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Professional Image of a Nurse

NURS 401 Professional Nursing

Purpose of the Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is for the student to assemble a PowerPoint presentation. In
addition the student will organize content about their value/viewpoint of the professional image
of a nurse. There is no right or wrong to the content.

Approach to the Assignment

To complete this assignment, not only did I evaluate my own opinions of what I felt was a
professional image of a nurse and what I feel is acceptable, but I also researched changes in the
overall views for the image of a nurse. For example, not many years ago tattoos were not
acceptable and nurses were expected to wear nursing skirts or dresses versus now majority of
nurses wear scrub pants.

Reason for Inclusion

I included this not only to show I recognize the value in maintaining a professional image of a
nurse in my career, but also to help fulfill photograph requirements. This slideshow has several
photographs of me in my work environment and some of my coworkers. I feel the way you
present yourself as a nurse is important and is something my instructors in nursing school
stressed to us. I feel you need to arrive to work presentable and neat with a professional attitude.


 Articulates the value of the profession and the role of the nurse as a member of
the interdisciplinary health care team
o My slideshow emphasizes on the importance of a nurse’s character.
She/he should be a patient advocate, empathetic, uses proper English
without profanity, honest and trustworthy, and have the ability to maintain
a calm state even in a stressful situation. I also emphasizes the importance
of arriving to work on time, maintaining a neat and professional
appearance and even materials needed to come to work prepared such as
stethoscopes, penlights, pens, a watch and due to recent events 3-layered
o I also discussed how COVID has changed the nursing process related to
COVID and standard contact precautions according to the Virginia
Department of Health.

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