumb.
ness of the ulnarly innervated intrinsic muscles, but rela­ • At the wrist, weak flexion and loss of ulnar abduction.
tive sparing of flexor carpi ulnaris and flexor digitorum The ulnar reflex is lost.
profundus strength. 1 06, 1 1 I • Atrophy of the interosseous spaces (especially the
The ulnar nerve supplies the flexor carpi ulnaris, the first) and of the hypotllenar eminence.
ulnar head of the flexor digitorum profundus, and all of the • Loss of sensation on the ulnar side of the hand, ring
small muscles deep and medial to the long flexor tendon of finger, and most markedly over the entire little finger.
the thumb, except the first two lumbricales (Fig. 6-7, indi­ • Partial lesions may produce only motor weakness or
cated by terminal branches in the hand) . Its sensory distri­ paralysis of a few of the muscles supplied by the ulnar
bution includes the skin of the little finger, and the medial nerve. Lesions low in the forearm or at the wrist spare
half of the hand and the ring finger (see Fig. 6-7) . the deep flexor and the flexor carpi ulnaris.

THORACIC N E RVES cervical, lower lumbar, and sacral levels, only gray rami
are present, and they function to convey fibers from the
Dorsal Rami chain to the spinal nerves. This mechanism ensures that all
spinal nerves contain sympathetic fibers.
The thoracic dorsal rami travel posteriorly, close to the
From each intercostal nerve, a collateral and lateral
vertebral zygapophysial joints, and divide into medial
cutaneous branch leave before the main nerve reaches
branches, which supply the short, medially placed back
the costal angle. The intercostobrachial nerve arises from
muscles and the skin of the back as far as the mid-scapular
the lateral collateral branch of the second intercostal
line, and into lateral branches, supplying smaller branches
nerve, piercing the intercostal muscles in the mid-axillary
to the sacrospinalis muscles.
line, traversing the central portion of the axilla, where a
The medial branches of the upper six thoracic dorsal
posterior axillary branch gives sensation to the posterior
rami supply the semispinalis thoracis and multifidus, be­
axillary fold, and then passing into the upper arm along
fore piercing the rhomboids and trapezius and reaching
the posterior-medial border and supplying the skin of this
the skin in close proximity to the vertebral spines, which
region, I I5, 1 1 6 and connecting with the posterior cutaneous
they occasionally supply.
branch of the radial nerve.
The lateral branches increase in size the more inferior
The thoracic nerves may be involved in the same lypes
they are. They penetrate, or pass, the longissimus thoracis
of impairments that affect other peripheral nerves. How­
to the space between it and the iliocostalis cervicis, supply­
ever, a loss of function of one or even several thoracic nerves
ing both these muscles as well as the levatores costarum.
is not in itself of great importance, even though impair­
The 1 2th thoracic lateral branch sends a filament medially
ments of the lower thoracic nerves may produce partial or
along the iliac crest, which then passes down to the ante­
complete paralysis of the abdominal muscles, and a loss of
rior gluteal skin.
the abdominal reflexes in the affected quadrants. In unilat­
The recurrent meningeal or sinuvertebral nerve is func­
eral impairments, the umbilicus is usually drawn toward the
tionally also a branch of the spinal nerve. This nerve passes
unaffected side. Upward movement of the umbilicus when
back into the vertebral canal through the intervertebral fora­
the patient tenses the abdomen (as in trying to sit up from a
men. This nerve supplies the anterior aspect of the dura
reclining position) is known as Beevor's sign and indicates
mater, the outer third of the annular fibers of the interverte­
paralysis of the lower abdominal muscles resulting from a le­
bral discs, the vertebral body, and the epidural blood vessel
sion at the level of the 1 0th thoracic segment. Beevor's sign
walls, as well as the posterior longitudinal ligament. 1 1 4
is a common finding in patients with facioscapulohumeral
dystrophy (FSHD) even before functional weakness of ab­
dominal wall muscles is apparent, but is absent in patients
Ventral Rami
with other facioscapulohumeral disorders. J 17
There are 12 pairs of thoracic ventral rami, and all but The sensory distribution of the various thoracic cord
the 1 2 th are between the ribs serving as intercostal nerves. levels include the an terior aspect of the chest (T l -6 ) , ni p­
The 1 2th ventral ramus, the subcostal nerve, is located be­ pie line (T4) , upper abdomen (T7-9 ) , umbilicus (T I O) ,
low the last rib. The intercostal nerve has a lateral branch, and lower abdomen ( T I l , T 1 2 , and L l ) .
providing sensory distribution to the skin of the lateral as­
pect of the trunk, and an anterior branch, supplying the
intercostal muscles, parietal pleura, and the skin over the LU M BAR PLEXUS
anterior aspect of the thorax and abdomen. All of the in­
tercostal nerves mainly supply the thoracic and abdominal The lumbar plexus is formed from the ventral nerve roots
walls, with the upper two nerves also supplying the upper of the second, third, and fourth lumbar nerves as they lie
limb. The thoracic ventral rami of T3 to T6 supply only the between the quadratus lumborum muscle and the psoas
thoracic wall, whereas the lower five rami supply both the muscle (Fig. 6-8) . In 50% of cases, it receives a contribu­
thoracic and abdominal walls. The subcostal nerve sup­ tion from the last thoracic nerve. It then extends anteriorly
plies both the abdominal wall and the gluteal skin. into the body of the psoas muscle to form the lateral
Each of the ventral rami is connected with an adjacent femoral cutaneous, femoral, and obturator nerves.
sympathetic ganglion by grey and white rami communi­ L 1 , L2, and L4 divide into upper and lower branches
cantes. The communicating rami are branches of the (see Fig. 6-8) . The upper branch of Ll forms the iliohy­
spinal nerves that transmit sympathetic autonomic fibers pogastric and ilioinguinal nerves. The lower branch of L 1
to and from the sympathetic chain of ganglia. The fibers joins the upper branch o f L 2 t o form the genitofemoral
pass from spinal nerve to chain ganglia through the white nerve (see Fig. 6-8) . The lower branch of L4 joins L5 to
ramus, and the reverse direction through the gray. I n the form the l umbosacral trunk.

Plexus roots
branch supplies the skin of the middle upper part of
Terminal branches
the thigh and the femoral artery.
(Postanar shaded)

iliohypogastric nerve (T12. L1) T12

Collateral muscular branches supply the quadratus
lumborum and intertransversarii from L l and L4 and the
Hypogastric branch psoas muscle from L2 and L3.
Il ioinguinal nerve (L 1 )
The lower branch of L2, all of L3, and the upper
branch of L4 split into a smaller anterior and a larger pos­
Genitofemoral nerve ( Lt , 2 ) :=;::3�;;;;;;;;
;; ;;;;
; ;;;;i��
ii terior division (see Fig. 6-8) . The three anterior divisions
lumbolngUirlCll branch �
unite to form the obturator nerve. The three posterior di­
External spermalic branch
L3 visions unite to form the femoral nerve, and the upper two
give off smaller branches that form the lateral femoral cu­
Later.1 femoral
cutaneous nerve (l2. 3) taneous nerve (see Fig. 6-8 ) .

Femoral Nerve (L2-4)

The femoral nerve, the largest branch of the lumbar
plexus, arises from the lateral border of the psoas just
Femoral nerve (L2, 3, 4)
above the inguinal ligament, and descends beneath this
ligament to enter the femoral triangle on the lateral side of
*To In\ertransversarii Obturator nerve Lumbosacral trunk
and quadratus lumborum (L2.3. ') (10 sacral plexus) the femoral artery, where it divides into terminal branches.

Above the inguinal ligament, it supplies the iliopsoas mus­

FIGURE 6-8 The l u m bar plexus.
cle. In the thigh it supplies the sartorius, pectineus, and
quadriceps femoris muscles. Its sensory distribution in­
• The iliohypogastric nerve (T1 2, L l ) ( see Fig. 6-8) cludes the anterior and medial surfaces of the thigh via the
emerges from the upper lateral border of the psoas anterior femoral cutaneous nerve, and the medial aspect
major and passes laterally around the iliac crest be­ of the knee, the proximal leg, and articular branches to
tween the transversus abdominis and internal oblique the knee, via the saphenous nerve (Fig. 6-9) . Entrapmen t
muscles, dividing into lateral and anterior cutaneous of the saphenous nerve often results in marked pain at the
branches. The iliac ( lateral) branch supplies the skin medial aspect of the knee, which can be confused with an
of the upper lateral part of the thigh, whereas the hy­ internal derangement of the knee or an anserine bursitis.
pogastric (anterior) branch descends anteriorly to Confirmation of a saphenous lesion can be made using
supply the skin over the symphysis. resisted flexion of the knee, or resisted adduction of the
• The ilioinguinal nerve ( L l ) (see Fig. 6-8) , smaller thigh, which should increase the pain or pressure over the
than the iliohypogastric nerve, emerges from the lat­ saphenous opening in the subsartorial fascia, producing a
eral border of the psoas major and follows a course radiation of the pain.
sligh tly inferior to the iliohypogastric, with which it Although femoral nerve palsy has been reported after
may anastomose. It pierces the internal oblique, acetabular fracture, cardiac catheterization, total hip
which it supplies, before emerging from the superfi­ arthroplasty, or anterior lumbar spinal fusion, and sponta­
cial inguinal ring to supply the skin of the upper me­ neously in hemophilia, 1 18- 1 22 an entrapment of the femoral
dial part of the thigh and the root of the penis and nerve by an iliopsoas hematoma is the most likely cause of
scrotum or mons pubis and labium majores. An en­ the femoral nerve palsy. 1 1 8. 1 23 Direct blows to the abdomen
trapment of this nerve results in pain in the groin or a hyperextension moment at the hip that tears the ilia­
region, usually with radiation down to the proximal cus muscle may produce iliacus hematomas and subse­
inner surface of the thigh, sometimes aggravated by quent femoral nerve palsy. 1 24
increasing tension on the abdominal wall through
standing erect.
O bturator Nerve (L2-4)
• The genitofemoral nerve ( Ll , 2) (see Fig. 6-8) de­
scends obliquely and anteriorly through the psoas ma­ The obturator nerve arises from the second, third,
jor and emerges from the anterior surface of the and fourth lumbar anterior divisions of the lumbar plexus,
psoas, dividing into genital and femoral branches. The emerging from the medial border of the psoas near the
genital branch supplies the cremasteric muscle and brim of the pelvis. Then it passes behind the common iliac
the skin of the scrotum or labia, and the femoral vessels, on the lateral side of the hypogastric vessels and

patient can complain of severe pain, which radiates from

the groin down the inner aspect of the thigh (see Fig. 6-9 ) .
Chronic pain i n the groin region i s a difficult clinical
problem to evaluate, and in many cases the cause of the pain
is poorly understood. Possible causative clinical syndromes in
Femoral artery --+0-:--; affected areas include tendinitis, bursitis, osteitis, stress frac­
ture, hernias, conjoint tendon strains, inguinal ligamen t en­
Pectineus muscle thesopathy, and entrapment of the lateral cutaneous nerve
of the thighP -128 Compression of the anterior division of
Sartorius muscle

the obturator nerve in the thigh has been described recently

as one possible cause for adductor region pain, and entrap­
Anterior femoral
cutaneous ment of this nerve has been documented by nerve conduc­
tion studies. 129 One study indicated that fascia over tlle nerve
contributed to compression of the nerve, or perhaps allowed
for the development of a compartment syndrome. 129
Reclus femoris

The fascial development, especially with the perivas­
Vastus laleralis cular condensations around the vessels supplying the ad­
ductor mass, constitutes a layer definite enough to create
an entrapment of the anterior division of the obturator
nerve. 1 30 This thickening around the vessels becomes
more significant in the possible explanation of an entrap­
ment syndrome when the intimate relationship between
the nerve branches and the vessels is considered. 1 30
- Saphenous
ol lemoral

Sensory distribution
Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve
FIGURE 6-9 The femoral (L2-4) and obturator (L2-4) nerves. The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve is purely sensory,
derived primarily from the second and third lumbar nerve
ureter, and descends through the obturator canal in the roots, with occasional contributions from the first lumbar
upper part of the obturator foramen to the medial side of nerve root. 1 3 1 , 132 Sympathetic afferent and efferent fibers
the thigh. While in the foramen, the obturator nerve splits are also contained within the nerve. 1 33 The nerve leaves
into anterior and posterior branches. The anterior division the lumbar plexus and normally appears at the lateral bor­
of the obturator nerve gives an articular branch to the hip der of the psoas, just proximal to the crest of the ilium;
joint near its origin. I t descends anterior to the obturator courses laterally across the anterior surface of the iliacus
externus and adductor brevis deep to the pectineus and (covered by iliac fascia) ; and approaches the lateral por­
adductor longus. It supplies muscular branches to the ad­ tion of the inguinal ligament posterior to the deep cir­
ductors longus, brevis, and the gracilis, and rarely to the cumflex iliac artery. The nerve usually crosses beneath the
pectineus. 125 It divides into numerous named and un­ inguinal ligament, j ust inferior and medial to the anterior
named branches, including the cutaneous branches to the superior iliac spine, 134 exiting anteriorly through the fascia
subsartorial plexus, and directly to a small area of skin on lata, several centimeters distal to the inguinal ligament,
the middle internal part of the thigh, vascular branches to where it divides i n to anterior and posterior branches.
the femoral artery, and communicating branches to the Ghentl 35 described four anatomic variations in the in­
femoral cutaneous and accessory obturator nerves. The guinal region, the most common being a split inguinal
posterior division of the obturator nerve pierces the ante­ ligament at the lateral attachment to tlle anterior superior
rior part of the obturator externus, which it supplies, and i liac spine, with the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
descends deep to the adductor brevis. It also supplies the running between the fibers. The nerve then splits into an­
adductors magnus and brevis ( if it has not received supply terior and posterior divisions approximately 5 cm below
from the anterior division) and gives an articular branch to the anterior superior iliac spine and continues distally, di­
tlle knee joint (see Fig. 6-9) . viding into several rami to innervate the skin over the lat­
The obturator nerve may be affected by the same eral aspect of the thigh 136 (see Fig. 6-9) .
processes that affect the femoral nerve. Disability is mini­ Alternately, the nerve may be absent, with a branch
mal although external rotation and adduction of the thigh from the femoral nerve arising below the inguinal liga­
are impaired, and crossing of the legs is difficult. The ment, or it may be replaced by the ilioinguinal nerve. J 37

In 1 885, the German surgeon Werner Hager l 38 gave Divisions

the first description of an injury to the lateral femoral cu­ Terminal and collateral branches (Posterior [blackl
and anterior)
taneous nerve. This syndrome was described independ­
--.1II!"'-�-..!l L.
ently by both Bernhardt l 39 and Roth 1 40 i n 1 895. Roth (To lumbar plexus)

named the syndrome meralgia paresthetica on the basis of Branches from posterior divisions

the Greek words meras ( thigh) and algas (pain ) . Numer­ Superior gluteal nerve (L4, 5: S 1 )

ous causes have been reported, 1 39, 1 4 1 , 1 42 most of which are L5

Inferior gluteal nerve (L5: $ 1 , 2 )

associated with either acute or chronic mechanical irrita­
tion . Toxic and metabolic disorders, such as diabetes mel­
litus, alcoholism, and lead poisoning, which have been re­ Branch from both anterior
and posterior divisions
ported to be causative in several cases, have all been
described to increase susceptibility of individual periph­
Posterior femOlat
eral nerves, including the lateral femoral cutaneous cutaneous nerve
(S,. 2. 31

nerve, to mechanical insults. 1 43, 144 This apparent vulnera­

bility of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve has been in­
vestigated by a number of authors 1 4S , 146 and has been as­ S3

sociated with the unique course of the nerve at its exit

from the pelvis. An important factor in development of
lateral femoral cutaneous nerve entrapment and subse­
quent intervention is anatomic variation at the site of pas­
sage. Stookey l 47 drew attention to the marked angulation
of the nerve at the inguinal ligament, postulating that lo­
Branches from
cal mechanical factors resulted in chronic nerve damage.
anterior divisions

To quadratus lemoris and L4. 5', $1

Several reports have repeatedly men tioned these gemellus Interior muscles

anatomic variations, including the unusual mechanism of To obturator In'�mus and

1r LS'' $ 1 2
trau ma. 138 , 1 48- 1 50
gemellus superior muscles ,

FIGURE 6-1 0 The sacral plexus.

Symptoms include numbness, tingling, and pain over
the outer aspect and front of the thigh, most marked on
walking and standing. It is most common in middle-aged
Sciatic Nerve
men and may occur as the first sign of a lumbar cord
tumor. The sciatic nerve, the largest nerve in the body, arises
from the L4, L5, and S l-3 nerve roots and is considered to
be the continuation of the lumbosacral plexus (Fig. 6-1 1 ) .
SACRAL PLEXUS The sciatic nerve is composed of independent tibial
(medial ) and common peroneal ( lateral ) divisions that
The lumbosacral trun k ( L4, 5 ) descends into the pelvis, usually are united as a single nerve down to the lower por­
where it en ters the formation of the sacral plexus. tion of the thigh. The tibial division is the larger of the two.
The sacral plexus is formed by the ventral rami of the Although grossly united, the funicular patterns of the tibial
L4-5 and the S l-4 nerves and lies on the posterior wall of and common peroneal divisions are distinct, and there is
the pelvis, anterior to the piriformis, and posterior to the no exchange of bundles between them. The common per­
sigmoid colon, ureter, and hypogastric vessels in front. The oneal nerve is formed by the upper four posterior divisions
L4 and L5 nerves join medial to the sacral promontory, be­ (L4, 5 and S l , 2) of the sacral plexus, and the tibial nerve is
coming the lumbosacral trunk (see Fig. 6-8) . The S l-4 formed from all five anterior divisions (L4, 5 and S l , 2, 3) .
nerves converge with the lumbosacral trunk in front of the The sciatic nerve usually enters the gluteal region be­
piriformis muscle, forming the broad triangular band of low the piriformis. In approximately 1 0% of cases, how­
the sacral plexus (Fig. 6- 1 0) . The upper three nerves of ever, the two divisions exit the pelvis as distinct nerves,
the plexus divide into two sets of branches: the medial being separated by fibers of the piriformis as they pass
branches, which are distributed to the multifidi muscles, through the anterior third of the greater sciatic fora­
and the lateral branches, which become the medial men . l s l Also running through the greater sciatic foramen
cluneal nerves and supply the skin over the medial part of is the superior gluteal artery, the largest branch of the
the gluteus maximus. The lower two posterior primary di­ internal iliac artery, and its accompanying vein.
visions, with the posterior division of the coccygeal nerve, Numerous variations have been described, includ­
supply the skin over the coccyx. ing cases in which the sciatic nerve passes through the

common peroneal divisions, that showed differences in

the relative amounts of nerve tissue (funiculi) and con­
nective tissue within the two divisions. He found that the
common peroneal division is composed of fewer and
larger funiculi with less connective tissue than the tibial
division. It was proposed that nerves with large an d
tightly packed funiculi are more vulnerable to mechani­
cal injury than those in which the funiculi are smaller
and more loosely dispersed in a greater amount of con­
nective tissue. In the latter case, under a deforming force
the neural elements are displaced more easily and the
mechanical forces can be dissipated to the intervening
connective tissue.
Injury to the sciatic nerve may result indirectly from a
herniated intervertebral disc (protruded nucleus pulpo­
sus) or, more directly, from a hip dislocation, local
aneurysm, or direct external trauma of the sciatic notch,
the latter of which can be confused with a compressive
radiculopathy of the lumbar or sacral nerve root. 1 52 Some
useful clues help distinguish the two conditions:

• Pain from a disc radiculopathy should not signifi­

cantly change with hip rotation , whereas with a sci­
atic entrapment by the piriformis, pain is accen tu­
ated with hip i n ternal rotation and relieved by
external rotation.
• Sensory alteration is present and the distribution is
different, in the fact that sciatic neuropathy produces
FIGURE 6-1 1 The sciatic nerve (L4, 5; S 1 -3). sensory changes on the sole of the foot, whereas the
usual disc radiculopathy does not, unless there is a
predominant S l involvement.
piriformis, and cases in which the tibial division passes be­ • Compressive radiculopathy below the L4 level causes
low the piriformis while the common peroneal passes palpable atrophy of the gluteal muscles, whereas a sci­
above or through the muscle. It seems that the tibial divi­ atic entrapment spares these muscles.
sion always enters the gluteal region below the piriformis, • The sciatic trunk is frequently tender from root com­
and the variability is in the course of the common peroneal pression at the foraminal level, whereas it is not
division. The sciatic nerve descends between the greater normally tender in a sciatic nerve en trapmen t. 1 53
trochanter of the femur and the ischial tuberosity along
the posterior surface of the thigh to the popliteal space, Individual case reports of bone and soft-tissue tumors
where it usually terminates by dividing into the tibial and along the course of the sciatic nerve have been described
common peroneal nerves (Fig. 6- 1 1 ) . Innervation for the as a rare cause of sciatica. 1 54, 1 55 The early diagnosis of a
short head of the biceps comes from the common per­ tumor as the underlying pathology is crucial because early
oneal division, the only muscle innervated by this division resection, in addition to producing symptomatic relief and
above the knee. Rami from the tibial trunk pass to the preventing further neurologic damage and unnecessary
semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles, the long spine surgeries, may have an impact on patients' survival.
head of the biceps, and the adductor magnus muscle. A retrospective studyl 56 of 32 patients who had been
In most reports of sciatic nerve inj ury, regardless of treated for pain along the course of the sciatic nerve, and
the cause, the common peroneal division is involved more who were subsequently found to have a tumor along the
frequently and often suffers a greater degree of damage extraspinal course of the sciatic nerve, found that despite
than the tibial division, and its susceptibility to i njury the wide variation in histologic diagnosis and anatomic lo­
seems to be related to several anatomic features. cation of these tumors, all 32 patients had a similar and
Sunderland2 performed an investigation of the cross­ specific pain pattern. At the initial examination , all pa­
sectional area of the sciatic trunk, and of the tibial and tients reported pain at least 1 month in duration that was

unrelated to trauma. All patients described an insidious divisions of SI-2 and the anterior divisions of S2-3. Perineal
onset of pain. Although some patients initially had only branches pass to the skin of the upper medial aspect of the
intermittent pain, all developed pain that was constant, thigh and the skin of the scrotum or labium majores. The sci­
progressive, and unresponsive to change in position or bed atic nerve is by far the most common nerve accidentally in­
rest. Twen ty-five patients described significant night pain. jured during intramuscular injection. Despite its close prox­
The study also commented on the fact that the abili ty of a imity to the sciatic nerve, howevel� injury to the posterior
patient to locate a sciatic pain to an extraspinal point femoral cutaneous nerve is apparently quite rare. Collateral
should be considered an alarming sign. 1 56 branches from the anterior divisions extend to the quadratus
The roots of the superior gluteal nerve (L4, L5, 5 1 ) femoris and gemellus inferior muscles (from L4, 5 and SI )
arise within the pelvis from the sacral plexus (see Fig. 6-10) , and to the obturator intern us and gemellus superior muscles
and enter the buttock through the greater sciatic foramen, (from L5 and SI , 2) (see Fig. 6- 10 ) .
above the piriformis. The nerve runs laterally between glu­
teus medius and gluteus minim us. It is in this region that it
Tibial Nerve
is at risk during surgery on the hip. 157 It supplies both glu­
teus medius and gluteus minimus before terminating in the The tibial nerve (L4, 5 and SI-3) is formed by all five of
tensor fascia lata, which it also supplies. the anterior divisions of the sacral plexus, tllUS receiving
The inferior gluteal nerve ( L5 and SI , 2) passes below fibers from the lower two lumbar and the upper three sacral
the piriformis muscle, through the greater sciatic foramen, cord segments (Fig. 6-12) . The tibial nerve forms the largest
and travels to the gluteus maxim us muscle (see Fig. 6- 1 0 ) . component of the sciatic nerve in the thigh, and runs paral­
Nerves to the piriformis consist of short, smaller branches lel and slightly lateral to the midline. Inferiorly, it begins its
from SI and S2. own course in the upper part of the popliteal space and de­
The medial branch of the superior cluneal nerve (see scends vertically through this space, passing between the
Fig. 6- 1 0 ) passes superficially over the iliac crest and is cov­ heads of the gastrocnemius muscle, to the dorsum of the leg,
ered by two layers of dense fibrous fascia. When the medial and to the posterior-medial aspect of the ankle, from which
branch of the superior cluneal nerve passes through the fas­
cia against the posterior iliac crest and the osteofibrous tun­
nel consisting of the two layers of the fascia and the superior
rim of the iliac crest, the possibility of irritation or trauma to
the nerve is increased, and this may be a site of nerve com­ Common

pression or constriction. 1 5S Tenderness of the posterior iliac

crest may be found in iliolumbar syndrome, facet syndrome,
or disc diseases. 1 59- 1 6 J The iliolumbar syndrome is thought
to correspond to the insertion of the iliolumbar ligament. J 62
Tibial nerve
Calf muscles

However, because the iliolumbar ligament insertion is al­ Gastrocnemius ...,."",.,,�.......- Lateral
Medial sUfal planl8r
cutaneous nerve
ways located on the ventral aspect of the posterior iliac Popllleus
lalara! sural

crest, 161 - 1 63 and shielded by the iliac crest, its insertion is in­ cutaneous nerve

Sensory distribution

accessible to palpation. Consequently, the area over the iliac Sural nerve

crest, located 7 to 8 cm from the midline, may not corre­ Soleus

spond to the iliolumbar ligament attachment. The facet syn­

drome has been described as pain from a cutaneous dorsal Tibialis poslen()( _-+--TlUI

ramus, originating from the thoracolumbar junction, ratller Flexor digilorum

than from the iliac insertion of the iliolumbar ligament. The
Flexor digilorum brevis
clinical picture frequently may be confused by the finding of Flexor hallucis
Flexor digiti
quinU brevis

radiologic abnormalities at the lumbosacral region, to Abductor hallOOs

which tile cause of the low back pain is erroneously attrib­ Flexor haUucis brevis
uted. However, disc and lower lumbar facet joint disease do branches
FirSl lumbrical

not account for all cases of low back pain. When pain and Medial plan!ar Dlgllal branches

deep tenderness are located at tile level of the iliac crest at a Lateral plantar Pillnilu view of the foot
point 7 to 8 cm lateral to midline, it may correspond to the * superficial branch of lalerial plantar nerve
:t Deep branch of lateral plantar nerve
cutaneous emergence of the posterior rami (superior rc Adductor hallucls (transverse and oblique)
o Plantar Interossei (3)
cluneal nerve) crossing over tile posterior iliac crest. o Dorsal Interossei (4)

The posterior femoral cutaneous nerve constitutes a col­ o Lateral lumbricafes (3)

lateral branch, with roots from both anterior and posterior FIGURE 6-1 2 The tibial nerve (L4, 5; 5 1 -3).

point its terminal branches, the medial and lateral plantar relatively rare syndrome was first described by Keck 165 and
nerves, continue into the foot (see Fig. 6-1 2) . The portion of Lam J 66 in two separate reports in 1 962. The nerve often is
the tibial trunk below the popliteal space was formerly called entrapped as it courses through the tarsal tunnel, passing
the posterior tibial nerve; the portion within the space was under the deep fascia, the flexor retinaculum, and witllin
called the internal popliteal nerve. the abductor hallucis muscle. The etiology is multifactorial
The tibial nerve supplies the gastrocnemius, plantaris, and may be posttraumatic, neoplastic, or inflammatory. 167-169
soleus, popliteus, tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum The diagnosis is based on history and clinical examination.
longus pedis, and flexor hallucis longus muscles. Articular The typical patient reports a poorly localized burning sensa­
branches pass to the knee and ankle joints (see Fig. 6-1 2) . tion or pain and paresthesia at tlle medial plantar surface of
In th.e distal leg, the tibial nerve lies on the posterior the foot. Discomfort is worse after activity and typically is
surface of the tibia. It lies lateral to the posterior tibial ves­ accentuated during the end of a working day. Some patients
sels, and it supplies articular branches to the ankle joint. As have cramps in the longitudinal foot arch. Resting pain is
it passes beneath the flexor retinaculum, it gives medial reported infrequently. Tinel's sign, at tlle medial malleolus
calcanean branches to the skin of the heel, then divides just above the margin of the flexor retinaculum, is often pos­
into the medial and lateral plantar nerves (see Fig. 6-1 2) . itive, sometimes with pain that radiates distally toward the
These nerves supply sensation to the sole of the foot and midsole, along the posterior branch of the nerve.
toes, articular branches to the foot joints, and muscular
branches to the small muscles of the foot. 164 Common Peroneal Nerve

• The medial plantar nerve (comparable to the median The common peroneal nerve (L4, 5 and S l , 2) is
nerve in the hand) supplies the flexor digitorum bre­ formed by a fusion of the upper four posterior divisions of
vis, abductor halluces, flexor halluces brevis, and first the sacral plexus and thus derives i ts fibers from the lower
lumbrical muscles; and sensory branches to the me­ two lumbar and the upper two sacral cord segments
dial side of the sole, the plantar surfaces of the medial (Fig. 6-1 3 ) . In the thigh, it is a component of the sci­
3\12 toes, and the ungual phalanges of the same toes atic nerve as far as the upper part of the popliteal space.
(see Fig. 6-1 2) .
• The lateral plantar nerve (comparable to the ulnar
nerve in the arm and hand) supplies the small muscles
of the foot, except those innervated by the medial plan­
tar nerve; and sensory branches to the lateral portions
of the sole, the plantar surface of the lateral 1 Yz toes,
and the distal phalanges of these toes (see Fig. 6-1 2 ) .
The interdigital nerves are most commonly entrapped
between the second and third, and the third and fourth
Deep peroneal nerve
web spaces. This occurs as a result of forced hyperex­
tension of the toes, causing mechanical irritation of the Tibialis anlerior
nerve, by the intermetatarsal ligaments, eventually re­
sulting in an interdigital neuroma. These patients are Superficial

often incorrectly diagnosed as having metatarsalgia.

The medial and lateral plantar nerves can be en­
trapped just distal to the tarsal tunnel and cause painful Peroneus longus Extensor
dlgilorum longus
situations in tlle plantar aspect of the feet and toes. The
Peroneus brevis
usual clinical picture is a patient with pronated feet and muscle

burning pain on the plantar surface of the foot and toes hallucis longus

that worsens at night or upon arising in the morning.

• The medial sural cutaneous nerve (see Fig. 6-1 2 ) ,
Sural nerve
joins the lateral sural cutaneous nerve from the com­ Peroneus
ler1ius muscle Deep
mon peroneal to form the sural nerve (external
saphenous) , which supplies the skin of tl1e posterior­ Extensor dlgitorum
brevis muscle Sensory distribution
lateral part of the leg and the lateral side of the foot.
Terminal cutaneous
reml lo the loot

Tarsal tunnel syndrome is a compressive neuropathy of

tlle posterior tibial nerve or one of its branches. This FIGURE 6-1 3 The common peroneal nerve (L4, 5; 5 1 -2).

Sensory branches are given off in the popliteal space and because of a near miss from a high-velocity projectile or be­
include the superior and inferior articular branches to the cause of changes in limb position or length. Finally, the
knee joint, and the lateral sural cutaneous nerve, which more lateral position of the nerve in the gluteal region
joins the medial calcaneal nerve ( from the tibial nerve) to may make it more susceptible to direct injury. l 70 When the
form the sural nerve, supplying the skin of the lower dor­ common peroneal nerve is entrapped (and it is very vul­
sal aspect of the leg, the external malleolus, and the lateral nerable, especially at the fibula neck) , it can be confused
side of the foot and fifth toe (see Fig. 6-1 3) . with a herniated disc syndrome, tendonitis of the popliteus
At the apex of the popliteal fossa, the sciatic nerve tendon, and an internal derangement of the knee. The
divides into the tibial and common peroneal nerves, and pain is on the lateral surface of the knee and leg, going
the common peroneal begins its independent course, into the foot itself.
descending along the posterior border of the biceps Lateral knee pain is a common problem among
femoris, diagonally across the dorsum of the knee joint to patients seeking medical attention, and entrapment of
the upper external portion of the leg near the head of the the common peroneal nerve is frequently overlooked in
fibula. The nerve curves around the lateral aspect of the the differential diagnostic considerations, especially in the
fibula toward the anterior aspect of the bone, before pass­ absence of trauma or the presence of a palpable mass at
ing deep to the two heads of the peroneus longus muscle, the neck of the fibula. There is a wide differential diagno­
where it divides into three terminal rami. sis for peroneal neuropathy that includes mononeuritis,
The three terminal branches are the recurrent articu­ idiopathic peroneal palsy, intrinsic and extrinsic nerve tu­
lar, and the superficial and deep peroneal nerves. mors, and extraneural compression by a synovial cyst,
ganglion cyst, soft tissue tumor, osseous mass, or a large
1. The recurrent articular nerve accompanies the anterior fabella. ! 7 ! Traumatic injury of the nerve may occur sec­
tibial recurrent artery, supplying the tibiofibular and ondary to a fracture, dislocation, surgical procedure, ap­
knee joints, and a twig to the tibialis anterior muscle. plication of skeletal traction, or a tight cast. 1 71
2. The superficial peroneal nerve arises deep to the per­ The pudendal and coccygeal plexuses are the most
oneus longus (see Fig. 6- 1 3) . It then passes forward caudal portions of the lumbosacral plexus and supply
and downward between the peronei and the extensor nerves to the perineal structures (Fig. 6-1 4) .
digitorum longus muscles, to supply the peroneus
longus and brevis muscles, and sensory distribution to A. The pudendal plexus supplies the coccygeus, levator ani,
the lower fron t of the leg, to the dorsum of the foot, and sphincter ani externus muscles. The pudendal nerve
part of the big toe, and adjacent sides of the second to is a mixed nerve, and a lesion that affects it or its ascending
fifth toes up to the second phalanges. When this nerve pathways can result in voiding and erectile dysfunction. 1 72
is entrapped, it causes pain over the lateral distal A lesion in the afferent pathways of the pudendal nerve
aspect of the leg and ankle that is often confused with is often suspected clinically by suggestive patient histo­
a disc herniation, with involvement of the L5 nerve ries, including organic neurologic disease or neurologic
3. The deep peroneal nerve passes anterior and lateral
to the tibialis anterior muscle, between the peroneus
longus and the extensor digitorum longus muscles, to
the front of the interosseous membrane and supplies
the tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus, exten­
To sacral plexus
sor hallucis longus, and peroneus tertius muscles (see
Fig. 6-1 3) . Terminal branches extend to the skin of
the adj acent sides of the first two toes, the extensor
digitorum brevis muscle, and the adjacent joints (see
Fig. 6- 1 3 ) . When the deep peroneal nerve is en­
trapped, the patient complains of pain in the great toe
that can be confused with a post-traumatic, sympa­ S5
Pudenda! nerve (S2 - 3 - 4)
thetic dystrophy.
To levator ani, coccygeus, and Co
sphincter ani externus muscles
Compared with the tibial division, the common per­
oneal division is relatively tethered at the sciatic notch and Anococcygeal nerves

the neck of the fibula, and may, therefore, be less able to * Visceral branches

tolerate or distribute tension, such as in acute stretching, FIGURE 6-1 4 The pudendal and coccygeal plexuses.

trauma. Lesions are also suspected when a neurologic peripheral nerve can summate. 1 77- 1 79 However, no published
examination to assess the function of sacral segments experimental studies to date have shown that dual lesions
S2, S3, and S4 is abnormal. The pudendal nerve divides along nerve fibers cause magnified damage, nor have any
into: studies demonstrated that the segmen t of nerve distal to a
1 . The inferior hemorrhoidal nerves to the external focal lesion is, in the double-crush syndrome context, par­
anal sphincter and adjacent skin. ticularly susceptible to an additional focal insult. 180 What
2. The perineal nerve. has been proved is that consecutive focal lesions along a
3. The dorsal nerve of the penis. nerve may have an additive effect. It is also interesting to
note that with most of the experimental models the second
B. The nerves of the coccygeal plexus are the small sen­
lesion has been manifested as focal slowing, presumably
sory anococcygeal nerves derived from the last three
secondary to demyelination, yet the double-crush syn­
segments (S4, 5, C) . They pierce the sacrotuberous
drome hypothesis requires that the distal lesion result in
ligament and supply the skin in the region of the
axonal loss. 1 73

Case Study: Right Sacral and Gluteal Pain 181


The theory that many entrapment neuropathies result A 30-year-old man presented with complaints of pain in tl1e
from "double crush " along the peripheral nerve fibers right sacral and gluteal region that increased with walking
was proposed by Upton and McComas in 1 973, who hy­ or sitting, and decreased with lying supine. The pain had
pothesized that two focal lesions along the same axon started a few months ago following a fall onto the right but­
could be related in that one could encourage the devel­ tock area and had progressively worsened. An x-ray had
opment of the other because of "serial constraints of axo­ shown notlling abnormal.
plasmic flow": the axoplasmic flow is partially reduced at
the proximal site of injury, and then further reduced at Examination

the distal compression site , to the point that i t drops Observation revealed nothing remarkable except a slightly
below the safety margin, and denervation results. 1 73 They increased lordosis. A modified scan was performed. Active
assumed that this may occur even though the proximal forward flexion reproduced the sacral and gluteal pain,
lesion, while symptomatic, was not clinically severe. Thus, but all of the other motions were negative. An increase in
a cervical radiculopathy, manifesting as little more than radicular pain with forward flexion warranted a neuro­
neck pain and stiffness, could still precipitate a distal logic examination, which revealed the following:
focal entrapment neuropathy. For this mechanism of
nerve i njury-serial compromise of axonal transport • A positive Lasegue sign at about 25 degrees
along the same nerve fiber, causing a subclinical lesion at • Normal deep tendon reflexes as compared to the con-
the distal site to become symptomatic-they proposed tralateral side
the term double-crush syndrome. In their study, Upton and • No sensory loss in dermatomes
McComas was postulated that the double-crush syndrome • No strength loss in lumbar "myotomes"
was responsible for the high incidence of dual lesions • Irritability upon palpation of the greater sciatic fora­
encountered; of 1 1 5 patients with either carpal tunnel men ( the region between the greater trochanter and
syndrome or ulnar neuropathy along the elbow segment, the posterior superior iliac spine)
or both, there was evidence of a cervical root lesion in • Palpable tenderness and swelling over the region of
81 ( 70 % ) . 1 73 the piriformis muscle
The double-crush hypothesis has been used to explain • Increased pain with internal rotation of the hip when
a great number of coexisting proximal and distal nerve im­ combined with hip flexion and knee extension
pairments, and has been expanded to include triple-crush, • A positive Cowers-Bonnet test ( hip flexion, knee flex­
quadruple-crush, and multiple-crush syndromes, as well as ion, and internal rotation)
the reversed double-crush syndrome. '74- '76 Despite its ac­
ceptance, however, the double-crush hypothesis has raised Discussion
a number of questions that raise doubts as to its existence Multiple etiologies have been proposed to explain the com­
in the many clinical situations. pression or irritation of the sciatic nerve that occurs with the
The experimental studies done on the double-crush piriformis syndrome. Yeoman l83 emphasized the anatomic
hypothesis have shown that successive lesions along a relationship of the sciatic nerve and the piriformis and

was the first to link sacroiliac disease with piriformis mus­ intolerance to sIttIng, tenderness to palpation of the
cle spasm. In 1 937, Freiberg l 85 described two findings on greater sciatic notch, and pain with flexion, adduction,
physical examination that were consistent with sciatic pain and internal rotation of the hip.
referable to the piriformis muscle: Lasegue's sign (pain i n
the vicinity o f the greater sciatic notch with extension o f Intervention
the knee and the h i p flexed t o 90 degrees, and tenderness This syndrome usually responds well to a conservative
to palpation of the greater sciatic notch) and Freiberg's course of intervention including:
sign (pain with passive internal rotation of the hip) . In
1 938, Beaton and Anson 1 86 identified certain anomalies of • A home program of prolonged piriformis stretching l 90
the piriformis muscle and theorized that sciatica could be • Corticosteroid and anesthetic injections, and anti­
secondary to an altered relationship between the piri­ inflammatory medication to alleviate muscle spasm 188
formis muscle and the sciatic nerve. Pace and Nagle ' 8 7
later described a diagnostic maneuver that is now referred
to as Pace 's sign: pain and weakness in association with
resisted abduction and external rotation of the affected 1 . Injury to the radial nerve in the spiral groove would
thigh. result in:
Robinson 188 has been credited with introducing the a. Weakness of elbow flexion
term piriformis syndrome and outlining its six classic findings: h. Difficulty initiating glenhumeral abduction
c. An inability to con trol rotation during abduction

1. A history of trauma to the sacroiliac and gluteal d. A decreased ability to hold the humeral head in its
regions socket
2. Pain in the region of the sacroiliacjoint, greater sciatic e. All of the above
notch, and piriformis muscle that usually extends 2. A patient with a musculocutaneous nerve injury is still
down the limb and causes difficulty with walking able to flex the elbow. The major muscle causing this
3. Acute exacerbation of pain caused by stooping or elbow flexion is the:
lifting (and moderate relief of pain by traction on a. Brachioradialis

the affected extremity with the patient in the supine h. Flexor carpi ulnaris
position) c. Pronator quadratus

4. A palpable sausage-shaped mass, tender to palpation, d. Extensor carpi ulnaris

over the piriformis muscle on the affected side e . Pectoralis major

5. A positive Lasegue's sign 3. Which of the following muscles is not innervated by

6. Gluteal atrophy, depending on t h e duration of the the median nerve?
condition. a. Abductor pol\icis brevis

h. Flexor pollicis longus

A flexion contracture at the hip increases the lumbar c . Medial heads of flexor digitorum profundus

lordosis, and increased tension in the pelvifemoral mus­ d. Superficial head of flexor pollicis brevis
cles develops as these muscles try to stabilize the pelvis and e. Pronator quadratus

spine in tile new position. The involved muscles hypertro­ 4. The nerve that innervates the first lumbrical muscle in
phy to handle the tension, but there is no corresponding the hand is the:
increase in the size of the bony foramens. With neural tis­ a. Median nerve

sue being the least tolerant to compression of the neu­ h. Ulnar nerve
rovascular bundle, neurologic signs of sciatic compression c. Radial nerve
develop earlier than vascular signs. 1 89 d. Anterior interosseus nerve
Trauma, direct or indirect, to the sacroiliac or gluteal e. Lateral cutaneous nerve of the hand
region can lead to piriformis syndrome l 8? and is a result of 5. After a nerve injury, regeneration occurs proximally
hematoma formation and subsequent scarring between first and then progresses distally at a rate of about
the sciatic nerve and the short external rotators. Local 1 mm per day. Following a radial nerve injury in the
anatomic anomalies may contribute to the likelihood that axilla, which muscle would be the last to recover?
symptoms will develop. In patients who have this condi­ a. Long head of the triceps

tion, movemen t of the hip may cause radicular pain that is h. Anconeus
much like the nerve-root pain associated with lumbar disc c. Extensor indicis

disease. 1 82 These patients typically present with a history of d. Extensor digiti minimi
gluteal trauma, symptoms of pain in the buttock and e. Supinator

6. A patient complains of a burning sensation in the an­ 1 2. The anterior interosseus branch o f the median nerve
terior-lateral aspect of the thigh. Dysfunction of which innervates which muscles?
nerve could lead to these symptoms? a. Flexor pollicis longus
a. Lateral femoral cutaneous h. Pronator teres
h. Femoral c . Pronator quadratus

c. Obturator d. Both a and c

d. Genitofemoral e . All of the above

e. Ilioinguinal 13. The lumbar plexus is occasionally inj ured at the point
7. The sciatic nerve consists of two divisions (medial and where it passes through a muscle. The muscle causing
lateral) which eventually separate into distinct nerves. the compression is the:
The medial and lateral divisions, respectively, form the: a. Gluteus maximus
a. Femoral and obturator nerves h. Gluteus medius
h. Obturator and femoral nerves c. Quadratus lumborum
c . Common peroneal and tibial nerves d. Obturator externus
d. Tibial and common peroneal nerves e. Psoas major

e. Obturator and tibial nerves 1 4. The axillary nerve can occasionally be inj ured where it
B. The saphenous nerve supplies cutaneous sensation to passes through a muscle. Which muscle would this be?
the medial aspect of the leg. From which nerve does a. Pronator teres

the saphenous nerve arise? h. Supinator

a. Obturator c. Deltoid

h. Peroneal d. Coracobrachialis
c. Sciatic e . Biceps

d. Femoral Directions: Match each of the numbered words or phrases

e. Saphenous, anslllg as a direct branch from the below with the lettered item most closely associated with it.
sacral plexus Each item may be used once, more than once, or not at all.
9. The tibial nerve passes into the foot, where it divides 15. Pectineus
into its terminal branches. What route does the tibial 16. Gluteus medius
nerve follow to enter the foot? 1 7 . Gluteus maximus
a. It passes along the dorsal aspect of the ankle, then l B. Tensor fasciae lata
into the foot 19. Long head of the biceps femoris
h. It passes anterior to the lateral malleolus 20. Short head of the biceps femoris
c. It passes under the flexor retinaculum and poste­ a. Innervated by the tibial division of the sciatic nerve

rior to the lateral malleolus h. Innervated by the common peroneal division of

d. It passes anterior to the medial malleolus the sciatic nerve
e. It passes under the flexor retinaculum and poste­ c. Innervated by the inferior gluteal nerve
rior to the lateral malleolus d. Innervated by the superior gluteal nerve
10. Injury to the deep branch of the peroneal nerve e . Innervated by the femoral nerve

would result in a sensory deficit to which of the fol­ Directions: Match each of the numbered words or phrases
lowing locations? below with the lettered item most closely associated with it.
a. Medial side of the foot Each item may be used once, more than once, or not at all.
h. Lateral side of the foot 2 1 . Nerve primarily responsible for knee extension
c. Lateral 1 \12 toes 22. Nerve primarily responsible for ankle plan tar flexion
d. Medial border of the sole of the foot 23. Nerve primarily responsible for knee flexion
e. Adjacen t dorsal surfaces of the first and second toes 24. Nerve primarily responsible for ankle dorsiflexion
11. A brachial plexus injury involving the superior por­ a. Sciatic nerve

tion of the plexus produces winging of the scapula. h. Peroneal nerve

Weakness of which of the following muscles would c. Femoral nerve

produce the winging observed? d. Tibial nerve

a. Long head of the triceps e. Obturator nerve

h. Supraspinatus 25. A muscle innervated by the superficial branch of the

c. Deltoid peroneal nerve is the:
d. Pectoralis major a. Peroneus longus

e. Serratus anterior h. Peroneus tertius


c. Peroneus brevis of the L2-3 dermatomes of the thigh, and hip flexion
d. Tibialis anterior is strong and pain free?
26. Which statement(s) about the brachial plexus is (are) Directions: Which muscles are innervated by:
true? 35. Deep peroneal nerve
a. The brachial plexus is formed from the posterior 36. Tibial nerve
rami of nerves C5 to T 1 Which areas are covered by the following dermatomes?
h. The cords o f the brachial plexus are named with 37. C5
respect to their anatomic position around the axil­ 38. C6
lary artery 39. C7
c. The muscles innervated by the posterior portion of 40. C8
the brachial plexus are primarily flexors 41. Tl
d. The nerve to the rhomboid muscles arises from C5 42. L l
before C5 helps to form the upper trunk 43. L3
27. Muscles that participate in upward shrugging of the 44. L5
shoulder include the: 45. S l
a. Rhomboid major 46. S2-3
h. Levator scapula 47. S4-5
c. Rhomboid minor 48. Which two nerves are formed from the lumbar
d. Trapezius plexus?
e. All of the above 49. Which six nerves are formed from the sacral plexus?
28. Anatomic variation can occur in the structure of the Directions: Which muscles are innervated by the following
lumbosacral plexus. Which of the following is (are) nerves? Give their nerve root levels.
true? 50. Femoral
a. A prefixed plexus is one in which the L1 nerve root 5 1 . Obturator
is incorporated into the lumbar plexus 52. Superior gluteal
h. A prefixed plexus is one in which the L4 nerve root 53. Inferior gluteal
is incorporated into the sacral plexus rather than 54. Sciatic
into the lumbar plexus 55. Superficial peroneal
c. A postfixed plexus is one in which the S3 nerve root Directions: What is the generally accepted nerve root of the
is incorporated into the sacral plexus following?
d. A postfixed plexus one in which the L4 nerve root 56. Teres major
and part of the L5 nerve root are incorporated into 57. Biceps, brachialis, brachioradialis
the lumbar plexus 58. Coracobrachialis
29. Injury to the obturator nerve would cause: 59. Triceps
a. Sensory loss on the medial aspect of the thigh 60. Supinator
b. Sensory loss on the medial aspect of the leg 61. Subscapular
c . Weakness of thigh adduction 62. Which muscle (s) does the thoracodorsal nerve inner­
d. A decrease in the amplitude of the knee-jerk reflex vate and what is its root?
30. Compression of the medial plantar nerve at the me­ 63. Which two muscles are innervated by the axillary
dial malleolus would give rise to: nerve and what is its root?
a. Decreased sensation along the medial side of the 64. The lateral and medial pectoral nerves innervate
sole of the foot which muscles?
h. Weakness of the abductor hallucis muscle 65. The posterior cord serves which two nerves?
c . Weakness of the flexor digitorum brevis muscle 66. The lateral cord serves which two nerves?
d. Weakness of the adductor hallucis muscle 67. The medial cord serves which two nerves?
31. A herniated disc between C6 and C7 would impinge 68. The divisions from which two trunks form the lateral
on which nerve root level? cord?
32. The cutaneous branch of the femoral nerve that sup­ 69. What is the order of nomenclature for the brachial
plies the L4 dermatome innervation is called what? plexus?
33. A loss of dorsiflexion strength is the result of a lesion 70. What root level is the long thoracic and which mus­
to which nerve? c1e (s) does it innervate?
34. What would you suspect if a patient reports persistent 71. What root level is the dorsal scapular and which mus­
paresthesia with occasional burning pain in the area c1e (s) does it innervate?

Directions: What is the root level and which muscle (s) are 9 1 . The second and third digits in the hand are inner­
innervated by the following? vated by which nerve?
72. Suprascapular a. Ulnar nerve

73. Musculocutaneous h. Median nerve

74. Median c.
Radial nerve
75. True or False: With a ligament of Struthers compres­ Ulnar, median
sion, the pronator teres is compromised. 92. The deep head of the flexor brevis is innervated by
76. True or False: The anterior interosseus nerve inner­ which nerve?
vates strictly sensory distribution. a. Median

77. After passing through the pronator teres heads, what h. Radial
does the medial nerve split into? c. Radial, ulnar

78. Which three structures form the Guyon canal? d. Ulnar

79. What passes through the Guyon canal? 93. Which nerve arises from the posterior cord of the
80. Using manual muscle testing, how could you differen­ brachial plexus?
tiate between cubital tunnel syndrome and a Guyon a. Axillary, radial

canal lesion? h. Ulnar, median

8 1 . Klumpke's palsy involves which trunk of the brachial c . Musculocutaneous

plexus? d. None of the above

82. Erb's palsy involves which trunk? 94. The hip adductor muscle group is innervated by sev­
83. How can you differentiate a spinal accessory and a eral nerves. Which nerves innervate these muscles?
long thoracic impairment? a. Femoral, tibial

84. Which nerve innervates the lateral antebrachial cuta­ h. Femoral, superior gluteal
neous? c . Femoral, obturator, tibial

85. Injury to the lateral cord of the brachial plexus would d. Obturator, tibial, superior gluteal
most likely involve damage to the which nerve?
86. The hip adductor muscles are innervated by which
nerve (s) ?
a. Obturator and sciatic 1. d.
h. Sciatic 2. a.
c. Obturator 3. c.
d. Femoral 4. a.
87. Which muscle does not have dual nerve innervation? 5. c.
a. Flexor digitorum profundus 6. a.
h. Flexor carpi ulnaris 7. d.
c. Flexor pollicis brevis 8. d.
d. Lumbricales 9. c.
88. The anterior tibialis muscle is innervated by which nerve? 10. e.
a. Lateral plantar 11 . e.
h. Superficial peroneal 1 2. d.
c. Tibial 13. e.
d. Deep peroneal 1 4. d.
89. The flexor digitorum profundus IS innervated by 15. e.
which nerve ( s ) ? 16. d.
a. Ulnar 1 7. c.
h. Median 18. d.
c. Median, ulnar 19. a.
d. Median, radial 20. b.
90. The peroneus longus muscle is innervated by which 21. c.
nerve? 22. d.
a. Deep peroneal 23. a.
h. Superficial peroneal 24. b.
c. Common peroneal 25. b.
d. Medial plantar 26. c.

27. e. 65. Axillary and radial.

28. c. 66. Musculocutaneous and median.
29. b. 67. Ulnar and median.
30. a. 68. Anterior divisions of the upper-middle trunk (the an-
31. C7. terior division of lower trunk forms the medial cord) .
32. Saphenous. 69. Trunks, divisions, cords, peripheral nerve.
33. Common peroneal. 70. C5-7: serratus anterior.
34. Compression of lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh. 71. C4-5: rhomboids and levator scapula.
35. Tibialis anterior (L4, 5 ) , extensor digitorum longus 72. C (4) , 5 ( 6) : supraspinatus and infraspinatus.
( L4-S l ) , extensor hallucis longus (L4-S 1 ) , and exten­ 73. C5, 6: coracobrachialis, biceps, brachialis (2) .
sor digitorum brevis (L4-S 1 ) . 74. C5-T 1 : arm pronators flexor digitorum profundus sec­
36. Ti bialis posterior and triceps surae ( L5-S2) , flexor dig­ ond and third, flexor digitorum superficialis, lumbri­
itorum longus (L5-S2) , flexor hallucis longus (L5-S2) , cales 1 and 2, Abductor pollices brevis (APB) , Oppo­
flexor digitorum brevis ( L5-S 1 ) , flexor hallucis longus nens pollices ( OP ) , flexor pollicis longus, flexor
( L5-S2) , and the foot intrinsics ( S l -S2 ) . pollicis brevis (superior) , Flexor carpi radialis (FCR) ,
37. The deltoid area and thin strip down middle of the and palmaris longus.
anterior surface of the arm. 75. True.
38. Lateral aspect of arm, forearm, thumb, and forefinger. 76. False.
39. Center line down the dorsal aspect of arm, forearm, and 77. Anterior interosseus, and a mixed nerve.
hand, and second and third digits (and middle palm ) . 78. Volar ligament, hook of hamate, pisiform.
40. Medial aspect of arm, forearm, and hand. 79. Ulnar nerve and artery.
41. A thin strip down the anterior surface of the arm, and 80. Cubital tunnel syndrome produces weakness of the
the axilla area. flexor digitorum profundus.
42. Iliac crests, and anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) . 81. Lower.
43. Medial condyle of femur. 82. Upper.
44. Great toe and dorsal surface of second toe. 83. By observing the winging of the scapula. If the wing­
45. Lateral malleolus. ing occurs with glenohumeral abduction, the acces­
46. Pubic area. sory nerve is at fault. If the winging occurs in forward
47. Perianal region. flexion and protraction of the shoulder, the long tho­
48. Femoral ( Ll -4) , and obturator (L2-4) . racic nerve is at fault.
49. Superior and i nferior gluteal ( L4-S2) , sciatic (L4-S2) , 84. Musculocutaneous.
deep peroneal (L4-5) , superior peroneal ( L5-S 1 ) , tib­ 85. Musculocutaneous.
ial ( L5-S2) , and pudendal (S2-4 ) . 86. a.
50. Iliopsoas ( Ll -3) , sartorius (L2-3 ) , quadriceps femoris 87. b.
( L2-4 ) , and pectineus ( L2 ,3) . 88. d.
51. Pectineus (L2-3) , adductor longus (L2, 3) , adductor 89. c.
brevis ( L2-4) , adductor magnus (L3, 4 ) , gracilis (L2-4) , 90. b.
and obturator extern us. 91. b.
52. Gluteus medius and minimus ( L4-S2) , tensor fascia 92. d.
latae (TFL) ( L4,5) , and piriformis (Sl-2 ) . 93. a.
53. Gluteus maximus ( L4-S2) . 94. d.
54. Biceps femoris (L4-S2) , semitendinosus, and mem bra-
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Chapter Objectives third component of the i ntervertebral disc. Each vertebral

end plate consists of a l ayer of cartilage, which covers tlle
At the completion of this chapter, the reader will be able to: top or bottom aspects of the disc, separating the disc from
the adjacent vertebral body.
1. List the various components o f the intervertebral disc. The intervertebral disc forms a symphysis or am­
2. Describe the chemical makeup and function of each phiarthrosis between two adjacent vertebrae, functioning to:
of the intervertebral components.
3. Define the similarities and differences of the disc i n • I ncrease the potential range of motion between verte­
each spinal area. brae.
4. Describe the pathologic processes involved with disc • Maintain contiguity between the vertebral bodies.
degeneration and disc degradation. • Attenuate and transfer vertebral loading.
5. Describe the differences between a protrusion, an ex­
trusion, and a sequestration .
Anulus Fibrosis
6. Identity the various forces that act on the disc and how
the disc responds. The anulus fibrosis consists of approximately 1 0 to 1 2
7. List the c haracteristics of a disc impairment at each (often as many as 1 5 to 25) concentric sheets I o f collagen
segmental level. tissue, whose fibers are oriented at about 65 degrees from
8. Use various strategies to treat disc impairments. vertical. The fibers of each successive sheet or lamella
maintain the same inclination of 65 degrees, but in the op­
posite direction to the preceding lamella, resulting in
OVERVIEW every second sheet having the same orientation. Only 50%
of the fibers work at any given time. The number of layers
Phylogenically, the intervertebral disc is a relatively new decreases with age, but the remaining layers get thicker. In­
structure, which evolved to handle the twin problems of complete lamellae, ones that do not pass around the cir­
weight bearing and motion. The presence of a disc, not cumference of the disc, seem to be more frequent in the
only allows free motion in any direction, up to the point middle portions of the anulus. 2 There are three types of
that the disc itself is stretched, but also allows for a signifi­ orientation for the lamella, all of which involve a blending
cant increase in the weight bearing capabilities of the of the sheets into junctions ( two sheets become one, or
spine. three sheets blend into one) .
The intervertebral disc is composed of three parts, the Each lamella is thicker anteriorly than posteriorly, lead­
anulus, the vertebral end plate and the nucleus pulposus ing to the disc being thinner posteriorly than anteriorly. The
(Fig. 7-1). The nucleus pulposus sits in, or near, the center lamellae are also thicker toward the center of the disc. 3 In
of the disc, lying slightly more posteriorly than anteriorly, addition, the shape of the posterior aspect of the anulus is
and surrounded by an anulus fibrosis. Although the nu­ concave, and this results in a tighter packing of the collagen
cleus pulposus and anulus fibrosis are quite distinct enti­ in this area than anteriorly, resulting in the posterior aspect
ties, except in YOUtll, no clear boundary exists between the of the anulus being thinner than the other aspects. 4
anulus and the peripheral parts of the nucleus pulposus Consequently, the posterior part of the anulus has
that merge together. The two vertebral end plates are the thin but stronger fibers, and it i s capable of withstanding


This is unfortunate because all of the nociceptive tis­

sues responsible for backache and sciatica emerge from
just beyond the posterior aspect of the disc. Clinically, if
the anulus is damaged, subjective complaints of pain in­
crease with sustained traction as this leads to further break­
down of the anulus.
Only the most peripheral annular fibers receive a
blood supply, and this comes from the metaphyseal arter­
ies that anastomose on the outer surface of the anulus.
N u trition of the disc comes via a diffusion of nutrients
from the anastomosis over the anulus and from the arte­
rial plexi underlying the end plate. Almost the entire anu­
lus is permeable to the nutrients, in contrast to only the
center portions of the end plate . In addition, there is
some evidence that a mechanical pump action also aids
nutrition . This is one of the proposed mechanisms attrib­
uted to the success of repeated motions in the McKenzie
exercise protocols for the spine.

Vertebral End Plates

Anterior Each vertebral end plate is a layer of cartilage about

0.6 to 1 mm thick 6 that covers the area on the vertebral
body. Peripherally, the end plate abuts and attaches to the
Nucleus ring apophysis. Over about 1 0% of the surface of the end
pulposus plate, the subchondral bone of the centrum is deficient
Annulus and, at these points, the bone marrow is in direct contact
fibrosus with the end plate, thereby augmenting the nutrition of
the disc and end plate. Because the adult disc has no blood
supply, it relies on diffusion for nutrition. ?
The two end plates of each disc, therefore, cover the

nucleus pulposus in its entirety, but fail to cover the entire
extent of the anulus fibrosis. The collagen of the inner
V�"bml Posterior
end plate longitudinal lamellae of the anulus enters the end plate and swings cen­
ligament trally within it. 8 By tracing these fibers along their entire
FIGURE 7-1 Intervertebral disc-lateral and superior view. length, it can be seen that the nucleus pulposus is enclosed
around all aspects by a sphere of collagen fibers, more or
less like a capsule. 5
the tension applied to this area during flexion activities Because of the attachment of the anulus fibrosis to the
and postures that occur more frequently than with ex­ vertebral end plates on the periphery, the end plates are
tension. 5 strongly bound to the intervertebral disc. In contrast, the ver­
The intervertebral joint operates as an osmotic sys­ tebral end plates are only weakly attached to the vertebral
tem. Fluid flow is caused by pressure changes on the disc. bodies. 9 Thus, the end plates are regarded as constituents of
Increased load causes fluid to be expelled, whereas low the intervertebral disc, rather than as a part of the vertebral
pressure allows the disc to suck in fluid fro m the sur­ body. 10
rounding tissues. Two main anatomic and biomechanical At birth, the end plate is part of the vertebral body
properties make the posterior aspect of the disc vulnera­ growth plate, but by the 20th year, it has been separated
ble. These are: from the body by a subchondral plate. During this time,
the plate is bilaminar, with a growth zone and an articular
1. The posterior part o f the nuclear annular boundary area. Gradually, the growth zone becomes thinner and dis­
receives less nutrition. appears so that, by the end of this period, it leaves only a
2. The posterior longitudinal ligament affords only weak thickened articular plate. The end plate in younger sub­
reinforcement. jects consists of hyaline and fibrocartilage, with hyaline

dominating toward the vertebral body and fibrocartilage 70% of water, 21 has a higher concentration of collagen
nearer the nucleus. 5 Between 20 and 65 years, the end (50% to 60% of the dry weight) and proteoglycans (20% ) .
plate thins and the vascular foramina in the subchondral The cartilage cells are located primarily near the end
bone become occluded, resulting in decreased nutrition to plates and are responsible for the synthesis of the nuclear
the disc. In old age, the plate consists entirely of fibrocarti­ collagen and proteoglycans. The water provides the fluid
lage, formed by the collagen of the inner lamellae of the properties of the nucleus, and the collagen and proteogly­
anulus. At the same time, the underlying bone becomes cans, its viscosity.
weaker, and the end plate gradually bows into the vertebral
body, becoming more vulnerable centrally, where it may
fracture into the centrum. 5 The presence of damage to a A LTERATIONS I N DISC STRUCTURE
vertebral body end plate reduces the pressure in the nu­
cleus of adjacent disc by up to 57% , and doubles the size of Although the i ntervertebral disc appears destined for tissue
"su-ess peaks" in the posterior anulus.11 Other structural regression and destruction, it remains unclear why similar
changes in the disc that increase the space available for the age-related changes remain asymptomatic in one individual
nucleus, such as radial fissures or posterior disc prolapse, and may cause severe low back pain in others, although the
have a similar effect. J2 basic changes that i nfluence the responses of the disc to ag­
Clinical findings for an isolated vertebral end plate ing are biochemical. In early adulthood, the proteoglycan
fracture are an increase in pain with manual traction or content of the dry weight of the nucleus is about 65% ; by
compression, as well as the typical signs and symptoms of 60 years, this has dropped to 30% . 22 I n addition, the proteo­
an inflammatory reaction . No neurologic signs are typi­ glycan content also changes, with a decrease in the concen­
cally present, and the intervention usually involves bed rest tration of chondroitin sulphate. As the keratin sulphate
in the acute stage. level remains constant, this decrease results in a relative rise
in the keratin sulphate level. Chondroitin sulphate is the
major substance that binds water to the proteoglycans, and
Nucleus Pulposus
its loss results in a decreased water content in the nucleus.
The intervertebral discs of a healthy young adult con­ However, most of the water loss occurs early in life, so the
tain a nucleus pulposus that is composed of a semifluid mechanism is thought to be more subtle than this alone,
mass of mucoid material (with the consistency more or less and may concern the collagen content levels in the nucleus.
of toothpaste ) . 5 In the second and third decades, the nu­ There is, with age, an increase in the collagen con­
cleus is clear, firm, and gelatinous, but subsequently it be­ tent23 of both the nucleus and anulus and also a change in
comes drier as the water content decreases with age. At the type of collagen present. The elastic collagen of the nu­
birth, the water content of the nucleus is about 80% of the cleus becomes more fibrous, whereas the type 1 collagen
nucleus. In the elderly, the water content is about 68% . of the anulus becomes more elastic. 23 Eventually, they
Most o f this water content change occurs in childhood and come to resemble each other. In addition, the concentra­
adolescence, with only about 6% occurring in adulthood. 13 tion of noncollagenous proteins increases i n the nucleus.
Within the structural framework of the intervertebral These changes i n the makeup of the collagen alter the bio­
disc, collagen plays a pivotal role. It is well established that mechanical properties of the disc, making it less resilient
in normal intervertebral discs, seven collagen types occur and perhaps leading to changes from micro trauma. I t is
(i.e., types I, I I, I I I V, VI, IX, and XI J4- 18 ) . Their propor­
, thought that the altered relationships between the proteo­
tion, however, varies between the different structures. glycans and the collagen protein may be responsible for
There is an inverse "gradient" of collagen types I and I I the early life alteration in the water content of the disc. 23
from the outer anulus fibrosus t o the nucleus pulpOSUS.1 9 In general, with age, the disc becomes drier, stiffer,
Accordingly, the anulus fibrosus contains more collagen less deformable, and less able to recover from creep, a
type I (fibrous) than type II (elastic) , whereas the nucleus process that can be delayed through a course of regular
pulposus is composed mainly of collagen type II. Besides stretching. Although an individual becomes shorter in
these major collagens, the so-called minor collagen types, height throughout late adult life , the cause of this height
mainly types I I I , V, VI, IX, and XI, have a particular role in change has always been attributed to the al teration in disc
the organization of tlle collagen fibrils and are, therefore, height that occurs with aging as a result of the aforemen­
essential for disc biomechanics, despite their low percent­ tioned biomechanical changes. More recently, it has been
age within the disc tissue. demonstrated that the disc actually increases its height
The biomechanical makeup of the nucleus is similar to with age by about 1 0 % between the ages of 20 and 70 years,
that of the anulus except that tlle nucleus has higher con­ and that the loss of height with age occurs because of ero­
tent of water ( 70% to 90% ) 20 whereas the anulus, at 60% to sion of the end plate of the disc. 24

As the disc becomes more fibrous, the distinction be­

tween the anulus and nucleus is minimized. The handling
of the compressive load becomes compromised, and more
weight is taken by the anulus. This function, for which it is
not designed, causes a separation of the lamellae and the
formation of cavities within it. 23
Between 2 and 7 years of age, the lumbar disc is a bi­
concave structure i nterposed by the convex surfaces of the
centra, but in later childhood, all of the surfaces reverse
their shape. As childhood progresses, the thickness of the
disc increases, with L4 increasing 3 to 1 0 mm between
birth and 1 2 years of age. 5 Up to the age of 8 years, the
cartilaginous end plates are penetrated by blood vessels
passing into the peripheral layers of the nucleus and anu­
Ius. Thereafter, the disc nutrition is achieved by diffusion
through the end plate. The outermost layer of the anulus
is attached to the vertebral body by mingling with the pe­
riosteal fibers (fibers of Sharpey) . The outer two-thirds of B. Extruded

the anulus fibrosus are attached firmly to the cartilaginous

end plate, but the inner third is more loosely attached. 5
The proper organization and interactions of the hu­
man lumbar intervertebral disc are a fundamental re­
quirement for adequate biomechanical function of the
intervertebral discs. Under normal conditions, the central
gelatinous nucleus pulposus is contained by the anulus
fibrosus, and the longitudinal ligaments provide added
stability. Any disturbance of the balance of these tissue
structures leads i nvariably to tissue destruction and func­
tional impairment, 2f>-27 and m ay result in low back pain.
Embryologically, the lower half of the lumbar vertebra
and the upper half of the one below it, originate from the
C. Sequestered
same segment.
Degeneration seems to start early in the upper lumbar
spine, with end plate fractures and Schmorl's nodes related
to the vertical loading of those segments. 23 Autopsy results
show that disc degeneration begins at 20 to 25 years of
age. 28 One study provided evidence that a family history of
operated lumbar disc herniation has a significant implica­
tion in lumbar degenerative disc disease, indicating that
there may be a genetic factor i n the development of lumbar
disc herniation as an expression of disc degeneration. 29
The posterior-lateral aspect of the anulus tends to
FIGURE 7-2 Schematic representation for a herniated,
weaken first and develops c lefts and tears. If the inner lay­
extruded, and sequestered Intervertebral disc.
ers of the posterior anulus tear in the presence of the nu­
cleus pulposus, which is still capable of bulging into the
space left by the tear, the symptoms of disc disease are somatic type of pain that is localized. Because the nu­
likely to be experienced. The size of the tear will deter­ cleus is still contained, the patient is likely to feel more
mine the outcome. pain in the morning after the nucleus has imbibed
more fluid, resulting in added volume and a subse­
• Protrusion or herniation. The nuclear material bulges quent increase in pressure on pain-sensitive structures.
outward through the tear to strain , but not escape Recent attention has been given to the internal disrup­
from, the outer anulus or the posterior longitudinal tion of the nucleus, termed the contained herniation,30 in
ligament (Fig. 7-2). This usually results in a deep, which the nucleus becomes inflamed and invaginates

itself between the anular layers. Compression of the Investigators have repeatedly demonstrated in f1ammatory
disc during sitting and bending i ncreases the pain, as cells, proinflammatory enzyme phosphol ipase A2, im­
the nociceptive structures within the anulus are fur­ munoglobulins, and various i n flam matory mediators in
ther irritated. There is usually no or minimal leg pain herniated disc tissues. 38-44 ,52,53 Several investigators have
and no or minimal limitation in the straight leg raise. hypothesized that the adult n ucleus pulposus is somehow
• Prolapse or extrusion. The nuclear material remains concealed from the immune system, and that the exposure
attached to the disc but escapes the anulus or the pos­ of nuclear disc material to the circulatory system provokes
terior longitudinal ligament to bulge externally into an autoimmune reaction. Some credibility is given to this
the intervertebral, or neural, canal (see Fig. 7-2) . with the iden tification ofantibodies to nucleus pulposus in
• Sequestration. The migrating nuclear material escapes patients' sera and in animal models. 45,54-57 I t is also
contact with the disc entirely and is a free fragment in thought that neovascularization in herniated d isc tissue
the intervertebral canal (see Fig. 7-2 ) . could promote the formation of granulation tissue 46-4R
and, in association with blood vessels, deposits of im­
Pro lapses and sequestrations impinge on nerve tissue. munoglobulins have been reported. 49,50
Central prolapses, although fairly rare, may produce up­ A recent experimental study in dogs placed the nucleus
per motor neuron impairments if they occur in the cervi­ pulposus adjacent to the nerve root without mechanical com­
cal spine, and bowel, or bladder impairments if they occur pression. Mter 1 week, new blood vessels and infiltration of
in the lumbar spine. As part of its unnatural history, the inflammatory cells, including lymphocytes and macrophages,
disc may u-avel through each stage of herniation sequen­ were observed in the transplanted nucleus pulposus. (i2
tially, producing symptoms that range from backache to bi­ Presence of inflammation in disc herniations could
lateral sciatica. explain the clinical findings of improvement i n radicular
The effects of a disc impairment depend on its size, pain following the administration of corticosteroid or non­
position, and segmental level. A substantial compression steroidal anti-inflammatory agents. 51,60,61
of the root affects the nerve fibers, producing paresthesia H owever, the occurrence of infl ammatory cells has
and interference with conduction. Mixter and Barr3 1 sug­ not so far been related to the duration of radicular pain
gested that tissue of the intervertebral disc protrudes into symptoms.
the spinal canal, compressing and therefore irritating the
nerve root and causing sciatic pain. Although this concept
is widely accepted, the mechanical compression of the
nerve root itself does not explain sciatic pain and radicu­ Degenerative changes are the body's attempts at self­
lopathy. 32,33 The operative finding that mechanically com­ healing. If part of this healing i nvolves the stabilization of
pressed nerve roots become tender32,34,35 and results of an unstable joint, the joint can be immobilized by muscle
recent histologic and biochemical studies on herniated spasms, or by i ncreasing the surface area of the joint. 63
lumbar disc tissue led to the notion of inflammatory­ The biology of intervertebral disc degeneration is not
induced sciatic pain. well understood. As alluded to, it is known that the matrix
Low back pain with or without radiculopathy is a sig­ of the nucleus pulposus is rich in proteoglycans, whereas
nificant clinical problem, but the cause of low back pain the anulus fibrosus is predominantly collagenous. 8 The
and the exact pathophysiology of lumbar pain and sciatica proteoglycan content of the disc declines with age, a
often remain unclear. In patients with sciatic pain from process that, at least partIy, reflects decreased synthesis of
disc herniation, radiographic examinations such as myelo­ these macromolecules by the disc cells. 26,64 Al though the
grams, computed tomographic (CT) scans, and magnetic reasons for this decline are unknown, any reduction in
resonance imaging ( MRI) scans demonsu-ate nerve root proteoglycan content could have severe consequences for
compression by a herniated disc. However, approximately the disc's ability to resist mechanical loads.
20% to 30% of individuals without any history of sciatic The clinical syndromes associated with degenerative
pain have abnormal findings in radiographic examina­ disc disease include: 65-69
tions. 36,37 Recent models of lumbar radiculopathy suggest
that the mechanisms underlying thermal hyperalgesia are • Idiopathic low back pain
probably caused, in part, by a local chemical irritant, an au­ • Cervical and lumbar radiculopathy
toimmune reaction from exposure to disc tissues, an in­ • Cervical myelopathy
creased concentration of lactic acid, or a lower pH around • Lumbar stenosis
the nerve roots. 38 • Spondylosis
I n flammation certainly could play some part in the • Osteoarthritis
pathophysiology of discogenic lumbar radiculopathy. • Herniated disc (degenerative disc disease)



Early dysfunction Synovitis and effusion Minor pathologic changes Circumferential tears in anulus
Early cartilage destruction Possible herniation secondary
Painful facet syndrome to radial tears
Intermediate instability Perifacetal osteophyte formation Possible permanent changes Internal disruption
Traction spurs of instability Lateral or central nerve
Capsular laxity Spondylolisthesis entrapment310
Final stabilization Fibrosis of posterior Loss of disc material
joints and capsule
Osteophyte formation on posterior
vertebral body
Central canal stenosis if osteophyte
is large enough
Circumferential osteophytes around
the disc space, which can produce
lateral or central stenosis

Kirkaldy-Willis70 proposed a system to describe the exercise-induced strengthening of the back muscles would
spectrum of degeneration involving three phases or levels. exacerbate the problem, because most spinal compressive
The three phases (Table 7-1 ) are defined as early dysfunc­ loading comes from back-muscle tension. 74 The ability of
tion, intermediate instability, and final stabilization . spinal tissues to strengthen in response to increased muscle
forces may be restricted by health and age, so that fatigue
• Early dysfunction. Characterized by minor pathologic damage would accumulate most rapidly in sedentary middle­
changes, resulting in abnormal function of the poste­ aged people who suddenly become active.
rior elements and disc. Disc herniations most com­
monly occur at the end of this phase but may occur Disc Degradation
during the final stabilization phase.
• Intermediate instability. Characterized by laxity of the This is a more aggressive process t1lan that of the de­
posterior joint capsule and anulus. generative age changes (Table 7-2 ) , and al though the
• Final stabilization. Characterized by fibrosis of the pos­ macroscopic changes are similar to age degeneration, it is
terior joints and capsule, loss of disc material, and the a more accelerated process, involving a loss of disc height.
formation of osteophytes. 7I Osteophyte formation An increase in the hydrostatic pressure in both the nu­

around the threejoint complex increases the load­ cleus pulposus and anulus fibrosus, and an increase in the
bearing surface, and decreases the amount of motion, hoop stress in the anulus layers balance an axial compres­
producing a stiffer and thus less painful motion sive force applied to the intervertebral disc. 5 The geomet­
segment. ric consequences of a compressive force are a reduction in

Clinical experience has shown that i t is possible for TABLE 7-2COMPARISON OF DEGENERATION
the threejoint complex to go through all of these phases AND DEGRADATION OF THE DISC
with little symptomology.
Disc degeneration appears to involve structural disrup­
tion of the anulus fibrosus and cell-mediated changes Changes occur to the biochemistry Vasculogenic degradation
throughout the disc and subchondral bone. 72 Disruption of in early adulthood and of the nucleus

the anulus is associated with back pain, 73 although some middle age
Circumferential clefting and Circumferential and radial
other degenerative changes in discs, such as dehydration of
tearing of the anulus tearing of the anulus
the nucleus pulposus, may simply be signs of aging. All No migration of nucleus Nucleus migrates through
skeletal tissues adapt to increased mechanical demands, the radial fissures
but they may not always adapt quickly enough. People who Undisplaced Nucleus herniates through
the anulus
suddenly change to a physically demanding occupation
The disc maintains or The disc is reabsorbed
may subject their skeletons to increased repetitive loading,
increases height
causing fatigue damage to accumulate rapidly. I n the spine,

disc height and a bulging of the anulus fibrosus. The ex­ both i n vitro and i n vivo by the presence o f inflammatory
tent of the bulging and the magnitude of the stress in the products and increased levels of immunoglobulins. 89•9o
anulus layers depend on the applied compressive force, Nuclear material migration may be asymptomatic. It
the disc height, and the cross-sectional area of the disc. can be argued that the presence of free nerve endings in the
Variations in disc height can be divided into two cate­ outer part of the anulus could indicate a nociceptive ability
gories: primary disc height variations and secondary disc in the disc, and anything disturbing these endings may then
height changes. be considered to be potentially painful. There is, however,
no direct evidence to prove that this is, in fact, the case.
• Primary disc height variations are related to intrinsic Disc cell density is known to decrease with aging and
individual factors such as body height, gender, age, degeneration,91 and it is probable that apoptotic cell death
disc level, and geographic region. 75-78 (programmed cell death) is a major contributing factor to
• Secondary disc height changes are associated with ex­ this decline. Apoptosis is essential during many stages of
trinsic factors such as degeneration, abnormality, or normal development and homeostasis, and it is now known
clinical management. Surgical procedures such as nu­ from numerous studies that apoptosis may be triggered by
c1eotomy, discectomy, and chemonucleolysis cause a a variety of exogenous or environmental stimuli. 92,93
decrease in disc height, resulting from the removal ofa
portion of the nucleus pulposus or damage to the wa­
Actions of the Disc During Stress
ter-binding capacity of the extracellular matrix. 79-S2 In
addition, diurnal changes in disc height occur, caused The disc is a dynamic structure that responds to
by fluid exchange and creep deformation. These stresses applied from vertebral movement or the applica­
height changes are estimated to be about 0.68 mm on tion of a static load. The major stresses that must be
average for each intervertebral disc83 or about 1 .5 mm withstood are axial compression, shearing, bending, and
for each lumbar disc. 84 twisting, either singly or in combination. Intervertebral
discs are able to distribute compressive stress evenly be­
With variations i n disc height, one would expect tween adjacent vertebrae because the nucleus pulposus
changes in mechanical behavior of the disc, and i t is spec­ and inner anulus act like a pressurized fluid, in which the
ulated that repeated torsional trauma leads to posterior or pressure does not vary with location or direction. II,94
posterior-lateral radial fissuring. An important result to
emerge from a recent study is that axial displacement, Axial Compression
posterior-lateral disc bulge, and tensile stress i n the It has been demonstrated experimentally that the anulus,
peripheral anulus fibers are a function of axial compres­ even without the nucleus, can withstand the same vertical
sive force and disc height. 85 Under the same axial force, forces that an intact disc can for short periods,95 providing
discs with a higher height-to-area ratio generated higher the lamellae do not buckle. However, if the compression is
values of axial displacement, disc bulge, and tensile stress prolonged or if the lamellae are not held together by the
on the peripheral anulus fibers. proteoglycan gel, the sheets buckle and the system col­
I t should also be apparent that the unequal load dis­ lapses on itself.
tribution in asymmetric joints is a major predisposing fac­ Therefore, the nucleus is absolutely essential to the
tor in radial tearing of the anulus fibrosis, as the superior disc in the application of prolonged or repeated axial load­
vertebra tends to rotate to the more coronal joint, produc­ ing. The nucleus, being a ball of gel, is deformable but rel­
ing a routine torsional effect in a constant direction with atively incompressible; therefore, when a load is applied to
sagittal movements. it vertically, it tends to bulge around its equator and apply
It is recognized that the adult i ntervertebral disc is a radial pressure to the anulus. 5 This peripheral pressure
avascular by young adulthood; after this time, nutrien ts are i ncreases the tension on the collagen fibers, which resist it
presumed to reach disc cells mainly by diffusion. 86-88 When until a balance is reached, when the radial pressure is
a pathway to the periphery is opened for the nucleus, fur­ matched by the collagen tension.
ther stresses can force i t to migrate through the tear. How­ The loaded nucleus also tends to apply pressure
ever, normal, even aged, nuclear material cannot be made against the end plates, but the end plates and the underly­
to herniate through an annular defect, and it is believed ing vertebral bodies resist this pressure. When both of
that some mechanism must degrade the nucleus to allow i t these mechanisms are balanced, the nucleus cannot de­
to migrate peripherally. 5 T h e appearance o f nuclear mate­ form any further, This equilibrium achieves two things:
rial in the vertebral canal accelerates the autoimmune re­
action as more of the avascular nucleus is exposed to the 1. Pressure is transferred from one end plate to another,
body's circulation. This process has been demonstrated so relieving the load on the anulus.

2. The nucleus braces the anulus and prevents it fro m decreased (by surgical excision 106 ) . By a similar mecha­
buckling under the sustained axial load. nism, age-related degenerative changes that reduce the
water content of the nucleus pulposus by 1 5% to 20%, [07
Axial compression, or spinal loading occurs i n weight cause a 30% fall in the nucleus pressure. lOS In effect, the
bearing, whether in standing or sitting. These forces also load is being transferred from the nucleus to the anulus.
occur when the disc is damaged, which leads to excessive The posterior anulus is affected most because it is the nar­
rotation and excessive lateral shearing. The amount of rowest part of the disc, and the least able to sustain large
resistance to thi s compression i s shared by the various compressive strains. I09
structures of the in tervertebral disc. During static, slow As the nuclear material is intrinsically cohesive under
loading: normal conditions, the material will not herniate through
the anulus. However, if the anulus is defective, and the nu­
• The nuclear pressure rises, absorbing and transmit­ clear material is altered, it becomes expressible and erodes
ting the compression forces. the anulus along radial fissures. Under compression, the
• The end plate, which is inherently weak, bows away end plate is the weakest part of the disc mechanism, being
from the disc and toward the vertebra96 but the load able to withstand about nine times less stress than the anu­
is evenly distributed over i ts surface. 97 Fractures oc­ IUS. IIO Axial loading over the surface of the end plate oc­
cur in the cen ter with overload. The resistance of curs evenly. However, failure of this SU'ucture occurs over
the end plate is dependent on the strength of the the n ucleus. It is reasonable to assume, therefore, that this
bone beneath and the blood capacity of the verte­ central part of the end plate is weaker than the periphery.
bral body. I t is thought that this results from a selective absorption of
• The an terior longitudinal ligament offers resistance i f the horizontal trabeculae. The clinical sign of this internal
t h e spine i s in its normal lordosis. The lumbar lordosis disc disruption is pain at rest, aggravated by activities that
while standing is about 50% greater than when stress the disc; neurologic signs are absent and imaging
seated. 98 studies are normal.
• The anulus fibrosis bulges radially,99 delaying and I n life, structural disruption in the discs is often ac­
graduating the forces. companied by cell-mediated degenerative changes. How­
• The vertebral body absorbs and transmits the com­ ever, i t is not necessary to postulate two independent
pression forces. processes because evidence is mounting that structural
• The inferior articular process can impact on the lam­ changes cause the biologic changes. Before the age of
ina below during strong lordosis. 40 years, up to 55% of the compressive load through the
centrum is taken by the cancellous bone, III the remainder,
During axial compression of the i ntervertebral disc: by cortical. After this age, horizontal trabeculae are ab­
sorbed in the center of the vertebral body, thereby weak­
A. Water is squeezed out of disc. ening the part of the centrum overlying the nucleus. This
results in only about 35% of the axial sU-ess being taken by
B . Water loss is 5 % to 1 1 % . 100
the cancellous bone, with the greater proportion now
1 . Creep occurs rapidly ( 1 .5 mm in the first 2 to 1 0 min-
going through cortical bone. Because cortical bone fails
utes) ,IOI then more slowly, at 1 mm per hour. [0 2
with a smaller degree of deformation than cancellous
2. The creep plateaus at 90 minutes. 103
bone-2% compared with 9.5% -compressive failure
3. Over a 1 6-hour day, a 1 0% loss in disc height occurs.
occurs much more readily.
4. A person's height is restored with unloading. The
Another possible consequence of stress concentra­
best unloading position is the supine-with-knees-up
tions is pai n . H igh stresses and stress gradients might
posture (more effective than the extended supine
elicit pain from nociceptive endings in the outer anu­
posture ) . 10'1
Ius, I1 2 because this region of the disc appears to be sensi­
C. Compression increases the intradiscal pressure (but this tive to mechan ical stimulation. 113 Alternatively, stress
effect varies with posture and activity) . peaks in the disc might elici t pain from adjacent verte­
brae by deforming the relatively weak vertebral body end­
The ability of the disc to act as a hydrostatic "cushion" plate. Pain originating from either of these mechanisms
depends on the high water content of the tissues and , i n would be expected to i ncrease during the course of a day,
particular, o n the volume o f the nucleus pulposus. As especially i n an i ndividual who had spent a considerable
alluded to, the nucleus acts like a sealed hydraulic system amount of time with the lumbar spine flexed, so that disc
in which the fluid pressure rises substantially when volume creep would have been unchecked by the apophysial
is increased (by fluid injection 105 ) and falls when volume is joints. This could explain why prolonged automobile

driving is so closely associated with back pain and disc tension. As with torsion, only half of the fi bers can con­
prolapse. 1 14 tribute to the resistance and, as with torsion, shear forces
are potentially very disruptive to the disc.
Symmetric distraction of the spine is a rare force and, as a Bending
consequence, the disc is less resistant to distraction that i t This motion can occur in any direction, producing both a
is to compression. I 15 Although asymmetric distraction oc­ rocking motion, and a translation shearing effect on the disc.
curs constantly with spinal movement (side-flexion causes The rocking motion results in deformation of the nucleus,
ipsilateral compression, and con tralateral distraction ) , and ipsilateral compression and contralateral tension of the
symmetric distraction-in which all points of the one ver­ anulus. The nucleus is compressed, the anulus buckles in the
tebral body are moved an equal distance away from its ad­ direction of the rock, "9 and tllere is a tendency for the anu­
jacent body-occurs only during vertical suspension or Ius to be stretched in the opposite direction, while tlle pres­
therapeutic traction. The anulus appears to bear the prin­ sure on the posterior aspect of the nucleus is relieved. Al­
cipal responsibi lity for restricting distraction , with the though the deformation can occur in a healthy disc,
oblique orientation of the collagen fibers becoming more displacement of the nucleus is prevented by the anulus that
vertical as the traction force is applied. encapsulates it. The anulus buckles at its compressed aspect
A cadaveric study l 16 demonstrated an initial average because it is not braced by the nucleus, which is exerting tllat
lengthening of 7.S mm under 9 kg of traction (9 mm in effect on the anular fi bers at tlle opposite side of tlle disc.
younger subjects, S.S mm in the middle aged, and 7.5 mm
in the elderly) . A creep of I .S mm followed this during the
next 30 minutes, and a set of 2.S mm, reducing to O.S mm
with release. There was greater elongation of the healthy

Pain Production50• 5 1
spine ( 1 1 to 1 2 m m ) and lesser elongation of the degener­
ative spine (3 to S mm) . The creep was more rapid in the
young, and there was no set in this age group. Forty per­ Nerve root fiber irritation is responsible for paresthe­
cen t of the lengthening was a result of straigh tening of the sia, pain, and decreased conductivity. At the Ll and L2 lev­
lordosis, with only 0.9 mm of segmental separation, and els, the nerves exit the intervertebral foramen above tlle
O. l mm of segmental set. disc. From L2 downward, the nerves leave tlle dura slightly
more proximally than the foramen through which they
Torsion pass, thus having an increasingly oblique direction, and an
During torsion, the collagen fibers of the anulus that are increasing length within the spinal canal . The L3 nerve
orien tated in the same direction as the twist are stretched root travels behind the inferior aspect of the vertebral body
and resist the torsional force, whereas the others remain and the L3 disc. The L4 nerve root crosses the whole verte­
relaxed. As a result, only half of the anulus is able to share bral body to leave the spinal canal at the upper aspect of the
the stress of twisting. It may be partly for this reason , and L4 disc. The LS nerve root emerges at the inferior aspect of
because the maximum range of rotation for an interverte­ the fourth lumbar disc, and crosses the fifth vertebral body
bral disc without incurring an injury is 3 degrees,1I7 that to exit at the upper aspect of the LS disc ( Fig. 7-3) . Several
torsion is one of the most common methods for injuring consequences of this anatomic relationship are discussed.
the disc. Macroscopic fail ure of the disc has been found to
occur at 1 2 degrees of rotation. IIS First Lumbar
Rarely encountered (0.3% ) , palsy here may be caused by a
Shear neoplasm. Disc impairments are often secondary to lower
This is the movement of one vertebral body across the sur­ level fusions.
face of its neighbor. Shear can occur in any plane. In for­
ward sliding, the anulus fibers, which are angled forward • Pain: Genital and groin area, outer bUllock, and
on the lateral aspects of the disc, predominantly resist the trochanter
movement, because they lie parallel to the movement. • Dural signs: Neck flexion, slump
Those angled posteriorly are relaxed during forward shear­ • Articular signs: Lumbar flexion most affected depend­
ing, but tensed during backward shearing. The anterior ing on size, extension also ( see above )
and posterior fibers make some contribution, but this is • Conduction signs: Motor-none; sensory-hypoesthesias
much less than that of the lateral fibers. The effect of these just below the medial half of tlle inguinal ligament;
fibers is seen mainly during lateral shearing, again with reflex-un testable
those orientated in the direction of the shear, undergoing • Differential diagnosis: Neoplasm

• Articular signs: Lumbar flexion is most affected, de­

pending on size; extension is affected also (see earlier
• Conduction signs: Motor-hip flexion weak; sensory­
anterior thigh; reflex-un testable
Dura • Differential diagnosis: Upper lumbar or femoral neo­
plasm, meralgia paresthetica, claudication

Third Lumbar Root

Disc impairment at this level is uncommonly (4% to 8 % )
encoun teredo

• Pain: Mid-lumbar, upper buttock, whole anterior

thigh and knee, medial knee to j ust above the ankle
• Dural signs: Prone knee flexion, occasionally a positive
straight leg raise ( SLR)
• Articular signs: Major motion loss of extension
Ventral Dorsal • Conduction signs: Motor-slight weakness of psoas,
grosser loss of quadriceps; sensory-hypoesthesia of
inner knee and lower leg; reflex-knee jerk absen t or
• Differential diagnosis: Hip or knee arthritis, loose body,
femur neoplasm, claudication, long saphenous neuritis
f-*-�.---- Conus

Fourth Lumbar Root

VII!J'lIfIIf--�!- End of cord
About 40% of disc impairments affect this level, about an
equal amount as those that effect the L5 root. A disc pro­
trusion can irritate the fourth or fifth root, or with a larger
protrusion, both roots.

• Pain: Mid-lumbar or iliac crest, inner buttock, outer

thigh and leg, over the foot to the great toe.
• Dural signs: SLR, bilateral and crossed SLR, and neck
L5 vertebra flexion (see Chapter 1 0 )
End of dural sac
• Articular signs: Marked deviation is common, as is gross
limitation of flexion on one side
• Conduction signs: Motor-weak dorsiflexion; sensory­
hypoesthesia of the outer lower leg and great toe;
reflex-tibialis posterior and anterior
Filum terminale • Differential diagnosis: Spondylolisthesis, claudication
Fifth Lumbar Root
FIGURE 7-3 Schematic illustration of the relationships
This root is equally affected with the fourth root and fre­
between the spinal cord, spinal nerves, and vertebral
column (lateral view). quently compressed by the fourth as well as the fifth disc. A
disc protrusion can irritate the fifth root, the first sacral
Second Lumbar root, or both.
Rarely ( less than 2 % ) encountered, a neoplasm here or at
L l may cause a palsy. Disc impairments are often second­ • Pain: Sacroiliac area, lower buttock, lateral thigh and
ary to lower level fusions. leg, inner three toes, and medial sole of foot
• Dural signs: Unilateral SLR, neck flexion
• Pain: Upper lumbar, anterior thigh to knee • Articular signs: May deviate during flexion; otherwise,
• Dural signs: Neck flexion as expected for size

• Conduction signs: Motor-weakness of peroneal, exten­ Types of Disc H erniations 5o, 5 1

sor hallucis, and hip abductor muscles; sensory­
Disc herniations vary in size and position, and there
hypoesthesia of the outer leg and inner three toes
are a number of different types.
and medial sole; reflex-peroneus longus, extensor
A. Small posterolateral protrusion :
• Differential diagnosis: Peroneal neuritis, claudication,
Onset: Slow, following sustained flexion o r no apparent
and loose body or meniscal derangement at the knee,
with subsequent pressure on the tibial nerve
Observation: Nothing extraordinary
Dural signs: Negative
Fourth Sacral Root Conduction signs: Negative or facilitated
Impairment here is always a concern because a permanent Articular signs: Flexion is limited and painful; ipsilat­
palsy may lead to incontinence and impotence. eral posterior quadrant ( extension and side-flexio n ) is
• Pain: Lower sacral , peroneal, and genital areas; saddle Intervention: Bed rest, analgesics
area paresthesia
B. Large posterior-lateral prolapse:
• Dural signs: None, or neck flexion
Onset: Within hours of sustained flexion or occurring
• Artil-ular signs: May or may not have gross limitation of
all movements
Observation: Kyphotic or deviated, or both
• Conduction signs: Motor-bladder, bowel, or genital
Dural signs: Positive SLR, positive coughing, sneezing
dysfunction, alone or in combination; sensory-none;
Conduction signs: Ranges from negative findings to a full
reflex-anal wink reduced
• Differential diagnosis: Genital and bladder dysfunctions,
Articular signs: Severely painful and limited flexion; ipsi­
but always assume a root palsy; neural deficits cannot
lateral posterior quadrant (extension and side-flexion )
be detected in S3 impairments as it is the S4 nerve
is limited
root that serves the saddle area (it is not possible to
Intervention: Rest, analgesics, traction , manipulation,
test the mobility of the S3 and S4 roots because they
do not reach the lower limb)

There are two categories for the posterior-lateral

Adherent Root prolapse, primary or secondary, each with their own char­
An adheren t root is evidenced by prolonged sciatica on acteristics.
trunk flexion in the younger patient, protracted limita­
tion of trunk flexion, and unilateral SLR. The i n terven­
Primary Posterolateral Prolapse
tion is careful stretching. This diagnosis should be made
The protrusion compresses the nerve root but not the
only after careful rejection of other, more common, con­
dura. These protrusions are lateral to the canal. This is the
disc protrusion of the young ( 1 5- to 30-year-olds) . Typical
As mentioned previously, there are number of pro­
signs and symptoms are as follows:
posed mechanisms for the pain produced by a disc hernia­
tion. These include:
• Onset occurs in the leg rather than in the back ( the
• Irritation of the free nerve endings in the outer major differentiating feature)
anuius I I2 • Unilateral leg pain ( often only in the calf)
• Pain from the autoimmune reaction • Good range of motion in the lumbar spine, but pain
• Direct irritation of the dura reproduced on flexion during which deviation may
• Contact inflammation of the dura from an autoim­ occur
mune reaction • Positive slump test and SLR-dural signs are positive
• Direct irritation of an already damaged nerve root unilaterally, but conduction signs are usually negative
• Ischemia of the dura or root, caused by pressure from
the disc on the vascular tissues of the segment The recommended in tervention for these individuals is:
• Compression of the dura, or root, by edema caused by ( 1 ) sustained traction for 20 to 30 minutes at 50 to
an inflammatory reaction 60 pounds, checking progress with slump findings;
• Direct irritation of the nociceptors of the posterior ( 2 ) epidural injection, which gives an anti-inflammatory
longitudinal ligament affect by bathing the dura; (3) surgery.

Secondary Posterior-Lateral Prolapse

This type initiates as a central protrusion on the dura
(causing back pain for 2 to 4 weeks, before shifting later­
ally and causing leg pain ) . Typical signs and symptoms are
as fol lows:

• Characterized by an onset of back pain, then leg pain

• Pain in the back or leg, or both
• Depending on the size of the protrusion, it m ay pro­
duce conduction signs unilaterally
• Unilateral dural signs

The recommended intervention for these individuals is in­

termittent traction.
Other types of protrusions include the following: FIGURE 7-4 Lumbar degenerative joint disease and
Schmorl's node.

A. Large posterior-lateral extrusion:

Onset: Within hours of sustained flexion or occurring 1. Developmental, in which embryonic defects such as
suddenly ossification gaps, vascular channels, and notochord
Observation: Kyphotic or deviated, or both extrusion defects form points of weakness where
Dural signs: Positive SLR Schmorl's nodes may occur.8, 1 2 1
Conduction signs: Range from negative findings to a full 2. Degenerative, in which the aging process produces
palsy sites of weakness in the cartilaginous endplate, result­
Articular signs: Severely painful and limited flexion; ipsi­ ing in SchmorI's nodes formation,26,J22
lateral posterior quadrant (extension and side-flexion) 3. Pathologic, in which diseases weaken the interverte­
is limited bral disc or vertebral bodies, or both. 1 23, 1 24
Intervention: Rest, analgesics, traction, manipulation, 4. Traumatic, in which acute and chronic trauma de­
surgery stroy the cartilaginous end plates, resulting in disc
herniation, Although most spine physicians accept
B. Massive posterior extrusion:
that Schmorl 's nodes occur as a result of trauma, no
Onset: Slow or sudden
studies have shown a direct causal relation between a
Observation: Kyphotic
traumatic episode and the formation of an acute
Dural signs: SLR may be positive bilaterally or negative
Schmorl's node.
Conduction signs: Cauda equina and S4 signs and symp­
toms F, Traumatic back pain related to a specific incident and
Articular signs: Possibility of severe limitation in all ranges accompanied by muscle spasm, referred pain, but a neg­
Intervention: Rest, analgesics, surgery ative SLR, usually indicates one of the following:
1 . Tear of the outer anulus fibers
C. Anterior protrusion in the elderly ( Mushroom phenom­
2. End plate fracture
enon ) : Has essentially the same features as stenosis, and
3, Capsular ligament tear
may, in fact, be stenosis rather than a disc impairment
4. Interspinous ligament tear
D . Anterior prolapse in the adolescent (osteochondritis): S. Muscle tear
May or may not be symptomatic, and if so, usually only 6, Fluid ingestion (if there is no referred pain) J25
results in a vague backache These patients usually respond to bed rest and anal­
E. Vertical prolapse ( Sc h morI's node ) : Often asympto­
matic and an incidental finding on x-ray. A SchmorI's G. High lumbar disc protrusions1 26
node is the herniation of disc substance through the car­
tilaginous plate of the intervertebral disc into the body Although a herniated disc most commonly originates
of the adjacent vertebra120 (Fig. 7-4) . The chronic from the L4-S or LS-Sl level, 1 27 1 % to 1 1 % of herniated
Schmorl's node has been reported to be the most com­ discs originate from the L I -2 , L2-3, or L3-4 Ieve l . J28-1 3 1 Re­
mon impairment of the intervertebral discs, indeed, of duced motion and stress at the upper lumbar spine and
the whole spine.26 Theories proposed to explain the the protective influence of the posterior longitudinal liga­
pathogenesis of Schmorl' s nodes include origins that are: ment may account for the disparity. 1 3 1 , 1 32

Clinical Considerations ralsmg occurs when straigh t leg ralsmg on a patient'S

healthy leg elicits pain in the leg with sciatica. 140 This test is
Much confusion still exists in regard to the diagnosis
less sensitive but substantially more specific than the
and proper management of the h igh lumbar ( L2-4) disc.
ipsilateral SLR. 1 39 Thus, this test affirms the diagnosis,
"Sciatica" is a dated term to describe pain in the lower back
whereas ipsilateral straight leg raising is more effective in
and hip that radiates down the back of the thigh and into
ruling out the diagnosis. ( Refer to Chapter 1 0)
the lower leg, usually caused by a herniated lumbar disc. 133
The reverse SLR test, or femoral nerve stretch test, is
Clinicians who treat low back pain that radiates into
probably the single best screening test to evaluate for a high
the leg are often under the misconception that the pain is
lumbar radiculopathy. It has been shown to be positive in
secondary to a herniated disc, and that it must always
84% to 95% of patients with high lumbar discs, 1 27, 1�5, 146
radiate dOwn the back of the leg. In fact, the high lumbar
although the test may be falsely positive in the presence of a
radiculopathy does not radiate pain down the back of the
tight iliopsoas or rectus femoris or any pathology in or about
leg, but often causes an insidious onset of pain in the groin
the hip joint and, therefore, should be performed bilaterally.
or anterior thigh, which is often relieved in a flexed posi­
( Refer to Chapter 10)
tion and worsened on standing.
Ninety-eight percent of all disc herniations occur at the
Several plausible diagnoses for anterior thigh pain
L4-5 or L5-SI levels, 14 1 although, in the older population
must be eliminated before a high lumbar radiculopathy
there is a relative increased risk of a prolapse at the L3-4 and
can be confirmed:
L2-3 levels.142 Herniations occur in a predictable manner:

• Degenerative hip joint • The disc bulges against the dura and the posterior lon­
• Avascular necrosis of the hipl34 gitudinal ligament, producing a dull, poorly localized
• Muscle strain pain in the back and sacroiliac region. Bilateral low
• Stress fracture back pain probably results from an irritation of the
• Isolated femoral nerve injury-although uncommon, connecting branch of the sinuvertebral nerve, which
it is more common in a younger, athletic popula­ joins the right and left portions of that nerve l 43
tion 1 35- 1 37 • The disc bulges posterior-laterally against the nerve
• Diabetic amyou'ophy-also relatively uncommon, but root, resulting in sharp, lancinating pain. If the disc
it can occasionally be the presenting symptom of un­ ruptures, the fluid of the nucleus pulposus comes into
controlled diabetes mellitusl38 contact with the vascular system, which sets up a chain
reaction of inflammation and back and/or leg pain.
The most important aspect of the examination of low
back pain with possible nerve root herniation is the history As a general rule, the presence of leg pain indicates a
and physical examination . The patient often describes back larger protrusion than does back pain alone. 1 44 Reflex test­
and leg pain, with the leg pain often involving below-the­ ing is usually normal in high lumbar involvement, and
knee symptoms. For patients with herniated discs, the accu­ both strength and reflexes may be influenced by the pres­
racy of the medical history can be extremely valuable. Typi­ ence of pain.
cally, true radiculopathy produces pain radiating below the The natural history of sciatica and disc herniation is
knee, usually to the foot or ankle, and is often associated with not quite as favorable as for simple low back pain, but it is
some numbness or paresthesias. Coughing, sneezing, or a still excellent, with approximately 50% of patients recover­
Valsalva maneuver often aggravates the pain. Sciatica is such ing in the first 2 weeks, and 70% recovering in 6 weeks. 1 47
a sensitive finding (95 % ) that its absence almost rules out a Both Hakelius and Weber treated patients with sciatica
clinically important disc herniation, although it is only 88% nonoperatively with very good results. Thirty-eigh t percen t
specific for herniation. I n contrast, the sensitivity of pseudo­ of Hakelius' patients improved in the first month, 53% in
claudication in detecting spinal stenosis is 60%, whereas the the second, and 78% in the third . 1 48. 149 In Weber's series,
combination of pseudoclaudication and age greater than 25% of patients admitted with documented disc herniation
50 years has a sensi tivity of 90% (specificity, 70% ) .139 improved after a 2-week hospital stay. I SO However, 25% re­
A physical examination that reveals nerve root tension mained significantly symptomatic and were surgically
signs further suggests true radiculopathy. For the sciatic treated. The remaining 1 26 patients in that study were ran­
nerve, this generally means straight leg raising. For the domized to nonsurgical and surgical intervention. At
femoral nerve, however, this means the femoral nerve 1 year, good results were found in 90% of surgically treated
stretch test (flexing the knee with the patient prone) . The patients compared with 60% in the conservative group. In
SLR test is moderately sensitive, but relatively nonspecific, the nonsurgical group, 1 7 patients had undergone surgery
in the diagnosis of a herniated disc. Crossed straight leg because of intolerable pain. At 4- and 1 0-year follow-up, the

results were similar in the two groups. At 10 years, return of of mucoid material composed of relatively few collagen
muscle function was the same regardless of intervention, as fibers. The proteoglycan component of the cervical nu­
was sensory function, which remained abnormal in 35%. cleus pulposus makes the n ucleus highly hydrophilic, re­
The McKenzie program can be valuable to the overall sulting in a water content of approximately 80%.20 As in
intervention strategy, and if centralization of pain occurs, the lumbar spine the disc functions as a closed but dy­
a good response to physical therapy can be anticipated. namic system, distributing the changes in pressure equally
( Refer to Chapter 1 1 ) 1 5 1 , 1 52 A comprehensive examination to all components of the container (i.e., the end plates and
of the patient is performed in the neutral, flexed, and ex­ the anulus, and across the surface of the vertebral body) .
tended positions for the presence of the centralization phe­ The cervical discs form an anterior weight-bearing
nomenon. The same maneuvers are repeated with the link between each of the mobile cervical segments. The
trunk in the neutral position, shifted toward the side of disc height-to-body height ratio is greatest (2:5) in the cer­
pathology, and away from pathology. The goal is to reduce vical spine, therefore allowing the greatest possible range
the radiating pain and to centralize it. Once this centraliz­ of motion. There are six cervical discs, the first of which
ing position is identified, the patient is instructed to per­ occurs between C2 and C3. A normally functioning disc is
form these maneuvers repetitively throughout the day. ' 53 extremely important to permit the normal biomechanics
In addition, the patient is instructed in a spinal stabiliza­ of the spine to occur, and to maintain sufficient space be­
tion program in which neutral zone mechanics are prac­ tween the vertebral segments. Unlike the lumbar and tho­
ticed in various positions to decrease stress to the lum­ racic i n tervertebral discs, degeneration of the cervical
bosacral spine. The intervention program is only as good disc appears to be a natural consequence of aging, pro­
as the concomitant home exercise program, and the clini­ ducing predictable changes in cervical function and
cian must continually monitor the home exercise pro­ movement patterns. In addition, the configuration and
gram, evaluating the patient's knowledge of the exercises functional demands of the lower cervical vertebrae are
and upgrading the program when appropriate. significantly different from those of the lumbar region, so
some variations in the discs should be expected. 1 59
. The cervical anulus fibrosus does not consist of
CERVICAL DISC obliquely oriented concentric lamellae of collagen fibers
that uniformly surround the nucleus pulposus, as it does in
The morphology and biochemistry of the lumbar interverte­ the lumbar spine. 159 Rather, the cervical anulus is crescent
bral discs have been studied extensively, and several insights shaped, being thick anteriorly but tapering in thickness lat­
have emerged regarding the pathology of mechanical disor­ erally as it approaches the uncovertebral region.
ders of the lumbar disc. However, when considering cervical The cervical discs are rendered different from the
intervertebral discs, most authors have been content with ex­ lumbar discs by certain key features: 1 59
trapolating data from the lumbar spine, even though it is
clear that the pathology affecting the cervical intervertebral • Anteriorly, the cervical anulus consists of interwoven
disc is different from that affecting the lumbar disc. alar fibers, whereas posteriorly, the anulus lacks any
oblique fibers and consists exclusively of vertically ori­
entated fibers.
Differences in the Cervical Disc
• Essentially, the cervical anulus has the structure of a
A small n umber of studies h ave indicated that the dense, anterior interosseous ligament with few fibers to
structure of the cervical discS, 1 54-156 and their develop­ contain the nucleus pulposus posteriorly. That is the
ment, is distinctly different from that of the lumbar discs. role of the overlying posterior longitudinal ligament.
The nucleus at birth constitutes no more than 25% of the • In no region of the cervical anulus fibrosus do succes­
entire disc, not 50% as in lumbar discs.15? With aging, the sive lamellae exhibit alternating orientations. In fact,
nucleus pulposus rapidly undergoes fibrosis such that, by only in the anterior portion of the anulus, where
the third decade, barely any nuclear material i s distin­ obliquely orientated fibers upward and medially inter­
guishable. ' 5s In the cervical spine, the nucleus pulposus weave with one another, does a cruciate pattern occur.
sits in, or near, the center of the disc, lying slightly more This weave, regarded in x-ray crystallography studiesl60
posteriorly than anteriorly. Although the nucleus pulposus as alternating layers, is not produced by alternate
and anulus fibrosis are quite distinct en tities, as in the lamellae.
young lumbar spine, there is no clear boundary between • Posterior-laterally, the nucleus is contained only by the
the anulus, and the peripheral parts of the nucleus pulpo­ alar fibers of the posterior longitudinal ligament, un­
sus merge with the deeper parts of the anulus fibrosis. The der or through which the nuclear material must pass if
nucleus pulposus of the cervical spine is a semifluid mass it is to herniate.

• The vertical orientation of the posterior anulus of cer­ lumbar disc herniation, 1 7 1 , 172 extremely rare under 30 years
vical discs is similar to that of the thoracic discS.161 of age. 173, 174 The disc spaces concerned frequently remain
• The absence of an anulus over the uncovertebral normal in height on plain radiographic films. 173 These
region. In this region, collagen fibers are torn by characteristics may be based on the pathomechanisms
1 5 years, 1 62 or as early as 9 163 or 7 years, 164 leaving clefts peculiar to cervical disc herniation.
that progressively extend across the back of the disc . 1 62 Asymptomatic cervical disc herniation is often found
Rather than an incidental age change, this disruption in magnetic resonance images for other diseases . 1 75 The
has been interpreted either as enablingl65 or resulting anterior-posterior diameter of the cervical spinal canal
from l 66 rotatory movements of the cervical vertebrae. tends to be narrower in patients with herniation resulting
• Axial . rotation of a typical cervical vertebra occurs in myelopathy. 1 73, 1 76 That is, patients with wide canals
around an oblique axis perpendicular to the plane of might be nonmyelopathic even with the same degree of
its facets. J66 herniation.
Abnormalities in the osseous and the fibroelastic
Considering the structure of the cervical anulus, the boundaries of the bony cervical spinal canal affect the
possibili ties that emerge for mechanisms of discogenic availability of space for spinal cord and nerve roots . In
pain are strain or tears of the anterior anulus, particularly 1 937, Lindgrenl85 was the first to stress the importance of
after hyperextension trauma, and strain of the alar por­ the sagittal diameter of the bony cervical spinal canal. In
tions of the posterior longitudinal ligament when 1 954, Verbiestl86 defined "developmental stenosis" as a
stretched by a bulging disc . 1 59.167 narrowing of the bony spinal canal caused by an inade­
The cervical spine is vulnerable to the same i mpair­ quate development of the vertebral arch. Although this
ments as those of the lumbar spine, and any weakness in stenosis often remains asymptomatic for a long time, it can
the surrounding structures results in either a bulge or rup­ become a major influence in the production of radicu­
ture . A rupture through the cartilage plate results in a lomyelopathic compressive disturbances when other con­
Schmorl 's node; whereas a rupture of the anulus can pro­ ditions such as spondylosis, discal hernia, and trauma be­
duce a disc herniation. come superimposed . One study concluded that the
The cartilaginous joint, formed by the union between relation between the sagittal diameter of the bony spinal
two vertebral bodies and the intervertebral disc, permits canal and the sagittal diameter of the hernia determines
some motion, although the motion is much less than that the severity of neurologic symptoms after soft cervical disc
found in most synovial join ts. The role of the disc is unique herniation . 187 As the resulting space for neural structures
because it holds the bodies together while simultaneously becomes smaller, the risk of developing motor dis­
pushing them apart. The disc is preloaded, its i n ternal turbances of medullary or radicular origin increases. The
pressure exceeding atmospheric pressure, and it exerts a "developmental sagittal diameter" of the bony cervical
force on the surrounding vertebra. This is true even when spinal canal is, therefore, a reliable parameter for estimating
a person is recumbent and the vertebral column is un­ the risk of developing medullary or radicular compression
loaded. by an intraspinal space-occupying process.188, 1 89
Considering the anatomic proportions, it is evident Patients with cervical disc herniations often report a
that cervical discogenic disease can have an impact on h istory of neck pain for days to weeks before the onset of
neural structures in the bony spinal canal. The available their arm pain. As time passes, radicular symptoms may de­
space occupied by the spinal cord and nerve roots is de­ velop, The annual incidence of cervical herniated nucleus
termined primarily by the diameter of the bony spinal pulposus with radiculopathy was 5.5 per 1 00,000 in
canal. Degenerative processes such as cervical spondylosis Rochester, Minnesota. 177 The age range of peak incidence
and disc herniation are the most common diseases that for cervical herniated nucleus pulposus was 45 to 54 years,
threaten the spinal cord and nerve roots. and incidence was only slightly less common in the 35- to
In the lumbar disc, a prolapse is common. In the 44-year-old group, C5-6 was the most commonly affected
cervical spine, a straightforward prolapse is uncommon, level, followed by C6-7 and C4-5.
and degenerative changes are reported to occur typically In a large U.S. population survey, the combined preva­
in the form of end plate sclerosis, disintegration and col­ lence of C5-6 and C6-7 herniated nucleus pulposi accounted
lapse of the disc, bulging anulus fibrosus, development of for 75% of cervical disc herniations. 18o Of these disc hernia­
osteophytes from the margins of the vertebral body, un­ tions, 23% were attributed to a motor vehicle accident. It is
covertebral or zygapophysial joints, and narrowing of the likely that many of these radiographic findings were present
intervertebral foramina or spinal canal by chondro­ before the injury; Boden and colleaguesl81 reported the in­
osseous spurs . 1 68-170 A cervical disc herniation is not a cidence of cervical disc protrusions in the asymptomatic
miniature version of lumbar disc herniation. I t is, unlike population to be 10% to 15%, depending on age,

Cervical discs may become pain ful as part of the degeneration, a disc with a horizontal cleft could be likened
degen erative cascade, from repetitive microtrauma, or to the osteoarthritic joint. Shearing stress to the disc by
from an excessive single load. Depending on the size and translational motion may lead to fibrillation of tlle matrix as
location of the impairment, pain from the disc injury may in osteoarthritic joint cartilage. Some of the vertical clefts
result from inflammation l 78. 1 79 or compression of local extend to the cartilaginous end plate, and portions of tlle
nervous or vascular tissue. cartilaginous end plate may be torn off. Regarding the
Cigarette smoking and frequent lifting h ave been modes of lumbar disc herniation, Yasuma and associates 191
shown to be associated with a higher risk of herniated described the degenerative process of the matrix and con­
nucleus pulposus. cluded tllat most herniations are protrusions of tile nucleus
When herniations occur, there are two distinct types: pulposus before tile age 01' 60 years, whereas after tllat age,
prolapse of tile anulus fibrosus predominates. Eckert and
1. Soft. These are small, well-contained herniations that Decker193 and Taylor and Akeson, 1 94 however, found carti­
push through the radial tears in the anulus. In a soft laginous end plate in 60% of herniated masses, and in ap­
hernia, part of the nucleus pulposus is pushed proximately 50% of sequestrated fragments, respectively.
through the ruptured anulus fibrosus, forming an Harada and Nakaharal 95 found that fragments of cartilagi­
anatomically well-defined mass beneath the posterior nous end plate with anulus fibrosus more often herniate
longi tudinal ligament. In some cases, there is also rup­ tIlan nucleus pulposus alone in tllOse more than 30 years of
ture of the posterior longitudinal ligament, causing se­ age, especially in tile elderly more tIlan 60 years of age.
questration of a herniated fragment in the spinal Frykholm 1 96 in 1 95 1 advocated tile classification of cer­
canal . Soft disc herniations are much more common vical disc herniation into nuclear herniation and anular
in younger patients who have not yet experienced cer­ protrusion as in lumbar disc herniation. Mixter and Barr 1 �7
vical spondylotic changes. 1 82-184 reported that herniated tissue consisted of anular fiber,
2. Hard. These are large herniations or fragmentations of whereas Peet and Echols 1 98 reported herniation masses
nucleus material, usually in a posterior direction, into contained nucleus pulposus. Bucy and co-workersl99 noted
the wide spinal canal and can prove to be very prob­ tllat the prou'uded tissue was fibrocartilage.
lematic. A disc protrusion tends to affect the motor In the cervical region, the discs are named after the
nerve, whereas a degeneration of the zygapophysial vertebra above ( the C4 disc lies between C4 and C5) . Cer­
joint can lead to an impingement on the sensory nerve. vical roots exit horizontally. The cervical nerves C l -7 exit
above tlle vertebra of the same number ( C 1 exits above tile
Cervical in tervertebral discs with herniation usually C l vertebra) . There is no disc at C l or C2. At the C2-7
remain normal in height, or change only slightly without levels, the disc, if it protrudes, will hit the nerve root num­
abnormality in the Luschka joints. 173 Sclerosis and forma­ ber above. The C8 nerve root exits below the C7 vertebra .
tion of osteophytes in the Luschka joints accompany nar­ A C3 nerve impingement is very rare as there is no
rowed discs in spondylosis. These facts indicate that the disc at the C2 level. A dura mater impairment (any level ) ,
Luschkajoints bear a part of the axial load to the interver­ or a trigeminal impairment should be suspected.
tebral disc. Accordingly, disc degeneration may play a C4 nerve impingements as a result of a C3 disc herni­
more im portant role than trauma in the production of ation are also uncommon . Findings include no paresthe­
herniation in the cervical spine, and it is not unusual for a sia, but pain reported in the C4 dermatome disu"ibution
patient to awake with a cervical disc herniation, misinter­ ( top of the shoulder and an terior chest) .
preling it as a "crick" in the neck. The indication that de­ A C5 nerve root injury is often the result of an osteo­
generation plays a greater role in cervical disc herniations phyte, or a traction injury, and not a C4 disc protrusion. I f
may explain why cervical disc herniation is extremely rare pain i s present, it is felt in a C 5 dermatome, but often the
in those younger than 30 years of age and why the mean clinician finds painless weakness and a decreased deep ten­
age of onset is around 50 years. 1 73. 1 74 don reflex in the biceps and brachioradialis.
Cervical disc degeneration occurs in a predictable fash­ A C6 nerve impingement is often as a result of a C5
ion. The nucleus pulposus and anulus fibrosus form small disc protrusion or an osteophyte. Findings include a de­
cysts 1YO.1 9 1 and fissures as the first disruptive changes after creased biceps deep tendon reflex.
tlle death of chondrocytes and the separation of fibers or C7 nerve root irritation, a common impairment, is
fiber bundles. Subsequently, tlley extend and join together likely the result of a C6 disc protrusion.
to form hoIizontal and vertical clefts. Pritzker192 compared The C7 disc impinges the C8 nerve root. Clinical find­
the nucleus pulposus and the cartilaginous end plate to syn­ ings include weakness of the extensor pollicis longus and
ovial f l uid and articular cartilage of a diarthroidal joint from brevis, the ulna deviators, thumb adductors, finger exten­
the anatomic and functional aspects. From the aspect of sors, and the abductor indices.

The T l nerve root is rarely impinged by a disc and is It is important to obtain a detailed history to establish a
often related to a serious pathology, such as a Pancoast's diagnosis of a cervical radiculopamy and to rule out omer
tumor. With Tl involvement, the clinician often sees atro­ causes of tile complaints. The examiner should first deter­
phy of the hand intrinsics. mine me main complaint ( i.e., pain, numbness, weakness)
More recently, postmortem studies have found that af­ and location of symptoms. Anatomic pain drawings can be
ter whiplash injuries, ligamentous injuries are extremely helpful by supplying me clinician with an outline of the pain
common in the cervical spine but tllat herniation of the pattern. Activities and head positions tllat increase or de­
nucleus pulposus is rare.20()"'203 The impairments found in crease symptoms help in making me diagnosis, as well as in
the cervical spine included bruising and hemorrhage of guiding the intervention. The position of the head and
the uncinate region, so-called rim lesions or transections neck at me time of injury should also be noted. Prior
of the anterior anulus fibrosus, and avulsions of the verte­ episodes of similar symptoms or localized neck pain are im­
bral endplate.2o()'''203 portant for diagnosis.
The disc's capacity to self-repair is limited by the fact The typical patient presents with an insidious onset of
mat only the peripheral aspects of the anulus receive blood, neck and arm discomfort, which ranges from a dull ache
and a small amount at mat. As in me lumbar spine, bom to severe burning. The pattern of radiation is variable and
the nucleus pulposus and anulus fibrosus undergo age­ may include referred pain to the scapular, Or down the up­
related changes that are evident chemically and morpho­ per extremity in a pattern related to the involved nerve
logically. However, they are evident to a much greater ex­ root, depending on the nerve root that is involved. Acute
tent in the nucleus pulposus than in the anulus fibrosus. disc herniations or sudden narrowing of the neural fora­
Oda and colleaguesl58 studied the histologic changes that men may also occur from inj uries involving cervical ex­
occur wim age. They described significant changes in the tension, side-flexion, or rotation and axial loading.22&-228
composition of tile nucleus: fibrocartilage and dense fi­ This is a common mechanism for "burner" or "stinger"
brous tissue replace tile cellular and very fine fibrillar com­ i njuries which result from an injury caused by either trac­
position of me neonate by the end of me second decade. tion or compressive forces to the upper trunk of the
brachial plexus or upper cervical nerve roots . 2 1 &-225
Clinical Findings 167, 204,205 Patients with these types of i njury usually complain of
Upper trunk brachial plexus disorders can be confused i ncreased pain with neck positions that place the brachial
with a C5 or C6 radiculopathy. The etiology is unknown but plexus on stretch: side-flexion, or rotation away from the
usually presents first wim severe pain tllat resolves and men symptomatic side.
is followed by weakness and subsequent atrophy.2o&-208 Typically, the patient with cervical radiculopathy has a
There generally is an absence of neck symptoms, and tile head list away from the side of injury to avoid further im­
Spurling test is negative. Electrodiagnostic studies and M RI pingement of the nerve root.
are helpful i n establishing the diagnosis. Active range of motion is typically limited into cervical
Peripheral nerve entrapment witllin the upper limb extension, rotation toward the side of the lesion, and side­
may also be confused with a cervical radiculopathy. This flexion in either direction, and the patient is usually un­
includes entrapment or compression of suprascapular, willing to attempt these motions, or sustain these positions.
median, and ulnar nerves. A suprascapular neuropathy On palpation, tenderness is usually noted at the site of
can be confused with a C5 or C6 radiculopatlly but would injury and along the ipsilateral cervical paraspinals. There
spare the deltoid and biceps muscles. C6 and C7 radicu­ may also be muscle tenderness along muscles where the
lopathies are most likely to be confused with median symptoms are referred as described above, as well as asso­
neuropatllies, whereas C8 radiculopathy must be differ­ ciated hypertonicity or spasm.
en tiated from ulnar neuropathies and thoracic outlet Manual muscle testing can detect subtle weakness in a
syndrome. myotomal, or key muscle, distribution. Weakness of shoul­
The sevenm (C7, 60% ) and sixth (C6, 25%) cervical der abduction suggests C5 pathology, elbow flexion and
nerve roots are the most commonly affected.21()... 212 There is wrist extension weakness suggests a C6 radiculopathy,
limited information regarding the true incidence of cervi­ weakness of elbow extension and wrist flexion would occur
cal radiculopathy in sports. One study found i ncreased with a C7 radiculopathy, and weakness of thumb extension
cervical disc disease from diving and weight Iifting.213 and ulnar deviation of the wrist would be seen in C8
Golfers were found to have a statistically insignificant in­ radiculopathies.229
crease in cervical disc disease. Other factors associated On sensory examination, a dermatomal pattern of
with increased risk include heavy manual labor, requiring diminished, or loss, of sensation is typically reported. In
lifting of more man 25 lb, smoking, and driving or operat­ addition , there may be reports of hyperesthesia to light
ing vibrating equipment.215 touch and pin-prick examination.214,230

Deep tendon reflexes are useful tests to determine the effect of corticosteroids may occur as a result of the an ti­
level of involvement. As reflexes can vary from individual to inflammatory properties of these drugs. If the inflamma­
individual and yet be considered normal,231 the clinician tory response can be controlled pharmacologically, the
must look for asymmetry in the reflexes when comparing neural elements will adapt to the deformation caused by
one extremity to the other. The biceps brachii reflex occurs the disc material to which they were initially intolerant.
at the C5-6 level. The brachioradialis is another C5-6 reflex. A small percentage of patients with cervical herniated
The triceps reflex tests the C7-8 nerve roots. The pronator nucleus pulposus do require surgery for radiculopathy.
reflex can be helpful in differentiating C6 and C7 nerve There are not adequate data currently in the medical litera­
root problems. If it is abnormal in conjunction with an ab­ ture to allow a comparison of nonsurgical treatment metl1-
normal triceps reflex, then the level of involvement is more ods witl1 surgical treatment for patients witll cervical herni­
likely to be C7. This reflex is performed by tapping the volar ated nucleus pulposus (CHNP) and radiculopatl1y.240,241 ,249
aspect of the forearm, with the forearm in a neutral posi­ There are limited published reports of patients witl1 cervical
tion and the elbow flexed.23 1 .232 herniated nucleus pulposus treated nonsurgically.24 1 ,250 Lees
Provocative tests for cervical radiculopathy include the and Turner251 have reported tI1at if tI1e symptoms of cervical
Spurling test. This test is performed by extending or flex­ spondylitic radiculopathy are persistent, the prognosis is
ing the neck, rotating the head and then applying down­ considered guarded based on their observational study.
ward pressure on the head.207.233.234 ( Refer to Chapter 10) H owever, the majority can be treated successfully with a
The Spurling test has been found to be very specific, but carefully applied and progressive nonoperative program.
not sensitive in diagnosing acute radiculopathy.207.235 Typically, the decision to proceed witl1 surgical inter­
Gentle manual cervical distraction can also be used as vention is made when a patient has significant exu'emity or
a diagnostic tool. A positive response is indicated by a re­ myotomal weakness, severe pain, or pain tl1at persists be­
duction of neck or limb symptoms with the distraction. yond an arbitrary "conservative" intervention period of 2
( Refer to Chapter 10) to 8 weeks.245.252.253 For nonvalidated reasons, cervical disc
Little is known about the natural history of cervical extrusions have been frequently considered a definite in­
radiculopathy or controlled randomized studies compar­ dication for surgery.244.252
ing operative versus nonoperative intervention.207.236 The
pathogenesis of radiculopathy occurs from the inflamma­
tory process initiated by nerve root compression, resulting THORACIC I NTERVERTEBRAL DISC2 54
in nerve root swelling.2 14.224.237 A study of patients under
local anesthesia found that compression of a nerve root Thoracic discs have been poorly researched. They are nar­
produced limb pain, whereas pressure on the disc pro­ rower and flatter than those in the cervical and lumbar
duced pain in the neck and the medial border of the spine. Disc size gradually increases from superior to infe­
scapula.2 1'1 ,238 l n tradiscal injection and electrical stimula­ rior. The disc height-to-body height ratio is 1 :5, making it
tion of tile disc has also suggested that neck pain is re­ tile smallest ratio in tI1e spine. The nucleus is rather small
ferred by a damaged outer anulus.214,239 Muscle spasms of in the thorax relative to the rest of the spine, is more
the neck have also been found after electrical stimulation centrally located witl1in the anulus, and has a lower capac­
of the disc. In addition to the resolution of i n flammation, i ty to swel1.255 Therefore, protrusions are usually of the an­
the reabsorption of extruded disc material itself probably nular type, and a true nuclear protrusion is very rare in
occurs in the cervical h erniated nucleus pulposus as it this region.
does in the lumbar disc herniated nucleus pulposus.240-242 In con trast to the cervical and lumbar regions,
The outcome data support the concept that an extruded where the spinal canal is u-iangular to oval in cross-section,
disc actually may have a more favorable nonoperative with a large lateral excursion to the nerve roots, tile mid­
prognosis than contained disc pathology. Conceptually, thoracic spinal canal is small and circular, becoming trian­
this is consistent with the premise that a contained disc gular at the upper and lower levels. At the levels of T4
pathology represents a distinct clinical entity pathophysio­ through to T9, the canal is at its narrowest. The spinal
logically different than nuclear extrusion. canal is also restricted in its size by the pedicles, remain­
Nonsurgical management consists of rest, a cervical ing within the confines of the vertebra, unlike they do in
collar, oral corticosteroid "dose-packs," nonsteroidal an ti­ the cervical spine. This would tend to predispose tI1e spinal
inflammatory drugs, and nonspecific modalities.24�245 cord to compression more than in the cervical spine,
Oral steroids have been found to be clinically useful in were it not for the smaller cord size and more oval shape
reducing tile associated inflammation, although there are of the thoracic canal. However, this is an area of poor vas­
no con trolled studies to support the use of oral steroids in cular supply, receiving its blood from only one radicular
the U'eatment of cervical radiculopathy.207.226 The beneficial artery, which renders the thoracic spinal cord extremely

vulnerable to dam age by extra d u ra l masses or by a n exits. An d as a consequence, t h e lowest thoracic nerve
overzealous manipulation. roots can be compressed by disc impairments of two con­
Symptomatic thoracic disc herniations are rare, and secutive levels ( the T 1 2 root can be compressed by the
their clinical manifestations differ widely from those 1 1 th or 1 2th disc in the thoracic region ) .
of cervical and lumbar disc herniations.256 I n a review of In the lumbar region, the L3 nerve root travels behind
280 patients, Arce and Dohrmann256 found that thoracic the inferior aspect of the vertebral body and the L3 disc.
disc herniation constitutes 0.25% to 0.75% of all disc her­ The L4 nerve root crosses the whole vertebral body to
niations. Most prolapsed thoracic discs show degenerative leave the spinal canal at the upper aspect of the L4 disc.
change. The duration of symptoms of thoracic disc hernia­ The L5 nerve root emerges at the inferior aspect at the
tion is longer than 6 months in 70% of patients. Its clinical fourth lumbar disc and crosses the fifth vertebral body to
appearance varies, and its diagnosis is often delayed.257 exit at the upper aspect of the L5 disc. Consequently, the
Midline back pain and compressive myelopathy symptoms following can occur:
progressing over months or years are the predominant
clinical features.256.258 By the time of diagnosis, 70% of pa­ • At L4, a disc protrusion can pinch the fourth root, the
tients had signs of spinal cord compression, and isolated fifth root, or with a larger protrusion, both roots.
root pain occurred in only 9% of patients. Unusual fea­ • At L5, a disc can compress the fifth root, first sacral
tures of thoracic disc herniation include Lhermitte's symp­ root, or both.
tom, prec'tpitated by rotation of the thoracic spine ?"'" • Root L5 can be compressed by an L4 or an L5 disc.
neurogenic claudication with positionally dependent
weakness,26o flaccid paraplegia,261 and chronic abdominal Because of the L 1 and L2 levels, the nerves exi t the
pain mimicking chronic pancreatitis.262 These soft neuro­ intervertebral foramen above the disc. An impingement
logic symptoms and signs indicate a thoracic spine impair­ here is very rare.
ment rather than a lumbar disc disease. Pain radiating to
the buttock, which suggested lumbosacral root compres­
\M�G\NG Sl'UO\ES167
sion, have also been reported in some cases with lower tho­
racic disc hern iation.263 One patient who experienced a
Plain Radiographs
clinical manifestation of lumbosacral radiculopathy, with­
out any sign of thoracic cord or root, was found to have a X-rays of the spine are usually the first diagnostic test
lower thoracic disc herniation. How a herniated disc at low ordered in patients presenting with back and limb symp­
thoracic level could appear to be lumbosacral radiculopa­ toms, and they are very helpful in providing a gross assess­
thy is best explained by the anatomic arrangement of the men t of the severity of degenerative changes, and detecting
spinal cord and vertebral bodies. In adults, the conus the presence of fractures and subluxations in patients with
medullaris ends between the 1 2th thoracic and second a history of trauma.214 In patients with cervical trauma, the
lumbar vertebrae, and the lumbar enlargement of the physician will often order lateral, anterior-posterior, and
spinal cord usually locates at the lower thoracic level. oblique views, together with an open-mouth view. The
Therefore, a lower thoracic disc herniation could com­ open-mouth view helps the physician to rule out injury to
press the lumbosacral spinal nerves after their exit from the atlan to-axialjoint. The atlantodens in terval (ADI) is tlle
the lumbar enlargement of the spinal cord, producing distance from the posterior aspect of the anterior C 1 arch
symptoms of compressive lumbosacral radiculopathy. and the odontoid process. This should be less than 3 mm in
Thus, a herniation at an already tight canal may produce tile adult and less than 4 mm in children .266 An increase in
bilateral symptoms and sphincter disturbance, as in pa­ tile ADI suggests atlanto-axial instability.
tients with a conus medullaris impairment.264 A recommendation for flexion and extension views
should be made to the patient's physician if the clinician
suspects the presence of an instability. Greater than 2 mm
SPINAL NERVE ROOT EXITS of motion occurring at any segment with flexion or exten­
sion suggests instability.
The angle at which the spinal nerve root exits the vertebral Problems exist with both specificity and sensitivity of
column varies according to level. In the cervical region, plain radiographs and comparison studies on plain x-rays
and the upper to mid-thoracic regions, the roots exit and cadaver dissections h ave found a 67% correlation
horizontally. between disc space narrowing and presence of disc degen­
In the thoracic region, a nerve root can only generally eration.267 However, x-rays identified only 57% of large pos­
be compressed by its corresponding disc. However, the terior osteophytes and only 32% of the abnormalities of the
more caudal in the spine, the more oblique the nerve root apophyseal joints found on dissection . It is also worth

remembering that degenerative changes occur in asympto­ Nerve conduction studies are performed by placing
matic subjects. Radiographic evidence of degenerative surface electrodes over a muscle belly or sensory area and
changes on x-rays have been found in 35% of asymptomatic stimulating the nerve, supplying either the muscle or sen­
subjects by the age of 40 and up to 83% by the age of 60.268 sory area from fixed points along the nerve. From this,
As with any diagnostic study, the findings on x-ray must be the amplitude, distal latency, and conduction velocity can
correlated with the history and physical examination. be measured. The amplitude reflects the number of intact
axons, whereas the distal latency and conduction velocity
is more of a reflection of the degree of myelina­
Computed Tomography (CT)
tion. 1 67.207,283.284 The timing of the examination is impor­
CT can be helpful in the assessment of acute injury. tant, because positive sharp waves and fibrillation poten­
The accuracy of CT imaging of the cervical spine ranges tials will first occur 1 8 to 2 1 days after the onset of a
from 72% to 9 1 % in the diagnosis of disc herniation, but radiculopathy. 1 67,207,285 It is, therefore, best to delay this
approaches 96% when CT is combined with myelogra­ study until 3 weeks after the injury so Ulat the results can
phy.209.269-271 CT of the spine provides superior anatomic be as precise as possible.
imaging of the osseous structures of the spine and good The primary use of electromyography is to confirm
resolution for disc herniation.272 However, its sensitivity for nerve root impairment when the diagnosis is uncertain or
detecting disc herniation when used without myelography to distinguish a radiculopathy from other impairments
is inferior to that of MRI.273 that are unclear on physical examination. 1
CT with myelography is felt to best assess and localize
spinal cord compression and underlying atrophy.274 It can
also determine the functional reserve of the spinal canal in I NTERVENTION
evaluating patients with possible cervical stenosis.275
Various protocols for disc impairments throughout the
spine have been proposed over the years. All of them
Magnetic Resonance I maging
have involved one or combinations of the following
MRI has demonstrated excellent sensitivity in the diagnosis measures.
of lumbar disc herniations and is considered the imaging
study of choice for root impingement.273 This is tempered,
Patient Education
however, by the prevalence of abnormal findings in asymp­
tomatic subjects276 and, therefore, its use is reserved for se­ It is very important that patients understand the likely
lected patients. I t can, however, detect ligament and disc cause of their pain. Their education should include a
disruption, which cannot be demonstrated by other i mag­ review of the basic anatomy and biomechanics of the spine
ing studies.277-278 The entire spinal cord, nerve roots, and and the plan of care which should include a description of
axial skeleton can be visualized. recommended therapeutic exercises, postural education,
The major indicator for an i mmediate MRI of the biomechanics of the spine in activities of daily living, and
spine may include patients with a large prolapse, progres­ simple methods to reduce symptoms should be reviewed.288
sive neurologic deficits, or cauda equina syndrome, and The more education the patient receives i ncreases the
those with symptoms and a known history or high risk of likelihood that they will become active participants in their
malignancy or infection. rehabilitative process, and that they will develop a l ifelong
commitment to preventing future episodes of spine pain.
Over time, the patients learn that all pain is not harmful
ELECTRODIAGNOSIS and that some pain is a natural consequence of the heal­
ing process.
Electrodiagnostic studies play an important role in identi­ Although most of the education occurs early in ule re­
fying physiologic abnormalities of the nerve root and in habilitative process, the clinician 's goal should be to en­
ruling out other neurologic causes for the patient's com­ sure that the patient becomes independent with their
plaints such as peripheral neuropathy and motor neuron maintenance exercise program, and that they can refine
disease, radiculopathy,207.280 and have been shown to cor­ the exercises as needed as the healing progresses.
relate well with findings at the time of surgery and with The patient should be advised to avoid sitting, bend­
myelography. 207,281 ,282 ing, and lifting. If sitting is necessary, the lumbar and cer­
There are two parts to the electromyogram (EMG ) : vical lordosis should be maintained.289 The patient should
nerve conduction studies and needle electrode examina­ initially sleep in whatever position is comfortable, pro­
tion . gressing to the fetal position. The patient should avoid

standing with both knees in extension . If prolonged stand­ Theoretically, aerobic exercise may help to improve
ing is necessary, the patient should raise one foot onto a the body's ability to break down scar tissue via tissue plas­
low stool or other object. In addition the patient should minogen activator.296 One studl97 reviewed the available
avoid vacu uming, making beds, raking leaves, and any ac­ literature on the role of aerobic training and cardiovascu­
tivi ty involving trunk rotation while in a flexed posi tion. lar con d i tioning and n o ted th a t it is u n clear whether low
back pain reduces fitness or whether reduced fitness pro­
motes low back pain. Furthermore, the authors noted that
Manual Therapy
physically fit persons have less low back pain, and they be­
Although manipulations have been advocated for disc lieve that aerobic exercise is "reasonable" as a part of a re­
herniations, particularly in the lumbar spine, the success rate habilitation program.297
is not very high, whereas the risk of exacerbation is. The clinician should select a series of pain-free exer­
Although several studies have demonstrated the efficacy of cises if possible. Theoretically, these exercises should pro­
manipulation and soft tissue mobilization in the interven­ vide some relief through an increase in the large-fi ber
tion of acute low back pain, some have not found this ap­ input. The exercises progress to exercises that regain
proach to be effective.290,29I The studies292,293 that have com­ strength. Once ful l pain-free range of flexion and exten­
pared manipulative therapy with other interventions such as sion is gained, the patient is encouraged to progress to iso­
medications and sham therapy concluded that short-term metric flexion exercises.
manipulative interventions may afford a temporary decrease The most important exercise of all is walking. Dy­
in pain and increase in function.288 The initial manipulation namic stabilization exercises may be used concomitantly
technique should be performed once a week in conjunction to provide dynamic muscular con trol and protect the pa­
with the exercise program, and patient-activated interven­ tie n t from biomechan ical stresses, including tension,
tions (or muscle energy) can be done up to 2 to 3 times per com pression, torsion, and shear. Spinal stabilization ex­
week in corUunction with an active exercise program.288 If ercises provide this by emphasizing the synergistic activa­
the patient has not improved after three: to four treatments, tion or coactivation of the trunk and spinal musculature
manipulation should be discontinued, and the patient in a 'neutral spine' position. A progressive challenge is
should be reassessed.288 provided through movement of the upper and lower ex­
The various manual techniques for each of the types tremities in various planes while the patient is in therapy
of disc lesions are described in the case studies that follow. and, later, during work and activities of daily Iiving.288
The manual techniques should be incorporated into the The overall goals of this comprehensive exercise program
initial intervention of acute pain to facilitate the patient's are to reduce pai n , develop the muscular support of the
active exercise program. trunk and spine, and diminish stress to the intervertebral
Manual shift corrections seem to work well for lumbar disc and other static stabilizers of the spine.29B
protrusions, but are less successful for the prolapsed and
extruded discs, owing to the fact that the attempts to cor­
Traction: M echanical or Manual
rect often result in spasm and reproduction of the patient's
symptoms. McKenzie29'1 theorizes that because of a pro­ Manual or mechanical traction is used to regain nor­
longed flexed lumbar posture or lifting and walking with mal range of motion. During mechanical traction, electri­
the lumbar spine flexed, or both, the nucleus pulposus mi­ cal stimulation is recommended over the paraspinal
grates posteriorly or posterior-laterally. Mechanical correc­ muscles to aid in the muscle pumping of the edema.
tion of the lateral shift usually causes an increase in pain. Traction has long been a preferred method for treat­
Ideally, the increase in pain should be noted cenu'ally and ing lumbar and cervical disc problems. I n the lumbar
not peripherally. An increase in peripheral pain indicates spine, approximately 1 1/2 times a patient's body weight is
the need to discontinue the correction, because this in­ needed to develop distraction of the vertebral bodies and,
crease is the result of further irritation to the nerve root. thus, requires a fair amount of strength if performed man­
Traction is time consuming, is a difficult procedure
Therapeutic Exercises
in the lumbar spine if done manually, and is difficult to
Improvement in aerobic fitness can increase blood tolerate if done mechanically. Vertebral axial decompres­
flow and oxygenation to all tissues, including the muscles, sion, a newer method to cause distraction, probably rep­
bones, and ligaments of the spine. Aerobic exercise may resents a higher-tech version of traction, although there
also decrease the psychological effect of low back pain by is no evidence in the current peer-reviewed literature to
improving mood, decreasing depression, and increasing support this type of i n tervention . 28B No significant differ­
pain tolerance.295 ence in outcome has been demonstrated with traction

versus sham traction, with greater morbidity in the trac­ has many detrimental effects on bone, connective tissue,
tion group.288,2 muscle, and cardiovascular fitness.288 The proactive ap­
Generally speaking, traction appears to yield better re­ proach emphasizes activity modification rather than bed
sults if at least one of the lumbar motions is full and pain rest and immobilization .288 For severe radicular symptoms,
free . However, a one-session trial of short duration is limited bed rest in conjunction with standing and weight
worthwhile if all of the motions are restricted. bearing, as tolerated, can be used.288 The patient can often
Traction is indicated for the following conditions: relate a position of comfort to the clinician and if this posi­
tion does not appear to produce pain during or afterward,
• Nuclear disc protrusions it should be encouraged. For low back symptoms, the use of
• Indeterminate protrusions pillows to support the legs while lying should be demon­
• Primary and secondary lumbar disc impairments strated.
• Backache together with a long-standing limitation of In the acutely painful stage when the lumbar deviation
bilateral straight leg raising cannot be corrected because of pain, the initial resting po­
• Pain with fourth sacral reference sition for the first 48 hours should be in flexed supine lying
with the hips in about 90 degrees of flexion and the legs
Lumbar traction is con traindicated in the following supported with pillows.sol The patient is progressed to
conditions: supine lying with one pillow under the knees and, eventu­
ally, to prone lying (30 to 60 minutes at a time) to counter­
• Acute lumbago act the amount of flexion and sitting during the day.
• Abdominal surgery
• Respiratory or cardiac insufficiency
• Respiratory irritation Case Studies
• Painful reactions It is recommended that the reader review the mate­
• A large protrusion rial in Chapter 1 0 before proceeding with these case
• Altered mental state; this includes the inability of the studies.
patient to relax
• I nstability of lumbar segments; although intermittent
traction with no more than about 40 to 50 lbs can be Case Study: Low Neck Pain
successful, sustained traction should be avoided
A 35-year-old woman presented at the clin ic with what she
Therapeutic M odalities and Physical Agents
described as a "crick" in her neck upon arising from bed a
Modalities should always be considered an adjunct to few mornings ago. The patient described experiencing
an active intervention program in the management of pain in the lower part of the neck that radiated into the
acute neck or back pain, and should never be used as the right shoulder and arm, and an teriorly and posteriorly
sole method of intervention. The clinician should be aware over the upper right chest area. The patient also reported
of all indications and contraindications for a prescribed a tingling sensation over the radial aspect of the right fore­
modality and have a clear understanding of each modality arm, the hand, and the fingers. The pain was reported to
and its level of tissue penetration.288 (see Chapter 1 2 ) . be aggravated by coughing, sneezing, and straining. The
A program that i s modality intensive rather than exer­ pain was lessened by maintaining the upright position and
cise based is not helpful to the patient and results in a poor when ambulating.
functional outcome.300 If possible, patients should be in­
structed in the use of simple modalities in conjunction with Questions
their home exercise program.288 1 . What i s the working hypothesis?
2. Does this presentation or history warrant a scan? Why?
3. Pain that is aggravated by coughing, sneezing, and
Modified Rest
straining usually indicates what kind of diagnosis?
This is always an option , especially in acute cases, be­ 4. Tingling sensations are usually in response to an im­
cause most symptoms result from a chemical irritation. pairment of which system?
Complete rest in the intervention of acute neck and back
pain is con troversial. Examination
Although there may be some beneficial effects via pain Observation of the patient revealed that the cervical lor­
modulation and reduction of intradiscal pressure, bed rest dosis was reduced and that her head was held in neutral

flexion and deviation to the left. Although all indications tried in an attempt to temporarily remove the compression
pointed to a working hypothesis of a herniated disc in the from the nerve.
cervical region, the insidious onset, although not uncom­
mon for the aforementioned pathology, deemed it neces­ Specific Manual Traction at C6- 7 The patient is posi­
sary to perform a scan. In addition, the scan can be used to tioned sitting, and the clinician stands to the side of the
confirm the hypothesis while ruling out the more serious patient, with the hips and knees slightly flexed. Using a
causes for these symptoms. The scan revealed the following: lumbrical grip of the index fi nger and thumb of the dor­
sal hand, the clinician palpates the laminae and trans­
• Marked limitation of active and passive cervical mo­ verse processes of C7. The rest of this hand is used to
tion, with a spasm end feel with right rotation, right support the patient's lower cervical spine. The ulnar bor­
side-flexion, and extension. der of the fifth finger of the ventral hand is applied to the
• Gentle compression through the patient's head repro­ laminae and inferior articular processes of C6. The rest of
duced the pain. There was no need to perform the this hand supports the cranium and th e upper cervical
Spurling test. spine. An incongruent lock of the cranial segment is ac­
• Palpable tenderness was elicited over the right aspect complished by applying side-flexion and rotation at the
of the C6-7 segmen t. C5-6 joint complex, leaving the craniovertebral joints in a
• Hypoesthesia in the seventh cervical dermatome neutral position (Fig. 7-5 ) . C7 is fixed, and a vertical trac­
• Hyporef lexive triceps deep tendon reflexes tion force of grade I is applied to the C6-7 joint complex.
• Weakness of the C7 key muscles
Mechanical Cervical Traction Mechan ical cervical trac­
Questions tion can be used to treat both zygapophysial joint impair­
1 . Did the scan confirm the working hypothesis? ments and cervical disc herniations.
2. Given the findings from the scan, what is the diagno­
sis, or is further testing warran ted in the form of a bio­ • Zygapophysial joint impairments: The patient's cervi­
mechanical examination? cal spine is positioned in about 1 5 degrees of exten­
sion , not flexion, as flexion causes a binding when a
Evaluation302 pull is exerted.
The fi ndings from the scan alone indicated that the • Intervertebral foramen narrowing: The typical pres­
patient had a rupture of the sixth cervical disc with com­ entation for this type of patient is a combination of
pression of the seventh cervical nerve, so there was no
real need at this time to proceed with a biomechanical
It is, however, important to rule out other possible
causes of neck and limb symptoms prior to establishing a
diagnosis of radiculopathy. The differential diagnosis in­
cludes musculoskeletal disorders, among them, rotator
cuff tendinitis or tears, subacromial bursitis, bicipital ten­
dinitis, and lateral epicondylitis.

1 . Having confirmed the diagnosis, what intervention is
2. In order of priority, and based on the stages of heal­
ing, what are the goals of the intervention?

Although a less common entity than lumbar disc hernia­
tion, cervical in tervertebral disc herniation is more
frequen tly managed on a case-by-case basis. The i nitial
intervention should be directed at reducing pain and
inflammation, and can begin with local icing, in conjunc­
tion with the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories prescribed FIGURE 7-5 Patient and clinician position for specific
by the physician. Manual or mechanical traction can be traction at C6- 7 .

sensory and motor changes. Anterior foramen (motor Modali ties such as electrical stimu lation have also
symptoms) opened more in flexion (30 degrees) ; pos­ been found helpful in uncontrolled studies.226 They ap­
terior foramen (sensory) opened more in 0 degrees or pear to be helpful in reducing the associated muscle
30 degrees of flexion. pain and spasm often found with cervical problems but
should be l i m i ted to the initial pain-control phase of the
Manipulative Technique for Cervical Nerve Root Impingement intervention.
at C6-7 ( When Traction Has Failed) The patient is posi­ Once there is control of pain and inflammation, the
tioned supine, with the clinician at the head of the table. patient's therapy should be progressed to restore full range
The c l inician supports the patient's head in the hands of motion and flexibility of the neck and shoulder gir­
and con tact is made with the upper bone of the segment dle muscles. Various soft tissue mobilization techniques can
to be mobilized ( C6) , using the metacarpophalangeal be helpful to stretch the noncontractile elements of soft
joint of the index finger of the righ t hand. The patient's tissues.226,303 Patients should be instructed on proper
neck is ful ly flexed up from below, beyond the upper stretching technique that they can do I to 2 times per day.
bone (C6) before being u nflexed ( extended) so that the Gentle, prolonged stretching is recommended. This is best
segment to be mobilized ( C6-7 ) , is in neutral-thereby done after a warm-up activity such as using an exercise bike.
uti lizing a ligamentous lock of the neck below the cau­ As range of motion and flexibility improve, cervical
dal bone of the segment in question. Locking from muscle strengthening should begin with isometric
above then takes place. While the clin i c ian main tains strengthening in a single plane and include flexion, exten­
COlllact with the righ t h and on C6, he or she moves to sion , side-flexion and rotation . In addition, the scapular
the righ t side of the patient and cradles the patient's stabilizing muscles, including the trapezius, rhomboids,
head with the left arm and forearm, wrapping around serratus anterior, and the latissimus dorsi, should be
the left side of the patient's face and grasping the chin. strengthened.167 Strengtl1 training can progress to manual
Noncongruent locking from above is achieved with righ t resistance cervical stabilization exercises in various planes.
side-flexion and then slight left rotation down to the All exercises should be performed without pain, although
poi n t where motion is felt to occur by the right hand some degree of postexercise soreness can be expected. Iso­
(C6) ( Fig. 7-6) . Distraction of the C6-7 segment is man­ lated strengthening of weakened muscle secondary to the
ually applied by the clinician, and then a distractive im­ radiculopathy is important before beginning more com­
pulse is superimposed on the traction force using the plex activities involving multiple muscles. 1 67 In the initial
right hand. phases of the intervention , the clinician should monitor
the patients response to exercise closely, and should only
progress the patient as tolerance allows. Closed kinetic
chain activities can also be very helpful in rehabilitating
weak shoulder girdle muscles. 1 67
I t is important tl1roughout the rehabilitation process
for patients to maintain their level of cardiovascular fitness
as much as possible, so aerobic conditioning should be
started as early as healing permits to prevent decondition­
ing. These exercises also serve as a great warm-up prior to
a stretching program. 1 67
Management need not be overly aggressive in exer­
cise. Continued efforts must be made to progressively re­
duce the patient's pain and advance physical function
through exercise.249 However, aggressive measures at pain
and i n flammation control probably help a patient to
progress while suffering considerably less pain and en­
abling him or her to return to work.

Case Study: Low Back and Leg Pain

/ Subjective
FIGURE 7-6 Patient and clinician po sition for thrust A 32-year-old man presented with complaints of severe
technique at C6- 7 . pain in the lower back and radiating into the right buttock,

posterior thigh, calf, and lateral foot and two toes. The limited by spasm at 60 degrees, producing right low
pain in the back started about 2 weeks ago after sitting for back, right buttock, and posterior thigh pai n. The
a period of a few hours, and was initially relieved by rest. addition of neck flexion or dorsiflexion to the left SLR
Over the next few days the pain gradually got worse. He had no effect on the symptoms. The slump test was de­
reported the pain to be aggravated with bending at the fen"ed as it was felt that no additional information
waist and sitting, and lessened with right-side-lying with would be achieved at the expense of aggravating the
the hips and knees flexed. Difficulty with assuming an patient's condition.
erect posture after lying down or sitting was also re­ • The prone knee-flexion test was negative on both
ported. Further questioning revealed that the patient sides.
had a history of minor bac k pain but was otherwise • The ipsilateral and contralateral kinetic tests for the
i n good health and had no reports of bowel or bladder sacroiliac joint were positive on both sides. ( Refer to
impairment. Chapter 1 7)
• Key muscle testing revealed fatigable weakness of the
Qu estions right ankle plantar flexors and evertors.
1 . What is t h e working hypothesis at this stage? • Sensory testing revealed some pin-prick loss over the
2. Does this presentation and history warrant a scan? lateral border of the right foo t and toe and over the
Why or why not? skin of the posterolateral right calf.
3. Low back pain that is aggravated by bending at the waist • Deep tendon reflexes were decreased at the right an­
and sitting, usually indicates what kind of diagnosis? kle, but the spinal cord tests were unremarkable . Pal­
4. Radiation of pain in the described distribution is usu­ pation revealed tenderness over the paravertebral
ally in response to an impairment of which structure? area on the right side.

Examination Ques tions

The patient was a slightly obese man who had preferred to 1. Did the scan confirm the working hypothesis? H ow?
stand in the wai ting room . His standing posture revealed a 2. Given the findings from the scan, what is the diagno­
flexed hip and knee on the right side when weight bearing, sis, or is further testing warranted in the form of a bio­
moderate kyphosis and a rotoscoliosis with right convexity mechanical examination? What information would
of the lumbar spine, and shoulder girdle retraction . further testing reveal?
Because of the reports of a relatively insidious onset of 3. A positive SLR at 15 degrees with muscle spasm indi­
symptoms and the report of leg pain, a lumbar scan was cates what type of herniation?
performed with the following findings: 4. Why was the prone knee-flexion test negative?

• The patient demonstrated a marked restriction of At the end of the scan, a provisional diagnosis of a
lumbar motion. disc prolapse could be made, so the performance of the
• Active range of motion revealed a significant restric­ biomechanical part of the examination was unnecessary.
tion of trunk flexion at about 35 degrees from the If performed, the biomechanical exam ination would
kyphotic start position, which reproduced the poste­ have revealed further evidence of the diagnosis, as both
rior leg pain. The patient attempted to compensate the passive physiological intervertebral motion ( PPIVM)
during the trunk flexion by bending at the hips and and passive physiological articular intervertebral motion
knees. ( PPAIVM ) tests would be limited owing to spasms, stiff�
• The patient was unable to perform extension or right ness, and pain.
side-flexion because of a sharp increase in the radia­
tion of pain into the right buttock and posterior thigh. Assessment
• Left side-flexion was limited by 25%, producing a The findings for this patient indicate the presence of a pro­
slight ache in the right side of the low back. lapse, or extrusion of the fifth lumbar disc, with an isolated
• Compression testing reproduced the back, right but­ compression of the first sacral spinal nerve. The patient
tock, and posterior thigh pain, and posterior-anterior was referred back to his physician, who then ordered an
pressure applied at the L4 and L5 segments provoked MRl that confirmed the diagnosis. The patient returned to
a spasm end feel. the clinic for treatment.
• The right SLR reproduced the radiating pain into the
posterior right leg, and a hamstring spasm at 15 de­ Qu estions
grees. The application of passive ankle dorsiflexion 1 . Having confirmed the diagnosis, what intervention
increased the patient's symptoms. The left SLR was should be performed?

2. In order of priority, and based on the stages of heal­ Ques tions

ing, what will be the goals of the intervention? 1 . Given the classic symptoms, what would b e the work­
ing hypothesis at this stage?
Intervention 2. Does this presentation and history warrant a scan?
The treatment of a disc impairment obviously depends on Why or why not?
the size of the impairment. This patient presented with ei­ 3. Should the fact that there was no trauma concern the
ther a disc prolapse or extrusion and, therefore, caution is clinician?
needed as the progression to a cauda equina syndrome is a
possibility. The intervention for this patient included: Examination
Given the history and described symptoms and the strong
• Manual shift correction possibility that the patient was presenting with a disc her­
• Patient education niation, a lumbar scan was performed to confirm the diag­
• Specific manual traction nosis. I t elicited the following results:
• The McKenzie exercise approach . 304 The McKenzie
program is initiated only after a comprehensive assess­ • Symptoms were reproduced with end range flexion
ment in which the positions that centralize pain are and thoracic rotation to the left. All other motions
determined. 305 were normal.
• A unilateral extension protocol, consisting of manual • There was decreased muscle strength (4/5) in the foot
therapy, electric stimulation, and exercises to close dorsiflexors, plantar flexors, gluteus maximus, anterior
down the segment on the disc and force it anteriorly tibialis, and gastrocnemius muscles on the left side.
• In i tiation of a walking program • There was reduced sensation to pin-prick at the L5
and S I derma tomes.
Specific lumbar traction ( refer to Chapter 1 3) af­ • The ankle jerk was reduced on the left side, and plan­
forded the patient some relief. The patient was advised on tar responses were flexor bilaterally.
a period of modified rest for 48 hours. When the patient • Stretching of the sciatic nerve by an SLR test to 1 5 de­
returned, a series of short-duration ( 8 minutes) , sustained grees reproduced the low back pain that sometimes
mech anical traction sessions were initiated with the radiated into the left leg. A crossed SLR test produced
patient in supine 90-90 at 60% of body weight. 306 The pa­ negative results.
tient was instructed on gentle active range of motion
exercises of unilateral heel slides and pelvic rotations to Questio ns
be performed wi thout increasing peripheral signs and 1. Having apparently confirmed the diagnosis, what
symptoms. After a few sessions, the patient progressed to intervention is appropriate?
prone traction, posterior pelvic tilts, and the McKenzie 2. I n order of priority, and based on the stages of heal­
program. 30? ing, list the various goals of the intervention?
3. What should the clinician tell the patient about the
Case Study: Severe Low Back Pain3 0 8 in terven tion?
4. Estimate this patient's prognosis.
Subjective 5. What modalities could be used in the in tervention
A 49-year-old woman presented to the clinic with a I-week of this patient?
history of severe low back pain. The patient experienced 6. What exercises should be prescribed?
an acute onset of severe lumbar shooting pain that radi­
ated immediately into the left buttock and the lateral Evaluation
aspect of the left leg and left foot. The pain was exacer­ The patient's clinical presentation, including an acute low
bated by movement, sneezing, or coughing, and was less­ back pain radiating down the weak leg t1lrough the L5-S 1
ened by resting. Paresthesia and numbness were present dermatomes, positive SLR, and sensory and motor impair­
over the lateral aspect of the left leg and foot and the ments of the corresponding roots, strongly indicated acute
dorsum of the left foot, and mild pain in the right leg. In lumbar disc disease, although the subjective report of
addition, the patient mentioned urinary urgency. The urinary urgency suggests cavda equina involvement. The
patient's history showed that she had a history of intermit­ initial diagnosis was a lumbar disc herniation with L5-S 1
tent low back pain for the past year. There was no history root compression.
of back trauma. The patient had the results of a conven­ I n tervention was initiated, but the patient failed to re­
tional CT myelogram of the lumbosacral spine with her, spond and was referred back to her physician for further
which were normal . testing.

An M RI study of the thoracolumbar spine showed a 2 1. In a large U.S. population survey, the combined preva­
bulging disc and posterior osteophytes at T l l - 1 2 , with lence of which two segmental levels accounted for
encroachment of the underlying spinal canal and com­ 75% of cervical disc herniations?
pression on the underlying cord. There was no evidence 22. A C7 nerve root impairment is likely the result of the
of L5 or S I root compression at the exiting in terverte­ protrusion of which disc?
bral foramens. One month later, a surgical procedure 23. Of the three spinal regions, cervical, thoracic, and
was performed to remove the bulging disc and osteo­ lumbar, which region has the least number of in ter­
phytes at T I I - 1 2 . Following the surgery, the patient's vertebral disc herniations?
sensory and motor deficits, and her urinary urgency
completely resolved, and the low back pain was much
1. Degradation.
2. Nucleus pulposus, end plate, and <mulus fibrosis.
3. It increases the potential range of motion between ver­
1. Which of the two processes is the more aggressive, de­ tebrae; maintains contiguity between the vertebral
generation or degradation? bodies; attenuates and transfers vertebral loading.
2. What are the three components of the intervertebral 4. Decrease.
disc? 5. Increase.
3. Give three functions of the disc 6. Increase.
4. Does the water content of the disc increase or de­ 7. Between 20 and 25 years.
crease with age? B. Key muscle weakness at a specific level; paresthesia
5. Does the collagen content in the disc increase or de­ in dermatomal distribution ; decreased deep tendon
crease with age? reflexes; positive SLR i n 30- to 50-degree range; pain
6. Does the height of the disc increase or decrease with with lumbar flexion and opposi te side-flexio n ;
age? l i m i ted l umbar range of m otion w i th fl exion a n d
7. At what age range is disc degeneration thought to ipsilateral extension q uadrant; positive bowstring
begin? test ( s ) .
B. List seven signs or symptoms characteristic of a poste­ 9. Posterior-lateral.
rior-lateral disc herniation. 10. False. It is a prolapse or extrusion.
9. Which area of the anulus tends to weaken first? 1 1. Possible answers include idiopathic low back pain, cer­
10. True or false: When the nuclear material remains at­ vical and lumbar radiculopathy, cervical myelopathy,
tached to the disc but escapes the anulus or the lumbar stenosis, spondylosis, osteoarthritis, and herni­
posterior longitudinal ligament to bulge externally ated disc ( degenerative disc disease) .
into the intervertebral , i t is termed a protrusion or 12. The three phases are defined as early dysfunction,
herniation. intermediate instability, and final stabilization.
1 1. List four clinical syndromes that are associated with 13. The final, stabilization phase.
disc degenerative disease. 14. Sinuvertebral nerve.
12. Name the three phases of disc generation proposed by 15. (a) Spinal nerve-dermatomal single segmen t loss;
Kirkaldy-Willis. ( b ) spinal cord-multisegmental dermatomal loss be­
13. Which of the three phases of Kirkaldy-Willis is charac­ low the level of the lesion; (c) spinothalamic tract­
terized by fibrosis of the posterior joints and capsule, loss of pain and temperature sense below the level of
loss of disc material, and the formation of osteo­ the lesion.
phytes? 16. Spasticity, multisegmental paresis or paralysis, clonus,
14. Which nerve supplies the intervertebral disc? Babinski, and hyper-reflexia.
15. What are the patterns of paresthesia with compression 17. Traumatic damage, i schemia, pathology ( disease,
of the following: (a) spinal nerve, (b) spinal cord, and cancer) .
(c) spinothalamic tract. l B. Hypotonicity, incontinence, normal extensor and
16. List five signs and symptoms of spinal cord com- plantar response, marked atrophy, coarse fasiculations
pression. with time, multisegmental radicular symptoms.
17. List three causes of spinal cord compromise. 1 9. Possible answers include major posterior disc
lB. List six signs of cauda equina syndrome. protrusion, tumor, fracture-dislocation, and signifi­
1 9. List three causes of cauda equina syndrome. cant spondylolisthesis.
20. What is a Schmorl 's node? 20. A vertical disc prolapse.

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Chapter Objectives 3. Neurogenic

4. Psychogenic
At the completion of this chapter, the reader will be 5. Spondylogenic
able to:

Viscerogenic Pain
1. Describe the characteristics of musculoskeletal pain.
2. Identify the signs and symptoms of nonmusculoskele- The pain in this category can be referred from any vis­
tal pain. cera. Visceral pain differs from superficial pain in that
3. Describe the categories of musculoskeletal pain. highly localized damage to an organ may produce no pain
4. List the five types of spondylolisthesis. at all or, at worst, nonacute pain. However, an impairment
5. Understand the motives and manifestations of the ma­ that causes a diffuse nociceptor response may cause ex­
lingering patient. tremely severe pain. The viscera tend to have only pain,
6. Perform tests to identify nonorganic signs. and no other sensory, nerve endings. The stimuli that can
produce visceral pain include chemical damage, ischemia,
spasm of smooth muscle, and distension. All visceral pain
OVERVIEW from the abdominal or thoracic cavities is transmitted
through small C fibers within the sympathetic nervous sys­
The systems review is the part of the examination that tem, resulting in the slow type of pain. The referral of vis­
identifies possible health problems that require consulta­ ceral pain is thought to be produced when the nociceptive
tion with, or referral to, another health care provider.! fibers from the viscera synapse in the spinal cord with some
of the same neurons that receive pain from the skin. When
the visceral nociceptors are stimulated, some are transmit­
MUSCULOSKELETAL PAIN ted by the same neurons that conduct skin nociception,
and so take on the characteristics of those impulses, ap­
Pain is the most common reason for a patient to seek pearing to arise from the skin.
intervention. When a patient requests help for pain, the Pain arising from problems in the peritoneum, pleura,
physician makes a determination as to the cause, labeling or pericardium differs from that of other visceral impair­
it as musculoskeletal or nonmusculoskeletal, and decides ments. These parietal walls are supplied extensively with
on a course of intervention to provide relief for the both fast and slow pain fibers, which have their fibers in
patient. If the pain is musculoskeletal in nature, the physi­ spinal, rather than sympathetic nerves. These structures
cian may prescribe physical therapy. can, therefore, produce the sharp pain of superficial im­
It is important to assume that all reports of insidious pairments.
pain by the patient are serious in nature until proven oth­ Visceral pain has five important clinical characteris-
erwise with a thorough assessment.2 MacNab 3 originally tics:
devised the following categories of spinal pain:
1. It is not evoked from all viscera. (Organs such as the
1. Viscerogenic kidney, most solid viscera, and lung parenchyma are
2. Vasculogenic not sensitive to pain . )


2. It is not always linked to visceral injury. (Cutting the In general, the greater the degree of pain radiation,
intestine causes no pain and is an example of visceral the greater the chance that the problem is acute or that it
injury with no attendant pain, whereas stretching the is occurring from a proximal structure. Eliciting the date
bladder is painful and is an example of pain with no of the mechanism will clarify the cause. However, having
injury.) the ability to apply the selective stresses through a specific
3. It is diffuse and poorly localized. structure, described in other chapters, allows the clinician
4. It is referred to other locations. to isolate the cause, and rule out other possibilities. Vis­
5. It is accompanied by motor and autonomic reflexes, ceral back pain is not very often confused with pain origi­
such as the nausea, vomiting, and lower-back muscle nating in the spine, because other specific signs and symp­
tension that occurs in renal colic. toms are present to localize the problem correctly. For
example, although pain in the low back region can be re­
The fact that visceral pain cannot be evoked from all ferred by the kidneys, pelvic organs, peritoneal area, and
viscera, and that it is not always linked to visceral injury, has liver, the musculoskeletal examination would result in nor­
led to the notion that some viscera lack afferent innerva­ mal ranges of motion, with little if any pain. If a movement
tion. It is postulated that these features are owing to the is found to aggravate the visceral pain, it does not follow a
functional properties of the peripheral receptors of musculoskeletal pattern of motion restriction. For exam­
the nerves that innervate certain visceral organs, and to ple, an inflamed liver, might be aggravated by side-flexion
the fact that many viscera are innervated by receptors that of the trunk to the right, but no other motion. Low back
do not evoke conscious perception and, thus, are not sen­ pain of a mechanical spondylitic origin is normally re­
sory receptors in the strict sense. lieved by rest, whereas impairments in solid or hollow vis­
Visceral pain tends to be diffuse because of the organ­ cera are not relieved in this way and are unrelated to the
ization of visceral nociceptive pathways in the central nerv­ level of activity.6,7 Visceral impairments tend to cause other
ous system, particularly the absence of a separate visceral problems that turn the clinician's attention away from the
sensory pathway, and the low proportion of visceral affer­ spine, as the pain is often associated Witll symptoms such as
ent nerve fibers, compared with those of somatic origin. blood in tlle stool, fever, or night chills. Visceral back pain
HeadS provided the following potential areas of cuta­ is more likely to result from visceral disease in the ab­
neous referral from various viscera: domen and pelvis than from intrathoracic disease.8

• Heart: T l -5-Under the sternum, base of the neck,

A. Kidney or urologic disorders, such as acute pyelonephritis,
over the shoulders, over the pectorals and down one
may cause bilateral aching flank pain and costovertebral
or both arms (left greater than right)
area tenderness. However, a distinction can often be
• Bronchi and lung: T2-4
made between these conditions and a musculoskeletal
• Esophagus: T5-6--Pharynx, lower neck, arms, midline
lesion due to the accompanying signs of fever, chills and
of the chest from the upper to the lower sternum
vomiting, as well as a history of irritative bladder symp­
• Gastric: T6-10-Lower thoracic to upper abdomen
toms or urinary u-act infections_
• Gall bladder: T7-9-Upper abdomen , lower scapular
and thoracolumbar B. Bladder calculi (bladder stones) may produce dull supra­
• Pancreas: Upper lumbar or upper abdomen pubic discomfort, with sharper pain precipitated by jar­
• Kidneys: TIO-Ll-Upper lumbar, occasionally anterior ring or exercise. Frequency, urgency and dysuria such as
abdomen about 2 inches lateral to the umbilicus diminished stream and hesitation.
• Urinary bladder: T l l - 1 2-Lower abdomen or low The pain from the stone is typically increased as the
lumbar stone passes from tlle bladder to the uretllra.
• Uterus: Lower abdomen or low lumbar Bladder stones are usually secondary to chronic ob­
struction, prostatic disease, urethral stricture, or the
Although it might appear to be difficult to differentiate chronic use of catheters. Gout and hyperUIicemia (excess
the source of somatic versus visceral pain, it is worth re­ uric acid in the blood) have also been implicated.9
membering that if the patient'S pain or symptoms are not
C. A renal stone traversing the ureter may give rise to a
altered with movement, a visceral source should be sus­
constant severe pain in the left lumbar and left iliac
pected, and ruled out, before proceeding. For example,
area. Direct iliac area tenderness may be present. The
pain that is related to eating probably has a gastric source
urine usually contains erythrocytes or is grossly bloody.9
but must still be confirmed by the examination. Pain that
appears to be unrelated to rest, or activity, could also be an D. Patients with a history of urinary frequency, dysuria, or
acute musculoskeletal dysfunction. hematuria may have an irritation of the bladder and

urethra, with low back pain as the chief complaint.4 Fur­ • Pain on defecation
ther questioning may elicit additional urologic symp­ • Spotting, or frank vaginal bleeding
toms, such as urinary frequency, urinary urgency, dy­ • Crampy pain and tenderness
suria, or hematuria.

E. Prostatitis or prostate cancer can cause low back, and Vasculogenic Pain
sciatic pain. Dysuria accompanied by frequency, supra­
The location of vasculogenic pain depends on the lo­
pubic and perineal pain, fever, chills and general malaise
cation of the vascular pathology. 10 Pain that is vasculogenic
are common findings, as well as changes in bowel func­
in origin tends to occur as a result of venous congestion or
tion. Men from the fifth decade on are most commonly
arterial deprivation to the musculoskeletal areas, and is of­
ten worsened by activity, as with intermittent claudication
F. A pancreatic carcinoma can cause severe and persistent or thromboangiitis obliterans (Buerger's disease) . Some
back pain. conditions, however, can be improved with activity, such as
a disc impairment, which tends to worsen with sustained
G. Gynecologic disorders have the potential to cause mid­
positions, but improves with exercise. The symptoms of
pelvic or low back discomfort. These disorders encom­
vasculogenic back pain may be mistaken for those of a wide
variety of disorders. Conversely, the diagnosed presence of
l . Tubal pregnancy
vascular impairment of a minor degree may direct atten­
2. Ovarian cysts
tion away from a primary disorder that originates else­
3. Uterine fibroids or myoma
where.4 Such disorders include low back pain of muscu­
4. Endometritis
loskeletal origin, nerve root compression, or arthritis of
5. Pelvic inflammatory disease ( PID)
the low back or hip.lo
6. Septic abortion

A. Peripheral vascular disease with claudication can be

Gynecologic disorders are most common in 20- to confused with neurogenic claudication and spinal
45-year-old women, who presen t with sharp, bilateral, stenosis.4 The major difference in the clinical features is
pain in the lower quadrants . 4 If such a gynecologic disor­ the response of pain to rest, and the position of the
der is suspected, the patient should be referred back to spine. Peripheral vascular disease pain is not relieved by
their physician so that a careful pelvic examination can trunk flexion, or aggravated with sustained trunk ex­
be performed to help rule out a more serious cause for tension (Table 8-1 ) . Because vascular and neurogenic
the pain. The clinician is encouraged to ask appropriate claudication occur in approximately the same age
questions to determine the need for a gynecologic ex­ group, vascular studies and myelography may be neces­
amination, especially in the absence of objective muscu­ sary to help determine the source. 1 0
loskeletal findings.4
B . Gradual obstruction o f the aortic bifurcation produces:4
The patient may reveal iliac and hypogastric pain that
l. Bilateral buttock and leg pain
can be referred as a result of a sexually transmitted dis­
2. Weakness, fatigue and atrophy of the lower extremities
ease, ectopic pregnancy, use of an intrauterine device
3. Absent femoral pulses
(IUD ) , dysuria, ovarian abscess, or tubal pregnancy.
4. Color and temperature changes in the lower extrem­
Tumors may involve the sacral plexus or its branches,
causing severe, burning pain in a sciatic dist:ribution.9
5. Pain that is often aggravated with lumbar extension
Associated symptoms of gynecologic disorders include:
6. A pulsing sensation in the abdomen (abdominal aor­
tic aneurysm) . Additional symptoms can include back
• Amenorrhea, irregular menses, history of menstrual
pain. Suspicion for an abdominal aortic aneurysm
should be raised with male patients aged 60 or above
• Tender breasts
who have a past medical history of coronary dis­
• Tenderness in the broad ligaments bilaterally
ease and whose peripheral pulses are diminished or
• Nausea, vomiting
• Chronic constipation (with laxative and enema depend-
ency) or diarrhea C. Involvement of the femoral artery along its course, or
• Fever, night sweats, chills at the femoral-popliteal junction, produces thigh and
• History of vaginal discharge calf pain, and absent pulses below the femoral pulse.4
• Late menstrual periods with persistent bleeding Obstruction of the popliteal artery or its branches pro­
• Irregular, longer, or heavier menstrual periods duces pain in the calf, ankle, or foot.4



Pain* is usually bilateral Pain is usually bilateral, but may be Usually bilateral pain
Occurs in the calf (foot, thigh, hip, or Occurs in back, buttocks, thighs, calves, Occurs in back, buttocks, thighs, calves,
buttocks) feet feet
Pain occurs consistently in all spinal Pain is decreased in spinal flexion, Pain is decreased in spinal flexion,
positions increased in spinal extension increased in spinal extension
Pain is brought on by physical exertion Pain is increased with walking Pain is increased with walking
(e.g., walking)
Pain is relieved promptly by rest Pain is decreased by recumbency Pain is relieved with prolonged rest (may
(1-5 min) persist hours after resting)
Pain is increased by walking uphill Pain is decreased when walking uphill*
No burning or dysesthesia Burning and dysesthesia from the back to Burning and a numbness are present in
the buttocks and leg(s) lower extremities
Decreased or absent pulses in lower Normal pulses Normal pulses
Color and skin changes in feet; cold, Good skin nutrition Good skin nutrition
numb, dry, or scaly skin; poor nail and
hair growth
Affects those aged 40 to over 60 Affects those aged 40 to over 60 Peaks in the seventh decade; affects men

*Pain associaled with vascular claudication may also be described as an "aching," a "cramping," or a "tired" feeling.

D. A superior gluteal artery claudication can produce but­ artery, superior and inferior gluteal artery, lateral sacral
tock pain, which is aggravated by walking and relieved artery ) , and the deep iliac circumflex artery.12 Acute is­
with standing still. chemic impairments of the lumbosacral plexus are caused
by h igh-grade stenoses and occlusion of the iliac arteries or
E. Problems during pregnancy can occur when the fetus
of the distal abdominal aorta. The internal iliac artery
lies on the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh, produc­
plays the predominant part. However, the most frequent
ing meralgia paresthetica, or on the pelvic veins, result­
cause of such acute ischemic impairments of the lum­
ing in an increase in venous pressure and low back pain.
bosacral plexus is surgery of the aortic bifurcation and the
pelvic arteries, or radiation therapy.13 Finally intra­
Although spinal stenosis is not a vasculogenic cause of arterial injections of cytostatic agents into the iliac arteries
back pain, it is included in this category to assist the reader or accidental intra-arterial injections of vasotoxic agents
in comparing back pain and symptoms with a vasculo­ into the gluteal arteriesl4 may result in persistent ischemic
genic, as opposed to a neurogenic, cause. plexopathy. Distinct from those persisting plexopathies
A narrowing of the spinal canal, nerve root canals, or with acute onset, there is only an intermittent ischemic
intervertebral foramina results in spinal stenosis. The plexopathy during walking, with relapsing pain and senso­
canal tends to be narrow at the lumbosacral junction, and motoric deficits.
any combination of degenerative changes, such as disc Reduced perfusion within the area of the internal iliac
protrusion or osteophyte formation, can reduce the space artery can result in a temporary ischemic impairment of
needed for the spinal cord and its nerve roots.8 the lumbosacral plexus that appears only during muscular
There exists a third, widely unknown type of intermit­ activity of the legs. The neurophysiologic finding of tem­
tent claudication that causes leg pain with any muscular ef­ poral dispersion of lumbar motor evoked potentials after
fort similar to the vascular type. II In this condition, the exertion proves the involvement of the peripheral nerve,
pain is mostly localized to the pelvis. The pain is followed and excludes ischemia of the lower spinal cord or conus
by paresthesia and a diminishing of the tendon reflexes, medullaris.
with possible motor weakness. This special type of inter­ Although peripheral nerves have a high tolerance for
mittent claudication is usually associated with stenosis of ischemia because they have a double blood supply,15 the
the pelvic arteries, including the internal iliac arteries. peripheral nerve has a significantly increased energy me­
The blood supply of the lumbosacral plexus usually de­ tabolism during activityl6 and a low capability of autoregu­
rives from branches of the internal iliac artery (iliolumbar lation of the blood supply. 17 Therefore, it must be assumed

that, during inactivity, the perfusion of the plexus is still the night, and the subsequent response of the hypothal­
sufficient. However, during activity of those leg muscles amus. Because tumors are avascular and anoxic, lieir
supplied by branches of the external iliac arteries, a steal­ temperature is not regulated by blood flow, and tumors
phenomenon appears to occur that privileges the leg mus­ appear colder to lie body's internal monitoring system,
cles over the pelvic organs. Thus, localized pelvic pain re­ controlled by lie hypolialamus. This difference in tem­
sults, followed by paresthesia and sensomotoric deficits in perature is interpreted erroneously by tlle hypoliala­
the area of the lumbosacral plexus. After a rest of a few mus, and symptoms of pain are provoked.
minutes, the symptoms resolve completely. • Painless weakness on resistive testing witllOUt root pain
The neurologic examination of the inactive patient
usually discloses no abnormality; however, the clinical di­ Other examples of a neurogenic cause of pain are:
agnosis of this type of intermittent claudication resulting
from exercise-induced ischemia of the lumbosacral plexus • A thalamic tumor producing causalgic leg pain3
is based mainly on two specific features: • An irritation of the arachnoid space producing back
• Firstly, as in the more frequent type of intermittent • A nerve root irritation secondary to a diabetic neu­
claudication caused by arterial occlusive disease of the ropathy, producing a clinical picture that is indistin­
legs, the symptoms appear in correlation witll the de­ guishable from sciatica. This similarity may lead to
gree of muscle activity. In early stages of the disease, long and serious delays in diagnosis. 7 Such a situation
symptoms occur only when walking uphill or riding a may require persistence on tlle part of the clinician
bicycle. This allows a distinction from the intermittent and patient in requesting further medical follow-up.
claudication caused by spinal stenosis, in which symp­ • A nerve root impingement. The assessment and inter­
toms predominan tly appear when walking downhill. vention of this condition is discussed in more detail in
In addition , patients with spinal stenosis can ride a bi­ Chapter 7.
cycle for a long distance without developing symp­ • A peripheral nerve en trapment. These entrapments
toms, because of the kyphosis of the lumbar spine and and their findings are discussed in more detail in
subsequent widening of the lumbar canal. Chapter 6.
• Secondly, in addition to pain, progressive sensomo­
to ric deficits in the area of the lumbosacral plexus oc­
Psychogenic Pain
cur during exertion. This cannot be seen in patients
with peripheral arterial occlusive disease. Moreover, Emotional overtones are common with low back and
the localization of the pain in the buttock differs from neck pain. A dysfunctional central nervous system, grief,
the latter condition. or medications, as well as fear of reinjury, can inhibit the
central biasing system. Psychogenic back pain can be ob­
served in the hysterical or extremely anxious patient liat
Neurogenic Pain
leads to an increase in the person's perception of pain.
Neoplasms of the cord, dura and cauda equina, can Anxiety leads to an increase in muscle tension, more anxi­
mimic spondylogenic pain.3 Neurogenic pain is usually the ety, and muscle spasm.4 These patients often demonstrate
result of a space-occupying lesion. The space-occupying le­ full active range of motion with few objective findings to
sion can be the result of a normal reaction to trauma (e.g., match the subjective complaints of a serious pathology.
relatively benign) , or the result of sometlling more insidi­ The term nonorganic is used to define pain exhibited by
ous, or of something as nonthreatening as a gravid uterus. patients suffering from depression, emotional disturbance,
The following findings should be of great concern to the or anxiety states. IS It is extremely difficult to assess a patient
clinician: who has pain liat is nonorganic in origin, and whose symp­
toms are exacerbated or prolonged by psychological factors.
• An insidious onset of severe pain with no specific In addition to this patient type, there is lie patient
mechanism of injury who is involved in litigation. This type can be subdivided
• Neurologic symptoms from more than two lumbar lev­ into patients with a legitimate injury and cause for litiga­
els, or more than one cervical level tion who genuinely want to improve, and patients who are
• Pain at night tllat awakens the patient from a deep sleep, merely motivated by the lure of a litigation settlement and
usually at the same time every night. The pain is who have no intention of showing signs of improvement
unremitting and is not relieved with movement. Night until their case is settled. Unfortunately, the latter group,
pain of this nature is believed to be associated with the aptly named "happy cripples," display exaggerated com­
relative decrease in core temperature tllat occurs during plaints of pai n , tenderness, and suffering that are not

unlike those of the non organic patient. H owever, in An example of controlled environment observation
this group, it is the potential for financial gain that pro­ would be clinical observations of behaviors on an inpatient
duces behaviors that can mimic those of psychogenic unit, in a partial hospitalization program, or in a multidis­
dysfunction (objective findings not matching subjective ciplinary pain intervention program. An example of
complaints) . covert, real-world surveillance would be videotaping the
claimant in their natural environment.
Malingering Unfortunately malingerers and nonmalingerers are
Any patient involved in litigation, whether as the result of often grouped together because of similarities in the as­
a motor vehicle accident, work injury, or other accident, sessment findings. With very few exceptions, patien ts in
has the potential for malingering. Malingering is defined as significant pain look and fee l miserable, move extremely
the intentional production of false symptoms or the gross slowly, and present with consistent findings during the
exaggeration of symptoms that truly exist. These symptoms examination. Inconsistent findings in the presence of se­
may be physical or psychological but have in common the vere pain could, of course, indicate a serious pathologic
conscious intention of achieving a certain goal.20 Malin­ process of a nonmusculoskeletal origin. It cannot be
gering is synonymous with faking, lying, or fraud, and it stressed enough that all patients should be given the ben­
represents a frequently unrecognized medical diagnosis. efit of the doubt until the clinician, with a high degree of
Malingerers, when identified, are commonly mismanaged, confidence, can rule out an organic cause for the pain. As
and are a source of frustration for the clinician. research by MacNab22 has shown, serious injury can re­
When a clinician engages a patient, it is assumed that sul t from low-speed impacts in motor vehicle accidents
both work together to treat a pathologic condition that is ( 20 miles per hour) , and other studies have demon­
causing the patient harm or in some way decreasing the strated that neck fractures do not show up on x-rays, or
optimal function of the patient. This assumption is not are missed when they do, for about 6 weeks after the
true in the case of the diagnosis of malingering. injury. 23,24
Malingering can be differentiated into "pure" versus Various tests and observations have been devised to
"partial. " Pure malingering occurs when there is a claim of help differentiate between the organic and nonorganic
a disease or the false production of symptoms that do not types of back pain, and they are outlined here:
exist; partial malingering occurs when the symptoms exist,
but are exaggerated in intensity.21 A. Distraction test.25 This test involves checking a posi tive
Identifying the source of secondary gain associated finding elicited during the examination on the dis­
with malingering is critical to establishing the diagnosis. tracted patient. For example, if a patient is unable to
Typically, secondary gain is related to the situation in perform a seated trunk flexion maneuver, the same pa­
which malingering is presenting. tient can be observed when asked to remove the shoes.
Such deception often causes a significant, negative re­ If marked improvement is noted, the patient's response
sponse from the clinician. It is most important, therefore, is inconsistent.
that the clinician address suspected deception in a struc­
tured, unemotional manner. It should be recollected that B. Simulation tests. A series of tests that should be comfort­
malingering can be deemed to have a nonpathologic, able to perform. If pain is reported, a non organic origin
adaptive function under certain circumstances. I t is the ob­ should be suspected.
ligation of the clinician to interact in a problem-oriented, 1 . Hip and shoulder rotation.26 With the patient posi­
constructive, and helpful fashion with the malingering pa­ tioned standing, the clinician passively rotates the pa­
tient. The diagnosis of malingering should be made based tient's hips or shoulders while the fee t are kept on tlle
on the observation of signs and symptoms during the ex­ ground.
amination, and the clinician should avoid introducing a 2. Axial loading.26 The clinician applies an axial load
negative connotation in the documentation or a negative through the standing patient's head.
emotional response of the clinician. 3. Burn's test.IS The patient is asked to kneel on a stool
Regardless of tlle criterion utilized tojustify a suspicion and is then asked to bend over and try to touch the
of malingering, the diagnosis requires an attempt to con­ floor. Most patients will at least attempt the task. Pa­
firm this suspicion. This attempt can be achieved by two tients with nonorganic pain often refuse on the
methods: observation and inference. The observational grounds that it will cause too much pain, or overbal­
method can be further divided into two subcategories: ance them on the chair.
4. Overreaction during the examination, such as dis­
1. Controlled-environment observation proportionate verbalization, muscle tension, tremors,
2. Covert "real-world" surveillance and tenderness.2 7

There are a number of clinical signs and symptoms c. Miscellaneous infections: These include fungal
that serve to alert the clinician to the possibility of a (e.g., mycotic osteomyelitis) , parasitic (e.g., hy­
malingerer:4 datid disease) or syphilitic (e.g., Charcot arthropa­
thy of the thoracolumbar junction) infections.3
• Subjective complaints of paresthesia in a stocking-glove 2. Neoplastic: Tumors can be either benign or malig­
distribution nant. The benign form tends to occur more often in
• Reflexes inconsistent with the presenting problem the under-30 age group.3
• Cogwheel motion of muscles during strength testing a. Benign
for weakness ( 1 ) Osteoid osteoma: A benign , blood-filled tu­
• The inability of the patient to complete a straight leg rais­ mor of cortical bone found in the spine that
ing test in the supine position, but having no difficulty may not present with the characteristic his­
performing the equivalent range in a seated position tory of night pain relieved by aspirin.4 A ham­
• The straight leg raising test in the supine position re­ string spasm with a marked limitation of the
produces symptoms with plantar flexion instead of straight leg raise are characteristic findings
dorsiflexion with this lesion.3
(2) Osteoblastoma: This tumor has a marked
Whatever the reasoning or motivation behind pain of predilection for the spine.3
a nonorganic origin, the success rate from the clinician 's b. Malignant: Malignant tumors can be primary or
viewpoint will be low, and so i t is well worth recognizing secondary, and are more common in the under-
these individuals from the outset. 40 age group.3
( 1 ) Primary
(a) Multiple myeloma: The most common ma­
Spondylogenic Pain
lignant primary bone tumor of the spine.
Severe pathologic processes involving the vertebra, Early in its course it can easily be over­
such as infections, neoplasms, and metabolic disorders, fre­ looked as the cause of back pain. The com­
quently present as back pain. Spondylogenic pain, pro­ plaints may be nonspecific, but a general
duced by bone impairments, is relatively limited in nature feeling of malaise is usually an indication
and quality, although the conditions producing these symp­ for a medical referral.
toms are numerous, making this the largest group.4 The age (b) Chordoma: A slowly developing, locally in­
of the patient, character of the pain, history of unexplained vasive and destructive tumor.
weight loss, presence of a fever, and bone tenderness are (2) Secondary: Secondary cancer from the breast,
helpful to the clinician in making the correct diagnosis.4 thyroid, lung, kidney, and prostate can present
as back pain.3 The first suggestion of a malig­
A. Osseous impairments nant disease lies in the history, which is not of
1. I nfective pain varying with exertion, but of a steady ag­
a. Pyogenic osteomyelitis: This usually results from gravation, irrespective of activity.4 The distin­
PID but can be the result of surgery or poor dental guishing feature is one of an unrelenting,
hygiene. intense, and progressive nature to the pain.?
b. Tuberculous vertebral osteomyelitis: Produced by Severe weakness without pain is very suggestive of
tuberculosis bacteria, which spread from the spinal metastasis.4 Gross muscle weakness with a full
lungs, or urinary tract. The most frequent site of range of straight leg raising, is also suggestive of
vertebral involvement is the vertebral body of the spinal metastasis.6
upper lumbar and lower thoracic regions. This Neoplasms, whether primary or secondary, may
condition can be a cause of low back pain in dia­ interfere with the sympathetic nerves of the auto­
betics, drug addicts, alcoholics, patients who take nomic nervous system , resulting in thermal changes
corticosteroid drugs, and otherwise debilitated in the extremities.4 For example, the foot on the af­
patients.4 The most constant clinical finding is fected side may be warmer to the touch than the foot
backache with marked tenderness over the spin­ on the unaffected side.
ous process of the involved vertebrae, gross spinal It is more difficult to detect a sacral neoplasm
rigidity due to paravertebral muscle spasms, fever, than a lower lumbar metastasis, because the spinal
sweats, anorexia, weight loss, and easy fatiguabil­ joints retain a full and painless range of movement,
ity. All spinal motions, and jarring, intensify the whereas a patient with the former condition com­
pain.3 plains of sacral pain or coccygodynia ( painful

coccyx) , only. Paresis of the gross muscles of one, or ( 1 ) The initial injury with an end plate fracture
both feet, in the absence of root pain, suggests a tu­ may be pain-free as the end plate is not well in­
mor. Back pain resulting from degenerative joint dis­ nervated. However, as the nucleus is exposed
ease is seldom, if ever, unrelenting and usually re­ to body's immune system for the first time, it is
sponds to bed rest. The patient's past medical history not recognized and elicits an immune re­
regarding previous cancer must be obtained. The cli­ sponse in the vertebral body's spongiosa.
nician should keep in mind that removal of a breast (2) The degradation of the nucleus results in a pro­
due to primary cancer may seem so remote from the gressive loss of its water-binding capacity, result­
present symptoms that the patient may not volunteer ing in a decreased ability to take load, putting
this information. 7 more load on the anulus. The continued load­
3. Metabolic28 ing of the anulus results in the formation ofver­
a. Osteoporosis and osteomalacia: The problem in tebral body osteophytes and load sharing
the diagnosis of osteoporosis is that there are no through the zygapophysialjoints, with resulting
preceding symptoms before a fracture occurs. Os­ osteophytosis.
teoporosis, a decrease in the mass of bone, can re­ (3) Over time, the degradation may extend pe­
sult in compression fractures, although a recent ripherally along radial fissures in the anulus,
meta-analysis of 1 1 separate study populations and resulting in internal disc disruption.
over 2000 fractures concluded that bone mineral (4) The patient may complain of pain at rest or
density "cannot identify individuals who will have a pain with activity, but demonstrates no external
fracture. 29 The reader is referred to Chapter 2 for signs of disc bulge, herniation, or loss of height
more details about osteoporosis and osteomalacia. with most imaging studies; x-rays, computed to­
b. Paget's disease: Paget's disease (osteitis defor­ mography (CT), and myelography are normal.
mans) is a metabolic bone disorder characterized CT discography and magnetic resonance imag­
by slowly progressive enlargement and deformity ing ( MRI) show the injury. It is thus important
of multiple bones associated with unexplained ac­ to test the ability of the spinal segmen t to toler­
celeration of both deposition and resorption of ate a compression force. ( Refer to Chapter 10)
bone.4 The disorder causes the bones to become
sponge-like, weakened, and deformed. The B. Spondylogenic impairments
bones most commonly involved are those of the 1 . Osseous
pelvis, lumbar spine, and sacrum. Although this a. Spondylosis: Defined as degeneration of the inter­
disorder is often asymptomatic, when symptoms vertebral disc.
occur, they do so insidiously and may include b. Spondylolysis: The result of traumatic, congenital,
deep, aching bone pain, nocturnal pain, joint or hereditary damage to one of the pars interartic­
stiffness, fatigue, headache, dizziness, increased ularis, resulting in the characteristic x-ray resem­
temperature over the long bones, and periosteal bling the side view of a "Scotty dog. " Spondylolysis
tenderness. causes no significant change in lifestyle, except for
4. Traumatic the very athletic. It tends to be common in weight
a. Fractures of the transverse processes have the po­ lifters, wrestlers, rowers and fast-bowlers in cricket.
tential to produce low-grade back pain, which can c. Spondylolisthesis: There are five main types.30,31
interfere with leisure activities and may remain un­ ( 1 ) Type I, isthmic: An anatomic defect of the pars
detected. These fractures typically result from in terarticularis.
gross muscular violence, often from a resisted ro­ (2) Type II, congenital: The posterior elements
tation strain. are structurally inadequate because of develop­
b. Fractures of the neural arch. mental abnormalities.
c. Dislocations. ( 3) Type III, degenerative: The facets and their
d. A wedge compression fracture of the vertebral supporting ligamentous structures are defi­
body is often produced by damage to the related cient and a listhesis or slippage results. There is
posterior joints, and can result in prolonged back no defect of the pars interarticularis. The con­
pain. dition, related to trauma and aging, is poten­
e. End plate fractures result from a compression tially progressive.
force applied to the spine, and they set up a chain (4) Type IV, elongated pedicles: Often considered
of processes that results in changes to the disc. a variant of the isthmic type. The neural arch is
(See Chapter 7) elongated, placing the facets more posteriorly.

(5) Type V, destructive disease: Secondary to meta- 8. Facilitated segment.

bolic, malignant, or infectious diseases. 9. Postural back pain.
Whatever the cause, spondylolisthesis involves an
anterior slippage of one vertebra over another
and is graded according to severity. 3o Grade I cor­ Pain Related to Specific Regions
responds to a 25% slippage (3/8 inch) and is usu­
ally the point at which intervention is sought. (See Cervical Pain
Chapter 13) A number of conditions can cause cervical pain and in­
Patients with this condition feel an increase of clude meningitis, subarachnoid hemorrhage, cervical
symptoms when the lumbar lordosis is increased, disc degeneration and/or hern iation, epidural abscess,
as this slackens the posterior longitudinal ligament lyme disease, retropharyngeal abscess, torticollis, verte­
system, which works to prevent anterior slippage bral artery dissection, and cervical cord tumors. Tra­
once the primary restraints (facets and discs) are cheobronchial pain can be referred to sites in the neck
no longer available. The incidence for true or anterior chest at the same levels as the points of irri­
spondylolisthesis is zero at birth, but it increases tation in the air passages.4 This irritation may be caused
with age up to adulthood, and rarely increases by inflammatory lesions, irritating foreign materials, or
during the next decades. Although the etiology is cancerous tumors. 34
unclear, in Eskimos the incidence is considerably Tumors of the cervical cord may be primary, metasta­
higher, and it increases in this population up to tic, extramedullary, or in tramedullary. Pain of insidious
40 years of age. 32. 33 onset, with or without neurologic signs and symptoms
d. Spina bifida, and other congenital abnormalities. (e.g., progressive leg weakness, bladder paralysis, and sen­
e. Scheuermann's disease (juvenile vertebral osteo­ sory loss) , may occur.4
chondritis) .
f. Sacroiliac: Injuries to the sacroiliac joint can result Thoracic Pain
from : Systemic origins of musculoskeletal pain in the thoracic
(1) Trauma. spine (Table 8-2) are usually accompanied by constitu­
(2) Pregnancy, resulting in increased laxity of the tional symptoms affecting the whole body, along with
ligaments. other associated symptoms that the patient may not relate
(3) Disease: Rheumatic diseases, such as ankylos­ to the back pain and, therefore, may fail to mention to the
ing spondylitis, Reiter's syndrome, psoriatic clinician.4 Perhaps the most common sources of non­
arthritis, or arthritis associated with chronic musculoskeletal chest pain are the heart and lungs. An
inflammatory bowel disease, may present with acute myocardial infarction can produce mild to severe
back and sacroiliac joint pain. In addition to
back pain, rheumatic diseases usually include
a constellation of associated signs and symp­ TABLE 8-2 SYSTEMIC CAUSES OF THORACIC PAIN4
toms, such as fever, skin lesions, anorexia, and
weight loss, to alert the clinician to the pres­
ence of a systemic disease. Gallbladder disease Midback between scapulae
Acute cholecystitis Right subscapular area
C. Soft tissue Peptic ulcer, stomach or 5th-10th thoracic vertebrae

l. Myofascial sprains or strains. duodenal ulcers

Pleuropulmonary disorders
2. Fibrositis, myofascial pain syndrome, Travell trigger
Basilar pneumonia Right upper back
points. Empyema Scapula
3. Kissing spines: An approximation of the spinous Pleurisy Scapula
processes indicative of a ligamentous sprain or insta­ Spontaneous pneumothorax Ipsilateral scapula

bility; also known as a "sprung back." Pancreatic carcinoma Middle thoracic or lumbar spine
Acute pyelonephritis Costovertebral angle
4. Disc degeneration.
5. Disc herniation. Esophagitis Midback between scapulae
6. Nerve root entrapments or dural adhesions. Myocardial infarction Midthoracic spine
7. Stenosis, central or lateral recess, producing a lateral Biliary colic Right upper back; midback

or central narrowing of the intervertebral foramen as between scapulae; right

interscapular or subscapular
a result of a disc impairment, osteophyte formation,
degeneration, or calcification.

sub-sternal pain, that may radiate to one or both breasts, Acute Pyelonephritis Acute pyelonephritis, an inflamma­
the shoulders, the jaw, the neck, and one or both arms. tion of the kidney and renal pelvis, presents with aching
The pain is described as a heaviness, a weight, a viselike pain at one or several costovertebral areas, posteriorly, with
pain and may be accompanied with sweating, nausea and radiation to the pelvic crest or groin possible.4 The patient
weakness. The duration of the discomfort can vary from may describe febrile chills, frequent urination, hematuria,
15 min to 24 hours, and is not relieved by antacids, a and shoulder pain ( if the diaphragm is irritated) .4
change in position , or rest.
Other causes of thoracic pain include esophagitis, Mediastinal Tu m ors Mediastinal tumors may refer pain
acute coronary insufficiency, angina, dural inflammation to the thoracic spine, but the pain is disproportionate to
pericarditis, herpes zoster, and costochondritis. any musculoskeletal problem.4 Tumors occur most often
When screening the patient through the subjective in the thoracic spine because of its length, the proximity to
history, the clinician should remember that symptoms of the mediastinum, and the proximity to direct metastatic
pleural, intercostal and costal origin all increase on cough­ extension from lymph nodes involved with lymphoma,
ing or deep inspiration.4 breast, or lung cancer.4

Pep tic Ulcer Although the pain of a peptic ulcer typically Esophagitis Severe esophagitis, a condition common in al­
occurs in the left hypochondrium, it occasionally occurs in coholics, may refer pain to the thoracic spine. This referred
the back between the eighth and tenth thoracic vertebrae. pain is always accompanied by epigastric pain and heart­
Perforated duodenal ulcers may refer pain to the left up­ burn.4
per quadrant or right shoulder. Patients with this disorder
prefer to avoid all movement. If the ulcer is not perfo­ Myocardial Infarction A myocardial infarction, or heart
rated, relief can be obtained by antacids. The patient usu­ attack, results from ischemia of the heart muscle. As with
ally describes periodic symptoms, relief with antacids, and any pain associated with ischemia, the pain is severe and is
the relationship of pain to eating. For example, the patient often accompanied by a crushing sensation which is usually
may have relief from pain after eating only to find that the located across the chest. Despite associated signs of a cold
pain returns and increases 1 to 2 hours after eating when sweat, and weak blood pressure, the most common symp­
the stomach is emptied.4 tom in this condition is one of denial by the patient.

Pancreatic Carcinoma The most frequent symptom of a Pneu m o th o rax4 Patients presenting with a pneumotho­
pancreatic carcinoma is upper abdominal/ thoracic pain. rax develop acute pleuritic chest pain localized to the side
It begins over a period of minutes as a knife-like or steady, of the pneumothorax. This pain may be referred to the ip­
dull pain , radiating from the epigastrium into the back, silateral scapula or shoulder, across the chest, or over the
and left shoulder. Anorexia, nausea, and vomiting usually abdomen. Associated symptoms may include dyspnea,
accompany the pain, and there may be postural dizziness cough, hemoptysis ( blood in sputum ) , tachycardia (in­
and weakness, and gastrointestinal difficulties unrelated to creased heart rate) , tachypnea (rapid respirations) , and
meals. This disease is predominantly found in men (3: 1) cyanosis (blue lips and skin due to a lack of oxygen ) . The
and occurs in the sixth and seventh decades. patient may have severe pain in the upper and lateral tho­
racic wall, which is aggravated by any movement and by the
Acute Cho lecystitis Acute cholecystitis (gallbladder in­ cough and dyspnea that accompany it. 34 The patient may
fection) may occur in association with pancreatitis causing be most comfortable sitting in an upright position.
diffuse upper abdominal pain and tenderness. Associated
symptoms include muscle guarding, jaundice, chills and Lumbar Pain
Metastatic Lesions Metastatic lesions affecting the lum­
Biliary Colic A bile duct obstruction may be caused by bar spine occur most commonly from the ovary, breast,
various disorders. The pain of biliary colic begins sud­ kidney, lung, or prostate gland.4 Cancer of the prostate
denly and builds in intensity over a period of seconds or which can metastasize to other areas in the body is the sec­
minutes. It is usually constant and is referred to the right ond most common site of cancer among men, and is often
posterior upper quadrant, with pain in the right shoulder. diagnosed when the man seeks medical assistance because
There may be back pain between the scapulae, with re­ of symptoms of urinary obstruction or sciatica, the latter
ferred pain to the right side in the interscapular or sub­ resulting from a metastasis to the bones of the pelvis, lum­
scapular area.4 bar spine, or femur.4

Case Study : Low Bac k and Buttoc k Pain • Arthritis that tends to be asymmetric and most com­
monly involves the lower extremities
Subjective • Inflammation, often at the insertion of tendons into
A 30-year-old woman presented with a history of periodic bone ( enthesitis) , accompanied by certain extra­
and vague right lower back and buttock pain. The patient articular features, including skin and mucous mem­
also complained of right heel pain, but she was unsure if brane impairments, bowel complaints, eye involvement,
the two were related. The latest episode had lasted longer and aortic root dilation.
than the previous ones and had been progressively wors­ • The familial aggregation, which occurs within each
ening, and the patient had sought medical advice. The condition and among the entities within the group
pain was described as worse in the morning, improving • An association with HLA-B27, which has also been
with activity, but worsening after sitting in one position for documented in the diseases included in this group.
a long period. Coughing also appeared to worsen the pain. Almost 30 years have passed since the initial reports
No imaging studies had been performed. in 1 972 of the association of HLA-B27 with ankylos­
ing spondylitis,3 7.38 which was soon followed by sim­
Examination ilar associations in Reiter's syndrome,39,4o psoriatic
Observation of the patient revealed a decrease in lordosis spondylitis,41 and the spondylitis of inflammatory
but was otherwise unremarkable. Owing to the insidious bowel disease.42 The association of HLA-B27 with the
nature of the low back pain, a lumbar scan was performed seronegative spondyloarthropathies has remained
with the following results: one of the best examples of a disease association with
a hereditary marker.
• Dimi nished lumbar spine motion in all planes but es­
pecially side-flexion to the right because of pain. Flex­ Ankylosing Sp ondylitis Ankylosing spondylitis ( Bekhte­
ion produced a slight deviation toward the right. rew's or Marie Strumple disease) is a chronic rheumatoid
• Hypertonus of the lumbar paraspinals. disorder that is usually progressive, resulting in a full anky­
• Pain was elicited at the end of the straight leg raise, losing of the sacroiliac joints, although the course can also
but no dural tension signs were present. be mild, particularly in women.36,43 The patient is usually
• Positive anterior SI joint distraction test. between 1 5 and 40 years of age, and the condition affects
• Positive Gaenslen's torsion test.35 1 to 3 per 1 000 people. Although men are affected more
• Rib expansion of only 2 cm was noted on inspiration. often than women, mild courses of ankylosing spondylitis
• Positive manubrium test. are more common in the latter.44 Patients with ankylosing
spondylitis who lack HLA-B27 comprise approximately 5 %
Although not part of the typical lumbar scan, the last to 1 0 % o f the total patient population, and tend to have
three special tests were performed on the basis of suspi­ clinical differences from HLA-B27-positive patients. In­
cion regarding the patient's diagnosis. flammatory eye or cardiac disease is nearly absent in these
Discussion The most characteristic feature of the back pain asso­
The patient demonstrated a number of the classic signs for ciated with ankylosing spondylitis is pain at night.46 Pa­
ankylosing spondylitis and was referred back to her physi­ tients often awaken in the early morning (between 2 and
cian for further testing . Her lumbar spine x-rays were un­ 5 AM) with back pain and stiffness, and usually either take
remarkable, but her laboratory tests found an increased a shower or exercise before returning to sleep.44 In time,
erythrocyte sedimentation rate and slight anemia, and she the disorder progresses to involve the whole spine and re­
was HLA-B27-positive. The patient was referred to physi­ sults in spinal deformities, including flattening of the lum­
cal therapy. bar lordosis, kyphosis of the thoracic spine, and hyperex­
The spondyloarthropathies are a group of inflamma­ tension of the cervical spine. These, in turn, result in
tory arthritic conditions that share certain clinical and lab­ flexion contractures of the hips and knees with significant
oratory features:36 morbidity and disability.44 Men generally have the more se­
vere form, which affects the spine, whereas in women, the
• An inflammatory arthritis of the back that manifests peripheral joints are more often affected. There is a 10%
with pain associated with stiffness in the buttocks and to 20% risk that the offspring of patients with the disease
back will later develop it.
• The absence of a rheumatoid factor, hence the distinc­ Although signs of this disease are also common in
tion of the group as "seronegative " spondyloarthro­ the thoracic region, the sacroiliac joints are commonly
pathies the initial site of inflammation. Backache in ankylosing

spondylitis is typically intermittent and comes and goes As the disease progresses, the pain and stiffness can
irrespective of exertion or rest.44 The disease includes in­ spread up the entire spine, pulling it into forward flexion,
volvement of the anterior longitudinal ligament and os­ so that the patient adopts the typical "stooped-over" posi­
sification of the disc, the thoracic zygapophysial joint tion . The patient gazes downward, the entire back is
joints, the costovertebral joints, and the manubrial ster­ rounded, the hips and knees are semiflexed, and the arms
nal joint, which is affected in 50% of all cases, produc­ cannot be raised beyond a limited amount at the shoul­
ing painful forced inspiration, making the checking of ders.53 Radicular pain occurs, the sacroiliac joints develop
chest expansion measurements a required test in this tenderness, and chest expansion is restricted because of
region . disease of the costovertebral joints.
Peripheral arthritis i s uncommon in ankylosing Although radiologic evidence of sacroiliitis is ac­
spondylitis, but when it occurs, it is usually late in the cepted as being obligatory for the diagnosis of ankylosing
course of the arthritis.47 Peripheral arthritis developing spondylitis, the clinical signs may predate radiologic ab­
early in the course of the disease is a predictor of disease normalities by months or even years. When the signs be­
progression.48 The arthritis usually presents in the lower gin to show on x-ray, they demonstrate erosions with sub­
extremities in an asymmetric distribution.44 I nvolvement sequent ankylosis of the j oints. The New York criteria54
of the "axial" join ts, including shoulders and hips, is more describe the sacroiliac involvement according to four
common than involvement of more distal joints.49 In the grades: grade 1 is suspicious; grade 2 shows erosions and
shoulder, there may be a unique lesion of erosion at the in­ sclerosis; grade 3 shows erosions, sclerosis, and early
sertion of the rotator cuff. ankylosis; and grade 4 reflects total ankylosis. The follow­
The disease in women may not be as severe as i t is in ing findings with x-ray are characteristic, depending on
men, and it may present with neck pain and, on occasion the region:
breast pain, in the absence of the typical lower back pain of
sacroiliitis.5o This may account for the fact that the disease • Sacroiliac joint: Early, patchy osteoporosis develops,
in women is often diagnosed at a later age than in men.51 and the joint margins become ill-defined. Subchon­
Longitudinal studies in patients with ankylosing dral erosions develop and, when multiple, produce a
spondylitis reveal that deformities and disability occur "rosary" effect. Initially, the increasing bone density is
within the first 10 years of disease.48 Most of the loss of patchy before becoming widespread and obliterating
function occurs during the first 10 years, and correlates the joints.55
significantly with the occurrence of peripheral arthritis, ra­ • Lumbar spine: The early radiologic sign is the Ro­
diographic changes in the spine, and the development of manus lesion,55 which reflects an erosion at the disc
"bamboo" spine. margin. Squaring of the vertebra then results, fol­
The following findings are suggestive of spondylitis:52 lowed by the development of the syndesmophyte, as a
result of ossification of the outer layer of the nucleus
• General malaise fibrosus of the intervertebral disc. The anterior con­
• Weight loss cavity of each body is lost, and the normal lordosis is
• Positive family history straightened. Paravertebral ossification gradually de­
• Eye disorders such as iritis and iridocyclitis velops beneath the anterior longitudinal ligament at
• Colitis each level, resulting eventually in the typical "bamboo"
• Peripheral arthritides spine appearance.
• Heel pain • In the late stages of the disease, total ankylosis of the
spine occurs, with ossification of the longitudinal
Inspection usually shows a flat lumbar spine and gross ligaments.
limitation of side-flexion in both directions. Mobility loss
tends to be bilateral and symmetric. There is loss of spinal Intervention
elongation on flexion (Shober's test) and, often , a history An exercise program is particularly important for these pa­
of lower limb peripheral involvement (20% to 30% of pa­ tients to maintain functional spinal outcomes.56 The goal
tients) , such as arthritis, plantar fasciitis, or Achilles ten­ of exercise therapy is to maintain the mobility of the spine
dinitis. The patient may relate a history of costochondritis and involved joints for as long as possible, and to prevent
and, with examination, rib springing may give a hard end the spine from stiffening in an unacceptable kyphotic po­
feel. Basal rib expansion is often decreased. The glides of sition. A strict regimen of daily exercises, which include
the costotransverse joints, and distraction of the stern­ positioning and extension exercises, breathing exercises,
oclavicular joints, are decreased and the lumbar spine ex­ and exercises for the peripheral joints, must be followed.
hibits a capsular pattern. Several times a day, patients should lie prone for 5 minutes,

and they should be encouraged to sleep on a hard mattress 1 7. Low PA, Tuck RR. Effects of changes of blood pressure,
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Chapter Objectives A. Develop a working relationship and establish lines of

communication with the patient.
At the completion of this chapter, the reader will be
B. Assist with the planning of the objective examination.
able to:
C. Elicit reports of potentially dangerous symptoms.
1. Perform a detailed subjective examination.
D. Determine the mechanism of injury, and the severity.
2. Describe the purpose of the subjective examination.
3. List the mandatory questions for each spinal area. E. Determine the irritability and nature of the symptoms.
4. Understand the relevance of additional questions per­
F. Assist with the generation of a working pathologic
taining to each joint.
5. Discuss the importance of the past medical history.
6. Recognize the importance of a thorough subjective G. Establish a baseline for intervention and examination.
examination in aiding the clinician to screen for H. Elicit information on the history and past history of the
patients with a medical diagnosis.
current condition.

I. Elicit information on:'

OVERVIEW l. Past medical and surgical history
2. General demographics (age, primary language,
The examination of the patient consists of two parts of race and ethnicity, sex)
equal importance, the subjective examination (history) 3. Social history
and the objective examination (systems review, and tests 4. Medications
and measures). The tests and measures are further subdi­ 5. Family history
vided into the scanning examination and the biomechani­ 6. Other tests and measures (imaging studies, labora-
cal examination. Usually the subjective examination pre­ tory tests, etc.)
cedes the objective examination, but they can, and often 7. Occupation and employment
do, occur concurrently. 8. Growth and development
9. Living environment
10. Functional status and activity level
THE SUBJECTIVE EXAMINATION 11. General health status
12. Social habits
The subjective part of the examination, or patient history,
J. Ask joint-specific questions.
is the cornerstone of every examination, for it is only the
patient who can describe the symptoms and, more often
Past Medical History
than not, give the clinician the information needed to
formulate a hypothesis. However, the right questions must A complete medical history of the patient should be
be asked, and a correct interpretation must be made by the taken to give the clinician an idea as to the general health
clinician from the responses. The general purpose of of the patient. The patient can fill out a medical history
the subjective examination is to: form, such as the one in Table 9-1, upon arrival for the




General Information:

Date: _______ ____

Last Name First Name

The information requested may be needed if you have a medical emergency

Relationship: ___________

Person to be notified in emergency Phone

Are you currently working? (Y) (N) Type of work: ________________________ ___

If not,why?----------- ______________________________________________________ ________________________

General Medical History:

Please check (,1') if you have been treated for:

( ) Heart Problems ( ) Difficulty Swallowing

( ) Fainting or Dizziness ( ) A Wound That Does Not Heal
( ) Shortness of Breath ( ) Unusual Skin Coloration
( ) Calf Pain with Exercise ( ) Lung Disease/Problems
( ) Severe Headaches ( ) Arthritis
( ) Recent Accident ( ) Swollen and Painful Joints
( ) Head Trauma/Concussion ( ) Irregular Heart Beats
( ) Muscular Weakness ( ) Stomach Pains or Ulcers
( ) Cancer ( ) Pain with Cough or Sneeze
( ) Joint Dislocation(s) ( ) Back or Neck Injuries
( ) Broken Bone ( ) Diabetes
( ) Difficulty Sleeping ( ) Stroke(s)
( ) Frequent Falls ( ) Balance Problems
( ) Unexplained Weight Loss ( ) Muscular Pain with Activity
( ) Tremors ( ) Swollen Ankles or Legs
( ) High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) ( ) Jaw Problems
( ) Kidney Disease ( ) Circulatory Problems
( ) Liver Disease ( ) Epilepsy/Seizures/Convulsions
( ) Weakness or Fatigue ( ) Chest Pain or Pressure at Rest
( ) Hernias ( ) Allergies (latex, medication, food)
( ) Blurred Vision ( ) Constant Pain Unrelieved by Rest
( ) Bowel/Bladder Problems ( ) Pregnancy
( ) Night Pain (while sleeping)
( ) Nervous or Emotional Problems
( ) Any Infectious Disease (TB, AIDS, hepatitis)
( ) Tingling, Numbness, or Loss of Feeling? If yes, where? _______________________________

( ) Constant Pain or Pressure During Activity

Do you use tobacco? (Y) or (N) If yes, how much? ___________________________

Are you presently taking any medications or drugs? (Y) or (N)

�ye�what are you ta�ng them��----------------------------- _________

1. Pain
On a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being no pain and 10 being the worst pain imaginable, give yourself a score for your current level of pain ____

2. Simple Movements (moving your involved region)

On a scale of 0 to 10 with 0 being normal movement of your involved region and 10 being unable to move your involved region at all, give
yourself a score for your current ability to perform simple movements with your involved region ____ __

3. Function (getting out of a bed or a chair,driving,getting dressed,etc.)


TABLE 9-1 (Continued)

On a scale of 0 to 10 with 0 being able to perform all of your normal daily activities and 10 being that you are unable to perform any of your
normal daily activities,give yourself a score for your current ability to perform your activities of daily living

Please list any major surgery or hospitalization:

Hospital: _________ ___________ Approx Date: _________

Reasons: _ __________________________________

Hospital: ____________________ Approx Date: _________

Reasons: _ __________________________________

Have you recently had an X-ray, MRI, or CT scan for your condition? (Y) or (N)
Facility: Approx Date: _

Findings: _ __________________________________

Please mention any additional problems or symptoms you feel are important:

Have you been evaluated and/or treated by another physician,physical therapist,chiropractor, osteopath, or health care practitioner for this
condition? (Y) or (N) If yes, please circle which one.

I,the undersigned,state that I have answered this form to the best of my knowledge.

Patient's Signature Date:

first treatment session. The form serves to alert the clini­ and the blood supply to the cord is very tenuous in
cian about any potential serious signs and symptoms that this region. Posterior disc herniations or osteophytic
the patient may be experiencing, and the responses to encroachments can compress the spinal cord.
these questions should be clarified, as necessary, with more 2. Seventy percent of spinal metastases affect the tho­
detailed questions. 2 racic spine. 4 The ribs are a common site of metastasis
General questions about medical history can give the from the breast.
examiner some useful information. Although this can po­ 3. If a rib impairment is present, the patient may have
tentially open the flood gates to a wealth of unwanted noticed a reduction in shoulder movement, because
information, the skilled clinician uses the technique of of the pulling action of the attached muscles, or pain
asking the correct ratio of open-ended and closed-ended with breathing.
questions to elicit the pertinent information. Open­
B. Pain with a deep breath, cough, or sneeze.
ended questions encourage longer answers, whereas c1ose­
l. Pain felt on deep respiration could be caused by ei­
ended questions demand "yes" and "no" answers. Direct
ther the movement of the ribs and spine, or from
questions need to be asked, as the patient may fail to relate
the lining of the lungs, or from cardiac ischemia. A
information that he or she considers to be unimportant.
quick screen to help differentiate between the two in­
volves having the patient breathe deeply while the
Joint-Specific Questions3

Related to the Thoracic Region TABLE 9-2 CAUSES OF PARESTHESIA

Thoracic pain can be referred from any of the structures
that comprise the thoracic cage, or from the structures en­
cased by the cage. As indicated in Chapter 8, visceral Lip (perioral) Vertebral artery occlusion
causes of thoracic pain must always be considered. The pa­ Bilateral lower or bilateral Central protrusion of disc
tient should be asked about any history of: upper extremities impinging on the spine
All extremities simultaneously Spinal cord compression
One-half of the body Cerebral hemisphere
A. Cord signs, especially bilateral or hemiparesthesia Segmental (in a dermatomal Disc or nerve root
(Table 9-2). pattern)
l. The cord signs may be caused by compression of the Glove-stocking distribution Diabetes mellitus neuropathy,
spinal cord by a space-occupying lesion, or the result lead or mercury poisoning
Half of face and opposite Brain-stem impairment
of ischemia. The spinal canal in this region is relatively
half of body
narrow compared with the width of the spinal cord,

thoracic spine is placed in various positions (refer to should be asked with all patients who report an insidi­
Chapter 16). ous onset of pain. Although an acute injury should be
2. A patient who reports thoracic pain associated with expected to hurt at night, and at rest, other pain of a
coughing should be referred back to the physician, musculoskeletal origin should improve with rest.
because pain of a pleural origin is very difficult to
E. Effects on the symptoms during standing, sitting, and
rule out, even with a very thorough musculoskeletal
1. Although a spinal stenosis can be caused by disc her­
C. Severity. Anterior chest wall pain should alert the clini­ niation, and spondylolisthesis at any age, it is usually
cian to the possibility of a heart attack. However, heart found in the older population, owing to the effects of
attacks often occur with a myriad of symptoms, includ­ degeneration. In both central and lateral stenosis,
ing arm pain and jaw pain. If the symptoms are reported the symptoms are increased with extension postures,
to be increased with exertion or emotional stress, the pa­ or activities that produce an increase in lumbar lor­
tient should be referred back to the physician. dosis.
2. Pain resulting from intermittent claudication is also
Related to the Lumbar Region reproduced with walking, or any other exertional ac­
Most low back pain is not induced with trauma. The tivity that involves the lower extremities such as cy­
fact that a herniated disc is more common here than in cling.
the cervical spine is thought not only to be the result of the 3. Seated postures tend to exacerbate the symptoms of
stresses incurred by the lumbar spine, but also of their a lumbar disc herniation.
differing modes of degeneration (refer to Chapter 7).5 4. The symptoms of spondylolisthesis, like stenosis, are
Large lumbar disc protrusions have the potential to exacerbated with extension postures or activities, in­
produce cauda equina compressions. The patient should cluding sitting erect (refer to Chapters 8 and 13).
be asked about any history of:

Related to the Cervical Region

A. Bladder or bowel impairment. 3
Inquire about a history of:
1. Usually the result of S4 nerve root compression but
can result from prostate cancer. The typical problems
A. Dizziness, drop attacks, or nausea. Although most
reported include:
causes of dizziness are benign in origin, no assump­
a. Problems with starting and stopping the flow of
tions should be made. Traumatic dizziness may be the
result of:
b. Incontinence. This indicates a complete impair­
1. Damage to the vestibular system.
2. Damage to the vertebrobasilar system.
c. Retention. The patient feels like "going," but
3. Damage to the upper cervical joints.
cannot. This may be the result of a facilitation of
the sphincter nerve. B. Rheumatoid diseases. One stud/ showed that 30% of
d. Various degrees of incontinence, indicating com­ patients with rheumatoid arthritis have neck pain, and
promise to any combination of the L S-Sl, S2-4 about 30% have an anterior or vertical instability of the
nerve roots. atlanto-axial segment.

B. Saddle paresthesia or anesthesia (Table 9-2). This is C. Cord signs associated with neck positIOn or move­
the classic symptom of cauda equina pressure. Lesions ments. Obviously, any evidence of serious pathology
of the spinal cord or conus medullaris produce the up­ should preclude further examination. The patient'S
per motor neuron symptoms of a neurogenic bladder.6 neck should be stabilized in a hard collar, and the
Cauda equina impairments are also typically associated patient should be transported to the emergency
with severe low back pain and bilateral sciatica. department.

C. Pain with cough or sneeze. This usually has a discogenic D. Radicular pain or paresthesia with, or witilOut, cough­
or dural cause and is produced as the result of an in­ ing. Any radicular symptoms that do not follow a seg­
crease in intra-abdominal pressure associated with mental distribution may indicate an underlying, and
these two actions. serious, pathology.

D. Night pain not related to movement. Twenty percent of E. History of trauma. The most common cause of trauma
spinal metastasises occur in the lumbar spine. The ques­ to the neck is a hyperextension injury, such as occurs in
tion of pain at night, which is not related to movement, rear-end collisions. The injury is far worse if the head is

rotated or extended at the point of impact. s An imme­ shooting. In broad terms, pain may be classified as noci­
diate onset of severe pain following a whiplash is in­ ceptive or as neurogenic. Although neurogenic pain
dicative of profound damage to the musculoskeletal arises from neural injury, the mechanisms of neurogenic
system, whereas a gradual onset is the more likely sce­ pain are complex and incompletely understood, making
nario with an inflammation. it imperative to objectively demonstrate and quantify a
physiologic disruption in sensory function that may be
The primary focus of the subjective examination is to the cause of pain. The role of somatosensory cortex has
question the patient as to the reason he or she is seeking been recently emphasized in the genesis of neurogenic
an intervention. More often than not, pain is the reason pain. 14
that a patient seeks help, so it is well worth spending some Radicular pain, a form of neurogenic pain, was once
time questioning the patient about his or her pain. thought to be solely the result of nerve root compression.
However, it is now clear that this type of pain can only
occur if the nerve root is irritated, rather than merely
Nature of Symptoms
compressed, or if there is ischemia of the nerve root as a
To assess the relevance of the patient's responses result of edema. 15
during the examination, further questioning from the Radicular pain should not be confused with radiating
examiner is needed to find out as much information as pain, in which there is an increase in pain intensity that re­
possible about the nature and behavior of the patient's sults in a spreading of the pain, usually distally.
Areas and Definition of Symptoms
Type With an acute injury (within the first 24 to 48 hours
Are the symptoms solely related to the pain, or are there following the trauma), the area of pain surrounds the
other symptoms that accompany the pain, such as tingling, injury site-everything hurts. As the injury begins to heal,
numbness, weakness, stiffness, dizziness, increased sweat­ the area of subjective pain becomes more localized, giving
ing, bowel and bladder changes, and so on. the examiner a clearer idea as to the structure at fault.
A common definition of acute pain is "the normal,
predicted physiological response to an adverse chemical, Intensity
thermal or mechanical stimulus . . . associated with sur­ Is it sufficient to prevent sleep or to wake the patient at
gery, trauma and acute illness. ,,9 Yet patients' attitudes, be­ night? What effect on the pain do activities of daily living
liefs, and personalities also strongly affect their immediate (ADLs), work, sex, and so forth, have on the pain? Does
experience of acute pain. the patient exhibit a socially withdrawn pattern of behavior
Somatic pain has an aching quality, and typically orig­ that should be a cause for concern. Is the pain constant,
inates from local or distal tissues of the musculoskeletal sys­ which suggests the presence of a chemical irritation. An in­
tem. This type of pain, unlike neurogenic pain, can vary in ability to reproduce the constant pain with a specific mo­
intensity from mild to severe. It is thought that spinothal­ tion is not a good sign. Is the pain continuous? Although
amic neurons that convey nociceptive input from the skin one might expect constant and continuous pain to have
may also respond to noxious visceral stimuli, and that such the same interpretation, continuous pain is pain that is
viscero-somatic convergence provides a neural substrate for perpetual, but that varies in intensity, indicating the in­
the phenomenon of cutaneous referral of visceral pain.IO volvement of both a chemical and a mechanical source.
Visceral pain 11-13 is typically described by the clinician This type of pain gives the clinician a good perspective on
as referred pain. Although the precise mechanisms of vis­ the irritability of a structure, tlle stage of healing, or the
ceral pain differ between the different organs and organ severity of the injury. As mentioned previously, pain of a
systems, there seem to be two common principles that ap­ nonacute derivation that is not alleviated with rest should
ply to all visceral pain. The first principle is that the neuro­ alert the examiner.
logic mechanisms of visceral pain differ from those in­
volved in somatic pain; therefore, findings in somatic pain
Behavior of Symptoms
research cannot necessarily be extrapolated to visceral
pain. The second principle is that the perception and psy­ A. The patient should be questioned about how the pain
chological processing of visceral pain also differ from that behaves over a 24-hour period. The questions need to
of somatic pain. To learn more about visceral pain, the be specific: 17
reader is referred to Chapter 8. 1. On waking. If the pain is noticeable after sleeping
Neurogenic pain is typically described by the clini­ soundly, the patient's sleeping posture or the bed
cian as radicular pain, and by the patient as sharp, or itself may be the cause.

2. On rising. If the patient has a disc impairment or an and comes and goes, but is never absent for more than
arthritic joint, stiffness and pain in the morning is a 10 to IS minutes at a time. The onset and offset of pain
common complaint. is not related to activity or postures. The patien t ran
3. Traveling to work. How does the patient travel to a marathon 2 days ago. The patient saw his physician
work and for how long? who prescribed Tylenol and Naprosyn and physical
4. At work. Is the patient sedentary or active? therapy. The patient was in no pain at the time of the
S. Relaxing in evening. What kind of chair or position examination.
does the patient relax in?
6. Initially going to bed. How long does it take for the Examination
pain to subside? Does it subside? The patient is of medium build and healthy, with no
7. During sleep. Is the patient able to fall asleep natu­ excess weight. No evidence of postural deformities or
rally or does he or she use medication or alcohol, deficits, bruising, muscle deficits, or atrophy in the trunk
both of which can interfere with the body's normal or legs, was noted. Neither were there any congenital
mechanism to change position if it is painful. abnormalities.

B. Specific aggravating activities or postures. If no activi­

Spinal Scan Examination A full range of pain-free
ties or postures are reported to aggravate the symp­
movements was elicited with normal end feel. There were
toms, the clinician needs to probe for more informa­
no neurologic deficits. Compression and traction tests
tion. The examiner needs to find out about activities
were pain free. The straight leg raise (SLR) tests were
such as walking, bending, sleeping position, prolonged
90 degrees bilaterally, and the prone knee-flexion tests
standing, and sitting. When the patient sits, does he or
produced full range; neither produced pain. The slump
she sit upright or slouched. Sitting or standing upright
test was negative. Posterior-anterior pressures were a little
increases lordosis and can be a source of aggravation
tender over T 12 and Ll, with some increased resistance to
for patients with an anterior instability, spondylolisthe­
movement from hypertonicity. The patient was asked to
sis, stenosis, or a zygapophysial joint irritation. Sitting
jump up and down on the painful leg. This provoked the
slouched typically aggravates a lumbar disc.
pain, which lasted 10 minutes, but the sacroiliac (SI) stress
C. Specific relieving factors. This is very important to as­ tests did not reproduce the pain.
certain, because the patient can often provide the clini­
cian with an intervention plan based on the answers to Biomechanical Examination Passive physiologic interver­
these questions. If neither activity nor rest relieves the tebral movement (PPIVM) tests at TI2-Ll demonstrate
symptoms, the cause may be systemic. some hypomobility into flexion and left side flexion.
Passive physiologic articular intervertebral movement
D. Relationship of symptoms to nonmechanical events.
(PPAIVM) tests were negative. The right LS-Sl joint was
1. Eating: Pain that increases with eating may suggest
hypermobile into extension and there was mild instability
gastrointestinal involvement.
into right rotation at L S-S1. The right hip was hypomobile
2. Stress: An increase in overall muscle tension prevents
into extension.
muscles from resting.
3. Cyclical events (e.g., menstruation).
Examination and Intervention Although the pain ap­
peared to be related to running the marathon, it oc­
Consider the following patient example. If the tests
curred some time later. If the patient had torn a muscle
used during this example are unfamiliar to you, do not be
or had done significant damage to a spinal segment, the
concerned; they will be explained in detail later in the
pain would have been experienced much earlier. Pain­
modulating systems are generally not so effective that
they can abolish pain for 2 days. It is possible that the
Case Study18 patient may have sustained a low-level injury that was
subclinical, and then some minor provocation imposed
Subjective on the injury made it symptomatic. However, the pain
A 32-year-old healthy looking man with no past health was not typical musculoskeletal pain. Some patients do
problems of significance complains of pain in the right complain of stabbing pain, but it is an unusual descrip­
upper lumbar region. The pain is sharp and stabbing and tor. The pain was unpredictable and not related to phys­
radiates downward and around the groin to the scrotum ical stresses or their relief, except when asked to jump up
and upper medial thigh about 2 inches below the hip. and down on the painful leg. This did set up the pain,
The pain has been present since waking this morning which lasted 10 minutes and could suggest sacroiliitis-if

the SI stress tests had reproduced the pain, which they C. Previous history.
did not. 1. Initial onset of symptoms.
These findings tend to argue against a mechanical 2. Successive onsets-Frequency, ease of onset, dura­
cause. The pain was not constant nor even continuous, re­ tion of episodes.
ducing the likelihood of it being inflammatory in nature. 3. Previous intervention and results.
The pain radiated from the flank to the groin, suggesting
that whatever tissue was causing the symptoms, its deriva­
tion was somewhere between T12 and L2. The scrotal com­ Case Study: Dizzy Patient 19
ponent in the absence of sciatica (S4) would support
This case study, although extreme in its clinical pres­
higher levels rather than lower.
entation, serves to illustrate the manifestation of serious
Thus far, the patient appears to be presenting with
signs and symptoms.
a nonmechanical, noninflammatory condition arising
from a tissue derived from the thoracolumbar high lumbar
area. This by itself should be enough for the clinician to re­ Subjective
fer the patient back to his physician. One other test that A 41-year-old woman who had undergone several surgical
would help confirm this decision is heavy, dull percussion interventions of the cervical spine reported experiencing
over the kidney. This reproduced the patient's pain. vertigo, nausea, and oscillopsia while cooking. Further
Provisional differential diagnosis: Viscerogenic pain­ questioning revealed that these symptoms were related to
renal colic caused by kidney stones. The low lumbar and neck flexion. Other symptoms included diplopia, left fa­
hip impairments were coincidental and had nothing to do cial and tongue numbness, swallowing difficulties, and
with the patient's complaints. balance problems with gait impairment. Five years ago,
after neck surgery, she had reported neck pain and pares­
thesia in all four limbs, and a C3-4 disc protrusion, surgi­
History of Present Condition cally managed, relieved her symptoms. Four years later,
At the end of the last section of questions, the examiner she was admitted to the hospital with neck pain and
must have ascertained whether or not the symptoms are re­ deformity of the cervical spine. She underwent further
lated to biomechanical stresses. The next series of ques­ surgery, and her pain and neck deformity improved. She
tions examines the natural history of the condition. had done well for 10 months until experiencing her cur­
rent symptoms.
A. Onset. When? How? Time factor-A sudden onset (i.e.,
within 4 hours) indicates an acute impairment such as a Questions
tear, whereas immediate pain and "locking" indicates a 1. List all of the reported symptoms that are of concern
facet, disc, or meniscoid impairment. to the clinician.
1. Rapid swelling is an indication of bleeding into the 2. Explain the possible causes for these symptoms, giving
joint. both benign and nonbenign causes.
2. A gradual increase of symptoms over time indicates
that the condition is worsening.
3. An insidious onset needs to be investigated fully.
Results of the patient's general physical examination were
B. Does the mechanism or severity of the described injury remarkable for a severe cervical kyphosis with severely
account for the symptoms? Clinical evidence would sug­ limited range of movement. Flexion could be accom­
gest that most cervical injuries from a motor vehicle ac­ plished using en bloc movements of the neck. However,
cident will be found in the 20- to 60-year-old age range. extension and lateral rotation were limited to only a few
This may be the result of the younger population hav­ degrees. The left arm and left foot were colder than the
ing a high degree of flexibility, which reduces the right, and were slightly cyanotic. On neurologic examina­
chances of a serious injury. In the older population, a tion, the patient was oriented and cooperative. Cranial
loss of flexibility and an increase in stability, secondary nerve testing (Table 9-3) revealed the following:
to ossification and fibrosis, results in a decreased inci­
dence of motor vehicle accident injuries. More back in­ • Prominent bilateral rotatory nystagmus, which was
juries seem to occur as a result of taking something out evident at rest, became more pronounced on left lat­
of a car trunk than putting it in, and this may be sec­ eral and downward gaze.
ondary to the hysteresis of the tissues following the pro­ • The left corneal reflex was absent.
longed driving position. It is no secret that most injuries • Palatal sensation and gag reflex were absent.
are predisposed secondary to unhealthy tissue. • Speech was hypophonic.


The close anatomic and functional relation between the
upper spinal cord and lower brain stem makes these struc­
I Olfactory Smell (usually not tested) tures prone to concomitant involvement by different
II Optic Light reaction pathologic processes that affect the occipitocervical re­
Accommodation gion. The etiologies of these processes include congenital
malformations, inflammatory or arthritic diseases, and
III Oculomotor Fixation
IV Trochlear Fixation neoplastic impairments, among others.20
V Trigeminal Facial sensation Pathophysiologic mechanisms are related to either im­
Jaw reflex pairment of blood supply or direct mechanical compres­
VI Abducens Fixation sion of the neural structures.
V I I Facial Smile, frown
The clinical picture varies depending on the com­
VIII Vestibulocochlear Lie down,sit up
Side tilt
pressed structures and may include cervical pain, occipital
Caloric pain, torticollis, radiculopathy, myelopathy, or symptoms
Finger rustle and signs related to impairment of the brain stem, or lower
Humming cranial nerves, including nausea, vomiting, dizziness,
Weber's test
blurred vision, nystagmus, dysarthria, swallowing distur­
Rhine's test
IX Glossopharyngeal Gag reflex (usually not tested) bances, loss of consciousness, and Lhermiltes sign.
X Vagal Gag reflex (usually not tested) In this patient, some of the symptoms, such as vertigo
XI Accessory Sternomastoid and trapezius strength and nystagmus, may be explained by either cervical or
Trapezius reflex brain stem impairment. However, vertigo of cervical
XII Hypoglossal Tongue protrusion
vertebral origin typically is associated with cervical hyper­
lordosis and lack of mobility of the first three vertebral
segments. 24 The patient reported here demonstrated a
On motor examination, normal tone and strength kyphotic deformity of the neck and had neither proprio­
were found in all muscle groups with the exception of the ceptive deficits nor vascular compromise. In addition, she
hand intrinsics (3/5 on the left and 4/5 on the right). Sen­ experienced swallowing disturbances and oscillopsia,
sory examination showed diffuse bilateral hypalgesia be­ which indicate brain stem rather than spinal involvement.
low the neck, which was more pronounced on the left side
and markedly worse on both hands. Positional and vibra­
tory sensations were intact. Tendon reflexes were normal
bilaterally without clonus or Babinski sign. The patient's 1. What are two characteristics of brain stem impairment?
gait was wide based, and she could not walk in tandem. 2. What are the purposes for performing a subjective ex­
Questions 3. Name three ill-effects that a patient might experience
1. Given these findings on the physical examination, from taking non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs
would you proceed with a biomechanical examina­ (NSAIDs).
tion? Why and why not? 4. The manual techniques of manipulation and trans­
2. Why do you think the tendon reflexes were normal, verse friction massage are contraindicated for patients
and the clonus and Babinski signs were absent? prescribed which medications?
3. What could explain the hand intrinsic weakness? 5. What are the four topics that must be discussed in the
mandatory questions for the thoracic region?
The patient was referred back to her physician for im­ 6. What are the four topics that must be discussed in the
aging studies. A dynamic flexion-extension radiography of mandatory questions for the lumbar region?
the cervical spine demonstrated no gross osseous instability. 7. List four topics that are mandatory when questioning
Cervical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans ob­ a patient about cervical spine pathology.
tained in flexion and extension showed the residual C3 8. List four conditions that tend to worsen if the lumbar
vertebral body clearly protruding into the canal. While in lordosis is increased.
extension, it only abutted the spinal cord. During neck
flexion, however, the C3 remnant became compressive,
with the spinal cord placed in traction. This dynamic
spinal cord compression was believed to be the cause of 1. Unilateral facial symptoms accompanied by contralat­
the patient's symptoms. eral body symptoms.

2. (1) Develop a working relationship and establish lines of 10. Milne R], Foreman RD, Giesler G] ]r, Willis WD. Con­
communication with the patient; (2) assist with the plan­ vergence of cutaneous and pelvic visceral nociceptive
ning of the examination; (3) elicit reports of potentially inputs onto primate spinothalamic neurons. Pain
dangerous symptoms; (4) determine the mechanism of 1981 ;11:163-183.
irUury, and the severity; (5) determine the irritability 11. Cervero F, Laird ]M. Visceral pain. Lancet 1999;353:
and nature of the symptoms; (6) assist with the genera­ 2145-2148.
tion of a working pathologic hypothesis; (7) establish a 12. Cervero F. V isceral pain. In: Dubner R, Gebhart GF,
baseline for intervention and examination; (8) elicit in­ Bond MR, eds. Proceedings of the Vth World Congress on
formation on any relevant previous history, other med­ Pain. Amsterdam, Holland: Elsevier; 1988:216-226.
ical conditions, and medications. 13. Cervero F, Morrison ]F B. Visceral sensation. Progr
3. Possible answers include peptic ulceration, impaired Brain Res 1986;67:1-324.
renal function, fluid retention, photodermatitis, hy­ 14. Canavero S, Pagni CA, Castellano G, et a1. The role of
perkalemia, central nervous system effects, and im­ cortex in central pain syndromes: Preliminary results
paired liver function. of a long-term technetium-99 hexamethylpropyle­
4. Anticoagulants. neamineoxime single photon emission computed to­
5. Cord signs; pain with deep breath; pain changes with mography study. Neurosurgery 1993;32:185-191.
cough or sneeze; and night pain. 15. Smyth M], Wright V. Sciatica and the intervertebral
6. Bowel and bladder impairment; saddle paresthesia; disc. An experimental study. ] Bone Joint Surg
pain with cough or sneeze; and night pain. 1958;40:1401-1418.
7. Possible answers include history of dizziness; nausea 16. Groves MD, McCutcheon IE, Ginsberg LE, Kyritsis AP.
or drop attacks; rheumatoid arthritis; medications, Radicular pain can be a symptom of elevated intracra­
especially steroids; and spinal cord signs. nial pressure. Neurology 1999;52:1093-1095.
8. Anterior instability, spondylolisthesis, stenosis, and 17. Meadows ]TS. Manual T herapy: Biomechanical Assess­
zygapophysial joint irritation. ment and Treatment, Advanced Technique. Lecture and
video supplemental manual, Swodeam Consulling,
Calgary, AB, 1995.
REFERENCES 18. Meadows ]TS. Available:
html: 1999.
1. Rothstein ], ed. Guide to physical therapist practice. 19. Rosenberg WS, Salarne KS, Shumrick KV, Tew ]M Jr.
Phys Ther (Suppl) 1997;77:1163-1650. Compression of the upper cervical spinal cord causing
2. Stith ]S, Sahrmann SA, Dixon KK, Norton BJ. Cur­ symptoms of brainstem compromise. A case report.
riculum to prepare diagnosticians in physical therapy. Spine 1998;23:1497-1500.
] Phys Ther Educ 1995;9:46-53. 20. Menezes AB. Craniocervical abnormalities. Neuro­
3. Meadows ], Pettman E, Fowler C. Manual T herapy: surg Consult 1990;1:1-7.
NAlOMT Level II and III Course Notes. Denver; 1995. 21. Murase S, Ohe N, Nokura, et al: Vertebral artery in­
4. Roth P. Neurological problems and emergencies. In: jury following mild neck trauma: Report of two cases.
Cameron RB, ed. Practical Oncology. Norwalk, Conn: No Shinkei Geka 1994;22:671-676.
Appleton & Lange; 1994. 22. Deen HG ]r, McGirr SJ. Vertebral artery injury associ­
5. Twomey LT, Taylor ]R. Joints of the middle and lower ated with cervical spine fracture. Spine 1992;17:
cervical spine: Age changes and pathology. Man Ther 230-234.
Assoc Austr Conf, Adelaide, 1989. 23. Sherman MR, Smialek ]E, Zane WE. Pathogenesis of
6. Gomella L, StephanelliJ. Malignancies of the prostate. vertebral artery occlusion following cervical spine ma­
In Cameron RB, ed. Practical Oncology. Norwalk, Conn: nipulation. Arch Pathol Lab Med 1987;111:851-853.
Appleton & Lange; 1994. 24. Biesinger E. Vertigo caused by disorders of the cervical
7. Sherk HH. Atlantoaxial instability and acquired basi­ vertebral column: Diagnosis and treatment. Adv
lar invagination in rheumatoid arthritis. Orthop Clin Otorhinolaryngol 1988;39:44-51.
North Am 1978;9:1053. 25. Weinstein SM, Cantu RC. Cerebral stroke in a semi­
8. Sturzzenegger M, et al. The effect of accident mecha­ pro football player: A case report. Med Sci Sports
nisms and initial findings on the long-term course of Exerc 1991;23:1119-1121.
whip-lash injury. ] NeuroI1995;242:443. 26. Schneider RC. Vascular insufficiency and differential
9. Federation of State Medical Boards of the United distortion of brain and cord caused by cervi­
States. Model Guidelines for the Use of Controlled Substances comedullary football injuries. ] Neurosurg 1970;33:
for the Treatment of Pain. Euless, Tex: FSMB; 1998. 363-375.


Chapter Objectives A scan may be performed for a number of reasons:

At the completion of this chapter, the reader will be able to: • To help confirm the physician's diagnosis
• To help rule out any serious pathology
1. Describe the significance of patient observation. • To assess the patient's neurologic status
2. Perform neurologic tests to assess the integrity of the • To assess the status of the contractile and inert tissues
sensory and motor systems of the body and recognize • To focus the examination to a specific area of the body
the difference between upper motor neuron and • To generate a working hypothesis
lower motor neuron impairments.
The scan ( Fig. 1 0-2) is a combination of screening
3. Describe the differences between contractile and
tests and a selective tissue tension examination which con­
nonconu'actile tissues and understand the principles
sist of a comprehensive clinical examination of the muscu­
of strength testing in the scanning examination.
loskeletal system that will, if positive, confirm a medical di­
4. Describe the significance of deep tendon reflexes and
agnosis rather than a biomechanical one.' Designed by
the pathologic reflexes.
Cyriax, 2 the scan is based on sound anatomic and patho­
5. Understand the principles of dural tension and the
logic principles, and although two studies3•4 questioned
various tests that examine the dural structures.
the validity of some aspects of the selective tissue tension
6. List the seven "signs of the buttock."
examination, no defin itive conclusions were drawn from
7. Perform a detailed lumbosacral, cervical, and thoracic
these studies. The scarcity of research to refute the work of
scanning examination.
Cyriax would suggest that the principles of the scanning
8. List the signs and symptoms for cervical, thoracic, and
examination are sound, and that its use be continued.
lumbar disc impairments.
For each joint or region ofjoints, the examination has,
9. Describe the indications and contraindications for
in common, active, passive, and resisted testing. The scan­
proceeding beyond the scanning examination.
ning examination should be carried out until the clinician
is confident that no serious pathology is present, and it is
OVERVIEW routinely carried out unless there is some good reason for
postponing it, such as recent trauma when a modified
As the flow diagram shown in Figure 1 0- 1 illustrates, the differential diagnostic examination is used.'
scan traditionally follows the subjective history compo­ As much as any clinical examination can, the scanning

nent of the examination. The scan is not always an essen­ examination attempts to generate a working hypothesis as
tial part of the examination, and it is only used if the ex­ to the patient's diagnosis. It can yield a diagnosis by gener­
aminer has heard or seen anything during the observation ating a number of signs and symptom s that, taken to­
and subjective history that might indicate the presence of gether, form a pattern distinct enough to base an effective
serious pathology, such as an insidious onset or radicu­ intervention on. Such diagnoses that the scan can elicit in­
lopathy. clude the possibility of:
Two scans are commonly recognized: the upper scan
A. Visceral referral
and the lower scan . Both of these are discussed, in addition
to a less common scan, the thoracic scan. B. Neoplastic disease


History (systems review) ....• Scan ....• Positive for serious ....• Refer to C. Fracture
signs/symptoms physician

Negative scan D. Ligament tears

E. Muscle tears

F. Tendonitis
Scan findings cause no serious concern
C. Arthritis

H. Disc impairment (protrusion, prolapse, or extrusion)

1. Postural deficits
-Neurological signs/symptoms No neurological signs and/or
-Reproduction of symptoms reproduction of symptoms J. Ankylosing spondylitis

-Musculoskeletal Diagnosis
K. Spinal stenosis

L. Spondylolisthesis

If a working diagnosis can be made, the scanning
examination is considered positive, and the clinician can
take some immediate action. This will include such things
-Consider intervention Biomechanical Examination
as referring the patient to the physician for further consid­

eration, rest, exercises, modalities, traction, postural cor­
rection, and so on.
lf, however, the scan does not afford a diagnosis, the
Observation, AROM, PROM, Resisted,
Palpation, Screening tests
clinician is required to obtain further information from the
biomechanical examination, which generates a statement

-Positional tests for -Combined Motion testing
about the movement status of the joint, or joints, in ques­
tion. (Refer to Chapter 1 1 )

transverse processes (1-1 and [ test)

-P.P.l.VM. and P.P.A.I.VM. tests OBSERVATION

Positional diagnosis (FRS, ERS)
1 Much can be learned from a thorough observation. The
focus of the observation during a scan differs from that of
the biomechanical examination. During the scanning
examination, the clinician is observing for any signs or

Apply passive intervertebral mobility
symptoms that would be suggestive of a nonmusculoskele­
tal condition or serious pathology. The clinician not only
needs to be able to recognize these, but also needs to have
test to examine for hypomobility
an understanding about the underlying pathology.
If negative If positive, mobilize lf hypermobile If hypomobile, The clinician should look or listen for indications of:
and re-assess mobilize and

• Nystagmus. Nystagmus has many forms and causes. The
pathologic nature of positional nystagmus as a sign of
vestibular disease has long been recognized. 5•6 The
Assume hypermobility
most common form is benign paroxysmal positional
(generally more painful
than hypomobility) nystagmus, which results from a labyrinthine lesion. 7
Perform Stress tests • Dysphasia. This is defined as a problem with vocabu­
lary. Dysphasia is caused by a cerebral lesion in the

lf negative, hypermobility confirmed.

/ \
I f positive, look for nearby
speech areas of the fron tal or temporal lobes. The
temporal lobe receives its blood supply to a large ex­
Intervention to include muscle hypomobility and introduce tent from the temporal branch of the cortical artery of
re-education/stabilization intervention of stabilization the vertebrobasilar system and may become ischemic
therapy periodically, producing an inappropriate use of words.
FIGURE 1 0-1 Flow diagram illustrating the general • Dizziness. Although most causes of dizziness are relatively
examination sequence for the spine. benign, dizziness may signal a more serious problem,

This involves everything from the initial entry of the patient including their gait, demeanor, standing
and sitting postures, obvious deformities and postural defects, scars, radiation burns, creases, and birth







/ �


Negative Scan Positive Scan

If, at the end of the scan, the clinician Results in a Medical

has determined that the patient's Diagnosis
condition is appropriate for physical
therapy, but has not determined the 1. Specific interventions can now
diagnosis to treat the patient, the clinician be given if the diagnosis is one that
will need to perform a Biomechanical will benefit from physical therapy
Examination. (traction, frictions, rest, and specific

2. Return patient to a physician for

more tests if signs/symptoms are a
cause for concern
FIGURE 1 0-2 Flow diagram illustrating the sequence of the scanning

such as damage to the vertebral artery, especially if the nerve, but the reasons for its presence can vary in
patient reports having had immediate post-traumatic severity and seriousness (Table 10-1).
dizziness. The clinician must ascertain whether the • Wallenberg's syndrome. This is the result of a lateral
symptoms result from vertigo, nausea, giddiness, un­ medullary infarction (LMI) .8 Classically, sensory dys­
steadiness, fainting, or some other cause. Vertigo re­ function in LMI is characterized by selective involve­
quires that the patient's physician be informed, as it is a ment of the spinothalamic sensory modalities, with
definite pathologic entity that needs to be investigated dissociated distribution (ipsilateral trigeminal and
more fully. However, it is not, of itself, a contraindication contralateral hemibody and limbs).9 However, various
to the continuation of the examination. patterns of sensory disturbance have been observed in
• Paresthesia. The seriousness of the paresthesia depends LMI that include contralateral or bilateral trigeminal
on its distribution. Complaints of paresthesia can be sensory impairment, restricted sensory involvement,
the result of a benign impingement of a peripheral and a concomitant deficit of lemniscal sensations.IO•11

TABLE 1 0-1 CAUSES O F PARESTH ES IA1 • Wernicke 's encephalopathy. Impairment, typically local­
ized in the dorsal part of the midbrain,23 produces the
classic triad of Wernicke's encephalopathy: abnormal
Lip (perioral) Vertebral a rtery occlusion mental state, ophthalmoplegia, and gait ataxia. 24
Bilateral lower or bil ateral Central protrusion of disc • Vertical diplopia. 25 Descriptions of "double vision" by
upper extremities impinging on the spine the patient should alert the clinician to this condition.
All extremities simu ltaneously Spinal cord compression
Patients with vertical diplopia complain of seeing two
One-half of the body Cerebral hemisphere
Segmental (in a dermatomal Disc or nerve root
images, one atop or diagonally displaced from the
pattern) other.
G I ove-a nd-stocki ng Dia betes m e l l itus neu ropathy, • Dysphonia. This condition presents as a hoarseness of
distribution lead or mercury poison i n g the voice. If it occurs post-traumatically the causes can
Half of face and opposite h a lf B r a i n stem impairment
include ( 1 ) damage to the larynx, especially if pain is
of body
reported; and (2) damage to nerve supply of vocal
chords (vagal/vagal accessory) . Usually no pain is re­
ported. Painless dysphonia is a common symptom of
• Ataxia. Ataxia is often most marked in the extremities. Wallenberg's syndrome.8
In the lower extremities it is characterized by the • Hemianopia. This is defined as a loss in half of the visual
so-called drunken-sailor gait pattern, in which the field and is always bilateral. A visual field defect
patient veers from one side to the other, with a ten­ describes sensory loss restricted to the visual field and
dency to fall toward the side of the lesion. Ataxia of arises from damage to the primary visual pathways link­
the upper extremities is characterized by a loss of ac­ ing optic tract and striate cortex.
curacy in the reaching for, or placing of, objects. Al­ • Ptosis. Ptosis is a pathologic depression of the supe­
though ataxia can have a number of causes, it gener­ rior eyelid such that it covers part of the pupil be­
ally suggests central nervous system disturbance, cause of a palsy of the levator palpabrae and Muller's
specifically a cerebellar disorder, or a lesion of the m uscles.
posterior columns. 1 2-1 4 • Miosis. This is defined as the inability to dilate the
• Spasticity. I!>-I? Immediately following any trauma causing pupil (damage to sympathetic ganglia) . It is one of the
tetraplegia or paraplegia, the spinal cord experiences symptoms of Horner's syndrome.
spinal shock, resulting in the loss of reflexes innervated • Horner's syndmme.26 This syndrome is caused by inter­
by the portion of the cord below the site of the lesion. ference of the cervicothoracic sympathetic outflow
The direct result of this spinal shock is that the muscles resulting from a lesion to (1) reticular formation,
innervated by the traumatized portion of the cord and ( 2 ) descending sympathetic, or (3) oculomotor nerve
the portion below the lesion, as well as the bladder, be­ caused by a sympathetic paralysis. The other clinical
come flaccid. Spinal shock, which wears off between signs of Horner's syndrome are ptosis, enophthala­
24 hours and 3 months after injury, can be replaced by mus, facial reddening, and anhydrosis. If Horner's
spasticity in some, or all, of these muscles. Spasticity oc­ syndrome is identified, the patient should immedi­
curs because the reflex arc to the muscle remains ately be returned or referred to a physician for further
anatomically intact despite the loss of cerebral innerva­ examination and not treated again until the cause is
tion and control via the long tracts. During spinal shock, found to be relatively benign.
the arc does not function, but as the spine recovers from • Dysarthria. Dysarthria is an undiagnosed change in ar­
the shock, the reflex arc begins to function without the ticulation. Dominant or nondominant hemispheric
inhibitory or regulatory impulses from the brain, creat­ ischemia, as well as brain-stem and cerebellar impair­
ing local spasticity and clonus. ments, may result in altered articulation.
• Dmp attack. This is described as a loss of balance result­
ing in a fall but no loss of consciousness. It is never a
good or benign sign and is the consequence of a loss of NEUROLOGIC TESTS
lower extremity control. The patient, usually elderly,
falls forward, with the precipitating factor being exten­ Cyriax divided the neuromusculoskeletal system into
sion of the head. Recovery is immediate. Causes in­ neurologic, contractile, and noncontractile (or inert)
clude (1) a vestibular system impairment/8 ( 2 ) neo­ tissues. 2
plastic and other impairments of the cerebellum, 19 The neurologic tissues comprise those tissues that are
(3) vertebrobasilar compromise,2o,2 1 (4) sudden spinal involved in nerve conduction, and the neurologic tests of
cord compression, (5) third ventricle cysts, (6) epilepsy, the scan evaluate the transmission capability of the nerv­
and (7) type 1 Chiari malformation.22 ous system. Although the passive stretching of the dura is

not technically a neurologic test, it is included under the The scan consists of the following components (Fig.
neurologic tests as it is more closely related to the nervous 1 0-2) , which test a wide variety of pain-provoking structures:
system than the musculoskeletal system.
The evaluation of the transmission capability of the Components Tested
nervous system is performed to detect the presence of ei­ Active Range of motion (ROM) , willingness to
ther upper motor neuron (UMN) impairment or lower move, integrity of contractile and inert
motor neuron (LMN) impairment. tissues, pattern of restriction (capsular,
or noncapsular) , quali ty of motion,
• UMN impairment. This is also known as a central palsy symptom reproduction
and presents with muscle hypertonicity and a hyper­ Passive Integrity of inert and contractile tissues,
reflexive deep tendon reflex (DTR) in a nonsegmen­ ROM, end feel, sensitivity
tal distribution. Motor and sensory loss can also be a Resisted Integrity of contractile tissues (strength,
feature, depending on the location and extent of the sensitivity)
injury. Stress Integrity of inert tissues (ligamentous or
• LMN impairment. This is also known as a peripheral disc stability)
palsy and presents with muscle atrophy and hypo­ Dural Dural mobility
tonus, in addition to a diminished DTR of the areas Neurologic Nerve conduction
served by a spinal nerve root, or a peripheral nerve. Dermatome Mferent (sensation)
Myotome Efferent (strengtll, fatigability)
The differing symptoms are the result of injuries to Reflexes Mferent-efferent and central nervous
different parts of the nervous system. LMN impairment in­ systems
volves damage to a neurologic structure distal to the ante­
Information about the patient's willingness to move
rior horn cell, whereas UMN impairment involves damage
and the status of the inert and contractile tissues could be
to a neurologic structure proximal to the anterior horn
obtained without a full scan; however, it is the ability to gain
cell, namely the spinal cord or central nervous system , or
information about the integrity of the "myotome" for which
the scan is critical. The tests that comprise the scan examine
The other types of tissue, contractile and noncontrac­
strength, fatigability, sensation, DTRs, and tlle inhibition of
tile/inert, are a little misleading in their nomenclature.
those and other reflexes by the central nervous system. The
Con tractile tissues include the muscle belly, tendon,
term myotome in this context is incorrect, as a true myotome
tenoperiosteal junction, submuscular/ tendinous bursa,
is a muscle, or group of muscles, innervated exclusively
and bone. Noncontractile tissue includes the joint cap­
from a segment. Key muscle is a better, more accurate term,
sule, ligaments, bursa, articular surfaces of the joint, and
as the muscles tested in the scan are the most representative
synovium, dura, bone, and fascia. Bone, and the bursae,
of the supply from a particular segment.
are placed in each of the subdivisions because of their
In addition to the basic components of the scan,
close proximity to contractile tissue, and their capacity to
several other tests that are non routine are used when
be compressed or stretched during movement. By defini­
indicated. These special tests for each area are dependent
tion, a contractile tissue is a tissue involved with a muscle
on the special needs and structure of each joint. In the
contraction and one that can be tested using an isolated
spine, the special tests consist of dermatome, reflex testing,
muscle contraction. However, contractile tissues such as
and directional stress tests. Directional stressing includes
tendons, which have no ability to contract, could be
posterior-anterior pressures, and anterior, posterior, and
classified as inert, because whereas they are strongly
rotational stressing. Other special tests are carried out if
affected by the contraction of their respective muscle bel­
there is some indication that they would by helpful in arriv­
lies, they are also affected if passively stretched. Con­
ing at a diagnosis. These include vascular tests, repeated
versely, inert tissues, which also have no ability to contract,
movement testing, and palpation for tenderness.
can be compressed, and therefore affected, during a con­
Contractile tissues are most easily affected by isomet­ Manual Muscle Testing
ric testing, whereas inert tissues are mainly affected by pas­ Manual muscle testing is traditionally used by the cli­
sive movement and ligament stress tests. As a general rule, nician to assess the strength of the patient, and much in­
if active and passive motions are limited or painful i n the formation can be gleaned from the tests, including:
same direction, the lesion is in the inert tissue, whereas if
the active and passive motions are limited or painful in • The amount of force the muscle is capable of produc­
the opposite direction, the lesion is in the contractile ing and whether the amount of force produced varies
tissue. 2 with tlle joint angle

• Whether any pain or weakness is produced with the position and has the effect of increasing motor neu­
contraction ron activity.
• The endurance of the muscle, and how much substi­ 2. Having the patient perform an eccentric muscle con­
tution occurs during the tested movement. traction by using the command "Don't let me move
you." As the tension at each cross-bridge and the num­
Force ber of active cross-bridges is greater during an ec­
The force a muscle is capable of exerting depends on its centric contraction, the maximum eccentric muscle
length. For each muscle cell, there is an optimum length or tension developed is greater with an eccentric contrac­
range of lengths at which the contractile force is strongest. tion than with a concentric one. (Refer to Chapter 2)
Thus, the significance of the findings in resisted testing de­ 3. Breaking the contraction. It is important to break the
pends on the position of the muscle and the force applied: patient's muscle contraction to ensure that the patient
is making a maximal effort and that the full power of
l . A strong positive Minimal resistance applied the muscle is being tested.
finding: in the rest position for the
muscle Weakness as a result of palsy has a distinct fatigability,
2. A moderately positive Maximal resistance applied and the muscle demonstrates poor endurance, maintain­
fi nding: in the rest position for the ing a maximum muscle contraction for about 2 to 3 sec­
muscle onds before complete failure occurs. This is based on the
Minimal resistance applied theories behind muscle recruitment wherein a normal
in a lengthened position for muscle, while performing a maximum contraction, uses
the muscle only a portion of its motor units, keeping the remainder in
3. A weakly positive Maximal resistance applied reserve to help maintain the contraction. A palsied mus­
finding: in a lengthened position for cle, with fewer functioning motor units, has very few, if any,
the m uscle in reserve.
If a muscle appears to be weaker than normal, further
Pain or Weakness investigation is required:
Key muscle testing in the scan is used to differentiate be­
tween a weakness resulting from inactivity or disuse and • The test is repeated a few times. Muscle weakness
one occurring as a result of nerve palsy or a grade III-IV resulting from disuse is consistently weak and should
muscle or tendon tear. Key muscle testing reveals one of not get weaker with several repeated contractions.
four findings2 : • Another muscle that shares the same innervation is
tested. Knowledge of both spinal nerve and peripheral
1 . A strong and pain-free Normal finding
nerve innervation aids the clinician in determining
which muscle to select. (Refer to Chapter 6)
2. A strong but painful Indicating a bursitis, ten­
contraction: donitis, or grade I muscle
Substitutions by other muscle groups during testing indi­
cates the presence of weakness. It does not, however, tell
3. A weak but pain free Indicating a grade III-IV
the clinician the cause of the weakness.
contraction: muscle tear, palsy, disuse,
As always, these tests cannot be evaluated in isolation
inhibition, or facilitation
but have to be integrated into a total clinical profile of the
4. A weak and painful Indicating a hyperacute
patient before the clinician can come to any conclusion
contraction: arthritis, fracture, grade II
about the patient's condition.
muscle tear, or neoplasm

Note: The latter two both indicate the possibility of serious Sensory Testing
Sensory testing during the scan is performed throughout
Endurance the dermatomal areas ( Fig. 1 0-3 ) . As a degree of overlap
To be a valid test, strength testing must elicit a maximum exists with the segmental innervation of the skin,27 it is
contraction of the muscle being tested. Three strategies important to test the full area of the dermatome because
ensure this: the area of greater sensitivity changes. The area of sensi­
tivity, or autogenous area, is a small region of the der­
1. Placing the muscle to be tested i n a shortened position. matome with no overlap. It is the only area within a der­
This puts the muscle in an ineffective physiologic matome that is supplied exclusively by a single segmental

Greater Occipital Nerve

Third Occipital Nerve .�.... ,

Great AUricular Nerve

Lesser Occipital Nerve ____

Fourth Cervical Nerve - - -
Supraclavicular Nerve ....

'" Medial Cutaneous Nerve
;' of Forearm
- Lower Lateral Cutaneous
C6 Nerve 01 Arm

���: �������
t l S Posterior Cutaneous
Nerve of Forearm
Medial Cutaneous -_
Lateral Cutaneous Branch
Nerve of Forearm
.. of Subcostal Nerve
Lateral Cutaneous
... Lateral Cutaneous Branch of Nerve of Forearm
Iliohypogastric Nerve Lateral Cutaneous Branch __
of Subcostal Nerve
_ _ _ Genitofemoral Nerve
Lateral Cutaneous Branch -
(Femoral Branch)
of iliohypogastric Nerve
_ Median Nerve
Posterior Cutaneous _ ••

Branches of First,
- Ulnar Nerve
Second, and Third
Lumbar Nerves ./

Radial Nerve / I
, I /
...... I

.... ..... - Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve /

Ulnar Nerve __ ,/ ///

................. - _ Anterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerve of Thigh
.... - -- Obturator Nerve Posterior Cutaneous _",/
Branches of First,
............ - - _ Medial Femoral Cutaneous Nerve of Thigh
Second, and Third
Sacral Nerves /'
Posterior Cutaneous /'

Nerve Of Thigh ,/
. ,/

Postenor Cutaneous
- - ___ Infrapatellar Branch
Nerve of Thigh ...
of Saphenous Nerve
Obturator Nerve ,..
::7 - - Lateral Cutaneous Nerve of Calf
__ L�

Lateral Cutaneous - -
Nerve of Calf

- - - - - Saphenous Nerve /
Sural Nerve ........ /

- /
- - - - - - Superlicial Peroneal Nerve Saphenous Nerve

Lateral Plantar Nerve ____ _

A B Medial Plantar Nerve __ --


FIGURE 1 0-3 The dermatomes ofthe body. (Reproduced, with permission from
Wilkins RH (editor): Neurosurgery, 2e. McGraw-Hili, 1996)

level. Because there is so much overlap in the dermatome, can induce motor paresis. There are two components to
spinal nerve root compression usually results in hypoes­ the dermatome tests:
thesia rather than anesthesia within the majority of the
dermatome, but in anesthesia or near-anesthesia in the 1. Light touch. This tests for hypoesthesia throughout the
autogenous area of the dermatome. Paresthesia is a symp­ dermatome and should be performed using the edge
tom of direct involvement of the nerve root. Further irri­ of a soft tissue paper so that just the hair follicles
tation and destruction of the neural fibers interfere with are stimulated.
conduction, resulting in a motor or sensory deficit, or 2. Pin-pnck. This tests for near-anesthesia in the autoge­
both. It is, therefore, possible for a nerve root compression mous, no-overlap area and is tested with the pointed
to cause pure motor paresis, a pure sensory deficit, or both, end of a paper clip, or by using a disposable pinwheel.
depending on which aspect of the nerve root is compressed.
If pressure is exerted from above the nerve root, sensory With both tests, it is important to ask the patient to
impairment may result, whereas compression from below close the eyes. In terms of sensation loss, light touch is the

most sensitive, and it is the first to be affected with palsy. If 3. Vibration

the light touch test is positive, the areas of reduced sensa­ a. Origin: dorsal column/medial lemniscal
tion are mapped out for the autogenous area, and then the b. Test: a vibrating tuning fork is placed on
pin-prick test is performed to map out the whole of the au­ malleoli, patellae, epicondyles, vertebral spinous
togenous area. If everything is perceived as sharp by the processes, and iliac crest.
patient, then it could indicate: 4. Position sense ( proprioception)
a. Origin: dorsal column/medial lemniscal
• The presence of a denervation hypersensitivity (pa­ b. Test: the patient is tested for the ability to per­
tient is numb to light touch in that area) ceive passive movements of the extremities, es­
• The presence of a hypermobile segment, producing pecially the distal portions. Proprioception
a hyperesthesia in that area ( facilitated segment) , refers to awareness of the position of joints at
demonstrating intact light touch sensations and a rest. While the extremity or joint under exami­
very painful sharp/dull response. With a facilitated nation is held in a static position by the clinician,
or hypermobile segment, an increased sympathetic the patient is asked to describe the position ver­
response is often noted, with the area involved bally or duplicate the position with the opposite
appearing cold and clammy throughout a der­ extremity.
matomal distribution. A blanchi ng of the skin ap­ 5. Movement sense (proprioception-kinesthesia)
pears along the path of the finger that is rubbed a. Origin: dorsal column/medial lemniscal
down the back. ( Refer to Chap. 4) b. Test: the patient is asked to indicate verbally the
direction of movement while the extremity is in
A decreased sympathetic response is often noted with motion. The clinician must grip the patient's ex­
nerve palsy, with the area involved looking pink, shiny, and tremity over neutral borders.
glasslike throughout a dermatomal distribution. In addi­ 6. Stereognosis
tion, if a finger is rubbed down a patient's back, a welt will a. Origin: dorsal column/medial lemniscal
appear along the path of the finger. b. Test: the patient is asked to recognize, through
Testing temperature sensation is not a necessary part touch alone, a variety of small objects such as
of the scan, as the impulses for temperature sensation comb, coins, pencils, and safety pins.
travel together with pain sensation in the lateral spinothal­ 7. Graphesthesia
amic tract (refer to Chapter 4) . However, the testing of a. Origin: dorsal column/medial lemniscal
skin temperature can help the clinician to differentiate be­ b. Test: the patient is asked to recognize letters,
tween a venous insufficiency and an arterial insufficiency. numbers, or designs traced on the skin.
With venous insufficiency, an increase in skin temperature 8. Two-point discrimination
is noted in the area of occlusion, and it also appears bluish a. Origin: dorsal column/medial lemniscal
in color. Pitting edema, especially around the ankles, b. Test: a measure is taken of the smallest distance
sacrum, and hands, may also be present. However, i f pit­ between two stimuli that can still be perceived by
ting edema is present and the skin temperature is normal, the patient as two distinct stimuli.
the lymphatic system maybe at fault. With arterial insuffi­ 9. Equilibrium reactions: the patient's ability to main­
ciency, a decrease in skin temperature is noted in the area tain balance in response to alterations in the body's
of occlusion and the area appears whi ter. The area is also center of gravity and base of support is tested.
extremely painful. 10. Protective reactions: the patient's ability to stabilize
A more thorough examination of the various compo­ and support the body in response to a displacing
nents of the sensory system can be performed if the clini­ stimulus in which the center of gravity exceeds the
cian feels it is warranted. A brief summary is given below. base of support is tested (e.g., extension of arms to
protect against a fall) .
A. Sensory evaluation28
1 . Temperature B . Tonal abnormality evaluation28
a. Origin: lateral spinothalamic tract 1 . Spasticity: increased resistance to sudden passive
b. Test: a cold and warm test tube is applied to the stretch
patient's skin. a. Clasped knife phenomenon: produces a sudden
2. Pressure letting go by the patien t
a. Origin: spinothalamic tract b. Clonus: an exaggeration of the stretch reflex
b. Test: firm pressure is applied to the patient's mus­ 2. Rigidity: a resistance is increased to all motions, ren­
cle belly. dering body parts stiff and immovable.

a. Decorticate: upper extremities are held in flexion dorsal root

and the lower extremities in extension. ganglion

b. Decerebrate: upper and lower extremities are I group Ia

held in extension.
c. Cogwheel phenomenon: a ratchet-like response
to passive movement characterized by an alternate
giving and increased resistance to movement
d. Leadpipe: constant rigidity; a common finding in
patients with Parkinson's disease
C. Cranial nerve testing (refer to Table 9-3)

Deep Tendon Reflexes

These tests utilize the muscle spindle to determine the "

state of both the afferent and efferent peripheral nervous I
systems, and the ability of the cenu-al nervous system to in­ I
hibit the reflex. A reflex is a programmed unit of behavior I
in which a certain type of stimulus from a receptor auto­ ,­

matically leads to the response of an effector. Many spinal ,/
,. '
cord and brain stem mechanisms involved in control of �-....-.-.------"

somatic and visceral activities are essentially reflexive. The

circuitry that generates these patterns varies greatly i n
complexity, depending on the nature o f the reflex.
FIG U RE 1 0-4 A schematic representation ofthe reflex
The myotatic, or deep tendon, reflex (Fig. 1 0-4) is one
arc. (Reproduced, with permission from Haldeman 5 (editor):
of the simplest known, depending on just two neurons and Principals and Practice of Chiropractic, 2e. Appleton
one synapse,29.30 and influenced by cortical and subcortical & Lange, 1992)
input. The tap of the reflex hammer on tl1e tendon of the
quadriceps femoris muscle as it crosses the knee joint causes
a brief stretch of the tendon and muscle belly where the muscle occurs to control the sudden and potentially
Golgi tendon organ and muscle spindle are stimulated dangerous stretch of the muscle. The dynamic stretch
(Figs. 1 0-5 and 1 0-6) . Whenever a muscle is stretched, the reflex is over witl1in a fraction of a second, but a sec­
intrafusal fibers are stretched with the extrafusal. 29.30 The ondary static reflex continues from the secondary af­
sensory receptors of the spindle are excited and fire, causing ferent nerve fibers.
a reflex contraction of the muscle so as to take the stretch off 2. As long as a stretch is applied to the muscle, both the
the spindle (see Fig. 1 0-6) . The subsequent volley of im­ primary and secondary endings in the nuclear chain
pulses reaches tl1e spinal cord over the large peripheral and continue to be stimulated causing prolonged muscle
central processes of the sensory neurons29.30 (see Fig. 1 0-5 ) .
Although some impulses may head up the cord via ascend­
ing branches, the majority reach the synapses with the ipsi­
lateral motor neurons of the anterior horn controlling the
muscle that has been lengthened. Impulses are conducted
along the axons of these motor neurons to the neuromuscu­ organ
lar junctions, exciting tile effectors (quadriceps femoris mus­
cle) , and producing a brief, weak contraction, which results
in a momentary straightening of the leg ( "knee jerk") .29,30
The stretch reflex can be divided into two parts:
(}--<J eXCitatory
-----.. inhibitory
1. The dynamic stretch reflex, wherein the primary end­
ings and type Ia fibers are excited by a rapid change in
F I G U RE 1 0-5 Reflex pathway of the Golgi tendon organ .
length (see Fig. 1 0-6) . The speed of conduction along (Reproduced, with permission from Haldeman 5 (editor):
the type Ia fibers and the monosynaptic connection in PrinCipals and Practice of Chiropractic, 2e. Appleton & Lange,
the cord ensure that a very rapid contraction of the 1992)

True neurologic hyperreflexia contains a clonic com­

ponent and is suggestive of central nervous system impair­
ment such as brain stem or cerebral impairment, spinal
cord compression, or a neurologic disease, any of which
are out of the scope of a man ual clinician. As with hypore­
flexia, the clinician should assess more than one reflex be­
fore coming to a conclusion about a hyperreflexia, and
can confirm the presence of a UMN with the presence of
the pathologic reflexes such as a Babinski, Hoffman, and
A brisk reflex is a normal finding provided that it is
intrafusal extrafusal not masking a hyperreflexia caused by an incorrect testing
muscle fiber muscle fiber technique. Unlike hyperreflexia, a brisk reflex does not
FIGURE 1 0-6 Role ofthe gamma motor neuron. (Repro­ have a clonic component to it.
duced, with permission from Haldeman S (editor): Principals
and Practice of Chiropractic, 2e. Appleton & Lange, 1992)
Pathologic Reflex Testing

contraction for as long as the excessive length of the Babinski

muscle is maintained, thereby affording a mechanism I n 1 896, 6 years after taking his new position at the H6pital
for prolonged opposition to prolonged stretch. de la Pitie, Babinski described the sign that bears his
name.32 Two years later, a full account of the diagnostic sig­
When a load is suddenly taken off a contracting mus­ nificance of the toe phenomenon ( "phenomene des or­
cle, shortening of the intrafusal fibers reverses both the dy­ teils") , regarded as a pathognomonic sign of pyramidal
namic and static stretch reflexes, causing both sudden and dysfunction,33 was presented. In 1903, Babinski added to
prolonged inhibition of the muscle so that rebound does the original description the "signe de l ' eventail," or
not occur. fanning of the outer toes, often part of the reflex.34.35 As
The absence of a reflex signifies an interruption of the Babinski observed, the pyramidal tracts are not well
reflex arc. A hyperactive reflex denotes a release from cor­ developed in infan ts, and these signs, which are abnormal
tical inhibitory influences. past the age of 3 years, are usually presen t.
Any muscle that possesses a tendon is capable of pro­ In this test, the clinician applies noxious stimuli to the
ducing a DTR. Five grades exist for the manual clinician: sole of the patient's foot by running a pointed object along
the plantar aspect.36 A positive test, demonstrated by ex­
o Areflexia (no reflex) tension of the big toe and splaying (abduction) of the
1+ Hyporeflexia other toes, is indicative of a UMN impairment.
2+ Normal
3+ Brisk or hyperactive Oppenheim
4+ Markedly hyperactive or hyperreflexic In the Oppenheim test, the clin ician applies noxious stim­
uli to the crest of the patient's tibia by running a fi ngernail
Each of these categories can occur as a generalized, or lo­ along the crest. A positive test, demonsu-ated by the Babin­
cal, phenomenon . ski sign, is indicative of a UMN impairment.
The causes of generalized hyporeflexia run the gamut
from neurologic disease, chromosomal metabolic condi­ Clonus
tions, and hypothyroidism to schizophrenia and anxiety.3l To test for clonus, the clinician passively applies a sudden
Nongeneralized hyporeflexia can result from periph­ dorsiflexion of the patien t's ankle and the stretch is main­
eral neuropathy, spinal nerve root compression and cauda tained during the test. The examiner notes a gradual in­
equina syndrome or the patient's physiologic makeup. It is crease in tone and then the transient occurrence of ankle
thus important to test more than one reflex, and to evalu­ clonus. In some patients there is a more sustained clonus,
ate the information gleaned from the examination, before and in others there is only a very short-lived finding. Dur­
reaching a conclusion as to the relevance of the findings. ing the testing, the patient should not flex the neck as this
Hyporeflexia, if not generalized to the whole body, indi­ can often increase the number of beats. A positive test,
cates an LMN or sensory paresis, which may be segmental demonstrated by four or five reflex twitches of the plantar
(root) , multisegmental (cauda equina) , or nonsegmental flexors (two or three twitches are considered normal ) , is
(peripheral nerve) . indicative of a UMN impairment.

Neuromeningeal Mobility Tests connective tissue, which can limit leg elevation and pro­
voke patient discomfort during testing. 44,45,50-52
The neuromeningeal mobility tests apply a mechanical
The sciatic nerve arises from the L4, LS, Sl , S2, and
and compressive stress to the neurologic tissues.37 The tests
S3 nerve roots, and passes out of the pelvis through the
assess for the presence of any abnormalities of the dura,
greater sciatic foramen, down the back of the thigh to its
both centrally and peripherally, by employing a sequential
lower third, where it divides into the tibial and common
and progressive stretch to the dura until the patient's symp­
peroneal nerves (refer to Chapter 6) . Sciatica is defined as
toms are reproduced. Theoretically, if the dura is scarred or
pain along the course of the sciatic nerve or its branches,
inflamed, a lack of extensibility with stretching occurs.
and is most commonly caused by a herniated disc or by
Breig's tissue-borrowing phenomenon offers a plausible ex­
spinal stenosis. Characteristically, patients report gluteal
planation for the neuromeningeal tests.38 He observed that
pain radiating down the posterior thigh and leg, pares­
tension produced in a lumbosacral nerve root results in dis­
thesia in the calf or foot, and varying degrees of motor
placement of the neigh bOling dura, nerve roots, and the
lumbosacral plexus toward the site of tension.38-4 1 In effect,
a borrowing of the resting slack in neighboring meningeal
Extraspinal Entrapment'3 Extraspinal entrapment of the
tissues occurs as neural structures are pulled toward the site
sciatic nerve ( i . e . , along i ts course within the pelvis or
of increased tension. This results in a decrease in the avail­
the lower extremity) is infrequent and difficult to diag­
able slack and potential mobility of the neural tissues
n ose because i ts symptoms are similar to those of the
throughout the region.38,39,41-44 This stretching and dis­
more frequent causes of sciatica.54,55 Sciatic nerve com­
placement of the lumbosacral nerve roots and sacral plexus
pression has been reported secondary to piriformis en­
reduces the available caudal mobility of the sciatic
trapment ( refer to the discussion of bowstring tests later
nerve.38-44 As a result of these sites of tension, the neuro­
in this chapter, and to Chap. 6) , heterotopic ossification
logic tissues move in different directions, depending
around the h ip,56 misp laced i n tramuscular i njections,
on where the stress is applied and in which order it is
myofascial bands in the distal thigh,57 and myositis ossifi­
applied. 44 Tension sites are found at the segmental levels of
cans of the biceps femoris muscle. 58 Additional causes
C6, T6, and L4, and at the elbow, the shoulder, and the
include post-traumatic or an ticoagulant-induced extra­
neural hematomas59 and compartment syndrome of the
The more common neuromeningeal mobility tests in­
posterior thigh.GO Entrapment sciatic neuropathy com­
clude the straight-leg raise and the slump test, but each has
plicating total hip arthroplasty has been described sec­
their own variations.
ondary to escaped cement, subfascial hematoma, and
nerve impingement during trochanteric wiring.GI
Straight Leg Raise Test When the SLR is severely limited, it is considered diag­
The straight leg raise (SLR) test is recognized as the first neu­ nostic for a disc herniation.G2 I t should be remembered that:
ral tissue tension test to appear in the literature,45 although it
was first described by Lasegue more than a hundred years • The patient must have at least 70 degrees of available
ago.4G During SLR testing, the patient is positioned supine, hip flexion range to make this test valid.
and the leg is elevated with the knee extended. The patient • The SLR produces a posterior shear and some degree
gives no assistance to the leg raise so that the results are not of rotation in the lumbar spine, a region not well
altered due to the anterior tilting of the pelvis by a contrac­ suited to shearing or rotational forces. Thus, it may be
tion of the psoas major. It is also important to ensure that the necessary to differentiate between a physical irritant
patient does not raise the head off the bed during testing, to the dura and a chemical one. With a physical irri­
thereby introducing tension to the dura. tant, the patient's pain occurs at the same point in the
The SLR places a tensile stress on the sciatic nerve and range each time it is tested. However, with a chemical
exerts a caudal traction on the lumbosacral nerve roots irritation, the available range improves in time as the
from L4 to S2.44,45,47-49 Examination of the SLR test re­ inflammation heals.
quires that the ROM measured is compared with the con­
tralateral side and expected norms. 2,44,45,50,5 1 Although the Peiforming the Tes t The patient is positioned supine, with
SLR is considered to be a reasonably good clinical test of no pillow under the head, and each leg is tested individu­
the sciatic nerve, it has no diagnostic significance on its ally. To ensure that there is no undue stress on the dura,
own and must always be interpreted in association with the tested leg is placed in slight medial rotation and ad­
other clinical findings. duction of the hip, and extension of the knee. The clini­
Confounding the SLR test are the nonneural struc­ cian, holding the patient's ankle, flexes the hip until the
tures, such as lumbar zygapophysial joints, muscles, and patient complains of pain or tightness in the posterior

thigh. 41 At this point, the clinician reduces the amount of lumbosacral nerve roots, and serve as "sensitizers" for the
hip flexion sligh tly until the patient reports no pain or test.38-40,43.44,64-66 Research conducted by Breig64 and
tightness. others39,40,42.6 found that flexing the cervical spine during
During leg elevation, the L4-5 and Sl-2 nerve roots are SLR testing lengthens the spinal cord and dura,39,40,42,6
tracked downward and forward, pulling the dura mater ,
pulling the lumbosacral nerve roots cranially.39,4o 4 6 This2 , 5
caudally, laterally, and forward. During this maneuver, ten­ may provoke radicular symptoms without stressing non­
sion in the sciatic nerve and its continuations occurs in a neural tissues in the lower extremity. 4o,64,6�7 1
sequential manner, firstly developing in the greater sciatic If the cervical flexion, performed at the point where
foramen, then over the ala of the sacrum, next in the area the SLR is positive, increases or decreases the pain, then
where the nerve crosses over the pedicle, and finally in the the problem almost certainly lies wi th in the neu­
in tervertebral foramen. romeningeal system, the restriction of the nerve root mo­
Anatomic changes at the anterior wall, such as a disc bility indicating an anterior compression of the root. If, by
protrusion bulging dorsally in the canal, have the potential adding cervical fl exion, the patient's symptoms remain
to compress the dura. Owing to the downward and ante­ unchanged or are alleviated, this would indicate:
rior direction of the nerve root and the relative fixation of
the dural investment at the anterior wall, a downward • The presence of a medially located disc protrusion.
movement of the nerve always involves an anterior dis­ • The presence of dural scarring or fibrosis resulting
placement that pulls the root against the posterior-lateral from a previous injury to the dura (up to 2 or more
aspect of the disc and vertebra. years earlier) . This results in a painless loss in range of
In addition, any space-occupying lesions situated at the the SLR. Paresthesia may be provoked.
anterior wall of the vertebral canal at the fourth and fifth • An i njury to the hamstring muscle complex as flexing
lumbar, and first and second sacral segments, may interfere the neck increases the stretch on the dura but has no
with the dura mater or nerve root structures, or both. effect on the length of the hamstrings.
The patient is then asked to flex the neck so the chin is • A crack fracture of a pedicle. This can often mimic a
on the chest, or the clinician may dorsiflex the patient's foot disc protrusion, or extrusion, with physical testing.
( Bragard's test) ,63 or medially rotate the patient's hip. Flex­
ing the cervical spine, dorsiflexing the ankle (Fig. 1 0-7 ) , Thus, the dura can be pulled from below, during the
and medially rotating the h i p during the SLR test in­ SLR, or from above, during neck flexion. An increase of
creases tension exerted on the spinal cord, spinal dura, and lumbar pain during neck flexion or SLR will therefore
implicate the dura mater as the source. Dural signs are
extremely important in distinguishing a lesion in which
the anterior part of the dura mater is involved (disc
displacemen ts) from possible impairments at the posterior
wall (zygapophysial joints and ligaments) .
It is generally agreed that the first 30 degrees of
the SLR serves to take up the slack or crimp in the sciatic
nerve and its continuations. Thus, pain in the 0 to 30-degree
range may indicate the presence of:

• An acute spondylolisthesis
• A tumor of the buttock
• A gluteal abscess
• A very large disc protrusion or extrusion 72
• An acute inflammation of the dura
• A malingering patient

The sign of the buttock should always be suspected if pain

is reproduced in this range.
Between 30 and 70 degrees, the spinal nerves, their
dural sleeves, and the roots of the L4, L5, S l , and S2
segments are stretched, with an excursion of 2 to 6 mm. 73
FIGURE 1 0-7 The straight leg raise (SLR) test with neck After 70 degrees, these structures undergo further tension,
flexion su perimposed. but other structures are also involved. These structures

include the hamstrings, the gluteus maxim us, and the hip,
lumbar, and sacroiliac joints. An SLR test is positive if:

1. The range i s limited by spasm to less than 70 degrees.

2. Flexing the knee allows a greater range of hip flexion
to occur.
3. The pain reproduced is neurologic in nature, indicat­
ing that the dura is inflamed, which usually occurs
24 hours after the protrusion or extrusion. This
should be accompanied by other signs and symptoms,
such as pain with coughing, tying of shoe laces, and so
on, but not necessarily any muscle weakness.

Positive findings throughout the whole range indicate a

muscle or contractile impairment.
Negative findings throughout the whole range may in­
dicate a massive protrusion, and may be accompanied by:

• I schemic root atrophy, resulting in a complete loss of

sensitivity of the dural sheath
• A discontinuation of reflex hamstring contractions, FIGURE 1 0-8 The bi lateral SLR test.
which usually occurs to protect the nerve root, allow­
ing the SLR to return to full range
soft disc protrusion. By performing a bilateral SLR and
Cross Straight Leg Sign incorporating both neck flexion and dorsi flexion, cen tral
The cross SLR sign, or well-leg raising test of Fajersztajn45 protrusions can be detected.
is a phenomenon that can be associated with the SLR test, Because a cenu-al protrusion can mimic a stenosis, a
whereby a lifting of the asymptomatic leg produces pain in method of differentiation is needed. The easiest way to do
the symptomatic leg. There are three recognized types: this is to position the patient in a seated flexion position. A
stenotic patient will feel better when put in this position. The
1. An SLR producing pain i n the contralateral leg, but clinician can also differentiate between a posterior-lateral
not when the conu-alateral leg is raised disc bulge, spinal stenosis and intermittent claudication by
2. An SLR producing pain in both legs using the bicycle test of van Gelderen. 75 The patient is po­
3. An SLR producing pain in the contralateral leg, and a sitioned on a stationary bike and asked to pedal against re­
contralateral SLR also producing pain. For example, if sistance. The patient with stenosis tolerates the seated or
the pain is felt in the right leg, the SLR of the right leg flexed position well. The patient with interm ittent claudi­
produces pain in the left leg, and the SLR of the left cation of the lower extremities experiences a worsening of
leg produces pain in the right leg symptoms with time in whatever spinal position is assumed.
The symptoms of a patient with intermittent cauda equina
There are many theories as to the cause and signifi­ compression worsen with an increase in lumbar lordosis.
cance of the crossover sign, including sacroiliac joint in­ The patient with a disc herniation initially fairs well in the
volvement. It is possible that the neuromeninges are flexed position, but quickly worsens.
pulled caudally, resulting in a compression of the dural
sleeve against a large or medially displaced disc herniation. Slump Test
The crossover sign is thought to be m ore significant Despite the development of refi nements to the SLR test,
than the SLR test in terms of its diagnostic powers to indi­ the test is inadequate in detecting neural tension in some
cate the presence of a large disc protrusion. 74 cases.49,70.7 I , 76,77 A neural tension test performed in a sitting
position is necessary to simulate the exU-emes of spinal mo­
Bilateral Straight Leg Raise tion seen during symptom-provoking activities, such as
Once the unilateral SLR test is completed, the clinician slouched sitting or entering and exiting a car.40, 70,7 1 ,76,77
should test both legs simultaneously (Fig. 1 0-8) . One of The slump test, popularized by Maitland, 77 is a combi­
the limitations of the unilateral SLR is that it may not high­ nation of other neuromeningeal tests, namely the seated
light the presence of a central disc protrusion, especially a SLR, neck flexion, and lumbar slumping. In the slump

test, the patient is seated in full flexion of the thoracic and

lumbar regions of the spine.78 Sensitizing maneuvers are
then systematically applied and released to the cervical
spine and lower extremities, while the tester maintains the
patient's trunk position. The slump test assesses the excur­
sion of neural tissues within the vertebral canal and inter­
vertebral foramen,?1 detecting impairments to neural tis­
sue mobility from a number of sources identified by
Macnab79 and Fahrni.8o Maitland asserted that the slump
test enables the tester to detect adverse nerve root tension
caused by spinal stenosis, extraforaminal lateral disc herni­
ation, disc sequestration, nerve root adhesions, and verte­
bral impingement.7l ,76
A number of studies38,43,64,67 have demonstrated the ef­
fects of trunk and head position on neural structures
within the vertebral canal and intervertebral foramen dur­
ing slump testing, finding that full spinal flexion, or flex­
ion of the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar regions of the
spine, produces lengthening of the vertebral canal. This
elongation of the vertebral canal stretches the spinal dura
and transmits tension to the spinal cord, lumbosacral FIGURE 1 0-9 The start position of the slu mp test.
nerve root sleeves, and nerve roots.38,39,42,43,67,81 During full
spinal flexion , the cauda equina becomes taut and the
lumbosacral nerve roots and root sleeves are pulled into neck in neutral (Fig. 1 0-1 0 ) . This maneuver has the effect
contact with the pedicle of the superior vertebra.38,39,49,67 of tightening the entire dura, including the thorax dura . If
When extension of the cervical spine is introduced, the test is still negative, the patient is asked to flex tlle neck
the dura and the nerve roots slacken as the vertebral canal by first applying a chin tuck and then placing the chin on
beg ins to sho rten.38 ,39,42,49,67,8 1 ,82 Extending the thoracic the chest, and then to straighten the knee as much as possi­
and lumbar spine increases the slack in the neural tissues ble. The test is repeated using tlle other leg and then with
as the vertebral canal continues to shorten .38,39,49,67,81,82 both legs at the same time. If the patient is unable to
Because the slump test is a combination of other tests,
a choice as to its use needs to be made. Either the SLR, or
its various adjunct tests, should be performed or the slump
test should be used.!
The only advantage that the slump test has over the
SLR test is that it increases the compression forces through
the disc and will , therefore, highlight the presence of dural
adhesions better. ! Depending on the text source, there are
a wide variety of progressive steps to the slump test in terms
of when the lumbar kyphosis stage is introduced. Although
the specific order to use is controversial, it is important
that the clinician consistently uses the same sequence with
each patient.
As soon as symptoms are reproduced during these
tests, they should be terminated. It is worth remembering
that during a dural tension test, the dura itself does not
move, it is merely stressed; hence the name for the tests.
One method is described here.
The patient is positioned sitting with the hands behind
the back, and a slight arch in the back (Fig. 1 0-9) , which
helps ensure that the lumbar spine is maintained in neutral.
This position should be followed by a slump of the lumbar
and thoracic spine as the clinician maintains the patient's FIGURE 1 0-1 0 The thoracic and l u m bar slump.

The adverse neural tension tests are not a part of every

scan but are used if a dural adhesion or irritation is sus­
pected. The examination of neural adhesions is by no
means an exact science, but the principles are based on
sound anatomic theory. Knowledge of the course of each
of the peripheral nerves is essential to put adequate ten­
sion through each of the m . Because the sinuvertebral
nerve innervates the dural sleeve, the pain, experienced as
a result of an inflamed dura, is felt by the patient at multi­
segmental levels and is described as having an achelike
quality. If the patient experiences sharp or stabbing pain
during the test, a more serious underlying condition
should be suspected.
If pain is reproduced with the slump, but not with an
SLR, there could be a number of reasons:

• Presence of a soft protrusion, particularly a cen tral

soft protrusion. Soft central protrusions need loading
through weight bearing, and are often negative in a
non-weight-bearing position.
• Presence of an acute spondylolisthesis
FIGURE 1 0-1 1 The fu l l slump test.
• Presence of a posterior instability
• Presence of a malingering patient
straigh ten the knee because of a reproduction of pain, he
or she is asked to actively extend the neck. If, following the The following findings are strongly predictive for a
neck extension, the patient is able to straighten the knee disc herniation 72.74.8
further, the test can be considered positive.
If symptoms have yet to occur, active dorsiflexion is • Severely limited SLR
added ( Fig. 1 0-1 1 ) . Passive overpressure can be applied • Crossover SLR
to each of these moves. If the patient experiences positive • Severely restricted and painful trunk movements
symptoms wi th the leg exten sion, the knee is slightly
flexed and the dorsiflexion is reapplied passively in an at­
B owstring Tests
tempt to reproduce the symptoms. Throughout the en­
tire slump test, each time a positive response is reached, A positive bowstring test is a strong indicator for sur­
the last movemen t applied is reduced sligh tly to take the gery, but it need only be performed if the SLR is posi tive
stress off the dura, and tension is applied from the with the addition of dorsiflexion. Bowstring tests will not
opposite end of the dura. The test should also be done in detect a chronically irritated dura, as insufficient stretch is
reverse (as a positive response can be obtained in one imparted on the dura during the test, but the tests can
direction but not the other) and can be made more help the clinician to differentiate between a lesion to the
objective by numbering each of the motions; for example: tibial or common peroneal branch of the sciatic nerve.
( 1 ) uloracic kyphosis, (2) lumbar kyphosis, (3) neck flexion/
chin tuck, (4) knee flexion al gO degrees, ( 5 ) knee flexion Tibial Nerve Test
at 60 degrees, ( 6 ) knee flexion at 30 degrees, and The roots of the tibial nerve exit from L4 to S2 and travel
(7) knee flexion at 0 degrees (full knee extension ) . The down the middle of the posterior thigh between the
important numbers for symptom reproduction are femoral condyles and down the back and middle of
3 through 5. the calf, entering the foot under the medial malleolus of
For a neuromeningeal test to be positive, it must re­ the ankle. The nerve is, ulerefore, put on stretch WiUl the
produce the patient 's symptoms, and the sensitizing tests addition of dorsiflexion to the SLR. Once the poin t of irri­
must increase or decrease those symptoms. The tests them­ tation has been reached, the clinician places the patient's
selves often cause pain, but the clinician must be able to leg over one shoulder. The patient's knee is gently flexed
differentiate this from dural pain. For example, in the until the symptoms fade. The clinician places a thumb be­
slump test a nonpathologic response includes pain, or dis­ hind the patient's knee, between the femoral condyles,
comfort, in ule area of T8-9. and presses into the popliteal fossa, thereby deforming the

tibial nerve. If the symptoms are brought on by this ma­ then tested. Weakness of these in the presence of
neuver, the bowstring test is positive. strong glutei is a positive sign of piriformis syndrome.

Common Peroneal Test Piriformis involvement can also be ruled out using a
Typically, the roots of the common peroneal nerve exit modified SLR. The piriformis is placed on slack by exter­
from L5 to S2 and travel with the tibial branch to the pos­ nally rotating the hip during the SLR. The range obtained
terior distal thigh region . It then wraps i tself around the is compared with that obtained from an SLR with the hip
fibular head and has strong attachments to the tendon of i n internal rotation . If the piriformis is involved, more
the biceps femoris. Because the nerve is usually well at­ range will be obtained with the hip in external rotation,
taclled, attempts to stretch it with plantar flexion and in­ which places the piriformis on slack.
version may not reproduce the symptoms, whereas the A modification to the SLR tests can also be used to help
bowstring test will. The procedure is similar to that of the rule out radicular symptoms resulting from stenosis. The
tibial version of the test, except that after the knee is SLR is taken to the point of symptom reproduction, and
slightly flexed, the clinician pulls the biceps femoris ten­ then a longitudinal traction force is applied through the
don, at the fibular head, medially and laterally. If this ma­ leg by the clinician. This imparts a distraction force on the
neuver reproduces the symptoms, it is a positive test. lumbar spine and alleviates the symptoms if stenosis if pres­
It is possible to have a positive SLR test accompanied ent, but aggravates the symptoms if the dura is irritated.
by a negative bowstring test, and there are three possible Further modifications can be incorporated to place
explanations for this: stress through different branches of the sciatic and
common peroneal nerves by adjusting the ankle and foot
1. As mentioned previously, the i nflammation to the position:
dura is chronic, rather than acute; more stretch is ap­
plied to the dura during an SLR than with the bow­ 1 . Dorsiflexion, foot eversion, Stresses the tibial
string tests and toe extension: branch
2. Lateral stenosis. A loss of disc height will lead to insta­ 2. Dorsiflexion and inversion: Stresses the sural
bility of the segment as this loss of height makes the nerve
ligaments slack and causes the facets to telescope, 3. Plantar flexion and i nversion: Stresses the com­
which produces lateral stenosis. mon peroneal (deep
3. Piriformis syndrome. The sciatic nerve usually travels be­ and superficial)
low the piriformis. In about 1 5% of the population, the
tibial part of the sciatic nerve passes through either the Prone Knee Bending Test
belly of the piriformis muscle, or the piriformis has two The prone knee bending test stretches the femoral nerve
muscle bellies, and the nerve passes between the two using hip extension and knee flexion to stretch the nerve
bellies. Consequently, contraction or tightness of the termination in the quadriceps muscle, and has been used
muscle will produce radicular symptoms. By the time to indicate the presence of upper lumbar disc hernia­
the tibial nerve reaches the piriformis, it is a peripheral tions,84 especially when hip extension is added.85 The
nerve and, therefore, compression of it should pro­ femoral nerve travels anteriorly to both the hip and the
duce no pain, only numbness and tingling throughout knee (as does the rectus femoris) . Therefore, the nerve
the tibial distribution, unless there is a neuritis result­ roots are stretched with a combination of knee flexion and
ing from a bacterial infection or from friction. hip extension. Some clinicians recommend performing a
prone knee bend test prior to executing a sacroiliac upslip
Piriformis pain can also be caused by: correction, because there is a small potential of avulsing
the L2-3 nerve roots with this maneuver.
• A chronic piriformis spasm, resulting from a facili­ The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve also travels ante­
tated segment in the lumbar spine that causes hyper­ rior to the thigh and can be stressed with the hip extension
tonicity in the piriformis and chronic irritation to the component of this maneuver. Neuropathy of this nerve is
nerve. usually associated only with hypoesthesia, but in some
• A lesion to the piriformis muscle belly. This can be di­ patients it may cause pain and dysesthesia in the anterior­
agnosed by testing the strength of the gluteus medius lateral aspect of the thigh.86 In many patients, the cause of
and minimus. The superior gluteal nerve, which exits the neuropathy is not found,87 but compression along the
from the sciatic nerve before it reaches the piriformis, long course of the nerve is the main cause. The compres­
innervates these muscles. The muscles below the piri­ sion may be at the level of the roots, such as by disc her­
formis that are innervated by the sciatic nerve are n ia88 or by tumor in the second lumbar vertebra,89 but it

buttock" is not a single sign , as the name would suggest,

but rather a collection of signs indicating a serious
pathology present posterior to the axis of flexion and ex­
tension in the hip. Among the causes of th e syndrome
are osteomyelitis, infectious sacroiliitis, and fracture of
the sacrum/ pelvis, septic bursitis, ischiorectal abscess,
gluteal hematoma, gluteal tumor, and rheumatic bursi­
tis. The patient lies supine and the clin ician performs a
passive unilateral SLR. If there is a unilateral restriction,
the clinician flexes the knee and n otes whether the hip
flexion i ncreases. I f the restriction was caused by the
lumbar spine or hamstrings, hip flexion increases. If the
hip flexion does not increase when the knee is flexed, it
is a positive sign of the buttock test. If the sign of the but­
tock is encountered, the patient m ust be i m mediately re­
ferred back to the physician for further i nvestigation.
The sign of the buttock typically includes almost all of
the following:

• Limited SLR
The prone knee bending test. • Limited hip flexion
• Limited trunk flexion
• Noncapsular pattern of hip restriction
also may be compressed along the retroperitoneal course • Painful and weak hip extension
by a space-occupying lesion such as a tumor.90 Abnormal • Gluteal swelling
posture, tight-fitting braces or corsets, and thigh injuries • E mpty end feel on flexion
are other common causes of injury to the nerve. 9] A recent
study found an injury to the lateral femoral cutaneous
nerve to be a common complication during spinal surgery,
occurring in 20% of these patients. 93
Suggested Sequence of the Lumbar
The patient is positioned in prone lying, and the clini­
and Sacroiliac Scan
cian stabilizes the ischium to prevent an anterior rotation
of the pelvis. The patient's knee is then flexed as far as pos­ Chronic low back pain is among the most common
sible (Fig. 1 0-1 2 ) . If no pain is reproduced thus far, the hip musculoskeletal disorders and is the single most common
is extended while the knee flexion is maintained. The zone disorder associated with disability, with the costs estimated
where the dura is stretched is 80 to 1 00 degrees of knee to be at least 50 billion dollars per year in the United States
flexion. Knee flexion greater than 1 00 degrees introduces alone.95•96 There are a number of warning signs to watch
both a rectus femoris stretch and lumbar spine motion for during a lumbar examination:
into the findings.
The test is positive if there is a reproduction of unilat­ • Pain in the upper lumbar region. This suggests the
eral pain in the lumbar area, buttock, and/or posterior possibility of aortic thrombosis, neoplasm, dental
thigh, which would indicate an L2, L3, or L4 nerve root caries, ankylosing spondylitis, or visceral disease.
impairment, but acute L4-S1 disc protrusions can also pro­ • Sign of the buttock. The first indication is usually a dis­
duce positive findings. 93 As with the SLR test, neck flexion crepancy noted between trunk flexion and the SLR.
or extension (Fig. l O- 1 2 ) can be added. 94 This test can also • Signs of interference with conduction of more than
be positive with patients who have undergone a cardiac one nerve root.
grafting procedure. • Bilateral nerve root palsy.
• Complete paralysis.
• A significantly warmer foot on tlle affected side. 2 The
Sign of the B uttock2
warmer foot results fro m interference with the sympa­
This syndrome is described here because i ts underly­ thetic nerves at the upper lumbar levels.
ing pathologies occur in the lower quadrant and because • Glove and sock neuropathy. This finding could indi­
it can be assessed as part of the SLR test. The "sign of the cate lead or mercury poisoning, or both.

History • Short and strong psoas muscles, especially if associ­

ated with an anterior pelvic tilt, or a flexion deformity
PAT I E NT STA N D I N G of the hip joint

Observation A flattened back m ay indicate that the patient has either

The observation should be performed with the patient lumbar spinal stenosis, or a lateral recessed stenosis. An ex­
standing and then seated. cessive lordosis m ay indicate that the patient has a spondy­
Posture Good posture is a subjective finding based on what
the clinician believes to be correct and should not be of a Kyph osis Is the lumbar spine kyphotic? Kyphosis of the
major concern to the clinician at this stage of the examina­ lumbar spine m ay indicate damage to the supraspinous lig­
tion. The subject of posture, more pertinent to the biome­ ament complex.
chanical examination, is discussed later in Chapter 1 1 .
A trophy I f atrophy is present, does it follow a segmental
Scoliosis The clinician should note any abnormal spinal or nonsegmental pattern?
curvature. Structural changes in the lumbar region associ­
ated with pain are fairly common. One of the most com­
Creases Creases in the posterior aspect of the trunk may
mon is scoliosis.
indicate areas of hypermobility or instability. A very low
Scoliosis can be found in four forms: static, sciatic,
abdominal crease m ay indicate a spondylolisthesis.
idiopathic, and psychogenic. With static scoliosis, a leg
length difference is the source of the scoliosis. Sciatic scol­
iosis is caused by painful disorders in the lower lumbar Deform i ty, Birthmarks, and Hairy Patches These are all
spine. The extent of a scoliosis should be noted if it is evidence of congenital deficits of the integumentary sys­
though t to be significant, and an attempt should be made tem and can indicate underlying anomalies in the systems
to manually correct it to ascertain whether this can be derived from the same e mbryological segments. I OO A
done painlessly. A compensatory shift or scoliosis is often hairy patch or tuft, typically located at the base of the
easy and painless to correct. lumbar spine, may indicate a spina bifida occulta or di­
astematomyelia. I O I
Lateral Shift The sight of a patien t with a pelvic shift or list
is a common one. The shift is thought to result from the Bony Landmarks T h e anterior superior iliac spines, me­
body finding a position of comfort and protection due to: dial malleoli, and lateral malleoli should all be level with
their counterparts on the opposite side.
• An irritation of a zygapophysial joint
• An irritation of a spinal nerve and/or its dural sleeve, Active Range of Motion
due to a disc herniation97 and the resulting muscle Normal active motion involves fully functional contractile
spasm98 and inert tissues, and optimal neurologic function. While
standing, the patient performs flexion, extension, and
It is theorized that this protective spasm is created by the side-flexion to both sides (Fig. 1 0- 1 3A, B, C and D ) . At
quadratus lumborum m uscle and, occasionally, the iliacus the end of each motion, a gentle overpressure is applied
muscle. The direction of the list, although still controver­ to assess the end feel. At the end of the side-flexion mo­
sial, is believed to result from the relative position of the tion, which tends to be less irritating than other move­
disc herniation to the spinal nerve. Theoretically, a con­ ments, overpressure is applied on the shoulder opposite
tralateral list occurs when the spinal nerve/dura is com­ to the side-flexion to avoid any unnecessary compression
pressed on its lateral aspect, whereas an ipsilateral list ( Fig. 1 0- 1 3C and D) . Although some clinicians feel that
occurs when the compression is on its medial aspect.99 overpressure should not be applied in the presence of
The technique to correct a lateral shift is described in pain, most, if not all, of the end feels that suggest acute or
Chapter 1 3. serious pathology are to be found in the painful range,
including spasm and the empty end feel.
Lordosis Is the lordosis excessive or reduced? An The clinician should consider having the patient re­
increase in lumbar lordosis is usually as the result of: main at the end range for 1 0 to 20 seconds if sustained
positions were reported to increase the symptoms in the
• Short, tight, and weak erector spinae subjective history; likewise, if repeti tive or combined mo­
• Stretched, slack, and weak abdominals tions have been reported. McKenzie l 02 advocates the use


c D
FIGURE 1 0-1 3 A-D. Active range of motion (ROM) ofthe lumbar spine.

of repeated active movements, especially flexion and ex­ motion, the symptoms the motions provoke, and the end
tension. feel-it is the biomechanical examination that assesses
The amount of range available depends on a num­ the ranges in more depth. An apparently normal range
ber of factors, including age and stage of healing, and could i ndicate normalcy, hypermobility, or instabi l i ty.
even in so-called normal spines there is a great deal of Restricted range will be in either a capsular or noncap­
variability. Some individuals are able to touch their toes sular pattern.
with only hip or thoracic motion. H owever, the focus of As mentioned earlier in this chapter, the various com­
the scan is not with actual ranges, but the quality of the ponents of the range of motion and strength tests examine

different aspects: spasm and empty, are associated with pain, so the
overpressure needs to be performed gently. However,
Components Tests (Tissues and Other) if radicular pain is reproduced with active ROM, it
Active ROM , willingness to move, conu'actile would seem poin tless to inflict overpressure further
and inert tissues, pattern of resu'iction, into the range. Nonradicular pain that occurs at the
quality of motion, symptom reproduc­ end of full range may indicate a hypermobility.
Passive Inert and con tractile tissues, ROM, end Standing Up on the Toes
feel, sensitivity The patient raises both heels off the ground. The key mus­
Resisted Contractile (strength, sensitivity) cles tested during this maneuver are the plantar flexors
(S l -2) . These are difficult muscles to fatigue, so the patient
A good view of the spine is essential so that the exam­ should perform 10 heel raises uni laterally with his or her
iner can focus on the following areas. arms resting on the clinician 's shoulders. In addition to
observing for fatigability, the clinician should also look for
• The curve of the spine in flexion, extension, and side­ Trendelenburg's sign, which could indicate a hip impair­
flexion, which should be smooth. An angulation oc­ ment ( coxa vara) , or a gluteus medius weakness secondary
curring during extension could indicate an area of in­ to a superior gluteal nerve palsy.
stability. I n side-flexion , an angulation indicates an
area of hypomobility, the point at which it curves, rep­ Unilateral Squat while Supported
resenting the first segment capable of side-flexion, not The patient performs unilateral squats while supported.
the hypo mobile segment. The key muscles being tested during this maneuver are the
• Creases in the lumbar spine area during extension, quadriceps ( L3-4) .
which could indicate an area of rotational instability
or hyper mobility if unilateral, or an anterior instabil­ Heel Walking
ity and extension hypermobility, if bilateral and The patient walks toward, or away from , the clinician while
sym metric. weight bearing through the heels. The key muscles being
• Deviations during or at the end of range. Trunk devia­ tested during this maneuver are the dorsi flexors ( L4).
tion during flexion is believed to be associated with a
disc herniation, with the direction of the deviation de­
termined by the relative position of the compression on PAT I E NT S EATED
the nerve, as previously discussed. Deviations during
flexion may also result from neuromeningeal adhe­ Active Range of Motion
sions, hypomobile segment(s) on the contralateral side, The patient, keeping the knees together, twists at the waist
hypermobile segment(s) on the ipsilateral side, a struc­ to each side, and overpressure is applied at the end of
tural scoliosis, or a shortened leg on the ipsilateral side. I range (Fig. 1 0- 1 4) . The clinician should perform this ma­
• Failure to recover motion smoothly, which is indicative neuver from in front of, and behind, the patient.
of an instability. This typically occurs at the end point
of flexion as the patient begins to return to the erect Seated Lumbar Flexion
stance and has to extend by walking the hands up the The flexion component of this test is a good way to scan for
thighs or using a series ofjerking motions. rotoscoliosis.
• The provocation of symptoms. Are the symptoms neu­
rologic or non neurologic, and how far does the distri­ Key Muscle Tests
bution of pain extend? If there is lower extremity pain, • Knee extension (L3) . If the min i-squat maneuver was not
does it travel below the knee? Leg pain provoked by used in the standing section, this is another opportu­
any motion other than flexion is not a good prognos­ nity to test the fatigability of the quadriceps. At this
tic sign � ; neither is posterior leg pain, reproduced with level, the L3 nerve root is not commonly com pressed
extension, rotation, or side-flexion, possibly indicating by a disc, but it is a common site for a metastasis. The
a significant prolapse or extrusion. clinician positions the patient's knee in 25 to 35 de­
• Gross limitation of both side-flexions, possibly indicat­ grees of flexion and then applies a resisted flexion
ing ankylosing spondylitis. force at the midshaft of the tibia (Fig. 1 0- 1 5 ) . Both
• End feel. It is the end feel that indicates to the clini­ sides are tested for comparison.
cian the cause of the motion restriction. It must be • Hipflexion (Ll-2) . With palsy, the patient is unable to
remembered that the significant end feels, such as raise the thigh off the table. Palsy at this level should

FIGURE 1 0-14 Active l u m bar rotation with overpressure FIGURE 1 0- 1 6 Resisted hip flexion.
applied by the clinician.

serve as a red flag, as disc protrusions here are rare, tacting the examining table. Both sides are tested for
but this is also a common site for metastasis. The pa­ comparison.
tient's hip is actively raised off the treatment table.
The clinician then applies a resisted force proximal A combined L3-4 palsy is extremely rare. Because L2
to the knee, into hip extension ( Fig. 1 0- 1 6 ) , while disc impairments are also extremely rare, an L2 palsy always
ensuring that the heel of the patient's foot is not con- suggests a nondiscogenic impairment. A bilateral palsy at
this level is rarely the result of a disc im pairment; more
likely it is the result of a space-occupying structure such as a

Slump Test (L4-S2)

(See earlier discussion.)


McKenzie advocates the testing o f lumbar flexion motion

in the supine as well as standing positions. 1 02 In the stand­
ing position, flexion occurs from above downward, so pain
at the end of the range indicates that LS-S 1 is affected.
When the patient is in the supine position , lifting both
knees to the chest ( Fig. 1 0- 1 7 ) , causes flexion to occur
from below upward, so that pain at the beginning of move­
ment indicates that LS-S 1 is affected.

Key Muscle Tests

The testing of these levels is very important as 90% of
all lumbar disc impairments occur at the levels of L4-S .
Serious impairments should be suspected if total loss
FIGURE 1 0-1 5 Resisted knee extension. of power from these muscles is presen t, because it is

FIGURE 1 0- 1 7 B i lateral knees t o t h e chest. FIGURE 1 0-1 8 Resisted ankle dorsiflexion.

extremely unlikely for a disc impairment to cause a com­ axial compression force to the patient's spine. Farfan's origi­
plete palsy. J nal version of this test had the patient positioned supine with
the hips flexed to 45 degrees and the feet on the bed. The cli­
• Ankle dorsiflexion (L4). The patient is asked to place the nician then placed a hand over the patient's sacrum and at­
feet at 0 degrees of plantar and dorsiflexion relative to tempted to push the patient up the bed.
the leg. A resisted force is applied to the dorsum of The test is positive if pain is produced. There are two
each foot by the clinician (Fig. 1 0- 1 8 ) and a compari­ scenarios for the pain production. The pain can occur
son is made.
• Great toe extension (L5) . The patient is asked to hold
both big toes in a neutral position, and the clinician
applies resistance to the nails of both toes and com­
pares the two sides.
• Ankle eversion (L5-S1) . The patient is asked to place the
feet at 0 degrees of plantar and dorsiflexion relative to
the leg. A resisted force is applied by the clinician to
move each foot into inversion, and a comparison is

Straight Leg Raise Test

( See earlier discussion.)

Bowstring Tests
( See earlier discussion.)

Compression Test (Modified Farfan Test)1 03

The patient is supine. The clinician flexes the patient's hips
and knees to the point where the pelvis starts to posteriorly
rotate (Fig. 1 0-19) . The clinician then squeezes the patient's
thighs against the chest and exerts a cranially directed pres­
sure against the patient's feet or buttocks, and applies an FIGURE 1 0-1 9 Farfan's compression text.

before the posterior rotation of the pelvis, or during the This test and its posterior counterpart (see later dis­
axial loading. If it occurs before, the following pathologies cussion) are believed to be sensi tive for arthritis or ventral
may be present: ligament tears, and they are commonly positive in ankylos­
ing spondylitis. I
• Anterior spondylolisthesis
• Muscle tear FABER (Flexion, abduction, external rotation)
• Acute instability Positional Test
• Malingering patient The patient lies supine. The clin ician places the foot
of the test leg o n top of the knee of the opposite leg
If the pain is reproduced with the axial loading, there ( Fig. 1 0-2 1 ) . The clinician then slowly lowers the test leg
is the possibility of an end-plate fracture or acute disc her­ i n to abduction, in the direction toward the exam ining
niation. If a disc herniation is present, the pain should in­ table. A positive test occurs when the test leg remains
crease if the clinician taps the ischial tuberosities with the above the opposite straight leg, which may i ndicate a
heel of the palm. problem affecting the hip joint. H owever, because the
lumbar spine and sacroiliac joint are involved in this ma­
Anterior Sacroiliac Joint Stress Test neuver, pathologies of those joints cannot be ruled out
The anterior stress test, also called the gapping test, is per­ without selective stabilization of the pelvis. Placing the
formed with the patient supine. The clinician stands to sole of the test leg foot against the medial aspect of the op­
one side of the patien t and, crossing his or her arms, places posite thigh and then lowering the test leg toward the
the palms of the hands on the patient's anterior superior examining table can modify the FABER test for the pa­
iliac spines (Fig. 1 0-20) . The crossing of the arms ensures tient with knee pathology.
that the direction of the applied force is lateral, thereby
gapping the anterior aspect of the sacroiliac joint. The FADE Positional Test
stress is maintained for 7 to 10 seconds, or until an end feel The set up for the flexion, adduction, extension ( FADE)
is felt. The procedure stresses the ventral ligament and test is similar to that of the FABER test, except that the start
compresses the posterior aspect of the joint. A positive test position involves moving the patient's hip into flexion and
is one in which the patient's groin or sacroiliac joint pain is adduction ( Fig. 1 0-22) . From that position, the clinician
reproduced either anteriorly, posteriorly, unilaterally, or moves the patient's hip into extension and slight abduction.
bilaterally. 1 04 The FADE test assesses the integrity of the hip joint.

FIGURE 1 0-20 Gapping of the anterior sacroiliac joint. FIGURE 1 0-21 The FAB E R test.

FIGURE 1 0-22 The start position for the FADE test. FIGURE 1 0-23 A variation of the patient position for the
patella reflex.

Deep Tendon Reflexes • Posterior tibialis reflex (L4) , on the proximal aspect
The reflexes should be assessed and graded accordingly. of the foot arch
The clinician should note any differences between the two • Anterior tibialis reflex (L4) , on the anterior aspect of
sides. the midshin
• Peroneal reflex ( L4) , on the lateral aspect of the leg
o No deep tendon reflex present (Areflexia) • Extensor digitorum brevis reflex ( L5) , on its muscle
1+ Diminished ( Hyporeflexia) belly on the dorsum of the foot
2+ Normal
3+ Brisk or hyperactive
4+ Markedly hyperactive o r hyperreflexic

The DTRs are tested with a reflex hammer, with the patient

• Patella reflex (L3) . The patient is positioned supine so

that the hip is abducted and externally rotated and
the knee is flexed to about 30 degrees. Alternatively,
both knees can be supported in flexion ( Fig. 1 0-23) .
• Achilles reflex (Sl-2) . The patient should be positioned
so that the ankle is at 90 degrees or slightly dorsiflexed
( Fig. 1 0-24) .

Ankle and knee jerks sometimes disappear earlier than

muscle power or skin sensitivity. A loss of the ankle jerk is
permanent in about half of the cases, whereas the knee
jerk often recovers.
As mentioned previously, DTRs can be performed on
any muscle that contains a spindle. Other examples include:

• Adductor magnus reflex ( L3 ) , on the distal-medial as­

pect of the thigh over its insertion FIGURE 1 0-24 The Achilles reflex.

• Medial hamstrings reflex ( L5-S 1 ) , on the medial as­ Key Muscle Test
pect of knee Hip abduction (L5 and superior gluteal).
• Lateral hamstrings reflex ( S l -2 ) , which can be diffi­
cult to find. The clinician places a thumb over the ten­
don and taps the thumbnail to elicit the reflex.

Key Muscle Tests

Pathologic Reflexes
• Hip extension (L5-S1). This test is only performed if the
(See earlier discussion.)
patient is unable to perform plantar flexion in standing
or resisted ankle eversion. The patient's knee is flexed
Sensory Testing
to 90 degrees and the thigh is lifted slightly off the ex­
The clinician checks the dermatome patterns of the nerve
amining table by the clinician, while the other leg is sta­
roots as well as the peripheral sensory distribution of the
bilized. A downward force is applied to the patient's
peripheral nerves. Dermatomes vary considerably between
posterior thigh while the clinician ensures that the pa­
tient's thigh is not i n contact witll the table. Both sides
are tested for comparison. The S l nerve root is com­
PAT I E NT S I D E LYI N G monly injured with hip surgery.
• Knee extension (L3-L4). This is the position preferred by
Posterior Sacroiliac Joint Stress Test many clinicians for testing knee extension, provided
The posterior stress test, also called the compression test, is the patient has no knee pathologies. The patient's leg is
performed with the patient in the side lying position. The positioned in about 90 degrees of knee flexion, taking
clinician, standing behind the patient, applies a downward care to do this passively. The clinician rests the superior
force on the side of the patient's uppermost innominate aspect of his or her shoulder against the dorsum of
lIsing both hands ( Fig. 1 0-25 ) . The procedure creates a the patient's ankle, and a superior force is applied while
medial force that tends to gap the posterior aspect of the the clinician grips the edges of tile examining table
joint while compressing its anterior aspect. The reproduc­ (Fig. l O-26) . Both sides are tested for comparison.
tion of pain over one or both of the sacroiliac joints is con­ • Kneejlexion (L5 and S1-2) . The patient's knee is flexed
sidered positive. The dorsal ligament is accessible just be­ and an extension isometric force is applied j ust above
low the posterior inferior iliac spine and should be the ankle ( Fig. 1 0-27) . Both sides are tested for com­
palpated for tenderness. lOS parison.

FIGURE 1 0-25 Gapping of the posterior sacroiliac joint. FIG U RE 1 0-26 Resisted knee extension in prone positi on.

F I G U R E 1 0-27 Resisted knee flexion in prone position . FIGURE 1 0-28 Farfan 's torsion test.

An S2 palsy produces atrophy of the buttock. The pa­ If the test is positive, the clinician needs to check each
tient is asked to contract the buttock muscles while the cli­ level. The clinician stabilizes the spinous process of L5 and
nician pushes into the buttocks with a closed fist. Failure by repeats the test. Moving cranially, each level is similarly
the patient to hold the tightness could be indicative of an tested. The testing is stopped at the first level where pain is
S2 impairment. reproduced, as findings at higher levels will also be painful
and, therefore, inconclusive. The test can also be per­
Farfan's Torsion Stress Test i , J03 formed in reverse by lifting tlle patient's shoulder from
The i n tent of this test is to deform the pars articularis and the bed. For example, lifting the right shoulder of the pa­
compress the facets on o�e side, while distracting them on tient induces right rotation at the lumbar spine. The find­
the opposite side. A positive finding is the reproduction of ings from the reverse test should be consistent with the
pain. The patient is prone and the clinician stabilizes the standard test; that is, pain reproduced with the same direc­
spinous process of T 1 2 . The clinician reaches over the tion of rotation.
patient and grasps the anterior superior iliac spine. The
anterior superior iliac spine is then pulled directly back­ Posterior-Anterior Pressures
ward, resulting in a torsional force and a pure axial rota­ Posterior-anterior pressures over the vertebra via pressure
tion to the lumbar spine (Fig. 1 0-28) . A rotation to the left on the spinous processes of each lumbar vertebra are a
of the lumbar spine produces a gapping of the left zy­ form of stress test, although not very specific. For example,
gapophysial joints and a compression of the right zy­ pressure over L3 produces an anterior shear at L3-4 but a
gapophysial joints. The test is then repeated on the other posterior shear of L4-5. In addition, L2 extends and L4
side. Bearing in mind that the lumbar spine is only capable flexes, both resulting in an extension of L2-3 and L3-4.
of 3 to 4 degrees of axial rotation, this test has the ability to However, as a screen it has its uses, serving to help de­
highlight the presence of a rotational instability. The test tect the presence of excessive motion or spasm, or both.
also provokes pain from the following pathologies: The clinician applies the posterior-anterior force in a
slow and gentle fashion, using the thumb of one hand
• Neural arch fracture; the patient typically complains while monitoring the paravertebrals with the other hand
of pai n wi th both tests ( Fig. 1 0-29) . Modifications of this test can be performed;
• Unilateral subchondral fracture of the zygapophysial for example, applying the force over one transverse
joint process produces a rotational force and will help to check
• Very large disc protrusion the multifidus.

• The zygapophysialj oint is the main threat to the nerve


As with the lumbar scan, the basic sequence of test­

ing is geared to patient convenience, to preven t unneces­
sary movement of the patient. However, the clinician will
also decide the order of the testing based on the observa­
tion and subjective examination. Thus, testing of the ver­
tebral artery and the transverse ligament should be con­
sidered if the observation and subjective examination
reveal any of the signs and symptoms that have been
linked, directly or indirectly, to vertebral artery insuffi­
ciency. These i nclude:

• Wallenberg's, Horner's, and similar syndromes

• B ilateral or quadrilateral parestllesia
• Hemiparesthesia
• Ataxia
• Scotoma
• Nystagmus
• Drop attacks
FIGURE 1 0-29 Posterior-anterior pressures over the l u m ­
bar spine. • Periodic loss of consciousness
• Lip anesthesia
• Hemifacial para/anesthesia
Prone Knee Bending Test • Hyperreflexia
(See earlier discussion. ) • Babinski, Hoffman, and Oppenheimer signs
• Clonus
• Dysphasia
Suggested Sequence of the Cervical Scan
• Dysarthria
Warning signs in the cervical region (in addition to • Absen t auditory reflexes
those serious signs already mentioned) include: • Neural hypoacousia diplopia

• Unexplained weight loss History

• I nvolvement of two or three nerve roots The cervical spine is an area with a high potential for seri­
• Gradual increase in pain ous injury, which makes this an area of the body that needs
• Expanding pain to be approached with caution. As with the other scans, the
• Spasm with passive ROM of the neck subj ective history is extremely important. Many of the
• Visual disturbances symptoms that occur in an upper limb have their origins in
• Painful and weak resistive testing the neck. Unless there is a history of definite trauma to a
• Hoarseness peripheral joint, a scanning examination must be done to
• Limited scapular elevation rule out problems with the neck. The patient can report
• Horner's syndrome bizarre symptoms, and these need to be heeded until the
• Tl palsy (weakness and atrophy of hand intrinsics) ; clinician can rule out serious pathology. The history must
the first sign of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis include questions that will elicit any symptoms that might
• Arm pain in a patient who is less than 35 years old, or suggest a central nervous system condition, or a vascular
in any patient for more than 6 months compromise to the brain. In addition to those already
• Side-flexion away from the painful side that causes mentioned for this region, tl1e following questions, made
pain ( if this is the only motion that causes pain) specific to the cervical spine must be asked:

In this region: A. H istory of trauma. When was the trauma and what
was the mechanism? Were there n eurologic symp­
• The uncovertebral joint is the main threat to the ver­ toms? If there were, this could indicate more severe
tebral artery damage. 106

B. Presence of dizziness, nausea, or visual disturbances • Bone deformities

• Autonomic skin changes
C. Lhermitte's symptom, or "phenomenon. " This is an
• Birthmarks
electric shock-like subj ec tive sensation that radiates
• Posture
down the spinal column into the upper or lower l imbs
• Cervical rib, indicated by a higher trapezius.
when flexing the neck. It can also be precipitated by
extending the head, coughing, sneezing, or bending
The clinician should observe the position of the pa­
forward or by moving the limbs. l 07 I t was described in
tient's head. If it is shifted to one side, it could be indica­
detail by Lhermi tte, 1 08 who insisted that demyelina­
tive of a disc protrusion. If it is deviated, acute arthritis
tion was the underlying pathology. Lhermitte 's symp­
might be present. Does the patient change posture often,
tom and abnormalities in the posterior part of the cer­
indicating a degree of discomfort?
vical spinal cord on magnetic resonance i maging
The clinician should look for asymmetries when the
( MRI ) are strongly associated. Smith and McDon­
patient is unaware of being observed. A major driving
ald 1 09 postulated that there is an increased mechano­
force to give the appearance of symmetry exists in people,
sensi tivi ty to traction on the cervical cord of i njured
examples of which occur when people look into a mirror
axons located within the dorsal columns, causing tran­
or when they know they are being observed. During the
sien t activity of n ormally silent sensory units as well as
observation portion of the examination, the clinician
increasing the firing rate of spon taneously active
looks for subtleties and attempts to determine the origin
units. Although a herniated disc is an anteriorly
of any asymmetries seen.
placed lesion, and the spinothalamic tract is usually
more affected than the posterior columns, flexion of
the neck will produce stretching of the posterior as­ Side Vi ew
pects of the cord but not the anterior part at the site • Is the forehead vertical, as in a normal individual?
of the impairment, and this may explain this particu­ • Is a forward head posture present? The amount of
lar symptom. compression occurring at the LS-S I disc doubles for
1. Multisegmen tal paresthesia (cord symptoms) every inch beyond the correct position and can lead to
2. Does the patient have headaches? If so, where? What recurrent disc protrusions. A forward head posture
is their frequency and intensity? Does a position alter produces a change in head position and a change in
the headache? If the patient reports relief of pain and the bite biomechanics. Most forward head postures
referred symptoms with the placement of the hand or are the result of a thoracic hypomobility. In normal in­
arm of the affected side on top of the head, this is dividuals, the tip of the chin is perpendicularly in line
Bakody's sign and is indicative of an impairment in with the manubrium.
the C4 or CS area. I 1 0 If in doubt, the clinician should measure the dis­
3. Does the patient have trouble with walking or bal­ tance the chin protrudes anteriorly, or measure the
ance? Positive responses may indicate a cervical distance from the apex of the thoracic kyphosis to the
myelopathy or a systemic neurologic impairment. 1 1 1 deepest point in the cervical lordosis. I 1 2
Is the patient able to reduce the degree o f for­
ward head posture?

Observation Front Vi e w
The clinician should look for gross deformities such as: • Is the head in midline or is there evidence of torticol­
lis? A cervical disc protrusion at C3-4 or C4-S produces
• Torticollis a horizontal side shift of tl1e head while the patiem
• Sprengel's deformity, an embryologic condition giv­ maintains eye level
ing the patient the appearance of having no neck, sec­ • Are the eyes level? Are their depths and sizes equal?
ondary to a high-riding scapula • Is the nasal bone observable between the eyelids, and
• Scars (particularly long, transverse scars indicative of does it continue down symmetrically? Are there any
cervical surgery) obvious nostril defects?
• Scoliosis • Does the mouth have any tilts or upturns? The pres­
• Muscle atrophy or hypertrophy ence of dry and cracked lips indicates a mouth
• Swelling breather. Are the teeth or tongue visible, which
• Stance also indicates mouth breathing? Mouth breathing
• Gait encourages a forward head posture. Is there an


FIGURE 1 0-30 A-D. Active ROM ofthe cervical spine.

overbite? Overbites push the head of the mandible up (Fig. l O-30A to D ) . Each of the motions is tested with a
and back. gentle overpressure, applied at the end of range if the ac­
• Are the shoulders level? The shoulder on the domi­ tive range appears to be full and pain free, although, with
nant side is usually higher. Is there any atrophy of the the exception of rotation, the weight of the head usually
deltoid, suggesting an axillary nerve palsy? provides sufficient overpressure . As previously men­
tioned, it is necessary to apply overpressure even in the
Active Range of Motion presence of pain, in order to get an end feel. If the appli­
The patient performs the six cardinal motions: flexion, cation of overpressure produces pain, the presence of an
extension, both side-flexions, and both rotations acute muscle spasm is possible. Caution must be taken

when usi ng overpressure In the direction of rotation, nervated by the spinal accessory nerve. Positive find­
especially if the rotation is combined with ipsilateral side­ ings with this test are nausea or rigidity, which may in­
flexion and extension . 1 1 3 The clinician should evaluate dicate a dens fracture, or a tumor.
the following: • Long neck extension. The clinician instructs the patient
to "look up to the ceiling. " From this position, the cli­
• Quality nician gently pushes the patient's chin posteriorly and
• End feel assesses the end feel.
• Symptoms provoked • Side-jlexion. Active side-flexion is typically the first mo­
• Willingness of the patient to move tion to demonstrate problems of the cervical spine.
• Patterns of restriction Most of the side-flexion occurs between CO-1 and be­
tween C l-2. The clinician should note the rotation
The available ROM in the cervical spine is a combina­ that accompanies this motion. Resisted side-flexion
tion of many factors, including the shape and orientation tests the C3 "myotome."
of the zygapophysial joints and the degree of muscle flexi­ • Rotation. Resisted rotation tests the C2 "myotome."
bility. As with other joints in the body, the available ROM
typically decreases with age, the only exception being the The clinician should consider having the patient re­
rotation available at C l-2, which may increase. 1 14 It is pos­ main at the end range for 1 0 to 20 seconds if sustained po­
sible to assess both the upper and mid-to lower cervical sitions were reported in the subjective history to increase
segments by modifying the active ROM tests, and by asking the symptoms; likewise, if repetitive or combined motions
the patient to resist at the end of range once the end feel have been reported. The use of distraction and compres­
has been assessed: sion can be employed following the motion tests.

• Short neck flexion. The clinician instructs the patient Distraction Test
to place his or her chin on the Adam 's apple. I f this Distraction is applied In the neuu-al position first
maneuver produces tingling in the feet, it is highly in­ ( Fig. 1 0-3 1 ) , and then in cervical flexion and extension.
dicative of a CO-l or C l-2 instability, or both, resulting
from a dens fracture or a laxity of the transverse l iga­ • Distraction in extension produces a distraction of tl1e
ment. If the patient reports a pulling sensation, the zygapophysial joint surfaces and a compression of tl1e
cervi co tho racic junction may be at fault. The C 1 disc.
"myotome " can b e tested in this position by testing the
short neck extensors. The clinician attempts to gently
push the patient's chin towards the Adam's apple
while the patient resists. The short neck extensors are
innervated by the spinal accessory. Positive findings
with this test are nausea or rigidity, which may indicate
a dens fracture or a tumor.
• Mid-low cervical flexion. The clinician instructs the pa­
tient to place his or her chin on the chest while keep­
ing the teeth together. If this produces tingling in the
feet, it could indicate a cervical myelopathy or scar­
ring of the dura.
• Short neck extension. The clinician instructs the patient
to look upward by only lifting the chin. The patient ex­
tends the head on the neck, and the clinician attempts
to lift the occiput in the direction of the ceiling. If this
produces tingling in the feet, it may indicate a "buck­
ling" of the ligamentum flavum, producing pressure
on the spinal cord. A loss of balance or a drop attack
strongly suggest a compromise of the vertebrobasilar
system. The C 1 "myotome" can also be tested in this
position by testing the short neck flexors. The clinician
attempts to lift the patient's chin toward the ceiling F I G U R E 1 0-3 1 General distraction of the cervical
while the patient resists. The short neck flexors are in- structures.

• Distraction in flexion increases the compression of the in a stretched position. If this proves positive for pain or
zygapophysial joint surfaces and distracts the disc. weakness, the muscles are retested in their shortened posi­
tion, and are palpated along the suspect muscle and ten­
A reproduction of pain with distraction suggests: don unit. There are numerous smaller muscles through­
out this area, so resistance needs to be applied gradual ly.
• A tear of a spinal ligament Pain that occurs with resistance, accompanied by pain at
• A tear or inflammation of the annulus fibrosis the opposite end of passive range, indicates a muscle im­
• An irritated dura pairment. Alternates are given for each "myotome":

Other signs and symptoms may present themselves • Levator scapulae (C4). The clinician places a thumb on
during disu-action. These include a loss of consciousness, the superior aspect of the medial border of the patient's
lower extremity paresthesia, or a drop attack. I scapula and then tries to push the border in the direc­
tion of the ipsilateral iliac crest while the patient resists.
Compression Test • Diaphragm (C4). The patient takes a deep breath while
Compression of the spine ( Fig. 1 0-32) gives an indication the clinician stabilizes the patient's ribs, trying to pre­
of vertical irritability. A reproduction of pain with com­ vent the expansion
pression suggests: • Scapular elevators (C2-4) . The clinician asks the patient
to elevate the shoulders about one-half of full eleva­
• A disc problem tion. The clinician applies a downward force on both
• An end plate fracture shoulders while the patient resists ( Fig. 1 0-33) .
• A fracture of the vertebral body • Shoulder abduction (C5). The clinician asks the patient to
• An acute arthritis of the zygapophysial joint abduct the arms to about 75 to 80 degl-ees with the fore­
arms in neutral. The clinician applies a downward force
The compression test should be applied in the neutral po­ on the humerus while the patient resists (Fig. 10-34) .
sition first before attempting it in flexion or extension. • Shoulder external mtation (C5). The clinician asks the pa­
tien t to put the arms by the sides, with the elbows
Key Muscle Tests flexed to 90 degrees and the forearms in neutral. The
The clinician looks for relative strength and fatigability. clinician applies an inward force to the forearms
These isometric tests are first performed with the muscles (Fig. 1 0-35)

FIGURE 1 0-32 General compression of the cervical

structure. FIGURE 1 0-33 Resisted shoulder elevation .

FIGURE 1 0-34 Resisted shoulder abduction . FIGURE 1 0-36 Resisted elbow extension.

• Elbowflexion (C6) . The clinician asks the patient to put neutral. The clinician applies a downward force to the
the arms by the sides, with the elbows flexed to 90 de­ back of the patient's hands.
grees and the forearms in neutral. The clinician ap­ • Shoulder internal rotation (C6) . The clinician asks the
plies a downward force to the forearms. patient to put the arms by the sides, with the elbows
• Wrist extension (C6) . The clinician asks the patient to flexed to 90 degrees and the forearms in neutral.
place the arms by the sides, with the elbows flexed to The clinician applies an outward force to the fore­
90 degrees and the forearms, wrists, and fingers in arms.
• Elbow extension (C7). The patient is seated with their
shoulders and elbows flexed to about 90 degrees. The
clinician stands behind the patient and tests the tri­
ceps bilaterally by grasping the patient's forearms and
attempting to flex the elbows (Fig. 1 0-36) .
• Wrist flexion (C7). The clinician asks the patient to
place the arms by the sides, with the elbows flexed to
90 degrees and the forearms, wrists, and fingers in
neutral. The clinician applies an upward force to the
palm of the patient's hands.
• Thumb extension (C8) The patient extends the thumb

just short of full ROM. The clinician stabilizes the prox­

imal interphalangeal joint of the thumb with one hand,
and applies an isometric force into thumb flexion with
the other.
• Ulnar deviation (C8) . The clinician asks the patient to
place the arms by the sides, with the elbows flexed to
90 degrees and the forearms, wrists, and fingers in
neutral. The clinician applies a lateral force to the
back of the patient's hands
• Hand intrinsics (Tl). The patient is asked to squeeze a
piece of paper between the fingers while the clinician
FIGURE 1 0-35 Resisted shoulder external rotation. tries to pull it away.

Neuromeningeal Tests

Foraminal Compression (Spurling's Test) 1 15 A progression

of three stages is recommended with this test. The first two
stages, compression in neutral (see Fig. 1 0-32) and then
compression in extension, have already been mentioned.
If no symptoms were provoked in the first two stages, the
Spurling test is performed. Spurling's test involves an axial
compression loading, which is manually applied at the end
of all four quadrants to fully open or close the interverte­
bral formina and stress the disc. It is only used if the
patient does not report any arm symptoms prior to the
scan ; otherwise, compression is applied in neutral only.

• Neck flexion, combined with side-flexion away from

the pain, tests the integrity of the disc (Fig. 1 0-37) .
• Neck extension, combined with side-flexion toward
the painful side, tests for foraminal encroachment
( Fig. 1 0-38 ) .

Upper Limb Tension Tes ts The reader i s encouraged to re­ FIGURE 1 0-38 The Spurling test demonstrating neck
fer to the work of David Butler, from whom these tests are extension and side-flexion toward the painfu l side.
taken . 41 The upper limb tension tests (ULTTs) are equiva­
lent to the SLR test in tile lumbar spine. They are tests
designed to put stress on the neuromeningeal structures of • Deep stretch or ache into the anterior or radial aspect
the upper limb. Each test begins by testing the normal side of the forearm and radial aspect of the hand
first. Normal responses include: • Deep stretch in the anterior shoulder area
• Sensation felt down the radial aspect of the forearm
• Deep stretch or ache in the cubital fossa • Sensation felt in the median distribution of the hand

Positive findings include:

• Production of the patient's symptoms

• A sensitizing test in the ipsilateral quadrant that alters
the symptoms

ULTT 1-Median Nerve (Anterior Interosseous Bias [(C5-6,

7J) The patient is supine, with the head un supported.
The clinician places a hand on top of the patient's shoul­
der and depresses that shoulder. The patient'S arm is
then abducted to about 1 1 0 degrees and the elbow
extended to 0 degrees. This is fol lowed by supination of
the forearm and extension of the wrist and fi ngers. The
patient then side-flexes the head away from the tested

ULTT 2A-Median Nerve (Musculocutaneous and Axillary

Nerve Bias) The patient is supine, head unsupported.
Shoulder depression is applied. The shoulder is then
placed in 10 degrees of abduction. The elbow is extended,
the forearm supinated, and tile wrist and thumb extended.
FIGURE 1 0-37 The Spurling test demonstrating neck The patient then side-flexes the head away from the tested
flexion and side-flexion away from the painful side. side.

UL1T 3-Radial Nerve Bias (C5-Tl) The patient is supine, touching the skin. The clinician notes any hypo- or hyper­
head unsupported. The clinician, facing the patient's feet, esthesia within the distributions. Light touch of the hair
supports the patient's arm in about 80 degrees of elbow follicles is used throughout the whole dermatome, fol­
flexion. The shoulder is in internal rotation and about lowed by pin-prick i n the area of hypoesthesia. Remember
10 degrees of abduction. Shoulder depression is applied, that there is no C l dermatome ! (see Fig. 1 0-3)
followed by full extension of the elbow, pronation of the
forearm, wrist and finger flexion, and ulnar deviation. The Deep Tendon Reflexes
shoulder is then internally rotated, followed by the patient The following reflexes should be checked for differences
side-flexing the neck away from the tested side. between the two sides:

ULIT 4-Ulnar Nerve Bias (CB-Tl) The patient is supine, • C4: Levator scapulae
head unsupported. The clinician places a hand on top of • C4-5: Rhomboids
the patient's shoulder and depresses that shoulder. The • C5: Deltoid-the an terior belly on the superior-Ialeral
patien t's arm is then abducted to about 10 degrees with tip of the shoulder
the elbow flexed to 90 degrees. The forearm is supinated, • C5-6: Brachioradialis
and the wrist and fingers are then extended and radially • C5-6: Infraspinatus
devialed. The shoulder is externally rotated. The patient • C6: Biceps (Fig. 1 0-39)
side-flexes the neck away from the tested side. • C6: Wrist extensors
Evans l 1 6 described a modification of the ULTT. The • C7: Triceps ( Fig. 1 0-40)
patienl is asked to abduct the humerus with the elbows • C7: Wrist flexors
straigh t, stopping j ust short of the onset of symptoms. The • C8: Extensor pollices longus and abductor pollices
patienl lhen externally rotates the shoulder just short of • T l : Thenar muscles
sym ploms, and the clinician then holds this position. • T l : Pisiform pressure-the clinician pushes the pa­
Final ly, the patient flexes the elbows so that the hands are tient's pisiform bone distally, producing a reflex con­
placed behind the head. Reproduction of radicular symp­ traction of the hypothenar muscles
toms with elbow flexion is considered positive.
Modifications to these tests allow the clinician to test Spinal Cord Reflexes
some of the other peripheral nerves. • Hoffman 's sign. This sign is the upper limb equivalent
of the Babinski sign. The clinician holds the patient's
Musculocutaneous Nerve The patient is supine, head un­ middle finger and briskly flicks the distal phalanx,
supported. The clinician, facing the patient's feet, sup­ thereby applying a noxious stimuli to the nail bed of
ports the patient's arm in about 80 degrees of elbow
flexion. The shoulder is in external rotation and about
lO degrees of abduction. Shoulder depression is then ap­
plied, followed by glenohumeral extension ( th e "sensi­
tizer") , elbow extension, and wrist ulnar deviation.

Axillary Nerve Patient is supine, head unsupported. The

clinician places a hand on top of the patient's shoulder
and depresses that shoulder. The glenohumeral joint is
lhen externally rotated, and the patient side-flexes the
head away from the tested side. The shoulder is then ab­
ducted to about 40 degrees.

Suprascapular Nerve The patient is supine, head unsup­

ported. The clinician places a hand on top of the patient's
shoulder. The patient's arm is then placed into internal ro­
tation and shoulder girdle protraction. Then the arm is
moved i n lo horizontal adduction, and the patient side­
flexes the head away from the tested side. The clinician
now depresses that shoulder.

Sensory (Afferent System) The clinician instructs the pa­

lienl to say "yes" each time he or she feels something FIGURE 1 0-39 The biceps reflex.

FIGURE 1 0-40 The triceps reflex. F I G U R E 1 0-41 The transverse ligament stress test.

the middle finger. Denno and Meadows ! 17 devised a with the thumb on the side opposite to the side-flexion ( to
dynamic version of the Hoffman sign, which i nvolves block the rotation) and the index finger placed over the
the patient performing repeated flexion and exten­ other posterior neural arch of C2 ( to block the side bend
sion of the head before being tested for the Hoffman of C2) . The patient's head is then side-flexed with the neck
sign, as previously described. in flexion (chin tuck) , neutral ( the ligament will be fairly
• Clonus at the wrist (extension) or elbow (pronation/ lax in this position) , (Fig. 1 0-42) and then extension. The
supination) end feel is assessed for laxity in all three positions.
• Lower limb tendon reflexes


Craniovertebral Ligamentous Stress Tests

Transverse Ligament This ligament is tested by position­

ing the patient supine. The clinician locates the anterior
arches of C2 by following around the vertebra from the
back to the front using the thumbs. The patient is in­
structed to keep the eyes open. Using the fingers of both
hands, the clinician cups the patient's occiput and the C l
segment, and the patient's head i s lifted, keeping the head
parallel to the ceiling but in slight flexion ( Fig. 1 0-4 1 ) . The
position is held for approximately 15 seconds, and the pa­
tient is asked to count backward aloud.

Alar Ligament A laxity of this ligament is not life threat­

ening, but i t can produce symptoms such as headaches.
The patient is seated or supine. The patient's neck is placed
in slight flexion, and the C2 segment is stabilized with a lum­
brical grip by pushing down on its posterior neural arch FIGURE 1 0-42 The seated alar ligament stress test.

Vertebrobasilar Artery History

A full description of the tests for the vertebral artery can be In the thoracic spine, protection and function of the tho­
found in Chapter 5. racic viscera take precedence over intersegmental spinal
mobility. The thoracic spine is also the area of the spine
Palpation that is very prone to postural impairments.
The patient should be supine to allow for maximum relax­ I n the thoracic region, with the diagnosis of a muscu­
ation of the neck muscles. During palpation of this region, loskeletal disorder, it is important to:
the clinician should note any tenderness, trigger points, mus­
cle spasm, hypertonicity, skin texture changes, and reactivity. A. Look for muscular and neurologic signs. Thoracic disc
herniation does not have a characteristic clinical pres­
Posterior-Anterior Pressures entation, and i ts symptomatology may be confused with
Posterior-anterior pressures over the vertebra via pressure other diagnoses. In a review of the literature covering
on the spinous processes of the cervical vertebrae are a form 280 cases of thoracic disk herniation, I 18 23% had sen­
of stress test, although not very specific. The clinician uses sory symptoms, most commonly numbness, paresthe­
these pressures to test for pain or reactivity of the segment. sias, or dysesthesias. (See Chapter 7)

B. Ensure that no visceral signs are present. Serious signs

Special Tests
to look for include:
The following test may be performed, if indicated:
1 . Disturbed coordination accompanied by a spastic
• Cranial nerve tests gait (UMN impairments to the cord can only occur
• Specific long tract tests above L2)
2. I ncreased muscle tone, with the affected muscles not
limited to one myotome
Suggested Sequence of the T horacic Scan 3. Hyperreflexia of the patella or Achilles DTRs
4. Babinski, Oppenheim, and clonus signs present
Owing to the proximity of the viscera, particularly the
5. Lhermitte ' s sym pto m . The impairment is usually
heart, serious disease must always be a major consideration
considered to be in the cervical spinal cord and is
in this region. In addition, the pleura, because it is at­
associated with demyelination, prolapsed cervical
tached to both the ribs and the lungs, reproduces pain
disc, neck trauma, or subacute combined degenera­
when it is stretched, both by breathing as well as by trunk
tion of the cord. It is rarely a presenting symptom of
movements, a situation that could lead the clinician to be­
thoracic cord disease such as com pression by
lieve that the problem is musculoskeletal. Because of the
m e tastatic malignant deposits, 1 1 9 im pai rments of
proximity and vulnerability of the spinal cord in this re­
the thoracic vertebrae, 1 20 and thoracic spinal tu­
gion, long u"act signs ( Babinski, clonus, DTR) should be
morY I Because the thoracic cord is immobilized
routinely assessed.
by the denticulate ligaments, flexion produces only
The vascularization of the vertebrae in the mid- to
limited stre tching of the cord, and thus less ex­
lower thoracic spine, is generally through a watershed ef­
cursi o n . This presumably explains why symptoms
fect rather than by direct segmental arteries. l This leaves
attributable to flexion are rare in thoracic cord
the region susceptible to a metastatic invasion.
The thoracolumbar outflow of the autonomic nervous
6. Occasionally, Brown-Sequard's syndrome is fo und.
system has i ts location here and can lead to the presence of
It is characterized by ipsilateral flaccid segmental
facilitated segments, as well as to trophic changes in the
palsy, ipsilateral spastic palsy below the impairment,
skin of the periphery.
and ipsilateral anesthesia and loss of propriocep­
Cautions tion, and loss of appreciation of the vibration of
• Elderly patients with no causal factor a tuning fork ( dysesthesia) . Con tralateral discrimi­
• All bladder diseases nation of pain sensation and thermoanesthesia
• Cardiac disease may be present and are both noted below the im­
• Osteoporosis pairment.
• Juvenile osteochondrosis ( Scheuerman n 's disease)
and subsequent Schmorl's nodes If a neurologic impairment is suspected, the clinician
• Night pain, although the pain may just be because the m ust first excl ude a neoplastic process, infectious
patient has an in creased, and fixed, kyphosis and process, or fracture, and then consider a disc protrusion .
needs a softer bed to accommodate the deformity A nondiscal disorder of t h e thoracic spine could include

a neurofibroma. Some of the signs to help confirm i ts • Rupture of the esophagus

presence are: • Acute thoracic disc protrusion

• The patient reports preferring to sleep sitting up. The thoracic spine is also capable of referring symp­
• The pain, which slowly increases over a period of toms to distal regions (groin, pubis, and lower abdominal
months, is felt mainly at night and is uninfluenced by wall) .
activities. Signs of ankylosing spondylitis are common in the tho­
• The patient reports a band-shaped area of numbness racic region. They include involvement of the anterior lon­
that is related to one dermatome. gitudinal ligament and ossification of the disc, the thoracic
• The patien t reports the presence of a pins-and-needles zygapophysial joints, the costovertebral joints, and the
sensation in one or both feet, or reports any other sign manubrial sternal joint, (which is affected in 50% of all
of cord compression. cases) , producing painful forced inspiration and making
chest expansion measurements a requirement in this re­
Disc herniations in this region are considered a rar­ gion. This systemic disease usually affects the sacroiliac
ity 122 and unless they compress the spinal cord, they are dif­ joint initially and then appears in the thoracolumbar area.
ficult to diagnose (refer to Chapter 7) . The following land­ Backache in ankylosing spondylitis is typically intermittent
marks may be helpful to determine which root is impinged. and is not related to exertion or rest. However, the pain
and stiffness are greatest in the morning and usually
• If pain is felt around the nipple, the T5 nerve root is improve with movement. Inspection usually shows a flat
likely to be at fault. lumbar spine, and a gross limitation of side-flexion in both
• Because the epigastrium belongs to the T7 and T8 seg­ directions is demonstrated.
ments, pain here arises from the structure of the same A similar m e tabolic disease is diffuse idiopathic
origin. skeletal hyperostosis ( D I SH ) , in which too much bone is
present, giving a "dripped cement/icing" appearance on
A disc herniation in the thoracic spine can have the imaging. In addition, the anterior and posterior longi tu­
following presentation: dinal ligaments become ossified. Other diseases that can
affect the thoracic spine include tuberculosis, Page t's
• Severe pain, which may be posterior, anterior, or radic­ disease, pyogenic spondylitis, vertebral melanomas, and
ular (bilateral or unilateral) and can be so severe that ochronosis, a condition thought to resul t fro m alkap­
many of these patients are admitted to hospital with a tonuria and oxidized homogentisic acid, which results in
suspected cardiac infarct. dark pigmentations on the vertebral bodies, cartilage,
• All movements are severely limited and extremely muscle, and bones as well as the skin of the face and
painful and may or may not reproduce radicular pain. hands. The patient may also experience dark-colored
• Owing to the small caliber of the spinal canal, these urine.
impairments often compress the spinal cord. As mentioned earlier, special attention has to be paid
to signs and symptoms of osteoporosis and spinal cord
Tumors of T 1 2 to L2 ( typically multiple myeloma) compression in this region. Because of the proximity of
may compress the conus medullaris containing the S3 to the visceral organs, it is important that the clinician deter­
S5 nerve roots. This may lead to an impairment of the uri­ mine whether or not the pain the patien t is experiencing is
nary or anal sphincter, which is sometimes associated with musculoskeletal in nature, and be able to rule out visceral
saddle anesthesia. One of the early signs of cauda equina causes for the pain (Table 1 0-2) .
compromise is the inability to urinate while sitting down
due to the increased levels of pressure. Any space­
occupying lesion, benign or otherwise, provides a threat to PATIENT S I D I N G
the spinal cord. Because of its location, pain in the tho­
racic region can be referred from just about all of the vis­ Observation
cera. Severe chest pain of an abrupt onset should arouse The patient should be suitably disrobed to expose as much
suspicion of: of this region as is necessary. As a quick orien tation to the
relationship of the bony structures, the clinician should
• Dissecting aneurysm confirm the following:
• Pneumothorax
• Myocardial infarction • The spine of the scapula is level with the spinous
• Pulmonary embolism process of T3.

TABLE 1 0-2 SYM PTOMS AND POSSI B LE CONDITIONS Varying degrees of kyphosis occur in the thoracic
ASSOC IATED WITH PAI N IN THE THORAC I C REG I O N ' spine. A slight kyphosis is normal. There are, however, a
number of kyphotic deformities 1 24 :

Severe bilateral root pai n i n Neoplasm (most common • Dowager's hump: a result of postmenopausal osteoporo­
t h e elderly areas for metastasis a re the sis, producing anterior wedge fractures in several ver­
l u n g , breast, prostate, and
tebra of the middle to upper tllOracic spine
Wedging/compression Osteoporotic (estrogen
• Hump back: a localized, sharp, posterior angulation
fracture deficiency) or neoplastic called gibbus produced by an anterior wedging of one
fracture of two thoracic vertebra caused by a fracture, tumor,
Onset-offset of pain u n related Ankylosing spondylitis, or bone disease
to trunk movements visceral
• Round back: a decreased pelvic inclination (20 de­
Decreased active motion, Neoplasm
contralateral side-flexion
grees) with an excessive kyphosis
painful, with both rotations • Flat back: A decreased pelvic inclination (20 degrees)
full with a kyphosis and mobile thoracic spine
Severe chest wa l l pain without Visceral
articular pain
The clinician should observe the ribs during quiet
Spi n a l cord signs and Cord pressure or ischemia
breathing. Respiratory excursion is measured under the
Pain onset related to eating or Visceral axilla, at the level of the nipple line, and at the l Oth rib
diet level. A decreased expansion could be the result of a di­
aphragm palsy (C4) , intercostal weakness, pulmonary
(pleura) problems, old age, a rib fracture, a chronic lung
condition, or ankylosing spondylitis.
• The inferior angle of the scapula is in line with the The skin should be examined for scars, suggesting
T7-9 spinous processes. surgery or trauma, and for skin eruptions that might suggest
• The medial border of the scapula is parallel with the herpes zoster. While examining the skin, the clinician should
spinal colum n and about 5 cm lateral to the spinous observe for any discrete muscle atrophy or hypertrophy:
• Rotatores atrophy could suggest a nerve palsy.
Scoliosis is easy to see in this region, the rib hump oc­ • Rotatores hypertonicity could suggest a segmental
curring on the convex side of the curve. The curve pat­ facilitation.
terns are named according to the level of the apex of the
curve. For example, a right thoracic curve has a convexity Lastly, the clinician should look for evidence of deformity.
toward the right, and the apex of the curve is in the tho­
racic spine. There may be a number of curves spanning • Barrel chest: a forward- and upward-projecting sternum
the thoracic and lumbar region, and the clinician needs to that increases the anterior-posterior diameter
determine if the scoliosis is: • Pigeon chest: a forward- and downward-projecting ster­
num that increases the anterior-posterior diameter
• Conu'ibuting to the patient's pain. Frequently, these • Funnel chest: a posterior-projecting sternum secondary
curves can be asymptomatic. to an outgrowth of the ribs 1 25
• Nonstructural, in which case the patient is able to cor­
rect the curves relatively easily, or structural, which Active Range of Motion
may be genetic, congenital, or idiopathic, producing a The capsular pattern of the spine appears to be symmetric
structural change to the bone and a loss of spinal flex­ limitation of rotation and side-flexion, extension loss, and
ibility. With a structural scoliosis, the vertebral bodies least loss of flexion. This is the case if tl1e clinic ian is deal­
rotate toward the convexity of the curve, producing a ing with a symmetric impairment. Witl1 an asymmetric im­
distortion. 1 23 The distortion in the thoracic spine is pairment, such as trauma, the capsular pattern appears to
called a rib hump. The rotation of the vertebral bodies be an asymmetric limitation of rotation and side-flexion,
causes the spinous processes to deviate toward the extension loss, and a lesser loss of flexion.
concave side. The patient is seated with the arms crossed. Care must
• The result of poor posture, a nerve root irritation, be taken to ensure that tl1e motion occurs in the thoracic
a leg length discrepancy, atrophy, or a hip con­ spine and not in the lumbar, cervical, or hip joints. It is also
tracture. important to ensure that all parts of the tllOracic spine are


c D
FIGURE 1 0-43 A-D . Active ROM of the thoracic spine, guided by the cli nician.

involved in the ROM testing. Active, passive, and resisted • If the normal elastic end feel of thoracic rotation is re­
flexion, extension, rotation, and side-flexion are per­ placed by a stiffer one, it may indicate the presence of
formed (Fig. 1 0-43) . The clinician should look for non­ osteoporosis or ankylosing spondylitis.
capsular patterns of restriction, pain, or painful weakness • During forward flexion, the non structural scoliosis
(possible fracture or neoplasm) . As with the other scans, disappears, the structural scoliosis does not.
the clinician is not overly concerned with the actual • If side-flexion is more seriously affected than rotation,
ranges, but with the quality and the signs and symptoms re­ neoplastic disease of the viscera or chest wall may be
produced. End feels should be noted. present. 1

• If, during side-flexion, the ipsilateral paraspinal mus­

cles demonstrate a contracture (Forestier's bowstring
sign ) , ankylosing spondylitis may be present. 1 I 6
• Side-flexion away from the painful side, which is the only
painful and limited movement, always indicates a severe
extra-articular impairment, such as a pulmonary or ab­
dominal tumor or a spinal neurofibroma. The functional
examination normally confirms the patient history.
• A marked restriction of motion in a noncapsular pat­
tern with one or more spasm end feels could i ndicate
a thoracic disc herniation.
• Anterior or lateral pain with resisted thoracic rotation
could indicate a muscle tear. Localized pain with resis­ FIGURE 1 0-44 Beevor's sign. (Reproduced, with permis­
ted testing could indicate a rib fracture. sion from Haldeman 5 (editor): Principals and Practice of
Chiropractic, 2e. Appleton & Lange, 1992)
Costovertebral Expansion
The extremes of respiration should be assessed for their abil­
ity to produce pain. Breathing in extends the spine, and • Slump test. This is described at length earlier in the
breathing out flexes it. Therefore, as part of the examination, chapter in the discussion of the lumbar scan.
breathing should be combined with flexion and extension to • First thoracic nerve root stretch. The patient is asked to
help rule out rib involvement. For example, if the patient is in abduct the arms to 90 degrees and to flex the pronated
a position of thoracic flexion and breathing in reproduces forearms to 90 degrees. This position should not
the pain, there is likely to be a rib impairment. provoke any symptoms. From this position, the patient
fully flexes the elbows and places the hands behind the
Neurologic Tests 1 neck (Fig. 1 0-45) . This maneuver stretches the ulnar
A neurologic deficit is very difficult to detect in the tho­ nerve and Tl nerve root, and pain into the scapular
racic spine. Sensation should be tested over the abdomen; area produced by this maneuver is indicative of a T 1
the area just below the xiphoid process is innervated by T8, nerve root irritation.
the umbilicus by T I 0, and the lower abdominal region, • Abdominal cutaneous reflex. Deep stroking over the ab­
level with the anterior superior iliac spines, by T 1 2. Too dominal muscles using the handle of a reflex hammer
much overlap exists above T8 to make sensation testing re­
liable ( see Fig. 1 0-3) .
Strength testing is similarly difficult. The resisted iso­
metric tests in this region are merely gross tests and are
more likely to detect muscle strains.
A number of tests have been devised to help assess the
i ntegrity of the neurologic system . They include:

• Beevor's sign (T7-12). The patient lies supine, with the

knees bent, fee t flat on the bed. The patient is asked to
raise the head against resistance, coughs or attempts
to sit up with the hands resting behind the head 126
( Fig. 1 0-44) . The clinician observes the umbilicus for
motion. It should remain in a straight line. If it devi­
ates diagonally, this suggests a weakness in the diago­
nally opposite set of three abdominal muscles. If it
moves distally, weak upper abdominals are suggested,
whereas if it moves proximally, this suggests weak
lower abdominals. For example, if the umbilicus
moves upward and to the right, the muscles in the
lower left quadrant must be weak. The weakness may
be caused by a spinal nerve root palsy, in this case the
1 0th, 1 1 th, and 1 2th thoracic nerves on the left. 127 FIGURE 1 0-45 The T1 nerve stretch position.

tests the abdominal cutaneous reflex. Each quadrant

is tested by etching diagonal lines around the patient's
umbilicus. The clinician observes for symmetry of skin
rippling or umbilicus displacement.
• Spinal cord reflexes. These must be tested on all patients
with thoracic pain and include lower extremity DTRs,
Babinski, and Oppenheim's clonus.

Stress Tests
These are a useful adjunct to the scan. Although they are
also performed as part of the biomechanical examination
of the thorax, positive findings with these tests can indicate
serious conditions.

Axial Axial compression is induced by the clinician lean­

ing on the patient's shoulders for the upper half of the tho­
racic spine and via the lumbar spine for the lower half. Re­
production of the symptoms is considered a positive test
and may be indicative of a vertical instability; that is, end
plate fracture, discal problems, or acute centrum fracture.
In the acutely painful patient, a positive test may result FIGURE 1 0-46 Posterior stress test of the thoracic and
lumbar spine.
from apophyseal joint inflammation.

Tra ction Traction for the upper half of the spine is examination does not imply that there were no findings
through the shoulder girdle (see Fig. 1 6- 1 4 ) and via but, rather, that tl1e results of examination were insufficient
lumbar traction for the lower half. If the test reproduces to generate a diagnosis upon which an intervention could
the patient's symptoms, an injury of the longitudinal liga­ be based. In this case, further examination is required.
ments may be present or, again , in the acutely painful pa­ The inability to treat following me scanning examination
tient, inflammation of the zygapophysial joint. requires that a biomechanical examination be carried out
before any intervention is initiated.
An terior-Posterior The patient is seated with the arms If a diagnosis is rendered fro m the scan, and there are
held in front and the elbows flexed while the clinician no serious signs and symptoms, an intervention can be ini­
stands in fron t of the patient. The clinician reaches around tiated using the guidelines in Table 1 0-3.
the patient with both arms and stabilizes the transverse
processes of the lower vertebra of the segment to be tested.
The patient places the pronated forearms on the clinician's TABLE 1 0-3 CO N D ITIONS AN D I NT E RVENTION
chest and then applies light pressure against the clinician's PROTOCOLS
shoulders witl1 his or her forearm, while the clinician pal­
pates for any posterior motion of the caudal vertebra of the
segment (Fig. 1 0-46) . If the test reproduces tl1e patient's Disc protrusion, Severe pain Gentle manual
prolapse, and Al l movements traction in
symptoms, it may be indicative of an anterior or posterior
extrusion reduced progressive
instability, a disc herniation or, again, in the acutely painful
patient, inflammation of tl1e apophyseal joint. Anterior-posterior Flexion and Traction or traction
instabil ity extension manipulation in
reduction greater extension
than rotation
Arthritis Hot capsular PRICE (protection,
pattern rest, ice,
At the end of the scanning examination , either a medical com pressio n , and
diagnosis can be made (e.g., disc impairment [protrusion, elevation)
prolapse, or extrusion ] ) , acute arthritis, specific tendonitis Subluxation One d i rection is Flexion or extension
or muscle belly tear, spondylolisthesis, or stenosis) or the
Arthrosis All d i rections Flexion or extension
examination is considered negative. Usually, tl1e scanning
examination proves to be negative. A negative scanning

Masqueraders TABLE 1 0-4 EXAM I NAT I O N F I N D I N G S AND T H E

It was Grieve l28 who coined the term Masqueraders to
indicate conditions that may not be musculoskeletal in ori­ FINDINGS POSSIBLE CONDITION

gin, and that may require skilled intervention elsewhere. Dizziness Upper cervical impairment,
Generally speaking, symptoms from a musculoskeletal vertebrobasilar ischemia,
condition are provoked by certain postures, movements, cra n iovertebral ligament

or activities, and relieved by others. H owever, this is a tear

Quadrilateral paresthesia Cord compression,
generalization and must be viewed as such. We can all re­
vertebrobasilar ischemia
call patients whose symptoms mimicked a musculoskeletal B i l ateral upper l i m b paresthesia Cord compression,
im pai rment, but who were later diagnosed with a life­ vertebrobasilar ischemia
threatening condition. It is important that the reader Hyperreflexia Cord compression,

refers to Chapter 9, on the subjective examination, as well vertebrobasilar ischemia

Babinski or clonus sign Cord compression,
as to Chapter 8, on differential diagnosis.
vertebrobasilar ischemia
The findings in Table 1 0-4 should always alert the cli­ Card i n a l signs and symptoms Cord compression,
nician to a more sinister pathology. vertebrobasilar ischemia
The following case studies serve to highlight some of Consistent swa llow on transverse Instabil ity, retropharyngeal

the conditions that mimic musculoskeletal impairments. l igament stress tests hematoma, rheumatoid
Although there are times when these conditions can be be­
Nontraumatic capsular pattern Rheumatoid arth ritis,
nign, more often than not, they are serious. a n kylosing spondylitis,
Arm pain lasting >6-9 months Neoplasm
Case Study: B ack and Leg Pain Persistent root pain <30 years Neoplasm
Radicu lar pain with coughing Neoplasm
Subjective Pain worsening after 1 month Neoplasm

A 55-year-old patient presented with complaints of an in­ >1 level involved Neoplasm
(cervical region)
sidious onset of severe back and left leg pain . Progressively
Paralysis Neoplasm or neurologic
worsening symptoms of pain over the last few months were disease
followed by left foot drop. An MRI examination was inter­ Tru nk and l i m b paresthesia Neoplasm
preted as mild lumbar spine degenerative disc disease Bilateral root signs Neoplasm

without evidence of nerve root compromise. The patient and symptoms

Nontraumatic strong spasm Neoplasm
could report no specific aggravating or relieving activities,
Nontraumatic strong pain Neoplasm
but did report pain at night, not related to movement in in the elderly patient
bed. The patient's past medical history was significant for a Signs worse than symptoms Neoplasm
renal transplantation approximately 20 years earlier. Radial deviator weakness Neoplasm
Th umb flexor weakness Neoplasm
Hand intrinsic weakness Neoplasm, thoracic outlet
or atrophy, or both syndrome, carpal tunnel
1 . What aspects o f the subjective history should alert the syndrome
clinician to the possibility of a serious pathology? Horner's syndrome Superior sulcus tumor,
2. What is the significance of night pain, which is unre­ breast cancer, cervical

lated to movement? ganglion damage, brain

stem damage
3. Does this presentation and history warrant further
Empty end feel Neoplasm
investigation? Why or why not? Severe post-traumatic Fracture
capsular pattern
Examination Severe post-traumatic spasm Fracture

The patient appeared to be a well-nourished and healthy­ Loss of ROM post-tra uma Fracture
Post-tra umatic painful weakness Fracture
looking individual with no obvious postural deformities.
Given the insidious nature of his back pain and the history
suggesting a nerve root impairment, a scan was performed
with the following results: extension. No other positions or activities appeared to
change the pain.
• Active lumbar ROM , with passive overpressure and • Fatigable muscle weakness, graded at 4/5, was found
resistance, was full and pain free i n all directions, in the L5-S1 distribution.
although some trunk pain was elicited with end range • The Achilles tendon reflex on the left was diminished.

Questions lumbosacral plexus was the location o f the neuropathic

1 . Did the scanning examination confirm your working process. Because paraspinal muscles are innervated by dor­
hypothesis? How? sal rami of spinal nerves that branch immediately after ex­
2. What is the significance of the fatigable weakness? iting the vertebral foramina, they are subject to active den­
3. What is the significance of having pain that is not ervation changes in radiculopathies caused by disc or bone
reproducible with activities or positions? disease. Sural sensory nerve action potentials are usually
absent in lumbosacral plexopathies ( postganglionic im­
The distribution of the patient's symptoms appeared pairmen t) , but should not be affected in radicu­
to fit that of a disc herniation at L5-S l , but the clinician lopathies. 1 31 In this case, bilateral absence of sural sensory
returned the patient to his physician for further testing nerve action potentials may be also attributed to polyneu­
because: ropathy secondary to chronic uremia.
Visceral lumbosacral radiculopathy, although uncom­
• The clinician was unable to reproduce the pain with mon, is reported to develop secondary to abdominal aortic
movement. aneurysms, retroperitoneal abscesses, neoplasms, and
• There were subjective reports of night pain, unrelated hemorrhages. 1 30, 132, 133 The importance of recognizing the
to movement development of post-transplant pseudoaneurysms cannot
• There were no relieving or aggravating positions or be overstated because they are prone to acute rupture, re­
activi ties. sulting in significant hemorrhage / 34 and they are consid­
ered surgical emergencies. A careful EMG analysis in tllis
The results of the physical therapy examination case was the key to determining that the patient'S symp­
prompted the physician to order a second MRI examina­ toms were caused by a process affecting the lumbosacral
tion of the lumbosacral spine, and an electromyogram plexus. Electrodiagnostic studies are invaluable tools in
(EMG) study. The MRI uncovered an aneurysm extending localizing processes causing pain and limb weakness and
posterior-medially, and adjacent to the left lumbosacral they often help procure an accurate diagnosis.
nerve plexus. Arteriography verified the aneurysm's ori­
gin from the left internal iliac artery. Mter prompt exci­
sion of the aneurysm, the patient reported significant re­ Case Study: Right B uttock Pain 1 35
duction of back and limb pain in the i mmediate
postoperative period. The EMG studies clearly showed se­ Subjective
vere ongoing denervation changes in distal and proximal A 55-year-old woman presented for physical therapy with a
limb muscles supplied by L5-Sl root levels on the left side, physician diagnosis of "right lumbosacral radiculitis." The
but no significant de nervation changes were observed in patient had a l O-month history of right buttock pain with
lumbosacral paraspinal muscles that are typically affected radiation to her posterior-lateral right lower limb, which
in radiculopathies. 1 29 was associated with intermittent numbness and tingling of
her distal lower limb and foot. She denied any low back
Evaluation 130 pain and denied any radiation of pain down her left lower
In addition to demonstrating how a visceral source of pain limb. Her pain was exacerbated by walking uphill, by lying
can mimic a musculoskeletal impairment, this case illus­ on her right side, and after exercise. Her pain was not
trates two other points. worse with bending or with Valsalva maneuver. Past med­
ical history was significant for chronic low back pain, lym­
1. The importance o f the subjective history. phoma (diagnosed when aged 23 and treated successfully
2. The use of imaging studies to confirm the clinical find­ with local radiation to the neck and axillae ) , status post­
ings. The initial MRI showed no significant evidence meningioma resection, status postbilateral-modified
for nerve root compromise in the lumbosacral spine, radical mastectomy for carcinoma in-situ, and hypothy­
and yet the subjective history indicated the possibility roidism. An MRI of the lumbosacral spine revealed multi­
of nerve root irritation. However, it is not unusual for level degenerative disc disease from L3-4 tl1rough L5-S l ,
MRI results to give both false positives or false nega­ with mild foraminal narrowing bilaterally. There was n o ev­
tives while clinical findings are more reliable. idence of focal herniation or canal stenosis.

Although this patient's symptoms resembled a radicu­ Questions

lopathy, and the strength testing did little to refute tile hy­ 1 . What structure (s) could be the cause of tllese symptoms?
pothesis, there was nothing in the motion tests to confirm 2. Does the history of tile symptoms follow a pattern asso­
the diagnosis. The EMG results clearly indicated that the ciated with a musculoskeletal disorder? If not, why not?

3. What in the patient's past medical history needs to be initially, but then returned to the previous level, and the
noted? patient was returned to her physician.
4. What questions would you ask to help rule out a cauda
equina impairmen t? Questions
5. What impairment could cause an increase in these symp­ 1. What are some of the problems associated with pro­
toms with walking uphill and lying on the right side? ceeding to treat this patient?
6. Why would the patient's symptoms increase after exer­ 2. How would you describe this condition to the patient?
cise? 3. Based on the findings thus far, and the rationale to
7. What is your working hypothesis at this stage based on provide pain relief, is there anything else you would
the various diagnoses that could present with leg pain add to the patient's intervention?
and paresthesia, and the tests you would use to rule 4. Estimate this patient'S prognosis.
out each one. 5. What modalities could you use in the intervention of
8. Does this presentation and history warrant a scan? this patient?
Why or why not? 6. Given the lack of progress from the patient, how long
would you wait before returning her to the physician?
This type of history warrants a scan . A lumbar scan exami­ Evaluation Because of persistent pain , an MRI of the
nation produced the following results: pelvis was obtained. The MRI examination of the pelvis
revealed a markedly enlarged uterus with multiple small
• A negative SLR test on the left; but a positive SLR on myomata within the entire uterus. There was a large
the right side at approximately 45 degrees, which re­ pedunculated myoma measuring 6 cm in maximal cross­
produced right buttock and posterior thigh pain sectional diameter, which was impinging on the right sci­
• Motor and sensory examinations otherwise intact in atic foramen at the level of exit of the right sciatic nerve.
bilateral lower limbs No other pelvic abnormalities were noted.
• No spinal or paraspinal tenderness or spasm on palpa­ The impression at that time was right sciatic neuropa­
tion thy secondary to uterine myoma. Because of her persistent
• Moderate spasm and tenderness of the right piri­ complaints, the patient was referred for a subtotal abdom­
fonnis and gluteus medius muscles, and marked ten­ inal hysterectomy, which was performed without complica­
derness over the right sciatic notch tions. At follow-up, approximately 6 months postopera­
• Active ROM of the lumbar spine was full and pain-free tively, the patient reported a very rare, mild right buttock
in all directions pain without any lower limb radiation, which was a signifi­
• Active and passive ROM of the patient's hips were cant improvement compared with her preoperative pain.
somewhat decreased in internal and external rotation
as well as abduction bilaterally Discussion
The sciatic nerve arises from the L4 through S2 nerve roots,
Questions and maintains a short intrapelvic course, before exiting the
1 . Did th e scanning examination confirm your working pelvis through the greater sciatic foramen. 136 Although im­
hypothesis? How? pairments of the sciatic nerve outside the pelvis have been
2. List the examination findings that surprised you, given well described, impairments within the pelvis are far less
the subjective history. common. I ntrapelvic endometriosis has been reported to
3. What do you do now? cause cyclic sciatic nerve pain. 1 37 Intrapelvic tumors such as
lipomas have also been reported to result in sciatica. 1 38
The scan findings were inconclusive for a right lum­ A case of idiopathic internal iliac artery aneurysm has been
bosacral radiculitis, so a biomechanical examination was reported, causing sciatic nerve involvement. 1 39
performed. The biomechanical examination failed to re­ Uterine fibroids, also known as leiomyomas, fibromy­
produce the patient's pain and symptoms. After a discus­ omas, fibromas, and myomas, are well circumscribed but
sion with the patient'S physician, a trial of physical therapy nonencapsulated benign uterine tumors. These are mainly
was ordered for symptomatic pain relief. The patient un­ composed of smooul muscle but have some fibrous connec­
derwent a physical therapy program, which consisted of tive tissue components.
modalities to her right piriformis and gluteal muscles, Although the exact incidence of fibroids is unknown,
stretching exercises, hip ROM exercises, instruction in they are the most common form of pelvic tumors, and esti­
proper posture and body mechanics, and generalized con­ mations indicate that as many as 25% of women over ule age
ditioning exercises. Her symptoms improved somewhat of 35 has a uterine fibroid.

A history of sciatica that is worse with certain positions, • The wrist and finger flexors were rated at 3 + / 5 , and
is not worse with Val salva, and is not associated with low the intrinsic muscles of the hand were 3 - /5 .
back pain, should prompt clinicians to consider a uterine fi­ • The patient's reflexes showed absence of the triceps
broid as a potential cause, especially in women with a his­ jerk, with preservation of the biceps jerks, which were
tory of uterine fibroids. Likewise, failure to respond to an 2 + . The brachioradialis reflexes were intact up to the
intervention for the more common causes of sciatica, such biceps reflex.
as herniated intervertebral disc, should initiate a return to • There was diminished pin-prick and temperature per­
the physician for further workup, which may include pelvic ception in the hands. These findings were present on
ultrasound, computed axial tomography, or MR!. both sides.
• The patien t's axillae showed marked redness, sugges­
tive of chronic irritation and rubbing.
Case Study: B ilateral A rm • Cranial nerve function was found to be normal, as was
and Wrist Weakness the cervical spine.
• The lower limbs had normal strength, sensation, and
Subjective reflexes.
A 36-year-old man who sustained a left tibial plateau fracture • The patient's axillary crutches were found to be too
presented at the clinic with complaints of bilateral arm and long, with the axillary bar sitting just under the axil­
wrist weakness, which had progressively worsened over the lary fold when the patient stood erect. The patient's
last month since his discharge from hospital. The patient was crutch walking technique was assessed and found to
ambulating with crutches and non-weight-bearing on the be very poor, with the patient putting all his weight on
left side. There was no history of cervical trauma. The patient the axillary bars.
reported no pain in his upper extremities but had noticed a
mild and vague numbness in his hands. There had been no Qu estions
preceding viral infection and no proximal migration of the 1 . Did the scan confirm the working hypothesis? How?
weakness, nor did he have any other areas of weakness. The 2. List the muscles that could be used to assess the radial
patient complained of pain in his axillae and commented nerve.
that his crutches had been rubbing against his axillae. 3. What are the characteristics about a weakness pro­
duced by a nerve palsy?
Questions 4. Given the findings from the scan, what is the diagno­
1 . What structure(s) could be a t fault when weakness is sis, or is further testing warranted in the form of a
the major complaint? biomechanical examination? What information would
2. Why was the history of no cervical trauma pertinent? be gained with further testing?
3. Why was the statement about preceding viral infection
A diagnosis of crutch palsy was suspected based on the
4. Why was the statement about the proximal migration
history and the findings from the scanning examination.
of the weakness pertinen t?
The axillary crutches were initially discontinued, and a
5. What is your working hypothesis at this stage? List the
forearm-bearing walker was substituted. The patient was
various diagnoses that could present with bilateral
asked to return i n 6 weeks, but to call if the symptoms did
arm numbness and the tests you would use to rule out
not start to improve after 2 weeks. Six weeks later the pa­
each one.
tient's sensory function was resolved. Examination found
6. Does this presentation and history warrant a scan?
normal sensation in all distributions, to all assessment
Why or why not?
methods, including pin-prick and temperature percep­
tion. Examination of muscle function showed full strength
in all muscles innervated by the median, ulnar, musculo­
Because of the insidious nature of the patient's symptoms
cutaneous, and axillary nerves.
and the fact that the symptoms were in a distribution that
could indicate a serious condition or neurologic involve­
ment, a scan was performed with the following findings:
1 . Why was the patient not treated o n a regular basis in
the clinic?
• Examination of the upper extremities found the del­
toid strength to be 4/5 and the biceps 5/5. Discussion 140
• All radial nerve-innervated muscles from the triceps Brachial plexus compressive neuropathy following the use
distally were 1 /5 in strength. of axillary crutches is rare, but well-recognized. There are

a number of documented reports in the medical litera- following findings:

. .
t UI'e 14 1 1 42 0f compressIve neuropath les
' stemmmg from the
incorrect use of axillary crutches, the so-called crutch • A broad-based gait pattern

palsy. The diagnosis of a crutch palsy is usually made clini­ • Weakness of hip flexion on the right
cally by taking a careful history and performing a physical • Brisk knee and ankle jerks with clonus on tl1e right
examination, including watching the patient ambulate us­ • Positive Lhermitte's sign
ing crutches, as well as looking at the axillae for such signs • Normal sensory examination, although it appeared
of chronic irritation as hyperpigmentation and skin hyper­ that vibration sensation was absent in tl1e left leg
trophy. A detailed neurologic examination is usually suffi­ • Absen t abdominal reflexes
cient to determine the cord or terminal branch (es) in­ • Nystagmus on lateral gaze
volved and the level of the involvement. 1 43
The incorrect use of axillary crutches, with excessive Qu estions
weight bearing on the axillary bar leads to a sevenfold in­ 1. Did the scanning examination confirm your working
crease in force on the axilla. 1 44 Ensuring that correct hypothesis?
crutch-walking technique is taught to the patient, and that 2. List the findings that could indicate the presence of a
the crutches are measured correctly, is the best course of serious pathology.
action. There are many techniques for determining the 3. What is the significance of the Lhermitte's sign?
correct crutch length for axillary crutches. Bauer and col­ 4. What do you do now?
leagues l 45 found tl1at the best calculation of ideal crutch
length was either 77% of the patient's height, or the height Evaluation
minus 1 6 inches (40.6 cm) , All of the signs and symptoms of this patient indicate UMN
impairment. He was referred back to his physician, at
which time an MRI of the thoracic spine showed a thoracic
Case Study: Intermittent Leg Num bness disc prolapse at T9- 1 0 with an osteophyte impinging the
theca and just in den ting the cord. A computed tomogra­
Subjective phy myelogram showed a large calcified disk prolapse at
A 46-year-old man presented to the clinic with a history of T9- 1 0 with calcification in the remaining disk space and
sensations that he described as a mixture both of pins and considerable compression of the spinal cord from right
needles and of cotton wool around the second and third to left.
toes of his feet. The symptoms developed suddenly while at
work and had progressed to i n termi ttent numbness
of both legs from tl1e waist down since his last physician REVI EW QU ESTI O N S
visit. The initial sensation settled, but over the following
1 . Give five examples o f noncontractile tissue.
10 years he suffered momentarily from electric-shock-type
2. Give five examples of contractile tissue.
sensations radiating down into his legs, more so on the
3. If, when assessing the range of motion of a joint, both
right than the left. In addition, he noticed stiffness in his
the active and passive ROM are limited or painful in
gait and reduced sensation on passing urine, and an
the same direction, would this implicate a contractile
aching sensation had developed in the buttocks. He had a
or nonconu'actile tissue?
history of infrequent low back pain over a number of years.
4. The finding of a weak and painful response during
The patient's physician had given the patient a workup for
strength testing of a key muscle would implicate which
multiple sclerosis, but the results were negative.
four diagnoses?
Qu estions 5. List the five signs of Horner's syndrome.
1 . What aspects o f the subjective history should alert the 6. Give five anatomic sites where a lesion could cause
clinician to the possibility of a serious pathology? Horner's syndrome.
2. What is the significance of the gait stiffness? 7. What are the differences between a drop attack and
3. What is the significance of the reduced sensation on fainting?
passing urine? 8. Give three possible causes of drop attacks.
4. Does this presentation and history warrant a scan? 9. How would you differentiate the cause if drop attacks
Why or why not? were suspected from the medical history?
1 0. Define dysphagia.
Examination 1 1 . List as many serious signs and symptoms as you can re­
Given the h istory and sym ptoms of this patient, a member from your reading of this chapter.
thoracic and lum bar scan was performed with the 1 2. Which muscle is involved with ptosis?

13. What are the key muscles for the following nerve 23. Which cranial nerve assists with lifting the shoulder?
roots? a. Glossopharyngeal
a. C4 b. Hypoglossal
b. C6 c. Vagus
c. C8 d. Spinal accessory
d. T l 24. Which of the following tests for reflex at level C5?
e. C I -2 a. Elbow extension
1 4. Resisted hip abduction tests which root level? b. Triceps
1 5. If, with a positive SLR test, neck flexion eases the c. Biceps
symptoms, where is the disc protrusion likely to be in d. Brachioradialis
relation to the nerve root-medial or lateral? 25. The triceps reflex tests what level?
16. List the seven signs of the buttock. a. C5
1 7. A patient presents with severe weakness of the deltoid b. C6
muscle and wrist extensors. Where would the impair­ c. C7
ment probably be located? d. C8
a. C6 nerve root 26. The Achilles tendon reflex is at what level?
b. C7 nerve root a. L4
c. Middle trunk of brachial plexus b. L3
d. Posterior cord of the brachial plexus c. S2
e. Radial nerve d. S I
18. A patient was involved in a motorcycle accident and it 27. This syndrome may b e seen after a knife type injury to
is suspected that he may have avulsed his C5 nerve the spinal cord, causing hemisection of the spinal cord?
root at its origin. To test this impression, what is the a. Marfan's syndrome
best muscle to check electrophysiologically? b. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
a. Biceps c. Cerebellar syndrome
b. Pronator teres d. Brown-Sequard's syndrome
c. Supraspinatus 28. The diaphragm is innervated by what nerve?
d. Deltoid a. Phrenic
e. Rhomboids b. Subscapular
19. A sensory evaluation reveals light touch impairment c. C I-2
to the anterior-lateral thigh, lateral calf, and sole of d. Accessory
the foot. When recording these findings, the corre­ 29. A patient has experienced a loss of strength at the
sponding dermatomes are: L2-34 level. What muscle should you test to confirm
a. L2, L4, S3 weakness secondary to L2-3, and L4 injury?
b. Ll , L3, L5 a. Quadriceps
c. L2, L5, S I b. Extensor hallucis longus
d . L3, L5, S I c. Gluteus medius
20. The patellar reflex i s used to assess which level? d. Peroneus longus
a. L2-3 30. A patient has experienced a loss of strength at the S I
b. S I -2 level. What muscle should you test to confirm weak­
c. L2-3-4 ness secondary to SI injury?
d. L3-4-5 a. Quadriceps
2 1 . The spinal root, C6, can be tested through which reflex? b. Peroneus longus
a. Levator scapula c. Extensor digitorum longus
b. Brachioradialis d. Iliopsoas
c. Triceps 31. You are performing a respiratory evaluation, incl ud­
d. Pectoralis major ing the following tests: respiratory rate, blood pres­
22. Manual muscle testing of the finger abductors helps sure, pulse, and measurement of chest expansion.
test which spinal level? What is a normal measurement of difference between
a. T2 the rest measurement and full expansion over the
b. C7 xiphoid process?
c. T l a. 1 / 2 inch
d . C6 b. 1 inch

c. 1 1 /2 inches 53. Which components of the neurologic system (periph­

d. 2 inches eral, central, afferent, or efferent) are tested by:
32. Give five possible diagnoses for the finding of a weak a. Sustained or repeated isometric contraction
and painless response during strength testing of a key b. Sensation testing
muscle. c. DTRs
33. A herniation between the C4 and CS vertebrae would d. Pathologic reflexes
cause an impingement of which nerve root? 54. Pin-prick testing within a dermatome is performed to
34. A herniation between the T4 and TS vertebrae would detect what?
cause an impingement of which nerve root? 55. Light touch testing within a dermatome is performed
35. A herniation between the L4 and LS vertebrae would to detect what?
cause an impingement of which nerve root? 56. What is the most common cause of a segmental weak­
36. What is the equivalent upper extremity reflex for the ness?
lower extremity ankle clonus? 57. What is the most common cause of a nonsegmental
37. Give three reasons for performing a scan. weakness or virtual paralysis?
38. What segmental levels are tested with the DTRs of the 58. The finding of a nonfatigable segmental weakness dur­
medial and lateral hamstrings? ing strength testing could suggest which two causes?
39. What segmental level is tested with the DTRs of the 59. DTRs test the muscle spindle reflex, and which com­
posterior tibialis? ponents ( afferent, efferent, facilitation, inhibition) of
40. What are the two key muscle tests for LS-Sl ? the peripheral and central nervous systems?
41. What is the key muscle test for L3-4? 60. A hyperreflexive DTR has which component associ­
42. How would you describe the skin of a patient with ve­ ated with the reflex response?
nous insufficiency? 6 1 . What structures are stressed in the SLR?
43. Which of the two, a lateral shift or a deviation, demon­ 62. I ncreased pain with the lumbar torsion test would in­
strates a flexion component? dicate what types of impairment?
44. Which nerve roots are stressed with an SLR? 63. Subjective complaints of bilateral sciatica along with a
45. What is the critical zone in the range for an SLR to negative SLR test could indicate an impairment to
suggest a dural impairment? which structure?
46. Which root levels are assessed for dural mobility with 64. List three potential causes for a painful weakness of
the prone knee bending test? hip flexion?
47. What is the critical zone in the range for the prone 65. A painless weakness with knee extension strength test­
knee bending test to suggest a dural impairment? ing could indicate what diagnosis?
48. Describe the area of the body that you would use to 66. With a C6 palsy, which four muscles should the clini­
test sensation in the following dermatomes: cian expect to be weak?
a. C l 67. Apart from the extensibility of the dural sheaths and
b. S I -2 roots of L2-3, what anatomic structures are tested with
c. CS the prone knee flexion test?
d. T l 68. A painful and strong response to resistive testing indi­
49. When performing an SLR, i n which position would cates which diagnoses?
you place the foot to stretch the following nerves: 69. With resistive testing, what is the combination of mus­
a. Posterior tibial cle positioning and force that ensures the strongest
b. Sural positive finding?
c. Common peroneal 70. With resistive testing, what is the combination of mus­
50. In which direction should the hip be rotated in order cle positioning and force that ensures the least posi­
to increase tension on the common peroneal nerve tive finding?
during an SLR? 7 1 . Which key muscle is tested for the C8 segmental level?
51. U tilizing the information gleaned from the patient
history and the dural tension tests, how can the clini­
cian differentiate between a disc protrusion and a
dural adhesion? 1. Possible answers include joint capsule, ligament,
52. U tilizing the information gleaned from the patient his­ bursa, articular surfaces, synovium, bone, cartilage,
tory and the dural tension tests, how can the clinician dura, and fascia.
differentiate between posterior thigh pain from tight 2. Muscle belly, tendon, tenoperiosteal junction,
hamstrings, and the presence of a dural adhesion? submuscular/ tendinous bursa, bone.

3. Inert ( nonconu"actile) . 26. d.

4. Fracture, metastases, hyperacute arthritis, grade I I tear. 27. d.
5. Ptosis (drooping eyelid) , miosis ( constriction of the 28. a.
pupil) , enophthalmus (recession of the eyeball ) , facial 29. a.
reddening, anhydrosis (absence of sweating second­ 30. b.
ary to sympathetic paralysis) . 31. c.
6. Thalamus, reticular formation, descending sympa­ 32. Complete rupture o f a con tractile tissue, a nerve palsy,
thetic nerve, inferior cervical ganglia, superior cervi­ muscle disuse, muscle in hibition, or muscle facilita­
cal ganglia. tion.
7. A drop attack involves a fall without a loss of con­ 33. C5.
sciousness, whereas fainting involves a fall with a tem­ 34. T4.
porary loss of consciousness. 35. L4 and L5 (because of obliquity of exit) . Note: Ll and
8. Possible answers include sudden compression of the L2 emerge high up in the foramina and therefore es­
spinal cord, compromise of the vertebral artery sup­ cape the protrusion of that level. An L5 protrusion
ply, cerebellar disease, vestibular system impairment. can impinge on L5 and S I roots.
9. Vestibular system tests, vertebral artery tests, trans­ 36. Hoffman.
verse ligament test, and coordination tests for cerebel­ 37. l. Identify serious pathology
lum. Observe for signs of hyperreflexia and patho­ 2. Identify patient's neurological status
logic reflexes. 3. Identify a regional diagnosis
10. Abnormal difficulty with swallowing. 38. Medial-L5; lateral-S l .
11. Quadrilateral paresthesia, bilateral upper limb pares­ 39. L4.
thesia, hemifacial paresthesia, hemianopia ( loss of 40. Foot evertors ( peroneals) and knee flexors ( ham-
vision in one-half of the visual field of one or both s ings) .
eyes) , diplopia, perioral anesthesia, nystagmus, drop 4 1 . Knee extensors ( quadriceps) .
attacks, ataxia, periodic loss of consciousness, dyspha­ 42. Blue and warm, with pitting edema.
sia ( lack of coordination in speech and failure to 43. Deviation.
arrange words in an understandable way) , hyper­ 44. L4 through S2.
reflexia, Babinski response, positive Hoffman or Op­ 45. 30 to 60 degrees.
penheimer test, flexor withdrawal. 46. L2-4.
12. Muller's muscle. 47. 80 to 1 00 degrees.
1 3. a. C4, levator scapula. 48. a. No dermatome.
b. C6, forearm supinators. b. Heel of the foot.
c. C8, ulnar deviators. c . From the shoulder to the WTist on the anterior as­
d. T l , finger adductors. pect of the arm and forearm, to the base of the
e. C I -2, short neck flexors. thumb.
14. L5-S l . d. Medial aspect of the elbow to the WTist.
15. Medial. 49. a. Posterior tibial-dorsiflexed and everted.
16. a. Limited SLR. b. Sural-dorsiflexed and inverted.
b. Limited hip flexion. c. Common peroneal-Plantar flexed and inverted
c. Limited trunk flexion. (with the toes flexed) .
d. Noncapsular pattern of the hip. 50. Internal rotation.
e. Painful and weak hip extension. 5 1 . A history of trauma and positive dural tension tests
f. Gluteal swelling. would indicate a disc protrusion . A dural adhesion is
g. Empty end feel with hip flexion. implicated when a stretch applied simultaneously to
17. d. both ends of the dura has no effect on the symptoms.
18. e. 52. The introduction of neck flexion will not affect the
19. c. length of the hamstrings but will stretch the dura.
20. c. 53. a. Efferent ( myotome/key muscle testing) .
21. b. b. Afferent.
22. c. c. Afferent, efferent, and central nervous system inhi­
23. d. bition.
24. c. d. Central nervous system inhibition.
25. c. 54. Hypoesthesia throughout the dermatome.

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Chapter Objectives (see Fig. 11-1 ) . The components that comprise the exam­
ination include the systems review, the subjective history,
At the completion o f this chapter, the reader will be able and the scanning examination-each o f which is discussed
to: in a separate chapter o f this boo k-and the biomechanical
examination is described herein.
1. Define the components that comprise the tests and
measures for the biomechanical examination.
2. Describe the rationale for biomechanical screening BIOMECHANICAL SCREENING TESTS3
3. Describe the purpose and components o f a biome­ Screening tests are quick non comprehensive tests t llat allow
chanical examination. the clinician to identify a joint or group o fjoints as possibly
4. Outline the significance of the key findings from a bio­ contributing to t lle patient's s ymptoms and requiring more
mechanical examination. detailed biomechanical testing. Screening tests are not ex­
5. Develop a working hypothesis. clusive to the biomechanical examination . In fact, tlle scan­
6. Understand the purpose o f musc le function testing ning examination is a screening examination aimed at
and the various grading systems. screening out tllose patients with serious pathology, neuro­
7. Define posture and recognize the common postural logic pathology, or a diagnosis that can be identified by the
syndromes. tests contained within it. The scanning examination in
8. Describe the significance o f muscle imbalance in Chapter 1 0 also contains some biomechanical screening
terms of flexibili t y and strength. tests, examples of which include the FABER and FADE tests,
9. Perform a muscle function analysis. and active, passive, and resisted testing of each joint.
10. Recognize the common muscle imbalance patterns. Biomechanical screening tests are especially use ful
11. Initiate an intervention plan for correcting a muscle when the remote cause o f an impairment is being investi­
imbalance. gated , because they allow the numerous areas that have to
12. Discuss the various classification systems for examin­ be examined to be provisionally excluded from a more
ing back pain. definitive examination. However, it must be constantly
remembered that because screening tests are not all inclu­
sive, and that false negatives are common , they must be
TESTS AND MEASURES1 subordinate to other considerations in il ie examination o f
the patient.
Tests and measures are a component of t lle overall exami­ In addition to the scanning examination of the spine,
nation o f the patient, which is a component of the episode the s ymptomatic area must obviously be assessed. This can
of care 2 ( Fig. 1 1 -I.) According to the Guide to Physical be achieved by utilizing upper and lower limb screening/
Therapist Practice,2 the purpose o f an examination is to scanning tests. If any of these tests is positive for pain or
identify impairments, functional limitations, disabilities, aberrant motion, a full selective tissue tension and biome­
or changes in physical function and health status resulting chanical examination of that joint must follow. I f negative,
from inj ury, disease, or o ilier causes to establish the diag­ a search elsewhere in the quadrant usually demonstrates
nosis and the prognosis and to determine the intervention the site o f the cause. I f it does not, it becomes necessary to


Examination • Active and passive movements through the full range

(Includes both subjective and objective examinations) of each joint, with a maximal isometric contraction
performed at each end range.

• Functional motions, such as the squat, to test a group

Evaluation/Interpretation of data BIOMECHANICAL EXAMINATION

Generally speaking, the biomechanical examination is
used if the scanning examination does not yield a diagno­
sis. Following the scanning examination, a number of di­
agnoses may have been made, either by the subjective his­
Establishment of prognosis
(prediction of optimal level of improvement and the time needed)
tory or by the scanning examinat ion , or both. Those

diagnoses include, but are not limited to:

A. Visceral pathology

B. Fractures
Plan of care
C. Pathologic space-occupying lesions

/� Outcomes
D. Neurologic pathology
1 . Treatable
a. Mechanical nerve root compression ( d isc, osteo­
phyte, in flammation)

2. Nontreatable

a. Mechanical nerve root compression ( tumor)
b. Upper motor neuron impairment
c. Cauda equina impairment

E. Spondylolisthesis

F. Ankylosing spondylitis

The scan or subjective examination, or both , may

Re-evaluation also have indicated to the clinician that the patient's con­
dition is in the acute stage of healing. Although this is

not a diagnosis i n the true sense, it is a diagnosis for the
purpose of setting an intervention plan. Patients who are
in the acute stage of healing have pain at rest and activ­
i ty, and all motions of the affected joint are painful , w ith
Discharge the exception of gentle passive motion. There may be
F I G U R E 11-1 Episode of care. local muscle guarding, and swelling. The intervention
approach for these patients involves the principles of
PRICE ( protecti o n , rest, ice , compression, and eleva­
carry out a comprehensive and definitive scanning and tion ) . For further details, the reader is referred to Chap­
biomechanical examination of every joint in that quad­ ters 2 and 1 2.
rant. I t is only after this proves negative that the clin i cian Having ruled out the more serious causes for pain,
can state with some confidence that the pain is not muscu­ and the common patterns of the treatable diagnoses listed
loske le tal in origin or, at least, is beyond the clinician 's skills earlier, the clinician needs to delve deeper and begin ex­
to reproduce or demonstrate. Rather than individually ex­ amining some of the musculoskeletal reasons for the pa­
amine each of the suspected areas, the screening tests are tient's signs and symptoms, which could include :
designed to assess the most likely regions first, thereby ex­
ped iting the examination process. Specific screening tests • Zygapophysial joint pathology. Although it is difficult
are included in each chapter and usually involve: to envision a zygapophysial joint impairment without

having a disc impai rment, it is possible to have a disc TABLE 11-1 REDUC ED VERSUS EXCESSIVE
impai rment without a zygapophysial joint impa i r­ JOINT MOTION'
ment, as the disc is a p rimary stabilizer.
• Hypomobility, hype rmobility, o r instability of the

• Bu rsitis
Subluxed Myofascial Irritable Ligamentous
• Ch ronic musculotendinous impai rment Pericapsular Nonirritable Articular
• Articular impai rment
• Capsula r impai rment
• Ligamentous impai rment
the b i omechanical examination is to elicit a movement
Often the scan gene rates a numbe r of signs and symp­ diagnosis and to determine:
toms that, taken togethe r, do not fo rm a patte rn distinct
enough to base an effective inte rvention on. Usually, the • W hich of the pe riphe ral o r spinal joints is impai red
clinician requires fu rthe r info rmation in o rde r to p roceed. • The p resence and type of movement impai rment
This information is obtained from the tests and measu res
of the biomechanical examination that inspect, in mo re The biomechanical examination consists of the afo re­
detail and with a diffe rent focus, the movement status of mentioned sc reening tests that help focus on the p roblem
the joint, orjoints, in question . a rea, specific stress tests to detect an instability, and mobil­
Acco rding t o the Guide t o Physical Therapist Practice,2 ity tests that dete rmine the "motion state " of the joint; that
tests and measu res fo r musculoskeletal patte rns include is, is the joint myofascially o r pe ricapsularly hypomobile,
the examination of: subluxed, hypermobile, or Iigamentously or a rticularly un­
stable I (Table 1 1- 1 ) .
• Aerobic capacity and endurance A gene ral examination and the p rinciples behind it
• Anth ropometric characte ristics a re de sc ribed he re. The specific examination fo r each re­
• Community and wo rk integration gion of the spine, sac roiliac joint, and tempo romandibular
• E rgonomics and body mechanics joint are desc ribed in late r chapte rs.
• O rthotic, p rotective, and suppo rtive devices The examination actually begins in the waiting room,
• Self-care and home managemen t when the patient is obse rved without his or he r knowledge.
• Joint integrity and mobility The postu re of the patient is reco rded, as well as the re­
• Gai t sponse to the calling of his o r her name.
• Posture A mo re fo rmal obse rvation is then pe rfo rmed with
• Pain the patient in an app ropriate stage of und ress. (Refe r to
• Range of motion Chapte r 1 0)
• Muscle pe rfo rmance Active and passive motions a re assessed. A joint's ac­
• Moto r function tive range of motion is dete rmined by its a rticular design
and the inhe rent tension and resilience in its associated
The main focus in this book is the examination of the muscular, myofascial, and ligamentous structu res. G reen­
following: man 5 uses the te rm physiologic end barner to desc ribe the
end point of active joint motion. Full and pain-free ranges
• Joint integrity and mobility suggest n o rmalcy fo r that movement. The active motions
• Postu re may not rep roduce the patient's symptoms, because the
• Pain patient is able to self-limit, and avoid going into the painful
• Range of motion part of the range, having learned from expe rience the con­
• Muscle pe rfo rmance sequences of such a movement. This is particularly t rue of
• Moto r function the patient with a hype rmobile or unstable joint. It is effi­
cient to pe rfo rm the passive motion by applying ove rp res­
The same p rinciples and, 111 some cases, the same su re at the end of active range. App rehension from the pa­
techniques that we re used in the scan a re used fo r the bio­ tient that limits a movement at near o r full range suggests
mechanical examination, the diffe rence being the inte­ instability, whe reas app rehension in the ea rly part of the
ntion of the examine r. Whe reas the aim of the scan is to range suggests anxiety due to pain. Resistive tests a re pe r­
elicit a medical diagnosis and to help the clinician focus fo rmed du ring this phase of the examination ( refe r to the
the examination on a specific a rea of the body, the aim of late r se ction entitled "Muscle Function Testing") .

The next stage in the examination process depends F. Because the zygapophysial joints are more posterior, an
on the clinician's background. For those clinicians heavily obvious rotational change occ u rring between full flex­
in fluenced by the muscle energy techniques of the ion and full extension ( in the position of a vertebral
osteopaths,6 position testing is used to determine which segment) , is indicative of a zygapophysial joint motion
segment to focus on. Other clinicians omit the position impairment. By observing any marked and obvious ro­
tests and proceed to the passive physiologic and combined tation of a segment occurring between the positions of
mot ion tests. full flexion and full extension, one may deduce the
probable pathologic impairment.

POSITION TESTS6 Reasons for this change in rotation, other than move­
ment impairments, include a deformed transverse process,
The position tests are screening tests that, like all screen­ compensatory adaptation, structural sco liosis, and a
ing tests, are valuable in focusing the attention of the ex­ hemivertebra. An additional weakness of position testing is
aminer on one segment, but are not appropriate for mak­ its insensitivity to symmetric impairments. If a symmetric
i ng a de finitive statement concerning the movement status impairment exists, preventing full motion from occurring,
of the segment. When combined with the results of the no rotation of the vertebra will result, and the flexion and
passive movement testing, however, they help the clinician extension position tests will prove to be negative, giving
to form the working hypothesis. the false impression of no impairment. Hence, if the posi­
In consideration of normal anatomic restraints, and tion test is negative, the symmetric passive mobility tests
viewing the zygapophysial joints as "independent " joints, need to be performed.
the superior facet of each joint is capable only of superior
or inferior motion.
A. If both facets move symmetrically, this produces the
pure motions of the spine. To determine the segmental mobility, the passive physio­
1. If both facets move superiorly, the motion produced logic intervertebral mobility ( PPIVM) tests are utilized.
is termed flexion. The PPI VM tests assess the ability of each segment to move
2. I f both facets move inferiorly, the motion produced is through its normal range of motion while the clinician pal­
termed extension. pates over each segment in turn. The results give the clini­
cian an idea of the range of motion available and, with
B. If both facets move, but in opposite directions (i.e., one
some stabilization, allow the clinician to examine the end
facet moves superiorly while the other moves inferiorly),
feel. The end feel is very important in joints that only have
the motion produced is called a combined motion. In the
very small amounts of normal range, such as those of the
lumbar spine, this motion functionally represents side­
spine. A hard, capsular end feel indicates a peri capsular
hypomobility, whereas a jammed or pathomechanical end
C. There is a point that may be considered as the "center of fee l indicates a pathomechanical h ypomobility. A normal
segmental rotation , " about which all rotation must oc­ end feel would indicate normal range, whereas an abnor­
c ur. In the case of a zygapophysial joint impairment ( hy­ mal end feel would suggest abnormal range, either h ypo­
permobility or h ypomobility) , it is presumed that this mobile or hypermobile. To achieve the end feel, the clini­
center of rotation will be altered. cian must supply a sufficient force to assess the elastic
limits of the joint, before allowing the joint to spring back
D. In the instance that one apophyseal joint is rendered hy­
to its starting position. Because pain does not generally
pomobile (i.e., the superior facet cannot move to the
limit movement in speci fic and deliberate passive tests,
extreme of superior or inferior motion) , then the pure
these tests are better for gauging the realit y of the limita­
motions of flexion and extension, cannot occur. There
tion based on tissue resistance, rather than patient willing­
will be a relative as ymmetric motion of the two superior
ness, and are better at determining the pattern of restric­
facets as the end of range of flexion or extension is ap­
tion than the active tests. If pain is reproduced, it is useful
to associate the pain with the onset of tissue resistance to
E. The structure responsible for the loss of zygapophysial gain an appreciation of the acuteness of the problem
joint motion, whether it be a muscle, disc protrusion, or (Table 1 1-2) .
the apophyseal joint itself, will become the "new" axis of Once the physiologic range has been assessed, it can
vertebral motion, and will introduce a component of ro­ be categorized as being normal, excessive, or reduced. A
tation into the segmental motion. positive finding for a hypomobility would be a reduced



Patients often present with a mixture of signs and symp­

toms that indicate one or more possible problem areas. By
Pain None adding and subtracting the various findings, the clinician
Pain Spasm None
can determine the probable cause of the symptoms and
Pain Capsular Oscillations
begin developing a working hypothesis on which to base
Joint adhesions Early capsular Passive articular
motion stretch the biomechanical examination. For example if, in the ex­
Muscle adhesions Early elastic Passive physiologic amination of the lumbar spine, the patient demonstrated a
motion stretch limitation of flexion and right side-flexion in the com­
Hypertonicity Facilitation Hold/relax
bined motion tests, the L4-5 segment demonstrated a hy­
Bone Bony None
pomobility during the PPIVM, and the PPANM was lim­
ited in flexion, the site of the restriction must be the left
zygapophysial joint of L4-5. If the end feel is pathome­
range in a capsular or noncapsular pattern, and a change chanical, the left joint is subluxed into extension and can­
in the end feel from the expected norm for that joint. The not flex, whereas if the end feel is hard and capsular, then
hypomobility can be painful, suggesting an acute sprain of the left joint is limited into extension by inextensible peri­
a structure, or painless, suggesting a contracture, or adhe­ articular tissues. If, however, right side-flexion and flexion
sion of the tested structure. Thus, one of three conclusions are limited, but the PPANMs are normal, an extra-articu­
can be drawn from the PPIVM tests: lar restriction is present.
Musculoskeletal impairments that have a traumatic
1. The joint is determined to be normal. If the PPIVM origin are often easier to diagnose, especially in the case of
test of a spinal joint has a normal range and end macro trauma. Impairments with an insidious onset, or
feel, the joint can usually be considered normal be­ those that occur as a result of a microtrauma, are more
cause, in the spine, instability invariably produces a challenging and often more rewarding.
hypermobility. H owever, in a peripheral joint, it is pos­
sible to have a normal range in the presence of articu­
lar instability. KEY FINDINGS
2. The motion is determined as being excessive (hyper­
mobile) . If the articular restraints are irritable, the Once the biomechanical examination is completed, the
range is about normal but is accompanied by a spasm clinician should have a hypothesis as to what tissue or
end feel, because a reflex muscle contraction prevents structure is at fault. A few common impairments make up
the motion into an abnormal, and painful, range. If the majority of those that are seen regularly in the clinic,
nonirritable, the physiologic range is increased and each of which present with their own key findings: ?
the end feel is softer than the expected capsular one,
suggesting a complete tear of the structure under ex­ • joint capsule. Fibrosis of the joint usually occurs with a
amination. If the motion is determined to be exces­ prolonged immobilization of the joint, which is associ­
sive, its stability needs to be assessed. ated with a chronic, low-grade inflammatory process.
3. If the motion is determined to be reduced (hypomo­ Joint motion is limited in a capsular pattern, and
bile) , passive physiologic articular intervertebral there is a capsular end feel at the extremes of move­
mobility (PPANM) testing is performed to determine ment. If the synovium is inflamed as a result of acute
whether the reduced motion is a result of an articular trauma, infection, or arthritis, there is often a spasm
or extra-articular restriction. The PPAIVM tests in­ end feel, producing pain at the restriction points of
volve the clinician assessing the joint glides or acces­ motion.
sory motions of each joint. Accessory motions are in­ • Bone. Fractures and dislocations are best diagnosed
voluntary motions and cannot, for the most part, be through the use of x-rays.
controlled by muscular action or position especially if • Articular cartilage. Significant degeneration of the ar­
the glides are tested at the end of available range in the ticular cartilage presents with crepitus on movement
spinal joints.l Thus, if the joint glide is restricted, the when compression of the joint surfaces is maintained.
cause is an articular restriction such as the joint surface A fragment of the articular cartilage, referred to as a
or capsule. If the glide is normal, then the restriction loose body, can become symptomatic, producing a
must be from an extra-articular source such as a peri­ catching or locking sensation to normal movement in
articular structure or muscle. a noncapsular pattern.

• Intra-articularfibrocartilage. The intra-articular fibrocar­ Given the age of tlle patient, the insidious onset and
tilaginous discs and menisci can be torn during location of pain, the x-ray findings, and the fact that the
trauma, restricting motion in a capsular pattern be­ pain improves with rest, the diagnosis from the physician
cause of the simultaneous injury to the joint capsule could be correct. However, any insidious onset should alert
and resultant joint effusion. the clinician, regardless of the diagnosis, or his or her level
• Ligaments. Point tenderness, joint effusion, and a his­ of experience. This is a good example of a patient condi­
tory of trauma are all characteristic of a ligamen t tear. tion that is clearly not life threatening but is unlikely to be
A mild tear presents with a normal, but painful, stress diagnosed from the findings of a scan.
test of the ligament. More severe sprains produce ex­ As with any examination, a great deal of variety exists
cessive joint mobility accompanied by pain if the liga­ as to how it is approached in terms of detail. It is often a
mel1t remains intact, or no pain if there is a complete good idea to keep the approach simple, only utilizing
rupture of the ligament, in the rare case that no other more complex principles and techniques where needed,
tissue was involved. and this patient example highlights that approach.
• Bursa. A bursa commonly becomes inflamed second­ Less intuitive clinicians would proceed with the fol­
ary to chronic irritation or infection. Pain is repro­ lowing tests, with the physician diagnosis in the back of
duced when the nearby joint is moved, producing a their mind, tainting their judgment:
noncapsular pattern of restriction. A painful arc may
exist, and the end feel can be empty if the bursitis is A. Scan performed:
acute. 1. Slight groin discomfort with lumbar flexion
• Tendons. Tendinitis involves microscopic tearing and 2. Slight groin discomfort at 90 degrees of left straight
inflammation of the tendon tissue, commonly result­ leg raise
ing from tissue fatigue rather than direct trauma. The 3. Slight groin discomfort with the prone knee bending
key clinical finding is a strong but painful response to test if the hip is extended
resistance of the involved musculotendinous struc­
B. Active, passive, and resisted testing of the hip:
ture. Tenosynovitis is an inflammation of the synovial
a. No pain reproduced except with passive hip extension
lining of the tendon sheath, which often produces
pain with active motion of the involved tendon within C. Special tests for the hip performed (the scour test and
the sheath. Tenovaginitis results from a tendon glid­ the FABER (flexion, abduction, external rotation)
ing within a swollen, thickened sheath, producing test) :
pain. a. Both tests reproduce the groin pain

Pain that occurs consistently with resistance, at what­ Let us suppose the clinician decides to treat the patient,
ever the length of the muscle, may indicate a tear of the as per the prescription, for hip osteoarthritis and begins a
muscle belly. Pain with muscle testing may indicate a regime of moist heat pads, hip isometrics, and quadriceps
muscle injury, a joint injury, or a combination of both. strengthening. Two weeks later, the patient is worse.
Pain with an isometric contraction generally indicates a In many respects, a clinician could be forgiven for pro­
muscle injur y rather than a capsular one.s However, to ceeding in the chosen fashion, but basic errors should
differentiate between a muscle injury and a capsular have indicated that an incorrect conclusion had been
one, the findings from the isometric test must be com­ made. The most obvious mistake was that there was no
bined with the findings of the passive motion and com­ capsular pattern at the hip. In fact, the only hip motion
pression tests.9 that was painful was the one not even mentioned in the
capsular pattern. The only other tests on which the clini­
cian based his or her biomechanical diagnosis were the
Case Study
scour test and the FABER test, both of which examine
A 56-year-old moderately obese woman presents with a more than just the hip joint. But why did the prone knee
prescription that reads "Hip OA, evaluate and treat." The bending test reproduce the pain, albeit slightly?
subjective histor y reveals that the pain is of an insidious on­ It is to be hoped that, at the 2-week point, having real­
set and that the patient complains of left groin pain. The ized that the patient's condition was worsening, the clini­
pain started approximately 3 months ago when the patient cian would decide to explore more options. To perform
started a walking program to lose some weight and has a re-evaluation of the same tests would merely elicit the
been getting worse. It improves with rest and worsens same findings, except more pronounced, owing to the in­
with activity, especially with walking and stair negotiation. creased level of irritation that occurred over the interven­
X-rays reveal slight degenerative changes at the hip joint. ing 2 weeks.


The easiest course of action would be to make the as­ 2. The positive prone knee bending test somewhat sup­
sumption that the patient is exaggerating her symptoms ports the conclusion.
and that there is some psychological overlay to her condi­ 3. The positive FABER test somewhat supports the
tion. Under this assumption it would seem fruitless to conclusion.
change the intervention protocol when the same tests, 4. The pain Witll resisted hip flexion, witll the hip in
used to determine the original intervention strategy, are extension, could confirm the conclusion based on
still positive. the anatomy of the hip flexors.
It is hoped, though, if the correct diagnosis was not
D. A contractile structure
made initially, the clinician would swallow his or her pride
1 . Pain reproduced by resisted hip flexion supports the
and assess the patient in more depth. All clinicians fall into
the trap of incorrectly judging the patient, and his or her
2. The positive scour test refutes the conclusion.
symptoms, at some point in their careers, usually at the be­
3. The insidious onset could refute or support the
ginning. The good ones do not make a habit of it.
conclusion, depending on whether it was a muscle or
The focus of every examination should be on finding
tendon impairment.
ways to bOtll provoke and alleviate the patient's symptoms.
In addition to performing the tests already completed, a E. Compression of a structure
lumbar and sacroiliac biomechanical examination would l . At tllis point, the pieces of the puzzle begin to come
be added, Witll tlle following results: together. All of the findings thus far could result from
the compression of a structure. But which structure?
• No capsular pattern of left hip noted It has to be a structure between the lumbar spine and
• Groin pain also reproduced with lumbar extension the hip.
• Slight pain with resisted hip flexion ( L l -2 ) , but only
when the hip is positioned in extension for the test In fact, it is the iliopectineal (iliopsoas) bursa. The
• Decreased flexibility of the rectus femoris and hip patient'S pain is the result of a bursitis produced by a tight
flexors, more marked on the left iliopsoas on the left and the introduction of a walking pro­
• Left rotation of all of tlle lumbar segments gram. Walking programs typically advocate the "stride"
form of gait which, unless there is a good degree of hip
As is often the case, a more detailed examination re­ joint and muscle flexibility, can induce a lot of stress on the
veals more information, but does not always make the di­ lumbar spine as well as the structures beneath the two joint
agnosis easier. The clinician needs to form a mental list of muscles.
all tlle structures in the body that can refer pain to the It should be clear from this patient example that the
groin, and begin to rule out each one with a series of tests biomechanical examination draws on all of the clinician's
until only one remains. Groin pain is a common finding in resources. The more experienced clinician would now
patients, and the findings thus far could suggest a number begin to wonder why there is more decreased flexibility of
of candidates: the iliopsoas on the left side.
This case also highlights a problem that many clinicians
A. Hip osteoarthritis face, and that is the potential invasion of a patient's intimate
1 . As mentioned, the age of the patient, the insidious areas. Although most clinicians routinely palpate the spine
onset and location of pain, the x-ray findings, and the and the extremities if they suspect an impairment, many
fact that the pain improves with rest support this are reluctant to palpate in the groin or genital areas. It is
conclusion. essential to protect the patient's dignity and modesty at all
2. A positive scour test and FABER test somewhat times; however, the clinician needs to examine all poten­
support the conclusion. tial causes for the pain. A thorough explanation as to the
3. The noncapsular pattern somewhat refutes the reasons for an examination to these areas must be given to
conclusion. the patient. It is also a wise policy to be accompanied by a
member of staff, of the same sex as the patient, if the ex­
B. Pelvic impairment
amination may involve such procedures.
l . The positive FABER test somewhat supports the
2. All of the other sacroiliac tests are negative, which
refutes the conclusion.

C. A lumbar or thoracic impairment Muscle function testing provides the clinician with the fol­
l . Pain reproduced with lumbar extension. lowing information:

• The strength of individual muscles or muscle groups especially when determining the source of a nerve palsy,
that form a functional unit specific grading does not give the clinician any information
• The presence and extent of a peripheral or spinal on the ability of the structure to perform functional tasks.
nerve impairment Despite attempts to make muscle grading as objective as pos­
• The nature, range, and quality of simple movement sible, many variables exist in the testing that make it unreli­
patterns able. Even if the reliability was improved, the clinician would
• The relationship between the strength and the flexi­ need to determine what improvement in the patient's func­
bility of a muscle or muscle group tion is achieved by increasing the strength of a muscle by half
a grade. If the popular methods to grade muscles are ana­
To fully test the integrity of the muscle-tendon unit, a lyzed, the frailties and similarities become obvious. janda l2
maximum contraction must be performed in the fully uses a 0-5 scale with the following descriptions:
lengthened position of that muscle-tendon unit. Although
this position fully tests the muscle tendon unit, there are • Grade 5 = N (normal) : a normal, very strong muscle
some problems with testing in this manner: with a full range of movement and able to overcome
considerable resistance. This does not mean that the
• The joint and its surrounding inert tissues are in a muscle is normal in all circumstances (e.g., when at
more vulnerable position, and could be the source of the onset of fatigue or in a state of exhaustion).
the pain. • Grade 4 = G (good): a muscle with good strength and
• As described in Chapter 1 0, the degree of certainty a full range of movement, and able to overcome mod­
regarding the findings in resisted testing depends on a erate resistance
combination of the length of the muscle tested, and • Grade 3 = F (fair) : a muscle with a complete range of
the force applied. The results of the test reflect the movement against gravity only when resistance is not
degrees of the severity of the damage to the contrac­ applied
tile tissue (Table 1 1 -3) . For example, pain repro­ • Grade 2 = P (poor) : a very weak muscle with a com­
duced with a minimal contraction in the rest position plete range of motion only when gravity is eliminated
for the muscle is more strongly suggestive of a con­ by careful positioning of the patien t
tractile lesion than pain reproduced with a maximal • Grade 1 = T (trace): a muscle with evidence of slight
contraction in the lengthened position for the muscle. contractility but no effective movement
• Grade 0 = a muscle with no evidence of contractility
If the same muscle is tested on the opposite side, using
the same testing procedure, the concern about the length Sapegal 1 uses the descriptions in Table 1 1-4.
of the muscle is removed, as the focus of the test is for com­ If the muscle strength is less than grade 3, these test­
parison with the same muscle on the opposite side. ing grades are perhaps useful, but it is the grades of 3 and
The examination and grading of muscle strength is cov­ higher that produce the most confusion. Some of the con­
ered in a number of texts. - 1 3 Although the grading of mus­ fusion arises from the descriptions of maximal, moderate,
cle strength has its role in the clinic, the manual clinician is and minimal, or considerable , whereby the grading be­
not overly concerned with giving specific grades to individ­ comes very subjective.
ual muscles or muscle groups, except perhaps to reassure an The use of goniometric measurements in the clinic
insurance company that progress is being made. While hav­ has similar pitfalls, although not through a lack of objec­
ing the ability to isolate the various muscles is very important, tivity. If a patient has 80 degrees of shoulder flexion at the
beginning of a session and 90 degrees at the end of the ses­
sion, it is clear that objective progress has been made, but
TABLE 11-3 STR ENGTH T ESTING R ELAT ED TO JOINT what effect has the increased range had on the patient's
ability to use the arm more effectively?
MUSCLE LENGTH RATIONALE/PURPOSE Some measurement tools are already being employed
that address some of these issues. 1
Fully lengthened Muscle in strongest position
Muscle function testing, therefore, should address the
Tightens the inert component of the muscle
Tests for muscle tears (tendoperiosteal tears)
production and control of motion in functional activities.
while using minimal force There is general agreement as to the role that the trunk
Mid-range Tests overall power of muscle and pelvic musculature play in the normal functioning
Fully shortened Muscle in its weakest position of the vertebral column, the protection against pain, and
Used for the detection of palsies, especially if
the recurrence of low back disorders. As a result, the
coupled with an eccentric contraction
strengthening of these muscles is advocated in the majority


GRADE VALUE MOVEMENT When viewing someone from the side, good posture
has traditionally been based on the use of a plumb-line.
5 Normal ( 1 00%) Complete range of
If the plumb-line passed through the ear lobe; through the
motion against gravity
with maximal resistance bodies of the cervical vertebrae; in line with the tip of
4 Good (75%) Comp lete range of motion the shoulder; through the midline of the thorax; th rough
against gravity with some the bodies of the lumbar vertebrae, slightly posteriOl' to the
(moderate) resistance
hip joint; slightly anterior to the axis of the knee joint; and
3+ Fair+ Comp lete range of motion
just anterior to the lateral malleolus, the in dividual was
against gravity with
minimal resistance deemed to have good posture.26 H owever, the modern
3 Fair (50%) Complete range of motion concept of good posture views it as the position in which
against gravity minimum stress is applied to each joint, the maintenance
3- Fair- Some but not complete
of which requires a minimal amount muscle activity.27
range of motion against
Faulty posture is not necessarily poor posture. In gen­
2+ Poor+ Initiates motion against eral, poor posture refers to the classic stoop-shouldered,
gravity flat-chested position that results in a "hollow" back and a
2 Poor (25%) Complete range of motion pelvis that is tilted well for ward. Faulty posture becomes
with gravity eliminated
pathologic when an in dividual can no longer correct the
2- Poor- Initiates motion if gravity
malalignment volitionally, or when musculoskeletal struc­
Trace Evidence of slight contractility tures ecome damaged, or when the lifestyle is affectedY
but no joint motion The tensile properties of m�lscle change owing to a
0 Zero No contraction palp ated number of causes. A muscle can become weak tl1fough in­
hibition, disuse, or as the result of neurologic compromise,
whereas a muscle can become shortened and contracted,
of rehabilitation programs l9-2 1 even though the effective­ relative to its resting length, through the habituation of ac­
ness of Lhese programs has yet to be proven.22,23 tivity or posture. This shortening or contracture can result
With the change in emphasis to achieving a coordi­ from a neuromuscular influence, producing hypertonicity,
nated activity between a balanced muscular system, the fo­ or from connective tissue fibrosis. Shortened and con­
cus of the examination and intervention of back pain has tracted muscles are referred to as "tight" in this text.
also changed. A muscle imbalance exists when the resting length of
the agonist and the antagonist changes, with one adopting
a shorter resting length than normal and the other adopt­
ing a longer resting length than normal. Although it
is quite normal for muscles to change their lengths
Posture describes the relative positions of different joints at
frequently during movements, this change in resting
any given moment.24 Each joint has a direct effect on both
length becomes pathologic when it is sustained through
its neighboring joint and the joints further away. Individuals
habituation, or through a response to pain, This sustained
have characteristics about their posture that can often de­
change in muscle length is postulated to influence the in­
fine them. Like "good movement," "good posture" is a sub­
formation sent by the proprioceptors, the autonomic re­
jective term based on what the clinician believes to be cor­
sponse, and other reflex activities, and to result in an im­
rect from ideal models. Over the course of time, various
balance between the contractions of the agonist and
definitions have been put forward to describe the attributes
antagonist.28 These local changes are theorized to produce
of good posture. Any posture that does not satisfy these re­
a sequence of compensation and adaptation responses in
quirements has thus been considered faulty posture.
surrounding joints and muscles, causing a variety of syn­
Certain factors appear to influence adult posture:
dromes (see later discussion) .29

• Heredity and environment25

• Disease
The focus of therapeutic intervention is to alleviate the
symptoms of disease and to play a significant role in educat­ Traditional postural assessment has involved a static analysis
ing the patient against misuse of the third influence, habit. of tlle patient's position in tlle relaxed state. Over tlle years,

clinicians have begun to evaluate the effects of the soft tis­ • Correct kinetics. The MSB theory stresses the impor­
sues around the joints, particularly the muscles, which have tance of observation along both directions of the
the potential to pull, and to hold, the skeletal structures. kinetic chain, and the importance of examining joints
In the past, muscle testing placed an emphasis on eval­ proximal to the site of the disorder or symptomology
uating the ability of a muscle to move in a specified direc­ to determine the efficiency and correctness of their
tion against resistance, but did not place much emphasis on function.
the overall quality of the performance. The human motor
system is required to perform functions, and adapt to Thus, a poor quality of movement results from a mus­
changes in those functions. Most of the motions performed cle imbalance of muscle length and strength, and can have
at joints are the result of a combination of muscles working adverse effects. A passively insufficient muscle is activated
synergistically. For example, hip extension involves a con­ earlier in movement than a normal muscle. The activity of
traction of the hamstrings and the glutei, and the assistance an inhibited and weakened muscle tends to decrease
of the adductor magnus, gluteus medius and minimus, ab­ rather than increase when resisted.33 If the tight muscle is
dominals, and erector spinae. 1 2 If the hip extension stretched and its normal length achieved, a spontaneous
strength appears normal, it is difficult for the clinician to disinhibition of the previously inhibited muscle occurs,
determine if all, or only some, of the muscles are working and there is a return to normal responses when the resist­
normally. Hip extension is certainly being produced, but ance is increased. 33
the quality of the movement pattern may be poor. Janda noted tllat the way in which muscles tend to react
Sahrmann30 introduced the concept of movement sys­ appears to be fairly consistent for the muscle concerned.34
tem balance (MSB) . According to this concept, the effi­
cient and ideal operation of the movement system is deter­ • There is a natural imbalance between the strength of
mined by several factors. These include31: muscle groups controlling the trunk, with extensor
strength exceeding flexor strength.35 Whether this re­
• The maintenance of precise movement of rotating parts. This lationship is altered witll back pain, has not yet been
is determined by the changing position of the instan­ shown conclusively.
taneous axis of rotation(IAR) produced by pathology. • Trunk muscles are fatigued more easily by a sustained
Several factors influence the position of the IAR, in­ contraction than by repeated isokinetic contrac­
cluding the shape and integrity of the joint surfaces, tions.36 In one study, the abdominals were found to fa­
the length and mobility of the soft tissues that cross a tigue more easily than the back extensors,36 and in an­
join t, and the relative participation of muscles around other study under isokinetic study conditions, to
the joint. fatigue more quickly in the patients with back prob­
• Correct muscle length. Whereas traditionally emphasis lems than in control patients.37
has been placed on the assessment of shortened • Tightness of muscles can influence both static pos­
muscles, the MSB theory places more emphasis on tures and dynamic function. Reduced trunk mobility
identifying lengthened muscles.30 Muscles maintained and decreased extensibility of the hamstrings and
in a shortened or lengthened position adapt to their iliopsoas are frequently reported in studies of patien ts
new positions but are initially incapable of producing with low back pain.38,39
a maximal contraction.32 However, after a period of • Muscles that span more than one joint have a ten­
adaptation, the muscle is able to produce maximal dency to become tight.
tension at this new length, because of the relative • Muscles that are prone to tightness are approximately
changes at the sarcomere level.3o Although this may one-third stronger than those prone to inhibition, and
appear to be a satisfactory adaptation, a muscle that is this may be because these muscles are readily activated
lengthened will not be able to generate normal ten­ during various movements.40
sion if it is subsequently put in a shortened position, • Typical muscle responses are seen with articular
especially if this shortened position is produced by the pathologies that are extremely similar to those seen in
clinician attempting to place the patient's joints in the some structural impairments of the central nervous
position of so-called good posture. system41 (Table 1 1-5) .
• Correct motor control. The timing and participation of
muscles around a joint are critical in ensuring precise There are a number of muscle types. The fatigue re­
movement.30 sistant fibers (type I) produce the prolonged or slowly re­
• Correct relative stiffness of both contractile and noncontrac­ peated contractions used in postural con trol. The rapidly
tile tissue. According to the MSB theory, the body takes fatiguing muscle fibers (type IIa) generate high force and
the path of least resistance during movement.30 are used for specific activities for short periods of time.

TABLE 11-5 FUNCT IONAL D IVISION and strengthening the weakened muscles and achieving
OF MUSC LE GROU P S ' o good motor patterns can be successful.


Assessment of Muscle Impairment
Gastrocnemius and Peronei
soleus The assessment is undertaken in three stages:
Tibialis posterior Tibialis anterior
Short hip adductors Vastus medialis and lateralis
1. Examination o f standing and seated posture
Hamstrings Gluteus maximus, medius,
2. Examination of muscle length
' 3. Examination of movement patterns
Rectus femo ris Serratus anterior
Tensor fascia lata Rhomboids
Erector spinae Lower p ortion of trap ezius
Examination of Standing and Seated Posture
Quadratus lumborum Short and deep cervical
flexors The postural examination gives an overall view of the pa­
Pectoralis major U pp er limb extensors tien t's muscle function, and the clinician should attempt
Upper portion of trapezius Rectus abdominis to differentiate between possible provocative causes, such
Levator scapulae
as structural variations, age, altered joint mechanics, mus­
cle imbalances, or residual effects of pathology.
Upp er limb flexors
• Does the patient wear high-heeled shoes? This style of
footwear has a tendency to increase the lordosis.46

However, most muscles have a mixture of both fast- and • Which hand is dominant? Often the dominant side

slow-twitch fi bers (type lIb) (Table 1 1-6) . demonstrates differences to the con tralateral side.

Two mechanisms are thought to provoke muscle im­ For example a right-handed individual often has the

balances: following characteristics on close inspection: a lower

right shoulder, a left spinal scoliosis, the right hip

1. Acute pain or pathology in the spinal segment (s) , slightly deviated to the right, and the opposite foot

which can lead to an alteration in the patient's pattern slightly more pronated and flattenedY A closer in­

of motion and which will lead to adverse strain in the spection would reveal a slight tilt of the eyes to the

lumbar spine, ultimately causing a chain reaction left, a slight tilt of the jaw to the right, a more ante­

throughout the spine.42 rior right shoulder, an anteriorly rotated right clavi­

2. Impairment of motor control from the central nerv­ cle, an anterior rotation of the right innominate, a

ous system, which will lead to an overactivity of the left-on-left sacral torsion, and a right knee recurva­

muscle.43 This impairment can also be a result of the tum. The findings for a left-handed individual would

influence of stress, fatigue, and pain on the limbic sys­ be the reverse.

tem, which regulates muscle tone.44

Posterior Vi e w

For this reason, emphasis in the therapeutic programs • Upper trapezius. Tightness of this muscle produces an
should be placed on regaining normal length of the mus­ elevated shoulder and a paravertebral area that is

cles using proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) broader and more prominent.

techniques, so that exercises directed toward facilitating • Levator scapulae. Tightness of this muscle results in an
elevated scapula and the contour of the neckline ap­
pearing as a double line (wave) where the muscle in­
serts into the scapula. This is described as "gothic "
shoulders because it is reminiscent of the form of a
TYPE I TYPE lIa TYPE l i b gothic church tower.
• Interscapular area. This tends to be flattened with weak­
Tonic Phasic Phasic
Slow Fast twitch Fast twitch ness. An increase in the distance between the thoracic
Slow oxidative Fast glycolytic Fast oxidative, spinous processes and the medial border of the
glycolytic scapula indicates a rotation of the scapula. A serratus
Red White Red
anterior weakness results in an inadequate fixation of
Small neuron Large neuron Large neuron
the inferior angle to the rib cage, and winging of the
Fatigue resistant Rapidly fatiguing Fatigue resistant

• Scapular position. A downwardly rotated scapula can re­ poor sign is a predominance of the thoracolumbar
sult from a short levator scapula and rhomboid mus­ portion, indicating poor stabilization of this area.
cle. A depressed scapula indicates that the upper • Muscle shape and quality of the upper quadrant
trapezius muscle is long. The latissimus dorsi and pec­ Interscapular muscles. Loss of bulk in these muscles
toralis major can also depress the scapula. An ad­ may indicate tightness in the trapezius and levator
ducted scapula can result from short rhomboid and scapula.
trapezius muscles.
• Spine. Is a curve apparent? Two terms, scoliosis and ro­ An terior Vi e w
toscoliosis, are used to describe curvature of the spine. • Forward head. This posture indicates weakness of the
Scoliosis is the older term and refers to an abnormal deep neck flexors and dominance or tightness of the
side-bending of the spine, but gives no reference to sternocleidomastoid (SCM) .
the coupled rotation that also occurs. Rotoscoliosis is a • Pectoralis major. If this muscle is tight or strong, it will
more detailed definition, used to describe the curve of be prominent. lE an imbalance is present, it will lead to
the spine by detailing how each vertebra is rotated and rounded and protracted shoulders and a slight medial
side-Oexed in relation to the vertebra below. rotation of the arm.
A malalignment of the scapular can produce a rib • Sternocleidomastoid. Normally, its insertion is just visi­
hump. If the rib hump causes the scapula to wing, the ble. If the clavicular insertion is prominent, it indi­
patient should not be encouraged to correct the align­ cates tightness. A groove along the SCM is an early
ment by sustained contraction of the scapular adductors sign of weakness of the deep neck O exors. A weaken­
as this can lead to shoulder and cervical pain. ing and atrophy of the deep neck O exors has been pro­
• Pelvis. Does a pelvic asymmetry exist? There appears to posed as a sign for estimating biologic age.50
be a strong correlation between the position of the • Digastric. IE this muscle is tight, it leads to a straighten­
pelvis and the forward head. 48 If the pelvic landmarks ing of the throat line. Palpation of this muscle can re­
are asymmetric and the patient has a forward head, the veal trigger points.
clinician should attempt to correct the forward head. If • Abdomen. The abdominal wall area should be flat.
the attempted correction of the forward head worsens When the obliques are dominant, a distinct groove is
the pelvic asymmetry, the intervention should be aimed seen on the lateral aspect of the recti.
at correcting the asymmetry. If the attempted correc­ • Tensorfascia lata. The bulk of this muscle should not be
tion of the for ward head improves or removes the distinct. If it is, and there is a groove on the lateral side
pelvic position or impairment, the subsequent inter­ of the thigh, it usually indicates that the muscle is over­
vention should be aimed at correcting the forward used, and both it and the iliotibial band may be tight.
head.'19 The pelvic crossed syndrome (see later discus­ • Rectus femo·ris. If the rectus femoris is involved , the
sion) produces an increase in anterior tilt accompanied patella will move slightly upwards (and also laterally if
by decreased lumbar lordosis. A sacral rotation can be there is concurrent tightness of iliotibial band) .
the result of tightness of the piriformis muscle, wh ereas
an innominate rotation can be a result of tightness of Examination of Muscle Length
the hamstrings, rectus femoris, or iliopsoas muscles. When considering muscle length, the following muscles
• Lateral shift. This sh ift might be the result of an acute are of most importance:
or chronic lumbar segment pathology21 or a true leg­
A. Pectoralis major. The patient is positioned supine. The
length difference.
clinician passively abducts the patient's arm, with the
• Muscle shape and quality of the lower quadrant.
trunk stabilized, to differentiate between the different
Glutei. The glutei should be symmetric and well
bands of the pectoralis major:
rounded not hanging loosely (as found in the pelvic
1 . Clavicular portion: The patient's arm hangs loosely
crossed syndrome, see later discussion) .
down over the edge of the table. The clinician moves
Hamstrings. The hamstrings should not predomi­
the patient's shoulder down toward the Ooor. A slight
nate when compared with the glutei.
barrier to the motion is normal; if it is hard, the find­
Hip adductors. Tightness of these muscles is indicated
ing is abnormal.
by a distinct bulk in the upper third of the thigh.
2. Sternal portion: While supine on a mat table, the pa­
Gastrocnemius/soleus. Tightness of this muscle group
tient abducts the arm fully. The arm should maintain
is indicated by a prominence of the soleus, particu­
contact with the table th roughout the range.
larly on the medial side of the teno-calcaneum.
crector spinae. There should be no differences in bulk B. Upper trapezius. The patient lies supine with the head in­
between both sides and regions of these muscles. A clined to the contralateral side. While stabilizing the

head, the clinician moves the patient's shoulder girdle

distally. A normal finding is free movement with a soft
motion barrier. Tightness of this m uscle results in a re­
striction in range of motion, and a hard barrier.

C. Levator scapulae. The patient is supine with the hand of

the tested side behind the head. The patient's head is
inclined toward the contralateral side and then flexed
and rotated away from the tested side. The clinician
then moves the patient ' s shoulder girdle distally. If
tightness is present, there will be tenderness at the leva­
tor insertion, and a restriction of movement.

D. Pectomlis minor. The patient is supine with their arms

by the sides. The posterior aspect of the shoulder girdle
should be resting comfortably on the mat table. If the
shoulder girdle is raised off the table, pectoralis minor
tightness is present.

E. Sternocleidomastoid. (Refer to previous section)

F. Lumbar erector spinae.

l. A simple test involves having the seated patient fix the
hips by placing his or her hands on the iliac crests
and then hunching the lumbar and thoracic spine
into kyphosis. This will be hindered if the erector
spinae are short, although other factors can affect the
results, such as the relative length of the trunk and F I G U R E 11-2 T h e i l i opsoas complex. ( Reproduced,
the thighs. The erector spinae muscles are assessed
with permission from Luttgens K, Hamilton N: Kinesio logy:
Scientific Basis on H u man Motion, ge McGraw-Hili, 1 997)
for hypertonus, especially if an increased lordosis is
2. The more comprehensive test involves two parts.
thigh raised from the bed. If the opposite thigh re­
a. First, the patient is positioned on a mat table with
m ained on the bed, the hip flexor length on that side
the legs stretched out, keeping the pelvis as verti­
was within normal limits.
cal as possible. If the pelvis tilts posteriorly in this
2. The test has since been modified to incorporate the as­
position, it is a sign of shortened hamstrings. The
sessment of the flexibility of other muscles. The modi­
patient is asked to try to touch his or her forehead
fied technique involves positioning the patient supine
on the knees. An adult should achieve a distance
with the crease of the buttocks on the edge of the table
of 1 0 cm or less between the forehead and knees,
(Fig. 1 1-3) . The tested leg must hang free over the end
and should demonstrate an even curve of the
of the table and the opposite hip and knee are m ain­
tained in flexion to eliminate the lumbar lordosis.
b. The second part of the test involves the patient sit­
a. Normal findings on the tested leg are:
ting over the end of the mat table with the knees
( 1 ) The thigh is horizontal. A flexed hip indicates
flexed. The patient bends forward as far as possi­
tightness of the iliopsoas.
ble, attempting to move the forehead toward the
( 2 ) The leg hangs vertically. A diagonal pattern of
knees, without moving the pelvis. If the for ward
the leg indicates tightness of the rectus femoris.
bending of the trunk is greater than in the first
b. To determine which structure is more involved,
part of the test, it is usually due to an increased tilt
the application of pressure into the following di­
of the pelvis and hamstring shortness.
rections can be applied:
G. Hipflexors. ( 1 ) Hip extension (Fig. 1 1 -3) : If less than 1 0 to
1 . The original Thomas test was designed to test the 1 5 degrees is achieved, this indicates a tight il­
flexibility of the iliopsoas complex (Fig. 1 1-2) and in­ iopsoas. Simultaneous extension of the knee
volved positioning the patient supine. The clinician during this maneuver indicates tightness of
flexed one hip and assessed whether the opposite the rectus femoris.

.. t::r
F I G U R E 11-3 T he modified T h omas test. F I G U R E 11-4 The quadratus l u m borum length test.

( 2 ) Knee Oexion: If less than 1 00 to 1 05 degrees is deep palpation over the greater sciatic foramen. Nor­
available, the rectus femoris is tight. mal findings would be that the buttock tissue is soft and
( 3 ) Hip adduction: If less than 15 to 20 degrees is the piriformis is not palpable. However, signs of tight­
achieved, the tensor fascia lata and the iliotib­ ness would be indicated by a tense m uscle belly and
ial band are tight. acute tenderness over the piriformis.
(4) Hip abduction: If less than 1 5 to 20 degrees is
achieved, the short hip adductors are tigh t . K Short hip adductors. The patient is positioned supine
with the leg to be tested close to the edge of the mat
H . Hamstrings. The patient i s supine and a towel roll IS
table. The leg not to be tested is abducted 1 5 to 25 de­
placed under the lumbar spine. The anterior superior grees at the hip joint, with the heel over the end of the
iliac spine (ASIS) is monitored as the straight leg i s mat table_ Maintaining the tested knee in extension, the
raised. T h e hamstrings are considered shortened i f the clinician passively abducts the tested leg_ The normal
straight leg cannot be raised to an angle of 80 degrees range is 40 degrees_ When the full range is reached, the
from the horizontal while the other leg is straight. knee of the tested leg is passively flexed and the leg is

I. Qyadratus lumborum. Tightness of the quadratus lumbo­ abducted further. If the maximum range does not in­

rum can be noted during lumbar side-flexion to the con­ crease when the knee is flexed, the onejoint adductors

tralateral side in standing, especially if the lumbar spine (pectineus, adductor magnus, adductor longus, adduc­

does not appear to curve. Normal findings would show a tor brevis) are shortened. If the range does increase

smooth, symmeu-ic curve of the spine in both directions, with the knee passively Oexed, the twojoint adductors

with side bending in standing_ A more comprehen sive (gracilis, biceps femoris, semimebranosus, and semi­

test involves placing the patient in the side-lying position tendinosus) are shortened.

with the hips and knees flexed at about 45 degrees_ The

L. Gastrocnemius/soleus group. The patient is asked to squat
patient then pushes up sideways from the table to a point
down. If the triceps surae is normal, the patient should
where the pelvis begins to move (Fig. 1 1-4) , while the cli­
be able to place the whole foot on the floor, including
nician ensures that the patient's trunk does not flex or
the heel, while in the full squatting position. If the
rotate during the maneuver.
soleus is short, the heel will not touch the floor. With
J. Piriformis. An impairment of this muscle would be re­ the patient supine, if the gastrocnemius is shortened,
vealed by a resu-iction in hip adduction and medial ro­ dorsiflexion of the ankle will be reduced as the knee is
tation when the hip is flexed. A more reliable test is extended and increased as the knee is Oexed_

Examination of Movement Patterns lO D. Hip extension ( gluteus maximus) . The patient is posi­
These tests are concerned with the coordination, timing, or tioned prone and is asked to extend the hip off the
sequence of activation of the muscles during movement. table, keeping the leg straight. For this movement, the
hamstrings and the gluteus maximus are the prime
A. Deep neckflexors. The patient is positioned supine and is movers, with the erector spinae functioning as the stabi­
requested to slowly raise the head in an arclike motion. lizer of the lumbar spine and pelvis. Altered patterning
With weak deep neck flexors, in the presence of a in this test would be demonstrated by:
strong SCM, the jaw juts for ward at the beginning of the l . Initial activation of the hamstrings and erector
movement, producing hyperextension of the craniover­ spinae, with a very delayed contraction of the gluteus
tebral junction (Fig. 1 1-5) . Clarification can be achieved maximus.
by resisting the motion with a very slight amount of re­ 2. The erector spinae initiate the movement with a de­
sistance (2 to 4 g) against the patient's forehead. layed activity of the gluteus maximus. This would lead
to little, if any, extension of the hip joint, as the leg lift
B. Serratus anterior: The patient is positioned prone and is
would be achieved by an anterior pelvic tilt and a hy­
asked to perform a push-up and then to return to the
perextension of the lumbar spine. This is a very poor
start position extremely slowly. The clinician checks for
movement pattern.
the quality of scapula stabilization. If the stabilizers are
weak, the scapula on the side of impairment will shift E. Hip abduction ( gluteus medius) . The patient is placed in
outward and upward, with a resultant winging of the the side-lying, position, with the uppermost leg straight
scapula. and the bottom leg slightly bent at the knee and hip.
The patient abducts the upper leg from this position.
C. Shoulder abduction. The patient is positioned in sitting
Prime movers for this movement are the gluteus medius
with the elbow flexed to control the humeral rotation.
and minimus, and the tensor fascia lata. The quadratus
The patient is asked to slowly abduct the arm. Three
lumborum functions as the stabilizer of the pelvis. Al­
components are evaluated:
tered patterning will demonstrate:
l . Abduction at the glenohumeral joint
l . Lateral rotation of the leg during the upward move­
2. Rotation of the scapula
ment, indicating an initiation, and dominance, of the
3. Elevation of the whole shoulder girdle.
movement by the tensor fascia lata, accompanied by a
The abduction movement is stopped at the point at
weakness of the gluteus medius and minimus.
which the shoulder begins to elevate. This typically oc­
2. Full external rotation of the leg during leg lift, indi­
curs at about 60 degrees of glenohumeral abduction.
cating a substitution of hip flexion and iliopsoas ac­
tivity for the true abduction movement.
3. A lateral pelvic tilt at the initiation of movement, in­
dicating that the quadratus lumborum is stabilizing
the pelvis and is initiating the movement. This is
indicative of a very poor movement pattern.

F. Trunk curl-up. This test assesses the patient'S ability to sit

up from a supine position, and assesses the relationship
between the abdominal and ili opsoas muscles. The pa­
tient is positioned supine with the hips and knees
flexed, both feet flat on the bed (crook-lying position) .
During the patient's attempt to sit up from the supine
position, little flexion of the trunk will be evident if the
iliopsoas is dominant, as most of the flexion occurs at
the hip. The patient is then asked to perform a sit-up
while actively plantar-flexing the ankles, thus removing
the effect of the iliopsoas.51 The patient progressively
flexes the spine, starting at the cervical region, until
the lumbar region is flexed. As soon as the iliopsoas be­
comes involved in the motion, the patient' s feet will lift
from the bed. Normally, the patient should be able to
curl up so that the thoracic and lumbar spines are clear
FIGURE 11-5 T he deep neck flexor test. of the bed before the feet lift. A patient in excel lent

condition can complete a full sit-up without the feet resulting in hypertonicity of the masticatory muscles
lifting from the bed. and disturbances of joint proprioception.
• Shoulder bursitis, tendonitis, ruptures of the rotator
Common Postural Syndromes cuff muscles, capsulitis, ligamentous sprains, and cal­
These syndromes occur via mechanical, neurologic, and cification are all types of tissue change that can be
neurophysiologic influences, and the speculated causes of consequential to an impairment remote from the site
these syndromes are based on the sound application of of symptoms.54 Usually, there are local tissue changes,
anatomy, biomechanics, and neurologic theory, and are because of the stresses placed on the tissue by the re­
supported by the clinical experience of treating these pro­ mote impairment. A common cause of many of these
posed causes. The syndromes may be caused by the facilita­ syndromes is the forward head posture. In addition to
tion of a spinal segment, neurologic or neurodevelopmen­ the problems already mentioned, the forward head
tal deficit (palsy) , or direct biomechanical impairment, can produce the impairments described next.
affecting tissues remote from the impaired area. Any, or all, • Hypertonicity of the levator scapulae can pro­
of these can lead to imbalances in the forces acting on the duce a facilitation of either the C4 or C5 seg­
joint capsule, ligament, muscle, fascia and nerve. Some ex­ ment.55 At rest, this hypertonicity may lead to an
amples of the more common syndromes are described next. overuse syndrome of the supraspinatus tendon as
it supports the humeral head on the adducted
10 5 53
Co m m o n Sy n dromes in the Cervical Region , 27, 2, The scapula.
proximal or shoulder crossed syndrome involves tightness • Protraction of the shoulder girdles limits exten­
of the levator scapulae, the upper trapezius, pectoralis ma­ sion of the upper thoracic spine, which, in turn,
jor and minor, and the SCM , and weakness of the deep limits elevation and abduction of the shoulders.
neck flexors and lower scapular stabilizers. The syndrome This can lead to a hypermobility or instability of
produces elevation and protraction of the shoulder, the glenohumeral joint, or both, and to overuse
rotation and abduction of the scapula, together with syndromes of the shoulder elevators or abductors.
scapular winging. It also produces a forward head and de­ Shoulder protraction can also result in adaptive
creased stability of the glenohumeral joint, which leads to shortening of the pectoralis minor, which, in
increased muscle activity of the levator scapula and trapez­ turn, alters the motion of the scapula on the chest
ius. The various components and consequences of this syn­ wall, producing a mechanical impairment of the
drome are discussed. shoulder, with possible tissue changes and symp­
toms.56 Finally, shoulder protraction also causes
• An asymmetric upper thoracic or, less frequently, a the humerus to rotate medially and in so doing
mid-cervical impairment, produces a positional fault stretches the posterior glenohumeral joint cap­
that may be compensated for at the C7 level by the C6 sule; in addition, it increases the anterior force at
or C7 vertebra rotating and side-flexing. If this adjust­ the joint owing to gravity. The former may lead to
ment closes down a previously asymptomatic stenotic posterior instability and rotatory hypermobility,
foramen, the spinal nerve root may be compressed, and the latter to anterior instability and a biceps
with subsequent neurologic changes. Facilitation of tendonitis, as this muscle becomes overused as it
the trigeminal nerve, due to a temporomandibular tries to stabilize the joint.
(TMJ) impairment, can produce suboccipital hyper­ • As the zygapophysial joints in the midcervical
tonus which, if allowed to adaptively shorten, will lead region incur more weight bearing, owing to the
to a craniovertebral hypomobility and symptoms in protruding head, marginal osteophytosis may
the spine and upper quadrant. In addition, alteration occur. This may result in lateral stenosis (forami­
of the bite plane due to a TMJ impairment may cause nal compression), either facilitating the segment
the neck to compensate by positioning itself to bring and causing hypertonicity in the early stages, or
the bite plane back to its normal horizontal orienta­ compromising conduction or axoplasmic flow
tion. If this occurs on a stenotic segment, it can lead to with resultant hypotonicity. The common levels
distal signs and symptoms. for this to occur are C5-6 and C6-7. These changes
• The forward head produces extension of the cran­ alter scapulothoracic motion, decreasing it with
iovertebral joints. A craniovertebral impairment may facilitation, and increasing it with a palsy, via the
lead to a rotation or tilting of the head, or both, alter­ altered muscle tone of the rhomboids (C5), serra­
ing the bite plane and resulting in abnormal forces tus anterior (C7) , and pectoralis major (C7-8 ) .
being generated. Neurophysiologically, cranioverte­ When the pectoralis major i s hypertonic, the
bral impairments can produce trigeminal facilitation, resulting pattern of hypomobility is decreased

abduction, lateral rotation, and elevation ( the TABLE 11-7 LOWER QUADRANT SYNDROMESlO·
capsular pattern) . Hypotonicity, weakness, and re­
duced coordination of the infraspinatus ( C5-6)
may destabilize the posterior aspect of the gleno- Lumbar Extension L3 facilitation
humeral join t. hyperlordosis hyp ermobilities Retrop atellar

• Anterior syndromes
Facilitation of the C6 segment may produce an over­
instabilities L4 facilitation
use syndrome of the extensor carpi radialis muscles
Shin splints
( tennis elbow) . Medial foot arch
• Facilitation of the C7 or C8 segment may cause a instability
golfer's elbow as the WTist flexor muscles are affected. LS-S 1 facilitation
A C7 facilitation, or palsy, can also alter the neuro­
muscular coordination of the articularis genu (suban­
Achilles injuries
coneus) muscle, leading to olecranon bursitis as the Retrop atellar
muscle fails to pull the bursa upward during exten­ syndromes
sion. Facilitation of the C8 segment, causing hyper­ Anteriorly rotated Hip extension Sacroiliac instability

tonicity of the abductor and extensor pollicis tendons, p elvis hypomobility Lumbosacral
may result in De Quervain's syndrome.
LS-S 1 facilitation
• An ulnohumeral impairment, particularly an ab­ Hamstring injuries
ducted ulna, may cause a tennis elbow or, less com­ Achilles injuries
monly, a golfer's elbow Retrop atellar
• An ulnohumeral impairment, particularly an ab­
Knee Recurvatum Medial collateral
ducted ulna, may cause medial hand paresthesia as a
hyperextension T ibial medial sp rain
result of an increased carrying angle and subsequent rotation Retrop atellar
stretching of the ulna nerve. Abduction impairments Valgus syndrome
of the ulna may also produce an apparen t radial devi­ Meniscal injury

ation and extension hypomobility and overstretching Flat foot Mortice Subluxations
instability Plantar cuboid
of the collateral ligaments.
Talonavicular Dorsal navicular
• Carpal hypomobility may also lead to extensor overuse instability Reverted calcaneus
syndromes at the elbow as the muscles overwork to Calcaneocuboid Plantar fasciitis
produce the wrist extension that is limited. instability Hallux valgus
Talocalcaneal Retrop atellar
instability syndrome
In general, the closer the units are together, the
more likely they are to have a pathologic relationship.
For example, there is more chance that the head unit
will be affected by the shoulder unit than by the hand mechanical pull of the shortened psoas, and this in­
unit. creases the stress on the upper lumbar spine, increas­
ing facilitation.
Common Syndromes in the Lumbar RegionI O,52,57-59Patho­ • Pelvic crossed syndrome: In this particular syndrome,
mechanical interaction occurs more readily between cer­ the erector spinae and the iliopsoas are tight, and the
tain areas than it does between others in this region abdominal and gluteus maximus are weak. This syn­
(Table 1 1 -7) . Some examples of lower quadrant syn­ drome promotes an anterior pelvic tilt, an increased
dromes follow. lumbar lordosis, and a slight flexion of the hip. The
hamstrings are frequently tight in this syndrome, and
• Upper lumbar or thoracolumbar instabilities and hy­ this may be a compensatory strategy to lessen the an­
permobilities can often lead to facilitation of the terior tilt of the pelvis,6o or because the glutei are
upper lumbar segments, with resulting psoas hyper­ weak. The syndrome promotes an increased lumbar
tonicity. This change leads to reduced hip extension lordosis, and a compensatory increase in cervical lor­
and medial rotation. The loss of full range of motion dosis. If the hip loses the ability to extend, because of
results in a shortened stride length. Body weight and the tight iliopsoas, a compensatory increase in the an­
ground reaction forces, generated by rapid walking, terior pelvic tilt needs to occur during gait.
will equalize the stride length by hypermobilizing or • Layer syndrome: This is an indication of marked im­
destabilizing the lumbosacral junction or the ipsilat­ pairment of the central nervous system ' s ability to
eral sacroiliac joint. The process is reinforced by the regulate motor patterns and is thus accompanied by a

deterioration in those patterns. Inherent in this pat­ Restoration of Normal Muscle Length The activity of se­
tern of muscle imbalance is poor muscular stability in lected muscles must be inhibited and, in the inhibitory pe­
the lumbosacral region. riod, the muscle should be stretched. If the muscle is
• An L5 palsy alters the function of the peroneus longus, hypertonic, minimal facilitation and minimal stretch, using
weakening it or causing it to be less coordinated. An muscle energy techniques, can be used. With true muscle
impairment of the peroneus longus can also result in shortness, stronger resistance is used to activate the maxi­
metatarsalgia and even second metatarsal stress frac­ mum number of motor units, followed by vigorous stretch­
turing as a result of the failure of the first metacarpal to ing of the muscle. Stretching should be performed using:
be pulled down to the substrate by the muscle, causing
the second metatarsal head to habitually bear weight. • Low force
• Facili tation of the L4 segment can lead to hypertonic­ • Prolonged duration
ity and overuse syndromes of the anterior or posterior • Heat applied to the muscle prior to, and during,
tibialis, resulting in an anterior or posterior compart­ stretching
ment syndrome, or a hypertonicity of the tensor fascia • Postisometric relaxation techniques; reciprocal relax­
lata, which alters the balance of forces on the patella, ation is not as effective because of the weakness of the
resulting in retropatellar syndromes. A palsy of the L4 antagonist
segment can result in overflattening of the foot, which • Rapid cooling of the muscle while it is main tained in
may lead to instability of the medial arch. the stretched position
• A palsy or facilitation of the L3 segment may result in
altered retropatellar forces, leading to retropatellar Strength ening of Inhibited or Weak Muscles Vigorous
pain syndromes. Hypertonicity of the rectus femoris re­ strengthening should be avoided initially to minimize sub­
duces hip extension in the terminal stages of weight stitutions by other muscles and to prevent reinforcement
bearing during gait and may result in similar problems of poor patterns of movement.
as those found with a tight psoas. Palsy or facilitation of
any of the lumbar segments may predispose the muscle Es tab lish m e n t of Op timal Motor Patterns to Protect th e
served by that segment to actual damage during exer­ Spine As an example, a typical intervention protocol for a
tion, particularly during strong eccentric contractions. posture that is having a detrimental effect on the lumbar
• Extension hypermobility of the knee may result in and thoracic regions, would involve the following actions:
overflattening of the foot, with resulting medial arch
instability. The excessive extension also excessively 1. The removal of any excessive extension in the mid tho­
medially rotates the tibia, increasing the Q angle and rax (which has been produced by the increased spinal
altering the forces on the patella. extensor and diaphragm tone) .
2. Correct diaphragmatic breathing is taught. This in­
Intervention cludes both inspiration and, more importan tly, re­
Postural imbalances involve the entire spine, and any cor­ laxed expiration.
rections should, as well. I t is important to remember that 3. Correction of the upper thorax (Tl area) is achieved.
postural correction is an intervention, and that prior to The patient is seated. The clinician asks the patient to
any intervention, an appropriate examination must take breathe out while lifting the manubrium and sternum
place. Because postural correction affects every part of the toward the ceiling. This can be encouraged by having
body, a global examination should be undertaken. For the the clinician push down on the upper chest over the
vast majority of people, static postures are a rarity, and dy­ first and second ribs, while palpating the upper tho­
namic postures are more functional. Thus, it is important racic spinous processes with the other hand during ex­
that the patient be taught by the clinician to return to the halation. The patient may feel pressure between the
optimal posture between activities, so that they can adopt a shoulder blades during this exercise.
good posture without conscious effort. 4. Posterior pelvic tilting in sitting is taught by having
Therapeutic exercise programs should initially focus the patient roll onto the tail bone. This begins to help
on regaining the normal length of a muscle before the lower thorax by decreasing the lumbar lordosis.
strengthening the muscle, so that good movement pat­ The exercise is, combined with the breathing tech­
terns can be achieved. nique outlined in strategy 2 .
The intervention of any muscle imbalance is divided
into three stages: ( 1 ) restorating normal muscle length, Principles
(2) strengthening weak or inhibited muscles, and (3) estab­ 1. Avoid pain during exercise, a s this can lead to further
lishing optimal motor patterns to best protect the spine. inhibition of the muscles.

2. Achieve normal and pain-free movement in the spinal 1 . The posture syndrome is proposed to result from over­
segments. stretching of normal tissue. The pain, which is of a grad­
3. Initially emphasize the normalization of muscle ual onset, is dull, local, midline, symmetric, and never
length, differentiating between spasm and structural referred. Prolonged postures worsen tile pain, whereas
changes. movement abolishes it. Upon examination, tile patient
demonstrates no spinal deformity or loss of range, and
repeated movements do not produce the symptoms.
USE OF CLASSIFICATION SYSTEMS61 The onset of symptoms, which is time-dependent (usu­
ally occurring after more than 1 5 minutes) , is provoked
The attempt to classify back pain has been the focus of a with sustained end-of-range positions.
number of clinicians over recent years. The desire for a 2. The dysfunction syndrome is proposed to result from
classification system probably stems from a degree of frus­ an adaptive shortening of soft tissues. The pain,
tration that the optimal intervention for patients with which is intermittent, is local and adjacent to the
acute back and neck pain remains largely enigmatic. In ad­ midline of the spine, and is not referred except in the
dition, a number of clinical studies have failed to find con­ case of an adherent nerve root when the pain may be
sistent evidence for improved in tervention outcomes with fel t in the buttock, thigh, or calf. Activities and posi­
many intervention approaches that rely on exercise, man­ tions at the end of range worsen the pain, whereas ac­
ual therapy, and traction. 62 tivities that avoid end ranges are better. Upon exami­
One explanation offered for the lack of positive re­ nation, the patient demonstrates a loss of motion or
search findings is that patients with "nonspecific" back and function, distinguishing this syndrome from the pos­
neck pain are labeled as a homogeneous group, with all pa­ tural syndrome. Repeated movements do not alter
tients equally likely to succeed or fail with any particular in­ tile symptoms, and the loss of motion, or function,
tervention. 63,6<1 Other authors have theorized that patients may be symmetric or asymmetric.
with back and neck pain actually are a heterogeneous group 3. The derangement syndrome is thought to be produced
consisting of several smaller homogeneous subsets. 65-{;7 by a displacement, or alteration in position, of joint
Through the use of a classification system, it is proposed that structures. The j oint structure most commonly in­
a patient is more likely to respond to a type of intervention volved is the intervertebral disc, and McKenzie di­
unique to that classification, or preferred practice pattern. vides these disturbances into posterior disc and ante­
To classify patients for an intervention strategy, a num­ rior disc derangements. The posterior derangements
ber of criteria have been suggested, as outlined next: are further subdivided into seven derangement cate­
gories. Derangements 1 through 6 describe posterior
A. Pathoanatomy. 68,69 This strategy involves using correla­
derangements, whereas derangement 7 describes the
tions to produce categories. The disadvantage of using
anterior derangement.
pathoanatomy is the difficulty in identifying a relevant
The pain, which is usually of a sudden onset, and
pathoanatomic cause for most patients. 70
associated with paresthesia or numbness, is dull or
B. The presence or absence of sciatica.
71 sharp and can be central, unilateral, symmetric, or
asymmetric. Although the pain may be referred into
C. The duration of the symptoms (acute, subacute, o r the buttock, thigh, leg, or foot, it varies in both inten­
chronic) . 72 sity and distribution. Bending, sitting, or sustaining
positions worsens a posterior derangement, whereas
D. Work status. 67
walking and standing worsen an anterior derange­
E. Impairments identified during the physical examina­ ment. Patients with a posterior derangement often
tion. This approach attempts to link specific interven­ feel better with walking and lying, whereas patients
tions with each classification. The system described by with an anterior derangement usually feel better with
McKenzie2 1 is reported to be the most commonly used sitting and other flexed positions. Upon examina­
classification system by physical therapists for this pur­ tion, a lateral shift may be noted. There is always a
pose. 73 This system uses pain behavior, and its relation­ loss of motion and function. Certain motions pro­
ship to movements and positions, to determine the ap­ duce, increase, or peripheralize the symptoms,
propriate plan of intervention. Each syndrome in the whereas other motions decrease, abolish, or central­
McKenzie classification is broad in terms of pathology, ize the symptoms.
but is specific in terms of clinical behavior, although no Intervention for each of the syndromes is spe­
attempt is made to be tissue-specific. 74,75 McKenzie uses ci fic, and patients are encouraged to accept responsi­
three syndromes to classify mechanical pain: bility for their intervention and recovery. Although

the McKenzie maneuvers are referred to as exercises, The immobilization classification is purported to iden­
most of the procedures are passive self-mobilizations tify patients with lumbar segmental instability. Key exam­
aimed at regaining spinal extension while concur­ ination fi ndings are gathered primarily during history-taking
rently maintaining flexion. and include a history of frequent episodes of symptoms pre­
cipitated by minimal perturbations, frequent use of manip­
ulation with short-term relief of symptoms, trauma, or re­
Treatment-based Classification System
duced symptoms with the prior use of a corset.65 Many of
This system uses information gathered from the these findings have been proposed in the literature to indi­
physical examination and from patient self-reports of cate possibly lumbar segmental instability. 76-78 Physical ex­
pain (pain scale and pain diagram) and disability ( modi­ amination findings may include aberrant movements dur­
fied Oswestry questionnaire) to classify the patient. The ing lumbar flexion (i.e., an "instability catch") 78,79 or
classification then guides the treatment of the patient. generalized ligamentous laxity.8o Intervention focuses on
The treatment-based classification (TBC) system is de­ strengthening exercises for the back extensor and abdomi­
signed for patients who are j udged to be in the acute nal exercises,8l as well as stabilization exercises designed to
stage, 65 with the determination of acuity based on the improve dynamic control of the lumbar spine.82
nature of the patient's symptoms, the degree of disability, The mobilization classification includes patients be­
and the goals for management, instead of on the elapsed lieved to have indications for either sacroiliac or lumbar
time from injury. Patients in the acute stage are those with region mobilization or manipulation. Sacroiliac region
higher levels of disability ( Oswestry scores generally mobilization is indicated by asymmetries of the pelvic
greater than 30) and substantial patient-reported diffi­ landmarks (ASIS, posterior superior iliac spine [ PSIS] ,
culty with basic daily activities such as sitting, standing, and iliac crest) with the patient in the standing position
and walking. Management goals are to improve the pa­ and by positive results in three of four tests, as follows: ( 1 )
tient's ability to perform basic daily activities, reduce dis­ asymmetry of PSIS heights with the patient sitting, (2) the
ability, and permit the patient to advance in his or her re­ standing flexion test, ( 3 ) the prone-knee flexion test,
habilitation. Patients judged to be in the acute stage are and (4) the supine to long-sitting test. These tests are de­
assigned to a classification , which guides the initial inter­ scribed i n detail elsewhere. 83
vention. Patients judged to be in a more chronic stage are Acute-stage intervention involves a manipulation tech­
treated with a conditioning program designed to improve nique proposed to affect the sacroiliac joint region,84 mus­
strength , flexibility, and conditioning, or with a work­ cle energy techniques,85 and range-of-motion exercises for
reconditioning program. 65 the lumbosacral spine. Lumbar mobilization is indicated
Seven classifications are described for patients in the by the presence of ( 1 ) unilateral paraspinal pain in the
acute stage: 65 lumbar region and ( 2 ) asymmetric amounts of lumbar
side-bending range of motion with the patient standing in
1. Immobilization either an "opening" pattern (limited and painful flexion
2. Lumbar mobilization and side-flexion range of motion to the side opposite the
3. Sacroiliac mobilization pain) or a "closing" pattern (limited and painful extension
4. Extension syndrome and side-flexion range of motion to the same side as the
5. Flexion syndrome pain ) . The i ntervention consists of lumbar mobilization or
6. Lateral shift manipulation techniques86 and range-of-motion exercises
7. Traction for the lumbosacral spine.
The key examination finding that places patients into
Each of the classifications is associated with key exam­ a specific exercise classification is the presence of central­
ination findings and recommended interventions. To fa­ ization with movement of the lumbar spine. 66 Centraliza­
cilitate comparisons among classifications, these seven tion, which occurs when the patient's pain or paresthesia is
classifications may be collapsed further into four classifi­ abolished or moves from the periphery toward the spine,
cations based on similarities in the prescribed interven­ has been linked to prognosis by other researchers 87,88
tions: When either lumbar flexion or extension is found to pro­
duce centralization, the patient is treated with specific ex­
1. Immobilization ercises in the direction producing the centralization . Pa­
2. Mobilization (either sacroiliac or lumbar) tients also are educated to avoid positions that are found to
3. Specific exercise (flexion, extension, or lateral shift peripheralize symptoms during examination.
correction) The primary examination findings that lead to a clas­
4. Traction sification of a lateral shift, in which the shoulders are offset

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Chapter Objectives OVERVIEW

At the completion of this chapter, the reader will be able The term episode of care is used to describe all of the patient
to: management activities conducted by the clinician from ini­
tial contact through discharge. I A typical episode of care is
1. Define and describe the components of an interven­ outlined in Figure 12-l.
tion. The Guide to Physical Therapist Practice! defines an in­
2. Describe the differences between, and principles be­ tervention as a "purposeful and skilled interaction . " Each
hind,joint mobilizations and manipulation. i n tervention that the clinician embarks upon should be
3. Apply active and passive techniques to a joint in any approached with the intent of reducing pain to a sufficient
position using the correct grade, direction, and dura­ level that the patient is able to actively participate in a pro­
tion, and explain the mechanical and physiologic gram for strengthening, flexibility, endurance, and pos­
effects. tural alignment, and to receive instructions on activities of
4. List the indications and contraindications for the daily living or work modification, or both. I
manual techniques. According to the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice, an
5. Understand the concepts behind muscle energy tech­ intervention should encourage the functional independ­
niques and the effects of a facilitated segment. ence of the patient, emphasize patient-related instruc­
6. Understand the principles behind deep transverse tions, promote a proactive wellness-oriented lifestyle , and
friction massage. facilitate participation of the patient in the plan of care. I
7. Understand the principles and rationale of myofas ciaI Three subcategories comprise an i n tervention: I
release, shiatsu, and craniosacral therapy.
8. Describe the various electro therapeutic modalities 1. Coordination, communication, and documentation
and physical agents, including cold, heat, ultrasound, 2. Patient-client-related instruction
shock-wave, microthermy, iontophoresis, and transcu­ 3. Direct intervention
taneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) .
9. Describe the therapeutic effects of heat and cold. This chapter focuses on the subcategory of direct in­
10. List the five types of heat transfer. tervention. Examples of direct interventions include man­
11. Differentiate between iontophoresis and phonopho­ ual therapy, therapeutic exercise, and the use of elec­
resis. trotherapeutic modalities and physical agents.
12. Define the similarities and differences between the Direct interventions are selected, applied, or modified
various types of electrical stimulation. based on the data from the examination and evaluation,
13. Describe the differences between microthermy and the diagnosis and prognosis, and the anticipated goals and
short-wave diathermy. desired outcomes for a particular patient. I
14. List the various ions that can be used with iontophore­ From the examination, the clinician needs to
sis, and the medications that can be used with determine:
15. List the indications and contraindications for each of • The site of tlle impairment and the structure or struc­
the electrotherapeutic modalities and physical agents. tures involved.



(Includes both subjective and objective examinations)

Acute or inflammatory The area is red, warm, swollen, and
The pain is present without any
motion of the involved area
Usually lasts for 48-72 hours, but can
Evaluation/lnterpretation of data
be longer
Subacute or tissue The pain usually occurs with the

formation activity or motion of the involved
Usually lasts for 48 hours to 6 weeks2
Chronic or remodeling The pain usually occurs after
the activity
Establishment of prognosis
Usually lasts from 3 weeks to
(prediction of optimal level of improvement and the time needed)
12 months

Plan of care
• The nature and cause of the impairment. Is the impair­
ment a result of macrotrauma, microtrauma, disease,

or immobilization?

The scan and biomechanical examinations, described

in Chapters 10 and 11, guide the clinician toward a specific
Goals Outcomes diagnosis and a specific plan of care. Once the injured
structure has been identified, its stage of healing ascer­
tained, and the reasons as to its presence determined, the
clinician can decide which of the direct interventions are
the most appropriate.
Pain of a spinal source is a major health problem in
western industrialized countries and a major cause of med­

ical expenses, work absenteeism, and disablement. 3 Al­
though the pain is usually the result of a self-limiting and
benign disease that tends to improve spontaneously over
time,4 a large variety of direct interventions are available
Re-evaluation for its management. 5 However, the effectiveness claimed
for most of these interventions has not been convincingly

demonstrated. This may be, in part, due to inaccurate di­
agnosis or to incorrect choice or application of the chosen

FIGURE 12-1 Episode of care.

Manual clinicians are highly competent in the use of spe­

cific mobilizations, not only of the spine but also of the pe­
• The extent of the pathologic process. How much dam­ ripheral joints. 6 A review of the work by Evjenth/
age has been inflicted on the structure(s)? This infor­ Kaltenborn, 8,9 and Maitland 10 and their use of specific and
mation is often elicited with resistive testing and stress semispecific techniques illustrates this well. Kaltenborn,
testing as well as subjective reports on the mechanism who derived much of his approach from the English os­
of injury. teopaths, has done much to promote tlle field of manual
• The stage of healing for the injured structure(s) therapy. In association with Evjenth, he helped found the
(Table 1 2- 1 ) . KE system of musculoskeletal management. This system,

which emphasizes the testing of intervertebral joint motion usually occur in predictive patterns. If one is not able to iden­
to assess the integrity of the joint complex, is used world­ tify the behavior of the symptom in a biomechanical fashion,
wide. 6 The techniques are based on the arthrokinematics then that patient, at that point in time, is not a candidate for
of a joint, and introduce the concept of male (convex) manual therapy.
and female (concave) joint surfaces. Maitland has made A number of schools of thought have been put for­
significant contributions in increasing the acceptability of ward to address the concepts of increasing joint range of
controlled passive movements in the treatment ofjoint dys­ motion. In addition to Maigne's 15 concept of painless
function. and opposite motion, whereby the direction of a manip­
Manipulations and mobilizations are quite distinct ulative maneuver is performed in the opposite direction
groupings of passive movement. A manipulation involves a to the motion restriction, Kaltenborn 1 6 introduced the
high-velocity thrust of small amplitude performed at the Nordic program of manual therapy, which utilizes Cyr­
limit of available movement to restore joint range. Mobi­ iax'sl7 method for evaluation and the specific osteo­
lization involves repetitive passive movement of varying pathic techniques of Mennell 1 8 for intervention. Further
amplitudes of low velocity applied at different parts of the influence from Stoddard, 19 an osteopath, cemented the
range, depending on the effects desired. Because of the foundations of the Nordic system of manual therapy.
variety of joint reactions over which they can be applied, Evj enth, 20 who had joined Kaltenborn's group, brought
mobilizations are a powerful group of techniques. a greater emphasis on muscle stretching, strengthening,
and coordination training. The philosophy of the Nordic
system has been to integrate intervention tools from
Joint Mobilizations
other approaches, and it has incorporated techniques
The techniques of j oint mobilization are used to re­ from Rocabado, Kabat, Knott and Voss, McKenzie, and
store the physiologic articular relationship within a joint, Maitland. 16
and to decrease pain. ll Additional benefits attributed to The selection of the manual technique depends on
joint mobilizations include decreasing muscle guarding, the barrier to movement and the acuteness of the condi­
lengthening the tissue around a joint, neuromuscular in­ tion (see Table 11-2). Is the barrier to movement pain,
fluences on muscle tone, and increased proprioceptive muscle, capsule ligament, disturbed mechanics of the
awareness. 1 2- 1 4 There are three types: joint, or a combination? Muscle is usually the first barrier
and is treated with light hold-relax techniques. Often some
1. Active, in which the patient exerts the force pain follows this, which is treated with grade III or IV oscil­
2. Passive, in which the clinician exerts the force lations. 21 As the pain is reduced, the real barrier to move­
3. Combined, in which the clinician and patient work ment is approached. If this is periarticular tissue, then
together grade IV + rhythmical oscillations are used to stretch the
tissue, and if the joint is subluxed, then erratic, jerky grade
To apply joint mobilizations, the components can be III + oscillations are applied. 21
utilized in a variety of ways, depending on the method em­ Whichever technique is employed to increase the
ployed. range of motion at a joint, a number of further considera­
tions help guide the clinician.
• Direct method. An engagement is made against a barrier
in several planes. A. The patient and clinician should be relaxed.
• Indirect method. Maigne postulated "the concept of
, B. The position of the joint to be treated must be appro­
painless and opposite motion , 15 whereby disengage­
priate for the stage of healing of the joint problem,
ment from the barrier occurs and a balance of liga­
and the skill of the operator. It is recommended that
mentous tension is sought.
the resting position of the joint be used with an acute
• Combined method. Disengagement is followed by direct
condition, or if the clinician is inexperienced. The rest­
ing position in this case refers to the position that the
injured joint adopts, rather than the classic resting posi­
Joint mobilization techniques are advocated when there
tion for a normal joint. Other positions for starting the
is a loss of the accessory motion that occurs at a joint during
mobilization may be used by a skilled clinician in nona­
normal motion, secondary to capsular or ligamentous tight­
cute conditions.
ness or adhesions. Manual t11erapy uses biomechanical prin­
ciples and should, therefore, only be performed on bio­ C. One-half of the joint should be stabilized while the
mechanical problems. Biomechanical problems worsen in other half is mobilized. Both the stabilizing and mobi­
some positions and movements, improve in others, and lizing hands should be placed as close to the joint line



Acetate Neg 2%-5% acetic acid Calcium deposits194

Atropine sulfate Pos 0.00 1%-0.01% Hyperhidrosis
Calcium Pos 2% calcium chloride Myopathy, muscle spasm
Chlorine Neg 2% sodium chloride Scar tissue, adhesions
Copper Pos 2% copper sulfate Fungus infection
Dexamethasone Pos 4mg/mL dexamethasone Na-P Tendonitis, bursitis195
Lidocaine Pos 4% lidocaine Trigeminal neuralgia 179
Hyaluronidase Pos Wyadase Edema198
Iodine Neg lodex ointment Adhesions, scar tissue 199
Magnesium Pos 2% magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts) Muscle relaxant,200 bursitis
Mecholyl Pos 0.25% Muscle relaxant
Potassium iodide Neg 10% Scar tissue
Salicylate Neg 2% sodium salicylate Myalgia, scar tissue
Tap water Pos/Neg Hyperhidrosis

Neg = negaLive; Pos = posiLive.

as possible. The other parts of the clinician involved in G. One movement is performed at a time, at one joint at a
the mobilization should make maximum contact With time.
the patient's body so as to spread the forces over a
H. Regular reassessment is performed.
larger area and reduce pain from contact of bony
prominences. The maximum contact also results in I. Reeducation is essential after mobilization or manipula­
more stability and increased confidence from the pa­ tion and will often produce a noticeable reduction in
tient. An alternative technique that produces the de­ post-treatment soreness. While the joint is maintained
sired results must be sought if the contact between op­ in the new range, five to six gentle isometric contrac­
posite sexes is uncomfortable to either the patient or tions are asked for from the agonists and antagonists of
clinician. the motion mobilized. 21

D. The direction of the mobilization is almost always paral­

Mobilizations are indicated when:
lel or perpendicular to a tangent across adjoining joint
surfaces. • The pain is relieved by rest.
E. The mobilization should not move into or through the • The pain is relieved by activity.
point of pain. • The pain is altered by postural changes.
• The pain is provoked by joint motion.
F. The velocity and amplitude of movement is carefully
considered and is based on the goal of the interven­ Intensity of the Intervention
tion-to restore the joint motion, or to alleviate the Gentle intervention is indicated when the patient has:
pain, or both:
1. Slow stretches are used for large capsular restrictions. • Constant, severe pain
2. Fast oscillations are used for minor restrictions. • Extensive radiation
3. Maitland's amplitude grades I and II are used solely • Pain unrelieved by rest
for pain relief and have no direct mechanical effect • Pain that disturbs sleep
on the restricting barrier, but do have a hydrody­ • Severe joint irritability (severe pain is easily stirred up,
namic effect. then lasts)
4. Maitland's amplitude grades III and IV (or al least • Range limitation due to pain
I I I+ and IV +) do stretch the barrier and have a • A motion that produces distal pain
mechanical, as well as a neurophysiologic effect. • Isometric tests that are all positive
Grade III and IV have been further subdivided into • Pain caused by cough or sneeze
I I I + (+ +) and IV + (+ + ) indicating that once the
, • Severe postural or reactive spasm
end of the range has been reached, a further stretch • Severe joint range restriction
to impart a mechanical force to the movement re­ • Severe latent pain \ .

striction is impaned. 2 1 • A recent neurologic deficit


Vigorous manual intervention is indicated in the receptive Manipulation

patient when he or she has:
The term manipulation continues to breed controversy
among the various schools of manual therapy, which have
• Moderate or mild pain
a long history of internecine and interprofessional rivalry.
• A nonirritable condition demonstrated by no sleep
All of the groups that continue to perform manipulations
are the extension of a long line of bone-setters going back
• Intermittent pain
to the earliest days of medicine.23 Two major schools of ma­
• Pain relieved by rest
nipulative therapy have evolved over the years-the chiro­
• Minimal radiation of pain
practic school and the osteopathic school. The other prac­
• No sta,
titioners of manipulative therapy have had to rely on part
• Range limited by resistance of soft tissue
or full-time study through sequential course. It is interest­
• No recent neurologic deficit
ing to note that some of the earlier pioneers of manipula­
• Radiation not caused by motion
tive therapy, such as Marlin,24 Mennel, 25 and Cyriax, I 7 were
• Negative findings with isometric tests
based in physiotherapy departments.
A manipulation is essentially a mobilization with im­
Indications and Contraindications pulse, with the impulse being high velocity and low ampli­
Contraindications specific to mobilizations include those that tude in nature. In place of the term manipulation, the term
are absolute contraindications, and those that are relative.22 thrust is often used. The high velocity is used so that the
muscles do not have time to contract and prevent the mo­
A. Absolute: tion. The low amplitude is of paramount importance and
1 . Neoplastic disease ensures that the forces induced to the joint are kept to a
2. Spinal cord or cauda equina involvement minimum.
3. Involvement of more than one cervical root or two
adjacent roots Indications

4. Tri-Ievel lumbar root signs (rare) As with mobilizations, manipulative techniques can be di­

5. Rheumatoid arthritis (cervical spine) rect or indirect, with the direct techniques used for locating
6. Acute inflammatory, infective, or septic arthritis and addressing the barrier, and the indirect techniques for
7. Bone disease those cases in which the joint is taken away from the barrier.
8. Nonmechanical causes (kidney disease) The detection of abnormalities in joint movement and
9. Vertebral artery disease muscle tension requires trained hands. As manipulation is
1 0 . Craniovertebral instability used to restore joint range, the practicing clinician must
1 1 . Second lumbar root palsy (uncommon area; there- have a knowledge of the normal range of motion. Manipu­
fore, usually a serious pathology) lation can be used for the following purposes:6
1 2. Sign of the buttock
• Releasing minor adhesions
1 3 . Empty end feel
• Altering the position of an intra-articular loose body
1 4. Fracture or dislocation
• Reducing a displaced articular meniscoid
1 5. Acute rheumatoid episode
• Reducing discrete muscle spasm by affecting the input
1 6. Psychological pain or marked overlay
through the gamma (y) loop system26
B. Relative:
I. Joint effusion or inflammation It should be remembered that although thrust tech­
2. Acute arthrosis niques can be used to treat most joint dysfunctions, there
3. Rheumatoid arthritis are risks associated with their use, especially in the cran­
4. Internal derangement iovertebral region. The thrust technique should be viewed
5. Presence of neurologic signs as another tool at the clinician's disposal and used appro­
6. Osteoporosis priately.
7. Spondylolisthesis Mobilizations, or manipulations are unlikely to be of
8. Hypermobility benefit when:
9. Pregnancy
1 0. Dizziness • A neurologic deficit is present.
1 1 . Previous history of neoplastic disease • There are no local symptoms (negative back pain).
12. Steroid use • Lumbar side-flexion is positive to the side of pain (com­
1 3. Cervical U·auma pression pain in extremity)-radiculopathy is present.

• Distal pain is reproduced with spinal range of motion. state. Whereas joint mobilizations are passive techniques
• There is a springy end feel. in so much as the patient is positioned and instructed to
• There is paresthesia without pain. relax while the clinician carries out the technique, muscle
• There is a primary posterior-lateral disc protrusion energy techniques require the active participation of the
(leg pain, no back pain). patient and can be viewed as a mobilization technique that
utilizes muscular facilitation and inhibition. 34 They are
The most difficult aspect of joint mobilizations is the likened to proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation
skill of gaining a feel for the appropriate rate, rhythm, and (PNF) techniques, 27 but they employ submaximal rather
intensity of movement required to administer the inter­ than maximal contractions.
vention. All of the techniques must be adj usted according Muscle energy techniques for joint mobilizations are
to the intervention goals and the presentation of the pa­ generally gentle, and the concepts are employed in both
tient's condition. the extremities and the spine. The slack of the joint is
taken up and the patient is asked to perform a submaxi­
mal isometric contraction. The direction of the patient's
Muscle Energy Technique
contraction is precisely controlled, at varying levels of in­
Muscle energy techniques, which utilize the principles tensity, against a distinctly executed counterforce applied
of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation to increase by the clinician. 35 The voluntary control of muscle by the
joint motions, have become very popular in recent patient is only as efficient as the individual's neuromuscu­
years. 27,28 Muscle energy techniques were first developed lar coordination. Kabat36 states that "Repeated excitation
by Drs. Fred Mitchell Sr.29 and]r. and then by Dr. Ed Stiles. of a pathway in the central nervous system results in a
Some of these techniques appear in this book in the vari­ gradual ease of transmission of nerve impulses through
ous chapters devoted to the spine, and what follows is a that pathway. This is brought about by a decrease in synap­
brief overview to describe the principles on which these tic resistance and is the basis for the formation of habits
techniques are based. and for learning. An impairment in and around a joint
Muscle energy techniques are used when the limit to produces abnormal motion patterns. These abnormal mo­
motion has been determined to be the neuromuscular sys­ tion patterns, if repeated often enough, become learned
tem. Muscles both produce and control motion. Although patterns. "
it is obvious that muscles produce motion, it is easy to for­ The clinician's role is to help retrain normal move­
get that they also resist motion. This resistance to motion is ment patterns, guiding the patient as to the direction and
related to muscle tone, 30 a complex neurophysiologic state force applied. A number of techniques can be employed to
administered by both cortical and spinal reflexes. Resting produce an increase in range due to muscle relaxation.
muscle tone is modified by the afferent activity from the Two types are well recognized and are differentiated by the
articular and muscle systems. Mferent input from the verbal commands used, and the type of muscle contraction
type I and II mechanoreceptors located in the superficial employed by the patient:37
and deep aspects of the joint capsule is projected to the
'Y motor neurons.
3l Contract-Relax27
According to Korr, an excessive 'Y motor neuron to the This technique uses a combination of both concentric or
muscle spindle requires less external stretch to fire the pri­ maintained contraction of the antagonist muscle(s), to
mary annulospiral ending, which reflexly fires the extra­ change the length of a muscle, or muscles when the re­
fusal muscle fiber via the alpha (a) motor neuron. 3! The striction is one of tightness of the muscle. The agonist mus­
exaggerated spindle responses are provoked by motions cle is the muscle that contracts to produce a joint motion
that lengthen the facilitated muscle, creating a restrictive that is referred to as the agonist pattern. The antagonist
spinal fault. Put simply, the effect of this excitation on the muscles are the ones that stretch to allow the agonist pat­
muscle is an increase in resistance to any motion that at­ tern to occur.
tempts to lengthen that muscle. Impairment occurs when The contract-relax technique is effective in passively
abnormal or excessive afferent input maintains a state of moving the body part into the agonist pattern when pain
constant increased excitation at the spinal cord, a state com­ does not accompany, or is not the primary cause of, the re­
monly referred to as a facilitated segment (refer to Chapter 4) . striction in range. In other words, this is tlle technique of
This concept was first proposed by Korr3l and then inte­ choice when muscle tightness rather than pain is the limit
grated with the work of Patterson32 and Sherrington33 on to motion. At the point of limitation of the available range
spinal reflexes. of motion, an isotonic/isometric contraction of tlle antag­
The proposed function of muscle energy techniques is onist is performed by the patient against the clinician's re­
to restore the segment to its normal neurophysiologic sistance by utilizing the antagonist muscle or muscles. The

isometric/isotonic contraction is held for up to 5 seconds, Traumatic Hyperemia

after which the patient is instructed to completely relax. The increased blood flow from the massage reduces pain
The direction of the applied resistance is determined by by removing the products of inflammation, including
the neurophysiologic effect desired from the technique. In chemical irritants such as prostaglandin E, potassium,
contrast to hold-relax, the motion gains are greater on two histamine. In addition, the increased blood flow reduces
joint muscles using the contract-relax technique in normal venous congestion and so decreases the hydrostatic pres­
subjects. 38 sure, which can cause mechanoreceptor pain.
A contract-relax technique applies the principles of
autogenic inhibition.33 Autogenic inhibition is defined as Mechanical Stimulation
an inhibition mediated by afferent fibers from a stretched Type I and II mechanoreceptors are stimulated, and
muscle acting on the motor neurons supplying that mus­ so help reduce pain. However, if the frictions are too
cle, thus causing it to relax. Autogenic inhibition appears vigorous, the stimulation of the nociceptors will override
to function to prevent muscle injury from reflex contrac­ the effect of the mechanoreceptors, and so pain will
tions resulting from an aggressive stretch. 13 increase.
The movement of the tissue over the underlying bone
Hold-Relax27 or tissue helps prevent adhesion formation between the tis­
This technique involves an isometric contraction of the sue and its neighbors, minimizing cross-linking and en­
agonist muscle against resistance. It is an effective tech­ hancing the extensibility of the new tissue. In addition, the
nique when pain either accompanies, or is the primary transverse nature of the friction assists the orientation of
cause of, the restriction in range, or when there is in­ the collagen along the appropriate lines of stress, espe­
creased tension within the muscle. At the point of limita­ cially if the structure is stretched immediately after the
tion of the available range of motion, an isometric con­ massage.
traction of all of the components of the range-limiting, or
agonistic, pattern is elicited. The patient is asked to hold Indications
the joint in the same position while an isometric contrac­ • Acute or subacute partial tears of ligament, tendon, or
tion is gradually maximized over a period of seconds be­ muscle
fore the patient is asked to relax. The direction of the ap­ • Adhesions in ligament or muscle or between tissues
plied resistance is determined by the neurophysiologic • Premanipulation
effect desired from the technique. The shortened muscle
is maximally stretched in the immediate postcontraction Contraindications
relaxation phase. • yperacute inflammation
A hold-relax technique relies on the reciprocal inhibi­ • Recent (within 3 days) hematoma
tion33 of the antagonist muscle or muscles. Theoretically, a • Arterial insufficiency
contraction or extended stretch of the agonist muscle • Patients with bleeding conditions, such as hemophili­
must elicit a relaxation, or an inhibition of the antago­ acs, and individuals on long-term systemic steroids or
nist. 39 Similarly, a quick stretch of the antagonist muscle fa­ anticoagulants
cilitates a contraction of the agonist. • History of multiple injections of cortisone into the
40 • Debilitated or open skin
Transverse Friction Massage
• Patients with compromised skin sensation
While general massage may provide temporary pain
relief, probably through the stimulation of the large A-a Application
fibers, as previously discussed, it does not contribute to The tissue should, whenever possible, be put on a mod­
the long-term relief of pain. Transverse friction massage erate, but not painful stretch. No lubricant is used. Be­
can be used to provide short-term pain relief, but its main ginning with light pressure, the clinician moves the skin
function is to restore the mobility of the various tissues over the site of the impairment back and forth in a
and increase the extensibility of individual structures. direction perpendicular to the normal orientation of its
Friction massage is mainly indicated for chronic condi­ fibers. The patient'S skin must move along with the clini­
tions involving muscles, tendons, and ligaments, such as cian's finger or blistering will occur. Although some de­
tendinitis and ligament sprains. There are a number of gree of discomfort should be expected with transverse
proposed effects of this type of massage, which include friction, the patient'S tolerance should be built up grad­
traumatic hyperemia and stimulation of mechanore­ ually over a few minutes. The amplitude should be suffi­
ceptors. cient to cover all of the affected tissue, and the pressure

is dependent on the intensity of the inflammatory ted uniformly and instantaneously throughout the entire
process. The rate should be at two to three cycles per organism.
second applied in a rhythmic manner. The time length This model implies that a perceived condition in one
of the frictions is usually gauged by desensitization, area of the body may have its OIigin in another area and
which normally occurs within 2 minutes. If the condition that therapeutic action at the source of the impairment
is chronic, then frictions continue for some time after will have an immediate, corrective effect on all secondary
this as the mechanical effect on the cross-links and adhe­ areas, including the site of symptom manifestation.
sions is required.
The application is condition and patient dependent.
Fringe Manual Therapies
For very acute conditions in which the aim is to stimulate
the mechanoreceptors, pressure is minimal whereas the Although the term fringe raises images of quackery, it
amplitude will be as large as tolerated. Most conditions is not the intention of this section to critique the useful­
should resolve in six to ten sessions over a 2- or 3-week ness of the philosophies and techniques discussed. It is
period. true tint all of the disciplines within this section have yet to
be validated; however, they are included for informational
Intervention Reactions reasons rather than as recommendations.
• Rapid desensitization. This occurs if the frictions are
given to normal tissues. Shiatsu41
• Expected desensitization. This occurs if the condition is Shiatsu is an ancient form of Japanese therapy that in­
appropriate and the frictions are correctly applied. volves manual pressure over the body's acupuncture
Pain relief is present unless furtller excessive strain is points. Acupuncture, one of the oldest forms of tllerapy,
applied. has its roots in ancient Chinese philosophy. Traditional
• No desensitization. If desensitization does not occur Chinese medicine is based on a number of philosophical
within 3 minutes: ( 1 ) the frictions are being applied concepts, where manifestation of disease is considered a
incorrectly, or (2) the condition is inappropriate, or sign of imbalance between the yin and yang forces in the
(3) the tissue is part of a facilitated segment syndrome. body. In classical acupuncture theory, it is believed tllat all
disorders are reflected at specific points eitller on the skin
surface or just beneath it. V ital energy circulates through­
Myofascial Therapy
out the body along the so-called meridians, which have ei­
In the late 1970s, Stephen Levin, an orthopedic sur­ ther yin or yang characteristics. A correct choice for
geon, introduced a model for the structure of organic tis­ needling among the 361 classical acupuncture points lo­
sue that could account for many physical and clinical char­ cated on these meridians is believed to restore the balance
acteristics. Through a process of systematic examination of in the body.
the basic physical properties of tissue, he arrived at the When manual pressure is applied successfully at
conclusion that all organic tissue must be composed of a these points, the patient is supposed to experience a sen­
type of truss (triangular form) and that the essential build­ sation known as teh chi, defined as a subjective feeling of
ing block of all tissue must be the tension icosohedron. fullness, numbness, tingling, and warmth, with some local
This model, also referred to as the tensegrity model and soreness and a feeling of distention around the acupunc­
tile myofascial skeletal truss, has gradually emerged as a vi­ ture point.
able explanation for the nature of organic tissue.41a Re­ In recent decades, new forms of acupressure have de­
cently, this model has been confirmed by electron-micro­ veloped such as ear (auricular) acupuncture, head
scopic metllOds and through physical stress extrapolation (scalp) acupuncture, hand acupuncture, and foot acu­
experiments. This model accounts for the concept of tile pressure.42 Modern acupressurists use not only traditional
kinetic chain, which recognizes that impairments transmit meridian acupuncture points, but also nonmeridian or
tensions throughout the body and that symptoms can be extrameridian acupuncture points, which are fixed
traced back to their source and treated indirectly by align­ points not necessarily associated with meridians. Acu­
ing fascial lines of force in relation to the primary focus of pressurists also use trigger points, which have no fixed
restriction. locations and are found by eliciting tenderness at the site
The implications of Levin's model, from a clinical per­ of most pain.
spective, are that all tissues share certain fundamental char­ It is still not clear what exact mechanisms underlie
acteristics at the molecular and ultrastructural level. The the action of acupressure. According to u-aditional Chinese
tensegrity model proposes that the body is a functional medicine, acupuncture promotes the flow of qi (life
unit, in that forces applied to it at one point are transmit- force energy), thereby balancing the human body system.

Western scien tific research has proposed mechanisms Little research has been done on cranial bone motion,
for the effect of acupuncture in relieving pai n . It has and agreement about even its existence remains contro­
been suggested that acupuncture might act according to versial. Though there is more to cranial osteopathic and
principles enunciated by the gate control theory of craniosacral therapy theory than cranial bone motion,
pain . 43.44 One type of sensory input ( low back pai n ) without this motion , much of the rationale and many clin­
could be inhibited i n the central nervous system by an­ ical techniques are invalidated.
other type of input (pressure) . Another theory, diffuse I rrespective of whether the cranial bones move, the
noxious inhibitory control (DNIC) , implies that noxious provocation of symptoms from these movemen ts has yet to
stimulation of heterotopic body areas modulates the be proven. The movements that have been measured are
pain sensation originating in areas where a subject feels very small, and it is difficult to see how these movements
pain. There also is some evidence that acupressure may can have a widespread influence, if at all. However, being a
stimulate the production of endorphins, serotonin, and gen tle, hands-on manual therapy, the potential risks of
acetylcholine in the central nervous system , e nhancing craniosacral therapy can be easily assessed and controlled
analgesia. 45,46 by judicious application , 4 7,5o as with many other things we
do as therapists. The benefit-to-risk ratio of using cran­
Craniosacral Therapy 7 iosacral therapy certainly warrants comparing it with main­
Cranial osteopathy and craniosacral therapy are in wide­ stream interventions.
spread use today by a number of physical therapists,
osteopathic physicians, chiropractors, and other health
and wellness providers, both in the United States and THERAPEUTIC EXERCISE
abroad, 48,49 and continuing education advertisements un­
der this name are often seen in physical therapy-related Therapeutic exercise, including aerobic conditioning,
publications. 5o should be the cornerstone of the direct intervention. Ac­
Core to cranial osteopathy is the belief that the cranial cording to the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice:
vault is a mobile, compliant structure. The originator of
Therapeutic exercise includes a broad group of activities
this approach is Dr. William G. Sutherland, DO. Within intended to improve strength, range of motion (including
cranial osteopathic circles is the well-known story of a muscle length) , endurance, breathing, balance, coordina­
young Dr. Sutherland who, as a medical student at the turn tion, posture, motor function (motor control and motor
of this century, walked past an exhibit of a disarticulated learning) , motor development, or confidence when any of
skull and observed the greater wings of the sphenoid a variety of problems constrains the ability to perform a
bone. His mind compared these wings to the gill plates of functional activity. Therapeutic exercise is performed ac­
fish, and he wondered if perhaps the skull bones were not tively, passively, or against resistance. Resistance may be
mobile and involved in some sort of respiratory process. provided manually, by gravity, or through use of a weigh ted
apparatus or of mechanical or elecu'omechanical devices. I
Twenty years later, this concept of cranial bone motion still
nagged at him and he began self-experimenting using a Pain does not have to be abolished for the individual
helmet made of leather and thumbscrews. From this i nitial to exercise. With decreased pain, however, the individual
self-experimentation to later successes in the clinic, the can exercise and function more easily. Tissues are not con­
practice of cranial osteopathy was conceived. Based on sistently reactive throughout the day, 51,52 presenting the
Dr. Sutherland's theories of cranial bone motion, cranial challenge that exercises need not only be carefully chosen
osteopathy represented a systematic approach to examina­ but that some consideration needs to be given to the time
tion and intervention. of day when they are performed.
More recently, craniosacral therapy has been utilized Modalities and agents can also be applied prior to ex­
as a method for evaluating and treating patients. Founded ercise to prepare the muscle and joint for exercise, or after
by Dr. John E. Upledger, DO,50 in the 1 970s, craniosacral exercise to decrease pain and stiffness, and prevent an in­
therapy shares with cranial osteopathy a common theoret­ crease in swelling.
ical belief in cranial bone motion. Practitioners of cran­
iosacral therapy suggest that periodic fluctuations in cere­
brospinal fluid pressure give rise to rhythmic motion of the
cranial bones and sacrum. This rhythm is called the cran­ Therapeutic exercises are used early in the rehabilita­
iosacral rhythm. Craniosacral therapists suggest that by ap­ tive process to:53
plying selective pressure to the cranial bones, they can ma­
nipulate the craniosacral rhythm to achieve a therapeutic • Prevent or minimize muscle atrophy
outcome in their patients. • Preven t or minimize excessive scar formation

• Promote fluid movement in the injured area • Active range of motion. Once the patient can actively
• Promote activity to minimize fear avoidance behavior contract the muscles, and move a segment without as­
• Restore proper pain-free function sistance, active exercises are introduced. All planes of
motion should be performed. Active range-of-motion
A hierarchy exists for the range of motion and resistive exercises do not maintain or increase strength in the
exercises during the subacute ( neovascularization) stage larger muscles of the body.
of healing to ensure that any progression is done in a
safe and controlled fashion. The hierarchy for the range­
Exercise Prescriptions
of-motion exercises is:53
There has been a tendency over the years for clinicians
1. Passive range of motion to prescribe exercise programs using the three sets of
2. Active assisted range of motion 1 0 protocol and to have the patient perform an exercise
3. Active range of motion based on a standard illustration. The exercise segment of
the intervention cannot be overemphasized and should,
The hierarchy for the resistive exercises is: 53 therefore, be as specific as the manual technique used in the
clinic. At regular intervals, the clinician should ensure that:
1. Single angle, submaximal isometrics performed in the
neutral position • The patien t is being compliant with their exercise
2. Multiple angle, submaximal isometrics performed at program.
various angles of the range • The patient is aware of the rationale behind the home
3. Multiple angle, maximal isometrics exercise program.
4. Small arc, submaximal isotonics • The patient is performing the exercise program cor­
5. Full range of motion, submaximal isotonics rectly and at the appropriate intensity.
6. Functional ranges of motion, submaximal isotonics • The patient's exercise program is being updated
Gentle resistance exercises can be in troduced very
early in the rehabilitative process. Although some de\ayed­ The therapeutic home exercise program should con­
onset muscle soreness can be expected, sharp pain should sist of a series of clear illustrations and accompanying de­
not be provoked. scriptions that give details on the number of repetitions
and sets of exercise that must be performed.

Range-of-Motion Exercises
• Repetitions. This refers to the number of times an exer­
The antici pated goals of range-of-motion exercises are cise is performed. As mentioned, the number 10 is of­
to maintain or increase the mobility of the injured area, ten used. To be as specific as possible, the clinician
and to promote proper healing. must teach the patient to exercise to the point of sub­
stitution , at which point the exercise is completed.
• Passive range of motion. By definition, passive range­ The point of substitution is referred to as the repetition
of-motion exercises are mobilization tech niques. maximum.
The clinician, patient, or patient family member • Sets. This refers to the number of groups of a repetition
may perform the passive range-of-motion exercises. maximum that are performed during each exercise ses­
These exercises are used when the patient is not able, sion. Two to three sets to substitution are recommended.
or not supposed to, actively move a segment or seg­
ments. All planes of motion of the treated joint are
performed through a relatively pain-free range, us­ ELECT ROT HERAPEUT IC MODALIT IES
ing the end feel, and stage of healing, as a guide. AND PHYSICAL AGENTS
Passive range-of-motion exercises do not preve n t
atrophy or increase the strength or endurance of a Electrotherapeutic modalities and physical agents are spe­
muscle. cific interventions that involve the controlled application
• Active assisted range of motion. Once the patient can ac­ of thermal, mechanical, and electromagnetic energy to
tively con tract the muscles and move a segment with patients.
assistance, active assisted exercises are introduced.
The clinician provides sufficient assistance to the mus­ • Thermal agents include deep-heating agents, superfi­
cles to aid in the motion desired. cial heating agents, and superficial cooling agents.

• Mechanical agents include traction, compression, trauma to a tissue is termed primary injury, whereas trauma
water, and sound. that occurs subsequent to this primary injury is termed sec­
• Electromagnetic agents include electromagnetic fields ondary injury. Secondary injury is thought to result from a
and electrical currents. 54 period of post-trauma hypoxia (secondary hypoxic injury)
and from post-trauma enzymatic activity (secondary enzy­
Properly harnessed, these agents, or modalities, are matic injury) . 55,70 A recent study gave support to the exis­
powerful adjuncts to an intervention. All of them employ a tence of secondary injury in muscle tissue, and the hy­
transfer of energy from a source to a target, but each use pothesis that cold can retard secondary injury when used
different methods to make that transfer. to treat musculoskeletal i njuries. 71
The electrotherapeutic modalities include biofeed­ Several methods of applying cryotherapy have been
back, elecu'ical muscle stimulation, functional electrical examined in different studies, The use of ice chips in tow­
stimulation (FES) , neuromuscular electrical stimulation eling has been shown to be more effective in decreasing
(NMES) , transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation skin temperature than ice chips in plastic or cold gel
(TENS) , and iontophoresis. packs. 72 Oosterveld and colleagues73 demonstrated a sig­
The physical agents include athermal modalities nificant decrease i n the intra-articular knee temperature
(pulsed ultrasound) , cryotherapy, deep thermal modali­ of normal subjects following a 30-minute ice chip applica­
ties (ultrasound, short-wave diathermy, microthermy, and tion. Findings from another study74 would seem to suggest
phonophoresis) , and superficial thermal modalities ( hot that ice massage and ice bag are equally effective in de­
packs, paraffin baths) . creasing intramuscular temperature, and in maintaining
the duration of temperature depression, but that ice mas­
sage achieves maximal intramuscular temperature de­
creases sooner than the ice bag. The application of cold to
The therapeutic application of cold, or cryotherapy, an area is contraindicated in individuals with Raynaud's
removes heat from the body, producing a decrease in the disease, cold sensitivity, areas with poor circulation or sen­
temperature of body tissues. Cryotherapy is the most com­ sation , and over-healing wounds. 75
monly used modality for the treatment of acute muscu­
loskeletal i njuries. 55-5 8 The physiologic effects of a local
cold application include:
There are five types of heat transfer that can occur
• Decreased blood flow through a reflex vasoconstric­ with the body.
tion in the cutaneous blood vessels. 59-6 1 If the tissue
temperature reaches 1 0°C or lower, a cold-induced re­ 1. Convection: when a liquid or gas moves past a body part
flex vasodilation, known as the Hunting reaction is 2. Evaporation: when there is a change in state of a liquid
deemed to occur to prevent damage to local tissue to a gas and a resultant cooling takes place
caused by cold. 62 However, this reaction may just be a 3. Conversion: when one form of energy is converted
measurement artifact rather than an actual change in into another form
blood flow owing to the cold. 53 4. Radiation: when there is a transmission and absorption
• Direct smooth muscle contraction of electromagnetic waves
• Decreased muscle spasm64,65 5. Conduction: when heat is transferred between two ob­
• Decreased cell metabolism66-68 and cellular activity, jects that are in contact with each other
which has the potential to decrease inflammation55 ,69
through a decrease in the delivery of oxygen and For a heat application to have a therapeutic effect, the
chemical nutrients to the area, an important effect in amount of thermal energy transferred to the tissue must be
the acute injury sufficient to stimulate normal function without causing dam­
• Increased tissue viscosity and resistance to move­ age to the tissue. 76 Although the human body functions op­
ment69 timally between 36°C and 38°C, an applied temperature of
• Synaptic inhibition of pain stimuli 40°C and 4SoC is considered effective for a heat treaUnent
• Reduction of nerve conduction velocity The physiologic effects of a local heat application in­
The use of cryotherapy in the intervention of acute
musculoskeletal injury has traditionally been based on • Dissipation of the heat through selective vasodilation
metabolic inhibition and is described i n the secondary in­ and shunting of blood via reflexes in the microcircu­
jury model. 55,7o In the secondary injury model, the initial lation

• Increased capillary permeability ultrasound energy must be absorbed by the tissues to pro­
• Increased cell metabolism and cellular activity, which duce physiologic changes. Protein-rich hydrophilic tissues,
has the potential to increase the delivery of oxygen such as muscle, joint capsules, tendons, and extracapsular
and chemical nutrients to the area and decreasing ve­ ligaments, are thought to readily absorb ultrasound en­
nous stagnation ergy. 85,93,94 It has been postulated that heating destabilizes
• Muscle relaxation, probably as a result of a sedative ef­ intermolecular bonds at the tropocollagen level, thus mak­
fect on the sensory nerves, decreasing neural ex­ ing dense connective tissue less stiff. 95 However, skin sur­
citability and, hence, 'Y input face contour, the mode of transmission, the dosage (inten­
• Increased tissue extensibility. This has obvious impli­ sity X treatment time), and the ultrasound frequency are
cations for the application of stretching techniques. the true determinants in the effectiveness of ultrasound
The best results are obtained if heat is applied during treatment. 85,96,97
the stretch, and if the stretch is maintained until cool­ Although increasing dense connective tissue extensi­
ing occurs after the heat has been removed. bility by deep heating seems plausible, the concept has not
been studied in vivo. Wessling and associates98 demon­
Commercial hot packs or electric heating pads are a strated small but statistically significant increases in ankle
conductive type of superficial moist heat. The temperature dorsiflexion with stretching, and with "heat and stretch"
of the unit is set anywhere between 65°C and 90°C. The (using continuous wattage ultrasound), the increase being
moist heat pack causes an increase in the local tissue tem­ greatest with heat and stretch.
perature, reaching its highest point about 8 minutes after The findings from another study suggested that the
the application. 77 use of continuous wattage ultrasound made some knee lig­
Wet heat produces a greater rise in local tissue temper­ aments slightly more extensible, thereby allowing in­
ature compared with dry heat at a similar temperature. 78 creased joint displacement in the varus/valgus tests and
However, at higher temperatures, wet heat is not tolerated the genu recurvatum tests.99
as well as dry heat.
Moist heat should not be applied to an area with de­ Frequency
creased sensation, poor circulation, an open wound, or an Ultrasound frequencies in the megahertz (MHz) region
acute injury. 75 The application of moist heat to an area of ma­ are generally regarded as therapeutically useful. 1 00, 1 0 1 At
lignancy is also contraindicated because it can increase the these frequencies, the penetration depth values are such
temperature of the tumor and increase the rate of growth. 75 that sufficient energy will reach deeply located tissue and
be absorbed and converted there to heat at a suitably high
rate. 1 02 Penetration depth values, and the absorption rate
of energy (heat production), are closely related. A low
The selection of a therapeutic heating modality should penetration depth is associated with limited transmission
be based on the desired intervention goals. Superficial heat of energy, with the rapid absorption of energy, and witll a
modalities penetrate tissue up to 1 cm in depth, whereas higher heating rate in a relatively limited tissue depth. A
deep heating modalities penetrate tissue up to 5 cm in high penetration depth is associated with the efficient
depth. 80-82 The most common clinically used deep heating transmission of energy and with little absorption and, con­
modality to promote tissue healing is ultrasound. 8�5 sequently, limited tissue heating. For ultrasound with a fre­
Ultrasound treatment involves the use of high­ quency of 1 MHz, muscle, ligament, tendon, and bone
frequency sound waves (greater than 500 kHz) that are each have lower penetration depth values than does fat. 1 00
generated using the reverse piezoelectric effect to produce Consequently, the heating rates in these tissues are higher
thermal and nonthermal effects in tissue. 86 This form of than in fatty tissue. 1 03 This feature of conventional ultra­
mechanical energy has applications in both diagnosis (see sound makes it well suited to the selective intervention of
later) and intervention. 87 Therapeutic ultrasound pro­ deeply located soft tissues, provided that they are not di­
duces thermal and mechanical changes within tissues in rectly obstructed by intervening bone. IOO, IOI
the ultrasound field. 87,88 The thermal effects are seen as Ultrasound machines with frequencies above and be­
deep heating in the tissue, whereas the mechanical effects low 1 MHz provide tllerapists with intervention options.
of cavitation and protoplasmic streaming are noted. Cavi­ For example, ultrasound with a frequency of 3 MHz is
tation, one of the more controversial effects associated used to treat regions where the thickness of tissue overly­
with ultrasound, is the production of gas bubbles in the ul­ ing bone is relatively small. Penetration depth values are
trasonic field that vibrate in resonant frequency with the lower at this frequency and, consequently, the rate of en­
ultrasound,89 whereas protoplasmic streaming is the physi­ ergy absorption is greater than for a frequency of 1 MHz.
cal movement of protoplasm within the cel1. 90-92 The Bradnock l 04 argued that therapeutic ultrasound with a

frequency of 45 kHz is superior to I -MHz ultrasound for Ph onophore sis I n addition to applying a thermal effect,
treating soft tissue impairments, because the ultrasound therapeutic ultrasound can be used for transdermal de­
has an inherently higher penetration depth and would, livery of medications through a phenomenon termed
therefore, ( 1 ) allow more effective wave transmission phonophoresis. Although the terms phonophoresis and ion­
into deep tissue, (2) produce a more even pattern of en­ tophoresis are often used i n terchangeably, the mecha­
ergy absorption in tissue, and ( 3 ) minimize the risk of n isms by which each process delivers chemicals to
tissue damage due to local high i ntensities, which can various biologic tissues differ. I o n tophoresis, which uses
occur at conve n tional ( MH z ) frequencies. However, an electrical curren t to transport ions into the tissues, is
these claims were not substantiated in a study by Ward discussed at the end of this chapter. Phonophoresis
and Rohertson, 1 05 who stated that 45-kHz ultrasound is involves the use of acoustic energy to drive whole mole­
ineffective as a deep-heating modality and should not cules i n to the tissues. The medications commonly ap­
be used as an alternative to megahertz-frequency ul­ plied through phonophoresis include cortisol, saJ icy­
trasound units to treat deep soft tissue impairments. lates, dexamethason e , and analgesics such as lidocaine.
They further stated that the 45-kHz frequency may have The prescribed medication is combined with the ultra­
some value for treating superficial impairments and sound coupling agent and applied topically to the area
may require less time to achieve a given temperature to be treated. The ultrasound field is then applied to the
elevation . area. Both pulsed and continuous ultrasound can be
used with phonophoresis.
Physiologic changes brought about through an ultra­ Other Considerations
sound application are dependent on ( 1 ) the extent of Ultrasound can also be used as a diagnostic tool, and has
temperature rise, (2) the rate at which energy is added to been found to be reliable in the detection of stress
the tissue, and ( 3 ) the volume of tissue exposed. 76,84 , 85 , 1 06 fractures. 1 25 The machine is set to 1 MHz and, using a small
Research indicates that tissue temperatures must be transducer with a water-based coupling medium, the clini­
elevated to between 40°C and 45°C to achieve thera­ cian slowly moves the transducer over the injured area while
peutic effects. l 0 7- 1 10 I ncreasing tissue temperatures too gradually increasing the intensity from 0 to 2.0 W/ cm2. If
slowly allows cooler blood to dissipate the heat and elim­ the patient reports discomfort under the transducer, a
inate the possible therapeutic effects. I n creasing tem­ stress fracture may be present. A bone scan or radiograph
peratures too quickly may cause excessive heat accumu­ is necessary to confirm the diagnosis.
lation in the tissues, which may stimulate pain receptors The application of ultrasound should not occur over
and cause thermal necrosis. 84, 1 06 An average temperature the testes, the eyes, the pregnant uterus, and the heart, or
increase of 2.SoC may be produced at a depth of 3 cm i n in close proximity to cardiac pacemakers, growth plates in
the muscle, and the effects o f hyperemia may persist children, and areas of malignancy. 75
for some 20 to 30 minutes following the i n tervention There is a need for clinicians to prove the efficacy of
session. I ncreased oxygen uptake accompanies this phe­ different dosages of ultrasound across the therapeutic
nomenon. 1 1 1 , 1 1 2 range, considering different parameters such as pulsing
Pain relief from ultrasound is believed to be related to versus continuous beam, intensity, frequency, and probe
a washout of pain mediators by increased blood flow, movement. Each of these different dose parameters
changes in nerve conduction, or alterations in cell mem­ should be evaluated with statistically appropriate, and con­
brane permeability that decrease inflammation. 1 I�1l6 trolled, populations of patients, in order to substantiate
Accurate and reliable ul trasound dosage transmis­ results.
sion is important for effective intervention . When uti­
lizing modalities such as ultrasound, the device output
Electrical Stimulation
must be calibrated to deliver appropriate, efficacious,
and measurable treatment dosages. 85 , 1 06 , 1 I7 Published re­ Electrical stimulators are traditionally recognized by
ports " 7- 123 have indicated that the energy output of ul­ their commercial names, and these names have created a
trasound devices significantly differs from manufacturer great deal of confusion about the terminology. Electrical
specification. stimulators should be classified as either direct current
Mter the target area is heated, stretching procedures ( DC) , alternating current (AC) , or pulsed current.
are begun and, it is hoped, with repeated interventions, Electrical stimulation can be a broadly applicable
normal motion is restored. 124 Some clinicians apply a pro­ adjunct in the acute, subacute, or chronic phase of reha­
tocol of continuous ultrasound prior to joint mobilizations bilitation for the clin ical i n terve n tion of neuromuscu­
with the intent of increasing joint play. lar and musculoskeletal problems. In the acute phase,

it is primarily used for pain and edema reduction. In the the frequency used to either low or medium, the electrical
subacute and chronic stages, it can be used for pain re­ stimulation has varying affects.
duction and neuromuscular reeducation. In muscle reed­
ucation , the individual actively contracts the muscle with Low-frequency This category includes portable TENS,
the electrical current to obtain a more effective contrac­ NMES, and EMS ( Electronic muscle stimulators) . 1 28 Low­
tion of the muscle. frequency stimulation is characterized by:
For the manual therapist, electrical stimulation can be
used: • Stimulus synchronous stimulation
• Faster fatigue
• To create a muscle contraction through nerve or mus­ • Lower contraction intensity (30% to 60% of maximal
cle stimulation volitional contraction)
• To decrease pain through the stimulation of sensory • Suitability for smaller, superficial muscles
nerves (see later discussion of TENS) • Decreased comfort
• To maintain or increase range of motion • The need for accurate placement of electrodes
• To stimulate tissue healing by creating an electrical
field in biologic tissue Medium-Freq uency This is also known as Russian stimula­
• To achieve muscle reeducation or facilitation by both tion, if time modulated, or interferential stimulation, if
motor and sensory stimulation amplitude modulated. With the Russian stimulation, the
• To drive ions into or through the skin (see later dis­ patient is able to tolerate a greater current intensity be­
cussion of iontophoresis) cause of the "burst effect" provided. This is aided by the
use of higher frequency currents, which reduce the resist­
By adjusting certain parameters, according to the de­ ance to current flow, thereby making the treatment more
sired goals of the clinician, the type of electrical stimula­ comfortable. The interferential type of stimulation creates
tion given to the patient can be modified. These parame­ an electrical field pattern with a predictable pattern of
ters include type of current, electrode size and placement, interference. By using four electrodes in a square pattern,
frequency, voltage, intensity, and duration. the therapeutic current is applied to the area within the
square. The clinician can modify the treatment given by
Alternating versus Direct Current altering the frequency used. A frequency of 20 to 55 pulses
Direct current differs from alternating current in that i t per second produces a muscle contraction, 50 to 1 20 pulses
causes chemical changes. Theoretically, these chemical per second produces pain relief, and 1 pulse per second is
changes reduce edema by enhancing the movement of used for acustim pain relief. 129 The medium-frequency
charged proteins into the lymphatic channels. 126 stimulators offer:

Electrode Size and Placement • Stimulus asynchronous stimulation

Current density ( the amount of current flow per cubic • Slower fatigue
area) is highest where the electrodes meet the skin and • Higher contraction intensity (80% to 1 1 0% of maxi-
diminishes as the current penetrates into the deeper tis­ mal volitional contraction)
sues. 127 If the electrodes are placed close together, the area • Suitability for all muscle groups
of highest current density is relatively superficial, whereas • Greater recruitment capability
if the electrodes are spaced further apart, the depth of • Greater comfort
penetration increases.
The relative size of the electrodes used also changes Voltage
the current density, with the current density being Low-voltage direct current stimulators cause several physi­
greater under the smaller of the two electrodes, and ologic changes that are related to polar and vasomotor ef­
less under the larger electrode. This is the rationale for fects and to the chemical reaction around the positive and
using a large dispersive pad that is placed remote from negative poles caused by the long duration. An acidic reac­
the treatment area, thereby concentrating the current tion occurs around the positive pole, whereas an alkaline
density under the smaller electrode at the site of appli­ reaction occurs around the negative pole, both of which
cation . can cause severe skin reactions. 1 30 Low-voltage stimulation
is indicated when an increased blood flow to the area is
Frequency desired. 1 3o
The amoun t of shortening, and the recovery allowed, of the A high-voltage stimulator is not a galvanic stimulator
muscle fiber are a function of the frequency. By adjusting and should be considered as a monophasic pulsed TENS

unit, with a very short phase duration, and a very high peak exercise is effective for many patients with acute low back
current amplitude. It delivers a monophasic, twin peak pain. 1 49 However, when the pain symptoms persist, they
waveform . 1 31 Because of the short duration of the twin can interfere with both physical activity and sleep patterns.
peak wave, high voltages with high peak current but low Although analgesic medications can provide temporary
average current can be achieved. These characteristics pain relief, these drugs do not necessarily improve physical
provide for patient comfort and safety in application, and function, and are associated with well-known adverse ef­
they can be used with both small and large electrodes. I n fects. Interest in nonpharmacologic alternatives has led to
addition, in con u'ast t o low-voltage direct current devices, evaluations of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
thermal and galvanic effects are minimized. 1 28 , 1 32 , 1 33 (TENS) , 1 50 and therapeutic exercise. 1 5 1- 1 5 8
High-voltage stimulators have been applied clinically to TENS was first i n troduced in the early 1 950s to deter­
reduce or eliminate muscle spasm and soft tissue edema, mine the suitability of patients with pain as candidates for
as well as for muscle reeducation (non-central nervous the implantation of dorsal column electrodes. Despite
system-produced muscle conu'action) , trigger point ther­ highly optimistic initial reports and a wide spectrum of in­
apy, and increasing blood flow to tissues with decreased dications, l 5 9,160 unsatisfactory results of this procedure
circulation. 1 34- 140 in recent years have limited its range of application in pain
intervention . The reasons why TENS is only effective
Intensity in some patients and why numerous patients discontinue
An increase in intensity of the electrical stimulus results in TENS therapy are not known. A few aspects of these phe­
a greater penetration of the tissues. High-voltage stimula­ nomena have been examined, but a comprehensive and
tors are capable of a deeper penetration than low-voltage satisfactory explanation has not been provided so far. 1 60
stimulators. 131 The percentage of patients who benefit from short­
term TENS pain intervention has been reported to range
Duration from 50% to 80%. 1 61 - 1 64 Good long-term results with TENS
By increasing the duration, or length of time that the stim­ have been observed in 6% to 44% of patients. 16 1 , 1 65- 1 67
ulus is applied, a greater number of nerve fibers are stimu­ In one review of TENS, Long l68 concluded the follow­
lated. ing: TENS has a beneficial effect on patients suffering
The efficacy of neuromuscular electrical stimulation in from pain of diverse origins; in chronic pain syndromes,
increasing muscle strength is recognized, and this is the TENS has a short-term benefit in approximately 50% of
method used in most clinical applications of electrical stim­ patients; and for about 25 % of TENS users, TENS is the
ulation of the muscle. Neuromuscular electrical stimulation only therapy needed for years after the intervention be­
(NMES) is either as effective as, 141.142 or more effective, 143 gins. I n addition, Long concluded that the effect of TENS
than isometric exercises in increasing muscle strength. stimulation is beyond that which can be explained by
These strength gains have been reported in atrophiedl44 and placebo, but there are few long-term follow-up studies of
normal muscles. 1 45, 1 46 However, the efficacy of neuromuscu­ TENS use. 168
lar electrical stimulation in combination with an exercise A more recent l iterature review by Fishbain and
therapy regimen compared with an exercise therapy regi­ associates l69 indicates that 58% to 72% of patients with
men alone has produced contradictory findings. chronic pain report an initial positive effe ct from TENS; at
Any electrical stimulator, whether it be high voltage, 6 months, 1 3% to 74% continue to report a positive effect;
low voltage, alternating current, or TENS, can produce a and at 1 year, 27% to 66% of users still report a reduction
muscle contraction. The degree of muscle force induced in pai n . Most of these types of TENS studies rely solely
by the stimulator can be controlled using the intensity and on subjects' pain reports to establish efficacy and rarely on
frequency parameters. Higher frequencies and intensities other outcome measures such as activity, socialization, or
produce a stronger contraction and a quicker fatigue of medication use Yo
the muscle. To minimize the degree of fatigue, the rest As with the use of other electrical modalities, incorrect
time between contractions should be at least 60 seconds use through a lack of understanding may contribute to
for every 10 seconds of contraction time. 147 cases in which a lack of benefit is reported. TENS units typ­
ically deliver symmetric or balanced asymmetric biphasic
waves of 1 00- to 500-msec pulse duration, with zero net cur­
rent to minimize skin irritation , I 7 1 and may be applied for
Despite the fact that low back pain is one of the most extended periods.
common medical problems in western society, 148 current Three modes of action are theorized for the efficacy of
analgesic therapies remain largely unsatisfactory. Conser­ this modality: ( 1 ) gate control, (2) endogenous opiate con­
vative intervention with anti-inflammatory drugs and trol, and (3) central biasing.

Gate Control T heory axons or muscle fibers are activated. In pain control appli­
This concept of pain control, discussed in Chapter 4, was cations, motor level stimulation is generally applied using
first introduced by Melzack and Wall in 1 965. 1 1 4 This the­ low frequencies (2 to 4 pulses/ sec) of stimulation; this is
ory postulates that electrical stimulation of the large myeli­ commonly referred to as strong, low rate (SLR) TENS.
nated A-a fibers inhibits transmission of the smaller pain
transmitting unmyelinated C fibers, and myelinated A­ Central Biasing
delta (8) fibers. As long as the stimulation is applied, the Intense electrical stimulation, approaching a noxious
pain fiber transmission will be inhibited unless accommo­ level, of the smaller C or pain fibers produces a stimulation
dation to the electrical stimulation occurs. 1 72,173 The inhi­ of the descending neurons. The central biasing mecha­
bition of the pain fiber transmission takes place primarily n ism is discussed in detail in Chapter 4. When stimulation
in the substantia gelatinosa of the dorsal horn of the spinal amplitude is i ncreased to a level described by subjects as
column. These large A fibers have a low threshold for stim­ painful, noxious level stimulation has been reached. This
ulation and, therefore, are easily activated by TENS. l7l uncomfortable form of stimulation is generally associated
Sensory level stimulation, in contrast, employs ampli­ with the electrical activation of pain fibers near the site of
tudes and durations of stimulation that are sufficient to stimulation. Cutaneous paresthesias and muscular con­
activate cutaneous tactile sensory fibers. Electrotherapy at traction persist as one progresses from motor level to nox­
sensory levels produces a cutaneous paresthesia (pins-and­ ious level stimulation. If noxious level stimulation is used
needles sensation) if the frequency of stimulation is at relatively high frequencies (50 to 1 00 pulses/sec) for
greater than about 1 0 or 15 pulses per second. If the fre­ pain control; this form of stimulation has been called brief
quency of sensory level stimulation is below 7 to 1 0 pulses intense TENS.
per second, subjects generally report a tapping sensation.
The reported magnitude of the paresthesia or tapping dur­
ing sensory level stimulation increases as either the stimu­
lus amplitude or pulse duration settings are i ncreased. Iontophoresis has proved to be valuable in the interven­
This increase in the awareness of stimulation is produced tion of musculoskeletal disorders. Delivery of local anesthet­
as progressively greater numbers of cutaneous sensory ax­ ics, anti-inflammatory agents, and vasoconstrictive agents to
ons are recruited. The upper limit of sensory level stimula­ maintain medicament concentration to the joints and asso­
tion lies just below the amplitude that is sufficient to evoke a ciated musculature, as well as ligaments, tendons, and nerve
muscular contraction . Sensory level stimulation for pain con­ tissue, has been reported to be of therapeutic benefit. 176-1 78
trol delivered at higher frequencies (50 to 1 25 pulses/sec) is The principle of drug iontophoresis is that an electri­
commonly referred to as conventional TENS. cal potential difference will actively cause ions in solution
to migrate according to their electrical charge. Ion­
Endogenous Opiate Control tophoresis causes an increased penetration of drugs and
When subjected to certain types of electrical stimulation of other compounds into tissues by the use of an applied cur­
the sensory nerves, there may be a release of enkephalin rent through the tissue. Ionized medications or chemicals
from local sites within the central nervous system, and the do not ordinarily penetrate tissues, and if they do, it is not
release of beta ( f3 ) -endorphin from the pituitary gland into normally at a rate rapid enough to achieve therapeutic lev­
the cerebrospinal fluid. 171 To stimulate the release of these els. 179 This problem can be overcome by administering a
opiates, the electrical stimulus must be applied to acupunc­ direct current energy source that provides penetration
ture or trigger points both distal and proximal to the painful and transport. 1 79 , 1 80 Negatively charged ions are repelled
area. 174, 1 75 If successful, the analgesic effect should last for from a negative electrode and attracted toward the posi­
several hours. Once sufficient current is generated in tissues tive, whereas positive ions are repelled from the positive
to activate the axons innervating skeletal muscle, muscle electrode and attracted toward the negative. 1 79, 180 Ion­
contraction is produced and the stimulation is described as tophoresis has, therefore, been used for the transdermal
being motor level stimulation. If the frequency of stimula­ delivery of drugS. 181 The use of iontophoresis is appealing,
tion at motor level is low (less than 5 pulses/sec) , twitchlike because it offers the possibility of the systemic delivery of
contractions of muscle are produced. As the frequency of drugs in a controlled fashion and is potentially effective
stimulation is increased during motor level stimulation, the for any charged molecule. 182 The proposed mechanisms
contraction first becomes partially fused ( tremorlike) and by which iontophoresis increases drug penetration are:
later becomes fused, producing either a smooth isometric
or an isotonic tetanic contraction. As the amplitude of stim­ • That the electrical potential gradient induces changes
ulation is increased during motor level stimulation, muscle in the arrangement of lipid, protein, and water mole­
contractions become stronger as greater numbers of motor cules. 183 The quantity of ions transferred into the tissues

is determined by the intensity of the current or cur­ intensity is recommended to be at 5 rnA or less for all inter­
rent density at the active electrode, the duration of ventions, and intervention times vary from 10 to 45 minutes.
the current flow, and the concentration of ions in Longer durations produce a decrease in the skin imped­
solution. 1 84 ance, thus increasing the likelihood of burns. 202 These
• That the electrical current induces pore formation in burns result from an accumulation of ions under the
the stratum corneum (SC) , the outermost layer of electrodes. An accumulation of n egative ions under the
the skin. 1 85, 1 86 Menon and Elias l 87 have previously positive electrode produce hydrochloric acid, whereas an
proposed that the lacunae are the penetration path­ accumulation of positive ions under the negative electrode
ways for polar and nonpolar molecules across the stra­ produce sodium hydroxide.
tum corneum. The dilated lacunae could act as Other complications have included prolonged ery­
"pores" for the transit of drugs, which would be the thema that resolved in 24 hours, and tingling, burning,
anatomic basis for the pore theory. and pulling sensations that were especially apparent at the
• That hair follicles, sweat glands, and sweat ducts act as start of tlle current or if the amperage was turned up too
diffusion shunts with reduced resistance for ion trans­ rapidly. A metallic taste was noted when iontophoresis was
port. 1 88, 1 89 Skin and fat are poor conductors of electri­ used on the face. 203
cal current and offer greater resistance to current The visible so-called galvanic erythema demonstrates
flow. the clear increase of blood flow and the influence of the
iontophoresis. This increased blood flow has been proven
The exact pathway by which ionized drugs transit the stra­ by different techniques such as plethysmography, ther­
tum corneum has not been elucidated. mography, and by means of isotopes. 204-206
Topical drug administration has potential advantages
over oral, injection, or intravenous drug delivery. These
advantages include convenience, noninvasiveness, and
minimal trauma induction, Tightly localized administra­ 1. List five general contraindications to spinal manipula­
tion is possible, and systemic delivery can be achieved tion .
through absorption by the dermal blood supply. The main 2. List three contraindications o f manipulation specific
barrier to cutaneous or transcutaneous drug delivery is to the cervical spine.
the impermeability of tlle stratum corneum. 190 The cuta­ 3. List three contraindications of manipulation specific
neous barrier to both transepidermal water loss and the to the thoracic spine.
transcutaneous delivery of drugs resides in the stratum 4. List three contraindications of manipulation specific
corneum. J9I This permeability barrier is mediated by a to the lumbar spine.
series of lipid lamellar membranes in the extracellular 5. What is the function of grade I and II mobilizations?
spaces of the stratum corneum. If the integrity of the 6. What is the function of grade I I I and IV mobilizations?
stratum corneum is disrupted, the barrier to molecular 7. Which of the Maitland grades use a small amplitude?
transit may be greatly reduced. The primary transdermal 8. What is the difference between a Maitland grade I and
iontophoretic route seems to be appendageal or intercel­ IV mobilization?
lular through preexisting pathways, 1 89, 192 or as a result of 9. Where in the range are the larger amplitudes of
low-voltage (less than 5 V)-induced permeabilization of grades II and III performed?
appendageal bilayers. 193 10. What is another term for a technique that utilizes au­
Iontophoresis can be carried out with a wide variety of togenic inhibition?
chemicals. For a chemical to be successful in iontophore­ 11. The technique of contract-relax uses, which type of
sis, it must solubilize into ionic components. Some of the inhibition?
commonly compounded chemicals for iontophoresis are
listed in Table 1 2-2 on page 252 of this chapter.
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itive electrode, while the negatively charged ions are (bowel and bladder signs and symptoms) , bilateral sci­
placed under the negative electrode. If tlle ionic source is atica unaccompanied by backache, spinal claudica­
in an aqueous solution, it is recommended that a low con­ tion, and anticoagulant medications.
centration be used (2% to 4 % ) to aid in the dissociation. 201 2. Vertebrobasilar insufficiency, craniovertebral trans­
Although electrons flow from negative to positive, regard­ verse ligament instability, bilevel cervical root signs.
less of electrode size, having a larger negative pad than the 3. Possible answers include osteoporosis, costochondri­
positive one will help shape the direction of flow. Current tis, visceral symptoms, compression fracture.

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Chapter Objectives low back pain. 3 Low back pain is second only to the com­
mon cold as a reason for outpatient visits, representing the
At the completion of this chapter, the reader will be able most common, and the most expensive, source of com­
to: pensated work-related injury in modern industrialized
countries.4-6 Moreover, both the rate and the degree of dis­
1. Describe the anatomy of the vertebra, ligaments, mus­ ability accruing from LBP are increasing worldwide.7.s
cles, and blood and nerve supply that comprise the Despite the many studies examining low back pain, sev­
lumbar intervertebral segment. eral key issues concerning occurrence and prognosis remain
2. Describe the biomechanics of the lumbar spine, in­ unanswered. This is due in part to the fact that it is a difficult
cluding coupled movements, normal and abnormal problem to investigate, because of its variable natural history
joint barriers, kinesiology, and the reactions to various which is thought to be multifactorial in origin, and the broad
stresses. range of risk factors involved in its cause and course.9•10
3. Describe the common pathologies and lesions of this For a patient, the first episode of back pain can have
region. differing results: 88% will be asymptomatic in 6 weeks,
4. Perform a detailed objective examination of the lum­ 98% in 24 weeks, and 99% in 52 weeks; 97% of causes are
bar musculoskeletal system , including palpation of the unknown, 2% attributed to disc problems, and 1 % to
articular and soft tissue structures, specific passive mo­ apophyseal disorders. II No more than 29% wil l require
bility and passive articular mobility tests for the inter­ conservative measures, 1% will require surgery, and the re­
vertebral joints, and stability tests. mainder will recover spontaneously. I I These often-quoted
5. Interpret the results from the examination and estab­ percentages have fueled a recommendation of essentially
lish the definitive biomechanical diagnosis. "benign" neglect in the first several months of occurrence
6. Design a plan of care based on the Direct Interven­ when pain is more easily managed. 1 2 Recent literature sup­
tions of manual therapy, therapeutic exercise, and ports the concept that although many patients experience
electrotherapeutic modalities and thermal agents. improvement, up to 75% have one or more relapses and
7. Apply mobilization techniques to the lumbar spine, 72% continue to have pain at 1 year.1 3. 1 4
using the correct grade, direction, and duration, and There appear to be a number of "red flags" that can
explain the mechanical and physiologic effects. predict a complicated course, which include: 15
8. Evaluate intervention effectiveness in order to
progress or modify the intervention. • Age older than 50 years at first episode of back pain
9. Plan an effective home program including spinal care, • History of malignancy
and instruct the patient in same. • History of intravenous drug lise
• Corticosteroid use
• Fever
OVE RV I EW • Weight loss
• Adenopathy
At some time in their lives, most people will experience • Hematuria
low back pain ( LBP) Y One study, published in 1987, esti­ • Signs or symptoms of systemic disease
mated that eight million Americans suffered from chronic • Sciatica


• Neurologic deficit on examination have the potential to both modulate pain and alter the state
• History of severe acute trauma of a muscle contraction.
Given the numerous causes and types of low back pain,
Low back pain in general, and disc herniation specifi­ a clinician evaluating and treating this region must have a
cally, are influenced by many factors including age and sound understanding and knowledge of the anatomy and
gender. 16 Without including the work situation as a factor, biomechanics. Although this knowledge is not the sole de­
the incidence of low back pain shows little difference be­ terminant of tile approach to low back pain, it does provide
tween men and women.17 But when the work situation is a solid framework on which to build successful management.
included, one study found that 35% of women and 19. 1 %
of men in physically heavy jobs had low back pain. IS About
30% of all workers will, at some time, miss work because of ANATOMY
a back ailment, and 2% to 4% will actually change jobs at
least once because of a back problem, in addition to the The lumbar spine, consisting of five lumbar vertebrae, is
ones who become disabled.19 clinically characterized as the region from TI0 down to the
In longitudinal studies, lack of social confidence, poor sacral base. Although three cardinal planes of motion are
social support, low level of education, poor work content, available, 6 degrees of freedom are often cited.41 Flexion
demands on physical strength, smoking, and a back pain and extension are relatively pure motions, with the axis just
history have been shown to be related to LBP.20-23 P eople posterior to the disc nucleus. Another axis occurs at tile
who are simultaneously subjected to demanding physical zygapophysial joints. The impure motions of this region are
and psychosocial conditions have more LBP than people rotation and side-flexion, and they are coupled motions.
with only demanding physical or only demanding psy­ In general, the vertebrae, increase in size from C l to
, 5
chosocial conditions.24 2 L5 to accommodate progressively increasing loads. Nutri­
P hysical load on the back has commonly been impli­ ent foramens, represented by one or more large holes, are
cated as a risk factor for LBP, and in particular, for work re­ found on the posterior surface of the vertebral body, and
lated LBP. Certain occupations and certain work tasks serve to transmit the nutrient arteries of the vertebral body
seem to have a higher risk of LBP.26-29 Repeated lifting of and the basivertebral veins.
heavy loads is considered a risk factor for low back pain,3o
especially if combined with side-flexion and twisting.31,32 A
Vertebral Body
study of static work postures found that there was an in­
creased risk of low back pain if the work involved a pre­ The anterior part of each vertebra is called the verte­
dominance of sitting.33 bral body (Figure 13-1) . The vertebral body, with its slightly
There are several hypotheses relating to a link between concave anterior and lateral surfaces and f1attish top, bot­
obesity and LBP. Increased mechanical demands resulting tom, and posterior surfaces, is kidney shaped when viewed
from obesity have been suspected of causing LBP through ex­ from above or below. The vertebral body is the weight-bear­
cessive wear and tear,34-38 and it has been suggested that meta­ ing unit of the vertebra and it is well designed for this pur­
bolic factors associated with obesity may be detrimental.34 pose. Although a solid bone structure would provide the
From a clinical perspective, it is worth noting that vertebral body with sufficient strength, especially for static
strength, flexibility, aerobic conditioning, and posture have loads, it would be too heavy, and would not be suitable for
all been found to have a significant preventative effect on the dynamic load bearing.42 Conversely, a strong outer layer and
occurrence and recurrence of back injuries. One study hollow cavity would be equally unsuitable to sustain longitu­
demonstrated that weak trunk musculature and decreased dinally applied loads, unless a source of reinforcement was
endurance were recognized risk factors in the development present. The reinforcement is provided by vertical and hor­
of back problems.39 Nachemson summarized a variety of izontal struts called vertical and transverse trabeculae.
data indicating that motion, rather than rest, may be benefi­ During the aging process, a gradual decrease in cortical
cial in healing soft tissues and joints.4o Thus, physical therapy, bone of 3% per decade can be expected for both sexes,
with its emphasis on the restoration of functional motion, whereas an 6% to 8% decrease in trabecular bone per
strength, and flexibility, should be the cornerstone of both decade can be expected to begin between 20 and 40 years of
the treatment and the preventative processes. The treatment age for both sexes.43 Consequently, there is a dramatic effect
approach should be active and should direct the responsibil­ on the load-bearing capacity of the cortical cancellous bone
ity of the rehabilitative process toward the patient. Extrapo­ after tile age of 40.44 Before the age of 40, approximately 55%
lating the information from Chapter 4, each mechanical, of the load-bearing capacity exists in the cancellous bone,
manual, or active technique initiates an abundance of which decreases to around 35% after the age of 40, with bone
afferent inputs into the central nervous system, all of which strength decreasing more rapidly than bone quantity.45


Accessory process




Mammil lary process

Sup. articular process


FIG U R E 1 3-1 A typical l u m b a r vertebra . (Reproduced, with permission from

Pan sky B: Review of G ross Anatomy, 6/e. McGraw-Hili, 1996)

Two robust shafts of bone, each called a pedicle (see each side is called the pars interarticularis. The biome­
Figure 1 3- 1 ), project from the posterior aspect of the ver­ chanical significance of the pars interarticularis is that it
tebral body. Attached to the back of the vertebral body is connects the vertically oriented lamina and the horizon­
an arch of bone aptly called the neural arch. Viewing a ver­ tally extending pedicle, which exposes it to appreciable
tebra from above, it can be seen that the neural arch and bending forces.42
the back of the vertebral body surround a space called the A spinous process extends posteriorly from the junc­
vertebral canal, in which the spinal cord lies. tion of the two laminae. Each vertebra has four articular
The pedicles, the only connection between the pos­ processes. P rojecting upward from the junction of the lam­
terior components and the vertebral bodies, deliver both ina and pedicle on each side is a superior articular process
tensile and bending forces. If the vertebral body slides and, from the lower lateral corner of the lamina, the infe­
forward, the inferior articular processes of that vertebra rior articular process extends (see Figure 1 3- 1 ). On the
will lock against the superior articular processes of the medial surface of each superior articular process and on
next lower vertebra and resist the slide.42 These resistive the lateral surface of each inferior articular process is the
forces are transmitted to the vertebral body along the articular facet.
pedicles. Noticeably, all the muscles that act on a lumbar A transverse process projects laterally from the junc­
vertebra pull downward, transmitting the muscular ac­ tion of the pedicle and the lamina on each side of the ver­
tion to the vertebral body through the pedicles, which act tebral body (see Figure 1 3- 1 ) . Both the transverse and
as levers, and are, thus, subjected to a certain amount of spinous processes provide areas for muscle attachments.
Extending medially from each pedicle is the lamina
(see Figure 1 3- 1 ) . The two laminae meet and fuse with Ligaments
one another, forming the so-called roof of the neural
arch. The centrally placed lamina function to absorb the Anterior Longitudinal Ligament
various forces that are transmitted from the spinous and This ligament covers the anterior aspects of tile vertebral
articular processes. The part of the lamina located be­ bodies and discs (Figure 1 3-2).46 It extends from the sacrum
tween the superior and inferior articular proces es on along the anterior aspect of tile entire spinal column and
Supraspinous Jig.
Vertebral body--�

Fibrous ring ___�

(anulus fibrosus)
------ Lamina

Nucleus pulposus -����� Ligamentum f lavum

--- TnterspinoLlS lig.

Canal for ----�
basivertebral v. 1I\\����l!t--- Spinous process




-- adiate ligament
of head of rib

Ant. band of superior

costotransverse lig.



Pedicle divided


- amina of
Post. longitudinal vertebra



FIGURE 1 3-2 The common liga ments of the vertebra l col u m n. (Reproduced,
with permission from Pansky B: Review of Gross Anatomy, 6/e. McGraw-Hili, 1996)


becomes thinner as it ascends. Some of the l igament The function of this ligament is to resist separation of
fibers insert directly into the bone or periosteum of the the lamina during flexion, but there is also appreciable
centrum. 47 Because of these attachments and the pull on strain in the ligament with side-flexion. 4 2,5 2 While it seems
the bone from the ligament, it is proposed that the ante­ unlikely that the ligament contributes to an extension re­
rior aspect of the vertebral body becomes the site for os­ covery from flexion, it does appear to prevent the anterior
teophytes. The remaining ligament fibers cover two to capsule from becoming nipped between the articular mar­
five segments, attach ing to the upper and lower ends of gins as it recoils during extension. 42
the vertebral body. The ligamen t is only indirectly con­
nected with the anterior aspect of the disc by loose areo­ Interspinous Ligament
lar tissue.42 The interspinous ligament lies deeply between two consec­
The ligament is innervated by recurrent branches of utive spinal processes and is important for the stability of
the grey rami, and functions to prevent over extension of the spine (see Figure 1 3-2) . It represents a major structure
the spinal segments, in addition to functioning as a minor for the posterior column of the spine. Unlike the longitu­
assistant in limiting anterior translation and vertical sepa­ dinal ligaments, it is not a continuous fibrous band, but
ration of the vertebral body. consists of loose tissue that fills the gap between the bodies
of the spinous processes. 55,56 It is often disrupted in trau­
Posterior Longitudinal Ligament matic cases in which the posterior column becomes unsta­
This ligament is found throughout the spinal column and ble. I n the 1 950s, it was reported that rupture of the in ter­
covers the posterior aspect of the centrum and disc (see spinous ligament was found frequently in patients
Figure 1 3-2) . I ts deep fibers span two segments, from the undergoing disk surgery, and that disk prolapse was sec­
superior border of the inferior vertebra, to the inferior ondary to ligamentous damage. 53.54 An extensive anatomic
margin of the superior. They mesh with, and penetrate, the study on the i nterspinous ligament showed that degenera­
superficial annular fibers to attach to the posterior margins tive changes start as early as tlle late second decade. The
of the vertebral bodies. 48 The more superficial fibers span ruptures occur in more than 20% of the subjects older
up to five segments. In the lumbar spine, the ligament be­ than 20 years, particularly at L4-5 and L5-S 1 . 54
comes constricted over the vertebral body and widens out The ligament has three distinct parts: ventral , middle,
over the disc. It does not attach to the concavity of the body and dorsal; of which, the middle has the most clinical sig­
but is separated from it by a fat pad, which acts to block the nificance because it is the part where ruptures occur. 52 The
venous drainage through the basivertebral vein during flex­ dorsal part consists of fibers that run from the posterior
ion, as the ligament presses it against the opening of the upper half of the lower spinous process behind the poste­
vein. Although the posterior ligament is rather narrow, and rior border of the superior spinous process to form the
is not as massive as the anterior longitudinal ligament, it is supraspinous ligament.
important in preventing disc protrusion.41 Both the ante­ Supplied by the medial branch of the dorsal rami, this
rior longitudinal and the posterior longitudinal ligaments ligament, thought at one time to resist lumbar flexion
have the same tensile strength per unit area. 49 movements, more likely functions to resist separation of
Innervated by the sinuvertebral nerve, the ligament the spinous processes during flexion. 57
tends to tighten in traction and posterior shearing of the Palpable tenderness of this structure is often indica­
vertebral body, and acts to limit flexion over a number of tive of a segmental hypermobility or instability. 58
Supraspinous Ligament
Ligamentum Flavum This is a single mid-line ligament that bridges the inter­
The ligamentum flavum connects two consecutive laminae spinous gaps (see Figure 1 3-2) . The supraspinous liga­
(see Figure 1 3-2) . This is a bilateral ligament with a medial ment is broad, thick and cord-like, but is only well devel­
aspect that attaches superiorly to the lower anterior sur­ oped in the upper lumbar region. 42 It joins the tips of two
face of the lamina and i nferior surface of the pedicle, and adjacent spinous processes and merges with the insertions
inferiorly to the back of the lamina and pedicle of the next of the lumbar dorsal muscles. As mentioned, part of the
inferior vertebra. 50 Its lateral portion attaches to the artic­ ligament is derived from the posterior part of the inter­
ular process and forms the anterior capsule of the zy­ spinous ligament, whereas the rest runs from tip to tip of
gapophysial joint. the spinous processes. 55 Its arrangement allows it to func­
I t is formed primarily from elastin ( 80 % ) , with the re­ tion in a way similar to that of suspension bridge as the
maining 20% being collagen. 51 It is, therefore, an elastic spine flexes, the supraspinous ligament is tightened and,
ligament that is stretched during flexion and it recovers its in turn, increases the tension on the tethering strands,
length with the neutral position or extension. which pull the vertebra backward and prevent excessive

anterior translation.42 Because this ligament is the most su­ Shellshear and associates have proposed that it con­
perficial of the spinal ligaments and farthest from the axis sists of five parts67:
of flexion, it has the greater potential for sprains.59 As with
the interspinous ligament, palpable tenderness of this 1. Anterior: The anterior part runs posterior-laterally
structure is often indicative of a segmental hypermobility from the anterior-inferior corner of the transverse
or instability.58 process to the anterior surface of the iliac crest. This
part is thickened superiorly to afford attachment for
Iliolumbar Ligament the lower end of quadratus lumborum. Degenerative
The iliolumbar ligament is one of the three vertebro­ disc disease of L5 can lead to an increase tension on
pelvic ligaments, the others being the sacrotuberous and these fibers which, when working unilaterally, func­
the sacrospinous ligaments. While the functional role of tion to prevent ipsilateral side-flexion,68 and, when
the iliolumbar ligament is well known (it restrains flex­ working bilaterally, prevent forward translation of L5
ion, extension, axial rotation, and side-flexion of L5 on on the sacrum.
S l ) ,60 its anatomic structure is controversial. The liga­ 2. Superior: The superior portion is formed from the
ment is believed to be a degenerate part of the quadratus membranous anterior fascia surrounding the quadra­
lumborum or the iliocostalis. Starting out as a muscle tus lumborum, and it attaches to the anterior-superior
bundle,6I its initial development begins at about 7 years border of the transverse process, near its tip. It passes
and is a structure unique to humans. It does not fully de­ behind the quadratus lumborum to blend with the an­
velop until the age of 30 years and then begins to deteri­ terior fibers at the iliac crest. This portion works as a
orate and have fatty deposits, soon after.42 An injury to triangular ligament through its attachments to the an­
this ligament which often occurs during a bending and terior and posterior parts.
lifting maneuver, has a similar history and findings to 3. Posterior: The posterior part of the ligament comes
those of a disk herniation and/or a strain of the thora­ from the tip and posterior aspect of the transverse
columbar fascia. process to attach to the ilium behind the origin of
Many books and articles describe the iliolumbar liga­ quadratus lumborum, and give rise to the deep fibers
ment differently. According to Testut and Latarjet62 and of the longissimus lumborum, forming a triangle with
Broudeur and colleagues,63 the ligament always arises from the anterior fibers. The posterior band is thinner and
the transverse processes of the L4 and L5 vertebra. These has a narrower insertional site on the iliac crest than
two parts join to form a single large ligament that inserts the anterior band. It works bilaterally to prevent flex­
on the anterior margin of the iliac crest. ion movements and rotary twisting. Its insertion on
Luk and co-workers,61 Chow and colleagues,60 and the apex of iliac crest permits the local examination,
Uhthoff 64 maintain that the ligament only sometimes orig­ by rubbing it, and to apply deep friction on its inser­
inates from the L4 transverse process, and always from the tional site.
L5 u'ansverse process. According to Luk and co-workers 4. Inferior: The inferior fibers of the ligament arise from
and Chow and co-workers, the anterior band inserts on the the inferior part of the transverse process, pass
anterior margin of the iliac crest, and the posterior band inferior-laterally in an oblique direction, across the an­
inserts on the posterior margin of the iliac crest. Accord­ terior sacroiliac ligament, to attach to the upper part
ing to Uhthoff, the anterior band inserts on the anterior of the iliac fossa. This portion is relatively weak and
aspect of the iliac wing, and the posterior band inserts has a questionable function.
from the anterior margin to the apex of the iliac crest. 5. Vertical. The vertical fibers come from the anterior­
Hanson and Sonesson65 describe the ligament to be inferior border of the transverse process and descend
made up of two bands that originate only from the L5 vertically to attach to the iliopectineal line, and have a
U'ansverse process, with the anterior band inserting on the questionable function.
upper part of the iliac tuberosity below the medial part of
the iliac crest, and the posterior band inserting on the an­ Considering how difficult it is to study the soft tissue
terior part of the iliac tuberosity above the anterior part of anatomy of the lumbosacral junction, these controversial
the Iigamen t. anatomic observations are not surprising. This area has nu­
Maigne and Maigne66 also describe the ligament as merous, complex, varied anatomic structures, but it is
originating only from the L5 transverse process, formed important to understand how these structures are
by a single band, inserted on the anterior margin of the arranged to comprehend the clinical and biomechanic
iliac crest. Testut's Anatoml2 and Gray's Anatom/6 describe repercussions.
some other accessor y bands, often called lumbosacral The spatial disposition of the iliolumbar ligament is
ligaments. probably important for the stability of the lumbosacral

junction, because when it is missing, degenerative instabil­ that originate from the vertebral column. The less familiar
ity and isthmic lumbar spondylolisthesis increase.69.7o terms of hypoaxial and epiaxial refer to muscle position in
relation to the vertebral column, rather than the attachment
Pseudo-Ligaments points, with the epiaxial muscle (epimere) lying dorsal to the
These consist of the intertransverse, transforaminal, and transverse process, and the hypoaxial musculature (hy­
mamillo-accessory ligaments. pomere) anterior to them. The epimere is supplied by the
dorsal rami. The hypomere is supplied by the ventral rami.42
Intertransverse Ligaments
These run between transverse processes and appear more Hypomere
membranous than ligamentous.48 The ligament splits into
dorsal and ventral portions between which is a fat-filled re­ Psoas Maj or
cess. The fat in the recess communicates with the intra­ This muscle, combined with the iliacus muscle, directly at­
articular fat of the apophyseal joints.42.46 During flexion and taches the lumbar spine to the femur,74 and originates from:
extension movements, the fat can be displaced to accommo­
date the repositioning of the articular zygapophysial joint. • The anterior-lateral aspects of the vertebral bodies
The main function of the ligament appears to be to com­ • The disks of T12 toL5
partmentalize the anterior and posterior musculature.42 • The transverse processes ofLI toL5
• The tendinous arch spanning the concavity of the
Transforaminal Ligaments sides of the vertebral bodies
Occurring in about 47% of subjects, the transforaminal
ligaments traverse the lateral end of the intervertebral The layered muscle belly runs down the anterior-lateral
foramen.71 They include: aspect of the spinal column to form a common tendon with
the iliacus tllat attaches to tlle lesser trochanter of tlle femur.
A. Superior corporotransverse. At L5, the fifth lumbar The iliacus is attached superiorly to the iliac fossa and
nerve root runs between the ligament and the ala of the the inner lip of the iliac crest. Joining with the psoas ma­
sacrum. With marked forward slip and downward de­ jor, the combined tendon passes over the superior lateral
scent ofL5, or with a loss of disk height, the ligament can aspect of the pubic ramus and attaches to the lesser
have guillotine effect on the fifth nerve root.72 Symptoms trochanter of the femur.
mimic those of an L4-5 disc herniation and can include:
1. Numbness in one dermatome with standing Action The psoas major is electromyographically active
2. Abatement of symptoms with lying or seated traction in many different positions and movements of the lumbar
spine. Its activity adds a compressive effect to the inter­
B. Inferior corporotransverse
vertebral disc.75 From a clinical perspective, the iliacus and
C. Superior transforaminal psoas major are considered together.
The iliopsoas, working bilaterally with the insertion
D. Inferior transforaminal
fixed, produces an increase in the lumbar lordosis.76 With
E. Mid transforaminal the insertion fixed and the muscle working unilaterally,
the iliopsoas side-flexes the spine ipsilaterally.76 Working
Mamillo-Accessory Ligament from a stable spine above (origin fixed) , the iliopsoas mus­
This ligament runs from the accessory process to the mam­ cle flexes the hip joint by flexing the femur on the trunk.76
millary process of the same vertebra, bridging the gap be­ It may also assist in external rotation and abduction of tlle
tween them, and may be a vestige of the semispinalis ten­ hip joint. 76 Bilateral action of the iliopsoas muscle with the
don in the lumbar spine.73 It forms a tunnel for the medial insertion fixed, produces flexion of the trunk on the fe­
branch of the dorsal ramus, thereby, preventing it from lift­ mur as in the sit-up from supine position or in bending
ing off the neural arch. In about 1 0% of cases atL5, it ossi­ over to touch the toes.76
fies to form a bony tunnel.73 Biomechanically, the iliacus and psoas major serve dif­
ferent functions. With the foot fixed on the ground, con­
traction of the iliacus produces an anterior torsion of the il­
M USCLES ium and extension of the lumbar zygapophysial joints. If
there is a decrease in the lengtll of the iliacus due to adaptive
The lumbar muscles may be divided into intrinsic and ex­ shortening or increased efferent neural input to the muscle,
trinsic muscles. Intrinsic muscles attach only to the spinal col­ the result is an anteriorly rotated pelvis, producing tlle com­
umn, whereas the extrinsic ones are generally limb muscles pressive and anterior shear stresses on the lumbosacral and

lumbar zygapophysial joints as they move towards increased Interspinales

extension.77 With the foot fixed on the ground, contraction These are located either side of, and connect to, adjacent
of the psoas major produces an anterior shear, which has the spinous process.There are four pairs, and they can act with
potential to increase the lumbar lordosis and increase flex­ multifidus to produce the rocking component of extension.
ion of the lumbar-pelvic unit on the femur.77 Porterfield and They are supplied by the medial branch of the dorsal ramus.
DeRosa77 suggest that the "toe-out" gait pattern, adopted by
the pregnant female or the patient with a weak and pendu­ A ction Probably angular extension and control of flex­
lous abdomen, is a compensatory pattern to decrease the ion, as a result of their attachment to the spinous process.
muscle tension in the psoas major, thereby reducing the
compression and anterior shear to the lumbar spine. Intertransversarii Mediales
Trunk flexion by the iliopsoas, which involves fixation Considered by many to be true back muscles, these mus­
of the insertion, involves a change in the amount of lum­ cles originate from the accessor y and mammillary process
bar lordosis, and is dependent on the lumbar-pelvic and the connecting accessory ligament, and insert into the
rhythm.78The first 60 degrees of forward bending, on the mammillary process of the vertebra below. They are sup­
average, are due to flexion of the lumbar motion seg­ plied by the dorsal ramus of the spinal nerve.81
ments, which is followed by an additional movement at the
hip joints of about 25 degrees.79The psoas major is inner­ Acti on As they are very small muscles and lie close to the
vated by the ventral rami of Ll and L2. axis of motion, it seems unlikely that they can directly con­
tribute very much to either side-flexion or extension. It is
Psoas Minor more likely that they have proprioceptive mechanisms,
This is a small inconsistent muscle that arises from theT12 witll their muscle spindles monitoring and helping control
and Ll disc to attach to the iliopubic eminence. It weakly the movements of larger better placed muscles.82
flexes the lumbar spine when working from a fixed pelvis,
and helps tilt the pelvis posteriorly when working from a
stable spine.
Over the past several decades, there has been much re­
search regarding the multifidus with particular reference
Quadratus Lwnborwn
to its relationship to low back pain, and its importance in
The muscle attaches to:
rehabilitation. This is the largest of the intrinsic muscles
and lies most medially in the spinal gutter. It is a fascicular
• The inferior anterior surface of the twelfth rib
muscle with each fascicle layered on another, giving it a
• The anterior surface of the upper four transverse
laminated appearance.42 It originates in three groups, aris­
ing from the same vertebra.
• The anterior iliolumbar ligament
• The iliac crest lateral to the attachment of the iliolum­
1. Laminar fibers from the inferior-posterior edge of the
bar ligament
2. Basal fibers from the base of the spinous process
The quadratus lumborum competes with the iliocostalis
3. Common tendon fibers from a common tendon at­
muscle as the origin of the iliolumbar Iigament.80The mus­
tached to the inferior tip of the spinous process
cle is large and rectangular with its fibers passing medially
upwards. It is supplied by the ventral rami ofTI2- L2.46
It has a complicated insertion:83,84

Action The muscle is active during inspiration where it Laminar Basal Common Tendon
fixes the lowest rib to afford a stable base from which the
Ll m.p. L3 m.p. L4 m.p. L5, SI, and PSIS
diaphragm can act. Working unilaterally, it side-flexes the
L2 m.p. L4 m.p. L5 m.p. SI and ant-lateral
lumbar spine. It is essentially a static stabilizer and works
aspect of PSIS
very hard when a heavy weight is held in the opposite
L3 m.p. L5 m.p. SI inferior to the PSIS and
lateral sacrum
L4 m.p. SI as c.t. sacrum, lateral to foramina
Epimere L5 as c.t. as c.t. sacrum, medial to
Not all of the following muscles have a lumbar verte­
m.p. = mammillary process.
bral attachment, but all have a very definite effect on the c.l. = common tendon.
lumbar spine. PSIS = posterior superior iliac spine.

The muscle has the distinction of being innervated' The vertical vector is much the larger of the two, and will
segmentally by the medial branch of the dorsal ramus of produce extension or side-flexion depending on whether
the same level or level below the originating spinous it is functioning bilaterally or unilaterally 92 However, due
process.85,86 to its attachment to the transverse rather than the spinous
Being of segmental origin and innervation, any im­ process, it is much less efficient than the multifidus to pro­
pairment of the multifidus can produce hypertonus from duce posterior sagittal rotation, due to its reduced lever­
segmental facilitation of this muscle. As each muscle is age.93The horizontal vector is much larger and more pos­
only supplied from its own segment, hypertonicity will di­ terior than the multifidus and so this muscle is eminently
rect the examiner to this segment. capable of producing the posterior translation of exten­
sion.93 It is a poor axial rotator because its line of action is
Action Working bilaterally, it will produce the rocking directed in line with the axis of motion. Because it is at­
component of extension, but due to its vertical orienta­ tached to a single vertebra, its action in increasing the lor­
tion, it cannot produce the accompanying translation. Ad­ dosis will be minimal. Mathematic analysis of the lum­
ditionally, the muscle, by "bow stringing" over a number of bosacral portion of the muscle suggests that the net effect
segments, can increase the lumbar lordosis, working in a would be an anterior, not posterior, shear.42
postural role.87
Unilaterally, it should be able to produce side-flexion Iliocostalis Lumborum Pars Lumborum
and rotation. However, its horizontal vector is very small There are four overlying fascicles arising from the tip of
and it is unlikely to be an efficient rotator of the spine.42 the upper four transverse processes and the adjoining mid­
It is consistently active during both ipsilateral and con­ dle layer of the thoracolumbar fascia. The fibers insert
tralateral spinal rotation and may act as a stabilizer.88That onto the iliac crest, with the lower fibers being deepest,
is, both are simultaneously active regardless of which way and attach laterally to the posterior superior iliac spine.
the spine is turning. It is believed that this is a synergistic The other fibers are lateral to this.93
function opposing the flexing moment of the abdominals There is no muscular fiber from L5, but it is believed
as they rotate the trunk.89 that this is represented by the iliolumbar ligament, which,
The multifidus is active in nearly all antigravity activi­ as previously mentioned, is completely muscular in chil­
ties and appears to contribute to the stability of the lumbar dren, becoming collagenous by 30 years of age.
spine by compressing the vertebra together.9o Indeed, re­
cruitment of the multifidus during lumbar hyperextension A ction The vectors and actions of this muscle are similar
has been found to be markedly different in patients with to those of longissimus. However, the more lateral attach­
chronic low back pain compared with normal.91 ment of the lower fibers and their attachment to the trans­
The multifidus also shares a close association with the verse processes produce strong axial rotation (probably
gluteus maximus, the sacrotuberous ligament that is thought the only intrinsic muscles to do so) and act witll tlle multi­
to enhance sacroiliac joint and lumbar spine stability. fidus as synergists during abdominal muscle action to pro­
duce rotation.93
Erector Spinae
This is a composite muscle consisting of the iliocostalis Longissimus Thoracis Pars Thoracis
lumborum and the thoracic longissimus. Both muscles This muscle group consists of 11 to 12 pairs of muscles ex­
have a thoracic and lumbar component and are subdi­ tending from the transverse processes ofT2 and their ribs.
vided into the lumbar and thoracic longissimii and ilio­ It runs inferior-medially to attach to the spinous processes
costallii.42The innervation of the erector spinae muscles is ofL3-5 and the sacral spinous processes, as well as the pos­
by the medial branch of the dorsal ramus of the thoracic terior superior iliac spine.
and lumbar spinal nerves.
A cti on The orientation and various attachments of this
Longissimus Thoracis Pars Lumborum muscle group allow it to act indirectly on the lumbar
This is a fascicular muscle arising from the accessory spine, which, by a bowstring action, can increase the lor­
processes of the lumbar vertebrae to insert into the poste­ dosis. The main action of the muscle appears to be the ex­
rior superior iliac spine and the iliac crest lateral to it.The tension of the thoracic spine on that of the lumbar. An
upper four tendons converge to form the lumbar aponeu­ anatomic-mathematical study94 suggests that 70% to
rosis, which inserts lateral to the L5 fascicle. 80% of the force required to extend the upper lumbar
spine is produced from the thoracic fibers of the erector
Acti on The muscles have both a vertical and horizontal spinae, which also generate 50% of the force in the lower
vector, each with a relative size that varies for each fascicle. levels.

Iliocostalis Lumborum Pars Thoracis The posterior ligamentous system has been proposed
The thoracic iliocostalis serves as the thoracic part of the il­ as a model to explain some of the forces required for lift­
iocostalis lumborum and not the iliocostalis thoracic. It is ing. It is believed to transmit forces by passive resistance to
a layered muscle consisting of inferior-medially orientated flexion, from the joint capsule and extracapsular liga­
fascicles and attached to the following points.93 ments, and from the more dynamic effects of the thora­
columbar fascia.96
• The lateral part of the lower eight rib angles The passive elements are strong enough to withstand
• Posterior superior iliac spine very high forces, allowing most of the lifting force to be
• Dorsal surface of the sacrum, distal to the multifidus generated by the hip extensors on the pelvis provided that
the lumbar spine is pre flexed and remains that way. The
A cti ons This muscle completely spans the lumbar spine. abdominal muscles maintain this flexion and also, perhaps
It is in an excellent position to extend and side-flex the incidentally, raise the intra-abdominal pressure. The tho­
spine as well as increase the lordosis. It is a weak rotator be­ racolumbar fascia is a factor in lifting and has been specu­
cause the amount of rib separation on ipsilateral rotation lated to provide this assistance in three different ways.97
is minor, but on contralateral rotation, it is better. It is,
therefore, possible that the muscle is an effective derotator 1. By attaching to the ilium and sacrum, the fibers run­
of the spine.42 ning from the spinous processes of L4 and L5 would
afford an indirect connection between the hip exten­
sors and the spine
Thoracolumbar Fascia
2. The pull of the transverse abdominis on the lateral
The fascia extends in the lumbar region, from the spin­ raphe increases the tension in the posterior layer and,
ous process of T 1 2, to the posterior superior iliac spine and due to the cross-hatch arrangement of the layer's
iliac crest. It consists of three layers of connective tissue that fibers, limits intersegmental flexion and anterior
envelop the lumbar muscles and separates them into ante­ translation.
rior, middle, and posterior compartments or layers.95 3. The complete envelopment of the back muscles by the
The anterior layer is derived from, and covers, the an­ fascia's middle and posterior layers increases the ten­
terior surface of the quadratus lumborum muscle. It is at­ sion generated in these muscle during their contrac­
tached to the anterior transverse processes, and then to the tion, which also reduces the amount of flexion avail­
intertransverse liganlents. On the lateral side of the quadra­ able. It is termed the hydraulic amplifier.9s Recently,
tus lumborum, it blends with the other layers of the fascia. the effect of this amplifier has been shown to be a mi­
The middle layer is posterior to the quadratus lumbo­ nor contribution.9g
rum, with its medial attachment to the tips of the trans­
verse processes and the intertransverse ligaments. Later­
I ntervertebral Joint
ally, it gives rise to, or is attached to, the transverse
abdominal aponeurosis. The articulations between two consecutive lumbar ver­
The posterior layer covers the lumbar musculature tebrae form three joints, one between the two vertebral bod­
and arises from the spinous processes, wrapping around ies, and the other two by the articulation of the superior ar­
the muscles. It blends with the other layers of the fascia ticular process of one vertebra, with the inferior articular
along the lateral border of iliocostalis lumborum in a processes of the vertebra above, known as the zygapophysial
dense thickening of the fascia called the lateral raphe.95 joints. The only formal name for the joints between the ver­
This layer consists of two laminae, a superficial one with its tebral bodies is the classification to which the joints be­
fibers orientated inferior-medially, and a deep lamina with long-symphysis or intervertebral amphiarthrosis.42
fibers that are inferior-lateral. The superficial fibers are de­
rived from the latissimus dorsi.
Zygapop hysial Joint

Action As mentioned, these are the posterior joints of the

• Provides muscular attachment. threejoint complex that make up the inter vertebral joint.
• Stabilizes the spine against anterior shear and flexion They are formed by the inferior and superior articular
moments. processes of adjacent vertebrae and demonstrate the fea­
• Resists segmental flexion via tension generated by the tures of a typical synovial joint.
transverse abdominis on the spinous process. In the intact lumbar vertebral column, the primary
• Assists in transmission of extension forces during function of the zygapophysial joints is to resist the forces of
lifting. anterior shear and the torque of the vertebral bodies.

Their additional function includes production of coupling 3. Protect the articular surfaces as they become exposed
movements. during extreme flexion and extension
The superior articulating facet of the inferior verte­
bra is slightly concave and faces medially and posteriorly. Their ability to cause symptoms is thought to occur
In general , there is a change from a relatively sagittal when they fail to return to their original position on recov­
orientation at L l to L3 , to a more coronal orientation at ery from a flexion or extension movement, blocking the
L5 and S l . joint toward the neutral position.
From a n anterior-posterior perspective , the joints ap­
pear straight, but when viewed from above, they are seen Age Changes
to be curved into a '1 " or "c" shape. Their orientation The subchondral bone of the zygapophysial joint increases
varies both with the level and with the individual suqject. It in thickness during the first two thirds of life, reaching a
is thought that this orientation serves to maximally restrict maximum at about 50 years, after which it begins to
anterior and rotary movements, and that the C-shaped thin. J02,103 The articular cartilage, on the other hand, con­
joints do better in preventing anterior displacement than tinues to thicken throughout life. The area of cartilage
the J-shaped joints, due to the curvature of the joint sur ­ most involved in resisting anterior shear forces is the
faces where the superior-medial end of the superior facet anterior-medial part of the superior zygapophysial joint,
limits anterior motionY Both shapes competently prevent and it is tllis area that is most vulnerable to fibrillation.42
rotation. The tangential splitting and vertical tearing of the cartilage
A fibrous capsule surrounds the joint on all of its as­ that occurs with age are believed to reflect these forces, and
pects except the anterior aspect, which consists of the liga­ are part of the normal degeneration of the joint.42
mentum f1avum. Posteriorly, the capsule is reinforced by In addition to the changes to the articular cartilage,
the deep fibers of the multifidus. 1 00 In lumbar extension, the hypertrophy and spreading of its edges appears to rep­
the posterior capsule can become pinched between the resent a response to repeated rotatory stresses that might
apex of the inferior facet and the lamina below. To prevent otherwise damage tlle articular margins. As a consequence
this, some fibers of the multifidus blend with the posterior to these stresses, osteophytes can form, fortuitously pro­
capsular fibers and appear to keep the capsule taut. ducing an increase in the load-bearing surface area of the
Superiorly and inferiorly, the capsule is very loose. joint.
Superiorly, it bulges toward the base of the next superior
transverse process while, inferiorly, it does so over the
Nerve Sup p ly of the Lumbar Segment
back of the lamina. In both the superior and inferior
poles of the capsule, there is a very small hole that allows The nerves of the lumbar spine follow a general pat­
the passage of fat from within the capsule to the extra­ tern (Figur e 13- 3 ) .
capsular space. IOJ There are three types of intra-articular
meniscoids Disc
The outer half of the disc is innervated by the sinuverte­
• A connective tissue nm. Merely a wedge-shaped bral nervel 04 (Figure 13-4) and the grey rami communi­
thickening of the internal capsule that fills the joint cants, 1 05 with the posterior-lateral aspect being innervated
space. by both the sinuvertebral nervelO6 and the grey rami com­
• An adipose tissue pad. These are found at the municants. The lateral aspect receives only sympathetic in­
anterior-superior and inferior-posterior parts of the nervation. The nerve endings are both simple and com­
joint, and consist of fat and blood vessels contained in plex, encapsulated and nonencapsulated, existing as free
a fold of synovium that project into the joint cavity. nerve endings and in plexi, loops, and meshes.
These structures tend to increase in size with age. It has been suggested that apart from a nociceptive
• A fibroadipose meniscoid. This is the largest of the in­ function, these nerve endings may also have a propriocep­
ternal structures , projecting into the superior and tive one,1 07 although a study in cats did not find any evi­
inferior aspect of the joint. dence for this. lOS Due to the extremely small number of
blood vessels in the disc , a vasomotor or vasosensory func­
It is thought that the function of the intra-articular tion is unlikely. For a more detailed description of tlle in­
meniscoid is the following tervertebral disc , the reader should refer to Chapter 7.

1. Fill the joint cavity Ligaments

2. Increase the articular surface area without reducing The posterior longitudinal ligament is innervated by the sin­
flexibility uvertebral nerve, whereas the anterior longitudinal ligament

Spinal Cord
Term inates at L 1 -2

Cauda Equ ina

2- 1 2 for each root

Ventral and dorsal within the spinal canal, encased
by the dural sleeve and surrounded by epidural fat

Spinal Nerve
(within the i ntervertebral foramen)

Rami --. sinuvertebral nerve
Ventral and dorsal within
the psoas major belly

P lexus
FIG U RE 1 3-3 Nerve supply of the l u m ba r segment.

receives its supply from the grey rami communicants.The lig­ superior and inferior nerves, I I O the bulk of the supply is
amentous f1avum, interspinous and supraspinous ligaments, from the nerve of the same level.
are innervated by the medial branch of the dorsal ramus.

Zygapophysial Joint
Dural Sleeve Zygapophysial joints are innervated by the medial
Only the anterior aspect of the dural sleeve is inner­ branches of the dorsal rami.8 1 , 104,1 1 1 , 1 12 Therefore, the dis­
vated , 1 09 and this by the sinuvertebral nerve. Although tributions of referred pain must be considered in relation
innervation occurs from both the immediate and the to the neurologic supply of the dorsal rami.

S i nuvertebral Nerve

• •
Ascending Branch Descending Branch
I nnervates : Innervates:
-Posterior longitudinal ligament, -Posterior longitudinal l igament
-Posterior aspect of the superior disc, -Posterior aspect of inferior d isc
-Anterior aspect of the dura -Anterior aspect of the dura
-Spinal canal vessels - Spinal canal vessels
FIGURE 1 3-4 The sin uvertebral nerve.

The L 1 -4 dorsal rami form three branches, medial, caudal aspect of the lumbosacral zygapophysial joint,
lateral, and intermediate, in the intertransverse space.81 supplies the multifidus muscle, and ends there.S ! , ) 04 The
The L1-4 medial branches cur ve around the root of the intermediate branch innervates the longissimus thoracis
su peri or articular process, passing through a notch and communicates with the S 1 dorsal ramus.Sl The ilio­
bridged by the mamillo-accessory ligament. Thereafter, costalis does not caudally extend as far as the L5 spinal
they supply articular branches to the caudal aspect of the nerve and so does not receive a supply from it.lo4
joint above , and to the cranial aspect of the joint below, Thus, the L 1 -4 medial branches are distributed to the
and ramify in muitifidus.8I , 1 0 4 Each joint receives its zygapophysial joints and to the multifidus. Consequently,
nerve supply from the corresponding medial branch given that the medial branches supply other structures in
above and below the joint.8l , 1 04 For instance, the L4-5 addition to the zygapophysial joints, the reproduction of
joint receives its nerve supply from the medial branches pain after medial branch stimulation does not exclusively
of L3 and L4. point to the zygapophyseal joint as tlle source of pain in
The lateral branches cross the subjacent transverse patients. The joint is innervated by a direct articular
process and pursue a sinuous course caudally, laterally, branch from the dorsal ramus (Figure 1 3-5) for the ante­
and dorsally, through the i liocostalis lumbor um.8! They rior aspect.l l3 The nerve endings suggest proprioceptive
inner vate that muscle, and eventually the L I -3 lateral and nociceptive functions.
branches pierce the dorsal layer of thoracolumbar fascia
and become cutaneous. They emerge from the iliocostalis , Lumbar Spine Vascularization
cross the iliac crest, and supply the skin over the lateral
buttock as far as the greater trochanter.89,lo4 The L 1 -2 lat­ The b lood supply for the lumbar spine is provided by
eral branches cross the i liac crest in the subcutaneous the lumbar arteries (Figure 1 3-6) . Its venous drainage oc­
tissue parallel to the T 1 2 cutaneous branch. The L3 lat­ curs via the lumbar veins (Figure 1 3-7) .
eral branch is bound to the iliac crest by a bridge of con­
nective tissue just lateral to the origin of the iliocostalis
lumborum. The L4 lateral branch remains entirely intra­ B IOM ECHAN ICS
The intermediate branches run dorsally and caudally Three cardinal planes exist in this area; sagittal (flexion
from the in'tertransverse spaces and are distributed to the and extension) , coronal (side-flexion) , and transverse (ro­
longissimus thoracis; the intermediate branches form a se­ tation) . This area has varying degrees of segmental mo­
ries of intersegmental communications within the longis­ tion. The greatest amount of flexion/extension (20 to
simus thoracis.8 ! , I 04 25 degrees) occurs at L4-5, and at L5-S1, and decreases
The L5 dorsal ramus runs dorsally and caudally over cranially. 4 ! ,42
the ala of the sacrum, lying in the groove formed by the The h uman lumbar facets are capable of only two
junction between the ala and the root of the superior ar­ major motions, gliding upward and gliding downward. If
ticular process of the sacrum.8] , ] 04 these movements occur in the same direction , flexion or
Along this course, it divides into two branches, a me­ extension occurs. If in opposite directions, side-flexion
dial branch and an intermediate branch. It lacks a lateral occurs. Most of the side-flexion of the lumbar spine oc­
branch. The medial branch curves medially around the curs in the mid-lumbar area. Rotation, which occurs with

Dorsal Ramus

+ + +

Medial Lateral Intermediate

Supp l ies: Supplies: Supplies:
-Neural arch l igaments -The skin of the buttock -Longissimus lum borum
-Zygapophysial joint -Iliocostalis lumborum
- Multifidus
-I nterspinal is
FIG U R E 1 3-5 Dorsal ra m u s .
-......---- Vertebral a.
Posterior spinal aa. ---==�!!l----e!'"

------ Anterior spinal a.


ARTERIES OF ...-�-....,.- Posterior spinal aa.


} Radicular aa.

Anterior spinal a.

........---- Radicular trunk

��I.Ii��r-------- Prelaminar a.
�fiiiiii.;:-- Radicular trunk
Intercostal aa.

Lumbar a. -------�


Post. central a. ----:f-----I

Post. spinal aa.
Posterior 1 Radicular aa.

Ant. central a. _--'-,...-....:>..�L--!II

Ant. spinal a. Radicular trunk Spinal ramus


FIGURE 1 3-6 Arteries of the spinal cord. (Reproduced, with permission from
Pansky B: Review of G ross Anatomy, 6/e. McGraw-Hili, 1996)

Vertebral v. ---""

Jugular v. ----�
Occipital v. --�;o;

Deep cervical v.
�----- Dura

�--- - Vertebral v.


Post. int. vertebral

plexus --------.

I ntervertebral v.

Ant. ext.
v. vertebral
J nf. vena cava

,:------ Post. internal

vertebral plexus
Post. central v. --------,�,.f£-:'

Peripheral venous plexus --#,,f'-,;LZ;:;

Int. spinal v. ------P.:J"""'..:::.iiifll!�

. C��q��- Ant.
post . } Radicular vv.

Ant. central v. ----- ....;:...-

. - Intervertebral v.

Ant. ext. spinal vv. Basivertebral v.

Vei n s of the spinal cord and col u m n . (Reproduced, with permis­
F I G U R E 1 3-7
sion from Pansky B: Review of G ross Anato my, 6/e. McGraw-Hili, 1996)


side-flexion as a coupled motion , is minimal, and occurs • The intervertebral disc resists about 29%.
most at the lumbosacral junction. The amount of range • The compressibility of the structures anterior to the
available decreases with age as the elastin changes to col­ fulcrum
lagen. There are a number of forces that the spine, as
well as the inter vertebral disc, must withstand. These are An anterior sagittal translation, or shear, is generated by:
axial compression, axial traction , and anterior, posterior,
and lateral shears. A force that produces a translation is • Sequential flexion
called a shear. A force that causes a rotation is called • Nonsequential extension (lordosing)
torque. • Weight bearing in neutral at the lumbosacral junction
• Extension at the lumbosacral junction
Kinematics of Flexion • Gravity
The lumbar spine is well designed for flexion. During
flexion, the entire lumbar spine leans forward, produc­ This translation or shear force is resisted by:
ing a combination of an anterior roll and an anterior
glide of the vertebral body. I 14 During flexion , the lumbar • The superior-anterior orientation of the lateral fibers
spine tips forward on the sacrum, resulting in a straight­ of the anulus.
ening, or minimal reversal of, the lordosis. At L4- S, re­ • The iliolumbar and supraspinous ligaments at the
versal may occur , but at the L S-S1 level, the joint will LS-S1 segment, with the longitudinal ligaments help­
straighten, but not reverse, I 15 unless there is pathology ing to a lesser extent.
present. A separation of the laminae and spinous • The semisagittal and sagittal orientation of the zy­
processes also occurs. gapophysial joints , which cause the superior facet to
During the anterior rocking motion of the segment come against the inferior one during an anterior
that occurs with flexion, the inferior facets of the superior shear, with the highest pressur e occurring on the me­
vertebra lift upward and backward, opening a small gap be­ dial end of zygapophysial joint surface.
tween the facets. The superior vertebra slides forward, • The horizontal vector of the erector spinae, and the
closing the gap, producing anterior translation. The zy­ multifidus, act to pull the vertebrae backward.
gapophysial joints are, therefore, vital in the limitation of • The development of osteophytes , which increase the
this anterior shear, with the anterior-medial portion of the load-bearing area
superior zygapophysial joint taking most of the stress.ll6 In
addition, stability is enhanced by the S to 7 millimeters of While much emphasis has been placed on the
slide,88 producing tension of the joint capsule and a capsu­ strengthening of the rectus abdominus to protect against
lar end feel. Flexion is also limited by the decreased com­ anterior shearing , recent research has suggested that it is
pression ability of the anterior structur es and by the de­ the contraction of the hoop-like transversus abdominis
creased extensibility of the posterior structures (ligaments, that creates a rigid cylinder, resulting in enhanced stiffness
disc, and muscles). With hyperflexion , the nucleus mate­ of the lumbar spine.gO,I I B The cross-hatch arrangement of
rial can become lodged in the outer fibers of the anulus the thoracolumbar fascia creates a pressurized visceral cav­
and become a space-occupying lesion. These outer layers ity anterior to the spine when the transversus abdominis
of the anulus, which are attached to the end plate of the con tracts, resulting in the production of a force against the
vertebral body, can be avulsed. In addition, hyperflexion apex of the lumbar lordosis. This force increases the sta­
can produce a meniscus entrapment and cause the zy­ bility of the lumbar spine during a variety of postures and
gapophysial joint to lock. movements. 1 19

Kinetics of Flexion Kinematics of Extension

The zygapophysial joints play a major role in the stability of Extension movements of the lumbar spine produce a con­
spine during flexion. The simultaneous contribution by verse of those that occur in flexion. Theoretically, true ex­
the various structures to the resistance of segmental flex­ tension of the lumbar spine is pathologic, and depends on
ion is resisted by the following. I I ? the definition used. Pure extension involves a posterior roll
and glide of the vertebra, and a posterior and inferior mo­
• The joint capsule resists about 39% tion of the zygapophysial joints, but not necessarily a change
• The supraspinous and interspinous ligaments resist in the degree of lordosis. The inferior zygapophysial joint of
about 1 9%. the superior vertebra moves downward, impacting with the
• The ligamentum flavum ligament resists about 13%. lamina below, producing a bony end feel 1 20 and a buckling

of the interspinous ligament between the two spinous zygapophysial joints protect the disc from torsional in­
processes. This impaction, accentuated when the joint is juries, becoming impacted before microfailure of the disc
subjected to the action of the back muscles,121 serves to can occur. During axial rotation, tension is built in the in­
block extension. However, if the extending force continues terspinous and supraspinous ligaments, and the contralat­
to be applied, especially unilaterally, the superior facets can eral joint becomes impacted after less than 1 degree of
pivot on their inferior counterparts, producing a strain on rotation. Further movement is accommodated by com­
the opposite zygapophysial joint and potentially damaging pression of the articular cartilage. It has been calculated
or tearing the capsule. Repetitive contact of these spinous that about 0.5 mm of compression must occur for each 1
processes can lead to a periostitis called "kissing spine" or degree of rotation to occur, and that to allow 3 degrees of
Baastrup's disease, 122 with resulting ligamentous laxity and rotation, the cartilage must be compressed to about 62%
hypermobility of the segment.123 of its resting thickness. 125 If this 3-degree range is
An increase in the lumbar lordosis involves the anterior exceeded, further rotation is impure, forcing the upper
motion of the vertebrae and their associated structures. vertebra to pivot backward on the impacted joint, around
While seemingly esoterical, this has clinical implications a new axis of rotation. This causes the vertebra to swing lat­
during the examination when the clinician is assessing the erally and backward, exerting a lateral shear on the anulus.
ability of the patient to assume the extended position of the At this extreme, the impacted joint is compressed , the disc
lumbar spine. Pure lumbar extension involves the patient is vulnerable to torsional and shear forces, and the other
leaning back at the waist. Patients with low back pain tend to joint capsule is placed under severe tension. Failure can
utilize a protective guarding mechanism against the com­ occur in any of these structures. If the force continues, mi­
pression and shearing forces generated by simply hyperex­ croscopic damage occurs in the form of minute cartilagi­
tending the hips. By applying a compressive force through nous fissuring and microscopic tearing of the anulus fibro­
the patient's shoulders during the backward bending, the sus. Continued torsion can result in macroscopic damage
clinician can induce a small increase in the lumbar lordosis. with compression fractures of the contralateral lamina,
Pure extension is limited by the: subchondral fractures, fragmentation of the articular sur­
face and tearing, avulsion of the ipsilateral joint capsule, or
• Ability of structures anterior to the fulcrum to be a pars interarticularis fracture.42 Axial torsion of the intact
elongated intervertebral disc is resisted by various structures. 126
• Ability of the intervertebral disc to allow compression
• About 65% of the resistance comes from a combination
Hyperextension injuries, which are almost always trau­ of tension and impaction of the zygapophysial joint and
matic in origin, produce a shearing force in a posterior di­ tension of the supraspinous and interspinous ligaments.
rection. The same mechanisms that resist extension assist, • The disc contributes about 35% of the resistance.
with some additional help from: • If rotation occurs with flexion, the likelihood of an an­
ulus injury increases in forward flexion 1 27 due to the
• Joint capsule tension minimal contact of the zygapophysial joints, reducing
• A passive restraint from the psoas major muscle their protective mechanism.

Axial Rotation Forced Rotation

Axial rotation of the lumbar spine involves the following. 1 degree Free axial rotation No damage
2 degrees Hyaline compression No damage
• Twisting or torsion of the disc, a gapping of the ipsilat­ 4 degrees Hyaline and anulus Micro damage
eral zygapophysial joint, and a compression of the con­ 7 degrees Hyaline, anulus, lamina Macro damage
tralateral joint. For example, with left axial rotation, subchondral , and
the right inferior zygapophysial joint will impact on bone fractures
the superior zygapophysial joint of the bone below.
• Stress on those annular fibers inclined toward the di­ Side-Flexion
rection of rotation This movement is a coupled movement involving rotation.
The means of how this is achieved has been the subject of
Because collagen can only elongate 4% before dam­ debate for many years and it is difficult to ascertain how an
age, maximum segmental rotation at each segmental level impaired segment would behave as compared to a healthy
is limited to about 3 degrees.79 one.
The axis of rotation passes through the aspect of the The ranges in Table 13-1 are the average for live nor­
disc and vertebral body. 124 In normal segments, the mal males aged 25 to 36 years 1 28




L 1 -2 5 : 6 : 1 8 5 1 3-5
L2-3 5 : 6 1 : 1 10 3 1 3-2
L3-4 5 : 6 1 : 2 12 1 3-2
L4-5 3 : 5 1 : 2 13 2 1 6-4
L5-S 1 0 : 2 1 : 0 9 5 1 4-5

COM MON LESIONS A N D PATHOLOGIES to disc degeneration at the slip level. As the biochemi­
OF THE LUM BAR S P I N E cal and biomechanical integrity of the disc is lost, the
lumbosacral slip becomes unstable and progresses.
I ntervertebral Disc Lesions Disc degeneration at the slip level and adult slip pro­
gression are likely to develop during the four th and
These lesions are covered in depth 111 Chapters 7
fifth decades of life. This unstable mechanical situation
and 1 0.
leads to symptoms of low back and sciatic pain.
2. Horizonlalization of the lamina and the facets and/or
sacrum m orphology. One study found a more trapezoidal
shape of the vertebral body, and/or a dome-shaped
Forward slipping of one vertebral body (and the contour of the top of the sacrum are found in individu­
remainder of the spinal column above it) in relation to the als with slipping. J 34 Another study found that patients
vertebral segment immediately below it is referred to as with degenerative spondylolisthesis had greater ante­
spondylolisthesis. This forward slip of the vertebra is resisted rior flexion of the lumbar spine than normal individu­
by the bony block of the posterior facets, by an intact neural als of comparable age, 135 whereas a further study postu­
arch and pedicle, and, in the case of the LS vertebra, the ili­ lated that a segment of the population is predisposed
olumbar ligament. The disc at the level of the spondylolis­ to degenerative spondylolisthesis by the sagittal orien­
thesis is subjected to considerable anteriorly directed shear tation of their facet joints.136 If the lamina and the
forces, and is the main structure that opposes these shear facets are horizontalized, the vertebra is more likely
forces, functioning to prevent against further slippage and to slip, but this condition alone does not produce
keeping the spinal motion segment in a stable equilibrium. slipping according to a study by Nagaosa and co­
The most common site for spondylolysis and spondy­ workers,137 who found that almost all of the patien ts in
lolisthesis is LS- S l . their study of spondylolisthesis demonstrated disc de­
Age appears to be an important factor i n the natural generation and intervertebral instability, but that not
history of spondylolisthesis. Children under the age of every case progressed to spondylolisthesis. In addition ,
5 years rarely present with spondylolysis and severe spondy­ it is unlikely that there is a group of people who de­
lolisthesis is equally rare. The period of most rapid slipping velop these anomalies. In fact, one study indicated that
is between the ages of l O and I S, with no more slipping oc­ the greater angles seen in degenera tive spondylolisthe­
curring after the age of 20.129 Higher grade olisthesis is sis are not developmental but are acquired as a res ult
twice as common in girls as in boyS.130 of remodeling associated with the arthritic process ,
Degenerative spondylolisthesis is the only disorder of and, that the steeper angles are the effect of anterior
the adult spine in which a distinct difference between wear of the facet joints rather than being a cause of the
genders has been observed. It is approximately four times forward subluxation.13S Other factors, such as the lum­
more common in women than men. One study found a bosacral angle, ligamentous laxity, previous pregnancy,
4. 1 % incidence of degenerative spondylolisthesis in and hormonal factors, impose an increased stress on
adults. 131 The most common site for this type of spondy­ the L4-LS facet joints and, as most of the stress is
lolisthesis is the four th lumbar vertebra. placed anteriorly on the inferior facet of L4, the wear
There are two prevailing theories as to the etiology of pattern is concentrated at this point, creating a more
degenerative spondylolisthesis sagittally orientated joint by way of remodeling.13s

1. Dysfunction of the disc.132, 133 It is postulated that slip pro­ Whatever the cause , if the syndesmosis maintains the
gression after skeletal maturity is almost always related bonds between the two halves of the neural arch, there is

no mechanical instability and the patient is asymptomatic. examination findings are very specific and these patients
If the syndesmosis is loose, separation occurs during flex­ typically respond very well to the intervention, provided
ion. Repetitive flexion strains can give rise to both local that the condition is not advanced.
and referred pain in a sciatic distribution, due to nerve The radicular canal is the lateral aspect of tlle spinal
root irritation or degenerative changes occurring in the canal and begins at the point where the nerve root sheath
underlying disc. emerges from the dural sac and ends at the intervertebral
The spectrum of neurologic involvement r uns from foramen. The following serve as its borders.
rare to more common in the higher grade slips, with the
majority of neurologic deficits being an L5 radiculopa­ • The posterior border is formed by the ligamentum
thy with an L5- S 1 spondylolisthesis. Cauda equina im­ flavum, superior articular process, and lamina.
pairments can occur in grade III or IV slips. Symptoms, if • The anterior border is formed by the vertebral body
they do occur, usually begin in the second decade but and disc.
cannot be correlated with the degree of slip and, often, • The dural sac forms the medial wall and the internal
the pain may not originate from the spondylolisthetic aspect of the pedicle and lateral wall.
segment. This is due to the fact that with a forward slip of
the vertebral body, the intervertebral foramen is gener­ The radicular canal can be classified according to its
ally enlarged. It is only when the neural arch rotates location. 1 43
on the pivot formed by its articulation with the sacrum,
or there are anterior osteophytes, that encroachment oc­ • Entrance zone-medial and anterior to the superior
curs resulting in root irritation. Isthmic spondylolisthesis articular process
develops as a stress fracture. In more advanced slips, • Mid zone-under the pars interarticularis of the lam­
there is a palpable soft tissue depression immediately ina and below the pedicle
above the L5 spinous process on passing the fingers • Exit zone-the area surrounding the intervertebral
down the lumbar spine and a segmental lordosis. If an foramen
asymptomatic slip reaches 50%, vigorous contact sports
and other activities carrying a high risk of back injury The radicular canal may be narrowed by different mech­
should be avoided. anisms but the usual mechanism is a combination of factors.
X-ray findings for these patients can be misleading. In A compression of the nerve witllin the canal results in a limi­
a lateral view, taken while the patient is supine, the forward tation of the arterial supply or claudication due to the com­
displacement often appears trivial as it is only when the pression of the venous return. The compression of the foram­
patient is standing that the true degree of slip is appreci­ inal contents in the canal occurs from several sources. 144
ated . Consequently, if spondylolisthesis is suspected, a lat­
eral spot view of the lumbosacral junction must be taken • The length of the canal is shorter in lumbar lordosis
while the patient stands upright, and during flexion and than kyphosis.
extension of the trunk. J 39 However, a patient with low back • The canal is also shortened by disc degeneration at
pain who demonstrates a spondylolisthesis on x-ray may several levels resulting in the cauda equina bunching
have an asymptomatic spondylolisthesis, and the back pain up, producing a constriction.
may be coming from other causes. • The foramen is already narrowed by anterior osteo­
The inter vention depends on the severity of the slip phytes, posterior exostosis of tlle foramen, a bunching
and the symptoms and ranges from conservative to surgi­ up of the ligamentum flavum, or from a hypertrophic
cal. The average case is one of a limited slip and sparse superior facet of the inferior vertebra.
clinical findings. • In extension of the lumbar spine, the foramen is me­
chanically narrowed.

Degenerative Spinal Stenosis

The claudication, therefore, results in nerve root is­
Degenerative spinal stenosis is predominantly a disor­ chemia and symptomatic claudication. Any impingement
der of the elderly that is being diagnosed more frequently on the nerve root is intermittent and is related to dynamic
because of widespread use of sophisticated noninvasive im­ changes in the lateral recess during changes in posture
aging techniques. J41 This condition was initially described and tr unk movement. Most of the compression occurs
by Verbiest. 142 Initially the depth of the canal that consti­ when the canal is at its narrowest diameter, with relief oc­
tuted narrowing was an anterior-posterior measurement. curring when the diameter increases. Extension and, to a
More recently, the lateral width of the spinal canal has lesser degree, side-flexion of the lumbar spine toward the
been studied. Both the subjective complaints and the involved side produces a narrowing of the canal. A flexion

of the lumbar spine reverses the process, returning both distribution and magnitude of the outer load, albeit
the venous capacity and blood flow to the nerve. within physiologic limits.
Failure to respond to conservative treatment is an in­ • Neural system: consists of the nerves and central nerv­
dication for nerve root and sinuvertebral nerve i nfiltra­ ous system that direct and control the active system in
tion. 145 Permanent relief in lateral recess stenosis has been providing dynamic stability.
reported with an injection of local anesthetic around the
nerve root. 146 Panjabi 152 defined spinal instability as a significant de­
When nerve root infilu-ation fails, surgical decompres­ crease in the capacity of the stabilizing systems of the spine
sion of the nerve root is indicated. One study, albeit incon­ to maintain inter vertebral neutral zones within physio­
clusive, found that, at a I -year follow-up, patients with severe logic limits, so there is no major deformity, neurologic
lumbar spinal stenosis who were treated surgically had deficit, or incapacitating pain.
greater improvement than patients treated nonsurgically. 14? Panjabi and colleagues l55 studied the effect of inter­
However, studies have found a dwindling of benefit from segmental muscle forces on the neutral zone and range of
surgery after 2 or more years of follow-up, and that the more motion of a lumbar functional spinal unit subjected to
definite the myelographic stenosis in patients with no prior pure moments in flexion-extension, lateral bending, and
surgical intervention, comorbidity of diabetes, hip joint rotation. The simulated muscle forces were applied to the
arthrosis, preoperative fracture of the lumbar spine, or post­ spinous process of the mobile vertebra of a single motion
operative complications, the greater the chances of achiev­ segment using two equal and symmetrical force vectors di­
ing a good outcome after surgical management of lumbar rected laterally, anteriorly, and inferiorly. The simulated
spinal stenosis. 148 The overall success rates for performing a muscle force maintained or decreased the motions of the
second surgery on patients in whom initial back surgery lumbar segment for intact and injured specimens with the
failed have also been highly variable, ranging from 25% to exception of the flexion range of motion, which increased.
80% . 149 Another study found that a patient's perception of Tencer and Ahmed l5? and Wilder and co-workers l58
improvement had a much stronger correlation with long­ refer to the concept of a "balance point" and define the
term surgical outcome than structural findings seen on balance point for a single lumbar motion segment as the
postoperation magnetic resonance imaging, and that de­ point of application of a compressive load that minimizes
generative findings had a greater effect on a patient's walk­ coupled flexion-extension rotations caused by the segmen­
ing capacity than stenotic findings. 15 0 tal bending moment.
Wilke and colleagues 156 compared the effect on the
stability of a single lumbar motion segment of five muscle
pairs acting separately or simultaneously. They simulated a
Lumbar instability is considered to be a significant fac­ constant muscle force value of 80 N per pair. The sim­
tor in patie nts with chronic low back pain. 15 1 However, ulated muscle action generally decreased the range of
there is considerable controversy as to what exactly consti­ motion and neutral zone, particularly for flexion and
tutes spinal instability, although Panjabi has attempted to extension.
redefine it in terms of a region of laxity around the neutral The recent research of Gardner-Morse and associ­
resting position of a spinal segment called the neutral ates159 and O'Sullivan and co-workersl60 lends support to
zone. 152 The neutral zone is the position of the segment in the hypothesis of a balance point or neutral zone, reveal­
which minimal tension is occurring in the passive and ing that a reduction of motion segment stiffness of as little
active structures that control it. This neutral zone is shown as 1 0 % can compromise the stability of the spine. They
to be larger with intersegmental injury and intervertebral concluded that factors such as pathologic reduction in mo­
disc degeneration 1 53, 1 54 and smaller with simulated muscle tion segment stiffness, as well as poor neuromuscular con­
forces across a motion segment.155, 156 Thus, the size of trol of the spinal musculature and reduction of muscle
the neutral zone is determined by passive and active stiffness, could result in a state of spinal instability.
conu-ol systems, which in turn are controlled by the neural Cholewicke and McGill 161 reported that lumbar stability is
system. 15 2 maintained i n vivo by increasing the activity (stiffness) of
the l umbar segmental muscles, and highlighted tlle im­
• Passive system: consists of the vertebrae, intervertebral portance of motor control to coordinate muscle recruit­
discs, zygapophysial joints, and ligaments. ment between large trunk muscles and small intrinsic mus­
• Active system: consists of the muscles and tendons sur­ cles during functional activities to ensure that stability is
rounding and acting on the spinal column. The partic­ maintained.
ular role of tlle active components at static equilibrium From the mechanical point of view, tlle spinal system
is to enable a choice of posture, independent of the is highly complex and statically highly indeterminate. The

concept of different trunk muscles playing differing roles in patient 's motivation, compliance, and body awareness
the provision of dynamic stability to the spine was proposed sense. 83 It is also dependent on time constraints placed
by Bergmark,162 who proposed that two muscle systems are upon the clinician by a busy caseload, as reeducation can
engaged in the equilibrium of the lumbar spine. be very labor intensive.
The following clinical findings (anywhere in the spinal
1. Global muscle system: consisting of large torque produc­ or peripheral joints) may indicate the presence of instabil­
ing muscles that act on the trunk and spine without ity, and its pertinence to the presenting complaints of the
being directly attached to it. These muscles, with ori­ patient.
gins on the pelvis and insertions on the thoracic cage,
include the rectus abdominis, external oblique, and History
the thoracic part of lumbar iliocostalis. They provide • Trauma
general trunk stabilization but are not capable of hav­ • Repeated unprovoked episode (s) of feeling unstable
ing a direct segmental influence on the spine. or giving way, following a minor provocation
2. Local muscle system: consisting of muscles that have in­ • Inconsistent symptomatology
sertions and/or origins at the lumbar vertebra and are • Minor aching for a few days after a sensation of giving
responsible for providing segmental stability and di­ way
rectly controlling the lumbar segments.These muscles • Compression symptoms (vertebrobasilar, spinal cord)
include the lumbar multifidus, transversus abdominis, that are not associated with a disc- or stenotic-like
and the posterior fibers of the internal oblique history
• Consistent clicking or clunking noises
The lumbar multifidus, transversus abdominis, and • Protracted pain (with full range of motion)
the posterior fibers of the internal oblique are known to be
tonically active during upright postures and active motions Observation
of the trunk,16 3.1 64 with the transversus abdominis capable • Creases posteriorly or on abdomen (spondylolisthe-
of tonic activity irrespective of trunk position, direction of sis)
movement, or loading of the spine. 165 Recent research in­ • Spinal ledging
dicates that it may also be the first trunk muscle to become • Spinal angulation on full range of motion
active before movement initiation,166 or perturbation, '67 • Inability to recover normally from full range of mo­
and is the primary muscle involved in the initiation and tion, commonly flexion
maintenance of intra-abdominal pressure. 165 The lumbar • Excessive active range of motion
multifidus is considered to have the greatest potential to
provide dynamic control to the motion segment, particu­
Hyp ermobility
larly in its neutral zone. 1 6 8.169 The co-contraction of the
deep abdominal muscles with the lumbar multifidus has One of the limitations with tile clinical diagnosis of
the potential to provide a dynamic corset for the lumbar lumbar instability is the unreliability of conventional radio­
spine, enhancing its segmental stability. logical testing in detecting abnormal or excessive interseg­
As with any system, the potential for breakdown exists. mental motion.177.178 As with all movement impairments,
Research has shown that it is the local system that is partic­ instabilities or hypermobilities can be symmetrical or
ularly vulnerable to breakdown with both lumbar multi­ asymmetrical but, in contrast to the hypomobilities, tile
fidus l 7o.1 71 and deep abdominaI1 72. 1 73 muscle inhibition, principles of intervention for these are not dependent on
resulting in altered patterns of synergistic control or coor­ the degree of symmetry. Hypermobility is usually the most
dination of the trunk muscles.1 74 . 1 75 difficult impairment to diagnose in the spine as it is not a
The ligamentous spine is known to be unstable at loads matter of stiffness but a relative degree of looseness. How­
far less than that of body weight.176 The neuromuscular ever, once discovered, hypermobility is the most easily
system must therefore fulfill the role of maintaining pos­ treated impairment as the hypermobile joint is, unless irri­
tural stability while simultaneously controlling and initiating table when it is treated with modalities, not treated at all.
movement. Instability, whether ligamentous or articular, is The recovery from the hypermobile state is simply a matter
perhaps the most difficult of the motion impairments to of removing abnormal stresses from tile joint and then wait­
treat. A stiff or jammed joint is a relatively simple problem ing for adaptive shortening to tighten tile attenuated tissue.83
of selecting and applying a mobilization or manipulation If the underlying cause of the articular hypermobility is
technique. But, instability is a permanent, or at best, a deemed to be a localized hypomobility, then this latter im­
semipermanent state that can only be managed, and the pairment must logically be dealt with first. Having attended
effectiveness of the management is very dependent on the to this, or indeed, if the hypermobility is of a primar y

origin, the main consideration is how to make the segment lumbar movements and reports of "locking." The mecha­
more stable. The aim of the intervention of a hypermobil­ nism of mechanical locking is still a contentious issue. 186, 1 8?
ity is to prevent it becoming unstable. The patient is asked The severity of each episode varies, from incapacitating to
to avoid any activities or postures that would move the joint minor discomfort. Although it can occur at any age, lum­
into its hypermobile range. The clinician treats any associ­ bago typically affects those in the ages of between 20 and
ated hypomobilities that might be placing abnormal stress 45 years. The mechanism of injury usually involves a sudden
on the joint. If necessary, an external support is used as a unguarded movement of the lumbar spine involving either
temporary measure. flexion or extension combined with rotation and/or side­
Hypomobilities can be classified as symmetrical or
asymmetrical. If both sides of the joint are involved, the le­
Hypomobility in the lumbar spine can have a variety sion is symmetrical, whereas if only one side is involved,
of causes including ligament tears, J 79 muscle tears or contu­ the lesion is asymmetrical.
sions, 180 lumbago, 18 1 intra-articular meniscoid entrapment,1 82
zygapophysial joint capsular tightness, and zygapophysial Symmetric Movement Dysfunctions
joint fixation or subluxation. 183 A disc protrusion and pro­ There are two main types of symmetrical impairments.
lapse and anular tear J84 can also produce a hypomobility and
are discussed in Chapters 7 and 1 0.
• Those caused by acute pain, where both zygapophysial
joints are equally inflamed, or those where the seg­
Ligament Tears ment is so painful due to articular or extra-articular
As with elsewhere in the body, ligament tears of the lumbar
impairments that motion is lost symmetrically.
spine are traumatically induced. Ligaments function to
• Those caused by myofascial and articular tissue short­
limit the motion of one bone on another especially at the
ening from a fixed postural impairment.
extremes of motion. A knowledge of the various restraints
to the variolls motions of the lumbar spine can aid in de­
A symmeu'ical impairment will not be apparent in the
termining which ligament has the potential to be sprained
flexion and extension position tests because, as both are
with a given mechanism. The iliolumbar ligament, an ex­
equally impaired, there is no deviation from the path of
tremely important structure that stabilizes the lumbar
flexion or extension, but rather the path is shortened or
spine on the sacrum and functions to anchor the L5 verte­
lengthened depending on which type of impairment
bra onto the S l vertebral body,61 is commonly injured with
(hypo- or hypermobility) is present. In addition, there is
a mechanism of forward bending combined with twisting.
no apparent loss of side-flexion or rotation, and both sides
appear equally hypomobile or hypermobile.
Muscle Contusions and Tears
Muscle contusions and tears present with a history of
trauma and are capable of producing a significant degree Asymmetric Movement Dysfunction
of discomfort. Muscle tears can complicate a contusive in­ The asymmetrical movement dysfunctions include unilat­
jury. Two sites are commonly involved, and can occur with eral zygapophyseal joint hypomobilities, disc protrusions,
relatively little u·auma. 1 85 and unilateral myofascial shortening.

• The point where the erector spinae group of muscles

join to tlleir common tendon just above and medial to B IOM ECHANICAL EXAM I NATION
the posterior sllperior iliac spines. OF THE L U M BAR S P I N E
• At the gluteal origin on the ala of the ilium, just lateral
to the posterior iliac spines. A t this stage of the examination, a number of diagnoses
should have been ruled out, either by tlle subjective history
However, muscle pain can also be produced from ex­ and/or by the scan examination. A number of diagnoses
cessive muscle activity or the muscle guarding that follows still need to be ruled out and these include:
an injury to tlle spine.
• Zygapophysial joint pathology. Although it is difficult
Lumbago to envision a zygapophysial joint impairment without
The term lumbago is used to describe local back pain of a having a disc impairment, it is possible to have a disc
discogenic origin, but can also be used to describe a sudden impairment without a zygapophysial joint impairment
onset of persistent low back pain, marked by a restriction of because the disc is a primary stabilizer.

• Hypomobility, hypermobility or instability of the joint each is named according to the combination of rotation
complex and side-flexion that are used in the technique.
• Bursitis If the rotation used is to the same side as the side­
• C hronic musculotendinous impairment flexion, then the technique is termed congruent (other
• Articular impairment names used include physiologicaJ and zygapophysial joint
• Capsular impairment locking) . For example, a congruent locking technique
• Ligamentous impairment would be right side-flexion with right rotation, in flexion.
If the rotation used is not to the same side, then the
A biomechanical diagnosis, suc h as those just out­ technique is termed incongruent (other names used in­
lined, is the goal for this part of the examination. The clude nonphysiologic and ligamentous locking) . For ex­
components of the biomechanical examination are the ample, an incongruent locking technique would be right
same for the spine as they are for other joints. They side-flexion with left rotation, in flexion.
include: Thus, there are four possible locking combinations.

• An examination of active, and passive range of motion 1. Congruent extension

• Over pressur e applied at the end of range to detect 2. Incongruent extension
the end feel 3. Congruent flexion
• An emphasis not only on plane movements but also on 4. Incongruen t flexion
movement combinations
• Reproduction of the patient's symptoms In the techniques described, it is assumed that at the
extreme of flexion and extension, the rotation occurs to
The examination of coupling or combined movements the same side as the side-flexion. Since there is much dis­
introduces the importance oflumbar spine position, that is, agreement as to the coupling that occurs in neutral, lock­
whether the spine is in neuu'al, flexion, or extension. A ing in this position is avoided.
great deal of controversy exists with regard to the concept The rotational component used in a specific mobiliza­
of spinal coupling and which coupling occurs with each of tion is always opposite to the side the patient is lying on, as
the spinal positions. It is generally agreed t hat the following rotation to the same side will render the patient's body
occurs. mass difficult to control. Therefore, the direction of rota­
tion is a constant when determining whether to use a con­
• Neutral: side-flexion and rotation occur to opposite gruent or incongruent technique. For example, if the pa­
sides. tient is in right side-lying, the rotation employed must be
• Flexion: side-flexion and rotation occur to the same to the left, and a congruent technique for flexion or ex­
side. tension would involve left side-flexion.
• Extension: side-flexion and rotation occur to opposite
sides initially, but at the exu"emes of extension, they
Locking from Above
occur to the same side.
Locks from above are achieved through the use of an arm
• At L5, because of the influence of the iliolumbar liga­
pull. When locking from above, the rotation, side-flexion,
ment, the coupling varies.
and flexion and extension movements are done simulta­
neously. Since rotation is a constant, the only concerns are:
Whereas the segment can flex, extend, side flex, and
rotate, the only motion that can occur at the zygapophysial
A. How to produce side-flexion to either the right or left.
joints is a superior, or inferior glide, with varying degrees
of an terior or posterior inclination depending on how B. Which side-flexion to use in conjunction with either
flexed or extended the spine is at the time. Thus, rotation flexion or extension.
or side-flexion of the segment is associated with flexion of l . Locking from above-extension: The patient is posi­
one joint and extension of the other. tioned in side lying, facing the clinician. The patient's
hips and knees are slightly flexed. To facilitate the
upper lock of extension, the upper arm of the patient
LOCKING TECHN IQU ES FOR THE LUMBAR should be placed in a position with the elbow flexed
S PI N E BASED ON COUPLING and shoulder extended, so that the arm is posterior to
the trunk (Figure 1 3-8) . To ensure that the upper
Two types of locking techniques are used to isolate a spe­ spine is positioned in extension, the patient 's lower
cific segment for either examination or treatment, and arm is drawn vertically toward the ceiling (Figure 1 3-8 ) .

FIGURE 1 3-8 An upper extension lock with the patient FIGURE 1 3-9 An upper flexion lock with the patient lying
lying on left side. o n left side.

2. Locking from above-flexion: the patient IS posi­ cranial and veTtical pull (Figure 1 3- 1 1 ) . This technique,
tioned in side-lying , facing the clinician. The pa­ with the location of the end feel, can be used to test the
tient 's hips and knees are slightly flexed. The joint's ability to achieve the full range of motion , or it can
clinician places the patient 's upper arm anterior to the be used to position a patient to mobilize one side of a
trunk in such a way that the palm is flat on the bed joint.
and adjacent to the patient 's waist. The lower arm
and shoulder girdle are then drawn for ward, parallel
to the table (Figure 1 3-9) .
3. Right side-flexion in flexion/extension: the patient is
positioned in side lying, facing the clinician. The pa­
tient's hips and knees are slightly flexed. If the pa­
tient is in right side-lying, then the right arm is drawn
towaTd theJeet (i.e., caudal ; Figure 1 3- 1 0) .

An Upper Lock Utilizing Left Side-Flexion

The patient is positioned in side-lying, facing the clinician.
The patient's hips and knees are slightly flexed. If the
patient is in right side-lying, then the Tight a-rm is drawn su­
periorly towaTd the head, keeping the arm parallel to the bed.

An Upper Lock Combining Side-flexion

with Flexion/Extension
When performing locking techniques from above , the
side-flexion positioning is performed with tlle flexion and
extension simultaneously by combining arm movements.

Congruent Left side-flexion and Extension With the pa­

tient in right side-lying, the right arm and shoulder girdle F I G U R E 1 3-1 0 A right side flexion upper lock with the
are drawn in a direction that is the oblique resultant of a patient lying on right side.

J� __
FIG U R E 1 3-1 1 An extension and left side flexion lock F I G U RE 1 3-1 2 A flexion and right side flexion lock with
with the patient lying o n right side. the patient lying on right side.

Incongruent Right side-jlexion and Flexion With the pa­ • Right sidejlexion: the patient's lower (left) leg is en­
tient right side-lying, the patient's right arm and shoulder couraged, or drawn, inferiorly (Figure 1 3- 1 4) .
girdle are drawn in a direction that is the oblique resultant
of a caudal and horizontal pull (Figur e 1 3- 1 2) . This tech­ Lower Lock: Rotation
nique, wi th the location of the end feel, can be used to test Assuming the patient is in right side-lying. As with locking
the joint's ability to achieve the full range of motion, or it techniques from above, the locking from below involves a
can be used to position a patient to mobilize one side of a

Locking from Below

So far, the locking techniques have been from above. When
locking from below, simultaneous side-flexion and rotation
with flexion and extension is not easily controlled. There­
fore, it is recommended that the spine be locked in the fol­
lowing sequence.

1. Flexion or extension
2. Side-flexion
3. Rotation

Lower Lock: Flexion and Extension

Most easily performed to the correct level, as per the
PPIVM technique, with the knees flexed.

Lower Lock: Side-flexion

Assuming the patient is in left side-lying:

• Left sidejlexion: the patient's upper (right) leg is en­ FIG U RE 1 3- 1 3 The upper leg is drawn inferiorly with the
couraged, or drawn, inferiorly (Figure 1 3- 1 3) . patient lying on left side.

• During locking, it must be remembered to incorpo­

rate the direction of the mobilization into the lock­
i ng tech n ique of the lever arm. For example, if L3-4
were hypomobile in left extension, the fixated part
of the spine may be locked with any of the combina­
tions just mentioned since the L3-4 will be kept in
neutral. However, the lever arm must incorporate
i n to i ts locking technique the motions of extension
and left side-flexion . So, for example, if the patient
is i n right side-lying, the technique used for the lever
arm would be left congruent extension .
• As a general rule, one may fix through a hypermo­
bility, but not lever through it. I deally, the clinician
should place any hypermobi lities i n a flexion lock,
which is less firm than an exten sion lock. Where
possibl e , though, the clinician should lock with ex­
tension as it tends to produce a firmer lock. One
should neither fix nor lever through an unstable

A review of the flow diagram in Figure 1 3- 1 5 will be

FIGURE 1 3-1 4 The lower leg is drawn inferiorly with the
a helpful guide to the reader. The flow diagram assumes
patient lying on left side.
that the clinician has taken the history and performed
a scan, if appropriate, but has yet to determine a diag­
constant of rotation. For example, right side-lying must be nosis.
accompanied by left rotation. When locking from below, the
rotation occurs to the side that the patient is lying on (right
side-lying is accompanied by right rotation) and is con­ The Examination Components
trolled by the motion of the pelvis, either directly, by draw­
ing the pelvis forward into the clinician's body, or indirectly, Active Weight-bearing Movement Testing
by allowing the upper (left) leg to drop toward the ground. The amount of range available depends on a number of
It will be seen later that there are the same four possible factors, including age and stage of healing. Even in so­
combinations of locking techniques from below, as there called ' normal' spines there is a great deal of variability. 1 88
were from above, and this would appear to present the clini­ Some individuals are able to touch their toes with only hip
cian witll a daunting sixteen possible combinations! In reality, and/ or thoracic motion. However, the focus of the exami­
however, one seldom needs to worry about making the right nation is the quality of the motion, the symptoms the mo­
choices. Many clinicians develop a favored combination that tions provoke, and the end feel. The reader should refer to
seems to work "most of the time." On the other hand, the pa­ Chapter 1 0 for details about what to observe during the
tients who have reacted adversely to mobilizations are just the planar motions.
ones who probably require some special consideration when At the end of each of the active motions, passive over
selecting the appropriate locking technique. On these occa­ pressure is applied, and resistance tests are performed
sions, one is grateful for the variable options available. with the muscles in the lengthened positions. In cases of
Listed below are some of the guidelines for locking. low back pain, the results of the isometric tests for the most
part are negative, and when positive, are more likely due to
• An attempt should always be made to keep the seg­ the compressive effect that they have on the injured seg­
ment to be mobilized in neutral until the slack i n mental tissues. 1 89 However, if the active or passive test re­
those segments above and below has been removed by produced pain or other symptoms, do not have the patient
the locking techniques. perform an isolated contraction at the end of range, since
• In mobilizations, generally, it is stated mat one must me resulting compression may do more damage to the seg­
fix one bone while mobilizing another. A detailed bio­ mental structures. 1 89
mechanical examination of the spine will reveal which The same planar motions that were used in tlle lum­
"end" will be fixated and which will be used as a lever bar scan are used, but if the planar motions fail to repro­
to mobilize. duce symptoms, combined motions are introduced in both

History (systems review) -. Scan ------.... Positive for serious signs/symptoms Refer to
H and I Tests83
These are biomechanical tests for the spine, testing both
Negative scan
the range and the function of the joint complex using
combined motions. The tests get their name from the pat­

1 tern produced by the motions that make up each test.

They are used to detect biomechanical impairments in the
chronic or subacute stages of healing.
These tests are quite useful as a quick test once the
limitations of screening tests are understood.

• False negatives
-Neurological signs/symptoms • They are non discriminatory and will highlight irrele­
-Reproduction of symptoms No neurological signs andlor reproduction of symptoms vant instabilities.
• They do not differentiate between instabilities.

• They do not tell the clinician which segment is at fault,
-Musculoskeletal Diagnosis
only the motion that reproduces the pain, or is

1 As discussed in Chapter 1 1 , combined motion tests

-Consider intervention Biomechanica! Examination
can reproduce the pain in a structure that is either being
compressed or stretched, and the findings from these tests
Observation, AROM, PROM, Resisted, Palpation, Screening tests
are used to formulate a working hypothesis as to the pa­
tient's condition. While the patient's pain and its location
are of interest at this stage, these tests primarily assess the
quality and quantity of motion.
-Combined Motion testing (H and I test)

-Positional tests for transverse processes -P.P.I.V.M. and P.P.A.I.V.M tests

H Test

This test involves starting the patient with side-flexion of
the lumbar spine, followed by extreme forward flexion of
the lumbar spine (Figure 1 3- 1 6) . From this position, the
patient maintains the side-flexion, and moves into extreme
Positional diagnosis (FRS, ERS) extension of the lumbar spine (Figure 1 3- 1 7) . The test is
then repeated using side-flexion to the other side, and re­

! peating the flexion and extension motions while maintain­

ing the side-flexion.
The range of motion and end feels are compared. I t is
Apply passive intervertebral mobility
important that the clinician observe the curvature of the
test to examine fOT hypomobilily

/ �
lumbar spine during these maneuvers, and look for any
compensations that the patient might unintentionally use
Ifnegative If positive, mobilize and re-assess lfhypelTl10bile If hypomobile, mobilize and
to achieve the ranges.

1 I Tes t
T h i s test involves starting the patient with extreme for­
Assume hypennobility ward flexion of the l umbar spine before moving into
(geneml1y more painful than hypomobilily) side-flexion of the lumbar spine (see Figure 1 3-1 6) . From
FIG U R E 1 3- 1 5 Exa m i n ation se q uence. this position, the patien t side-flexes the trunk to the
other side. The test is then repeated using extreme ex­
tension and side-flexion to both sides (see Figure 1 3- 1 7) ,
flexion and extension, and a note is made about whether and the range of motion and end feels are compared.
deviations occur before, or subsequent to, the end of It is important to observe the curvature of the lumbar
range. These combined motion tests are called H and I spine and to look for any protective compensations that
tests, and the findings from these tests determine the se­ the patient might uninten tionally use to achieve the
quence for the rest of the examination. range.

H test, when the patient is asked to side-flex in one di­

rection and then flex ful ly.
2. PostmoT quadmnts. These are tested in the I test when
the patient is asked to actively extend as far as possible
and then side flex in one direction, and in the H test,
when the patient is asked to side-flex in one direction,
and then extend fully.

These tests should provide the clinician with a work­

ing hypothesis as to whether the patient's condition results
from too little, or too much, motion, and further testing
can be used in the biomechanical examination to eitller
confirm or refute the hypotheses.

Example: Hypomobility. If there is a hypomobi lity

i n to the posterior left quadran t, the patient demon­
strates diffi culty moving into that quadrant, whether via
extension and l eft side-flexion or left side-flexion fol­
lowed by extension.
If a particular quadrant is suspected for hypomobility
after the H and I test, further testing is performed to de­
FIGURE 1 3- 1 6 T h e H test. termine the segment at fault using position testing (see
later discussion) . It is the position testing or the passive
mobility testing that indicates to the clinician the level
It can be seen from these tests that each of H and I
of the impairment. For example, if during the H and I
maneuvers test both sides of the an terior and posterior
test, the patient was unable to extend and right side-flex,
quadrants using two differen t combined movements.
and the position tests or PPIVM tests (see later discus­
sion ) confirmed the impairment to be an FRSL ( flexed,
1. AnterioT quadmnts. These are tested in the I test when
rotated, side-flexed left) at L4, the clinician positions the
the patient is asked to actively flex forward as far as
patient i n side-lying so that L4 can be taken to the ex­
possible and then side-flex in one direction, and in the
treme of extension and right side-flexion to confirm the

Example: Hypermobility. The medical definition of

instability is "an abnormal response to applied loads,
characterized by movements in the motion segment be­
yond normal constraints. " 1 90 Using this defi nition, a hy­
permobility can be defined as excessive angular motion
at a joint where the joint retains its stability and func­
tions normally under physiological loads. Instability, hy­
permobility, and hypomobility are described in detail in
Chapter 1 1 .
An inconsistent hypomobility appears to be a common
characteristic of directional instabilities. 192 That is, if the
joint is moved in one direction, the movement may be hy­
permobile, but it does not sublux into the instability and
become hypomobile. However, when it is moved in tile op­
posite direction, it subluxes into tile instability and be­
comes hypomobile. lE a left lateral hypermobility is present
at one segment, the first part of tile H test (side-flexion)
does not demonstrate a hypomobility. However, as the
patient tries to flex or extend, a reduction in motion would
occur as the resulting subluxation would jam the joint and
FIGURE 1 3-1 7 The I test. prevent further motion from occurring. However, if the I

test is used, initiating with flexion, and then side-flexion, to test segmental mobility. If a hypermobility is suspected,
no loss of motion would be apparent. stress tests are performed into the suspected range.
In the lumbar spine, a simple test further demon­
strates this phenomenon. The patient is asked to forward Nonweight Bearing (NWB) H and I Test83
bend at the waist. If an anterior instability is present, the The nonweight-bearing H and I test applies tlle same prin­
patient is able to bend forward with little, if any, trouble. ciples as the weight-bearing version just described, al­
However, after reaching the full range of flexion, the pa­ though it does offer some distinct advantages for the de­
tient demonstrates difficulty extending from this position, tection of hypermobilities and hypomobilities. It is also
often using his or her hands to walk up the thighs. used to confirm the findings of the weight-bearing test. A
The subjective history should support the hypothesis of positive weight-bearing H and I test but a negative
instability. If the instability does not cause symptoms either di­ nonweight-bearing H and I test probably indicates the
rectly or indirectly, then an intervention is almost certainly presence of instability. The patient is positioned side-lying.
not required. In the case of the spine, the instability should
b� associated with a clinically detectable hypermobility. 1 92 If H Tes t The patient's lumbar spine is locked from above
the instability is not sufficiently gross to produce a discernible using either an extension and rotation lock or a flexion
hypermobility, then it is unlikely to be a cause of symptoms or and side-flexion lock, depending on which quadrant is be­
impairment and does not require an intervention. ing assessed.
A positive finding in one of the H and I tests but not
the other (a loss of motion detected in the I test but no loss I Tes t The patient's lumbar spine is locked from below us­
detected in the H test) can mean one of three conclusions. ing either a flexion or extension lock and is locked from
above using a rotation lock.
1. Instability For example, if impairment into the right posterior
2. Anomaly quadrant was found in tlle weight-bearing H and I test, me
3. Hypermobility patient is positioned in left side-lying. The clinician locks
down from above witll an extension and right side-flexion
Not only can the H and I test be used to pick up insta­ lock, by pulling me patient's bottom arm up to me ceiling
bilities, but it can also help differentiate the direction of and toward the head of tlle bed at me same time. BOtll of me
the instability. patient's lower extremities are then moved into gross lumbar
The I test is used to detect anterior or posterior insta­ extension, extending tllrough me segment to be tested.
bilities, whereas the H test is used to detect lateral instabil­ The H part of the test is applied into the impaired
ities. These findings are then confirmed with a stress test. quadrant (right posterior in this example) .
(see later) .
• While maintaining the upper lock of extension and
• A loss of motion with flexion in the I test probably in­ right side-flexion, the clinician moves the patient's
dicates posterior disc fiber weakness and, therefore, a lower extremities from full extension to neutral, and
possible anterior translation instability. This can be back again into extension.
confirmed by performing the anterior stress test. • Normal motion involves a gradual and smooth motion
• A loss of motion with extension in the I test probably of the segment. A hypermobility will display a very
indicates a weakness of the anterior disc fibers and, quick movement of the spinous process at the point
therefore, a posterior translation instability. This can when the patient's lower extremities are moved out of
be confirmed with the posterior stress test in sitting. It extension toward the neutral position.
is worth noting that if both of the posterior quadrants
are implicated, then this may indicate a central weak­ The I part of the test is applied into the impaired
ness of the anterior disc fibers. quadrant (right posterior in this example) .
• A positive finding in the H test, without one in the I
test, could indicate a lateral or side-flexion instability. • BOtll of the patient's lower extremities are positioned
This can be confirmed with the lateral stability test. in sufficient extension to extend the lumbar spine
through the segment. Maintaining the extension, the
At the completion of the H and I test, the clinician will clinician then moves the patient's u'unk and lumbar
know with a good deal of certainty if the patient's con­ spine in and out of the right side-flexion, not rotation.
dition involves a hypomobility or hypermobility and Although this motion resembles thoracic rotation, me
instability. If a hypomobility is suspected, passive physio­ clinician 's force is directed cranially. If a hypomobility
logic in tervertebral motion (PPIVM) tests are carried out exists, the two adjoining spinous processes will appear

to move together, instead of independently, as In a A. Positional testing in hyperextension 83

normal segment. l . If a marked segmental rotation is evident at the limit
of extension, this would indicate that one of the
facets is unable to complete its inferior motion (i.e., it
is being held i n a relatively flexed position) . The di­
rection of the resulting rotation (denoted in terms of
Referring to the flow diagram in Figure 1 3- 1 5 , the posi­ the anterior part of the vertebral body) would tell the
tion tests are performed after the active motion tests, in­ clinician which of the facets is not moving.
stead of the combined motion tests and the passive physio­ 2. If the segment is rotated to the LEFT when palpated
logic intervertebral motion tests ( refer to the Chapter 1 1 ) . in extension, men it must be the RIGHT zygapophysial
joint that is not moving normally.
Procedure 3. This impairment can be named in one of two ways.
The clinician must be very familiar with "layer palpation , " a. The right zygapophysial joint cannot extend.
to b e sure that tlle palpating fingers are monitoring the po­ b. The segment "cannot close" on the right.
sitions of the transverse processes. Tests need to be per­ ( 1 ) Positional impairment: the right zygapophysial
formed in: joint is Flexed (F) , Rotated (R) , and Side-flexed
(S) Left (L) around tlle axis of the right zy­
• Hyperextended prone gapophysial joint. FRS or extension impairments
• Flexion ( Figure 1 3- 1 8 ) , or hyperflexion give more dramatic findings in the positional
• Neutral prone tests than ERS ones. This is because there is less
overall motion available into extension.
The transverse processes are layer-palpated, and if there (2) Motion impairment: tlle right zygapophysial
is a rotational element to the flexion or extension, it will be joint demonstrates a restriction of extension,
palpated as a much firmer end feel to the palpation on mat right side-flexion, and right rotation.
side. The rotation is a result of the altered axis of rotation
produced by tlle stiffer of tlle two sides of the segment. The B. Positional testing in flexion/hyperflexion83
direction of the rotation is toward the more posterior of l . Similarly, if a marked segmental rotation were evi­
the two transverse processes and the positional name is an dent in full flexion, this would indicate that one of
osteokinematic one, having no established relationship me facets could not complete its superior motion.
with any joint. 2. If me segment is rotated to the left when palpated in
flexion, then it must be the left zygapophysial joint
mat is not moving normally.
3. Terminology
a. The left zygapophysialjoint cannot flex.
b. The segment "cannot open" on the left.
( 1 ) Positional impairment: the left zygapophysial
joint is extended (E), Rotated ( R) , and Side­
flexed (S) Left (L)
(2) Motion impairment: the left zygapophysial
joint demonstrates a restriction of flexion,
right rotation, and right side-flexion.

C. Positional testing in neutral83-Performed for three reasons

l . If a rotational impairment of a segment only exists in
neutral, and is not evident in either full flexion or full
extension, it would indicate that the cause of the im­
pairment is probably not mechanical in origin, but
rather neuromuscular. These neuromuscular impair­
ments are usually found where ascending and de­
scending spinal decompensations "meet."
2. If a marked rotation is evident at a segment, and this
rotation is consistent throughout flexion, extension
and neutral, then me cause is probably an anatomical
FIGURE 1 3-1 8 Position testing in flexion. anomaly, not articular, (e.g., scoliosis) .

3. If the cause of the rotational impairment is articular 2. Hypermobile zygapophysial joint, a hypermobility
(zygapophysial joint) , positional testing in neutral can occur as a result of macrotrauma or micro­
gives the clinician an idea as to the starting position trauma. Three of the most common causes are:
of the corrective technique. a. Post-trauma
Note: the terminology used to describe the dysfunc­ b. Post-partum
tional motion describes the positional and kinetic c. Secondary to the presence of a hypomobile seg­
impairments only. I t does not indicate what the ment above or below.
pathology m ight be. However, when these tests are This is the most difficult impairment to iden­
used in conj unction with other aspects of the total tify because it mimics an FRS or ERS impairment.
exam ination, a biomechanical diagnosis can be de­ However, it is usually very reactive, and if testing is
termined. done kinetically, with careful observation during
active motion tests, the rotational impairment ap­
pears markedly at the very end of range. The im­
Evaluation of Positional Findings
pairment is usually inculpated by the findings of
A. Disc lesion (e.g., a right posterior-lateral protrusion)
the PPIVM (see later discussion ) . A difference in
1. In FLEXION-ERS left and ERS right found with
findings between positional testing and passive
position testing: theoretically, the presence of pain
physiologic mobility may be found as a result of
protectively prevents a compression of the anterior
adaptive changes produced by the body in re­
aspect of the disc, as this would push the protrusion
sponse to the local impairment.
out further. As a result, the zygapophysial joints can­
not flex into either of the anterior quadrants.
2. In EXTENSION-FRS left found with position testing: Kinetic Positional Testing
theoretically, the right zygapophysial joint is pre­ Position testing does not have to be a static procedure
vented from extending by the mechanical block of and in many respects it is more accurate if it is not. Some
the protruding disc. Therefore, it is flexed, rotated, clinicians have a better sense of relative depth and they
and side bent left. should use the static version of the test. Other clinicians
3. In NEUTRAL: a rotational deviation may be present are better at detecting motion and, thus, the kinetic posi­
in neutral, but is generally most marked towards full tional tests are more suitable.
flexion and extension. The key sign is the loss of mo­ The patient is asked to stand with the hands by their
tion to the same side in both extremes. sides. While the clinician palpates a segmental level, the
Intervention: Treat the extension impairment (see later) patien t is asked to look over the left shoulder, and then the
right shoulder (Figure 1 3- 1 9 ) . This head turning induces
B. Zygapof)hysial joint lesions, these impairments fall into
the correct motion in the lumbar spine. The segment be­
one of three categories.
ing palpated should rotate to the ipsilateral side during the
1 . The hypo mobile zygapophysial joint: the specific
head turning.
cause is differentiated with the end feel. The key sign
is the loss of motion in one quadrant only, for exam­
ple, the loss of extension in the right zygapophysial
joint, but normal flexion in the right zygapophysial PASS IVE PHYSIOLOGIC I NTERVERTEBRAL
a. Osseous fusion (no motion felt at zygapophysial
joint) producing a bony end feel Passive physiologic intervertebral movemen t ( P P IVM )
b. Gross capsular fibrosis (posterior transverse process) tests are most effectively carried out if the combined mo­
producing a capsular end feel tion tests locate a hypomobility, or if the position tests
c . An in tra-articular loose body producing a springy are negative (see later discussion ) , rather than as the en­
end feel try tests for the lumbar spine . This is because the vast ma­
d. A muscle hypertonus producing a elastic end feel jority of patients presenting for an i n tervention are
e. An articular subluxation producing a hard, jammed symptomatic due to asymmetrical impairments. This is
end feel not to imply that postural impairments are unimportant,
The key sign is a loss of motion occurring si­ but if present, they are usually masked by the more
multaneously in diagonally opposite quadrants. painful impairment. In any case, the symptomatic prob­
For example an ERSR combined with an FRSL lem should be addressed first, or at least concurrently
produces a loss of motion in both directions, but with any postural intervention, as this is the reason the
only one of the zygapophysial join ts is locked. patient came for an intervention.

• By locating the iliac crest, which is level with L4, and

counting down one.
• By having the patient perform a pelvic tilt during the
palpation, to help locate the lumbosacral j unction.

Once located, the neutral position of the spine for flex­

ion and extension is found by palpating the L5 spinous
process and alternatively flexing and extending the hips un­
til it is felt to rock around the flexion and extension point.

The patient is positioned in side-lying, close to the clini­
cian, with the underneath leg slightly flexed at the hip and
knee. A small pillow or roll can be placed under the pa­
tient's waist to maintain the lumbar spine in a neutral
position with respect to side-flexion. The test can be per­
formed by flexing one or both of the patient's legs, but it
is generally easier to use one leg. The clin ician , facing the
patient, palpates between two adjacen t lumbar spinous
processes in the interspinous space, with the cranial hand,
while the other hand grasps the patient's ankles or the
FIGURE 1 3-1 9 Kinetic positional testing using head turn. knee of the uppermost leg if one leg is being used. The pa­
tient's lower extremities are moved into hip and lumbar
The passive physiologic movement tests are per­ flexion, and returned to neutral by the clinician , as the
formed into: motion between segments is palpated ( Figure 1 3-20A) .
Using this general technique, tlle clinician works up and
• Flexion down the lumbar spine getting a sense of the overall
• Extension motion available. Although there is a high degree of vari­
• Rotation ability in patients, segmental motion should decrease
• Side-flexion from L5 to L l . A generalized hypermobility demonstrates
more motion in all of the segments, whereas an isolated
The adjacent spinous processes of the segment are hyper mobile segment demonstrates more motion at only
palpated simultaneously, and movement between them is that level. Each segment is then checked one at a time,
assessed as the segment is passively taken through its phys­ while moving the lumbar spine passively from neutral to
iologic range. If both spinous processes move simultane­ full flexion.
ously, there is no movement occurring at the segment and For a greater degree of accuracy, once the lumbar
a hypomobility exists. As indicated by the flow diagram in spine is flexed up to the desired leve l , the spinous
Figure 1 3- 1 5 the hypomobility is tested by the appropriate process of that level is pinched and side-fl exion of the
PPAIVM test (see later) . If too much movement occurs, a lumbar spine is added by grasping the patient's upper­
hypermobility is likely. If a symmetrical impairment exists, most leg and raising it to the ceiling. The spinous process
then flexion and/or extension and both rotations, and should be fel t to til t toward the table. For the mid and
both side-flexions, will be limited or excessive. upper lumbar segments, this tech n ique can be modified
The test is used for acute and subacute patients who for the larger patient by performing it with the patient
have pain in the cardinal motion planes. For the tests, the sitting up.
patien t is positioned in side-lying, facing the clinician. The
clinician locates the patient'S lumbosacral junction using Extension
one of the following methods. While flexion and extension can be tested together, it is
more accurate to assess them separately. The patient is po­
• By locating the L5 spinous process, which is short, sharp, sitioned as just described, but diagonally on the bed, so
and thick compared to the others, and moving inferiorly. that the pelvis is close to the edge while the shoulder is
• By locating the PSIS and moving superiorly and medially. moved further from the edge. A small pillow or roll can be
• By locating the spinous process of T 1 2 and counting placed under the patient's waist to main tain the lumbar
down to the correct level using the spinous processes. spine i n a neutral position with respect to side-flexion.

A. Flexion

B. Extension

c. Side-flexion

D. Rotation
F I G U R E 1 3-20 Passive physiologic intervertebral motion testi ng of the l u m ba r

The clinician locates two adjacent spinous processes with introduce the side-flexion component, the clinician can
the cranial hand while the caudal arm flexes the patient's push the patient's pelvis cranially through pressure at the
knees as much as possible before extending the patient's superior innominate.
hips (see Figure 1 3-20B) . As the patient's knees move off
the table, the clinician supports them on his or her Side-Flexion
thighs. When the patient's legs are on the table, the clini­ The patient is positioned as just described with the knees
cian's caudal arm is used to produce the hip extension. and hips flexed, and the thighs supported o n the table,
The pelvis motion is felt and the spine is returned to its and the lower legs off the table. The lumbar spine
neutral position each time. At the end of the extension should be i n a position of neutral in relation to flexion
motion, a cranial pressure through the patient's thighs is and extension. The clinician, facing the patient, places
produced by the clinician . This produces a posterior tilt his or her cranial arm between the patient's arm and
of the superior zygapophysial joint and is used to produce body and palpates the interspinous spaces, while the cau­
an end feel, allowing the clinician to discriminate be­ dal hand grasps the patient's feet and ankles as in Figure
tween a pure extension movement and an extension and 1 3-20B for extension. As the patient's feet and ankles are
rotation movement. lifted toward the ceiling, the superior spinous process
Again , for greater accuracy, the whole lumbar spine should be felt to move toward the table, as the lumbar
is placed into extension by moving the bottom leg into spine is side-flexed away from the table. The opposite
both hip and lumbar spine extension. The spinous occurs if the patient's feet are lowered off the table as the
process of the level to be tested is located and pinched lumbar spine side-flexes toward the table. The direction
between the thumb and index finger of the cranial hand. of the leg lift represen ts the direction of the side-flexion .
The uppermost thigh and leg of the patient is grasped For example, with the patient positioned in right side­
and the lumbar spine is side-flexed by raising the pa­ lying, right side-flexion (and left rotation) is introduced
tient's thigh up to the ceiling while maintaining the lum­ by lowering the fee t and ankles off the table. The proce­
bar spine extension. dure is repeated for the other side and the two sides are
This technique can be modified for the larger patient if compared.
the clinician is unable to flex the patient's knee. The pa­ If the patient is unable to tolerate having the lower ex­
tient's lower extremity is fixed and the extension force is ap­ tremity moved toward the ceiling, the clinician places his
plied through the pelvis to test extension ( Figure 1 3-2 1 ) . To or her caudal hand around the patient's upper pelvis, un­
der the inferior/posterior aspect of the patient's upper­
most greater trochanter, (see Figure 1 3-20C) and, if possi­
ble, under the patient's ischial tuberosity .
The clinician firmly grasps the patient's pelvis and
upper thigh with the caudal hand and, using a rhythmical
motion of his or her own trunk, applies a force in a supe­
rior direction toward the patient's head, thereby inducing
a side-flexion movement from below-upward by rocking
the pelvis.
If the patient is unable to tolerate having the lower ex­
tremity lowered off the table, the clinician can grasp the
patien t's ASIS (anterior superior iliac spine) (closest to the
table) . While placing the armpit of the caudal arm over
the patient's uppermost ASIS, the clinician can apply an
inferior force, thereby inducing side-flexion of the lumbar
spine into the table.
Unfortunately, these tests do not completely exclude
such i ntersegmental impairments as minor end range
asymmetrical hypomobilities, or hypermobilities, because
the application of side-flexion or rotation in neutral does
not fully flex or extend the zygapophysial joints. Also it is
not possible to fully flex or extend both zygapophysial
- � joints simultaneously. To completely flex a particular joint,
FIGURE 1 3-21 Symmetrical passive physiologic interver­ the opposite joint has to move out of the fully flexed posi­
tebral motion testing of extension. tion by utilizing side-flexion, and allowing the increased

superior glide of the superior zygapophysial joint on the limited, whereas if it can be derotated, it is probably not re­
opposite joint. stricted. At first, an assumption is made that the ERS or
A further problem with using symmetrical tests in the FRS is the result of a hypomobility. For example, if the left
presence of an asymmetrical impairment is that the verte­ transverse process was found to be posterior in the flexion
bra will tend to rotate as the restriction is encountered position test, a hypothesis is generated that the cause of
and, unless the clinician is sensitive to this, the movement the abnormality is a hypomobility on the left side of the
of lhe spinous process that occurs dttring the rotation may segment (ERSL) . This hypothesis is then tested.
be mistaken for normal, and the test considered negative. The patient is put into a position that would tend to
All of these techniques can be modified and used as force the hypomobile joint into its reduced range. In this
mobilization techniques, using the appropriate grade of case, the patient would be laid on the left side because this is
movement based on the findings on the examination. 193 the side of the posterior transverse process. The hips are
These interventions can also be given in conjunction with flexed so that flexion is felt to occur throughout the entire
the examination rather than waiting until the examination lumbar spine. Further lumbar flexion and rotation are pro­
is completed. duced from above by pulling the lower arm of the patient par­
allel to the bed and perpendicular to the patient's trunk. The
Rotation patient's upper arm hangs down over the trunk. Further ro­
The patient is positioned in spinal neutral, with both knees tation can be obtained by partIy extending the lower leg with­
just off the table. A small pillow or roll can be placed under out extending the spine and rotating the pelvis toward the
the patient's waist to maintain the lumbar spine in a neu­ floor using the forearm of the caudal arm (Figure 1 3--22) .
tral position. The interspinous spaces are palpated with The lumbar spine is now fully flexed and rotated to the right.
the cranial hand, which is placed along the lower thoracic The segment of interest is tested by rotating it to the
spine with a reinforced finger resting against adjacent right through its spinous process (Figure 1 3--2 2) and evaluat­
spinous processes from underneath. The caudal hand rests ing the end feel. IT the end feel is abnormal, the PPAlVM is
on the patient's greater trochanter (Figure 1 3-20D ) . One assessed by gliding the superior bone superiorly and anteri­
of two methods can now be used. orly on the stabilized lower bone and again assessing tI1e end
feel. If tile end feel is normal, the hypomobility is caused
1. The patient's thorax is stabilized by the clinician's cra­
by an extra-articular dysfunction, whereas if the PPAlVM is
nial hand, while the patient's pelvis is rocked back­
abnormal, the restriction lies in tile periarticular structures. IT
ward and forward, so that the pelvis and lumbar spine
the end feel is normal compared to lie segments above and
rotate (see Figure 1 3-20D) . As the patient's pelvis is
below it, liere is no hypomobilily present and flexion of liat
rocked backward, the spinous process of the lower seg­
ment should be felt to rotate toward the table com­
pared to the spinous process of the upper segment.
2. The patient's pelvis is stabilized by the caudal hand,
while the patient's thorax is rotated toward and away
from the clinician, using the cranial hand. As the pa­
tient's thorax is rotated away, the spinous process of
lhe upper segment should be felt to rotate toward the
table compared to the spinous process of the lower

The spine is returned to neutral each time and the cli­

nician progresses up the spine. More rotation should be
avai lable in the lower lumbar spine. The process is re­
peated with the patient side-lying on the opposite side.



If the PPIVM to be tested is determined from the position

test, then rotation can be used instead of side-flexion,
since now the clinician is looking to see if the segment can
be de rotated in the extended or flexed position . If it
cannot be derotated, the flexion or extension is probably F I G U R E 1 3-22 E R S L testing with patient in left side-lying

side of the segmen t is normal, so a second hypothesis must be TABLE 1 3-3 CAU S ES A N D F I N D I N G S F O R AN F R S R
considered-that the right side of the segment is hypermo­
bile into flexion. To test for hypermobility, the examining
movements essentially exaggerate the positional asymmetry. Isolated left joint extension PPIVM and PPAIVM tests i n the left
The patient lies on the other side (the right in this case ) , and hypomobil ity (FRSR) extension quadrant are reduced
flexion is again produced by the same means, but this time it Tight left flexor muscles PPIVM test in the left extension
(FRSR) quadrant is decreased; P PAIVM
is the right side of the segment that is being tested by evaluat­
test is normal
ing its rotation via its end feel. If there is a spasm end feel or Arthrosis/itis left PPIVM and PPAIVM tests i n the
a soft capsular end feel, then hypermobility is present. If the joint!ca psu lar pattern right flexion quadrant are more
end feel is normal, and given the result of the first segmental (ERSL < FRSR) reduced than in the left extension
test, flexion of the segment is normal. quadrant
Fibrosis left joint PPIVM and PPAIVM tests equally
If the position test demonstrated a posterior left trans­
(ERSL = FRSR) reduced in the right flexion and
verse process in extension (FRSL) , the hypomobility is con­ left extension quadrants
sidered to be on the right side. To test this hypothesis, the pa­ Left Posterior-lateral disc PPIVM tests in the left extension
tient lies on the left side (the posterior transverse process protrusion (ERSR < FRSR) quadrant a re reduced with a
downward) and the lumbar spine is extended from below by springy end feel; both flexion
quadrants are normal
extending the hips, with the top most one being flexed. To
extend and right rotate the lumbar spine from above, the up­
per arm is placed backward behind the patient, while the
lower one is pulled upward toward the ceiling in a plane that PASSIVE PHYS IOLOG IC ARTICULAR
is neither caudal nor cranial. To increase rotation, the pelvis I NTERV E RTEB RAL MOVEM E NT TEST
is rotated downward toward the floor. The lumbar spine is
now fully extended and righ t rotated. The PPIVM is tested by Passive physiologic articular intervertebral movement
specifically right rotating the segment through its spinous ( PPAIVM ) tests investigate the degree of linear or acces­
process and assessing the end feel. If the end feel is normal sory glide that ajoint possesses, and are used on segmental
compared to the segments above and below it, there is no ex­ levels where there is a possible hypomobility to help deter­
tension hypomobility present. If abnormal, then the right mine if the motion restriction is articular, periarticular, or
side of the segment is hypomobile and the PPAIVM will de­ myofascial in origin. In other words, they assess the amount
termine if the hypomobility is caused by articular or extraar­ ofjoint motion as well as the quality of the end feel.
ticular restrictions. If no hypomobility is found, hypermobil­ The motion is assessed, in relation to the patient's
ity is tested by positioning the patient in the extended and body type and age and the normal range for that segment,
rotated position but with the patient lying on the other side. and the end feel is assessed for:

• Pain
Interp retation of Findings
• Spasm/hypertonicity
• Resistance
A number of techniques have been proposed over the
years to assess segmental mobility of the TI O-LS segments,
Isolated left joint flexion PPIVM and PPAIVM tests in the right including posterior-anterior pressure techniques. The
hypomobil ity (ERSL) flexion quadrant a re reduced posterior-anterior pressure techniques, advocated by
Tight left extensor PPIVM test in the right flexion
Maitland,194 involve the application of pressure applied
muscles (ERSL) quadrant is decreased, the
PPAIVM is normal against the spinous, mammillary, and transverse processes
Arthrosis/itis left joint! PPIVM and PPAIVM tests a re equally of this region. Although these maneuvers are capable of
capsular pattern reduced i n the right flexion and eliciting pain, restricted movement, and/or muscle spasm,
(ERSL < FRSR) left flexion quadrants they are fairly nonspecific in determining the exact level
Fibrosis left joint PPIVM and PPAIVM tests equally
involved or the exact cause of the symptoms. Consider the
(ERSL = FRSR) reduced in the right and left
flexion quadrants following example with the patient positioned in prone.
Right posterior-lateral PPIVM tests in the right extension
disc protrusion quadrant reduced with a springy • A posterior-anterior pressure is applied simultane­
(ERSL < FRSL) end feel; both flexion quadrants ously to both transverse processes of the L3 segment.
appear normal
Biomechanically, this produces a relative extension
An ERSR would have the same causes and findings, but on the oppo­ movement of L2 on L3, while producing a flexion
site side. movement of L3 on L4.

• If the spinous process of L3 is pushed to the right, in­

ducing a left rotation ofL3, this produces a relative right
rotation of L2 on L3, but a left rotation of L3 on L4.

If either of these procedures elicits symptoms, it be­

comes very difficult to determine which of the segments,
or motions, are at fault.
The techniques outlined as fol lows are more specific
and will yield a more definitive diagnosis to the clinician. A
pillow or towel roll should be placed under the lumbar
spine of the patient if side-flexion of the lumbar spine ap­
pears to be occurring when the patient is placed in the
side-lying position.

The patient is positioned in side-lying, close to the edge
of the bed, the spine supported in the neutral position,
thighs on the table, and the head resting on a pillow. The
clinician faces the patient. Using the patient's leg (s) as in
the PPIVM test to produce motion of flexion from below,
the suspected level is located. The clinician flexes down to
FIG U R E 1 3-23 Symmetrical passive physiolog ica l inter­
that segment by pulling the patient's lower arm out hori­
vertebra l accessory motion testing-flexion.
zontally from the table. The patient's trunk is stabilized
with the cranial arm, while the cranial hand palpates the
superior vertebra of the joint complex to be assessed. (Figure 1 3-24) . The caudal forearm, and clinician's lower
The interspinous space is palpated with tile index finger of thorax, guide the anterior roll/translation of tile caudal
the caudal hand, while the caudal forearm supports the vertebra, and stress the posterior shear component, while
lower lumbar spine and pelvic girdle. The clinician 's lower the spinous process of the superior segment is felt to move
thorax supports the patient's abdomen and iliac crest. inferiorly and posteriorly.
Stabi lizing the spinous process of the superior seg­
ment with the cranial hand, the clinician straddles the
transverse processes of the inferior segment with the index
and middle fingers of the caudal hand, and pulls the seg­
ment inferiorly using the caudal hand and forearm,
thereby indirectly assessing the full superior linear glide of
tile superior segment ( Figure 1 3-23) . At the end of flex­
ion, the articular surfaces roll and anteriorly glide, and the
superior zygapophysial joint tilts posteriorly.

The patient and clinician are positioned as with the flexion
test, but with the patient positioned diagonally on the bed,
the hips forward, knees well flexed, and the head resting
on a pillow. Having located the suspected level, the clini­
cian extends the patient's spine down to that level by
pulling the lower arm of the patient out from the table and
toward the ceiling. The superior spinous process of the
segment is pinched and the joint complex is passively
taken into full extension by straddling the transverse
processes, as for the flexion technique, and pushing
the caudal vertebra anteriorly. At the end of the available
range, the transverse processes of the inferior segment FIG U R E 1 3-24 Symmetrical passive physi ologica l inter­
are glided in a cranial direction to test the full linear glide vertebral accessory motion testing-extension.

Side-Flexion/Rotation TABLE 1 3-4 C O M M O N F I N D I N G S FOR I N STA B I LITY

Patient is positioned in side-lying close to the edge of the A N D HYP E R M O B I LlTY'92
bed, the spine supported in the neutral position, thighs on
the table, and the head resting on a pillow. The clinician
faces the patient. Using the patient's leg(s) as in the L 1 - 5 1 flexion anterior symmetrical
PPIVM test, the suspected level is located. The clinician ro­ LS-L1 flexion posterior symmetrical
5 1 -LS flexion posterior symmetrical
tates the patient's lumbar spine down to the segment by
L 1 -LS extension posterior symmetrical
pulling the lower arm out at a 45-degree angle to the table. LS-5 1 exten sion anterior symmetrical
With the thumb of the cranial hand, the lateral aspect of R I G HT rotation R I G HT torsion Asymmetrical
the spinous process of the cranial vertebra is palpated. The LEFT rotation LEFT torsion Asymmetrical
RIGHT side-flexion R I G HT lateral Asymmetrical
cranial forearm supports the patient's arm. The clinician, us­
LEFT side-flexion LEFT lateral Asymmetrical
ing the cranial forearm and thumb, passively side-flexes and
rotates the segment around the appropriate axis, while the
caudal hand pinches the spinous process of the inferior seg­
ment, preventing motion occurring at the inferior segment.
and both side-flexions will be hypermobile. If the instabil­
This test may be performed in varying degrees of flexion and
ity is asymmetrical ( rotational or lateral ) , one rotation
extension. The procedure is repeated on the other side.
and/ or side-flexion will be hypermobile, and this hyper­
mobility will preclude normal flexion and/or extension. It
should, therefore, be possible to select a stress test from
the results of the PPIVM tests that is specific to a particular
instability. However, it is wise to carry out all of the stress
Before palpating this region, it is well worth noting any al­
tests for that segment in case the PPIVM test, or the clini­
terations in the alignment of the spinous processes that
cian, has missed a hypermobility.
could suggest the presence of a spondylolisthesis. Evidence
For a segment to be unstable, all of the important seg­
of tenderness during palpation can highlight an underly­
mental structures that control the effect of the stress must
ing impairment.
be inadequate. For example, there may be degradation or
degeneration of the disc, but if the zygapophysialjoints are
• Specific pain elicited from one segment can be indica­
stable, they will prevent abnormal anterior migration of
tive of an instability. 195
the vertebra.
• Acute unilateral tenderness of the posterior inferior iliac
Although translations and axial rotations occur as
spine is a useful confirmatory sign if it is well localized. 196
part of the normal segmental motion they only occur in
• A well-localized and painful point at the gluteal level
very small amounts. If the stability is within normal limits,
of the iliac crest may indicate the presence of Maigne's
the degree of movement during the stress test is imper­
syndrome. 197 The point is located 8 to 10 cm from the
ceptible if proper pretest positioning is carried out.
midline. According to Maigne, referred pain may be
Th e determination of the relevance of an instability
mediated by the cluneal nerves, the posterior rami of
is based on the judgment of the clinician, who must
the T 1 2 , or L1 spinal nerves. 198
appraise the importance of the instability in light of the en­
• Hardness of the gluteals accompanied by tenderness
tire musculoskeletal examination (using both Ule selective
with pressure may implicate the gluteals as a source of
tissue tension tests and the biomechanical examination ) .
low back pain.199
• Normally, the skin can be rolled over the spine
and gluteal region with ease. Tightness or pain pro­
The Tests
duced with the skin rolling indicates some underlying
pathology. The key to these tests is to take up the slack of the
angular motion first, before attempting to gain a further
linear glide, or (in the case of rotation and side-flexion) a
I NTERVERTEB RAL STRESS TESTING torsional motion for the test. A positive test produces ex­
cessive motion, shifting, and/ or pain.
If the passive physiologic intervertebral motion ( PPIVM) With all of the stability tests, the clinician should feel a
tests demonstrate a hypermobility, the presence of an un­ firm end feel if the segment is stable. A loose end feel,
derlying instability should be suspected, and its possibility especially if accompanied by crepitation, is considered a
investigated. If a symmetrical instability ( that is anterior or sign of instability. I t must be realized, however, that this
posterior) exists, flexion and/or extension, both rotations interpretation of instability does not correspond to the

grosser, visually obvious instabilities diagnosed through x­ • Stress: to test L4 and L5, the clinician pushes with his
rays, which only begin their grading with a 25% slippage. or her thighs, through the patient's knees, along the
There is a certain irony in the clinical observation that the line of the femur. At L3, the patien t'S hips are flexed
most painful instabilities are those that possess more intact up to 90 degrees prior to testing so that the line of
inert tissue to resist the stresses of everyday life. As the force is parallel to the vertebral body joint line. The
peak incidence for disabling symptoms in the low back oc­ angle of the vertebral bodies is about 45 degrees for
curs between ages 35 and 55 years, 197 one might conclude T 1 2-L3, 30 degrees for L4, and 40 degrees for L5 .
that the last stage of degeneration, the stabilization phase The process is repeated for L2 and L l . If instability is
of Kirkaldy-Willis, has a protective effect to the functional found, the patient's hips are flexed up to 90 degrees,
spine uni t.2oo they are asked to perform and main tain a pelvic
tilt, and all of the levels are retested (especially L4
Anterior Stability and L5 ) .
Taking up the slack in flexion is a little difficult in the lower
three lumbar segments because of the antishearing mecha­
nism of the supraspinous ligament. So, the test is per­ Posterior Stability
formed initially in a position just short of tightening the • Patient position: sitting on the edge of the bed in a
supraspinous ligament, and then again with the ligament position of lumbar lordosis. The patient's forearms
taut in full lumbar flexion (full posterior pelvic tilt) . Using are flexed and pronated and placed on the shoulders
tllis approach, the clinician can tell if the supraspinous an­ of the clinician (Figure 1 3-26) . Starting at the mid-low
tishearing mechanism is working well enough to be utilized thoracic spine, the clinician moves caudally applying
as part of the interven tion through the posterior pelvic tilt. an anterior force to the lower segment as the lumbar
spine is extended. The lordosis position takes up the
• Patient position: side-lying, knees and hips drawn up available linear glide, and the hyperextension, applied
into flexion, the clinician resting his or her thighs by the clinician, locks tile joint.
against the patient's knees. • Fixation: the spinous process of the inferior verte­
• Fixation: The upper spinous process is fixed, using the bra is fixed, while the interspinous space above is pal­
index finger and middle finger of the cranial hand, pated
and is stabilized by placing the other hand over it • Stress: while maintaining the lordosis, tile patient is in­
(Figure 1 3-25 ) . The inferior interspinous space is pal­ structed to try to gently push the clinician away using
pated with the ring finger of the caudal hand. their forearms.

_ tI"
F I G U R E 1 3-25 Anterior sta b i l ity test positio n . FIG U RE 1 3-26 Posterior sta b i l ity test position .

FIGURE 1 3-27 Rotation sta bil ity test positi o n . FIG U R E 1 3-28 Lateral stability test positi o n .

Rotational Stability patient side-lying on the opposite side. T h e repro­

• Patient position: side-lying with their hips flexed to about duction of pain is a positive finding.
45 degrees; the lumbar spine in neutral throughout.
The clinician pulls the patient's lower arm out at a Vertical Stability (Compression)
45-degree angle to horizontal and locks through the The same test as described in Chapter 10 is used to assess
lumbar spine. vertical stability. The patient is positioned in supine witll tile
• Fixation: the inferior vertebra of the segment is fixed hips and knees flexed. The clinician stands at the patient's
by blocking the side of the spinous process closest to side. Using the cranial arm, the clinician cradles the patient's
the bed with the caudal hand. knees and controls the amount of hip and knee flexion. The
• Stress: the clinician pushes the superior spinous clinician rests the caudal forearm on the soles of the pa­
process down toward the bed with the thumb of the tient's feet.
cranial hand. ( Figure 1 3-27) . Very little, if any, motion
should be felt.
Tes t
• Maintaining the lumbar spine in the neutral position,
Lateral Stability
the clinician applies a compressive force with the cau­
This test does not rely on the objectivity of a specific end
dal forearm in a cranial direction, with the direction
feel . Instead, an indirect shearing test is used as it appears
of the force parallel to the floor. The clinician notes
to give a consistent result. Lateral instability is a fairly com­
mon finding in postpartum females. any reproduction of any symptoms.
• The test is repeated with the lumbar spine in full
flexion. The clinician notes the reproduction of any
• Patient position: side-lying, facing tile clinician, the lum­
bar spine positioned in neutral, and the hips and
• The test is repeated with the lumbar spine in full ex­
knees flexed to about 45 degrees.
tension. A roll may be used under the lumbar spine to
• Stress: the clinician, using the fleshy part of forearm,
applies a downward pressure to the lateral aspect of maintain the full extension. The clinician notes the re­
production of any symptoms.
the patient's trunk at the level of the L3 transverse
process ( Figure 1 3-28 ) . This produces a lateral
translation of the en tire lumbar spine in the direc­ Vertical Stability (Traction)
tion of the bed. The pressure is applied until an The patient is positioned in supine with the hips and knees
"end feel " is detected. The test is repeated with the flexed, and the feet placed close to the end of the table.

The clinician stands at the end of the table, facing the quantity of motion at the end feel, as well as the repro­
patient. With the fingers interlaced, the clinician places his duction of symptoms, are noted.
or her hands on the patient's calves. A towel wrapped
around the patient's calves may also be used. Examination Conclusions

Following the biomechanical examination, a working

Tes t A traction force is applied in a caudal direction
hypothesis is established based on a summary of all of the
through the patient's calves. The angle of pull may be
findings. As mentioned, the focus of the biomechanical
altered in accordance with the level being tested and the
exam is to elicit a movement diagnosis and to determine:
patient's response. The clinician notes the reproduction of
any symptoms.
• Which joint is impaired
• The presence and type of movement impairment
Coronal Plane Stability: Left Iliolumbar Ligament • The resultant functional impairment
(Posterior Fibers)
The patient is positioned in prone with the clinician stand­ At the completion of the biomechanical examination, the
ing at the patient's right side. Stabilization is provided by clinician should have information concerning the motion
placing the thumb against the right side of the L5 spinous state of the joint, and should be able to determine whether
process to prevent the left rotation of L5 from occurring. the joint is myofascially and pericapsularly hypomobile,
With the caudal hand, the clinician palpates the left aspect subluxed, hypermobile, or ligamentously and articularly
of the left ASIS and iliac crest and the lateral aspect of the unstable.
left thigh, distal to the hip. The following tables summarize the typical findings in
a patient with a movement diagnosis, highlighting both
Tes t Fixing the L5 vertebra with the thumb of the cra­ the similarities and the differences between each.
nial hand, the clinician pulls the left ilium posteriorly
and caudally with the caudal hand, thereby applying a
TABLE 1 3-5 R E D U C E D MOVE M E N T83
side-flexion force in the coronal plane to the pelvic girdle
( Figure 1 3-29 ) . This is performed until the motion bar­ MYOFASCIAL JOI NT/PERICAPSULAR

rier of right side-flexion at L5-S1 has been reached, and Cause Cause
the force is sustained until the end fee l is perceived. The M uscle shortening Capsular or ligamentous
(scars,contracture, shortening due to
adaptive) Scars
Adaptation to a chroni­
ca l ly shortened position
Joint su rface adhesions
Findings Findings
Reduced movement or Reduced movement or
hypomobil ity may have an hypomobil ity may have an
insidious or sudden onset; insidious or sudden onset;
the presence or absence the presence or absence
of pain depends on the of pa i n depends on the
level of chemical and/or level of chemical and/or
mechanical irritation of the mechanical irritation of the
loca l nociceptors, which in local nociceptors, which in
turn, is a function of the turn, is a function of the
stage of healing stage of healing
Pain is usually aggravated Pain is usually aggravated
with movement and with movement and
alleviated with rest a l leviated with rest
Negative scan Negative scan
PPIVM and PAIVM Findings PPIVM and PAIVM Findings
Reduced gross PPIVM but Reduced gross PPIVM and
I ntervention: Intervention
Muscle relaxation Joint mobilizations at
techniques specific level
Tra nsverse frictions
FIG U R E 1 3-29 Left i l iolumbar l i ga ment test position .

TABLE 1 3-6 R E D U C E D MOVE M E N Ts3


Cause Cause
Degenerative or degradative changes Cumulative stress
Low level but prolonged overuse
Sudden macrotra uma
Findings Findings
Negative scan Positive scan
Reduces gross PPIVM in a l l d i rections except flexion Key muscle fatigable weakness
Active motion restricted in a capsular pattern Hyporeflexive DTRs
(decreased extension and equal l i m itation of Sensory changes i n dermatomal distribution
rotation and side-flexion) Subjective complaints of radicular pain
PPIVM and PAIVM Findings PPIVM and PAIVM Findings
Reduced gross PPIVM but PPAIVM normal Reduced gross PPIVM and PPAIVM
Intervention: Intervention
Capsular and muscle stretching Traction
Active exercises and PREs Active exercises in to spinal extension
Anti-inflammatory modal ities if necessary Positioning
Joint protection tech niques

explore as many as possible. In fact, all of the examination
techniques that are used to assess joint mobility can also be
Manual Techniques
employed as treatment techniques. However, the intent of
Numerous manual therapy techniques are available to the technique changes from one of assessing the end feel to
the clinician for this region and the reader is encouraged to one where the application of graded mobilizations or muscle



Causes Causes
Cumu lative stress due to neighboring hypomobil ity Sudden macrotrauma (ligamentous)
Low level but prolonged overuse Hypermobil ity allowed to progress (l igamentous)
Sudden macrotrauma that is not enough to produce instabil ity Degeneration of interposing hyaline or fibrocarti lage (articular)
Findings Findings
Subjective complai nts of catch ing Subjective complaints of catch ing
Good days and bad days Good days and bad days
Symptoms aggravated with sustained positions Symptoms aggravated with sustained positions
Negative scan Negative scan
PPIVM Findings PPIVM Findings
I ncrease in gross PPIVM with pain at end range Increase i n gross PPIVM with pain at end range
Presence of nonphysiologic movement (positive stress test)
Recurrent subl uxations
Intervention Intervention: falls into three areas
Educate the patient to avoid excessive range 1 . G l obal stabilization
Ta ke stress off joint (mob i l ize hypomobil ity) Educate patient to stay out of activities l ikely to take him or her
Anti-infl ammatory modal ities if necessary into the instabil ity
Stabil ize if absolutely necessary Total body neuromuscular movement pattern reeducation
Work or sports conditioning and rehabil itation
2. Local stabilization
Muscular spl inting of the region (lifting tech niques, twisting on
feet, chin tucking when lifting)
Bracing with supports (collars, corsets, spli nts, and braces)
Regional neuromuscular movement pattern reeducation
3 . Segmental stabilization
PNF and active exercises to the segment

energy techniques are applied at the appropriate JOint • To decrease pain tllfough the stimulation of sensory
range. Manual techniques can be used with hypomobilities, nerves (TENS)
hypermobilities, instabilities, and soft tissue injuries. • To maintain or increase range of motion
• To stimulate tissue healing by creating an electrical
Myofascial Hypomobility field in biological tissue
These types of hypomobility respond well to muscle energy • Muscle re-education or facilitation by both motor and
techniques and stretching. sensory stimulation
• To drive ions into or through the skin (iontophoresis)
Joint Hypomobility
The purpose of these techniques is to be able to isolate a
Goal of the Treatmen r 89 If stretching of the mechanical
mobilization to a specific level, and in so doing:
barrier rather than pain relief is the immediate objective
• Reduce stresses through both the fixation and lever­ of the treatment, a mobilization technique is carried out at
age components of the spine. the end of the available range. To achieve this, the
• Reduce stresses through hypermobile segments. antagonist muscle must be relaxed and this is most easily
• Reduce the overall force needed by the clinician, thus accomplished by the hold and relax technique. After this
giving greater conu·ol. has been gained (and sometimes before and after) , there
is some minor pain to be dealt with using grade IV oscilla­
Choice of Manual Technique tions, after which, the joint capsule can be stretched using
The selection of a manual technique is dependent on a either grade IV+ + or prolonged stretch techniques. The
number of factors including: ( 1 ) the acuteness of the prolonged stretch or the strong oscillations are continued
condition; (2) the goal of treatment, and (3) whether the for as long as the clinician can maintain good control. At
restriction is symmetric or asymmetric. the point where control is about to be lost, several isomet­
ric contractions to the agonists and the an tagonists are de­
Acuteness of the Condition If the structure is acutely manded of the patient's muscles in the new range to give
painful (pain is felt before resistance or pain is felt with re­ the central nervous system information about the newly
sistance) , pain relief, rather than a mechanical effect, is acquired range. To complete the reeducation, concentric
the major goal. The manual techniques that can provide and eccentric retraining is carried out through the whole
pain relief include: range of the joint. Active exercises are continued at home
and at work on a regular and frequent basis to reinforce
• Joint oscillations ( grade I and II) that do not reach the
the reeducation.
end of range. The segment or joint is left in its neutral
position and the mobilization is carried out from that
Symmetric versus Asymmetric Restriction Whether the
point. There is no need for, and in fact every reason to
restriction is symmetric, involving both sides of the seg­
avoid, muscle relaxation techniques to help reach the
ment or asymmetric, involving only one side of the seg­
end of range.
ment, influences the manual technique used. It is unwise
• Gentle passive range of motion
to use a symmetrical mobilization for an asymmetrical im­
pairment. If the right joint cannot extend and a symmetri­
These techniques can be supplemented with the use
cal extension mobilization technique is applied, there is a
of modalities. Heat can be applied to the specific area
risk of mobilizing the normal joint, leading to hypermobil­
prior to the manual technique.
ity. In addition to this risk, is the technique's inadequacy,
• A moist heat pack causes an increase in the local tissue as ful l range extension or flexion can only be achieved
temperature, reaching its highest point about 8 min­ unilaterally.
utes after the application.2oI Wet heat produces a
greater rise in local tissue temperature compared to Symmetric Restrictions Symmeu'ical restrictions are usually
dry heat at a similar temperature.202 the result of a postural dysfunction. A number of manual
• Ultrasound is the most common clinical deep-heating techniques can be used to increase motion at a lumbar
modality used to promote tissue healing.2o�205 spine segment.

Another modality is electrical stimulation. For the A. Symmetrical Restriction of Flexion. Symmetrical im­
manual therapist, electrical stimulation can be used: pairments can effectively be treated with symmetrical
mobilizations, at least for all but the extreme parts of
• To create a muscle contraction through nerve or mus­ the zygapophysial joint ranges. Nonacute symmetrical
cle stimulation impairments can be better treated using bilateral

symmetrical techniques. The L3-4 segment is used in 1 . The thumb and index finger o f the clinician 's cra­
the following example. nial hand fix the L3 spinous process.
1 . Mobilization technique: the patient is positioned i n 2. The index and middle finger of the clinician's caudal
side-lying, with the lumbar spine supported in a neu­ hand are placed over the transverse processes of L4.
tral position, and the head resting on a pillow. The 3. The clinician's body leans against the anterior as­
clinician faces the patient. Using the palpating fin­ pect of the patient's trunk.
ger of the cranial hand, the clinician palpates the in­ 4. The forearm of the clinician's caudal arm is placed
terlaminar spaces of the L3-L4 segment. Using the between the patient's greater trochanter and un­
caudal hand, the clinician flexes the patient's hips, der the patient's iliac crest of the upper most leg
knees, and the lower lumbar spine until L4 is felt to and parallel/in line with, the patient's spine.
move. With the palpating finger of the caudal hand, The high velocity, low amplitude thrust is then
the clinician palpates the interlaminar spaces of the delivered by the caudal hand and arm posteriorly
L3-L4 segment. The clinician locks the upper lum­ and i nferiorly in an oblique direction that matches
bar spine by pulling through the patient's lower the plane of the L3-L4 joint.
most arm until L3 is fel t to move. The direction of If the patient's condition is hyperacute and a
the arm pull determines whether the lock occurs i n flexion or extension mobilization is too painful to
flexion, extension, or neutral, and whether a con­ perform, a technique called specific traction can
gruent or i ncongruent lock is used. The L3-L4 be employed (see later discussion) .
segment remains in its neutral position. The clini­
cian fixes L3 and flexes the L3-L4 segment to the B. Symmetrical restriction of extension. The L3-L4 seg­
motion barrier using the caudal hand and forearm ment is used in these examples. As mentioned previ­
(Fig. 1 3-23) . A grade I-IV force is applied to pro­ ously, the end feel and tile stage of healing are used as
duce a superior-anterior glide of the zygapophysial guides to determine the intensity of the treatment.
joints at L3-L4. 1 . Mobilization technique: the patient is positioned in side­
2. High velocity thrust technique: this classic lumbar tech­ lying, with the lumbar spine supported in a neutral po­
nique involves the patient side-lying and the clinician sition and the head resting on a pillow. The clinician
standing in fron t of the patient. A ligamentous lower faces the patient. Using the palpating finger of the cra­
lock of flexion is used with an upper lock of rotation, n ial hand, the clinician palpates the interlaminar
leaving the segment to be treated i n a neutral spaces of the L3-L4 segment. Using the caudal hand,
position. the clinician extends the patient's hip until L4 is felt to
To accomplish the lower lock using flexion and move. The patient's upper most hip and knee are
rotation up to, but not including, the segment to be flexed while the lower most leg is extended. With the
treated, the ankle of the top leg is held by the clini­ palpating finger of the caudal hand, the clinician pal­
cian, using the hand closest to the patient's feet, and pates the interlaminar spaces of the L3-L4 segment.
the patient's thigh is flexed up to L4. This is achieved Using the cranial hand and forearm, tile clinician locks
by flexing the upper most leg of the patient through the lumbar spine by pulling through the patient's lower
the segment in question, allowing the thigh to most arm until L3 is felt to move. The direction of tile
adduct, before unflexing the lock back to the L4 seg­ arm pull determines whether the lock occurs in flex­
ment. The ankle of the upper leg is then placed be­ ion, extension, or neutral, and whether a congruent or
hind the knee of the lower leg. incongruent lock is used. The L3-L4 segment remains
The LIpper lock of flexion and rotation down to in its neutral position. The spinous process of L3 is
L3 is completed by pulling the bottom arm of the pa­ fixed using a pinch grip of me cranial hand. The clini­
tient either horizontally (for flexion) or vertically cian mobilizes L4 by applying a posterior-anterior force
(for extension) , while the top arm is resting on top of to the articular pillars of the L3 vertebra using the in­
the trunk (for extension ) or in the front of (for flex­ dex and long finger of the caudal hand (Figure 1 3-30) .
ion ) . The clinician then threads their cranial arm un­ A grade I-IV force is applied to produce a posterior-in­
der the patient's upper most arm. The patient is then ferior glide of the zygapophysial join ts at L3-L4, using
log-rolled toward the clinician so that the trunk is tile cranial hand and forearm.
more vertical to the bed, while making sure that the 2. High velocity thrust technique: this classic technique in­
lock is not lost. Fine-tuning of the lock is completed volves the patient side-lying and the clinician stand­
by slightly rotating the patient'S pelvis toward the ing in fron t of the patient. A ligamentous lower lock
clinician. A four-point contact of the clinician on the of flexion is used with an upper lock of rotation, leav­
patient occurs. ing the segment to be treated i n a neutral position.

iv. The forearm of the clinician's caudal arm is placed

between the patient's greater trochanter and un­
der the patient's iliac crest of tlle upper most leg
and parallel/in line with the patient's spine.
The palm of the caudal arm is placed on the
spine, with the hypothenar eminence placed over
L4. The thrust is then delivered to L4 anteriorly
and superiorly in an oblique direction, matching
the plane of the join t.
3. Asymmetrical (quadrant) techniques: in tlle case of asym­
metrical hypomobility, the approach can be either to
mobilize the stiff combined movement or to ascertain
which join t and which glide is restricted and mobilize
that directly, while, at the same time, safeguarding tlle
other segments from the effect of the mobilization.
For example, if right rotation and side-flexion and
flexion is restricted, the segment can be mobilized
using a flexion and right rotation mobilization tech­
n ique. Alternatively, the same result would be
achieved if the segment was positioned in flexion
and right side-flexion and a side-flexion mobiliza­
F I G U R E 1 3-30 Patient a n d c l i n ician position for symmet­
rical mobil ization i nto extension. tion applied to increase the superior glide of the su­
perior zygapophysial joint of the left zygapophysial
To accomplish the lower lock using flexion and Asymmetrical techniques can be used for any con­
rotation up to, but not including, the segment to be dition that allows the barrier to movement to be en­
treated, the ankle of the top leg is held by the clini­ croached upon. These conditions include unilateral
cian, using the hand closest to the patient's feet, and zygapophysial joint hypomobilities, disc protrusions,
the patien t's thigh is flexed up to L4. This is achieved bilateral zygapophysial joint impairments (such as a
by flexing the upper most leg of the patient through fixed postural hypomobility) , non inflamed systemic
the segment in question , allowing the thigh to adduct arthritis, and unilateral and bilateral myofascial
before unflexing the lock back to the L4 segment. shortening. If an appropriate bilateral hypomobility
The patient's ankle of the upper leg is then placed is to be treated, the clinician can utilize a bilateral
behind the knee of the lower leg. asymmetrical technique rather than the often­
The upper lock of flexion and rotation down to awkward symmetrical technique. The only conditions
L3 is completed by pulling the bottom arm of the pa­ that cannot be treated with asymmetrical techniques
tient either horizontally ( for flexion) or vertically are the acutely painful ones where sub-barrier grades
(for extension ) , while the top arm is resting on top of of mobilization must be used.
the trunk (for extension) or in front (for flexion) . 4. Restriction ofextension and side-jlexion (posterior quadrant
The clinician then threads the cranial arm under the restrictions): These impairments occur when the zy­
patient's upper most arm . The patient is then log­ gapophysial joint cannot extend and side-flex. The
rolled toward the clinician so that the trunk is more patient typically presents with one-sided pain tllat is
vertical to the bed, while making sure that the lock is aggravated with extension and side-flexion toward
not lost. Fine-tuning of the lock is completed by the painful side. This impairment is also known as a
slightly rotating the patient's pelvis toward the clini­ closing restriction.
cian . A four-point contact of the clinician on the pa­ i. Technique using a hi-low table. The patient is posi­
tient occurs. tioned i n side lying on their pain-free side. The table
i. The thumb and index finger of the clinician 's cra­ is adjusted so that the head and foot parts are raised,
nial hand fix the L3 spinous process. which produces a side-flexion of the patient's lum­
ii. The index and middle finger of the clinician's cau­ bar spine towards the painful side. The patient's
dal hand rest over the transverse processes of L4. lumbar spine is extended, rotated, and side-flexed
iii. The clinician's body leans against the anterior as­ from below by placing their lowermost leg in hip ex­
pect of the patient's trunk. tension, while their upper leg is flexed until motion

is felt at the inferior aspect of the segment. The the lower most leg at the hip until L3 is felt to be­
patient's lumbar spine is extended, rotated, and gin moving. The patient's upper most hip and
side-flexed from above by pulling the patient's low­ knee remain flexed while the lower most leg is ex­
ermost arm out and up towards the ceiling until the tended. With the palpating finger of the caudal
spinous process of the superior segment is felt to hand, the clinician palpates the interlaminar
move. The clinician places his or her arms against spaces of the L3-L4 segment. Using the cranial
the patient's shoulder and pelvis, and rotates the pa­ hand and forearm, the clinician locks the upper
tient's shoulder back while counter rotating the lumbar spine using lateral flexion and rotation by
pelvis and monitoring the segment to be treated. pulling through the patient's lower most arm until
The cranial hand of the clinician monitors the L3 is felt to move. The direction of the arm pull de­
spinous process of the superior segment while the termines whether the lock occurs in flexion, ex­
caudal hand monitors the spinous process of the in­ tension, or neutral, and whether a congruent or
ferior segment. Once the segment has been located, incongruent lock is used. The L3-L4 segment re­
the clinician pushes down on the spinous process of mains in its neutral position. The clinician fixes L4
the superior segment using the thumb of the cranial by applying a posterior-anterior force to the articular
hand while pulling up on spinous process of the pillars using the index and middle finger of the cau­
lower segment with the fingers of the caudal hand. dal hand. The clinician extends, right side-flexes,
(Fig. 1 3-22) The motion barrier is felt and a hold and rotates the L3-L4 segment to the motion bar­
and relax technique is used to move to the new mo­ rier, using the thumb of the cranial hand, which
tion barrier. The process is repeated until a further exerts a force on the inferior articular process of
increase in range is noted. L3, while the cranial forearm is applied to the
ii. Seated technique. A seated technique can be used lower lateral thorax. A grade I-V force is applied to
if the patient-to-clinician size ratio is too great. I n produce a posterior-inferior glide of the right zy­
this example, the patient has a restriction into the gapophysial joint at L3-L4.
right posterior quadrant. The patient is positioned 5. Restriction of flexion and side-flexion (anterior quadrant
in sitting with a cushion under the left buttock. restrictions) : these impairments occur when the zy­
This positions the lower lumbar spine in right side­ gapophysial joint cannot flex and side-flex away from
flexion. The clinician stands on the right side of the side of the pai n . The patient typically presents
the patient. The patient is asked to sit up and with one-sided pain and complai n ts of pain with flex­
straighten the back while the clinician palpates at ion and side-flexion away from the painful side. This
the level of the impairment and encounters the impairment is also known as an "opening" restriction.
motion barrier by fixing the spinous process of the The technique is identical to the posterior quadrant
inferior segment. With the clinician supporting impairment, except that the patient is positioned in
the patient's shoulder girdle, the patient is asked flexion.
to side-f lex and rotate toward the clinician until i . Technique using a h i-low table. The patient is posi­
the spinous process of the upper segment is fel t to tioned in side-lying on their pain-free side. The
move. At that point a hold and relax technique is table is positioned so that head and feet sections
easily delivered by giving the patient the com­ are lowered, producing a side-flexion of the lum­
mand, "Don 't let me lift your shoulder." Upon re­ bar spine toward the non painful side. Monitoring
laxation, the new motion barrier is reached and the inferior segment with the cranial hand, the cli­
the procedure is repeated as necessary. nician flexes the patient's knees and hips until the
iii. Standard mat table. For this example, the right zy­ motion barrier is felt. The lower most leg remains
gapophysial joint at L3-4 has a restriction of ex­ in this position, while the upper most leg is placed
tension, right side bending and rotation, or to use in a figure-4 position, tucking its foot behind the
the osteopathic description, an FRSL, or the right knee of the lower most leg. To position the pa­
zygapophysialjoint at L3-4 cannot "close . " The pa­ tients lumbar spine in flexion from above, the pa­
tient is positioned in left side-lying with the side of tient's upper most elbow is placed forward of the
the impairment upper most, the lumbar spine in patient's trunk, the underneath arm being drawn
neutral, and the head resting on a pillow. The cli­ horizontally toward the clinician . The clinician
nician, who is standing facing the patient, palpates places the arms against the patient's shoulder and
the interlaminar spaces of the L3-L4 segmen t with pelvis and places the fingers against the inferior
the cranial hand. With the caudal hand, the clini­ side of superior and inferior segment. Using both
cian extends the lower lumbar spine by extending elbows, the clinician pushes down toward the table

while lifting the spinous processes with the finger the side-flexion. The clinician locks down to L2
tips. using rotation to the left by pulling the bottom
ii. Seated technique. The seated techniques can be arm out at an angle of 45 degrees. The clinician
used if the patient-ta-clinician size ratio is too great. then locks from the bottom by flexing the patient'S
In this example, the patient has a restriction into hips up until L3 is felt to move. The patient's heels
the left anterior quadrant. A pillow is placed under are lowered off the bed, which introduces right
the patient's right buttock, thereby, producing a left side-flexion into the lumbar spine, until L3 is felt
side-flexion of their lower lumbar spine. Standing to move on L2. Gravity is now used to open the seg­
to the left of the patient, the clinician stabilizes the ment while the clinician controls the descent of
lateral aspect of the L3 spinous process with one the legs, or, the patient can attempt to raise the
hand. The patient is asked to side-flex toward the feet toward the ceiling against the resistance of
clinician until L2 is felt to move. The patient is then gravity or the clinician.
passively flexed and rotated toward the clinician un­ 6. Restriction of extension and sidejlexion and flexion and
til L2 is felt to move on L3. Using a contract and sidejlexion at the same segment: It is assumed that fol­
relax (CR) or a hold and relax ( HR) technique, the lowing a fibrotic distortion of the capsule, motion is
right side at the L2-L3 level is maximally opened. restricted equally i n both flexion and extension, to
iii. Standard mat table. the same side. I t is also assumed that this fibrosis is
Mobilization-the right zygapophysial joint at stretched maximally by a separation of the articular
L3-4 has a restriction of flexion, left side bending surfaces of the affected joint. To achieve this, the
and rotation, or to use the osteopathic descrip­ patient's spine must be positioned in neutral. When
tion, an ERSR, or the right zygapophysial joint at palpating motion at the interspinous level, there is a
L3-4 cannot open. The patient is positioned in point in the lumbar spine where the inferior spinous
left side-lying, with the side of the impairment up­ process no longer moves superiorly but begins to
per most, the lumbar spine in neutral, and the move posteriorly, an indication that extension at the
head resting on a pillow. The clinician, who is zygapophysial joint has begun. It is at this point that
standing facing the patient, palpates the interlam­ the segment can be considered to be in neutral. To
inar spaces of the L3-L4 segment with the cranial treat a left zygapophysial joint, the patient is posi­
hand. With the caudal hand, the clinician flexes tioned in right-side lying, and, having gained a neutral
hips, knees, and the lower lumbar spine until L4 is position for the segment in question, the upper spine
felt to begin moving. The patient's upper most is rotated and side-flexed to the left. Osteokinemati­
hip and knee remain flexed while their lower cally, the lower spine is rotated and side-flexed to the
most leg is extended. With the palpating finger of right. This will bring the segment in question to a po­
the caudal hand, the clinician palpates the inter­ sition that will maximally stretch the left zygapophysial
laminar spaces of the L3-L4 segment. Usin g the joint capsule. A hold/relax/stretch technique should,
cranial hand and forearm, the clinician locks the theoretically, stretch the affected capsule and, subse­
upper lumbar spine using side-flexion by pulling quently, regain motion at that segment.
through the patient's lower most arm until L3 is
felt to move. The direction of the arm pull deter­ Soft Tissue Injuries
mines whether the lock occurs in either flexion, These injuries usually respond well to a combination of
extension, or neutral, and whether a congruent or electrotherapeutic modalities, thermal agents, soft tissue
incongruent lock is used. The L3-L4 segment techniques, and relaxation.
remains in its neutral position. The clinician fixes
L4 with the caudal hand. The clinician flexes, left Electrotherapeutic Modalities and Thermal Agents The
side-flexes, and rotates the L3-L4 segment to the anticipated benefits to the soft tissues from the use of elec­
motion barrier. A grade I-V force is applied to trotherapeutic modalities and physical agents are used
produce a superior-anterior glide of the right zy­ primarily in the acute and subacute phases of injury to the
gapophysial joint at L3-L4. soft tissues to help control swelling and interrupt the pain
Muscle energy-the left zygapophysial joint at cycle so the individual can begin to exercise. In the chronic
L2-3 cannot open. The patient is positioned in stages of rehabilitation, modalities generally play a more
side-lying with the impairment side up. If the left secondary role to therapeutic exercise procedures. The ap­
zygapophysial joint at L2-3 cannot open , the plication of modalities alone is not recommended because
patient is positioned in right side-lying. A pillow it fosters dependence on the clinician for relief of symp­
placed under the pelvis can be used to accentuate toms, rather than self-management and independence.

Soft Tissue Techniques These techniques have the specific and gradually reducing the shift. A towel roll placed under
purpose of improving the vascularity and extensibility of the lumbar spine will prevent over-correction for those
the tissues and include massage, myofascial release, and patients with an additional anterior or posterior instability.
strain and counterstrain. Once the shift is corrected, erector spinae strengthening is
initiated with the patient remaining in prone.

Pelvic Shift Correction

Posterior Shift
As mentioned in Chapter 10, patients commonly pres­ With this patient type, the structures that resist a poste­
ent with a pelvic shift or list. The shift is thought to be a rior translation of the segment are compromised. If the
protective mechanism due to: dysfunction is unilateral, the patient presents with pain
during extension and side-flexion to one side.
• An irritation of a zygapophysial joint The intervention for the quadratus lumborum and ili­
• An irritation of a spinal nerve and/or its dural sleeve, acus is the same asjust described except that the correction
due to a disc herniation 206 and the resulting muscle utilizes the anterior shear test position ( Figure 1 3-25) . The
spasm. 207 patient is positioned in side-lying and a force is applied lon­
gitudinally through the length of tlle femur to move the
The correction can be done a number of ways depending shift in the opposite direction to that of the instability.
on the type of shift. There are three types of shifts, and
each is dealt with differently. Anterior Shift
With this patient type, the structures that resist anterior
Lateral Shift translation of the segment are compromised. If tlle dys­
1. While the patient is standing, have him or her shift function is unilateral, the patient presents with pain dur­
further into the shift rhythmically and repeatedly. ing flexion and side-flexion to one side. To relax the
2. As the patient is standing, manually correct the kyphosis, the quadratus lumborum and iliacus are treated
shift by pushing the pelvis into its correct position as just discussed and then the shift is corrected using the
(McKenzie shift correction 208 ) . position to test for posterior instabilities (Figure 1 3-26 ) ,
3. Apply strain and counterstrain techniques to the that is, with the patient seated, elbows flexed, and fore­
quadratus lumborum and iliacus muscles by placing arms pronated, with the clinician standing in front of the
the muscles in a shortened position . patient. The patient rests the forearms on the clinician 's
chest and the clinician reaches behind the patien t with
Quadratus Lunzborunz Patient i s positioned i n prone with both hands and stabilizes the inferior segment while the
the clinician standing on the opposite side to the involved patient pushes against him or her with the forearms.
side. The quadratus lumborum muscle fibers on the side op­
posite to the direction of the shift are palpated from the 1 2th
S pecific Traction
rib to the lateral aspect of the iliac crest. At varying parts
along the muscle's length, the clinician pushes the fibers to­ The tech n ique of specific traction is used for patient's
ward the table and pulls them up toward the ceiling, attempt­ whose condition is acute. It is an excellent technique to aid
ing to find the most comfortable direction. Once found, the in the relief of pain when applied correctly.
clinician holds the stTetch in that direction for about 90 sec­ Th e patient is positioned in side-lying, close to the
onds. For a reciprocal inhibition, the patient abducts the con­ front edge of the bed and the clinician close to the pa­
tralateral leg against the clinician's resistance. tient. The segment to be treated is identified by flexing
the patient'S hips and knees while palpating. The clini­
Iliacus To relax the iliacus, the patient is positioned in cian places his or her cranial hand/arm between the pa­
prone and each iliacus in turn is palpated at its origin just tient's arm and body. While palpating the segmental level
inferior to the ASIS. The pelvis is lifted by the clinician on with the cranial hand, the patient is asked to lift both
the tested side, toward the ceiling, and each side is assessed lower extremities off the table with the clinician helping
for tightness. On the tighter side, the clinician uses a hold­ as needed. Alternatively, the patient can push the foot of
relax technique by asking the patient to push the ASIS into the lowermost leg to the bottom end of the table. Both of
the bed against the clinician's resistance for 3 to 5 times. these maneuvers i n duce a side-flexion of the lumbar
Once the quadratus lumborum and iliacus are spine away from the bed. Passive pulling on the lower­
relaxed, the patient is positioned in side-lying with the con­ most hip or leg by the clinician can also induce the slight
vexity of the curve uppermost. Using the soft part of the side-flexion away from the table. While the patient's
forearm, the clinician pushes down gently on the convexity pelvis is tilted toward the table, the clinician stabilizes i t

there by placing the armpit of their caudal arm under the abdominal muscles undergo changes in their functional
patient's uppermost ASIS. performance in populations with low back pain. 1 72• 1 73 In
The clinician flexes the patient's uppermost leg to addition, studies have described subtle changes or shifts in
90 degrees of hip flexion while palpating at the segmen­ tlle pattern of abdominal muscle activation in subjects with
tal level. The patient's lower most arm is pulled out at an chronic low back pain where there is an overriding activa­
angle of 45 degree with the cranial hand, while the cau­ tion of the rectus abdominis during attempts to preferen­
dal hand palpates for rotation at the segment. The seg­ tially recruit the deep abdominal muscles, 209. 21 1 such as the
ment is locked down to, but not in to. The patient's lower transversus abdominis.
most arm is tucked behind the patient's head. The upper Thus, particular emphasis should be placed on strength­
most leg is flexed up to, but not into the segment. Once ening exercises for the quadratus lumborum, transversus ab­
the patient is in this position, fine tuning is applied by ro­ dominis, internal oblique and lumbar multifidus.
tating from either above and/or below. With cranial
han d , the clinician applies a pincer grip on the spinous
process of the superior segment while stabilizing the A. Internal oblique and transversus abdominis
lower segment with the index and middle finger of the 1 . Research investigating different abdominal exer­
caudal hand. As the specific traction is applied, the clini­ cises has confirmed that some exercises are more
cian pivots over the patient's lower trochanter by pushing specific for activating the deep abdominal muscles
down with the armpit on the patient's pelvis, thereby re­ than others. 164 The abdominal drawing-in, or hol­
turning the lumbar spine to n eutral i n terms of the side­ lowing maneuver, is one exercise known to result in
flexion. The traction is applied by moving the pelvis to­ preferential activation of the internal oblique and
ward the patient's feet with an appropriate grade for the transversus abdominis, with little con tribution by
problem. the rectus abdominis in the pain-free population . 1 64
Researchers h ave poin ted out that an inability to
perform the abdominal drawing-in maneuver dif­
Therapeutic Exercises ferentiated chronic low back pain from pain-free
The exercises outlined in this section are designed to subjects. 2 1 2
address imbalances of flexibility or strength. The exercises 2. T h e exercise is performed in the following manner:
that are prescribed to increase the strength of the sur­ a. The patient is positioned in supine crook-lying
rounding musculature are referred to as "stabilization" with the hips flexed to 45 degrees.
exercises. b. The patient is instructed to contract the deep ab­
dominal muscles by drawing the navel up in a cra­
Stabilization Exercises nial direction and in toward the spine, so as to
Stabilization exercises can be categorized as segmental or draw i n the lower abdomen.
regional. c. The patient's head and upper trunk must remain
stable. He or she is not permitted to flex forward,
Segmental Exercises A recent focus in the rehabilitation push through the feet, or tilt the pelvis.
of patients with chronic low back pain has been the spe­
B. Quadratus lumborum
cific training of those muscles surrounding the lumbar
1 . The patient is prone and the quadratus lumborum is
spine with a primary role that is considered to be the
provision of dynamic stability and segmental control to the
2. The patient resists while the clinician attempts to
spine. 209 These are the deep abdominal muscles (internal
side-flex the patient away from the tested side by
oblique and transversus abdominis) and the lumbar multi­
pushing on the shoulder.
fidus. The importance of the lumbar multifidus regarding
3. The muscle can also be tested in standing by having
its potential to provide dynamic control to the motion seg­
the patient resist as the clinician attempts to pull his
ment in its neutral zone is now well acknowledged / 68 and
or her arm/hand to the floor.
its co-activation with the oblique and transverse abdomi­
nals provide an important stiffening effect on the lumbar C. Multifidus. The multifidus can be su-engthened using
spine, enhancing its dynamic stability. 21o The internal resisted spinal extension/ hyperextension exercises.
oblique and the transversus abdominis are known to be These exercises include: 2oo
primarily active in providing rotational and lateral control l . Back extension and hyperextension over a high
to the spine while maintaining adequate levels of i ntra­ bench
abdominal pressure and imparting tension to the thora­ 2. Modified "dead lift" ( knees flexed to about 20 de­
columbar fascia. 1 65 Recent studies indicate that the deep grees)

3. Seated rows movement of the segment into the unstable range. For
4. Squats example, any patient with an anterior instability at LS-S l
S. Dumbbell overhead cleans should be counseled to avoid all lifting, not to stand for
6. Back extension machines (with the pelvis fixated) prolonged periods, not to run long distances, and to avoid
activities that increase the lordosis of the lumbar spine. If
Manual Approach to Segmental Stabilization This is the the activity or posture cannot be avoided, as is usually the
most difficult part of the stabilization therapy and re­ case, then the patient must learn how to protect the re­
quires thousands of repetitions by the patient. Manual gion of the spine if it is inadvertently or unavoidably
segmental stabilization is for circumstances when the stressed in to the instability. If for example, the patien t with
strengthening exercises have failed to prevent the joint the anterior instability at LS-S l must lift, then he or she
from moving into its unstable range. I t is essential at this should be taught to lift with a posterior pelvic tilt to pro­
juncture that the rate and degree of movement into the duce a posterior shear at the lumbar segments. If pro­
instability are controlled and minimized as much as pos­ longed standing is unavoidable, then putting one foot up
sible. To do this, modified PNF (proprioceptive neuro­ on a box and alternating periodically is suggested. If the
muscular facilitation) techniques to reeducate the mus­ patient insists on continuing to run, then the difficult
cles controlling segmental movement are initiated. The chore of teaching running in a posterior pelvic tilt falls to
muscles that govern the impaired segment are required the clinician.
to produce smooth , well-con trolled, isometric concen­ The following protocols for regional strengthening
tric and eccentric contractions into and out of the insta­ have proven useful over the years in treating lumbar insta­
bility in response to eventually arbitrary demands from bilities, and the reader is encouraged to investigate these
the clinician . further while individually tailoring their intervention de­
pending on clinical findings.
Example: In this example the patient has been diagnosed
with a left zygapophysial joint hypermobility into exten­ Edelman, B. Conservative treatment considered best course
sion . The patient is positioned in right side-lying, facing for spondylolisthesis. Orthopedics Today 9 ( 1 ) : 6-8,
the clinician . The patient's lumbar spine is initially 1 989.
placed into the hypermobile extreme (extension and left Morgan, D . Concepts in functional training and postural
side-flexion ) . The segment is then moved out of the hy­ stabil ization for the lowback-inj ured. Top Acute
permo bile range into the normal range. The first com­ Care Trauma Rehabil 2 ( 4 ) : 8- 1 7 . Aspen publishers,
mand is for the patient to "hold" against a force, which 1 988.
would tend to bring the segment back into its hypermo­ Saal, ].A. Rehabilitation of sports related lumbar spine in­
bile extreme. The magnitude of the clinician 's force is juries. In Saal ].A. (ed ) . Physical Medicine and Rehabil­
dictated by the reaction of the segmental paraspinal mus­ itation: State of the Art Reviews 1 (4) :61 3-638 Hanley
cles on the opposite side. Eccentric exercises are per­ and Belfus, Inc. Philadelphia, 1 987.
formed throughout the "normal" range and the patient White, A.H. Conservative care of low back pain. In Genant,
is asked to hold at the new end range each time. The H. (ed) . Spine U pdate 1 987: 283-28S. University of
next command is for the patient to slowly allow the move­ California, San Francisco Press, 1 987.
ment into the hypermobile range. Monitoring the seg­ White, A.H . Principles for physical management of work
mental range of motion, the clinician avoids the hyper­ injuries. In Isenhagen S. (ed) . Work Injury. Aspen pub­
mobile extreme but increases the force to a maximum at lishers, 1 988.
what is judged to be the "normal limit" of motion. The
clinician performs passive range of motion throughout Level l
the range giving hold commands at various parts in the Protection of the lumbar spine needs to be provided
range. during these exercises to prevent an excessive amount of
All exercises should be tailored to the patient's di­ lordosis from occuring. For example, the exercises in the
agnosis. In general , pain aggravated by sustained or prone position should be performed with a pillow under­
repeated flexion should benefit from extension exer­ neath the patient's abdominals.
cises and press-ups,2 1 3 whereas pain aggravated with re­
peated or sustained extension should benefit from flex­ Abdominal Strengthening
ion exercises. • Curl-up: the patient is positioned in supine with their
legs bent at tlle knees and the feet flat on the floor. The
Regional Exercises The patient must be encouraged and arms are folded across the chest. Concen trating on
educated to avoid the activities or postures that promote curling the upper trunk as much as possible, the patient

is asked to perform a posterior pelvic tilt and then to

raise the head and shoulders off the bed by about 30 to
45 degrees (Figure 1 3-3 1 ) . After holding this position
for 2 to 3 seconds, the patient returns to the initial po­
sition. The muscles strengthened with this exercise in­
clude the upper rectus abdominis and the internal
and external obliques.
• Partial sit-up: the patient is asked to cross the arms on
their chest and to lift the chin toward the chest. The
patient is then asked to attempt to lift the shoulders
straight up from the table until the lower back starts to
move toward the table before slowly lowering the
shoulder to the table.
• Rotational partial sit-up: the patient is asked to cross the
arms on the chest and to lift the chin toward the chest.
The patient is then asked to attempt to lift the right
shoulder up from the table while twisting the trunk to
the left before slowly lowering the shoulder to the
• Reverse sit-up: the patient is positioned in supine with
the legs bent at the knees and the fee t flat on the
F I G U R E 1 3-32 Reverse sit up.
floor. The arms are by the sides. The patient is asked
to raise the fee t off the bed unti l the thighs are
vertical. This is the start position. From this posi­
this position for 2 to 3 seconds, the patien t returns
tion , the patient is asked to raise the pelvis up and
to the start posi tio n .
toward the shoulders, keeping the knees bent
tightly, until the knees are as close to the chest as
Hip and Spinal Extensors
possible ( Figure 1 3-32 ) . The patient is allowed to
A. Gluteus maximus
push down on the bed with the hands. After holding
1 . Isometric: Patient positioned in prone with a pillow un­
der their stomach. The patient is asked to tighten the
buttock muscles and to hold the contraction for 6 sec­
onds, then relax.
2. Alternating hip extension: Patient positioned in prone
with a pillow under the stomach. The patient is asked
to tighten the buttock and abdominal muscles and to
lift one leg 1 inch off the table. They then lower the
leg and perform a lift with the other leg. The knees
should be kept straight, or bent, depending on the
degree of difficulty. From the prone position, the pa­
tient is asked to flex the knee to around 90 degrees,
and then to raise the thigh off the bed as high as is
comfortable and without in troducing rotation at the
lumbar spine (Figure 1 3-33 ) . The end position is
held for 2 to 3 seconds and then the thigh is returned
to the bed. The exercise can be made more difficult
by extending the knee and raising the sU'aight leg
from the bed.

B. Erector spinae . The patient is positioned in prone.

From this position, the patient is asked to raise the arms
alternately. The patient is then asked to raise the legs al­
ternately. Finally, the patient is asked to raise an alter­
F I G U R E 1 3-3 1 Tru n k curl u p . nate arm and leg together (Figure 1 3-34) .

straight, the patient is asked to slowly lower the arms

overhead until they feel the lower back lifting away from
the table. The patient is asked to slowly return the arms
to the starting position.

C. Alternating shoulder flexion: The patient is asked to start

with the arms toward the ceiling. Keeping the elbows
straight, the patient is asked to slowly lower one arm
overhead until they feel the lower back lifting away from
the table. The patient is asked to slowly return the arm
to the starting position .

D. Bilateral knees to chest: With their arms a t the sides, the

patient is asked to slide both of the feet along the table
toward their buttocks. The patient is then asked to lift
both of the knees toward the chest un til the lower back
starts to move toward the table. The patient is asked to
return to the starting position.

E . Alternate knees to chest: With the arms at the sides, the pa­
tient is asked to slide one leg along the table toward the
buttock. The patient is then asked to lift the knee
FIGURE 1 3-33 Exercise to strengthen the h i p exte nsors,
toward the chest until the lower back starts to move to­
particularly the g l uteus maximus.
ward the table.

General Stabilization-Pa tient Supine Unless O th erwise F. Alternating shoulder flexion: The patient is positioned in
Indicated prone with a pillow under the stomach. The patient is
A. Cervicalflexion: The patient is asked to lift the head from asked to position the arms overhead with the elbows
the table attempting to touch the chin to the chest. straight and then to tighten the abdominal muscles and
lift one arm toward the ceiling before lowering the arm
B. Bilateral shoulderflexion: The patient is asked to start with
to the table.
the arms toward the ceiling. Keeping the elbows
G. Bridging: The patient is positioned in supine with arms
by the sides. The patient is asked to keep the knees
bent and feet flat and to lift the buttocks from the
floor. Maintaining this position, the patient is asked to
a. Isometric gluteus maximus: the patient is asked to
tighten buttocks and hold for 5 seconds, and then to
lower the hips to table.
b. Alternating one-legged stance: the patient is asked to
keep the pelvis level by placing a cane across the front
of the hips.
c. Hip abduction/adduction: the patient is asked to keep
the pelvis level by placing a cane across the front of
the hips while allowing the knees to spread apart,
t hen bring them together.

H . Quadriped: The patient is positioned in the quadriped

position (on their hands and knees) and is asked
to maintain the n eutral zone during the followi ng
a. Unilateral shoulderflexion: the patient is asked to reach
one arm out in front of, and to prevent the hips/
FIGURE 1 3-34 Alternate a rm and leg raise. pelvis from rotating.

b. Unilateral hip extension: the patient is asked to reach

one leg out behind without allowing the hips and
pelvis to rotate.
c. Weight shifting: the patient is asked to move the body
forward and backward as far as possible while main­
taining the neutral zone.

I . High kneeling: The patient is positioned in high kneeling

with the hips and trunk straight. The patient is asked
to maintain the neutral zone during the following
a. Bilateral shoulder flexion: with the elbows straight, the
patient is asked to raise the arms overhead as far as
possible while tightening the abdominal muscles.
The patient is then asked to slowly lower the arms
while maintaining the neutral zone throughout the
b. Alternating shoulder flexion: with their elbows straight,
the patient is asked to raise one arm overhead as far as
possible while tightening the abdominals. The patient
is then asked to slowly lower the arms while maintain­
ing the neutral zone throughout the exercise. FIG U R E 1 3-35 Wa l l slide.
c. Forward bending: the patient is asked to lower the but­
tocks to touch the heels of the feet and to place the f. Backward lunge: while maintaining the neutral zone
palms of the hands on the floor in front of them. The throughout the exercise, the patient is asked to
patient is then asked to return to the starting position step backward with one leg and lower the same
by reversing the motions while maintaining the neu­ knee to the ground before returning to the starting
tral zone. position.

J. The patient is standing.

Level II
a. Bilateral shoulder flexion: with the e lbows straight, the
A. The patient is positioned in supine with the knees
patient is then asked to raise the arms overhead as far
straight and legs flat on the table.
as possible while tightening their abdominal muscles
1 . The patient is asked to start with arms and legs
before slowly lowering their arms, while maintaining
straight with arms overhead. Keeping the right el­
the neutral zone throughout the exercise.
bow straight, the patient brings the arm to waist
b. Alternating shoulder flexion: with the elbows straight,
level while bringing the left knee toward their
the patient is asked to raise one arm overhead as far
chest. The patient is then asked to touch the left
as possible while tightening their abdominal muscles.
knee with the right hand before returning to the
The patient is then asked to slowly lower the arm
starting positio n .
while maintaining the neutral zone throughout the
2. T h e patient is asked t o start in the same starting posi­
tion as the previous example. Keeping the elbows
c. Wall slides: with the back against a wall, the patient is
straight, the patient brings both knees and arms to
asked to perform a squat until the knees are bent to
the waist. The patient touches the knees with the
60 degrees, ( Figure 1 3-35) then return to standing
hands before returning to the starting position.
while maintaining the neutral zone throughout the
exercise. B. The patient is positioned in prone.
d. Lateral weight shifting: while maintaining the neutral 1 . Bilateral arm swim: the patient is asked to perform the
zone throughout the exercise, the patient is asked to arm motions for the swimmer's breast stroke.
shift the hips from side to side while bending at the 2. Bilateral arm swim with hip extension: the patient is
knees. asked to perform same technique as in the previous
e. Forward lunge: while maintaining the n eutral zone exercise while raising one leg slightly up from the
throughout the exercise, the patient is asked to step table and keeping the knee straight.
forward with one leg and lower the opposite knee to 3. Superman: with the arms overhead and knees straight,
the ground. the patient is asked to raise both arms and legs

2 . Bilateral hand and leg lift: the patient is asked to raise

both hands and legs off the ground and to hold the
position for 6 to 8 seconds.

F. The patient is standing. While maintaining this position:

1 . The patient is asked to hold a stick in both hands and
to place the arms overhead before lowering them to
the waist level. The patient is asked to kneel on one
knee, then both knees. The patient is asked to lower
the stick to the floor and reach it out in front. The
movement is reversed until the patient is standing
with the stick overhead.
2 . Mimic sporting swing (i.e., golf, tennis) .

Aerobic Exercise Programs

I t has been shown that activity in large muscle groups
yields an increased amount of endorphins in both the
blood stream and the cerebrospinal fluid.21 4 This in turn
lessens the pain sensitivity.215 Additional benefits of aer­
obic exercise include relieving depression,21 6 increased
mental alertness,21 7 sleep,218 and stamina.219 The following
FIGURE 1 3-36 Superman positi o n . aerobic exercises are recomended:

toward the ceiling while keeping their head resting • Walking and jogging on soft, even ground
on the table (Figure 1 3-36) . • Indoor cross-country skiing machines
• Water aerobics
C. The patient performs a bridge-with the arms by the
• Swiss ball exercises
sides, knees bent, and feet flat, they lift the buttocks
from the table. While maintaining this position he or
she performs: Dynamic Abdominal Bracing
Beryl Kennedl20 proposed the technique of dynamic ab­
1 . Alternating unilateral stance: the patient is asked to keep
dominal bracing (DAB) , which makes use of intra-abdom­
the pelvis level by placing a cane across the front of
inal pressure to give stability and protection to the lumbar
their hip, and to raise one foot off the table before re­
spine during both weight-bearing postures and move­
turning to the starting position. The clinician can add
ments. Pelvic tilting, using the abdominal muscles com­
weight onto the stomach to increase the resistance.
bined with breathing exercises, incorporate the principles
D. The patient is positioned in the 'quadriped' position. of DAB. The progression of exercises include bridging,
While maintaining this position they perform: cross-arm knee pushing, knee raising, double knee raising,
1 . Unilateral shoulderflexion and hip extension: the patient sit ups, oblique sit ups, and alternate straight leg raising
is asked to attempt to reach one arm forward and the and lowering with the opposite knee bent and the foot
opposite leg backward at the same time. The patient resting on the floor.
is asked to return to the starting position before per­
forming the same motion with the other arm and leg.
Back School
2. Weight shifting and reaching: the patient is asked to
Several back schools and back rehabilitation programs have
move the body forward and backward as far as possi­
been developed to teach people proper lifting technique and
ble while maintaining the neutral zone. The patient is
body mechanics according to currently accepted ergonomic
asked to attempt to reach one arm out in different di­
principles.221 These programs are aimed at groups of patients
rections while the body is moving.
and include the provision of general information on the
£. The patient is asked to sit with the knees bent and arms spine, recommended postures and activities, preven tative
on the table behind the body. While maintaining this measures,222,223 and exercises for tlle back. The efficacy of
position he or she performs: back schools, however, remains controversial.224,225 Cohen226
1 . Alternating hand and leg lift: the patient is asked to concluded that there is insufficient evidence to recommend
raise one hand and the opposite leg off the ground group education for people with low back pain. Revel227
before returning to the starting position. claimed that back school interventions have no effect.

Flexibility Exercises
Occasionally, stretching both the anterior and posterior
thigh muscles is beneficial. However, most of the time, only
one should be stretched and the decision is based on the
biomechanical diagnosis.

A. The patient with spinal stenosis, spondylolisthesis, or a

painful extension hypomobility who responds well to
lumbar flexion exercises should be taught how to
stretch the hip flexors and rectus femoris while protect­
ing the lumbar spine from lordosis.

B. The patient with a painful flexion hypomobility or disc

herniation who responds well to lumbar extension
exercises should be taught how to stretch the ham­
sU-ings while protecting the lumbar spine from flexing.
1 . Stretch Jor the hip flexors and rectus Jemoris: although a
number of exercises have been advocated to stretch
these muscle groups, because of their potential to ei­
ther increase the anterior shear of the lumbar verte­
brae directly or indirectly, the standing/kneeling po­
sition is preferred. A pillow is placed on the floor and FIGURE 1 3-38 Sta nding rectus fe moris and hip flexors
the patient kneels down on the pillow with the other stretch .
leg placed out in fron t in the typical lunge position.
The patient is asked to perform a posterior pelvic tilt
and to maintain an erect position witll respect to the will b e felt. The rectus femoris can be stretched fur­
trunk. From this start position, the patient glides the ther from this position by grasping tlle ankle of the
trunk anteriorly, maintaining the trunk in the near kneeling leg and raising the foot toward the buttock
vertical position ( Figure 1 3-37) . A stretch on the up­ (Figure 1 3-38 ) .
per aspect of the anterior thigh of the kneeling leg 2 . Stretching oj the hamstrings: a number of techniques
have evolved over the years to sU-etch the hamsu-ings.
The problem with most of these techniques is tllat
they do not afford the lumbar spine much protection
while performing the stretch. The patient should be
taught to perform the stretch in the supine position
with a small towel roll placed under the lumbar spine
to maintain a slight lordosis. The uninvolved leg is
kept straight while the patient is asked to flex the hip
of the side to be tested to about 90 degrees. From this
position, the patient extends tlle knee on the tested
leg until a stretch is felt on tlle posterior aspect of tlle
thigh. This position is maintained for about 30 sec­
onds before allowing tlle knee to flex slightly. As the
patient progresses to doing the stretch in the stand­
ing position, he or she must be reminded to maintain
an anterior pelvic tilt during the stretch.

Case Study: Central Low Back Pain

with Occasional Right Radiation

A 58-year-Dld female presented with a gradual onset of low
FIG U R E 1 3-37 Sta nding h i p flexors stretch. back and sacroiliac joint pain and whose chief complaint was

a "stiff" back, especially in the morning. The patient had ex­ 2. What is the significance of the findings from the
perienced mild discomfort over a number of years but had spinous process motion tests?
noticed a recent increase in its intensity over the last few 3. Why is there a decrease in tlle extensibility of the ham­
months. The pain was reported as being worse with pro­ strings?
longed standing, lifting, bending, and walking, and was re­
lieved by sitting and lying down. The pain was occasionally felt Evaluation
in the right buttock, hip, and thigh. A recent x-ray revealed A provisional diagnosis could be made on the strength of
the presence of "arthritic changes" in the lumbar spine. the subjective history-an older patient with low back
pain, or radicular paresthesia, or pain, that is reproduced
Questions by increasing the lordosis and disappears on reducing the
1. What structure (s) could be at fault with complaints of lordosis. The findings from the scanning examination con­
low back and sacroiliac joint pain? firmed the diagnosis and indicate the presence of a de­
2. What does the history of morning stiffness tell the cli­ generative spondylolisthesis of L5.
3. Why do you think the patient's symptoms are wors­ Questi ons
ened with prolonged standing, lifting, bending, and 1. Having confirmed the diagnosis, what will be your in­
walking, and improved with sitting or lying? tervention?
4. What questions would you ask to help rule out a cauda 2. How would you describe this condition to the patient?
equina impairment? 3. How will you determine the intensity of the exercises
5. What questions would you ask to help rule out a spinal for the intervention?
cord impairment? 4. What would you tell the patien t about your in terven tion?
6. What is your working hypothesis at this stage? List the 5. Which manual techniques are appropriate for this
various diagnoses that could present with low back condition? Why?
and sacroiliac joint pain, and the tests you would use 6. Estimate this patient's prognosis.
to rule out each one. 7. What modalities could you use in the intervention of
7. Does this presentation and history warrant a scan? this patient? Why?
Why or why not? 8. What exercises would you prescribe? Why?

Examination Intervention
Because of the insidious nature of the low back pain, a A call was placed to the above patient's physician to ask if a
lumbar scan was performed with the following positive series of flexion-extension x-rays could be taken based on
finding. the examination findings, and the patient was advised to
stand in the x-ray waiting room before the x-ray to ensure
• Upon observation, it was noted that the patient stood that the slippage would not reduce during sitting. The
with her knees slightly flexed, had a pronounced lum­ x-rays revealed a grade II slippage. The patient returned
bar lordosis, and slightly flattened buttocks. to physical therapy for a trial period of conservative
• Active range-of-motion testing revealed a restriction of intervention.
forward bending and pain reproduced with excessive
lordosis positioning. • Electrotherapeutic modalities and thermal agents.
• There was limited extensibility of the hamstrings228 With the exception of symptomatic pain relief, the
with the straight leg raise but no neurologic findings. thermal agents were not felt to be of benefit for this
• On palpation, the L5 spinous process was prominent patient. A TENS unit was issued to help the patient
and tender and pressure against the lateral aspect of perform activities of daily living.
the spinous process of L5 toward the right side pro­ • Manual therapy. Often , the only manual intervention
duced radiating pain in the L5 nerve root distribu­ with this patient type is the correction of any muscle
tion. The pain subsided when the spinous process was imbalances. Stretching of the hip flexors and rectus
pressed in the opposite direction. 229 femoris while protecting the lumbar spine were per­
formed on this patient. The hamstrings were not
Questions stretched. Why?
1. Given the findings from the scanning examination, • Therapeutic exercises. A lumbar stabilization progres­
can you determine tlle diagnosis, or is further testing sion was initiated with this patient. Aerobic exercises
warranted in the form of special tests? What informa­ using a stationary bike and upper body ergometer
tion would be gained with further testing? (UBE) were also prescribed. Why?

• Patient-related instruction. Explanation was given as • The application of passive bilateral knee flexion with
to the cause of the patient's symptoms. The patient the patient in prone ( Pheasant test) increased the
was advised against the extremes of motion, especially symptoms. This test introduces an anterior pelvic tilt
lumbar hyperextension. Prolonged standing was to be and increase in lordosis in a nonweight-bearing posi­
accompained with the patient raising one foot onto a tion through the pull of the rectus femoris. The clini­
stool. I nstructions to sleep on the side with a pillow be­ cian needs to ensure tllat sufficient knee flexion is
tween the knees were given. The patient was educated used to produce the pelvic tilting. If full knee flexion
on the positions and activities to avoid. The patient is achieved before the tilting occurs, the patient is
was advised to continue the exercises at home 3 to positioned in the prone on elbows position and the
5 times each day and to expect some post-exercise test is repeated. Patients who test positive for this ma­
soreness. The patient also received instruction on the neuver tend to have the following subjective com­
use of heat and ice at home. plaints: pain with supine lying with the legs straight,
• Goals and outcomes. Both the patient's goals from the unless the rectus and hip flexors are especially flexi­
treatment and the expected therapeutic goals from ble; pain with prone lying; pain with sitting erect; and
the clinician were discussed with the patient. I t was pain with prolonged standing.
concl uded that the clinical sessions would occur 3 • PPIVM testing indicated good mobility at all levels.
times per week for 1 month , at which time, a decision • PPAIVM testing indicated good mobility, with the ex­
would be made as to the effectiveness of the lumbar ception of the extension glides of L3 on L4 bilaterally,
stabil ization exercise progression. With a strict adher­ which were reduced.
ence to the instructions and exercise program, it was • Weakness of the abdominals.
felt that the patient would improve their functional • Tightness of the hip flexors, hamstrings, and rectus
status and the control of their pain. femoris.

Case Study: Low Back Pain I t would appear from the examination that an otherwise
healthy mobile spine began to hurt when the tissues re­
Subjective straining extension were stressed producing a painful sym­
A 40-year old male presented with a 3-month history of metrical impairment. The patien t actually slumps into
gradual onset of low back pain with no speci fic mecha­ lumbar extension while standing by "hanging" on the an­
nism of inj ury. He reported no pain in the morning terior ligaments. The goal of the intervention should be
upon arising but the low back pain began soon after re­ the removable of the aggravating stresses and the resump­
porting to work as a cashier in a grocery store. The pain tion of the extension motion.
worsened with activities that involved prolonged stand­
ing, walking, or prone lying. The pain was felt across the Intervention
low back, but was eased by sitting in a slumped position. • Electrotherapeutic modalities and thermal agents. A
The patient had radiographs taken recently, which moist heat pack was applied to the lumbar spine when
showed nothing remarkable. the patient arrived for each treatment session. Electri­
cal stimulation with a medium frequency of 50 to 1 20
Examination pulses per second was applied with the moist heat to
Upon observation, it was noted that the patient stood with aid in pain relief. Ultrasound at 1 MHz was adminis­
a flattened lumbar lordosis. Because of the insidious na­ tered following the moist heat. An ice pack was ap­
ture of the low back pain, a lumbar scan was performed plied to the area at the end of the treatment session
with the following positive findings. • Manual therapy. Following the ultrasound, soft tissue
techniques were applied to the area followed by a spe­
• Full and pain-free range of all movements cific mobilization of the L3-L4 segment into symmet­
• No dural or nerve root signs present but prone knee rical extension.
bending test reproduced the low back pain • Therapeutic exercises to strengthen the abdominals,
the gluteals, the multi fidus, and the erector spinae
The biomechanical examination revealed the following. were prescribed. Aerobic exercises using a stationary
bike and upper body ergometer ( UBE) were also pre­
• Overpressure in to full extension was painfu l and, with scribed. The patient was instructed on how to stretch
tlle addition of side-flexion to either side, during the the hip flexors and rectus femoris. The hamstrings
H and I tests, the pain worsened on each side were not stretched. Why not?

• Patient-related instruction. Explanation was given as when the patient arrived for each treatment session .
to the cause of the patient's symptoms. The patient Electrical stimulation with a medium frequency of 50
was advised against sitting or standing upright. Pro­ to 1 20 pulses per second was applied with the moist
longed standing was to be accompanied with the pa­ heat to aid in pain relief. U ltrasound at 1 MHz was
tient raising one foot onto a stool. Instructions to administered following the moist heat. An ice pack
sleep on the side were given. The patient received was applied to the area at the end of the treatment
instructions regarding the use of posterior pelvic tilt­ session.
ing during activities of daily living and correct lifting • Manual therapy. Following the ultrasound, soft tissue
techniques. The patient was advised to continue the techniques were applied to the area followed by an
exercises at home, 3 to 5 times each day and to expect asymmetrical mobilization (grade I I I-IV) to gap the
some post-exercise soreness. The patient also received right L4-5 zygapophysial joint. Immediately after,
instruction on the use of heat and ice at home. the patient could fully extend, side-flex, and rotate
• Goals and outcomes. Both the patient's goals from the to the right with some soreness experienced at the
treatment and the expected therapeutic goals from the extreme of these motions. This soreness was lessened
clinician were discussed with the patient. It was con­ by gentle, large amplitude posterior-anterior pres­
cluded that the clinical sessions would occur 3 times per sures performed unilaterally over the right L4-5 zy­
week for 1 month, after which time, the patient would gapophysial join t.
be discharged to a home exercise program. With adher­ • Therapeutic exercises to promote spinal extension
ence to the instructions and exercise program, it was felt were prescribed. These consisted of a progression
that the patient would make a full return to function. from prone lying, to prone on elbow, to prone push­
ups. Aerobic exercises using a stationary bike and up­
Case Study: Unilateral Low Back Pain230 per body ergometer ( UBE) were also prescribed.
• Patient-related instruction. Explanation was given as
Subjective to the cause of tlle patient's symptoms. The patient
A 20-year-old male complained of a sudden onset of uni­ was advised against sudden bending and twisting
lateral low back pain that prevented him from standing up­ movements. Instructions to sleep on the side were
right. He had bent forward quickly to catch a ball near his given. The patient received instructions regarding
left foot and he was unable to straighten because of sharp correct lifting techniques. The patient was advised to
back pain. He had no past history of back pain and no continue me exercises at home, 3 to 5 times each day
spinal radiographs had been taken. and to expect some post-exercise soreness. The pa­
tient also received instruction on the use of heat and
Examination ice at home.
There was no pain when his back was held in slight flexion • Goals and outcomes. Both the patient's goals from the
but on standing upright, pain was experienced to the right treatment and me expected therapeutic goals from
of the L5 spinous process. He was prevented by pain from the clinician were discussed with the patient. I t was
extending, side-flexing, or rotating his low lumbar spine to concluded that the clinical sessions would occur
the right. The other movements were full and painless. 3 times per week for two weeks, after which time, the
PPIVM and PPAIVM testing revealed an inability to patient would be discharged to a home exercise pro­
produce the painful movements at the L4-5 segment gram. With adherence to the instructions and exercise
with marked spasm on attempting to do so. U nilateral program, it was felt that the patient would make a full
posterior-anterior pressures over the right L4-5 zy­ return to function.
gapophysial joint produced marked pain and spasm.

Evaluation Case Study: Central Low Back Pain

With this patient, the quick movement into flexion and left
side-flexion gapped the right lumbar zygapophysial joints, Subjective
following which, there was a mechanical blocking of the A 45-year-old woman was referred for low back pain. She
movements that normally appose the articular surfaces (ex­ complained of pain across the center of her back at the
tension, side-flexion, and rotation of the trunk to the right) . waistline. The pain, which had started gradually many
years ago, had not spread from this small area but it had in­
Intervention creased in intensity. The increase in intensity resulted from
• Electrotherapeutic modalities and thermal agents. A a bending and lifting injury a few years previously and,
moist heat pack was applied to the lumbar spine since that incident, the patient reported having difficulty

straightening up from the bent over position . Twisting ma­ • Manual therapy. Often , the only manual intervention
neuvers, whether in standing, sitting, or lying, also pro­ with this patient type is the correction of any pelvic
duced the pain, but otherwise she was able to sit, stand, or shift that is present and the correction of any muscle
walk for long periods without pain. imbalances. Stretching of the hip flexors and rectus
femoris while protecting the lumbar spine were per­
Examination formed on this patient. The hamstrings were not
Although this patient presented with an insidious onset of stretched. Why?
pain, the onset had been many years ago and the area of • Therapeutic exercises. A lumbar stabilization progres­
pain had not changed over those years. Although the in­ sion was initiated with this patient. Aerobic exercises
tensity had increased, there was no evidence of radiation using a stationary bike and upper body ergometer
and the pain appeared to be related to movement, and ( UBE) were also prescribed.
thus only a modified scan was performed with the follow­ • Patient-related instruction. Explanation was given as
ing result. to the cause of the patient's symptoms. The patient
was advised against the extremes of motion, especially
• Flexion was full range and pain free, although the re­ lumbar hyperextension. Prolonged standing was to be
turn from flexion was painful, especially the initiation. accompanied with the patient raising one foot onto a
All other motions were full and pain-free. stool. Instructions to sleep on the side with a pillow be­
• Compression , distraction, and posterior-anterior pres­ tween the knees were given. The patient was educated
sures were all pain-free. on the positions and activities to avoid. The patient
• Positive Pheasant test was advised to continue the exercises at home, 3 to
• No evidence of neurologic compromise was found. 5 times each day and to expect some post-exercise
soreness. The patient also received instruction on the
The biomechanical examination revealed the following. use of heat and ice at home.
• Goals and outcomes. Both the patient's goals from the
• Characteristic H and I pattern for hypermobility and treatment and the expected therapeutic goals from
instability, with a positive finding in the anterior aspect the clinician were discussed with the patient. It was
of the I test, but no findings in the H test. concluded that the clinical sessions would occur three
• Nonweight-bearing Hand I test was negative. times per week for a month, at which time a decision
• PPIVM tests revealed good mobility at all levels of the would be made as to the effectiveness of the lumbar
lumbar spine. stabilization exercise progression . With a strict adher­
• PPAIVM, testing into extension of the L5-S1 segment ence to the instructions and exercise program, it was
produced a spasm end feel. felt that the patient would improve their functional
• Segmen tal stability testing was positive for an exten­ status and the control of their pain.
sion hypermobility with an anterior instability.
• Decreased flexibility of the hip flexors, rectus femoris,
and hamstrings. Case Study: Leg Pain with Walking

Evaluation Subjective
The history of this patient suggested i nstability. The possi­ A 55-year-old male presented with an insidious onset of
bilities of a disc herniation , degenerative changes, and zy­ right leg symptoms that followed a period, or distance, of
gapophysial joint impairment needed to be eliminated. I n walking, or after a period of standing, and that disap­
this case, the absence o f neurologic symptoms and the pat­ peared when he sat down. The patient also complained of
tern of motion restriction helped. More serious impair­ pain at night, especially when he slept on his stomach. Fur­
ments could also be ruled out by the number of years that ther questioning revealed that the patient had a history of
the patient had the problem. The subjective history sug­ back pain related to an occupation involving heavy lifting
gested instability and the objective tests confirmed it. but was otherwise in good health and had no reports of
bowel or bladder impairment.
• Electrotherapeutic modalities and thermal agents. Questions
With the exception of symptomatic pain relief, the 1. Given the age of the patien t and the subjective history,
thermal agents were not felt to be of benefit for this what is your working hypothesis?
patient. A TENS unit was issued to help the patient 2. Why do you think the patient has pain with prone
perform activities of daily living. lying?

3. Is the pain at night a cause for concern in this patient? 4. What would you tell tlle patient about your interven­
Why? tion?
4. Does this presentation and history warrant a scan? 5. Is an asymmetrical or symmetrical technique more ap­
Why or why not? propriate for this condition? Why?
6. Estimate lliis patient's prognosis.
Examination 7. What modalities could you use in the intervention of
The diagnosis for this patient is made on the strength of this patient?
the subjective history-an elderly patient with root pain or 8. What exercises would you prescribe?
paresthesia that is reproduced in the erect position and
immediately disappears on sitting or bending forward. Intervention
This is a classic syndrome of the elderly. The physical ex­ • Electrotherapeutic modalities and thermal agents. A
amination revealed the following. moist heat pack was applied to the lumbar spine when
The patient was of a medium build. His standing pos­ th e patient arrived for each treatment session . Elec­
ture revealed a flattened lumbar spine and slight flexion at trical stimulation with a medium frequency of 50 to
the hips and knees, but was otherwise unremarkable. De­ 1 20 pulses per second was applied willi tlle moist heat
spite the fact that the patient appears to fit the pattern of a to aid in pain relief. U ltrasound at 1 MHz was admin­
syndrome, it is well worth taking the time to perform a istered following the moist heat. An ice pack was
scan, particularly in view of the insidious onset of symp­ applied to the area at the end of the treatmen t session .
toms and the presence of leg symptoms. A lumbar scan re­ • Manual tllerapy. Asymmetrical man ual traction (see
vealed the following result. below) was performed i nitially. As the patient ap­
peared to obtain good results from this, mechanical
• Active range-of-motion tests demonstrated a capsular traction was introduced (see below) .
pattern of restriction for the spine, that is, normal • Therapeutic exercises incorporating lumbar flexion
trunk flexion, a decrease in lumbar extension with ro­ were prescribed. These included posterior pelvic tilts,
tation, and side-flexion equally limited bilaterally. Dur­ single and bilateral knees to chest, and seated flexion.
ing the spinal extension, no symptoms were reported Aerobic exercises using a stationary bike and upper
but closer observation revealed very little motion oc­ body ergometer (UBE) were also prescribed.
curring at the lumbar spine during this maneuver. • Patient-related instruction. Explanation was given as to
• When the patient was asked to perform an anterior the cause of the patient's symptoms. The patient was
pelvic tilt to increase the lumbar lordosis, the pares­ advised against sitting or standing upright. Prolonged
thesias into the leg were reproduced, and reversing standing was to be accompanied with the patient rais­
the lordosis relieved the symptoms. ing one foot onto a stool. Instructions to sleep on the
• The distribution of the paresthesia included the lat­ right side were given. Why? The patient received in­
eral and medial aspect of the leg and dorsum of the structions regarding the use of posterior pelvic tilting
foot and great toe. during activities of daily living and correct lifting tech­
• The straight leg raise test was normal. niques. The patient was advised to continue the exer­
• Hip range of motion revealed a decrease in hip exten­ cises at home, 3 to 5 times each day and to expect some
sion range of motion bilaterally. post-exercise soreness. The patient also received in­
• Abdominal muscle strength testing revealed weakness. struction on the use of heat and ice at home.
• The bicycle test of van Gelderen 231 was used to help • Goals and outcomes. Both the patient's goals from the
confirm the diagnosis and to help rule out arterial treatmen t and the expected therapeutic goals from
claudication. the clinician were discussed with the patient. It was
concluded that the clinical sessions would occur
Evaluation 3 times per week for 1 month, at which time, the
The findings for this patient indicate tlle presence of a lat­ patient would be discharged to a home exercise pro­
eral recess spinal stenosis at the L4-L5 level on the right side. gram. With adherence to the instructions and exercise
program, it was felt that the patient would make a full
Questions return to function.
1. Having confirmed the diagnosis, what will be your in­
tervention? Manual Traction The patient is placed in a left side-lying
2. How would you describe this condition to the patient? position with the spine in a neutral position in relation to
3. I n order of priority, and based on the stages of heal­ flexion and extension. A small pillow is placed under tlle pa­
ing, list the various goals of your intervention? tient's waist to prevent any unwanted side-flexion from

occurring. The clinician, while palpating the spinous 4. Does this presentation and history warrant a scan?
process of L4 with the caudal hand, pulls the patient's lower Why or why not?
arm out at a 45-degree angle to the bed with the other hand.
The patient's trunk is thereby rotated from top to bottom Examination
down to the L4 level. The clinician now palpates the spinous The pain was of a traumatic origin and its intensity and
process of L5 with the cranial hand and, using the patient's behavior suggests a biomechanical cause, so a lumbar scan
uppermost leg, flexes the lumbar spine up to the L5 level. is not warranted. Observation revealed nothing remark­
The L4-5 segment is in neutral as the lock went down to L4 able. The biomechanical examination demonstrated the
and up to L5, but not into the L4-5 space. The clinician following.
places the cranial hand on the underside of the L4 spinous
process and places the caudal hand on the underside of the • Straight plane active range of motion revealed a re­
L5 spinous process. The clinician applies an upward force striction of right side-flexion of 75% and a slight re­
away from the table on both spinous processes simultane­ striction of extension.
ously while placing the armpit of the caudal arm over the • The H and I test revealed a restriction of the right
patient's ASIS and applying an inferior force using their posterior quadrant-the combined motion of right
body to reinforce the side-flexion to the left and into the side-flexion and extension at 50%, compared to ex­
table. tension and left side-flexion, with a reproduction of
the patient's pain.
Mechanical Traction The patient is positioned in supine • A posterior-anterior pressure applied over L5 pro­
and 90/90. Sustained or intermittent traction is used. The duced local tenderness.
goal is to decrease inflammation and edema, not change • The PPIVM tests were positive for hypomobility at the
the size of the foramen. L4-5 and L5-S 1 levels.
• The PPAIVM test was positive for hypomobility for ex­
tension and right side-flexion at the L5-S 1 level.
Case Study: Right B uttock Pain
Subjective 1 . What information is gained from a positive H and
A 2 1 -year-old female presented with low back pain that I test?
had occurred while playing ten nis, and she had fel t a 2. Did the biomechanical examination confirm your
sharp pain in the right buttock area. She was able to carry working hypothesis? How?
on playing and the sharp pain subsided until the follow­ 3. If the biomechanical examination had not confirmed
ing morning when she awoke and attempted to weight your working hypothesis, what would be your course
bear through the right leg. The pain again subsided after of action?
a hot shower and her walk to work. That evening, she 4. Given the findings from the biomechanical examina­
went jogging and was forced to stop after about a mile tion, what is the diagnosis, or is further testing war­
secondary to the return of the sharp pain in the buttock. ranted i n the form of special tests? What information
A hot soak eased the pain but was replaced by a dull ache, would be gained with further testing?
which lasted several days, at which time, she sought med­ 5. How can you determine whether the loss of motion is
ical advice and was referred to physical therapy. When due to an articular restriction or a myofascial restric­
asked to indicate where her pain was, she pointed to a tion?
small area, medial to the right trochan ter, over the piri­
formis muscle. Further q uestioning revealed that the Evaluation
patient had no previous history of back pain and was oth­ The patient was diagnosed as having an articular hypomo­
erwise in good health with no reports of bowel or bladder bility of extension and right side-flexion at the L5-S 1 level.
impairment. The clinician determined the diagnosis from the H and
I tests, which indicated a hypomobility into the posterior
Questions right quadrant. This was confirmed with the PPIVM. The
1. What structure (s) could be at fault with complaints of question remained as to whether the hypomobility was the
buttock pain? result of a myofascial or articular restriction. The answer to
2. What does the history of the pain tell the clinician? this was provided by the positive PPAIVM indicating that
3. What is your working hypothesis at this stage? List the the joint glide was restricted, which would highlight
various diagnoses that could present with buttock that the loss of motion was articular in origin and not
pain, and the tests you would use to rule out each one. myofascial.

Questions program, it was felt that the patient would make a full
1. Having confirmed the diagnosis, what will be your return to function.
2. How would you describe this condition to the patient?
Case Study: Symmetric Low Back Pain
3. In order of priority, and based on the stages of heal­
ing, list the various goals of your intervention?
4. How will you determine the amplitude and joint posi­
A 30-year-old female presented with a 3-month history of
tion for the intervention?
gradual onset of pain with no specific mechanism of in­
5. What would you tell the patient about your intervention
j ury. She reported no pain in the morning upon arising,
6. Is an asymmetrical or symmetrical technique more ap­
but by mid afternoon her low back began to ache. The
propriate for this condition? Why?
pain worsened with activities that involved sustained flex­
7. What modalities could you use in the intervention of
ion and when lifting. Sitting and lying eased the pain.
this patient?
The patien t had radiographs taken recently that were
8. What exercises would you prescribe?
normal .

Intervention Examination
• Electrotherapeutic modalities and thermal agents. A Upon observation, it was noted that the patient stood with
moist heat pack was applied to the lumbar spine a normal lumbar lordosis. Because of the insidious nature
when the patient arrived for each treatment session. of the low back pain, a lumbar scan was performed with
Electrical stimulation with a medium frequency of the following findings.
50 to 1 20 pulses per second was applied with the
moist heat to aid in pain relief. U l trasound at 1 MHz • Full and pain-free range of all movemen ts.
was administered following the moist heat. An ice • No dural or nerve root signs present.
pack was applied to the area at the end of the treat­
ment session The biomechanical examination revealed the following.
• Manual therapy. Following the ultrasound, soft tissue
techniques were applied to the area. Given the fact • Overpressure in to full flexion was painful and with
that the joint glide was restricted in an asymmetrical the addition of side-flexion to either side, the pain
pattern, an asymmetrical mobilization technique was worsened on each side.
performed to increase extension and right side­ • PPIVM testing indicated good mobility at all levels.
flexion at the L5-S 1 level. Initially, grades I-II were • PPAIVM testing indicated good mobility, with the ex­
used. Later grades I II-IV were introduced. ception of the flexion glides of L3 on L4 bilaterally,
• Therapeutic exercises. The following exercises were which were reduced.
prescribed: ( 1 ) prone hip extension on the right, (2) • Weakness and slackness of the gluteals, erector spinae,
supine pelvic rotations in the hook-lying position, (3) and abdominals.
standing side-flexion and rotation to the right, and (4) • Moderate tightness of the hamstrings with a straight
aerobic exercises using a stationary bike and upper leg raise of 75 degrees bilaterally.
body ergometer ( UBE) .
• Patient-related instruction. Explanation was given as Evaluation
to the cause of the patient's symptoms. Instructions to It would appear from the examination that an otherwise
sleep on the side were given. The patient received in­ healthy and mobile spine began to hurt when the tissues
structions regarding correct lifting techniques. The restraining flexion were stressed producing a painful sym­
patient was advised to continue the exercises at home, metrical impairment. These structures include the poste­
3 to 5 times each day and to expect some post-exercise rior ligamentous and zygapophysial joint structures that
soreness. The patient also received instruction on the were receiving poor dynamic support from the abdominals
use of heat and ice at home. and gluteals.
• Goals and outcomes. Both the patient's goals from the
treatment and the expected therapeutic goals from Intervention
the clinician were discussed with the patient. It was This patient's condition was non-acute and the in terven­
concluded that the clinical sessions would occur tion was relatively straight-forward.
3 times per week for 1 month, at which time, the
patient would be discharged to a home exercise pro­ • Explanation as to the cause of the patient's symptoms
gram. With adherence to the instructions and exercise was given as well as exercises to strengthen the lower

abdominals, the gluteals, and the erector spinae and 6. Which muscles make up the erector spinae?
exercises to stretch the hamstrings. This was comple­ a. Spinalis thoracis

mented with instructions on anterior pelvic tilting and h. Longissimus thoracis

correct lifting techniques. c. Iliocostalis lumborum

• The L3-4 segment was mobilized into symmetrical d. a and c

flexion. e. All of the above are included.

• As the patient experienced difficulties performing the 7. Patient is a 58-year-old male whose chief complaint is
exercises correctly, a biofeedback unit was used to back pain. Radiology examination reveals a gradual
help teach the patient when the correct muscle is slipping of one vertebra on another in the lumbar
being activated, and neuromuscular (functional) elec­ spine. The term that generally applies to this disorder
trical stimulation (NMS) was used to activate the ap­ as seen on a radiologic examination is?
propriate muscles. a. Scoliosis

• The patient received patient education on the mainte­ h. Spondylolisthesis

nance of ideal body mechanics (line of gravity, use of c. Lumbar spine stenosis

hip, load close to body, etc . ) during lifting considering d. Kyphosis

pathology, signs, patient ability, lifting required, and 8. Which motions does the mul tifidus muscle pro­
potential for change. duce?
• The patient was taught the "position of power" by 9. Which lumbar level is the most susceptible to anterior
using a dynamic pelvic tilt in the followi ng se­ shearing?
quence: ( 1 ) the patient is positioned in supine, i n 10. Describe the kinematics of the vertebra that occur
t h e hook-lying position a n d is asked t o perform a during lumbar flexion.
pelvic tilt and to fin d the neutral zone-the point in 11. How many degrees of rotation are available at the lum­
the range of the pelvic tilt where the pain is mini­ bar segment?
mized. This exercise teaches the patient about an 1 2. Which component of the vertebral complex is more
awareness of neutral with respect to flexion or ex­ susceptible to a compression overload?
tension. Whi le holding the tilt, the patient is asked 13. Approximately what is the normal amount of lumbar
to straighten one leg and abduct i t. ( 2 ) The patient range of motion with flexion and extension?
is positioned in sitting. The patient is asked to find 14. Describe the four boundaries of the in tervertebral
the neutral zone using a pelvic tilt. Once the patient foramina.
has achieved this, he or she is asked to stand against 1 5. What are the contents of the intervertebral foramina?
a wall and to fin d the neutral zone using a pelvic tilt.
Once this is mastered, the patient is asked to main­
tain the neutral zone and to wal k away fro m the
wal l . 1. An terior.
2. Iliolumbar.
3. Ll-2
4. Supraspinous; interspinous, ligamentum f1avum; pos-
terior longitudinal; annulus, anterior longitudinal.
1 . Which of the two longitudinal ligaments gives the best 5. c.
support to the anulus? 6. e.
2. Which lumbar ligament, consisting of five bands, pre­ 7. b.
vents anterior shearing of L5 on S I ? 8. Lumbar extension; ipsilateral side-flexion and con­
3. A t what vertebral level does the spinal cord t r n into tralateral rotation of the lumbar spine.
the cauda equina? 9. L4-5.
4. Name the six common spinal ligaments, from superfi­ 10. An anterior sagittal rotation and anterior sagittal
cial to deep. translation.
5. The most limited motion in the lumbar spine is 11. 3.
a. Flexion 1 2. The end plate.
h. Side-flexion 1 3. 60 degrees of flexion, 25 degrees of extension.
c. Rotation 14. The vertebral notch represents both the inferior and
d. Extension superior boundary. The zygapophyseal joint capsule
e. The lumbar spine is not limited in any direction of represents the posterior boundary. The vertebral body
movement. represents the anterior boundary.

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Chapter Objectives rate for neck and shoulder pain to be 1 6% to 1 8%Y Al­
most 85% of all neck pain results from acute or repetitive
At the completion of this chapter, the reader will be able to: neck i njuries or chronic stresses and strain.3
Cervical impairments have the same causes as any
1. Describe the anatomy of the vertebra, ligamen ts, mus­ other areas of the spine, that is, microtraumatic and
cles, and blood and nerve supply that comprise the macratraumatic impairments of the structures that com­
cervical in tervertebral segment. pose the joint complex. The cervical spine appears partic­
2. Describe the biomechanics of the cervical spine, includ­ ularly vulnerable as its anatomy indicates that stability has
ing coupled movements, normal and abnormal joint been sacrificed for mobility. Progressive degenerative
barriers, kinesiology, and reactions to various stresses. changes are expected to appear over time on radiographs
3. Perform a detailed objective examination of the cervi­ as part of the natural history of the aging spine. Radi­
cal musculoskeletal system , including palpation of the ographic evidence of cervical degeneration is observed in
articular and soft tissue structures, specific passive mo­ some 30-year-olds and is present in more than 90% of peo­
bility and passive articular mobility tests for the inter­ ple more than 60 years of age.4•5 Although aging of the cer­
vertebral joints, and stability tests. vical spine is ubiquitous, con troversy remains about
4. Perform and interpret the results from combined mo­ whether the process of spondylosis may be accelerated in
tion testing. patients with a history of soft-tissue injuries to the neck and
5. Analyze the total examination data to establish the de­ persistent pain. However, in the absence of pain, the find­
finitive biomechanical diagnosis. ing of degenerative changes on radiographs should not be
6. Apply active and passive mobilization techniques, and misconstrued as pathologic. Thus, the intervention of pa­
combined movements to the cervical spine in any posi­ tients with musculoskeletal neck and upper extremity pain
tion, using the correct grade, direction, and duration, must include education regarding the natural history of
and explain the mechanical and physiologic effects. neck pain and radiographic findings in the cervical spine
7. Assess the dynamic postures of the cervical spine, and as it ages.
implement the appropriate correction. Given that the cause of the various cervical disorders is
8. Evaluate intervention effectiveness to progress or not fully understood,6 intervention for chronic neck disor­
modify the intervention. ders has varied from the traditional methods of pain man­
9. Plan an effective home program including spinal care, agement and manipulative therapy, to group gymnastics,
and instruct the patient in same. n eck-specific strengthening exercises, and ergonomic
10. Describe the intervention strategies based on clinical changes at work.
findings and established goals. Although strengthening exercises have been advo­
cated for the intervention of neck pain/'s only a few con­
trolled intervention studies have been conducted to exam­
OVERVIEW ine their benefit for neck problems. In addition, the
efficacy of group gymnastics, active exercises, and passive
Neck and upper extremity pain are common in the gen­ physical therapy has been partly disappointing.!J.-1 1 How­
eral population, with surveys finding the I-year prevalence ever, in a recent randomized study, investigators found that


a multi-modal intervention of postural, manual, psycholog­ spine has to afford some protection to some very vital
ical, relaxation, and visual training techniques was superior structures, including the spinal cord.
to traditional approaches of modalities. 12 The patients re­
turned to work earlier, and they had better results in pain
intensity, emotional response, and postural disturbances. 12
One of the problems of extrapolating conclusions The vertebrae included in the cervical spine proper
from studies is that very little description is devoted to ex­ are the inferior aspect of C2 down to the inferior aspects of
plaining how the various diagnoses were arrived at. It goes the C7 vertebra. Compared wih the rest of the spine, the
without saying that correct intervention to an incorrect di­ vertebral bodies of the cervical spine are small, and consist
agnosis bears little fruit, and that a more precise biome­ predominantly of trabecular (cancellous) bone. 1 3
chanical examination of the cervical spine may provide ad­ The third to sixth cervical vertebrae can be considered
ditional insight into the nature of various injuries and typical, whereas the seventh is atypical. The third, fourth,
degenerative disorders, as well as aid in determining the and fifth vertebrae are almost identical. The sixth has
effects of different forms of intervention aimed at altering enough minor differences to distinguish it from the others.
the mechanical function of the neck. The typical cervical vertebra has a larger transverse
Anatomically and biomechanically, the cervical spine than anterior-posterior dimension ( Figure 1 4-1 ) . The su­
can be divided into two areas, the upper or craniovertebral perior aspect of the centrum is concave transversely and
region and the mid-lower cervical region. For the sake of convex anterior-posteriorly, forming a sellar surface that
ease, these two regions are described separately. The mid­ reciprocates with the inferior surface of the centrum, su­
lower cervical spine is described in this chapter, whereas perior to it. The superior surface of the vertebral body is
the craniovertebral area is described in the chapter of the characterized by superiorly projecting processes on the su­
same name. perior-lateral aspects. Each of these hook-shaped processes
is called an uncinate process. The uncinate process, de­
scribed later, is the raised lip of the superior-lateral aspect
ANATOMY of the body that articulates with a reciprocally curved sur­
face at the synovial uncovertebral joint that develops by the
The majority of the anatomy of this region can be ex­ end of the first decade of life, and which is beveled so
plained in reference to the functions that the head and the bones are separated, at least in the neutral position.13
neck perform on a daily basis. To perform these various The inferior surface of the disc is concave, and the inferior­
tasks, the head has to be provided with the ability to per­ anterior surface of ilie centrum projects downward to
form extensive, detailed and, at times, very quick motions. partly cover ilie anterior disc. 1 3
These motions allow for precise positioning of the eyes The vertebral body has a convex anterior surface, the
and the ability to respond to a host of postural changes margin of its disc giving attachment to the anterior longi­
that result from a stimulation of the vestibular system. 1 3 In tudinal ligament. This surface can be palpated by the cli­
addition to providing tllis amount of mobility, the cervical nician by gently coming around the neck, and is often

Spinous process

Sup. articular nr()"�<"_


Sulclis for n.
spinal n.


FIGURE 1 4-1 Typical cervical vertebra. (Reproduced, with permission from
Pansky B: Review of Gross Anatomy, 6/e. McGraw-Hili, 1996)

tender in the presence of instability. The posterior surface spinous process is bifid and the two projections are of
is nat or sligh tly concave, and its discal margins are at­ equal length, they often are unequal in size. As in the rest
tached to the posterior longitudinal ligament. of the spine, the pedicles and laminae form the neural
Variations in the lower cervical vertebrae are most arch that encloses the vertebral foramen.
commonly found in the spinous and transverse processes. The spinous processes project slightly inferiorly. Ac­
The transverse processes are short and project anterior­ cording to Hoppenfeld, 1 5 all of the spinous processes be­
laterally and slightly inferiorly, and are typified by a fora­ low C2 are usually palpable. The in terval between the
men in each. The transverse process consists of two parts. external occipital protuberance and the spine of C2 con­
tains the posterior arch of vertebra C l , which is very deeply
1. The anterior part, or costal process, ends laterally as located and usually not palpable. The C2 spinous process
the anterior tubercle. The longus capitis, scalenus an­ can be palpated in the midline below the external occipi­
terior, and longus colli are attached to this tubercle, tal protuberance, the prominent midline elevation on the
and the tubercle, particularly in the most inferior ver­ posterior-inferior aspect of the occipital bone. Occasion­
tebra C7, may be enlarged, forming a cervical rib. The ally, because of a bifid spine that is not symmetrical, the
cervical rib may be formed from either bone or fi­ spine may appear to be lateral to the midline, or two bony
brous tissue and, thus, may or may not be visible radi­ prominences may be felt at a single level between C3 and
ologically. The carotid tubercle, the anterior tubercle C6. C7 is usually tlle longest spinous process, being re­
of the C6 vertebra, is particularly large, and is so-called ferred to as the vertebra prominens, although, the spinous
because the carotid pulse is taken at this point. The process of either C6 or Tl might be quite long as well. The
an terior border of the transverse process also serves as spinous process of C7 is located by either counting down
the attachment site for the scalenus minim us. to the correct level or by using a motion test. The motion
2. The posterior part, considered the true transverse test involves tile clinician feeling for tlle largest spinous
process, ends laterally as the posterior tubercle and process located at the base of the neck and then asking the
has the muscles of the splenius longissimus cervicis, il­ patient to extend their neck. The C6 spinous process will
iocostalis cervicis, levator scapulae, and scalenus be felt to move anteriorly with neck extension, whereas the
medius and posterior attached to it. spinous process of C7 will not. In addition to possessing a
much longer and monoid spinous process, the seventh cer­
Wi th the exception of vertebra C2, the superior as­ vical vertebra varies from the typical cervical vertebra, and
pect of the transverse process has a deep groove that has wider transverse processes, no inferior uncinate facet,
mimics the orientation of the transverse process and and no transverse foramen.13 The spinous process ends in
transmits the spinal nerve, both of which are parallel with a prominent tubercle to which the ligamentum nuchae at­
the intervertebral foramen. The inferior-lateral orien ta­ taches (Figure 14-2) .
tion of the transverse process, and the fac t that the spinal As in the rest of tlle vertebral column, the cervical ver­
nerves are firmly anchored in the gutters, makes the tebrae form a portion of the vertebral canal that both
nerves vulnerable to a stretch injury around the distal
end of the transverse process with distraction of the cer­
vical vertebra.13
The transverse processes of vertebrae C2 through C6
are posterior and lateral to the transverse foramina
through which the vertebral artery accessory vertebral
vein, the vertebral venous plexus, and the vertebral nerve
all pass.
The articular pillar is formed by the superior and in­
ferior articular processes of the zygapophysial joint, which
bulge laterally at the pedicle-lamina junction. The articu­
lar facets on the superior articular process are concave,
and face superior-laterally to articulate with the recipro­
cally curved and orientated facet on the inferior articular
process of the vertebra above. The articular pillars bear a
significant proportion of axial loading. 14 LATERAL VIEW
The pedicles project backwards and laterally, while the F I G U R E 1 4-2 Lateral view of the cervical spine.
long narrow laminas run posteriorly and medial, to termi­ (Reproduced, with permission from Pansky B: Review of
nate in a short bifid spinous process. 1 4 Although the usual Gross Anatomy, 61e. McGraw-Hili, 1996)

houses and protect the spinal cord, and they provide de­ Zygapophysial Joints
pendable landmarks for the surface locations of a variety There are 1 4 zygapophysial joints from the occiput to the
of soft tissue structures.13,15 first thoracic vertebra. These joints are typical synovial
The articular pillars and zygapophysial (facet) joints joints because the articular surfaces ( the facets) are cov­
of vertebrae C2-7 are located approximately an inch lat­ ered with hyaline cartilage and a closed joint space is
eral to the spinous processes. The mass of muscle on the formed by a joint capsule. The anterior capsule is strong
posterior aspect of the neck is very thick and consists of the but lax in neutral and extension,19 allowing fOl- translation
trapezius most superficial ly, and the underlying levator between facets, whereas the posterior capsule is thin and
scapulae. weak. The major constraints and supports of these joints
are the ligaments of the vertebral column and the inter­
vertebral disc. Even though the most lateral part of the lig­
amentum flavum does blend with the joint capsule, it is not
The structure of the cervical vertebrae combined with considered a ligament of the joint per se, and does not ap­
the orientation of the zygapophysial facets provides very pear to have any nociceptive nerves. 1 3. 20
little bony stability, and the lax soft tissue restraints permit Vascular, fat-filled synovial in tra-articular i nclu­
large excursions of motion. 1 3 Given the narrow space be­ sions21 h ave been observed i n these joints, and have
tween the spinal cord and the vertebral canal walls in this been described as fibro-adipose men iscoids, synovial
region, in addition to the very small amount of extra space fol ds, and capsular rims. These inclusions act as space
in the intervertebral foramina, a relatively small change to fi l lers i n the triangular spaces around the joint margins.
either the vertebral canal or the intervertebral foramen They are theorized to play some role in protecting the
dimensions can result in significant compression of the articular surfaces as they are sucked in or expelled dur­
spinal cord or spinal nerve.38 ing movements and are also prone to entrapment, play­
Each pair of vertebrae in this region of the cervical ing a potential rol e in in tra-articular fibrosis and cervical
spine is connected by three articulations. Posteriorly, there spine pain .22
is a pair of zygapophysial joints, and anteriorly there is the The orientations of the zygapophysial joint planes are
intervertebral disc. The orientation of the zygapophysial oblique between the frontal and transverse planes.23 The
joints permit the motions of flexion and extension, and articular facets are teardrop-shaped with the superior facet
encourage the coupling motions of rotation and side­ facing up and posteriorly, whereas the inferior one faces
flexion to the same side (see later) . down and anteriorly. The orientation changes depending
Forward flexion occurs with rotation below the C5-6 on the level. It is 45 degrees at C2-3, reducing to 10 de­
level. Extension occurs with rotation above the C4-5 level. grees at C7-T l . Clinically, the orientation can be thought
The net result is that whenever cervical spine rotation oc­ of passing through the patient's nose. This orientation per­
curs, the greatest degree of weight bearing is on the ante­ mits considerable flexibility, allowing a combined sagittal
rior edge of the vertebral bodies below the C5-6 segments range of 30 to 60 degrees. IS The articular facets are coro­
and on tile posterior edge above C4-5 ( this factor has been nally positioned and should allow large quantities of rota­
implicated in the cause of spondylosis in these areas) . The tion. This movement, however, is constrained and modi­
amount of available motion varies at each segment and is a fied by the sagittal orientated uncinate processes. These
consequence of the height of the intervertebral discs and butt against each other during rotation, limiting axial ro­
tightness of the soft tissue constraints that interconnect the tation and causing side-flexion to occur, producing an
vertebrae. ipsilateral coupled motion (i.e., side-flexion and rotation
Motion within the mid-lower cervical segments in­ occuning to the same side ) . In addition, the uncinate
volves an average of about 1 5 degrees of sagittal range per processes are responsible for a con tralateral translation
segment, compared to an average of about 10 degrees per that occurs during side-flexion, which serves to prevent ex­
segment in the lumbar spine,16 but this can vary signifi­ cessive amounts of spinal stretching and kinking, thereby
can tly depending on the instructions given to subjects.17 relieving the stress on the disc, ligaments, joint capsule,
The greatest amount of motion occurs at the C5-6 seg­ and arteries.
ment, with tile C4-5 and C6-7 segments a close At the zygapophysial joint leve l , the restriction of
A coupled translation of between 2 and 3.5 mm occurs rotation by the uncinate processes means that the only
with flexion and extension. Side-flexion averages about significant arthrokinematic available to them is an infe­
10 degrees to each side in the mid-cervical segments, rior, medial glide of the inferior articular process of the
decreasing in the caudal segments. There is significant superior facet during extension, and a superior, lateral
flexion centering around C5-6, and extension around glide during flexion. Segmental side-flexion is, there­
C6-7. fore, extension of the ipsilateral joint and flexion of the

contralateral joint. Rotatio n , coupled with ipsilateral arm may lengthen and lead to a considerable increase in
side-flexion, involves extension of the ipsilateral joint the reaction force.
and flexion of the contralateral. The space between the uncinate process and the
The capsular pattern of the zygapophysial joint is a vertebral body above is less than the height of the inter­
limitation of extension and equal loss of rotation and side­ vertebral disc. With a loss of disc height, the potential for
flexion, with flexion unaffected. repeated contact between the bony surfaces of the
Luschka's joint in creases, producing the hypertrophic
Joints of Luschka changes in the form of osteophytes. 1 3 A combination
From C3-T l there is a total of ten saddle-shaped, di­ of the higher uncinate process, the smaller anterior­
arthrodial articulations between the uncinate process posterior diameter of the in tervertebral foramina, the
and the adjacen t body known as uncovertebral joints, or longer course of nerve roots in close proximity to the
joints of Luschka.24 These joints are formed from the uncovertebral joints at C4 to C6 levels, and the greatest
clefts between each uncinate process and the beveled in­ mobility occurring at C5 and C6, the nerve roots at these
ferior-lateral aspect of the vertebral body above.25 The levels are more predisposed to compression by these
unci nate processes, together with the superior aspect of osteophytes.
the body, form a sagitally oriented furrow in which the The vertebral artery also may be compromised in the
body of the vertebra above can translate anteriorly and degenerative cervical spondylotic process, which has been
posteriorly, as it does during flexion and extension. This shown to occur more commonly at the mid-cervical spine
furrow also tends to ensure that translation between bod­ level rather than at the lower cervical level,3o but the
ies is limited to the sagittal plane.26, 29 There is some reasons for involvement of the vertebral artery at a higher
doubt as to whether their development occurs with i n true level than the nerve roots are not clear.
disc tissue or as a cleft in the looser connective tissue im­
mediately lateral to the anulus.25 Some authorities do not
Cervical Curve
classify this joint as a synovial joint because although
there is a joint capsule, there is no synovial sheath. How­ The cervical spine forms a lordotic curve that devel­
ever, although the joint is considered by most anatomists ops secondary to the response of an upright posture. The
as a pseudojoint, motion does occur between the two center of gravity for the skull lies anterior to the foramen
bony surfaces. Panjabi et al27 reported that the mean area magnum. The zygapophysial joint and disc planes largely
of the superior articulating surface of the u ncovertebral determine the degree of lordosis. With a reduced curve,
joint is 44 mm,28 approximately twice that of the inferior more weight has to be borne on the vertebral bodies and
articulating surface . discs. An increased lordosis increases the compressive load
The joint's medial aspect i s bounded by the disc and on the zygapophysial joints and posterior elements. The
laterally by the joint's capsule. Two of these joints of C5 vertebra C4-5 interspace is considered to be the mid­
Luschka are found between each pair of adjacent verte­ point of the curve.
brae in the cervical spine proper, and their presence
emphasizes the fact that the cervical intervertebral discs
Intervertebral Foramina
do not occupy the complete interval between vertebral
bodies. The in tervertebral foramina serve as the principal
The lateral portion of the uncinate process is com­ routes of entry and exit to and from the vertebral canal
posed of the medial wall of the transverse foramina. The and to the rest of the body. Intervertebral foramina are
cervical nerve roots are closely related to the posterior as­ found between all vertebrae of the spine, except in the up­
pect of the uncovertebral joints as they course through the per cervical spine.
intervertebral foramina to emerge anterior-laterally. The anterior boundaries of the foramen are the inter­
The uncovertebral join t is located i n front of the axilla vertebral disc and portions of both bodies.
of the nerve root and lateral portion of the cord. The an­ Posteriorly, the articular process and/ or the zygapo­
gie of inclination of the uncovertebral joint increases from physial joint serve as the boundaries. The medial to lateral
C5 to C7 in the frontal plane.27 depth of the posterior wall is formed by the lateral aspect
Cervical rotation, which is an impure motion at this of the ligamentum flavum.
joint, produces a posterior rotation at the ipsilateral joint The pedicles form the boundaries superiorly and infe­
and an anterior rotation at the contralateral joint. With the riorly.
onset of degenerative changes, gliding motion at the The cervical intervertebral foramina are 4 to 5 mm
uncovertebral joints is substituted by hinge motion , with long and 8 to 9 mm high, and extend obliquely ante­
the pivot point on the contralateral side.13 Thus, the lever riorly and inferiorly from the spinal canal at an angle of

45 degrees in the coronal plane and 10 degrees caudally (C2) where it is continuous with the tectorial membrane.
in the axial plane .36 Wi thin each foramen are a segmen­ It travels over the posterior aspect of the centrum, at­
tal mixed spinal nerve , from two to four recurrent me­ taching to the superior and inferior margins of the body,
ningeal nerves or sinuvertebral nerves, variable spinal but is separated from the waist of the body by a fat pad
arteries, and plexiform venous connections. and the basivertebral veins. In addi tion , this ligament
The lower cervical spinal nerves are quite large in di­ attaches firmly to the posterior aspect of the in terverte­
ameter and nearly fill the foramina. As the dimensions of bral discs, laminae of hyaline cartilage, and adjace n t
the in tervertebral foramen decrease with full extension margins of vertebral bodies. T h e ligament, which i s
of the cervical spine, the nerve roots occupy a more cra­ broader a n d thicker i n t h e cervical region than it i s i n
n ial part of the foramen,37.38 and uncovertebral osteo­ t h e thoracic a n d lumbar regions, functions t o prevent
phytes may compress the nerve root and cervical cord disc protrusions, as well as flexion of the vertebral col­
posteriorly. umn. The dura mater is strongly adhered to the PLL at
Posteriorly, the spinal nerves are in close proximity to C3 and above, but this attachmen t diminishes at lower
both the ligamentum flavum and zygapophysial joint. In­ levels.
flammation secondary to arthritis or an hypertrophic liga­
mentum flavum can cause posterior impingement. Ligamentum Nuchae This bilaminar fibroelastic intermus­
cular septum spans the entire cervical spine, extending from
the external occipital protuberance to the spinous process
Vertebral Canal
of the seventh cervical vertebra, but its connections between
In the cervical region, the vertebral canal contains the the occipital base and foramen magnum to the atlas and axis
entire cervical part of the spinal cord as well as the upper are considered to be the most significant (Figure 14-2 ) .32
part of the first thoracic spinal cord segmen t. There are From this layer, laminae are given off that attach to the pos­
eight cervical spinal cord segments and, thus, eight cervi­ terior tubercle of the atlas and the spines of the remaining
cal spinal nerves on each side, but only seven cervical cervical vertebrae, and its importance as a posterior re­
vertebrae. IS strain t is well accepted.34 When the atlan to-occipital joint is
flexed, the superficial fibers tighten and pull on the deep
laminae, which in turn, pull the vertebl-ae posteriorly, limit­
ing the anterior translation of flexion and, therefore, flexion
Both the function and location of the ligaments in this itself.
region are similar to that of the rest of the spine. For the
purposes of these descriptions, the short ligamen ts that in­ Segmental Ligaments
terconnect adjacent vertebrae are classified as segmental, The interspinous ligaments are thin and, almost mem bra­
whereas those that attach to the peripheral aspects of all of nous, i n terconnecting the spinous processes. The liga­
the vertebrae are classified as continuous. ment is poorly developed in the upper cervical spine but
well developed in the lower (see Figure 1 4-2) . 3i
Continuous Ligaments The ligamentum flavum runs perpendicularly to the
spine, from C l -2 to L5-S1 connecting the laminae of suc­
Anterior Longitudinal The anterior longitudinal l iga­ cessive vertebrae, from the zygapophysial j o i n t, to the
ment is a strong band, extending along the anterior sur­ root of the spinous process. It is formed by col lagen and
faces of the vertebral bodies and in tervertebral discs from yellow elastic tissue and, therefore, differs from all other
the front of the sacrum to the anterior aspect of C2. The ligaments of the cervical spine. The ligamenta flava of the
ligament is narrower in the upper cervical spine and wider cervical spine are fairly long, allowi ng an appreciable
in the lower cervical spine. The ligament is firmly attached amount of flexion to occur, while being able to main tain
to the superior and inferior end plates of the cervical verte­ tension when the head and neck are in neutral. Scarring,
brae, but not to the cervical discs. In the waist of the cen­ or fatty infiltration to the ligament in this region can
trum, the ligament thickens to fill in the concavity of the compromise the degree of elasticity, making the ligament
body. The anterior longitudinal ligament functions to re­ lax, particularly with cervical extensio n . This laxi ty in­
strict spinal extension and is thus vulnerable to hyperexten­ creases the potential for the conte n ts of the vertebral
sion traumas. canal to be compressed by the ligamen t as i t buckles.35
Enlargement of the ligament increases the likelihood of a
Posterior Longitudinal Lying on the anterior aspect of spinal nerve and/or its posterior root becoming im­
the vertebral canal, the posterior longitudinal ligament, pinged.i3 The ligament appears to function as a passive
( PLL) extends from the sacrum to the body of the axis extensor force of the neck.

Muscles body. Its insertion can be traced from the entire superior
aspect of the spine of the scapula, the medial aspect of the
The majority of the muscles in the neck function to
acromion, and the posterior aspect of the lateral third of
support and move the head. A muscle's function is the role
the clavicle.
that it plays in a specific activity.
This muscle is traditionally divided into upper middle,
All muscles of the neck have the action of ipsilateral
and lower parts according to anatomy and function.
side-flexion. Intrinsic muscles of the neck act on the axial
skeleton only, whereas other muscles act on the shoulder gir­
• The middle. part originates from C7 and forms the cer­
dle. For the purposes of the following section, the muscles of
vicothoracic part of the muscle.
the cervical spine are separated into the superficial muscles,
• The lower part, attaching to the apex of the scapular
the lateral muscles, and the deep muscles of the back.
spine, is relatively thin.
• The upper part is very thin and yet it has the most me­
Superficial Muscles chanical and clinical importance to the cervical
The trapezius muscle (Figure 1 4-3) is the most superficial spine.4o The trapezius is innervated both by the cra­
back muscle. It is a flat triangular muscle that extends over nial (accessory) nerve XI and fibers from spinal cord
the back of the neck and well beyond the cervical region, segments C2 through C4, with the former speculated
arising from most of the thoracic spinous processes. Its ori­ to provide the motor innervation, and the latter the
gin, which runs from the superior nuchal line and external sensory innervation.4 1 The greater occipital nerve oc­
occipital protuberance of the occipital bone, to the spin­ casionally travels through the trapezius near its supe­
ous process of Tl is the longest muscle attachment in the rior border to reach the scalp.23

Sternocleidomastoid m. Splenius capitis m.

,...---- Acromion

major m.

Rhomboid major m.

----- TI2

fascia --------t

Crest of illUnl---'"

F I G U R E 1 4-3 The superficial muscles ofthe back. (Reproduced, with permission

from Pansky B: Review of Gross Anatomy, 6/e. McGraw-Hili, 1996)

The different parts of this muscle provide a variety of exten ion and lower cervical flexion . The muscle is ac­
actions on the shoulder girdle including elevation, and re­ tive on resisted neck flexion. With the head fixed, it is
traction of the scapula. Also, when the shoulder girdle is also an accessory muscle of forced inspiration .
fixed, it produces ipsilateral side-flexion and contralateral The levator scapulae (Figure 14-5) is a slender m us­
rotation of the head and neck, whereas bilateral activity cle attached by tendinous slips to the posterior tubercles
causes symmetrical extension of the neck and head.42 Its of the transverse processes of the upper cervical vertebrae
major actions are scapular adduction (all three parts) and (Cl-4). The levator, located deep to both the upper and
upward rotation of the scapula ( primarily the superior and middle parts of the trapezius, can be palpated just deep to
inferior parts ) . the superior border of the trapezius. I t descends posteri­
The sternocleidomastoid (SCM) (Figure 14-4), a orly, inferiorly, and laterally to the superior angle and me­
fusiform muscle, descends obliquely across the side of the dial border of the scapula between the superior angle and
neck forming a distinct landmark for palpatory purposes. the base of the spine. The levator is the major stabilizer
It is the largest muscle in the anterior neck, and it is the and elevator of the superior angle of the scapula, and its
muscle involved in torticollis, a postural deformity of the contraction is readily palpable over its superior portion.
neck. It is attached i nferiorly by two heads, arising from With the scapula stabilized, the levator produces rotation
the posterior aspect of the medial third of the clavicle and and side-flexion of the neck to the same side; while acting
the manubrium of the sternum. From here, it passes supe­ bilaterally, weak cervical extension is produced.42 With a
riorly and posteriorly to attach on the mastoid process of forward head posture, the potential for this extension
the temporal bone. The motor supply for the muscle is moment increases. 1 3 If the levator is shorter on one side,
from the accessory nerve (CN XI) , while the sensory in­ it can provoke contralateral suboccipital muscle spasms
nervation is supplied from ventral rami of C2 and C3.41 and subsequent headaches. 1 3 A quick test to determine
This muscle can provide the clinician with information re­ the extensibility of the levator involves positioning the pa­
garding the severity of symptoms and postural impair­ tient in erect sitting.44 The patient is asked to place one
ments because of its tendency to become prominent when hand on top of the head. For example if the length of the
hypertonic. left levator is to be tested, the patient is asked to place the
In broad terms, the actions of this muscle are flex­ right hand on the head. The patient's neck and head is
ion, side-flexion and contralateral rotation of the head positioned in neutral and the patient is asked to abduct
and neck.42 Acting together, the two muscles, draw the the left arm as far as possible. Normal extensibility of the
head forward, and can also raise the head when the body
is supine. This action is a combination of upper cervical

FIGURE 14-5 The levator scapulae and splenius cervicis.

FIGURE 14-4 The sternocleidomastoid. (Reproduced, (Reproduced, with permission from Luttgens K, Hamilton N:
with permission from Luttgens K, Hamilton N: Kinesiology: Kinesiology: Scientific Basis on Human Motion, ge McGraw­
Scientific Basis on Human Motion, ge McGraw-Hili, 1997) Hill, 1997)

levator and the absence of shoulder girdle pathology processes of C7 and Tl, has a slight association with the
should allow the patient to abduct the arm so that it cervical spine, the rhomboid major, arising from the
touches the ipsilateral ear. An inability to achieve full spinous processes of TI-5, is inactive during isolated
range would indicate an adaptive shortening or hyper­ head and neck movements. The two muscles descend
tonus of the levator.44 The test is repeated on the other from their points of origin, passing laterally to the poste­
side for comparison. It might be argued that the rhom­ rior aspect of the vertebral border of the scapula, from
boids are also tested with this maneuver and from an the base of the spine to the inferior angle. Both of these
anatomic viewpoint this is true, however, from a clinical muscles are covered by the trapezius. Innervation for
viewpoint, it is unusual to find a decrease in flexibility of these muscles is supplied by the dorsal scapular nerve.
the rhomboids, especially given the propensity for the The major action of these muscles is to work with the
typically adopted round-shouldered posture. However, levator scapulae to control the position and movement
the clinician should be aware that the extensibility of the of the scapula, and they are involved with concentric
rhomboids might be a factor. contractions during rowing exercises, or other activities
The levator is supplied by direct branches of C3 and C4 involving scapular retraction.
cervical spinal nerves, and from C5 through the dorsal
scapular nerve. It is heavily innervated with muscle spindles. Lateral Muscles
The rhomboideus major is a quadrilateral sheet of
muscle, and the rhomboideus minor muscle is small and Scalenes The scalenes extend obliquely like ladders
cylindrical (Figure 14-6 ) . Together, they form a thin sheet ( scala means ladder in Latin) and share a critical relation­
of muscle that fills much of the interval between the me­ ship with the subclavian artery (Figure 14-7) . Tightness of
dial border of the scapula and the midline. Although the these muscles will affect the mobility of the upper cervical
rhomboid minor, with its attachment to the spinous spine and, due to their distal attachments to the first and





=--- SOI·ne of scapula

Infraspinatus m.

!"---Teres major m.

------- Rib-9

'-S.erre,h.. posterior inferior m.

----- Rib-12



FIGURE 14-6 The scapular muscles and the rhomboid muscles. (Reproduced,
with permission from Pansky B: Review of Gross Anatomy, 6/e. McGraw-Hili, 1996)

• Scalenus posterior. The scalenus posterior is the smallest

and deepest of the group, running from the posterior
tubercles of C4-6 transverse processes, to attach to tlle
outer aspect of the second rib. It functions to elevate or
fix the second rib and ipsilaterally side-flex the neck. It
is supplied by the ventral rami of CS, C6, and C7.
• Scalenus minimus (pleuralis). The scalenus minimus is a
small muscle slip running from the transverse process
of C7 to the inner aspect of the first rib and tlle dome
of the pleura. It is the supra pleural membrane that is
often considered to be the expansion of the tendon of
this muscle. It functions to elevate the dome of the
pleura during inspiration and is innervated by the
ventral ramus of C7.

The broad sheet of the platysma muscle is the most su­

perficial muscle in the cervical region, where it covers most
o n terior of the anterior-lateral aspect of the neck, We upper parts of
the pectoralis major and deltoid. It extends superiorly to the
FIGURE 1 4-7 The scalenes. (Reproduced, with permis­
sion from Luttgens K, Hamilton N: Kinesiology: Scientific inferior margin of the body of the mandible. As a muscle of
Basis on Human Motion, ge McGraw-Hili, 1 997) facial expression, it does not affect bony motion, except
perhaps as a passive restraint to head extension. It is sup­
plied by the cervical branch of the cranial (facial) nerve VII.
second ribs, if in spasm, they can, elevate the ribs and be
implicated in the thoracic outlet syndrome. Deep Muscles of the Back
The deep, or intrinsic, muscles of tlle back are the primary
• Scalenus anterior. The scalenus anterior runs verti­ movers of the vertebral column and head, and are located
cally, behind the sternocleidomastoid on the lateral deep to the thoracolumbar fascia. The muscles in all of
aspect of the neck. Arising from the anterior tuber­ these groups are segmentally innervated by the lateral
cles of the C3, C4, CS, and C6 transverse processes, it branches of the dorsal rami of the spinal nerves. 23
travels to the scalene tubercle on the inner border of The splenius capitis (Figure 1 4-S) extends upward
the first rib. The osteal portion of the vertebral artery and laterally from the dorsal edge of lie nuchal ligament
and stellate ganglion run laterally to it. Acting from and the spines and spinous processes of the lower cervical
above, the scalenus anterior, like the rest of the and upper thoracic vertebrae (T4-C7) , to the mastoid
scalenes, is an inspiratory muscle, even with quiet process of lie occipital bone just inferior to the superior
breathing, 45 when it fixes the first rib so that the di­ nuchal line, and deep to lie SCM muscle.
aphragm can exert its action on the lung. Working The splenius cervicis (Figure 14-S) is just inferior and
bilaterally from below, it flexes the spine. Unilater­ appears continuous with the capitis, extending from lie
ally, it ipsilaterally side-flexes and contralaterally ro­ spines of the liird to lie sixth thoracic vertebrae, to the
tates the spine. 42 It is supplied by the ventral rami of posterior tubercles of lie transverse processes of lie upper
C4, CS, and C6. cervical vertebrae. The splenius capitis and splenius cervi­
• Scalenus medius. The scalenus medius is the largest cis muscles are two important head and neck rotators. By
and longest of the group, attaching to the transverse their attachments, it is clear that boli are capable of ipsi­
processes of all of the cervical vertebra except the at­ lateral rotation, side-flexion, and extension at the spinal
las (although it often attaches to this) , and runs to joints liey cross.
attach to the upper border of the first rib. It is sepa­
rated from the anterior scalene by the carotid artery Erector Spinae
and cervical nerve, and is pierced by the nerve to the The erector spinae complex spans multiple segments,
rhomboids and the upper two roots of the nerve to forming a large musculotendinous mass consisting of the
the serratus anterior (long thoracic nerve) . Working iliocostalis, longissimus, and spinalis muscles.
unilaterally on the cervical spine, it is an ipsilateral The iliocostalis cervicis appears to function as a stabi­
side flexor, whereas bilaterally, it is a flexor. Working lizer of the cervicothoracic junction and lower cervical
from a fixed spine, it elevates or fixes the first rib dur­ spine. The semispinalis has lioracis, cervicis, and capitis di­
ing inspiration. visions. The obliquus capitis superior and inferior and the

TABLE 1 4-1 P R I M E MOVERS OF T H E C E RVICAL Segmental Biomechanics

Although it may be clinically useful to describe the
ROTATOR AND SIDE-FLEXOR MUSCLES motions that occur at the cervical spine as separate mo­
Ipsilateral side flexion Ipsilateral rotation
tions, these motions correspond to the motion of the head
Longissimus capitis Splenius capitis alone, and do not describe what is occurring at the various
I ntertransversarii posteriores Splenius cervices segmental levels. It should be obvious that the range of
cervices Rotatores breves cervices head movement bears no relation to the range of neck
M u ltifidus Rotatores longi cervices
movement, and that the total range is the sum of both the
Rectus capitis latera l i s Rectus capitis posterior major
Intertransversa rii anteriores Obliquus capitis inferior
head and the neck motions. 47
cervices Ipsilateral side flexion and Flexion is described as an anterior osteokinematic
Scaleni contralateral rotation rock/tilt of the superior vertebra in the sagittal plane, a
Contralateral rotation Sternocleidomastoid superior-anterior glide of both superior facets of the zy­
Obliquus capitis superior
gapophysial joints, and an anterior translation/slide of the
Ipsilateral side flexion and
ipsi lateral rotation
superior vertebra on the intervertebral disc. The produces
I l iocosta l i s cervices a ventral compression and a dorsal distraction of the cervi­
Longus coli cal disc. The uncovertebral joint lies on, or very near to,
the axis of rotation for flexion and extension. Conse­
quently, the main arthrokinematic motion that seems
rectus capitis posterior major and minor lie underneath likely to be occurring here is an anterior spin (or very near
the semispinalis capitis and splenius capitis muscles. 46 The spin) . 48 This appears especially probable because impair­
semispinalis cervicis is a stout muscle that extends superi­ ments of the uncovertebral joint seem to be unaffected by
orly to the spinous process of vertebra C2, functioning as a flexion or extension. It can be assumed then that the un­
strong extensor of the lower cervical spine. 1 3 covertebral joint is only involved with side-flexion, and that
The interspinales and intertransversarii, which inter­ uncovertebral restrictions will be detected in all cervical
connect the processes for which they are named, produce positions, although flexion partly disengages tlle joint due
only minimal motion as they can influence only one mo­ its posterior position on the vertebra. 48
tion segment, and are more likely to function as sensory Although all of the following anatomic movement re­
1 77
organs for reflexes and proprioception. (Tables 1 4- 1 strictors act to some degree on most of the components of
and 14-2) . flexion, the following act particularly on the associated
movement component.


S P I N E-EXT E N SO R S A N D F LEXO RS • The anterior osteokinematic-restrained by the ex­
tensor muscles and the posterior ligaments (posterior
longitudinal, interspinous, ligamentum flavum) .
PRIME ACCESSORY PRIME • The superior-anterior arthrokinematic is restrained by
MOVERS MUSCLES MOVERS the joint capsule, whereas the translation is restrained
by the disc and the nuchal ligament.
Trapezius M u ltifidus Sternocleidomastoid­
anterior fibers
Sternocleidomastoid­ Suboccipitals Accessory muscles Extension is described as a posterior osteokinematic
posterior Rectus capitis
sagittal rock, an inferior-posterior glide, and approximation
I l iocosta l i s cervices posterior Prevertebral muscles
of the superior facets of the zygapophysial joints, and a pos­
Longissimus Obliquus capitis Longus coli
cervices superior Longus capitis terior translation of the vertebra on the disc. The uncoverte­
Splenius cervices O b l iquus capitis Rectus capitis bral joint undergoes a posterior arthrokinematic spin. The
Splenius capitis inferior anterior restrictors of the extension movement are the anterior pre­
I nterspina les cervices Scalene group
vertebral muscles and the anterior longitudinal ligament,
Spina l i s cervices Sca lenus anterior
which limit the osteokinematic; and the zygapophysial joint
Spina l i s capitis Scalenus medius
Semispina l is cervices Sca lenus posterior capsule, which restrains the arthrokinematic. 48 The disc
Semispinalis capitis I nfra hyoid group limits me posterior translation.
Levator scapulae Sternohyoid Side-flexion is an ipsilateral osteokinematic rock, a
superior-anterior glide of the contralateral superior facet, a
posterior-inferior glide of the ipsilateral facet, a contralateral
translation of the vertebra on the disc, an inferior-medial

and intervertebral discs. Neural structures, including the

dorsal root ganglia and nerve roots, may also mediate pain.
In acute sprains and strains, patients typically relate an
activity that precipitated the onset of their symptoms. This
JJ. may be lifting or pulling a heavy object, an awkward sleeping
\\ II position, or prolonged static postures. In whiplashassociated
\\ II disorders, patients generally describe an accident in which
they were unexpectedly struck from the rear, front or side by
a vehicle traveling at low to moderate speed. Rotational in­
FIGURE 1 4-8 Schematic representation of the motion
that occurs at the uncovertebral joint. juries can occur in all types of impact, with a delayed onset of
pain a common occurrence (refer to Chap. 19) .49
A common physician diagnosis for acute neck pain , in
glide of the ipsilateral uncovertebral join t, and a superior­ the absence of fracture or radicular symptoms, is a sprain
lateral glide of the contralateral uncovertebral joint. A and strain of the cervical tissues. This is far too generalized
composite curved translation results. It is formed by the for the clinician, who must ascertain the specific cause of
superior-inferior linear glides of the zygapophysial joints, the patients impairment.
the oblique inferior-medial and superior-medial glides of
the uncovertebral joints, and the linear translation across
the disc (Figure 1 4-8) 48 Zygapophyseal Joint
The osteokinematic rock can be limited by the con­ The cervical zygapophysial (facet) joints can be respon­
tralateral scalenes and intertransverse ligaments. The un­ sible for a significant portion of chronic neck pain. Estab­
covertebral and zygapophysial arthrokinematics can be lim­ lished referral zones for the cervical zygapophysial joint50,5 1
ited by the joint capsule and the translation by the disc. If overlap both myofascial and dermatomal pain patterns. Cer­
the side-flexion is limited, but the translation is okay, it is vical zygapophysial joint pain is typically unilateral, and de­
unlikely that the joint complex (the zygapophysial joint, scribed as a dull ache. Occasionally, the pain can be referred
disc, or uncovertebral joint) is impaired, and would tend to into the craniovertebral or interscapular regions. Palpation
implicate muscle tightness. 48 However, if the translation is just lateral to the midline often indicates regional soft tissue
also limited, there exists a problem with the joint complex. changes in response to the underlying zygapophysial join t in­
Rotation is chiefly an osteokinematic rotation of the jury, and motiorl testing shows a pattern corresponding to
vertebra about a vertical axis that is coupled with ipsilateral the injured zygapophysial joint.52 Traditional images (plain
side-flexion. Presumably, the translation follows the side­ radiographs , computed tomography, magnetic resonance
flexion, which is contralateral, resulting in the same un­ imaging) are typically unremarkable, and clinical suspicions
covertebral and zygapophysial arthrokinematics that side­ of zygapophysial joint injuries are best confirmed by diag­
flexion does. 48 With right rotation , the vertebral bodies nostic intra-articular zygapophysial joint injections or block
(not the zygapophysial joints) of C2-4 flex and the verte­ of the zygapophysial joint's nerve supply.53
bral bodies of C5-7 extend.
The clinician should be able to differentiate between
a disc or zygapophysial joint impairment by using the end Posture
feel. A disc protrusion will result in a springy end feel, Cervical pain not associated with traumatic injuries may
whereas a zygapophysial joint restriction will have an arise from poor posture, which in turn , results in abnormal
abrupt end feel. 48 forces and strain on the structures that balance and control
the head.54 Persistent pain may be caused by an inadequately
addressed compensatory posture, such as the forward head.
COMMON PAT HOLOGIES AN D LESIONS Over time, the body attempts to keep the eyes horizontal us­
ing greater capital extension. 55-57 Normal motion under­
There are a variety of causes for head, neck, shoulder, and taken in this poor postural environment produces abnormal
arm pain. An appropriate history and physical examina­ strain , particularly of the joint capsule, ligaments, interverte­
tion must be performed to exclude fracture, instability, in­ bral discs, and the levator scapulae, upper trapezius, stern­
flammatory disorders, postoperative pain , and tumors. 49 ocleidomastoid, scalene, and suboccipital muscles. 48 Other
After excluding the extrinsic causes, the clinician must de­ adaptations associated with this posture include rounded
termine the intrinsic causes of the symptoms. shoulders and protracted scapulae with tight anterior mus­
The most likely pain candidates are assessed first. They cles and stretched posterior muscles.58,59 The traumatized
include the bone, muscles, ligaments, zygapophysial joints, muscles may cause pain , which in turn, causes the patient to

restrict motion. Patients with these postural abnormalities Fibromyalgia symptoms are often reported to be worse in
may experience secondary myofascial pain that can cause re­ the morning, and during humid weather. Sleep is usually
ferral zone pain.4o (Refer to Chapter 1 1 ) poor, and sleep studies show that stage IV sleep is the most
interrupted. 66 The trigger points and pain associated with
fibromyalgia typically respond to spray and stretch, micros­
Muscle Tear
timulation, and massage.65
A cervical strain is produced by an overload injury to
the muscle-tendon unit because of excessive forces on the
cervical spine, which result in the elongation and tearing
of muscles or ligaments, secondary edema, hemorrhage, Torticollis is classified into congenital and acquired
and inflammation. Many cervical muscles do not termi­ types.67-69 Congenital muscular torticollis (CMT) is the
nate in tendons but instead, attach directly to bone by my­ most common type of congenital torticollis. ?O Several
ofascia I tissue that blends into the periosteum.6o Muscles causes are implicated, including fetal positioning, difficult
respond to injury in a variety of ways, including reflex con­ labor and delivery, cervical muscle abnormalities, Spren­
traction, which increases the resistance to stretch and gel's deformity, and Klippel-Feil syndrome. 7 1 Abnormal fe­
serves as a protection to the injured muscle. tal head and neck positioning and passage through the
birth canal is thought to selectively injure the sternoclei­
domastoid (SCM) by kinking the muscle, leading to a
Cervical Disc
compartment syndrome. The resultant edema and muscle
Cervical radiculitis, most commonly associated with disc injur y cause progressive fibrosis and contracture of the
herniations, can usually be treated successfully without sur­ muscle. In one study where the laterality of birth head po­
gery.61 The intervention of cervical discogenic pain includes sition was noted, the laterality of the torticollis was the
oral medications, cervical traction, soft cervical collar, and same. 72 This proposal is in contrast to other birth trauma
therapeutic exercise. Surgical intervention is reserved for theories that purport that difficult labor and delivery cause
those patients with persistent radicular pain, who do not re­ tearing and bleeding of the SCM, resulting in reparative fi­
spond to conservative measures.62 ( Refer to Chapter 7) brosis and contracture, 73 even though histologic studies
have not demonstrated evidence of acute or chronic bleed­
ing or hematomata in or near the SCM.
Myofascial Pain
Acquired torticollis, which include spasmodic torticol­
The basic patllOlogic impairment in myofascial pain has lis, is clinically similar but has different etiologies.
yet to be substantiated,63 although it is thought to involve Acquired torticollis in children may be related to trauma
pain and autonomic responses referred from hyperirritable or infections, as in Grisel's syndrome, which occurs after
areas, or a secondary tissue response to disc or zygapophysial head and neck infections. 74 In this syndrome, the soft-tissue
joint injulies.64 These hyperirritable areas, which are painful inflammation associated with pharyngitis, mastoiditis, or
to compression and can give rise to referred pain, tender­ tonsillitis results in accumulation of fluid in the nearby cer­
ness and autonomic responses, are defined as myofascial vical joints. This edema may then lead to subluxation of
trigger points.4o Trigger points are classified as either active the atlantoaxial joint (refer to Chap. 1 8 ) . Children with
or latent. Active tIigger points are believed to spontaneously ocular abnormalities often develop torticollis in an at­
cause pain, whereas latent tIigger points are said to restIict tempt to compensate for diplopia or diminished visual
range of motion and produce weakness of the affected mus­ acuity.
cle, with tlle patient unaware of the tender area until it be­ Spasmodic torticollis is the involuntary hyperkinesis
comes activated. Latent tIigger points may persist for years of neck musculature causing turning of the head on the
after a patient recovers from an injury, and may become ac­ trunk, sometimes with additional forward flexion (antero­
tive and create acute pain in response to minor overstretch­ collis) , backward extension (retrocollis) , or lateral flexion
ing, overuse, or chilling of the muscle.4o,5? (laterocollis) . It is also marked by abnormal head postures.
Idiopathic spasmodic torticollis usually has an insidious
onset that begins in the fourth or fifth decade of life with
no strong gender predominance. 75,76
Primary fibromyalgia is a common but poorly under­ Pure retrocollis ( 6% of cases) and pure anterocollis
stood complex of generalized body aches that may cause (3%) represent symmetIical involvement of muscles: most
pain or paresthesias, or both, in a non-radicular pattern. 65 cases are asymmetIical and tlle involved hypertrophied mus­
For a diagnosis of fibromyalgia, pain should be present cles can readily be palpated and compared with the con­
in at least 1 1 of 1 8 tender sites for at least 3 months. 65 tralateral normal musculature. The sternocleidomastoid

muscle is involved in 75% of cases and the trapezius in 50%. using behavioral therapies that consisted of progressive re­
Other muscles that might become involved include the laxation, positive practice, and visual feedback. The pa­
rectus capitis, obliquus inferior, and splenius capitis.77 In tient had significant improvements in all areas, which were
some cases, the spasm generalizes to the muscles of the maintained at a 2-year follow-up examination.
shoulder, girdle, trunk, or limbs.78 Agras and MarshaU88 used massed negative practice
Neck movements can vary from jerky to smooth75,78 ( i.e., repeating the spasmodic positioning) of 200 to 400
and are aggravated by standing, walking, or stressful situa­ repetitions of the movement daily, which achieved full res­
tions, but usually do not occur with sleep. Pain in the neck olution of symptoms in 1 of 2 patients. Results persisted for
and shoulders can accompany spasmodic torticollis, but it 22 months.
is unusual as a presenting symptom.77 Pain can develop Another single-case study used positive practice (exer­
later, however, as the result of degenerative joint disease of cising against the spasming muscle groups) in a bed­
the cervical spine or as a result of muscle spasm. Patients ridden woman who had 8 years of spasmodic torticollis
will often observe that they can reduce or eliminate the symptoms. Mter 3 months of positive practice, she was able
spasms by a physical stimulus, such as placing their hands to ambulate unassisted; her therapeutic gains were main­
or pillow on the back of the neck or chin.77,78 tained at a I -year follow-up examination.87
Spontaneous remissions (partial or complete) have Biofeedback has been used by several researchers:
been reported in up to 60% of patients in some series;75 Leplow 89 reviewed 1 84 biofeedback sessions in 10 patien ts.
others note full remission in 1 6%, with sustained remission Considerable improvements occurred during this study;
for 12 months of 6 to 1 2%.76,79 however, they occurred during the instructional phase or
Although the cause of torticollis remains unknown and very early in the biofeedback training. This finding sug­
no consistent sU'uctural, biochemical, or molecular abnor­ gests that cognitive processes and visual feedback (i.e., mir­
mality has so far been identified, recent psychophysical rors) might play an important role in the treatment of
studies have revealed abnormalities in the way patients with spasmodic torticollis, and that the biofeedback might only
torticollis judge the position of their bodies in space.80,8 1 be of secondary importance.
Most intriguingly, patients do not always recognize
"straight ahead" in the way normal individuals do,82 or, they
can have subtle difficulties in recognizing when they are in
a vertical state ( the "postural vertical")83 and in recognizing More than 90% of people in the United States experi­
when a line is vertical ( the "visual vertical ) .80,8 1 These ab­ ence a headache9o,91 during a given I -year period.92 Most
normalities do not seem to be due to the patients' abnor­ treat themselves with over-the-counter medications.93,94 An
mal head position because their performance still differs estimated 1 . 7 to 2.5% of patient visits to t ile emergency de­
from that of normal controls who assume similar head po­ partment are for complaints of headache.95
sitions. The overall conclusion from these studies is that pa­ Headaches can be grouped i n to two main divisions,
tients with torticollis rely less on the position of their heads benign and non benign. Of the benign headaches, approx­
than do normal individuals, and that they process tile af­ imately 20% are of vascular origin,96 with the remainder
ferent signals from tile vestibular apparatus and from pro­ being variously attributed to tension, psychogenic overlay,
prioceptors in the neck and body in an abnormal way.80,81 fatigue, depression, and cervical spine impairment,9o
Torticollis appears to have a genetic component, with Chronic daily headaches following trauma to the head
5 to 1 5 % of patients with a positive family history of a or neck are a common occurrence.97-99 The duration of
movement disorder.84,85 A small percentage of patients these headaches is unrelated to the severity or type of
have a history of serious head and neck trauma77 or a long trauma . 1 00, 1 0
history of neuroleptic drug use/6 but in most cases, the Neurologic conditions, including headache (migraine,
spasmodic torticollis is idiopathic. cluster, tension, chronic daily, occipital, rebound, post­
Rondot and associates76 found that 61 % of patients traumatic, postlumbar puncture) , atypical facial pain,
suggested a discrete event associated with the onset of spas­ trigeminal and glossopharyngeal neuralgia, and reflex
modic torticollis. I n order of frequency, these events in­ sympathetic dystrophy, have also been shown to be the
cluded emotional stress, medical problems, vocational up­ cause of head and neck pain.9o The systemic conditions of
sets, head trauma, a neuroleptic prescription, or a febrile osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and related rheumatoid
infection. arthritis variants, dermatomyositis, temporal arteritis,
The location of the human gene for idiopathic torsion Lyme's disease, and fibromyalgia have been indicated as
dystonia86 might help to clarify questions about etiology. additional sources of head and neck pain .9o
Various treatments for torticollis have been described. Neck pain and headache are the cardinal features of
Spencer and co-workers87 described a single-subject study whiplash,lo2 but these symptoms are musculoskeletal and

not neurologic in origin. According to the international feel better during a headache by remaining in an erect
classification, headache after whiplash is best classified as posture and moving about.9o As their name suggests, clus­
cervicogenic (group 1 1 .2. 1 ) and, thus, related to injured ter headaches occur in groups or clusters, and at predict­
structures around the cervical spine. 103 (Refer to Chap. 1 9 ) able times of day. The daily bouts of headache usually
Neck pain can arise from injuries of the cervical mus­ subside and then disappear, only to reoccur after several
cles, ligaments, discs, and joints. From lower cervical seg­ months. 1 13
ments, the pain may be referred to the shoulder and upper Tension-type headache is the term designated by the In­
limb. From upper segments, neck pain may be referred to ternational Headache Society to describe what was previ­
the head and present as headache. The incidence of ously called tension headache, muscle contraction
headache after whiplash injury is said to decrease during headache, psychomyogenic headache, stress headache, or­
the first 6 months after trauma. 104 Particularly relevant is dinary headache, and psychogenic headache. The Inter­
the relation between a histor y of headache and the devel­ national Headache Society defines tension-type headache
opment of a trauma-related headache after whiplash in­ more precisely, distinguishing between the episodic and
jury. In addition, psychological variables, which may be im­ the chronic varieties, and divides them into two groups,
portant in idiopathic headache, 105, 1 06 should be evaluated those associated with a disorder of the pericranial muscles
in relation to the development and recovery from and those not associated with this type of disorder.
headache after whiplash. Tension headaches constitute up to 70% of headaches,
Although the cervical spine can play a frequent role in occurring more often in women than in men. 1 14, 1 15 They
headaches, especially the upper region, considerable con­ are characterized by a bilateral steady ache in the frontal or
troversy still exists about whether cervical disease plays any temporal areas.
part in headache syndromes. 1 07-109 Headaches that are cer­ Occipital headache is felt by many clinicians to be re­
vical in origin tend to be unilateral accompanied by ten­ ferred pain from a cervical disorder, 1 1 7- 1 19 especially
I 10
derness of the C2-3 articular pillars on the affected side. when cervical traction, temporarily decreases the pain. 120
Other causes include: The underlying musculoskeletal mechanism for the
pain is often structural, including cervical hypomobility
• Trigeminal nerve irritation or hypermobility, joint subluxation, degenerative bony
• Epidural bleed (post trauma) ; the clinical presenta­ changes, or postural, with or without forward head posi­
tion for this is diffuse pain, drowsiness, and a decrease tion. Postures, movements, or activities that put strain on
in intellectual function the neck have been associated with headaches. 126 In one
• Fracture of cribriform plate study, 5 1 % of patients associated their headaches with
• Alar ligament sprain particular sustained neck flexion during reading, study­
• Migraine (see discussion below) ing, or typing and driving a car. Sixty-five percent of
• Cluster headaches (see discussion below) headache patients reported a chronic course running be­
• Sinus pressure tween 2 to 20 years, and only 7% reported pain of less
• Retro-orbital; if isolated (only complaint) , then likely than 1 week duration. J27 The general misunderstanding,
to be problem with eye and vision that there is no cervical sensor y reference to the head
area as the Cl dorsal ramus has no sensory component,
Types has led to the belief that only the trigeminal nerve has
Migraine headaches are found equally distributed among sensor y input to the vertex and frontal regions. In fact,
genders in childhood, but two out of every three adults there is considerable sensor y input into the Cl root, but
90 not from a cutaneous source. 1 2 1 Experiments have con­
with migraine headaches are women. The International
Headache Society has described migraine headaches as a firmed a close trigeminocervical relationship. 1 22, 1 23 Be­
headache disorder which consists of episodes lasting 4 to cause the head and neck are one functional unit, cervical
72 hours. I I I The symptoms of a migraine headache are typ­ musculoskeletal disorders can refer as headache, tem­
ically unilateral and have a pulsating quality of moderate poromandibular, or facial pain with or without neck
or severe intensity. Migraines are aggravated by routine pain. 1 24 Occipital hyperextension of the cranium on the
physical activity, and are associated with nausea, photo­ cervical spine has been related to head and neck pain. A
phobia, and phonophobia. 1 1 2 postural/pain relationship has recently been described
Cluster headaches are described as a severe unilateral by Willford and co-workers 1 25 in people wearing illultifo­
retro-orbital headache, often accompanied by nasal conges­ cal corrective lenses.
tion, discharge, and ptosis (drooping eyelid) on the sympto­ Chronic daily headache is a syndrome consisting of a
matic side. 1 12, 1 13 Unlike migraine sufferers, who feel obliged group of disorders and can be subclassified into primary
to lie down during a severe headache, these individuals and secondary types. 1 28 The primary chronic daily headache

disorders, including transformed migraine, chronic tension­ BI OMECHANICAL EXAMINATION

type headache, new daily persistent headache, and hemicra­
nia continua, are defined as a constant tension headache The cervical spine proper, composed of muscles, zygapo­
with migrainous exacerbations. 129,130 Chronic daily headache physial joints, discs, and uncovertebral joints, is more
usually evolves over time from episodic migraine, but the complicated than the craniovertebral region. Conse­
cause is still controversial. quently, its examination is somewhat more detailed and
Secondary causes of chronic daily headache include, complex. A review of the flow diagram in Figure 1 4-9 will
cervical spine disorders, headache associated with vascular be a helpful guide to the reader. The flow diagram as­
disorders, and nonvascular intracranial disorders. sumes that the clinician has taken the history and per­
Indivic\uals suffering from chronic daily headache fre­ formed a scan, if appropriate, but has yet to determine a
quently suffer from rebound headache as well. Rebound diagnosis.
headache is the worsening of head pain in chronic For the purposes of the assessment, it is important to
headache sufferers. It is caused by the frequent and exces­ establish a baseline of symptoms so that the clinician is
sive use of non-narcotic analgesics. 1 3 1 In a recent review of able to determine whether a particular movement has ag­
chronic daily headaches, Mathew l 32 stressed that 73% of gravated or lessened the patient's symptoms. A movement
630 patients with chronic daily headache suffered from restriction is a loss of movement in a specific direction. A
drug-induced or rebound headache. Omitted from these movement toward or away from the restriction may alter
totals were patients with post-traumatic headache. the degree and location of those symptoms.
Trauma was reported in 44% of 6000 headache pa­
tients in one study l 35 and in 40% of 96 in another, 1 27 with
1 6% of the 96 having been involved in a motor vehicle ac­
cident. One study, ' 36 categorizing patients who had been Static observation of general posture, as well as the
involved in rear-end vehicle collisions in a similar fashion relationship of the neck on the trunk and the head on
to the Quebec Task Force grades 1 , 2, and 3, found that the neck, is observed while the patient is standing and
headaches persisted in a 20 month follow-up in 70% of the
group 3 patients and 37% of group 1 and 2. The role of
Observation, AROM, PROM, Resisted, Palpation, Screening tests
u'auma may be understated as, frequently, the trauma may

/ \
occur some considerable time before the onset of the
headache and so may be forgotten. Tension headaches
may well initiate a headache in a patient predisposed by
-Positional tests for transverse processes -P.P.I.V.M. and P.P.A.I.V.M lests
some previous and forgotten traumatic incident. -Combined Motion testing (H and I test)

In addition to the immediate pain following a head in­

jury, post-traumatic headache, a more prolonged and endur­
ing headache, may develop. 1 34 This condition, resembling Positional dIagnosis (FRS, ERS)

either migraine or tension-type headache, may last for
weeks, months, or years. It may also be associated with post­
traumatic syndrome, which includes a variety of symptoms Apply passive intervertebral mobility test to exam ine for hypomobility

such as irritability, insomnia, anxiety, depression, and re­

duced ability to concentrate. 1 34 A diagnosis of chronic
post-traumatic headache should never be made unless
If negative If positive, mobil ize and re-assess
analgesic rebound has been excluded.

Atypicalfacial pain is considered by many neurologists as
a neuralgia characterized by typically unilateral and
Assume hypennobility
relatively constant facial pain that is unrelated to jaw func­ (generally more painful lhan hypo)

tion. 137 This condition, recently reclassified as facial pain by

the International Headache Society, is not well understood
and often defies all modes of intervention. 1 1 2 Many authori­ Perform Stress tests

ties believe that facial pain is psychogenic. 138, 139 However, it

/ �
has recently been reponed that intraoral edema and trigem­
inal V2 nerve distribution area tenderness were consistently
found in individuals with atypical facial pain. 137 Further­ If negative, hypermobility confirmed If positive, look for nearby hypomobility and
introduce stabilization therapy
more, these individuals experienced relief of their symp­
toms in response to low-level helium-neon laser therapy. 140 FIGURE 14-9 Examination sequence for the cervical spine.

sitting, both in the waiting area, and in the examination Back View
1. The clinician should assess muscular asymmetry, espe­
Side View cially in the upper trapezius and sternocleidomastoid.
2. The spinous process of the axis should be in mid-line.
• The forehead should be vertical. 3. As the patient rotates the head to each side, the tips of
• The tip of the chin should be perpendicular with the the transverse processes of the atlas should be felt to
manubrium. If the chin is anterior to the man brium, rotate anteriorly and then posteriorly. Both sides are
a forward head is present. A forward head places the compared. The procedure is repeated for side-flexion.
head ahead of the center of gravity (COG) and is of­ The transverse process should become less prominent
ten the result of a thoracic hypomobility. 48 For each and should approximate the mastoid process on the
inch that the head is forward in relation to the COG, side of the side-flexion.
the weight of the head is added to the load needed to
be borne by the cervical structures. 1 41 For example,
Front View
the average head weighs 1 0 pounds. If the chin is 2
inches anterior to the manubrium, 20 pounds is
A. The clinician should assess whether the patient's head is
added to the load. These additional forces can be
shifted to one side. A cervical disc protrusion (C3-4 or
transmitted to the lumbar spine, increasing the
C4-5) can produce a horizontal side shift of the head.48
amount disc compression, especially at L5_S 1 . 142, 1 43
This side shift allows the patient to maintain eye level.
The forward-head posture has been linked with a
number of syndromes including temporomandibular B. A slight tilt of the head is normal.
arthralgia, 1 44-1 48 probably as the result of an alteration 1 . Split the mass of the head into two vertical halves.
in bite biomechanics. 1 46 (Refer to Chap. 1 1) Cerebral asymmetries in form and volume, associated
with cranial asymmetries, are a common feature of
The clinician should: the human race and are often associated with facial
asymmetries. 151 - 153 In many cases, tllis asymmetry is,
• Measure the difference in inches. A computer­ related to asymmetric cerebral growth , which is
assisted slide digitizing system, postural analysis mostly accomplished in utero. 154, 156 Although they
digitizing system (PADS) , can be used to deter­ may also have a local origin, for instance, in the case
mine characteristic values for head and shoulder of mandibular asymmetry.
girdle posture and characteristic range of motion 2. Look for tilts but do not straighten them-tilt your
for head protraction-retraction and sh oulder head to match.
protraction-retraction. 1 49 PADS is a modification a. Does the patient's head appear to be moving in the
of a two-dimensional slide digitizing system devel­ opposite direction to the chin?
oped for measuring trunk range of motion. The b. Is the face "moving toward one ear"-indicative of
patient is photographed in a neutral position, the a trigeminal nerve impairment? 48
maximally protracted position, and the maximally 3. The head and jaw should move in opposite directions.
retracted position of the head and scapula. The 4. The head and eyes should move in opposite directions.
slide photographs are then analyzed using a
C. Check eye levels, depths, and sizes.
computer-assisted digitizing system. Other pos­
ture measuring devices have been cited. 150 D. Check the symmetry of the nasal bone-is it positioned
• Check if the forward head is reducible by apply­ evenly between the eyes?
ing a passive chin tuck. The chin tuck is per­
E. Check for nostril defects.
formed by passively retracting the patient's head
while keeping the chin level, thereby flattening F. Check the mouth:
the cervical lordosis. Although the chin tuck is a 1. For tilts and upturns
good assessment tool, its use as a cervical exercise 2. For dry and cracked lips-indicating a mouth breather48
is under review. As with any exercise, the potential
G. Palpate the midline symphysis (not always where the
for harm exists if the exercise is performed
dimple is) .
overzealously, and although as yet unproven,
there are strong suspicions that the chin tuck can H. Check if the teeth are visible.
induce instability to the cervical spine. 1 . An overbite pushes the head of mandible up and
• Check thoracic mobility. back.

2. If the tongue is visible, this is further confirmation of the clinician makes note of any motion that reproduces or
a mouth breather.48 enhances the symptoms and the location of the symptoms.
The weight of the head should provide sufficient overpres­
I. Check the chin muscles-they should look relaxed.
sure for all motions except rotation. Considerable empha­
sis should be placed on the amount of flexion available
and the symptoms it provokes, as flexion is the only motion
Active Range of Motion
tolerated well by the normal spine. In addition, the clini­
An assessment of gross range of motion of cervical cian should note the quality of movement. When inter­
flexion, and extension is performed (Figure 1 4- 1 0 ) , and preting the motion findings, the position of the joint at the


FIGURE 1 4- 1 0 Active range o f motion o f the cervical spine.

beginning of the test should be correlated with the subse­ position testing is used to determine which segment to focus
quent mobility noted since alterations in joint mobility on. Other clinicians omit the position tests and proceed to
may merely be a reflection of an altered starting position. the combined motion and passive physiologic tests.
According to CYTiax, the capsular pattern of the cer­
vical spine is full flexion in the presence of limited
Position Testing
extension and symmetrical limitation of rotation and side­
flexion. The presence of a capsular pattern indicates The position tests are screening tests that like all
arthritis. If end-range flexion is immediately painful, screening tests, are valuable in focusing the attention of
meningitis or acute radicular pain should be ruled out. If the examiner to one segment, but are not appropriate for
the pain is felt after a 15- to 20-second delay, ligament pain making a definitive statement concerning the movement
should be suspected. The most common restricter of cer­ status of the segment. However, when combined with the
vical flexion is upper thoracic/ cervicothoracic, or occipi­ results of the passive movement testing, they help to form
toatlantal joint impairment, but flexion can also be limited the working hypothesis.
by acute/severe trauma (muscle spasms straighten the lor­ The patient is positioned in sitting and the clinician
dosis) , fracture/dislocations, or disc impairments. stands behind the patient. Using the thumbs, the clini­
Three screening tests can be used to highlight the cian palpates the articular pillars of the cranial vertebra
level of a rotation restriction. All of the tests utilize rotation of the segment to be tested. The patient is asked to flex
of the neck with the neck in various amounts of flexion. the neck, and the clinician assesses the position of the
cranial vertebra relative to its caudal neighbor and notes
1. Rotation with the neck i n full flexion tests the C 1-2 which articular pillar of the cranial vertebra is the most
level. dorsal (Figure 14-1 1 ) . A dorsal left articular pillar of tl1e
2. Rotation with the neck in a chin tuck tests the C2-3 cranial vertebra relative to the caudal vertebra is indica­
level. 1 58 tive of a left rotated position of the segment in flexion. 159
3. Rotation with the neck in full extension tests the levels The patient is asked to extend tl1e joint complex while
below C3. The more extension, the lower the level of the clinician assesses the position of the C4 vertebra rela­
involvement. tive to C5 by noting which articular pillar is the most dor­
sal. A dorsal left articular pillar of C4 relative to C5 is
Normal extension motion allows the face to be paral­ indicative of a left rotated position of the C4-5 joint com­
lel with the ceiling. With rotation, the chin should be in plex in extension. 159
line with the acromioclavicular joint at the end of rotation
(see Figure 14-10) . If a patient is able to maintain eye level
during rotation, this rules out any atlantoaxial involve­
ment. If, during active rotation the patient side-flexes to
achieve full motion (Figure 14-10D) , there is likely a prob­
lem with the atlantoaxial joint or thorax. However, if dur­
ing rotation, they are unable to side-flex to achieve the full
motion, the problem is in the mid to low cervical spine.
Side-flexion is performed to the left and right while
the ipsilateral shoulder is stabilized by the clinician (see
Figure 14-10C; stabilizing the contralateral shoulder
merely tests the length of the upper trapezius) .
Active elevation of each upper extremity is then as­
sessed to rule out symptom reproduction from the shoul­
der movemen ts.
Clinicians need to look for a painless restricted
motion, or normal motion that is painful, indicating a hy­
permobility. Pain that is produced by tile motion that is
restricted indicates an acute/subacute injury, whereas
pain that is produced by the motion that is not restricted,
or excessive, indicates a hypermobility.
The next stage in the examination process depends on
the clinician's background. For those clinicians heavily influ­ F I G U R E 14-1 1 Patient and clinician position for testing
enced by the muscle energy techniques of tl1e osteopaths, 159 at C3-4 for flexion.

This test may also be performed with the patient supine, with the clinician standing behind tlle patient. The
supine, but in sitting, the clinician can better observe the clinician's hand rests on top of the patient's head while the
effect of the weight of the head on the joint mechanics. other hand palpates the base of the patient's neck. The neck
is moved through a figure-of-S pattern, first with flexion and
then with extension, and crepitus is felt for. The following
Combined Motions and Passive
sequence is normally used.
Physiologic Tests

These tests are screening tests which, as with any other Flexion The clinician passively flexes the patient's neck.
screening test, quickly demonsu"ate the need for more ex­ While maintaining the flexion, left side-flexion is introduced
haustive testing and to focus the examiner's attention on a (Figure 1 4-1 2 ) . Maintaining the side-flexion, the clinician,
specific level (s) and specific movement(s) . There are a moves the patient's head and neck into extension before
number of screening tests that can be employed, each with returning tlle head and neck to tlle neutral, or start, posi­
its own strengths and weakness. tion. From this position, the neck is flexed and side-flexed to
the right, followed by the cervical extension motion while
• H and I tests or Figure-of-S test-combined motion test maint:.:"1ining the side-flexion. The head is then returned to
• Translational glides-passive physiologic motion test neutral. The whole series of movements is performed in a
flowing manner and in the pattern of a figure S.
H and I Tests
The H and I tests, described in Chapter 1 3, can also be Extension The clinician passively extends the patient's
used in the cervical spine with the same interpretations neck and then introduces left side-flexion, then cervical
made about the findings. Closing restrictions produce a re­ flexion, before returning the head and neck to the neu­
striction of cervical extension, side-flexion, and rotation to tral, or start, position. From the neuu"al position, the head
the same side in the tests. and neck are again extended, but then side-flexed to the
Opening restrictions are slightly more difficult to iden­ right, followed by cervical flexion while maintaining the
tify in the cervical spine because, frequently, there is no ac­ side-flexion. The head is then returned to neutral.
tual restriction of cervical flexion, but rather, a restriction Positive findings for this test include:
of rotation and side-flexion along with reproduction of
pain on the contralateral side. • Orepitus: if crepitus in tile neck is felt during the test,
Referred symptoms, which are cervical in origin, can the test is repeated at each level with the clinician
occur in the upper extremities, the thoracic spine, the
scapula, and occasionally, the upper chest. The most
common pattern producing the distal symptoms is the
closing restriction, but a limitation in cervical flexion
accompanied by the production of distal symptoms can
also occur. This finding has to be differentiated from re­
stricted flexion, which produces central symptoms in the
upper thoracic area. Side-flexion to the opposite side of
the pain can also reproduce upper extremity symptoms.
In some instances, there may be findings in the move­
ment examination that indicate the need for mobility test­
ing using translational glides.

Figure-of-8 Test
The figure-of-S test is a useful tool, once the occipito­
atlantal (O-A) , atlanto-axial (A-A) , and the first three
thoracic levels have been cleared, in helping to elicit the
presence of any hypomobilities and/or arthrotic instabili­
ties in the cervical spine. It is similar to the H and I tests in
that it can only be used on the nonacute patient. However,
unlike the H and I tests, which do not examine each level
segmentally, the figure-of-S test can be used at a specific
level once the general test has proved to be positive. The FIGURE 1 4-1 2 Patient and clinician position for cervical
figure-of-S test can be performed with the patient seated or flexion and left side flexion during Figure of S test.

palpating the posterior tubercles of each level, to by the weight of the patient's thorax against the plinth.
localize the source of the crepitus. Once the level is lo­ Each spinal level is glided laterally to the left and right
calized, the test is repeated with the inferior segment while the examiner palpates for muscle guarding, range of
stabilized, making sure to allow enough room for the motion, end feel, and the provocation of symptoms. Lat­
zygapophysial joints of the superior segment to glide eral glides are performed as far inferiorly as is possible.
posteriorly. Following this procedure, the areas of involvement are tar­
• Motion block: a block in one motion or direction but no geted and repetition of the lateral glides is performed
block when the quadrant is approached from a differ­ from the extended and then flexed positions, rather than
ent direction. from neutral. Because the cervical spine usually tolerates
• Pain at the extreme ranges : this could indicate a hyper­ flexion, gross cervical flexion may be used. Since exten­
mobility. sion is poorly tolerated by the injured cervical spine, seg­
• Unusual shunts and shifts felt IJy the clinician: these may mental extension rather than gross extension is utilized.
indicate the presence of instability. With the patient supine, and their occiput cupped, the seg­
ment is extended by lifting the superior vertebra forward
Translational Glides (obviating the need to extend the entire spinal region)
The correct axis of motion for this test can be visualized by and allowing the patient's head and neck to bend over the
using imaginary rods pointing vertically from each verte­ fulcrum created by the examiner's fingers. While main­
bral body. taining the extended position (by pushing the transverse
To test the passive mobility of the mid-cervical re­ processes of the segment anteriorly) , the segment is side­
gion, the patient's neck is placed in the neutral position flexed left and then right around its axis of motion and
of the head on the neck, and the neck on the trunk, after translated contralaterally (Figure 1 4- 1 4) . During the
which lateral glides are performed, beginning at C2 and translation, very slight head motion should occur and a
progressing inferiorly (Figure 1 4- 1 3 ) . The glides are typi­ slight tilting around each segmental axis occurs, using
cally tested in one direction before repeating the process gentle pressure via the finger tips or the fleshy part of the
on the other side. Lateral glides result in a relative side­ second metacarpophalangeal ( MCP) joint. The slight side­
flexion of the cervical spine in the opposite direction to flexion before the translation is to fix the axis at that
the glide. Light pressure from the clinician's body can be segmental level. During left side-flexion, the left side of the
applied against the top of the patient's skull to h old the segment is maximally extended while the right side is
head in position. This reinforces the stabilization caused moved toward its neutral position. If, for example, left

F I G U R E 1 4- 1 3 Patient and clinician position for cervica l F I G U R E 1 4- 1 4 Patient and clinician position for cervical
side glides performed in neutral. side glides performed in extension.

side-flexion is restricted, restriction of the flexor muscles TABLE 1 4-3 MOV E M E N T R E ST R I CT I ON

or one of the joints on the left is the problem. If the end AND POSSI B L E CA U S E S48
feel of the translation is normal but the side-flexion is re­
stricted, the hypomobility is extra-articular (myofascial) .
The range of motion of the side-flexion and the end feel of Extension and right Right extension hypomobil ity

the translation is evaluated for normal, excessive, or re­ side-flexion Right flexor muscle tightness
Right anterior capsular adhesions
duced motion states. As the procedure is repeated, the ex­
Right subluxation
aminer once again assesses the same parameters previously Right s m a l l disc protrusion
described, except that the greatest difference of move­ Flexion and right Left flexion hypomobil ity
ment in the lateral glide from one side to the other is de­ side-fl exion Left extensor muscle tightness

termined. This is compared to the same movement from a Left posterior capsu l a r adhesions
Left subluxation
different starting position (i.e., neutral versus flexion ver­
Extension and right Left capsular pattern-arthritis/osis
sus extension) . Due to the unreliability of mobility testing side-flexion > Extension
in extension , the information gleaned from the motion and left side-flexion
testing is more likely to be more reliable in determining Flexion and right Left arth ro-fibrosis (very h a rd)

the side of the closing restriction.44 side-flexion = Extension Capsular end feel
and left side flexion
The same considerations are pertinent for flexion hy­
Side-Flexion in neutral, U ncovertebral hypomobil ity
pomobilities. To test in flexion, the patient's head and neck flexion, and extension or anomaly
are flexed without allowing a chin tuck, which would tighten
the nuchal ligament. If left side-flexion is restricted in flex­
ion, the right side of the segment is not flexing sufficiently.
Although it is not necessary to make a biomechanical
As previously mentioned, cervical spine motion is a combi­
diagnosis from these tests because there are direct
nation ofzygapophysial and uncovertebral joint glides. Clin­
arthrokinematic tests available for all of the articular com­
ically, it would appear that the zygapophysial joints are more
ponents of the segments, some useful deductions can be
involved with the rotational aspect of tile coupling, func­
made and these will direct the ensuing arthrokinematic
tioning to prevent excessive rotation, whereas the uncover­
tests to the appropriate joint (Table 14-3 ) .
tebral joints appear to be more involved with pure side­
flexion motions. While this concept may not hold up to
scientific scrutiny, it tends to work well in the clinic. Thus, a
Passive Physiologic Articular I ntervertebral
glide restriction fOlmd in flexion, extension, and neutral
Motion Testing
would tend to implicate a problem with the uncovertebral
joint. Occasionally, the side-flexion appears normal but the If the motion is determined as being reduced (hypo­
translation is restricted in all three positions. The likeliest mobile) , passive physiologic articula l intervertebral mobil­
cause of this is an uncovertebral joint impairment. ity (PPAIVM ) testing is performed to determine whether
Having tested the whole complex with the transla­ the reduced motion is a result of an articular or extra­
tions, it is now necessary to individually test each of the seg­ articular restriction. With few exceptions, muscles cannot
ments that produced positive results with the translations. restrict the glides of a joint, especially if the glides are
Because of the influence of the uncovertebral joints in the tested in the loose pack position of a peripheral joint and,
upper segments (C2-4) , these need to be tested by first iso­ at the end of available range, in the spinal joints. Thus, if
lating the segment, and then testing its ability to side-flex the joint glide is restricted, the cause is an articular restric­
and rotate, as well as its ability to perform a pure side­ tion, such as the joint surface or capsule. If the glide is nor­
flexion. If, for example, a reduced right translation was mal, then the restriction must be from an extra-articular
found at C3-4, the joint is tested at that level with left rota­ source, such as a periarticular structure or muscle.
tion and then left side-flexion. If the side-flexion is more
restricted than the rotation, the uncovertebral joint could Zygapophysial Joints
be at fault, whereas if the rotation appears to be more re­ The patient is laid supine and if extension is to be tested,
stricted than the side-flexion, the zygapophysial joint is the superior vertebra of the segment is lifted to gain ex­
more likely to be at fault. However, before this can be as­ tension and the clinician 's fingers are put over the infe­
certained, the zygapophysial joint has to be treated. Once rior articular processes of the superior vertebra. The two
the zygapophysial joint motion has been restored, the zygapophysial joint surfaces of the hypomobile side are
translation to the right, in extension, is reassessed. If the compressed against each other as the superior facet is
u·anslation is still restricted, the uncovertebral joint glides pushed inferiorly and the end feel assessed by comparing
are assessed and treated. it with the other side and/or the joints above and below.

For flexion, the segment is flexed and the suspected hypo­ extension but not in flexion or neutral. There will be
mobile joints superior facet is pulled superiorly again to a springy end feel and an associated loss of the side­
assess the end feel. flexion.

Example: A Suspected Extension and Right Side-Flexion Example: A Patient with a Decreased Left Translation in
Restriction Extension and right side-flexion is performed Flexion, Extension, and Neutral at C3-4 The patient is
to th e barrier. The superior zygapophysial joint on the positioned in supine and the occiput is cupped in the clin­
right is pushed caudally with the pads of the index finger ician's hands.
while the inferior zygapophysial joint on the opposite side
is pulled up cranially (Figure 1 4- 1 5 ) . 1. The clinician stabilizes the left side of C4 while an in­
For a flexion restriction, the head is flexed and side­ ferior medial glide of C3 on C4 is performed using the
flexed away from the side of the suspected impairment. index MCP joint in a direction toward the patient's
The superior zygapophysial joint is pulled cranially while opposite hip to test the inferior glide of C3 on the
the zygapophysial joint, on the opposite side, is pushed right side. 1 60
caudal ly. 2. The clinician stabilizes the right side of C3 while an in­
ferior medial glide of C4 toward the opposite hip is
Uncovertebral Joints performed to test the superior-lateral glide of C4 on
The orientation of the uncovertebral joint is inferior­ C3 on the left side.
medial and superior-lateral in a mainly sagittal plane and
its axis of motion travels through the vertebral body. With
Cervical Stress Tests
the patient supine, the superior articular surface is glided
inferior-medially in the direction of the restricted transla­ Depending on the irritability of the segment, a variety
tion. The end feel is assessed by comparisons with the of tests can be used to assess for instability. It is worth­
other side and/or the joints above and below. while to start gently with segmental palpation and gentle
The uncovertebral arthrokinematic can be restricted posterior-anterior pressures before progressing to the
by a small disc protrusion. This can be determi ned by other techniques.
combining the results from the other findings. The find­
ings for a disc protrusion will be positive ipsilaterally in Segmental Palpation
The patient lies supine and the clinician stands at the
patient's head. The patient's head is rested against the clin­
ician's thigh. Using the index fingers, the clinician slides
the fingers under the sternocleidomastoid and begins to
palpate the anterior aspect of the cervical vertebral bodies
(from C7 to C3) for tenderness. The posterior aspects can
be palpated with the other hand. If palpation reveals some
tenderness, the clinician can further stress the segment by
gently applying a posterior-anterior pressure. 1 60 This is ac­
complished using tile hand under the neck and applying
an anterior shear at each segmental level. This should
result in a slight increase in the cervical lordosis. If it
results in an anterior glide at the segment, the test can be
considered positive and a stability test of that segment
should be performed.
The patient is laid supine and the following tests
carried out for stability.

Transverse Shear
The transverse shear test should not be confused with the
lateral glide tests previously mentioned. The lateral glide
tests are used to assess joint motion, whereas the transverse
FIGURE 14-1 5 Patient and clinician position for passive shear test assesses the stability of the segment. While mo­
physiologic intervertebral accessory motion testing into tion is expected to occur in the lateral glide test, no motion
extension and right side flexion. should be felt to occur with the transverse shear test.

FIGURE 1 4- 1 6 Patient and clinician pos ition for trans­ F I G U R E 1 4-1 7 Patient and clinician position for anterior­
verse shear at C4-5. posterior shear test.

Example: C4-5 The soft aspect of one second metacarpal Vertical Shear
head is placed on the opposite transverse processes and The vertical shear test examines the fivejoint complex­
laminae of C4 and C5, with the palms facing each other. the intervertebral disc, the two zygapophysial joints, and
C4 is stabilized and the c linician attempts to translate both uncovertebral join ts.
C5 transversely using the soft part of the MCP joint of the The patient is supine and the clinician stands at the
index finger 1 60 (Figure 1 4- 1 6) . No movement should be patient's head. The clinician cups the patient's occiput in
felt, and the end feel should be a combination of capsular one hand and rests the anterior aspect of the ipsilateral
and slightly springy. The other side of C4 is then stabilized shoulder on the patient's forehead. The other hand stabi­
and C5 is translated in the other direction. The test is re­ lizes at a level close to the base of the neck 160 (Figure 1 4- 18) .
peated at each segmental level. A traction-compression-traction force is initially applied as
the clinician palpates for a consisten t clicking. If this occurs,
Anterior-Posterior Shear each segment is then individually tested in the same manner
For anterior stability testing, the clinician places the thumbs to localize the instability by stabilizing the lower segment and
over the anterior aspects of the transverse processes of the in­ applying the traction and compression above the segment.
ferior vertebra of the segment being tested. The index finger Once the instability is localized, the patient is asked to per­
tips are then applied to the posterior neural arch of the su­ form and hold a chin tuck to test the ability of the nuchal lig­
perior segment (Figure 1 4- 1 7) . The superior vertebra is then ament to stabilize the segment while the level is retested.
pushed anteriorly on the stabilized inferior vertebra, and the Th e test is performed in:
clinician feels for movement, especially for any slippage. l 60
For posterior stability testing, the position of the fin­ 1. Flexion
gers and thumbs are simply reversed so that the thumbs 2. Extension
are on the anterior aspect of the superior vertebra and the 3. Neutral
index fingers are on the posterior aspect (neural arch) of the
inferior. 160 The inferior vertebra is then pushed anteriorly on
S pecial Tests
the superior one, producing a relative posterior shear of
the superior segment . Foraminal compression and distraction or "quadrant"
To keep this test comfortable, the thumbs must be un­ tests with axial compression can be applied at the end of
der (posterior) the sternocleidomastoid and merely func­ all fou r quadrants. Quadrant tests fully open or close
tion to stabilize, exerting no pushing force. zygapohysial joints and formina, in addition to stressing the

findings. As mentioned, the focus of the biomechanical

examination is to elicit a movement diagnosis and to:

• Determine which joint is impaired

• Determine the presence and type of movement im-


At the completion of the biomechanical examination, the

clinician should have information concerning the motion
state of the joint and can determine whether the joint is
myofascially/ pericapsularly hypomobile, subluxed, hyper­
mobile, or ligamentously/ articularly unstable.


Based on a working hypothesis, an intervention is initiated

and typically includes education, activity modification, and
therapeutic exercise. Topical agents, oral medications, psy­
chological support and counseling, or the multidiscipli­
nary approach used in treating chronic pain may also be
F I G U R E 1 4-1 8 Patient and clinician position for general
prescribed by the physician.

General Considerations
disc. These tests are only used when the cardinal movements
are pain free and there are no complaints of radicular pain. Patients with neck and extremity pain must be evalu­
Flexion combined with side-flexion away tests the ated and treated comprehensively. The goals of treating
integrity of the disc, whereas extension combined with side­ neck pain are to decrease pain, to restore motion if biome­
flexion toward the tested side tests for foraminal encroach­ chanically possible, and to improve strength and function.
ment. Overpressure and resistance can also be applied. The intervention of cervical strains and sprains is non­
Compression of the spine gives an indication of surgical. Many patients improve within 8 weeks, although
vertical irritability. A reproduction of pain with this test complete resolution is less common.49 If pain persists for
suggests the presence of: more than 3 months, more severe ligamentous, disc, or as­
sociated zygapophysial joint injuries should be suspected.
• A disc herniation If significant neck pain persists past 6 to 8 weeks, flexion
• An end plate fracture and extension radiographs may be useful to exclude or
• A vertebral body fracture confirm instability.
• Acute arthritis or joint inflammation of a zygapophysial
joint Cervical Collars
• Nerve root irritation, if radicular pain is produced Soft cervical collars do not rigidly immobilize the cervical
spine and have not been shown to be of benefit in the in­
A reproduction of pain with cervical distraction suggests tervention of acute neck pain. 1 61 , 1 62 They can, however,
the presence of: provide much needed support to the head and, if used for
a brief period, can help in the reduction of symptoms.
• A spinal ligament tear
• A tear or inflammation of the anulus fi brosus Bed Rest
• Dural irritability (if nonradicular arm, or leg pain is Bed rest has not been shown to improve recovery and,
produced) when compared with mobilization or patient education,
rest tends to prolong symptoms. 1 63, 1 64

Examination Conclusions
Therapeutic Exercise
Following the biomechanical examination, a working Active or passive ranges of motion are typically more
hypothesis is established based on a summary of all of the effective for the mechanical component of pain.49 Aerobic

exercise increases the general sense of well-being and Manual Therapy

should be a part of all exercise programs. The intervention
Numerous manual therapy techniques are available to
for chronic cervical strain must include postural reeduca­
the clinician, each with i ts own uses. These techniques can
tion, strengthening, and stretching.
be used with hypomobilities, hypermobilities, instabilities,
Strengthening often begins with isometric contrac­
and soft tissue injuries.
tions in the cardinal planes against manual resistance
applied by the clinician and then by the patient. Myofascial Hypomobility
Exercise programs for patients with disc herniations These types of hypomobility respond well to muscle energy
are individualized; 165 however, most patients obtain anal­ techniques and stretching.
gesia using the controlled use of cervical retraction or
posterior gliding of the lower cervical spine in combina­ Joint Hypomobility
tion with extension of the lower cervical spine and flexion The purpose of these techniques is to be able to isolate a
of the upper cervical spine (chin-tuck) .49 As mentioned mobilization to a specific level, and in so doing:
previously, this exercise has the potential to cause harm
and should only be used as long as the patient is achieving • Reduce stresses through both the fixation and lever­
benefit. age components of the spine.
Ischemic compression is advocated for myofascial • Reduce stresses through hypermobile segments.
trigger-points and is achieved by sustaining direct pressure • Reduce the overall force needed by the clinician, thus
over a trigger point for 60 to 1 80 seconds, using the thumb giving greater control.
to apply pressure.49 To facilitate self-treatment for inacces­
sible regions, such as the rhomboid muscles, lying on a The selection of a manual technique is dependent on
tennis ball or using the handle of a cane can be substituted a number of factors including:
for direct manual compression.49
A. The acuteness of the condition and the restriction to
the movement that is encountered. If the structure is
acutely painful (pain is fel t before resistance or pain is
Work station ergonomics should be addressed. A chair that
felt with resistan ce ) , pain relief rather than a mechani­
provides adequate support and encourages the patient to
cal effect is the major goal. Manual techniques that can
maintain a lumbar lordosis provides a stable platform for
provide pain relief include:
the cervical spine.54 The feet should easily touch the floor
l. Joint oscillations (grade I and II) that do not reach
and the thighs should be horizontal to the ground. Com­
the end of range. The segment or joint is left in its
puter monitors should be positioned to allow a slight
neutral position and the mobilization is carried out
20-degree downward slope of the eyes.
from that point.
2. Gentle passive range of motion
Electrotherapeutic Modalities and Thermal Agents 3. Modalities
Physical therapy has been shown to be beneficial in
B. The goal of the treatment.
reducing neck pain and improving mobility. ' 67-' 69 Moda­
lities such as heat, electrical stimulation, and ultrasound C. Whether the restriction is symmetrical, involving both
may be used to relax the muscles i n the acute period sides of the segment, or asymmetrical, involving only
(less than 4 weeks) after cervical soft tissue injury, but one side of the segment.
for the most part, the efficacy of their use has not been
subjected to scientific clinical trials. 1 62 Cervical traction A number of specific manual techniques can be em­
has been advocated for neck sprains, but no clinical or ployed. Some clinicians use the recognized coupling for
statistically significant change i n pain or overall range of locking whereas others rely on translations. The vast ma­
motion has been identified. 1 66 The pain of radiculopathy jority of cases involving biomechanical dysfunction of the
may be treated with cervical traction. 1 65,1 7o,1 7 1 The effi­ neck present with a posterior quadrant dysfunction, that is,
cacy of traction has not been scientifically proved in a a loss of extension and a loss of side-flexion and rotation to
randomized con trolled trial, but it is commonly used one side or both. A loss of cervical flexion should always
and though t to be of benefit in reducing radicular lead the clinician to suspect a cervical disc, a cervicotho­
pain .49 Return to activities should be encouraged and racic dysfunction, or a craniovertebral dysfunction. How­
begin within 2 to 4 days after the i njury. However, the use ever, for completeness, the techniques described here ad­
of mobilization in the first 4 weeks after injury remains dress a loss i n both the anterior and posterior quadrants.
con troversial .49 The C4-5 level will be used in the following examples.

Techniques to Restore Motion in the Posterior Quadrant

Translation Technique to Restore Extension and Left Side­

flexion/Rotation By treating with translation, the whole
joint complex (zygapophysial joint, uncovertebral, etc.) is
addressed. The patient is seated and the clinician stands on
the left side. The segments above are locked incongruently
by right side-flexing and flexing. The clinician, using a full
lumbrical grip of the left hand, grasps and stabilizes CS. The
right hand reaches around the head, securing it to the clin­
ician's chest, and its fifth finger is applied to the left trans­
verse process and neural arch of C4. The C4-S segment is
then left side-flexed, extended, and right translated to bar­
rier the leftjoint. The mobilization is carried out by the cli­
nician applying pressure against the left transverse process
and neural arch of C4 with the metacarpophalangeal joint
of the little finger, producing a right translation.

Seated Mobilization Technique to Restore Extension and

Left Sideflexion/Rotation If the clinician has large
hands, mobilizing into extension can be a problem as the
stabilizing hand prevents the full glide into extension FIGURE 1 4-1 9 Patient and clinician position for seated
mobi lization technique into extension and left side-flexion
from occurring. To alleviate this problem, the stabilizing
at C4-S .
inferior hand is performed by pushing the thumb up
against the side of the spinous process, thereby preventing
the rotation induced by the mobilization of the superior extension/right side-flexion/right rotation. The iso­
segment. For example, if the left side of C4-S is being mo­ metric contraction is held for up to S seconds and
bilized into extension, left side-flexion, and left rotation followed by a period of complete relaxation. The joint
by the upper hand, the thumb of the inferior hand is is then passively taken to the new motion barrier. The
pushed against the right side of the CS spinous process, technique is repeated three times and followed by a
preventing rotation of CS to the right (Figure 1 4- 1 9 ) . reexamination.

Supine Mobilization Technique to Restore Extension and Supine Thrust Technique to Increase Righ t Rotation at
Right Side-jlexion/RotationI 60 The patient is positioned C4-5 The patient is positioned in supine, with the clini­
in supine with the head supported on a pillow. The clini­ cian at the head of the table. The clinician supports the
cian stands at the patient's head, facing the shoulders. patient's head with both hands. The posterior arches of
With the radial aspect of the right index finger, the clini­ C4 are located with both index fi ngers, and each thumb
cian palpates the spinous process and the right inferior rests on the patient'sjaw line. The index fingers maintain
articular process of the C4 vertebra. With the other hand, contact with C4, while the C4-S segment is lifted toward
the clinician supports the head and neck superior to the the ceiling and placed into an extended position using
level being treated. An incongruent lock of the superior both hands. The lock from above is applied using a com­
segment is accomplished by right side-flexing and left ro­ bined motion of side-flexion to the left and rotation to
tating the C3-4 joint complex, leaving the craniovertebral the right, until motion is fel t at C4 by the right index fin­
joints in a neutral position. The motion barrier for exten­ ger ( Figure 1 4-20) . The slack is taken up by the clinician,
sion/right side-flexion/right rotation of C4-S is then lo­ and the thrust is applied by moving the neck and C4 pos­
calized by pushing the right inferior articular process of C4 teriorly and inferiorly (in the direction of the left hip)
posterior-inferior-medially on CS. into right rotation ( extension at the right joint of C4-S) ,
thereby moving the right facet along the plane of itsjoint.
• Passive. The clinician applies a grade I to V force to the This is an arthrokinematic mobilization . The technique
C4 vertebra to produce a posterior-inferior-medial can be graded from I to V. Care must be taken not to be
glide of the right zygapophysial joint at C4-S. over aggressive with this technique as the joint is in its
• Active. From the motion barrier, the patient is asked close-packed position and the bones could be excessively
to turn the eyes in a direction that faci litates further impacted.

steady, light pressure is applied to the back of the left

process to maintain a normal axis of motion.

Mobilization Technique to Restore Flexion, Left Side-jlexion/

Rotation in Supinel 60 The patient is positioned in supine
with the head supported, and the clinician stands at the
head of the table facing the patient. With tile radial aspect
of the right index finger, the clinician palpates the inferior
articular process and lamina of the C4 vertebra on the
right. With me other hand, the clinician supports tile head
and neck cranial to the level being treated. An incongru­
ent lock of the cranial segment is accomplished by apply­
ing right side-flexing and left rotating the C3-4 joint com­
plex, leaving the craniovertebral joints in a neutral
position. The motion barrier for flexion, left rotation,
and left side-flexion of C4-5 is localized by passively glid­
ing the right inferior articular process of the C4 vertebra
superior-anterior-medially on the superior articular
process of C5.

• Passive. A grade I to V mobilization force is applied to

FIGURE 1 4-20 Patient and clinician position for supine
the C4 vertebra to produce a superior-anterior-medial
thrust techn i que at C4-S.
glide of the right zygapophyseal joint at C4-5.
• Active. At the motion barrier, the patient is asked to
turn the eyes in a direction that facilitates further
Uncovertebral Mobilization As these joints do not flex flexion/left side-flexion/rotation at C4-5. The iso­
or extend to any significant degree, but take part in side­ metric contraction is held for up to 5 seconds and
flexion by gliding inferior medially on the ipsilateral side followed by a period of complete relaxation. The joint
and superior-laterally on the con tralateral side, it really is then passively taken to the new motion barrier. This
does not matter whether the segment is flexed or ex­ technique is repeated three times and followed by a
tended. However, these impairments may actually be a disc reexamination function.
protrusion that has been incorrectly diagnosed. To still do
the right thing for the wrong reasons, the technique is Mobilization Technique to Restore Flexion, Left Side-jlexion/
better applied in extension.48 Rotation in Sitting The patient is positioned in sitting
This is an axial technique utilizing the arthrokine­ and the clinician stands on the right side. With one hand,
matics of tile affected side-flexion. The segment is extended, the clinician stabilizes the C5 segment using a lumbrical
ipsilateral side-flexed, and contralaterally translated. The grip. The other hand reaches around the head of the pa­
clinician stabilizes the segments below with one hand tient, securing it to the clinician 's chest, and the fifth fin­
and applies a graded inferior-medial pressure to the ipsila­ ger is applied to the left transverse process and neural arch
teral transverse process while maintaining the translation of C4. The C4-5 segment is then left side-flexed, flexed,
force. and right translated to the barrier of the right joint. The
mobilization is carried out by the clinician applying pres­
Techniques to Restore Motion in the Anterior Quadrant sure against left transverse process and neural arch of C4,
producing right translation.
Mobilization Technique to Restore Flexion, Left Side-jlexion/
Rotation in Supine The patient is positioned in supine Mobilization Technique to Restore Flexion, Left Side-jlexion/
with the head supported, and the clinician stands at the Rotation in Sitting- 6o The patient is positioned in sitting
head of the table facing the patient. The C4-5 segment is and the clinician stands on the right side. With one hand,
flexed, left side-flexed, and right translated to bring the the c linician stabilizes the C5 segment using a lumbrical
right joint to its flexion barrier. The clinician hooks a fin­ grip. The other hand reaches around the head of the pa­
ger tip under tile right articular process and lays a finger tient, securing it to me clinician 's c hest, and the ulnar bor­
tip pad over the articular process on the left. The mobi­ der of the fifth finger is applied to the laminae and inferior
lization is achieved by pulling the right process cranially as articular processes of the C4 vertebra. The rest of the hand

supports the cranium and the upper cervical spine. While head of the table . The clinician supports the patient's head
fixing CS, the neck is flexed into the C4-S segment motion in both hands. Contact of the posterior arches of C3 is
barrier. made with both index fingers, each thumb resting on the
patient's jaw line. C3 is then lifted toward the ceiling into
• Passive. A grade I to IV mobilization force is applied to extension, thereby increasing the lordosis. The joints be­
the C4 vertebra to produce a superior-anterior glide at low C3 are now flexed. The barrier on the left is engaged
the zygapophyseal joints, thus flexing the C4-S joint from above through side-flexion to the left and rotating to
complex and feeling the spinous processes separate. the right down to C3. Once the slack has been taken up,
• Active. At the motion barrier, the patient is instructed the thrust is then applied by "flicking" the neck into right
to turn the eyes in a direction that facilitates further rotation in the direction of the right eye, thereby moving
flexion at C4-S. The isometric contraction is held for the left facet along the plane of its joint.
up to S seconds and followed by a period of complete
relaxation. The joint is then passively taken to the new Specific Traction
motion barrier. The technique is repeated three times The specific traction technique is used for acutely painful
and followed by a reexamination of function. joints, for a trial traction treatment, or if mechanical trac­
tion is not feasible for one reason or another and the con­
Distraction Thrust Technique to Restore Anterior Glide on dition of the other segments in the neck demands that
the Righ t The patient is positioned in supine, with the they be protected. The technique can be applied either in
clinician at the head of the table. The clinician supports the sitting or supine, with the force easier to control in sitting,
patient's head in the hands and contact is made, using a but more force available in lying. Specific technique pro­
wide lumbrical pinch grip of the right hand, with the upper duces a distraction between the centra and a superior glide
bone of the segment to be mobilized (C4) . The clinician at the zygapophysial joint. A symmetrical lock of flexion or
places the right hand on the patient's right cheek. The extension is used and will depend on the tolerance of the
patient'S neck is then fully flexed up from below, beyond patient. The C4-S level is used in the following example.
the cranial bone (C4) before being unflexed (extended) , so The patient is seated and the clinician stands to the
that the segment to be mobilized (C4-S) is in neutral (feels side of the patient. Using one hand, the clinician stabilizes
slack) , thereby utilizing a ligamentous lock of the neck below CS with full lumbrical grip. Using the other hand, the cli­
the caudal bone of the segment in question. Locking from nician wraps around the front of the patient's face and
above then takes place. While the clinician maintains contact places the little finger around as much of the C4 segment
with the right hand grip on C4, he or she moves to the right­ as possible. The patient's head is gently squeezed against
hand side of the patient. The clinician then supports the pa­ the chest of the clinician and is gen tly flexed until the
tient's head with the left arm and forearm, wrapping around C4 segment is felt to move. To perform a grade I distrac­
the left side of the patient's face and grasping the chin. Non­ tion, the clinician takes a deep breath. The technique is
congruent locking from above is achieved with right side­ continued for a few minutes and the patient's response is
flexion and then slight left rotation down to the point where monitored.
motion is felt to occur at the upper segment (C4) . Three pos­
sibilities now exist for the clinician. Soft Tissue Techniques
A variety of soft tissue techniques are at the disposal of the
1. A distraction thrust, applied with the thrusting arm clinician. 177 The choice of technique depends on the goals
parallel to the sternum and the other hand and arm of tlle treatment and the dysfunction being treated.
moving in concert.
2. A "glide thrust," applied in line with the plane of the Reflex Spasm This is an involuntary muscle contraction
C4-S zygapophyseal joint, toward the opposite eye of and serves as a protective mechanism in tlle presence of in­
the patient. tense nociception. The muscle is typically tender to palpa­
3. A thrust applied across the segment, at right angles to tion. Deep tissue massage is one of the most effective tools
the joint, thereby gapping the joint on the opposite to reduce spasm 1 78 and promote pain reduction. 1 79 It is rec­
side to the direction of the side-flexion ( in this case, ommended that the patient's symptomatic response to the
the leftjoint) into further side-flexion. This technique treatment be closely monitored, as there is a risk of further
is only used if the side-flexion cannot be obtained to traumatizing the tissues in a patient with an acute soft tis­
the side of the thrust. sue injury.

Thrust Technique to Restore Right Rotation at C3-4 The Myofascial Trigger Points A myofascial trigger point is a
patient is positioned in supine, with the clinician at the localized contracture of a fascicle of muscle fibers that

causes congestion to develop in a focal area, leading to reported a maternal aunt who had "facial tics." The patient
ischemia and metabolite accumulation. Arguably the had a medical history notable for anxiety and several pho­
best method for treating a myofascial trigger point is the bias for which she had received psychological counseling.
application of direct pressure to the trigger point to pro­
duce an ischemic compression. It is important that the Objective
pressure applied is not so great as to cause significant pain On physical examination, her neck was extended, side­
for the patient. The pressure is held for 5 to 7 seconds and flexed slightly to the left, and rotated to the right, and
then quickly withdrawn. The procedure is repeated on there was a palpable spasm and hypertrophy of the left
each trigger point. After each trigger point has been cervical paravertebral musculature. She had full range of
treated, the clinician returns to the first trigger point. The motion of the neck in all planes with infact motor strength,
procedure is repeated three times on each trigger point. and there were no other motor or sensory deficits. Cranial
nerve tests and reflexes were normal bilaterally, and no
Muscle Tigh tness A tight muscle is a muscle that is hyper­ other tremor, tic, or dystonia was observed.
tonic in addition to being shortened. The recommended
treatment for muscle tightness is the postfacilitation Evaluation
stretch ( PFS) technique developed byJanda. A diagnosis of spasmodic torticollis was made. Given the
fact that this patient had no sensory, motor, or range­
• The patient and the muscle being treated must be of-motion deficits, the case was discussed with her physi­
completely at rest. cian . The physician agreed to a trial period of physical
• The clinician is positioned so that he or she can pro­ therapy using the principles of positive practice.S?
vide resistance to a strong muscle contraction by the
patient. Intervention
• The muscle to be treated is placed in its mid-range.
• The patient is asked to perform a maximal contrac­ • Electrotherapeutic modalities and thermal agents. A
tion of the muscle. If the clinician is unable to resist a moist heat pack was applied to the left side of the cer­
maximal contraction, a submaximal one is used. The vical spine when the patient arrived for each treat­
contraction is held for 10 seconds. After the contrac­ ment session. Ultrasound at 3 MHz was administered
tion, the patient is instructed to completely let go of to the cervical musculature on the left side of the neck
the muscle. for 10 minutes following the moist heat.
• When the clinician is sure that the muscle is com­ • anual therapy. Following tile ultrasound, soft tissue
pletely relaxed, a fast stretch is applied to it and the techniques of massage and gentle stretching were per­
stretch is held for 1 0 to 15 seconds. formed. The neck was gently stretched into flexion,
• The muscle is returned to its mid-range. right side-flexion, and left rotation.
• The procedure is repeated 3 to 5 times. • Therapeutic exercises. The patient performed repeti­
tive active range-of-motion exercises into the com­
bined motion of flexion, right side-flexion, and left
Case Study: Neck Pulsing rotation against the spasming muscle group.
• Patient-related instruction. Explanation was given as
Subjective to the potential causes of the patient's symptoms. The
A 37-year-old woman presented to the office complaining patient was advised to perform the active range­
that her head ''wanted to go back." Her symptoms began ap­ of-motion exercises as many times as possible when in
proximately 6 months earlier with painless "pulsing" on the the upright position. Her husband was instructed on
left side of her neck that became worse with stressful situa­ the stretching and massage techniques. The patient
tions and physical activity, but were relieved by relaxation also received instruction on the use of heat at home.
and sleep. She could briefly stop the pulsing by placing her Instructions to sleep on the left side using a medium
hand on the right posterior aspect of the neck. Her symp­ sized pillow were given.
toms had progressed to an extension of the neck with spasm, • Goals and outcomes. Both tile patient's goals from the
which caused her to lean forward to maintain eye contact treatment and the expected therapeutic goals from
with others. She also noted an occasional "eye tic," which the clinician were discussed with the patient. It was
seemed to come and go spontaneously. She denied any concluded that the clinical sessions would occur until
paresthesias, weakness, dysphasia, visual changes or hearing the patient, and her husband, felt comfortable being
loss, or bowel or bladder changes. Although she had no able to perform the treatment protocol independ­
family history of specific neurologic problems, the patient ently, at which time, the patient would be discharged

to a home exercise program. The patient attended Questions

therapy sessions for six visits. At a 2-month follow-up,
the patient reported a marked improvement in her 1. Did the biomechanical examination confirm your
symptoms, but noticed that they returned in a few days working hypothesis? How?
if the exercise regime was not continued. 2. Given the findings from the biomechanical examina­
tion, what is the diagnosis, or is further testing war­
Case Study: Right-sided Neck Pain ranted in the form of special tests?

Subjective Evaluation
A 45-year old woman awoke with right-sided neck pain The findings from the biomechanical examination indicate
3 days earlier. The pain was felt over the right neck on an an extension and right side-flexion hypomobility at C3-4.
intermittent basis. She related that the pain was worse with
head turning to the right, and further aggravated with ac­ Questions
tivities involving cervical extension. She described no neu­
rologic pain or paresthesia. The pain sites and intensity 1. Having confirmed the diagnosis, what will be your in­
were unchanged since the onset. tervention?
Further questioning revealed that the patient was 2. How would you describe this condition to the patient?
o therwise in good health and had no reports of bowel or 3. In order of priority, and based on the stages of heal­
bladder impairment, night pain, dizziness, or radicular ing, list the various goals of your intervention?
symptoms. 4. How will you determine the amplitude and joint posi­
tion for the intervention?
5. What would you tell the patient about your interven­
1. What structure (s) could be at fault with complaints of
6. Is an asymmetrical or symmetrical technique more ap­
right-sided neck pain?
propriate for this condition? Why?
2. What should the motion pattern of the pain tell you?
7. Estimate this patient's prognosis.
3. What is your working hypothesis at this stage? List the
8. What modalities could you use in the intervention of
various diagnoses that could present with right-sided
this patient?
neck pain and the tests you would use to rule out each
9. What exercises would you prescribe?
4. What do the questions with regard to night pain and
dizziness pertain to?
5. Does this presentation and history warrant a scan?
• Electrotherapeutic modalities and thermal agents. A
Why or why not?
moist heat pack was applied to the cervical spine when
Examination the patient arrived for each treatment session. Ultra­
There was nothing suggestive in the history that would in­ sound at 3 MHz was administered for 5 minutes over
dicate the need for a scan at this time. A biomechanical the right side of the C3-4 segment following the moist
examination was initiated and revealed the following. heat. An ice pack was applied to the area at the end of
the treatment session.
• Active range of motion into flexion and left rotation • Manual therapy. Following the ultrasound, soft tissue
and left side-flexion were normal. techniques were applied to the area followed by a spe­
• Extension was limited to about 50% of normal and re­ cific asymmetrical mobilization of the C3-4 segment
produced the right-sided neck pain. into extension and right side-flexion.
• Right rotation and right side-flexion were limited to • Therapeutic exercises of active range of motion of the
about 50% of normal and reproduced the pain in the cervical spine were prescribed. These were progressed
right neck and supraspinatus fossa. to isometric resistive throughout the range. Exercises
• Passive physiologic intervertebral mobility tests re­ for the major muscle groups of the neck and shoulder
vealed a hypomobility at the right zygapophysial joints were also prescribed. In addition, aerobic exercises
of C3-4. using a stationary bike and upper body ergonometer
• The pain in the right side of the neck and supraspina­ ( UBE) were prescribed.
tus fossa was reproduced with passive articular inter­ • Patient-related instruction. Explanation was given as
vertebral mobility test with posterior glides of the right to the cause of the patient's symptoms. The patient
zygapophysial joints of C3-4. was advised against sudden turning of the head to the

right. The patient was advised to continue the exercise 7. What are the nerve roots for the phrenic nerve?
at home, 3 to S times each day and to expect some 8. T_ F_ The trapezius rotates th e glenoid caviLy of
post-exercise soreness. The patient also received in­ the scapula downward.
struction on the use of heat and ice at home. 9. What is the action of the SCM?
• Goals and outcomes. Both the patient's goals from the 10. In the mid-lower cervical spine, an ERS L would pro­
treatment and the expected therapeutic goals from the duce which motion restrictions?
clinician were discussed with the patient. It was con­ 1 1. Which process is thought to help prevent cervical disc
cluded that the clinical sessions would occur three times protrusions?
per week for 1 month, at which time, the patient would
be discharged to a home exercise program. With adher­
ence to the instructions and exercise program, it was felt
that the patient would make a full return to function. 1. c.
2. c.
3. a .
4. c.
1 . Contraction of o n e sternocleidomastoid muscle re­ 5 . d.
sults in: 6. False.
a. Rotation of the face to the same side 7. C3-S.
b. Lateral flexion of the head and neck to the same 8. Fal e.
side 9. Ipsilateral side-flexion, con tralateral rotation.
c. Flexion of the head and neck 10. Flexion, right rotation, and right side-flexion.
d. Rotation of the face to the opposite side 1 1 . Uncinate.
2. The scalene muscles act to produce lateral neck flex­
ion or rotation to the opposite side. Which struc­
ture (s) pass (es) between the scalenus anticus and REFERENCES
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Chapter Objectives OV ERV IEW

At the completion of this chapter, the reader will be able The spine con tains four junctions. Each junction is differen t
to: in posterior element orientation, spinal curvature, and cou­
pling. These junctions, described by Schmorl and Jung­
1. Perform a detailed objective examination of the cervi­ hanns1 as ontogenically restless, are often rich in anomalies. 2
cothoracic musculoskeletal system , including palpa­
tion of the articular and soft tissue structures, specific • Craniovertebral junction: located between the cervical
passive mobility and passive articular mobility tests for spine and the atlas, axis, and head. An entire chapter
the intervertebral joints, and stability tests. is devoted to this region. (Chapter 1 8 )
2. Perform and interpret the results fro m combined • Cervicothoracic junction: located between the cervical
motion testing. spine, with its great mobility and the limited motion of
3. Describe the biomechanics of the cervicothoracic the superior thoracic spine. It is the area where tlle
junction, including coupled movements, normal and powerful muscles of the upper extremities and shoul­
abnormal joint barriers, kinesiology, and reactions to der girdle insert. The cervicothoracic junction is de­
various stresses. tailed in this chapter.
4. Describe the anatomy of the vertebra, ligaments, and • Thoracolumbar junction: located between the thoracic
blood and nerve supply that comprise the cervicotho­ spine and its large capacity for rotation and the lum­
racic junction intervertebral segments. bar spine with its limited rotation . This region is de­
5. Analyze the total examination data to establish the de­ scribed in Chapter 1 6.
finitive biomechanical diagnosis. • Lumbosacral junction: located between the lumbar
6. Apply active and passive mobilization techniques and spine, with its ability to flex and extend and the rela­
combined movements to the cervicothoracic junction tive stiffness of the sacrum. The components of this
in any position using the correct grade, direction, and region are described in Chapters 1 3 and 1 7 .
duration, and explain the mechanical and physiologic
7. Assess the dynamic postures of the cervicothoracic ANATOMY
junction and implement the appropriate correction.
8. Evaluate i n tervention effectiveness to progress or As the anatomy of both the cervical and thoracic spines are
modify intervention. detailed in other chapters, only the differences specific to
9. Plan an effective home program including spinal care, these areas are mentioned here.
and instruct the patient in same. The cervicothoracic junction, consisting of the C7-T2
10. Record examination data, problems, plans, and pro­ levels, forms the thoracic outlet. It is structurally and func­
cedures in a standardized format. tionally related to both the cervical and thoracic regions. I t
11. Develop self-reliant examination and i n tervention is also the area through which the neurovascular structures
strategies. of the upper extremities pass.
12. Describe intervention strategies based on clinical find­ This area is considered by Lewitt3 to be the third ma­
ings and established goals. jor area of the body for musculoskeletal problems, with tlle


craniovertebral area and the lumbosacral junction being sharply downward from its vertebral articulation to the
first and second, respectively. manubrium. The head is small and rounded and articu­
Notable structural changes in this region include spin­ lates only with the T I vertebra. The second rib, longer
ous processes that are more elongated, point inferiorly, than the first, is atypical, with a lack of a twist through its
and lose the characteristic bifid appearance of the cervical shaft and a small facet on the tubercle. It is attached to the
spine. In addition, there is typically no transverse foramen joint by an intra-articular disc and ligament. In about 30%
and, in the more caudal regions, the uncinate processes di­ of the population, the disc is reabsorbed and the junction
minish in size, before disappearing completely. The costo­ resembles a synovial joint.
transverse and costovertebral articulations are found in The first costal cartilage is the shortest and this, to­
this region as well as an increasing inclination of the artic­ gether with the fibrous sternochondral (S-C) joint, con­
ular facets of the zygapophysial joints. This creates a 60- tributes to the overall stability of the first ring. The first rib
degree angle toward the coronal plane and a 20-degree attaches to the manubrium just under the S-Cjoint and the
turn toward the sagittal plane. The presence of the ribs re­ second rib articulates with the sternum at the sternum­
duce the amount of available motion while providing ad­ manubrial junction.
ditional stability, and movements in all directions between
C6 and T3 decrease. The coupling in this area mimics that
Lig aments
of the cervical spine.
The common spinal ligaments are present in the cer­
vicothoracic spine and they perform much the same func­
Manubr ium
tion as they do elsewhere in the spine.
The manubrium is broad and thick superiorly, and
narrower and thinner inferiorly, where it articulates with
Muscl es
the body. On either side of the suprasternal notch are ar­
ticulating facets for the clavicles and below these, are The muscles of the cervicothoracic spine and scapula
facets for the first rib. On the immediate inferior-lateral are described in Chapter 1 4.
aspects of the manubrium are two more small facets for
the cartilage of the second rib. The articulation between
Ner ves
the manubrium and the superior aspect of the sternum is
usually a symphysis, with the ends of the bones being lined The main branches of the spinal nerve are the ventral
with hyaline cartilage, although in about 30% of the pop­ and dorsal rami. The ventral rami from T2 through TI l be­
ulation, the join t is synovial. come intercostal nerves and supply the body wall of the
thorax and part of the abdomen. The ventral rami above
T2 and below T I l form the somatic plexuses that innervate
T1 V er tebr a
the extremities [the anterior primary ramus innervates the
The first thoracic vertebra (TI ) resembles that of C7 skin (dermatome) , muscles (myotome ) , and bone (sclero­
and has a whole circular superior costal facet (as opposed tome) of the extremities, anterior-lateral trunk, and neck
to the usual demifacet) for articulation with the whole of via its lateral and anterior branches]. The distribution of all
the first rib, and a small facet on its inferior aspect for ar­ dorsal rami is similar. The branches of these rami supply
ticulation with the second rib. The centrum demonstrates the skin of the medial two thirds of the back and neck, the
a larger transverse than anterior-posterior dimension of deep muscles of the back and neck (lateral branches) , the
the cervical body, being almost twice as wide as it is long. zygapophysial joints (medial branches) , 5 and the ligamen­
The spinous process is usually as least as long as that of C7. tum flavum . As elsewhere, the dermatomes of this region
There are about 32 structures that attach to the first rib are considered to represent the cutaneous region inner­
and body of T 1 . 4 Because of the ring-like structure of the vated by one spinal nerve through both of its rami. 6
thoracic cage, movements of the thoracic vertebrae pro­
duce movement anywhere along the ring. This fact is ex­
ploited where the palpation of the manubrium can be BIOMECHANICS
used as an evaluation tool (see later) .
The cervicothoracic junction shares some biomechanical
and anatomic features with the cervical and thoracic
R ib s
The first rib is small but massively built. Being the The presence of the manubrium makes this junction
most curved and the most inferiorly orientated, it slopes unique. Movements of the manubrium in young athletes

have been measured to average a total range of 2 degrees • A posterior translation and coupled posterior sagittal
from full inspiration to full expiration. In the normal pop­ rotation of the i nferior zygapophysial joint
ulation, because the second rib is longer than the first, dur­
ing inspiration, the superior aspect of the manubrium is In the mobile thorax, side-flexion at this region con­
forced to tilt posteriorly as its inferior edge is moved ante­ sists oe:
riorly. As the top of the manubrium tilts back, the clavicle
rolls anteriorly. It is this motion that is often lost in the • The same pattern as the mid-cervical region, which is
early stages of ankylosing spondylitis. side-flexion coupled with ipsilateral rotation. The
Traumatic disruption of the manubrium-sternal joint head of the first rib does not articulate with C7 so the
most often occurs via one of two mechanisms. The first, superior-inferior glide of the ribs and the conjunct
and most common, results from direct compression in­ rotation cannot influence the direction of coupling
jury to the anterior chest. The direction of applied force between C7 and T l , and T l -2.
displaces the fragment posteriorly and downward. The • An inferior glide of the transverse process, relative to the
second type follows hyperflexion with compression injury rib on the right, during right side-flexion of the head
to the upper thorax. The force is transmitted to the ster­ and neck, and superiorly relative to the rib on the left.
num through the clavicles, the chin, or the upper two
ribs. There are two main types of manubrium-sternal dis­ I n the mobile thorax, rotation at this region consists
locations. In type I, the body of the sternum is displaced of the same pattern as the mid-cervical region. 7
posteriorly. In type I I , which is more com m o n , the During unilateral elevation of the arm, the zy­
body of the sternum is anterior in relation to the gapophysial joints side-flex and slightly extend to the same
manubrium. 39•4o side as tlle elevated arm, producing a rotation of the T l and
The superior aspect of the spinous process is in line T2 vertebrae to the same side.
with the TI-T2 zygapophysial joints. The superior aspect The biomechanics of these regions have thus far
of the vertebral body has two uncinate processes that artic­ been described for a normal thorax. Pathologic or aging
ulate with the inferior aspect of the body of C7 to form an processes however can stiffen tlle thorax and produce the
uncovertebral joint. It is the presence of these uncinate following biomechanical changes.
processes that has many manipulators of this area utilizing
side-flexion, rather than rotation techniques, to decrease Stiff Thorax7
the risk of injury.
The zygapophysial facets of the superior articular Flexion. The anterior aspect of the rib travels inferiorly,
process (SAP) lie in the coronal body plane, whereas those whereas the posterior aspect travels superiorly.
of the inferior articular process (lAP) present a gentle Costotransverse joints of T l -T2. The concave facets of
curve in both the transverse and sagittal planes. Both the the transverse process of T l-2 glide superiorly relative to
zygapophysial and costotransverse joints are synovial. the tubercle of the ribs, resulting in a relative inferior glide
In the mobile thorax, flexion in this region consists of the tubercle of the rib.

Extension. Initially, the anterior aspect of the rib travels su­

• Anterior rotation of the head of the rib periorly and the posterior aspect travels inferiorly. In addi­
• A superior-anterior glide of the zygapophysial joints tion, a posterior rotation of the ribs occurs, whereas an in­
ferior-posterior glide of zygapophysialjoints also occurs, but
In the mobile thorax, extension and arm elevation i n with less posterior translation of the zygapophysial joints.
this region consists of 7: A superior glide of the tubercle occurs at the costo­
transverse joints of T l -2.
• A posterior sagittal rotation and posterior translation
of the superior vertebra. This action pushes the supe­
rior aspect of the head of the rib posteriorly at the cos­ COMMON PATHOLOGIES AND LESIONS
tovertebral joint, producing a posterior rotation of the
rib ( the anterior aspect travels superiorly, whereas the The cervicothoracic junction is an area subject to many
posterior aspect travels inferiorly) , except at those lev­ forces, usually rotational, and is also vulnerable to postural
els where the superior costovertebral joint does not impairments. While the coupled motions of rotation and
exist (T l , T l l , and T l 2 ) . side-flexion are ipsilateral (occur to the same side) in the
• An inferior-posterior glide of the superior thoracic cervical spine, the coupled motions of the thoracic
vertebra. spine vary according to which motion initiates. Thus, the

cervicothoracic region becomes a transition area for these • The shoulders are drawn forward and the chest is
conflicting coupled motions. Incongruent rotations that flattened.
occur in the spine produce dysfunction in the tissues. 7 Ex­
amples of this transfer between congruent and incongru­ An underlying cycle of abnormal relaxation in some
ent rotations can be seen in sports. muscles, with shortening, stretching, and a loss of tone in
others, occurs during this process, with resultant joint strain
• A left-handed batter at the termination of the swing and dysfunction. This cycle of events is further perpetuated
demonstrates rotation of the head to the left and rota­ by the natural cycle of aging of the spine, which involves de­
tion of the thoracic and lumbar spine to the right­ generation of the disc, vertebral wedging, ligamentous cal­
the area for a potential breakdown is the cervicotho­ cification, and a reduction in the cervical and lumbar lor­
racic junction. doses, producing a position of spinal flexion, or stooping.
• A right handed quarterback in football, with the Habitual movement patterns or positions also con­
throwing arm cocked, demonstrates rotation of the tribute to the development of these changes, producing
head to the left, rotation of the upper to mid thoracic muscular hyperactivity, ligamentous stress, and alteration
spine to the right-the area of potential breakdown is of the anatomic relationship of the joints, thus, frequently
the cervicothoracic junction. becoming a source of pain.
• A baseball pitcher with the throwing arm cocked, pro­ As the head is brought forward by flexing the cervical
duces changes in rotation occurring at both the cervi­ segments, the scalene muscles are permitted to adaptively
cothoracic and thoracolumbar-lumbar junctions. shorten, thus, lessening the support of the upper ribs, and
• A golfer at the termination of the back swing produces the chest wall flattens anteriorly. The cervical flexion is fol­
a potential breakdown of the cervicothoracicjunction. lowed by an increase of the thoracic curvature and the ten­
sion of the spinal musculature increases. B,g The scapulae
The dysfunction in the tissues results when one or more become abducted and the weight of the shoulder girdle
of the segments within the junction becomes hypomobile. and upper extremity reinforce tlle spinal deformity. These
However, because the cervical spine is very mobile, this loss altered relations increase the distance between tlle origin
of motion can be compensated for, allowing the necessary and insertion of the trapezius, the rhomboid major and
motions to take place. Theoretically, this compensation usu­ minor, and the levator scapulae, which result in strain. The
ally results in a nearby hypermobility. For example, if the T l abduction of the scapulae causes a lowering of the cora­
segment became hypomobile from a habitual forward head coid process, which brings the origin and insertion of the
posture and was held in a symmetrical flexed position, the pectoralis minor closer together, adaptively shortening it
C7 segment would compensate during cervical extension. and further depriving the anterior chest wall of support.
Not only does the C7 segment have to provide extension at The tips of the shoulders have now assumed a position tllat
its own segment, but it now has to provide it for the TI seg­ is downward and forward, bringing the origin and inser­
ment and, over time, becomes hypermobile and painful. tion of the serratus anterior and of the pectoralis major
The novice clinician locating the pain to the C7 segment closer together. 10 After a period of relaxation, their chronic
would begin to mobilize this segment. Unfortunately, this adaptive shortening takes place.
would result in further pain as the C7 segment became Further down the spine an exaggeration of the lumbar
more hypermobile. The experienced clinician, recognizing curve is accompanied by a shift of the weight to the poste­
this syndrome and locating the offending hypomobile seg­ rior part of the vertebral bodies and to the articular
ment, would mobilize the correct segment and alleviate the processes, The weight is delivered to the pelvis through the
patient's symptoms. In addition to mobilizing the segment, l umbosacral junction, producing maximum joint strain of
a therapeutic exercise program is initiated to strengthen the this transitional area and a forward inclination of the
larger muscles of this area, including the levator scapula, pelvis. Whetller the excessive anterior shearing force of L5
trapezius, and rhomboids (see later discussion ) . on the sacrum could eventually lead to a spondylolisthesis
has yet to be demonstrated.
The increased forward inclination of the pelvis pro­
duces a shortening of the erector spinae group and flexors
F orw ard Head
of the hip, accompanied by a lengthening of tlle abdomi­
The stoop-shouldered individual with the forward nal and hamstring muscles-muscular imbalances that
head demonstrates certain characteristics. serve to maintain the deformity. ll
Some of the more serious consequences of a poor
• The cervical curve is decreased and the thoracic curve posture are segmental hypermobility and instability. With a
increased by the flexion. forward head posture, this commonly occurs at the C4-5

level, with C4 sliding anterior in relation to C5. This ante­ tendon. The lowest trunk of the plexus, consisting of the
rior translation probably occurs because of a slackening of C8 and T1 nerve roots, lies above the first rib and behind
the nuchal ligament, which normally undergoes increased the subclavian artery and is the most commonly com­
tension in craniovertebral flexion and cervicothoracic pressed neural structure in thoracic outlet syndrome. 13
extension. 12 From the interscalene triangle, the brachial plexus and
Other segments will become affected, often due to subclavian artery pass behind the clavicle into the costo­
soft tissue tightness. The so-called ''weekend warrior," with clavicular space. From there, they pass over the first rib be­
poor posture from inactivity, is often vulnerable to i njury. tween the anterior and middle scalene muscle insertions.
Forced extension of the hip during an activity such as Thus, the course of the neurovascular bundle can be
stride walking can pull on a shortened, and therefore subdivided into three different sections, based on the areas
tight, i liopsoas muscle. The iliopsoas has the potential to of entrapment.
transmit this force to the lumbar spine, creating an ante­
rior shear force. Theoretically, this anterior shear force 1. As the brachial plexus and subclavian artery pass
can pull the lumbar spine into a position of increased lor­ through the interscalene triangle. The subclavian vein
dosis, rendering it more susceptible to spondylolisthesis. is not involved at this entrapment site, as it usually
Any further activity that increases the lumbar lordosis per­ passes anterior to the anterior scalene muscle. Inter­
petuates the breakdown, eventually producing pain and scalene triangle compression can result from i njury of
forcing the individual to seek help. the scalene or scapular suspensory muscles. In some
cases, fibromuscular bands can develop between the
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome anterior and middle scalenes, or connect from the
No discussion of this area can occur without a mention of elongated transverse processes of the lower cervical
thoracic outlet syndrome (T.O.S. ) . Thoracic outlet syn­ vertebrae, and these may produce entrapment.19
drome has many names, most of which describe the nu­ Entrapment at this site can also result from cervical
merous potential sources for its compression, and include ribs, which are present in 0.2% of the population and
cervical rib syndrome, scalenus anticus syndrome, hyper­ occur bilaterally in 80% of those affected. 18 However,
abduction syndrome, costoclavicular syndrome, pectoralis the presence of a cervical rib does not always precipitate
minor syndrome, and first tllOracic rib syndrome. I3 signs and symptoms, with fewer than 1 0% of individuals
It was Hunald in 1 743, who associated the cervical rib with cervical ribs ever experiencing problems.18
with the development of thoracic outlet syndrome. In 2. As it passes the first rib, the clavicle and the subclavius­
1 927, Adson l6 stressed the role of the scalene muscles i n the costoclavicular interval. Entrapment in tllis space
neurovascular compromise and in 1 945 Wrightl5 showed that lies between the rib cage and the posterior aspect
that shoulder hyperabduction could produce thoracic of the clavicle, can occur with clavicle depression,
outlet obstruction. However, it was Peet et al17 who coined ribelevation (due to scalene hypertonicity) or a first rib
the term "thoracic outlet syndrome" in 1 956. Then, in the clavicular deformity. A post-fracture callus formation
early 1960s ROOSl8 emphasized the importance of the first of the first rib or clavicle can increase the potential for
rib and its muscular and ligamentous attachments in caus­ entrapment.
ing thoracic outlet obstruction. 13 3. As it passes the coracoid process, pectoralis minor, and
Thoracic outlet syndrome is defined as a clinical syn­ the clavipectoral fascia, to enter tl1e axillary fossa. At
drome characterized by symptoms attributable to com­ the point where tl1e neurovascular bundle enters the
pression of the neural or vascular anatomic structures that axillary fossa, the subclavian artery and vein become
pass through the tllOracic outlet. tl1e axillary artery and vein. At this third site, the neu­
The thoracic outlet is bordered by the first thoracic rovascular bundle can be compromised with arm ab­
rib, the clavicle, and the superior border of the scapula, duction or elevation, especially if external rotation is
through which the great vessels of the upper extremity, superimposed on the motion.
and the nerves of the brachial plexus pass. The nerve Pectoralis minor tendon compression is associ­
trunks of the brachial plexus pass through an interscalene ated with shoulder hyperabduction. During hyperab­
triangle, which is formed anteriorly by the anterior scalene duction, tl1e tendon insertion and the coracoid act as
muscle, posteriorly by the middle scalene muscle, and in­ a fulcrum about which the neurovascular structures
feriorly by the first rib. These trunks divide behind the are forced to change direction. Hypertrophy of the
clavicle before re-uniting to form cords that surround the pectoralis minor tendon has also been noted as a
axillary artery as it passes deep to the pectoralis minor ten­ cause of outlet compression. IS
don . The motor and sensory branches of the brachial There may be multiple points of compression of
plexus typically divide distal to the pectoralis minor the peripheral nerves between the cervical spine and

hand, in addition to the thoracic outlet. When there symptomatic thoracic outlet syndrome until after puberty
are multiple compression sites, less pressure is re­ and the increased prevalence in women. 13,3l
quired at each site to produce symptoms. Thus, a pa­ Occipitofron tal tension headache, previously thought
tient may have concomitant thoracic outlet syndrome, to have no clear anatomic explanation, has been shown to
ulnar nerve compression at the elbow, and carpal tun­ be related to spasm in the upper cervical muscles; fibers of
nel syndrome. This phenomenon has been called the rectus capitis posterior minor insert into the occipital dura
multiple crush syndrome. 2o and can cause headache. 32
Neurophysiologic tests are useful to exclude coexis­
Symptoms vary fro m mild to limb threatening, and tent pathologies, such as peripheral nerve entrapment or
might be ignored by many physicians as they mimic com­ cervical radiculopathy; an abnormal reflex F wave conduc­
mon , but difficult to treat conditions, such as tension tion and decreased sensory action potentials in the medial
headache or fatigue syndromes. 14 The chief complaint is antebrachial cutaneous nerve may be diagnostic. 33
usually one of diffuse arm and shoulder pain, especially Lower plexus thoracic outlet syndrome is surgically
when the arm is elevated beyond 90 degrees. Potential treated by first rib and (if present) cervical rib excision . 34
symptoms include pain localized in the neck, face, head, Although it has been suggested that the insured pa­
upper extremity, chest, shoulder, or axilla; and upper ex­ tient is more likely to have an operation , results are inde­
tremity paresthesias, numbness, weakness, heaviness, fa­ pendent of any associated litigation. 35
tiguability, swelling, discoloration, ulceration , or Raynaud Thoracic outlet syndrome is a clinical diagnosis made
phenomenon. 14 Neural compression symptoms occur almost entirely on the basis of the history and physical
more commonly than vascular symptoms. 21 examination . To rule out other conditions that can mimic
Karas22 described four symptom patterns of thoracic thoracic outlet syndrome, the physical examination should
outlet syndrome characterized by the primary structures include the following.
compressed. The lower trunk pattern reflects lower plexus
compression and manifests with pain in the supraclavicular • A careful inspection of the spine, thorax, shoulder
and infraclavicular fossae, back of the neck, the rhomboid girdles, and upper extremities for postural abnormal­
area, the axilla and the medial arm, and may radiate into ities, shoulder asymmetry, muscle atrophy, excessively
the hand, and fourth and fifth fingers. Subjective com­ large breasts, obesity, and drooping of the shoulder
plaints include feelings of coldness, or electric shock sensa­ girdle.
tions in the C8-Tl nerve root, or ulnar nerve distributions. • The supraclavicular fossa should be palpated for
The upper trunk pattern results from upper plexus com­ fibromuscular bands, percussed for brachial plexus
pression and is distinguished by pain in the anterolateral irritability, and auscultated for vascular bruits that
neck, shoulder, mandible and ear, and paresthesias that appear by placing the upper extremity in the position
radiate into the upper chest and lateral arm in the C5-7 of vascular compression.
dermatomes. 18,22,23 • The neck and shoulder girdle should be assessed for
With venous involvement, the signs and symptoms can active and passive ranges of motion, areas of tender­
include swelling of the entire limb, non-pitting edema, ness, or other signs of in trinsic disease.
bluish discoloration, and venous collateralization across • A thorough neurologic examination of the upper ex­
the superior chest and shoulder. Arterial involvement pro­ tremity should include a search for sensory and motor
duces coolness, ischemic episodes, and exertional fatigue. 22 deficits and abnormalities of deep tendon reflexes.
Finally, the mixed pattern consists of a combination of vas­
cular and neurologic symptoms. 22 Assessment of:
Twenty-one to 75 percent of thoracic outlet syndrome
patients have an association with trauma, 23 whether • Respiration to ensure that the patient is using
that be macro trauma, as in the case of a motor vehicle ac­ correct abdominodiaphragmatic breathing.
cident, or microtrauma, as in the case of a muscle strain • Suspensory muscles-middle and upper trapez­
of the scapular stabilizers due to repetitive overhead ius, levator scapulae, and sternocleidomastoid­
activi ties. 26,27,28,29,30 thoracic outlet "openers." These muscles need
During the normal growth of children and adoles­ to be strengthened as part of the intervention
cents, the scapulae gradually descend on the posterior tho­ approach.
rax, with the descent being slightly greater in women than • Scapulothoracic muscles-anterior and middle
in men. A strain injury to the scapular suspensory muscles, scalenes, subclavius, pectoralis minor and major­
which lengthen in conj unction with scapular descent dur­ thoracic outlet "closers." These muscles are stret­
ing normal development, is known to be associated with ched as part of the intervention approach.
thoracic outlet syndrome, and helps to explain the rarity of • First rib position or the presence of a cervical rib.

• Clavicle position and history of prior fracture,

producing abnormal callous formation or
• Scapula position, acromioclavicular joint mobil­
ity, and sternoclavicular joint mobility.

Diagnostic Maneuvers. U n fortunately, the majority of

tests for thoracic outlet obstruction carry high false­
positive rates. 31 The aim of these tests should be to repro­
duce the patient's symptoms rather than to obliterate the
radial pulse, as more than 50% of normal, asymptomatic
people will exhibit obliteration of the radial pulse during
classic provocative testing. 23

1. Adson's vascular test:16 The patient extends their neck,

turns their head toward the side being examined, and
takes a deep breath (Figure 1 5_ 1 ) . 16 This test, if posi­
tive, tends to implicate the scalenes because this test
increases the tone of the an terior and middle
2. Allen's pectoralis minor test: The Allen test increases the
tone of the pectoralis minor muscle. The seated pa­ FIGURE 15-2 Costoclavicular test.
tient is positioned in 90 degrees of glenohumeral ab­
duction, 90 degrees of glenohumeral external rota­ position so as to reduce the volume of the costoclavic­
tion , and 90 degree of elbow flexion on the tested ular space (Figure 1 5-2 ) .
side. While the radial pulse is monitored, tlle patient is 4. Cyriax maneuver: Patient seated on the edge of a table
asked to turn the head away from the tested side. This and the clinician grasps the arm on the symptomatic
test, if positive, tends to implicate pectoralis tightness side, passively depresses the shoulder girdle, and then
as the cause for the symptoms. pulls the arm down toward the floor while palpating
3. Costoclavicular: During this test, the shoulders are the radial pulse (Figure 1 5-3) . This test, if positive,
drawn back and downward in an exaggerated military implicates heavy lifting as the cause.

FIGURE 15-1 Adson's test. FIGURE 15-3 Cyriax test.


FIGURE 15-4 Roos test. FIGURE 1 5-5 Full arm elevation with hands clasped.

5. Roos/EAST/"hands-up" test: Abduction , elbow flexion, • Firm thumb pressure (30 seconds) over the brachial
and external rotation of the upper limb in the coronal plexus in the supraclavicular area.
plane, with slow finger clenching for 3 minutes repro­ • Manual muscle testing, especially the C7 and C8-T1
duces the symptoms, which occur when the patient muscles.
works with the arm elevated (Figure 1 5-4) . The radial
pulse may be reduced or obliterated during this ma­
neuver and an infraclavicular bruit may be heard.
However, patients with severe n eurologic symptoms
can be overlooked if the examiner focuses too closely
on positional pulse changes.
6. Overhead test: The overhead exercise test is useful to
detect thoracic outlet arterial compression. During
this test, the patient elevates both arms overhead and
then rapidly flexes and extends the fingers ( Figure
1 5-5 ) . A positive test is achieved if the patient experi­
ences heaviness, fatigue, numbness, tingling, blanch­
ing, or discoloration of a limb within 20 seconds. 13
7. Hyperabduction: The Wright test, or the hyperab­
duction maneuver, tests several points along the
thoracic outlet for compression and is considered by
many to be the best provocative test for thoracic outlet
compression caused by the pectoralis minor. The test
is performed by asking the patient to turn the head
away from the side being examined and take a deep
breath while the examiner passively abducts and ex­
ternally rotates the patient's arm (Figure 1 5-6) .
8. Brachial plexus examination: Percussion of supraclavicu­
lar area, infraclavicular area, and the ipsilateral side of FIGURE 1 5-6 Passive abduction and external rotation of
the neck. the arm. The patient turns the head away from the tested side.

• Touch and pin prick sensation in inner forearm, ulnar 1. The assessment of manubrial motion
side of hand, and fingers (occasionally on the dorsum 2. Arm elevation
of first web space, radial aspect) .
9. A simple, but effective, test to help rule out thoracic It is worth remembering liat in the elderly populations,
outlet syndrome is to have the patient shrug up the the manubrium will often be fused to the sternum 41 invali­
shoulder. This slackens the plexus on that side but dating this test. In the younger population, assessing the
closes the cervical foramen. Changes in symptoms are position and motion of the manubrium during certain
noted. The patient is then asked side-flex the head movements enables the clinician to screen for an impair­
and neck to the opposite side with the shoulder re­ ment in the following areas.
laxed. This maneuver stretches the plexus but opens
the foramen. Changes in symptoms are noted. • Thoracic spine impairments, especially T I -3.
• First, second, and liird ring of lie thoracic spine and
rib complex.
Intervention • Clavicle (acromioclavicular joint and sternoclavicular
Conservative intervention should be attempted be­ joint joints) .
fore surgery and should be directed toward muscle relax­ • Scapulothoracic 'Joint."
ation, relief of inflammation, and attention to posture.
Apley:S Scratch Test. The patient is asked to try to put the
This may require a change of occupation as thoracic outlet
palm of one hand on the back of the neck while placing
syndrome is more common in those who stoop at work. Ag­
the dorsum of the other hand in the small of the back. The
gressive physical therapy, particularly traction, may make
patient is then asked to try to touch one hand with the
matters worse, and a trial of conservative management is
other (Figure 1 5-7) . The arms are then switched, the pro­
essen tial. 36
cedure is repeated, and comparisons are made. An inabil­
The focus of nonsurgical intervention is the correction
ity to touch hands indicates a problem with one of the
of postural abnormalities of the neck and shoulder girdle,
above areas and is considered a positive test. If the test is
strengtllening of the scapular suspensory muscles, stretch­
positive, the manubrium is palpated ( under the clavicle
ing of tlle scapulothoracic muscles, and mobilization of the
and on the costal cartilage of the 1st rib) (Figure 15-8)
whole shoulder complex and first and second ribs.
during the following sequence of motions.
If symptoms progress or fail to respond within
4 months, surgical intervention should be considered. 21
Kenny and co-workers38 prospectively evaluated a
group of eight patients comprised largely of middle-aged
women whose thoracic outlet syndrome was treated with a
supervised physical therapy program of graduated resisted
shoulder elevation exercises. All patients showed major
symptomatic improvement.


Mter a scan, the biomechanical examination of this area

should include the following.

Posture Examination

This is an area highly prone to postural dysfunctions,

and the postural examination alone can often give the cli­
nician a working hypothesis.

Screening Tests
FIGURE 15-7 The manubrium screen test (Apley's scratch
Two screening tests are commonly used. test).

causes the right side of the manubrium to move an te­

riorly as the ring rotates to the left during head and
neck flexion. However, with extension, there will be
no significant changes. The second and third "rings"
can be assessed in the same manner.

2. Respiration: The manubrium should elevate with in­

spiration and depress with expiration . In addition,
during inspiration, the superior aspect of the
manubrium tilts posteriorly, whereas the inferior as­
pect moves anteriorly. The process reverses during ex­
piration . If a problem exists here, the first rib is as­
sessed for an impairment and treated. If the rib
motion is restricted, the manubrium/ring will side­
flex and rotate away from the side of the fixed rib dur­
ing respiration. For example, if the right rib is unable
to glide inferiorly at the manubrium-costal junction
during inspiration, the manubrium/ring will rotate
and side-flex to the left during inspiration.
3. The glides of the acromioclavicular and sternoclavicu­
lar joints. If a problem exists here, the specific joint
F I G U R E 1 5-8 Palpation ofthe manubrium.
glide is restored.

Arm Elevation
1. Cervicothoracic spine flexion, extension, and side flexion: Elevation of the arm produces extension, side-flexion, and
Cervico thoracic flexion and extension tests the mo­ rotation of TI-2 to the ipsilateral side. 7 In addition to as­
bility of the first ring. During active flexion and ex­ sessing the affect of arm elevation on the vertebrae and/or
tension of cervi co thoracic spine, the manubrium manubrium, the clinician should examine the position of
mimics the movements of the spine. During exten­ the scapular at rest and during forward elevation. The me­
sion , T l and the manubrium move posteriorly, dial border of the scapula should be more or less parallel
whereas during flexion they both move an teriorly. A with the T2-7 spinous processes and about 2 Y2 to 3 inches
hypo mobility at T l results in a change of motion at away from those processes. The resting position of the
the manubrium. With extension, the ring complex scapula, and its ability to function correctly, is determined
should posteriorly rotate, and anteriorly rotale with by the length-strengtll relationship of a number of mus­
flexion. With cervicothoracic side-flexion, the manu­ cles. The levator scapulae and the rhomboids are usually
brium should side flex in the same direction as the prone to tightness. The serratus anterior and tlle upper
cervicothoracic spine, and thus a positional fault in and lower trapezii, are usually found to be weak.
the manubrium should be matched by the same im­ During forward elevation, or abduction of the arm, the
pairment in the cervicothoracic spine. The manubrial clinician should note any winging and/ or tiI ting that occurs,
impairment can be described using the ERS and FRS which would indicate a weakness of tlle serratus anterior.
terminology. For example, a closing restriction on the The next stage in the examination process depends
left at T l [flexed rotated side-flexed right (FRSR)] on the clinician 's background. For those clinicians heavily
will produce the following findings when the patient influenced by the muscle energy techniques of the os­
extends the neck. teopaths,42 position testing is used to determine which seg­
ment to focus on. Other clinicians omit the position tests
• The ring will rotate to the right making th e left and proceed to the active mobility and passive physiologic
side of the manubrium appear to move anteriorly. tests (Figure 1 5-9) .
However, with flexion , there will be no significant
Position Testing
• Extended, rotated, side-flexed (ERS) (opening)
restriction-the manubrium rotates toward the side of A. Zygapophysial joints. The patient is positioned in
the impairment. For example, an ERSL impairment sitting with the clinician standing behind the

Observation, AROM, PROM, Resisted. Palpation, Screening tests 2. Anterior aspect. The patient is positioned in sitting
with the clinician standing in front of the patient.
a. First rib. With the index fingers or thumbs, the
-Positional tests for transverse processes ·P.P.I.V.M. and P.P.A.I.V.M tests
clinician palpates the anterior aspect of the
-Combined Motion testing (H and I

test) first ribs at the manubrium-costal junction
-Thoracic outlet tests
b. Second rib. With the index fingers or thumbs,

Positional diagnosis (FRS, ERS)
the clinician palpates the anterior aspect and
then the cranial aspect of the second ribs at
the manubrium-costal junction
Apply passive intervertebral mobility test to exam ine for hypomobility

The superior-inferior, anterior-posterior relationship

of the two ribs, left and right is noted.
If negative If positive, mobilize and re-assess

Active Mob il ity Testing

Assume hypermobility A. Zygapophysial joints
(general ly more painful than hypo)
1 . Flexion. The following test is used to determine

� Perform Stress tests

the mobility of two adjacent thoracic or cervical
vertebrae during flexing of the head and trunk.
a. The transverse processes of two adjacen t verte­
brae are palpated with the index finger and
thumb of both hands.
If negative, hypermobility confirmed If positive, look for nearby hypomobility and b. The patient is asked to flex the head and
introduce stabilization therapy
trunk and the quantity of motion, as well as
FIGURE 15-9 Examination sequence for the cervicotho­
the symmetry of motion, is noted during flex­
racic junction .
ion of the segment ( Figure 1 5- 1 0 ) . Both in­
dex fingers should travel superiorly an equal
patient. With the thumbs, the clinician palpates the
transverse processes of the T1 vertebra.
1 . The clinician passively flexes the joint complex
and then assesses the position of the T1 vertebra
relative to T2 by noting which transverse process is
the most posterior. A more posterior left transverse
process of T 1 relative to T2 is indicative of a left
rotated position of the Tl-2 complex in flexion.
2. The clinician passively extends the joint complex
and assesses the position of the T1 vertebra in rela­
tion to T2 by noting which transverse process is the
most posterior. A posterior left transverse process
of T1 relative to T2 is indicative of a left rotated
position of the Tl-2 joint complex in extension.
The clinician needs to remember that this
region is prone to symmetrical impairments that
will not be detected with position testing.

B. Ribs
1 . Posterior aspect. The patient is positioned in sit­
ting with the clinician standing behind patient.
With the thumbs, the clinician palpates the ribs
just lateral to the tubercle and medial to the angle.
The superior-inferior, anterior-posterior relation­ FIGURE 1 5-1 0 Patient and clinician position for active
ship of the two ribs, left and right is noted. mobility testing of cervical flexion.

c. When interpreting the mobility findings, the

position of the joint at the beginning of the
test should be correlated with the subsequent
mobility noted because alterations in joint
mobility may merely be a reflection of an al­
tered starting position. 7
d. To determine the position of the superior
vertebra, the posterior-an terior relationship
of the transverse processes to the coronal
body plane is noted and compared with the
level above and below. If the left transverse
process of the superior vertebra is more pos­
terior than the left transverse process of the
inferior vertebra, then the segment is left ro­
tated. 42 If the left transverse process of the
superior vertebra is less posterior than the
left transverse process of the inferior verte­
bra, but more posterior than the right trans­
verse process of the superior vertebra, then
the superior vertebra is relatively right ro­
tated compared to the level below, but left
rotated when compared to the coronal body FIGURE 15- 1 1 Patient and clinician position for active
mobility testing of the rib.
plane. 42 This is a typical compensatory
pattern seen when a superior segment is
derotating or unwinding a primary rotation d. The same palpation points are used for testing
at a lower leve1. 7 cervi co thoracic extension, side-flexion, and
e. The same palpation points are used for testing rotation.
extension , side-flexion, and rotation. 2. Respiration. Active movements of the first rib are
2. Although active mobility testing helps to deter­ tested during respiration by palpating the angle
mine asymmetrical impairments, it is of limited of the rib with the thumbs, and asking the pa­
value in the detection of symmetrical impair­ tient to inspire and expire. A normal finding is a
ments unless the clinician has the ability to com­ slight inferior-anterior motion (depression) oc­
pare the amount of motion that occurred with curring at the angle during inspiration, the re­
the segmen t above and below with the segmen t verse (elevation ) occurring with expiration.
being tested. Remember, this is a n area prone Abnormal findings include:
to symmetrical impairments, particularly i n to a. Superior glide felt with inspiration-probable
extension. subluxation or scalenus shortening
b. Either motion reduced-pericapsular or my-
B. Ribs ofasciaI
1 . The following test is used to determine the mo­ c. Both motions reduced-pericapsular
bility of a rib relative to the vertebra of the same Note: Scalenus shortening will also demonstrate
number during flexion of the head/trunk. an obvious lack of rib tubercle elevation with ex­
a. The clinician palpates the transverse process piration.
with the thumb of one hand. 3. The first rib can sublux anteriorly, posteriorly or,
b. With the thumb of the other hand, the rib is more commonly, superiorly. If the motion is per­
palpated just lateral to the tubercle and me­ ceived as abnormal, passive movemen t testing
dial to the angle. The index fi nger of this should be performed.
hand rests along the shaft of the rib. a. The arthrokinematic is tested with the patient
c. The patient is i nstructed to flex the head seated and the clinician standing behind.
and trunk and the relative motion between b. U sing the medial aspect of the Mep joint
the transverse process and the rib is noted of the index finger, the clinician applies an
( Figure 1 5- 1 1 ) . anterior-inferior-medial glide of the rib to

assess the inspiration glide, whereas a posterior­ and quality of the motion compared to the other lev­
superior-lateral glide is applied to assess the els. With the flexion component, an anterior glide is
expiration glide. applied at the end of range. At the end of the exten­
c. The end feel is assessed. If i t is abrupt and sion component, the clinician blocks the inferior
hard (pathomechanical) in both glide direc­ spinous process and applies a posterior glide to the su­
tions, then the problem is a subluxation. If it is perior segment using their chest. At the end of the
stiff (hard capsular) in both directions, then a side bend, a lateral glide is applied. Distraction of the
pericapsular restriction is present. If both j oints can also be tested in this position.
glides are normal, then the problem is likely 2. The patient is seated. In this example, left side-flexion
to be myofascial. is tested. The patient is seated with their right hand
placed behind the neck. The clinician is seated on the
right side of the patient. The clinician places the point
Passive Phy siol og ic Int ervert eb ral
of the patient's right elbow against the clinician's chest.
Mob il ity (PPIV M)
The clinician then reaches around the front of the
A variety of methods can be employed to assess the patient and places his or her anterior hand over the
passive physiological mobility of this region. patient's hand, which is behind the patient's neck
(Figure 1 5-1 3) . Monitoring the segment with the
Seated Techniques other hand, the clinician side-flexes the segment away
1. The patient is seated with the clinician standing to the from him or her, using pressure at the right elbow of
side. With the index finger of the posterior hand the patient. Extension and rotation (Figure 1 5- 1 3 ) can
(behind the patient) , the clinician palpates the inter­ also be tested in this position.
spinous space of the segment being tested. The ulnar
border of the fifth finger of the other hand palpates Side-Lying Technique
the lamina and inferior articular pillar of the cranial The patient is positioned i n left side-lying, facing the clini­
vertebra. The rest of the hand is cupped, and supports cian. The lower arm of the patient hangs off the end of the
the cervical spine while the arm cradles the cranium bed. Placing a cupped hand in the cervical lordosis,
(Figure 1 5- 1 2 ) . The clinician passively flexes, extends, the clinician cradles the patient's head in the crook of the
side-flexes, and rotates the segment, noting the quantity right arm . The segment to be tested is monitored with

FIGURE 15-12 Patient and clinician position for passive FIGURE 15- 1 3 Seated passive physiologic intervertebral
physiologic intervertebral motion testing of the cervical spine. motion testing of the cervical spine.

FIGURE 15-15 Hand position for testing the inferior joint

FIGURE 15-1 4 Side lying technique for passive physio­
glide on the right side of T 1 -2 .
logic intervertebral motion testing.

the index finger or thumb of the left hand (Figure 1 5- 1 4) . inferior articular process of Tl to glide inferiorly relative
The patient's head is then side-flexed up to the ceiling, to the superior articular process of T2.
making sure that the motion is occurring only at the The patient is positioned in prone-lying with the tho­
segment, and not through the rest of the cervical spine. racic spine in neutral. With the left thumb, the clinician
Rotation, flexion , and extension of the segment can also palpates the inferior aspect of the left transverse process of
be tested in this position. The other side is then tested. T2. The right thumb palpates the inferior aspect of the
right transverse process of T l . Using the left thumb, the
clinician fixes T2, and an inferior glide is applied to T l
Passive Phy siol og ic Ar ticul ar In terver tebr al
with the right thumb (Figure 1 5-1 5 ) . The quantity and
Motion (PPIAV M)
end feel of motion is noted and compared to the levels
above and below, and at the same level on the opposite
Zygapophysial Joints
side. This technique can be used for all thoracic segments.
Special care should be taken with the inferior glides be­
Superior Glide. The superior glide of the right zy­
cause these are usually reduced symmeu-ically.
gapophysial join t at T l -2 is tested to determine the ability
of the right inferior articular process o f T l to glide superi­
orly relative to the superior articular process of T2 . Costotransverse Joints (Passive Articular Mobility)
The patient is positioned i n prone-lying w i t h the
thoracic spine in neutral. With the left thumb, the clini­ Inferior Glide_ The inferior glide of the right first rib at the
cian palpates the i nferior aspect of the left transverse costotransverse joint is tested to determine the ability of
process of T2. The right thumb palpates the inferior as­ the right first rib to glide inferiorly relative to the trans­
pect of the righ t transverse process of T l . Using the left verse process of T l .
thumb, the clinician fixes T2 , and a superior-anterior The patient i s positioned i n prone with the forehead
glide is appl ied to T l with the right thumb. The quantity comfortably resting on a pillow, while the clinician stands at
and end feel of motion is noted and compared to the lev­ the head of the bed. Using the thumb of the right hand, the
els above and below. The superior glides of this area are clinician palpates the superior aspect of the left transverse
usually normal . process of T l . With the thumb of the right hand, the clini­
cian palpates the superior aspect of the left first rib just lat­
Inferior Glide. The inferior glide of the right zygapophysial eral to the costotransverse joint. The thumb of the right
joint at T l -2 is tested to determine the ability of the right hand fixes T l , and an inferior-anterior glide (allowing for

FIGURE 15-16 Hand position for testing the inferior joint FIGURE 15-17 Patient and clinician position for testing
glide of the costotransverse joint of the 1 5t rib. distraction stability of the cervicothoracic junction.

the conjunct posterior rotation to occur) is applied to the hands. While gripping the thorax under the axilla with the
first rib using the thumb of the left hand (Figure 1 5-1 6 ) . inner arms, the clinician applies a vertical traction force to
The quantity and end feel o f motion i s noted and com­ the lower cervical and upper thorax (Figure 1 5-1 7) . This
pared to the opposite side. technique is also used to mobilize the segments in this area.
The superior glide of the right first rib at the costotrans­
verse joint is tested to determine the ability of the right first Compression
rib to glide superiorly relative to the transverse process ofTI . A compression force is applied to the lower cervical spine
The patient is positioned i n prone-lying with the head and upper thorax by applying a vertical force through the
and neck comfortably supported on a pillow. Using the top of the patient's head.
right thumb, the clinician palpates the superior aspect of
the right transverse process of T l . The index and middle Anterior Translation-Spinal
fingers of the right hand palpate and fix the inferior aspect This test stresses the structures that resist anterior transla­
of the right first rib. A posterior-inferior glide (allowing tion of a segmental spinal unit. A positive response is the
the conjunct anterior rotation of the rib to occur) is ap­ reproduction of the patien t's symptoms together with an
plied to the transverse process of T l , thus producing a rel­ increase in the quantity of motion and a decrease in the re­
ative superior glide of the first rib at the costotransverse sistance at the end of the range of motion.
joint. The quantity and end feel of motion is noted and With the patient positioned in prone-lying, the trans­
compared to the opposite side. verse processes of the superior vertebra are palpated. With
the other hand, the transverse processes of the inferior ver­
tebra are fixed (Figure 1 5- 1 8 ) . A posterior-anterior force is
Passive S tab il ity Testin g7 applied through the superior vertebra while fixing the infe­
rior vertebra (see Figure 1 5-1 8) . The quantity of motion,
Distraction the reproduction of any symptoms, and the end feel of mo­
This test stresses the structures that resist vertical force. A pos­ tion is noted and compared to the levels above and below.
itive response is the reproduction of the patient's pain. The The findings from this test should be correlated with those
patient is sitting with the hands behind the head with fingers of the posterior translation test to determine the level of
interwoven. The cervicothoracic spine is in neutral. The cli­ the instability because excessive anterior translation of the
nician stands behind the patient and winds both arms under T4 vertebra could be due to either an anterior instability of
the patient's axilla, placing both hands over the patient's T4-5 or a posterior instability of T3-4.

FIGURE 15-18 Patient and clinician position for anterior FIG U RE 15-19 Patient and clinician position for posterior
stability test. stability test.

Posterior Translation-Spinal The patient is positioned in prone-lying, and the clini­

This test stresses the structures that resist posterior transla­ cian palpates the transverse process of the superior vertebra.
tion of a segmental spinal unit. A positive response is the With the other hand, the conu-alateral U-ansverse process of
reproduction of the patient's symptoms, together with an the inferior vertebra is fixed (Figure 1 5-20) . A transverse
increase in the quantity of motion and a decrease in the re­ plane rotation force is applied through the superior vertebra
sistance at the end of the range of motion.
The patient is seated with the hands clasped behind
the neck, with the clinician standing to the side. The clini­
cian fixes the transverse processes of the inferior vertebra
with the index finger and thumb of the left hand, and
wraps the right arm around the patient's head. Static sta­
bility is tested by applying an anterior-posterior force to
the superior vertebra while fixing the inferior vertebra
(Figure 1 5- 1 9) . The quantity of motion, the reproduction
of any symptoms, and the end feel of motion is noted and
compared to the levels above and below. The findings
from this test should be correlated with those of the ante­
rior translation test to determine the level of the instability.
Dynamic stability of the spinal unit can be tested by re­
sisting the patient during elevation of the crossed arms. If the
segmental musculature is able to control the excessive poste­
rior translation during this maneuver, no postelior transla­
tion will be felt and the instability is dynamically stable. 7

Transverse Rotation-Spinal
This test stresses the structures that resist rotation of a seg­
mental spinal unit. A positive response is the reproduction
of the patient's symptoms together with an increase in the _7"'" '-._
quantity of motion and a decrease in the resistance at the FIGURE 15-20 Patient and clinician position for trans­
end of the range of motion. verse rotation stability test.

by applying a unilateral posterior-anterior pressure while

fixing the inferior vertebra. The quantity of motion, the re­
production of any symptoms, and the end feel of motion is
noted and compared to the levels above and below.

Anterior Translation-Posterior Costals

This test stresses the structures that resist anterior transla­
tion of the posterior aspect of the rib relative to the tho­
racic vertebrae to which it attaches. A positive response is
the reproduction of the patient's symptoms together with
an increase in the quantity of motion and a decrease in the
"' .
resistance at the end of the range of motion.
The patient is positioned in prone-lying, and the clini­
cian palpates the contralateral transverse processes of the
thoracic vertebrae to which the rib is attached. For example,
when testing the first rib on the left, the right transverse
process of TI is palpated and fixed. With the thumb of the
other hand, the rib is palpated just lateral to the tubercle. A
posterior-anterior force is applied to the rib while fixing the
thoracic vertebrae (Figure 1 5-2 1 ) . The quantity of motion,
the reproduction of any symptoms, and the end feel of mo­
tion is noted and compared to the levels above and below. FIGURE 15-22 Clinician hand position for inferior transla­
tion of the posterior costals.
Inferior Translation-Posterior Costals
This test stresses the structures that resist inferior translation
thoracic vertebra at the same level as the rib. With the
of the rib relative to the thoracic vertebrae to which it attaches.
other hand, the superior aspect of the rib, just lateral to
A positive response is the reproduction of the patient's symp­
the tubercle, is palpated (Figure 1 5-22) . An inferior force
toms together with an increase in the quantity of motion and
is applied through the rib while fixing the thoracic verte­
a decrease in the resistance at the end of the range of motion.
brae. The quantity of motion , the reproduction of any
With the patient positioned in prone-lying, the clini­
symptoms, and the end feel of motion is noted and com­
cian palpates the contralateral transverse process of the
pared to the levels above and below.

Superior Inferior Translation-Anterior Costal

This test stresses the structures that resist superior-inferior
translation of the costal cartilage relative to the sternum and
the rib relative to the costal cartilage. When the sternocostal
and/or costochondral joints have been separated, a gap and
a step can be palpated at the joint line. The positional find­
ings are noted prior to stressing the joint. A positive re­
sponse is the reproduction of the patient's symptoms
together with an increase in the quantity of motion and a
decrease in the resistance at the end of the range of motion.
With one thumb, the clinician palpates the anterior as­
pect of the sternum and costal cartilage. A superior-inferior
force is applied to the costal cartilage and rib with the
other thumb (Figure 1 5-23 ) . The quantity of motion, the
reproduction of any symptoms, and the end feel of motion
is noted and compared to the levels above and below.

Anterior-Posterior Translation-Sternochondral
and Costochondral
The patient is position in supine-lying with the clinician
standing at the patient's side. With one thumb, the clinician
FIGURE 1 5-21 Clinician hand position for anterior trans­ palpates the anterior aspect of the sternum and costal car­
lation of the posterior costals (seventh rib). tilage. The anterior aspect of the costal cartilage and rib is

3. Costal end of the costal cartilage (costochondral junc­

4. Cartilaginous end of the rib (costochondral junction)

The force is sustained until the end feel is perceived

and the quantity and quality of motion is noted.


Man ual Th erapy

The selection of an intervention technique for hypo­

mobility is dependent on two main factors.

• The acuteness of the condition

• The barrier to the movement encountered

Mobilization is used in the neck (as elsewhere) for

two main purposes, to decrease pain using grade I and II
techniques and to increase range of motion using all the
FIGURE 15-23 Patient and clinician position for superior-
various grades of mobilization. There are two main types
inferior translation of the anterior costals.
of mobilization, axial and specific. The specific technique
palpated with the other thumb (Figure 15-24) . An ante­ involves stabilization of the joints above and below, ei­
rior-posterior force is applied to the: ther by locking or by the clinician 's hands, so that the
only segment that moves is the one being treated. Axial
1. Manubrium ( manubrial-costal junction) techniques rely on the clinician confining the movement
2. Sternal end of the costal cartilage ( manubrial costal to the segment, and does not involve locking, or any
junction) form of stabilization , apart from maintaining the axis of
I f the joint is acutely painful and pain relief rather
than a mechanical effect is the major consideration when
selecting a mobilization technique, then oscillations that
do not reach the end of range are adopted. The segment
or joint is left in its neutral position and the mobilization is
carried out from that point. There is no need for, and in
fact every reason to avoid, muscle relaxation techniques to
help reach the end of range.
If stretching of the mechanical barrier rather than
pain relief is the i mmediate objective of the mobilization,
the technique is performed at the end of the available
range to be mobilized.

General Techniques

Prone. The patient is positioned in prone, with the clini­

cian standing to the side of the patient. The following
areas are massaged.

- • Paraspinal gutter: the clinician uses a thumb to apply a

FIGURE 15-24 Patient and clinician position for anterior- deep massage to the entire length of the paraspinal
posterior translation of the anterior costa Is. gutter.

• Upper trapezius: the clinician uses the heel of the palm

and massages the upper trapezius. The clinician can
also use the fingers to knead the upper trapezius mus­
cle along the directions of its fibers.

Side-lying. With the patient positioned in side-lying, the

clinician stands and faces the patient. Reaching over the
back of the patient, the clinician grasps the scapula by slid­
ing his or her fingers underneath, and manually distracts
the patient's scapula away from their back (Figure 1 5-25) .

Supine. The patient is positioned in supine with the

shoulder slightly over the edge, with the clinician standing
to the side of tlle patient. The clinician takes the patient's
arm and tucks it between his or her arm and trunk. Reach­
ing over tlle patient, the clinician grasps the whole shoul­
der girdle and rotates it in a full circle. This is done re­
peatedly, producing a rhythmic motion.
The patient is positioned in supine, with the clinician
at the head of the bed. The clinician wraps both hands
around the back of the patient's neck, attempting to get as
FIGURE 15-26 Seated mobilization technique for the
low on the cervical spine as possible. The clinician then
cervicothoracic junction.
leans forward so that the front of his or her shoulder rests
on the patient's forehead. By compressing the patient's
head and gently grasping the back of the neck, a longitu­ clinician stands in fron t of the patient and threads his or
dinal distraction is applied. her arms through the patient's arms, before resting both
of the ands on the top and back of each of the patient's
Seated. The patient is seated with the arms crossed and shoulders (Figure 1 5-26) . By gently leaning the patient
forearms grasped and resting the head on the hands. The forward, the cervical spine is extended until the stiff seg­
ment is located at the cervicothoracic junction. Gradually,
the clinician increases the amount of cervicotllOracic ex­
tension by gen tly kneading the area. Distraction, side­
flexion, or rotation motions can also be introduced. Care
should be taken to avoid increasing the lordosis of the lum­
bar spine during this technique by pulling the patient too
far forward.
Another seated technique can be used to increase
motion at the cervicothoracic j unction. In this example,
flexion and right rotation is produced. The patient is
seated with both hands behind the neck. The clinician
stands to the right side of the patient. The clin ician places
the point of the index finger on the segment to be moni­
tored. The clinician then reaches around the front of the
patient and places his or her right hand over the patient's
left elbow. Monitoring the segment with the other hand,
the clin ician now passively flexes and right rotates the seg­
ment to the point where motion is fel t to occur. A con­
tract-relax technique can be used to gain further motion
(Figure 1 5-27) .

Semi-Specific and Specific Techniques

Patient and clinician position for manual These techniques are employed when the clinician wants
distraction of the scapula. to restore motion to one side of the joint at the T l -4 levels.

F I G U R E 15-27 Seated mobilization technique for the FIGURE 15-28 Mobilization of the cervicothoracic junc­
cervicothoracic junction. tion with the patient in prone position.

In these examples, the left side of the joint is treated, un­ the right hand, or the index finger of the right hand
less otherwise specified. can be placed against the superior aspect of the trans­
The patient is positioned in prone with the clinician verse process of the inferior segment. The anterior
standing on the opposite side to the side being treated­ aspect of clinician's left shoulder rests against the pa­
the right side in this case. tient's head. The clinician, using the left hand, pulls
the patient's superior segment into flexion and left
1. To increase flexion. The clinician reaches over the rotation.
patient and places his or her caudal hand between 2. To i ncrease extension. The patient is positioned in
the patient and the table, grasping the coracoid prone, with the clinician standing on the opposite side
process of the patient's shoulder. The patien t ' s to the side being treated. The clinician reaches over
shoulder is lifted slightly, thus stabilizing the shoul­ the patient and places his or her caudal hand on top
der girdle and preventing i t from moving down onto of the opposite shoulder girdle, preventing it from
the table. The clinician uses the cranial hand to raising off the table during the procedure. With the
mobilize the cervicothoracic j unction i n to flexion cranial hand, the clinician applies an extension and
and right rotation by pushing the zygapophysial left rotation mobilization to the zygapophysial joints
joints, along their joint planes, in the direction of cervicothoracic junction by gliding them, along their
the table. joint planes, away from the table and toward the
A slight modification to this technique can make clinician.
the technique more specific. In this example tlle right
side of the join t is treated. The patient is positioned in A slight modification to this technique can make the
prone, on the elbows, witll the clinician standing to technique more specific. The patient is positioned in
the side of the patient, in this example, to the patient's prone, on the elbows, with the clinician standing to the
left. This patient position stabilizes the ribs and shoul­ side of tlle patient, in this example, to the patient's left.
der girdle. The clinician reaches around the front of This patient position stabilizes the ribs and shoulder gir­
the patient's face with the left hand, and wraps the dle. The left side of tlle patient's neck can be encouraged
hand around the patient's neck, placing the little fin­ into extension and left rotation using the same patient and
ger along the posterior arch of the superior bone of clinician position (see Figure 1 5-28) , except that the clini­
the segment to be treated. The clinician, stabilizes the cian 's right hand stabilizes the left side of the inferior
inferior segment (Figure 1 5-28) using a pinch grip of segment's spinous process. Using the left hand and the

body, the clinician mobilizes the left joint into extension Side-Lying Thrust Technique (Upper Thoracic Segments )
and left rotation . For this technique to be successful, mobility must be able to
occur throughout the patient's thoracic spine, so the patient
Seated Distraction Technique (C6-T2 Levels) is positioned in-side lying (right in this case) with the axilla of
The patient is positioned in sitting or standing with both of the bottom arm off the top end of the bed and the bottom
the hands behind the neck, fingers interlaced, and the in­ arm hanging down. The clinician supports the patient's
dex fingers at the level of the superior segment to be head and chin with his or her left arm and hand, respectively.
treated. The clinician, standing behind the patient, winds The patient's head is either flexed or extended down to, but
both of his or her arms beneath the patient's axillae not into, the segment to be treated. It is then side-flexed and
through the triangular space created by the flexed elbows. rotated down to, but not into, tile segment. The clinician
The fingers are interlaced and placed over the patient's supports the patient's head on his or her left thigh to prevent
hands. The thorax is gen tly gripped by adducting the overth rusting the patient's head into excessive rotation
arms. The patient is instructed to look forward and the cli­ (particularly important if the neck is positioned in exten­
nician ensures that the ligamentum nuchae is not in full sion ) . Using a wide lumbrical pinch grip, the right hand is
stretch (Figure 1 5-29) . From this position, a grade I I I to V placed, palm down, on the patient's neck, engaging the up­
longitudinal traction technique is applied by rocking the per aspect of the caudal spinous process and neural arch
patient backward and forward until a pendular-type mo­ (Figure 1 5-30) . Mter the slack has been taken up, a mobiliz­
tion is produced. Gravity provides the distractive force that ing force is applied to the left side of the T l spinous process,
will distract the discs and glide the facets. A high velocity, by the right hand of the clinician, in a direction toward the
low amplitude thrust technique is applied, in a superior di­ floor, producing a rotation to the right at Tl , but a relative
rection, at the apex of the descent when the patient's body left rotation of the cranial bone (C7) and a gapping of the zy­
weight is dropping. gapophysial joint on the left side. This is an arthrokinematic
mobilization. The technique can be graded from I to V.
Rotational Technique to Increase Rotation
The advantage of rotational techniques is that they tend to Home Exercise Program
produce a pure separation of the zygapophysial join ts on In addition to the strengthening and flexibility exercises
the side to which the rotation occurs. Rotation to the left at performed in the clinic, specific exercises are given as part
C7-T l will be used for the example. of the home exercise program. It is very important that the
following exercises are performed correctly to ensure that

FIGURE 15-29 Patient and clinician position for a seated

distraction thrust of the cervicothoracic junction. (MISSING FIGURE 1 5-30 Thrust of the cervicothoracic junction with
ARD the patient positioned on his side.

the hypomobile segment is being mobilized, and not the Th erap eutic Exercise
hypermobile segment.
Strengthening of Muscles
1. To increase the posterior glides of cervicothoracic exten­
• Rhomboids: the function of the rhomboid is to adduct
sion. A high-backed chair is used to stabilize the thoracic
and elevate the scapula, and rotate it so that the gle­
spine, and the patient is seated in the correct posture.
noid cavity faces caudally. 43
The patient places the hands around the mid-cervical
• Middle trapezius: the function of the middle trapezius is
spine with the fingers clasped together and the forearms
to adduct and stabilize the scapula. 43
parallel to the floor. The patient is asked to perform chin
• Lower trapezius: the function of the lower trapezius is to
retraction by pushing his or her neck in a backward di­
depress the scapula and to rotate the scapula so that
rection while maintaining the arms parallel to the floor.
the glenoid cavity faces cranially. 43
2. To strengthen the cervico thoracic stabilizers. The pa­
• Upper trapezius: the function of the upper trapezius is
tient is positioned in prone with the head off the end
to elevate the scapula and to rotate the scapula so that
of the bed and supported in a protracted position of
the glenoid cavity faces cranially. 43 It also functions to
the neck. The patient is asked to retract the chin from
extend, side-flex, and rotate the vertebra so that the
this position, raising the head toward the ceiling,
face turns toward the opposite side. 43
maintaining the face parallel to the floor.
• Serratus anterior: the function of the serratus an terior is
3. To increase the side glide of the cervical spine. The pa­
to abduct the scapula, rotate the inferior angle later­
tient is positioned in the raised side-lying position, rest­
ally, and the glenoid cavity cranially. 43 It also functions
ing on the elbow, so that the body is raised at a
to hold the medial border of the scapula against the
45-degree angle with the bed. From this position, the
rib cage. 43
patient performs a side glide of the neck toward the
bed, without allowing any side flexion to occur. This ex­
While it is possible to isolate and strengthen these mus­
ercise can be progressed to the upright position, where
cles individually, because they work together in functional
the patient elevates both arms and clasps the palm of
activities, it is more prudent to strengthen them together.
the hands together. The side glide motion is per­
formed to both sides. To add resistance to this exercise
• Shoulder shrugs. These are initiated without resist­
the patient is positioned in complete side-lying and th�
ance. Once they can be performed without pain,
side glide is performed away from the bed. In each of
weights are added to the hands. The shrug strengthens
these exercises, it is important that the patient incor­
the upper trapezius, levator scapulae, and rhomboids.
porate a minimum amount of side-flexion of the neck.
• Shoulder circles. These are initiated without resistance.
4. To increase cervicothoracic extension. A high-backed
Once they can be performed without pain, weights are
chair is used to stabilize the thoracic spine, with the
added to the hands. The shoulder circles strengthen
top of the high back positioned level with the segment
the upper trapezius, levator scapulae, and rhomboids.
just inferior to the hypomobile segment. The patient
• Scapular retraction in internal and external rotation of
places the hands around the mid-cervical spine with
the glenohumeral joint. This exercise can be per­
the fingers clasped together and the forearms parallel
formed in prone or standing and is initiated without re­
to the floor. The index fingers of the patient's clasped
sistance. Once it can be performed without pain, resist­
hands are placed over the hypermobile segmen t , and
ance is added. Scapular retraction in internal rotation of
the exercise is performed by asking the patient to raise
the glenohumeral joint (Figure 1 5-3 1 ) strengthens the
the chin and forearms together while simultaneously
infraspinatus, teres minor, middle and posterior del­
maintaining the thoracic spine against the chair back
toids, and the rhomboids. Scapular retraction in exter­
as the hypo mobile segmen t is extended over the ful­
nal rotation of the glenohumeral joint (Figure 1 5-32)
crum produced by the back of the chair. A slight ante­
strengthens the infraspinatus, teres minor, middle and
rior force can be applied by the index fingers to pre­
posterior deltoids, and the middle trapezius.
vent the hypermobile segmen t from extending too far.
• Serratus punch-end-range shoulder protraction.
A towel can also be used in place of the index fi ngers.
This is performed initially with the patient supine, the
shoulder flexed to 90 degrees and the elbow ex­
El ectroth erap eutic Mod al ities
tended. From this position, the patient raises the hand
and Phy sical Ag ents
and protracts the shoulder girdle toward the ceiling.
The same considerations for the use of electrothera­ This exercise can be progressed by adding a weight to
peutic modalities and physical agents are used here as in the hand, to being performed against a wall or a chair,
the cervical spine. before progressing to a push-up on the floor.

FIGURE 15-31 Strength test for scapular retraction in in­ FIGURE 1 5-33 The 'tree-hug' .
ternal rotation.
a tree and to reproduce that motion. This i s a very
• Tree hug. The patient is asked to wrap a length of elas­ good exercise for the serratus anterior.
tic tubing around their back and to hold the two ends • Upright rows (Figure 1 5-34) . The muscles involved
with the thumbs pointing forward, and the arms in with this exercise include the deltoids, supraspinatus,
about 60 degrees of abduction ( Figure 1 5-33) . From clavicular portion of the pectoralis major, long head of
this position, the patient is asked to imagine hugging the biceps, the upper and lower portions of the trapez­
ius, the levator scapulae, and the serratus anterior.

FIGURE 15-32 Strength test for scapular retraction in ex­

ternal rotation. FIGURE 1 5-34 The upright row.

pain, resistance in the form of tubing, or hand weights,

is added. Front arm raises involve the anterior deltoid,
pectoralis major (upper portion) , coacobrachialis,
serratus anterior, and the upper and lower trapezius.

S oft Tissue Tech niq ues

Muscle Stretching
• Sternocleidomastoid: The patient is seated or supine. The
patient is asked to perform a chin tuck. From this posi­
tion, the clinician induces side-flexion of the neck to the
contralateral side, and extension of the neck. The clini­
cian stabilizes the scapula and rotates the patient's head
and neck toward ipsilateral side (Figure 15-37) .
• A nterior and middle scalene: the patien t is supine. Stabi­
lizing the first two ribs with the heel of one hand,
the clinician performs passive cervical extension,
con tralateral side-flexion , and ipsilateral rotation
(Figure 1 5-38) .
• Levator scapulae: the stretch can be passively applied by
FIGURE 15-35 Lateral arm raise. the clinician. The patient is positioned in supine, with
the head at the edge of the table. The elbow and hand
• Lateral arm raises (Figure 1 5-35) . These are initiated of the side to be treated are placed above the head.
without resistance. Once they can be performed with­ The clinician stands at the head of the table and
out pain, resistance in the form of tubing, or hand presses his or her thigh against the point of the
weights, is added. Lateral arm raises involve the del­ patient's elbow, fixing it caudally. Using both hands,
toid, supraspinatus, the serratus anterior, and the up­ the clinician then flexes the neck and side-flexes the
per and lower trapezius. patient's head to the opposite side, until resistance is
• Front arm raises (Figure 1 5-36) . These are initiated felt (Figure 1 5-39) . The patient is then asked to look
without resistance. Once they can be performed without

FIGURE 15-37 Patient and clinician position for the

FIGURE 1 5-36 Front arm raise. stretch of the sternocleidomastoid.

and rotation in the opposite direction of the muscle

to be stretched. A stretching cord with a loop at each
end is given to the patient. The patient grasps one of
the loops on the side of the m uscle to be stretched,
and places the foot on the same side of the muscle to
be stretched in the loop at the opposite end of the
cord. The cord is adjusted so that it is taut with the
knee flexed. The patient is asked to elevate the
scapula on the same side of the muscle to be stretched
and holds that position for 5 to 8 seconds before re­
laxing. The patient is then asked to extend the knee
to exert a downward force on the scapula, via the
cord, moving i t i n to depression. The stretch is re-
peated 3 to 5 times.
• Upper trapezius: The procedure for this is similar to
that of the levator scapulae except that the starting
position of the neck is modified by reducing the
am ount of cervical flexion. The patient is positioned
in supine, with the head at the edge of the table. The
elbow and hand of the side to be treated are placed
above the head. The clinician stands at the head of
FIGURE 15-38 Patient and clinician position for the the table and presses his or her thigh against the
stretch of the scalenes.
poin t of the patient's elbow, fixing it caudally. Using
both hands, the clinician then flexes the neck and
toward the treated side, a motion that is resisted by the side-flexes the patient's head to the opposite side.
clinician. When the patient relaxes, the clinician Rotation to the ipsilateral side is then added until re­
moves the head into further side-flexion and flexion. sistance is felt. The patient is then asked to look to­
• Home exercise: the patient is positioned in supine with ward the treated side, a motion that is resisted by the
their head on a pillow, placing the cervical spine in clinician. When the patient relaxes, the clinician
flexion. The patient's head is positioned in side-flexion moves the head into further flexion, side-flexion , and
• Pectoralis minor: These can be effectively stretched us­
ing a corner and placing the forearms on the walls.
The patient needs to avoid adopting a forward head
posture during the stretch. The patient attempts to
move the shoulders, against the wall, into horizontal
adduction and i n ternal rotation (Figure 1 5-40 ) . The
clinician is cautioned against using this exercise with
any patient with shoulder pathology, especially an an­
terior instability.
• Pectoralis major: The pectoralis major can be specifi­
cally stretched if the orientation of its fibers are con­
sidered (clavicular and costosternal) by having the pa­
tient lie supine and extending the arm off the table in
eit er approximately 1 40 degrees of shoulder abduc­
tion (costosternal fibers) or 45 to 50 degrees of ab­
duction ( clavicular fibers) .

Case S tudy: Neck Pain and Ar m Par esth esias

FIGURE 15-39 Patient and clinician position for the A 2 1-year-old female presented to the clinic with com­
stretch of the levator scapulae. plaints of right neck and shoulder pain and paresthesias

• Electrotherapmtic modalities and thermal agents. A moist
heat pack was applied to the right side of the neck
when the patient arrived for each treatment session.
• Manual therapy. Following tlle application of heat, the
clinician mobilized the whole shoulder girdle com­
plex and first and second ribs. The first rib was tested
to see if it was elevated in relation to the other side.
This was determined by palpating the first rib while
passively rotating the patient's head away from the test
side (rib may elevate slightly) and then extending and
side-flexing it ipsilaterally (rib should descend) . The
head is then side-flexed contralaterally (rib should el­
evate) . If the rib remains elevated with the ipsilateral
side-flexion of the head, a mechanical impairment is
suspected ratller than a soft tissue one. The anterior
and middle scalenes and pectoralis minor and major
muscles were manually stretched, taking care not to
stress the glenohumeral joint.
• Therapmtic exercises to strengthen the trapezius, levator
scapulae, sternocleidomastoid, and rhomboids on the
FIGURE 15-40 The wall corner stretch position.
right were prescribed.
• Patient-related instruction. Explanation was given as to
that often radiated into the medial arm, forearm, and the cause of the patient's symptoms. The patient re­
fourth and fifth fingers. The patient also reported that her ceived instructions regarding correct posture during
right arm often fel t tired and heavy, and that her right activities of daily living and exercises to stretch and
hand would occasionally appear to have a weak grip. The strengthen those muscles treated in tlle clinic. The pa­
patient reported that her symptoms began shortly after she tient was advised to continue the exercises at home
was involved in a motor vehicle accident about 2 months 3 to 5 times each day and to expect some post-exercise
ago. The patient denied any history since the accident of soreness. The patient also received instruction on the
dizziness, blurred vision, or headaches. use of heat and ice at home.
• Goals and outcomes. Bolli the patient's goals from the
treatment and the expected therapeutic goals from
• Pain elicited with manual muscle testing of the trapez­
the clinician were discussed with the patient. It was
ius, levator scapulae, sternocleidomastoid, and rhom­
concluded that the clinical sessions would occur
boids on the right, which were also weak.
3 times per week for 1 month, at which time, the pa­
• Decreased flexibility of the anterior and middle
tient would be discharged to a home exercise pro­
scalenes and pectoralis minor and major.
gram. With adherence to the instructions and exercise
• Tenderness to palpation over the brachial plexus.
program, it was felt that the patient would make a full
• Rounded and depressed shoulders
return to function.
• No evidence upon palpation of a cervical rib
• Negative Tinel sign at right wrist
• Diminished grip strength of the right hand that
Case S tudy: Low Neck Pain
worsened when the right arm was raised overhead.
• Weakness of C7-T l muscles
• Positive Allen's test
A 33-year old female presented with a diagnosis of low
• Positive Adson's test
neck and upper back pain, which over the last few weeks,
• Positive hyperabduction test
had become constant. Initially, the pain had been minimal
• Decreased mobility of the first and second ribs, but
but had progressively worsened. The pain was localized to
glides were normal compared to the other side.
llie mid-line at the base of the neck, and there was no re­
Evaluation port of arm pain or symptoms. The patient worked as a
It would appear from the fi ndings that the patient has computer operator for a local bank. Sleeping had become
thoracic outlet syndrome. difficult, and all motions of the neck were reported to

reproduce the symptoms. The patient denied any dizziness • Flexibility testing revealed bilateral tightness of the
or nausea, or history of neck trauma. sternocleidomastoid, scalenes, and pectoralis minor
and major.
Questions • Muscle testing revealed a weakness of the rhomboids,
1. What structure (s) could be at fault with complaints of middle and lower trapezius, and serratus anterior at
mid-line neck pain? 4/5.
2. What should the gradual onset of the pain tell the cli­
1. Did the biomechanical examination confirm your
3. What is your working hypothesis at this stage? List the
working hypothesis? How?
various diagnoses that could present with mid-line
2. Given the findings from the biomechanical examina­
neck pain, and the tests you would use to rule out each
tion, what is the diagnosis, or is further testing war­
ran ted in the form of special tests?
4. Should the reports of night pain concern the clini­
cian? Evaluation
5. Does this presentation and history warrant a scan? The findings from the biomechanical examination indi­
Why or why not? cate an extension hypomobility at C7-T l and muscle im­
balances of the neck and shoulder complex.
Although the onset for these symptoms had been gradual Questions
and there was reported night pain, there were no reports 1. Having confirmed the diagnosis, what will be your
of pain radiation or radiculopathy. Given the localization intervention?
of the pain and the patient's occupation, an irritated 2. How would you describe this condition to the patient?
postural dysfunction is suspected. With this working hy­ 3. In order of priority, and based on the stages of heal­
pothesis, an examination is performed with the following ing, list the various goals of your intervention?
findings. 4. How will you determine the amplitude and joint posi­
tion for the intervention?
• Active range of motion of the cervical spine was lim­ 5. Is an asymmetrical or symmetrical technique more ap­
ited in a noncapsular pattern of decreased flexion, propriate for this condition? Why?
both rotations, both side-flexions, and extension. Flex­ 6. Estimate this patient's prognosis.
ion was limited by 50% , both rotations and side­ 7. What modalities could you use in the intervention of
flexions by 30%, and extension by 70%. All of the mo­ this patient?
tions reproduced the mid-line neck pain. 8. What exercises would you prescribe?
• The position tests were negative.
• The passive physiologic intervertebral mobility tests Intervention
were positive for hypomobility at the C7-Tl segment A fairly global intervention is required for this syndrome.
during extension.
• The passive physiologic mobility ( PPM) and passive ar­ A. The flexibility and strength deficits of the muscles are
ticular mobility tests of the first two ribs were negative. addressed.
• The pain was reproduced with passive physiologic ar­
B. The hypomobile joints at C7-Tl and the OA segments
ticular intervertebral mobility testing with posterior
are mobilized.
glides of both zygapophysial joints of C7 with a patho­
mechanical end feel. C. The patient is educated on the importance of good pos­
• The passive physiologic articular intervertebral mobil­ tural habits.
ity testing of the upper cervical joints (refer to l . Forward head. Special attention should be applied to
Chapter 1 8) revealed a bilateral loss of the posterior manually increasing extension at the cervicothoracic
glide at both of the OAjoints with a pathomechanical junction and increasing the flexion of the upper cer­
end feel. vicaljoints. The soft tissues that commonly need to be
• The Adson maneuver was positive bilaterally for a di­ addressed include the following.
minished pulse. a. Increasing the flexibility of:
• Postural examination revealed a forward head posture. 1 . The suboccipital extensors
• Point tenderness was elicited over the C7 segment, the 2. The cervicothoracic flexors
origins of both levator scapulae, and the muscle bel­ 3. The pectoralis minor
lies of both upper trapezii. 4. The sternocleidomastoid

b. Correction of: R EF ER ENCES

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Chapter Objectives mobility. Without the ribs, the joints of the thoracic seg­
ments would be unmodified ovoids, capable of a vast
At the completion of this chapter, the reader will be able amount of motion. However, because of the presence of
to: the ribs, the thoracic spine is the least mobile part of the
spinal column. It is also an area that is very prone to pos­
1. Describe the anatomy of the vertebra, ligaments, mus­ tural impairments.
cles, and blood and nerve supply that comprise the
thoracic intervertebral segment.
2. Describe the biomechanics of the thoracic spine, in­ ANATOMY
cluding coupled movements, normal and abnormal
joint barriers, kinesiology, and reactions to various The thoracic region differs from the cervical and lumbar
stresses. spines in the following ways.
3. Perform a detailed objective examination of the tho­
racic musculoskeletal system, including palpation of • The presence of a demi facet on the centrum and a
the articular and soft tissue structures, combined mo­ costal articular facet on the transverse process that ar­
tion testing, specific passive mobility and passive artic­ ticulate with the ribs. The head of the rib develops an
ular mobility tests for the intervertebral joints, and sta­ upward projection similar to the uncinate process of
bility tests. the cervical spine.
4. Analyze the total examination data to establish the de­ • The transverse processes possess articular facets for
finitive biomechanical diagnosis. the rib at the costotransverse joint.
5. Apply active and passive mobilization techniques and • The presence of a small spinal canal for the size of its
combined movements to the thoracic spine, in any po­ contents.
sition, using the correct grade, direction, and duration, • A somewhat deficient blood supply to the spinal cord.
and explain the mechanical and physiologic effects. • Coronally orientated articulating facets that facilitate
6. Describe intervention strategies based on clinical find­ rotation at the segment.
ings and established goals.
7. Evaluate intervention effectiveness to progress or The thoracic spine forms a kyphotic curve of less than 55
modify intervention. degrees,1 with an accepted range of 20 to 50 degrees,2 and an
8. Plan an effective home program including spinal care, average of 45 degrees. 3 It is a structural curve, that is present
and instruct the patient in same. from birth and considered as a persisting curve of the em­
9. Develop self-reliant examination and intervention bryonic axis. 4 Unlike the lumbar and cervical regions, which
strategies. derive their curves from the corresponding differences in in­
tervertebral disc heights, the thoracic curve is maintained by
the wedge-shaped vertebral bodies that are about 2 mm
OVERVIEW higher posteriorly. The thoracic curve begins at T l -2 and ex­
tends down to T 1 2, with the T6-7 disc space as the apex. s
In the thoracic spine, protection and function of the tho­ The kyphotic curve is more prone to be unstable in flexion,
racic viscera take precedence over in tersegmental spinal and is also vulnerable to alterations from postural habits or


disease. Juvenile kyphosis (Scheuermann's disease) and os­ • Neural arch: the neural arch is constructed out of two
teoporosis both result in an increase in thoracic kyphosis. short pedicles and two short, thick laminae, the latter
Changes in the thoracic curve have an impact on the other joining to form the spinous process.
spinal curves. For example, an increase in the thoracic • Transverse and articular processes: The transverse
kyphosis produces an increased lumbar lordosis and an an­ processes are posteriorly oriented (point backward)
terior shifting in the cervical curve. and are located directly between the inferior articulat­
In addition to the kyphosis, a slight lateral curve in the ing process and superior articulating process of the
coronal plane may be present. It is thought that this curve zygapophysial joints of each level, which make them
may result from right-hand dominance or the presence of useful as palpation points when mobility testing in the
the aorta. 6 mid thorax. The costotransverse joint is formed by an
oval facet on the lateral aspects of all of the transverse
processes, to which the rib attaches, except for T I l
Vertebra and T12, to which no ribs are attached.
The vertebrae of this region are classified as typical
or atypical, with reference to their morphology. The typi­ The thoracic vertebrae increase in size caudally, their
cal thoracic vertebrae are found at T2-9, although T9 angle of inclination changing depending on their level.
may be atypical in that its inferior costal facet is fre­
quently absent. The atypical thoracic vertebrae are the • The upper segments are inclined at 45 to 60 degrees
first, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth (and often the ninth ) ­ horizon tally.
the upper and lower vertebrae tend t o show signs of tran­ • The middle segments are inclined at 90 degrees hori­
sition, from a cervical form to a lumbar form, respec­ zontally.
tively. All of the vertebrae consist of the usual elements • The lower segments are inclined as in the lumbar spine.
(Figure 1 6-1 ) .
The third vertebra is typical but it is the smallest of all
• Centrum or body: the typical vertebral body is heart­ of the thoracic vertebra. The T9 vertebra may have no demi
shaped in cross section and, on each of its lateral as­ facets below, or it may have two demi facets on either side
pects, has a superior and inferior costal facet for artic­ (in which case, the T I 0 vertebra will have demi facets only
ulation with the ribs (costovertebral joint) . The body at the superior aspect). The TI0 vertebra has one fuJI rib
is roughly as wide as it is long so that its anterior­ facet located partly on the body of the vertebra and partly
posterior and medial-lateral dimensions are of equal on the tubercle. It does not articulate with the eleventll rib
length. 7 The body is also very high and strongly con­ and so does not possess inferior demi facets and, occasion­
su·icted about its anterior and lateral aspects. The an­ ally, there is no facet for the rib at the costotransverse joint.
terior surface of the body is convex from side to side The tenth rib is very variable. The TI l vertebra has com­
whereas the posterior surface is deeply concave. 7 plete costal facets but no facets on the transverse processes

Sup. articular process Spinous process

facet-....•... ..,.,

Spinous process


FIGURE 16-1 A typical thoracic vertebral body. (Reproduced, with perm ission
from Pa nsky B: Review of Gross Anatomy, 6/e. McGraw-Hili, 1996)

for the rib tubercle . This vertebra also begins to take on the
characteristics of a lumbar vertebra ( the spinous process is IlM�1&'--- Transversc process ARTICULATIONS

short and almost comple tely horizontal) . The T 1 2 vertebra

only articulates with its own ribs, and does not possess infe­ Interlransverse lig.

;='Su,.,io, costotransverse lig.

rior demi facets. The facets on the inferior articular
processes of T 1 2 are lumbar in orientation and concavity.
The orientation of the zygapophysial facets changes in ori­
entation by 90 degrees at either TI l or T 1 2 , allowing for
pure axial rotation to occur. Pure axial rotation ( twisting)
can only occur at two points in the spine, the thoracolum­ POSTERIOR VIEW

bar (T-L) and cervicothoracic (C-T) junctions.

The spinous processes of the thoracic region are long,
slender, and triangular shaped in cross section. They point
oblique ly downward, overlapping each other in the mid­
thoracic region. This degree of obliquity varies. The first
three spinous processes, and the last three are almost hor­
izontal, while those of the mid-thorax are long and steeply
The common spinal ligaments are present in the tho­ disk
racic spine and they perform much the same function as
they do elsewhere in the spine. However, the anterior lon­
gitudinal ligament in this region is narrower but thicker
compared to the rest of the spine/ whereas the posterior
longitudinal ligament, strongly developed at the thoracic
level, is wider here at the disc level, but narrower at the ver­
tebral body than in the lumbar region.8
The intervertebral disc is narrower and thinner than
those in the cervical and lumbar levels, and gradually in­
creases in size from superior to inferior.
The costospinal joints have ligaments unique to this
area (Figure 1 6-2) .

FIGURE 16-2 The thoracic joints and thei r l igaments.

• Costotransverse joint: the costotransverse ligament, su­
(Reproduced, with perm ission from Pansky B: Review of
perior costotransverse ligame n t, and lateral costo­ Gross Anatomy, 6/e. McGraw- H i li, 1996)
transverse ligament
• Costovertebral joint: the radiate ligamen t and intra­
articular ligament more inferiorly in the spine , the course of the nerve root
becomes more oblique , and the lowest thoracic nerve
roots can be compressed by disc impairments of two con­
Nerve Roots
secutive levels ( T 1 2 root by eleventh or twe lfth disc) .
In the thoracic spine , the segmental nerve roots are Central disc protrusions are more common in the tho­
situated mainly behind the infe rior-posterior aspect of racic region than in other regions of the spine and be­
the upper vertebral body rather than behind the disc, cause the nucleus is small in the thorax, protrusions are
which reduces the possibility of root compression in im­ invariably of the anular type and nuclear protrusions are
pairmen ts of the thoracic disc.6 As at the cervical and rare . Because the interverte bral foramina are quite large
lumbar level, the thoracic spinal nerves e merge from the at these levels, osseous contact with the nerve roots is sel­
cord as a large ven tral, and a smalle r dorsal, ramus, dom e ncountered in the thoracic spine . As the der­
which join toge ther to form a short spinal nerve root. matomes in this region have a fair amount of ove rlap,
There are no plexuses in this are a and the spinal nerves they cannot be relied upon to dete rmine the specific
form the inte rcostal nerves. ? The intraspinal course of nerve root involved.
the upper thoracic nerve root is almost horizontal (as in As at the lumbar and cervical levels, innervation of
the cervical spine ) . Therefore , the nerve can 0 Iy be the spinal canal is by the sinuvertebral nerve which arises
compressed by its corresponding disc. However, moving from the nerve root and reente rs the epidural space . It is

formed by a spinal and a sympathetic root. Typically, the e leventh and twelfth ribs remain unattached anteriorly,
spinal root arises from the lateral end of the spinal nerve but end with a small piece of cartilage .
but, in 25% of cases, the spinal root is made up of two parts The strong ligamentous attendance , and the pres­
that arise from the superior border of the spinal nerve .9 ence of the two joints (costovertebral and costotrans­
verse ) at e ach level, severely limits the amoun t of move­
ment pe rmitte d here to slight gliding and spinning
motions, morphology dete rmining the function of each
Twelve pairs of ribs, together with the sternum, the rib. 7 The orientation of the ribs incre ases from being hor­
clavicle , and the thoracic spine, form the bony thoracic izontal at the upper levels to being more downwardly
cage . Each rib consists of a head, neck, and body. The head oblique in the more inferior levels of the thoracic spine
of the rib consists of the slightly enlarged posterior end, (worth remembering when palpating) . The ribs of the
normally carrying two demi facets for the synovial costover­ midthorax have two demi facets. 7 The shapes of the artic­
tebral joints. All ribs are different sizes, widths, and curva­ ular facets of the upper six ribs would suggest that the up­
tures. The first rib is the shortest. The rib length increases ward and downward gliding move me n ts that occur would
further inferiorly until the seventh rib, after which they be­ produce spinning of the neck of the rib. In fact, the main
come progressively shorter. The ribs are classified as typical movement in the upper six ribs is one of rotation of the
or atypical based on morphology and attachment sites. neck of the rib, with only small amounts of superior and
inferior motion. In the seve n th through te nth ribs, the
Typical principal move me n t is superior, posterior, and medial
The typical rib7 has a posterior end containing the head, motion during inspiration, with the reverse occurring
neck, and tubercle . Its convex shaft is connected to the during expiration.11
neck at the rib angle . The upper border of the shaft is
round and blunt, whereas the inferior aspect is thin and
Zyga pophys ia l Joints
sharp. The head is divided by a horizontal ridge that af­
fords attachment for the intra-articular ligament. The The superior and inferior facets of the zygapophysial
head of tile rib projects upward in a very similar manner to joints arise from the upper and lower part of the pedicle of
that of the uncinate process in the cervical spine and, in the thoracic vertebra. The superior facet lies superiorly
fact, develops in much the same way during childhood, ap­ with the articular surface on the posterior aspect, whereas
pearing to play a similar mechanical role . The tubercle of tile inferior facet lies inferiorly with the articular surface
the rib lies on tile outer surface , where the neck joins the on the anterior aspect. The face tjoint of the thoracic spine
shaft, and is more prominent in the upper parts than in is quite different from that of the cervical and lumbar
the lower. The articular portion of the tubercle presents an spines because it is oriented in a more coronal direction
oval facet for articulation at the costotransverse joint. The (see Figure 1 6-1 ) . It forms an angle of abou t 60 degrees to
anterior end of the shaft has a small depression at the tip the coronal plane and only 20 degrees to the sagittal plane ,
for articulation at the costochondral joint. following the surface of a sphere. Studies have shown that
the tllOracic facets play an important role in stabilization of
Atypical the thoracic spine during flexion loading.12,1 3
The first, second, ten til, eleventh, and twelfth ribs are atyp­ The degree of superior-infe rior and medial-lateral
ical 7 in that they only articulate with their own vertebra via orienta tion is slight (see Figure 1 6- 1 ) . The superior face t
one full facet, and the lower two do not articulate with the arises from near the lamina-pe dicle junction and faces
costochondrium anteriorly. The tenth rib has only a single posteriorly, superiorly, and laterally, with the degree of
facet on its head due to its lack of articulation with the ver­ superior-lateral orientation being slight. It is slightly con­
tebra above . The eleventh and twelfth ribs do not present vex pos teriorly.
tubercles and have only a single articular facet on their The inferior facet arises from the laminae to face infe­
heads. The tip of tile shortened shafts do not articulate riorly, medially, and anteriorly, lying posterior to the supe­
with the costochondrium and so are pointed and covered rior facet of the vertebra below. The face t surfaces are con­
with cartilage. cave anteriorly and convex posteriorly, bringing the axis of
The attachment of the ribs to the sternum is variable . rotation through the centrum rather than through the
The upper five , six, or seven ribs have their own cartilagi­ spinous process, as in the lumbar vertebrae . This concavity
nous connection. 7 The cartilage of the eighth rib ends by means that the biomechanical center of rotation coincides
blending with the seventh . The same situation pertains for with the actual center formed by body weight.1o This
the ninth and tenth ribs, so giving rise to a common band arrange ment (unmodified ovoid) would allow for large
of cartilage and connective tissue . As mentioned, the amounts of almost pure axial rotation were it not for the

effect of the ribs, which restrict and modify the ro tation, play a pivotal role in stabilizing the functional sp inal
resulting in coup ling. units of the thoracic sp ine , and that if there is evidence
of costove rtebral joint destruction in cli nical situations,
the ability of the sp ine to carry normal physiologic loads
Cos tovertebra l Joint
should be questioned.
This is a hyalinated, synovial Jomt that fo rms a
relationship between the head of the rib and the lateral side
Cos totra nsverse Joint
of the vertebral body (see Figure 1 6-2) . Although the joint
cannot be palpated, it only has one motion-spinning.10 This is a synovial joint between an articular face t on
The first, tenth , e leventh, and twelfth ribs articulate with the posterior aspect of the rib tube rcle and an articular
their own vertebrae, whereas the remainder articulate with face t on the ante rior aspect of the transverse process
both their own and the vertebra above. Running between (see Figure 1 6-2 ) . It is supported by a thin fibrous
the head of the rib and the disc, is the intra-articular liga­ capsule . In the lowe r two vertebral segments, this articu­
ment and disc. The effect of these structures is to divide the lation does not exist. The fibrous capsule attaches to the
joint into superior and inferior compartments and make edges of the articular surfaces and is a thin membrane .
this joint both a compound and a complex one. Before the The neck of the rib lies along the length of the posterior
age of about 13 years, there is no superior costovertebral aspect of the transve rse process. The short, deep costo­
join t, as ossification of the head of the rib has not occurred transverse ligament runs from the posterior aspect of the
(hence the vast amount of thoracic rotation and side-flexion neck of the rib posteriorly, to the anterior aspect of its
that a 8 to 12 year-old gymnast demonstrates) . transverse p rocess, and fills the costotransverse foramen
The radiate ligame n t ( see Figure 1 6-2 ) conne c ts between the rib neck and its adjacent transverse process
the ante rior aspe ct of the rib head to the bodie s of two (see Figure 1 6-2) .
ve rtebrae and the ir i n terve n i ng disc. Each of the three The superior costotransverse ligame n t (also called
bands of the fan-shaped radiate ligame nt have differ­ the inte rosse ous, or ligament of the neck of the rib) is
e n t attachme n ts . The superior p art runs from the head formed in two layers (see Figure 1 6-2). The anterior
of the rib to the body of the superior ve rte bral. The in­ layer, which is continuous with the internal intercostal
ferior p art runs to the body of the infe rior ve rte bra. membrane laterally, runs from the neck of the rib, up and
The inte rmediate part runs to the i n te rve ning disc. laterally, to the inferior aspect of the transverse process
The functional spinal unit ( FSU ) , 1 4 consisting of two above . The posterior layer runs up and medially from the
verte brae and the interconnecting soft tissue, is consid­ p osterior aspect of the rib neck to the transverse process
ered to be the smallest working unit in the cervical and above . Jiang et al1 7 reported that the superior costotrans­
lumbar sp ine . However, the biomechanical aspects of the verse ligaments are very important in maintaining the lat­
thoracic spine are different from those of the cervical and eral stability of the spine .
lumbar sp ine . The thoracic spine is connecte d to the rib The lateral costotransverse ligament (see Figure 16-2)
cage by the costove rtebral joints, wh ich consist of the runs from the tip of the transverse process laterally to the
costotransve rse joints and joints of the head of the ribs tubercle of its own rib. It is short, thick, and strong but is
(see Figure 1 6-2 ) . The thoracic verte brae are con nected often damaged with direct blows to the chest (punch, kick,
to their adjacen t verte brae by the bilateral costove rte bral etc . ) , responding well to ultrasound and transverse friction
joints (see Figure 1 6-2 ) . Thus, from an anatomic point massage .
of view, the FSU should not be regarded as the smallest
working unit in the thoracic sp ine . The costove rte bral
joints and their surrounding ligame n ts, such as the
costotransverse , supe rior costotransve rse , radiate, and This is formed in three parts.
in tra-articular ligamen ts ( Figure 16-2 ) , connect adja­
ce nt vertebrae and ribs. The "rib cage " consists of these • The manubrium (refer to the Chapter 15)
ligame n ts, the thoracic ve rtebrae , ribs, and sternum. • The body (mesostern um)
Various studies have demonstrate d that additional struc­ • The xiphisternum (xiphoid process)
tural stabil i ty may be p rovided to the thoracic sp ine
by the costove rtebral join ts and rib cage .J3,J5,J6 From The body of the sternum is made up of the fused ele­
a mechanical point of view, destruction of the costover­ ments of four sternal bodies and the vestiges of these are
tebral joint would rep re se nt damage to the connections marked by three horizontal ridges. The upper end of the
betwee n the thoracic spine and the rib cage . Panjabi and body articulates with the manubrium at the sternal angle.
colle aguesl2 also reported that the costovertebral joints A facet at the superior e nd of the body laterally provides a

joint surface common with the manubrium for the second arterial blood gas and p H homeostasis. The importance of
costal cartilage. On each lateral border are four other normal respiratory muscle function can be appreciated by
notches that articulate with the third through sixth cartilages. considering that respiratory muscle fai lure due to fatigue ,
A synchondrosis joins the manubrium and sternal body. It injury, or disease could result in an inability to maintain
protrudes slightly anteriorly and is known as the sternal blood gas and pH levels within an acceptable range and
angle of Louis. This is an important landmark because the could have lethal consequences.
second rib is attached to the sternum at this level. T7 artic­ The function of the venti latory muscles is an ac tive
ulates both with the sternum and the xiphoid. The third are a of research, but the key finding is that the ventila­
rib has the deepest fossa on the sternum, indicating that it tory pump is a multimuscle pump. The actions of vari­
may serve as the axis for rotation and side-flexion during ous ve ntilatory muscles, which are broadly classified as
arm elevation . inspiratory or expiratory based on their me chanical
The xiphisternum is the smallest part of the sternum. actions, are highly redundant and provide several means
It begins life in a cartilaginous state but, in adulthood, the by which air can be e ffectively displaced under a host of
upper part ossifies. The symphysis usually becomes synos­ physiologic and pathophysiologic conditions.18,'9 For
totic after 40 years, but may remain separate even in examp le , even at rest, move ment of air into and out of
extreme old age . the lungs is the result of the recruitme n t of seve ral mus­
Andriacchi 15 and co-workers performed a computer c1es.20.21 In resting humans, the tidal volume is the result
simulation analysis to determine the effect of the rib cage of the coordinated recru itment of the diaphragm, the
on the stiffness properties of the normal spine during flex­ parasternal intercostal, and the scalene muscles.22,23 Eve n
ion, extension, side-flexion, and axial rotation, and found the expiratory phase of breathing at rest can be associ­
them to be greatly enhanced by the presence of the rib ated with active muscle participation.24 Despite the fact
cage for all four motions, especially extension. The effect that quiet breathing involves several muscles, under
of removal of the en tire sternum from the intact thorax normal circumstances, bre athing demands only a small
was also studied, and the result was an almost complete loss effort. 25
of the stiffening effect of the thorax.16 though some have argued that respiratory muscle
performance does not limit exercise tolerance in normal
healthy adults,26,27 heavy or prolonged exercise has been
Sternocos ta l Joint
shown to impair respiratory muscle performance in hu­
This join t is classified as a synarthrosis. In all of these mans.�8,29 Furthermore , patients with chronic obstructive
joints, tlle periosteum of the sternum and the perichon­ lung disease often exhibit respiratory muscle weakness
drium of the costal cartilage is continuous. Synovial joints and/ or reduced respiratory endurance . This is clinically
exist between tlle costal cartilages and the sternum (except significant because individuals with reduced respiratory
for the first joint, which is a synchondrosis) . A thin fibrous muscle endurance are predisposed to respiratory failure or
capsule is present in the upper seven joints, and attaches to to a pulmonary limitation to exercise . 30, 31
tlle circumference of the articular surfaces, blending with Because of the potential for respiratory muscle fatigue
the sternocostal ligaments. The surface of the joints are in both health and disease , interest in the adaptability of
covered with fibrocartilage and are supported by capsular, respiratory muscles to endurance-type exercise has grown
radiate sternocostal or xiphicostal and intra-articular liga­ significantly during the last decade .
ments. The joint is capable of slight motion during full in­ The diaphragm is the primary muscle of respiration,
spiration and full expiration allowing for excursion of the and may be the only muscle ac tive ly e levating the ribs
sternum in these activities. during quie t respiration. 32 It is important to be able to
accurate ly assess the diaphragm for weakness. Patie nts
with bilateral diaphragm paralysis or severe weakness
Respira tory Muscles
present a striking clinical picture , with orthopnea as the
Connections to the respiratory mechanism have been major symptom. Lesser degrees of diaphragm weakness,
found to exert a sO'ong influence on areas such as the however, are hard to detect and need specific testing. Vi­
shoulder and pe lvic girdles, as well as the head and neck. tal capacity may be reduced, but th is is a nonspe cifi c and
Restoration of the respiratory mechanism is an essential relatively insensitive measure, and diaphragm weakness
element of thoracic in tervention . has to be moderately severe before there is a subs tan tial
Respiratory muscles are skeletal muscles that are reduction. 34, 35
morphologically and functionally similar to locomotor Beside sharing all common mechanical characteristics
muscles. Their primary task is to displace the chest wall with the skeletal muscles of the limbs, the ventilatory
and, therefore, move gas in and out of the lungs to maintain muscles are prone to fatigue and are also endowed with

the capacity to adapt to altered conditions, including • The sternal fibers originate from two slips at the back
physical exe rcise . 35• 36 Whe ther or not fatigue or weak­ of the xiphoid process.
ness occurs in the respiratory muscles as a result of • The costal fibers originate from the lower six ribs and
heavy whole-body exercise has been debate d for many their costal cartilages.
decades. 37. 38 Although several other respiratory muscles • The lumbar fibers originate from the crura of the lum­
are recruited with whole-body exercise (i.e., external inter­ bar vertebra and the medial and lateral arcuate liga­
costals, scalenes, and sternocleidomastoid muscles) , the di­ ments.
aphragm is the most effective pressure generator for in­
creasing alveolar ventilation and, thus, provides the best Thus, the muscle is attached around the thoracoab­
index of respiratory syste m muscle function . 39, 40 dominal junction circumferen tially. From these attach­
Despite some similarities, the ve n tilatory muscles ments, the fibers arch toward each other centrally to form
are distinct from the skeletal muscles of the limbs i n sev­ a large tendon.
eral aspe cts. 41• 42 First, whereas skeletal muscles of the Contraction of the diaphragm pulls the large, central
limbs ove rcome inertial loads, the ven tilatory muscle s tendon inferiorly, producing diaphragmatic i nspiration
ove rcome primarily e lastic a n d resistive loads. Secon d , (see later) . The other primary muscles of respiration are
the ve ntilatory muscles are under both volu n tary and in­ the sternocostal, and the intercostals, the secondary ones
voluntary con trol. The third distinguishing feature is being the anterior and medial scalenes, serratus posterior,
that the ve n tilatory muscles, which re pre se n t only 3% of pectoralis major and minor, and, with the head fixed, the
body we ight, 43 are like the heart muscles, i n that they sternocleidomastoid.
have to con tract rhythmically and ge nerate the require d
forces for ven tilation throughout the e n tire life of the Intercostals
individual. The ven tilatory muscle s, howeve r, do n o t Between the ribs are the intercostal spaces, which are both
contain pace maker cells a n d are unde r the control o f deeper in fron t and between the upper ribs. The inter­
mechani cal and chemical stimuli, requiring neural costal muscles connect the ribs to each other and are
input from higher ce n te rs to initiate and coordinate primary respiratory muscles.6 The intercostal muscles, to­
con traction . gether with the sternalis (or sternocostalis or transversalis
The last distinguishing feature of the respiratory thoracis) , phyloge nically form from the hypomeric mus­
muscles is re lated to their anatomic resting position . cles, and correspond to their abdominal counterparts
Fe n n 41 points out that the resting length o f the respira­ with the sternalis being homologous to the rectus abdomi­
tory muscles is a relationship between the inward recoil nous, and the intercostals homologous to the external
forces of the lung and the outward recoil forces of the oblique .
chest wall. Changes between the balance of recoil forces
will result in changes in the resting length of the respira­ • External intercostals: the external i n te rcostal mus­
tory muscles. Thus, simple and every-day life occur­ cles, of which there are eleve n , are laid in a direc­
rences, such as changes in posture, will alter the opera­ tion that is superior-poste rior to infe rior-ante rior
tional length and the con tractile stre ngth of the ( r u n infe riorly and medially in the front of the tho­
ve n tilatory muscles. If uncompe nsated, these le ngth rax and infe riorly and laterally in the back) . They
changes would lead to decreases in the output of the mus­ attach to the lower border of one rib and the upper
cles and a reduction in the ability to generate volume border of the rib below, exte nding from the tuber­
changes. The skeletal muscles of the limbs, on the other cle to the costal cartilage . Posteriorly, the muscle is
hand, are not constrained to operate at a particular rest­ conti n uous with the posterior fibers of the superior
ing length. costotransverse ligamen t . Due to the oblique course
of the fibers, and the fact that leverage is greatest
Diaphragm on the lowe r of the two ribs, the muscle pulls the
The diaphragm has a phrenic C3-C4 motor i n nervation lower rib towards the upper rib, which results in
and a se nsory supply by the lowe r six intercostal nerves. inspiration. The action of the external intercostals
Functionally and metabolically, the diaphragm can be is believed to be e n tirely inspiratory, although it
classified as two muscles44, 45 : the crural (posterior) por­ also cou n te racts the force of the diaphragm,
tion that inserts into the lumbar verte brae and the costal preve n ting the collapse of the ribs. I n ne rvation of
portion that inserts into the xiphoid process of the ster­ this muscle is supplied by the adjace n t intercostal
num and into the margins of the lower ribs. Anatomically, nerve.
the muscle may be divided into sternal, costal, and lum­ • Internal intercostals: the internal intercostals, which also
bar parts. number eleven, have their fibers in a inferior-posterior

to a superior-anterior direction. They are found deep Fl exion

to the external intercostals and also run obliquely,
There are about 2 to 4 degrees of flexion available at
but perpendicular, to the externals. They extend
each thoracic segment46 ( 25 to 45 degrees total) . Flexion is
from the posterior rib angles to the sternum, where
initiated by the abdominal muscles and, in the absence of
they end posteriorly. They are continuous with the in­
resistance, and in the erect position, con tinued by gravity
ternal membrane, which then becomes continuous
with the spinal erector muscles eccentrically controlling
with the anterior part of the superior costotransverse
the descent. Flexion may also occur during bilateral scapu­
ligament. The action of the internal intercostals is be­
lar protraction. Clinically, three movement patterns can
lieved to be entirely expiratory. They pull the upper
occur and are dependent upon the relative flexibility be­
rib down , but only during enforced expiration. In­
tween the vertebrae and the rib cage. In the mobile thorax,
nervation of this muscle is supplied by the adjacent
during flexion, the superior facets (i.e., the inferior articu­
intercostal nerve.
lar processes of the superior vertebra of the segment) glide
• Transverse intercostals (intima): the deepest of the inter­
superiorly and anteriorly.47
costals, it is attached to the internal aspects of two
This motion at the zygapophysial joint is accompanied
contiguous ribs. They become progressively more sig­
by an anterior translation of the superior vertebra, and
nificant and developed further down the thorax. This
slight distraction of the centra at the disc. It seems likely
muscle is used during forced expiration.
that the anterior vertebral rotation and the anterior trans­
lation produces a similar rotation in the ribs and a superior
Levator Costae
glide at the costou-ansverse joint. 47 During flexion, the an­
These consist of twelve strong, short muscles that turn
terior aspects of the ribs approximate each other, whereas
obliquely (inferior-laterally) , parallel with the external
the posterior aspects separate. One study found that by
intercostal, from the tip of the transverse process to the an­
transecting the various posterior structures sequentially,
gle of the rib. They extend from the C7 to TIl transverse
flexion failure occurred only when the costovertebral joint
processes. These muscles, innervated by the lateral branch
was affected.1 2 Flexion is resisted by the posterior half of
of the dorsal ramus of the thoracic nerve, function to raise
disc and anulus, and by the impaction of the zygapophysial
the rib, but their importance in respiration is argued. They
may also be seg men tally involved in rotation and side­
flexion of the thoracic vertebra.

Extens ion
Serratus Posterior Superior
The serratus posterior superior runs from the lower part of A total of 1 5 to 20 degrees of extension is available at 1
the ligamentum nuchae, the spinous processes of C7, to 2 degrees per segment. Extension is produced princi­
TI-3, and their supraspinous ligaments, to the inferior pally by the lumbar extensors, and results in an inferior
border of the second through fifth ribs, lateral to the rib glide of the superior facet of the zygapophysial joint. How­
angle. It receives its nerve supply from the second through ever, bilateral shoulder elevation and scapular retraction
fifth intercostal nerves. I ts function is unclear but it is are capable of producing extension. During this zygap­
thought to elevate the rib. ophysial motion, there occurs a posterior translation of the
vertebra and a slight compression of the centrum. The ribs
Serratus Posterior Inferior are rotated posteriorly, and an inferior g lide at the costo­
This muscle arises from the spines and supraspinous liga­ transverse joint results. 47 The posterior aspects of the ribs
ments of the two lower thoracic and the two or three upper approximate, and the anterior separate. One study found
lumbar vertebrae. It attaches to the inferior border of the that sequential transection of the anterior structures, in­
lower four ribs, lateral to the rib ang le. It receives its nerve cluding the anterior half of the disc and the costotransverse
supply from the ven tral rami of the ninth through twelfth joints, had little affect on the stability, un til the posterior lon­
thoracic nerves. Its function is unclear but it is thought to gitudinal ligament was cut. 12 Extension in the thoracic
pull the ribs downward and backward. spine is limited by the anterior ligaments, including the
anterior longitudinal ligament, the posterior longitudinal
ligament, the anterior aspect of the disc, impaction of the
THORACIC BIOMECHANICS inferior facet onto the lamina below, and by further im­
paction of the spinous processes. The posterior u-anslation
The biomechanics of the thoracic spine can be expected to that occurs with extension is controlled by the posteriorly
be considerably different from those of the lumbar and cer­ directed lamellae of the anulus, and by the capsule of the
vical regions due to the modifying influence of the ribs. IS zygapophysial joint.

Sid e-Fl exion However, this deviates from what is generally observed clini­
cally. There are, of course, two reasons why clinical observa­
A total of25 to 45 degrees of side-flexion is available in
tion may differ from anatomic studies. If the clinical view is
the thoracic spine, at an average of about 6 degrees to each
correct, then the study does not possess external validity and
side per segment, with the lower segments averaging
this may be a result of the procedures used. In the quoted
slightly more at 7 to 9 degrees each. 48 Side-flexion is initi­
study, the anterior aspect of the ribs were resected and this
ated by the ipsilateral abdominals and erector muscles,
must alter the biomechanics. 47 On the other hand, tile clin­
and continued by gravity. At the zygapophysial joints, it is
ical observation may be incorrect, a not entirely unheard of
mainly the ipsilateral superior facet gliding inferiorly, and
the con tralateral gliding superiorly. In effect, the ipsilat­
eral zygapophysial joint extends while the contralateral
flexes. Side-flexion occurs in the upper thoracic spine and Res pira tion
is associated with ipsilateral rotation and ipsilateral
The ribs form levers with fulcrums that are placed at
translation. 49 This coupling also appears to occur in the
the rib angle and effort arm that is the neck. The load
rest of the thoracic spine but only if the side-flexion is
arm is the shaft. Because of the relatively small size of the
slight. 5o The coupling that occurs with larger motions in
rib neck, a small movement at the rib neck will produce a
the mid-low tllOracic spine depends on which of the two
large degree of movement in the shaft. When the ribs ele­
coupling motions initiates the movementY If side-flexion
vate, they rise upward while the rib neck drops down . In
ini tiates the movement, it is called latexion, and the bio­
the upper ribs, this results in anterior elevation (pump
mechanics follow the coupling pattern of the lumbar re­
handle) and in the middle and lower ribs (excluding the
gion, which consists of side-flexion, contralateral rotation,
free ribs) , lateral elevation ( bucket handle ) . The former
and ipsilateral translation. 51 The mechanism of this cou­
movement will increase the anterior-posterior diameter
pling, or actually tripling, is not known for certain and the
of the thoracic cavity, and the latter increases the trans­
clinician must guard against strong conclusions. The pos­
verse. It is the diaphragm that produces these two kinds
tulated mechanism is as follows Y With side-f1exio , a con­
of thoracic motion. The first and second rib move only
tralateral convex curve is produced. This causes the ribs on
slightly during quiet respiration and it is thought that
the convex side of the curve to separate and those on the
their function is principally to maintain the stability of
concave side to approximate. Trunk side-flexion is essen­
the top of the thoracic cavity, preventing it from collaps­
tially halted either by soft tissue tension or approximation,
ing as air pressure is reduced during inspiration. The
or both, and the ribs become fixed. Further side-flexion is
third through sixth ribs increase the anterior-posterior
modified by the fixed ribs. The ipsilateral articular facet of
and transverse diameters of the chest. The seventh
the transverse process, glides inferiorly on its rib, resulting
through tenth ribs act to increase the abdominal cavity
in a relative anterior rotation of the neck of the rib,
free space to afford space for the descending diaphragm.
whereas the contralateral transverse process glides superi­
As the ends of liese ribs are elevated, they push up on
orly, producing a posterior rotation of the rib neck. 47 The
each other, lifting each successive rib upward and, finally,
effect of these bilateral rib rotations is to force the supe­
lifting the sternum. The two lower ribs are depressed by
rior vertebra into rotation away from the direction of side­
the quadratus lumborum to provide a stable base of ac­
flexion .
tion for the diaphragm.

The diaphragm descends and pulls the central tendon
Axial rotation of 35 to 40 degrees52 is available in the inferiorly through the fixed twelfth ribs and Ll-L3. When
thoracic spine, with segmental axial rotation averaging 8 to the extensibility (distension) of the abdominal walls is
9 degrees in the upper thoracic area, decreasing slightly in reached, the central tendon becomes stationary, and further
the middle thoracic spine, before significantly increasing to contraction of the diaphragm produces an elevation and
1 2 degrees in the last two or three segments.53 Axial rotation posterior rotation of the lower six ribs, with torsion of tile
is produced either by the abdominal muscles and other anterior costal cartilage, and an antelior-superior thrust of
trunk rotators, or by unilateral elevation of the arm. This lat­ the sternum (and eventually the inferior aspect of the
ter maneuver results in ipsilateral rotation, and produces a manubrium) . Because of the longer lower ribs, the inferior
curve that is convex ipsilaterally, suggesting that segmental sternum moves further anteriorly than the superior section
side flexion is occurring ipsilaterally. According to an during inspiration. The sternum-manubrium junction acts
anatomic study, IO thoracic segmental rotation is coupled as the hinge for this motion. If this joint stiffens or ossifies,
with contralateral side-flexion and contralateral translation. respiratory function will suffer. In addition, if the central

tendon stiffens, inspiration will have to be accomplished with movement i f it were n o t for the presence o f the ribs. A
the ribs moving laterally. Forced inspiration produces an in­ feature of this region includes long, thin overlapping spinous
crease in the activity level of the diaphragm, intercostals, processes, which are up to three-finger widths inferior to tile
scaleni, and quadratus lumborum. In addition, activity transverse process, making the transverse processes in this
occurs in the sternomastoid, trapezius, both pectorals, and region better situated for intervertebral motion palpation.
the serratus anterior. During inspiration, the ribs (TI-7) In the mobile thorax, flexion at this region consists of
move with the sternum in an upward and forward direction, the following. 47
increasing the anterior-posterior diameter of the chest while
their respective rib tubercles and costotransverse joints glide • The costotransverse joints of T3-T7 are convex­
inferiorly. The ribs of T8- l 0 move upward, backward, and concave, respectively ( the facet on the transverse
medially (or downward, forward, and laterally) , increasing processes is concave ) . The pattern of motion that
the lateral dimension while their respective rib tubercles and occurs in this region appears to vary between
costotransverse joints glide inferiorly, laterally, and anteri­ individuals, and can either be a combination of an
orly. T l l - I 2 remain stationary, except for slight caliper anterior rotation and superior glide or, more
motion increasing the lateral dimension. Quiet respiration commonly, a combination of a superior glide of the
involves very little zygapophysialjoint motion. rib neck and tubercle (T3-T7) and a conjunct
anterior rotation.
Expiration • Anterior translation and anterior sagittal rotation of
Quiet expiration occurs passively. During forced expira­ the vertebral body.
tion, there is activity in the abdominals and latissimus • Superior-anterior glide at the zygapophysial joints.
dorsi . During expiration, the ribs anteriorly rotate and the
tubercles and costotransverse joints of: 47 In the mobile thorax, extension and arm elevation at
this region consists oe7
• TI through T7 glide superiorly.
• T8 through T I O glide in a posterior-medial-superior • A variety of motion patterns between individuals,
direction. which can be a combination of either a posterior rota­
• T I l and T I 2 remain stationary. tion and superior glide or, more commonly, a combi­
nation of a posterior rotation of the rib neck and an
During a patient's respiration, it is possible to detect a inferior glide of the tubercle at the costotransverse
subluxation of the costotransverse joints by palpating the joint.
ipsilateral transverse process, and rib, during inspiration • An inferior glide of the tubercle results in a posterior
and thoracic side-flexion. For example, a superior sublux­ r tation of the neck of the rib due to the concave­
ation of the right rib will produce: convex orientation of the costotransverse joints of
T3-7 in both the sagittal and transverse plane. Poste­
• A decreased inferior glide-a motion that is required rior translation is coupled with backward sagittal
for inspiration. rotation.
• A decrease in thoracic motion in the directions of left
side-flexion and right rotation. In the mobile thorax, side-flexion to tile right at this
region consists of the following. 47

Biom echa nical Regions

• A left convex curve.
The thorax can be divided into four regions according to • A right side-flexion of the thoracic vertebrae, while
their respective anatomic and biomechanical differencesY the right transverse process moves inferiorly.
(Table 1 6-- 1 ) • An approximation of the rib tubercles on the right.
• The ribs on the right move superiorly and conjunctly
Vertebromanubrial (Pectoral Ring) rotate anteriorly, a motion that can be palpated at the
This area includes tile first two thoracic vertebra, the first costotransverse joint, while the rib tubercles on the
and second ribs, and the manubrium, and is described in left separate at their lateral margins, inferiorly glide,
Chapter 1 5 . and rotate posteriorly.

Vertebrosternal In the mobile thorax, rotation to the right at this

The vertebrosternal region consists of T3-T7 and the region consists of right rotation and left translation of the
sternum. This region has the potential for multidirectional superi r vertebra. 47 The right rotation of the superior

vertebra produces a "pulling" of the superior aspect of the • If the apex of the side-flexion curve is located within
left rib head forward (anterior-medially) at the costoverte­ the thorax, the thoracic vertebra below the apex of the
bral joint. This, in turn, produces an anterior rotation of curve (T9- 1 2 ) side-flex to the opposite side of the
the left rib neck (and a superior glide at the left costo­ side-flexion, producing an ILA glide on the right and
transverse joint) . It also "pushes" the superior aspect of the a SMP glide on the left.
right rib head backward (posterior-laterally) at t e cos­ • The vertebrae behave as above-follow the rotation
tovertebral joint, producing a posterior rotation of the that is congruent with the levels above and below.
right rib neck (and an inferior glide at the right costo­
transverse joint) . At the limit of this horizontal translation, I n the mobile thorax, rotation to the right at this
both the costovertebral and the costotransverse joints are region consists of the followingY
tensed. As just described, if the region is stable, further ro­
tation of the superior vertebra to the right occurs when the • A superior-lateral glide of the zygapophysial joints of
superior vertebral body tilts to the right (a superior glide at the superior vertebra on the left and an inferior­
the left superior costovertebral joint and an inferior glide medial glide on the right
at the right superior costovertebral joint) , producing a • A SMP glide on the left costotransverse joint and an
right side-flexion of the superior vertebra during right ILA glide on the right costoU"ansverse join t
Thoracolumbar Junction
Vertebrochondral This region consists of the TI l and T l 2 levels and features
This region consists of the TS-T I O levels and features short, stout spinous processes that are contained entirely
shorter spinous processes. within the lamina of their own vertebra, and which are
In the mobile thorax, flexion at this region consists more reliable than the spinous processes for palpation
during intervertebral motion. The transverse processes of
this region have small tubercles, and the mammillary
• A superior-medial-posterior (SMP) glide of the rib tu­ processes are larger and more superficial. The zy­
bercle (due to the planar costotransverse joints, which gapophysial facets of TI l resemble those of both the
are oriented in a anterior-lateral and superior direc­ vertebrosternal and vertebrochondral regions. The facets
tion) but does not induce an anterior rotation of the on the inferior articular processes of T l 2 resemble the
neck of the rib to the same degree as the middle and lumbar region but have both a coronal and sagittal orien­
upper ribs. tation, with a 90-degree change occurring. The joints in
this region are designed to rotate with minimal restriction
In the mobile thorax, extension and arm elevation at of ribs. Rotation can be ipsilateral or contralateral to the
this region consists of: 47 side-flexion. 47
The biomechanics of this region has thus far been de­
• An inferior-Lateral-anterior glide ( ILA) of the rib tu­ scribed for a normal thorax. As elsewhere, pathologic or
bercle. The tubercle does not induce a posterior rota­ aging processes can stiffen the thorax and produce the
tion of the neck of the rib to the same degree as the following biomechanical changes.
middle and upper ribs.
Stiff Thorax47
In the mobile thorax, side-flexion to the right at this
region is dependent on the position of the apex of the Flexion
curve produced with the side-flexion. 47 • The ribs are less mobile than the vertebral column
when the stiffer thorax is flexed. The anterior aspect
• If the apex of the side-flexion curve is in line with the of the rib travels inferiorly, whereas the posterior
ipsilateral greater trochanter, all of the thoracic aspect travels superiorly.
vertebra side-flex to the same side as the direction of • The zygapophysial arthrokinematics remain the same
the side-flexion, while the right ribs approximate, and as in the mobile thorax.
the left ribs separate. Thus, side-flexion of the vertebra • Costotransverse joints of T3-T7: the concave facets of
to the right results in a superior glide of the tubercle the transverse process of T3-7 glide superiorly relative
of the left rib, coupled with a SMP glide on the right and to the tubercle of the ribs, resulting in a relative infe­
an lLA glide on the left side of the rib. The vertebrae are rior glide of the tubercle of the rib.
free at this level to follow the rotation, which is con­ • At the vertebrochondral and costotransverse joints of
gruent with the levels above and below. TS-T I O, an lLA glide occurs with flexion.

Extension. Initially, the anterior aspect of the rib travels Extension. Some inferior gliding o f the zygapophysial
superiorly, whereas the posterior aspect travels inferiorly. joints occurs, but very little anterior-posterior translation.
In addition, a posterior rotation of the ribs occurs, whereas No palpable movement is found between the thoracic ver­
an inferior-posterior glide of zygapophysial joints also tebra and ribs.
occurs, but with less posterior translation of the zy­
gapophysial joints.
Right Side-Flexion. In both the mobile and the stiffer tho­
rax, the ribs appear to stop moving before the vertebra, as a
• A superior glide of the tubercle at the costotransverse
result of tissue tension on the left and bone approximation
join ts of T3-7.
on the right. As the thoracic vertebrae continue to side­
• At the vertebrochondral region (T8- 1 O) , the facets of
flex to the right, the zygapophysial joints produce a
the costotransverse joints are planar and the relative
superior-medial glide of the left inferior articular process of
glide of the rib is thus SMP.
the superior thoracic vertebra, and an inferior-lateral glide
on the right to facilitate right side flexion. As the rib on the
Rigid Thorax47 right is connected to the inferior aspect of the body of the
superior vertebra, its resultant anterior rotation takes the su­
Flexion. The glides of the zygapophysial joints match perior vertebral body with it, producing a left rotation of the
those of the mobile thorax, but very little, if any, superior vertebra in the presence of right side-flexion. No
posterior-anterior translation occurs. No palpable move­ anterior-medial or posterior-lateral glide of tlle ribs, relative
ment appears to occur between the thoracic vertebra to the transverse processes to which they attach, appears to
and ribs. occur during side-flexion of the trunk (Table 1 6-1 ) .




Flexion Superior-anterior Anterior Rotation

Extension I nferior-posterior Posterior Rotation
Latexion Ipsilateral Coupling
Rotexion Ipsilateral Coupling
Inspiration Elevation
Expiration Depression


Flexion Superior-anterior Va ries (very mobile) anterior-posterior rotation Su perior-inferior g l ide (varies)
Extension Posterior-inferior Varies (very mobile) anterior-posterior rotation Superior-i nferior glide (varies)
Latexion Ipsil ateral side-flexion Ipsilateral-anterior rotation Ipsilateral-superior
Contralateral rotation Contra-posterior rotation Contra-inferior
Rotexion Ipsilateral side-flexion Ipsil ateral-posterior rotation I psi latera I-i nferior
Ipsilateral rotation Contra-anterior rotation Contra-superior
Inspiration Posterior rotation Inferior glide
Expiration Anterior rotation Superior glide


Flexion Su perior-anterior Anterior rotation S.M . P.

Extension Inferior-posterior Posterior rotation I . L.A.
Latexion Varies Apex in l i ne with trochanter
Ipsilateral-S. M . P.
Contra-I . L.A.
I f not = reverse
Rotexion Ipsilateral Ipsilatera l - I . L.A. then anterior-medial
Contra - P' M . S . then posterior-lateral
Inspiration I . LA
Expiration S . M . P.

BIOMECHANICAL EX AMINATION number of visceral structures that are capable of referring

OF THE RIBS AND THORAX pain to this region. To help differentiate between visceral
pain and musculoskeletal pain in the thoracic region, the
Although there is some disagreement as to whether the clinician should focus on the relationship of specific move­
ribs or the in tervertebral joints are the major source of ments to the pain, and the quality of the pain, rather than
impairment in the thoracic region, the approach to be attempting to relate the pain to function or activity. Infor­
taken should be to clear the larger articulations, thereby mation regarding the onset as well as aggravating factors
giving a better idea on the state of the costal joints. are also important. The reader is encouraged to review
It seems more likely that apparent movement disorders Chapters 8 and 1 0.
are caused by the larger bones, as these wil l exert the
greater influence. This approach has been supported by
Obs ervation
clinical experience in that if the rib examination is de­
layed until the in tervertebral joints have been treated, In addition to those features outlined in Chapter 1 0,
the number of rib impairments decreases dramatically. the clinician should assess the presence and impact of any
The reverse has not been experienced by the majority of spinal curvatures in the thoracic spine.
clinicians. Of course, it may be that the intervention in­
advertently cleared the rib impairment, but as this seems
P a l pa tion
to happen so consisten tly, it really does not matter too
much ( Figure 1 6-3) . The spinous processes of the tllOracic vertebrae have
varying degrees of obliquity and if tlley are used as land­
marks, this obliquity must be understood and exploited.
Subj ective/His tory
The transverse processes are roughly level with their own
As mentioned in Chapter 1 0, the cause of chest pain bodies. On average, the degree of obliquity is different for
can be difficult to determine, especially as there are a different areas of the spine and divides it into four regions
in the so-called Rule of Three (Figure 1 6-4) .

Observation, AROM. PROM, Resisted. Palpation. Screening tests

• First group of three spinous processes (Tl-3) . These
spinous processes are level witll vertebral body of the
same level.
Posilional tests for transverse processes ·P.P.I.V.M. and P.P.A.I.V.M lests
·Combined Motion testing (H and I test)

Positional diagnosis (FRS, ERS)

Apply passive intervertebral mobility test to examine for hypomobility
~ T1 -T4, T9
Transverse process up
1 interspinous space

/ � If negative If positive. mobilize and re-assess

,� � Assume hypennobility
(generally more painful than hypo)
Transverse process up
2 interspinous spaces

Perform Stabil ity/Stress tests

T9-T1 1
(f negative. hypennobility confirmed If positive, look for nearby hypomobility Transverse process at
and introduce stabilization therapy base of spinous process
F IGURE 16-3 Exam i nation of the Thoracic Spine. FIGURE 16-4 The R u l e of 3




Suprasternal notch Spinous and their associated

transverse processes
Sternomanubrial angle T2 level with base of spine of scapula
Xiphoid process Spinal gutter (rotatores)
I nfrasternal angle Erector spinae
Stern ochondral junctions Rib ang les
Costal cartilage Rib sh afts
Rib shafts and rib joint line of
costotransverse joint
C6 locate the l a rgest spinous process
at the base of the neck, have patient
extend the neck; the first spinous
process to move anteriorly under
the clinician's finger is C6

• Second group of three spinous processes (T4-6) .

These spinous processes are level with the disc of the
inferior level. This can be estimated at about three fin­
ger breadths. FIGURE 16-5 The rib screen - posterior-anterior pressure
• Third group of three spinous processes (T7-9 ) . These on the right side, with the left transverse processes
spinous processes are level with the vertebral body of stabi l ized .
the level below.
• The fourth group of three spinous processes reverse
2. The patient is prone and the clinician stands on the
the obliquity. T 1 0 is level with the vertebral body of the
left side of the patient. The clinician grasps the
vertebra below (same as T7-9) . T I l is level with
patient'S right shoulder and raises i t off the bed.
the disc of the inferior vertebra (same as T6) . T 1 2 is
]f this reproduces the pain the test is repeated,
level with its own vertebral body (same as T3) .
except that the thoracic spine is stabilized to prevent
it from rotating using the same technique as in the
Landmarks should be palpated as shown in (Table 1 6-2) .
previous example. Reproduction of the pain in
the second part of the test would in dicate a rib
Screening Tests
i mpairment.
A few simple screening tests can help differentiate be­ 3. The patient is seated with the thoracic spine positioned
tween a rib impairment and a thoracic vertebra impair­ in extreme flexion. The patient is then asked to take a
ment. In the examples presented, the mid scapular pain is deep breath in. Pain with breathing in would indicate
on the patient's right side and reproduced by thoracic ex­ a restricted inferior glide of the rib.
tension and scapular retraction.

Active Motion
1. The patient lies prone and the clinician stands
on the left side of the patient. Reaching over the pa­ These tests can be performed with the patient seated
tient, the clinician spreads the length of the thumb or standing. The overpressure applied at the end of the
over the right rib in question and applies a posterior­ available range of motion takes the joint from its physio­
anterior force. This is the equivalent of a left rotation logic barrier to its anatomic barrier, and an increase in re­
of the thoracic spine. The clinician then repeats the sistance to motion should be felt. Because of the lengtll of
posterior-anterior force on the rib using the heel of the spine in this region, it is important to ensure that all
the palm, except this time, he or she blocks the rota­ parts of the thoracic spine are involved in the range of
tion of the thoracic spine by placing the ulnar border movement testing. Active range of motion is initially per­
of his or her other hand over a group of left transverse formed globally, looking for abnormalities. A specific ex­
processes (Figure 1 6-5) . Pain produced with this ma­ amination is then performed on any region that appeared
neuver would implicate the rib, but if the pain is not to have an impairment. Various techniques are used to cor­
provoked, tllen the thoracic spine should be assessed. rectly assess each area of the thoracic spine.

Mid-Low Thorax
• Flexion. The patient is asked to slump forward as
though trying to place the forehead on the knees. The
clinician observes for any paravertebral fullness, which
might indicate hypertonus.
• Extension. The clinician places one hand and arm
across the upper chest region of the patient, while the
other hand is placed over the spinous processes of the
lower thoracic spine. The patient is guided into a
backward slump. Overpressure is applied by the arm
across the front of the patient while avoiding any an­
terior translation occurring at the lumbar spine.
• Rotation. The patient is asked to turn to each side at
the waist. Overpressure is applied through both
shoulders (Figure 1 6-7) . This motion tests the abil­
ity of the ribs and the superior vertebra to translate
in the direction opposite to the rotation-a motion
essential for complete rotation and side-flexion to
• Side-flexion. Using a hand placed against the patient's
side, the patient is asked to side-flex over the clini­
FIGURE 1 6-6 Patient and clinician position for passive
cian's hand. Overpressure is applied through the con­
m o b i l ity testing.
tralateral shoulder while stabilizing the patient's knees
(Figure 1 6-8) .
Upper Thorax • Inspiration and expiration. The motions of the
The patient is asked to raise both arms over the head while manubrium are assessed during breathing
keeping the palms together. The clinician grasps the pa­
tient's arm (s) and, while monitoring the spinous process Resistance applied at the point of overpressure can
or transverse processes at a specific level, asks the patient give the clinician an indication as to the integrity of the
to move into flexion, side-flexion, extension, and rotation
at the thoracic segments (Figure 1 6-6) . During these
motions the clinician observes for any onset of pain, pat­
terns of restriction, and asymmetries. As in the lumbar and
cervical spine, there are a number of classic patterns of re­
The right side will be deemed impaired in the follow­
ing examples.

• Opening [extended, rotated, side-flexed (ERS ) 1 re­

striction of the zygapophysial joint-demonstrated by a
decrease in flexion, left side-flexion, and left rotation.
• Closing [flexed, rotated, side-flexed (FRS) 1 restriction
of the zygapophysial joint-demonstrated by a
decrease in extension, right side-flexion , and right
• A right costotransverse joint (T3-9) restriction­
demonstrated by a decreased superior glide of the
right costotransverse joint, a decrease in flexion or ex­
tension (variable) , right side-flexion, and left rotation.
• A right costotransverse joint (T3-9) restriction­
demonstrated by a decreased inferior glide of the
FIGURE 16-7 Patient and clin ician position for active
right costotransverse joint, a decrease in flexion or ex­ range of motion of thoracic rotation. Note the clinician's
tension (variab le) , left side-flexion, and right rotation. g u iding hand.

typical compensatory pattern seen when a superior seg­

ment is derotating or unwinding a primary rotation at a
lower level. 47
Symmetrical impairments are more common in the
thoracic region than in the lumbar, particularly in the
upper and cervicothoracic spine, due to fixed postural
impairments. These , of course, will not be apparent on
position testing and must be sought after when the posi­
tion tests are negative. If no asymmetry was found on po­
sition testing, then the segment of interest would be sep­
arately passively flexed, extended, and rotated in all
Example T 7-8. The patient is positioned in sitting
with the clinician standing behind the patient. Using the
thumbs, the clinician palpates the transverse processes
of the T7 vertebra. Each joint is tested in the following

• The joint complex is flexed and an eval uation is made

as to the position of the T7 vertebra relative to T8 by
FIGURE 16-8 Patient and clin ician position for active
noting which transverse process is the most posterior
range of motion of thoracic side flexion. Note the clinician's (Figure 1 6-9) . A posterior left transverse process ofT7
guiding hand. relative to T8 is indicative of a left rotated position of
the T7-8 complex in flexion.
• The joint complex is extended and an evaluation is
musculotendinous units of this area. Resistance is applied made as to the position of the T7 vertebra in relation
at the end range of flexion, extension, rotation, and side­ to T8 by noting which transverse process is the most
flexion while the clinician looks for pain, weakness, posterior. A posterior left transverse process of T7
and/or painful weakness.
The next stage in the examination process depends
on the clinician's background. For those clinicians heavily
influenced by the muscle energy techniques of the os­
teopaths,54 position testing is used to determine which seg­
ment to focus on. Other clinicians omit the position tests
and proceed to the combined motion and passive physio­
logic tests.

P os ition Tes ting-Spina l

The vertebrae are tested for symmetry. To deter­

mine the position of the superior vertebra, the posterior­
anterior relationship of the transverse processes to the
coronal body plane is noted and compared with the
level above and below. If the left transverse process of
the superior vertebra is more posterior than the left
transverse process of the inferior vertebra, then the seg­
ment is left rotated. If the left transverse process of the
superior vertebra is less posterior than the left trans­
verse process of the inferior vertebra, but more poste­
rior than the right transverse process of the superior
vertebra, then the superior vertebra is relatively right
rotated compared to the level below, but left rotated FIGURE 16-9 Patient and clinician position for position
when compared to the coronal body plane. 54 This is a testing.

relative to T8 is indicative of a left rotated position of rotation, produces the coupling of ipsilateral side-flexion
the T7-8 joint complex in extension. and rotation , whereas latexion, a motion initiated with
side-flexion, produces con tralateral side-flexion and
rotation. 47
P hysiol ogica l Mobil ity a nd Com bined
Passive physiologic intervertebral mobility tests are
Motions-Spina l
performed primarily to confirm findings in the scanning
Active mobility tests are used to determine t e os­ examination or in the event that there are no symptoms to
teokinematic function of two adjacent thoracic vertebrae reproduce. Localization of the correct level is achieved pri­
during active motions. marily by palpation for any rotatores hypertonus. This is
Flexion is tested with the patient seated with the then confirmed by the response (pain and/or muscle
arms folded, one hand on top of the shoulder and the guarding) to posterior-anterior pressures of the vertebrae
other hand under the opposite axilla. The clinician and/or ribs. Localization of the joint, however, is achieved
palpates the transverse processes of two adjacen t verte­ by more accurate use of localized pressures-directing the
brae with the index finger and thumb of both hands (Fig­ posterior-anterior pressures on adjacent spinous processes
ure 1 6-1 0) . The patient is asked to flex the head/trunk, in a superior or inferior direction to ascertain if the inter­
and the quantity of motion, as well as the symmetry of vertebral impairment is in flexion or extension.
motio n , is noted. Both index fingers should travel an
equal distance superiorly. When interpreting the mobility Anterior-Posterior Oscillations
findings, the position of the joint at the beginning of the The patient is seated with the arms folded and the elbows
test should be correlated with the subsequent mobility pointing forward. The clinician stands in front of the pa­
noted, since alterations in joint mobility may merely be a tient, and reaching around the back of the patient with
reflection of an altered starting position. The same one hand, the clinician palpates the interspinous spaces.
palpation points are used for testing extension, side­ With the other hand, the clinician grasps the patient
flexion, rotation, and respiration . and applies a gentle anterior-posterior force, producing
Combined motions are introduced if the planar mo­ a slight posterior glide of the thoracic segments (Fig­
tions do not reproduce the symptoms, the scan is nega­ ure 1 6-1 1 ) .
tive, but posterior-anterior pressures reproduce the pain.
Combined motions should be performed remembering Posterior-Anterior Oscillations
that the coupling is determined in this region by the initi­ The patient is seated with the hands behind the neck
ating movement. Rotexion, that is, a motion initiated with and the elbows pointing forward. The clinician stands

FIGURE 16-1 0 Active mobil ity testing . FIGURE 16-1 1 Anterior-posterior oscillations.

behind the patient and, by using the thumb of one hand,

applies a posterior-anterior pressure to one transverse
process while stabilizing the thoracic spine by holding
the top of the con tralateral shoulder with a lumbrical
grip. In this position , oscillatory motions can be intro­
duced by pulling the shoulder posteriorly, while pal­
pating each segment with the other hand and thumb,
feeling for any hypertonicity. This technique can be
modified by having the clinician stand at the patient's
side and in troducing the thoracic motion via the pa­
tient's elbows.
Posterior-anterior pressures can also be performed
with the patient prone, using the heel of the clinician's
hand. Care should be taken to apply the force gently, by
taking up the slack, and then applying the overpressure
along the plane of the join t, perpendicular to the thoracic
More specific segmental motion tests, incorporating
symmetrical or asymmetrical motions, can be added in the
form of passive physiologic intervertebral articular mobility
(PPAIVM ) tests.
FIGURE 16-12 Seated techniques to correct a T4-S flex­
ion hypomobil ity.

P ass ive Phys iol ogic Intervertebral

Articul a r Mobil ity For example, with a left flexion hypomobility at T4-5,
the c1i ician flexes, right side-flexes, and right rotates the
If the gross physiologic range was found to be re­
patient to the motion barrier of the restricted quadrant.
stricted, the arthrokinematics need to be assessed to deter­
Using a thumb, the clinician pushes the left transverse
mine if tile hypomobility is articular or extra-articular ( my­
process ofT4 superiorly and anteriorly into further flexion
ofascia I) .
(Figure 1 6-1 2) . The end feel is assessed. The same tech­
If an asymmetrical impairment is suspected, the ap­
nique is employed for the intervention, except graded mo­
propriate segmental quadrant is investigated. In the case
bilizations, or muscle energy techniques are incorporated
of an extended, rotated, side flexed right ( ERSR) , the
at the end range of range.
right joint of tile segment is taken into flexion, left side­
flexion, and left rotation, and its range and end feel as­
Prone Technique. An alternative technique can be used to
sessed for hypomobility. If tllis was found to be normal,
test the superior glide of the right zygapophysial joint at
then the left joint would be taken into flexion right rota­
T4-5 and to determine the ability of the right inferior ar­
tion and right side-flexion and would, thus, be evaluated
ticular process of T4 to glide superiorly, relative to the su­
for hypermobility.
perior articular process ofT5. 47
The patient is positioned in prone-lying and the
Levels T l-4-Unilateral Flexion of Zygapophysial Joints thoracic spine is placed in neutral. The clinician, stand­
ing to the left side of the patient, palpates the inferior
Seated Technique. The patient is seated with their aspect of the left transverse process of T5 with the left
hands clasped behind their neck. The clin ician stands thumb. The right thumb palpates the inferior aspect of
to the side of the patient. While palpating the inter­ the right transverse process of T4. The left thumb is
spinous spaces or the transverse processes of each level used to fix T5, and a superior-anterior glide is applied
with one hand, the clinician wraps the o ther arm to T4 with the right thumb. The quan tity and end feel
around the front of the patient. Crouching slightly, the of motion is noted and compared to the levels above
clinician then places his or her anterior shoulder re­ and below. This technique can be used for all thoracic
gion against the lateral aspect of the patient's shoulder. segments. The same technique is employed for the in­
Side-flexion of the patient's thoracic spine is then per­ terve n tion, except graded mobilizations, or muscle en­
formed. The palpating hand palpates the concave side ergy techniques are incorporated at the end range of
of the curve. range.

Levels T l-6-Unilateral Extension the patient, palpates the inferior aspect of the TS trans­
of Zygapophysial Joints verse process with the right thumb. The left thumb pal­
pates the superior aspect of the right transverse process of
Seated Technique. For example, a right extension hypomo­ T4. The right thumb fixes TS and an inferior glide is
bility at TS-6. The patient is seated with both hands applied to T4 with the left thumb. The quantity and end
clasped behind their neck. The clinician stands to the side feel of motion is noted and compared to the levels above
of the patient. While palpating the interpinous spaces or and below. This technique can be used for all thoracic
the transverse processes of each level with one hand, the segments.
clinician wraps the other arm around the front of the pa­
tient. Crouching slightly, the clinician then places the an­
P a s s ive Sta bility-Spinal
terior shoulder region against the lateral aspect of the pa­
tient's shoulder. Nonspecific stability testing of this area traditionally
The patient is moved to the extension barrier using involved the use of rib springing. The following techniques
extension right side-flexion and right rotation. At this are more specific.
point, the clinician, using a thumb, tests the superior glide
of the left transverse process of TS (Figure 1 6- 1 3 ) , or the Vertical (Traction and Compression )
superior glide of the right transverse process of T6, to test This test stresses the anatomic structures that resist vertical
the inferior glide of the right zygapophysial joint of TS forces. A positive response is the reproduction of tile pa­
into extension. The same technique is employed for the tient's symptoms together with an increase in the quantity
intervention, except graded mobilizations, or muscle en­ of motion, and a decrease in the resistance at the end of
ergy techn iques are incorporated at the end range of the range of motion.
Traction. For the upper half of the spine, traction is
Prone Technique. 47 The patient is positioned in prone applied through the shoulder girdle (see below) and via
and the thoracic spine is placed in neutral to test the infe­ the lumbar traction test for the lower half. If the test re­
rior glide of the right zygapophysial joint at T4-S and to produces the patient's symptoms, injury of the longitudi­
determine the ability of the right inferior articular process nal ligaments may be present or, again, in the acutely
of T4 to glide inferiorly relative to the superior articular painful patient, an inflammation of the zygapophysial
process of TS. The clinician, standing to the left side of joint.

FIGURE 16-1 3 Seated techniques to correct a 13-4

extension hypomobil ity. FIGURE 16-1 4 Vertical distraction stabil ity test.

For the upper-thorax (T I-6) , the patient is sitting with

the arms crossed such that the arm closest to the chest
grasps the scapula. The other arm rests on top of the con­
tralateral shoulder. The thoracic spine is in neutral. The
clinician can use a towel over the transverse process of the
lower segment and his or her sternum. The clinician
stands behind the patient and wraps both of the arms
around the patient, grasping the patient's inferior elbow.
The patient is asked to lean the head back onto the clini­
cian's upper chest area. The clinician pulls up on the pa­
tient's elbow as though attempting to drag the patient up
and off the bed (see Figure 1 6-- 1 4) . This position is main­
tained for about 20 seconds.

Compression. Compression is the more important of the

two vertical stress tests. Stress is applied to the upper half of
the thoracic spine as the clinician leans on the patient's
shoulders (Figure 1 6-- 1 5) . The middle and lower thorax is
tested using the lumbar compression test described as part
of the lumbar scan. Reproduction of the symptoms is con­
sidered a positive test and may be indicative of vertical in­ FIGURE 16-16 C l i n ician hand position for anterior stabil­
stability. Conditions that would produce a positive test in­ ity test.
clude an end plate fracture, a disc impairment, or a
centrum fracture. In the acutely painful patient, a positive
test may result from a zygapophysial joint inflammation. spine during observation. A positive response is the repro­
duction of the patient's symptoms together with an in­
Anterior Translation-Spinal crease in the quantity of motion and a decrease in the re­
This test stresses the anatomic structures that resist ante­ sistance at the end of the range of motion.
rior translation of a segmental spinal unit. Often, the pa­ Pressure is applied by the clinician over the transverse
tient presents with a noticeable "step off" in the thoracic process of the superior bone of the segment of interest. The
pressure will produce an anterior shear force between the
bone an d its inferior partner, and a posterior shear of its su­
perior (Figure 1 6-- 1 6) . Any perceived anterior motion is in­
dicative of instability. An excessive anterior translation of the
T4 vertebra could be due to either an anterior instability of
T4-5 or a posterior instability of T3-4. It is, therefore, im­
portant that the posterior translation is tested, and cleared,
before assessing the results of this test.
With the patient prone-lying, the transverse processes of
the superior vertebra are palpated and the "nose pinch grip"
is used (see Figure 1 6-- 1 6) . With the other hand, the trans­
verse processes of the inferior vertebra are fixed by placing
the thumb and index finger over the righ t and left transverse
processes. A posterior-anterior force is applied through the
superior vertebra, while fixing the inferior vertebra with the
fingers (see Figure 1 6-- 1 6) . The quantity of motion, the re­
production of any symptoms, and the end feel of motion is
noted and compared to the levels above and below.

Posterior Translation-Spinal
This test stresses the anatomic structures that resist posterior
translation of a segmental spinal unit. A positive response is
FIGURE 16-15 Vertical compression stabil ity test. the reproduction of the patient's symptoms together with

FIGURE 16-17 Patient and clinician position for posterior FIGURE 16-18 Patient and clinician position for rotation
stabil ity test. sta bil ity test.

an increase in the quantity of motion and a decrease in the increase in the quantity of motion and a decrease in the re­
resistance at the end of the range of motion. sistance at the end of the range of motion.
The patien t is sitting with the arms crossed, hands With the patient positioned in prone-lying, a transverse
on opposite shoulders. The clinician , standing to the process of the superior vertebra is palpated. With the other
side of the patient, stabilizes the thorax with the ventral hand, the contralateral transverse process of the inferior
hand and arm under or over (depending on the level) vertebra is fixed using the thumb. A transverse-plane rota­
the patien t's crossed arms, while the contralateral tion force is applied through the superior vertebra by apply­
scapula is grasped. The transverse processes of the infe­ ing a unilateral posterior-anterior pressure, while fixing the
rior vertebra are fixed by the clinician with the dorsal inferior vertebra (Figure 1 6- 1 8) . The quantity of motion,
hand. Static stability is tested by applying an anterior­ the reproduction of any symptoms, and the end feel of mo­
posterior force to the superior vertebra through the tho­ tion is noted and compared to the levels above and below.
rax ( Figure 1 6- 1 7) . The clinician palpates for posterior
motion at the segment above the one being stabilized,
which would indicate instability. The quantity of motion, COS TAL EX AMINATION
the reproduction of any symptoms, and the end feel of
motion is noted and compared to the levels above and As mentioned, it is well worth postponing the costal, or rib,
below. The fi ndings from this test should be correlated examination until after the thoracic spinal joints have been
with those of the anterior translation test to determine examined and treated, or the testing of which prove negative.
the level and direction of the instability. Dynamic stabil­ All of the ribs move with complex combinations
ity can be tested by resisting elevation of the crossed of what is often described as "pump-handle," "bucket­
arms. If the segmental musculature is able to control the handle," and/or caliper motion. Pump-handle (anterior)
excessive posterior translation, no posterior translation motion is analogous to flexion and extension, bucket­
will be felt and the instability can be deemed dynamically handle (lateral rib) motion is analogous to adduction and
stable. abduction, and caliper motion is analogous to internal and
external rotation.
Rotation-Spinal The first rib has an equal proportion of pump- and
This test stresses the anatomic structures that resist rota­ bucket-handle motion, while the sternal ribs have a greater
tion of a segmental spinal unit. A positive response is the proportion of pump-handle motion. Ribs 8 through 1 0
reproduction of the patient's symptoms together with an have a greater proportion of bucket handle motion.

P a l pa tion

Surface landmarks can be used to locate the ribs. The

first rib is located 45 degrees medially to the junction of
the posterior scalene and trapezius. Palpation of the first
rib during respiration can detect the presence of asymme­
try. The difference in height between each side will help
determine the cause of the asymmetry.

• If the difference is 3/8 in. higher, a superior subluxa­

tion may be present.
• If th e difference is 3/4 in. higher, a cervical rib may be
• If one side is higher but the difference is less than 3/8
in., a thoracic rotoscoliosis may be present.

The costal cartilages of the second rib articulate with

the junction between sternum and manubrium, or sternal
angle. The fifth rib passes directly under, or slightly infe­
rior to, the male mammary nipples.
To palpate the rib angles of the inter-scapular ribs, the
shoulders are positioned in horizontal adduction. The rib FIGURE 16-19 Patient and c l i n i cian position for position
angles of 3 tllrough 10 can then be felt about 1 to 2 inches testing - costa l .
lateral to the spinous processes.
When palpating anteriorly, on the sternum, an impair­
ment will be highlighted by the presence of asymmetry, and 2. Having the patient actively elevate tlle arm while the cli­
should be compared with the posterior findings. A promi­ nician palpates the intercostal spaces on the patient's
nent \;b angle on the back and a depression of that rib at the lateral trunk, feeling for the ribs to separate with arm el­
sternum would indicate a posterior subluxation, the reverse evation and approximate as the arm descends.
occurring in an anterior subluxation. A rib that is prominent
both anteriorly and posteriorly indicates a single-rib torsion. Passive overpressure is applied at the end of ranges.

1. For rib elevation, the overpressure i s applied by grasp­

Pos ition Te s ting-Cos ta l
ing the patient's arm above the elbow and rocking the
Positional testing of the ribs is performed to assess for arm into hyperabduction for the lower ribs (bucket)
asymmetry. and hyper flexion for the upper seven ribs (pump) .
2. For the lowering and adducting action, the overpres­
Costal (Ventral ) sure is applied via a longitudinal force through the
The patient is positioned in supine and the clinician humerus in the abducted or flexed position in the di­
stands to the side of the patient. Using the index fingers rection of the ribs.
or thumbs, the clinician palpates the ventral aspect of the
ribs at the sternochondral junction (Figure 1 6-19) . The Specific47
superior-inferior, anterior-posterior relationship of the two The following tests are used to determine the osteokine­
ribs, left and right, is noted. matic function of a rib relative to the vertebra of the same
number during active motion.
A ctive Mobil ity Exa m ina tion The transverse process is palpated with the thumb of
of Ribs 2 through 1 0 one hand and the rib is palpated just lateral to the posterior
tubercle, but medial to the angle, with the thumb of the
General other h and. The patient is instructed to forward bend the
Active movements of these ribs can be assessed by: head and/trunk and the relative motion between the u"ans­
verse process and the rib is noted. The same palpation
1. Observing the motion o f the palpating finger over the points are used for testing extension, side-flexion, rotation.
rib angle. This can be done with the patient in sitting During respiration, the posterior tubercle of tlle rib
or supine. should move inferiorly with inspiration and superiorly with

expiration. A detected asymmetry with respiration will not patient's left side , this maneuver produces a congruent
determine the side of the lesion. However, i t is proposed left rotation of the thoracic spine. The clinician applies
that the costovertebral and costotransverse joints move overpressure into further left rotation. Using the MCP of
like a typical bicondylar joint, with a distinctive glide along the index finger of the other hand, the clinician palpates
the axis of joint rotation. Although a differentiation be­ the right costotransverse joints. Each level is assessed by
tween a costotransverse joint impairment and a costover­ pushing the rib anteriorly with the medial aspect of the
tebral impairment cannot be made, both are treated as a index finger. While maintaining the left side-flexion,
unit. the patient is then rotated incongruen tly to the right. At
the end of the available right rotation, overpressure is
applied and the rib is again pushed anteriorly, using the
P a s s ive Articul a r Motion-Cos ta l
medial aspect of the index finger. The procedure is re­
The patient is positioned in prone with the head in peated, initiating with rotation before in troducing the
the hole of the bed and arms by the side. The clinician side-flexion.
spreads the length of his or her thumb along the length of
a rib and places the heel of the other hand over the thumb Costotransverse Joints-Inferior Glide
( Figure 1 6-20) . The rib is now pushed anteriorly and then
an terior-laterally to test the glides of the costovertebral and Levels Tl-6: Example. To test the inferior glide of tl1e
costotransverse joints respectively. The top ribs are pal­ right sixth rib at the costotransverse joint, and to deter­
pated medial to the medial border of the scapular. Care mine the ability of the right sixth rib to glide inferiorly rel­
must be taken with prone techniques to avoid imparting ative to the transverse process of T6.55
too much force. The patient is positioned in prone, with both arms off
Combinations of active motion and passive physio­ the edge of the table and the thoracic spine in neutral. Us­
logic motion can be performed, testing the ability of the ing the left thumb, the clinician palpates the inferior aspect
ribs to perform congruent and incongruent motions. of the right transverse process of T6. The right thumb is
This is achieved with the patient seated and the clinician used to palpate the superior aspect of the right sixth I;b,just
standing to one side. Using one hand, the clinician lateral to the tubercle (Figure 1 6-2 1 ) . The left thumb fixes
flexes the patient's thorax and then side-flexes the T6 and an inferior glide, allowing the conjunct posterior
patient toward them. If the clinician is standing on the roll to occur, is applied to the sixth rib with tlle right thumb.
The quantity and end feel of motion is noted and compared

FIGURE 16-20 Patient and clinician position for

posterior-anterior pressure. N ote the clinician's thumb FIGURE 16-21 Patient and clin ician position to assess
spread along the shaft of the rib. the i nferior glide of the costotransverse joint.

to the levels above and below. A loss of the inferior glide Levels T7 and TIO: At these levels, the orientation of the
would indicate that the rib is held superiorly (inspiratory costotransverse joint changes such that the direction of the
impairment) . The superior rib is treated first. glide is posterior-medial-superior. The position of the right
hand is modified to facilitate this change in joint direction
Levels T7 and TlO: At these levels, the orientation of the
so that the thumb of the right hand lies along the shaft of
costotransverse joint changes, such that the direction of
the rib and fixes the rib. The thumb of the left hand glides
the glide is anterior-lateral-inferior, in more of a sagittal
the transverse process anterior-lateral-inferiorly, thus pro­
axis. The position of the clinician's right hand is modified
ducing a relative posterior-medial-superior glide of the rib
to facilitate this change in joint direction so that the thumb
at the costotransverse joint.
of the right hand lies along the shaft of the rib and assists
in gliding the rib in an anterior-lateral-inferior direction
Costal Sta bi l i ty Tes ti ng
while the left thumb stabilizes the thoracic segment.

Costotransverse Joints-Superior Glide Anterior Translation-Posterior Costal55

This test stresses the anatomic structures that resist ante­
Levels Tl-6: Example. To test the superior glide of the rior translation of the posterior aspect of the rib relative to
right sixth rib at the costotransverse joint, and to deter­ the thoracic vertebrae to which it attaches ( the vertebra of
mine the ability of the right sixth rib to glide superiorly rel­ its own number and the vertebra above ) . A positive re­
ative to the transverse process of T6. 55 sponse is the reproduction of the patient's symptoms
The patient is positioned in prone-lying as above. togeth er with an increase in the quantity of motion and a
Using the right thumb, the clinician palpates the superior decrease in the resistance at the end of the range of motion.
aspect of the right U'ansverse process of T6. Using the left With the patient prone-lying, the contralateral trans­
thumb, the clinician palpates the inferior aspect of the verse processes of the thoracic vertebrae to which the rib is
right sixth rib, just lateral to the tubercle (Figure 1 6-22) . attached are palpated and fixed, preventing any posterior
The right thumb fixes T6 and a superior glide, allowing motion. For example, to test the seventh rib on the right,
the conjunct anterior roll to occur, is applied to the sixth the left transverse processes of T6 and T7 are palpated
rib with the left thumb. The quantity and end feel of mo­ and fixed. With the other hand, the rib is palpated j ust lat­
tion is noted and compared to the levels above and below. eral to the tubercle using the thumb ( Figure 1 6-23) . A
A loss of the superior glide would indicate that the rib is posterior-anterior force is applied to the rib while fixing
held inferiorly (expiration impairment) . the thoracic vertebrae at the transverse processes. The

FIGURE 16-22 C l i n ician hand position to assess the su­ FIGURE 16-23 Patient and clinician position to assess
perior g l ide of the costotra nsverse joint. the anterior translation of the rh rib - posterio r costa l .

quantity of motion, the reproduction of any symptoms,

and the end feel of motion is noted and compared to the
levels above and below. A posterior translation can be
applied by stabilizing the rib with a lateral distraction force
and applying a posterior-anterior force to the ipsilateral
transverse process of the same level and number.

Inferior Translation-Posterior Costal:

Example-Right Seventh Rib55
This test stresses the anatomic structures that resist inferior
translation of the rib relative to the thoracic vertebrae to
which it attaches, including the superior costotransverse
ligament. A positive response is the reproduction of the
patient's symptoms together with an increase in the quan­
tity of motion and a decrease in the resistance at the end of
the range of motion. With the patient positioned in prone­
lying and the clinician standing on the side to be tested,
the contralateral transverse process of the thoracic verte­
bra, at the same level as the rib to be tested (T7 on the
right) , is palpated and fixed with the index finger pad of
one hand to prevent it moving superiorly. With the thumb
of the same hand, the ipsilateral transverse process of the FIGURE 16-25 Patient and clin ician position for anterior­
posterior pressure of the anterior costa Is.
thoracic vertebra at the level above the rib to be tested (T6
on the right) , is palpated and fixed to prevent it moving.
With the other hand, the superior aspect of the rib, of motion is noted and compared to the levels above and
just lateral to its tubercle, is palpated using the thumb below.
(Figure 1 6-24) . An inferior force is applied through the
rib while fixing the thoracic vertebrae. The quantity of mo­ Superior-Inferior Translation and Anterior-Posterior
tion, the reproduction of any symptoms, and the end feel Translation-Anterior Costal
This test stresses the anatomic structures that resist a
superior-inferior translation of the costocartilage relative to
the sternum and the rib relative to the costocartilage. When
the sternocostal and/or costochondral joints have been sep­
arated, a gap and/or a step can be palpated at the joint line.
The positional fi ndings are noted prior to stressing the joint.
A positive response is the reproduction of the patient's symp­
toms together with an increase in the quantity of motion and
a decrease in the resistance at the end of the range of motion.
With one thumb, the anterior aspect of the sternum and cos­
tocartilage is palpated (Figure 1 6-25) . A superior-inferior
force is applied to the costocartilage and rib. The quantity of
motion, the reproduction of any symptoms, and the end fee-I
of motion is noted and compared to the levels above and
below. The technique is modified, except that an anterior­
posterior and posterior-anterior force is applied to the costo­
cartilage/rib to access the anterior-posterior translation.


Following the biomechanical examination, a working

FIGURE 16-24 Patient and clinician position to assess hypothesis should have been established based on a
the i nferior translation of the 7th ri b - posterior costa l . sum mary of all of the findings. The focus of the

biomechanical examination is to elicit a movement diag­

nosis and to:

1. Determine which costal and/or spinal joint is im­

2. Determine the presence and type of movement im­

At the completion of the biomechanical examination,

the clinician should have information concerning the mo­
tion state of the join t and can determine whether the joint
is myofascially and pericapsularly hypomobile, subluxed,
hypermobile, or ligamentously and articularly unstable.


Manual Tech niq ues

Numerous manual therapy techniques are available

to the clinician for this region and the reader is encour­
aged to explore as many as possible. In fact, all of the FIGURE 1 6-26 Patient and clinician position for the gen­
examination techniques that are used to assess joint mo­ eral rib cage stretch .
bility can be employed as treatment techniques. However,
the intent of the technique changes from one of assessing clinician places both of his or her hands under the pa­
the end feel to one where the application of graded mo­ tient's rib cage and then pulls up on the rib cage in an
bilizations or muscle energy techniques is applied at the anterior and cranial direction, into thoracic extension
end of joint range. Manual techniques can be used with (Figure 1 6-26) .
hypomobilities, hypermobilities, instabilities, and soft 3. For bucket-handle motion, the patient is positioned in
tissue injuries. side-lying. The clinician fully abducts the patient's up­
permost arm, grasping it above the elbow. The arm is
Myofascial Hypomobility taken into hyper abduction , tl1ereby fully expanding
These types of hypomobilities respond well to muscle en­ the rib cage on the uppermost side. Muscle energy
ergy techniques and stretching. techniques can also be incorporated. By adjusting the
point of stabilization, this technique can be used to
General Stretching Techniques for the Thoracic Spine and Ribs treat inspiration and expiration restricted impair­
This is an area that is prone to stiffness. There are a number ments. For example, at ribs 4 and 5:
of general techniques that can be used to increase the over­
all mobility of this area. A few of them are described here. • Inspiration restriction-pump handle. The clinician
stabilizes the fifth rib with the heel of one hand while
1. The patient i s positioned i n supine and the clinician moving the uppermost arm into sufficient flexion with
stands at the head of the bed. The clinician rests the the other arm.
heels of his or her palms on both sides of the patient's • Expiration restriction-pump handle. While holding
upper rib cage over the inferior angle of the scapula. the arm in sufficient flexion with one hand, the clini­
The patient is instructed to take a deep breath and cian uses the heel of the other hand to mobilize the
to fully exhale. At the end of the exhalation, the fourth rib inferiorly and distally.
clinician applies a gentle anterior-posterior pressure
to the rib cage. Joint Hypomobility
2. The patient is positioned in supine and the clinician The purpose of these techniques is to be able to isolate a
stands at the head of the bed. The patient elevates mobilization to a specific level, and in so doing:
both arms over tl1e head and he or she reaches around
the back of the clinician's thighs. By having the patient 1. Reduce stresses through both the fixation and lever­
hold onto the two ends of a towel in this position, the age components of the spine.

2. Reduce stresses through hypermobile segments.

3. Reduce the overall force needed by the clinician, thus
giving greater control.

The selection of a manual technique is dependent on

a number of factors including the acuteness of the condi­
tion and the restriction to the movement that is encoun­
tered. If the structure is acutely painful (pain is felt before
resistance or pain is felt with resistance) , pain relief, rather
than a mechanical effect, is the major goal. The manual
techniques that can provide pain relief include:

• Joint oscillations (grade I and II) that do not reach the

end of range. The segment or joint is left in its neutral
position and the mobilization is carried out from that
point. There is no need for, and in fact every reason to
avoid, muscle relaxation techniques to help reach the
end of range.
• Gentle passive range of motion.

Another consideration is whether the restnCtion is

FIGURE 16-27 Patient and cli n ician position for thrust
symmetrical, involving both sides of the segment or asym­
technique at T5-6.
metrical, involving only one side of the segment. It is
unwise to use a symmetrical mobilization for an asymmet­
rical impairment. If the right joint cannot extend and a the clinician 's chest. (It is easier if the clinician turns
symmetrical extension mobilization technique is applied, slightly so that the side of the chest is used . ) The cli­
there is a risk of mobilizing the normal joint, leading to hy­ nician threads his or her arms around the front of
permobility. In addition to this risk, is the technique's in­ the patien t. A stride-stance (one foot in fron t of the
adequacy, as full range extension or flexion can only be other) is adopted by the clinician (Figure 1 6-2 7)
achieved unilaterally. and, while keeping their elbows close together, the
The selection of a manual technique or approach clinician gently rocks the patient backward and for­
also depends on the goal of the treatment. If stretching of ward. After two or three rocks, the traction force is
the mechanical barrier rather than pain relief is the applied as the clinician shifts their body weight from
immediate objective of the treatment, a mobi lization the forward leg to the back, while lifting the patient
technique is carried out at the end of the available range. and squeezing the forearms toward each other.
After this has been gained (and sometimes before and af­ 2. The patient is positioned as in the previous example.
ter) , there is some m inor pain to be dealt with using The clinician stands behind the patient and places a
grade IV oscillations, after which, the joint capsule can be small towel roll at the T5 level. The towel roll is held in
stretched using either grade IV + + or prolonged stretch place by the clinician's chest. (It is easier if the clini­
techniques. Active exercises are continued at home and cian turns slightly so that the side of the chest is used. )
at work on a regular and frequent basis to reinforce the The patient i s asked to cross tile arms over the chest.
reeducation . The clinician reaches around the patient and grasps the
patient's lower elbow in both hands and wedges
Symmetrical Techniques to Increase Flexion at T5-6 the forearm under the infraglenoid tubercle area of the
One of five techniques can be employed to increase flex­ patient's scapula (Figure 1 6--2 8) . The segment is flexed
ion at T5-6 based on tlle stage of healing and other find­ as much as is comfortable and tile upper body is lifted
ings. by a graded squeezing of the arms together under­
neath the scapula. The patient's buttocks should not
1. The patient i s positioned o n the mat table, the but­ be lifted off the bed.
tocks on the edge of the back of the table, and the 3. Longitudinal traction produces a superior glide of the
hands wrapped around themselves. The clinician zygapophysial joint bilaterally. This technique may be
stands behind the patient and places a small towel done with the patient either supine-lying or sitting.
roll at the T6 level . The towel roll is held in place by With the patient supine, grade 1 and 2 techniques are

FIGURE 16-29 Arm positions for patient.

segment is maintained either by the clinician or by rais­

FIGURE 16-28 Patient and clinician position for thrust
ing the table end. A minimum amount of the patient's
tech nique at T5-6. body weight should be resting on the clinician's right
hand to prevent a painful compression against the con­
tact hand. From this position, longitudinal traction is
better controlled and can be applied for pain relief. applied through the thorax, along the plane of the
The stronger mobilizations can be done with the pa­ joint, to produce a superior glide of the zygapophysial
tient either supine or sitting. joint bilaterally. No posterior-anterior compression
The supine technique is performed asfollows:
should occur. This is an arthrokinematic mobilization.
The patient is side-lying, and the arms crossed to The technique can be graded from 1 to 5.
the opposite shoulders. The method of arm crossing
depends on the size and flexibility of the patient. The
larger, heavier, and less flexible patient, crosses the
anns as in Figure 1 6-29A. The smaller, lighter, and
more flexible patient, crosses the arms as in Figure
1 6-29B. The clinician stands on the side of the patient
so that the patient's arm resting on the chest is nearest
to the clinician. With the tubercle of the scaphoid
bone placed against the lateral aspect of the spinous
process, and the flexed PIP joint of the middle finger
placed on the other side of the spinous process, the
transverse processes of the inferior vertebra are
palpated and fixed, blocking the inferior ring com­
plex (Figure 1 6-30) . The other hand and arm lies
across and on top of the patient's crossed arms to con­
trol the thorax. Segmental localization is achieved by
flexing the join t to the motion barrier using the hand
and arm controlling the thorax. This localization is
maintained by having the clinician's body lean on the
patient's elbows as he or she reaches around the neck
and back of the patient and supports the thorax as the
patient is rolled supine or semisupine (only until
contact is made between the table and the dorsal hand;
Figure 1 6-3 1 ) . The thoracic curve above the treated FIGURE 16-30 Hand position for T5-6.

and the thoracic kyphosis of the patient is maintained

(see Figure 1 6-3 1 ) . A minimum amount of the pa­
tient's body weight should be resting on the clinician's
right hand to prevent a painful compression against
the contact hand. Two choices now exist. A mobilizing
force in a superior direction, up the bed, produces a
distraction of the segmen t, whereas a mobilizing force
in a posterior direction, down into the bed, will pro­
duce a gapping of the segment. This is an arthrokine­
matic mobilization . The technique can be graded
from 1 to 5.

Techniques to Restore the Extension Glide

(on the Left) at the T5-6 Level

Thrust Technique. The patient is positioned in right

side-lying, the head supported on a pillow and the arms
crossed to the opposite shoulders. With the tubercle of the
right scaphoid bone and the flexed PIP joint of the right
middle finger, the clinician palpates the left transverse
process of T6 and the right transverse process of T5
FIGURE 16-31 Patient and clinician pre-thrust position. (Figure 1 6-32) . The other hand and arm lies across the
patient's crossed arms to control the thorax. Segmental
An active mobilization assist (muscle energy tech­ localization is achieved by extending the joint to the
nique) may be used to effect a change in the muscle motion barrier with the hand and arm controlling the tho­
tone segmentally. When the motion barrier has been rax. The localization is maintained as the patient is rolled
localized, the patient is instructed to gently elevate the supine only until contact is made between the table and
crossed arms. The motion is resisted by the clinician the dorsal hand.
and the isometric contraction is held for up to 5 sec­ The thoracic curve above the treated segment is
onds, followed by a period of complete relaxation. maintained either by the clinician or by raising the table
The joint is then passively taken to the new motion
barrier. The technique is repeated tllfee times and is
followed by a reexamination of function.
4. In the supine distraction and gapping technique, the
patient is positioned in supine with clinician standing
to one side as in technique 3. The patient crosses the
arms and places the hands on opposite shoulders
(hug tllemselves) , so that the arm closest to them is
closest to the clinician. Rolling the patient toward the
clinician, he or she places the palm side of the right
hand in the classical tripod, or pistol, position (thumb
and index finger extended, with the remaining fingers
fully flexed) , against the patient's thoracic spine, so
that the transverse processes of the caudal bone en­
gage the middle finger and thenar eminence. Thus,
the spinous process of T5 nestles in the space created
by the extended index finger (see Figure 1 6-30) . The
clinician's right hand is held firmly against the pa­
tient's spine as the patient is rolled back over into a
supine position, the body weight being supported by
the left arm of the clinician, which is around the back
of the patient's neck. As such , the patient, and the
clinician 's right hand, are lifted back onto the bed, FIGURE 16-32 Hand position for unilateral thrust at T5-6.

end. From this position, a left side-flexion force (coupled

with a slight posterior glide ) is applied through the tho­
rax to produce an inferior glide of the left zygapophysial
joint. By restoring the joint, or linear glide, the angular
motion will be restored. The technique can be graded
from 1 to 5.
An active mobilization assist (muscle energy tech­
nique) may be used to effect a change in the muscle tone.
When the motion barrier has been localized, the patient is
instructed to gently elevate the crossed arms. The motion
is resisted by the clinician and the isometric contraction is
held for up to 5 seconds, followed by a period of complete
relaxation. The joint is then passively taken to the new mo­
tion barrier. The technique is repeated three times and is
followed by a reexamination of function.

Side-lying Tech nique Using Rotation. The patient is posi­

tioned in right side-lying, the head supported on a pillow
and the arms crossed and hands behind the neck. The cli­
nician grasps tile patient's lower arm with one hand and
supports the patient's elbows on the lateral pelvis (cranial
FIGURE 16-33 Patient and clinician position for seated
side) . With the other hand, tile clinician palpates the seg­
u n i l ateral m uscle energy technique into extension and left
ment to be treated. The thoracic spine is now moved into side flexion.
extension as the clinician rotates his or her pelvis toward
the patient'S head, thereby imparting a posterior force
tl1rough the patient's elbows. Oscillations at the correct direction of the applied resistance is determ ined by the
level can be used. neurophysiologic effect desired from the technique. A
To increase the specificity of this technique for the hold and relax tec hnique applies the principles of auto­
higher thoracic levels, the clinician rotates the patient's genic inhibition and is used primarily for a shortened
shoulder away and extends the thoracic spine to tile cor­ muscle. The necessary muscle is recruited strongly and
rect level. Rotation below the desired level is prevented then maximally stretched in the immediate post-con trac­
from occurring by fixing the spinous process of the infe­ tion relaxation phase . A con tract and relax technique
rior segment. The upper segment is extended and rotated applies the principles of reciprocal inhibition and is
to the point of restriction and is either mobilized directly, used primarily for a hypertonic muscle. The antagonist
or indirectly by using muscle energy. muscle is recruited gently, and the con traction results in
To increase the specificity of this technique for the a reciprocal inhibition of the antagonistic hypertonic
lower segments, tile clinician positions the patient's top muscle . The isometric con traction is held for up to
arm into shoulder flexion, to remove it out of the way, and 5 seconds, following which the patient is instructed to
rotates the patient'S rib cage away. The clinician's contact completely relax. The new extension and side-flexion
with the patient'S rib cage is via the cranial forearm and barrier is localized and the mobilization repeated three
palm of hand. As before, the caudal hand is used to stabi­ times.
lize the inferior spinous process. The reader should be able to extrapolate the neces­
sary information from above to treat an FRSL impair­
Muscle Energy Technique. When the myofascial structures ment.
are thought to be the main cause of the osteokinematic
restriction, the following technique can be useful. The Mobilization and Manipulation of the Fifth Rib
patient is sitting with the arms crossed to the opposite Any one of the following techniques could be used.
shoulders. With the dorsal hand, the in tertransverse
space is palpated. The ventral hand is placed on the Mobilization Technique. The patient is sitting with the arms
contralateral shoulder. The motion barrier is localized by crossed to the opposite shoulders. With the dorsal hand,
extending and left side-flexing the thorax ( Figure 1 6-33) . the fifth rib is palpated. The venu-al hand is placed on the
From this position, the patient is instructed to hold still patient's ipsilateral shoulder. The motion barrier is local­
while the clinician applies resistance to the trunk. The ized by right side-flexing and left rotating the thorax

FIGURE 16-34 Patient and clinician position for mobil iza­ FIGURE 16-35 Patient and clinician position for the rib
tion of the fifth rib on the right. th rust technique.

(Figure 1 6-34) . From this posItIOn, the patient is in­ have to placed perpendicular to tile line of the ribs. Lower
structed to hold still while the clinician applies resistance down the tllOracic spine, the scapula is less intrusive and ei­
to the trunk. The direction of the applied resistance is de­ ther hand placement can be used, although additional
termined by the neurophysiologic effect desired from the support is provided if the fingers are placed along the line
technique . A hold and relax technique is used primalily of the ribs. The other hand and arm supports the patient's
for a contracture d muscle . The involved muscle is re­ thorax. This contact is maintained as the patient is rolled
cruited strongly and then maximally stretched in the im­ into the supine position, only until sufficient contact has
mediate post-contraction relaxation phase . A contract and been made between the dorsal hand and the table. The
re lax technique is used primarily for a hypertonic muscle . thoracic curve above tl1e treated segment is maintained.
The an tagonist muscle is recruited gently. The contraction Specific localization can be used to lock the thoracic spine,
results in a reciprocal inhibition of the antagonistic hyper­ so as to preven t the spine from rotating in the same direc­
tonic muscle. The isometric contraction is held for up to 5 tion. The thorax is axially rotated against the fixed rib.
seconds, following which the patient is instructed to com­ This is a grade 5 technique and minimal force is required
pletely relax. The new motion barrier is localized and the to reduce the subluxation.
mobilization repeated three times.
Muscle Energy Technique to Restore the Posterior Rotation of
Thrust Technique. The patient is positioned in side-lying, the Fifth Rib. When the myofascia is thought to be the
anns crossed to opposite shoulders (the patient's arm that main cause of the osteokinematic restriction, tl1e following
is closest to the clinician is closest to the patient's chest) technique can be useful. The patient is sitting witl1 the arms
while the clinician stands at the patient's side. The clinician crossed to opposite shoulders. With the dorsal hand, the
tucks the thumb of the stabilizing hand onto the palm of fifth rib is palpated. The ventral hand is placed on the pa­
tl1e hand. Maintaining tl1is position, the clinician palpates tient's contralateral shoulder. The motion barrier is local­
just lateral to tl1e rib tubercle, on the rib angle, but not as ized by left side-flexing and right rotating tl1e thorax. From
medial as the transverse process, with the tip of the thumb. this position, the patient is instructed to hold still while the
The fingers of the stabilizing hand are pointed perpendi­ clinician applies resistance to the trunk. The direction of
cular to (Figure 1 6-35 ) , or along the line of the ribs. The tl1e applied resistance is determined by the neurophysio­
first two or three ribs are difficult to access due to the pres­ logic effect desired from the technique. The isometric con­
ence of the scapula and the fingers of the stabilizing hand traction is held for up to 5 seconds, following which tl1e

patient is insu'ucted to completely relax. The new motion Questi ons

barrier is localized and the mobilization repeated three 1 . Given the mechanism o f injury, what struc ture (s)
times. could be at fault?
2. Should the report of anterior chest pain concern the
Home Exercise. To maintain the mobility gained, the pa­ clinician in this case?
tient is instTucted to perform specific mid thoracic left side 3. What is your working hypothesis at this stage? List the
flexion and light rotation frequently (up to ten times, ten various diagnoses that could present with anterior
times per day) . The amplitude of tlle exercise should be in chest pain, and the tests you would use to rule out
the pain-free range and should not aggravate any symptoms. each one.
4. Why did the pain shift from posterior thoracic to
El ectroth era peutic Mod a l ities anterior thoracic?
a nd Physica l Agents 5. Does this presentation and history warrant a scan?
Why or why not?
The manual techniques can be supplemented with the
use of modalities. Heat can be applied to the specific area
prior to the manual technique.
On observation, the patient was a healthy looking male
with no obvious postural deficits. The patient had pre­
• A moist heat pack causes an increase in the local tissue
sented with pain following a specific mechanism of injury
temperature, reaching its highest point about 8 min­
but as the pain had shifted, a scan was considered to be
utes after the application. 56 Wet heat produces a
necessary. A modification of a thoracic and cervical scan
greater rise in local tissue temperature compared with
revealed the following.
dry heat at a similar temperature. 57
• Ultrasound is the most common clinically used deep
• The patient demonstrated full range of cervical mo­
heating modality to promote tissue healing. 5B-60
• The patient demonstrated full range of thoracic mo­
Other modalities include electrical stimulation. For
tion, although overpressure with rotation to the right
the manual therapist, electrical stimulation can be used:
produced the anterior chest pain.
• The slump, neck flexion, and scapular retraction tests
• To create a muscle contraction through nerve or mus­
were all negative.
cle stimulation.
• The neurologic tests were negative.
• To decrease pain through the stimulation of sensory
• Th e compression, traction, and posterior-an terior
nerves (TENS) .
pressures were all pain free.
• To maintain or increase range of motion.
• Anterior-posterior pressure over the right fifth costo­
• To stimulate tissue healing by creating an electrical
chondral joint reproduced the patient's pain.
field in biologic tissue.
• Muscle reeducation or facilitation by both motor and
sensory stimulation.
1 . Did the scanning examinations confirm the working
• To drive ions into or through tlle skin (iontophoresis) .
hypothesis? How?
2. Given the findings from the scanning examination,
Ca se Study: Righ t Anterior Chest P a in61 what is the diagnosis, or is further testing warranted in
the form of special tests? What information would be
Subjective gained with further testing?
A 25-year-old male presented at the clinic complaining of 3. Why did the pain shift from posterior thoracic pain to
pain in his right anterior chest. About 1 month previ­ an terior thoracic?
ously, the patient had experienced a sudden and sharp
pain in his right posterior chest at the mid-scapular level The results of the scan seemed to indicate a costochon­
during a tug of war game at his company's picnic. The dritis of the fifth rib. However, the original mechanism had
posterior chest pain subsided very quickly and did not produced posterior thoracic pain. A biomechanical exami­
bother him for the rest of the game. However, the next nation was necessary and it revealed the following.
morning, pain was felt in the anterior aspect of the chest.
This anterior chest pain eased off over the next few days • The H and I tests for the thoracic spine were incon­
with rest, but recurred as soon as the patient returned to clusive.
weight lifting. • The position tests for the thoracic spine were negative.

• The screening test was positive for a rib impairment • Patient-related instruction. Explanation was given as to
(positioning the thoracic spine in extreme flexion and the cause of the patient's symptoms. The patient was
having the patient take a deep breath in, reproduced advised to continue the exercises at home, up to ten
the pain, as did positioning the thoracic spine in times, ten times per day and to expect some post­
extreme extension, and having the patient take a deep exercise soreness. The patient also received instruc­
breath out. ) tion on the use of heat and ice at home.
• The PPIVM tests for the thoracic spine were negative. • Goals and outcomes. Both the patient's goals from the
• Once the thoracic spine has been cleared, a rib exam­ treatment and the expected therapeutic goals from
ination must be performed to confirm a muscu­ the clinician were discussed with the patient. It was
loskeletal cause for the patient's symptoms. concluded that the clinical sessions would occur 3
• The rib examination revealed that the posterior rib times per week for 1 month, at which time, the patient
joint glides were all full and pain free, except for the would be discharged to a home exercise program.
fifth rib, which appeared to have lost all of its glides. With adherence to the instructions and exercise pro­
gram, it was felt that the patient would make a full
Evaluation return to function.
The patient was diagnosed with a fifth costotransverse
and/or costovertebral joint subluxation, with a loss of
anterior rotation of the rib. The costochondritis probably re­ Ca s e St udy: Bil at era l and Centra l
sulted from abnormal stresses being imparted to this area as U pper T h ora cic P a in
a result of the subluxation and provides a good example of
the silent hypomobile joint producing pain in a nearbyjoint. Subjective
A 30-year-old housewife presents at the clinic with a 3-day
history of constant central and bilateral upper thoracic pain
1 . Having confirmed the diagnosis, what will b e your in­
that is deep, dull and can be felt in the front of the chest
when the pain is aggravated. The pain is reported to be
2. How would you describe your findings to the patient?
worse with flexion motions but is improved with lying on a
3. In order of priority, and based on the stages of heal­
hard surface. Further questioning revealed that the patient
ing, list the various goals of your intervention?
had a history of minor back pain but was otherwise in good
4. How will you determine the amplitude and joint posi­
health and had no report of bowel or bladder impairment.
tion for the intervention?
5. Estimate this patient's prognosis.
6. What modalities could you use in the intervention of Questions
this patient? 1 . What structure (s) could be a t fault with central and bi­
lateral upper thoracic pain as the major complaint?
Intervention 2. Should the report of anterior chest pain concern the
• Electrotherapeutic modalities and thermal agents. A moist clinician in this case?
heat pack was applied to the thoracic spine when the 3. Why was the statement about "no reports of bowel or
patient arrived for each treatment session . Electrical bladder impairment" pertinent?
stimulation with a medium frequency of 50 to 4. What is your working hypothesis at this stage? List the
1 20 pulses per second was applied with the moist heat various diagnoses that could present with central and
to aid in pain relief. Ultrasound at 1 MHz was admin­ bilateral upper thoracic pain and the tests you would
istered to the articulation in question following the use to rule out each one.
moist heat. An ice pack was applied to the area at the 5. Does this presentation and history warrant a scan?
end of the treatment session. Why or why not?
• Manual therapy. Following the ultrasound, general
stretch techniques were applied to the area followed Examination
by a mobilization/manipulation of the fifth rib. The pain appears to be activity related, is of short duration,
• Therapeutic exercises. To maintain the mobility gained, and is nonradicular in nature. Therefore, a thoracic scan is
the patient is instructed to perform specific mid tho­ not warranted at this time. Active motion testing of the
racic right side flexion and left rotation. The ampli­ thoracic spine revealed the following.
tude of the exercise should be in the pain-free range
and should not aggravate any symptoms. Aerobic ex­ • Flexion limited and painful, with a minimal loss of ro­
ercises using a stationary bike and the treadmill were tation and side-flexion bilaterally. Extension appeared
also prescribed. normal.

• The thoracic H and I tests revealed an increase in pain to aid in pain relief. Ultrasound at 1 MHz was admin­
with flexion and side-flexion to both sides, and side­ istered to the articulation in question following the
flexion to both sides and flexion. moist heat. An ice pack was applied to the area at the
• Position testing was normal. end of the treatment session.
• Symmetrical PPIVM tests revealed decreased flexion • Manual therapy. Following the ultrasound, general
at TS-6. stretch techniques were applied to the area followed
• Confirmatory posterior-anterior pressures revealed by a specific mobilization to increase flexion at TS-6.
pain over TS and T6. • Therapeutic exercises. To maintain the mobility gained,
the patient is instructed to perform specific mid­
Questions thoracic flexion. The amplitude of the exercise
1 . Did the active motion confirm the working hypothe­ should be in the pain-free range, and should not
sis? How? aggravate any symptoms. Aerobic exercises using a sta­
2. What information was gathered from the H and I tests? tionary bike and the treadmill were also prescribed.
3. Using the results of the H and I tests, is it possible to • Patient-related instruction. Explanation was given as to
determine the specific segment at fault? the cause of the patient's symptoms. The patient was
4. Given the findings from the biomechanical examina­ advised to continue the exercises at home, up to ten
tion, what is the diagnosis, or is further testing war­ times, ten times per day and to expect some post­
ranted in the form of special tests? What information exercise soreness. The patient also received instruc­
would be gained with further testing? tion on the use of heat and ice at home.
• Goals and outcomes. Both the patient's goals from the
Evaluation treatment and the expected therapeutic goals from
The patient is presenting with the classic signs of a sym­ the clinician were discussed with the patient. It was
metrical flexion hypomobility at TS-6. A hypomobility may concluded that the clinical sessions would occur
present as a bilateral or unilateral capsular, or noncapsular 3 times per week for 1 month, at which time, the
hypomobility, or as a unilateral or bilateral hypermobility. patient would be discharged to a home exercise pro­
If a bilateral arthritis is present, then extension and both gram. With adherence to the instructions and exercise
side-flexions and rotations will be decreased, with flexion program, it was felt that the patient would make a full
being less affected. If it is unilateral, then there will be return to function.
more loss of extension than flexion and one rotation and
side-flexion will be decreased more than the other. A uni­ Ca s e Study: Inters ca pula r Pa in
lateral capsular pattern of the right apophyseal joint will
demonstrate, on position testing, as a large FRSL and a Subjective
smaller ERSR. A 2 1 -year-old female presented with a I-week history of left­
sided in ter-scapular pain that started at work. The patient
Questions worked as a computer operator. The pain was reported to
1. Having confirmed the diagnosis, what will b e your in­ be aggravated by lying prone, deep breathing in, and
tervention? standing or sitting erect. Further questioning revealed that
2. In order of priority, and based on the stages of heal­ the patient had a history of this pain over the last few
ing, list the various goals of your intervention? months but that it had not been as painful. The patient was
3. How will you determine the amplitude and joint posi­ otherwise in good health and had no reports of bowel or
tion for the intervention? bladder impairment.
4. Is an asymmetrical or symmetrical technique more ap­
propriate for this condition? Why? Questions
5. Estimate this patient's prognosis. 1. List the structures that can produce inter-scapular
6. What modalities could you use in the intervention of pain.
this patient? 2. Given the fact that this patient works at a computer,
what could be the cause of her pain?
Intervention 3. What is your working hypothesis at this stage? List
• Electrotherapeutic modalities and thermal agents. A moist the various diagnoses that could present with in ter­
heat pack was applied to the thoracic spine when the scapular pain, and the tests you would use to rule out
patient arrived for each treatment session. Electrical each one.
stimulation with a medium frequency of SO to 4. Does this presentation and history warrant a scan?
1 20 pulses per second was applied with the moist heat Why or why not?

Examination the articulation in question following the moist heat.

Given the postural history at work and the localization of the An ice pack was applied to the area at the end of the
pain, a thoracic scan was not performed. Instead a biome­ treatment session.
chanical examination was initiated with the following results. • Manual therapy. Following the ultrasound, general
stretch techniques were applied to the area followed
• With plane motions, the pain was reproduced with ex­ by a specific mobilization to restore the extension
tension, and with left side flexion glide on the left at the TS-6 level .
• Using the H and I tests, the combined movement of • Therapeutic exercises. To maintain the mobility gained,
extension, left rotation, and left side-flexion repro­ the patient is instructed to perform specific mid tho­
duced the pain racic left side-flexion in slight extension frequently (up
• The PPNM test revealed decreased motion at the to ten times, several times per day) . The amplitude of
T5-6 level into extension and decreased motion into the exercise should be in the pain-free range and should
left side-flexion not aggravate any symptoms. Aerobic exercises using a
• Posterior-anterior pressure over T6 revealed extreme stationary bike and the treadmill were also prescribed.
tenderness • Patient-related instruction. Explanation was given as to
• With the PPAIVM test, the inferior joint glide at the the cause of the patient's symptoms. The patient
TS-6 zygapophysial joint was reduced on the left side was advised to continue the exercises at home, up to
ten times, ten times per day and to expect some post­
Questions exercise soreness. The patient also received instruc­
1. Did the active motion confirm the working hypothe­ tion on the use of heat and ice at home.
sis? How? • Goals and outcomes. Both the patient's goals from the
2. What was the purpose of the H and I tests, if two ag­ treatment and the expected therapeutic goals from
gravating motions had already been found? the clinician were discussed with the patient. It was
3. Given the findings from the biomechanical examina­ concluded that the clinical sessions would occur
tion, what is the diagnosis, or is further testing war­ 3 times per week for 1 month, at which time, the pa­
ranted in the form of special tests? What information tient would be discharged to a home exercise pro­
would be gained with further testing? gram. With adherence to the instructions and exercise
program, it was fel t that tlle patient would make a full
Evaluation return to function.
The results of the examination revealed that the patient
had a unilateral restriction of extension at the TS-6 level
or an FRSR of TS.
1 . T_ F_ The external intercostal muscles run down­
Questions ward and posteriorly.
1 . Having confirmed the diagnosis, what will be your in­ 2. T_ F_ The external intercostals are muscles of exha­
tervention? lation.
2. In order of priority, and based on the stages of heal­ 3. In the thoracic region, in which plane are the facet
ing, list the various goals of your intervention? joints oriented?
3. How will you determine the amplitude and joint posi­ 4. Which are the atypical ribs and why?
tion for the intervention? 5. At a typical thoracic segment, what does the rib articu­
4. Is an asymmetrical or symmetrical technique more ap­ late with?
propriate for this condition? Why? 6. What is the joint where the rib and tlle vertebra meet
5. Estimate this patient's prognosis. called?
6. What modalities could you use in the intervention of 7. Which levels contain the typical thoracic vertebra?
this patient? 8. At the costovertebral joint, where are the demi facets
Intervention 9. Which structures modify and restrict rotation in the
• Electrotherapeutic modalities and thermal agents. A moist thoracic region?
heat pack was applied to the thoracic spine when the 10. Which of the thoracic vertebra is the smallest?
patient arrived for each treatment session. Electrical 1 1 . The typical vertebrae articulate with which two verte­
stimulation with a medium frequency of 50 to 1 20 brae?
pulses per second was applied with the moist heat to aid 1 2. Which ribs demon strate bucket handle movement
in pain relief. Ultrasound at 1 MHz was administered to and which display pump handle?

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15. In the "rule of 3s, " the second set of spinous processes 5. Bradford S. Juvenile kyphosis. In: Bradford DS, Lon­
(T4-6) are level with what? stein JE, Moe JH, Ogilvie JW, Winter RB, eds. Moe 's
16. Which levels are known as the vertebrosternal region? Textbook ofScoliosis and Other Spinal Deformities. Philadel­
17. What are the coupling motions for latexion at the phia: Saunders; 1 987:347.
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18. Down to which level in the thorax can be treated as a A System of Orthopaedic Medicine. London, WB
cervical impairment? Saunders, 1 995.
19. What are the four areas for concern with patient his­ 7. Williams PL, Warwick R, Dyson M, Bannister LH.
tory in the thoracic spine? Gray's Anatomy. 37th ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Liv­
20. With thoracic forward flexion, which motions occur at ingstone; 1 989.
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4. 1 , 10, 1 1 , 1 2 (only articulate with their own vertebra Williams & Wilkins; 1 969.
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5. Two adjacent vertebra and the intervening disc. chanical Approach Delta Publishers, BC, Canada; 1994.
6. Costovertebral. 1 2. Panjabi MM, Hausfield JN, White AA. A biomechani­
7. T2-9. cal study of the ligamentous stability of the thoracic
8. On the centrum. spine in man . A cta Orthop Scand 1 98 1 ;52: 3 1 5-326.
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10. T3. posterior elements in the mechanics of the thoracic
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1 2. Tl-6, pump handle; T7-12, bucket handle. 1 4. Schmorl G, Junghanns H. The Human Spine in
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Chapter Objectives destroyed, a large triangular bone, and two very small
bones. It can only be assumed that some degree of signifi­
At the completion of this chapter, the reader will be able to: cance was given to the large triangular bone as it was
deemed a sacred bone, and was thus called the sacrum. The
1. Describe the anatomy of the vertebra, l igaments, mus­ two smaller bones, were the sesamoid bones of the great toe,
cles, and blood and nerve supply that comprise the but it is unclear what significance was given to these bones.
sacroiliac region. In the 1 7th century, it was theorized by the medical
2. Describe the biomechanics of the sacroiliacjoint, includ­ community that the high infant mortality rate at that time
ing coupled movements, normal and abnormal joint was due to a narrow birth canal, and crude attempts were
barriers, kinesiology, and reactions to various stresses. made to widen the canal.! Not surprisingly, there was no
3. Perform a detailed objective examination of the change in the mortality rate but there was a sharp increase
sacroiliac musculoskeletal system, including palpation in complaints of severe pelvic pain!
of the articular and soft tissue structures, specific pas­ Until the mid-20th century, it was widely believed that
sive mobility tests, passive articular mobility tests, and no motion occurred at the sacroiliac joint, and very little
stability tests. was written about it. This paucity of sacroiliac joint litera­
4. Analyze the total examination data to establis the de­ ture can probably be attributed to an article by Mixter and
finitive biomechanical diagnosis. Barr, 2 which attributed the cause of low back pain to the in­
5. Describe intervention strategies based on clinical find­ tervertebral disc.
ings and established goals. Although mechanical impairments within the pelvic
6. Apply active and passive mobilization techniques, and girdle, and their contributions to low back pain, have long
combined movements to the sacroiliac joint, in any po­ been recognized,3 it was not until about 50 years ago that
sition, using the correct grade, direction, and duration, significant attention was applied to the study of its anatomy
and explain the mechanical and physiologic effects. and function. The pelvic mechanism began to be explor­
7. Evaluate intervention effectiveness in order to ed, and a series of evaluation and intervention techniques
progress or modify intervention. were introduced.
8. Plan an effective home program including spinal care, Grieve4 postulated that this articulation, together with
and instruct the patient in same. the craniovertebral region and the other spinal junctions, is
9. Develop self-reliant examination and intervention of prime importance in understanding the conservative in­
strategies. tervention of vertebral joint problems. Because of its loca­
tion, the joint has a major biomechanical effect on the lower
quadrant, serving as the point of intersection between
HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE spinal and peripheral joints, both of which use predomi­
nantly different planes of motion, witll the former essen­
The pelvic mechanism is the least understood and, there­ tially using only one plane of motion, that of flexion and ex­
fore, the most controversial area of the spine. The air of mys­ tension, and the latter (the hip) utilizing three, including
tery surrounding this region dates back to the Middle Ages, rotation. Thus, the pelvic area must function to absorb the
a time when the burning of witches was commonplace. Mter majority of the lower extremity motion before it reaches the
these burnings, it was noticed that three bones were not lumbar spine. Although its absorbing capabilities cannot


be understated, the pelvic mechanism must also allow for Morphologically, the configuration of the sacroiliac joints
motion,7 particularly during bipedal gait.5 is extremely variable from person to person.9 Structurally,
Isolated pelvic impairments are rare, however, find­ the sacroiliac joint is different from other joints in a num­
ings for them appear to be common. This may be due to ber of ways, and does not appear to be designed to allow
the fact that in addition to producing pain on its own, the for motion to occur because of the following.
pelvic mechanism can often refer pain, particularly from
its surrounding ligaments.6 Despite its unusual shape and 1. It consists of two very incongruent surfaces.
the fact that there are no muscles that specifically move the 2. It is an area with dense ligamentous support.
joint, the sacroiliacjoint is capable of motion.7 3. The presence of an interosseus ligament, normally
found with a syndesmosis.

ANATOMY The iliac joint surfaces are formed from fibrocartilage,

whereas the sacral surfaces are formed from hyaline carti­
The ilium, ischium, and pubic bone fuse at the acetabu­ lage, 10 which is 3 to 5 times thicker than the fibrocartilage. I I
lum to form each innominate. The two innominates artic­ The response of these two surfaces to the aging process ap­
ulate with the sacrum, forming the sacroiliac joint, and pears to differ, with early degenerative changes occurring
with each other at the symphysis pubis.8 The sacrum, a on the iliac surface rather than on both surfaces of thejoint
strong bone located between the two hip joints, provides simultaneously.J2 Other changes also occur with aging as
stability to this area, and transmits the weight of the trunk the joi t begins to develop intra-articular fibrous connec­
from the mobile vertebral column to the stable pelvic re­ tions/3 resembling ajoint of the synchondrosis type. How­
gion. In addition to these more commonly considered ever, even with severe degenerative changes, the joint rarely
bones and join ts, are those of the coccygeal spine. fuses, except in ankylosing spondylitis. 14 Between the sacral
Phylogenically and biomechanically, the innominates and iliac auricular surfaces, the sacroiliac joint is deemed a
are peripheral bones, whereas the sacrum, often referred synovial articulation or diarthrosis. 14
to as L6, is a spinal bone, so that the joint cannot easily The sacrum is a triangular bone, with its base above and
be classified as an axial or appendicular articulation. anterior, and its apex below and posterior ( Figure 1 7-1) .

Sup. articular

Superior articular





FIGURE 17-1 Sacrum.


Five centra fuse to for m the central part of the Each of these varian ts can alter the function of the pelvis
sacrum, which contains remnants of the intervertebral and its influence on the lumbar lordosis. 22
discs enclosed by bone. The transverse processes of the The sacral promontory is formed by the ventral pro­
first sacral vertebrae fuse with the costal elements to jection from the base of the sacrum (see Figure 1 7- 1 ) . The
form the alae and lateral masses. Anatomic studies of superior articular processes, which are concave and ori­
this join t reveal differences between the gender in terms ented posterior-medial, extend upward from the base, to
of morphology and mobility. 1 5 ,!6 These differences are articulate with the inferior articular processes of the fifth
not pathologic, but normal adaptation related to lumbar vertebra. The ala of the sacrum forms the superior­
childbearing. 1 7 lateral portions of the base.
The inverted, L-shaped, auricular, articular surface On the dorsal surface of the sacrum is a midline ridge
of the sacrum is con tained entirely by the costal ele­ of bone called the median sacral crest (see Figure 1 7-1 ) ,
ments of the first three sacral segments. The short ( su­ which represents the fusion o f the sacral spinous
perior) arm of this L-shape, lies in a craniocaudal plane processes of S1 to S4. Projecting posteriorly from this
within the first sacral segment, and corresponds to the crest are four spinous tubercles. The fused laminae of S I
depth of the sacrum ( Figure 1 7-2) . It is widest superiorly t o S 5 , which are located lateral to the median sacral
and an teriorly. The long ( in ferior) arm of the L-shape crest, form the intermediate sacral crest. The sacral hia­
lies in an an terior-posterior plane, within the second and tus (see Figure 17- 1 ) exhibits bilateral downward projec­
third sacral segments, and represents the length of the tions that are called the sacral cornua. These projections
sacrum from top to bottom. I t is widest inferiorly and represent the inferior articular processes of the fifth
posteriorly. On the articul ar surfaces, there are large sacral vertebra, and are connected to the coccyx via the
irregularities on each surface!8 that are roughly, though intercornual ligaments. On the inferior-lateral borders
not exactly, reciprocal, with the sacral contours being of the sacrum, about � in. to either side of the sacral hia­
generally deeper. 1 9, 20 tus, are the inferior lateral angles.
I n addition to the larger irregularities, there are The sacral canal ( Fig 1 7-1 ) , which houses the cauda
smaller horizontal crests and hollows running anterior­ equina, is triangular in shape. There are four intervertebral
posterior. These incongruencies do not form until the age foramen on each lateral wall of the sacral canal (Fig 1 7- 1 )
of 1 1 to 1 5 years and are not fully formed until the late which communicate with the sacral foramina. The sacrum
teens or early adult. has four pairs of pelvic sacral foramina for transmission of
The joint is formed in a "V," with the apex pointing the ventral primary rami of the sacral nerves, and four
an teriorly. The degree of opening of the V is inconsistent pairs of dorsal sacral foramina for transmission of the dor­
between individuals, and even from side to side in the sal primary rami.
same subject. So common are the variants that they have The joint capsule, consisting of two layers, is extensive
been classified as type A, being less vertical than type B, and very strong. I t attaches to both articular margins of the
and type C as an asymmetrical mixture of types A and B . 2! joint, and is thickened inferiorly.


Like other synovial joints, the sacroiliac joint is rein­

Articular forced by ligaments, but the ligaments of the sacroiliac
process joint are some of the strongest and toughest ligaments of
the body ( Figure 1 7-3) .

• A n terior sacroiliac (articular) . This ligament is an

Median crest anterior-inferior thickening of the fibrous capsule,
lar which is relatively weak compared to the rest of the
sacroiliac ligaments. It extends between the anterior
and inferior borders of the iliac auricular surface
and the anterior border of the sacral auricular sur­
face. 14 I t is a thin ligament but is better developed
near the arcuate line and the posterior inferior iliac
spine ( PSIS) , where it connects the third sacral seg­
ment to the lateral side of the preauricular sulcus.
FIGURE 17-2 Lateral view of the sacrum. Due to its thinness, this ligament is often inj ured

Iliolumbar ligament

longitudinal lig.

1----- Promontory
Ant. sacroiliac lig.

Inguinal lig. Supraspinous lig.
Sacrospinous lig. -.l,����­ Short post. (dorsal) sacroiliac lig.

(Cooper's lig.) �-==��",?,.,--- Iliolumbar lig.

(Gimbernat's) lig. * ___ ���_ Post. sup. iliac spine
Sacrotuberous lig.---.../ �-.�·�it::;- Post. inf. iliac spine
Pubic tubercle _____ J �'---- Greater sciatic
Sup. pubic lig.-------J
---- Long post. (dorsal)
Interpubic fibrocartilaginous disk
sacroiliac lig.
Arcuate pubic lig. ______...J '----- :',aC'·OSIJln,OUS lig.

____ Lesser sciatic foramen

----- Sacrotuberous lig.

'----- Ischial tuberosity

'------Falciform process

Post. superficial sacroccygeal lig.

FIGURE 17-3 The l i gaments of the sacroiliac joint.

and can be a source of pain. It can be palpated at is easily palpable in the area directly caudal to the pos­
Baer's SI point[lf3 and can be stressed using the terior superior iliac spine (PSIS) , connects the PSIS
transverse an terior distraction/posterior compres­ (and a small part of tlle iliac crest) with the lateral crest
sion pain provocation test ( see discussion later) . of the third and fourth segment of me sacrum.24 This is
• Interosseus sacroiliac (articular). This is a strong, short a very tough and strong ligament. The fibers from mis
ligament located deep to the dorsal sacroiliac liga­ ligament are multidirectional and blend laterally wim
ment. It forms the major connection between the the sacrotuberous ligament. It also has attachments me­
sacrum and the innominate. Although not officially dially to the erector spinae,25 multifidus muscle,26 and
recognized, it is the largest syndesmosis in the body, the thoracodorsal fascia. Contractions of the various
and functions as the major bond between the bones muscles that attach to it can result in a tightening of me
filling the irregular space posterior-superior to the ligament. The skin overlying the ligament is a frequent
joint between the lateral sacral crest and the i liac source of pain.27
tuberosity. The deep portion sends fibers cranially Directly caudal to the PSIS, the l igament is so
and caudally from behind the auricular depressions. solid and stout that one can easily think a bony struc­
The superficial portion is a fibrous sheet connecting ture is being palpated. The question is raised whether
the cranial and dorsal margins of the sacrum to the il­ the tension of the long ligament can be increased by
ium, forming a layer that limits direct palpation of the displacement in the SI joint and/ or by muscle activity.
sacroiliac joint. The interosseus ligament functions to Nutation of the SI joint appears to induce relaxation
resist anterior and inferior movement of the sacrum. of the long ligament, whereas counternutation in­
• Long dorsal sacroiliac (articular). The long dorsal sacroil­ creases tension. This is in contrast to the effect on me
iac ligament ( long ligament) (see Figure 1 7-3) , which sacrotuberous ligament, where nutation leads to an
increase of tension, counternutation to relaxation.28,29
At the cranial side, the long ligament is attached
'Baer's SI poilll has been described as being on a line from the um­ to the PSIS and the adjacent part of the ilium, at the
bilicus to the anterior superior iliac spine 5 cm from the umbilicus. caudal side to the lateral crest of me third and fourm

sacral segments. In some specimens, fibers pass also to ischium ( Fig 1 7-3 ) . The ligament runs anterior
the fifth sacral segment.25 The lateral expansion of the ( deep) to the sacrotuberous ligament to which it
long ligament in the region directly caudal to the PSIS blends, and attaches to the capsule of the sacroiliac
varies between 1 5 to 30 mm. The length, measured be­ joint.26 I ts anterior surface is muscular ( coccygeus) .
tween the PSIS and the third and fourth sacral seg­ Both the sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligaments
ments, varies between 42 to 75 mm. The lateral part of oppose forward tilting of the sacrum on the hip
the long ligament is continuous with fibers passing be­ bone during weight bearing of the trunk and verte­
tween ischial tuberosity and iliac bone. bral column. They convert the greater and lesser
Since counternu tation increases tension in the sciatic notches into the greater and lesser foramen
long ligament, this ligament can assist in controlling respectively.
counternutation. • Iliolumbar (indirect). For a detailed description of the
• Sacrotuberous (extra-articular). This ligament (Fig 1 7-3) anatomy of the iliolumbar ligament, please refer to
is comprised of three large fibrous bands, broadly at­ Chapter 1 3.
tached by its base to the posterior inferior iliac spine
and the lateral sacrum, and partly blended with the The sacroiliac l igaments work collectively as a force
dorsal sacroiliac ligament. Its oblique, lateral fibers de­ transfer for the hip and trunk muscles, producing innomi­
scend and attach to the medial margin of the ischial nate and/or sacral movements, in response to induced
tuberosity, spanning the piriformis muscle, from forces from the femur and/or vertebrae. They also help to
which it receives some fibers. The medial fibers, run­ prevent the following.
ning anterior-inferior-lateral, have an attachment to
the transverse tubercles of S3, S4, and S5, and tl1e lat­ • Craniocaudal dislocation
eral margin of the coccyx. To the sacrotuberous • Anterior gapping (lateral innominate rotation)
ligament's posterior surface are attached the lowest • Posterior gapping ( medial innominate rotation)
fibers of the gluteus maximus, the contraction of • Hyperflexion (posterior innominate rotation, or nuta­
which produces increased tension in the ligament.3o tion)
Superficial fibers of its inferior aspect can continue • Hyperextension (anterior innominate rotation, or
into the tendon of the biceps femoris.31 This ligament coun ternu tation )
appears to play a significant role in stabilizing against
nutation (forward rotation) of tl1e sacrum, and coun­
Pubic Symphysis
teracting against the dorsal and cranial migration of
the sacral apex during weight bearing. The pubic symphysis is classified as a symphysis as it has
• Sacrospinous (extra-articular). Thinner than the sacro­ no synovial tissue or fluid and contains a fibrocartilaginous
tuberous ligament, this triangular ligament extends disc ( Figure 1 7-4) . The bone surfaces of the joint are
from the ischial spine to the lateral margins of the covered with hyaline cartilage, but are kept apart by the
sacrum and coccyx, and laterally to the spine of the presence of the disc.

Linea alba

Pyramidalis m.

Lig. of muscle
Sup. pubic lig.
------ Anterior lig.

__--- Arcuate lig.

--- Articular cavity

Interpubic fibrocartilage
Arcuate pubic lig.

FIGURE 17-4 Pubic symphysis.


The supporting ligaments of this joint are32: joint dysfunction.34,35 The piriformis has been implicated as
the source for a number of conditions in this area.
• The superior pubic ligament, a thick fibrous band.
• The inferior arcuate ligament, which attaches to the in­ • En trapment neuropathies of the sciatic nerve
ferior pubic rami bilaterally, and blends with the disc. • Trigger points36
• The posterior pubic ligament, a membranous struc­ • Piriformis syndrome37
ture that blends with the adjacent periosteum.
• The anterior pubic ligament, a very thick band that Multifidus
contains both transverse and oblique fibers. The anatomy of the multifidus muscle is discussed in
Chapter 13. Some of the deepest fibers of the multifidus
attach to the capsules of the zygapophyseal joints,38 and
are located close to the centers of rotation for spinal
The impression often given is that muscular control of motion. They connect the adjacent vertebra at appropri­
this joint is either nonexistent, or of no significance. How­ ate angles and their geometry remains fairly constant
ever, Lee33 lists 35 muscles that attach directly to the through a range of postures, thereby enhancing spinal
sacrum and/or innominate (Table 1 7- 1 ) . stability.39
A muscle attaching to a bone has the potential for
moving that bone, although the degree of potential varies. Erector Spinae
The muscles around the pelvis can probably be involved di­ For a detailed description of the anatomy of the erector
rectly or indirectly in providing stability to the sacroiliac spinae, please refer to Chapter 13. Through its extending
joint. Six of the previously listed muscles attach to both the effect on the spine and its substantial sacral attachments, it
sacrum and the innominate and, therefore, have potential might be thought to promote sacral nutation, although
to produce movement at the sacroiliac joint. this has not been proven.

Piriformis Gluteus Maximus

The piriformis aIises from t11e antelior aspect of the S2, S3, This is one of the strongest muscles in the body, It arises
and S4 segments of the sacrum, as well as the capsule of the from the posterior gluteal line of the innominate; the dor­
sacroiliac join t, and the an terior aspect of the posteIior infe­ sum of the lower lateral sacrum and coccyx; the aponeuro­
rior iliac spine of the ilium. I t exits from the pelvis via the sis of erector spinae muscle, the sacrotuberous ligament,
greater sciatic foramen, before attaching to the greater the superficial laminae of the posterior thoracodorsal fas­
trochanter of the femur. The muscle is as close to a prime cia, and the fascia covering the gluteus medius muscle; be­
mover of the sacrum as any. It mainly functions to produces fore attaching to the gluteal tuberosity, In the pelvis, it
external rotation and abduction of the femur, but is also blends with the ipsilateral multifidus, through the raphe of
thought to function as an internal rotator of the hip if the the thoracodorsal fascia,26 and the contralateral latissimus
hip joint is flexed beyond 90 degrees. I t also helps to stabilize dorsi, through the superficial laminae of the t1lOracodor­
the sacroiliac joint, although too much tension from it can sal fascia.4o Some of its fibers attach to the sacrotuberous
restrict motion. The increased tension usually results from SI ligament. When these fibers contract, tension in the sacro­
tuberous ligament is increased.41


SACRUM, ILI UM, O R BOTH Arises from the iliac fossa, the ventral sacroiliac ligament,
and the inferior fibers of the iliolumbar ligament,42 in ad­
Latissimus dorsi External oblique Adductor magnus
Erector spinae Internal oblique Rectus femoris dition to the lateral aspect of the sacrum. As it travels dis­
Semimembranosus Transversus Quadratus lumborum tally, its fibers merge with the lateral aspect of the psoas
Semitendinosus abdominis Pectineus tendon, and onto the lesser trochanter of the femur, send­
Biceps femoris Rectus abdominis Psoas minor
ing some fibers to the hip joint capsule as it passes.
Sartorius Pyramidalis Adductor brevis
Inferior gamellus Gluteus minimus Adductor longus
Multifidus Gluteus medius Levator ani Coccygeus
Obturator internus Gluteus maximus Sphincter urethrae The coccygeus arises from the pelvic surface of the ischial
Obturator externus Quadratus femoris Superficial transverse spine and sacrospinous ligament and inserts on the coccyx
Piriformis Superior gemellus perineal margin and side of the lowest segment of the sacrum.
Tensor fascia lata Gracilis Ischiocavernous
Supplied by the muscular branches of the pudendal
Iliacus Coccygeus
plexus, it functions to pull forward and support the coccyx.

The latissimus dorsi muscle is linked to this area

through its attachment to the thoracolumbar fascia, where
it attaches to the contralateral gluteus maximus. The latis­
simus dorsi and the gluteus maximus appear to function in
concert during trunk rotation.41
The biceps femoris muscle, as has been mentioned,
functions as a tensor of the sacrotuberous ligament. Its im­
portance in relation to gait is discussed later.


It remains unclear precisely how the anterior and pos­

terior aspects of the sacroiliac joint are innervated,43 al­
though the anterior portion of the joint likely receives in­
nervation from the posterior rami of the L2-S2 roots.
Contribution from these root levels is highly variable and
may differ among the joints of given individuals.44 Addi­
tional innervation to the anterior joint may arise directly FIGURE 17-5 Sacral nutation.
from tlle obturator nerve, superior gluteal nerve, and/or
lumbosacral trunk.45.46 The posterior portion of the joint is
innervated by the posterior rami of L4-S3,47.48 with a par­ • The fibrocartilaginous surface of the innominate
ticular contribution from SI and S2.48 An additional auto­ facets, which are deformable, especially during weight
nomic component of the joint's innervation furtller in­ bearing, when the surfaces are forced together.
creases the complexity of its neural supply, and likely adds • The pubic symphysis. If the in nominates are moving at
to the variability of pain referral patterns.45 It is the joint's the sacroiliac joint, then they must also be moving at
highly variable and complex innervation that produces a their anterior junction, which would allow for an im­
very diffuse pattern of pain referral from this area.4� mediate, and almost perfect, reciprocal motion.

A model of pelvic mechanics developed by IIIi5G is still

BIOMECHANICS regarded by many as the most complete. He proposed that
the sacroiliac joint is most active during locomotion, with
There is very little agreement, either among disciplines, or movement occurring mainly in the oblique sagittal plane.
even within disciplines, about the biomechanics of the In this proposal, each sacroiliac join t goes through two full
pelvic complex. There have been periods where the joint is
considered the cause of almost all low back and leg pain,
and other times where it is only a problem in pregnancy.
The results from the numerous studies on mobility of
the sacroiliac joint have led to a variety of different hy­
potheses and models of pelvic mechanics over the years.50
Although sacroiliac joint mobility is, under normal cir­
cumstances, very limited, movement has been demon­
strated.51 .52 I n a more recent study of cadavers, Smidt and
colleagues reported that extreme hip positions are neces­
sary to appreciate full sacroiliac joint motion, which can be
as high as 1 5 degrees in the sagittal plane.53
Other studies h ave demonstrated that small move­
ments, especially nutation and counternutation, do occur
at the sacroiliac joint (Figure 1 7-5 and 1 7-6) .54.55
It is likely tllat the movement of the pelvis is in the na­
ture of "squishing," with the pelvic ring deforming in re­
sponse to body weight and ground-reaction forces, with the
motion occurring being similar to that which occurs at a syn­
desmosis. This motion is facilitated by a number of features. FIGURE 17-6 Sacral counternutation.

cycles of alternating flexion and extension during gait,

with the motion at onejoint mirrored by the motion at the
opposing joint. He suggests that as one innominate flexes,
the ipsilateral sacral base moves anterior and inferior, and
as the other innominate extends, the sacral base on that
side moves posterior and superior. If the described actions "

of the sacrum are visualized as one continuous motion, it /

can be viewed as an oblique and horizontal figure of eight. I
He further postulates that alternating movements of flex­ )

ion act through the iliolumbar ligament to dampen mo­ I

tion at L5, and hence the whole spine.57 As the ilium moves I I
\ f
posteriorly, L5 is pulled posteriorly and inferiorly through 1/
tension in the iliolumbar ligament, and the rest of the lum­

bar spine undergoes coupled motion in slight rotation and
lateral flexion (type I motion) .
The following section, mainly from the work of VIe em­
ing25 and Lee,33 describes the current status concerning
both the known and the proposed biomechanics of the
FIGURE 17-7 Anterior rotation of the innominate.
pelvic girdle and incorporates the findings of research and
clinical impressions.
It appears that when the sacrum nutates, or flexes, rel­ longer length of the "L," and superiorly up the short
ative to the innominate, a linear glide occurs between the length of the "L" of the sacroiliacjoint, in exactly the same
two surfaces. The articular surface of the sacroiliac joint is way as it occurs during nutation of the sacrum.
L-shaped with the two lengths perpendicular to each other
(see Figure 17-2). The shorter of the two lengths, level Form Closure and Force Closure
with SI, lies in a vertical plane, whereas the longer length, Snijders60 and Vleeming'5.'7 coined the terms form closure
spanning S2-4, lies in an anterior-posterior plane. and force closure to describe the passive and active forces
During sacral nutation (see Figure 17-5), the sacrum that help to stabilize the pelvis and the sacroiliac joint.
glides inferiorly down the short length and posteriorly Form closure refers to a state of stability within the pelvic
along the long length. This motion is resisted by a number mechanism, with the degree of stability dependent upon
of factors that include: its anatomy, with no need for extra forces to maintain the
stable state of the system.59 The following anatomic struc­
• The wedge shape of the sacrum tures assist with the form closure.
• The ridges and depressions of the articular surfaces
• The friction coefficient of the joint surface
• The integrity of the interosseous and sacrotuberous
ligaments, supported by the muscles that insert into
the ligaments

When the sacrum counternutates, or extends (see

Figure 17-6), the sacrum glides anteriorly along the
longer length and superiorly up the shorter length. This -'
motion is resisted by the long dorsal sacroiliac ligament,25 /
which is supported by the contraction of the multifidus. I
Innominate motion is induced by hip motion, as in ex­ I I
tension of the lower extremity, or during trunk motion \ I
\ I
when bending forward at the waist. When the i nnominate f
rotates anteriorly (Figure 17-7), it glides i nferiorly down I I
the short length of the "L," and posteriorly along the
longer length of the "L" of the sacroiliac joint, i n exactly
the same way as it occurs during counternutation of the
sacrum (see Figure 17-2). When the innominate rotates
posteriorly (Figure 17-8), it glides anteriorly along the FIGURE 17-8 Posterior rotation of the innominate.

• The wedge-shaped sacrum and the friction coefficient • Deep longitudinal. Includes the thoracodorsal fascia the
of the articular cartilage. The incongruent surfaces erector spinae muscles, the biceps femoris, and the
provide resistance against horizon tal and vertical sacrotuberous ligament. This system counteracts any
translation. In infants, the joint surfaces are very pla­ anterior shear (sacral nutation) , as well as facilitating
nar. Between the ages of 11 and 15 years, the charac­ the compression through the sacroiliac joints. As pre­
teristic ridges and humps that make up the mature viously mentioned, the biceps femoris muscle controls
sacrum are beginning to form on the joint surfaces. By the degree of nutation via its connections to the sacro­
the third decade, the superficial layers of the fibrocar­ tuberous ligaments.28
tilage are fibrillated, and crevice formation and ero­ • Anterior oblique. Includes the oblique abdominal mus­
sion has begun. By the fourth and fifth decade, the cles, the contralateral adductor muscles of the thigh ,
articular surfaces increase irregularity and coarseness, and the intervening abdominal fascia. The oblique ab­
and the wedging is incomplete. 14 Both the coarseness dominals, acting as phasic muscles, initiate move­
of the cartilage and the complemen tary grooves and ment6] and are involved in all movements of the trunk
ridges increase the friction coefficient and, thus, con­ and upper and lower extremities, except when the
tribute to form closure.2o legs are crossed.62
• The in tegrity of the ligaments • Lateral. Includes the gluteus medius and minimus and
• The shape of the closely fitting joint surfaces the contralateral adductors of the thigh, which func­
tion to stabilize the pelvic girdle on the femoral head
The integrity of form closure is clinically evaluated with during gait through a coordinated action. These mus­
the long-arm and short-arm shear tests (see later discussion) . cles are reflexively inhibited with an instability of the
Force closure, the need for extra forces to keep an ob­ sacroiliac join t.
ject in place, requires friction to be present.59 The degree
of friction depends on the compressive forces acting It is, therefore, important that the length and strength
through the joint. This dynamic force relies on intrinsic of each of these structures are assessed, as weakness or in­
and extrinsic supports involving the osseous, articular, sufficient recruitment of these systems can reduce the
neurologic, and myofascial systems, and gravity. As men­ force closure mechanism and can lead to compensatory
tioned, the long dorsal sacroiliac ligament25 tightens with movement strategies,53 resulting in a decompensation 111
sacral coun ternutation, or anterior rotation of the innom­ the lumbar spine, hip, and/or knee.
inate, whereas the sacrotuberous and interosseo s liga­
ments tighten during sacral nutation, or posterior rotation Biomechanics of Functional Movements
of the innominate. Vleeming and co-workers found that The biomechanics of this region, involve an integration of
when the sacrum moves towards nutation, the increase in lumbar-pelvic-hip motions.
ligament tension facilitates the force closure mechanism.59
Kinetic analysis of the pelvic girdle highlights two mus­ Forward Bending A combination of anterior and outward
cle groups that resist translational forces and help to pro­ rotation of both innominates results in both posterior supe­
vide stability, the inner unit and the outer unit. rior iliac spines (PSIS) approximating, and moving in a su­
The inner unit consists of the following. perior direction, while the sacrum nutates. Sacral flexion, or
nutation, involves an anterior rotation in the sagittal plane,
• The muscles of the pelvic floor so that the anterior aspect of the sacrum inclines downwards.
• Transverse abdominis If this flexion occurs as part of lumbar flexion, and occurs
• Multifidus sequentially after LS is flexed, it results in flexion of the lum­
• The diaphragm bosacral junction. However, if the sacrum flexes under LS, as
part of an anterior pelvic tilt, then this nonsequential flexion
The outer unit consists of four systems. produces extension of the lumbosacral junction.
After about 60 degrees of forward bending, the in­
• Posterior oblique. The gluteus maxim us, which blends nominates continue to anteriorly rotate, but the sacrum
with the thoracodorsal fascia, and the contralateral no longer nutates, producing a relative counternutation of
latissimus dorsi contribute to force closure of the the sacrum. If the sacrum remains nutated throughout for­
sacroiliac joint posteriorly by approximating the pos­ ward bending, the sacroiliac joint remains compressed and
terior aspects of the innominates. This oblique system stable. If the sacrum counternutates early, as in individuals
crosses the midline and is a significant contributor to with tight hamstrings, less compression occurs and the
load transference through the pelvic girdle during the sacroiliac joint has to rely on an increase in motor control,
rotational activities of gait. making it more vulnerable for injury.

I f the innominate rotates anteriorly, the anterior supe­ vertical orientation. Both hips and the entire pelvis move
rior iliac spine (ASIS) faces in a downward position and, if during these twisting motions. As this motion must also be oc­
rotated posteriorly, a more upward position. Iliosacral flex­ curring at the pubis, the axis cannot run through one or both
ion is movement of the innominate on a relatively fixed sacroiliac joints but through an area within the pelvic cavity.
sacrum, initiated from the lower limbs, as occurs in climb­
ing or walking. If the femur is flexed, the ipsilateral in­ Sacral Torsions and Innominate Rotations
nominate posteriorly rotates while the sacrum rotates to Most of the earlier osteopathic models of sacroiliac joi n t mo­
the same side as the flexed femur. If the femur is extended, tion considered only sacral flexing (nutation) and extension
the ipsilateral innominate anteriorly rotates, and the (counternutation ) , which occurred around four axes:
�� ro� oo � ���� � oo � ��� �
mur. However, if the anterior rotation of the in nominates • A posterior extra-articular axis
is generated by an anterior pelvic tilt on a relatively fixed • An anterior extra-articular axis
femur, the femur is flexed. The converse holds true for • An intra-articular axis at the convergence of the limbs
posterior rotation. That is, if the innominate is posteriorly • An axis with a slide along the inferior limb
rotated or flexed by the femur, the hip is flexed, but if a
posterior pelvic tilt produced the motion, the hip is ex­ In addition, three other axes at S I , S2, and S3 were
tended. Thus, the direction of the innominate rotation de­ proposed to explain respiratory, sacroiliac, and iliosacral,
pends on the initiating movement. motions respectively.
Later theories also included two oblique axes about
Backward Bending A combination of an anterior dis­ which the sacrum rotated in an oblique fashion. These
placemen t of the pelvic girdle and both posterior superior axes were named after the upper corner of the sacrum
iliac spines moving inferiorly. No innominate rotation oc­ from which they emerge. So that the axis running from the
curs and the sacrum remains nutated. superior right corner to the inferior left was termed the
right oblique axis and that running from the superior and
Side-Flexion During right side-flexion, the right innom­ left corner, to the inferior right, the left oblique axis.
inate rotates anteriorly, while the sacrum right side-flexes It was proposed that the innominates rotated anteri­
and left rotates. A ground-reaction force is probably pro­ orly a d posteriorly, depending on the motion occurring.
ducing the motion of the innominate. As side-flexion to A clear distinction was made between a sacroiliac impair­
the right occurs, the right leg takes more weight and is ment and an iliosacral impairment. Despite the obvious
compressed. This downward body-weight force, together fact that the two lesions were describing an impairment at
with the upward ground-reaction force results in anterior the same j oint, the distinction has survived. Part of this
rotation (extension) of the innominate, causing flexion confusion was due to the assumption that the ilium and
of the hip. This hip flexion, together with the flattening the sacrum operated around different axes. What has be­
of the foot and hyperextension of the knee, effectively al­ come clearer over time is that these two structures share
lows the leg 00 shorten in response to these compressive the same axis and that their impairments do not occur in
forces. It is interesting that in nonweight bearing, ante­ an isolated fashion but occur together.
rior innominate rotation results in a leg length increase, By using a simple palpation experiment, it is clear
whereas in weight bearing, an anterior rotation produces that a problem exists with the originally proposed axes
a leg length decrease. In fact, it is the same mechanism in for sacral motion, because if the sacrum is palpated dur­
both cases.64 In nonweight bearing, such as in the long sit ing movement, the axes do not seem to exist.64 For ex­
test, the anterior rotation of the innominate pushes the ample, the sacrum is palpated with the patient seated, so
femur downward. As there is no resistance under the that the movement of the upper left corner and the
foot, and no force to flex the hip, the leg can lengthen, I n lower right corner can be monitored during trunk rota­
weight bearing, ground-reaction forces push the innomi­ tion. The patient is asked to twist to the left. Under nor­
nate superiorly due to the inability of the leg to lengthen mal circumstances, the upper left corner can be felt to
during the side-flexion. move backward while the lower right corner moves for­
ward. This would appear to be backward rotation to the
Trunk R o tation During left axial rotation of the trunk, left, or a Left on Right, using osteopathic terminology.
the right innominate anteriorly rotates, whereas the left H owever, if left rotation is carried out again, but this
posteriorly rotates. The sacrum counternutates at the right time while palpating the upper left and lower right cor­
sacroiliac joint, and nutates at the left. The motion of the ners, it will be fel t that the right upper corner moves for­
innominates during trunk rotation allows the sacrum to ward, while the lower left moves backward. This would
osteokinematically rotate while maintaining a more or less appear to be forward rotation to the left, or a Left on

Left. The sacrum, or any other joint, cannot move using ligament modifying the motion at the LS-S l seg­
two distinct axes simultaneously. The basis for this misun­ ment.66 The lumbar rotation and side-flexion appear
derstanding relates to the fact that the sacrum articulates to occur in an isolated manner, and are out of phase
with both the sacroiliac and lumbosacral joint simultane­ with each other-when the spine is side-flexed maxi­
ously. Although lumbosacral extension does involve ante­ mally, it is rotated the least, and vice versa. This un­
rior inferior motion of the sacral base, the same move­ usual coupling is thought to allow:
ment of the sacrum occurs during sacroiliac flexion, not 1. The facet column o n the nonweight-bearing leg
extension. While it is true that minute motion can occur to function as a mobile adaptor, so that the spine
in either a forward or backward direction due to the is in a loose-pack position at heel strike.
shape of the articular surface, this motion does not occur 2. The opposite facet column to function as a rigid
around a pure axis, oblique or otherwise. As mentioned lever, so that the spine is in a close pack position
previously, forward motion of the sacrum involves an in­ during weight-bearing.
ferior movement of the sacrum along the short length of • The rotation of the pelvis during mid-stance reverses
each L-shaped articular surface, together with a posterior the function of the facet columns in preparation for
movement along the longer length of each articular sur­ propulsion on the weight-bearing limb and the impact
face. The backward motion of the sacrum is the reverse; of heel strike on the opposite limb.
an anterior movement of the sacrum along the longer
length of each L-shaped articular surface, together with Just before the right heel strike and left toe off, the
a superior movement along the shorter length of each i n terosseous ligament and the right sacrotuberous liga­
articular surface. For both sides of the sacrum to move ment tighten. In addition, the biceps femoris67 is also
anteriorly and inferiorly simultaneously, the trunk has to tightened, and this pulls on the sacrotuberous ligament.
be involved with flexion and extension. Trunk motions This increase in tension con tributes to the force closure
that involve rotation or side-flexion will produce a tor­ mechanism while augmenting the form closure mecha­
sional motion at the sacroiliac and lumbosacral joints. nism. The tension in the biceps femoris also increases
These latter trunk motions are involved during the nor­ the tension in the peroneus longus, causing it to fIre,
mal gait cycle. and the fibula head is pulled inferiorly and internally ro­
tated, while the foot is pulled into, and maintained in,
Gait Biomechanics An efficient gait requires, among dorsiflexion. A combination of activi ty, from the biceps
other things, a fully functioning lumbar-pelvic-hip com­ femoris, peroneus longus, and anterior tibialis, produces
plex.35,63 The following describes the gait sequence. With an elastic longitudinal force. At heel strike, this elastic
the right leg in the swing phase from its position of toe-off: force is transferred downward and helps to propel the
leg and foot forward. Just after heel strike, and toward
• The pelvic girdle rotates coun terclockwise in the mid-stance, the fibula moves superiorly and externally
transverse plane, translates anteriorly, and adducts on rotates.
the femoral head. At right heel strike, the right sacral base has rotated
• Posterior rotation occurs at the right innominate anteriorly on the left diagonal axis from a relative position
with anterior rotation occurring at the left innomi­ of Right on Left at toe off, into a Left on Left. The lower
nate. Posterior rotation of the right innominate in­ pole of the left diagonal axis is held by the contraction of
creases the tension of the sacrotuberous and in­ the right piriformis, which pulls the right inferior arm of
terosseous ligament. The posterior rotation of the the sacrum into contact with the corresponding articular
right innominate, produced by tension in the ham­ surface of the innominate. This Left on Left sacral torsion
strings, helps to augment the capacity for hip flexion is a compensation for the left rotation and right side­
and shock absorption at heel strike. The anterior ro­ flexion that occurs in the lumbar spine.
tation of the innominate, on the side opposite the From heel strike to mid-stance, the ipsilateral gluteus
leading leg, is produced by tension i n the hip flexors medius and contralateral adductors are active to stabilize
of that side. the pelvic girdle on the femoral head. During this period
• The sacrum nutates at the right sacroiliac joint and of double support, the lumbar spine is initially in a posi­
counternutates at the left sacroiliac joint.35 Using tion of neutral with reference to side-flexion. However, as
osteopathic terminology, this would be termed a Right the left foot comes off the ground, the pelvis lists to the
on Left rotation occurring at the sacrum. left. This list is controlled by the right hip abductors and
• During this phase of the gait cycle, the lower lumbar left lumbar side-flexors. To compensate for the list, the
vertebrae flex and side-flex contralaterally, adopting lumbar spine side-flexes to the right. The pelvis remains in
the same rotation as the sacrum,65 with the iliolumbar a position of counterclockwise rotation.

During the right single leg stance phase: (major lesions) , and those that can only be diagnosed from
the biomechanical examination (biomechanical lesions ) .
• The pelvic girdle rotates clockwise in the transverse
plane, translates anteriorly, and adducts on the right
Major Lesions
femoral head.
• The right innominate begins to anteriorly rotate rela­ There is an abundance of structures that can produce
tive to the sacrum, and the left innominate posteriorly low back, pelvic, and/or groin pain of a serious nature.
rotates. Listed as follows are some of the more common ones that
• The right sacroiliac joint counternutates, while the should be ruled out before launching into a thorough
left sacroiliac joint nutates. The counternutation oc­ l umbar-pelvic-hip examination. As with the other joints,
curring at the right joint is resisted by the right dorsal the clinician must attempt to link the subjective reports to
sacroiliac ligamen t. a biomechanical cause, and a scanning examination
• The biceps femoris relaxes and the gluteus maximus should be performed on any patient who presents with an
becomes more active.67 Simultaneously, the trunk insidious onset of pelvic pain.
counter rotates and the con tralateral latissimus dorsi
fires.68 The hamstring muscles relax and the gluteus Psoriatic Arthritis
maximus becomes more active. This occurs in con­ Psoriatic arthritis69 is an inflammatory arthritis associated
junction with a counter rotation of the trunk and fir­ with psoriasis. 7o It affects men and women with equal fre­
ing of the contralateral latissimus dorsi. Together, quency. Its peak onset is in the fourth decade of life, al­
these two muscles tense the thoracodorsal fascia, facil­ though it may occur in children and in older adults. It can
itating the force closure mechanism. present in one of a number of patterns, including distal
joint disease ( affecting the distal interphalangeal joints of
In the early stance phase on the right, with the shoul­ the hands and feet) , asymmetric oligoarthritis, polyarthri­
ders in opposite position to the pelvis, the lumbar spine is tis (which tends to be asymmetric in half the cases ) , and
positioned in right side-flexion and left rotation, rotating arthritis mutilans, which is a severe destructive form of
in the same direction as the sacrum. The pelvis now begins arthritis, and the spondyloarthropathy, which occurs in
to rotate in a clockwise direction. At mid-stance on the 40% of the patients, but most commonly in the presence of
right, the pelvis has reached a position of neutral rotation one of the peripheral patterns.69 Patients with psoriatic
in the transverse plane. This motion is controlled by the arthritis are less tender over both affected join ts and ten­
hip external rotators on the right. der points than patients with rheumatoid arthritis. 71
During the late stance on the right leg, the pelvis con­ The spondyloarthropathy of psoriatic arthritis can be
tinues to rotate in a clockwise direction and the lumbar distinguished from ankylosing spondylitis (AS) by the pat­
spine is now in a position of full left rotation and slight tern of the sacroiliitis. Whereas sacroiliitis in AS tends to be
side-flexion to the right. symmetrical, affecting both sacroiliac joints to the same de­
The displacement of the center of gravity is exagger­ gree, it tends to be asymmetric in psoriatic arthritis,69 and
ated when the sacroiliac join t is unstable, and compensa­ patients with psoriatic arthritis do not have as severe a
tion results through a transfer of weight laterally over the spondyloarthropathy as patients with AS. 72
involved limb (compensated Trendelenburg) , thus reduc­ Another articular feature of psoriatic arthritis is the
ing the vertical shear forces through the joint.63 In a non­ presence of dactylitis in 35% of the patients. Patients also
compensated gait pattern, the patient often demonstrates develop tenosynovitis, often digital, in flexor and extensor
a true Trendelenburg to reduce the vertical shear force. tendons, and in the Achilles tendon. Enthesitis is also a fea­
ture of psoriatic arthritis. 70 The presence of erosive disease
in the distal interphalangeal joints is typical for psoriatic
The most common extra-articular feature in psoriatic
Sacroiliac joint impairments fall into the same groups as arthritis is the skin lesion. The majority of patients have
any other joint, that is, the joint can demonstrate reduced psoriasis vulgaris. Nail lesions occur in more than 80% of
motion due to a hypomobility or excessive motion due to a the patients with psoriatic arthritis, and have been found to
hypermobility and/or instability. The findings for these be the only clinical feature distinguishing patients with pso­
movement impairments, as with any other joint, will de­ riatic arthritis from patients with uncomplicated psoriasis. 73
pend on the stage of healing. Iritis occurs in psoriatic arthritis much less frequently than
These impairments can be further subdivided into two in AS. Urethritis and gastrointestinal complaints can oc­
groups: those demonstrable from the primary stress test cur. Other extra-articular features include iritis, urethritis,

and cardiac impairments similar to those seen in AS, al­ poorly understood. The differential diagnosis of groin
though less frequently. 7o pain includes adductor muscle strain, prostatitis, orchitis,
Psoriatic arthritis may result in significant joint dam­ inguinal hernia, urolithiasis, ankylosing spondylitis, Re­
age and disability. 74 iter's syndrome, hyperparathyroidism, metastasis, osteitis
pubis (see later discussion ) , stress fracture, rheumatoid
Reiter's Syndrome and Reactive Arthritis arthritis tendinitis, degenerative joint disease of the hip
This form of artlui tis usually follows an infection of the gen­ bursitis, osteitis, hernias, conjoint tendon strains, inguinal
itourinary or gastrointestinal tract, and manifests at least one ligament enthesopathy, and entrapment of the lateral cu­
other extra-articular feature.69 The association of Reiter's taneous nerve of the thigh.804l2
syndrome and reactive arthritis (RS/ReA) with HLA-B27, oc­ In addition, compression of the anterior division of
curring in 70 to 90% of patients, has been recognized for the obturator nerve in the tlligh has been described re­
nearly as long as the association of HLA-B27 with AS.75 cently as one possible cause for adductor region pain.86
"Reiter's syndrome" refers to the clinical triad of non­ Otller nerve entrapment syndromes have been de­
gonococcal ureth ri tis, conj unctivitis, and arthriti s first scribed previously. The groin area is innervated by tile gen­
described by Reiter in 1 9 1 6. 76 The onset is most common itofemoral or ilioinguinal nerves, which are terminal
between the ages of 20 and 40 years, with males predomi­ branches of the Ll or L2 spinal nerves. Kopell and col­
nantly affected.69 leagues84 described an entrapment neuropatily of tile ilioin­
The arthritis of Reiter's syndrome and reactive arthritis, guinal nerve til at causes groin pain; entrapment of tilis nerve
as in psoriatic arthritis, tends to be asymmetric and there is in­ togetiler with the genitofemoral nerve, which also causes
volvement of the large weight-bearingjoints. The joints of the groin pain, has been treated successfully by nerve section.85
mid-foot, and the metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal Groin pain is a complaint often present in patients witil
joints of the toes, are the most commonly affected. Dactylitis lumbar disc herniation. On questioning, these patients of­
is also a feature of Reiter's syndrome. Reiter's disease is more ten describe tilis pain as a dull ache lying deep beneatil tile
commonly associated with conjunctivitis, urethritis, and iritis skin, which they usually find difficult to localize with any de­
than is psoriatic arthritis.69 A high percentage of patients with gree of accuracy. Although the patient often reports pain
Reiter's syndrome show radiographic evidence of sacroili­ and numbness on physical examination, tile clinician is of­
itis,77 but only a small percentage develop a spondylitis. The ten unable to discern any objective findings, such as ten­
clinical evidence of sacroiliac joint involvement may occur as derness, muscle weakness, or hypesthesia, except perhaps
early as 3 mon ths from the onset of the illness. 78 occasionally a slight hyperalgesia. One study86 showed that
Reactive arthritis usually runs a self-limited course of taking subjective complaints and MRI findings into ac­
3 to 1 2 months, although some patients can continue to count, elderly patients with protruded herniation of the an­
have a chronic indolent arthritis.69,79 ulus fibrosus were considered to be more likely to experi­
ence groin pain, witil the rate of L4-5 disc involvement
Clinical Presentation of Sacroiliac Arthritis being higher than tilat of L5-S1 involvement. These results
support conclusions drawn from a study by Murphey,87
1. Pain: in the posterior aspect o f the sacrum, or groin pain which found that groin and testicular pain are rare with
alone (uncommon) ; radiating to the posterior thigh; L5-S1 disc disease, but are fairly common witll L4-5 disc
Witll walking, either at heel strike or at mid- stance; disease.
which frequently wakes the patient when turning in bed. The posterior anulus fibrosus, the posterior longitudi­
2. Motion: extension is the most painful; Ipsilateral side­ nal ligament, and the dura are innervated by the sinuver­
flexion and rotation less so; flexion least of all tebral nerve, which is considered to arise from the ventral
3. One leg weight bearing and hopping: the patient ramus and me sympathetic u'unk.88 Groen and associates89
stands on one leg and transfers the weight from one reported that the sinuvertebral nerve originates exclu­
foot to another. If no pain is produced, the patient is sively from the sympathetic trunk and its ramifications. If
asked to hop on each leg. If hopping on one leg re­ the sinuvertebral nerve does indeed originate exclusively
produces the pain on the affected side, but is reduced from sympathetic nerves, the lumbar disc would be in ner­
if an SI belt is worn, me test is positive. vated from above the L2 segment.
4. Positive primary stress test (see discussion later and Osteoarmritis of me hip is one of many causes of groin
Chapter 1 0 ) pain in older patients, and it is important to identify patients
with symptomatic OA correctly and to exclude conditions
Groin Pain mat may be mistaken for or coexist witil 0A.90,91 Periarticular
Chronic pain in the groin region is a difficult clinical prob­ pain mat is not reproduced by passive motion and direct
lem to evaluate, and in many cases the cause of the pain is joint palpation suggests an alternate etiology such as bursitis,

tendonitis, or periostitis. The distribution of painful joints is perineal, testicular, suprapubic, inguinal, and postejacula­
also helpful to distinguish OA from other types of arthritis tory pain in the scrotum and perineum. 1 05 Overuse is the
because MCP, wrist, elbow, ankle, and shoulder arthritis are most likely etiology of the inflammation and the process is
unlikely locations for OA, except after trauma. Symptoms usually self-limiting. 105
including prolonged morning stiffness (greater than 1 hour) Osteitis pubis has been likened to gracilis syn drome,
should raise suspicion for an inflammatory arthritis, such as an avu lsion fatigue fracture involving the bony origin of
rheumatoid arthritis. Intense inflammation on examination the gracilis muscle at the pubic symphysis, and occurring
suggests an infectious or microcrystalline processes such as in relation to the directional pull of the gracilis. lOG How­
gout or pseudogout. Weight loss, fatigue, fever, and loss of ever, osteitis pubis does not necessarily involve a frac­
appetite should be sought out because these are clues to a ture. The process could be the result of stress reaction
systemic illness, such as polymyalgia rheumatica, rheuma­ which might be associated with several biomechanical
toid arthritis, lupus, or sepsis. abnormalities.
Typically, osteoarthritis of the hip begins in the fovea Osteitis pubis usually appears during the third and
capitis area of the hip joint, with proteoglycan damage, fourth decade of life and occurs more commonly in
and occurs in three stages. men. 1 07 The pain or discomfort can be located in the pubic
area, one or both groins, and in the lower rectus abdo­
1. Imperceptible cartilage damage o r fibrillation. minis muscle. Symptoms of osteitis pubis have been de­
2. Thinning of the articular cartilage, followed by insta­ scribed as "groin burning," with discomfort while climbing
bility secondary to a buckling of the ligaments, which stairs, coughing, or sneezing.
produces an increase in joint shearing and an early During the physical examination, pain can be elici ted
capsular pattern. This instability is usually the first by havi ng the patient squeeze a fist between the knees with
physical sign. Initially, the muscles limit the motion resisted long and flexed adductor contraction. Range of
into thejoints muscular capsular pattern, which is flex­ motion in one or both hips may be decreased. An adduc­
ion and adduction; extension and internal rotation. tor muscle spasm might occur with limited abduction and
Later on, the fibrosis maintains the capsular pattern. a positive lateral compression test and posi tive cross-leg
3. A decrease in the length of femoral head and neck test.IOB,1 09 A soft tissue mass with calcification, and an audi­
produces a mechanical disadvantage of the muscles ble or palpable click over the symphysis might be detected
resulting in a leg length discrepancy and a Trendelen­ during daily activities. 1 05
burg gait pattern. Radiographic changes occur during Correct examination of this region involves examin­
this stage indicating the presence of osteophytosis and ing the position of the pelvic girdle. The normal position
sometimes ankylosis, and u'action spurs are formed. for the pelvic bowl is 45 degrees in the sagittal plane and
45 degrees in the coronal plane. Pubic motion is assessed
Older people are at high risk for developing disability, by locating the pubic crest and then gently testing the mo­
gait impairment, and recurrent falls.92,93 Difficulties with bility of each available direction.
mobility, gait, upper extremity function, household man­ Dysfunction of this articulation may be primary or sec­
agement, and self-care activities have been associated with ondary and, when present, is always treated first, as a loss
arthritis and joint pain in several studies of community­ of function, or integrity, of this joint disrupts the mechan­
residing older persons.93-95,%-99. 100- 1 02 ics of the entire pelvic complex. The impairment pattern is
determined by palpating the position of the pubic tuber­
Osteitis Pubis cles and correlating the findings with the side of the posi­
Historically and as early as 1 827, this process has largely tive kinetic test (see later) , with the restricted side indicat­
been related to pelvic surgery or obstetrical intervention. 1 03 ing the side of the impairment.
In 1 924, Beer, 104 a urologist, first detailed osteitis pubis in An altered positional relationship within the pelvic
patients after suprapubic surgery. Many theories have been girdle is significant only if a mobility restriction of the
put forward concerning the etiology and progression of the sacroiliac joint and/or pubic symphysis is found. The in­
disease, but the cause of osteitis pubis remains unclear. guinal ligament is usually very tender to palpation on the
Osteitis pubis is seen in athletes who participate in side o f the impairment. It is common to find the pubic
activities that create continual shearing forces at the pubic symphysis held in one of the four following positions.
symphysis, as with unilateral leg support, or acceleration­
deceleration forces required during multidirectional activ­ 1. Anterior-inferior
ities. These include such activities as running, race walk­ 2. Posterior-superior
ing, gymnastics, soccer, basketball, rugby, and tennis. Pain 3. Anterior-superior
with walking can be in one or several of many distributions: 4. Posterior-inferior

Coccydynia i n the normal population typically occur as combina­

Coccygeal pain is a fairly common occurrence. The coccyx tions of innominate rotations and sacral torsions, due to
can move anteriorly or posteriorly. There are a number of the ligamentous relationship that the various joints
ligaments around this area that can become injured and share . It would appear from the anatomy and biome­
these are the following. chanics of this region that the pelvic complex is anatom­
ically and functionally a contiguous circle, or ring, and
Ventral that isolated impairments to this region probably only
occur when a high degree of trauma is involved. With
• Lateral sacrococcygeal less severe trauma, impairments seem to occur in combi­
• Ventral ligament of the coccyx (caudal extension of nations, with an i�ury to one part of the ring having
the anterior longitudinal ligament) repercussions at other parts within the ring. Based on
the biomechanics of this complex, the sacroiliac , lum­
D orsal bosacral, and pubic symphysis joints can adopt one of
four pathologic positions.
• Superficial dorsal sacrococcygeal (caudal extension of
the ligamentum flavum) • One side of the sacrum is nutated while the ipsilateral
• Deep dorsal sacrococcygeal (caudal extension of the ilium is posteriorly rotated. The pubic tubercle is su­
posterior longitudinal ligament) perior on the side of the posteriorly rotated ilium.
• l n tercornual ligament • One side of the sacrum is counternutated while the
ipsilateral ilium is anteriorly rotated. The pubic tuber­
The dominant muscle in this area is the levator ani, cle is inferior on the side of the anteriorly rotated ilium.
which has connections with: • One side of the sacrum is nutated while the ipsilateral
ilium is anteriorly rotated. The pubic tubercle is infe­
• l Iiococcygeal ligament rior on the side of the anteriorly rotated ilium.
• Pubococcygeal ligament • One side of the sacrum is counternutated while the ip­
silateral ilium is posteriorly rotated. The pubic tubercle
Coccydynia tends to occur when the coccyx becomes is superior on the side of the posteriorly rotated ilium.
stuck into flexion with an accompanying deviation . The
causes can be muscle scarring or trauma. The biomechanical examination should determine
which of the four scenarios is occurring. Two syndromes
are recognized, the type I sacral torsion syndrome and the
Biomechanical Lesions
type II sacral torsion syndrome. I I I
Some conditions predispose these joints to isolated
impairments, due to either gross trauma or a lack of in­ Type I Sacral Torsion
tegrity of the joint surfaces and ligamentous support. The left sacral torsion syndrome exists when the anterior
sacrum is held in a left-rotated position and the lumbar
1. Until about the age of 1 1 years, the sacroiliac joint is vertebrae adapt by following the first law of physiologic
quite planar, with very few ridges to provide support to spinal motion and side-flex to the right and rotate to the
the joint. left. I I I A left torsion of the sacrum is defined as an unphys­
2. Due to the release of relaxin during pregnancy, there iologic occurrence. Arthrokinematically, the sacrum glides
is a decrease in the tensile strength of all of the liga­ anterior-inferior along the short length on the right joint
ments in the body. This ligamentous laxity continues and posterior-inferior along the long-arm on the left
to occur for up to 3 months after the pregnancy. 1 1 0 As joint. 1 12 A review of Fryette's laws of physiologic spinal mo­
the pelvic area relies heavily on its ligaments for stabil­ tion2 1 help explain the effect on the lumbar spine when
ity, the area becomes vulnerable to injury, even with the sacrum is held in this unphysiologic position.
minor trauma.
3. Significant high-velocity trauma to the pelvic Law I Whenever the spine moves from neutral , side­
complex, such as that which occurs during a motor flexion occurs before rotation , except during pure flexion or
vehicle accident, can produce a subluxation of the extension. The side-flexion produces a bending movement
sacroiliac joint. about which the rotation occurs. This combined motion is
referred to as latexion, and the side-flexion and rotation
In normal, healthy adults, the pelvic complex is a occur to opposite sides; the vertebral body rotates into the
structure that is not prone to inj ury. Lesions that do occur convexity of the curve. Spinal impairments presenting as

latexion are referred to as type I impairments. I I I Anterior examinations used. It follows that if the examination gives a
sacral torsions are classified as type I impairments. I I I mixed diagnosis, the intervention will have a mixed result.

Law II From a position of full flexion or full extension,

rotation precedes side-flexion when movement occurs OSTEOPATHIC A PPROA CH TO
other than a return to neutral. This combined motion is THE SA CROILIA C JOINT
referred to as rotexion, and the rotation and side-flexion
occur to the same side; the vertebral body rotates into the As mentioned, many of the osteopathic tests have been
concavity of the curve. Spinal impairments presenting as found to have poor reliability and have been poor predic­
rotexion are referred to as type II impairments. I I I Poste­ tors of diagnosis. It is worth spending some time analyzing
rior sacral torsions are classified as type II impairments. I I I these tests and highlighting their shortcomings.
With the left sacral torsion, the sacrum will have moved
inferiorly and posteriorly on the left articular surface, and in­
Positional Testing
feriorly and anteriorly on the right. Relative to the sacrum,
the left innominate will have moved superiorly and anteri­ Positional testing includes palpating tile sacral sulcus
orly, and the right innominate will have moved posteriorly. I I I and contralateral inferior lateral angle (ILA) with the pa­
If the lumbosacral angle is increased, and the iliolumbar lig­ tient positioned in prone-lying, tllen prone on elbows, and
aments have, therefore, become taut, the right iliolumbar finally, in lumbar flexion. In flexion, if the sacrum posi tion
ligament pulls on the posterior aspect of the right transverse is palpated, and the right sacral sulcus is deeper than the
processes of the fifth and, sometimes, the fourth lumbar ver­ left, and the left posterior corner of the sacrum, or the in­
tebrae and they will move with the innominates-superiorly ferior lateral angle (ILA) is more posterior than the right,
and anteriorly on the left and posteriorly on the right. I I I this supposedly indicates that instead of flexing normally,
Applying the second law of Fryette, the vertebrae are now in the sacrum has rotated to the left, and is in either a Left on
a right rotated and right side-flexed position. The lumbar Left, or a Left on Right position . 1 1 3
vertebrae above L5 and L4 gradually counterrotate, produc­ Witll the prone push-up, o r Sphinx test, an extension
ing the appearance of a left convexity. I I I hypomobility will be apparent at the end of range, or earlier.
If the lumbosacral angle is in neutral, with no tension For example, a patient with a right sacroiliac extension
on the iliolumbar ligaments, the fifth lumbar vertebra will (counternutation) hypomobility, demonstrates a deeper
be free to follow Fryette's first law of physiologic spinal mo­ right sulcus and a posterior ILA, as compared to the other
tion and side-flex to the right and rotate to the left. I I I The side. As the spine is extended sequentially, the axis produc­
remainder of the lumbar spine will follow L5, side-flexing ing the rotation is through the hypomobilejoint ( tile right)
to the right and producing a convexity to the left. and must be oblique, as the other joint is unaffected. This is
the right oblique axis. The palpation of me two sacral cor­
Type II Sacral Torsions ners is maintained, as the patient flexes. An increase in sym­
The type II sacral torsion syndrome exists when the ante­ metry mat occurs with flexion indicates an anterior torsion,
rior surface of the sacrum is held in a left rotated position whereas a decrease in symmetry indicates a posterior torsion.
and the lower lumbar vertebrae follow the second law of The problems with positional testing are:
physiologic motion; L5 and L4 rotate and side-flex to the
right. 1 1 1 The clinical appearance of the type II sacral tor­ • Determining whether the asymmetry is normal or
sion is very similar to the acute lumbar disc prolapse, and abnormal.
the subjective examination is often helpful in differentiat­ • Determining which side is asymmetrical.
ing the two (i.e., type II sacral torsion are not aggravated by • Determini ng whether the asymmetry is too asymm­
sitting, whereas the patient with an acute lumbar disc pro­ etrical or not asymmetrical enough.
lapse finds this position intolerable) . This impairment oc­
curs more frequently on the right side.
Standing Flexion Test
The intervention for these scenarios can then be ap­
proached in one of two ways. The standing flexion test has been used frequently to
analyze SI joint mobility, l 1 4 and has been used by most
1. Addressing all of the deficits simultaneously. health professions to determine the side of the impair­
2. Addressing all of the deficits individually. ment. However, reliability studies so far lack sufficient
diagnostic power. 1 J 5, I I 6
Thus far, the success of interventions at this joint has Each posterior superior iliac spine ( PSIS) is palpated
been mixed, due in part to the poor reliability of many of the with a t humb placed on it caudally. Providing that there is

no impairment in the sacroiliac joint or the lower lumbar the limb, it is defined as flexion. Thus, if the apparent
spine, the following is expected to occur. shorter leg becomes longer during the test, the innomi­
nate on that side is held in a posteriorly rotated malposi­
• As the patient bends forward, both thumbs under tion; if the apparent longer leg becomes shorter during
each of the PSIS move cranially. the test, the innominate on that side is held in a anteriorly
rotated malposition.
What appears to be happening during the maneuver The problems with this test involve the maneuver it­
is that during the initial component of trunk flexion, the self. To ask patients who are in some degree of discomfort
sacrum is nutating, or flexing, as the spine takes it in the to raise themselves off the bed from a supine position into
same direction. Between 45 and 60 degrees of spinal flex­ a long sit position without any twisting or use of the anns,
ion, both innominates rotate anteriorly producing a rela­ is unnecessarily painful. In addition, the patient needs
tive coun ternutation of the sacrum, or sacroiliac exten­ 90 degrees of hip flexion and hamstring length for the
sion. A positive finding for this test is: test. As with the standing flexion test, there is no al­
lowance made for the length of the hamstrings and their
• An increase in the cranial migration of the thumb on effect on the results. The long sit test also relies heavily on
one side compared to the other the findings from the standing flexion test, an unreliable
• I n iation of the cranial migration occurring on one test itself.
side before the other

Leg Length Tests

However, it is apparent that the generally held view that
the hypomobile sacroiliac joint is on the side of the poste­ These are usually performed as part of the bony land­
rior superior iliac spine with the greatest cranial movement, mark examination. Anatomic discrepancies in leg length
cannot be correct, as even a fused joint would result in can predispose patients to a pelvic and/or lumbar impair­
the innominate and the sacrum moving together, and the ment. Although not an exact measurement of leg length,
innominate being held down by the sacrum, or at best, these tests can highlight any asymmetries. The chiro­
side-flexing the sacrum upward on that side. The other practor assesses leg length with the patient prone, by ob­
lim itation to this test is that most patients have an equal­ serving the comparative length of the heels or medial
ity of hamstring length between sides, allowing for an ear­ malleoli. If a discrepancy is noted, the legs are flexed to
lier cranial movement of the PSIS on the more flexible side. 90 degrees while maintaining a neutral of hip rotation to
The seated flexion test (Piedallu's sign) is the same screen for a shortened tibia. The leg lengths are then as­
test but with the patient sitting, with his or her legs over sessed with the patient supine, and then again in the long
the end of the table, feet supported. 1 1 3 In this position, the sit position.
innominate motion is severely abbreviated as the sitting All of the tests just described utilize an indirect process
position places the innominates near the end of their ex­ to examine the sacroiliac joint. Given that the sacroiliac
tension range. This is perhaps the more reliable of the two joint appears to behave like other joints in that its motions
tests, but it is questionable how much information it gives are a combination of linear glides and angular motions, it
the clinician, especially as there are more reliable tests that should be assessed like other joints. Combining the find­
can give the same information. ings from static and dynamic tests should always be incor­
porated. Dynamic tests that test the ability of ajoint to per­
form its normal motion are more pertinent than static
The Long Sit Test
tests, which look at landmarks, especially landmarks that
This test has been used to confirm the side of the im­ are either very distal to the join t or prone to the effects of
pairmen t using the principle of rotation . l l 3 Following a muscle imbalances. The tests in the following sequence are
positive standing flexion test to determine the side of the designed to examine the various components of a nor­
impairment, the long sit test is used to indicate the direc­ mally functioning lumbar-pelvic-hip complex. These com­
tion of the rotation that the implicated innominate has ponents include a gait and postural analysis, the glides that
adopted. If, after noting a leg length discrepancy in supine occur along the short and long lengths of the sacroiliac
on the side of the impairment obtained from the standing joint surfaces, the elements of the force and form closure
flexion test, the clinician observes whether the medial mechanisms, and the normal functional movements that
malleolus on that side moves distally or proximally during this complex performs on a regular basis. Although most
the long sit test. Rotation about a coronal axis, whose of these tests have yet to be subjected to rigorous scrutiny
resultant movement leads to an increase in the length of a and scien tific research, they have worked well in the clinic
limb, is defined as extension . If it shortens the length of and are based on a logical biomechanical model.

BIOMECHANICAL EXAMINATION OF THE and i rritability. The following findings would likely be

The biomechanical examination of the sacroiliac joint is • A history of sharp pain awakening the patient from
performed if a diagnosis cannot be made from the scan­ sleep upon turning in bed.
ning examination (Figure 1 7-9) . The scanning examina­ • Pain with walking.
tion, which includes the primary stress tests (anterior and • A positive straight leg raise at, or near the end, of
posterior gapping) , can be used to detect ligament tears, range (occasionally early in the range when hypera­
sacroiliitis resulting from microtraumatic arthritis, micro­ cute) , pain, and, sometimes, limitation on extension
traumatic arthritis, or systemic arthritis (ankylosing and ipsilateral side-flexion of the trunk.
spondylitis, Reiter's, syndrome etc . ) , or the more serious
pathologies grouped under the sign of the buttock. A A positive test is one that reproduces unilateral or bi­
positive test would suggest a high degree of inflammation lateral sacroiliac pain, either anteriorly or posteriorly.33 A
positive test indicates the presence of inflammation, but
does not give any information as to the cause of the arthri­
H isto ry • Scan (including primary stress tests)� Refer back to physician
tis. If either test is positive in the older patient who has re­

DiagnosisAnkylosing spondylitis, arthritis
� No diagnosis
cently fallen, there is a possibility that a fracture of the
pelvis exists. The clinician should also clear the hip joint
before proceeding with an i n depth examination of the

sacroiliac joint, as the hip joint is a common source of
groin and pelvic pain.

H and I and modified H and r tests (rule out L-spine)

Screening tests
A nterior

Landmark and structural palpation
The anterior stress test, also called the gapping test, is
performed with the patient supine with the legs extended.

The test is identical to the one performed as part of the
lumbar and sacroiliac scan (Fig 1 7- 1 0) .
Weight-bearing and non weight- bearing kinetic tests

Long and short ann tests

Positive Negative

Special tests (stress tests - ligamentous and articular)

Working hypothesis

Hypermobility (generally more painful than hypomobility) Hypomobiliry

Stabil ization intervention Mobilize or use muscle energy techniques and

FIGURE 17-10 Patient and c l i nician position for a nterior
FIGURE 17-9 Examination sequence. gapping of the sacroiliac joint.

Posterior relationship, a number of quick screening tests using active

range of motion of the lumbar spine can be used.
The patient is laid in side-lying and the clinician applies
The patient is asked to stand with the feet shoulder
pressure to the lateral side of the ilium, thereby compress­
widtll apart. Crouching behind the patient, the clinician lo­
ing the anterior aspect of the joint and gapping its posterior
cates the sacral sulcus and tile contralateral inferior lateral
aspect (Figure 1 7- 1 1 ) . The posterior and interosseus liga­
angle (ILA) and places a thumb over each (e. g., the right
ments are among the strongest in the body and are not usu­
sacraJ sulcus and the left ILA) . The patient is asked to for­
ally torn by trauma, but may be attenuated by prolonged or
ward bend and then to rotate to the left while forward bent.
repeated stress. This test is less sensitive for arthritis due to
the reduced leverage available to the clinician and, when
• Forward bending combined with left rotation pro­
positive, indicates fairly severe arthritis. This also indirectly
duces a Left on Right motion at the sacrum.
tests the ability of the sacrum to counternutate.

The patient is asked to backward bend and then to ro­

Examination Sequence tate to the left while backward bent.

In most cases, a biomechanical examination of the

• Backward bending and left rotation produces a Left
pelvic joints is of little use if the lumbar spine has not been
on Left motion at the sacrum.
previously cleared by examination or intervention. When
impaired, tile lumbar spine, profoundly affects the positions
The test is then repeated using forward bending and
and active movements of the sacroiliacjoint. However, if the
right rotation, and backward bending and right rotation.
existing lumbar problem is not improving with adequate
This is a good screening test for the overall function of the
intervention, the sacroiliac pathology may be the factor pre­
lumbar spine and pelvic complex, and if negative, would
venting its improvement. In these cases, a sacroiliac joint
indicate that these regions are not the source of pain.
examination prior to clearing the spine is appropriate.
A patient history and a lumbar scan are performed. The
Landmark Palpation
lumbar spine is cleared using the H and I tests, making sure
The palpation of landmarks is an in tegral part of the ex­
that sacraj motion is prevented during the test. However,
amination, particularly for seeking out tenderness, but the
monitoring the sacrum does not preclude the presence ofan
results from these tests should be combined with other ex­
impairment at the lumbosacral junction. Because of tllis
amination findings to formulate a working hypothesis, and
should not be solely relied upon. Various landmarks of the
pelvis are palpated with the patient positioned in standing,
sitting, and prone-lying. Pelvic asymmetry is probably the
norm and so it should not be surprising that the palpation
of landmarks should find so many positive findings. An
altered positional relationship within the pelvic girdle
should only be significant if a mobility restriction of the
sacroiliac joint and/or pubic symphysis is found. There
are, therefore, i nherent problems with the reliance on
static landmarks as the basis for making a diagnosis. I IB

• Determining whether the asymmetry is normal or ab­

normal. It is generally accepted that, except in small
children, a symmetricaJ pelvis is a rare thing.
• Determining which side is asymmetrical. Is the in­
nominate anteriorly rotated on the righ t or posteriorly
rotated on the left?
• Determining whether the asymmetry is too asymmet­
ricaJ or not asymmetrical enough. If the innominate is
anteriorly rotated compared to the left, is it rotated
too much, too little, or just the right amount, when
compared to its starting position? As the starting
FIGURE 17-11 Patient and clinician position for posterior position is not known, then the degree of rotation
gapping of the sacroiliac joint. cannot be assessed.

The following landmarks and structures need to be


• Iliac crest: Typically level with the L4-L5 disc space.

The crest heights should be level (Figure 1 7- 1 2 ) .
• Anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) (Figure 1 7- 1 3 ) . An in­
ferior ASIS relative to the other side may indicate an
anteriorly rotated innominate, whereas a superior
ASIS, relative to the other side, may indicate a posteri­
orly rotated innominate. 1 1 3 In supine, if the innomi­
nate is anteriorly rotated, the leg will be longer on that
side, but shorter if it is posteriorly rotated. I 1 3
• Posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS). Typically located
1 inch beneath the dimples of the lumbar spine
(Figure 1 7- 1 4) . The clinician should hook the thumbs
under the posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS) . A
superior PSIS relative to the other side may indicate
an anteriorly rotated innominate on that side, whereas
an inferior PSIS may indicate a posteriorly rotated
innominate on that side. 1 1 3
• Pubic symphysis and pubic tubercles (lateral to the pubic
symphysis) FIGURE 17-13 Anterior-superior il iac spine heights.
• Thoracodorsalfascial attachments
• Long dorsal ligament
• Greater trochanter patient is positioned in prone and the clinician stands
• Ischial tuberosities and sacrotuberous ligament (medial to the at the patient's side. With the heel of the hands, the
tuberosities). The sacrotuberous ligament is firm on the cli nician locates the ischial tuberosities through the
side of an anteriorly rotated innominate, and taut on soft tissue at the gluteal folds. Then , with the thumbs,
the side of a posteriorly rotated innominate . 1 1 3 The the clinician palpates the inferior-medial aspect of the

FIGURE 17-12 Iliac crest heights. FIGURE 17-14 Poster ior-superior il iac spine hei ghts.

ischial tuberosities. From this point, the clinician

slides the thumbs superior-lateral and palpates the
sacrotuberous ligament. The clinician then compares
the relative tension between the left and right side.
• Sacral sulcus and sacral base. From the posterior inferior
iliac spine, the clinician moves in a thumb's width, and
then up a thumb's width.
• Inferior lateral angle (ILA). Level with the prominent
part of the tail bone.
• The L5 segment. The clinician palpates medially along
the iliac crest. L5 is level with the point at which the
palpating finger begins to descend on the crest.
• L5-S1 facets. These are located half way between the
L5 spinous process and the ipsilateral posterior infe­
rior iliac spine (PSIS) .
• Lumbosacral angle. An increased lumbosacral angle on
one side may indicate an anteriorly rotated innomi­
nate, while a decreased lumbosacral angle on one side
may indicate an posteriorly rotated innominate.
• S2 should be level horizontally with the posterior infe­
rior iliac spine (PSIS) .
FIGURE 17-15 Patient and clinician position for the ipsi­
lateral weight-bearing kinetic test.
Passive Range of Motion
Passive range of motion of the hip, including internal and
external rotation, is performed to help rule out pain re­ hiking or a leaning away from tile tested side. A positive ip­
ferred from the hip join t. silateral kinetic test is observed when the thumb on the in­
ferior aspect of the posterior superior iliac spine moves cra­
Weight-Bearing Kinetic Tests nially instead of caudally, and the patient hikes the right side
These tests were designed to observe the osteokinematics oc­ of the pelvis. When this occurs, an impairment of tile ipsi­
curring at the sacroiliacjoint during patient generated move­ lateral sacroiliac joint or the lumbar spine is presumed. The
men ts. They assess the mobility of the ilium, the abili ty of the left ipsilateral kinetic test examines tile ability of the left in­
sacrum to nutate (ipsilateral test) , and to side-flex (contralat­ nominate to posteriorly rotate, the sacrum to left rotate, and
eral test) . The kinetic tests, as a group, include both weight­ the L5 vertebra to left rotate and right side-flex.
bearing and nonweight-bearing tests. As these movements
are difficult to observe, bony landmarks are palpated during Extension Kinetic Te s t This test serves as a functional
the movements. The tests for the right side are described. mobility test of the sacroiliac joint for the extension ki­
netic test, the clinician palpates under the ipsilateral PSIS
Ipsilateral Flexi on Kinetic Test (Stork Test) The ipsilateral with one thumb, and at the median sacral crest (S2) di­
f lexion kinetic test 1 1 9 assesses the mobility of the short-arm rectly parallel with the opposite thumb (Figure 1 7- 1 6 ) .
of the auricular surface, and the ability of the ipsilateral il­ The patient extends the ipsilateral hip, with the knee ex­
ium to posteriorly rotate. With the patient standing, the in­ tended into varying degrees of hip extension while the cli­
ferior aspect of the right posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS) nician notes the superior-lateral displacement of the pos­
is palpated with one thumb, while the left thumb palpates terior superior iliac spine (PSIS) relative to the sacrum.
the median sacral crest (S2) directly parallel. The clinician Both sides are tested. The right extension test examines
then asks the patient to flex the right hip to 90 degrees the ability of the right innominate to anteriorly rotate,
(Figure 1 7- 1 5 ) . During this movement, the innominate on and the sacrum to left rotate and coun ternutate. The left
the ipsilateral side to the hip flexion rotates backward extension test examines the ability of the left innominate
on the fixed sacrum, and the clinician notes the move­ to anteriorly rotate, and the sacrum to right rotate and
ment of the PSIS relative to the sacrum. To perform this counternutate.
test, the patient has to be able to maintain balance. During The test can be repeated on both sides using hip flexion
this maneuver, the lumbar spine side-flexes contralaterally, and knee extension to assess tile ability of the innominates to
to the side of the hip flexion, and rotates ipsilaterally. Sub­ posteriorly rotate and should confirm the findings from
stitutions to look for during this test include ipsilateral hip the ipsilateral flexion kinetic test.

FIGURE 17-16 Patient and clinician position for the ipsi­ FIGURE 17-17 Patient and clinician position for the con­
lateral weight-bearing extension test. tralateral weight-bearing ki netic test.

The potential impairments within the pelvic girdle, bodies of L5 and above will rotate to the right due to the
which render the kinetic tests positive, include l l ' : influence of the iliolumbar ligament on L5.
When the contralateral kinetic test is positive, the
1. An anteriorly o r posteriorly rotated innominate of the right thumb travels either caudally or it does not move, in­
ipsilateral side (intra-articular or extra-articular in dicating that the sacrum is unable to side-flex.
origin ) . The potential sacroiliac impairments that render the
2. A pubic symphysis impairment on the ipsilateral side. test positive with right up flexion include" ' :
3. An innominate flare on the ipsilateral side.
4. A subluxed innominate on the ipsilateral side (intra­ 1. Left sacral torsion
articular in origin) . 2. Left sacral nutation and flexion

Contralateral Flexi on Kinetic Tes t The contralateral flex­ The ipsilateral and contralateral tests are evaluated on
ion kinetic test' l l evaluates the mobility of the long-arm of both sides for comparison.
the auricular surface, and the ability of the sacrum to side­
flex to the opposite side of the hip flexion. With the patient Nonweight-Bearing (NWB) Kinetic Testsl20
standing, the clinician places his or right thumb on the me­ The patient is positioned in prone. The clinician palpates the
dial sacral crest of the sacrum (S2) , and the left thumb on posterior superior iliac spine on one side and the median
the left posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS) . The patient is sacral crest (S2) , and asks the patient to flex the ipsilateral
asked to flex the right hip to 90 degrees (Figure 1 7- 1 7) . knee. During this maneuver, the clinician should feel an an­
During this movement, the right thumb, on the sacral terior rotation of the innominate (Figure 1 7-18) . The test is
crest, travels caudally initially, as a result of the posterior repeated, except that the patient flexes the other knee. The
rotation of the right innominate, which produces a right clinician should feel a relative posterior rotation of the in­
side-flexion and left rotation of the sacrum (conjunct ro­ nominate during this maneuver. The test is repeated on the
tation ) . At about 75 degrees of hip flexion, all of the other side. The nonweight-bearing ispilateral test examines
available motion of the sacrum is taken up and the move­ the ability of the innominate to perform an anterior rotation,
men t then begins to take place at the righ t sacroiliac join t. whereas the weight-bearing ipsilateral kinetic test examines
The right hip continues to flex, producing lumbar spine the ability of the ilium to produce a posterior rotation.
flexion and left side-flexion of the sacrum on the fixed Although, the weight-bearing kinetic tests demonstrate
right sacroiliac joint. In addition, the lumbar vertebral which movements of the sacrum and innominate are

Short and Long Arm Tests

To confirm the findings in the kinetic tests, the short and
long arm tests, are performed.

Short Arm Tes t The short arm test confirms the findings
of the ipsilateral kinetic tests. The following description is
for a test of the left side of the sacrum.
The patient lies supine with the legs straight, while the
clinician stands on the left side of the patient. The clini­
cian slides his or her right hand under the left side of the
patient's lumbar spine, and palpates the left sacral base
and sulcus with the index and long finger. With the left
hand, the clinician, grasps the anterior aspect of the
patient's left innominate/ASI S ( Figure 1 7-19) . From this
position, the clinician stabilizes the left sacral base and sul­
cus with the right hand, and pushes the left innominate
down toward the bed, using the left. Some motion should
be felt before a ligamentous end feel is reached.

Long Arm Tes t The long arm test confirms the findings of
the contralateral kinetic test. The following description is
FIGURE 17-18 Patient and clinician position for the ipsi­
for a test of the right side of the sacrum.
lateral nonweight-bearing kinetic test. The palpation and stabilization points are as for the
short arm test. The patient's right hip is flexed to about
abnormal, they will not, by themselves, determine the specific 45 degrees with one hand. Using the heel of the right
cause of the abnormality. The sacroiliac joint is presumably hand, the clinician pushes down the length of the flexed
subject to the same types of impairments that affect other femur, while stabilizing the sacral base with the left hand
joints, that is pericapsular, myofascial, or subluxation hypo­ ( Figure 1 7-20) . Again, slight motion should be felt (more
mobilities. The weight-bearing tests highlight any hypomo­ than with the short arm test) before a solid ligamentous
bilily, however, they are much less sensitive for detecting hy­ end feel is reached. There should be no pain.
permobilities or instabilities. If an unstable subluxation exists
(that is, where the subluxation reduces spontaneously) , it will
be discernible as a hypomobility on the weight-bearing tests
when bodyweight subluxes it, but will appear normal with the
nonweight-bearing tests when it is reduced (Table 1 7-2) .
A subluxation demonstrates:

• No motion in one direction, but ful l motion in the op­

posite direction.
• Consistency of the findings between the weight­
bearing and nonweight-bearing tests.




+ + Stable subluxation or
significant hypomobility
+ Unstable subluxation
+ Mild to moderate
Normal or hypermobile or
unstable, but not subluxing
FIGURE 17-19 Patient and clinician position for the short
arm test on the l eft.

FIGURE 17-20 Patient and clinician position for the long FIGURE 17-21 Patient and clinician position for the
arm test on the right. pu bic stress test.

Following the weight-bearning and nonweight-bearing Pubic Stress Testsl20

tests and the confirmatory long and short arm tests, the The patient is positioned 111 supine , an d the cli nician
clinician should be able to determine the following. stands at the patient's side. With the heel of one hand,
the clinician palpates the superior aspect of the superior
• The side of the lesion ramus of one pubic bone, and with the heel of the other
• The type of lesion hand, palpates the inferior aspect of the superior ramus
of the opposite pubic bone ( Figure 1 7-2 1 ) . Fixing one
Having determined both the side and type of lesion, an pubic one, the clinician applies a slow, steady inferior­
intervention plan can be formulated. Ideally, the patient's superior force to the other bone and, noting the quan­
condition can be categorized into one of the following. tity and end feel of motion, as wel l as the reproduction of
any symptoms, the clinician then switches hands and re­
• One side of the sacrum is nutated wh ile the ipsilat­ peats the test so that both sides are stressed superiorly
eral ilium is posteriorly rotated. The pubic tubercle and inferiorly.
is superior on the side of the posteriorly rotated In some cases of trauma, or occasionally with child
ilium. bearing, the pubis can become destabilized. This is a
• One side of the sacrum is counternutated while the ip­ very severe and painful impairment and one that is not
silateral ilium is anteriorly rotated. The pubic tubercle easily missed. The pain is local to the pubic area with the
is inferior on the side of the anteriorly rotated ilium. patient quite disabled with all movements, and weight­
• One side of the sacrum is nutated while the ipsilateral bearing postures are very painfu l . The impairment
ilium is anteriorly rotated. The pubic tubercle is infe­ generally shows up on one legged weight-bearing X-rays
rior on the side of the anteriorly rotated ilium. and often requires surgical intervention to stabilize the
• One side of the sacrum is counternutated while the symphysis.
ipsilateral ilium is posteriorly rotated. The pubic
tubercle is superior on the side of the posteriorly Ligament Stress Tests
rotated ilium.
Sacrotuberous and Interosseous Ligaments The sacro­
However, if the tests just described proved negative, tuberous ligament can be stressed, with the patient in
the source of the lesion lies elsewhere, and further investi­ supine, by flexing the patient's hip to the ipsilateral shoul­
gation is required. der (Figure 1 7-22 ) , thus stressing the ligament and forcing

FIGURE 1 7-22 Patient and clinician position for the FIGURE 17-23 Patient and clinician position for the long
sacrotuberous l i g a ment stress test. dorsal ligament stress test.

the sacrum to nutate. This force is maintained for about Manual Therapy
20 seconds, and any reproduction of symptoms is noted.
This has a very limited place in the intervention of the
acutely inflamedjoint. I n almost every case, the presence of a
Long D orsal Sacroiliac Ligament The patient is positioned
positive primary stress test contraindicates the use of passive
in prone and the clinician stands at the patient's side. With
one hand, the clinician palpates the inferior aspect of the
sacrum in the midline and places the heel of this hand over
the area ( Figure 1 7-23) . The clinician then applies an an­
terior force to the sacrum, thus forcing the sacrum to coun­
ternutate. This force is maintained for about 20 seconds
and the reproduction of symptoms is noted.

Ili olumbar Ligament The patient is positioned in prone

and the clinician stands at the patient's side. The clinician
places a thumb over the transverse process of L5 on one
side, to stabilize against rotation and pull up on the ipsi­
lateral iliac crest, thereby producing a posterior rotation
of the right innominate to stress the iliolumbar ligament
( Figure 1 7-24) . The clinician can also prevent the rota­
tion by placing the thumb against the contralateral side of
the spinous process to the iliac crest being lifted.


A number of interventions for the sacroiliac joint have been

adopted by the various disciplines. These interventions
consist of manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, orthoses, FIGURE 1 7-24 Patient and clinician position for the
modalities, and education. iliol u m bar liga ment stress test.

mobilization or manipulation for that joint. However, mo­

bilization or manipulation of the contralateral joint can re­
duce the stress on the painful and inflamed articulation.
The majori ty of sacroiliac join t im pairmen ts comprise
a num ber of structural changes that occur simultaneously.
These structural changes can be treated individually or as
part of a combined intervention strategy.
Muscle energy (active mobilization) techniques are
most effective in cases of myofascial or mild pericapsular hy­
pomobility, and less useful in cases of very stiffjoints or sub­
luxations. Among the individual conditions that are more
amenable for this type of technique are the following. 1 I 3

• Inferior or superior pubic symphysis

• Innominate flexion hypomobility (anterior rotation)
• Innominate extension hypomobility (posterior rotation )
• Forward sacral torsion ( Left on Left or Right on Right)
• Backward sacral torsion ( Left on Right or Right on Left)

Probably the least used technique in the sacroiliac

joint is passive mobilization, but it can be more specific
FIGURE 17-25 Patient and clinician position for pubic
than muscle energy. The principles of mobilization, that
sym physis mobilization.
pertain to other joints, also apply here.

Techniques to Restore Pubic Symphyseal Inferior or Superior Pubic Symphyseal Joint (Modified
Joint Dysfunction Shot-gun) The patient is positioned in supine, with the
knees and hips flexed so that the soles of their feet rest on
Superior Pubic Symphyseal Joint (Left Side) The patient is the bed. The clinician sits at tile patient's feet and holds tile
positioned in supine near the left side of the bed and with patient's knees together. The patient is asked to try and
the left lower extremity hanging off the edge of the bed. abduct, or open, their legs against tile clinician 's unyielding
The clinician stands on the left side of the patient and sup­ counterforce. The contraction is held for 3 to 5 seconds,
ports the patient's left leg with one hand, and stabilizing and the maneuver is repeated 3-5 times, followed by a
the patient's right ASI S with the other. The clinician slowly re-evaluation.
guides the patient's left leg towards the floor while also Next the clinician abducts the patient's legs, while
slightly abducting it, until the motion barrier is reached. keeping their feet together, and places a forearm between
From this position , the patient is asked to lift their left knee the patient's knees, so that tile palm of the hand is on tile
"up and i n " , against the clinician's unyielding counter­ medial aspect of one knee and the elbow rests against the
force. The contraction is held for 3 to 5 seconds, and the medial aspect of the other knee. The patient is then asked
maneuver is repeated 3-5 times, followed by a reevaluation. to adduct, or close, their legs against the clinician 's un­
yielding counterforce. The contraction is held for 3 to
Inferior Pubic Symphyseal Joint (Right Side) The patient 5 seconds, and the maneuver is repeated 3-5 times, fol­
is positioned in supine near to the right side of the bed. lowed by a re-evaluation .
The clinician, standing to the patient's right, flexes the
patient's hip and knee, and stabilizes the patient's left ASIS Home Exercise This technique can be performed at home
with the left hand, while placeing the closed fist of the using a strap, or belt for the abduction part and a rolled
right hand under the patient'S right ischial tuberosity, towel for the adduction part.
palm side down (Figure 1 7-25) . From this position, the pa­
tient is asked to attempt to straighten their right leg against Techniques to Restore Anterior rotation of the
the clinician's unyielding counterforce, while the clinician Right Innominate
applies a cranial force to the patient's right ischial tuberos­
ity using the right fist. The contraction is held for 3 to Passive Mobilization The patient is positioned in supine­
5 seconds, and the maneuver is repeated 3-5 times, fol­ lying, and the clinician stands on the right side of the pa­
lowed by a re-eval uation. tient. Sliding the left hand under the patient's back, the

FIGURE 17-26 Patient and c l i nician position for passive FIGURE 17-27 Patient and clinician position for active
mobilization into anterior rotation of the right innom i nate. mobil ization of the right innominate into anterior rotation.

clinician stabilizes the apex of the sacrum, and places the hip, while monitoring the right posterior inferior iliac
heel of the right hand on the patient's right iliac crest. Us­ spine and S2 and ischial tuberosity with the other hand,
ing a series of small oscillations, the clinician rotates the until motion occurs. At the motion barrier, the patient per­
right innominate anteriorly ( Figure 1 7-26) . By altering forms an isometric contraction of right hip flexion against
the angle of the anterior rotation, the clinician can find the clinician's resistance ( Fig 1 7-27) . The patient relaxes,
the direction that is the most comfortable and efficient. and the right hip is extended to the new barrier.
After a number of these oscillations, the patient is po­
sitioned in prone-lying with the right ASIS off the edge of Active Mobilization: Meth od Two The patient is posi­
the table. Ensuring that the motion of the patient's right tioned in left side-lying, facing the clinician and with the
ASIS into anterior rotation is not blocked by the table, the left hip flexed to about 90 degrees. The clinician stabilizes
clinician passively rotates the right innominate an teriorly the patient's left leg using the thigh. The patient's right
with a series of small oscillations. As more motion is hip is passively extended to the motion barrier and is, both
gained, the clinician places a pillow under the right thigh supported in this position, and prevented from moving
of the patien t, or the end of the table can be elevated, and into adduction. The clinician leans onto the patient, and
the patient's left leg is lowered off the side of the ed. In places the heel of the right hand over the apex of the
this position, the clinician continues to mobilize th e right sacrum. The left arm of the clinician is placed between the
innominate into anterior rotation. patient'S legs and the hands are clasped together ( Fig­
Muscle energy can be incorporated in to the technique. ure 1 7-28) . The patient is then instructed to push the
While the clinician stabilizes the apex of the sacrum, the pa­ right hip into flexion against the clinician 's body. The pa­
tient is instructed to push the right hip into the pillow or tient then relaxes and the right hip is moved to the new
table while keeping the right leg straight, thereby using the barrier to hip extension and the process is repeated.
rectus femoris, sartorius, and iliopsoas muscles. By insert­
ing a hand between the patient's thigh and the table, the Active Mobilization: Method Three The patient is posi­
force of the hip flexion can be monitored. tioned in prone-lying, with the clinician standing on the
patient's left side. With the right hand, the clinician sup­
Active Mobilization: Meth od One The patient is posi­ ports the anterior aspect of the patient's right thigh, at a
tioned in left side-lying, facing the clinician and with the point just above the knee. The clinician places the heel
left hip fully flexed. Grasping the anterior aspect of the pa­ of the left hand over the patient's right posterior inferior
tien t's right thigh, the clinician passively extends th e right iliac spine. Extending the right hip until motion at the

new barrier to anterior rotation is achieved by further ex­

tension of the hip. The mobilization is repeated three
times and followed by a reexamination of function.

Home Exercise to Produce Anterior Rotation of the Innom­

inate The patient is positioned in supine on a bed with
the uninvolved extremity flexed to the chest and the in­
volved leg close to the edge of the bed. The patient lowers
the involved leg toward the floor producing a combined
motion of hip extension and slight abduction until the mo­
tion barrier is reached. From this position the patient
performs an isometric contraction of the hip adductor
muscles for 3-5 seconds. The patient then initiates slight
hip flexion and holds this position for 3-5 seconds. Follow­
ing each contraction, the patient moves their involved leg
into further hip extension to localize the new motion bar­
rier. The exercise is repeated 2-3 times.

Techniques to Restore Posterior Rotation

of the Right Innominate

FIGURE 17-28 Patient and clinician position for active

Passive Mobilizati on Patient lies supine with the knees
mobilization of the right innominate into anterior rotation.
and hips flexed, and the clinician stands at the patient's
right side. With the long and ring finger of the left hand,
lumbosacral junction is perceived, (Figure 1 7-29) the clini­ the clinician palpates the right sacral sulcus, just medial
cian localizes the motion barrier. The patient is instructed to the posterior inferior iliac spine, to monitor motion
to flex the right hip against the clinician's resistance. This between the right innominate bone and the sacrum.
isometric contraction is held up to 5 seconds, following With the index finger of the same hand, the clinician pal­
which, the patient is instructed to completely relax. The pates the lumbosacral junction to note any movement be­
tween the pelvic girdle and the L5 vertebra. The heel of
the right hand is placed on the right ASI S and iliac crest
(Figure 1 7-30) . A grade II to IV posterior rotation force is
applied to the right ASIS and iliac crest to produce an
anterior-superior glide at the sacroiliac join t.

Active Mobilization: Meth od One The patient IS posi­

tioned in supine near the end of the bed, with the clinician
standing on the right side of the patient. If necessary, a towel
roll is placed under the patient's lumbar spine. With the in­
dex and middle fingers of the left hand, the clinician palpates
the lumbosacraljunction and the sacral sulcus. With the right
hand, the clinician cups the right ischial tuberosity and, by
leaning onto the patient's right leg, passively flexes the pa­
tient's right hip to the point of restriction (Figure 1 7-3 1 ) .
Further hip flexion rotates the innominate posteriorly, and
this is applied until the motion at the lumbosacraljunction is
perceived. The sacroiliac joint motion barrier has then been
reached. The patient is asked to extend the right hip against
the clinician's chest. This isometric contraction is held for up
to 5 seconds, following which, the patient is instructed to
completely relax. The new barrier to posterior rotation is lo­
FIGURE 17-29 Active mobilization of the right innomi­ calized by further flexion of the hipjoint. This mobilization is
nate into anterior rotation. repeated three times and followed by a reexamination.

FIGURE 17-30 Active mobilization into nutation of the FIGURE 17-32 Active mobilization of the right innomi­
sacrum on the r i g ht. nate into posterior rotation, using the g l uteus maximus.

Active Mobilization: Method Two Patient left side-lying, adduct. The right innominate is grasped by both hands
facing the clinician. The patient's left leg is stabilized by ( Figure 1 7-32) . The patient is then instructed to extend
the clinician, or by a belt. The patient's right leg is placed their right hip against the clinician's trunk. If the patient
around the trunk of the clinician and the right hip is keeps the right knee flexed (see Figure 1 7-32) , only the
flexed to the barrier. The right leg must not be allowed to gluteus maximus is used for the contraction. By keeping
the right leg straight, the patient utilizes the hamstrings as
well as the gluteus maximus (Figure 1 7-33) . This isometric
contraction is held for up to 5 seconds, following which,
the patient is instructed to completely relax. The new bar­
rier to posterior rotation is localized by further flexion of
the hip joint. This mobilization is repeated three times and
followed by a reexamination.

Active Mobilization: Method Three The patient is posi­

tioned in prone-lying with their right hip and leg over the
edge of the table. The clinician stands at the patien t's
right side. The patient's right foot is placed between the
clinician's legs and held there. While monitoring the sacral
sulcus with the index finger of the left hand, the clinician
moves the patient's right leg to the barrier ( Figure 1 7-34) .
The patient is asked to gently push the right foot toward
the foot of the table. This movemen t is resisted by the cli­
nician left leg, and after 3 to 5 seconds, the patient is told
to relax. Once again , when full relaxation has occurred,
the slack is taken up and the patient's right leg is moved
in the direction of hip flexion until the monitoring fin­
ger indicates that the new barrier has been reached. This
FIGURE 17-31 Patient and clinician position for passive mobilization is repeated three times and followed by a
mobilization of the right innominate into posterior rotation. reexamination.

the chest. Once the motion barrier is engaged, the patient

attempts to gently extend tile hip of the involved side
against an unyielding counterforce for about 3-5 seconds.
Upon relaxation , the patient furtller flexes and posteriorly
rotates their involved hip to localize the new motion barrier.
The exercise is repeated 2-3 times.

Techniques to Correct a Counternutation of the Sacrum

on the Right (R on L)
This is not a motion that occurs in normal walking. It can only
occur when the lumbar spine is operating in nonneutral me­
chanics. It is always associated with a nonneutral impairment
of the lumbar spine, often with a restriction of extension. The
correction is thought to be produced by the combined action
of the 'ght piriformis, pulling tile sacrum and the gluteus
medius, with the tendon of fascia lata pulling on the ilium.

Active Mobilization: Method One The patient is posi­

tioned on the left side with tile clinician facing the patient.
The L5-S1 junction is palpated with the right hand. The cli­
nician positions the patient using an upper lock of left rota­
FIGURE 17-33 Patient and clinician position for active
mobilization of the right innom inate into posterior rotation, tion (see Chap 1 3) . The clinician grasps the patient's left an­
u sing the gluteus maximus and hamstrings. kle, and moves the left hip into extension, until motion is
felt to occur at the sacral base (Figure 1 7-35 ) . The patient is
asked to resist the clinician's attempt to move the hip into
Home Exercise to Produce Posterior Rotation of the Innomi­
further extension. This is achieved by activation of the erec­
nate The patient is positioned in supine on a bed with
tor spi ae and the left iliopsoas muscles. The patient relaxes
their uninvolved extremity hanging off the edge of the bed,
and the clinician locates the new motion barrier.
while the involved extremity is positioned in flexion towards

FIGURE 17-35 Patient and clinician position for active

FIGURE 17-34 Active mobilization of the right innomi­ mobil ization to correct a counternutation of the sacru m on
nate into posterior rotation (side-lying). the right.

FIGURE 17-36 Active m obilization technique for a Right FIGURE 17-37 Patient and clinician position for thrust
on Left correction. technique for a Right on Left co rrection.

Active Mobilization: Method Two The patient is positioned table. The clinician holds the left ilium down, and takes up
on the left side with the clinician facing the patient. The L5-S1 any slack by slightly increasing the rotation without losing
junction is palpated with the right hand. The clinician locks the side-bend. The correction is made by a high-velocity,
down from above using an extension and right rotation lock of low-amplitude thrust using the left hand in a posterior di­
the lumbar spine. The clinician extends the patient's left leg rection (Fig 1 7-37) . The patient is then reevaluated.
until the sacral base is felt to move. The patient's right hip is
passively flexed to about 90 degrees, producing a posterior ro­ Home Exercise to Treat a Right on Left Sacral Torsion The
tation of the right innominate. The leg is positioned so that patient is positioned in left lateral side lying with the right
the right knee is off the edge of the bed ( Figure 1 7-36) . The leg off the edge of the table. The patient rotates tlleir
patient is asked to abduct the right leg toward the ceiling trunk so that the righ t hand is able to grasp the edge of the
against the resistance of the clinician. The piriformis is an ab­ table to the right of the patient and the patient's face is ori­
ductor of the hip when the hip is flexed to 90 degrees. Its con­ ented toward the ceiling. From this position, the patient
traction produces a right nutation of the sacrum. The con­ inhales slightly and attempts to lift tlle right leg toward the
traction and relaxation is repeated and the patient is ceiling using only slight movement. The isometric contrac­
reassessed. tion is held for 3-5 seconds before the patient exhales and
lowers their foot to the new motion barrier. The exercise is
Thrust Technique for a Right on Left A thrust technique repeated 2-3 times.
may also be used to correct a posterior sacral torsion. The
patient lies supine and his or her fingers are laced together Technique to Treat a Nutated Sacrum on the Right
behind the neck with the elbows forward. The patient's (L on L)
pelvis should be close to the clinician (at the side of the
table) and the patient's feet and upper trunk are moved to Active Mob ilization Because the I L A is both posterior
the opposite side of the table, producing a right side bend and caudal on the left side, there are a number of muscles
of the patient's trunk. Leaning over the patient, the clini­ around the hip that are utilized to pull the sacrum into the
cian th reads his or her right forearm, from the lateral side, correct position. With a nutated sacrum on the right, the
through the gap between the patient's left arm ancl chest, right piriformis is often tight, so tllis technique attempts to
and grasps the edge of the table, thereby rotating the pa­ relax the right piriformis and its antagonists, the right hip
tient's thorax away without losing the patient's right side­ internal rotators, through a reciprocal inhibition of the
flexion until the patient's left ilium just begins to lift off the right piriformis. At the same time, a pull from the left

piriformis is encouraged to help pull the sacrum into its the new motion barrier, the clinician grasps the patient's
correct position. ankles and raises them to the ceiling, until the sacral base
The patient is positioned in left side-lying, facing the begins to move. At this point, the patient is asked to either
clinician. As the dysfunction is a nutated sacrum on the push the feet toward the ceiling against the clinician's re­
right (L on L) , the patient is positioned to encourage a sistance or to push the feet down toward the floor against
countern utation of the sacrum on the right ( R on L) . To the clinician's resistance. Mter a 3- to 5-second contrac­
produce a Right on Left motion of the sacrum, the lumbar tion, the patient relaxes and the clinician raises the pa­
spine is positioned in flexion (which extends the sacrum, tient's feet toward the ceiling.
pulling the right sacral base posteriorly) and right rotation
(which will also pull the right sacral base posteriorly) by H o m e Exercise t o Tre a t a L eft o n L eft Sacral Torsi on The
flexing the patient from below using the legs. The patient's patient is positioned in left side lying, Sims position with
trunk is placed into rotation into the table by placing the both feet and knees positioned near the edge of the bed.
right arm over the edge of the table and the left arm be­ The patient reaches toward the floor with the right hand
hind them so that the chest is resting on the table. This po­ to increase rotation of the lumbar spine to the left. From
sition is accentuated by asking the patient to reach toward this position, both feet are lowered off the bed toward the
the floor with the right hand. The clinician flexes the pa­ floor, creating left side-flexion of the lumbar spine, to the
tient's hips by grasping the patient's feet and ankles with motion barrier. The exercise involves the patient attempt­
his or her left hand, while palpating for motion at the pa­ ing to lift their fee t toward the ceiling using only slight
tient's sacral base with the right hand. The patient's thighs movement, while taking and holding a deep breath. The
are supported on the clinician's thighs. isometric contraction is held for 3-5 seconds before the
With the patient's lower legs off the edge of the table patient exhales and lowers their feet to the new motion
(Figure 1 7-38) , the patient's left piriformis is placed on barrier. The exercise is repeated 2-3 times.
stretch, producing a passive right rotation of the sacrum.
The patient is asked to perform lateral rotation of the left
Therapeutic Exercise
hip and medial rotation of the right hip simultaneously. M­
ter each 3- to 5-second contraction, the slack is taken up No prospective trials have evaluated the effect of aero­
and the new motion barrier is located while the L5-S1 bic exercise, stabilization exercises, or restoration of range
junction is palpated. It is important that the L5-S 1 junction of motion in these interventions. Empirically, however,
remain in neutral throughout the whole procedure. At exercise has been an important aspect of intervention for
musculoskeletal impairments, and general rehabilitation
principles applied in a manner specific for the sacroiliac
joint should be instituted.
For the most part, exercises are avoided in the acute
stage as they tend to increase the symptoms. I ntervention
strategies should emphasize pelvic stabilization, 121 the elimi­
nation of trunk and lower extremity muscle imbalances, and
the correction of gait abnormalities. 122 This includes stretch­
ing of the trunk and lower extremities, especially the piri­
formis, gluteus maxim us, and hamstring, because of their at­
tachment to the sacrotuberous ligament and potential
influences on the sacroiliac joint. 29 Corrective exercises can
be used to position the innominate bone in proper relation
to the sacrum. Postural correction and the correction of
compensatory movements need to be addressed. As symp­
toms are controlled, therapy should be advanced to activity­
specific stabilization exercises to facilitate return to function
at the patients' occupation, sport, or avocational activities.
No group of exercises are exclusive for the sacroiliac
joint, so it is necessary to approach the rehabilitation of this
region to include the lumbar spine and hip joints. The fo­
cus of the therapeutic exercises is to augment the force clo­
FIGURE 17-38 Patient and clinician position for active sure mechanism and to reduce any stress that could prove
mobilization technique for a Left on Left correction. detrimental to the sacroiliac complex. The same principles

apply here as elsewhere, stretch those muscles that are tight in, breathe out, and then draw the navel up toward the spine
and shortened and strengthen those muscles that are (abdominal hollowing) . 124 If performed correctly, the lower
found to be weak. The muscles to be stretched are usually abdomen should elevate before the upper abdomen. There
the erector spinae, quadratus lumborum, hamstrings, should be no expansion or contraction of the lower rib cage
rectus femoris, iliopsoas, tensor fascia lata, adductors, piri­ and the oblique muscles should not contract. The multifidus
formis, and the deep external rotators of the hip. can be tested in this position by having the patient make the
The strengthening component of the exercises is aimed muscle harden under the clinician's fingers.
at improving the function of the muscles of the inner unit
and outer unit. The appropriate muscles must be isolated Outer Unit33
and retrained to increase their strength and endurance, and As a review, the outer unit consists of the following four
to automatically recruit to support and protect the region. A systems.
four-stage program has been designed to isolate and retrain
the inner unit. 1 23,124 The early stages are the most difficult • Posterior oblique: latissimus dorsi, gluteus maximus, and
to teach and often take the longest time to master. If limb thoracodorsal fascia.
motion is added or the load is increased beyond that which • The deep longitudinal : erector spinae muscle, deep lam­
can be controlled by the inner unit, the pain will increase. ina of thoracodorsal fascia, sacrotuberous ligament,
and the biceps femoris muscle.
Inner Unit33 • A nterior oblique: oblique abdominals, con tralateral adduc­
tor muscles of the thigh, and anterior abdominal fascia.
Stage 1 As a review, the inner unit consists of the four • Lateral oblique: gluteus medius and minimus and con­
parts of the levator ani muscle, the multifidus, and the tralateral adductors of the thigh.
transversus abdominis, and the interrelationship between
the pelvic floor and the abdominals. Stage 2 The stabilization program is progressed to the
next stage with the in troduction of lower or upper extrem­
• Levator ani: the patient is first taught the location of the ity motion, which changes the focus of the program to one
levator ani. To strengthen the muscle, the patient is of outer unit activation and con trol while maintaining the
asked to shorten the distance between the coccyx and control over the inner unit.
the pubic symphysis and to hold the contraction for 1 0 In the supine position with the hips and knees flexed,
seconds. When the muscle contracts properly, the trans­ the patient is asked to isolate the inner unit, while main­
verse abdominis muscle can be felt to contract at a point taining the lumbar spine in a neutral position. From this
2-cm medial and inferior to the ASIS, there is no con­ position, the patient is asked to slowly let the knee fall to
traction of the buttocks, and by carefully palpating the one side. Alternatively, he or she may extend the leg with
sacral apex, the sacrum is felt to counternutate as the le­ the foot supported on the table. The exercise can be made
vator ani contracts. The exercise is repeated 10 times. more difficult by asking the patient to lift the foot off the
• Transversus abdominis and multifidus: to test for isolation table while maintaining the hip and knee flexed.
of the transversus abdominis, the patient is positioned The final progression involves asking the patient to
in prone and a pressure biofeedback unit is placed un­ slowly extend this leg (with the foot lifted) to 45 degrees
derneath the abdomen. 123, 1 24 The cuff is inflated to a above the table. This exercise is initially performed unilat­
base level of 70 mm Hg. The patient is asked to draw erally, and is then progressed to alternate leg extensions.
the navel up and in toward the chest (abdominal hol­ The same exercises can be performed sitting on a gym ball
lowing) . When the muscle contracts properly, an in­ or lying supine on a long roll. By making the base unstable,
crease in tension can be felt at a point 2-cm medial and the exercise becomes more difficult without having to
inferior to the ASIS. If a bulging is felt at this point, the progress into the next stage.
internal oblique is contracting. Simultaneously, the Exercising on a gym ball requires core stability (inner
multifidus is palpated and should be felt to swell at a unit control) , coordination, and appropriate reflexes. While
point just lateral to the spinous process. sitting on the ball, the patient is asked to contract the mus­
cles of the inner unit. This contraction is maintained while
If a pressure biofeedback unit is not available, an al­ the patient moves forward and back and up and down on the
ternative technique can be used to test these muscles and ball. The patient is instructed to incorporate the cocontrac­
involves the patient assuming the quadriped position on tion of the inner unit into his or her activities of daily living.
the hands and knees. The patient's shoulders and hips are If the individual muscles of an outer unit system are
centered over the hands and knees and the lumbar spine is in weak or poorly recruited, the exercise program should
a neutral position. The patient is asked to take a deep breath include isolation and training at this time.

• Posterior oblique system: in the posterior oblique system, work or sport. The protocol includes concentric and
it is common to find the gluteus maxim us both eccentric work with variable resistance in all three planes.
lengthened and weak.33 Having the patient squeeze
the buttocks together and sustain the contraction for Stage 4 Stage 4123 of the protocol involves stabilization
l O seconds isolates the gluteus maxim us. A surface elec­ during high-speed motions. Very few people require stage-
tromyography (EMG) unit can provide a useful biofeed­ 4 stabilization, particularly in view of the fact that high­
back system for this muscle. The exercise is progressed speed exercise tends to reduce the ability of the trunk
by having the patient lie prone over a gym ball and ask­ muscles to stabilize. 124
ing him or her to initially recruit the inner unit and then In addition to the strengthening protocol outlined,
extend the hip while the knee is flexed. Lifting the ex­ the clinician must correct any muscle imbalances in the
tended thigh increases the degree of difficulty. following muscles, or muscle groups:

Leg extension machines can help to strengthen the • Hip adductors

gluteal group. Initially, the patient exercises in the supine • Hip flexors
position with one or both feet on the foot plate. • Hamstrings
Functional training is introduced by having the pa­ • Te nsor fascia lata
tient practice going from sitting to standing with a stabi­ • Piriformis
lized trunk, using primarily the gluteus maxim us. • Lumbodorsal fascia
• Quadratus lumborum
• Lateral system: In the lateral system, the posterior fibers • Abdominals
of the gluteus medius are often weak, which can have
a marked impact on walking and load transference
through the hip joint.63
Various investigators have advocated the use of or­
Isolation of the gluteus medius is taught in the side­ thoses in the intervention of this regio n , 1 25-127 but no
lying position with a pillow placed between the knees. prospective studies have been done to evaluate the
The exercise is progressed by asking the patient to l ift the effectiveness of bracing. Clinicians often correct leg length
knee off of the pillow and then to extend the knee while discrepancies of greater than 0.5 inches, as such inequali­
maintaining the correct position of the trunk and hip. ties have been described as altering normal sacroiliac joint
Resistance can be added using a theraband, or a cuff function . 127 Sacroiliac (S) joint and pelvic stabilization or­
weight. thoses have been employed in an attempt to limit SI joint
motion and improve proprioception. 128 Not much force is
• Anteriar system: isolation of the anterior oblique system needed to be exerted by these belts (20 to 50 newtons) to
involves training the specific con traction of the external afford relief to the patient. 1 28 The elastic ones tend to be
and internal oblique abdominals. When the external better than the firm ones, but the sacrum-shaped patches
obliques conU'act bilaterally, the infrasternal angle nar­ are not very useful. The position of the belt, in terms of its
rows, whereas when internal obliques contract bilater­ height on the ilium, should be experimented with to find
ally, the infrasternal angle widens. The patient is taught the optimal position for pain relief. The recommended
to palpate the lateral costal margin and to specifically position isjust above the greater trochanter. 1 29 A bicycle in­
widen and narrow the infrasternal angle through spe­ ner tube can be used as an SI belt, as this is the right width
cific contraction of the oblique abdominals. and has the correct degree of elasticity. The following con­
ditions appear to respond well to bracing.
The progression includes activation of the anterior
and posterior oblique systems and differentiation of trunk 1. Sacroiliitis
from thigh motion. To begin, the patient is supine with the 2. Sacroiliac hypermobility and instability (pre-and post­
hips and knees flexed. The patient is asked to bridge and partum and microtraumatic)
then to rotate the trunk and pelvic girdle at the hip joints 3. Pubic instability (may afford some relief)
in the unsupported position, while maintaining the lum­
bar joints in a neutral position.
Electrotherapeutic Modalities
and Physical A gents
Stage 3 Stage-3 exercises involve controlled motion of
"the unstable region. 123 Because this stage is much more The application of hot and/ or cold packs, ultrasound,
advanced, it is only given when required by an individual 's TENS, and so forth, are indicated when the joint has been

demonstrated to be inflamed by the primary stress tests. His standing posture was unremarkable. Active range­
Together with the external support, these modalities com­ of-motion testing for the lumbar spine revealed pain and
plete the rest, ice, compression, and elevation approach to restriction with forward flexion, right side-flexion, and
acute inflammatory states. left rotation. There was palpable tenderness along the
S3-S4 level on the sacrum. However, a number of struc­
tures in this specific area are capable of producing pain.
Patient Ed ucation
As a ligament sprain was suspected, the iliolumbar liga­
This involves advice on what activities and postures to ment was assessed but did not reproduce the pain. The
avoid, and what resting positions to adopt. anterior and posterior stress tests for the sacroiliac joint
were also assessed. The anterior test was negative and,
although the posterior test caused a sligh t increase in
Case Study: Left-sided Low Back symptoms, i t was not considered a positive test. The long
and Buttock Pain dorsal ligament was assessed. The patient was positioned
in prone, and the clinician , while palpating the tender
Subjective area with one hand, pushed the sacral base anteriorly
A 47-year-old male presented at the clinic who had devel­ with the palm of the other hand, thereby producing a
oped left-sided low back and buttock pain while at work sacral n utation. The tenderness lessened according to
2 weeks previously. When describing the mechanism of in­ the patient. To produce a coun ternutation, and therefore
jury, the patient reported feeling something "pop" in his stress the long dorsal ligament, both lLA were pushed an­
low back during a lifting maneuver that involved bending teriorly. This maneuver immediately caused a significant
forward and twisting to the right. The pain was now local­ increase in the patient's pain. It was decided to use a
ized to an area slightly inferior to the left posterior supe­ functional test for the long dorsal ligament to confirm
rior iliac spine ( PSIS) , which he reported as being very ten­ the hypothesis.
der to the touch. The pain was also aggravated with The patient was positioned in supine with both legs
forward bending and turning at the waist to the left in sit­ straight. The patient was asked to perform a straight leg
ting. The patient reported sleeping well, provided that he raise with the left leg and to hold the leg about 5 degrees
remained prone, and there were no complaints of pares­ off the bed. As the initial 5 degrees of a straight leg raise
thesias or anestllesias. The patient denied any neurologic produces an anterior rotation of the ilium and a counter­
symptoms related to cauda equina or spinal cord involve­ nutation force of the sacrum on the ipsilateral side, a posi­
ment. The patient was in otherwise good health. tive finding for this test is the reproduction of pain or
weakness. Slight modifications to the test were used to help
Qu estions in the confirmation.
1. Given a distinct mechanism o f inj ury, what struc­
ture (s) could be at fault with complaints of left-sided • The right knee was flexed and the patient was asked to
low back and buttock pain? perform a straight leg raise with the right leg. Flexing
2. What does the region of localized tenderness tell the the contralateral knee to the straight leg raise has the
clinician? effect of relaxing the lumbar spine while maintaining
3. Why do you think the patient is sleeping well in the counternutation on the ipsilateral side. If this de­
prone? creases the pain, a muscle imbalance is probably pres­
4. What is your working hypothesis at this stage? List the ent ( quadratus lumborum, multifidus, etc. ) .
various diagnoses that could present with low back • The patient was asked to lift the right shoulder off bed
and buttock pain, and tlle tests you would use to rule against manual resistance from the clinician, while per­
out each one. forming the straight leg raise on the right. This tests the
5. Does this presentation and history warrant a scan? ability of the anterior oblique system of force closure.
Why or why not? • The sacroiliac joint was manually compressed via the
innominates as in the posterior stress test of the
Examination sacroiliac joint, while the patien t performed a straigh t
The patient had a specific mechanism of injury, and al­ leg raise on the right. Compressing the innominates
though the pain distribution initially was more widespread, produces a slight counternutation of the sacrum.
the presence of a very localized area of pain, suggesting a
musculoskeletal impairment, and so a lumbar and SI scan All of the modifications produced an increase in the
was not considered necessary. If this hypothesis proved in­ patient's symptoms, confirming the provisional diagnosis
correct, a lumbosacral scan would have been necessary. of a sprained left long dorsal sacroiliac ligament.

Questions The patient received instructions regarding correct

1. Having confirmed the diagnosis, what will b e your in­ lifting techniques. The patient was advised to continue
tervention? the exercises at home, 3 to 5 times each day and to
2. How would you describe this condition to the patient? expect some postexercise soreness. The patient also re­
3. I n order of priority, and based on the stages of heal­ ceived instruction on the use of heat and ice at home.
ing, list the various goals of your intervention? • Goals and outcomes. Both the patient's goals from the
4. How will you determine the amplitude and joint posi- treatment and the expected therapeutic goals from the
tion for the intervention? clinician were discussed with the patient. It was con­
5. What would you tell the patient about your intervention? cluded that the clinical sessions would occur three times
6. Estimate this patient's prognosis per week for a month, at which time, the patient would
7. What modalities could you use in the intervention of be discharged to a home exercise program. With adher­
this patient? ence to the instructions and exercise program, it was felt
8. What exercises would you prescribe? that the patient would make a full return to function.

Case Study: Tail Bone Pain
• Electrotherapeutic modalities and thermal agents. A moist
heat pack was applied to the area over the long dorsal
ligament when the patient arrived for each treatment
A 26-year-old female presented herself to the clinic after a
session. Electrical stimulation with a medium fre­
fall down the stairs with her 3-month-old baby in her arms
quency of 50 to 1 20 pulses per second was applied with
2 weeks previously. While the baby was not hurt, the pa­
the moist heat to aid in pain relief. Ultrasound at
tient had landed in a sitting position. I mmediately after
1 MHz was administered following the moist heat. An
the accident she was able to walk, but the pain persisted in
ice pack was applied to the area at the end of the
the anal region.
treatment session
• Manual therapy. Following the ultrasound, transverse
frictional massage was applied to the tender aspect of
On examination, the only positive finding was pain with sit­
the ligament
ting and palpable tenderness at the level of the sacrococ­
• Therapeutic exercises. To strengthen the opposite gluteus
cygeal joint. On rectal examination, a painful anterior dis­
maxim us, exercises for the ipsilateral latissimus dorsi
placement of the joint was confirmed.
and the erector spinae of both sides were prescribed.
To achieve this, the following exercises were used.
Correction for this impairment involves grasping the coc­
1. Lunges. The patient grasped a weight i n the right
cyx after inserting the index finger in the anal canal. The
hand and was asked to perform a lunge, leading
coccyx is distracted and pulled posteriorly, while pulling
with the left leg, while swinging the right arm into
laterally on the medial surface of the ischial tuberosi ty.
shoulder extension.
2. To strengthen the erector spinae, the patient
wore a rucksack containing cuff-weights on the Case Study: Right-sided Low Back Pain
front of the trunk throughout the therapeutic ex­
ercise session. Subjective
3. Lat pull downs were prescribed to strengthen the A 55-year-old male presented with right-sided low back
latissimus dorsi. pain that occurred while lifting a heavy object at work. The
4. Seated rows were initiated to strengthen the latis­ pain occasionally spread along the right iliac crest to the
simus dorsi. groin area and was aggravated with sustained postures, es­
5. Aerobic exercises using a stationary bike and upper pecially standing, sitting up straight, and twisting to the
body ergonometer (UBE) were also prescribed. left. A recent x-ray was unremarkable.

• Patient-related instruction. Explanation was given as to Examination

the cause of the patient's symptoms. The patient was No deviation was visible in the standing position.
advised against bending forward and twisting to the
right in standing, and forward bending and turning • Demonstration of full range of motion in all planes,
at the waist to the left in sitting. The patient was but with pain at the end ranges of flexion and exten­
instructed to continue sleeping in the prone position. sion, and side-flexion to the left.

• No dural or nerve root findings. Examination

• Normal findings for the hip and sacroiliac joints. The patient has a specific mechanism of injury that sug­
• Positive anterior shear test for pain and slight increase gests a musculoskeletal impairment, and so the lum­
in mobility. bosacral scan was not performed. An observation of the pa­
• Positive iliolumbar ligament stress test. tient's gait revealed a shortened stance phase and a marked
vertical limp. His standing posture was unremarkable. The
Evaluation H and I tests (see Chap 1 3 ) were positive in the posterior
One of the classic signs of an iliolumbar ligament sprain is right quadrant, but the tests were negative if sacral motion
a nonarticular pattern with the H and I tests (see Chap 1 3 ) , was prevented. Because of this finding, a sacroiliac exami­
and a subjective history of a lifting and twisting injury. Pain nation was initiated, which revealed the following.
can be referred from this structure down to the foot, but
more commonly into the buttocks. • The left iliac crest was inferior relative to the right in
standing and sitting, but superior relative to the right in
Intervention lying. This reversal in position of the crests from sitting
This is a difficult impairment to treat but it usually responds and standing to lying is thought to be due to the release
well to rest, transverse friction massage, and ultrasound. The of tension from the iliopsoas and quadratus lumborum
ligament takes at least 1 2 weeks to recover. The use of tape muscles which, in standing, were counteracting the
to remind patients to avoid certain positions is useful. effects of gravity. Relaxation of these muscles in the
supine position allows the true position of the left iliac
crest relative to the sacrum to be seen.
Case Study: Right-sided Low Back • The left ASIS was slightly anterior relative to the right
and Buttock Pain in standing and sitting.
• The lumbar spine has a left convexity.
Subjective • Point tenderness was elicited on the crest of the left il­
A 22-year-old male soccer player presented at the clinic with ium at the origin of the lateral margin of the ilio­
complaints of right-sided low back and buttock pain that oc­ costalis lumborum muscle, and the left iliotibial band.
curred after an over-zealous right-legged kick against a • A trigger point was found deep in the buttock within
missed target about 2 weeks previously. Initially, the pain had the piriformis muscle.
been intense, but had now subsided to a dull ache that was • The weight-bearing ipsilateral kinetic test was positive
aggravated with weight bearing on one limb, bending back­ on the right, but negative in the nonweight-bearing
ward, walking, and supine-lying with the extremity in exten­ position.
sion. The patient reported sleeping well, and there were no • The corresponding short arm test was restricted.
complaints of paresthesia or anesthesia. The patient denied • The contralateral kinetic test was positive on the left,
any neurologic symptoms related to cauda equina or spinal but negative in the nonweight-bearing position.
cord involvement. The patient appeared in good health. • The corresponding long arm test was restricted.
• In prone, fullness was found posterior to the left trans­
Questi ons verse process of the fifth lumbar vertebra, the lumbar
1. What structure (s) could be at fault with complaints of lordosis was accentuated, the sacral sulcus was deeper
right-sided low back and buttock pain? on the right than on the left, and the sacral lateral an­
2. What does the history of the pain tell the clinician? gle ( I LA) was posterior and inferior on the left.
3. Why do you think the patient is sleeping well? • With sacral stabilization through the left innominate,
4. What information does the subjective history of no which was prevented from rotating anteriorly by the
paresthesia or anesthesia give the clinician? application of a caudal coun ter force against the infe­
5. What questions would you ask to help rule out a cauda rior aspect of the ASIS, extension and medial rotation
equina impairment? of the right innominate was passively induced and a
6. What questions would you ask to help rule out a spinal hard capsular end feel was gained.
cord impairment? • With passive physiologic mobility testing, innominate
7. What is your working hypothesis at this stage? List the motion was restricted on tile right.
various diagnoses that could present with low back
and buttock pain, and the tests you would use to rule Questions
out each one. 1. Why were the initial H and I tests positive?
8. Does this presentation and history warrant a scan? 2. Did the sacral examination confirm your working hy­
Why or why not? pothesis? How?

3. What was the reason for the left convexity in the lum­ sleep on the side were given. The patient received in­
bar spine? structions regarding correct lifting techniques. The
4. What information was gathered from the modified H patient was advised to continue the exercises at home,
and I tests? 3 to 5 times each day and to expect some postexercise
5. Given the findings from the biomechanical examina­ soreness. The patient also received instruction on the
tion of the sacroiliac join t, what is the diagnosis, or is fur­ use of heat and ice at home.
ther testing warranted in the form of special tests? What • Goals and outcomes. Both the patient's goals from the
information would be gained with further testing? treatment and the expected tllerapeutic goals from
the clinician were discussed with the patient. I t was
Evaluation concluded that the clinical sessions would occur three
It was deduced from the clinical findings that the patient had times per week for 1 month, at which time, the patien t
a loss of the anterior rotation of the right innominate and a would be discharged to a home exercise program.
loss of the counternutation of the sacrum on the right. This 'Vith adherence to the instructions and exercise pro­
is also referred to as a type I left sacral torsion syndrome. 1 l l gram, it was fel t that the patient would make a full re­
turn to function.
1. Having confirmed the diagnosis, what will be your in­
tervention? Case Study: Right-sided Low Back, Buttock,
2. How would you describe this condition to the patient? and Posterior Thigh Pain
3. I n order of priority, and based on the stages of heal­
ing, list the various goals of your intervention? Subjective
4. How will you determine the amplitude and joint posi- A 35-year old pregnant female presented at the clinic with
tion for the intervention? an in idious onset of right-sided low back, buttock, and
5. What would you tell the patient about your intervention? right posterior thigh pain. She described the onset as oc­
6. Estimate this patient's prognosis. curring the previous month during the sixth month of her
7. What modalities could you use in the intervention of pregnancy, and could not remember any particular event
this patient? that precipitated the pain. The pain was aggravated by
8. What exercises would you prescribe? bending forward, or to her left side, and was alleviated
with sitting or supine-lying. The patient reported sleeping
Intervention well, and there were no complaints of paresthesias or anes­
• Electrotherapeutic modalities and thermal agents. A moist thesias. The patient denied any neurologic symptoms re­
heat pack was applied to the lumbar spine when the lated to cauda equina or spinal cord involvement. The pa­
patient arrived for each treatment session. Electrical tient appeared in good health.
stimulation with a medium frequency of 50 to 1 20
pulses per second was applied with the moist heat to Questions
aid in pain relief. Ultrasound at 1 MHz was adminis­ 1. What structure (s) could be at fault with complaints of
tered following the moist heat. An ice pack was ap­ right-sided low back and posterior thigh pain?
plied to the area at the end of the treatment session. 2. What does the history of the onset tell tlle clinician?
• Manual therapy. Following the ultrasound, soft tissue 3. What effect does pregnancy have o n ligamen tous
techniques were applied to the area followed by a spe­ s uctures?
cific mobilization. The manual intervention for this 4. What information does t h e subjective history o f n o
condition involves the correction of the loss of the an­ paresthesia or anaesthesia give the clinician?
terior rotation of the right innominate and a loss of 5. What is your working hypothesis at this stage? List the
the counternutation of the sacrum on the right. These various diagnoses that could present with low back
asymmetries are treated separately using any one of and buttock pain, and the tests you would use to rule
the previously outlined techniques. out each one.
• Therapeutic exercises. To strengthen the abdominals, the 6. Does this presentation and history warrant a scan?
gluteals, the multifidus, and the erector spinae, thera­ Why or why not?
peutic exercises were prescribed. Aerobic exercises us­
ing a stationary bike and upper body ergometer Examination
( UBE) were also prescribed. The patient appeared to be a healthy, pregnant female.
• Patient-related instruction. Explanation was given as to However, due to the insidious onset of her symptoms and
the cause of the patient's symptoms. Instructions to the fact that the patient was experiencing a potential

radiculopathy, a lumbar and sacroiliac scan was per­ Evaluation

formed, which revealed the following positive findings. Based on the clinical findings of a loss of the posterior ro­
tation of the right innominate and a loss of the nutation of
• Restriction of forward bending the sacrum on the right, the diagnosis of a type I I left sacral
• Restriction of left side-flexion torsion was made.

Both motions reproduced the posterior thigh pain Questi ons

and a "pulling sensation" over the right lower lumbar 1. Having confirmed the diagnosis, what will be your in­
area. Due to the fact that the neurologic tests were nega­ tervention?
tive, an assumption was made that the posterior thigh 2. How would you describe this condition to the patient?
pain was referred, and a biomechanical examination was 3. In order of priority, and based on the stages of heal­
initiated. The H and I tests (see Chap 1 3) were positive in ing, list the various goals of your intervention?
the anterior righ t quadrant, indicating a flexion and 4. How will you determine the amplitude and joint posi­
right side-flexion restriction , but the tests were negative if tion for the intervention?
sacral motion was prevented. Because of this finding, a 5. How would you explain the rationale of your interven­
sacroiliac examination was initiated, which revealed the tion to the patient?
following. 6. Estimate this patient's prognosis.
7. What modalities could you use in the intervention of
• The left iliac crest was inferior relative to the right in this patient?
standing, but superior relative to the right in sitting. I I 1 , 1 1 2 8. What exercises would you prescribe?
• The left ASIS was considerably more venn"al relative to
the right in standing and sitting. l l l , 1 1 2 Intervention
• The lumbar spine demonstrated a left convexity. • Electrotherapeutic modalities and thermal agents. A moist
• Point tenderness was elicited at the origin of the left ilio­ heat pack was applied to the sacroiliac joint when the pa­
costalis on the left iliac crest and the left iliotibial band. tien t arrived for each treatment session. Due to the fact
• The ipsilateral and contralateral kinetic tests were pos­ that the patient was pregnant, it was felt that the use of
itive on the left, as were their corresponding short and electrical stimulation and ultrasound was con traindi­
long arm tests. 1 I 1 , 1 12 cated. An ice pack was applied to the area at the end of
• In supine, the right iliac crest was superior relative to the treatment session.
the left. I I I , 1 1 2 • Manual therapy. Following the moist heat, soft tissue
• In prone, there was fullness felt posterior to the right techniques were applied to the area followed by a spe­
transverse process of the fifth lumbar vertebrae, the cific mobilization. The manual intervention for this
lumbar lordosis was decreased, the sacral sulcus was condition involves the correction for the loss of the
deeper on the right than on the left, the sacral ILA was posterior rotation of the right innominate and a loss
posterior on the left, and the sacral ILA was inferior of the nutation of the sacrum on the right. These
on the left. 1 1 1 , 1 1 2 asymmetries are treated separately using any one of
• With passive physiologic mobility testing, the sacrum the previously outlined techniques.
was stabilized through the left innominate, which was • Therapeutic exercises. To strengthen the abdominals, the
prevented from rotating posteriorly, by the applica­ gluteals, the multifidus, and the erector spinae, thera­
tion of a caudal counter force against the superior as­ peutic exercises were prescribed. Aerobic exercises us­
pect of the ASIS, and the righ t innominate was rotated ing a stationary bike and upper body ergometer
passively into flexion and lateral rotation and a hard ( UBE) were also prescribed.
capsular end feel was gained. I I I , 1 1 2 • Patient-related instruction. Explanation was given as to
the cause of the patient's symptoms. Instructions to
Questi ons sleep on the side were given. The patient received in­
1. Did the sacral examination confirm your working hy­ structions regarding correct lifting techniques. The
pothesis? How? patient was advised to continue the exercises at home,
2. Why were the lumbar motions of forward bending and 3 to 5 times each day and to expect some postexercise
left side-flexion restricted? soreness. The patient also received instruction on the
3. Given the findings from the biomechanical examina­ use of heat and ice at home.
tion of the sacroiliac joint, what is the diagnosis, or is fur­ • Goals and outcomes. Both tlle patient's goals from tlle
ther testing warranted in the form of special tests? What treatment and the expected therapeutic goals from
information would be gained with further testing? the clinician were discussed with the patient. It was

concluded that the clinical sessions would occur three metastasis, osteitis pubis, stress fracture, and rheumatoid
times per week for 1 month, at which time, the patient arthritis. 131 The anterior thigh pain could be lumbar in ori­
would be discharged to a home exercise program. With ad­ gin. The insidious onset, in addition to the other symptoms,
herence to the instructions and exercise program, it was warrants a scan.
felt that the patient would make a full return to function. The scan elicited the following findings.

• Capsular pattern of the lumbar spine

1 30
Case Study: Right Groin Pain • Capsular pattern of the hips
• No neurologic deficits in terms of strength, sensation,
Subjective or deep tendon reflexes
The patient was a 55-year-old woman who presented with a • Positive scour test of right hip
diagnosis of right hip pain. The patient reported injuring
the right leg 3 months prior but was unable to recall any Questions
specific mechanism of inj ury. For the subsequent 1. Did the scan confirm the working hypothesis? How?
2 months, the pain had worsened and the patient sought a 2. Given the findings from the scan, what is the diagno­
medical consultation. X-rays were taken, and a diagnosis of sis, or is further testing warranted in the form of a bio­
early osteoarthritis was made. The patient was immediately mechanical examination? What information would be
referred to physical therapy. gained with further testing?
The patient described the area of pain as the right
groin area, radiating into the right anterior thigh. She also Although the findings from the scan indicated a diag­
complained of right posterior low back pain. The pain was nosis of right hip osteoarthritis, a biomechanical examina­
of a variable, intermitten t-type ache, aggravated by walking tion should be performed to determine all of the impair­
and eased by rest in the supine position. On waking, the ments, and thus help formulate an intervention plan.
patient felt no pain. The pain was reduced on rising com­
pared with the pain following prolonged weight bearing. Examination
During the day, the patient's job involved standing, walk­ On observation, the patient walked with antalgic gait.
ing, and sitting, and the patient's symptoms worsened as Structural inspection revealed decreased weight bearing
the day progressed. The patient reported sleeping well, through the right leg, with a slight shift in the lumbar
and there were no complaints of paresthesias or anesthe­ spine toward the left. There appeared to be a flattening of
sias. The patient denied any neurologic symptoms related the right gluteal musculature. On palpation of the pelvic
to cauda equina or spinal cord involvement. The patient levels in standing, the right posterior inferior iliac spine
was in good health. was l ower than the left. The levels of the greater
trochanters, gluteal folds, and posterior knee creases ap­
Questions peared symmetrical. With passive range of motion, there
1 . What i s your working hypothesis at this stage? List the was an abnormal capsular end feel limiting all ranges of hip
various diagnoses of groin and anterior thigh pain motion. The accessory motions of the hip capsule were
that is aggravated by walking and relieved by rest. graded as having considerable restriction to motion. Direc­
2. Is the patient's condition irritable or nonirritable? tional glides at the hip joint do not occur and were not as­
3. What part of the subjective history alludes to the fact sessed. The lumbar spine and knee joints appeared normal.
that this is a musculoskeletal injury? Manual muscle testing was performed on the pelvic,
4. Does this presentation and history warrant a scan? hip, and knee musculature. On muscle length testing,
Why or why not? there was tightness in the right iliopsoas, iliotibial band,
5. What special tests would you perform and hamstring muscles. Extension of the right hip was
6. By using active range of motion, how could you help measured as 5 degrees. The normal range of hip extension
confirm the diagnosis? is 30 degrees. 1 32
On evaluation of the patient's gait, she appeared to
Discussion have a shorter stride length on the right and a decreased
A positive x-ray for early osteoarthritis and a vague diagnosis heel strike. There was an increased lumbar lordosis during
of right hip pain should not indicate to the clinician that the midstance and push off. The patient ambulated with a cane.
diagnosis of hip osteoarthritis is conclusive. Groin pain can
be produced by a number of pathologies including muscle Questi ons
strain, prostatitis, orchitis, inguinal hernia, urolithiasis, anky­ 1. Did the biomechanical examination confirm the
losing spondylitis, Reiter's syndrome, hyperparathyroidism, working hypothesis? H ow?

2. Why was there a leg length discrepancy? List the po­ aCtlVItles, including water-reslstlve exercises or bicycle
ten tial causes of a leg length discrepancy. training, may achieve increased muscle tone and strength,
3. Why was there a decreased heel strike and shorter neuromuscular function, and cardiovascular endurance
stride length on the right? without excessive force across, or injury to,joints . J38- 1 43

Evaluation Intervention Stages

As indicated earlier in this chapter, osteoarthritis ( OA) is
characterized by the deterioration of the cartilaginous Early Stage (Acute)
weight-bearing surfaces of joints, sclerosis of subchondral • Rest and positioning of the hip in flexion, abduction,
bone, and proliferation of new bone at the joint mar­ and external rotation . The patient can also sleep in
gins. 1 33 Early osteoarthritis of the hip can have many man­ this position.
ifestations in neighboring joints, particularly the lumbar • Home program of gluteal, quadriceps, and hamstring
spine and the foot. This is because the motion restrictions isometrics in varying parts of the range. Gentle, pain­
produced by the osteoarthritis process remove the amount free active and active assisted range-of-motion exercises.
of available rotation occurring at the hip. I f the hip is un­ • Distractive mobilization techniques are used.
able to produce the rotation, the sacroiliac joint and lum­
bar spine are forced to absorb those forces. Middle Stage (Subacute) Regaining muscle extensibility
through hold and relax techniques followed by stretches.
Questi ons
1. Having confirmed the diagnosis, what will be your in­ • Inner quadrant flexion positional stretches to increase
terven tion? range into flexion. Patient can do the same exercise at
2. In order of priority, and based on the stages of heal­ home.
ing, what will be the goals of your intervention? • FABERs positioning ( flexion, abduction, and external
rotation) with static and eccentric contl-act and relax
Intervention techniques, while stabilizing the ilium.
Osteoarthritis is a common problem treated by physical • A home program is issued.
therapists. In the involved joints, the intervention plan
should address the decreased strength of the periarticular To determine the suitability of this patient for this
muscles, 1 32 the decreased flexibility, and the decreased aer­ home exercise protocol , a preliminary test is performed.
obic capacity, which leads to decreased mobility and de­ The patient is instructed to sit on the floor, or a low stool,
creased activities of daily living. 1 33 with the back against the wall and the legs crossed, so that
Recent guidelines set forth by the American College of the soles of the feet are facing each other. The patient al­
Rheumatology (ACR) for the management of hip and knee lows the knees to drop to the side, toward the floor, and
OA highlight the importance of nonpharmacologic modes attempts to maintain this position for 5 minutes. If the
of therapy to relieve pain and improve joint biomechanics patient is unable to tolerate the 5 minutes, the condi­
and overall function. These include local heat or ice, ultra­ tion is probably too acute , and the patient is referred
sound, and stimulation with electrical devices (TENS ) . 1 34,1 35 back to the physician for a course of nonsteroidals and/
Weight reduction in obese patients may also significantly re­ or injection.
lieve pain through a reduction of the biomechanical stress I f they are able to tolerate this, the distance between
on weight-bearingjoints. The use of proper orthotic devices the lateral aspect of the knees and tlle floor is measured,
and shock-absorbing shoes compensate for permanent and the patient is issued the following home program.
functional deficits and are protective. The ACR guidelines During the next few weeks, the clinician calls the patient
also acknowledge the importance of exercise as an integral regularly to monitor progress.
part of OA management.J35 Recent evidence indicates that
joint loading and mobilization are essential for articular in­ • Using the above cross-legged posItIon on the floor,
tegrity. 1 36 In addition, quadriceps weakness develops early in stool, or a bed, the patient performs the position twice
OA, and may contribute to progressive articular damage. 1 37 a day for 5 minutes. I t is performed for 3 days.
Recent studies of community-residing older adults with • If the hip does not feel inflamed after the 3 days the
symptomatic knee OA have shown improvements in phys­ patient adds I minute each day until he or she is able
ical performance, painful symptoms, and reports of dis­ to tolerate a 1 0 minute session twice a day ( this may
ability after 3 months of aerobic or resistance exercise. 1 38 take a while) , at which point, the patient returns to the
Others have shown that resistive strengthening and weight­ clinic.
bearing range of motion improves gait, strength, and • Following the reexamination, the protocol is continued
overall function. J 39 , 1 40 Low-impact or gravity-limiting at 1 0 minute sessions, twice a day, with the patient

adding 1 minute each day, until the position can be patient's leg is placed over the clinician's shoulder in tlle
maintained for 1 5 minutes, twice a day. This progression open pack, or resting, position. The clinician takes hold
is continued until the patient is able to tolerate this po­ of tlle patient's thigh as high up as possible and applies
sition for 20 minutes, twice a day. traction through the line of the femoral neck. A belt can
also be used for this technique. If the patient is unable to
Once at this level, the patient returns to the clinic for tolerate tllis position, he or she rests the thigh on a pillow,
the initiation of a strengthening program and for mobi­ in the open pack position, while the traction is applied.
lization techniques to mobilize the sacroiliac joint and/ or • Leg traction ( inferior glide ) : the patient is positioned
lumbar spine if necessary. in supine, with the hip placed in the resting position.
The clinician grasps the patien t's ankle and applies
• Contract-relax techniques into extension and internal gentle oscillations along the length of the leg. The pa­
rotation are initiated. tient can be stabilized using one belt around the waist
• Stretching of the adductors. The patient is positioned an d another from tlle head of the bed and around the
in prone, in the FABER position. patient's pelvic floor.
• Pendular swings. The patient stands on a step and • Flexion quadrant mobilizations. Grade II mobiliza­
swings the other leg in a pendular fashion. tions are applied perpendicular to tlle arc of tlle joint
Strengthening in nonweight-bearing and functional
weight-bearing positions can take place as follows. The use of strengthening exercises for patients with
osteoartllritis is well documented. 1 46 These patients have
1. The patient sits erect with both hips flexed, abducted, type II fiber atrophy (refer to Chapter 1 1 ) in muscles sup­
and externally rotated. The patient is asked to rotate porting the joints. 1 46 Strengthening exercises are used to
the trunk to the left then bring the left knee toward gain in creased muscle strength to provide better shock-ab­
the chest. The procedure is repeated on the other side. sorbing capabilities to the joints and to maintain and im­
2. The patient is positioned in side-lying and the asymp­ prove the use of the joint(s) in functional activities. It has
tomatic leg is placed in the knee to chest position, been shown that aerobic weight-bearing exercises are not
while the symptomatic hip is passively extended. The detrimental to the patient with osteoarthritis of the hip
patient can perform a modification of this exercise at and help to improve the aerobic capacity. 1 32 Stretching
home by standing with the back against a wall, weight and range-of-motion exercises are frequen tly recom­
bearing through the symptomatic lower extremity, mended for patients with osteoarthritis, but there are no
and bringing the asymptomatic one to the chest. studies to support this. There are a number of tllerapeutic
3. The patien t stands in fron t of a chair and raises one leg techniques aimed at increasing tissue length including
to place a foot on the chair. While keeping the other joint mobilization, stretches, and proprioceptive neuro­
leg extended, the patient leans toward the chair, in­ muscular facilitation. 1 47 With this patient, prolonged hip
creasing the flexion of the raised hip. The procedure is jomt stretches, joint mobilizations, and proprioceptive
repeated on the other side. This functional weight­ neuromuscular facilitation were all applied with the aim of
bearing exercise is safer to adopt than a full squat. increasing the range of motion of the hip. This patien t had
4. The patient is positioned in prone-lying. Russian elec­ an abnormal capsular end feel of the hip, which Cyriax de­
trical stimulation is applied to the gluteus maximus, scribed as suggestive of nonacute arthritis. 1 48
while moist heat is placed over the buttocks. By using prolonged stretching, joint mobilizations,
5. The patient can perform side-stepping drills. proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, strengtllening,
6. The patient can perform a hoopla-hoop motion at the and aerobic exercises, this patient had a significant de­
hips and waist, while using both arms for support. crease in pain, an increase in range of motion of the hip,
increased strength of the periarticular hip musculature,
All of the exercises need to be done frequently, and improved mobility, and functional abilities.
for sustained periods.
Passive articular mobilizations are done as follows.
Case Study: Pubic Pain
• The clinician emphasizes the regaining of the close
packed position. Subjective
• Walking, if not antalgic, provides excellent mobilization. A 44-year-old man came to the clinic complaining of wors­
• Joint distraction: these techniques are used if the pain is ening abdominal and midline pelvic pain. The pain had
felt by the patient before the end feel. The patient is developed gradually, and there was no report of recent di­
supine with the clinician sitting beside the patient. The rect trauma or acute injury. The pain was aggravated with

forced flexion at the waist and the Valsalva maneuver, but Evaluation
the patien t reported no pain at rest. The pain, described as The findings for this patient's symphysis tenderness were
a sharp, "stabbing" sensation, remained fairly localized to consistent with osteitis pubis.
his upper pelvis and lower abdominal area.
The patient had no history of abdominal or genitouri­ Questi ons
nary diseases or surgeries, and he had not experienced 1. Having confirmed the diagnosis, what will be your in­
similar symptoms in the past. A review of systems was unre­ tervention?
markable. He denied dysuria, hematuria, diarrhea, consti­ 2. In order of priority, and based on the stages of heal­
pation, fever, chills, or weight change. ing, list the various goals of your intervention.
The patient frequently participated in physical activity 3. Estimate this patient's prognosis.
and played soccer, averaging four games per week, an in­ 4 . What modalities could you use in the intervention of
crease from his usual level of commitment. An inguinal this patient?
hernia had been ruled out by his physician. 5. What exercises would you initiate?

Questions Intervention
1. What structure (s) could b e a t fault when abdominal Intervention for the inflammatory type of osteitis pubic is
and midline pelvic pain is the major complaint? conservative. Most athletes return to their respective
2. What is the significance of the Valsalva maneuver? sports within a few days to weeks. I ntervention for this
3. Why are tlle questions with regard to dysuria, hema­ area includes plenty of rest from weight-bearing activities,
turia, diarrhea, constipation, fever, chills, or weight a course of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory medicine,
change pertinent? and physical therapy to gently mobilize, stretch , and
4. What does no pain at rest suggest? strengthen the muscles about the groin. This is usually all
5. What is your working hypothesis at this stage? List the that is necessary. 1 49 Patients should be able to swim for
various diagnoses that could present with this pain exercise.
and the tests you would use to rule out each one. This is a condition that is traditionally slow to heal. If
6. Does this presentation and history warrant a scan? mobilization is used, only one direction needs to be chosen
Why or why not? for correction, because the other direction occurs as a con­
sequence of the osteokinematic motion. Improvement of po­
sition and decreased pain on palpating the inguinal ligament
Given the location of the patient's symptoms, and the rela­
should be found if the technique has been successful. By
tively insidious onset, a lumbosacral scanning examination
restoring the posterior component of the impairment com­
was performed with the following findings.
plex, the superior positional displacement is also corrected.
• The patient demonstrated full range of motion of his Alternatively, the modified shot-gun technique can be
lumbar spine without spasm. used for impairments that do not respond to the mobiliza­
• Straight leg raise testing was negative. tion techniques. The short adductors cross the inferior as­
• His gait was moderately wide based, and he had full pect of the pubic articulation in a cruciate manner, and,
range of motion of knees and hips, though hip flex­ when recruited, bring the joint into a level position. Since
ion, abduction, and external rotation ( the FABER a slight "popping" noise is often elicited as the operator
test) produced some pubic discomfort. overcomes the muscle resistance by a short, high-velocity
• Femoral pulses were 2 + bilaterally. movement in the opposite direction, which can be of con­
• Special tests revealed palpable tenderness of the pubic cern and surprise to the patient, a preliminary word of
symphysis and inguinal ligament bilaterally. The sacroil­ warning is necessary.
iac kinetic tests and pubic stress tests were positive. Following the intervention, the kinetic test and posi­
tional findings are reevaluated. If there is no improve­
Questi ons ment, a sacroiliac impairment is the probable cause.
1. Did the scanning examination confirm the working Normally, pelvic impairments are presented as iso­
hypothesis? How? lated entities when, in fact, clinically, they tend to occur in
2. Why were the femoral pulses assessed? combination. Therefore, a sequence of treatment progres­
3. Why were the kinetic tests performed? sion is necessary. The pelvic impairments should be
4. Given the findings from the scanning examination, treated in the following order.
what is the diagnosis, or is further testing warranted in
the form of special tests? What information would be 1. Segmental restrictive faults of the lumbar spine
gained with further testing? 2. Pubic symphysis impairment

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Chapter Objectives to consist of the occipitoatlantaJ (OA) joint, the atlantoaxial

(AA) joint and ligaments, and the suboccipital muscles.
At the completion of this chapter, the reader will be able to: This occipitoatlantoaxial segment is a single func­
tional unit with a distinct embryology, which many con­
1. Describe the anatomy of the vertebra, ligaments, mus­ sider to be the most complex joint of the axial skeleton,
cles, and blood and nerve supply that comprise the anatomically and kinematically.
craniovertebral segments. The upper portion of the cervical spine accounts for
2. Describe the biomechanics of the craniovertebral approximately 25% of the vertical height of the entire cer­
joints, including coupled movements, normal and ab­ vical spine. It is the muscles and ligaments that restrain
normal joint barriers, kinesiology, and reactions to motion in this area, and not the discs and capsule, as oc­
various stresses. curs elsewhere.
3. Perform a detailed objective examination of the cran­ Most of the movement in tlle cervical spine (approxi­
iovertebral musculoskeletal system, including palpa­ mately 50%) occurs between the upper two joints-at the
tion of the articular and soft tissue structures, specific occipitoatlantal and atlantoaxial joints. Motion at the at­
passive mobility and passive articular mobility tests for lantoaxial joint occurs relatively independen tly. Below C2,
the joints, and stability tests. normal motion is a combination of other levels.
4. Perform and i n terpret the results from combined
motion testing. ANAT OMY
5. Analyze the total examination data to establish the de­
finitive biomechanical diagnosis. Articulations
6. Apply active and passive mobilization techniques and
combined movements to the craniovertebral joints, One of the functions of an intervertebral disc is to
using the correct grade, direction, and duration, and both facilitate motion and provide stability. In the absence
explain the mechanical and physiologic effects. of a disc in this region, the supporting soft tissues of the
7. Describe intervention strategies based on clinical find­ joints of the upper cervical spine must be lax to permit mo­
ings and established goals. tion, while being subjected to great mechanical stresses. I
8. Evaluate i n tervention effectiveness to progress or Articular facet asymmetry of the human upper cervi­
modify intervention. cal spine has been recognized for more than 30 years.2,3
9. Plan an effective home program, and instruct the pa­ The implications of this anatomic observation in the hu­
tient in same. man spine has been considered in relation to joint dis­
10. Develop self-reliant examination and intervention ease.4-6 Specifically, facet tropism is linked with subsequent
strategies. degenerative joint disease. Thus, those clinicians who rely
on joint palpation to determine joint function need to ac­
knowledge the effects of the aforementioned joint asym­
OVERVIEW metry i n the interpretation of their findings.
The joints in the craniovertebral segment are all posi­
Because of its distinct anatomic structure, the cranioverte­ tioned anterior to those of the lower cervical region, so the
bral region is generally considered separately and is deemed motion above C2 occurs anterior to that below C2. 7


Occipitoatlantal Joint mean ranges to be:

The occipitoatlantal joint is formed between the convex
occipital condyles and tile concave superior articular facets • Flexion-extension: 18.6 degrees (::t: 0.6)
of Cl , and represen ts tile most superior zygapophysial joint • Axial rotation: 3.4 degrees (::t: 0.4)
of tile vertebral column. • Lateral flexion: 3.9 degrees (::t: 0.6)
The smaller anterior region of tile foramen magnum
is defined by a pair of tubercles to which tile alar ligaments Pure rolling occurs on the convex posterior surface
attach. The posterior portion houses tile brain stem and (preventing cord impingement). On tile concave anterior
spinal cord junction. The separation of the two regions is surface, gliding occurs from extension to neutral. By ne­
marked by a pair of tubercles to which tile transverse l iga­ cessity, tile joint capsules are loose to permit motion.
ment of tile atlas attaches. It is generally agreed that rotation and side-flexion oc­
The shape of the atlas is tllat of a ring (Figure 18-1) cur to opposite sides at this joint when they are combined,
and is formed by two lateral masses that are intercon­ and tIlis can be demonstrated by palpating and observing
nected by anterior and posterior arches. It has a smaller the head's motion during these movements. During oc­
vertical dimension than any vertebra and is considerably ciput rotation, the atlas is felt to translate and side-flex to
wider than any otller cervical vertebra.l Since it has no tile opposite side.
spinous process, there is no bone posteriorly between the The results from a study by Werne1 1 have since been
occipital bone and the spinous process of C2, which in­ validated with cadaveric investigations, using radiographic
creases the potential for extension in the upper cervical markers and CT scanning, indicating side-flexion ranges
spine. at an average of a little over 9 degrees to both sides, and
The superior-lateral aspects of tile posterior arches ac­ rotation ranges of 2 degreesl2 to 10 to 25 degrees, 13 al­
commodate tile vertebral arteries. thoug the latter study involved patients with suspected
The articular surface of the inferior facet is circular, instability. Clinical studies suggested tIlat hypermobility of
relatively flat, and slopes inferiorly fro m medial to lateral, this joint should only be considered as a diagnosis if the
while the upper articular facets of Cl are elongated from range of rotation exceeds 8 degrees, necessitating rota­
front to back. The anterior ends curve upward to a tional mobility and stability testing at this articulation .
greater extent than the posterior ends, resulting in the
availability of much more extension than flexion at this Atlantoaxial Joint
joint.8 This is a fairly complex, biconvex articulation that consists
Even though tllese surfaces appear to be reciprocal in of:
shape, tIley are not, and bony stability is only minimal. The
primary motion tIlat occurs at this joint is flexion and ex­ • Two lateral zygapophysialjoints between tile articular
tension of tile occipital bone on the vertebra of Cl. One surfaces of the inferior articular processes of the atlas,
cadaveric study found the range of flexion and extension and the superior processes of the axis.
to have a combined range of 13 degrees,9 while another ca­ • Two medial joints between tile antel;or surface of tile
daveric study,IO using radiographic imaging, found the dens of tile axis and tile anterior surface of tile atlas, and

Post. tubercle Post. tubercle

Ant. tubercle
FIGURE 18-1 The Atlas (Reproduced, with permission from Pansky B: Review
of Gross Anatomy, 6/e. McGraw-Hili, 1996)

Superficial layer of tectorial membrane

Tectorial membrane
Apical dental lig.
Ant. atlanto-occip.
membrane ------
rm lig. of atlas
Ant. arch of atI:1S---- ;:::-P -- ost. atlanto-occipital
Articular cav,t"es---""::::;-!!! membrane
Vertebral a. & suboccipital n.
Dens of CL-----­
.. ---Transver se lig. of atlas
Ant. atlantoaxial lig.
Post. long. l,'g:.------Ilf!--: FIGURE 18-2 The relationship of the
dens and the anterior arch of the atlas.
Ant. long. lig ..------; (Reproduced, with permission from Pansky B:
Post. atlantoaxial lig.
Review of Gross Anatomy, 6/e . McGraw­

the posterior surface of the dens and the anterior hyali­ weight of the atlas and head to lower structures, the lami­
nated surface of the transverse ligament' (Figure 18-2). nae and pedicles of this vertebra are quite robust. The
stout, moderately long, spinous process serves as the up­
The axis (Fig. 18-3) is a transitional vertebra in sev­ permost attachment for muscles that are essentially lower
eral ways. The unique features of the axis are located on cervical in function, and for muscles that act specifically
its superior aspect. Of these features, the most interesting on the craniovertebral region.The spinous process is the
is the odontoid process, or dens. This process extends su­ first palpable midline structure below the occiput.
periorly from the body before tapering to a blunt point. Kapandji '6 describes both articular surfaces of the lat­
The dens and a part of the axis body develop from an os­ eral atlantoaxial joints as being convex, resulting in an in­
sifi cation center that could have become the centrum of congruent joint. It could be argued that the reason for this
the atlas.'" The anterior aspect of the dens has a hyaline arrangement is to allow the atlas to descend on the axis
cartilage-covered mid-line facet for articulation with the during rotation, thereby slackening the alar ligament and
anterior tubercle of the atlas ( the median atlan toaxial allowing rotation to occur at this joint. The major motion
join t). The posterior aspect of the dens is usually marked that occurs at all three of the atlantoaxial articulations is
with a groove where the transverse ligament passes. The axial rotation, and averages about 40 to 47 degrees to both
dens functions as a pivot for the upper cervical joints, and sides. 17, 18
as the center of rotation for the atlantoaxial join t. As the atlas rotates, the ipsilateral facet moves posteri­
The relatively large superior articular facets of the orly, while the contralateral facet moves anteriorly, so that
axis lie lateral and anterior to the dens. These facets slope each facet of the atlas slides inferiorly along the convex
considerably downward from medial to lateral in line with surface of the axial facet, telescoping the head downward.
the zygapophysial facets of the mid-low cervical spine. I5 As Thisjoint is provided with strong support by the trans­
the lateral atlantoaxial joints function to convey the entire verse ligament and the two alar ligaments (see later).

Ant. articular Ant. articular facet

Superior articular r

Transverse process
Spinous process - _"'...\

articular facet & process

FIGURE 1 8-3 The Axis (Reproduced, with permission from Pansky B: Review
of Gross Anatomy, 6/e . McGraw-Hili, 1996)

. The first 25 degrees of head rotation (60%) occur pri­ • Right side-flexion and right rotation of the atlan toax­
marily at the atlantoaxial articulations. 19 However, the ax­ ial joint and at C2-3.
ial rotation of the atlas is not a pure motion, as it is coupled
with a significant degree of extension ( 14 degrees), and in I n other words, if the head motion is initiated with ro­
some cases, flexion.2o tation, ipsilateral side-flexion of the atlantoaxial joint and
The large amounts of rotation that occur at the C I -2 C2-3 occurs, while at the occipitoatlan tal joint, con tralat­
articulation can cause problems with the vertebral artery. eral side-flexion occurs.
Selecki21 found that at 30 degrees of rotation, there is kink­
ing of the contralateral artery, and at 45 degrees of rota­ Latexioll Side-flexion of the head to the right produces:
tion, kinking occurs at the ipsilateral artery. 22
Flexion and extension movements of the atlantoaxial • Left rotation of the occipitoatlantal joint, accompa­
joint amount to a combined range of 10 to 15 degrees23 nied by a translation to the left.
and are associated with small translational movements • Left rotation of the atlantoaxial joint.
(2 to 3 mm in adults and 4.5 mm in the child). During flex­ • Right rotation of C2-3.
ion, tl1e arch of the atlas glides inferiorly on the dens until
it abuts against it, and at tl1e lateral articulations, the atlas In other words, if head motion is initiated with side­
surfaces glide posteriorly and roll anteriorly. In atlantoax­ flexion, contralateral rotation of the occipi toatlantal and
ial extension, the opposite occurs. Coupling at this joint is atlantoaxial joints occurs, but ipsilateral rotation occurs at
commonly cited as contralateral side-flexion during rota­ C2-3.
tion. However, palpation of the axis during side-flexion or It is postulated by some that to fully protect the verte­
rotation tends to argue against this. bral artery from impingement, the atlan toaxial joint be­
If the length of the spinous process is palpated with two haves in the following manner.
fingers, while the subject rotates the head to the left (it
holds just as well for right rotation), the superior finger is • Extremeflexion: the atlas (C l ) rotates in one direction
felt and seen to move to tl1e right while the inferior finger and side-flexes in the opposite direction on tl1e axis.
moves to the left. This would indicate that the vertebra of • nxtreme extension: the atlas rotates and side-flexes to the
the axis has side-flexed to the right under the atlas, placing same side on the axis.
the atlantoaxial joint into left side-flexion. In this case, ro­
tation and side-flexion occur to the same side, as is gener­ Osteoarthrosis of the atlantoaxial joints, unrelated to
ally held. However, if the spinous process is palpated while trauma, is a rare cause of pain in the occipitocervical re­
the head is side-flexed to the left, it will be felt to move to gion, and an even more uncommon cause of atlantoaxial
the right, indicating tl1at the axis is rotating to the left. Dur­ instability. Indeed, osteoarthrosis of the atlantoaxial articu­
ing side-flexion, tl1e atlas does not rotate, but translates lations has only fairly recently been described in the
contralaterally. This means that the axis rotates under the literature,24 while degenerative osteoarthrosis of the
atlas. As the position of the joint is described by the relative subaxial cervical spine is common in elderly patients,25 and
motion of the superior vertebra (e.g., L4-5 flexion when is typically characterized by neck, shoulder, and
L4 flexes on L5, as in forward bending, or L5 extends un­ arm pain, rather than occipitocervical pain. 26 H owever,
der L4, as in posterior pelvic tilting) the atlantoaxial joint is osteoarthrosis of the atlantoaxial joints may be overlooked
actually in right rotation. Therefore, left side-flexion of the when the patient has occipitocervical pain associated with
occiput results in right rotation of the joint. degenerative changes in the subaxial spine. Halla and
The direction of the conjunct rotation, therefore, ap­ Hardi 27 reported a 4% prevalence of osteoarthrosis of the
pears to be dependent on the initiating movement. If the atlantoaxial lateral mass articulations in 705 consecutive
initiating movement is side-flexion (Iatexion), the conjunct outpatients who had peripheral osteoarthrosis or degener­
rotation (rotation) of the joint is to the opposite side. If the ative joint disease of the spine. Fielding et al28 found that
initiating movement is rotation (rotexion), the conjunct the stability of the atlantoaxial joints depends greatly on the
motion (side-flexion) is to the same side. This principle can ligamentous structures. When the anterior atlantoodon­
be exploi ted in the assessmen t of the craniovertebral join ts. toid interval is more than 3 millimeters, there is disruption
of the transverse l igament. 29 As the anterior atlantoodon­
Rotexioll Rotation of the head to the right (rotexion) toid interval increases further, additional ligamentous dam­
produces: age occurS. 29 It could be argued that as osteoarthrosis oftl1e
lateral mass articulations progresses, the synovitis gradually
• Left side-flexion and right rotation of the occipitoat­ involves the ligamentous structures, thereby weakening
lantal joint, accompanied by a translation to the right. them, and rendering tl1em prone to rupture.30

Nerve Supply of the upper cervical spine. Given the greater sensitivity of
the dorsal root ganglion to compression, as compared to the
The dorsal ramus of spinal nerve C l is larger than the
nerve roots,32 the possible relationship between the forward
anterior ramus. It exits from the spinal canal by passing
head position and occipital headaches is apparent. Support
posteriorly between the posterior arch of the atlas and the
for this theory is provided by a studl3 of 383 patients diag­
rim of the foramen magnum, along with the vertebral ar­
nosed as having migraines, which found that 184 (48%)
tery. I t then enters the suboccipital triangle and supplies
were suffering from headaches due to irritation of the
most of the muscles tllat form that triangle. It typically has
greater occipital nerve.
no cutaneous distribution.
The posterior ramus of spinal nerve C2, larger than
the anterior ramus, is called the greater occipital nerve.
Craniovertebral Ligaments
This nerve is the largest of the cervical posterior rami and
is primarily a cutaneous nerve. It supplies most of the pos­ The controlling ligaments for these segments that
terior aspect of the scalp, extending anteriorly to a line must be considered together are the:
across the scalp that extends from one external auditory
meatus to the other. 31 It exits from the vertebral canal by • Capsule
passing tllfough the slit between the posterior arch of the • Accessory capsular
atlas and the lamina of the axis. Since this nerve has an ex­ • Apical (Figure 18-4)
tensive cutaneous distribution, it has a very large dorsal • Vertical and transverse bands of the cruciform (Fig-
root ganglion. This ganglion is commonly located in a ure 18-4)
vulnerable location almost directly between the posterior • Alar (Figure 18-4)
arch ofCI and tlle lamina ofC2. The interval between these • Accessory alar
two bony structures is small, and is reduced with extension • Anterior atlanto-occipital membrane (Figure 18-4)

Articular capsule

.....,,...----Post. long. lig.


Nerve Cl-----'

Post. long. lig.



Alar Ilg.·---"--

Lat. (deepest)
fibers of b----f==:;:lJ!I! �."""'-''"'tlas

FIGURE 1 8-4 The craniovertebral ligaments. (Reproduced, with permission

from Pansky B: Review of Gross Anatomy, 6/e. McGra w Hili, 1996)

• Posterior atlanto-occipital membrane (Figure 18-4) craniocaudal the least common (4/19). In two of the
• Tectorial membrane (Figure 18-4) specimens, they found a previously undescribed ligamen­
• Anterior longitudinal tous connection between the dens and the anterior arch
of the atlas, the anterior atlantodental ligament. In 12
The anterior occipitoatlantal membrane is thought to specimens, the ligament also attached via caudal fibers to
be t11e superior continuation of the anterior longitudinal the lateral mass of the atlas. The posterior-anterior orien­
ligament. It extends from the anterior arch of vertebra C1 tation of the ligaments in seventeen of the n ineteen sub­
to the anterior aspect of the foramen magnum. jects was either directly lateral from the dens to the oc­
The posterior occipitoatlantal membrane, which in­ cipital attachmen t or somewhat posterior, 150 to 170
terconnects the posterior arch of the atlas and the poste­ degrees.
rior aspect of the foramen magnum, forms part of the pos­ The function of the ligament is to resist flexion, side­
terior boundary of the vertebral canal. I flexion, and rotationY Combined cervical flexion and ro­
The lateral capsular ligaments (anterior-lateral occipi­ tation proves to be the most stressful force applied to the
toatlantal ligament) of the occipitoatlantal joints are typical ligament. Due to their connections, side-flexion of the
of synovial joint capsules. They run obliquely from the ba­ head produces an ipsilateral rotation of C2.42
siocciput to the transverse process of the atlas. To permit Functional loss of the alar ligaments indicates a po­
maximal motion, tl1ey are quite lax, so they provide only tential for i nstability which, however, must be determined
moderate support to the joints in contralateral head rotation. in conjunction with other clinical findings, such as neu­
rologic impairment, pain , and deformity. If the tests for
this ligament are positive, indicating a laxity, but the pa­
Atlantoaxial Ligaments tient is asymptomatic, intervention is not indicated. How­
ever, if the laxity is symptomatic and produces suboccipi­
The anterior longitudinal (anterior atlantoaxial) liga­
tal pain, nausea, headache, and other symptoms,
ment is continuous with the anterior occipitoatlantal
additional stability can be provided through the nuchal
membrane above.34,35,36
ligament by incorporating a sustained chin-tuck during
The posterior atlantoaxial ligament interconnects the
activities of daily living. Cervical proprioceptive neuro­
posterior arch of the atlas and the laminae of the axis.
m uscular faci l i tation (PNF) and stabilization exercises
should also be utilized.
The tectorial membrane (see Figure 18-4) is the most
Occipitoaxial Ligaments
posterior of the three ligaments interconnecting the oc­
The occipitoaxial ligaments are very important to the cipital bone and axis. This ligament is described as the su­
stability of the upper cervical spine.37 perior continuation of the posterior longitudinal liga­
The apical ligament of the dens (see Figure 18-4) ex­ ment, and it extends from the body of vertebra C2 to the
tends from the apex of tl1e dens to the anterior rim of the anterior rim of the foramen magnum. This bridging liga­
foramen magnum. The ligament is short and thick, run­ ment is an important limiter of upper cervical flexion, and
ning from tl1e top of tl1e dens to the basiocciput and is holds the occiput off the atlas.
thought to be a remnant of the notochord. It appears to be The horizontal transverse ligament of tl1e atlas inter­
only a moderate stabilizer of the dens relative to both the connects two parts of the atlas. The transverse ligament,
atlas and occipital bone. connecting the atlas with the dens of the axis, is, in fact, part
The alar ligaments (see Figure 18-4) connect the su­ of the cruciform ligament, however, it is so distinct and im­
perior part of the dens to fossae on the medial side of the portant that it is often considered as a ligament in it so own
occipital condyles, altllOugh they can also attach to the lat­ right.
eral masses of the atlas.38,39 The transverse ligament runs between tubercles on
In a study of 44 cadavers,4o the researchers found the the medial aspects of the lateral masses of the atlas. As it
ligament's orientation to be superiorly, posteriorly and lat­ crosses behind the dens, it is separated from it by a small
erally, and that the fiber direction of the alar ligament was bursa, which facilitates motion between the dens and the
divided into three types: caudacranial type, horizontal ligament. The vertical components of this "cross-shaped"
type, and craniocaudal type. ligament attach to the posterior aspect of the body of the
In another study,38 19 upper cervical spine specimens dens and the anterior rim of the foramen magnum (see
were dissected to examine the macroscopic and func­ Figure 18-4). Its major responsibility is to maintain the po­
tional anatomy of alar ligaments. The researchers found sition of the dens relative to the anterior arch of the atlas.43
that the most common orientation (10/19), was cau­ The transverse ligament functions to counteract anterior
dacranial, followed by transverse (5/19), and the classical translation of the atlas relative to the axis, and to limit

flexion between the atlas and axis.44 Generally, tears in Rectus Capitis Lateralis This muscle arises from the su­
upper central region will allow an anterior translation of perior surface of the C l transverse process and inserts into
the atlas. These limiting functions are of extreme impor­ the inferior surface of the jugular process of the occiput. It
tance because excessive movement of either type could re­ is homologous to the posterior intertransverse muscle of
sult in the dens compressing the spinal cord, epipharynx, the spine. The rectus capitis lateralis side-flexes the head
vertebral artery, and superior cervical ganglion, and pro­ ipsilaterally, and is supplied by the ventral rami of C l
duce cranial nerve signs, pins and needles, and a sensation and C2.
of having a lump in throat (hematoma of epipharynx).
The importance of the ligament is reflected in its phys­ Posterior Suboccipital Muscles
ical properties. The ligament is comprised almost entirely The posterior suboccipitals function to control segmental
of collagen, with a parallel orientation close to the atlas and sliding at C l and C2. They are highly innervated, having
the dens, but with an approximately 30-degrees obliquity at more muscle spindles than any other muscle for their size,
other points in the ligament. Dvorak and co-workers45 and are also strongly linked with the trigeminal nerve.
found the transverse ligament to be almost twice as strong They receive their blood supply from the vertebral artery.
as the alar ligaments, and to have a tensile strength of 330 To palpate these structures, it is necessary to go through
newtons (73 Ib). Transverse ligament rupture was only the splenius capitis, trapezius, and, in older men, a fat pad.
thought to occur secondary to other disease processes, or
Rectus Capitis Posterior Major The largest muscle of the
by spontaneous rupture,46 but recent studies have shown
group, it runs from the C2 spinous process, widening as it
that a rupture can occur in the absence of dens fractures.29
runs cranially, to attach to the lateral part of inferior
The integrity of the transverse ligament is not only
nuchal line (Figure 18-5). Found inferior and lateral to
pertinent to acute ligamentous injuries but is also essential
the occipital protuberances, the rectus capitis posterior
to the stability of atlas fractures; degenerative, inflamma­
majors, when working together, extend the head. When
tory, and congenital disorders; and other abnormalities
working individually, the muscles produce ipsilateral
that affect the craniovertebral junction.
side-flexion and rotation. The muscles are supplied, in
Inj uries to the transverse ligament are classified as
common with the other posterior suboccipitals, by the pos­
terior ramus of Cl.

• Type J injuries: disruptions of the substance of the Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor A small unisegmental
transverse ligament, without an osseous component. muscle, it runs from the posterior arch tubercle of the
• Type II injuries: fractures or avulsions involving the tu­ atlas, to the medial part of tlle inferior nuchal line (see
bercle for insertion of the transverse ligament on the Figure 18-5). Because of the shortness of the atlantean tu­
C l lateral mass, without disruption of the ligament bercle, the muscle is very horizontal, running almost
substance. parallel with the occiput. It is located inferior medial to oc­
cipital protuberances and may be impossible to palpate.
The medical literature that is available in the English The muscle functions to extend tlle head and provides min­
language supports the conclusion that a type I injury is inca­ imal support during ipsilateral side-flexion of the head.
pable of healing without surgery for internal fixation, but
that most type II injuries heal when treated with an orthosis.46 Inferior Oblique This muscles is the larger of the two
oblique muscles, and runs from the spinous process and
lamina of the axis superior-laterally to the transverse
Craniovertebral Muscles process of the atlas (see Figure 18-5). It is found between
the spinous process of C2 and the transverse process of
Anterior Suboccipital Muscles C l . Laxity of the transverse ligament can produce spasm
in this muscle. A tight right inferior oblique exerts an in­
Rectus Capitis Anterior This muscle runs deep to the ferior and posterior pull on the right transverse process of
longus capitis from the anterior aspect of the lateral mass the atlas, producing a right rotated atlantoaxial joint. This
of the atlas vertically to the inferior surface of the base of results in a gross limitation of left rotation while in cervi­
the occiput, anterior to the occipital condyle. A tight right cal flexion, but no limitation of left rotation in extension.
rectus capitis anterior will produce a decreased left trans­ Other conditions that can produce a decrease in upper
lation in extension during mobility testing of the occipi­ cervical left rotation include a left occipitoatlantal joint
toatlantal joint. The rectus capitis anterior flexes and min­ impairment or a right atlantoaxial joint impairment. The
imally rotates the head, and is supplied by the ventral rami muscle works to produces ipsilateral rotation of the atlas
ofC l and C2. and skull, and to control anterior translation ofCl (atlas).

Greater occipital n.

Occipital u.--_-JllIlll

Superior oblique

Suboccipital n. (C 1 )
Semispinalis capitis --���

Dorsal root ganglion (C2)

___-Vertebral a.

SUBOCCIPITAL Trapezius Inferior oblique

FIGURE 18-5 The suboccipital muscles (Reproduced, with permission from
Pansky B: Review of Gross Anatomy, 6/e. McGraw-Hili, 1996)

Superior Oblique From the transverse process of the atlas, obstruction of either a duplicated ASA,'18 or the obstruc­
the superior oblique runs superior-posterior-medially to tion of one of the sulcal arteries, which arise from the ASA
the bone between the superior and inferior nuchal lines and turn alternatively left or right, to supply one side of
lateral to the attachment of rectus capitis posterior major the central cord.50 Peripheral hemicord infarction may re­
(see Figure 18-5). The muscle runs parallel witll the oc­ sult from ischemia in the territory of the ASA49 or poste­
ciput and is a common cause of chronic headaches. I t rior spinal artery. 51
functions to provide contralateral rotation due to its poste­
riOl'-medial orien tation, ipsilateral side-flexion of the
occipitoatlantal joint when acting unilaterally, and head
extension when working bilaterally.
These muscles are probably more important as seg­
mental controllers, either acting concentrically with the In addition to the vertebral artery and tile transverse liga­
larger extensors and rotators, or eccentrically, controlling ment tests, the craniovertebral scan, outlined as follows,
the action of the flexors. As two of these muscles parallel should be used on any patient with a history of trauma to this
the occiput, their effect could be more linear than angular, area.
producing or controlling the arthrokinematic, rather than The biomechanical examination follows the flow dia­
the osteokinematic. gram in Figure 18-6. Unless the results from the active
motion differentiation test are definitive, both of the
joints will probably need to be assessed separately. The
OAjoint is examined and treated first, otherwise the find­
Blood Supply to the Spinal Cord
ings from a combined test of both joints would be con­
The cervical cord is supplied by two arterial systems, fusing. Once the OA joint is cleared, the examination
central and peripheral, which overlap but are discrete. The of the AA complex can proceed using the same flow
first is dependent entirely on the single anterior spinal ar­ diagram.
tery (ASA). The second, without clear-cut boundaries, The scan is terminated if any serious signs are demon­
receives supplies from the ASA and both posterior spinal ar­ strated by the patient (drop attack, lip paresthesia,52 nys­
teries.47 Because the ASA is medial and dominant, unilateral tagmus, distal extremity paresthesias), which would indi­
cord infarctions are very rare. They may occur in the per­ cate a compromise to the blood supply of the brain stem or
fusion territory supplied by the ASA48.49 as a result of the cerebellum, or a spinal cord compression.

History......................... ...........Scan .................... .. ........Positive ...........Refer back to physician cardinal signs or symptoms are provoked, the test is
(Negative for serious pathology)
discontinued. However, if cardinal symptoms are pro­
No definitive diagnosis voked, a provisional assumption is made that they are
caused by excessive translation of the atlas compro­
Active Motion testing! Differentiation test mising one or more of the sensitive structures listed

.. �. ...
Positional testmgIPasslve mobility tests
previously. The test is considered positive and the ex­
amination is terminated. If the neck flexion produces
symptoms of nausea and/or dizziness, a cervical frac­

P.P.A.I.V.M test to examine for hypomobility
ture m ay be present and the examination is termi­
nated.52 Thus, if a patient is able to flex the neck, a cer­
Diagnosis: Asymmetrical/symmetrical impairment vical fracture or a transverse ligament compromise
can be provisionally ruled out.
I f excessive motion
� If hypomobile, detemline the cause (poslUral, acute pain,
2. The patient is asked to perform active neck rotation,
arthritis etc) mobilize and re·assess which is the functional movement of the cranioverte­
bral joints. Some of the possible symptoms and their
Assume hypemlObility causes could be:
(generally morc painful than hypo)

• Facial tingling (C4-5 instability)

• Tingling of the tongue (C2-3 impairment)
• Lip paresthesia52 (indicative of vertebrobasilar
Ifnegative, hypennobility confinned Ifpositive,look for nearby hypomobility and introduce
stabilization therapy If dizziness occurs with rotation before the
FIGURE 1 8-6 Examination sequence for end of range, the head is passively rotated further.
the craniovertebral region. If the dizziness increases, then there is a vascular
compromise and further cervical testing should
cease. This motion also helps to rule out the pres­
ence of a fracture (dens, hangman's) as the pa­
The Craniovertebral Scan
tient will refuse to, or be unable to, move.
Because of its association with the trigeminal nerve, a
quick screening examination of the TMJ is performed to
Differentiation Test
rule out pain referral from this joint.
While the clinician palpates over the head of the Given the fact that the clinician is faced with a biome­
mandible, the patient is asked to perform active range of chanical impairment, a screening test can be used to focus
motion of opening and closing of the mouth, lateral devia­ the examination on a particular segment. In the following
tion, protrusion , and retrusion. Overpressure and resist­ example used to i llustrate the screen, the patient pre­
ance is applied at the end of range of each of these mo­ sented with complaints of retro-orbital pain that is pro­
tions. The amount of mouth opening is measured grossly voked when turning the head to the right. Generally speak­
using the PIP joints. Two to three of the PIP joints should ing, pain originating from the craniovertebral joints tends
fit comfortably. If the TMJ screen is negative, the clinician to refer to the neck, head, or face.
can proceed with the craniovertebral scan. If, however, The patient is seated and the clinician stands be­
pain is reproduced with the TMJ screen, a ful l examination h ind. The clinician induces right side-flexion to the pa­
of the TMJ must be performed. tient's head and neck. This right side-flexion produces
the biomechanics of latexion-a left rotation of the oc­
1. The patient is asked to perform active neck flexion. If cipitoatlantal and atlantoaxial, but a right rotation of
the neck is unstable secondary to a dens fracture C2-3.
and/or transverse ligament tear, the patient will be
unable to flex the neck in the traditional manner and • If this motion reproduces the patient's pain, the C2-3
will substitute with a chin protrusion. If this occurs, a joint is implicated. To confirm this, the clinician pas­
modified version of the Sharp-Purser test can be used. sively moves the patient's neck into left side-flexion. If
The patient is asked to segmentally flex the head C2-3 is at fault, this movement should have no effect
and relate any signs or symptoms that this might evoke on the symptoms, as left side-flexion of the neck pro­
to the clinician. Local symptoms, such as soreness, are duces a right rotation of both the occipitoatlan tal and
ignored for the purposes of evaluating the test. If no atlantoaxial, but a left rotation of C2-3.

• If the eye pain is reproduced by the right side-flexion fingers inferiorly along the anterior aspect of the mastoid
and: bilaterally, then directly inferior to the mastoid, and, fi­
nally, posterior to the mastoid. Having located the trans­
1. Increased if right rotation is superimposed, then verse process of C1, the clinician stabilizes the patient's
the C2-3 joint/joint capsule is implicated. head in a position of left mid to low cervical rotation and
2. Is not increased with the right rotation, left rota­ right craniovertebral rotation. The atlas has very few liga­
tion is superimposed on the right side-flexion ments attaching to it, except the transverse ligament, and,
(Figure 18-7). If the left rotation increases the thus, by stabilizing the patient's head, the clinician is also
eye pain, the upper two joints are implicated. stabilizing C2 because of the number of ligaments tllat at­
However, if the left rotation provokes pain in an­ tach between the head and C2. The clinician passively ro­
other area in the neck, then a subchondral! tates the atlas (C1) to the left by applying gentle manual
zygapophysial joint crack fracture may be present pressure to the posterior aspect of the right C1 transverse
at the C2-3 level. process (Figure 18-8). This left rotation of C 1 produces a
• If the right side-flexion with right rotation did not relative right rotation of the occipitoatlan tal joint, but a
left rotation of the atlantoaxial joint.
change the patient's symptoms, the upper two joints
If the left rotation of C1 produces an increase in eye
are implicated. To confirm , the clinician places the pa­
tient's neck into left side-flexion. This should repro­ pain, the occipitoatlantal joint is at fault. This can be con­
duce the symptoms. A differentiation between the firmed by passively rotating C1 to the right, which should
occipitoatlantal and atlantoaxial now has to be made. decrease the pain. If the left rotation of C1 produces no
change, the clinician introduces right rotation of C 1. If this
The patient remains seated and the clinician locates is positive, it will indicate involvement of the atlan toaxial
the patient's external occipital protuberance, which can joint.
be palpated on the posterior-inferior aspect of the occipi­ If the results from this screen are inconclusive, resist­
tal bone as a prominent midline elevation. Passing laterally ance can be applied. The clinician rotates the patient's head
from the external protuberance, the superior nuchal line and neck to tlle right and to the point of pain. Resistance is
leads directly to the mastoid process, and just inferior and applied in both directions of rotation. An increase in pain
anterior to the mastoid process, the transverse process of with resistance could indicate a contractile, articular, or a
C1 is palpable. Palpation of the transverse process of the ligamentous impairment. Further differentiation can be
atlas can also be accomplished by gliding the palpating

FIGURE 18-8 Testing position of passive right side flexion

FIGURE 18-7 Testing position of passive right side flexion and left rotation of the cervical spine and left rotation of the
and left rotation of the cervical spine. atlas.

made using traction and compression. The rotation is main­ assesses the position of the occiput relative to the atlas.
tained and a traction and compression force is applied. The other side is then tested and a comparison is made.
The side to which the occiput is side-flexed in flexion is the
1. Application of gentle traction: if the pain decreases, side of the shortest distance.
then this may implicate a subchondral fracture,
zygapophysial joint fracture, or traumatic artllritis. If Atlantoaxial join t Positional testing of tllis joint is per­
the pain increases, a ligamentous or capsular structure formed by bilaterally palpating the posterior arch of the at­
is implicated. However, due to its vertical orientation, las in the suboccipital gutter and the lamina of the axis with
the traction would also stretch the superior oblique, the index and middle finger of both hands (Figure 18-10) .
producing pain if it is injured. The joint is flexed around its axis and the clinician assesses
2. Application of gentle compression: if the pain in­ the position of the C l vertebra relative to C2 by noting the
creases, then this may 'implicate a subchondral frac­ position of the posterior arch relative to the corresponding
ture, zygapophysial joint fracture, or traumatic arthri­ lamina of C2. The other side is then tested and a compari­
tis. If the pain decreases, then this would confirm a son is made. A posterior left posterior arch of Cl relative to
ligamentous or superior oblique impairment. the left lamina of C2 is indicative of a left rotated position
of the Cl-2 joint complex in flexion.

Positional Tests
The patient is sitting. The clinician is standing behind
the patient. With the index and middle finger of both Occipitoatlantal joint The OA joint complex is flexed
hands, the clinician palpates the distance between the around the appropriate axis and the clinician assesses the
transverse processes of the atlas and the mastoid processes position of the occiput relative to the atlas by comparing
of the temporal bones. the left with the right side, the side to which the occiput is
side-flexed in extension is the side of the shortest distance.
Atlantoaxial joint Positional testing of this joint is per­
Occipitoatlantal joint With the index and long finger of formed by bilaterally palpating the posterior arch of the
one hand, the clinician palpates the mastoid process and atlas in the suboccipital gutter and the lamina of the axis
the transverse process of C l (Figure 18-9) . The patient is with the index and middle finger of both hands. The joint
asked to flex the OA joint complex and the clinician is extended around the appropriate axis and the clinician

FIGURE 1 8-9 Patient and clinician position for position FIGURE 1 8-1 0 Patient and clinician position for position
testing of the occipital-atlanta I joint. testing of the atlanto-axial joint (shown on left side).

assesses the position of the C1 vertebra relative to C2 by joint mobility may merely be a reflection of an altered
noting the position of the posterior arch relative to the cor­ starting position. 53
responding lamina of C2. A posterior left posterior arch of To assess side-flexion, the patient is asked to side-flex the
C1 relative to the left lamina of C2 is indicative of a left ro­ head around the appropriate axis. As conjunct contralateral
tated position of the C l -2 joint complex in extension. rotation is usually combined with side-flexion at this joi n t, the
mastoid process should be felt to approximate the ipsilateral
Active Mobility of the Occiput, transverse process in the coronal plane during side-flexion .53
Atlas, and Axis

The patient is sitting with the clinician standing Passive Mobility Testing of Occiput,
behind. Using the thumbs and index fingers of both hands, Atlas, and Axis
the clinician palpates each mastoid process of the temporal
bones and the transverse processes of the atlas. With the Seated Technique
middle fingers of each hand, the clinician palpates the The patient is sitting, with a clinician standing be­
transverse processes of the axis (Figure 18-11). The clini­ side. Using the index and middle finger of the posterior
cian notes tl1e quantity and quality of the motions. hand, the clinician palpates the occipitoatlantal joints
For flexion, the patient is asked to flex the head around and palpates the lateral atlantoaxial joints with the
the appropriate axis. The mastoid processes should travel thumb and ring finger of the posterior hand. The ulnar
posteriorly along a curved path at equal distance. When in­ border of the fifth finger of the anterior hand is applied
terpreting tl1e mobility findings, the position of the joint at to the occiput ( Figure 18- 12). Fixation of the cranium
the beginning of the test should correlate with the subse­ should not occur.
quent mobility noted because alterations in joint mobility The clinician passively flexes, extends, side-flexes, and
may merely be a reflection of an altered starting position.53 rotates the occipitoatlantal joint around the appropriate
To assess extension, the patient is asked to extend the axis and, with the index finger and the middle finger of
head around the appropriate axis. The mastoid processes the posterior hand, notes the quantity, quality, and the end
should travel anteriorly along a curved path at equal dis­ feel of motion at the occipitoatlantal joint.
tance. When interpreting the mobility findings, the position
of the join t at the beginning of the test should be correlated Supine Techniques
with the subsequent mobility noted because alterations in
Occipitoatlantal Joint When mobility testing tl1is joint,
the first point to remember is that the joint is capable of

FIGURE 18-11 Patient and clinician position to assess

the active mobility of the occip ito-atlantal joint and
atlanto-axial joint start position. FIGURE 18-12 Passive mobility testing.

flexion, extension, and a coupling of side-flexion and rota­

tion, albeit slight. The second poin t to keep in mind is that
the arthrokinematics of this joint are the reverse of those
occurring in the other zygapophysial joints, and that they
occur in a different plane (horizontal).
With the patien t in supin e , the head is extended
around th e axis for the occipitoatlantal joint (an ap­
proximately common axis with that of the atlantoaxial
joint that runs through the external auditory meatus)
(Figure 1 8- 13). The head is then side-flexed left, and
right, around a common craniovertebral axis that runs
roughly through the nose. As the side-flexion is carried
out, a gradual translation force is applied in the opposite
direction to the side-flexion. The range of movement of
the side-flexion is assessed from side to side as is the end
feel of the translation. This procedure is then repeated
for flexion.
Extension of the occipitoatlantal glides the occipital
condyles anteriorly to the limit of their symmetrical exten­
sion range. During left side-flexion and right translation in
extension, the coupled right rotation is produced. This rota­
FIGURE 18-14 Patient and clinician position to assess
tion causes the right occipital condyle to retreat toward a
the passive mobil ity of the occipito-atlantal joint in flexion.
neutral position, while the left condyle advances further into
the extension barrier. If left side-flexion in extension is lim­
ited, then tlle limiting factor is on the left joint of the seg­ left translation stresses tlle anterior glide of the right occipi­
ment, that is, ipsilateral to the side-flexion , which is toatlantal joint.
preventing the advance of the condyle into its normal posi­ In flexion, the occipital condyles move posteriorly (Fig­
tion. Thus, extension and right translation tests the anterior ure 18-14). The right rotation associated with left side-flex­
glide of the left occipitoatlantal joint, whereas extension and ion causes the left condyle to move away from the flexion bar­
rier toward the neutral position while the right condyle is
moved posteriorly further into the flexion barrier. Thus, flex­
ion and translation to the right tests the posterior glide of the
right occipitoatlantal joint, whereas flexion and left transla­
tion tests the posterior glide of the left occipitoatlantal joint.
It is apparen t that the artllrokinematic and osteokine­
matic are tested simultaneously. However, in this region,
the arthrokinematic does not afford much i nformation
concerning the type of hypomobility, as it does elsewhere.
This is due to the orientation of some of the suboccipital
muscles, which are positioned such that they can restrict
the glide of the joint. As a consequence, the cause of the
hypomobility can only be determined from the end feel. If
a hypomobility is detected, the superior oblique, which
commonly restricts motion at tllisjoint, is assessed first and
then treated, if necessary.
The following patterns of im pairmen t are more or less
commonly seen, and the causes of the impairments can be
deduced (Table 18-1). However, it must be remembered
that deductions are only of value if the resultant interven­
tion is successful. 37

FIGURE 18-13 Patient and clinician position to assess the 1. A patient who has a subluxation into flexion on the right
passive mobility of the occipito-atlantal joint in extension. occipitoatlantal joint should demonstrate decreased




Flexion and right side-flexion Left flexion hypomobil ity

Left extensor muscle tightness
Left posterior capsu l a r adhesions
Left subl uxation (into extension)
Extension and right Right extension hypomobil ity
side-flexion Right flexor muscle tightness
Right anterior capsu l a r adhesions
Right subluxation (into flexion)
Flexion and right side-flexion Left capsular pattern
> extension and left Arthritis
side-flexion Arthrosis
Flexion and right Left a rthrofibrosis (very hard)
side-flexion = extension capsular end feel
and l eft side-flexion
Right side-flex in flexion Probably an anomaly
and extension

extension, decreased light side-flexion and right rota­

FIGURE 18-15 Patient and clinician position to assess
tion, and a jammed end feel with translation to left.
atlanto-axial joint rotexion.
2. A patient with a periarticular restriction of the left oc­
cipitoatlantal joint into flexion should demonstrate de­
creased flexion, decreased right side-flexion and right common involves the patient lying supine and the clini­
rotation, and a capsular end feel with translation to left. cian applying full cervical flexion and then introducing
3. A patient with a fibrous adhesion of the right occipi­ cervical rotation.
toatlantal joint should demonstrate decreased exten­ This joint can also be tested with either latexion or ro­
sion and right side-flexion and decreased flexion and texion. There is speculation that the joint can be damaged
left side-flexion , with a hard capsular end feel at both differently depending on whether the traumatic force pro­
extremes. duces latexion or rotexion.
4. With motion testing, a decreased flexion and right
side-flexion, with a pathomechanic end feel, indicates Rotexion
a left occipitoatiantal joint subluxed into flexion. The patient sits with the clinician standing to one side. C2
5. With motion testing, a decreased flexion and right (in line with base of hairline/the biggest spinous process)
side-flexion limitation indicates a capsular pattern of is stabilized in a wide lumbrical pinch grip, and the clini­
the left occipitoatlantal joint. A decreased extension cian' s other hand reaches around the head to hold the
and left side-flexion limitation, with a spasm end feel occiput and the C l neural arch with the little finger
in both directions (flexion Witll greater range), indi­ (Figure 18- 15) . The head is held against the clinician 's
cates traumatic arthritis. chest and a compressive force is applied as the head is ro­
6. A decreased right translation of the occipitoatlantal in tated toward the clinician. The compression force allows
flexion would indicate a right posterior occipitoat­ the telescoping that normally occurs as the C l facets
Ian tal joint problem or an impaired or tight right su­ descend on C2. The range of motion is assessed and the
perior oblique. end feel evaluated.
7. Limited extension of the left atlantoaxial joint would
indicate that the left occipitoatlantal joint cannot Latexion
glide posteriorly, or there is an impaired or tight right With the patient seated, tile clinician stabilizes C2 with one
inferior oblique. hand while holding the top of the patient's head with the
other. The clinician side-flexes the head and neck around
the craniovertebral axis, and then rotates the head in the di­
Atlantoaxial Joint
rection opposite to the side-flexion (Figure 18-16) . The cli­
There are a number of documen ted methods to assess nician assesses the amount of range available and then as­
the passive mobility of the atlantoaxial joint. The most sesses the other side. Due to the fact that the alar ligament is

FIGURE 1 8-16 Patient and cl inician position to assess FIGURE 1 8-17 Patient and clin ician position to assess
atlanto-axial joint latexion. the anterior glide of the atlanto-axial joint on the right.

slackened with the side-flexion, the amount of available at­ their shortened positions so that they are not able to assist
lantoaxial rotation should be increased as compared to during the motions.
that found with the rotexion test. It is advisable to first as­
sess the C2-3 segment before drawing any conclusions Flexors
from this test to preven t any false positives about the status The patient is positioned in supine while the head is cra­
ofC l -2. dled by the clinician. The clinician lifts tile patient's head
into the forward head position, placing the long neck flex­
Anterior and Posterior Glides ors in a shortened position, and the short flexors in a
The patient is supine and the head and neck is placed into lengthened position. The patient is asked to resist the cli­
full side-flexion. The craniovertebral joints are then flexed nician using the following command: "Don 't let me lift
or extended before being rotated. For example, right cer­ your chin up to the ceiling. "
vical side-flexion (Figure 18-17), followed by cranioverte­
bral flexion and left rotation, tests the ability of the right Extensors
atlan toaxial joint to move maximally anteriorly, whereas The patient is positioned in supine while the head is cra­
left cervical side-flexion, followed by extension and left dled by the clinician. The clinician places the patient's
rotation of the craniovertebraljoints, tests the ability of the head into a craniovertebral chin tuck (chin on Adam 's
left atlantoaxial joint to move posteriorly maximally. apple). This places the long extensors in a shortened posi­
tion and the short extensors in a lengthened position. The
patient is asked to resist the clinician using the following
Muscle Testing
command: "Don 't let me pull the back of your head up to­
Before specifically testing the musculature of this area, ward the ceiling. "
it is worthwhile to check the muscle groups as a whole in
terms of the cardinal plane motions. Right Side-Flexors
The patient is positioned in supine while the head is cra­
Gross Motions dled by the clinician. The clinician performs a right lateral
Asthe focus for these tests is to detect muscle tears, the short glide of the patient's head and neck, keeping the patient's
muscles to be tested need to be placed on stretch, so that a eyes horizontal. This positions the short right side-flexors
minimum amount of force will be required to produce a in a lengthened position and the long right side-flexors in
positive finding. The long muscles have to be positioned in a shortened position. The patient is asked to resist the

clinician using the following command: "Don't let me pull the patient's head and neck into occipitoatlantal flexion,
your right ear up towards the top of your head." left side-flexion, and right rotation. A massage to the mus­
cle can be applied by stroking the muscle from the C l
Left Rotators transverse process to the C2 spinous process, applying a
The patient is positioned in supine while the head is cra­ force in the direction of less pain.
dled by the clinician. Using the principles of cranioverte­
bral biomechanics, right side-flexion occurs with left rota­ Superior Oblique
tion. Thus, if the right side-flexors are on stretch, so are This muscle is located in the soft dip, just behind the mas­
the left rotators, although primarily at the occipitoatlantal toid process. If the right muscle is contracted, there is a
joint. Therefore, the patient is positioned as for testing the decrease in flexion, left side-flexion and right rotation,
right side-flexors. The patient is asked to resist the clini­ and right translation of the occipitoatlantal joint. To
cian using the following command: "Don ' t let me turn stretch the right superior oblique, the patient's head and
your head to the right." neck must be placed in flexion, left side bend and right ro­
tation. The patient is positioned in sitting. The clinician
Rectus Capitis Anterior places a thumb over the posterior aspect of the right trans­
The anterior major and minor are tested by positioning verse process of C l . The other hand wraps around the
the patient's head into craniovertebral extension and head, and the patient's head is positioned into craniover­
lower cervical flexion, with one hand under the occiput tebral flexion, left side bend and right rotation. Hold and
and the other under the mandible. The patient is asked to relax or contract and relax commands can be used.
resist the clinician pulling the chin to the ceiling.

Craniovertebral Stress Testing

Rectus Capitis Posterior Major
To palpate this muscle, the clinician slides the palpating In the mid-cervical region , there are essentially no
finger caudally from the occipital condyle into the space muscles that protect against forced cervical extension such
between the C2 spinous process and the condyle. The pa­ that occurs in a whiplash injury. Most of the extension
tient is asked to look up and down rapidly using eye move­ forces in the mid-cervical region are resisted by the disc and
ments only. the zygapophysial joints, resulting in compression and sub­
The muscle is tested by placing the patient's head and chondral crack fractures (subchondral). Forced flexion, on
neck into flexion and opposite side-flexion and rotation. the other hand, is heavily guarded against by muscles, the
The patient is asked to resist the clinician using the follow­ ligaments, and the sternum. A posterior dislocation of the
ing command: "Don 't let me take you further. " occipitoatlantal joint is tlle most common cervical cause of
To stretch this muscle, the patient is positioned in death. If the head hits an object during a cervical trauma,
supine. The clinician fixes C2 into flexion. To stretch the there is a high chance that a crack fracture through the
left one, a right side-flexion and left rotation motion is lamina and pedicle occurred in the cervical region. Subjec­
added and the patient is instructed to not let the head tive reports of immediate post-trauma symptoms are of
drop back. serious concern, especially if they include loss of balance.
The craniovertebral region demonstrates a lot of mo­
Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor bility but little stability. What ligaments there are, afford lit­
Very difficult to palpate and to isolate, but this muscle is tle protection during a high-velocity injury. Even a lax liga­
tested along with the rectus capitis posterior major. ment with a small degree of trauma can have dire
consequences. The craniovertebral joints are adiscal and
Inferior Oblique synovial. Their zygapophysial joints facilitate motion. I n
The patient is positioned in supine while the head is cra­ the peripheral joints and the craniovertebral joints, it is
dled by the clinician. The clinician places a palpating the muscles tllat restrain angular motion, while the liga­
finger in the space between tile transverse process of Cl ments, bony opposition , or intra-articular congruence re­
and the spinous process of C2, while the patient is asked to strain against accessory or linear motion. Consequen tly, it
look to the same side, using eye movement only. Alterna­ is possible for a patient to exhibit an angular hypomobility
tively, the clinician can localize to the atlantoaxial by ex­ of craniovertebral motion (through a protective muscle
tending the occipitoatlantal joint and then rotating C l in spasm) while simultaneously exhibiting linear or accessory
the appropriate direction, while C2 is stabilized. hypermobility and instability (through ligamentous laxity
The patient can also be positioned in side-lying with the or intra-articular attrition).
affected side up, and the head supported underneath by Stress tests of the whole cervical region will not be
the clinician's forearm. The muscle is stretched by placing affected by muscle spasm and can , therefore, highlight

the presence of instability. H owever, in weight bearing, the systemic corticosteroid therapy can weaken collagen
muscles can often splint an area of instability, making the tissue.
joint appear normal. Although a very small percentage of • Corticosteroid use. As just mentioned, prolonged ex­
the population will have a craniovertebral instability, every­ posure to this class of drug can produce a softening of
one needs to be checked, especially if a history of trauma the dens and transverse ligament by deteriorating the
is involved. Sharpey fibers that attach tlle ligament to the bone.
The ligaments involved in resisting motion in this re­ Steroid use also promotes osteoporosis.
gion area are a series of strong ligaments from the occiput • Recurre n t upper respiratory tract infections
to the first and second cervical vertebrae, which maintain ( UTRI) / chronic sore throats in children. Maladie
the normal osseous relationship. Instability of this region de Grisel syndrome65 is a spontaneous atlantoaxial
can result from a number of causes. dislocation affecting children between 6 and 12
years. The outstanding symptom is a spontaneously
• Trauma (especially a hyperflexion injury). arising torticollis. The most likely etiology seems to
• Rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and ankylos­ be an inflammation of the retropharyngeal space
ing spondylitis. Nontraumatic hypermobility or frank caused by upper respiratory tract infections or by
instability of the occipitoatlantal joint has been re­ adenotonsillectomy, producing pharyngeal hyper­
ported in association with rheumatoid arthritis.54 emia and bone absorption.
• Gout is the most common form of inflammatory • Congenital. Nontraumatic hypermobility or frank in­
arthritis in men over tlle age of 40 years and appears stability of the occipitoatlantal joint has been reported
to be on the increase.55 In the United States, the self­ in association with congenital bony malformations.66
reported prevalence of gout almost trebled in men • Down 's syndrome. Nontraumatic hypermobility or
aged 45 to 64 years between 1969 and 1981.56 Rea­ frank instability of the occipitoatlantal joint has been
son s for the rising prevalence of gout are thought to reported in association with Down's syndrome.67-69
stern from dietary changes, environmental factors, Gabriel and associates7o demonstrated a high preva­
increasing longevity, subclinical renal impairment, lence of occipitoatlantal hypermobility in children
and the increased use of drugs causing hyper­ and adolescents with Down's syndrome. Harris and co­
uricemia, particularly diuretics.57-59 The usual pres­ workers7! noted that the tectorial membrane plays an
entation of acute gou t is a monoarticular arthritis essential role in maintaining upper cervical stability.
usually affecting the great toes, feet, or ankles. Less As it is recognized that Down's syndrome is associated
commonly the knee, elbow, and wrist are affected.6o with generalized soft tissue laxity, laxity of the tectorial
Its occurrence in the vertebral axis is distinctly un­ membrane may play a role in the occipitoatlantal hy­
common; when reported, the neurologic symptoms permobility.
range from radiculopathy to frank spinal cord com­ • Patient's under the age of 12 years, who can often have
pression. 6 1 .62 I n a report by Kersley and colleagues,63 an immature or absen t dens.
the autopsy findings in a 2 1-year-old man who had • Osteoporosis.
had severe polyarticular gout were described. The
patient had a history of neck pain that was probably Indications for Stress Testing: 52
due to partial destruction of the odontoid process
and of the body of the second cervical vertebra with • Post trauma
subluxation of the first cervical vertebra. It was not • Patient reports that their neck feels unstable
clear if there were any neurologic symptoms, and • Subjective history of the above. Biomechanical pain
death was attributed to pneumonia. In 1987, i n a let­ should improve in the recumbent position.
ter to the editor, Van de Laar and co-workers64 re­
ported on a 69-year-old man in whom progressive The positive signs and symptoms for these tests are:
neurologic symptoms had developed. The symptoms
resolved after operative removal of an in tradural to­ • The presence of any serious signs, results from is­
phus at the occipital-first cervical junction. The pa­ chemia or insult to the brain stem or cerebellum.
tient had had no previous symptoms to suggest gout; • The presence of the following signs and symptoms:
but synovial aspiration of a first metatarsophalangeal lump in the throat, nausea and vomiting, severe head­
joint revealed sodium urate crystals. There were no ache and muscle spasm, soft end feel, and dizziness.
peripheral tophi. The disease process itself is a rare
cause of complications, but the medications used to The patient is laid supine to remove any muscular in­
treat it can have serious side effects. In particular, fluences. If the patient is unable to lie down , the clinician

may need to reconsider the appropriateness of performing

these tests.

Longitudinal Stability
This is the opening test. Initially, general traction is ap­
plied to the whole cervical region with the patient supine
or seated. If this is negative, C2 is stabilized and craniover­
tebral traction is applied in neutral, flexion, and extension
-''''' ''.r'''ulor Facet
(tectorial membrane).

Anterior Shear-Transverse Ligament52

The patient is positioned in supine, the head cradled in
the clinician's hands. Holding the occiput, C l , and placing
FIGURE 1 8-1 9 Transverse ligament. (Reproduced, with
both thumbs on the cheeks of the patient, the clinician lifts
permission from Wilkins RH (editor); Neurosurgery, 2e.
the patient's head, keeping the patient's face parallel to McGraw-Hili, 1 996).
the ceiling (Figure 18-18). The patient is instructed to
keep the eyes open and to count backward aloud. The po­
sition is held for approximately 15 seconds or until an end Coronal (Lateral Occipitoatlantal Test)-Alar Ligament
feel is perceived. Rotation and side-flexion tighten the con tralateral alar
The transverse ligament (Figure 18-19) can be tested (rotation or side-flexion to the right tightens the left alar),
more specifically in the following manner. The patient is whereas flexion tightens both alar ligaments (approxi­
positioned in supine with the head cradled in the clini­ mately 1 /20 of them tighten with extension). The in­
cian's hands. The clinician locates the anterior arches of tegrity of the alar ligaments can be tested in a number of
C2 by following around the vertebra from the back to the ways.
front using the thumbs. Once located, the clinician pushes
down on the anterior arches of C2 with the thumbs Kinetic Tes t This test does not involve fixating one bone
towards the table, while the patient's occiput and C l, while moving the other, but it seems to give accurate re­
cupped in the clinician's hands, is lifted, keeping the head sults. The patient's head is rotated passively while the C2
parallel to the ceiling, but in slight flexion. spinous process is palpated for motion (Figure 18-20) . If

FIGURE 1 8-1 8 Patient and clinician position to assess FIGURE 18-20 Patient and clinician position for the
the integrity of the transverse l igament. kinetic alar ligament test.

the C2 spinous process does not move immediately when motion has been fully restored, the alar cannot be accu­
the head is rotated, laxity of the ligament should be sus­ rately assessed, as full rotation at those join ts is necessary
pected. to stress it.
The same test can be performed using passive side­ If the ligament is lax but asymptomatic, it should not be
flexion of the patient's head. u·eated. If tile ligament is symptomatic (suboccipital pain,
nausea, headache, etc.), the patient can be insu'ucted on
Stress Tes t The patient is positioned in sitting or supine. the use of a sustained chin tuck to provide nuchal ligament
The clinician stabilizes C2 with a lumbrical grip, pushing support during activities of daily living.
down on its posterior neural arch with the thumb on the
side opposite to the side-flexion (to block the rotation),
and the index finger is placed over the other posterior Segmental Stability Tests for
neural arch ofC2 (to block the side bend ofC2) (see Fig­ the Occipitoatlantal Joint
ure 18-20). The patient's head is side-flexed with the
An initial indication that there is a segmental instabil­
neck in the following positions, flexion (chin tuck), neu­
ity present occurs when the alar ligament stress test
tral, and then extension.52 With the exception of the neu­
demonstrates movement but a normal end feel. More di­
tral position, when the ligament will be fairly lax, the cli­
rect testing is needed.
nician should encounter a firm end feel. A test
demonstrating laxity in all three positions would implicate
the following. Sagittal Stress Tests

• An insufficient ligament Posterior Stability of the Occipitoa tlantal Joint 52 The pa­
• An arthrotic instability tient is supine. The sides of the patient's cranium are
• Differentiating alignment gently compressed with the palms of both hands. With
• Craniovertebral arthrosis the pads of both index fingers over each arch of the axis,
• I ncorrect technique the clin ician uses a lumbrical muscle action, in an at­
tempt to translate anteriorly the axis and atlas under a
To help differentiate between a ligamentous and fixed occiput ( Figure 18-21). This has the affect of mov­
arthrotic instability, rotation is used. As the alar ligament ing C l - 2 anteriorly on the occiput (in a similar fashion
restricts motion in both the contralateral side-flexion and
rotation directions, if side-flexion to the left, which tests
the right alar, has a lax end feel, then rotation to the left
should also have a lax end feel, if the right alar is the cause
of the instability. H owever, if rotation to the left is normal,
but rotation to the right has a lax end feel, an arthrotic in­
stability should be suspected.
If the left side-flexion is slack in all three positions of
flexion, neutral, and extension, the patient is seated and
left rotation is assessed. The left rotation will be slack if
the right alar ligament is lax. I f when rotating the pa­
tien t's head to the left, a block occurs at around 20 to 30
degrees of rotation (normal), right rotation is assessed.
If right rotation is excessive, then an arthrotic instability
is presen t, not an alar ligament insufficiency. Alterna­
tively, with the patient seated, the clinician rotates the
patient's head to the left, which should be blocked at
about 20 to 30 degrees if the alar is i n tact. The head is
then side-flexed to the right, and then rotated to the left.
I f the rotation movement is still blocked at 20 to 30 de­
grees, then the restriction is occurring at the craniover­
tebral joints, in particular, the atlantoaxial joint, as the
addition of the right side-flexion before the l eft rotation,
should slacken the right alar ligamen t, allowing for FIGURE 1 8-21 Posterior stability test of the occipito­
more rotation to the left to occur. Until craniovertebral atlantal j o int.

FIGURE 18-22 Anterior stabil ity test of the occipito­ FIGURE 18-23 Patient and clinician position for the
atlantal joint. translational shear test of the occipito-atlantal joint.

as that of the U"ansverse ligament test but with the occiput Segmental Stability Tests for
stabilized). the Atlantoaxial Joint

It must be remembered that the atlan toaxial joi n t com­

An terior Stab ility of the Occipitoatlanta l Joint 52 The plex consists of three joints. Although it has no weight bear­
patient is supine. The clinician, using the pads of fingers ing function, it is the median joint that is extremely impor­
2 through 5, gently cradles the occiput. The pads of the tant in maintaining stability, while at the same time,
thumbs are turned medially to gently fix the anterior­ facilitating motion within thisjoint complex. Stability of this
lateral aspect of the transverse masses of the atlas and joint, in turn, is dependent on a normal and intact dens. On
axis ( Figure 18-22) . By simultaneously and bilaterally occasion, the integrity of the dens can be compromised:52
producing a lumbrical action at the metacarpopha­
langeal joints of 2 through 5, together with flexion at A. Anomalies of the dens.
1. Os odontoidium: a condition where the intervertebral
the thenar metacarpophalangeal joint, an anterior
translatory force will occur at the occipitoatlantal joint. disc between the developing bodies of axis and atlas
does not ossify.
This has the affect of moving the occiput anteriorly
2. Congenital absence of the dens.
on C l -2.
3. Underdeveloped dens with a lack of height that ren­
ders it unchecked by the transverse ligament.
Transverse Shear52 Transverse shearing of the j o i n t,
B. Pathologies affecting the dens.
without allowing the normal curved path of translation,
1. Demineralization or resorption of the dens: maladie
or rotation and side-flexion, tests the medial side of the
de Grisel syndrome,65 rheumatoid arthritis.
ipsilateral joint and the lateral side of the contralateral
2. Old, undisplaced fractures (especially of the dens)
joint. This is performed with the patient supine. Stabiliz­
that originally escaped diagnosis and subsequen tly,
ing the mastoid, C l is moved in a transverse direction,
formed a pseudoarthrosis. It must be emphasized
using the soft part of the metacarpophalangeal joint of
that stress tests are contraindicated if a recent dens
the index finger (Figure 18-23) . If the instabil i ty can be
fracture is suspected.
demonstrated in every direction, the problem is a true
segmental instability. H owever, if the i nstability is just C. Developmental considerations.
unilateral or bilateral, the more probable cause i s a 1 . The body of the dens is not of sufficient size to be
capsular tear. retained in the osseoligamentous ring of the atlas until

a child is approximately 12 years old. It must be as­ arthritic patients. In these patients, a number of patho­
sumed, therefore, that the atlantoaxial joint of a child logic conditions can affect the stability of the osseoliga­
under this age is naturally unstable. Great care and mentous ring of the median joints of the atlan toaxial seg­
justification is needed with any craniovertebral mobi­ ment. The articular cartilage between the odontoid and
lization or manipulative technique with this age the anterior arch of atlas can degenerate and thin, the
group. dens can become softened, and the ligament's collagen af­
fected so that i t becomes lax. There can even be ossifica­
D. Postural changes.
tion of the ligament. The aim of the original test was to de­
1. Cadaver studies have indicated that those patients
termine whether the patient's central nervous system's
with a marked forward head posture in life, have had
signs and/or symptoms were being caused by such an in­
anatomic changes in the dens and transverse liga­
ment. Therefore, extreme care should be u nder­
The patient is asked to flex the head and to report any
taken when using high-velocity thrust techniques on
signs or symptoms evoked. If no cardinal symptoms are
elderly patients, especially those who exhibit a marked
provoked, the test is discontinued. However, if cardinal
forward head posture.
symptoms are provoked, the assumption is made that they
are caused by excessive translation of the atlas. The as­
Transverse Shear (Lateral Stability)
sumption is tested when the examiner employs one of two
The transverse shear test of the atlantoaxial joint is used
methods of reducing the potential anterior translation.
witll a h istory of maladie de Grisel syndrome. 65 The soft as­
With the flexed position maintained, eitller the forehead
pect of each second metacarpal head is placed on the oppo­
can be stabilized and the axis manually translated anteri­
site transverse processes and laminae ofC1 and C2, with the
orly, or, the axis can be stabilized and the head translated
palms facing each other. Stabilize C1 and attempt to move
posteriorly with pressure against the forehead.
C2 transversely, using the soft part of MCPs (Figure 1 8-24).
In reality, one should question the wisdom of investi­
Observe for movement (of which there should be none).
gating the cause of the cardinal symptoms as, for the phys­
ical therapist, the mere presence of those symptoms should
Modified Sharp-Purser-Anterior Stability
be sufficient to return the patient to tlleir physician.
of AtIantoaxiai Joint
The Sharp-Purser test was originally designed to test sagit­
tal stability of the atlantoaxial segment in rheumatoid

Manual Therapy

The following mobilization techniques for the restriction
of extension, right side-flexion, and left rotation of the left
atlantooccipital joint can be performed. The reader is ex­
pected to extrapolate the information to produce the nec­
essary techniques for an anterior glide restriction of the
left joint.

Techniques to Increase Extension, Right Side-Flexion,

and Left Rotation of tI1e Left AtIantooccipitai Joint

Specific Tractio7l72 Specific traction is used here, as else­

where in the spine, to apply a gentle degree of mechanical
stimulation . It is typically used with acute conditions.
Traction for the atlantooccipi tal joint is performed
with the patient seated. True distraction at this level can­
not effectively be carried out because of the alar ligaments.
In order to gain any separation of tlle joint surfaces, the
alar ligament must first be slackened off. This is most eas­
FIGURE 1 8-24 Patient and clinician position for the ily accomplished by the i n troduction of craniovertebral
translational shear test of the atlantoaxial joint. side-flexion. The clinician stands to one side of the patient

and stabilizes the C 1 vertebra using a wide pinch grip, As an alternative to stabilizing below the atlantooccipital
while the other arm reaches around the patient's head and joint, the whole cervical spine is placed in a position of full
stabilizes it against the clinician 's chest, while the hand chin protrusion (Figure 18-26). From this position, tile
cradles the occiput (Fig 18-25). A traction force is then head is extended and side-flexed to the right and trans­
applied, utilizing a graded cranial force (I-II) by the oc­ lated to the left, allowing for the congruent left rotation to
cipital hand and the chest. occur. The right condyle is then mobilized anteriorly.
Active participation from the patient can be intro­
Supine Axial Technique The patient is supine with the duced. From the motion barrier, the patient is asked to
head supported. The clinician grasps the head from its ver­ gently meet the clinician's resistance. The direction of re­
tex toward the ears with both hands. The head is extended sistance is that which facilitates further extension, right lat­
by counter-nodding it around an axis through the ears and eral bending, and left rotation. The isometric contraction
then right side-flexed by taking the ear to the neck around is held for up to 5 seconds and followed by a period of
an axis through the nose. As the side-flexion is being car­ complete relaxation. The joint is then passively taken to
ried out, the head is also translated to the left until the ex­ the new motion barrier. The technique is repeated three
tension barrier for the right joint is reached, in a manner times and followed by a reexamination.
similar to the joint assessment. Mobilization is then carried
out by graded force against the translation barrier. Distraction Techniques For the first technique, the pa­
tient is positioned in supine, the clinician at the head of
Specific Seated Technique72 The patient is in seated with the table, seated to the patient's right. Contact is made
the clinician standing on the left side. C1 is stabilized ante­ by the clinician's right hand, using the web space between
riorly using a wide pinch grip by the right hand and WTap­ the thumb and the forefinger, on the inferior and right
ping the pads of the index finger and thumbs around the aspect of CO (the right mastoid process). The clinician 's
front of the transverse process. The left arm stabilizes the right hand is positioned parallel to the patient's sternum
patient's head against the clinician 's chest and the left and his or her left forearm wraps around the patient's
hand grasps the occiput. The patient's head is then ex­ head so that the hand cups the patient's chin. The
tended and right side-flexed around the appropriate axes, patient's head is then side-flexed toward the clinician ( to
with left translation being produced with the side-flexion the right) around the appropriate axis ( through the nose),
until the extension barrier is reached. Mobilization is then
carried out by graded force against the translation barrier.

FIGURE 18-26 Patient and cl inician position to mobil ize

the occipitoatlantal joint into extension, r ight side-flexion,
FIGURE 1 8-25 Patient and cl inician position to apply and left rotation. N ote how the cl inician positions the
specific traction to the occip itoatlantal joint. patient's cervical spine in flexion.

FIGURE 1 8-27 Patient and clinician position for the FIGURE 1 8-28 Distraction thrust technique for the occipi­
distraction technique for the occipitoatlantal joint. toatlantal joint with the patient positioned in left side-lying.

allowing for the conjunct rotation to the left to occur issue. It is felt that regardless of the side of impairment, an
(Figure 1 8-27). H aving taken up the slack with the right asymmetrical impairment will always lead to a loss of either
hand, a mobilizing force of I-V is then applied to the rotexion or latexion, and that this hypomobility can be ad­
mastoid in a superior direction (by the right hand), while dressed grossly. However, anatomically and biomechani­
the other hand and arm help to guide the i n tended cally, it can be seen that there are different consequences
movement. associated with the loss of the anterior glide versus a loss of
The second technique begins with the patient is posi­ the posterior glide. From a clinical safety perspective, an
tioned in left side-lying, so that the left axilla is at the head overzealous technique to restore tlle posterior glide can
of the bed and the bottom arm is hanging off the end of threaten both the vertebral artery and the spinal cord.
the bed (Fig 1 8-28). The clinician stands behind the pa­
tient and cradles the patient's head with their left arm, Technique to Increase the Anterior Glide
while the left hand cups the patient's chin. Using the left of the Right Atlantoaxial Joint
hand and arm, the clinician side-flexes the patient's neck
toward the ceiling, around the appropriate axis, allowing Distraction Technique Apart from the point of contact,
for the conjunct rotation to the left to occur. Contact is the set up for the distraction technique is exactly the same
made with the inferior aspect of CO (mastoid process) by as that of the first occipitoatlantal distraction technique
the clinician 's right hand, using the MCP joint of the index just described (Fig 1 8-27). The patient is positioned in
finger. The clinician's right forearm is positioned parallel supine, and the clinician is at the head of the table, seated
to the patient's vertebral column. Having taken up the to the patient's right. Contact is made with the inferior as­
slack with the right hand, a high-velocity, low-amplitude pect of C 1 (atlas) by tlle clinician's right hand, using the
thrust is then applied to the mastoid in a superior and an­ MCP joint of the index finger. The clinician's right fore­
terior direction. Care must be taken not to be overly ag­ arm is positioned parallel to the patient's sternum. The pa­
gressive with this technique. tient's neck is side-flexed to the right around the cran­
To restore the left rotation of the right atlantoaxial iovertebral axis (through the nose), allowing for the
joint, the clinician can either perform a technique to in­ conjunct rotation (to the left) to occur. Having taken up
crease the an terior glide of the righ t atlantoaxial join t, or a the slack with the right hand, a high-velocity, low-ampli­
technique to increase the posterior glide of the left at­ tude thrust is applied to C1 in a superior direction, paral­
lantoaxial joint, or apply both at the same time. In this joint, lel to the patient's sternum. Care must be taken not to be
the side of the impairment is not often considered to be an overly aggressive with this technique.

Technique 2 The patient is positioned in supine, the clini­ (through the nose), allowing for the conjunct rotation ( to
cian at the head of the table. The clinician supports the pa­ the left) to occur. Using his or her left shoulder, the clini­
tient's head in his or her hands and the posterior aspect of cian leans against the patient's left forehead and applies a
CI on the right is monitored, using the index finger of the backward and downward mobilization force into left rota­
right hand. The thumbs of both hands rest on the patient's tion, thereby mobilizing the left joint of C 1 posteriorly
jaw and cheeks. Gripping the patient'sjaw and cheeks, the (Figure 18-30).
patient's head is then side-flexed to the right, either
throughout the whole cervical spine (the patient's right Soft Tissue Techniques73
ear is passively taken to their ipsilateral shoulder), or Soft tissue techniques are generally applied before per­
around the craniovertebral axis (through the nose). The forming the local segmental examination and in prepara­
head is then rotated to the left to the end of the available tion for a mobilization or manipulation treatment. Soft tis­
range (Figure 18-29). After the slack has been taken up sue techniques are capable of producing a strong analgesic
into right side-flexion and left rotation , a high-velocity, and relaxing effect. With a reduction in cervical muscle
low-amplitude thrust is then applied into left rotation by tension, or spasm, it becomes much easier for the clinician
the right hand while the left hand guides the movement. to palpate and register movement.
Care must be taken not to be overly aggressive with this
technique. Suboccipital Massage72 There are a number of sites in the
cervical region where transverse friction can be per­
Posterior Glide of Left AtlantoaxialJoint It is the author's formed. In principle, every tender site can be treated, even
opinion that restoration of the posterior glide is more though it usually involves areas of referred pain or tender­
safely achieved using a mobilization technique. ness. Temporary pain relief results, allowing for more ef­
The patient is seated, the clinician standing on the left fective performance of the segmental examination and/ or
side of the patient. Using a wide lumbrical pinch grip of segmental treatment.
the right hand, the clinician stabilizes the axis (C2) and The patient lies in a prone position on tile treatment
the vertebra below. The clinician reaches around the pa­ table with the forehead resting on the hands. The head is
tient's face with his or her left arm and forearm. Using the positioned in slight flexion, without rotation. The clinician
little finger of that hand, the right facet joint of C 1 is stabi­ stands on the opposite side to be treated, at the head of the
lized against anterior motion. The patient's head is then bed. While one hand supports the head, tile other hand
side-flexed to the right around tile craniovertebral axis

FIGURE 1 8-30 Patient and clinician position for mobiliza­

FIGURE 1 8-29 Supine rotational thrust technique to re­ tion technique to restore the posterior glide of the
store the anterior glide of the atlantoaxial joint on the r ight. atlantoaxial joint on the left.

palpates the suboccipital muscles. The sternocleidomastoid caudal segments are localized, increasingly more flexion is
(SCM) may need to be displaced laterally in order to pal­ performed. This technique can be used to treat the seg­
pate the muscles attaching to the transverse process of C l . ments C2-7.
The clinician locates the most tender area, which i s often In the same way, coupled movements in flexion can
found just caudal to the lateral third of the inferior linea also be performed. After first performing an upper cervi­
nuchae. The clinician places the index finger, reinforced by cal flexion, the clinician brings the patient's head simul ta­
the middle finger, directly lateral to the tender spot. The neously, into flexion, ipsilateral rotation, and side-flexion.
thumb rests on the other side of the patient's head, at a level In this instance, pressure is emphasized on the convex side
slightly cranial to tlle index finger. During the "friction" of the cervical spine.
phase, the index finger moves from laterally to medially and
slightly cranially. At the same time, pressure is exerted in a General Kneeding General kneeding can also be applied
anterior-medial-superior direction (toward the thumb). to the soft tissues of the craniovertebral region. This tech­
Pain arising during mis technique is likely due to pressure nique is especially useful prior to performing a specific
on tlle greater occipital nerve. In this instance, the trans­ mobilization or manipulation.
verse friction is performed in an area just medial or lateral
to that spot. Electrotherapeutic Modalities
A similar technique is used in a combination of upper and Physical Agents
cervical traction and soft tissue mobilization of the suboccip­
ital muscles. While one hand grasps the patient's head, the Therapeutic Exercise
clinician uses the fingers of tlle other hand to press gently All exercises should be performed at an intensity level that
into the muscles between two vertebrae. While maintaining achieves an improvement without a regression of status.
the pressure on the muscles, a slight traction force is applied The following exercises have been found to be useful, pro­
and sustained for several seconds, before being released. viding that correct stabilization is used by the patient.
The procedure is repeated in a rhythmical manner.
The paravertebral muscles can be treated in a similar 1. Chin tuck: The patient is seated in the correct posture.
fashion. With one hand, the clinician stabilizes the pa­ The patient is instructed to attempt to move tlle head
tien t's head at the forehead. If the right side is to be as a unit in a posterior direction while maintaining eye
treated, the clinician positions the patient's head and up­ level. As mentioned in other chapters, the clinician
per cervical spine in slight left side-flexion. With tlle index should limit the number of chin tucks the patient per­
and/or middle fingers of the right hand, the clinician forms so as to remove any potential for harm to the
"hooks" just medial to the paravertebrals musculature be­ cervical structures from overuse.
tween the atlas and axis. The musculature is then "pulled" 2. C2-3 side-flexion/rotation : The pattern of limitation
in a lateral and ventral direction. At the same time, the for this area is usually one of a closing restriction. The
hand on the patient's forehead rotates the patient's head patient is seated in the correct posture. The patient
toward the side bending treated. The end position is held places both hands behind the neck, with the ulnar
for 2 to 3 seconds before returning to the initial position. border of the little finger just below the C2 spinous
The clinician repeats this technique for several seconds, or process, and the rest of the hand covering as much
min utes, in a rhymmic manner. of the mid-cervical region as possible. The patient is
then instructed to simultaneously side bend and rotate
Rhythmic Flexion C2 to C7 The patien t is positioned in the head in the direction of the restriction by
supine and the clinician stands at the head of the bed. The attempting to look downward and backward (for a
clinician cradles the patient's head in his or her hands. Af­ closing restriction). This technique can be used for
ter fi rst performing craniovertebral flexion, a flexion all m id-cervical levels, provided that the correct local­
movemen t in the rest of the cervical spine is performed. Si­ ization is used.
multaneously, the thumb and fingers push toward each 3. AA rotation: The patient is seated in tile correct pos­
other, mrough the musculature, and pull in a dorsal direc­ ture. The patient places both hands behind the neck,
tion. The clinician begins at the level of C2-3, and tlle flex­ with the ulnar border of the little finger at the level of
ion motion is performed no further than this point. The the C2 spinous process, and tlle rest of the hand cov­
end position is held for 2 to 3 seconds, before returning to ering as much of the mid-cervical region as possible.
me initial position. The clinician repeats this technique The patien t is then instructed to gently turn the head
several times in a rhythmic manner. in the direction of the restriction. If the patient has a
The same procedure can then be performed per seg­ restriction with right rotation, emphasize right rota­
ment, by shifting the dorsal hand caudally. As the successive tion and left side-flexion.

4. OA flexion: The patient is seated in the correct pos­ symptoms are not progressing and the condition i s 2 months
ture. The patient performs a chin tuck and is then old. The type of headache associated with the patient is tile
instructed to place the tips of the index and middle typical cervical headache in the occiput with occasional
fingers of both hands over the anterior aspect of the spread occipitofrontally and orbitally when exacerbated, and
chin. The finger tips provide resistance for an at­ is usually related to head and neck movements and postures.
tempted extension movement of the head on the However, the neck pain and occipital headache should have
neck. The patient then attempts to look upward while responded to physical therapy. The fact that it did not sug­
resisting the motion with the fingertips. This is fol­ gests mat inappropriate merapy may have been given.
lowed by relaxation and another chin tuck. Wim mis type of history, it would be pruden t to perform
a scanning examination wim me addition of a cranial nerve,
Case Study: Headache and Neck Pain and vertebral artery examination. The scanning examination
and additional tests revealed me following findings.
A self-employed 42-year old man presented to the clinic • The patient had no obvious postural deficits or defor­
complaining of posterior upper neck pain and right sub­ mities.
occipital and occipital headache that began 2 months ear­ • Cranial nerve testing was negative except that during
lier after a diving accident. He denied being knocked un­ the tracking tests for the third, fourth , and sixth
conscious and could remember everything about the nerves, he experienced mild, short-duration vertigo
accident, except for a few minutes after it. The posterior and longer lasting nausea.
neck pain was felt immediately, but was much worse the • Craniovertebral ligament stress testing was negative
next morning upon waking. The occipital headaches for both instability and symptomatology.
started, a few days later that became worse with fatigue or • Dizziness was not reproduced with the vertebral artery
exertion. The patient also reported difficulty concentrat­ tests.
ing and sleeping, and had occasional bouts of dizziness, es­ As the vertebral artery appeared to be normal
pecially when turning his head to the left, during which he (given the lack of cranial nerve signs and the negative
would become unsteady, but denied vertigo. When the tests), the Hallpike-Dix test was performed. The
neck and occipital pain flared up, it spread from the oc­ Hallpike-Dix test, a clinical test for vestibular impair­
cipital region over the head to the right eye. Previous in­ ment, involves having tile patient suddenly lie down
terventions included physical therapy in the for m of from a sitting position with me head rotated in tile di­
ultrasound, massage, spray, and stretch; myofascial release; rection the examiner feels is the provocative position.
and cranial sacral therapy, which had provided no relief. The end-point of the test is where the head overhangs
The patient had no history of back or neck pain, apart the end of the bed so that the neck is extended. This
from the occasional ache and his medical history was reproduced his dizziness when his head was in left ro­
unremarkable. tation and extension. The dizziness came on almost
immediately and disappeared within a minute. No cra­
Questions nial nerve signs were discovered on testing while he
1 . List the concerns the clinician should have following was dizzy.
this history. • The patient had full range cervical movements except
2. Using the flow diagram outlined in this chapter, de­ for extension, left rotation, and right side-flexion.
scribe how would you proceed with this patient follow­ • There were no signs of neurologic deficit. All neu­
ing the subjective history. romeningeal ( dural and neural tension) tests were
3. What special tests should be considered at this point? negative.
4. Are additional questions needed with regard to the • The compression and traction tests were negative.
subjective reports? • Posterior-anterior pressure over the spinous process of
C2 and over the back of Cl neural arch reproduced
Examination his headache and local tenderness.
Given tile subjective history, it is likely that the patient was • The posterior suboccipital muscles were hypertonic
concussive, even though he denies being unconscious. The and tender to moderate palpation.
reports of dizziness appear related to a specific movement,
but because that movement is rotation of the head, further Questions
testing will be needed to rule out a vertebral artery or head 1 . Given these findings, what i s your working hypomesis?
injury. Some of the more insidious reasons for the headache, 2. List some of the possible reasons for me dizziness.
such as a slow intracranial bleed, can be excluded, as the 3. How would you proceed?

Evaluation I nstructions to sleep on the right side were given. The

It seems probable that the occipital headache is due to an patient was advised to continue the exercises at home,
impairment in the craniovertebral joints, 74,75 but exactly 3 to 5 times each day, The patien t also received in­
where cannot be ascertained as yet from the examination. struction on the use of heat and ice at home.
A biomechanical examination is required, • Goals and outcomes. Both the patient's goals from tile
Passive physiologic and accessory (arthrokinematic) treatment and the expected therapeutic goals from
movement testing of the craniovertebral area determined the clinician were discussed witll the patient. It was
that there was decreased anterior glide of the right occipi­ concluded that the clinical sessions would occur three
toatlantal joint with a hard end feel and a decreased ante­ times per week for 1 month, at which time, the patient
rior glide of the right atlantoaxial joint. There was also would be discharged to a home exercise program.
some point tenderness over the right levator scapular and However, after only six sessions, the patient was symp­
right upper trapezius, tom free.

1 . Given the findings from the biomechanical examina­
tion , how would you explain your intervention to the 1 . Describe the articular anatomy o f the craniovertebral
patient? region.
2 . Explain tile correlation between the loss of the glides 2. What are the unique structures providing stability in
and the loss of active range of motion. the craniovertebral region?
3. How would you proceed? 3. What essential structures are vulnerable to craniover­
tebral instability?
Intervention 4. What pathologic conditions are likely to lead to an in­
There is every likelihood that the patient's dizziness is stability of the craniovertebral region?
from a musculoskeletal dysfunction within the cranioverte­ 5. What signs and symptoms would you expect to find in
bral area. However, to confirm this, once the two restric­ a patient with an acute undisplaced fracture of the
tions have been corrected and are functioning normally, dens?
the patient should be reassessed. 6. What clinical tests would you carry out in a patient
whom you suspected had a fractured dens?
• Electrotherapeutic modalities and thermal agents. A moist 7. What investigations would you suggest to the physician
heat pack was applied to the upper cervical spine when you suspected a dens fracture?
when tile patient arrived for each treatment session, 8. List four symptoms suggestive of severe CNS compro­
Electrical stimulation with a low frequency was applied mise that would cause you to return the patient to the
with the moist heat to aid in for pain and edema re­ physician for further investigation.
duction. Ultrasound at 3 MHz was administered fol­ 9. List six signs of severe CNS compromise that would
lowing the moist heat. An ice pack was applied to the cause you to return the patient to the physician for
area at the end of the treatment session further investigation.
• Manual therapy. Following the ultrasound, generalized 1 0 . Discuss and demonstrate a test for craniovertebral in­
soft tissue techniques were applied to the area fol­ stability.
lowed by a specific mobilization and manipulation to 1 1 . Which of the following is not a suboccipital muscle:
increase the anterior glide of the right occipitoatlantal rectus capitis lateralis, rectus capitis posterior major,
joint, and a separate technique to increase the glide of rectus capitis posterior minor, obliquus capitis infe­
the right atlantoaxial joint. rior, obliquus capitis superior?
• Therapeutic exercises were prescribed to maintain the 1 2. What is the extension of the posterior longitudinal
mobility gained into extension, left rotation, and right ligament called?
side-flexion, The patient performed OA extension 13. Where does the extension of the posterior longitudi­
and AA rotation to the left in a slow and controlled nal ligament attach?
manner, stooping at the point in the range when 1 4. What is the action of the rectus capitis posterior ma­
symptoms were produced. jor?
• Patient-related instruction, Explanation was given as to 15. What is the action of the rectus capitis posterior mi­
the cause of the patient's symptoms. The patient was nor?
advised against sudden or repetitive turning of the 16. Which muscle produces side-flexion of tile OA to the
head to the left. Sustained positions of the head same side, as well as extension and contralateral rota­
were to be avoided unless the head was supported. tion of the OA.

17. A decreased anterior glide of the right occiput symptoms, maintain position for 15 seconds in order to
condyle would produce which movement deficits at look for possible signs and symptoms of ischemia.
the OAjoint? 11. Rectus capitis lateralis.
IS. Approximately, how many degrees of side-flexion oc­ 1 2. Tectorial membrane.
cur at the OAjoint? 13. The body of C2.
19. Approximately, how many degrees of rotation occur at 1 4. Ipsilateral side-flexion, contralateral rotation , and ex­
the OA join t? tension of the OA join t.
20. Side-flexion of the OA joint is limited by which liga­ 1 5. Ipsilateral side-flexion, contralateral rotation, and ex­
ment? tension of the OA join t.
21. Right side-flexion at the OAjoint involves an anterior 16. Obliquus capitis superior.
glide of the occiput condyle on which side? 17. Decreased extension, right side-flexion, and left rota-
22. With the OAjoint tested in extension, a decreased left tion.
side glide would indicate a impairment on which side I S. 5.
of the OAjoint? 19. 8.
23. A tight rectus capitis anterior would produce a de­ 20. Alar.
creased translation to which direction while in cran­ 21. Right.
iovertebral extension? 22. Right.
24. What is the function of the transverse ligament? 23. Left translation.
25. At the AA joint, if rotation occurs first (rotexion), in 24. Prevents anterior translation of C I on C2.
which direction do the side-flexion and rotation occur? 25. To the same side.

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Chapter Objectives moved suddenly to produce a sprain in the neck . " In

1 953, Gay and Abbott2 described common whiplash
At the complelion of this chapter, the reader will be able injuries of the neck in the Journal of the American Medical
to: Association. Since then, whiplash injury incidence has
risen and, according to the editors of a 1 998 text, is still
1. Define the term whiplash-associated disorders (WAD). rising .3
2. List the various mechanisms of injury for whiplash Despite significant medical resources for both diag­
associated disorders. nostic examination and intervention, whiplash associated
3. Describe the types and causes of i�uries sustained in disorders (WAD) remain poorly understood. A lack of
whiplash associated disorders. thorough understanding of whiplash is, in part, a result of
4. List the major areas of involvement associated with the nature of the disease. The subjective nature of the
whiplash associated disorders, their pertinent anatomy, symptoms and their high prevalence have led to contro­
and presentation. versy over the determination of their cause, and appropri­
5. Perform a detailed objective examination of the mus­ ate financial compensation.4-6 The subjective complaints
culoskeletal system following a motor vehicle acci­ are most often characterized by reports of neck pain in
dent, paying particular attention to the signs that the absence of focal physical findings and positive imag­
could indicate a compromise to the central ner vous ing studies. ? Although most patients have spontaneous
system (CNS) or vertebrobasilar system. resolution of symptoms within 6 months of their onset,
6. Analyze the total examination data to establish the de­ there is a small subgroup of patients who are symptomatic
finitive biomechanical diagnosis. beyond 1 year. ? Aggressive imaging and diagnostic testing
7. Apply a variety of tests and techniques that assess for routinely fails to identify the specific source of the symp­
dizziness or injury to the temporomandibular joint, toms, and therapeutic inter ventions are often unsuccess­
and demonstrate an awareness for the caution needed ful. It is experience with this group of patients with
with this type of patient. chronic symptoms where the need for a better under­
8. Develop self-reliant examination and intervention standing of the risk factors, pathophysiology, natural his­
strategies, based on the stage of healing. tory, and effectiveness of intervention options becomes
9. Describe the intervention based on clinical findings apparent. ?
and established goals. Despite attention from a profusion of health care pro­
fessionals and conferences, the whiplash injury remains an
enigma. Part of the confusion lies in its definition.s
The term whiplash injury was introduced in 1 928 by the
American orthopedist H. E. Crowe. I It was defined as the Some authors of whiplash articles, such as Gay and
effects of sudden acceleration-deceleration forces on Abbott2 do not define whiplash clearly. Neither Gotten9
the neck and upper trunk due to external forces exert­ nor MacnablO•11 offered definitions, although Macnab
ing a "lash-like effect." Crowe emphasized that the term noted that "a significant soft tissue injury can result from
whiplash "describes only the manner in which a head was the application of an extension strain to the neck by


sudden acceleration . " J I Farbmanl2 classed whiplash injury Head rests also appear to play a part with drivers often set­
as a simple musculoligamentous neck sprain, which ex­ ting their head rests too low or sitting too far forward to
cluded nerve root damage, fractures, and other complica­ obtain adequate support from the head rests.21,22
tions. Nordhoffl3 describes the whiplash injury in equally Experiments on healthy volunteers have indicated
simplistic terms, as injuries which occur as a result of occu­ the most likely sites of injury and their mechanism.23 Dur­
pant motions within a vehicle that is rapidly decelerating ing the early phase of a rear-end collision, the trunk is
or accelerating, without reference to the body parts in­ forced upward toward the head, and the cervical spine
volved. Radanovl4 did not initially define whiplash, but undergoes a sigmoid deformation.24 During this motion,
later he described it as a simple musculoligamentous sprain, at about 1 00 msec after impact, the lower cervical verte­
excluding fractures, head injuries, and alteration in con­ brae undergo extension, but without translation.24 This
sciousness.15 Even the definition provided by The Quebec motion causes the vertebral bodies to separate an terioriy,
Task Force on Whiplash-associated Disorders, ? offered and the zygapophysial joints to impact posteriorly.24 The
the following definition that, for whatever reason, did not impairments likely to result from such motion are tears of
include front end collisions. the anterior anulus fibrosus and fractures or contusions
of the zygapophysial joints,23 and these impairments are
Whiplash is an acceleration-deceleration mechanism of
found postmortem in victims of fatal motor vehicle
energy transfer to the neck. It may result from rear-end or
side-impact motor vehicle collisions, but can also occur
through diving and other mishaps. The impact may result
in bony or soft-tissue injuries (whiplash injury), which in
turn may lead to a variety of clinical manifestations. EPIDEMIOLOGY
Finally, it is worth remembering that although "neck
According to reports of data in other studies, m ore than
sprains" from motor vehicle accidents usually involve the
1 million whiplash injuries occur each year in the United
cervical spine, one of the upper eight thoracic spinal joints
States.5 In addition to the subjective distress resulting from
is sometimes found to be affected; so injuries of this sort
neck and upper extremity pain, absenteeism from work
could be included in a definition of whiplash.16 Whiplash
and subsequent costs to society are also incurred,
is thus best defined as a traumatic event involving high
A recent study15 examined a group of 1 1 7 consecutive
acceleration-deceleration forces that act on the spine, pro­
patients, who were followed on a regular basis from shortly
ducing an excursion of the head and neck without a direct
after the initial injury through 2 years, to determine
blow to the head.
whether preinjury status, mechanism of injury, physical ex­
amination, and somatic, radiologic, or neuropsychologic

Causes factors could be used to predict eventual outcome. At

2 years, those patients with persistent symptoms were
• Motor vehicle accidents found to be older at the time of injury than tile asympto­
• Sporting injuries matic group, and had a higher incidence of pretraumatic
• Blows to the neck or body headache. There was a higher incidence of a rotated, or
• Pulls and thrusts on the arms inclined, head position at the time of impact as well as a
• Falls, landing on the trunk or shoulder higher intensity of initial neck pain and headache, a
higher incidence of initial radicular symptoms, a greater
number of initial overall symptoms, as well as a higher
average score on a multiple-symptom analysis. 15
Eighteen percent of motor vehicle accidents involving Financial compensation, which is determined by tile
passenger cars in the United States in 1 994 were rear-end continued presence of pain and suffering, appears to pro­
impacts, and resulted in injury to 500,000 people.17 Pure vide a barriers to recovery, and may promote persistent
extension injuries seem to be uncommon.IS A more likely illness and disability. The incidence of insurance claims for
mechanism, in a rear-end collision, is a rotational force on whiplash is about 1 per 1 000 population per year,27 yet not
the neck, resulting from a turned position on impact. all persons involved in motor vehicle crashes develop
Examining the effects of low-impact rear-end collisions in symptoms, and not all symptomatic patients experience
seven volunteers, McConnell and co-workers l9 observed chronic injury. After an acute injury, most patients rapidly
the first movement to be head rotation, then forward recover, with some 80% being asymptomatic by
translation of the entire head; hyperextension was not 1 2 months.15 After 1 2 months, between 1 5% and 20% of
seen. None of these volunteers, nor Severy's two, 40 years patients remain symptomatic, and only about 5% are
eariier,2o reported any relevant symptoms after the tests. severely affected. The latter group of patients however,

constitute the major burden to insurance companies and the accident was expected or unexpected. If the head
to health care resources. was rotated, it is possible that the alar ligaments were
While neck pain and headache are the two most com­ irreversibly overstretched or even
mon sym ptoms,28 other symptoms, such as visual distur­
bances, balance disorders, and altered cerebral function, Hyperextension forces result in the head being moved
are reported. Postmortem studies reveal that many injuries upward and backward initially, and this is the most damag­
occur that are undetectable by plain X_rays.29 ing motion, and can lead posterior dislocations.1o.s2,s3 The
reason for the greater severity of hyperextension injuries
over other force directions is believed to be related to a
number of factors including: 13
Damage can occur to the following types of structures.
• Whether the seat back breaks
• Soft tissue (tears) 30 • Whether the occupant hits the front of the occupant
• Bone (fractures) space
• Joint (capsule and ligament tears) • The differential motion between tl1e seat back and
• Central and/or peripheral neurologic systems (sec­ occupant
ondary to traction, impingement, hemorrhage, avul­ • Hyperextension of the neck over tlle head restraint
sion, and/or concussion) • Rebound neck flexion as the head rebounds off the
• Dorsal root ganglia26 head rest
• Vascular (vertebrobasilar arteries)
• Vestibular (otolithic avulsion, endolymph leaks) However, the fatal accidents involving hyperextension
• V isceral (secondary to ruptures or contusions) appear to occur in the absence of a head restraint where
there is no structural limitation to the head movement ex­
The degree of damage done in an accident depends, cept anatomical structure. Hyperflexion injuries are typi­
in part, on the position of the head at the point of impact, cally less severe because the amount of head excursion is
the amount of force involved, and the direction of those limited by the chin striking the chest. With side-flexion in­
forces. juries, the head can strike the window if closed or, if mov­
As many as 57% of persons sustaining whiplash injury ing in the other direction, the trunk is free to move with it,
with symptoms persisting 2 years after collisions, reported attenuating the force on the neck and, in addition, the
having their heads rotated out of the anatomic position at head can only go as far as the shoulder before it is stopped
the time of,so In fact, head position has been thereby sustaining disc iryuries, and strains and sprains
reported as the only accident feature of a collision event from side-flexion and rotation of the head and neck.
that has a statistically significant correlation with symptom The subject of seatbel ts is con troversial. The seatbelt is
duration.5o responsible for producing more injuries than any other
The amount of force applied to the neck is approxi­ contact source in the car, albeit minor ones. This is in part
mately equal to the weight of the head and the speed that due to their design which restrains only one shoulder and
the head moves. Consequently, the heavier the head or the also to the fact that the belt acts as a fulcrum for energy
faster it moves, the greater the stress that is put through concentration on the occupant.13
the neck. However, it is well recognized by clinicians with As of 1 997, federal law has required all passenger
any experience with post-MVA patients, that some patients vehicles to have airbags and although early indications ap­
who have survived high velocity accidents do better than pear to suggest a decrease in neck injuries with airbags,
many who appear to have been involved in trivial impacts. they may merely change the distribution of injuries. 13
The third factor, force direction, must, therefore, play a MacNab'ss4 research on the effects of hyperextension
significant role in the degree of damage sustained by the forces in primates revealed the following impairments.
patient. The direction of the forces depends on:62
• Minor to major tears of the sternomastoid, longus colli.
• Where tlle car is hit, tllat is, front end, rear end, or side. • Retropharyngeal hematomas (always present iflongus
• The symmetry of the impact, that is, directly head on colli torn) .
or rear end, or the forward or backward side. • Esophageal hemorrhaging.
• Whether the car is pushed ahead into another vehicle, • Horner's syndrome.
the curb, or other stationary object. • Anterior longitudinal ligament tearing. However, stud­
• The position of the victim (looking straight ahead, ies on humans, using scintigraphy and MRI, have not
sideways, or backward at the passengers) and whether been able to verify this occurring in humans.34,55 An

explanation for the divergent findings might be that TABLE 19-1 PAIN DISTRIBUTION FROM CERVICAL
the animals were exposed to a more severe trauma, STRUCTURES
enough to result in the described impairments.
• Separation of the disc from the vertebral body.
Occipital condyles Frontal
Even the most severe of these impairments, the disc Occipitocervical tissues Frontal
C1 dorsal ramus Orbit, frontal, and vertex
separation, did not show up on X-ray.54 These and other
C1-2 Temporal, sub to occipital
impairments, including fractures and dislocations, many C3 dorsal ramus Occiput, mastoid, and frontal
causing cord damage, have been demonstrated on human
victims of hyperextension injuries who had no radi­
ographic evidence of such severe impairments.56,62
A number of other variables also determine the type, source of pain, a possibility demonstrated by discogra­
and extent, of the injury.13 phy.4o Zygapophysial joint pain is the only basis for chronic
neck pain after whiplash that has been subjected to scien­
• Seat position tific scrutiny.32-33 However, it cannot be diagnosed clinically,
• Occupant size, height and posture or by medical imaging. The diagnosis relies on fluoroscopi­
• Vehicle interior design cally guided, controlled diagnostic blocks of the painful
• Size of vehicle joint. Although there is uncertainty about the exact path­
• Sex of driver. Women generally position their seats way that elicits neck pain, the cervical zygapophysial joint
more forward than men, which places their bodies has been identified as a site of neck pain in between 25%
closer to the front car structures, and therefore at and 65% of people with neck pain.41-47 Specifically, tlle
higher risk of impacting the front interior. prevalence of lower cervical facet joint pain has been
reported to be 49%.42 Both mechanoreceptors and noci­
Thus, other than perhaps to screen for possible frac­ ceptors have been identified in the human cervical joint
tures, there is no valid indication for medical imaging after capsule48 and ligaments,49 indicating a neural input in
whiplash unless the patient has neurologic signs.7 Findings pain sensation and proprioception. (Table 1 9- 1 )
on plain films are typically normal, and magnetic reso­ Although the same amount of research on the mus­
nance imaging reveals nothing but age-related changes cles, bone, dura, and ligaments has not been forthcom­
with the same prevalence as in asymptomatic individu­ ing, it seems likely that these have the potential for pain
als.34-36 An enticing, but small, recent study suggests that in production.
patients with persisting acute neck pain, single photon
emission computed tomography at 4 weeks after injury can
reveal occult, small fractures of the vertebral rims or the OUTCOMES
synovial joints of the neck.37
It is, therefore, obvious that a meticulous examination Preexisting symptoms, such as headache and radiologic
of the traumatized patient by the physical therapist is of degenerative changes, are important predictors for an
paramount importance.38 Signs and symptoms to alert the unfavorable outcome.59 Experimental and clinical studies
clinician include: have consistently demonstrated how poorly and slowly disc
impairments heal after a hyperextension trauma. An ex­
• Central nervous system signs periment, using surgically caused rim lesions in the discs of
• Periodic loss of consciousness sheep, found that those lesions reached a depth of
• Patient does not move the neck, even slightly (frac- 5 mm (-do inch) and did not heal for a period of at least
tured dens) 18 months.60 Other autopsy studies26 support this finding.
• Painful weakness of the neck muscles (fracture) A study averaging a review time of nearly 1 1 years61
• Gentle traction and compression are painful (fracture) found that 40% of patients were still having intrusive or se­
• Severe muscle spasm (fracture) vere symptoms (12% severe and 28% intrusive) . The same
• Complaints of dizziness study also found iliat in general, the symptoms did not al­
ter after 2 years postaccident.
As the underlying injury is often hidden from the
SOURCE OF SYMPTOMS physical examination, and almost invariably from plain ra­
diographs, the clinician must be careful, not only with the
As in the lumbar spine, the outer layers of the cervical an­ intervention, but also with the examination, to not cause
ulus are innervated,39 and are, therefore, a reasonable more damage. Where possible, the examination, and the

intervention, must be ver y gentle until the acute healing concussion from inertial loading (no head impact) for
phase is over. most healthy adults.13

Temporomandibular Dysfunction
Although the temporomandibular joint is afforded its
• Recent Trauma of 6 weeks or less own chapter, for tile sake of completeness, its relation to
• An acute capsular pattern whiplash associated disorders is included here.
• Severe movement loss, whether capsular or noncapsular Dental malocclusion and temporomandibular joint
• Strong spasm impairments have been inculpated in the production of
• Paresthesia pain and dizziness. Although the exact mechanism is
• Segmental paresis unclear, postural influences, alteration in the position of
• Segmental or multisegmental hypo-or areflexia tI1e jaw by the malocclusion, and the subsequent mismatc­
• Other neurologic signs and/ or symptoms hing between the cervical muscles, might be enough to
• Constant or continuous pain produce the symptoms. The temporomandibular joint
• Moderate to severe radiating pain should, therefore, always be considered in patients com­
• Moderate to severe headaches plaining of jaw pain and dizziness, following a motor vehi­
• Dizziness cle accident.

Cervical Spine
From the perspective of the manual clinician, cervical
Over recent years, the role of the manual clinician in the pain is a very common finding, but one tllat is potentially
intervention of the consequences of whiplash has in­ fraught with difficulties.62 The intervention for an inap­
creased dramatically. It is imperative that the manual clini­ propriate patient, or an inappropriate intervention of the
cian have a strong understanding of the mechanisms that cervical spine, could result in severe consequences. Plan­
produce the myriad of symptoms that these patients can ning the intervention is made more complicated in the
present with so as to improve the understanding behind presence of cervicogenic dizziness.
the various intervention protocols and rationale. The fol­ It is not always an easy task for the manual clinician
lowing systems, regions, conditions, or symptoms occur to determine if the dizziness, experienced by the patient
frequently in the whiplash population. is a result of disturbed afferent input from the cervical
spine, which can be extremely rewarding to treat, or if
1. Alteration in the central nervous system the cause is more serious, and contraindicates any inter­
2. Temporomandibular impairment vention.
3. Cervical impairment AnlOng those cervical causes, that must be carefully
4. Vertebral artery insufficiency considered by the clinician, are cervical articular vertigo
and vertebral artery disease. Of interest is that some man­
ual practitioners believe that if a patient's vertebral artery
Central Nervous System Trauma
symptoms are as the result of a hypermobility of C l-2 (pro­
Mild brain injury or concussion is not an uncommon duced by a hypo mobility of C2-3), the C2-3 segment
occurrence following a motor vehicle accident and, as should be mobilized. Although this appears to be good
such, is frequently part of the history related to the clini­ rationale, this decision should only be undertaken by the
cian. Most of these traumatic episodes do not produce pro­ most experienced practitioner.
found neurologic damage and are termed concussions
(contusions). Concussion is not always associated with Cervical Vertigo
some degree of loss of consciousness, and typically involves Cervical vertigo is a diagnosis/disorder that seems to be
a sudden acceleration (or deceleration) force which poorly understood. Ryan and Cope63 coined the term
causes the brain to move within the skull. For a loss of "cervical vertigo" in 1 955 for tllis syndrome, which involves
consciousness to occur, these forces must disconnect the vertigo, in addition to tinnitus, hearing loss, and neck pain.
alerting system in the brain stem, after which, there is tem­ It would appear that this form of dizziness results from a dis­
porary lack of activity in the reticular formation, probably turbed sensory input from the mechano-receptors of the
secondary to hypoxia resulting from induced ischemia. It neck. The syndrome often results from U"auma, such as a
is estimated that a velocity of only 20 mph can cause whiplash injury, but in one article on tlle subject, only 50%

of the cervical vertigo patients in the group had experi­ records with the head flexed, extended, or rotated to the
enced trauma.64 Macnab65 argued that the 575 patients he right and left. In 1 99 1 , Chester reported finding abnormal
studied exhibited little evidence of overt neck damage, or of peripheral vestibular function using platform posturogra­
neurologic damage, and proposed that areas other than the phy in 90% of 48 patients examined.70
neck itself, such as the brain, the brain stem, the cranial The intervention for cervical vertigo generally be­
nerves, the cervical nerve roots, or the inner ear, might be gins with conser vative physical therapy and antiinflam­
responsible for the symptoms. Biesinger,66 on the other matory medications, once testing rules out an active
hand, proposed three possible origins. inner ear disorder. With time and therapy, most patients
with abnormal ENGs end up having normal ENGs at follow­
1. A participant of the sympathetic plexus surrounding up testing.62
the vertebral arteries
2. Vertebral artery occlusion
Vertebral Artery
3. Functional disorders of proprioceptive in segments
CI-2. Vertebral artery compromise (see Chap 5) can pro­
duce a number of neurologic symptoms, including vertigo
Biesinger thought that some historical data was which is discussed here.71,72 Although isolated vertigo can
needed to support the theory that the neck was the source be assigned a benign cause, a number of studies indicate
of the vertigo in ( 1 ) neck pain following trauma, (2) ver­ that this is rarely the case.73,74 The pathogenesis of this iso­
tigo provoked by certain positions or movements of the lated vertigo must be considered in the context of the vas­
head, and (3) provoked vertigo of short duration. cular anatomy and physiology of the vestibular system. At
Certainly, clinical experience tends to confirm the clin­ the level of the brain stem, the vestibular nuclei are sup­
ical study of Wing and Hargrave Wilson,54 that dizziness is plied by penetrating and short circumferential arterial
also a result of more acute trauma, both major and minor, branches of the basilar artery. In turn, the internal audi­
that is correctable by appropriate intervention regimens.52 tory artery, arising either directly from the basilar artery or
It would seem likely that those patients who sustain di­ from the anterior inferior cerebellar artery (AICA), sup­
rect damage to the vestibular apparatus, or severe damage plies the vestibulocochlear nerve, the cochlea, and the
to the vertebral artery, would report immediate dizziness, labyrinth.75,76 Because the labyrinthine branches are small
whereas dizziness arising from the cervical joints, or a less and receive less collateral flow, it is possible that the
severe vertebral artery lesion, would not occur until the labyrinth becomes a more prominent target of the effects
joints themselves became abnormal, or until the ischemia of atherosclerosis of the vertebrobasilar system.77 In con­
had time to make itself felt. trast, the cochlea receives collateral flow from branches of
The physical examination of such patients usually re­ the internal carotid artery that supply the adjacent por­
veals some neck muscle spasm and limited neck mobility. tions of the petrous bone and, thus, may have more pro­
Cervicogenic dizziness is demonstrated best by rotational tection against vascular insufficiency.
movements of the body, with the head stationary.
As early as 1 926, Barre67 described a syndrome involv­
ing suboccipital pain, and vertigo, that was usually precipi­ EXAMINATION OF THE WHIPLASH PATIENT
tated by turning the head, and not accompanied by any
other vestibular functions, and tinnitus along with visual The examination of the acute and recently traumatized
symptoms. These symptoms appear to result from an alter­ neck is necessarily different from the routine examination,
ation to proprioceptive spinal afferents. Several investiga­ because of the potential for the examination itself to be
tors have shown nystagmus and disorientation when local harmful.
anesthetics were injected into the neck muscles, or when Where possible, the patient should be examined for
experimental animals underwent transection of cervical central and peripheral neurologic deficit, neurovascular
sensory roots. These alterations in the neck were signaled compromise, and serious skeletal injury, such as fractures
to the brain stem through spinovestibular pathways. In or craniovertebral ligamentous instability. The examina­
1 927, Klein and Nieuwenhuyse68 first demonstrated that tion must be discontinued at the first signs of serious
simple rotation of the patient's neck while the head was pathology.62
maintained fixed, caused vertigo and nystagmus. In 1 976, It must also be remembered that every post-MV A pa­
Toglia59 reported objective electronystagmography (ENG) tient, especially the ones with a history of hyperexten­
abnormalities in 57% percent of 309 patients with sion, are at potential risk for serious head and neck
whiplash injuries. Wing and Hargrave Wilson64 reported injuries. The following signs and symptoms are ascribable
that 1 00% of their 80 patients showed nystagmus in ENG to head injury (but, of course, could have other causes)

and demand a cautious approach to the examination of • Vertigo

the patient. • Drop attacks

• Headache 2. Make a thorough examination.

• Dizziness or tinnitus 3. Avoid extension and rotation as part of the interven­
• Loss of concentration tion as these are a common feature of manipulation­
• Memory loss or forgetfulness induced strokes.
• Difficulties with problem solving
• Apathy The examination should include:
• Fatiguability
• Reduced motivation • Range of motion in straight planes, as well as rotation
• I rritability out of flexion and extension to assess the function of
• Anxiety and/ or depression the upper and lower cer vical spine separately. 84
• Insomnia • Comparison of active and passive range of motion.
• Craniovertebral instability. Any indication that there is
Although there is conflicting evidence of the preva­ a loss of integrity of the atlantoaxial osseoligamentous
lence of vertebrobasilar ischemia from vertebral artery ring should demand immediate immobilization of the
damage,54,78 the possibility of such damage cannot be ig­ neck with tlle hardest collar available, while the pa­
nored and the patient must be safeguarded as much as tient is left lying on the treatment table until a physi­
possible from the possibility of causing a vertebrobasilar in­ cian or ambulance arrives. 52 No further intervention
farction. To this end, the arterial system should preferably should be undertaken.
be left unstressed for at least 6 weeks.62
Extensive tissue damage has been demonstrated both Partial or complete tears of the alar ligament, generally,
experimentally and clinically. Tissue damage in monkeys are not an immediate serious danger to tlle patient's life and
subjected to comparable experimental insults in the early a less drastic approach can be taken. The intervention can
1 960s and 1970s79- 82 was found to be almost exactly the be continued, but should not be such tllat it exacerbates the
same as that found in humans in hyperextension in­ symptoms ascribable to damage of tllis ligament.
juries, 26,58,81,83 The following screen is a useful tool to aid in deter­
Three precautions that the clinician can take are: mining the cause of a patient's dizziness. I t must not, of
course, take the place of a full neurologic screen. In this
1. Listen and observe carefully for central nervous sys­ example, the patient reports dizziness when turning the
tem signs or symptoms including the following. head to the left.

• Hemiplegia or quadriplegia of the trunk or ex- 1. The patient attempts to follow the clinician's finger,
tremities using the eyes only. If dizziness is reproduced, it is
• Paralysis or paresis of the face the result of ocular incoordination. Oscillopsia can
• Spasticity or rigidity also be tested for by having the patient focus on a dis-
• Sensory loss tant object. The clinician moves a hand rapidly in
• Nystagmus front of the patient's eyes. The patient should report
• Ataxic gait a blurring of the hand but the distant object should
• Dysphasia remain in focus. The patient then focuses on the
• Dysphagia same distant object while the clinician places a hand
• Dysarthria in front of the face. The patient now rotates the head
• Blurred vision from side to side. If the patient perceives the hand to
• Nausea and/or vomiting be moving, there is a lesion in one of the balance
• Anesthesia of the lip (perioral)-suspected to be centers.
secondary to a impairment of the trigeminal thal- 2. The patient closes the eyes and rotates the head to the
amic tract from thalamus and/or the superior left. If this reproduces the dizziness, there is a problem
cerebral branch of vertebral artery. with either the patient's inner ear or the cranioverte-
• Hypoacousia bral join ts.
• Diplopia 3. The patient is asked to close tlle eyes and keep the head
• Horner's syndrome still. The clinician rotates the patient's trunk and shoul-
• Atrial fibrillation ders to the right. If this reproduces the symptoms, the

craniovertebral joints are at fault. If this test is nega­ considerable percentage of these patients become
tive, then the inner ear is at fault. chronic pain sufferers.
2. Control of pain and inflammation with antiinflamma­
• Vertebrobasilar insufficiency: if the examination of the pa­ tory modalities (RICE) and a soft cervical collar (until
tient suggests the possibility of vertebrobasilar artery capsular pattern subsides).
insufficiency, manipulation must be considered ab­ 3. Patient education
solutely contraindicated. 4. Preventing a dependence on health care practitioners.
Dvorak and Orelli85 have suggested that manipu­ 5. Restoring motion and strength as well as neuromuscu­
lative techniques be abandoned totally in the neck lar function through:
and other less forceful manual techniques substituted.
• Central nervous system involvement: long tract tests. • Early, but gentle, mobilization exercises87
Nociception, proprioception, thermoception, and • Nonweight-bearing, progressing to weight-bear­
mechanoception may be tested to ensure that all ing, mid-range active exercises, and then careful
pathways are functioning at least grossly normally.62 full-range active movemen t exercises.
As pain, temperature, and light and crude touch are • Gentle isometric exercises.
carried by essentially the same pathways and can be • Treat specific articular impairments with mobi­
tested simultaneously, pin prick and/or light touch lizations providing these do not threaten the ver­
should ensure that these pathways are sufficiently tebral artery.62
assessed. • Electromuscular stimulation if no muscle tearing
has occurred.

Stretch Reflexes
6. Restoring maximal function.
• Deep tendon: the deep tendon reflexes are carried out
looking for hyperreflexia. The best reflexes to use for The chosen intervention techniques should be spe­
this purpose are those easiest to elicit, biceps brachia, cific, low amplitude, and nonrotational.
quadriceps, and Achilles. The intervention of the significantly injured post-MVA
• The scajJUlohumeral reflex is a test of high cervical neuro­ patient will generally follow the stages of healing and will
logic compromise. The spine of the scapular and/or the consist of: the acute, phase; the sub-acute, phase and the
acromion is tapped with the reflex hammer and a pos­ chronic phase.
itive test is one where there is elevation of the shoulder
girdle or abduction of the arm. A long reflex hammer
has been recommended for the test rather than a The Acute Phase
small lightweight one.62 A positive test is believed to be
indicative of an upper motor neuron impairment be­ Patient Education

tween the Cl-3 levels.86 The clinician must discuss diagnosis, prognosis, and the in­

• Clonus: the dynamic stretch reflex that assesses how tervention with the patient. Expectations must be set out

well the central nervous system inhibits the reflex. both from the patient and from the clinician. The patient

• Nocioceptive spinal: Babinski, Oppenheim, and must realize at the outset that he or she is responsible for

Hoffmann tests. his or her own recovery, and must participate actively in
It is important that the clinician describes the basic

INTERVENTION anatomy and function of the cervical spine in a terminol­

ogy that the patient can relate to.

The following discussion on intervention is based on what

has clinically seemed to work best, and is grounded on the Rest
stages of healing and biomechanical principles. It should The patient should be encouraged to perform as many
also be noted that the significantly injured post-MVA patient activities of daily living as possible. Rest is advocated in the
is one of the most difficult and challenging, yet potentially first 72 hours to give healing a chance, or recover y from
rewarding patients that the clinician can work with. the acute phase is delayed. The patient is told that rest
The goals of the intervention should be aimed at: means just that. Pillows should be adjusted so that the
head remains in a neutral position when sleeping in side­
1. Promotion and progression of healing and prevent­ lying or supine. The patient should be cautioned about
ing further damage. This is a vital component as a prone-lying.

Collar within the pain-free range. Usually, the easiest and most
The collar has a number of functions including: comfortable exercise is rotation in supine with the head
comfortable and supported. The Occipital Float (OPTP,
1. Providing support in maintaining the cervical spine in Winnetonka, Minnesota) is a device which is exu"emely
the erect position. effective in providing support for tl1e head and neck in the
2. Reminding the patient that the neck is injured and, supine position. The head is gently rolled from side to side
thereby, preventing the patient from engaging in un­ without lifting it from the pillow. To relieve muscle tension,
guarded movements, or excessive movements. it can be done in conjunction with breathing, whereby the
3. Allowing the patient to rest the chin thereby off­ patient reaches the easy end of range (where the neck is
setting the weight of the head. about to leave its neutral zone and some tissue resistance is
first being felt).62 The patient then takes a moderate breath
Although several studies have concluded that the
in and then releases it. At the end of the release, the relax­
wearing of a cervical collar results in delayed recovery,
ation of the muscles allows a slight increase in range witl1-
these studies looked at the use of collars and other passive
out stressing any tissues and without causing pain. Once the
modalities versus other more active forms of intervention
non-weight-hearing range of motion can be performed,
such as early patient activation and exercise.
active range of motion exercises into rotation can be initi­
While it is true that prolonged reliance on the collar
ated in the seated and then standing positions.
may induce stiffness and weakness, this can be avoided by
Mild resistance exercises are introduced very early in
recommending a time-limited use of the collar, which is
tl1e recovery phase. Although these exercises should not
based on specific factors such as the patient's condition
cause sharp pain, they may produce mild delayed-onset
and function. Certain situations warrant the use of a collar
muscle soreness. Minimal resistance is used in the neutral
including long drives in a vehicle, or prolonged standing
position to aid in venous return, stimulate tl1e mechanore­
or sitting. However, patients should be weaned off the col­
ceptors in the muscle, and allay any concerns regarding
lar as their recovery progresses.
weakening of the neck from disuse or the collar.62
The patient is allowed to wear the collar as much as he
Shoulder shrugging and circumduction exercises, hip
or she wants, including in bed, but it must be worn when­
and knee flexion and extension exercises in nonweight
ever vertical. The collar should be removed when there is
bearing, toe dorsiflexion (to help move the dura), and iso­
significant improvement in the range of motion and pain
metric hip, shoulder, and abdominal ( using the Valsalva,
levels. This will normally be 3 or 4 weeks postaccident if
not pelvic tilting or sit ups) exercises are helpful in keep­
the patient is compliant.
ing the patient active and involved, maintaining some level
of musculoskeletal fimess, and reducing the build up of
stressors in the system.62
Mealy and Colleagues89 found that early active physical
The following treaUllent protocol was presented at a
therapy using the active mobilization technique improved
course in mechanical diagnosis and therapy in Sweden by
pain reduction and increased mobility compared with a
Laslett in May 1 993 (Part B, Mechanical Diagnosis and
control group receiving 2 weeks of rest with a soft cervical
Therapy: The Cervical and Thoracic Spine). The early and
collar and gradual mobilization thereafter. McKinney and
repeated movement concept comes from Laslett's inter­
co-workers9o found physical therapy or exact instructions
pretation of Salter's work on continuous passive motionY3
in self-mobilization to be better than 2 weeks of rest with a
and Laslett's clinical experience in whiplash injuries.
soft collar at 1 and 2 months of follow-up. A similar result
Patients perform gentle, active, small-range and ampli­
was found at the 2-year follow-up.91 Borchgrevink and asso­
tude rotational movements of the neck, first in one
ciates92 found that patients encouraged to continue with
direction, then the other. The movements are repeated
daily activities had a better outcome than patients pre­
1 0 times in each direction every waking hour. The move­
scribed sick leave and immobilization.
ments are performed up to a maximum comfortable range.
In the first part of the acute phase, usually the first few
Patients are instructed to perform these home exercises in
days or so, any exercises should be nonweight bearing. The
the sitting position if symptoms are not too severe. The un­
main three reasons for the exercises are:
loaded supine position is used when the sitting position is
1. Patient involvement too painful. Guidelines are provided for safe home exercis­
2. Mechanoreceptor stimulation ing by teaching the patient to identify warning signs that
3. Increased vascularization could lead to exacerbation or recurrence of symptoms. In
the event of an increase of symptoms, treatment is adjusted
The exercises are not intended to increase range of by either reducing the amplitude of the movements, by re­
movement. Consequently, they are gentle repetitions, well ducing the number of movements, or both. If symptoms

persist 20 days after the motor vehicle collision, the patient Activities
is examined by a dynamic mechanical evaluation consistent The patient is further encouraged to take up, or resume a
with the McKenzie protoco1.94 An individual treatment pro­ regular activity, such as walking or, later in this phase ,
gram, also based on McKenzie principles and further swimming and, perhaps, running, or anything else that will
developed by Laslett,95 is added to the initial program of get them back to a normal mind set about function with­
rotational movements. These movements could be cervical out reinjuring the area.62
retraction, extension, flexion, rotation , side-flexion, or a
combination of these, depending on which movements are
The Chronic Phase
found to be beneficial during the assessment.
Any residual joint hypomobilities are addressed by
Modalities mobilization or manipulation.
While passive modalities have their uses with this patient By this time, the patient should be engaged in normal
type, the clinician should remember that they must only be activities based on a 1 990 study by Gargan and Bannister,61
used as an adjunct to the more active program, and with a it would appear that the patient's condition at the 2-year
specific goal in mind (reduce inflammation, control pain). mark is the final condition that he or she is likely to achieve,
at least in the immediate ( 1 0 years) future, which would in­
Ultrasound Ultrasound should be used precisely. It can
dicate that patients coming for treatment after the 2-year
be applied to the posterior aspects of the zygapophyseal
period have a very limited capacity for improvement.62
joints to control pain and reduce inflammation, or to a
torn muscle. In the acute phase, care must be taken not to
overheat the tissues with the ultrasound.
Thermal Agents Theoretically ice is the preferred choice
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Chapter Objectives glands, and muscles of facial expression, all function as an

integrated whole that is called the stomatognathic system .
At the completion of this chapter, the reader will be able The components o f this stomatognathic system are the
to: bones of the skull, the mandible, the hyoid, the mastica­
tory muscles and ligaments; the den toalveolar (joints of
1. Describe the anatomy of the temporomandibular the teeth) and temporomandibular joint; the vascular neu­
joint, and the ligaments, muscles, blood, and nerve rological and lymphatic systems; and the teeth them­
supply that comprise the temporomandibular joint. selves. 1
2. Describe the biomechanics of the temporomandibu­ Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) is a collective
lar joint, including the movements, normal and ab­ term used to describe a number of related disorders af­
normal joint barriers, kinesiology, and reactions to fecting the temporomandibular joints, masticatory mus­
various stresses. cles, and associated structures, all of which have common
3. List the causes of temporomandibular impairment. symptoms such as pain and limited mouth opening. 2 The
4. Perform a detailed objective examination of the tem­ diagnosis of TMD, like "whiplash syndrome," remains con­
poromandibular musculoskeletal system , including troversial. 3 Indeed, the relationship between TMD and cer­
palpation of the articular and soft tissue structures, vical trauma is, not surprisingly, an area of great con troversy.
specific passive mobility, passive articular mobility Although this relationship has been in debate for many
tests, and stability tests. years, there is an apparen t paucity of studies regarding the
5. Analyze the total examination data to establish the de­ incidence, course, management, and prognosis of claimed
finitive biomechanical diagnosis. TMDs after traumas.4,5
6. Apply active and passive mobilization techniques to Pain in the temporomandibular region is present in
the temporomandibular joint, using the correct grade, more than 1 0% of adults at any given time, and in 1 of
direction, and duration, and explain the mechanical every 3 adults at some time during their lives. 6,7 Persistent
and physiologic effects. or recurrent pain is considered to be the main reason that
7. Describe intervention strategies based on clinical find­ more than 90% of patients with temporomandibular dis­
ings and established goals. orders (TMD) seek an intervention. B,g The large variability
8. Evaluate intervention effectiveness in order to progress in TMD pain severity and suffering remains unexplained,
or modify intervention. inasmuch as such pain relates poorly with the nature and
9. Plan an effective home program and instruct the pa­ extent of the pathophysiologic findings. 1 0,1 I Scientific un­
tient in same. derstanding of many aspects of TMD is rapidly progressing
10. Develop self-reliant examination and intervention but has been only slowly incorporated into clinical prac­
strategies. tice, 12,13 resulting in a gap between science-based TMD di­
agnostic and management methodology and many clinical
practices. 12
OVERVIEW Most cases of TMD consist of a group of mild, self­
limiting disorders that resolve without active interven­
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) , the masticatory sys­ tion. 14 The most common TMD by far, comprising 90%
tems, the related organs and tissues, such as the salivary to 95% of all TMD cases, involves multiple complaints of


musculoskeletal facial pain and a variety of jaw impair­ large and repeated stresses.20 The fibrocartilage covers
ments, for which there is no identified structural cause.1 5 A the articulating surfaces of the mandible as well as the ar­
correct diagnosis of TMD, therefore, requires a subset of ticular eminence of the temporal bone.21,22 The load­
specific diagnoses in order to appreciate the individual pa­ bearing surface of the joint is the eminence where the fi­
tient's condition ,15,16 and must include consideration of all brocartilage is the thickest. At the roof of the fossa,
of the following: jaw muscles; bone and cartilage joint where the fibrocartilage is at its thinnest, little or no load
structures; soft tissue joint structures; joint function; the bearing should occur. 23
cervical spine and an analysis of the pain disorder, includ­ The mandible works like a class-three lever, with its
ing patient behaviors. Appropriate diagnoses could in­ joint as the fulcrum (see Figure 20-1 ) . There is no agree­
clude the following. ment among the experts concerning force transmission
through the joint. However, there is agreement that pos­
1. Rheumatoid arthritis with synovitis, arthralgia, condy- tural impairments of the cervical and upper thoracic spine
lar degenerative disease. can produce both pain and impairment of the temporo­
2. Chronic pain with a behavioral disorder. mandibular joint.24
3. Myofascial pain and impairment.
4. Internal disk derangement with displacement.
Fibrocartilaginous Disc

The term TMJ in association with jaw and facial symp­ Located between the under surface of the temporal
toms has been discontinued because it is inaccurate bone and the mandibular condyle is a fibrocartilaginous
and misleading, implying structural conditions when disc. Although, both the disc and the lateral pterygoid
none-or when many other, more important factors-are muscle develop from the first branchial arch, it is not
involved. I? known whether the lateral pterygoid muscle contributes to
the formation of the disc,25 but there is very little differen­
tiation between the muscle, tile disc, and the joint capsule.
Blood vessels and nerves are found only in tile thickened
periphery of this disc, with its thinner center being avascu­
lar and aneural.23 The size and shape of the disc are both
The temporomandibular joint ( Figure 20- 1 ) is a syn­
determined by the shape of the condyle, and the articular
ovial , compound modified ovoid bicondylar joint,
formed between the articular eminence of the temporal
The attachment of the articular disc to the capsular
bone, the in tra-articular disc and the head of the
ligament anteriorly and posteriorly, and the attachment of
mandible. It can be differen tiated from other freely mov­
the disc to the medial and lateral poles of the condyle
able synovial joints by the fact that the articulating sur­
divides the temporomandibular joint into two distinct
faces of the bones are covered, not by hyaline cartilage,
compartments (Figure 20-2) .
but by fibrocartilage.18,19 The presence of this fibrocarti­
lage indicates that the joint is designed to withstand
• Mandibulomeniscal (inferior) compartment: this compart­
ment, bordered by the mandibular condyle and the
inferior surface of the articular disc, is where the os­
teo kinematic spin of the condyle occurs.
• Meniscotemporal (superior) compartment: this compart­
ment, bordered by the mandibular fossa and the su­
perior surface of the articular disc, primarily allows
translation of the disc and condyle along the fossa,
and onto the articular eminence.

Rees has described the fibrocartilaginous disc as hav­

ing three clearly defined transverse, ellipsoidal zones that
are divided into three regions: posterior band, intermedi­
ate zone, and anterior band. 19 The intermediate zone,
avascular and aneural (pars gracilis) , is considerably thin­
ner ( 1 millimeter) than the posterior (pars posterior) and
anterior (pes meniscus) bands, and the posterior band is
FIGURE 20-1 The hinge-like temporomandibular joint. generally thicker (3 millimeter) than the anterior band

Temporal bone: mandibular fossa hyoid bone must also be included as, they provide impor­
Articular disk tant anatomical and functional links to the temporo­
Articular tubercle mandibular joint.
Lateral pterygoid m.

The borders of the maxillae extend superiorly to form the
floor of the nasal cavity as well as the floor of each orbit.
{ upper
Inferiorly, the maxillary bones form the palate and the
alveolar ridges, which support the teeth.

The mandible, or jaw ( Fig. 20-3) supports the lower teeth
and is the largest, strongest, and lowest bone in the face. It
has external and internal surfaces, separated by upper and
lower borders, and is suspended below the maxillae by
muscles and ligaments that provide mobility and stability.
The medial surface receives the medial pterygoid and the
digastric muscles, while on the lateral aspect, the platysma,
mentalis, and buccinator attach. Two broad, vertical rami
FIGURE 20-2 The superior and inferior joint cavities. extend upward, the condylar and the coronoid. The ante­
rior of the two processes, the coronoid, serves as the
attachment for the temporalis and massester muscles. 31
(2 millimeter) .26 It is the intermediate zone that comes The posterior process articulates with the temporal bone.
into contact with the articular surface of the condyle, and The mandibular condyles are elliptical, with their long
the upper surface of the disc adapts to the contours of the axes oriented medial-lateral, and at right angles to the
fossa and eminence of the temporal bone.33 plane of the mandibular ramus, with each condyle meas­
Medially and laterally, the fibrocartilaginous disc is uring about 20 millimeter medial and laterally and ap­
firmly attached to the medial and lateral poles of the proximately 1 0 millimeter anterior-posterior. 23
condyle, by way of collateral, discal ligaments. 27,28 These lig­
aments permit anterior and posterior rotation of the disc on Temporal Bone
the condyle. The disc is attached posteriorly by fibroelastic The articulating surface of the temporal bone is situated
tissue to the posterior mandibular fossa and the back of the anterior to the tympanic plate in the squamous portion of
mandibular condyle by nonelastic tissue. 27,28 Its circumfer­ the temporal bone, and is made up of a concave mandibu­
ence is attached to the joint capsule and the mandibular lar, or glenoid, fossa, and a convex bony prominence
condyle. Anteriorly, the disc is attached to the upper part of called the articular eminence. 23
the tendon of the lateral pterygoid muscle. 27,28 The articular tubercle situated anterior to the glenoid
As the disc is not directly attached to the temporal fossa serves as an attachment for the temporomandibular
bone, the disc has liberty to move with the condyle as the ligamen t ( Figure 20_5) .31
condyle translates in relation to the articular eminence. 29
The disc, which envelopes the condyle, follows the condyle Sphenoid Bone
closely in normal function, being pulled anteriorly during The greater wings of the sphenoid bone form the bound­
mouth opening, and posteriorly, by the elasticity of its pos­ aries of the anterior part of the middle cranial fossa. From
terior attachment, changing shape as it does SO. 30 The these greater wings, the pterygoid laminae serve as the at­
thicker posterior margin of the disc prevents linear dis­ tachment for the medial and lateral pterygoid muscles.
placement of the disc anteriorly. Likewise, the thicker an­
terior margin prevents excessive posterior displacement. Hyoid Bone
The hyoid bone ( Fig. 23-10) is a U-shaped bone, also
known as the skeleton of the tongue. The hyoid is involved
Masticatory System
with the mandible to provide reciprocal stabilization dur­
Three components make up the masticatory system: ing swallowing. This is best appreciated when one attempts
the maxilla and the mandible, which support the teeth, to swallow and feels the tongue held against the palate.
and the temporal bone, which supports the mandible at its The hyoid also serves as the attachment for the infrahyoid
articulation with the skull. The sphenoid bone and the muscles and some of the extrinsic tongue muscles.

Coronoid process
Coronoid process




Mylohyoid line -�'!:i:7--"�:"""' .-.

Mental spine (genial tubercles)

{S u pe rior

FIGURE 20-3 Mandible.

Synovial Membrane and is highly innervated. While it provides proprioceptive

feedback regarding joint position and movement,32.33 it is
The synovial membrane of the temporomandibular
also a common pain generator after abrupt trauma to the
joint is a highly vascularized layer of connective tissue
jaw. 27
that lines the fibrous capsule and covers the loose con­
All synovial joints of the body are provided with an
nective tissue between it and the posterior border of the
array of corpuscular (mechanoreceptors) and noncorpus­
cular ( nociceptors) receptor endings with varying charac­
teristic behaviors and distributions depending on articular
Supporting Structures
The ligaments of the temporomandibular joint, serv­ In the temporomandibular joint, type I receptors are
ing the role of all ligaments, protect and support the joint most numerous in the posterior region of the joint cap­
structures and act as passive restraints to joint movement. sule. Type I mechanoreceptors contribute to reflex regula­
Two strong ligaments provide joint stability. tion of postural tone, coordination of muscle activity, and
perceptional awareness of mandibular position.23,32,33
1. The joint capsule, or capsular ligament Type II receptors operate as low-threshold, rapidly
2. The temporomandibular ligament ( see Figure 20-5 ) . adapting mechanoreceptors that fire off brief bursts of im­
pulses only at the onset of changes in tension in the joint
Two other ligaments assist the above ligaments: capsule. Their behavior suggests their role as a control
mechanism to regulate motor-unit activity of the prime
1. Stylomandibular movers of the temporomandibular joint.23
2. Sphenomandibular Type III mechanoreceptors, regarded as high thresh­
old, only evoke charges during strong capsular tension.
Capsular Ligament The type IV receptor system is activated when its nerve
This thin structure surrounds the entire joint. 23 The cap­ fibers are depolarized by the generation of high mechani­
sular ligament functions to maintain the synovial fluid cal or chemical stresses in the joint capsule.

Spine of sphenoid
Inner horizontal portion
Joint capsule

Styloid process


Lingula ----!!'iF'-'-:"'-�i'J /;!---- Stylomandibular


I'f--l!�--- Mylohyoid sulcus

FIGURE 20-5 The two portions of the temporomandibu­

lar ligament.

Sphenomandibular Ligament
The sphenomandibular ligament, an accessory ligament, is
a thin band that runs from the spine of the sphenoid bone
to a small bony prominence on the medial surface of the ra­
mus of the mandible, called the lingula (see Figure 20-4) .
This ligament acts to check the angle of the mandible from
sliding as far forward as the condyles during the transla­
tory cycle, and serves as a suspensory ligament of the
mandible during wide opening. It is this ligament that
Masseter a.
hurts with any prolonged jaw opening, such as that which
facial a. occurs at the den tist.
Another ligament in this area worth a mention is the
anterior ligament of the malleus or Pinto's ligament.
Pinto's ligament34 which is a vestige of embryological
tissue, arises from the neck of the malleus of the inner ear
Ext. carotid a.
and runs in a medial-superior direction to insert into the
posterior aspect of the temporomandibular joint capsule
and disc. While the role of this Iigamen t in mandibular me­
FIGURE 20-4 The sphenomandibular and stylomandibu­ chanics is thought to be neglible, its relationship to the
lar ligaments.
middle ear and the temporomandibular joint could be a
basis for the middle ear symptoms which are often present
Temporomandibular Ligament with TMD.
The capsule of the temporomandibular joint is reinforced
laterally by the two divisions of the temporomandibular lig­
ament (Figure 20-5) . 23 These two divisions, an outer
oblique portion and an inner horizontal portion, function The masticatory muscles are the key muscles when dis­
as the suspensory mechanism of the mandible during cussing TMD. Masticatory muscles contain all three of the
moderate opening movements, and resist rotation, and muscle fiber types (type I, II and I1a) .
posterior displacement of the mandible. Three of these muscles, the masseter, medial ptery­
goid, and temporalis, exert their power in a vertical direc­
Stylomandibular Ligament tion , and function to raise the mandible during mouth
The stylomandibular ligament is a specialized band of closing. The digastric and geniohyoid muscles retrude and
deep cervical fascia that splits away from the superficial depress the mandible by pulling it in a posterior and infe­
lamina of the deep cervical fascia to run deep to both rior direction.
pterygoid muscles (see Figure 20-4) .23 This ligament be­ Although these muscles work most efficiently in
comes taut and acts as a guiding mechanism for the groups, an understanding of the specific action ( s) of the
mandible, keeping the condyle, disc and temporal bone individual muscles is necessary for an appreciation of their
firmly opposed. coordinated function during masticatory activity.

Temporalis form a raphe with the medial pterygoid (Figure 20-7) . The
The temporalis muscle arises from the cranial fossa that multipennate effect of the alternating muscle fibers and
bears its name ( Figure 20-6) , and inserts by way of a ten­ layers of tendons serves to shorten the average of length of
don into the medial surface, the apex, the anterior and the contractile elements and to increase the total number
posterior border of the coronoid process, and the anterior of fibers in the muscle, making the masseter the most pow­
border of the mandibular ramus. This muscle can move erful muscle in the body with a relatively short contractile
the jaw in many directions, and is responsible for forceful range. 23
mouth closing and side to side grinding movements. It The major function of the masseter is to elevate the
provides a good deal of stability to the joint. The tempo­ mandible thereby occluding the teeth during mastica­
ralis muscle is supplied by the anterior and posterior deep tion.
temporal nerves, which branch from the anterior division
of the mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve. Medial Pterygoid
The medial pterygoid muscle is a thick quadrilateral mus­
Masseter cle with a deep origin on the medial aspect of the mandibu­
The masseter, a quadrilateral muscle, consists of three lay­ lar ramus. (Figure 20-8 ) . Bilaterally, the muscles, together
ers which blend anteriorly. The deep and superficial fibers with the masseter and temporalis, assist in elevation of the

Temporal fascia
(superficial layer)

Temporalis m.


Capsular lig.

Lateral (ext.) pterygoid m.

Medial (internal) pterygoid m.

FIGURE 20-6 Temporalis muscle.


Compressor naris m. Temporal fascia

(superficial layer)


Depressor septi m.----__....

Occipitalis m.
Levator anguli oris
Post. auricular m.
Parotid duct -------_��
--- Zygomaticus
Buccopharyngeal fascia--_.
Depressor labii inferioris m.
----- Masseter m.

Splenius capitis m.

su perficial
} Temporal

Deep layer

Levator anguli oris m.

and incisivus labii

Deep } supeflofls m.

Masseter m.

Zygomaticus major (cut)

Risorius (cut)
oris Depressor labii inferioris m. (cut)


FIGURE 20-7 Muscles of mastication.

mandible. Each medial pterygoid muscle is capable of de­ Both divisions of this muscle are innervated by the lat­
viating the mandible toward the opposite side. This muscle eral pterygoid nerve from the anterior division of the
also acts as an assist to the lateral pterygoid for protrusion mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve.
of the mandible.
Infrahyoid or "Strap" Muscles
Lateral Pterygoid The infrahyoid muscles consist of the sternohyoid, omohy­
Despite several investigations,3()"'39 no consensus has been oid, sternothyroid, and thyrohyoid muscles. ( Figure 20-9 ) .
reached regarding the insertion of the lateral pterygoid The sternohyoid muscle i s a strap-like muscle which func­
muscle ( Figure 20-8 ) . tions to depress the hyoid as well as assist in speech and
The two divisions o f the lateral pterygoid muscles are mastication.
functionally and anatomically two separate muscles. The The omohyoid muscle is situated lateral to the ster­
inferior lateral pterygoid muscle exerts a forward, inward, nohyoid and consists of two bellies. The omohyoid func­
and downward pull on the mandible, thereby opening the tions to depress the hyoid and has been speculated to
jaw, protruding the mandible, and deviating the mandible tense the inferior aspect of the deep cervical fascia in pro­
to the opposite side by the action of one muscle functioning longed inspiratory efforts, thereby releasing tension on
unilaterally. the apices of the lungs and on the internal jugular vein,
The superior lateral pterygoid muscle is involved which are attached to this fascial layer. 23
mainly with chewing and functions to anteriorly rotate the Deep to the sternohyoid muscle are the sternothy­
disc on the condyle during mouth closing.4o,4l roid and thyrohyoid muscles. Both of these muscles are

Temporalis m.

,----La,,,.ular Jig.

Late ral (ext .) pterygoid m.

L atera l pterygoid

GenioglosslIs m' -�11;l�:;::.s:;�sq�

Medial (internal) pterygoid m.
�--- Medial pterygoid
Geniohyoid m.
Digastric m. Mylohyoid m. INNER MANDIBLE

FIGURE 20-8 Medial and lateral pterygoid muscles.

involved with moving the larynx and altering the pitch of Suprahyoid Muscles
the voice. The supra- and infrahyoid muscles play a major role in co­
These infrahyoid muscles are innervated by fibers ordinating mandibular function, by providing a firm base
from the upper cervical nerves. The nerves to the lower on which the tongue and mandible can be moved.
part of these muscles are given off from the ansa cervicalis
(cervical loop) .23 Geniohyoid
The geniohyoid muscle is a narrow muscle situated under
the mylohyoid muscle ( Figure 20- 1 0) .
Mylohyoid m.
The geniohyoid muscle, which functions to elevate the
hyoid bone, is innervated by fibers from the ventral rami of
the lesser occipital nerve (C l) .
Stylohyoid m.----+.",:>,-,-"·:

DigastriclIs m. Genioglossus nl. (cut)

(post. helly)---�\
Sternocleidomastoid m.

Omohyoid m.-----+--\---

Body of hyoid bone
FIGURE 20-9 Digastric, stylohyoid, and infrahyoid FLOOR OF MOUTH
muscles. FIGURE 20-1 0 Geniohyoid and mylohyoid muscles.


The two bellies of the digastric muscle are joined by a
Motor nucleus Anterior-lateral upper pons and forms, the
rounded tendon that attaches to the body and greater mandibular branch of the trigeminal.
cornu of the hyoid bone through a fibrous loop or sling Sensory nucleus There are two nuclei, the chief sensory nucleus
(see Figure 20-9) . 23 in the dorsal-lateral pons, and the
The posterior belly is innervated by the facial nerve. mesencephalic nucleus, which extends from
the chief sensory upward through the pons
The anterior belly is supplied by the mylohyoid nerve from
to the mid-brain. The chief sensory nucleus
the inferior alveolar branch of the posterior division of the receives all sensory input, except that from
mandibular nerve. the muscles supplied by the mandibular
Bilaterally, the digastrics assist in forced mandibular branch.
depression. The posterior bellies are especially active dur­ Spinal nucleus The spinal tract consists of small- and medium-
sized myelinated nerve fibers and runs
ing coughing and swallowing.
caudally to reach the upper cervical
segments of the spinal cord. The lowest
nerve fibers in the tract mix with the spinal
This flat, triangular muscle receives its innervation from fibers in the tract of Lissauer.
the mylohyoid nerve, from the inferior alveolar branch Nerves Mandibular
of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve (see Maxillary
Figure 20-10) . The mylohyoid is functionally a muscle of
Termination The muscles of mastication, both pterygoids,
the tongue, stabilizing or elevating the tongue during swal­ tensor veli palatini, tensor tympani,
lowing, and elevating the floor of the mouth in the first mylohyoid, and the anterior belly of
stage of deglutition. digastric. The skin of the vertex, temporal
area, forehead and face, the mucosa of the
Stylohyoid sinus, nose, pharynx, anterior two-third of the
tongue, and the oral cavity. The lacrimal,
The stylohyoid muscle is innervated by the facial nerve.
parotid, and lingual glands and the dura of
(see Figure 20-9) . Its role in speech, mastication, and swal­ the anterior and middle cranial fossae. The
lowing has yet to be determined. external aspect of the tympanic membrane
and the external auditory meatus,
temporomandibular joint, teeth. Dilator
Nerve Supply
pupillae and probably the proprioceptors of

The temporomandibular joint is primarily supplied the extraocular muscles. Sensation from the
upper three or four cervical levels.
from three nerves that are part of the mandibular division
of the trigeminal nerve (Table 20-1 ) .
The nerve is named trigeminal due to its tripartite
mandibular postures are the rest position, occlusal posi­
division into the maxillary, ophthalmic, and mandibular
tion, and hinge position.
branches. All three contain sensory cells, but the ophthalmic
and maxillary are exclusively sensory, the latter supplying
the soft and hard palate, maxiUary sinuses, upper teeth, up­ Rest Position
per lip, and the mucous membrane of the pharynx. The
The residual tension of the muscles at rest is termed
mandibular branch carries sensory information but is the
resting tonus. The rest position of the tongue is up against
motor component of the nerve supplying the muscles of
the palate of the mouth.43 In this position, the most anterior­
mastication, both pterygoids, the anterior belly of digastric,
superior tip of the tongue lies in the area against the
tensor tympani, tensor veli palatini, and mylohyoid.
palate, just posterior to the back side of the upper central
The spinal nucleus and tract of the trigeminal cannot
incisors. No occlusal contact occurs between maxillary and
be distinguished either histologically or on the basis if af­
mandibular teeth in this position . The significance of the
ferent reception from the cervical nerves. Consequently,
rest position is that it permits the tissues of the stomatog­
the entire column can be viewed as a single nucleus and
nathic system to rest and repair.44 This rest position is en­
may be legitimately called the trigeminocervical nucleus. 42
tirely dependent on the mandibular musculature, soft tis­
sue, and gravity, and because of the variations in muscle
BIOMECHANICS OF THE tonus, this position is not constant. A normal resting
TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT position for the tongue is necessary for correct nasal and
diaphragmatic breathing. It is proposed that if the tongue
The temporomandibular joint can assume three relative comes away from the roof of the mouth, the vagus nerve is
positions when the mandible is not in motion. These stimulated. This results in a stimulation of the vagal muscles

(trapezius and sternocleidomastoid (SCM ) ) that act to pull axis (y) produces a depression of the mandible on the
the head into extension. This extended head position is moving side. The longitudinal, or vertical, axis (z) of
the position of least airway resistance and maximum air­ rotation results in a unilateral protrusive-retrusive
flow (it is the position that athletes adopt before and after movement.
an event to maximally aerate their lungs) . In essence, the • Translation: translation, or gliding movements, occur
position changes the airflow angle from 90 degrees to 1 80 in the superior compartment between the inferior sur­
degrees. People who develop a forward head posture, also face of the articular fossa and eminence of the tempo­
develop a malposition of the tongue as the tongue cannot ral bone and the superior surface of the articular disc
remain in contact with the roof of the mouth in this posi­ during the downward and forward movement of the
tion. However, because the forward head posture puts the disc-condyle complex, a protrusive movement. 23 A re­
airway in a more efficient flow position, this posture soon turn of this complex in the upward and backward po­
becomes habitual and becomes the new resting posture. sition is called a retrusive movement.

Occlusal Position Opening and Closing

This position is defined as the point at which contact Opening and closing movements of the jaw are a com­
between some or all of the teeth occur. The maximum in­ bination of rotary and translatory movements of the
tercuspated position is the median occlusal position in mandible and disc. Opening also involves a lateral devia­
which all the teeth are fully interdigitated. 18 This position, tion and protrusion-an inferior, anterior, and a lateral
considered the start position for all mandibular motions, is glide. Closing involves the opposite, a superior and poste­
dependent on the presence, shape, and position of the rior glide and a medial glide, that is, the mandible head
teeth. Absent or abnormally shaped teeth can displace the moves up, back, and inward.
mandible from this position, creating an imbalance.
The Hinge Position
Protrusion is a forward movement of the mandible oc­
The hinge position is the position of the mandible curring at the superior joint compartments. If the move­
from which a pure hinge opening and closing can occur. 18 ment occurs unilaterally, it is called lateral translation, or
In this position, the condyles are in the most retruded po­ lateral deviation. For example, if only the left temporo­
sition that the muscles of the jaw can accomplish. mandibular joint protrudes, the jaw deviates to the right.
Protrusion consists of the disc and condyle moving down­
ward and forward.

Mandibular movements guided by the temporomandibu­
lar joint and muscle activity occur as a series of interrelated Retrusive range is limited by the taut temporomandibu­
three-dimensional rotational and translational activities lar ligaments, and rarely amounts to more than 3 mm. 23
which depend on four factors: ( 1 ) initiating position, (2)
types of movements, (3) direction of movement, and (4) The angle of the joint is oriented in an anterior and
degree of movement. 23 The temporomandibular joint has lateral direction, resulting in maximal lateral motion oc­
three degrees of freedom, and each of the degrees of free­ curring with full opening. The capsular pattern of the
dom is associated with a separate axis of rotation.45 temporomandibular joint is one of deviation of motion to
Movements of this joint are extremely complex­ the same side as the affected joint, with a loss of functional
opening and closing, protrusion and retrusion, and lateral opening. Its close-packed position is difficult to determine
motions. The two basic motions required for functional as the position for maximal muscle tightness is also the po­
motion, rotation and translation, occur around three sition of least joint surface congruity and vice versa. 16
planes, sagittal, horizontal, and frontal.

• Rotation: the mandible has three axes of rotation: TEMPOROMANDIBULAR DISORDERS

medial-lateral (x) , anterior-posterior (y), and longitudi­
nal (z) .23 The rotation occurs in a hinge motion around Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are also referred to
a medial-lateral axis and produces opening and closing. as craniomandibular disorders and arthrosis temporo­
Mandibular movement, around an anterior-posterior mandibularis. 46 It is generally thought that the modern

concepts of temporomandibular disorders began with Many clinicians over the years have described numer­
three publications by Costen, an otolaryngologist, and his ous conditions that share features, such as fatigue, pain,
theory that temporomandibular disorders were the result and other symptoms, in the absence of objective findings.
of "bony erosions" of the temporomandibular joint and These include illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome
the tympanic plate of the temporal bone.47-49 (CFS) , fibromyalgia (FM) , temporomandibular disorder
Anatomic investigations in the 1940s disproved Costen's (TMD) .
theories, 50-52 and over the past half century, much attention Although often labeled "psychosomatic" or "func­
was directed toward defining four "gold standard" diagnostic tional" disorders, similarities in clinical manifestations
symptoms and signs of temporomandibular disorders. 53 among these conditions, such as increased pain sensitivity,
suggest a possible common alteration in central processing
1. Facial or jaw pains. mechanisms. 65
2. Tenderness of the muscles of mastication. CFS, FM, and TMD are all associated with poor func­
3. Sounds (clicks or pops) that originate in the temporo­ tional status66-68 and psychiatric illness.69-72 Some literature
mandibular joint, often with jaw deviations. on relationships between CFS, FM, and TMD supports the
4. Restricted jaw opening (defined in the adult as open­ possibility that, these syndromes may represent "overlap­
ing less than about 40 mm) . ping" conditions. In this regard, it has been estimated that
between 20 and 70% of patients with FM meet criteria for
Clinicians often see patients who present with either CFS and, conversely, 35 to 70% of those with CFS also have
persistent or recurrent lateral facial pain. Having elimi­ FM.69.7g...75 Studies investigating the relationship between FM
nated the possibility of ear or sinus problems, the next step and TMD have demonstrated that 18% of patients with TMD
is to consider the possibility of temporomandibular joint meet FM criteria, and 75% of patients with FM satisty the
pain and impairment, particularly if the pain is accompa­ Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD (myofascial type) . 76.77
nied by clicking jaw joints and limited mouth opening. 53 Although psychogenic factors have also been implicated,
Displacement of the temporomandibular joint disc is these are often considered as exacerbating factors rather
by far the most common finding among patients who seek than the primary cause of temporomandibular disorders.24.60
treatment for temporomandibular disorders symptoms. A Schwartz, 78. 79 a dentist, headed a multidisciplinary tem­
consecutive study of unselected adult patients with tem­ poromandibular disorders clinic where over 500 patients
poromandibular disorders symptoms, verifying the temporo­ were treated. He hypothesized that temporomandibular
mandibular joint disc position arthrographically, showed a disorder symptoms originated in mandibular muscles that
prevalence of disc displacement of 64%. 54 In adult patients went through three pathologic phases.
with temporomandibular joint pain and impairment who
were referred for arthrographic or magnetic resonance im­ 1. Early incoordination of muscles producing joint click­
aging (MRI) of the temporomandibular joint, the preva­ ing and recurrent subluxation.
lence of disc displacement varied between 78% and 84%. 5!>-57 2. A middle phase of limitation of mandibular move­
Similar findings were found in juvenile patients. 58.59 ments by muscle spasm.
About 60 to 70% of the general population has at least 3. A final phase of muscle shortening and fibrosis, often
one sign of a temporomandibular disorder, yet only irreversible. Psychogenic causes were the most com­
around one in four people with signs is actually aware mon.
of, or reports any, symptoms. 8.24 . 60-M Furthermore, only
about 5% of people with one or more signs of a temporo­ Over the next 35 years, the Schwartz supporters stud­
mandibular disorder will actually seek an interven­ ied other large temporomandibular disorders cohorts and
tion. 8.60-62 Most of those who seek an intervention for tem­ drew these conclusions. 24.6o
poromandibular disorders are female, outnumbering
male patients by at least four to one. 8.61.63 Although tem­ 1. Over 85% of subjects were women, 80% of whom had
poromandibular disorders may occur at any age, the disor­ histories of stress, depression, daytime tooth clench­
der cannot be considered a disease of aging, as patients ing, and nocturnal bruxism.
most commonly present in early adulthood. 8.60-64 2. The largest number of patients had other psychogenic
disorders, along with atypical pain syndromes and low
pain thresholds.
3. Antidepressant medications were far superior to
The etiology of the most common types of temporo­ placebo or bite guard prostheses.
mandibular disorders is complex and is still largely unre­ 4. Prognosis was more favorable in those with recent
solved. stress and no operations.

5. Psychological counseling gave excellent result. the chances of developing TMD . 1 02-107 Changes of the
6. Those examined a year after diagnosis showed 90% mandibular condyle range from remodeling to resorption,
improvement, with loss of abnormal jaw sounds in are probably associated with biomechanical loading and al­
over 80%. tered jaw position and mechanics, and are related to the
7. Patients with temporomandibular disorders and nor­ inherent adaptive capacity of the temporomandibular
mal temporomandibular joints have higher psycho­ joint. 1 07
metric scores denoting pain, chronic disability, and There are no scientifically established anatomic risk
depression . 80-84 factors for developing TMD. While anatomic variations in
temporomandibular joint structure, jaw relationships, and
Malocclusion has not been determined as an important den tal relationships are wide; none of these appear to pre­
factor in TMD,85-87 as very few patients with malocclusion dispose a person to TMD . 108,109 Although a common rela­
actually go on to develop temporomandibular pain and tionship between TMD and parafunctional jaw and tooth
impairment. 6<1 habits has been noticed clinically, this does not necessarily
Previous reports have shown an increased prevalence predispose the patient to TMD, although parafunctional
of traumas and injuries in the TMD population in com­ jaw habits do seem to propagate TMD symptoms already
parison with the non-TMD population. 88-9o Direct injury established and may be associated with TMD, rather than
to the masticatory structure is thought to cause certain as' an external factor. 1 10 A wide range of associated factors,
temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, such as disc such as depression, anxiety, and gum chewing, may propa­
displacements . 9 1 ,92 H owever, the transition from acute gate TMD symptoms on the basis of physical, emotional,
temporomandibular joint problems to chronic TMD and/or neurobiologic factors. 66 Pain, muscle tension
problems and the role of trauma in the etiology of headache, and chronic pain in the head, neck, and jaws,
chronic TMD remain unclear.93 I njuries to nerves and may predispose to TMD via neuroanatomic and neurobio­
soft and hard tissues as a result of repeated traumas have logic mechanisms. 66, 1 1 1 , 1 12
been reported to produce persistent pain because of sen­ The role of cervical whiplash injuries secondary to
sitization of both peripheral and central neurons.94 The motor vehicle accidents ( MVAs) in such disorders, is some­
sensitization process has been shown to influence subse­ what controversial, and is questioned by some au­
quent pain experience. I ncreased postoperative pain thors. 1 1 3- 1 1 6 Others, 1 1 7-120 however, believe that trauma
resulting from insufficient preemptive analgesia, such as from cervical whiplash injuries93,12 1-124 is important. "Cer­
incomplete use of local anesthetics and/or pain medica­ vical strai n " as a cause of TMD was described by Royd­
tion before s urgery, has been wel l documented.94-9 6 house. 1 23 Brooke and Sten n l 25 reported that patients with
Poorly managed postoperative or posttraumatic pain is posttraumatic TMD have a poor prognosis for recovery
also considered to play a role in pain persistence.94,97 Sen­ compared with nontraumatic TMD, stating reasons of the
sitization has also been implicated in the mechanism of consequence of litigation and the personality of the pa­
TMD pain.9 8 tient. Some researchers reported that some patients
Other causes of TMD range from immune-mediated claimed the onset of symptoms days or weeks after the pro­
systemic disease to neoplastic growths to neurobiologic fessed whiplash incident with diagnoses and intervention
mechanisms.99 Less common, but better recognized, causes beginning even later. 1 20, 1 26, 1 2 7
ofTMD are: Mechanisms have been proposed to explain how a MVA
trauma could cause TMDs. 1 2 1 , 1 28,129 In a prospective study of
1. A wide range of direct injuries to the joint, such as 155 post-MVA whiplash injuries, Heise and associatesl30
fractures of the mandibular condyle found that masticatory muscle and temporomandibular
2. Systemic diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis joint pain were initially present in 1 2.7% of patients with
3. Growth disturbances positive radiologic findings and 1 5.2% of patients with neg­
4. Psychological overlay ative radiologic findings of cervical skeletal injury. Pain
symptoms had diminished within 1 month. One year after
Some nonf1.lIlctional movements of the mandible (brux­ the injury, pain symptoms had resolved in all patients. No
ing) and tooth-clenching habits have been associated with a new cases of pain symptoms and clicking were reported.
variety of jaw muscle symptoms, but are associated less with In addition to the involvement of the masticatory mus­
internal joint disc derangements.IOO Chronic parafunctional cles just mentioned, the anterior muscles of the neck are
clenching, however, has been shown experimentally to cause often injured with the whiplash mechanism. It seems plau­
acute TMD in human beings. IOI sible that an injury to the suprahyoid and infrahyoid mus­
There is conflicting evidence that health care manipu­ cles would affect the function of the mandible, thereby set­
lations, orthodontic, or surgical intervention increase ting up the joint for dysfunction.

To assess the relationship between various crash vari­ the upper head of the lateral pterygoid muscle plays an
ables, including vehicular and postural characteristics, and important role in stabilizing and controlling the move­
TMDs, Burgess and co-workerl 1 7 studied 219 patients who ments of the disc. In abnormal function, excessive action
identified MVAs as the cause of signs and symptoms sug­ or hyperactivity of the upper head of the lateral pterygoid
gesting TMDs. They found that the amount ofjaw opening muscle loads the disc leading to its eventual anterior and
was significantly less for the subgroup whose vehicles had medial displacement. A recent study by Wongwatana and
been "totaled" than for tlle subgroup with less than $ 1 000 colleagues 1 3 6 reported that the upper head of the lateral
worth of vehicle damage, and the group with speeds of pterygoid muscle contributed to the anterior-medial dis­
impact of 40 mph or greater had greater overall pain in­ placement of the disc only in cases of prior damage to the
tensity than the group with speeds of impact of less than disc. H owever, the lateral pterygoid muscle has a variable
40 mph. Facial injury, such as bruising, appeared signifi­ attachment to the disc, confirmed by a postmortem
cantly more likely to be reported when impact was not study of 40 individuals, which found that in 65% of the
from the side, and there was an interaction between facial specimens, the upper head of the lateral pterygoid
pain and front or rear impact. Looking right or left at the muscle was attached to the medial aspect of the capsule,
time of impact has been associated with significantly disc, and to the pterygoid fovea of the condyle. I n 27.5%
greater overall pain and significantly greater masticatory of specimens, the upper head was attached solely to the
muscle tenderness. condyle; in the remaining 7 .5% of cases, there were
The probable reason for these symptoms depends o ther types of attachments of the lateral pterygoid
on the mechanism. During the initial backwards move­ muscle to the disc . 1 37
ment, the jaw could be forced open, stretching and, Osteoarthrosis is a localized degenerative disorder
possibly, tearing the anterior joint capsule and i ntra­ that affects mainly the articular cartilage of the tem­
articular disc. On the flexion phase, the jaw is snapped poromandibular joint and is often seen in older people.
shut by the stretch reflex of the masticatory muscles and, Pigmented villonodular synovitis ( PVNS) , is a prolifer­
in the presence of malocclusion, damages the posterior ative but nonneoplastic disorder that affects the synovial
and temporal attachments of the articular cartilage and membranes ofjoints , 1 38,1 39 is generally thought to be a be­
disc. nign, inflammatory process, although it may develop as an
However, thorough acceleration-deceleration studies aggressive local process. Pigmented villonodular synovitis
on human volunteers concluded that the force of a low ve­ was first reported in detail by Jaffe and colleagues l4 0 in
locity extension-flexion injury is less than the forces ex­ 1 941 . It was described as expressing multiple manifesta­
erted by normal mastication . 1 28 Similar extensive experi­ tions of a histologic lesion characterized by a fi brous
ments on human subjects sponsored by the Society of stroma, multinucleated giant cells, spindlelike cells, and
Automotive Engineers concluded, " . . . no jaw motion rel­ h istiocytic cells, with hemosiderin and lipid inclusions oc­
ative to the cranium was seen for any human subject dur­ curring in the synovial membrane ofjoints. The pathogen­
ing rear-end impacts., 1 31 , 132 esis of PVNS is unknown .
In 1993, The American Academy of Orofacial Pain Pigmented villonodular synovitis is subdivided in to
published their official opinion of mandibular whiplash, diffuse and localized forms, depending on the extent of
"Thus, the condition of mandibular strain at the time of a synovial involvement. Although typical PVNS has a shaggy
motor vehicular accident, without a direct blow to the villous appearance, the diffuse form usually does not have
mandible, resulting in hyperextension of the mandibular grossly discernible patterns. 1 39 Pigmented villonodular
capsule, ligaments, and masticatory muscles is question­ synovitis may extend into bone, and, in most instances, the
able. 60 Skeptical neurologists suspect that "temporo­ diffuse form probably represents aggressive extra-articular
mandibular joint whiplash" is often a clinical manifestation extension and occasional recurrence after surgical inter­
of malingering. vention. 1 39 According to site, 80% of cases involve the
The term internal derangement describes a tem­ knee, followed in order of frequency by the hip, ankle, and
poromandibular disorder in which the articular disc is in shoulder. 1 39 ,1 41 Although anyjoint can be affected, involve­
an abnormal position, resulting in mechanical i n terfer­ ment of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ ) is very
ence and restriction of the normal range of mandibular rare.142-144
activity. The theory of internal derangement of the tem­ The symptoms for temporomandibular joint PVNS
poromandibular joint (TMJ ) involves the anterior (and vary, but typically include, swelling in the preauricular area,
medial) displacement of the disc, which is thought to be progressive temporomandibular joint pain during mastica­
brought about by the action of the upper head of the tion, and a history of progressive difficulty in opening of the
lateral pterygoid muscle , 1 33-13s I t has been suggested that mouth. 1 45 The recommended intervention for PVNS lesions
in normal function of the craniomandibular complex, involves wide synovectomy at all sites involved. 13g.. 14 I

Epidemiology to evaluate . 1 61 - 163 Joint noise is of little clinical impor­

tance in the absence of pain. 163.164
Epidemiologic studies on non patient populations
Restricted jaw function encompasses a limited range
in the early 1 970s reported that the prevalence of tem­
of mandibular movements in all directions. Like pain, re­
poromandibular disorders signs and symptoms were
stricted jaw function causes considerable anxiety for the
similar for females and males . 1 46-1 48 Studies of temporo­
patient, who faces difficulties in everyday activities such as
mandibular disorders signs and symptoms in nonpatients
eating and speaking. Patients describe either a generalized
revealed either no gender difference, 1 49 . 1 5 0 or a some-
tight feeling, which is probably a muscular disorder, or the
what greater preva l ence among elema i es. 1 5 1 . 1 5 2 A recen t
sensation that the jaw suddenly "catches" or "gets stuck,"
longitudinal study, 1 53 however, showed that the course of
which is usually related to internal derangement.
temporomandibular disorders symptoms differed signifi­
Headaches, earaches, tinnitus, and neck and shoulder
cantly with respect to gender: women who had reported
pains are just a few of a number of nonspecific symptoms
symptoms during adolescence consistently reported
that are often reported by patients with temporomandibu­
symptoms one decade later, whereas the figure for men
lar disorders. However, since these symptoms are not con­
was only 60 % .
sidered to be specific for temporomandibular disorders,
I n con trast to studies of nonpatient populations,
other possible causes should be sought and ru Ied out. 165-167
studies of temporomandibular disorders patients have
A growing understanding of the natural history of
shown a strong preponderance of females, with female to
TMD and some of the physical changes associated with
male ratios of 2 : 1 and 4: 1 .54.154 In patients referred for
TMD has played an important role in the intervention and
radiographic imaging of the temporomandibular joint,
management of TMD.66 Many of the signs and symptoms
the female to male ratio was between 5 : 1 and 9 : 1 .57.155 In
of TMD are present and detected in significant portions of
patients with radiographically verified temporomandibu­
the normal nonpatient population; for example, approxi­
lar joint disc displacement, the female predominance was
mately 33% of humans have a temporomandibular joint
significant; the prevalence was four to six times greater for .
click WIthout pam
" or slgm'fi cant Impamnen
" t . 168-171 Current
females,57 . 155 and four times more joints with disc dis-
. research indicates that biochemical mechanisms and bio­
placement occurred m women t h an m ' men. 1 56 I n add'1 -
mechanical adaptive mechanisms play a major role in the
tion, disc displacement i n asymptomatic joints is twice as
natural course of DJD, a self-limiting and non progressive
frequent in females as in males, both lor · ' 1 es59 ' 1 57 an d
course usually being expected in the absence of systemic
disease and/or iatrogenesis.
The reason for the higher prevalence of temporo­
Most instances of TMD involve masticatory muscle
mandibular joint disc displacement in women and the
pains that vary in location and intensity with time; the ma­
over-representation of females at orofacial pain clinics
jority of these resolve without intervention. Masticatory
remains obscure. A hypothesis has been put forward that
muscle pain TMD does not appear to progress in severity
women more readily seek treatment for illness than do
with age , 1 72 and facial pain is less prevalent in older per­
men . 1 58 A recent literature review on pain ended with a
sons than younger persons, thus distinguishing TMD from
recommendation to researchers and health profession­
many other chronic diseases associated with increasing
als to give gender more detailed atte n tion i n pain
research . 159
Well-established associations have been made between
The higher prevalence of temporomandibular joint
TMD and other disorders, such as headache and neck
disc displacement in adults than i n juveniles could be
pain. 1 4
due to a cumulative effect, but there are few studies on
the incidence of disc displacement relative to age. One
• Headache. Temporal muscle tendinitis (TMT) , an
investigation revealed a statistically significant peak in in­
overuse disorder, is a common but frequently over­
cidence of symptomatic temporomandibular joint disc
looked disorder that mimics a headache . 1 73 TMT
displacement during puberty for both females and
symptoms usually include pain near the temporo­
males. 1 60
mandibular joint and ear, ear fullness, temporal
headaches, and facial pain. Treatment primarily in­
cludes cessation of the offending activity, such as gum
Clinical Features
chewing or teeth clenching.
There are three cardinal features of temporo­ • Neck pai n . 1 73 In 1 962, MOSS l 74 proposed the "func­
mandibular disorders-orofacial pain , joint noise, and tional matrix theory, " which attempted to build
restricted jaw function. Pain is the most common pre­ an association between craniofacial changes and
senting complaint and is by far the most difficult problem nasal airway obstruction. These craniofacial changes

7 77


Cervical hyperlordosis Overclosing of TMJ Trigeminal facilitation

Posterior compression Suboccipital hypertonicity
Capsular ligament injury Scalene hypertonicity with first rib impairment
Meniscal derangement
Craniovertebral hyperextension Trigeminal facilitation
AO flexion hypomobility Masticator hyperton i city
M rotation hypomobility TMJ impairment
AO extension hypermobility
Craniovertebral instability
Mid-cervical hyperextension C4 facilitation
Flexion hypomobility Levator scapulae hypertonicity
Extension hypermobility with adduction of scapula and overuse
Anterior instabilities of supraspinatus
CS facilitation
Rotator cuff hypertonicity
Tennis elbow
Shoulder protraction Glenohumeral instability Supraspinatus tendonitis
Acromioclavicular instability Infraspinatus tendonitis
Acromioclavicular sprain
Cervicothoracic hyperkyphosis Extension hypomobilities Sh oulder girdle hypomobility
Glenohumeral instability
Acromioclavicular instability
Supraspinatus tendonitis

included a "clockwise" rotation of the mandible in a the mouth further in order to breathe. It is postulated
more vertical and posterior direction, elongation of that this can result in the following. 1 83 . 1 84- 1 86
the lower face height, open bite, crosbite, retrog­
nathia, and the forward head posture. One of the 1. A failure t o filter inspired air of pathogens and parti­
most prevalent postural deviations is the forward cles. These particles go directly into the alveoli pro­
head position. The habitual placement of the head ducing an inflammatory reaction in the lungs result­
anterior to the body's center of gravity has been sug­ ing in bronchospasm and asthma, and stimulating a
gested by many as a component in the etiology of future hypersensitivity to any new particles.
numerous m usculoskeletal and neurovascu lar im­ 2. A failure to humidify inspired air, so that the air enter­
pairments. 1 75- 1 8 1 (Table 20-2) When the n u mber of ing the lungs is dry.
occupations that require the head to be ben t for­ 3. A failure to warm the inspired air. Cold or cool air enter­
ward and the arms to be carried in fron t of the body ing the lungs stimulates an increased presence of white
is considered, i t is not surprising that this posture blood celis, increasing the hypersensitivity of the lungs.
frequently develops.
Early intervention with mouth breathers is essential,
The anteriorly displaced line of gravity induced by the and it is recommended that the child be encouraged to
forward head has an effect on respiration. This change in keep the tongue against the roof of the mouth while
posture is postulated to have the following conse­ breathing.
quences. 1 82 Although only theoretical, the thoracic compensa­
tion is necessary to coun teract the backward tilting of the
• Open-mouth breathing. 1 83 Initially a normal response head and to return the eyes to a horizontal position. This
in a baby, it becomes abnormal if it persists into the produces:
5- to 7-year-old age range. A child with a long bout of
sinus infections and blockages is forced to use mouth 1. A reduction i n thoracic extension.
breathing as his or her primary method of breathing. 2. A reduced ability of the ribs to e levate during inspira­
With the development of the teeth and tongue, this tion due to a reduced ability of the thoracic cavity to
abnormal pattern is accentuated, as both serve to expand during inspiration1 84-1 87
block the oral passageway, forcing the child to open 3. An increase in the respiratory rate. 1 8 - 1 86

4. A flattening of the lumbar lordosis resulting in a History (onset, dental work, behavior and lifestyle)

posterior pelvic tilt. This leads to a decrease in hip

extension and an increase in flexion forces at the only
join t in the lumbar spine that cannot flex, the L5-S 1 Observation (static and dynamic)

segment. These forces may eventually produce an in­

stability at this level.
Active mobil i ty, articular tests, palpation

Stages of Healing Ligament stress tests

Acute IOJuries to the temporomandibular joint most fre­ Passive articular mobil ity (PAM) tests

quently have a traumatic origin, but may be associated with

a systemic arthritis. The patient demonstrates a capsular
pattern of restriction (decreased ipsilateral opening) , with Occlusal tests

pain and tenderness on the same side. There may be liga­

mentous damage, which will be demonstrated on the stress
Special tests
tests, or muscular damage, which will become apparent on
isometric testing.
In the early stages, the patient is preoccupied with the
local pain, which can be severe. If allowed to undergo
adaptive shortening, the hypomobile joint can, and usually Acute and chronic: hypermob ile Acute and chronic: hypermobile

will, result in hypermobility on the opposite side. 16 The

range of motion may be normal, with pain experienced
when the patient tries to force opening. Passively, spasm is Stabilization therapy Mobilize and correct muscle imbalances and

experienced as the end feel on depression and protrusion reassess

on that side, whereas the hypomobility is discovered on the FIGURE 20-1 1 Examination seq uence.

The symptoms, which can be local or remote, can in­
Chronic impairment frequently occurs from an inade­ clude orofacial pain , headaches, joint noises, restricted
quately treated arthritis that has resulted in adaptive short­ mouth opening, or a combination of these, in addition to
ening, or from a fixed head forward posture, abnormal other less specific, and seemingly unrelated, problems.
stress levels, or from the patient suffering from chronic Questions should focus on any history of trauma during
pain syndrome. Prolonged pain is frequently due to a sec­ birth or childhood as well as more recently. The clinician
ondary hypermobility. should attempt to clarify any emotional factors in the pa­
tient's background that may provoke habitual protrusion
or muscular tension. I
Pain should be evaluated carefully in terms of its onset,
CLINICAL EXAMINATION OF nature, intensity, site, duration, aggravating and relieving fac­
THE TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT tors, and, especially, how it relates to ilie oilier features, such
as joint noise and restricted mandibular movements. The
Diagnosis in TMD consists of ( 1 ) patient h istory, (2) phys­ distribution of pain is useful in iliat tlle temporomandibular
ical examination, and, in most chronic cases, (3) behav­ joint and the upper three cervical joints all refer to ilie head,
ioral or psycho logic exami nation . 16,1 7,66 . 1 00 . 188- 1 90 This whereas the mid to low cervical spine typically refers to ilie
examination should include a detailed pain and j aw func­ shoulder and arm. 1 9 1-1 93 Pain that is centered immediately in
tion history as well as objective measurements of such jaw front of the tragus of the ear and projects to the ear, temple,
functions as interincisal opening, opening pattern, and cheek, and along the mandible is highly diagnostic for tem­
range of eccentric jaw motions (Figure 20-1 1 ) . poromandibular disorder. One study demonstrated iliat
Temporomandibular joint sounds should be de­ 50% of patients with a mandibular impairment complained
scribed and related to symptoms. of headaches and pain in ilie neck, back, and shoulders. 194

A history of limited mouth opening, which may be intermit­ has a posture of forward head, stiff neck and back, and has
tent or progressive, is also a key feature of temporomandibu­ shallow, restricted breathing,200 due to the functional rela­
lar disorders. tionship between the temporomandibular joint, and the
The patient may report clicking in the ear as the jaw is cervical spine. The neuromuscular influence of the cervi­
opened and/or closed or may relate symptoms of crepitus. cal and masticatory region actively participate in the func­
These noises may not be audible to the clinician and a tion of the mandibular movement and cervical posi­
stethoscope may be required. Clicking, whether painful or tioning.33,201-203 Many factors influence the masticatory
not, is postulated to be caused by a movement of the disc on muscles and affect the rest position and the mechanism of
the condyle. A click is pathological if the condyle subluxes mandibular closure.23,205-207 A change in head position
off the disc. Generally, articular instability will produce a caused by cervical muscles changes the mandibular posi­
clunk at the end of opening and the patient will have to pro­ tion. 205, 208-21 1 This change affects the occlusion and masti­
vide a strong contraction to "clunk the jaw back" again. 16 catory muscles. 1 93,21 2
Crepitus is usually associated with articular surface damage The face is observed for symmetry, noting any jaw de­
or with severe disc degeneration. 1 95 viation, flattening of the cheek, hypertonicity of the mus­
Due to the wide distribution of the trigeminal nerve, cles, dryness of the lips, j aw position, and changes in eye
temporomandibular joint symptoms can be widespread. In position.
addition to supplying the sensory and motor control of the
joint, the nerve also supplies the following. 16
Dynamic Observation

• Skin of the face The clinician observes the patient as they open and
• Paranasal, frontal sinuses close their mouth, observing both the range and quality of
• Mucosa of the nose, mouth, tongue, external auditory movement. The opening of the mouth is the most revealing
meatus and diagnostic maneuver for TMD. The patient with the
• Tympanic membrane unstable subluxing condyle will avoid opening the jaw into
• Muscles of mastication the unstable range unless specifically asked to do so. Over­
• Anterior digastric, lateral pterygoid, mylohyoid pressure is thus applied, ensuring that the jaw is maximally
• Tensor veli palatines depressed to detect the presence of these instabilities. If
• Tensor tympani there is a hypomobility on one side, the jaw deviates to­
wards the less mobile side during opening. A normal joint
The result of this widespread distribution is a variety of can appear to be hypomobile if the other joint is hypermo­
symptoms, which may includel 6 : bile, so the clinician must observe the ful l range of open­
ing. An early deviation during opening indicates a hypo­
• Otalgia, which may be mechanical due to over-closing mobility, whereas a late deviation suggests a hypermobility.
and compression of the bone by the condyle, or may
be due mucosal hypersensitivity from a facilitated
Articular Tests
• Tinnitus secondary to increased tympanic membrane The passive ranges are assessed for quantity, end feel,
tension from a facilitatory hypertonicity of the tensor and the reproduction of pain. Isometrics at the end ranges
tympani. are used to test for contractile impairments, and stress tests
• Facial pain and hyperesthesia. are performed to rule out ligamentous tears. The follow­
• Conjunctival or retro-ocular pain. ing motions are assessed first with overpressure, and then
• Cervical pain. with resistance applied at the ends of range.

In general, the longer the duration of the symptoms • Elevation of mandible (mouth closing) : the clinician
and the greater the number of interventions, and in par­ applies overpressure by placing his or her fingers un­
ticular "failed" interventions, the smaller the likelihood der the patient's chin (Figure 20-1 2 ) .
that the patient will respond well to further interven­ • Depression of mandible (mouth opening) : using a
tion. 1 96 lumbrical grip placed on the patient's chin, under the
bottom lip, overpressure of mouth opening is applied
(Figure 20-1 3 ) .
Static Observation
• Protrusion of mandible: the clinician stands in front
The position of the head on the neck is examined. of patient, with index and middle fingers behind the
The typical patient with a temporomandibular disorder mandible angles and thumbs on the patient'S cheeks.

FIGURE 20-1 2 Patient and clinician position for over­ FIGURE 20-1 4 Patient and clinician position for over­
pressure into elevation. pressure into protrusion.

The clinician gently pulls anteriorly to apply over pres­ • Deviation of the mandible to both sides, with mouth
sure ( Figure 20- 1 4) . closed.
• Retrusion of the mandible: using a lumbrical grip po­
sitioned under the patient's bottom lip, the mandible The clinician measures the amount of mouth opening
is pushed posteriorly ( Figure 20-1 5) . using the patient's PIP joints . The maximum amount of

FIGURE 20-1 3 Patient and clinician position for over­ FIGURE 20-1 5 Patient and clinician position for over­
pressure into depression. pressure into retrusion.

B. Palpation during opening

of the lower gum and toward the back of the patient's
mouth/angle of the mandible. The thumb is maintained
at the bottom of the mouth to prevent the patient from
gagging. The insertion site is on the medial aspect of the
mandible angle.

Lateral Pterygoid
The clinician slides a thumb back to the medial aspect
of the base of the upper molars. The patient is asked to
open the mouth wider and the clinician slides the thumb
back and up at an angle of 45 degrees. Does pressure in
this area reproduce any pain?
The following structures should also be located.

• Angle of mandible
• Prearticular eminence
• Head of mandible (anterior aspect, can only feel the
posterior aspect with the jaw opened)
• Coronoid process (between the tip of the zygoma and
the angle of the mandible)
• Articular eminence

Ligamentous Stress Tests

FIGURE 20-1 6 Mouth opening test, and palpation
during opening. The patient is seated.

• Lateral temporomandibular: the clinician cradles and

opening should not exceed two and a half to three finger
stabilizes the patient's head. The patient's mandible is
widths ( males, 2 ; females, 3) at the P I P joints ( Figure
positioned slightly open. The clinician , placing the
20- 1 6A) .
thumb of the mobilizing hand on the tongue of the
The clinician palpates over the mandible heads dur­
patient, depresses the mandible with a caudal shear
ing opening and closing to determine that they move to­
(Figure 20- 1 7A) .
gether (see Figure 20- 1 6 ) .
If all o f the above motions are normal and pain free,
the problem is not from the temporomandibular joint.
However, if the motion is restricted, then the surrounding
muscles are probably at fault, and an examination of the
accessory glides is necessary.


The medial and lateral pterygoids, the masseters, tem­ A.caUdai

poralis, and perihyoid muscles are palpated for hyper­
tonicity and tenderness. In addition, the lateral aspect of
the joint capsule and the lateral temporomandibular joint
ligament are palpated . The clinician feels for abnormal
motions on opening and closing (Figure 20- 1 6B) , which
would indicate hypermobility, a posterior meniscal liga­
ment problem, or a meniscal derangement especially if
they are accompanied by pain.
C, MedlaI-LateraJ D. MadlaJ.l.aI9f81
Medial Pterygoid (all:emele PQSllIon)

The patient is asked to move the tongue to the opposite FIGURE 20-1 7 Caudal traction, protrusion, medial and
side. The clinician slides a thumb onto the medial aspect lateral glides.

• Stylomandibular and sphenomandibular: the clini­

cian stands in fron t of the patient. The patient's
mandible is closed. The clinician, placing each hand
on the ramus and angle of each side, applies an
anterior-inferior shear at a 45-degree angle (see Figure
20- 1 7B) .
• Capsular: the clinician stands in front of the patient.
The patient's mandible is closed. The clinician, plac­
ing one hand on the top of the patient's head and the
other on the ramus and angle of one side, applies a
con tralateral protrusion and ipsilateral deviation (see
Figure 20-1 7C/D) .

Passive Articular Mobility (PAM) Testing

From the rest position (or as close as possible, given

that the clinician's thumb is in the patient's mouth) and
on each side, the following is carried out assessing for FIGURE 20-1 9 Posterior glide.
range and end feel. The clinician should remove the
thumb from the patient's mouth about every 15 seconds
It is important to check the glides that are related to
to allow him or her to swallow. The following movements
the loss of active motion. For example, if a patient's mouth
are performed.
deviates to the left during opening, this would indicate
that either the left joint cannot open fully (go down, for­
• Distraction (caudal)-the lateral ligament becomes
ward, and out) , or the right joint cannot deviate to the
vertical with mouth opening
right (go up, back, and in) .
• Inferior glide (Figure 20- 1 8)
• Anterior glide (see Figure 20- 1 8)
• Posterior glide-with lateral deviation for the poste- Occlusal Tests
rior ligaments (Figure 20- 1 9 ) Although malocclusion is common in asymptomatic
• Lateral glide (see Figure 20- 1 7) patients and should only be evaluated by a specialist, three
• Medial glide (see Figure 20- 1 7) simple tests can be used to determine if the malocclusion is
• Superior glide (compression) relevant to the presenting symptoms. 16

1. Passive repeated closing: The patient sits, with the clini­

cian standing behind, with his or her head resting
against the clinician. The clinician holds the jaw with
one hand and taps the teeth together while the patient
is asked if the two sides are contacting simultaneously.
2. External auditory meatus palpation: The external audi­
tory meatus is palpated as the patient closes the
mouth and the simultaneity of the condylar move­
ment is assessed (Figure 20- 1 6B ) .
3. Incisor relationships: The superior and inferior inci­
sors are assessed for any deviation of the jaw laterally
(crossbite) or anterior-posterior (overbite) .

Special Tests

Trigeminal Tests

Sensation The skin near the midline (there is overlap from

FIGURE 20-1 8 I nferior glide and anterior glide. the ventral rami of C2 and C3 if tested too laterally) of the

forehead and face can be stroked with cotton wool or tissue Voluntary limitation of mandibular function is encouraged
paper or can be tested for pinprick sensation. It is best if to promote rest or immobilization of muscular and articu­
the testing is carried out bilaterally and simultaneously. lar structures. Hence, the patient is advised to eat soft foods
and avoid those that need a lot of chewing, and is discour­
Reflex The jaw jerk can be used to test trigeminal func­ aged from wide yawning, singing, chewing gum, and any
tion where a lesion superior to the pons would produce hy­ other activities that would cause excessive jaw movement.
perreflexia, and below hypo-or areflexia. 1 6 The rest position of the tongue is taught. Massaging the
affected muscles and applying moist heat will promote mus­
cle relaxation and help soothe aching or tired muscles.
IMAGING STUDIES Patients should also be advised to identifY the source (s) of
stress and try to change his or her lifestyle accordingly.
Many reports question the utility of temporomandibular Posture education should form the cornerstone of any plan
joint imaging studies because 30% of normal people have of care for temporomandibular dysfunction.
disc displacements and joint arthrosis (degenerative
processes affecting the temporomandibular joint) is usu­
Drug Intervention
ally benign .6o,2 1 3,2 1 4 Postmortem examinations of a total of
1 40 persons (dental histories unknown) showed that 40 to The patient's physician may prescribe medications. I f
80% had joint pathology or disc displacements.213 The rel­ used properly a s part o f a comprehensive management
evance of bony joint arthrosis was also disputed by program, drugs can be a valuable help in relieving symp­
evidence that patients with temporomandibular joint toms,219,220 although no single drug has been proved to be
rheumatoid arthritic pathology actually had fewer symp­ effective for all cases of temporomandibular disorders.
toms than normal subjects.2 1 5 The analgesic effects of nonsteroidal antiinflamma­
tory drugs is specific only in cases of temporomandibular
disorders where pain is the result of an inflammatory
INTERVENTION process, such as synovitis or myositis. For moderate to
severe pain, opiates are best prescribed for a short period
Nonsurgical intervention216, 2170f temporomandibular dis­ because of the risks of addiction. At the doses usually pre­
orders continues to be the most effective way of managing scribed clinically, opiates are more effective in dampening
over 80% of patients. There are numerous nonsurgical in­ the patient's emotional response to pain than eliminating
terventions for temporomandibular disorders. These in­ the pain itself.21 6
volve not one but a number of different specialist practi­
tioners who come together under the umbrella of a
Occlusal Therapy
multidisciplinary team. Although each intervention will be
discussed separately, for optimal success, they are best used The most common form of intervention provided by
in combination, depending on the patient's needs. 60,218 den tists for temporomandibular disorders is occl usal
appliance therapy. This may be referred to as a bite-raising
appliance, occlusal splint, or a biteguard. It is a removable
Explanation and Reassurance
device, usually made of hard acrylic, that is custom made
Probably the most important part of the intervention to fit over the occlusal surfaces of the teeth. Although
of temporomandibular disorders is to explain to the pa­ occlusal appliance therapy has been shown clinically to
tient the cause and nature of the disorder, and to reassure alleviate symptoms of temporomandibular disorders in
them of the benign nature of the condition. Many patients over 70% of patients, the physiologic basis of the response
will benefit from the reassurance that the symptoms of the to treatment has never been well understood.221 ,222
temporomandibular disorder they are experiencing is not
an indication of a life-threatening condition, although a
Surgical Intervention
thorough examination is needed to effectively rule out the
more sinister causes. Between 1 887 and 1 929, surgical meniscectomies be­
gan to be performed to relieve temporomandibular disor­
ders pain and jaw locking.223-22 6 Researchers in several
Patient Education and Self-care
postmortem studies ascribed temporomandibular joint
A self-care routine should include the fol lowing: limi­ pain to perforations of the articular disc that were trau­
tation of mandibular function, habit awareness and modifi­ matized by backward pressure from the mandibular
cation, a home exercise program, and avoidance of stress. condyle.224,227

Published reports show that about 5% of patients un­ psychiatric disorder, such as depression or a conversion
dergoing an intervention for temporomandibular disor­ disorder.24 3, 244 The best clue to this possibility is when a
ders require surgery. 8 ,228 A range of surgical procedures is patient's suffering seems to be excessive or persistent,
currently used to treat temporomandibular disorders, beyond what would be normal for that condition . In
ranging from temporomandibular joint arthrocentesis these patients, referral to a psychiatrist or clinical psy­
and arthroscopy to tlle more complex, openjoint surgical chologist is a mandatory part of the overall management
procedures, referred to as arthrotomy.228 Oral and maxillo­ strategy.
facial surgeons with a special interest in this area often
prefer patients to have undergone a period of nonsurgical
Postural Education
treatment before seeking a surgical opinion. The benefits
and limitations of each of the surgical procedures are Posture appears to be a uniquely human concern. Dur­
readily determined on an individual case basis.229.23o ing evolution, humans have adopted an upright posture re­
The proximity of the medial aspect of the temporo­ quiring bipedal gait. The advan tages of an erect posture are
mandibular joint (TMJ ) to the structures of the infratem­ numerous but there are disadvantages too. Those disadvan­
poral fossa raises tlle possibility of complications associated tages are mainly centered around the spine, temporo­
with temporomandibular joint surgery on the medial as­ mandibular joint, and the lower limbs, and the increased
pect of the Joint. Weinberg and co-workers 23 1 demon­ stresses placed upon them.
strated a 4% involvement of the inferior alveolar and The focus of the intervention should be to educate
lingual nerves after arthroscopic surgery. Moses and the patient on correct posture so as to help minimize their
colleagues 23 2reported an unusual arteriovenous fistula as­ symptoms. Often, the education consists of getting the pa­
sociated with arthroscopic temporomandibular joint sur­ tient to reduce the times spent in habitual positions during
gery. Lough ner and associates233 demonstrated risk to the work and recreation. These positions, which cause an al­
auriculotemporal nerve, which is interposed between the teration in the tensile properties of the muscles, and adap­
medial pole of the mandibular condyle and an elongated tive shortening of the joint capsule and ligaments, result in
wall of the glenoid fossa. A number of studies have exam­ a variety of problems including joint strain and improper
ined complications associated with temporomandibular weight bearing through the joint.245-24 7 The pathologic
joint surgery.23 1 ,234-236 One study found that the location of posture then becomes associated with, or the precursor of,
such vital structures as the middle meningeal artery, the other deformities.
carotid artery, the internal jugular vein, and the trigeminal Because these postural deviations do not always cause
nerve, varied, increasing the likelihood of significant symptoms, 2 48 and the corrected positions require effort to
in traoperative or postoperative complications.237 maintain, patients need reassurance that changing their
posture will be beneficial.
Behavioral Therapy In the past, the postural correction for a forward head
has involved having the patient retract the head, flatten
In a controlled historical cohort study in Lithuania,238
the lumbar spine, and hold this position. However, over a
none of more than 200 subjects who had been involved in
prolonged period, it is possible that this can lead to a hy­
rear-end collisions 1 to 3 years earlier had persistent and
permobility in the mid-cervical spine if all of the joints,
disabling complaints ofjaw pain or headache due to their
particularly in the craniovertebral and upper thoracic re­
accidents. (This has been confirmed in a recent prospec­
gion, are hypomobile, as the stress of the exercise would
tive study.239) It has been postulated that several cultural
tend to fall on the mobile joint. Therefore, all of the seg­
and psychosocial factors may in fact be more relevant than
ments should be examined for mobility and segmental
the inj ury to the explanation of why accident victims in
mobilizations applied as necessary. Table 20-2 highlights
some other societies report chronic symptoms.240,24 1
some of the more common syndromes associated with the
Where persistent habits exacerbate, or maintain, the
fixed forward head posture.
temporomandibular disorder and these cannot be modi­
fied easily by simple patient awareness, a structured pro­
gram of cogni tive behavioral therapy may be required. Be­ Manual Therapy
havioral modification strategies can include counseling on
The aim of manual therapy is to restore normal
lifestyle, relaxation tllerapy, hypnosis, and biofeedback. 2 42
mandibular function by a number of physical techniques
that serve to relieve musculoskeletal pain and promote
healing of tissues.249 The clinician needs to be well versed
Occasionally, temporomandibular disorders may be in the management of musculoskeletal disorders of the
the somatic expression of an underlying psychological or head and neck.

Physical therapies for TMD are commonly used,250,25 1 Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation
although there appears to be little evidence that passive
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
modalities alone can cause long-lasting reductions in the
was introduced in the early 1 950s to determine the suit­
signs or symptoms of TMD.252 ,25 3 However, the present
ability of patients with pain as candidates for the implanta­
state of knowledge indicates that during tlle time they are
tion of dorsal column electrodes. One study suggesting
treated, patients with TMD are helped with most forms of
that there may be some beneficial effect of transcutaneous
physical therapy, and that patients receiving multiple
electrical nerve stimulation comes from Graff-Radford and
forms of physical therapy may do better than patients with
co-workers,264 who applied four different forms of TENS to
single therapies.252,253
"active" trigger points of myofascial pain subjects. Pain rat­
ings were gathered before and after 1 0 minutes of treat­
Moist Heat Packs and Cold Packs ment. Pain decreased for all groups, and post-treatment
pain was significantly less in three of the TENS treatment
Hecht and co-workers254 compared the effectiveness groups than in the placebo and me fourth TENS group.
of local applications of cold and heat in conjunction with
exercise, versus exercise alone, on postsurgical pain of the
knee. The application of cold with exercise was rated as Exercise
providing significantly greater relief than the application
Some evidence also suggests that exercise of the spe­
of heat plus exercise or exercise alone, and swelling was
cific painful area is effective in strengthening the muscles,
also significantly decreased in the group that received the
improving function, and reducing pain. Tegelberg and
cold therapy. No other significant differences between
KOpp265 ran parallel studies of j aw exercise versus a no­
groups were found. Chapman255 concluded that local ap­
treatment control in subjects with rheumatoid arthritis
plication of cold can provide short-term relief of pain, pos­
and ankylosing spondylitis. Significant differences were de­
sibly because of its analgesic effects and ability to reduce
tected for both conditions in mean maximal opening, but
no between-group differences were detected for change in
When combined with the short-term effects of cold to
the subjective symptoms (pain, stiffness) . However, me re­
decrease pain, passive exercise and stretching may be use­
sults of Dao and colleagues266 suggest that exercise must be
ful in increasing range of motion. 254
used with caution. They measured pain levels of patients
wim TMDs before and after 3 minutes of chewing on wax
and found that exercise gave relief to those whose pain
Low-intensity Laser
levels were high but exacerbated low-level pain.
A study by Gam and colleagues256 concluded that laser The strongest evidence of efficacy comes from studies
therapy was not efficacious. However, another study by of exercise to improve general fitness, no matter what the
Beckerman and associates257 was more positive. Bertolucci condition under study.267-27o
and Grel58 reported that laser therapy reduced pain and
tenderness associated with degenerative disease of the
temporomandibular joint more than placebo. Biofeedback

The use of muscle relaxation techniques assisted by

electromyographic biofeedback has been demonstrated
Hi-volt Electric Stimulation
to be useful in treating chronic musculoskeletal pain; and
H igh-voltage stimulators deliver a monophasic, twin it may be useful in TMD.271 ,272 Close cooperation with a
peak waveform. Because of me short duration of the twin clinician who is well versed in the managemen t of muscu­
peak wave, high voltages with high peak current but low loskeletal disorders of tlle head and neck is essen tial.
average current can be achieved. These characteristics The outlines below incorporate a combination of the
provide patient comfort and safety in application. In addi­ interventions described, and relate them to two stages of
tion, in contrast to low voltage direct current devices, ther­ healing.
mal and galvanic effects are minimized.259-261
High-voltage stimulators have been applied clinically
to reduce or eliminate muscle spasm and soft tissue ACUTE STAGE
edema, as well as for muscle reeducation (noncentral
nervous system-produced muscle contraction ) , trigger The common methods of decreasing inflammation ( rest
point therapy, and increasing blood flow to tissues with de­ and ice) , should be initiated as soon as possible. The rest
creased circulation. 1 93, 259,261-263 position for the tongue should be taught as early as

possible, as well as instructions on the types of food to Postural correction may also be necessary as an habit­
avoid. Usually, the softer the food, the better. The patient ual and excessive head forward posture adversely alters the
should avoid the extremes ofjaw motions, whether that be occlusal relationship and may lead to continual stressing of
excessive opening, or sustained clenching (it is very diffi­ the temporomandibular joint.
cult to close the mouth fully if the tongue is in the rest po­ The cervical spine, particularly the suboccipital joints,
sition ) . The sleeping position must also be addressed. If often requires intervention. The hypomobile cervical joint
the patient has damage to the capsule and/or lateral liga­ is mobilized and normal movements reeducated.
ments, he or she should sleep in the fetal position with the If the examination shows that the restriction of move­
mouth closed. Care must be taken to ensure that the pa­ ment is due to shortened muscles (or other structures) ,
tie n t does not sleep in the prone position, especially if then the following manual techniques may be used.
they are in the habit of placing a hand under the pillow. If
the hand placement is such that it is positioned under the
Technique 1 273
mandible, the jaw is placed in a position of lateral devia­
tion. If the intrinsic ligaments are injured, sleeping on the To increase the anterior and inferior movemen t of the
back with the mouth open is advised. The mouth must mandible for the patient that can only achieve slight open­
also be protected against yawning. Yawning is theorized to ing of the mouth (Figure 20- 1 8) , the patient is positioned
be the result of an increase in the CO levels in the body in sitting and the clinician stands to the patient's left side.
or an unsuppressed tonic neck reflex. Yawning can be The clinician grips the patient's head, using his or her
preven ted if the patient tucks and holds the chin onto the right forearm and hand, fingers against the patient'S fore­
chest. head. The clinician stabilizes the patient's head between
Very gentle active exercises, well within the pain-free his or her right hand, arm, and chest. With a medical
range, should be performed frequently (every hour or so) gloved hand, the c1inican's left thumb is placed on the pa­
to help stimulate the mechanoreceptors and modulate tient's lower molars on the right side, as far back in the
pain, as well as improve vascularization. 1 6 mouth as possible. The clinician 's index and middle fin­
The use of modalities should include ultrasound over gers grip the angle of the patient's mandible on right side
the joint, TENS at the angle of the mandible (2 Hz seems with the ring and/or little fingers held under the patient's
to work well for cranial nerves; 4 Hz for peripheral nerves; mandible (depending on the size of the clinician's hand
7.5 Hz for muscles; 9.5 Hz for the circulatory system ; 8 to and patient's mandible) . Using this grip, the clinician ap­
1 3 Hz for the sympathetic system; and 8 to 10 Hz for the plies light traction inferiorly to patient'S right TMJ by
articular joints) and interferential currents. pressing his or her thumb inferiorly against the lower mo­
Manual therapy should be applied gently, as this joint lars, while gradually and maximally, pulling anteriorly to
tends to be very reactive and can flare up easily. 1 6 produce an anterior glide of the right head of the
If the patient i s unable to open the mouth sufficiently mandible at the TMJ . To stimulate the antagonists, the cli­
to allow the clinician to place their thumbs in the mouth, nician retains the grip with right hand, places the left hand
manual techniques should not be considered. on the left side of the patient's chin, and asks patient to
The hypermobile joint is treated by reducing the stress look to the left and downward, and then move the pa­
placed upon it with mobilizations to the hypomobile joint, tient's mandible inferiorly and to the left (in the direction
and having the patient avoid full opening. 1 6 of stretching) . The clinician resists the movements to stim­
ulate the patient's antagonists. Note: if the restriction of
movement is bilateral, the same intervention can be per­
CHRONIC STAGE formed on the patient's opposite side. The procedure
must be performed gradually. The clinician combines the
If the joint is still quite painful, a shift from ice to heat inferior traction with an anterior glide. The patient is
might be beneficial witll tlle patient using ice-filled towels again asked to open his or her mouth as much as possible.
soaked in warm water, applied all around the jaw. 1 6 The pa­ The procedure is repeated until the patient is able to fully
tient should be encouraged to begin full active range-of­ open his or her mouth, or considerable improvement is
motion exercises ( the 6 X 6 series; see discussion later) . 2 1 2 attained.
However, ifjaw deviation is occurring, the exercises should
only be performed in the range tllat the patient can con­
Technique 2273
trol the deviation. To control this, the patient with the de­
viatingjaw is asked to practice opening and closing in front To increase posterior movemen t of the mandi ble (re­
of a mirror. Manual therapy in this stage consists of restor­ traction) for the patient with an inability to fully close the
ing tlle glides. 1 G mouth (Figure 20- 1 9 ) , the patient is positioned in sitting

and the clinician stands to the patien t's left side. The cli­ 4. Stabilized head flexion. The patient places both hands
nician, using his or right forearm, grips the patient's behind the neck and interlaces the fingers. The neck
head from behind, fingers against the patient's forehead. is kept upright while the patient nods forward.
The clinician stabilizes the patient's head between his or 5. Axial neck extension. In one motion, the patient is
her right hand, arm, and chest. The clinician 's left hand asked to glide the neck backward and stretch the
holds the patient's chin. Using this grip, the clinician head upward. This exercise needs to be monitored
gradually and maximally pushes posteriorly against the c losely to prevent a hypermobility of the cervical
patient's mandible to produce a posterior glide of the segments.
head of the mandible at the TMJ . To stimulate the antag­ 6. Shoulder retraction. In one motion, the patien t is
onists, the clinician 's left hand is placed over the patient's asked to pull the shoulders back and downward while
right mandible, fingers behind the angle. The clinician squeezing the shoulder blades together.
then asks the patient to look to the right and move the
mandible to the right (in the direction of stretching) .
The clinician resists that movement to stimulate the pa­
tient's antagonists. Note: during the procedure, the pa­ 1 . List the components o f the stomatognath ic system.
tient's mandible should be completely relaxed, and the 2. What type of cartilage lines the joint surfaces of tile
patient should not attempt to open his or her mouth. If tem poromandibular join t?
the restriction of movement is bilateral, the same inter­ 3. In which direction does the fibrocartilaginous disc
vention can be performed on the patient's opposite side. move during normal mouth opening?
The procedure is used when the patient cannot close his 4. Which muscles elevate the mandible?
or her mouth. It may also be tried when patient cannot 5. Which 3 nerves primarily supply the temporomandibu­
fully open his or her mouth and the previous technique is lar joint?
ineffective. 6. Describe the rest position for the stomatognathic
7. True or False: Mouth opening involves a lateral devia­
6 X 6 Exercise Protocol
tion and retrusion of the mandible.
The patient should be instructed to perform the fol­ 8. What is capsular pattern of the temporomandibular
lowing exercises 6 times each at a frequency of 6 times per joint?
day. 2 1 2 9. Which sleeping position is recommended for the pa­
tient with an injury to tile intrinsic ligaments of the
1. Tongue rest position and nasal breathing. The patient temporomandibular joint?
places the tip of the tongue on the roof of the mouth, 1 0. Which frequency of TENS ( Hz) is recommended for
just behind the front teeth. In this position, the pa­ injured muscles?
tient makes a "clucking" sound and gently holds the
tongue against the palate with slight pressure. With
the tongue in this position, the patient is asked to
breathe through the nose and to use the stomach mus­ 1. Bones of the skull, the mandible, the hyoid, the masti­
cles for expiration. catory muscles and ligaments, the teeth and their re­
2. Controlled opening. The patient positions the spective joints, the temporomandibular joint, and the
tongue in the rest position and practices opening the vascular, neurological and lymphatic systems.
mouth to the point where the tongue begins to leave 2. Fibrocartilage
the roof of the mouth. The patient can monitor the 3. Anteriorly
joint rotation by placing an index finger over the TMJ 4. Temporalis, masseter, and medial pterygoid
region. The patient is encouraged to chew with this 5. The maxillary, ophthalmic, and mandibular branches
technique. of the trigeminal nerve
3. Rhythmic stabilization. The patient positions the 6. The rest position of the stomatognathic system in­
tongue in the rest position and grasps the chin with volves placing the tongue up against the palate of the
one or both hands. The patient applies a resistance moutll, with its tip placed behind the top incisors.
sideways to the right, and then to the left. The patient 7. False
then applies a resistance toward opening and closing. 8. Deviation of motion to the same side as the affected
Throughout all of these exercises, the patient must joint, with a loss of functional opening.
maintain the jaw position at all times and excessive 9. Supine with the mouth open.
force is cautioned against. 1 0. 7.5 Hz

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Page numbers in ilalicsdenote figures; those rollowed by "t" denote tables.

A bands,20-21 sacroiliac joint,447-452 Arcade of Frohse, 87

Abdominal cutaneous reflex, 210 skeletal muscle,20-23 Arch (es)
Abdominal aortic aneurysm,150 spinal,historical descriptions of,1-2 of atlas,495,495,496
Abdominal wall,236 ' spinal nerves, 76--104 neural,275,410
Accessory motions,33-34,44,229 synovial membrane, 16 Areflexia,180
Acetabulum,447 temporomandibular joint,538-545 Arm elevation,389
Acetylcholine,50 thoracic spine,408-415 Arm swim exercise,324
Achilles reflex,194, 194 vertebral artery,64-66, 65 Arterial insufficiency
Acromioclavicular joint,83 Anesthesia of lip, 70,197,530 skin temperature and,178
Acromion, 348 Angle vertebral,67-70
Actin,21,51 carrying,241 Arteries
Acupressure,256--257 inferior lateral,461,466 axillary,383-384
Acupuncture,256 of insertion,23 basilar,67,70, 285
Adductor magnus reflex, 195 of mandible, 540 carotid,dissection of,68
Adenosine diphosphate (ADP),21 of pen nation, 22-23 central, 285
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) ,21 Angular motion,33-34,44 cerebellar,posterior inferior,67
Adson's vascular test, 385, 385 Ankle dorsiflexion test,192, 192 cervical,67
Aerobic exercise. See also Exercise, Ankle eversion test,192 deep iliac circumflex,15]
therapeutic Ankylosing spondylitis (AS), 226,381 femoral,92, 93
for cervical spine conditions,366--367 of craniovertebral junction,510 pain due to obsu-uction of,150
for lumbar spine conditions,325 examination for,158 intercostal,285
Age/aging exercise therapy for,159 internal iliac, 153
bone architecture and,14 gender differences in,158 lumbar, 285
bone loss and load-bearing capacity with, peripheral arthritis and,159 meningeal,67
273 radiologic findings in, 159 occipital,67, 501
calcium requirements and,14 of sacroiliac joint, 159 popliteal, pain due to obstruction of, 152
degenerative spinal stenosis and,290-291 distinction from psoriatic arthritis, prelaminar, 285
effects on cervical spine,342 457 radicular, 285
fracture risk and,14 signs and symptoms of,158, 159 spinal,67, 285, 501
intervertebral disc changes and,113-l l 4 thoracic, 207 subclavian, 383-384
osteoarthritis and,16--18 Anterior atlantoodontoid interval,497 superior gluteal,pain due to obstruction
osteoporosis and,13-15 Anterior interosseous nerve syndrome,88 of,1 51
sacroiliac joint and,447 Anterior-posterior stress test, thoracic, 211, supplying lumbar region, 284, 285
spondylolisthesis and,289 211 suprascapular,83
zygapophysial joint changes \vith,282 Anterior shift,correction of, 319 vertebral,64-74,285, 344, 496,501
Aggrecan, ]5 Anterior superior iliac spine (AS1S) ,238, ( See also Vertebral artery)
Allen's pectoralis minor test,385 245,455,465,465 Arteriovenous fistula,67
Allodynia,54 Anterior tibialis reflex,195 Arthritis,313t
Analgesia Antidepressants,for temporomandibular gout, 510
endogenous system for,58, 58,59,61 disorders,547 sacroiliac joint,158,457-458
transcutaneous electrical nerve Antioxidants,18 clinical presentation of, 458
stimulation and,264 Anulus fibrosus, 111-112, 112, 274. See also psoriatic,457-458
[or temporomandibular disorders,557 Intervertebral disc reactive,458
Anatomy age-related changes in,113,114 Arthrosis temporomandibularis. See
articular cartilage,15-16 of cervical disc,124-125 Temporomandibular disorders
cervical spine,343-352,494 Aortic bifurcation obstruction,150 Articular pillars, 344-345
cervicothoracic junction,379-381 "Ape-hand" deformity,89 AS_ See Ankylosing spondylitis
craniovertebral junction,494-501 Apley's scratch test,387-388, 388 ASIS (anterior superior iliac spine) ,238,
intervertebral disc,111-113,112 Apoptosis,25,117 245,455,465,465
lumbar spine,273-284 Arachnoid,78 Aspirin,60,61


Ataxia,56,70, 1 74, 1 97, 530 Biliary colic, 1 57 concave and convex joint surfaces, 43,
Atherosclerosis of vertebral artery, 67-68 Biofeedback 43-45, 44
Atlantoaxial joint, 494-497. See also for temporomandibular disorders, conjunct, congruent, and adjunct
Cran iovertebral junction 559-560 rotation,42-43
active mobility testing of, 505, 505 for torticollis,355 end feels, 40-42, 229t
anatomy of, 495-496, 496 Biomechanical end feel, 4 1 -42 Fryette's laws of physiologic spinal
biomechanical examination of, 5 0 1 Biomechanical examination, 4, 1 67,225-245 motion, 37
causes of instability at, 5 1 0 case study of, 230-232 gait, 456-457
left, technique to increase posterior glide cervical spine,357-366 historical descriptions of, 1-2
of, 5 1 7, 5 1 7 cervicothoracic junction, 387-396 hypomobility,hypermobility, and instability,
ligamentous support of, 496 classification systems for back pain, 38-39,227t
motions at, 497 243-244 lumbar spine,287-289
osteoarthritis of,497 treatment-based, 244-245 overview of, 33
passive mobility testing of, 507, 507-508, components of,227 review questions on, 45
508 costal, 428-432 sacroiliac joint, 452-457
position tests of, 504,504-505 craniovertebral junction, 5 0 1 -5 1 4 sacroiliac motions, 35-37
right,techniques to increase anterior key findings of,229-230 spinal locking, 39-40
glide of, 5 1 6--5 1 7, 5 1 7 articular cartilage, 230 spinal motion, 35, 35t, 228
rotation exercise for, 5 1 8 bone, 230 temporomandibular joint,545-546
segmental stability tests for, 5 1 3-5 1 4 bursa, 230 thoracic spine, 209, 4 1 5-419, 4 1 9t
anterior stability, 5 1 4 intra-articular fibrocartilage, 230 tissue loading, 42
transverse shear, 5 1 4, 514 joint capsule, 229-230 Birthmarks, 1 88, 1 98
Atlas ( C 1 ), 495, 495, 498. See also ligaments,230 Bladder dysfunction, 1 65
Craniovertebral junction; muscle injury, 230 Blood-brain barrier, 80, 8 1
Occipitoatlantal joint tendons, 230 Boggy end feel, 41
ATP (adenosine triphosphate) ,2 1 lumbar spine, 293-3 1 2 Bone
Atrial fibrillation, 530 muscle function testing, 232-233 age effects on architecture of, 1 4
Autonomic dystrophy, 59-60 passive physiologic tests, 228-229 factors affecting injury of, 1 3
Axial compression, 1 1 7- 1 1 9 , 1 54, 2 1 0 position tests, 228 function of, 1 3
Axis (C2 ) , 495-496, 496,498. See also posture, 233-234 infections of, 1 55
Atlan toaxial join t; Craniovertebral range-of-motion tests, 227 loss of, 1 3- 1 5, 15 ( See also Osteoporosis)
junction review questions on, 245 metabolic disease of, 1 5 6
Axons, 49 sacroiliac joint,463-470 neoplasms of, 1 55-156
to muscle spindles, 5 1 -52 screening tests, 225-226 Paget's disease of, 1 56
motor, 52 significance of muscle imbalance and traumatic injuries of, 1 56-- 1 57, 230
sensory,5 1 -52 altered movement patterns, ( See also F rac tu res)
speed of nerve impulse conduction and 234-235 turnover of, 1 4
diameter of, 50 assessment of standing and seated Bony end feel, 40
posture, 235-236 Bony landmarks, 13, 1 88
Babinski renex,56, 70, 1 69, 1 80- 1 8 1 , 197, common postural syndromes, 240-243 Borelli, Giovann i Alfonso,2
207 examination of movement patterns, Bowel dysfunction, 1 65
Back school, 325 239, 239-240 Bowstring tests, 1 86-- 1 87
Backward lunge exercise,324 examination of muscle length, 237, common peroneal nerve test, 1 86
Baer's sacroiliac point, 449 237-239, 238 prone knee bending test, 1 86--187, 1 8 7
Bakody's sign, 1 9 8 functional division of muscle fiber tibial nerve test, 1 86
"Bamboo" spine, 1 59 types, 235, 235t Brachial neuritis, 79
Barrel chest, 209 functional division of muscle groups, Brachial plexus,8 1 -90, 82,85
Baton's plexus, 78 234-235, 235t axillary nerve, 85,86
Beauty parlor stroke syndrome, 7 1 movement system balance, 234 examination of,386--387
Bed rest stages of,235 lesions of,84
for cervical spine conditions, 366 tests and measures, 225, 227 crutch palsy, 2 1 5-2 1 6
for intervertebral disc impairments, thoracic spine,420-433 distinction from cervical radiculopathy,
1 32- 1 33 working hypothesis based on,229 1 27
Beevor's sign, 9 1 , 208, 2 1 0 Biomechanics, 33-45 obstetrical palsy, 84
Behavior therapy angular and accessory motion, 33-34, 44, median nerve, 87-89, 88
for temporomandibular disorders, 558 229 carpal tunnel syndrome, 89
for torticollis, 355 capsular and noncapsular patterns of musculocutaneous nerve, 85,85-86
Bekhterew's disease. See Ankylosing restriction, 45, 230 peripheral nerves, 84-85
spondylitis cervical spine, 345, 352-353, 353 radial nerve, 86,86-- 8 7
Bending, 1 1 9 cervicothoracic junction, 38 1 -382 thoracic outlet syndrome and,383-387
backward,455 close- and open-packed joint positions, lJ'unks,divisions, and cords of, 8 1 , 82
forward,454-455 34-35 ulnar nerve,89-90, 90
Bicycle test of van Gelderen, 1 84 combined motions, 37-38, 228 Bradykinin, 6 1

Bragard's test,182 bilateral arm and wrist weakness, scapular elevators,201,202

Brain injury,528 215-216 shoulder abduction,201-202,202
Brain stem, 495 biomechanical examination,230-232 shoulder external rotation,202,
Breig's tissue-borrowing phenomenon,181 central low back pain,329-330 202
Bridge position exercises, 323,325 central low back pain with occasional shoulder internal rotation,202
Brown-Sequard syndrome,207 right radiation,326-328 thumb extension,202
Brudzinski sign,81 dizzy patient,72,168-169 ulnar deviation,203
Bruxism,548 headache and neck pain,519-520 wrist extension,202
Buerger's disease, 151 intermittent leg numbness,216-217 wrist flexion,202
Burns,iontophoresis-induced, 265 interscapular pain,441-442 neuromeningeal tests,203-204
Burn's test, 155 left-sided low back and buttock pain, sensory tests,204
Bursitis,230 480-481 Spurling's test,203,203
iliopectineal iliopsoas,231 leg pain with walking, 330-332 upper limb tension tests,203-204
olecranon,241 low back and buttock pain, 158-159 observation,198-199
shoulder, 240 low back and leg pain,135-136 spinal cord reflexes,205
Buttock low back pain,328-329 patient supine and prone,205-206
atrophy of, 195 low neck pain,133-135,134,404-405 craniovertebral ligamentous su·ess tests,
case studies related to neck pain and arm paresthesias, 205-206
left-sided low back and buttock pain, 403-404 alar ligament,206,206
480-481 neck pulsing, 371-372 transverse ligament,205,205
right buttock pain,214-215,332-333 pubic pain,487-489 palpation, 206
right-sided low back, buttock, and right anterior chest pain,439-440 posterior-anterior pressures over
posterior thigh pain, 483-485 right buttock pain, 214-215, 332-333 vertebra,206
right-sided low back and buttock pain, right groin pain,485-487 special tests, 206
482-483 right sacral and gluteal pain, 99-100 vertebrobasilar artery,206
sign ot,187,188 right-sided low back, buttock, and warning signs during, 197
posterior thigh pain,483-485 Cervical spine, 342-373
Calcium right-sided low back and buttock pain, age-related changes of,342
in muscle contraction, 21 482-483 case studies related to, 371-373
osteoporosis and,14 right-sided low back pain,481-482 neck pulsing, 371-372
in synaptic transmission, 50 right-sided neck pain,372-373 dght-sided neck pain,372-373
Canal severe low back pain, 136-137 causes of impairments of,342
for basivertebral vein,275 subjective examination,167-169 differential diagnosis of pain of,158
radicular,290 symmetrical low back pain,333-334 facilitated segments in,241
sacral, 447, 448 tail bone pain,481 fractures of, 15
vertebral,274 unilateral low back pain,329 intervertebral disc of,124-128
cervical,347 Cauda equina,120,447 case study oflow neck pain,133-135,
Capsular end feel,41 in spondylolisthesis, 290 134
Capsular pattern of restriction,45,230,360 Cauda equina syndrome, 207 pathologies and lesions of,353-357
Carpal tunnel syndrome, 89 Center of gravity (COG),358 discogenic pain, 125-126,353
Carpometacarpal joint, osteoarthritis of, 18 Central biasing, 57,264 fibromyalgia,354
Carrying angle,241 Cervical collar,366,532 headaches, 355-357
Cartilage,articular, 15-20 Cer vical rib syndrome. See Thoracic outlet muscle tear,354
composition of,15 syndrome myofascial pain, 354
compressive properties of,16 Cervical scan,197-206 posture,240-241, 353-354
creep and stress relaxation behaviors history taking, 197-198 torticollis, 354-355
of,16 patient seated, 198-205 zygapophysial joint,353
degeneration of,230 active range of motion, 199-200,200 review questions on, 373
functions of,16 long neck extension, 199 segmental biomechanics of,345,352-353,
healing of,17,20 mid-low cervical flexion, 199 353
loose body of,230 rotation, 200 in shoulder crossed syndrome,240
osteoarthritis affecting,16-20 short neck extension,199 straight leg raise test with flexion of,182,
superficial,transitional,and deep zones short neck flexion,199 182
of,15 side-flexion,199-200 subjective examination of,165-166
surgical options after damage of, 20 compression test, 201,201 tumors of,158
types of,15 deep tendon reflexes,204-205,205 vertebrobasilar artery infarction and
elastic,15 distraction test,200-201,201 trauma to,69
fibrocartilage,15 key muscle tests,201-203 whiplash-associated disorders of, 127,
hyaline, 15 diaphragm,201 164-165,524-533
Case studies elbow extension,202,203 Cervical spine anatomy,343-352
back and leg pain, 212-214 elbow flexion,202 articulations,345-346
bilateral and central upper thoracic pain, hand intrinsics,203 joints of Luschka,346
440-441 levator scapulae, 201 zygapophysial joints,345-346

Cervical spine anatomy (cant,) manual therapy, 367-371 posture,387

cervical curve,346 for joint hypomobility, 367 screening tests, 387-389
intervertebral foramina, 346-347 for myofascial hypomobility,367 arm elevation,389
ligaments, 347 to restore motion in anterior quadrant, manubrium,387-388, 388
anterior longitudinal ligament,347 369-370 sequence of, 389
continuous,347 to restore motion in posterior quadrant, Cervicothoracic junction interventions,
interspinous ligaments,347 368,368-369,369 396-404
ligamentum flavum,347 selecting technique for,367 electrotherapeutic modaliLies and physical
ligamentum nuchae,347 soft tissue techniques,370-371 agents, 400
posterior longitudinal ligament,347 specific traction,370 manual therapy,396-400
segmental,347 therapeutic exercise,366-367 general techniques, 397-398
muscles, 348-, 348-351 vertebrobasilar complications of,69 prone position, 397
deep muscles of back,351 Cervical vertigo,528-529 seated position, 397-398, 398
erector spinae, 351-352 Cervicothoracic junction,379-406 side-lying position, 397, 397
extensors and flexors, 352t anatomy of,379-381 supine position,397
lateral,350-351 ligaments,380 home exercise progran1,399-400
rotators and side-flexors, 352t manubrium,380 rotational technique to increase
superficial, 348-350 muscles,380 rotaLion, 399
upper cervical spine,494 ( See also nerves,380-381 seated disu'action technique (C6T2
Craniovertebral junction) ribs,380 levels),399, 399
vertebrae, 343, 343-345, 344 su'uctural changes, 380 selection of technique for,396-397
atlas (C l ),495, 495 T1 vertebra,380 semi-specific techniques, 398-399
axis (C2),495-496, 496 biomechanics of,381-382 to increase extension,399
vertebral canal, 347 case studies related to,404-406 to increase flexion, 398, 398-399
Cervical spine biomechanical examination, low neck pain,405-406 side-lying thrust technique,399, 400
357-366 neck pain and arm paresthesias, soft tissue techniques, 402-404, 403,
active range of motion,199-200, 359, 404-405 404
359-360 pathologies and lesions of,382-387 therapeutic exercise,400-402, 401, 402
cervical stress tests,364-365 forward head,382-383 CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome),547
anterior-posterior shear,364-365, 365 thoracic outlet syndrome,383-387 Chest wall deformities,209
segmental palpation, 364 review questions on,406 Chin tuck exercise,518
u'ansverse shear,365, 365 Cervicothoracic junction biomechanical Cholecystitis, 159
vertical shear, 365, 366 examination,387-396 Chondrocytes, arLicular,15, 17,19
combined motions and passive active mobility testing, 389-391 Chondroitin sulfate,15,113
physiologic tests, 361-363 ribs, 390,390-391 Chordoma,156
extension,361 zygapophysial joints, 389-390, 390 Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS),547
figure-ol�8 test, 361-362 passive physiologic articular intervertebral Clasped knife phenomenon,179
flexion, 361, 361 mobility testing,392-393 Classification of back pain,243-244
H and I tests,361 costotransverse joints,392-393, 393 McKenzie system for, 244-245
possible causes of movement zygapophysialjoints, 392, 393 derangement syndrome,245
restrictions, 363t passive physiologic intervertebral mobility dysfunction syndrome, 244-245
u'anslational glides, 362, 362-363 testing, 391-392 posture syndrome,244
conclusions of, 366 seated techniques,391, 391, 392 treaunent-based,244-245
observation,198-199, 357-359 side-lying technique,391-392, 392 Claudication,intermittent, 151-153
back view,358 passive stability testing, 393-396 differential diagnosis of,151-153
front view, 358-359 anterior-posterior translation­ examination for, 153
side view, 358 sternochondral and costochondral, neurogenic,152t
passive physiologic articular in tervertebral 396, 396 peripheral vascular disease WiLh,152
motion testing,363-364 anterior translation-posterior costals, spinal stenosis and, 152t,290-291
uncovertebral joints, 364 395, 395 subjective examination [or,165
zygapophysial joints, 363-364, 364 anterior translation-spinal,394, 394 vascular,152t
position testing, 360,360-361 compression,394 Clavicle,350
quadrant tests with axial compression, disu'action, 393, 393 Claw-hand deformity,90, 90
365-366 inferior translation-posterior costals, Clonus, 52,56,70,174,197,207
sequence of, 357 395,396 testing for,179,181
Cervical spine interventions, 342-343, posterior translation-spinal,394, 394 Coagulation,24
366-371 superior inferior translation-anterior Coccydynia,460
bed rest, 366 costal,395-396, 396 Coccygeal plexus, 98, 98,99
cervical collar,366,532 transverse rotation-spinal,394-395, Coccyx, 449
considerations for,366 395 case study of pain of,481
electrotherapeutic modalities and thermal position testing, 389 Cogwheel phenomenon,179
agents,367 ribs,389 Cold application,24, See also Thermal
ergonomics, 367 zygapophysial joints,389 agents
IN DEX 577

Collagen, 1 5 Costoclavicular test, 385, 385 passive mobility testing of occiput, atlas,
fibrils of, 5 2 Costotransverse joints, 380, 408, 4 1 0 and axis, 505-508
in granulation tissue, 25 active motion testing of, 422 atlantoaxial joint, 507, 507-508, 508
of in tervertebral disc passive physiologic articular occipi toatlan tal joint, 505-507, 506,
age-related changes in, 1 1 3 intervertebral motion testing of, 507t
anulus fibrosus, 1 1 1 , 1 1 3 392-393, 393 seated technique, 505, 505
cervical disc, 1 24, 1 25 testing passive articular motion of, positional tests, 504-505
nucleus pulposus, 1 1 3 430-431 extension, 504-505
loading and damage of, 42 inferior glide, 430, 430-431 flexion, 504, 504
remodeling of, 25-26 superior glide, 43 1 , 431 segmental stability tests, 5 1 2-5 1 4
stiffness of, 42 Costovertebral expansion, 209 atlantoaxial joint, 5 1 3-5 1 4, 5 1 4
Collagenase, 19, 23 Costovertebral joints, 380, 408, 408, 4 1 0 occipitoatlantal joint, 5 12, 5 1 2-5 1 3,
Collars, cervical, 366, 532 Coughing, pain with, 1 65 513
Combined motions, 37-38, 228 Counternutation, sacral, 452, 452-453 sequence of, 502
Compression techniques for correction of, 475-476, stress testing, 509-5 1 2
nerve root, 56t 476 anterior shear-transverse ligament,
posterior root ganglion, 56 Coxa vara, 1 90 205, 2 05, 51 1 , 5 1 1
resu'icted joint glide due to, 34 Cranial nerve signs, 56 causes o f instability on, 5 1 0
sciatic nerve, 1 8 1 Cranial nerve testing, 1 68, 1 69t, 1 79 coronal-alar ligament, 206, 206, 5JJ,
vertebral artery insufficiency due to, 67 Craniomandibular disorders, See 5 1 1-5 1 2
Compression test, 20 1 , 201 Temporomandibular disorders indications for, 5 1 0-5 1 1
axial, 1 1 7-1 1 9, 1 54, 2 1 0, 393 Craniosacral therapy, 257 longitudinal stability, 5 1 1
modified Farfan's, 1 92, 192-193 Craniovertebral junction, 379, 494-52 1 Craniovertebral junction in terven tions,
Computed tomography ( CT) , 1 30 case study of headache and neck pain, 5 1 4-5 1 9
Concentric exercise, 2 1 5 1 9-520 manual therapy, 5 1 4-5 1 8
Concussion, 528 review questions on, 520-521 to increase anterior glide o f right
Conduction of heat, 259 Craniovertebral junction anatomy, atlantoaxial joint, 5 1 6-5 1 7, 5 1 7
Congenital deficits of integumentary system, 494-50 1 to increase extension, right side-flexion,
1 88 articulations, 494-497 and left rotation of left
Con tract-relax technique, 254-255 atlantoaxial joint, 495-497, 4 96 occipitoatlantal joint, 5 1 4-5 1 6
Con tractile tissues, 1 75 extension of, 240 distraction techniques, 5 1 5-5 1 6, 5 1 6
Conus medullaris, 120, 1 29 hypomobility of, 240 specific seated technique, 5 1 5, 5J5
Convection, 259 occipitoatlantal joint, 495, 495 specific traction, 5 1 4-5 1 5 , 5 1 5
Conversion of energy, 259 blood supply, 501 supine axial techn ique, 5 1 5
Corticifugal system, 59 ligaments, 498, 498-500 to increase posterior glide o f left
Conicosteroids atlantoaxial, 499 atlantoaxial joint, 5 1 7, 5 1 7
for cervical radiculopathy, 1 28 occipitoaxial, 499-500 mobilization, 5 1 4
craniovertebral instability due to, 5 1 0 muscles, 500-501 , 501 soft tissue techniques, 5 1 7-5 1 8
Costal biomechanical examination, 428-432, inferior oblique, 500 general kneading, 5 1 8
See also Rib(s) rectus capitis an terior, 500 rhythmic flexion C2 t o C 7 , 5 1 8
active mobility testing rectus capitis lateralis, 500 su bocci pi tal massage, 5 1 7-5 1 8
first rib, 390, 390-39 1 rectus capitis posterior major, 500 therapeutic exercise, 5 1 8-5 1 9
ribs 2 through 1 0, 429-430 rectus capitis posterior minor, 500 Creases i n posterior aspect o f trunk, 1 88,
palpation, 429 superior oblique, 501 1 90
passive articular motion, 430-43 1 nerve supply, 498 Creep, 1 6, 42
costou'ansverse join ts-inferior glide, Craniovertebral junction biomechanical with spinal distraction, J 1 9
430, 430-431 examination, 501-5 1 4 Crepitus i n neck, 361
costotransverse joints-superior glide, active mobility of occiput, atlas, and axis, Crest
43 1 , 431 505, 505 iliac, 465, 465
patient positioning for, 430, 430 craniovertebral scan, 502 infratemporal, 542, 544
position testing, 389, 429, 42 9 differentiation test, 502-504, 503 sacral, 447, 448, 448
rib motions, 4 1 6, 428 indications for termination of, 501 Cross-bridges, 2 1
stability testing, 431-432 muscle testing, 508-509 Cross straight leg sign, 1 83
anterior u'anslation-posterior costal, extensors, 508 Crutch palsy, 2 1 5-2 1 6
431, 431-432 flexors, 508 Cryotherapy, 259
inferior translation-posterior costal, gross motions, 508 CT (computed tomography) , 1 30
432, 432 left rotators, 509 Cubital tunnel, 89-90
superior-inferior translation and obliquus capitis inferior, 509 Cushing's syndrome, 1 5
anterior-posterior translation­ obliquus capitis superior, 509 Cyriax, j., 2, 4 , 1 7 1 , 1 75 , 360
anterior costal, 432, 432 rectus capitis anterior, 509 Cyriax maneuver, 385-386, 386
Costal facets, 4 1 0, 410 rectus capitis posterior major, 509 Cytokines
Costoclavicular syndrome, See Thoracic rectus capitis posterior minor, 509 in joint inflammation, 1 9
outlet syndrome right side-flexors, 508-509 i n wound healing, 23

da Vinci,Leonardo, 1 Diaphragm,413-414 EccenU'ic exercise,21

DAB (dynamic abdominal bracing),325 paralysis of,79-80 Economic costs
Dactylitis,psoriatic arthritis and, 457 during respiration,416-417 of osteoarthritis,16
de Chauliac,Guy, 1 testing of,201 of osteoporotic fractures,13
de Mondeville, Henri, 1 Diaphragmatic breathing,243 Edema,pitting,178
de Quervain's syndrome,87,240 Diet, osteoarthritis and,18 Elastase,23
Decerebrate posturing,179 Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis Elastic cartilage,15
Decorticate posturing,179 (DISH),208 Elastic end feel,40
Deep neck flexor test,239,239 Diplopia,70,174,197,530 Elbow
Deep tendon reflex (DTR), 52,175 Disability golfer's, 241
Deep tendon reflex (DTR) testing,179, definition of,4,5 tennis,76,240
179-180,180 disablement process,4-6,5 testing extension of,202
during cervical scan,204-205 due to low back pain,6 testing flexion of, 202
abductor pollicis reflex,205 measures of,4, 5 Elderly persons. See Age/aging
biceps reflex,204,205 Disc. See Intervertebral disc Electrical stimulation,261-263
brachioradialis reflex,204 Discharge of patient,8 alternating vs. direct current,262
deltoid reflex, 204 DISH (diffuse idiopathic skeletal duration of,263
extensor pollicis longus reflex,205 hyperostosis), 208 electrode size and placement for, 262
infraspinatus reflex,204 Dislocations, 230 frequency of,262
levator scapulae reflex,204 Distraction, 119 intensity of,263
pisiform pressure,205 manual scapular,397 lumbar,314
rhomboid reflex,204 restricted joint glide due to,34 purposes of,262
thenar muscles,205 technique to restore anterior cevical glide for temporomandibular disorders,559
triceps reflex,204,205 on right,370 voltage for,262-263
wrist extensors,204 Distraction test,155 after whiplash injury,533
wrist flexors,205 cervical,200-201,201 during wound healing,24,25,26
during lumbar scan, 194-195 cervicothoracic junction,393,393 Electroacupuncture,24
Achilles reflex,194,194 seated distraction technique (C6-T2), Elecu'omagnetic agents,259
adductor magnus reflex,195 398,398 Elecu'omyography (EMG), 130,212
anterior tibialis reflex,195 thoracic vertical distraction stability test, Electrotherapeutic modalities and physical
extensor digitorum brevis reflex,195 426, 426-427 agents,258-265
lateral hamstrings reflex,195 Dizziness,173 for cervical spine conditions, 367
medial hamstrings reflex,195 cervical vertigo,528-529 for cervicothoracic junction conditions,
patella reflex, 194,194 subjective examination of,165 400
peroneal reflex, 195 vertebral artery insufficiency and,69,71 cryotherapy,259
posterior tibialis reflex,195 after whiplash injury, 528-529 electrical stimulation,261-263
Dendrites,49 Dorsal medial lemniscus tract,50,5It heat,259-260
Denervation hypersensitivity,178 Dorsolateral tract,59 for inter vertebral disc impairments,132
Denis, Francis,2 Double-crush injuries,99 iontophoresis, 252t, 264-265
Dens of axis,495-496,496 Dowager's hump,208 for sacroiliac joint conditions,479-480
anomalies of,513 Down's syndrome, 510 for temporomandibular disorders,559
development of,513-514 Drop attacks,70,165,174,197, 530 for thoracic spine conditions,439
pathological conditions of,510,513 Drug iontophoresis,264-265 transcutaneous electrical nerve
Depolarization,50 advantages of,265 stimulation,263-264
Derangement syndrome, 244 chemicals for,252t ultrasound,260-261
Dermatome tests,177, 177-178, 195 complications of,265 for whiplash injury,533
light touch, 178 mechanisms of,264-265 EMG (electromyography), 130,212
pin-prick, 178 DTR. See Deep tendon reflex Empty end feel,41
Dermatomes,78,380 Duct,parotid,543 End feels, 40-42,229t
Descending endogenous analgesia system, Dura mater,1,78,120,346 abnormal,41-42
58,58, 59,61 lumbar,286 biomechanical,41-42
Diagnosis. See also Musculoskeletal neuromeningeal tests for abnormalities boggy,41
examination of,181-187 empty,41
confirmation of physician's diagnosis,4, Dural sleeve facilitation,41
171,230-232 innervation of,284 spasm,41
electrodiagnostic studies,130 lesions of, 56 springy,41
imaging,129-130 Dynamic abdominal bracing (DAB), 325 during lumbar scan,190
importance of,3 Dynorphin, 58 manual treatment and,229t
masqueraders and,212 Dysarthria,70,175,197, 530 normal,40-41
possible diagnoses elicited by scanning Dysfunction syndrome, 243-244 bony,40
examination, 171-172,2]]-212, Dysphagia,530 capsular,41
212t,226 Dysphasia, 56,70, 173, 197,530 elastic,40
working hypothesis based on,7 Dysphonia,174 soft tissue interposition,40
I N D EX 579

with passive physiologic intervertebral lumbar spine,288,289t FIM (Functional Independence Measure),5
mobility tests,228-229 hyperextension,288 First thoracic nerve root stretch,209-210,211
End-play zone,228 manual techniques for restriction of First thoracic rib syndrome. See Thoracic
Endometriosis,215 side-flexion and,316-317 outlet syndrome
{3-Endorphin,58, 59,264 manual techniques for symmetrical Flat back, 208
Enkephalin,58,58, 59,264 restrictions of, 315-316,316 Flat foot,241t
Epineural tissue,84 passive physiologic articular Flexibility exercises,lumbar,326,326
Epineurium,84 intervertebral movement testing of, Flexion. See also Side-flexion
epifasciculal� 84 308,308 ankle dorsiflexion, 192,192
interfascicular,84 passive physiologic intervertebral cervical spine,199,323,345,352
Episode of care, 225, 226, 249, 250 movement testing of,304,305,305 manual techniques to restore side­
Epithelialization of wound,24-25 neck,199 flexion/rotation and,369-370
EPSP (excitatory postsynaptic potential),50 thoracic spine,415,417-418 testing of, 359, 360,361,361
Equilibrium testing,179 active motion testing of,422 cervicothoracic junction,381
Erb's palsy, 84 rigid thorax,419 craniovertebral
Erb's point,83 stiff thorax,382,419 atlantoaxial joint,504
Ergonomics,367 techniques to restore extension glide at occipitoatlantal joint,495,504
Esophagitis,157 T5-6,436, 436-437,437 elbow,202
Estrogen deficiency thumb,202 hip,191,191
osteoarthritis and,18 wrist,202 joint,504
osteoporosis and, 13-14 Extension kinetic test,466-467,467 knee,195,196
Euler, Leonhard, 2 Extensor digitorum brevis reflex,195 lumbar spine, 190,287,289t
Evaporation,259 Extracellular matrix manual techniques for restriction of
Excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP),50 of articular cartilage,15 extension and side-flexion and
Exercise,therapeutic,245, 257-258 provisional,25 flexion and side-flexion at same
for ankylosing spondylitis, 161 Eyes, 199 segment,318
for cervical spine conditions,366-367 manual techniques for restriction of
[or cervicothoracic junction conditions, FABER positional test,193,193, 225,230, side-flexion and,317-318
400-402,401,402 231 manual techniques for symmeu'ical
for craniovertebral junction conditions, Facial paralysis,530 restrictions of,314-315
518-519 Facilitated segment,38,59-60,158 passive physiologic articular
home program of,258 cervical,241 intervertebral movement testing of,
for intervertebral disc impairments, sensory testing and,178 308,308
131-132 thoracic,206 passive physiologic intervertebral
for lumbar spine conditions,320-325 upper lumbar,242 movement testing of,303, 304
aerobic exercises,325 Facilitation end feel,41 occipitoatlantal joint,519
back school,325 FADE positional test,194,194,225 seated flexion test,462
dynamic abdominal bracing,325 Falls, osteoporotic fractures and,14-15 shoulder,323
stabilization exercises, 320-325, 322-325 Farfan's compression test,192,192-193 standing flexion test,461-462
McKenzie protocol,112,124,136 Farfan's torsion stress test,196,196 thoracic spine,415,417-418
for neck pain,342 Fascia active motion testing of,422
osteoarthritis and,19 abdominal,454 rigid thorax,419
for postural imbalances,242-243 buccopharyngeal,543 stiff thorax,381,418
prescriptions [or,258 temporal,542,543 symmetrical techniques to increase
purpose of,257-258 thoracodorsal,454,465 flexion at T5-6,434-436,434-436
range-of-motion,258 thoracolumbar,281,348, 350 wrist,202
for sacroiliac spine conditions,477-479 Fascioscapulohumeral dystrophy (FSHD),91 Flexion kinetic test
for temporomandibular disorders,559, Fibers of Sharpey,114 contralateral,467,467
561 Fibrin,23,24 ipsilateral,466,466
after whiplash injury, 532-533 Fibrinogen,24 FM (fibromyalgia),354,547
Extension,228 Fibroblasts,25 Foramen
cervical spine,345,352 Fibrocartilage,15 interpedicular,79
manual techniques to restore side­ fibrocartilaginous disc intertransverse,79
flexion/rotation and,368,368 interpubic,449, 450 intervertebral,76,274
testing of,359,360,361 temporomandibular joint,538-539,539 cervical, 78-79, 345-346
craniovertebral, 240, 504-505 of iliac joint surfaces,447 magnum,78,494
atlantoaxial joint, 504-505 tearing of,230 mandibular,540
occipitoatlantal joint, 495,504 Fibromuscular dysplasia,68 mental,540
elbow,202,203 Fibromyalgia (FM),354,547 nutrient,273
great toe,192 Fight-or-flight response, 58 sacral,447,448,448
hip,234,239 Figure-of-8 test, 361-362 sciatic
knee,191,191,195,196 Filaments of skeletal muscle,21-22 greater,449
hyperextension,24It,242 Filum terminale,120 lesser,449
580 I N DEX

Foramen ( conI.) Glenoh umeral join t, 83, 239-240 case study of, 1 33-135, 134
transverse, 343,344, 495,4 96 Glycosaminoglycans, 1 5 classification of, 1 26
vertebral Golfer's elbow, 241 management of, 1 27-128
lumbar, 274 Golgi tendon organ, 52-53, 1 79, 179 pain due to, 1 25-126
thoracic, 410 Goniometric measurements, 2 3 3 prevalence of, 1 25
Forehead, 1 98 Gout, 5 1 0 soft vs. hard, 1 26
Forestier's bowstring sign, 209 Gowers-Bonnet test, 99 spinal canal diameter and, 1 25
Forward head posture, 240, 358, 382-383, Gracilis syndrome, 459 contained, 1 1 4-1 1 5
498, 5 1 4 Granulation tissue, 25 lumbar, 273, 3 1 3t
causes and effects of, 55 l t Graphesthesia, 1 78 case studies of, 1 35- 1 37
interventions for, 5 5 1 -552, 558-559 Great toe extension test, 1 9 2 groin pain due to, 458
respiration and, 55 1 Groin pain, 230-232, 458-459 levels of, 1 22 , 1 23
temporomandibular disorder and, 55 1 , 553 case study of, 485-487 McKenzie exercise protocol for, 1 24,
Forward lunge exercise, 324 Growth factors, in wound healing, 24, 25 1 36
Fossa Guide 10 Physical Therapy Praclice, 225, 227, natural history of, 1 23- 1 24
digastric, 540 249, 257 subjective examination for, 1 65
submandibular, 540 Guillain-Barre syndrome, 79 types of, 1 2 1 - 1 22
supraclavicular, 384 Gynecologic disorders, 1 5 1 anterior prolapse in adolescent, 1 22
Fractures, 1 56-- 1 57, 230 case study o f uterine myoma, 2 1 4-2 1 5 anterior protrusion in elderly, 1 22
dens, 5 1 3 large posterolateral extrusion, 1 22
end plate, 1 56 H test large posterolateral prolapse, 1 2 1
Monteggia, 87 cervical, 3 6 1 massive posterior extrusion, 1 22
neural arch, 1 56 lumbar, 298, 299 primary posterolateral prolapse, 1 2 1
osteoporotic, 1 3- 1 5 , 1 56 hypermobility on, 299-300 secondary posterolateral prolapse,
vertebral, 1 4 , 1 5 hypomobility on, 299 1 22
transverse process, 1 56 nonweight bearing, 300 small posterolateral protrusion, 1 2 1
wedge compression, 1 56 H zone, 2 1 U'aumatic back pain, 1 22
Front arm raises, 402, 402 Hairy patches, 1 88 vertical prolapse, 1 22
Fryette's laws of physiologic spinal motion, 37 Hand dominance, 235 neural tension tests for, 1 8 1 - 1 85
FSHD ( fascioscapulohumeral dystrophy) , 9 1 Head rotation, 497 slump test, 1 84-185
FSU ( functional spinal unit) , 4 1 0 Head tilt, 358 su-aight leg raise, ] 23, ] 80-182
Functional I n dependence Measure ( F I M ) , 5 Headaches, 1 98, 355-357 pain due to, 1 57
Functional instability, 39 benign, 355 thoracic, ] 29, 205, 206
Functional lim itations, 5 case study of neck pain and, 5 1 9-520 case study of, 2 ] 6--2 1 7
assessment of, 6 cervicogenic, 356 Hiatus, sacral, 447,448
due to low back pain, 6 chronic daily, 356--3 57 Hildanus, Fabricus, 2
range of motion and, 6 cluster, 356 Hip
Functional outcome measures, 6 migraine, 356, 498 abduction of, 239
Functional spinal unit ( FSU ) , 4 1 0 neurologic conditions associated with, 355 testing of, 1 95
Funnel chest, 209 occipital, 356, 498 age-related risk of fracture of, 1 4
post-traumatic, 355, 357 extension of, 1 95, 234, 239
Gag reflex, 1 68, 1 69t prevalence of, 355 flexion test of, 1 9 1 , 1 91
Gait temporomandibular disorder and, 550 osteoarthritis of, 1 7- 1 9
ataxic, 56, 70, 1 74, 1 97, 530 tension-type, 356 differential diagnosis of, 230-23 1 ,
biomechanics of, 456--45 7 occipitofrontal , 384 458-459
Galea aponeurotica, 543 whiplash i njury and, 355-356, 530 groin pain due to, 458-459
Galen, 1 Hearing loss, 530 stages of, 459
Galvanic erythema, 265 Heart attack, 1 59, 1 65 sacroiliac disorders and unilateral
Ganglion, 49 Heat application, 259-260. See also Thermal limitation of rotation of, 36
C2 dorsal root, 498, 501 agents Hip replacement surgery, 16, 1 7
superior cervical sympathetic, 80 Heat shock proteins, 1 9 Hippocrates, 1
Gapping test Heat transfer, 259 H istorical perspectives, 1 -2
an terior, 1 93, 1 93,463, 463 Heberden's nodes, 1 8 History taking. See Subjective examination
posterior, 1 95, 1 95,464, 464 Heel walking, 1 90 H LA-B27, 1 60
Gate control theory of pain, 57, 58,6 1 Hemianopia, 1 74 H oarseness, 1 74
central biasing, 5 7 , 264 Hemiparesthesia, 70, 1 97 Hoffmann reflex, 70, 1 97, 205
transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation Hemiplegia, 530 Hold-relax technique, 255
and, 264 Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy Home exercises, 258
transmission cell, 57, 58 type 1 , 79 to correct pubic symphyseal dysfunction,
Gel phenomena, in osteoarthritis, 1 7 Herniated disc, 1 14, 1 1 4- 1 1 5. See also 471
Genetics I ntervertebral disc to correct sacral torsion, 476
of osteoarthritis, 1 8 cervical, 1 25- 1 26 to increase cervicothoracic junction
o f torticollis, 355 asymptomatic, 1 25 mobility, 399-400

patient-related instn.ction for, 8 Hypotonicity, 1 75 techniques to restore anterior rotation of,

to restore innominate rotation Hypoxic tissue injury, 23, 55 471-473
anterior, 473 Hysteresis, 42 active mobilization, 4 72, 472-473, 473
posterior, 475 home exercise, 473
for thoracic spine conditions, 439 1 bands, 20-2 1 passive mobilization, 4 7 1 , 4 72
to treat sacral torsion, 477 I test techniques to restore posterior rotation
Horn, sacral, 447, 448, 448 cervical, 361 of, 473--475
Horner's syndrome, 70, 84, 1 73-174, 1 96, lumbar, 298, 2 99 active mobilization, 473-474, 4 74, 475
529 hypermobility on, 299-300 home exercise, 475
Hump back, 208 hypomobility on, 299 passive mobilization, 473, 4 73
Hyaline cartilage, 1 5 nonweight bearing, 300-301 I nstabi lity, 39
of sacral joint surfaces, 447 fAR ( instantaneous axis of rotation ) , 234 craniovertebral junction, 509-5 1 0
Hyaluronan, 1 5 "Iatromechanics," 2 functional, 3 9
Hyoid bone, 539, 544 lLA (inferior lateral angle) , 46 1 , 466 lumbar, 29 1 -292
Hyperabduction syndrome. See Thoracic Iliac crest, 465, 465 common findings for, 309t
outlet syndrome Iliac spine intervertebral stress testing for,
Hyperalgesia, 54 anterior superior (ASIS) , 238, 245, 455, 309-3 1 2
Hypercaiciuria, 15 465, 465 anterior stabi lity, 3 1 0, 310
Hyperesthesia, 1 78 posterior superior (PSIS), 245, 448, 449, common findings for instability and
Hyperextension 449, 46 1 -462, 465, 465 hypermobility, 309t
knee, 24 l t, 242 Iliolumbar syndrome, 96 coronal plane stability, 3 1 2, 312
lumbar spine, 288, 301 Iliotibial band tightness, 238 lateral stability, 3 1 1 , 3 1 1
neck, 526-527 Ilium, 348, 447 posterior stabili ty, 3 1 0, 310
Hypermobility, 3, 38-39, 59, 227t Imaging studies, 1 29-1 30 rotational stability, 3 1 1 , 3 1 1
lumbar, 38, 292-293 computed tomography, 1 30 vertical stability: compression, 3 1 1
common findings for, 309t magnetic resonance imaging, 1 30, 1 68, vertical stability: traction, 3 1 1-3 1 2
findings associated with, 3 1 3t 2 1 2, 2 1 3 testing for, 39 ( See also Passive stability
H and I tests for, 299-300 plain radiographs, 1 29-130 testing)
intervertebral sU'ess testing for, of temporomandibular joint, 557 Instantaneous axis of rotation ( IAR) , 234
309-3 12 I mmobilization, 244--245 I n termittent claudication, 1 5 1 - 1 5 3
occipitoatlantal joint, 495, 5 1 0 osteoarthritis and, 1 8 differential diagnosis of, 15 1 - 1 53
painful vs. painless, 229 Impact, osteoartllritis and, 1 8- 1 9 examination for, 1 53
tests for, 38--39 Impairment (s) . See also Disability neurogenic, 1 52t
passive physiologic in tervertebral definition of, 5 peripheral vascular disease Witll, 1 52
mobility tests, 228--229 due to low back pain, 6 spinal stenosis and, 1 52t, 290-291
zygapophysial join t, 302 Incon tinence, 1 65 subjective examination for, 1 65
Hyperparathyroidism, 15 Inert tissues, 1 75 vascular, 1 52t
Hyperpolarization, 50 Infection I n terneurons, 49-50
Hyperreflexia, 56, 70, 1 75, 1 80, 1 97 cholecystitis, 1 59 I n terphalangeal joints of hand,
Hyperthyroidism, 15 pyelonephritis, 1 50, 1 59 osteoarthritis of, 1 7, 18
Hypertonicity, 38, 1 75 pyogenic osteomyelitis, 1 55 I n terscapular area, 236
Hypogonadism, 15 Reiter's syndrome and reactive arthritis case study of pain in, 44 1-442
Hypomobility, 3, 38, 227t after, 458 I n terventions, 249-266
cervical tuberculous vertebral osteomyelitis, 1 55 based on findings of scanning
case study of, 372-373 upper respiratory, craniovertebral examination, 2 1 2
causes of, 363t junction instability and, 5 1 0 for cervical spine conditions, 342-343,
manual therapy for, 367 Inferior lateral angle (ILA) , 461 , 466 366-371 ( See also Cervical spine
myofascial, 367 Inf lammation interventions)
testing for, 361-363 bursitis, 230 for cervicothoracic junction conditions,
craniovertebral joint, 240 in discogenic lumbar radiculopathy, 396-404 ( See also Cervicothoracic
lumbar, 293 115 junction interventions)
findings associated with, 3 1 2t, 3 1 3t interventions for, 24 classification of back pain based on,
H and I tests for, 299 meningeal, 80-81 244--245
manual techniques for, 3 1 4 osteoarthritis and, 1 9-20 immobilization, 244-245
myofascial , 3 1 4 pain of, 54, 60 mobilization, 245
passive physiologic intervertebral mobility in spondyloarthropathies, 1 60 specific exercise, 245
tests for, 228--229 tendonitis, 230 traction, 245
thoracic tissue injury and, 24 for craniovertebral junction conditions,
manual techniques for, 433-434 I nhibitory postsynaptic potential 5 14--5 1 9 ( See also Craniovertebral
myofascial, 433, 433 (IPSP ) , 50 junction interventions)
of wrist flexors, 241 Innominate bones, 447 definition of, 249
zygapophysialjoint, 228, 302 sacral torsions and rotations of, 452, direct, 249-266
Hyporeflexia, 1 80 452-453, 453, 455-456 discontinuation of, 8

Interventions ( cont.) pathophysiology of low back pain due Intervertebral stress testing,lumbar,
electrotherapeutic modalities and physical to,115 309-312
agents,258-265 prolapse or extrusion, 114,115 anterior stability,310, 310
cryotherapy,259 protrusion or herniation,114,114- l l 5, common findings for instability and
electrical stimulation,261-263 121 ( See also Herniated disc) hypermobility,309t
heat, 259-260 sequestration,114, l l 5 coronal plane stability,312,312
iontophoresis, 252t,264-265 anatomy of,111-113,112 lateral stability,311,311
transcutaneous electrical nerve anulus fibrosus,111-112 posterior stability,310,310
stimulation,263-264 lumbar,2 75 rotational stability,311,311
ultrasound,260-261 nucleus pulposus,113 vertical stability: compression,311
episode of care,225,226,249,250 thoracic, 408 vertical stability: traction,311-312
for forward head posture,551-552 vertebral end plates, 112-113 Intrafusal fibers,51,52,179-180,180
for intervertebral disc impairments, case studies of impairments of,133-137 Ion channels,50
130-133 low back and leg pain,135-136 Iontophoresis,264-265
for lumbar spine conditions,313-326 low neck pain,133-135,134 advantages of,265
( See also Lumbar spine interventions) severe low back pain,136-137 chemicals for,252t
manual therapy, 250-257 cervical,124-128 complications of,265
craniosacral therapy,257 clinical considerations related to, mechanisms of,264-265
indications and contraindications to, 127-128 IPSP (inhibitory postsynaptic potential),50
253 degeneration of,124-126 Ischemia,23
intensity of,252-253 differences from lumbar disc,124-125 lumbosacral plexus, 153
joint mobilizations,251-252 examination for cervical radiculopathy, pain due to,55
manipulation, 253-254 127-128 Ischium,447
muscle energy techniques,254-255 herniation of,125-126 Isometric exercise,21,24
myofascial therapy,256 nerve root lesions and impairments of,
shiatsu,256-257 126-127 Jaw jerk,557
transverse friction massage, 255-256 number of,124 Joint capsule, 229-230
for postural imbalances,242-243 pain due to impairments of, 125-126, Joint glide,34
purposes of,249 353 assessment of,38
review questions on,265-266 spinal canal stenosis and abnormalities concave and convex joint surfaces and,
for sacroiliac joint conditions,470-480 . of,125 43,43-45,44
( See also Sacroiliac joint electrodiagnostic studies of spine,130 mobilization techniques for improvement
interventions) functions of, I II of,44-45
selection of,7,8,249 innervation of,282 normal (unrestricted),34
specificity of,7-8,7t interventions for impairments of,130-133 passive physiologic articular intervertebral
spinal locking and,39-40 exercises,131-132 mobility tests for assessment of,229
subcategories of,249 manual therapy,131 restricted,34
for temporomandibular disorders,557-561 modified rest, 132-133 capsular and noncapsular patterns of,
therapeutic exercise,257-258 patient education,131 45,230
for thoracic outlet syndrome,387 therapeutic modalities and physical due to compression,34
for thoracic spine conditions,433-439 agents,132 due to distraction,34
( See also Thoracic spine, traction,132 testing cervical translational glides,362,
interventions for) lumbar pain produced by impairments of, 362-363
for whiplash-associated disorders,531-533 119-121, 120 Joint mobilization,251-253. See also Manual
during wound healing,226 adherent root,121 therapy
inflammation,24 clinical considerations related to, active,passive,and combined types of,251
neurovascular stage, 25 123-124 cervical,368-370
remodeling,26 fifth lumbar root,120-121 techniques to restore motion in
Intervertebral disc, 111-138 first lumbar root,119 anterior quadrant,369-370
actions during stress,117-119 fourth lumbar root,120 techniques to restore motion in
axial compression,117-119 fourth sacral root,121 posterior quadrant,368,368-369
bending,119 second lumbar root,120 uncovertebral joint,369
distraction,119 third lumbar root,120 cervico thoracic junction, 396-399,
shear,] 19 phylogeny of, I II 3 97-4 00
torsion,119 review questions on,137-138 compared with manipulation,251
alterations in structure of,113-117 spinal imaging,129-130 con traindications to,253
age-related changes,113-114 computed tomography,130 to correct sacral counternutation, 475,
clinical considerations related to,115, magnetic resonance imaging,130,168, 4 75,4 76
123-124,127-128 212,213 craniovertebral junction, 514
degeneration, 115-]]6,116t plain radiographs,129-130 direct, indirect, and combined methods
degradation,116-117,116t spinal nerve root exits and,129 of,251
disk height variations, 117 thoracic, 128-129 guidelines for,251-252
pain due to,157 herniation of,129,205,206,215-216 indications for,251,252

intensity of, 252-253 Klippel-Feil syndrome, 354 of cervicothoracic junction, 380

lumbar, 3 1 4 Klumpke's palsy, 84 coccygeal, 78
for symmetrical restriction of extension, Knee costotransverse, 408, 408, 4 1 0
3 1 5, 3 1 6 extension test of superior, 2 75
for symmetrical restriction o f flexion, patient prone, 1 95, 1 96 denticulate, 78
315 patient seated, 1 9 1 , 1 91 femoral cutaneous, posterior, 96
purposes of, 251 flexion test of, 1 95 , 1 96 iliococcygeal, injury of, 460
to restore anterior rotation of innominate, hyperextension of, 24 l t, 242 iliolumbar, 96, 276-277, 448, 449
472-473 osteoarthritis of, 1 7- 1 9 stress test of, 470, 470
active, 47� 472-473, 4 73 prone knee bending test, 1 86-187, 1 8 7 inguinal, 449
passive, 472, 4 73 "Knee jerk," 1 79-1 80, 1 94, 1 94 intercornual, 448
to restore posterior rotation of Knee replacement surgery, 1 6 injury of, 460
innominate, 473-474 Knees to chest exercise, 323 interspinous, 2 75, 276, 344, 347
active, 473-474, 4 74, 4 75 Kyphosis, 1 , 35 innervation of, 284
passive, 473, 4 73 lumbar, 1 88 in tertransverse, 278
Joint receptors, 20 thoracic, 208, 242, 409-41 0 in tra-articular, 408, 408
Joint replacement surgery, 1 6, 1 7 dowager's hump, 208 lacunar (Gimbernat's) , 449
Joints. See also specific joints flat back, 208 ligamentum flavum, 1 , 2 75, 276, 347
angular and accessory motions of, 33-34, hump back, 208 innervation of, 284
44, 229 round back, 208 ligamentum nuchae, 344, 347, 350
articular cartilage, 1 5- 1 6 longitudinal
cervical, 345-346 Lamella, I I I anterior, 1 12, 273-275, 2 74, 346, 4 1 0,
c1ose- and open-packed positions of, Lamina intima of synovial membrane, 1 6 448, 495
34-35 Lamina of vertebra innervation of, 282-284
combined motions of, 37-38, 228 cervical, 343, 344 posterior, 1 1 2, 1 12, 2 74, 275, 346, 4 1 0 ,
fibrosis of, 229 axis, 496 495, 497
hypomobility, hypermobility, and lumbar, 274, 2 74, 2 75 of lumbar spine, 274-278, 2 75
instability of, 38-39, 227t thoracic, 4 1 0 hypomobility due to tears of, 293
lubrication of, 1 6 Lamina subintima of synovial membrane, 1 6 pseudo-ligaments, 278
boosted, 1 6 Lamina V, 5 5 lumbosacral, 277
boundary, 1 6 Lasegue's sign, 1 00 mamillo-accessory, 278
elastohydrodynamic, 1 6 Laser therapy, for temporomandibular occipitoaxial, 499-500
hydrodynamic, 1 6 disorders, 559 pectineal (Cooper's ) , 449
hydrostatic, 1 6 Lateral arm raises, 402, 402 Pinto's, 541
o f Luschka, 346 Lateral hamstrings reflex, 1 95 pubic, 45 1
osteoarthritis of, 1 6-20 Lateral mass of atlas, 495 anterior, 450, 45 1
;)'novial membrane of, 1 6 Lateral medullary infarction (LMI ) , 1 74 arcuate, 449, 450, 45 1
Junction Lateral shift, 1 88, 236, 245 posterior, 45 1
cervicothoracic, 379-406 correction of, 3 1 9 superior, 449, 450, 451
craniovertebral, 379, 494-521 Layer syndrome, 242 of pubic symphysis, 450, 45 1
lumbosacral, 379 LBP. See Low back pain pubococcygeal, injury of, 460
thoracolumbar, 379, 4 1 8 Leg length tests, 462 radiate, 408, 408, 4 1 0
Leiomyoma, uterine, 2 1 4-2 1 5 o f head o f rib, 2 75
Keratin sulfate, 15, 1 1 3 Lhermitte's symptom, 129, 1 97, 206 sacrococcygeal
Kernig sign, 8 1 Ligaments injury of, 460
Kidney disorders, 1 50, 1 59 alar, 498, 499 posterior superficial, 449
Kidney stones, 1 50-1 5 1 , 1 68 function of, 499 sacroiliac, 448--450
Kinematics stress test of, 206, 206, 5 1 1 , 5 1 1 -5 1 2 anterior, 448-449, 449
of lumbar extension, 288 tears of, 530 in terosseous, 449
of lumbar flexion, 287 apical dental, 496, 498, 499 long posterior (dorsal ) , 449, 449-450,
Kinetic tests arcuate, 89 465
alar ligament test, 5 1 1, 5 1 1 -5 1 2 atlanta-occipital, 4 98 short posterior (dorsal) , 449
nonweight-bearing, 467-468, 468 atlantoaxial, 496, 498, 499 stress tests of, 469-470, 470
weight-bearing, 466-467 of atlas sacrospinous, 277, 449, 450
contralateral flexion kinetic test, 467, cruciform, 496, 498 sacrotuberous, 277, 449, 450, 454,
467 transverse, 495, 496, 499-500, 5 1 1 465-466
extension kinetic test, 466-467, 467 injuries of, 500 stress test of, 469-470, 4 70
indications for, 468t stress test of, 205, 205, 51 1 sphenomandibular, 541 , 541
ipsilateral flexion kinetic test, 466, 466 capsular, 540, 542, 544 stress test of, 555, 556
Kinetics, of lumbar flexion, 287 stress test of, 555, 556 sprains of, 230
Kirkaldy-Willis phases of disc degeneration, of cervical spine, 347 of Struthers, 88
1 1 6, 1 1 6t continuous, 347 stylomandibular, 541 , 541
Kissing spines, 1 58 segmental , 347 stress test of, 555, 556
584 I N DEX

Ligaments ( cont.) prevalence of, 272 sensory testing, 1 95

supraspinous, 2 75, 276-277 prevention of, 273 straight leg raise test, 1 8 1 - 1 83, 182, 192
innervation of, 284 with radiculopathy, 1 1 5, 1 23 warning signs during, 1 87-188
tears of, 230 red flags predicting complicated course Lumbar plexus, 9 1 -94, 92
temporomandibular, 539, 541 , 5 4 1 of, 272-273 femoral nerve, 92, 93
stress test 0[, 555, 556 sequence of lumbar and sacroiliac scan ischemic impairment of, 1 53
o[ thoracic spine, 408, 408 for, 1 87-1 97 ( See also Scanning lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, 93-94
transforaminal, 278 examination) obturator nerve, 92-93, 93
transverse scapular, 83 subjective examination of, 1 65 Lumbar spine, 272-335. See also Low back
transverse su prascapular, 83 Lower motor neuron (LMN ) , 49 pain
triangular, 90 impairment of, 1 75 biomechanics of, 273, 287-289
vertebropelvic, 277 Lower quadrant syndromes, 2 4 1 -242, 24 1 t available segmental motion, 289t
Ligh t touch test, ] 78 Lumbago, 293 axial rotation, 288
Line(a) Lumbar and sacroiliac scan, 1 87-197, 463 coupled movements, 35, 35t, 40
alba, 450 history taking, 1 88 kinematics of extension, 288
mylohyoid, 540 patient prone, 1 95- 1 97 kinematics of flexion, 287
Z, 21 Farfan's torsion stress test, 1 96, 1 96 kinetics of flexion, 287
Lingula, 540 hip extension test, 1 95 side-flexion, 289
Link protein, 1 5 knee extension test, 1 95, 1 96 case studies related to, 326-334
Lip anesthesia, 70, 1 97, 530 knee flexion test, 1 95, 1 96 central low back pain, 329-330
LMI ( lateral medullary infarction ) , 1 74 posterior-anterior pressures over central low back pain with occasional
LMN. See Lower motor neuron vertebrae, 1 97, 1 97 right radiation, 326-328
Locking. See Spinal locking prone knee bending test, 1 86-187, 1 8 7, leg pain with walking, 330-332
Long arm test, 468-469, 469 1 97 low back pain, 328-329
Long neck extension test, 1 99 patient seated, 1 90-1 9 1 right buttock pain, 332-333
Long sit test, 462 active range o f motion, 1 90, 1 91 symmeu'ical low back pain, 333-334
Lordosis, 1 , 35 hip flexion test, 1 9 1 , 1 91 uni lateral low back pain, 329
cervical, 242, 346 knee extension test, 1 9 1 , 1 91 lesions and pathologies of, 289-293
lumbar, 1 88, 236, 241 t, 242 lumbar flexion, 1 90 ankylosing spondylitis, 1 6 1
Loss of consciousness, periodic, 70, 1 97 slump test, 1 84, 1 84-185, 1 85, 1 9 1 degenerative spinal stenosis, 290-291
Low back pain ( LBP) , 272-273. See also patient side lying, 1 95 hypermobil i ty, 38, 292-293
Lumbar spine hip abduction test, 1 95 hypomobili ty, 293
case slLtdies of posterior sacroiliac joint stress test, 1 95, Iiganlent tears, 293
cenlnl low back pain, 329-330 1 95, 464, 464 lumbago, 293
central low back pain with occasional patient standing, 1 88-190 muscle conlLtsions and tears, 293
right radiation, 326-328 active range of motion, 1 88-190, 189 symmetrical and asymmetrical, 293
left-sided low back and buttock pain, atrophy, 1 88 instability, 2 9 1 -292
480-48 1 bony landmarks, 1 88 i ntervertebral disc lesions, 1 1 4, 1 1 9-1 2 1
low back and bUllock pain, 1 59-1 6 1 creases, 1 88 metastatic disease, 1 59
low back and leg pain, 1 35-1 36 deformity, birthmarks, and hairy spondylolisthesis, 1 57, 289-290
low back pain, 328-329 patches, 1 88 review questions on, 334-335
right-sided low back, buttock, and heel walking, 1 9 0 subjective examination of, 1 65 ( See also
posterior thigh pain, 483-485 kyphosis, 1 88 Subjective examination)
right-sided low back and buttock pain, lateral shift, 1 88 bladder or bowel impairment, 1 65
482-483 lordosis, 1 88 effects of standing, silting, and walking,
right-sided low back pain, 48 1 -482 observation, 1 88 1 65
severe low back pain, 1 36-1 37 posture, 1 88 night pain not related to movement,
symmetrical low back pain, 333-334 scoliosis, 1 88 1 65
unilateral low back pain, 329 standing up on toes, 1 90 pain with cough or sneeze, 1 65
chronic, 272 unilateral squat while supported, 1 90 saddle paresthesia or anesthesia, 1 65
due to metastatic disease, 1 59 patient supine, 1 9 1- 1 95 Lumbar spine anatomy, 273-284
factors affecting, 273 ankle dorsiflexion test, 1 92, 1 92 innervation, 282-284, 283
functional limitations due to, 6 ankle eversion test, 192 o[ disc, 282
impairments due to, 6 anterior sacroiliac join t stress test, 1 93 , of dural sleeve, 284
lumbago, 293 1 93, 4 6 3 , 463 of ligaments, 282-284
lumbar disc impairment and, 1 1 5 , 1 23-1 24 bilateral knees to chest test, 1 92, 1 92 of zygapophysialjoint, 284, 284
( See also I n tervertebral disc) bowstring tests, 1 86-187, 1 92 intervertebral joint, 281
differential diagnosis of, 1 23 deep tendon reflex tests, 1 94, 1 94-195 ligaments, 274-278, 2 75
examination for, 1 23 FABER positional test, 1 93, 1 93 anterior longitudinal ligament, 274-276
obesity and, 273 FADE positional test, 1 94, 1 94 iliolumbar ligament, 277-278
outcome of first episode of, 272 great toe extension test, 1 92 interspinous ligament, 276
pathophysiology 01', 6, 1 1 5 modified Farfan test, 1 92, 1 92-1 93 intertransverse ligaments, 278
pelvic asymmetry and, 36 pathologic reflexes, 1 80- 1 8 1 , 1 95 ligamentum f1avum, 276

mamillo-accessory ligament, 278 with position testing results, 306,306--307 Mandible, 539, 540. See also
posterior 10ngitudinal ligamel1l, 276 rotation, 306 Temporomandibular joint
pseudo-ligaments, 278 side-flexion, 305-306 articular tests of, 553-555, 554, 555
supraspinous ligamen t, 276--2 77 position testing, 30 1-302 movements of, 546
transforaminal ligaments, 278 evaluating findings of, 302 opening and closing of, 546
muscles, 278-28 1 in flexion, 30 1 , 30J protrusion of, 546, 554, 554
epimere, 279-281 in hyperextension, 301 retrusion of, 546, 554, 554
erector spinae, 280 kinetic, 302, 303 Manipulation, 253-254
hypomere, 278-279 in neutral, 301-302 compared with mobilization, 25 1
iliocostalis lumborum pars thoracis, 28 1 procedure for, 301-302 con traindications to, 253-254
intercostalis lumborum pars lumborum, sequence of, 2 98 definition of, 253
280 Lumbar spine interventions, 3 1 3-326 indications for, 253
interspinales, 279 flexibility exercises, 326, 326 Manual therapy, 2-4, 250-257
il1leru-ansversarii medialis, 279 manual techniques, 3 1 3-3 1 9 acquiring necessary skills for, 3
intrinsic and extrinsic, 278 for acute conditions, 3 1 4 for cervical spine conditions, 367-3 7 1
longissimus thoracis pars lumborum, for asymmetrical restrictions, 3 1 6 fOl-joint hypomobility, 367
280 factors affecting choice of, 3 1 4 for myofascial hypomobility, 367
longissimus thoracis pars thoracis, 280 goal of, 3 1 4 to restore motion in anterior quadrant,
multifidus, 279-280 fOl-joint hypomobility, 3 1 4 369-370
psoas major, 278-279 for myofascia1 hypomobility, 3 1 4 to restore motion in posterior quadrant,
psoas minor, 279 for restriction of extension and 368,368-369, 369
quadratus lumborum, 279 side-flexion, 3 1 6--3 1 7 selecting technique [or, 367
thoracolumbar fascia, 281 for restriction of extension and soft tissue tech niques, 370-37 1
vascularization, 284 side-flexion and flexion and specific traction, 370
arteries, 285 side-flexion at same segment, 3 1 8 for cervicothoracic junction conditions,
veins, 286 for resu-iction o f flexion and 396-400
vertebral body, 273-274, 2 74 side-flexion, 3 1 7-3 1 8 general techniques, 397, 397-398, 398
zygapophysial join t, 28 1-282 for soft tissue injuries, 3 1 8-3 1 9 home exercise program, 399-400
Lumbar spine biomechanical examination, for symmetrical restrictions of rotational technique to increase
293-3 1 2 extension, 3 1 5-3 1 6, 316 rotation, 399
componellls 0[, 297-30 1 for symmetrical restrictions of flexion, seated disu-action technique (C6-T2
active weight-bearing movement testing, 3 1 4-3 1 5 levels) , 399, 399
297-298 pelvic shift correction, 3 1 9 selection of technique for, 396--3 97
H and I tests, 298-299, 2 99 specific traction, 3 1 9-320 semi-specific techniques, 398, 398-399
for hypermobility, 299-300 therapeutic exercises, 320-325 side-lying thrust technique, 399, 400
for hypomobi lity, 299 aerobic exercises, 325 for craniovertebra1 junction conditions,
nonweight bearing, 300-30 1 back school, 325 5 1 4-5 1 8
conclusions of, 3 1 2, 3 1 2t, 3 1 3t dynamic abdominal bracing, 325 to increase anterior glide o f right
intervertebral stress testing, 309-3 1 2 stabilization exercises, 320-325, 322-325 atlantoaxial joint, 5 1 6--5 1 7, 5 1 7
anterior stability, 3 1 0, 310 Lumbosacral junction, 379 to increase extension, right side-flexion,
common findings for instability and strain due to forward head posture, 383 and left rotalion of left
hypermobility, 309t Lumbosacral trunk, 9 1 , 92, 94, 94 occipitoatiantal joint, 5 1 4-5 1 6
coronal plane stability, 3 1 2, 312 Lunge exercises, 324 to increase posterior glide of left
lateral stability, 3 1 1 , 311 Luschka joints, cervical disc herniation and, atlantoaxial joint, 5 1 7 , 517
posterior stability, 3 1 0, 310 1 26 mobilization, 5 1 4
rotational stability, 3 1 1 , 311 soft tissue techniques, 5 1 7-5 1 8
vertical stabi lity: compression, 3 1 1 M-HAQ ( Modified Health Assessment fringe therapies, 256--2 57
vertical stability: u-action, 3 1 1-3 1 2 Questionnaire ) , 5 craniosacral therapy, 257
locking techniques based on coupling, Macrophages, 25 shiatsu, 256--2 57
294-297 Macrotrauma, 1 3 importance of biomechanical diagnosis
locking from above, 294-296, 2 95, 2 96 Magnetic resonance imaging ( M RI ) , 1 30, for, 3
locking from below, 2 96, 296--2 97, 2 9 7 1 68, 2 1 2, 2 1 3 interventions for, 7-8, 7t
palpation, 309 Maladie d e Grisel syndrome, 5 1 0, 5 1 3, 5 1 4 for intervertebral disc impairments, 1 3 1
passive physiologic articular intervertebral Malingering, 1 53-1 54 cervical, 1 34, 1 34- 1 35
movement testing, 307-309 definition of, 1 54 KE system of musculoskeletal
extension, 308, 308 observational methods for diagnosis of, management, 250
flexion, 308, 308 1 54-155 for lumbar spine conditions, 3 1 3-3 1 9
side-flexion/rotation, 309 pure vs_ partial, 1 54 for acute conditions, 3 1 4
passive physiologic in tervertebral signs and symptoms of, 1 55 for asymmeu-ical restrictions, 3 1 6
movement testing, 302-306, 30 4 testing for, 1 55 factors affecting choice of, 3 1 4
extension, 305, 305 distraction test, 1 55 goal of, 3 1 4
flexion, 303 simulation tests, 1 55 for joint hypomobility, 3 1 4
in terpretation of, 307t Malphigi, Marcello, 2 for myofascial hypomobility, 3 1 4

Manual therapy ( cant.) Mechanoreceptors Golgi tendon organs and, 52-53, 1 79, J 79
for restriction of extension and Golgi tendon organ, 52-53, 1 79, 17 9 isometric, 2 1
side-flexion, 3 1 6-3 1 7 muscle spindle, 5 1 -52 muscle spindles and, 5 1-52
for restriction o f extension and periarticular, 20 speed and type of muscle action and, 21-22
side-flexion and flexion and of temporomandibular joint, 540 Muscle energy techniques, 254-255
side-flexion at same segment, 3 1 8 Medial hamstrings reflex, 1 95 con tract-relax, 254-255
for restriction o f flexion and Medical history of patien t, 1 62-164, hold-relax, 255
side-flexion, 3 1 7-3 1 8 1 63t- 1 64t. See also Subjective indications for, 254
for soft tissue injuries, 3 1 8-3 1 9 examination performance of, 254
for symmetrical restrictions, 3 1 4-31 6 Medications to restore extension glide at T5-6, 437, 437
extension, 3 1 5-3 1 6, 316 drug iontophoresis, 264-265 to restore posterior rotation of fiftl1 rib,
flexion, 3 1 4-3 1 5 for temporomandibular disorders, 547, 438-439
manipulation, 253-254 557 Muscle fibers, 20-2 1
mobilization, 251-253 Membrane functional division of, 235, 235t
muscle energy techniques, 254-255 atlan to-occipital intrafusal, 5 1 , 52, 1 79-180, 180
myofascial therapy, 256 anterior, 496 nuclear bag fibers, 5 1
for sacroiliac joint conditions, 245, 470--4 7 1 posterior, 344, 496, 4 98,499 nuclear chain fibers, 51
as specialty field, 3 synovial, of temporomandibular joint, 540 Muscle function testing, 1 76-1 77, 232-233.
for temporomandibular disorders, 559-561 tectorial, 4 96, 4 98, 499 See also Biomechanical examination
for thoracic spine conditions, 433-439 Meninges, 78, 80 endurance, 1 76
for joint hypomobility, 433-434 Meningitis, 80-81 examination of movement patterns, 239,
mobilization and manipulation of fifth Mental spine, 540 239-240
rib, 437-439, 438 Meralgia paresthetica, 94, 1 5 1 examination of muscle length, 237,
for myofascial hypomobility, 433, 433 Mesosternum, 4 1 0 237-239, 238
symmetrical techniques to increase Metabolic disease, 1 5 6 force, 1 76
flexion at T5-6, 434-436, 434-436 Metastatic disease, 1 56 goniometric measurements, 233
techniques to restore extension glide at to lumbar spine, 1 59 information provided by, 1 76, 232
T5-6, 43� 43 6-437, 437 to thoracic spine, 1 64 interpretation of, 1 77
transverse friction massage, 26, 255-256 Metatarsalgia, 60, 242 joint position and muscle length for, 232,
vertebrobasilar complications of, 69 Microtrauma, 3, 1 3 232t
working hypothesis for, 6-7 Mid-low cervical flexion test, 1 99 pain or weakness, 1 76
Manubrium, 380, 4 1 0-4 1 3 Migraine headache, 356, 498 strength grading, 232, 233t
in elderly persons, 387 Miosis, 1 74 Muscle imbalance, 234
motion during respiration, 388 Mobilization. SeeJoint mobilization concept of movement system balance, 234
movements of, 38 1 Modified Farfan compression test, 1 92, due to forward head posture, 382-383
screening tests of, 387-388 1 92-193 functional division of muscle fiber types,
Apley's scratch test, 387-388, 388 Modified Health Assessment Questionnaire 235, 235t
palpation, 388, 388 (M-HAQ) , 5 functional division of muscle groups,
Manubrium-sternal joint, 380, 4 1 3 Modified Thomas test, 237-238, 238 234-235, 235t
traumatic disruption of, 38 1 Monteggia fracture, 87 influence on posture, 233-234
Marie Striimple disease. See Ankylosing Motor units, 2 1-23 interventions for, 242-243
spondylitis Motor vehicle collisions establishing optimal motor patterns to

Martin-Gruber anastomosis, 88 litigation and malingering related to, protect spine, 243
Masqueraders, 2 1 2 1 54-155 principles for, 243
Massage seatbelts, airbags and, 526 restoring normal muscle length, 242-243
to paraspinal gutter, 397 vertebrobasilar artery infarction and, 68 strengthening inhibited or weak
suboccipital, 5 1 7-5 1 8 whiplash-associated disorders due to, muscles, 243
transverse friction, 26, 255-256 524-533 mechanisms of, 235
Masticatory system, 539 Mouth, 1 99 postural syndromes due to, 240-243
hyoid bone, 539 Mouth breathing, 1 99, 551 cervical, 240-241
mandible, 539, 540 Movement sense, testing of, 1 78 lumbar, 241-242, 241 t
maxilla, 539 Movement system balance (MSB) , 234 Muscle spindles, 5 1 -52
sphenoid bone, 539 MRJ ( magnetic resonance imaging) , 1 30, function of, 52
temporal bone, 539 1 68, 2 1 2, 2 1 3 intrafusal fibers of, 5 1 , 52, 1 79-180, 180
Matrix metalloproteinases, 23 MSB (movement system balance) , 234 sensory and motor axons to, 51-52
Maxilla, 539 Multiple crush syndrome, 384 Muscles, 20-23, 352t
McKenzie classification system for back pain, Multiple myeloma, 1 56, 207 abdominal, 236, 240
244-245 Muscle contraction, 20-23, 22 strengthening exercises for, 320-322,
derangement syndrome, 245 angle of insertion and, 23 322
dysfunction syndrome, 244-245 angle of pennation and, 22-23 weakness of, 242
posture syndrome, 244 concentric, 2 1 abductor digiti quinti (foot), 96
McKenzie exercise protocol, 1 1 2, 1 24, 1 36 eccentric, 2 1 abductor digiti quinti (hand ) , 90
Mechanical agents, 258 force-length relationship o f muscle and, 22 abductor hallucis, 96

abductor pollicis extensor carpi ulnaris, 86 iliocostalis cervicis, 351 , 352t

longus, 86 extensor digitorum brevis, 97 innervation of, 9 1
testing deep tendon reflex of, 205 testing deep tendon reflex of, 1 95 iliocostalis lumborum pars thoracis, 281
adductor brevis, 93 extensor digitorum communis, 86 i liopsoas, 93
adductor longus, 93 extensor digitorum longus, 97 innervation of, 92
adductor magnus, 93, 95 innervation of, 98 iliopsoas complex, 237,240
testing deep tendon reflex of, 1 95 extensor hallucis longus, 97 testing flexibility of, 237-238, 238
agonistic, 35 innervation of, 98 tighmess of, 238, 242
anconeus, 86 extensor indicis profundus, 86 incisivus labii inferioris, 543
innervation of, 87 extensor pollicis brevis, 86, 90 incisivus labii superioris, 543
antagonistic, 35 extensor pollicis longus, 86 infrahyoid, 543-544, 544
biceps brachii, 86 testing deep tendon reflex of, 205 infraspinatus, 348, 350
innervation of, 85, 85 flexor carpi radialis, 86 innervation of, 83
strengthening of, 402 flexor carpi ulnaris, 86, 90 strengthening of, 40 1
testing deep tendon reflex of, 204, innervation of, 90 testing deep tendon reflex of, 204
205 flexor digiti quinti, 90 injury of, 230
biceps femoris, 95, 45 1 flexor digiti quinti brevis, 96 intercostal, 4 1 4-4 1 5
in pelvic stability, 454 flexor digitorum brevis, 96 external, 4 1 4
brachial is, 86, 86 flexor digitorum longus pedis, 96 internal , 4 1 4-4 1 5
innervation of, 85, 85 innervation of, 97 transverse, 4 1 5
brachioradialis, 86, 86 flexor digitorum profundus, 90 intercostalis lumborum pars lumborum,
testing deep tendon reflex of, 204 innervation of, 87, 88 280
buccinator, 542-544 flexor digitorum superficialis, 88 interscapular, 236
cervical, 348-35 1, 348-352 flexor hallucis longus, 96 interspinales, 279
extensors and flexors, 352t innervation of, 97 cervicis, 352, 352t
lateral, 350-35 1 flexor pollicis longus, 87 intertransversarii
rotators and side-flexors, 352t gastrocnemius, 236 cervicis, 352, 352t
superficial, 348-350 examining length of, 239 innervation of, 92
of cervicothoracic junction, 380 innervation of, 97 medialis, 279
coccygeus, 451 genioglossus, 544 in trinsics of hand, 203
innervation of, 98 geniohyoid, 544, 544 key, 1 75
compressor naris, 543 i nnervation of, 79, 80 latissimus dorsi, 83, 349, 45 1
coracobrachialis, 86 gluteal, 236 in pelvic stability, 454
innervation of, 85, 85 gluteus maximus, 45 1 levator anguli oris, 543
strengthening of, 402 examining movement pattern of, 239 levator ani
deep muscles of back, 35 1 in pelvic stability, 454 i nnervation of, 98
deep neck flexors strengthening exercises for, 322, 323 strengthening of, 478
examining movement pattern of, 239, weakness of, 242 levator costae, 4 1 5
239 gluteus medius innervation of, 9 1
weakness of, 240 examining movement pattern of, 239 levator scapulae, 349, 349-350, 350, 352t
deltoid, 348 in pelvic stability, 454 examining length of, 237
innervation of, 79, 85, 86 strengthening of, 479 in forward head posture, 382
paralysis of, 86 gluteus minim us, 454 hypertonicity of, 240
strengthening of, 40 1 -402 gracilis, 93, 458 innervation of, 79, 8 1 , 349
testing deep tendon reflex of, 204 hamstring, 95, 235 strengthening of, 402
depressor labii inferioris, 543 examining length of, 238 stretching of, 403, 403
depressor septi, 543 in forward head posture, 383 testing deep tendon reflex of, 204
diaphragm, 4 1 3-4 1 4 stretching of, 326 testing extensibility of, 349-350
paralysis of, 79-80 testing deep tendon reflexes of, 195 testing of, 20 1 , 202
during respiration, 4 1 6-41 7 tighmess of, 242 tighmess of, 236, 237, 240
testing of, 20 1 hip adductors, 236 longissimus capitis, 352t
digaSU-ic, 236, 544, 545 examining length of, 238-239 longissimus cervicis, 352t
doubly i nnervated, 78 tightness of, 238 longissimus thoracis
erector spinae, 236, 280, 351-352, 451 hip flexors innervation of, 9 1
examining length of, 237 examining length of, 237, 237-238, pars lumborum, 280
in forward head posture, 383 238 pars thoracis, 280
in pelvic stability, 454 in forward head posture, 383 longus capitis, 352t
strengthening exercises for, 323, 323 stretching of, 326, 326 innervation of, 79
tighmess of, 242 hyoglossus, 544 longus coli, 352t
extensor carpi radialis hypertonicity of, 38 innervation of, 79
brevis, 86, 87 hypothenar, 205 lumbar, 278-281
longus, 86, 86, 87 iliacus, 237, 278, 45 1 epimere, 279-281
overuse syndrome of, 241 stretching of, 3 1 9 hypomere, 278-279
588 I NDEX

Muscles ( cant.) platysma, 351 semitendinosus, 95

hypomobility due to contusions or tears innervation of, 35 1 serratus anterior, 8 1 -83
of, 293 popliteus, 96,97 examining movement pattern of, 239
intrinsic and extrinsic, 278 posterior auricular, 543 in forward head posture, 383
masseter, 542, 543 postfacilitation stretch for tigh mess of, function of, 400
mast icatory, 541-545, 542,543 371 innervation of, 81
palpation of, 555 pronator quadratus, 87 strengthening of, 40 1 -402
mentalis, 543 pronator teres, 86 weakness of, 236
motor units of, 2 1 -23 psoas major, 237,278-279 serratus posterior inferior, 350,4 1 5
multifidus, 279-280, 352t, 45 1 psoas minor, 237,279 serratus posterior superior, 4 1 5
exercises for, 320, 321 pterygoid soleus, 96,235
innervation of, 9 1 lateral, 542,543, 544 examining length of, 239
strengthening of, 478 medial, 542,542-543, 544 innervation of, 97
mylohyoid, 544,545 palpation of, 555 sphincter ani extern us, 98
oblique abdominal pyramidalis, 450 splenius, 501
external, 350 quadratus lumborum, 279 capitis, 348,350,35 1 , 352t, 543
internal examining length of, 238, 238 cervi cis, 350,35 1 , 352t
exercises for, 320 exercises for, 320-3 2 1 sternocleidomastoid (SC M ) , 236, 348,
innervation of, 92 innervation of, 9 2 349, 349,352t, 543,544
in pelvic stability, 454 stretching of, 3 1 9 innervation of, 79, 80,348
strengthening of, 478-479 tightness of, 238 stretching of, 402, 403
obliquus capitis inferior, 35 1 , 352t, 500, 501 quadratus plantae, 96 tighmess of, 240
testing of, 509 quadriceps femoris, 93 in torticollis, 354-355
obliquus capitis superior, 35 1 , 352t, 50 1 , innervation of, 92 sternohyoid, 352t, 543, 544
501 rectus abdominis, 450 innervation of, 79, 80
testing of, 509 rectus capitis anterior, 352t, 500 sternothyroid, 352t, 543-544, 544
obturator extern us, 93 innervation of, 79 innervation of, 79, 80
occipitalis, 543 testing of, 509 "strap," 543-544, 544
omohyoid, 352t, 543, 544 rectus capitis lateral is, 352t, 500 stylohyoid, 544,545
innervation of, 79, 80 innervation of, 79 subclavius, 83
opponens digiti quinti (foot) , 9 6 rectus capitis posterior, 35 1 , 352t suboccipital, 494, 500-50 1 , 501
opponens digiti quinti (hand) , 9 0 rectus capitis posterior major, 500, 501 massage of, 5 1 7-5 1 8
orbicularis oris, 543 testing of, 509 subscapularis, 83
palmaris brevis, 90 rectus capitis posterior minor, 500, 501 supinator, 86
palmaris longus, 86 testing of, 509 suprahyoid, 544
pectineus, 93, 236 rectus femoris, 93,235 suprascapular, 83
innervation of, 92 hypertonicity of, 242 supraspinatus, 350
pectoralis major, 236 tighmess of, 238 strengthening of, 402
clavicular and sternal portions of, 237 respiratory, 4 1 3-41 7 temporalis, 542, 542,544
examining length of, 237 rhomboid, 348,350, 350 tensor fascia lata, 236
in forward head posture, 383 in forward head posture, 382 tightness of, 238
innervation of, 79, 83 function of, 400 teres major, 348,350
strengthening of; 402 innervation of, 8 1 innervation of, 83, 85
stretching of, 404 strengthening of, 40 1-402 teres minor
tighmess of, 240 testing deep tendon reflex of, 204 innervation of, 86
pectoralis minor risorius, 543 paralysis of, 86
examining length of, 237 rotatores brevis cervicis, 352t strengthening of, 40J
in forward head posture, 382 rotatores longi cervicis, 352t thenar, 205
innervation of, 79, 83 sartorius, 93 thigh abductors, 454
stretching of, 404, 404 innervation of, 92 thigh adductors, 454
tigh mess of, 240 scalenus anterior, 35 1 , 351,352t thyrohyoid, 352t, 543-544, 544
peroneus brevis, 97 innervation of, 79, 350 innervation of, 79, 80
innervation of, 98 stretching of, 402-403, 403 tibialis an terior, 97
peroneus longus, 97 scalenus medius, 35 1 , 351,352t innervation of, 98
innervation of, 98 innervation of, 79, 350 overuse syndromes of, 242
weakening of, 242 stretching of, 402-403, 403 testing deep tendon reflex of, 1 95
peroneus tertius, 97 scalenus minim us, 351 tibialis posterior, 96
innervation of, 98 scalenus posterior, 35 1 , 351,352t innervation of, 97
piriformis, 1 86, 45 1 semimembranosus, 95 overuse syndromes of, 242
examining length of, 238 semispinalis capitis, 350,501 testing deep tendon reflex of, 1 95
lighmess of, 238 semispinalis cervicis, 35 1 , 501 transversus abdom inis
plantaris, 96 semispinalis thoracis, 351 exercises for, 320
innervation of, 97 innervation of, 91 strengthening of, 478

trapezius, 348, 348--3 49, 352t, 501 prevalence of, 342 in tercostobrachial, 9 1
examining length of, 237 rheumatoid diseases and, 1 65 interdigital, 9 7
in forward head posture, 382 short neck extension test, 199 internal popliteal, 9 7
function of, 400 short neck flexion test, 1 99 interosseous (forearm )
innervation of, 79, 80, 348 temporomandibular disorder and, 550-551 anterior, 87-88
massage of upper portion of, 397 torticollis, 1 98, 1 99, 354-355 posterior, 87
su-engthening of, 401 -402 whiplash-associated disorders, 1 27, lingual, 558
stretching upper portion of, 403-404 1 64-165, 524-533 lumbar, 94
tightness of upper portion of, 236, 237, Nephrolithiasis, 1 50- 1 5 1 mandibular, 545
240 Nerve trunk o r plexus lesions, 57 maxillary, 545
u-iceps brachii, 86 Nerves, 49 median, 8 1 , 82, 87-89, 88
innervation of, 87 abducens (V1 ) , 1 69t carpal tunnel syndrome, 89
testing deep tendon reflex of, 204, 205 accessory (XI ) , 80, 1 68t, 347, 348 upper limb tension test of, 204
vasLUS intermedius, 93 adventitia of, 84 mixed, 85
vastus lateralis, 93 anococcygeal, 98, 99 motol� 85
vastus medialis, 93 ansa cervicalis, 79 musculocutaneous, 8 1 , 82, 85, 85-86
wrist extensors, 204 ansa hypoglossi, 80 upper limb tension test of, 204
wrist f lexors, 205 antebrachial cutaneous obturator, 92, 92-93, 93, 451
zygomaticus major, 543 dorsal , 86 groin pain due to compression of, 458
Musculoskeletal examination. See also lateral, 85, 85 oculomotor (Ill ) , 1 69t
specific examinations median, 82, 84 olfactory ( 1 ) , 1 69t
biomechanical, 4, 1 67, 225-245 posterior, 87 ophthalmic, 545
bony landmarks for, 1 3 auriculotemporal, 558 optic ( I I ) , 1 69t
components of, 4 , 225 axillary, 8 1 , 85, 86, 86 pectoral, 83
purpose of, 225 upper limb tension test of, 204 perineal , 99
reevaluations, 8 brachial cutaneous peripheral, 76, 84-85
scanning, 4, 1 67, 1 7 1-220 lateral, 85, 86 ischemic tolerance of, ] 53
sequence of, 9, 9, 1 7 1 , 1 72 medial, 82, 84 peroneal
subjective, 4, 1 62-170 posterior, 86, 87 common, 94-95, 94-97, 97-99
systems review, 1 49-1 61 ( See also Pain) cervical, 78--8 1 , 346 testing of, 1 86
of whiplash patient, 529-531 cervical cutaneous, 79, 80 deep, 97, 98
Musculoskeletal tissue, 1 3-26 of cervicothoracic junction, 380-381 superficial, 97, 98
articular cartilage, 1 5-20 cluneal phrenic, 79, 80
bone structure and growth, 1 3 inferior medial, 94 lesions of, 79-80
joint receptors, 20 superior, 96 plantar
osteoporosis, 1 3-15, 1 5 coccygeal, 9 4 lateral, 96, 97
review questions o n , 26 cranial nerve tests, 1 69t medial, 96, 97
skeletal muscle, 20-23, 22 dorsal, of penis, 99 pudendal, 98, 98--99
soft tissue injury and healing, 23-26 dorsal scapular, 8 1 , 82 radial, 8 1 , 85, 86, 86-87
Mushroom phenomenon, 1 22 facial (VII ) , 1 69t injury of, 76
Myelin sheath, 50 femoral, 92, 92, 93 upper limb tension test of, 204
Myocardial infarction, 1 57 prone knee bending test of, 1 86-187 recurrent anicular, 97, 98
Myofascial restrictions, 38, 3 1 2t stretch test of, 1 23 recurrent meningeal, 9 1
thoracic, 433, 433 femoral cutaneous sacral , 448
Myofascial therapy, 256 anterior, 92, 93 saphenous, 92
Myofascial trigger points, 354, 370-371 lateral, 92, 93-94, 1 5 1 sciatic, 94-96, 94-97, 98, 1 80, 2 1 4
ischemic compression for, 367, 371 posterior, 94 extraspinal entrapment 0[, 1 8 1 - 1 82
Myofibrils, 20-2 1 gastrocnemius, 96 straight leg raise test of, 1 8 1-1 83
Myosin, 2 1 , 5 1 genitofemoral, 9 1 , 92, 92 sensory, 84-85
Myotatic reflex. See Deep tendon reflex groin pain due to entrapment of, 458 sinuvertebral, 9 1 , 28 1 , 282, 283, 457
Myotome, 78, 1 74 glossopharyngeal (IX) , 1 69t small occipital, 79, 80
gluteal spinal, 76-1 04, 379 ( See also Spinal nerves)
Nausea/vomiting, 1 65, 1 68, 530 inferior, 94, 96 suboccipital, 79, 495, 4 97, 500
Neck pain, 342-343. See also Cervical spine superior, 94, 96 subscapular, 82, 83
case studies of, 372-373 great auricular, 79, 80 supplying lumbar segment, 282-284, 283,
headache and neck pain, 5 1 9-520 greater occipital, 349, 498, 501 284
low neck pain, 1 33-135, 1 34, 404-405 hypoglossal (XlI ) , 79, 80, 1 68t, 495 supraclavicular, 79, 80
neck pain and arm paresthesias, 404-405 iliohypogastric, 9 1 , 92, 92 suprascapular, 82, 83
discogenic, 1 25-] 26, 353 ilioinguinal, 9 1 , 92, 92 upper limb tension test of, 204
headache and, 355-357 groin pain due to enu-apment of, 458 sural, 96, 97, 98
interventions for, 342-343 inferior alveolar, 558 sural cutaneous
myofascial, 354 inferior hemorrhoidal, 99 lateral, 96, 97, 98
postural syndromes, 240-2 4 1 , 353-354 intercostal, 82, 83, 9 1 , 379 medial, 96, 97
590 I NDEX

Nerves ( cont.) straight leg raise test, 181-184,182, 183 OA. See Osteoarthritis
thoracic, 91,408-4] 0 upper limb tension tests,203-204 Obesity
an terior, 82 pathologic reflex testing,180-181 low back pain and, 273
long, 81, 82,83 Babinski reflex, 180-181 osteoarthritis and, 18
thoracodorsal, 82, 83 clonus,181 Observation, 172-175
tibial, 94-96, 94-97 Oppenheim reflex, 181 cervical, 198-199, 357-359
posterior, 97 sensory testing, 177, 177-179 lumbar and sacroiliac, 188
testing of,186 special tests, 175-176 temporomandibular joint, 553
u'igeminal (V) , 169t, 545,545t,558 thoracic, 209-210 thoracic, 208-209, 420
distribution of, 553 abdominal cutaneous reflex, 210 Occipitoatlantal joint, 494,495. See also
facilitation of, 240 Beevor's sign, 209,211 Craniovertebral junction
testing of, 557 first thoracic nerve root stretch, active mobility testing of, 505,505
trochlear (TV ) , 169t 209-210, 211 anatomy of, 495, 495
ulnar, 81, 82, 85,89-90, 90 slump test, 184, 184-185, 185 , 209 biomechanical examination of, 50]
upper limb tension test of, 204 spinal cord reflexes, 210 causes of instability at, S]0
vagus (X) , 79,80, 168t Neuromuscular junction,50, 179 in Down's syndrome, 510
vestibulocochlear (VJI I ) , ] 69t Neuromuscular reflex arc,59, 17 9, 179-180 flexion exercise of,S] 9
Nervous system,49-61 Neurons,49-50 hypermobility of, 495,510
cen tral nervous system signs and bipolar and multipolar, 49 left, techniques to increase extension,
symptoms, 56--57 Golgi I,49 right side-flexion,and left rotation
an terior nerve root lesions, 57 interneurons, 49-50 of,514-516, 515
dural sleeve lesions,56 motor, 49 motions of, 495
nerve trunk or plexus lesions,57 lower,49 passive mobility testing of,505, 505-507,
peripheral nerve lesions,57 to muscle spindles, 52 506
posterior nerve root lesions, 57 upper, 49 position tests of, 504, 504
posterior root ganglion compression, 56 nociceptive, 54 segmental stability tests for, 5]2-513
spinal nerve impairment, 57 sensory,49 anterior stability, 513,513
classification of neurons, 49-50 to muscle spindles, 51-52 posterior stability,512,512-5] 3
clinical implications and, 59-6] Neurotransmitters, 50 transverse shear,513, 513
direct in terven tions to control pain, in pain modulation, 57 Occipitoatlantoaxial segment, 494
60-61 Neurovascular stage of wound healing,24-25 Occlusal tests,556--557
facilitated segment,59-60 Nociception, 24, 53-55. See also Pain Occlusal therapy,557-558
pain modulation,57-59 Nociceptors, 53, 54 Occupation,osteoarthritis and, 18
chemical, 58, 58, 5 9 sensitization of,54,60 Open-mouth breatlling, 199,551
gate control theory,57,58 silent, 54,60 Opiate analgesics,for temporomandibular
neurophysiologic, 59 sites of,54,112 disorders, 557
pain system,53-56 Nodes of Ranvier,50 Opiates, endogenous, 58, 58, 5 9, 61
pain receptors, 54 Noncapsular pattern of restriction, 45, 230 transcutaneous electrical nerve
pain transmission, 54-55 Noncontractile tissues, 175 stimulation and, 264
sources of pain,55-56, 56t Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs,60 Oppenheim reflex,70, 181,197, 207
review questions on, 61 for temporomandibular disorders, 557 OrtllOses for sacroiliac joint conditions,479
stretch receptors,51-53 Nonweight-bearing kinetic tests,467-468,468 Os odontoidium, 513
Golgi tendon organ,52-53, 179,179 Norepinephrine,50 Osborne's band, 89
muscle spindle, 51-52 Notch Oscillopsia, 168
transmission of nerve impulses, 50 mandibular,540 Osteitis deformans, 156
dorsal medial lemniscus tract,50,S I t suprascapular,83 Osteitis pubis, 459
spinocerebellar tract, 50, 52t suprasternal, 380 Osteoarthritis (OA), 16--20
spinothalamic tract, 50, 51t vertebral, 274 atlantoaxial joint, 497
Neural arch, 275,410 Nuclear bag fibers,51 diagnosis of,17
Neural hypoacusia diplopia, 70, 197 Nuclear chain fibers, 51 economic cost of, 16
Neuralgia,phrenic, 80 Nuclei, neuronal,49 of hip, 17-19
Neurogenic pain,152, 166 Nucleus pulposus, I l l , 112, 113, 274. See also differential diagnosis of,230-231,
Neuroglia, 49 Intervertebral disc 458-459
Neurologic tests, 175-187 of cervical disc,124 groin pain due to, 458-459
components of,175 herniated, 114, 114-115,121 stages of, 459
deep tendon reflexes, 179, 179-180, 180 pain from degradation of,157 nodal and non-nodal,18
manual muscle testing, 176--177, prolapsed or extruded, 114,115 physical findings in, 17
232-233 sequestered, 114, 115 radiographic, 16--17
neuromeningeal mobility tests,181-187 of thoracic disc, 129 risk factors for,17-20
bowstring tests, 186--187 Nutation, sacral, 452, 452-453 age, 16,17
sign of the buttock, 187 treatment technique for,476-477, 477 estrogen deficiency, 18
slump test, 184, 184-185,185 Nystagmus,56,70,168,169, ]72-173,]97, gender, 17
Spurling's test,203, 203 530 genetic susceptibility,18

immobility,18 central low back pain, 329-330 retropatellar,242

impact,18-19 central low back pain with occasional sciatica,95-96,112,123-124,180
inflammation, 19-20 right radiation,326-328 somatic, 166
nutritional factors,18 groin pain,485-487 spondylogenic, 155-158
obesity,18 headache and neck pain,519-520 structures most sensitive to,54
osteoporosis,18 interscapular pain,441-442 subjective examination of,162-169
race, 17-18 left-sided low back and buttock pain, temporomandibular,537-538,
repetitive activities,18 480-481 550-551
repetitive injury and physical trauma,19 leg pain with walking,330-332 thoracic,158-159, 158t, 164-165,
sports,19 low back and buttock pain,159-161 206-208,208t
temperature, 19 low back and leg pain,135-136 tracheobronchial,158
weight bearing,19 low back pain,328-329 type of,166
sites of, 16-17 low neck pain,133-135,134, 404-405 ureteral colic,151
surgical options for,20 neck pain and arm paresthesias, vasculogenic, 151-153
symptomatic,17 404-405 viscerogenic,149-151, 166
temporomandibular joint,549 pubic pain,487-489 Pain modulation, 57-59
total joint replacement for,16,17 right anterior chest pain, 439-440 chemical, 58,58, 5 9
Osteoblastoma,156 right buttock pain, 214-215, 332-333 gate control theory,57,58
Osteoblasts,14 right sacral and gluteal pain, 99-100 transcutaneous electrical nerve
Osteochondritis,122 right-sided low back,buttock, and stimulation and, 264
Osteoclasts, 14 posterior thigh pain,483-485 neurophysiologic, 59
Osteogenesis imperfecta, 15 right-sided low back and buttock pain, Pain system,53-56
Osteoid osteoma, 156 482-483 pain receptors, 53,54
Osteomalacia, 14,156 right-sided low back pain,481-482 pain transmission,54-55
Osteomyelitis right-sided neck pain,372-373 speed of,53
pyogenic, 155 severe low back pain,136-137 sources of pain, 53-56,56t
tuberculous vertebral,155 subjective examination, 167-168 excessive physical deformation,56
Osteoporosis,13-15,156 symmetrical low back pain,333-334 nerve root compression,56t
calcium and, 14 tail bone pain,481 nerve root irritation,56t
clinical significance of,14-15 u nilateral low back pain,329 referred pain,53,55
conditions associated with,15 cervical,158, 165-166 tissue ischemia,55
fractures due to,13-15,156 chronic,24,53,60 Palpation
osteoarthritis and,18 classification of back pain,243-245 cervical spine,364
type J (postmenopausal),13-14 coccygeal,460 costal,429
type II (age-related),14 differential diagnosis of, 149-161 external auditory meatus,556-557
Oswestry questionnaire, 244 direct interventions for control of,60-61 lumbar spine, 309
Overbite,199,358 fast vs. slow (sclerotomic), 53-55 temporomandibular joint, 555,555
Overhead test, 386,386 groin,230-232,458-459 thoracic spine,420,420-421,421t
Overuse syndromes,3 hyperalgesia,54 Palsy
of anterior or posterior tibialis,242 inflammation and,24 axillary nerve,199
carpal tunnel syndrome,89 intensity of,166 central, 175
at elbow,241 lumbar,159,165,272-273 ( See also Low crutch, 215-216
of supraspinatus tendon,240 back pain) Erb's,84
Oxidative stress,osteoarthritis and, 18 vs. malingering,154-155 hip flexion test for,191
manual muscle testing for,176 Klumpke's,84
Pace's sign,100 manual techniques for relief of,314 obstetrical,84
PADS (postural analysis digitizing system), musculoskeletal causes of, 226-227 peripheral,175
358 myofascial,354 sensory testing and,178
PAG (periaqueductal gray) , descending neurogenic,153-154,166 weakness resulting from, 176
analgesia system of,58,58, 5 9, 61 nonorganic,154 PAM. See Passive articular motion test
Paget's disease of bone,156 testing for,155 Pancreatic carcinoma,151, 158-159
Pain,3, 149-161 produced by intervertebral disc Paraspinal gutter,deep massage to,397
acute,24,53,60, 166 impairments Parathyroid hormone (PTH) ,osteoporosis
aggravating factors for,167 cervical,125-126 and,14
allodynia, 54 lumbar,119-121 Paresis/paralysis,56
associated with thoracic outlet syndrome, psychogenic, 154 Paresthesia,56,70,165,174,197
384 purpose of, 53,60 causes of, 164t, 174t
behavior of,166-167 quality of,54 saddle,165
biliary colic,159 radicular,166 Parkinson's disease,179
case studies of reevaluations of,8 Pars interarticularis,157,274
back and leg pain, 212-214 relieving factors for,167 Partial sit-up,322, 322
bilateral and central upper thoracic reproduction by selective tissue tension Passive articular motion (PAM) test,38
pain,440-441 tests,4 temporomandibular joint,556,556
592 I N DEX

Passive physiologic articular intervertebral Patient education, 8 Plexus, venous

mobility (PPAIVM) tests, 38, 1 67, about intervertebral disc impairments, 1 3 1 peripheral, 286
229 about sacroiliac joint conditions, 480 vertebral, 286
cervical spine, 363-364 about temporomandibular disorders, 557 Pneumothorax, 1 57
uncovertebral joints, 364 Patient history" See Subjective examination PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular
zygapophysial joints, 363-364, 364 Pectoral ring, 4 1 7 facilitation) techniques, for
cervicothoracic junction, 392-393, 393 Pectoralis minor syndrome " See Thoracic whiplash injury, 533
lumbar spine, 307-309 outlet syndrome Polyneuropathy, 79
extension, 308, 308 Pedjcle of vertebra Position testing, 228
flexion, 308, 308 cervical, 343, 344 cervical, 360, 360-361
side-f lexion/rotation, 309 lumbar, 274, 274, 275 cervicothoracic junction, 389
thoracic spine, 425-426 thoracic, 4 1 0, 410 costal, 389, 429, 429
levels T I -6--unilateral extension of Pelvic shift correction, 3 1 9 craniovertebral junction, 504, 504-505
zygapophysialjoints, 426, 426 anterior shift, 3 1 9 lumbar, 301, 301-302
levels T I -6--unilateral flexion of lateral shift, 3 1 9 sacroiliac joint, 46 1
zygapophysialjoints, 425, 425 iliacus, 3 1 9 thoracic, 423, 423-424
Passive physiologic intervertebral mobility quadratus lumborum, 3 1 9 PosteriOl�anterior pressures over vertebra
( PPIVM ) tests, 1 67, 228-229 posterior shift, 3 1 9 cervical, 206, 206
cervicothoracic junction, 391, 39 1 -392, Pelvis lumbar, 197, 1 97
392 anteriorly rotated, 241 t Posterior root ganglion compression, 56
lumbar spine, 302-306, 304 asymmeu"ic, 236 Posterior sh ift, correction of, 3 1 9
extension, 305, 305 pelvic crossed syndrome, 236, 242 Posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS) , 245,
flexion, 303 Peptic ulcer, 1 57 448, 449, 44� 46 1-462, 465, 465
interpretation of, 307t Periaqueductal gray ( PAG) , descending Posterior tibialis reflex, 1 95
with position testing results, 306, 306-307 analgesia system of, 58, 58, 5 9, 61 Postfa cilitation su"etch (PFS) technique, 371
rotation, 306 Pericranium, 543 Postmenopausal women. See also Age/aging
side-f lexion, 305-306 Peripheral nerve lesions, 57, 84-85 calcium requirements of, 1 4
thoracic spine, 424, 424-425 Peripheral vascular disease, 1 52. See also osteoarthritis in, 1 7, 1 8
Passive stability testing Intermittent claudication osteoporosis i n , .1 3- 1 5
cervicothoracic junction, 393-396 Peroneal reflex, 1 95 Postural analysis digitizing system (PADS) ,
an terior-posterior translation­ PFS ( postfacilitation stretch) technique, 371 358
sternochondral and costochondral, Phalen's test, 89 Postural education, 558-559
396, 396 Phonophoresis, 261 Posture, 1 88, 1 98, 233-234
an terior translation-posterior costals, Physical examination. See Musculoskeletal assessment of, 235-236, 387
395, 395 examination anterior view, 236
anterior u"anslation-spinal, 394, 394 Physician's diagnosis, confirmation of, 4, posterior view, 236
compression, 394 1 7 1 , 230-232 u"aditional, 234
disu"action, 393, 393 Physiologic end barrier, 227 common postural syndromes, 240-243
inferior u"anslation-posterior costals, Pia mater, 1 , 78 cervical, 240-24 1 , 353-354
395, 396 Piedallu's sign, 462 etiologies of, 240
posterior translation-spinal, 394, 394 Pigeon chest, 209 interventions for, 242-243
superior inferior translation-anterior Pigmented villonodular synovitis (PYNS) , 549 lumbar, 24 1 -242, 24 l t
costal, 395-396, 396 Pin-prick test, 1 78 factors affecting, 233
transverse rotation-spinal, 394-395, Piriformis syndrome, 99-1 00 forward head, 240, 358, 382-383, 498, 5 1 4
395 sciatic nerve compression and, 1 8 1 effects o n respiration, 551
costal, 43 1 -432 testing for, 1 86 interventions for, 551-552, 558-559
anterior u"anslation-posterior costal, Pisiform pressure, 205 temporomandibular disorder and, 55 1 ,
431, 431 -432 Plan of care, 6-8 553
inferior translation-posterior costal, for patient in acute stage of healing, 226 good vs. poor, 1 88, 233
432, 432 patient-related instruction for, 8 muscle imbalance and, 233-234
superior-inferior translation and reevaluations and, 8 Posture syndrome, 243
an terior-posterior translation­ selection of interventions for, 7-8, 7t PPAIVM tests. See Passive physiologic
anterior costal, 432, 432 worhlng hypothesis for, 6-7 articular intervertebral tests
thoracic spine, 426-428 Platelet-derived growth factor, 24 PPIVM tests. See Passive physiologic
anterior u"anslation-spinal, 427, 427 Plexus, nerve, 380 in tervertebral mobility tests
posterior translation-spinal, 427-428, brachial, 8 1 -90, 82, 85, 382 Pressure sensation testing, 1 78
428 cervical, 79, 80 PRJCE (protection, rest, ice, compression,
rotation-spinal, 428, 428 coccygeal, 98, 98, 99 elevation ) principles, 7, 24, 6 1 , 226
vertical compression test, 427, 427 lumbar, 91-94, 92 Process (es)
vertical distraction stability test, 426, lumbosacral, 153 accessory, lumbar, 274
426-427 pudendal, 98, 98-99 articular
Past medical history, 1 62-164, 1 63t-164t sacral, 94, 94-98 cervical, 343, 344
Patellar reflex, 1 79-180, 1 94, 1 94 subtrapezial, 79 of axis, 496
I NDEX 593

lumbar, 274, 2 74 Pubic symphysis, 450, 450-45 1 , 465 passive physiologic articular intervertebral
sacral, 447, 448 techniques to correct dysfunction of, 4 7 1 mobility, 38, 1 67, 229
thoracic, 4 10 , 4 1 0 home exercise, 471 cervical spine, 363-364
coronoid, 539, 540 inferior or superior pubic symphyseal cervicothoracic junction, 392-393, 393
costal, 343, 344 joint (modified shot-gun ) , 4 7 1 lumbar spine, 307-309, 308
falciform, 449 inferior pubic symphyseal joint, 4 7 1 thoracic spine, 425, 425-426, 426
mamillary, lumbar, 274 superior pubic symphyseal joint, 4 7 1 passive physiologic intervertebral mobility,
spinous Pudendal plexus, 98, 98-99 1 67, 228-229
cen�cal, 343, 344 PVNS ( pigmented villonodular synovitis ) , 549 cervicothoracicjunction, 391, 39 1 -392,
of axis, 496 Pyelonephritis, 1 5 7 392
lumbar, 274, 2 74, 2 75 Pyogenic osteomyelitis, 1 55 lumbar spine, 302-306, 304
Lhoracic, 408, 4 1 0 Lhoracic spine, 424, 424-425
transverse Quadrant tests wiLh axial compression, patient apprehension during, 227
cervical, 344 365-366 temporomandibular joint, 553-556,
of atlas, 495 Quadriped position exercises, 323-325 554-556
of axis, 496 Quadriplegia, 530 Reactive arthritis, 458
fracture of, 1 56 Receptors
lumbar, 274, 2 74, 2 75 Race, osteoarthritis and, 1 7- 1 8 neurotransmitter-receptor complex, 50
t1lOracic, 4 1 0, 4 1 0 Radiation, 259 pain, 53, 54
uncinate, 343, 345, 346 Radicular trunk, 285 periarticular, 20
xiphoid, 4 1 0, 4 1 3 Radiography, 1 29-130 stretch, 5 1 -53
Prolapse o f i n tervertebral disc, 1 14, 1 1 5, Rami of temporomandibular joint, 540
121 dorsal, 380 Reevaluations, 8
anterior, i n adolescent, 1 22 cervical, 78, 497 Rene x ( es)
large posterolateral extrusion, 1 22 lumbar, 284, 284 abdominal cutaneous, 2 1 0
large posterolateral prolapse, 1 2 1 Lhoracic, 9 1 Achilles, 1 94, 1 94
massive posterior extrusion, 1 22 ventral, 380 adductor magnus, 1 95
primary posterolateral, 1 2 1 cervical, 78 auditory, 70, 1 97
secondary posterolateral, 1 22 thoracic, 9 1 , 379 Babinski, 56, 70, 1 69, 1 80- 1 8 1 , 1 97, 207
vertical, 1 22, 122 Rami communicantes corneal, 1 68
Promontory, sacral, 447, 448, 449 grey, 78, 9 1 , 28 1 , 283 deep tendon ( myotatic) , 52, 1 75
Prone knee bending test, 1 86-- 1 87, 187 white, 9 1 testing of, 1 79, 1 79-1 80, 180
Prone push-up test, 461 Range o f motion (ROM) cervical, 204-205, 205
Proprioception, 5 ] active, 38 lumbar, 1 94-195
testing of, 1 78 f1.l I1ctional limitations and, 6 definition of, 1 79
Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation Maitland grading system for, 44, 44-45 extensor digitorum brevis, 1 95
( P N F) techniques, for whiplash restriction of, 38 gag, 1 68, 1 69t
injury, 533 of vertebral segmen ts, 35 Hoffmann, 70, 1 97, 205
Prostaglandin synthesis inhibition, 60 of zygapophysial join t, 228 hyperreflexia, 56, 70, 1 75
Prostate cancer, 1 5 1 , 1 59 Range-of-motion (ROM) exercises, 258 lateral hamstrings, 1 95
Prostatitis, 1 5 1 active, 258 medial hamstrings, 1 95
Protection, rest, ice, compression, elevation active assisted, 258 neuromuscular reflex arc, 59, 1 79, 1 79- 1 8 1
(PRICE) principles, 7, 24, 6 1 , 226 passive, 24, 258 Oppenheim, 70, 1 8 1 , 1 97, 207
Protective reactions, 1 79 Range-of-motion (ROM ) tests, 1 75, 1 90, 227 patel lar, 1 79-1 80, 1 94, 1 94
Proteoglycans active patllOlogic, 1 80- 1 8 1
of articular cartilage, 1 5 , 1 9 cervical, 1 99-200, 359, 359-360 peroneal, 1 95
i n granulation tissue, 25 long neck extension, 1 99 spinal cord, 205, 2 1 0
of intervertebral disc, 1 1 3, 1 1 5 mid-low cervical flexion, 1 99 stretch, 52, 1 79, 1 79-180, 180
cervical, 1 24 rotation, 200 whiplash injury and, 53 1
PSIS ( posterior superior iliac spine ) , short neck extension, 1 99 tibialis
245, 448, 449, 44� 461-462, short neck flexion, 1 99 anterior, 1 95
465, 465 side-flexion, 1 99-200 posterior, 1 95
Psoriatic arthritis, 457-458 cervicoLhoracicjunction, 389-391 Reiter's syndrome, 458
of craniovertebral junction, 5 1 0 ribs, 390, 390-391 Renal tubular acidosis, 15
Psychogenic pain, 1 52 zygapophysial joints, 389-390, 390 Repetitive activities. See a/so Overuse
vs. malingering, 1 53-154 costal syndromes
Psychotllerapy, for temporomandibular first rib, 3 90, 390-39 1 osteoarthritis and, 1 8
disorders, 558 ribs 2 through 1 0, 429-430 Respiration
PTH. See Parathyroid hormone lumbar spine, 297-298 diaphragmatic breathing, 243
Ptosis, 1 74 H and T tests, 298-299, 299 effects offorward head posture on, 551
Pubic bone, 447 patient seated, 1 90, 1 91 muscles of, 4 1 3-4 1 7
Pubic pain, case study of, 487-489 patient standing, 1 88-190, 1 89 open-moutll breaLhing, 1 99, 5 5 1
Pubic stress tests, 469, 469 thoracic, 209, 2 1 0, 4 2 1 -423, 422, 423 pain on, 1 64

Respiration ( conI.) Rigidity, 530 types of,36-37

thoracic biomechanics during,4 1 6-4 1 7 cogwheel, 1 79 unilateral limitation of hip rotation
manubrium motions,388 decerebrate, 1 79 and disorders of, 36
rib motions, 39 1 , 4 1 6-4 1 7, 429-430 decorticate, 1 79 unreliability of tests of, 37
Reverse sit-up, 322, 322 leadpipe, 1 79 Hill's model of,452-453
Review questions testing for, 1 79 muscle groups providing pelvic stability,
biomechanical examination,245 thoracic,4 1 9 454
biomechanics,45 ROM. See Range o f motion pelvic "squishing," 452
cervical spine, 373 Romanus lesion, 1 6 1 sacral torsions and innominate
cervicothoracic junction, 406 Roos/EAST/"hands-up" test, 386, 386 rotations, 455-456
craniovertebral joint conditions, Rotation case studies related to, 480-489
520-52 1 atlantoaxial joint, 497, 5 1 8 left-sided low back and buttock pain,
direct in terventions,265-266 cervical spine, 200, 345, 346, 353 480-481
intervertebral disc, 1 37-138 manual techniques to restore extension pubic pain,487-489
lumbar spine, 334-335 and,368,368 right groin pain, 485-487
musculoskeletal tissue,26 manual techniques to restore flexion right-sided low back, buttock, and
nervous system, 6 1 and, 369-370 posterior thigh pain, 483-485
sacroiliac joint,489 testing of,359, 360 right-sided low back and buttock pain,
scanning examination,2 1 7-220 conjunct, congruent, and adjunct, 42-43 482-483
spinal nerves, 1 00-104 innominate, 453, 453 right-sided low back pain,481 -482
subjective examination, 1 69 instantaneous axis of, 234 tail bone pain,481
temporomandibular joint, 561-562 lumbar spine, 288, 289t clinical significance of, 446-447
thoracic spine,442-443 passive physiologic articular cross straight leg sign and, 1 83
vertebral artery, 72-73 intervertebral movement testing historical perspective on,446-447
Rheumatoid diseases, 1 9 of,309 osteopathic approach to,461-462
of craniovertebral junction, 5 1 0 passive physiologic intervertebral leg length tests, 462
neck pain due to, 1 65 movement testing of,304, 306 long sit test, 462
of sacroiliac joint, 1 57-158, 457-458 mandibular, 546 positional testing, 461
ankylosing spondylitis, 1 58-159 at occipitoatlantal joint, 495 standing flexion test,46 1-462
clinical presentation of arthritis, 458 sacral,236 pathologies and lesions of,457-461
psoriatic arthritis, 457-458 sacroiliac disorders and unilateral ankylosing spondylitis, 1 59-1 6 1
Reiter's syndrome and reactive arthritis, limitation of hip rotation,36 biomechanical lesions, 460-46 1
458 scapular,236 type I sacral torsion, 460-461
Rhine's test, 1 69t thoracic spine,209, 4 1 6, 4 1 7, 4 1 8 type II sacral torsions,4 6 1
Rib hump,208 active motion testing of,422, 422 clinical presentation of arthritis, 458
Rib screen, 42 1 , 42 1 trunk,455 coccydynia,460
Rib (s), 350, 380, 409 Rotoscoliosis, 236 groin pain,458-459
active mobility testing of Round back,208 osteitis pubis, 459
first rib, 390,390-391 Rule of Three, 420, 420-421 pain due to, 1 57-158
ribs 2 through 1 0 , 429-430 Running,osteoarthritis and, 19 psoriatic arthritis, 457-458
anatomy of,409 Reiter's syndrome and reactive arthritis,
articulations with thoracic vertebrae, Sacral crest, 447,448, 448 458
4 1 0-408 Sacral plexus, 94, 94-98 rheumatic disease, 1 57-158
attachment to sternum,409 common peroneal nerve, 97,97-99 review questions on,489
atypical, 409 ischemic impairment of, 1 53 scanning examination of, 1 87-197, 463
biomechanical examination of, 428-432 sciatic nerve, 94-96, 95 ( See also Lumbar and sacroiliac
( See also Costal biomechanical tibial nerve, 96,96-97 scan)
examination) Sacroiliac joint, 446-489 Sacroiliac joint anatomy, 447-452
cervical, 1 98, 383 aging effects on,447 cartilage, 447
metastases to, 1 64 biomechanics of, 452-457 differences from other joints,447
motions of,428 form closure and force closure,453-454 innervation,452
bucket-handle, 4 1 6, 428 functional movements, 35-37 ligaments, 448-450, 449
caliper, 428 backward bending, 455 anterior sacroiliac,448-449
pump-handle, 4 1 6, 428 forward bending,454-455 functions of, 450
during respiration, 39 1 , 4 1 6-4 1 7, gait mechanics, 456-457 iliolumbar, 450
429-430 pelvic asymmetry and low back pain, interosseous sacroiliac,449
palpation of, 429 36 long dorsal sacroiliac, 449-450
passive articular motion testing of, 430, radiostereometric analysis of, 36 sacrospinous, 450
430-43 1 , 431 sacral torsions and innominate sacrotuberous, 450
position testing of,389, 429, 42 9 rotations, 452,452-453, 453, muscles,45 1-452, 45 1 t
stability testing of, 431, 431-432,432 455-456 biceps femoris,452
typical, 409 side-flexion,455 coccygeus,451
Rickets, vitamin D-resistant, 1 4 trunk rotation,455 erector spinae, 45 1

gluteus maxim us, 45 1 to treat nutated sacrum on right, 476-477 Sciatica, 95-96, 1 1 2, 1 23-124, 1 80
iliacus, 451 active mobilization, 476-477, 4 7 7 differential diagnosis of, 1 23
latissimus dorsi, 452 home exercise, 477 due to uterine myoma, 2 1 4-2 1 5
multifidus, 45 1 Sacrum McKenzie exercise protocol for, 1 24
piriformis, 451 anatomy of, 447-448, 4 4 7-448 natural history of, 1 23-124
pubic symphysis, 450, 450-45 1 gait biomechanics and, 456-457 straight leg raising test [or, 1 23, 1 80-1 82,
sacrum, 447-448, 447-448 palpating sulcus and base of, 466 181
Sacroiliac joint biomechanical examination, sacral torsions and innominate rotations, Sclerotome, 78
463-470 45� 452-453, 453, 455-456 SCM. See Muscles, sternocleidomastoid
landmark palpation, 464-466, 465 torsion syndromes, 460-46 1 Scoliosis, 1 , 1 88, 1 98, 208, 236
ligament stress tests, 469-470 type I , 460-46 1 Scotoma, 70, 1 97
iliolumbar ligament, 470, 4 70 type II, 461 Scour test, 230, 231
long dorsal sacroiliac ligament, 470, 4 70 u-eatment of counternutation on right, Screening biomechanical tests, 225-226
sacrotuberous and interosseous 4 75, 475-476, 4 76 cervicothoracic juncLion, 387-389, 388
ligaments, 469-470, 4 70 treatment of nutation on right, 476-477, temporomandibular joint, 502
nonweight-bearing kinetic tests, 467-468, 477 thoracic spine, 42 1 , 421
468 Saddle anesthesia, 207 Selective tissue tension tests, 4
indications [or, 468t Saddle paresthesia, 1 65 Self-care for temporomandibular disorders,
passive range of motion, 466 Saltatory conduction, 50 557
positive results of, 463 Scalenus anticus syndrome. See Thoracic Sensory deficits, 56, 530
pubic stress tests, 469, 469 outlet syndrome Sensory testing, 1 77-179, 1 95
sequence of, 463, 464 Scanning examination, 4, 1 67 , 1 7 1-220, 1 73, cervical, 204
short and long arm tests, 468, 468-469, 469 225 cranial nerve testing, 1 68, 1 69t
stress (gapping) tests, 463-464 case studies of, 2 1 2-2 1 7 dermatome tests, 1 77, 1 77-178
anterior, 1 93 , 1 93, 463, 463 back and leg pain, 2 1 2-2 1 4 light touch, 1 78
posterior, 195, 1 95, 464, 464 bilateral arm and wrist weakness, pin-prick, 1 78
weight-bearing kinetic tests, 466-467 2 1 5-2 1 6 equilibrium reacLions, 1 79
contralateral flexion kinetic test, 467, intermittent leg numbness, 2 1 6-2 1 7 graphesthesia, 1 78
467 right buttock pain, 2 1 4-2 1 5 movement sense, 1 78
extension kinetic test, 466-467, 467 cervical, 1 9 7-206 ( See also Cervical scan) pressure, 1 78
indications for, 468t craniovertebral, 502 proprioception, 1 78
ipsilateral flexion kinetic test, 466, 466 indications for, 1 7 1 protective reactions, 1 79
Sacroiliac joint interven tions, 470-480 interventions based o n findings of, 2 1 2 stereognosis, 1 78
to correct counternutation of sacrum on lumbar and sacroiliac, 1 87-197, 463 ( See temperature, 1 78
right, 475-476 also Lumbar and sacroiliac scan) tonal abnormalities, 1 79
active mobilization, 475, 4 75, 476 negative, 2 1 2 rigidity, 1 79
home exercise, 476 neurologic tests, 1 75-187 spasticity, 1 79
thrust technique, 475-476, 476 components of, 1 75 two-point discrimination, 1 78
electrotherapeutic modalities and physical deep tendon reflexes, 1 79, 1 79-180, vibration, 1 78
agents, 479-480 180 Sequestered disc, 1 1 4, 1 1 5
manual therapy, 245, 470-471 manual muscle testing, 1 76-177, 232-233 Serotonin, in pain modulation, 58, 5 9, 6 1
orthoses, 479 neuromeningeal mobility tests, 1 8 1 - 1 87 Servo-assist mechanism, 5 2
patient education, 480 pathologic reflex testing, 1 80- 1 8 1 Set, 42
for pubic symphyseal joint dysfunction, sensory testing, 1 77, 1 77-179 SF-36 (Shon Form 36) , 4
471 special tests, 1 75-176 Sharp-Purser test, 5 1 4
home exercise, 4 7 1 observation, 1 72-175 Shear stress, 4 2 , 1 1 9
inferior or superior pubic symphyseal possible diagnoses elicited by, 1 71 - 1 72, cervical, 364-365
joint (modified shot-gun ) , 471 2 1 1 -2 1 2, 2 1 2t, 226 anterior-posterior, 364-365, 365
inferior pubic symphyseal joint, 471 masqueraders, 2 1 2 transverse, 365, 365
superior pubic symphyseal joint, 471 review questions on, 2 1 7-220 vertical, 365, 366
to restore anterior rotation of right thoracic, 206-2 1 1 ( See also Thoracic scan) Shiatsu, 256-257
innominate, 471-473 upper and lower scans, 1 7 1 Short arm test, 468, 468
active mobilization, 4 72, 472-473, 4 73 Scapula ( e ) , 348, 350 Short Form 36 (SF-36) , 4
home exercise, 473 developmental descent of, 384 Short neck extension test, 1 99
passive mobilization, 4 7 1 , 4 72 in forward head posture, 382 Shon neck flexion test, 199
to restore posterior rotation o[ righ t manual distraction of, 397 Shoulder (s)
innominate, 473-475 position during arm elevation, 389 abduction of, 239
active mobilization, 473-474, 4 74, 4 75 rotation of, 236 hyperabduction, 384, 386, 387
home exercise, 475 strength tests for retraction in, 40 1 , 401 testing of, 201-202, 202
passive mobilization, 473, 4 73 winging of, 240 flexion exercises for, 323-325
therapeutic exercise, 477-479 Scar formation and remodeling, 25-26 in forward head posture, 382
inner unit, 478 Scheurmann's disease, 1 57, 206, 4 1 0 forward head posture and impairments
outer unit, 478-479 Schmorl's node, 1 22 , 1 22, 1 25 of, 240
596 I N DEX

Shoulder(s) ( cant.) Spasm e n d feel, 4 1 , 230 posterior, 57

observation of, ] 99 Spasticity, 56, 1 74, 530 weakness from, 76
overuse syndromes affecting, 240 testing for, 1 79 thoracic, 408-409
prevalence of pain in, 342 Sphenoid bone, 539 Spinal nerves, 76-104, 77
protraction of, 240-241 Sphinx test, 461 anatomic relationships with spinal cord
shoulder crossed syndrome, 240 Spina bifida, 157 and vertebral column, J20
sh rug test, 387 Spinal arteries, 66 brachial plexus, 8 1 -90, 82
testing rotation of, 202, 202 Spinal cord, 39 axillary nerve, 85, 86
Side-f lexion, 228 anatomic relationships with spinal nerves carpal tunnel syndrome, 89
cervical spine, 1 99-200, 352-353 and vertebral column, 120 lesions of, 84
manual techniques to restore extension meningeal layers of, 78 median nerve, 87-89, 88
and, 368, 368 motor and sensory levels of, 77 musculocutaneous nerve, 85,85-86
manual techniques to restore flexion reflexes of, 205, 2 1 0 peripheral nerves, 84-85
and, 369-370 Spinal cord signs radial nerve, 86, 86-87
testing of, 35 9, 360 cervical, 1 65, 1 98 ulnar nerve, 89-90, 90
cervicothoracic junction, 381 thoracic, 1 64, 1 64t case study: right sacral and gluteal pain,
craniovertebral junction Spinal curvatures, 35, 236 99- 1 00
atlantoaxial joint, 497 cervical, 346 cervical, 78-81
occipitoatlantal joint, 495 in forward head posture, 382-383 anterior primary divisions of, 79
lumbar spine, 289, 289t lumbar, 1 88 cervical plexus, 79, 80
manual techniques for restriction of origin of terms for, ] lesions of first four cervical nerves,
extension and, 3 1 6-3 1 7 scoliosis, 1 , 1 88, 1 98, 208, 236 79-81
passive physiologic articular thoracic, 409-4 1 0 posterior primary divisions of, 79
in tervertebral movement testing Spinal dysfunction coccygeal plexus, 98, 98, 99
of, 309 disablement process, 4-6, 5 double-crush injuries, 99
passive physiologic in tervertebral due to hypermobility or hypomobility of fibers of, 76
movement testing of, 304, 305-306 functional units, 3 motor, 76
sacroiliac joint, 455 historical accounts of, 1 parasympathetic, 76
thoracic spine, 209, 4 1 6, 4 1 7, 4 1 8 lumbar, 289-293 sensory, 76
active motion testing of, 422, 423 Spinal functions, 35 sympathetic, 76
rigid thorax, 4 1 9 Spinal loading, 1 1 7- 1 1 9 lumbar plexus, 9 1 -94, 92
Sign (s) Spinal locking, 39-40 femoral nerve, 92, 93
Bakody's, 198 congruent, 40, 294 lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, 93-94
Beevor's, 9 1 , 208, 2 10 incongruent, 40, 294 obturator nerve, 92-93, 93
Brudzinski, 81 techniques for lumbar spine based on number of pairs of, 76
of the buttock, 1 87, 1 88 coupling, 294-297 pudendal plexus, 98,98-99
cran ial nerve, 56 locking from above, 294-296, 2 95, review questions on, 100-104
cross s\nigh t leg, 1 83 2 96 sacral plexus, 94, 94-98
Forestier's bowstring, 209 locking from below, 2 96, 296-297, common peroneal nerve, 97, 97-99
Hoffmann, 70, 1 97, 205 2 97 sciatic nerve, 94-96, 95
Kernig, 81 Spinal motions. See also Biomechanics tibial nerve, 96, 96-97
Lasegue's, 1 00 biomechanics of, 35, 228 symptoms associated with lesions of, 57, 76
Pace's, 100 cervical, 345, 352-353, 353 thoracic, 9 1 , 4 1 0-408
Piedallu 's, 462 combined, 37-38, 228 dorsal ram i, 9 1
Tinel's, 89 coupling, 35, 35t venu'al rami, 9 1
Tren delenburg's, 1 90 extension, 228 topographic divisions of, 7 6
Sit-up, 322, 322 factors affecting amount and type of, 35 Spinal pathways, 5 0 , 51 t , 52t. See also Tracts
SLR. See S\night leg raise test flexion, 228 o[ cen tral nervous system
Slump test, 184, 1 84- 1 85, 185 Fryette's laws of, 37 Spinal shock, 1 74
Sneezing, pain with, 1 65 historical methods for measurement of, 2 Spinal stenosis
Soft tissue injuries lumbar, 273, 287-289 bicycle test [or, 1 84
cervical, 370-37 1 position tests of, 228 cervical in tervertebral disc abnormalities
muscle tighU1ess, 371 symmeu'ical impairment of, 35 and, 1 25
myofascia.1 trigger points, 354, 367, thoracic, 209, 4 1 5-4 1 7 degenerative, 290-291
370-37 1 Spinal nerve roots intermittent claudication and, 152t,
reflex spasm, 370 dorsal and ventral, 76 290-29 1
healing of, 23-26 exits of, 1 29 pain due to, 1 52
lumbar, 3 1 8-3 1 9 lesions of subjective examination for, 1 65
pain or, 158 anterior, 57 Spinocerebellar tract, 50, 52t
Soft tissue interposition end feel, 40 cervical disc herniation and, 1 26-1 28 Spinoreticular tract, 59
Space compression, 56t Spinothalamic tract, 50, 5 1 t, 55, 1 78
costoclavicular, 383 irritation, 56t Spondyloarthropathies, 1 60
subarachnoid, 78, 8 1 lumbar disc herniation and, 1 1 9- 1 2 1 ankylosing spondylitis, 157, 1 59-1 6 1

H L A-B27 and, 1 60 Stretch reAexes, 52, 1 79, 1 79-180, 1 80 low-i ntensity laser, 559
psoriatic arthritis, 457-458 whiplash injury and, 53 1 manual therapy, 559-561
Spondylogenic pain, 1 54- 1 58 Subjective examination, 4, 1 62-170 medications, 547, 557
due to osseous impairments, 1 55-157 behavior of symptoms, 1 66-1 67 moist heat packs and cold packs, 559
infective, 155 case studies of, 1 67-169 occlusal therapy, 557-558
metabolic, 1 56 joint-specific, 1 64-166 patient education and self-care, 557
neoplastic, 1 55-1 56 cervical region, 1 65-166, 1 97-198 postural education, 558-559
traumatic, 1 56-1 57 lumbar region, 1 65 psychotherapy, 558
due to spondylogenic impairments, temporomandibular joint, 552-553 surgery, 558
1 57- ] 58 thoracic region, 1 64- 1 65, 1 64t, 206-208 transcutaneous elecu-ical nerve
osseous, 1 57-158 nature of symptoms, 1 66 stimulation, 559, 560
soft tissue, 1 58 areas and definition of symptoms, 1 66 nonacute, 552
Spondylolisthesis, 1 57, 1 65, 226, 289-290, 383 intensity, 1 66 outcome of, 548
aging and, 289 type, 1 66 prognosis for, 547
case study of, 326-328 past medical history, 1 62-1 64, 1 63t-164t stages of healing of, 552
definition of, 289 purposes of, 1 62 terminology for, 546
etiology of, 289-290 review questions on, 1 69 Temporomandibular joint ( TMJ ) , 240,
gender differences in, 289 "Succussion," I 537-562
neurologic involvement in, 290 Sulcus, sacral, 466 biomechanics of, 545-546
radiologic findings in, 290 Superman position, 324-325, 325 hinge position, 546
Spondylolysis, 1 57 Surgery mandibular movements, 546
Spondyloptosis, 157 joint replacement, 1 6, 1 7 occlusal position, 546
Spondylosis, 1 57, 345 entrapment sciatic neuropathy and, 1 8 1 rest position, 545-546
Sports participation for temporomandibular disorders, 558 clin ical examination of, 552-557
osteitis pubis and, 459 Synaptic transmission, 50 articular tests, 553-555, 554, 555
osteoarthritis and, 1 9 Synovial Auid, 1 6 dynamic observation, 553
vertebrobasilar artery infarction and, 69 Synovial membrane, 1 6 history taking, 552-553
Sprains, 230 Systems review, 1 49-1 61 . See also Pai n ligamentous stress tests, 555, 556
Sprengel's deformity, ] 98, 354 occlusal tests, 556-557
Springy end feel, 4 1 Tarsal tunnel syndrome, 97 palpation, 555, 555
"Sprung back," 1 58 Tem perature passive articular mobility testing, 556,
Spurling's test, 203, 203 osteoarthritis and, 1 9 556
Stabilization exercises, 320-325 testing sensation of, 1 78 screening examination, 502
regional, 321 Temporal bone, 539 sequence of, 552
level l , 3 2 1 -324 Temporomandibular disorders (TM D ) , 537, static observation, 553
level II, 324-325 546-552 trigeminal tests, 557
segmental, 320-321 acute, 552 imaging studies of, 557
Stereognosis, 1 78 chronic fatigue syndrome and, 547 overview of, 537-538
Sternochondral joint, 380, 409 clinical features of, 547, 550-553 review questions on, 5 6 1 -562
Sternoclavicular joint, 79, 83 joint noise, 550 Temporomandibularjoint (TMJ ) anatomy,
Sternocostal join t, 4 1 3 pain, 537-538, 550-551 538, 538-545
Sternum, 4 1 0-4 1 3 resU-ictedjaw function, 550 compartments, 538
Stiffness, 42 diagnosis of, 538, 552-557 mandibulomeniscal, 538
thoracic, 382, 4 1 8-4 1 9 epidemiology of, 547, 550 meniscotemporal, 538
Stomatognathic system, 537 etiology of, 547-549 fibrocartilaginous disc, 538-539, 539
Stork test, 466, 466 anatomic variations, 548 ligamentous attachments of, 539
Straight leg raise (SLR) test, 1 8 1 -1 84, 182, bruxism and tooth-clenching, 548 ligaments, 540-541
183 internal derangement, 549 capsular, 540
bilateral, 1 83, 1 83-184 malocclusion, 548 sphenomandibular, 54 1 , 541
with cervical spine Aexion, 1 82 osteoarthritis, 549 stylomandibular, 54 1 , 541
cross straight leg sign, 1 83 pigmented villonodular synovitis, 549 temporomandibular, 54 1 , 541
dural signs indicated by, 1 82-183 psychological factors, 547-548 masticatory system, 539
in terpretation of, 1 8 1 trauma, 548 hyoid bone, 539
for intervertebral disc impairment, 1 23, whiplash injury, 528, 548-549 mandible, 539, 540
1 35-137, 1 8 1 fibromyalgia and, 547 maxilla, 539
negative, 1 83 interventions for, 557-561 sphenoid bone, 539
performance of, 1 82 , 182 in acute stage, 560 temporal bone, 539
positive, 1 83 behavioral therapy, 558 muscles, 54 1-545
Stress, 42 biofeedback, 559-560 digaSU-ic, 544, 545
SU-ess relaxation, 1 6 in chronic stage, 560-561 geniohyoid, 544, 544
Stretch receptors, 5 1-53 exercise, 559, 5 6 1 infrahyoid ( "strap" ) , 543-544, 544
Golgi tendon organ, 52-53, 1 79, 1 79 explanation and reassurance, 557 lateral pterygoid, 543, 544
muscle spindle, 5 1 -52 h i-volt elecu-ic stimulation, 559 masseter, 542
598 I N DEX

Temporomandibular joint first thoracic nerve root stretch, Thoracic spine anatomy, 408-41 5
(TMJ) anatomy ( cont.) 209-2 1 0, 21 1 costotransverse join ts, 4 1 2
medial pterygoid, 542-543, 544 slump test, 1 84, 1 84-185, 1 85, 209 costovertebral joints, 4 1 2
mylohyoid, 544, 545 spinal cord reflexes, 2 1 0 differences from cervical and lumbar
stylohyoid, 544, 545 observation, 208-209 spines, 408
suprahyoid, 544 stress tests, 2 1 1 in tervertebral disc, 1 28-129
temporalis, 542, 542 anterior-posterior, 2 1 1 , 2 1 1 kyphotic curve, 408-409
nerve supply, 545 axial compression, 2 1 1 ligaments, 4 1 0, 4 1 0
synovial membrane, 540 traction, 2 1 1 nerve roots, 4 1 0-4 1 1
Tendonitis, 230 Thoracic spine, 408-446 respiratory muscles, 4 1 3-4 1 5
shoulder, 240 ankylosing spondylitis of, 207 diaphragm, 4 1 4
Tendons biomechanics of, 209, 4 1 5-4 1 9 , 4 1 9t intercostals, 4 1 4-4 1 5
Golgi tendon organs, 52-53, 1 79 , 1 79 biomechanical regions, 4 1 7-4 1 8 levator costae, 4 1 5
as inert tissues, 1 75 thoracolumbar junction, 4 1 8 serratus posterior inferior, 4 1 5
inflammation of, 230 vertebrochondral, 4 1 8 serratus posterior superior, 4 1 5
rupture of, 230 vertebromanubrial, 4 1 7 ribs, 4 1 1
Tennis elbow, 76, 240 vertebrosternal , 4 1 7-4 1 8 sternocostal joint, 4 1 3
Tenosynovitis, 230 extension, 4 1 5, 4 1 7, 4 1 8 sternum, 4 1 2-4 1 3
psoriatic arthritis and, 457 flexion, 4 1 5 , 4 1 7, 4 1 8 vascularization, 206
Tenovagi nitis, 230 during respiration, 4 1 6-4 1 7 vertebra, 38 1 , 409, 409-4 1 0
TENS. See Transcutaneous electrical nerve rigid thorax, 4 1 9 T l , 380
stimulation rotation, 4 1 6, 4 1 7, 4 1 8 zygapophysialjoints, 4 1 1
Thermal agents, 258 side-flexion, 4 1 6, 4 1 7, 4 1 8 Thoracic spine biomechanical examination,
cryotherapy, 259 stiff thorax, 382, 4 1 8-4 1 9 420-433
heat, 259-260 case studies related to, 439-442 active motion tests, 209, 210, 42 1-423
for lumbar soft tissue injuries, 3 1 8-3 1 9 bilateral and central upper thoracic mid-low thorax, 422, 422-423, 423
for temporomandibular disorders, 559 pain, 440-441 upper thorax, 422, 422
for whiplash injury, 533 interscapular pain, 441-442 conclusions of, 432-433
Thomas test, 237 right anterior chest pain, 439-440 costal examination, 428-432
modified, 237-238, 238 differential diagnosis of pain of, 1 58-159, observation, 208-209, 420
Thoracic outlet, 379, 383 1 58t, 206-208, 208t palpation, 420-42 1 , 42 l t
Thoracic outlet syndrome (T.O.S. ) , 35 1 , acute cholecystitis, 1 59 Rule of Three, 420, 420-42 1
383-387 acute pyelonephritis, 1 59 passive physiologic articular in tervertebral
areas of nerve entrapment in, 383-384 biliary colic, 1 59 mobility tests, 425-426
branchial plexus anatomy and, 383 mediastinal tumors, 1 59 levels T l-6-unilateral extension of
definition of, 383 myocardial infarction, 1 59 zygapophysial joints, 426, 426
diagnosis of, 384-387 pancreatic cancer, 1 58-159 levels T 1 -6-unilateral flexion of
Adson's vascular test, 385, 385 peptic ulcer, 1 58 zygapophysialjoints, 425, 425
Allen's pectoralis minor test, 385 pneumothorax, 1 59 passive stability testing, 426-428
branchial plexus examination, 386-387 severe esophagitis, 1 59 anterior translation-spinal, 427, 427
costoclavicular test, 385, 385 diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis of, posterior translation-spinal, 427-428,
Cyriax maneuver, 385-386, 386 208 428
hyperabduction maneuver, 386, 387 interventions for, 433-439 rotation-spinal, 428, 428
neurophysiologic tests, 384 electrotherapeutic modalities and vertical compression test, 427, 427
overhead test, 386, 386 physical agents, 439 vertical distraction stability test, 426,
physical examination, 384-385 manual therapy, 433-439 426-427
Roos/ EAST/ "hands-up" test, 386, home exercise program, 439 physiological mobility and combined
386 for joint hypomobility, 433-434 motions-spinal, 424-425
shoulder shrug test, 387 mobilization and manipulation of active mobility testing, 424, 424
historical recognition of, 383 fifth rib, 437-439, 438 anterior-posterior oscillations, 424, 424
interventions for, 387 for myofascial hypomobility, 433, 433 passive physiologic intervertebral
posttraumatic, 384 symmetrical techniques to increase mobility tests, 424
symptom patterns of, 384 flexion at T5-6, 434-436, 434-436 posterior-anterior oscillations, 424-425
terms for, 383 techniques to restore extension glide position testing-spinal, 423, 423-424
Thoracic scan, 206-2 1 1 at T5-6, 436, 436-437, 437 screening tests, 42 1 , 421
cautions for, 206 metastases to, 1 64 sequence of, 420
history taking, 206-208 review questions on, 442-443 subjective/history, 420
patient sitting, 208-2 1 1 subjective examination of, 1 64-165 Thoracolumbar junction, 379, 4 1 8
active range of motion, 209, 2 1 0 cord signs, 1 64, 1 64t Thrombin, 23
costovertebral expansion, 209 pain severi ty, 1 65 Thromboangiitis obliterans, 1 5 1
neurologic tests, 209-2 1 0 pain with deep breath, cough, or Thrombosis, vertebral artery, 67
abdominal cutaneous reflex, 2 1 0 sneeze, 1 64-165 Thrust techniques
Beevor's sign, 209, 2 1 1 tumors of, 207 cervical

distraction technique to restore spinoreticular, 59 Ultrasound, 24-26, 260-261

anterior glide on right, 370 spinothalamic, 50, 5 1 t, 55, 1 78 diagnostic, 2 6 1
to restore motion in posterior quadrant, Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation frequency of, 260-261
368, 369 (TENS) , 24, 61, 263-264 for phonophoresis, 261
to restore right rotational C3-4, 370 efficacy of, 263 physiologic effects of, 261
cervicothoracic junction, 399, 400 proposed modes of action of, 263-264 precautions for, 261
to correct sacral counternutation, central biasing, 264 for whiplash injury, 533
475-476, 4 76 endogenous opiate control, 264 UMN. See Upper motor neuron
lumbar gate control theory of pain, 264 U ncovertebral joints, 197, 343, 346
for symmetrical restriction of extension, for temporomandibular disorders, 559, 560 mobilization of, 369
3 1 5-3 1 6 Transverse friction massage, 26, 255-256 motions at, 352-353, 353
for symmeu'ical restriction o f flexion, contraindications to, 255 passive physiologic articular intervertebral
315 indications for, 255 motion testing of, 364
thoracic spine mechanical stimulation by, 255 Upper limb tension tests (ULTTs ) , 203-204
to restore extension glide at T5-6, 436, performance of, 255-256 axillary nerve, 204
436-437 reactions to, 256 median nerve, 204
rib thrust technique, 438, 438 traumatic hyperemia from , 255 musculocutaneous nerve, 204
Thumb extension, 202 Trauma. See also Fractures radial nerve, 204
Tinel's sign, 89 cervical suprascapular nerve, 204
Tissue hypoxia, 23, 55 headache and, 355-357 ulnar nerve, 204
Tissue loading, 42 subjective examination for, 197-198 Upper motor neuron ( U MN ) , 49
creep and, 42 whiplash-associated disorders, 1 27, impairment of, 1 75, 207
definition of, 42 1 64-165, 524-533 pathologic reflex tests for, 1 80- 1 8 1
hysteresis and, 42 chest, 38 1 Babinski, 180-181
set and, 42 disc herniation due to, 1 22 clonus, 1 8 1
stiffness and, 42 osseous, 1 56-1 5 7 Oppenheim, 1 8 1
stress and, 42 osteoarthritis and, 1 9 Upright rows, 402, 402
Tissue tension tests, 1 81 - 1 8 7 temporomandibular disorders and, 548 Ureteral colic, 1 5 1
bowstring tests, 1 86-1 87 thoracic outlet syndrome and, 384 Urinary incontinence, 1 65
sign of the buttock, 1 87, 1 88 vertebral artery, 68-69 Urinary retention, 1 65
slump test, 1 8 4, 184- 1 85 , 1 8 5 Treatmen t-based classification (TBC) of Urinary tract infection, 1 5 1
Spurling's test, 203, 203 back pain, 244-245 Uterine myoma, 2 1 4-2 1 5
straight leg raise test, 181-184, 182,183 Tree hug, 401, 40 1-402
upper limb tension tests, 203-204 Trendelenburg's sign, 190 Vasculogenic pain, 150-152
TMD. See Temporomandibular disorders Triangle Veins
TMJ See Temporomandibular joint femoral, 92 axillary, 384
Toe standing, 190 in terscalene, 383 basivertebral, 2 75, 2 8 6
Tooth-clenching, 548 lumbar, 348, 350 central, 2 8 6
Torticollis, 198, 199,354-355 suboccipital, 79 deep cervical, 286
acquired, 354 Trigger points, 354 draining lumbar region, 284, 286
cause of, 355 Trunk curl-up, 240, 322, 322 inferior vena cava, 286
congenital, 354 Tubercle (s) in tervertebral, 286
genetics of, 355 of cervical vertebrae, 343 jugular, 286
pure retrocollis and pure anterocollis, atlas, 495, 495 lumbar, 2 8 6
354-355 genial, 540 occipital, 2 8 6
spasmodic, 354 mental, 540 radicular, 2 8 6
case study of, 371-372 pelvic, 449 spinal, 286
spontaneous remission of, 355 pubic, 465 subclavian, 383-384
treatmen ts for, 355 Tuberculous vertebral osteomyelitis, 155 suprascapular, 83
T.O.S. See Thoracic outlet syndrome Tuberosity vertebral, 2 8 6
Total joint replacement, 1 6, 1 7 ischial, 449,465-466 Venous insufficiency, 1 78
Traction, 245 sacral, 447 Vertebrate)
cervical, 367, 370 Tumors, 155-156 anatomic relationships with spinal nerves
for intervertebral disc impairments, 1 32 cervical spine, 158 and spinal cord, 120
cervical, 1 33-134, 2 1 0 mediastinal, 1 59 cervical, 343,343-345, 344
contraindications to, 1 32 pancreatic, 1 5 1 , 1 58-159 atlas ( C l ) , 495, 495, 498
indications for, 1 3 2 prostate, 1 5 1 , 159 axis ( C2 ) , 495-496, 496, 498
lumbar, 1 36, 2 1 0 thoracic spine, 207 end plates of, 112, 1 1 2- 1 1 3
lumbar, 3 1 9-320 uterine myoma, 2 1 4-21 5 fractures of, 156-157
Tracts of central nervous system, 49 Two-poin t discrimination testing, 1 78 osteoporotic, 1 4- 1 5 , 156
dorsal medial lemniscus, 50, 5 1 t lumbar, 273-274, 274
dorsolateral, 59 Ulnar deviation test, 203 number of, I
spinocerebellar, 50, 52t Ulnohumeral impairment, 241 prominens, 344
600 I NDEX

Vertebra te) ( cont.) nephrolithiasis, 1 50-1 5 1 vertebral artery, 529

range and axis of motion of vertebral pancreatic cancer, 1 5 1 mechanism of injury, 525
segments, 35 pancreatic carcinoma, 1 5 1 , 1 58-159 outcomes of, 525, 527-528
in spondylolisthesis, 1 57 peptic ulcer, 1 58 overview of, 524
thoracic, 38 1 , 4 1 0, prostatitis or prostate cancer, 1 5 1 signs and symptoms of, 526, 530
T I , 380 pyelonephritis, 1 50, 1 59 source of symptoms, 527, 527t
tuberculous osteomyelitis of, 1 55 ureteral colic, 1 5 1 types of injuries, 526--5 27
Vertebral artery, 64-73, 285, 344, 496, 501 urinary tract infection, 1 5 1 Wolff, Julius, 2
anatomical parts of, 64-66, 65 Viscoelasticity, 1 5- 1 6 Wolfrs law, 2
intracranial portion, 65-66 Visual blurring, 530 Work station ergonomics, 367
proximal or ostial portion, 64 Vitamin D deficiency, 1 4, 15 Working hypothesis, 6--7
suboccipital portion, 65, 66 biomechanical examination for
transverse portion, 64 Walking generation of, 229
anomalies of, 67 case study of leg pain with, 330-332 scanning examination for generation of,
branches of, 66--6 7 effect on low back pain, 1 65 1 7 1-220
intracran ial, 67 gait biomechanics, 456-457 Wound healing
muscular, 67 heel, 1 90 intervention plan for patient in acute
spinal, 66 Wall corner stretch position, 404, 404 stage of, 226
development 0(', 64 Wall slide exercise, 324, 324 stages of, 23-26, 250t
examination of, 70-72 Wallenberg's syndrome, 56, 70, 1 74, 1 9 7 inflammation, 24
in dizzy patient, 7 1 Weakness neurovascular stage, 24-25
lower part, 70, 7 1 case study of bilateral arm and wrist remodeling, 25-26
upper part, 70, 7 1 weakness, 2 1 5-2 1 6 Wounds
groove for, 495 testing for, 1 76 acute vs. chronic, 23
percen tage of cerebral blood flow Weber, Eduard, 2 con tractures of, 25
supplied by, 67 Weber's test, 1 69 t definition of, 23
review questions on, 72-73 Weight-bearing kinetic tests, 466-467 tensile strength of, 25
Vertebral artery insufficiency, 67-70, 346 con tralateral flexion kinetic test, 467, 467 Wrist drop, 86, 87
dizziness and, 69 extension kinetic test, 466-467, 467 Wrist extension/flexion testing, 202
case study, 7 1 indications for, 468t
due t o dissection, 68-70 ipsilateral flexion kinetic test, 466, 466
X-rays, 1 29-130
activities associated with, 68-70 Weight shifting exercises, 324, 325
Xiphisternum, 410, 4 1 3
due to external compression, 68 Well-leg raising test of Fajersztajn, 1 83
internal causes of, 67-68 Wernicke's encephalopathy, 1 74
arteriovenous fistula, 68 Whiplash-associated disorders, 1 27, 1 64-165, Z line, 2 1
atherosclerosis and thrombosis, 67-68 524-533 Zygapophysial join ts, 1 9 7
fibromuscular dysplasia, 67 causes of, 525 age-related changes of, 282
signs and symptoms of, 70, 1 9 7 definition of, 524-525 cervical, 345-346
testing for, 1 97, 206 epidemiology of, 525-526 at atlantoaxial joint, 495
whiplash injury and, 529, 5 3 1 examination for, 529-53 1 pain related to, 353
Vertebral canal, 274 stretch reflexes, 531 passive physiologic articular
cervical, 347 headache after, 355-356 intervertebral motion testing of,
Vertebrochondral region, 4 1 8, 4 1 9t incidence of, 525 363-364, 364
Vertebromanubrial region, 4 1 7, 4 1 9t indications for gentle approach to, 528 cervicothoracic junction, 380, 381
Vertebrosternal region, 4 1 7-41 8, 4 1 9t interventions for, 53 1-533 active mobility testing of, 389-390, 390
Vertigo, 1 73, 530 acute phase, 5 3 1 -533 passive physiologic articular
cervical, 528-529 cervical collar, 366, 532 intervertebral motion testing of,
subjective examination of, 1 68-169 electrical muscle stimulation, 533 392, 3 93
vertebral artery insufficiency and, 69, 7 1 exercises, 532-533 position testing of, 389
Vesalius, 1 patient education, 5 3 1 degeneration of, 1 1 6t
Vestibular dysfunction, 38 rest, 5 3 1 functions of, 282
Vibration sensation testing, 1 78 thermal agents, 533 lumbar, 281
Viscerogenic pain, 1 48-1 5 1 , 1 66 ultrasound, 533 hypermobility of, 302
acute cholecystitis, 1 59 chronic phase, 533 hypomobility of, 302
areas of cutaneous referral from, 1 50 goals of, 531 innervation of, 284
biliary colic, 1 59 subacute phase, 533 motions of, 228
clin ical c haracteristics of, 1 49-150 litigation related to, 525 pathology of, 226--2 27, 302
differential diagnosis of, 150 major areas of involvement in, 528-529 thoracic, 409
esophagitis, 1 59 cen tral nervous system trauma, 528 active motion testing of, 42 1 -423
gynecologic disorders, 1 5 1 cervical spine, 528-529 unilateral extension of, 426, 426
kidney disorders, 150 temporomandibular dysfunction, 528, unilateral flexion of, 425, 425
myocardial infarction, 1 59 548-549 Zygoma, 542

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