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Regarding the instrument’s validity, the present study has used methods to ensure

a significant percentage of validity. These methods include ensuring that the instrument is

valid, meaning it measures what it is supposed to measure, which was conducted by

randomly selecting twenty (20) eligible participants of the study’s sample before the

essential instrument distribution. Those participants were sent out online forms to fill out

the instrument and give feedback about their understanding towards each question of the


The results indicated that the instrument’s questions were understandable to the

five participants and, more importantly, the instrument is valid. This means that it

measures what it has been designed to measure, which is what the researchers aims to

answer at the end of this study.


Cronbach’s Alpha Test is used to see if multiple-question Likert scale surveys are

reliable. It interprets if the test designed is accurately measuring the variable of interest.

Concerning the internal consistency reliability for the scale, the present study has

a scale that consisted of 5 categories. In particular, they were asked to assign at least one

preferred value proposition that characterize these services among the following: (1)

Economically Accessible (give easy payment options, have curated promotions and

deals); (2) Delivery Speed (have real-time tracking of delivery); (3) Flexibility

(scheduled delivery, easy ordering); (4) Simplicity to use (Intuitive and easy user
interface); and, (5) Reliability and Trustful relation with courier (chat or call support)

(Reid-Martinez & Grooms, 2018, 2021).

(see appendix C for questionnaire). A Cronbach’s Alpha test was conducted, after

collecting the data, on all 20 items to measure the internal consistency reliability of the

items. The value of the Cronbach’s Alpha for those 5 categories was 96.20%, which is an

indication of the excellent level of the internal consistency reliability for all items. (See

tables 2.1 & 2.2)

Table 2.1

Interpretation Scale of Cronbach’s Alpha Test

Cronbach's Alpha Internal Consistency

0.90 and above Excellent
0.80-0.89 Good
0.70-0.79 Acceptable
0.60-0.69 Questionable
0.50-0.59 Poor
below 0.50 Unacceptable

Table 2.2
Measure of Internal Consistency and Validity Results
Variables Value Internal
No. of items 20
Sum of the item 14.26303855
Variance of total 165.7052154
Cronbach's Alpha 0.962026556 Excellent

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