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Literature Review: Liposorber

NURS 363: Principles of Practice: Research as Foundation for Practice

A Literature Review of Liposorber treatment with Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis:

A Successful Intervention in Comparison to Chemotherapy Treatment.

Purpose of the Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to acquaint the student with research literature and the process
of utilization of research to guide nursing practice/interventions.

Approach to the Assignment

I approached this assignment by carefully selecting a topic to research with my group. I wanted
to choose something I was not familiar with so I could take advantage of the opportunity to
increase my knowledge on a subject I was not familiar with. We used credible resources to
research and evaluate the different interventions and their success rates.

Reason for Inclusion

I felt this research paper was important to include in my electronic portfolio because it showed
my ability to collaborate with others, demonstrates my ability to write an informative evidence-
based research paper using APA format, and to correctly use the nursing research process.


 Considers the impact of research outcomes and the effects of the health and
social policies, on persons from diverse backgrounds.
o This disease is most common in African American males and rates of the
disease have been increasing which is thought to be directly related to
chronic inflammation and obesity. A simple intervention for this disease
includes lifestyle changes that the individual can make. FSGS causes
podocyte injury that creates a kidney malfunction so it is important that
the individual’s blood pressure should be maintained within acceptable
ranges and one intervention for that is by following a low sodium diet.
African Americans are more likely to suffer from hypertension, which
studies have proven is directly related to their diet. These are some
changeable risk factors that are directly linked to an individuals culture.
o FSGS is estimated to be responsible for 40% of adult nephrotic syndromes
and 20% of pediatric nephrotic syndromes and has an incidence of 7 per
million. FSGS has an estimated prevalence of 4% and is the most common
primary glomerular disease resulting in end-stage renal disease in the
United States.
o A treatment for FSGS is a kidney transplant, but within some cultures this
is not an acceptable treatment because of their cultural beliefs and
practices, so the medical professional, patient and family would need to
discuss alternatives or end of life care.


 Uses information technologies to communicate health promotion, risk reduction,

and disease prevention.
o The entire paper discusses symptoms of FSGS, interventions that a patient
can take to help with symptoms and numerous treatments for FSGS. It
focuses on treatments such as lipsorber, chemotherapy, kidney transplant,
diet changes and medications. Patients and their support systems will need
educated on the numerous treatment options and facts about the disease
and the disease process. Literature shows that liposorber is an effective
treatment with Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis as an alternative
therapy to chemotherapy treatment. The outcomes of Liposorber treatment
showed improvements of symptoms causing Nephrotic Syndrome as well
as improvement in rates of remission. Although both therapies have their
benefits and risks, it’s ultimately up to the patient and care team to
collaborate and find the most effective treatment for them.

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