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Map the significant technological breakthrough  to each industrial revolution and the individual  or 

company who facilitated  the development of  the technology. Need small picture  and the date of
the technology (show in a table form). 

1st INDUSTRIAL Mechanization water and Steam Power

- 1780 The first revolution mechanised the textile industry. The invention
of steam power to power the new factory system which transformed
textile industry, allowing for much higher production at a lower cost.

Between 1702 and 1712, Thomas Newcomen developed a crude,

inefficient steam engine that was used to pump water out of coal
In 1769, James Watt improved the Newcomen’s engine and began to
manufacture engines for sale to manufacturers. Watt’s engine
provided a source of power that allowed factories to be located
where animal, wind, and water power were lacking. In 1781 Watt,
former toy man Boulton and Murdoch built the ‘rotary action steam
engine’. This was the major breakthrough because it could be used to
power machinery, and in 1788 a centrifugal governor was fitted to
keep the engine running at an even speed.

2nd INDUSTRIAL Mass Production and Electricity

- 1860 The second industrial revolution gave us the assembly line, high
volume industrial production and high mass consumption. The
invention and utilization electricity, petroleum and steel led to
Electrically-run machinery, industrial equipment, personal appliances
and medical breakthrough in the second industrial revolution.

Thomas Edison invented thefirst incandescent light bulb that was

long-lasting and practical for wide use. In 1879, Edison and his team
of inventors had created the electric light bulb that could be used by
the common person. Edison realized that few homes or businesses
during that time could get electricity, so he built the first power plant
that began supplying electricity to dozens of New York City buildings
in September 1882. In the late 1880’s, George Westinghouse built a
power system that could send electricity across many miles.
3rd INDUSTRIAL Computers, Automation, and Globalization
1969 The third allowed information to be captured in digital format and to
be cost-effectively transformed, manipulated and transmitted.The
Third Industrial Revolution, or Digital Revolution, began in the late
1900s and is characterized by the spread of automation and
digitization through the use of electronics and computers, the
invention of the Internet, and the discovery of nuclear energy.

In 1947, the first working transistor, the germanium-based point-

contact transistor, was invented by John Bardeen and Walter Houser
Brattain while working under William Shockley at Bell Labs.[8] This led
the way to more advanced digital computers.

The first computer was invented by Charles Babbage (1822) but was

not built until Alan Turing revived the idea of a ‘universal machine’
and investigated its theoretical powers.

4th INDUSTRIAL Digitalization

REVOLUTION - The fourth industrial revolution has provided us with robotics,
2000 artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and virtual reality.
Google, MIT Media Lab, MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence
Laboratory, Hal Abelson, Ellen Spertus facilitated the developments in
the 4th In dustrial Revolution.

5th INDUSTRIAL Mass Customization

2020 The Fifth Industrial Revolution (5IR) can be summarized as the
combination of humans and machines in the workplace.

In delivering customisation and personalisation Additive Manufacture

(AM) is also rapidly developing into mainstream. And nickel-
containing alloys are amongst the most popular to manufacturer
additively, delivering familiar and new properties alike. The
combination of AI and AM is just one of many possibilities for more
sustainable and bespoke manufacturing in the future.
And what could be more futuristic and in need of more sustainability,
novel construction and AI than space travel. Elon Musk’s SpaceX
reusable rockets are set to change the economics of space
exploration, with a little help from nickel and additive manufacture.

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