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Ice #25
Mammoth #19
Great #24
The Trappist -1


This system of seven rocky worlds

all of them with the potential for water on
their surface
The Trappist -1


In February 2018, a closer look at the seven planets suggested that some could harbor
far more water than the oceans of Earth, in the form of atmospheric water vapor for
the planets closest to their star, liquid water for others, and ice for those farthest
away. That research pinned down the density of each planet more precisely, making
TRAPPIST-1 the most thoroughly known planetary system apart from our own.
The Trappist -1


All seven planets discovered in orbit around the red dwarf star
TRAPPIST-1 could easily fit inside the orbit of Mercury, the
innermost planet of our solar system. In fact, they would have
room to spare. TRAPPIST-1 also is only a fraction of the size of
our Sun; it isn't much larger than Jupiter. So, the TRAPPIST-1
system's proportions look more like Jupiter and its moons than
those of our solar system.

The seven planets of TRAPPIST-1 are all Earth-sized and

terrestrial. TRAPPIST-1 is an ultra-cool dwarf star in the
constellation Aquarius, and its planets orbit very close to it.

TRAPPIST-1e is similar to Earth's mass, radius, density,

gravity, temperature, and stellar flux.

And It is also confirmed to not have a cloud-free hydrogen-

dominated atmosphere, meaning it is more likely to have a
compact atmosphere like the terrestrial planets in our solar
The Trappist -1

> In a press release on February 22, 2017, NASA announced the discovery of the most Earth-sized planets found in
the habitable zone of a single star, called TRAPPIST-1 - is an exciting discovery in the search for life on other worlds.
There is the possibility that future study of this unique planetary system could reveal conditions suitable for life.

> In February 2018, closer study of the seven planets suggested that some could harbor far more water than the
oceans of Earth, in the form of atmospheric water vapor for the planets closest to their star, liquid water for others,
and ice for those farthest away. The study pinned down the density of each planet more precisely, making
TRAPPIST-1 the most thoroughly known planetary system apart from our own.

> A 2021 study revealed more about TRAPPIST-1 planets. They are likely made of similar stuff, but they are
different than Earth. That could mean they all contain about the same ratio of materials thought to compose most
rocky planets, like iron, oxygen, magnesium, and silicon. But if this is the case, that ratio must be notably different
than Earth's: The TRAPPIST-1 planets are about 8% less dense than they would be if they had the same makeup as
our home planet.
The Trappist -1

> TRAPPIST-1b, the innermost planet, is likely to have a rocky core, surrounded by an
atmosphere much thicker than Earth’s.

> TRAPPIST-1c also likely has a rocky interior, but with a thinner atmosphere than planet b.

> TRAPPIST-1d is the lightest of the planets – about 30 percent the mass of Earth. Scientists
are uncertain whether it has a large atmosphere, an ocean or an ice layer Scientists

> TRAPPIST-1e is the only planet in the system slightly denser than Earth, suggesting it may
have a denser iron core than our home planet and it has a much rockier composition than the
rest of the planets. In terms of size, density and the amount of radiation it receives from its
star, this is the most similar planet to Earth.

> TRAPPIST-1f, TRAPPIST-1g and TRAPPIST-1h are far enough from the host star that any
water they might possess could be frozen as ice across these surfaces. If they have thin
atmospheres, they would be unlikely to contain the heavy molecules of Earth, such as carbon
The Trappist -1
The Trappist -1

Trappist -1 was detected by transmit method. in which the
dimming effect that a planet causes as it crosses in front of its
star is measured.

The Trappist -1

Spitzer space telescope
Kepler space telescope
Hubble space telescope
and James Webb Space Telescope.
The Trappist -1

The TRAPPIST-1 system contains a total of seven

planets, all around the size of Earth.
Three of them > TRAPPIST-1e, f and g are habitable
zone. The habitable zone, or Goldilocks zone, is a band
around every star where astronomers have calculated
that temperatures are just right not too hot, not too
cold for liquid water to pool on the surface of an Earth-
like world.

While TRAPPIST-1b, c and d are too close to be in the
systems likely habitable zone, and TRAPPIST-1h is too
far away, the planets discoverers say more optimistic
scenarios could allow any or all of the planets to

harbor liquid water.
The Trappist -1

The first observations of the TRAPPIST-1
system reported in 2016 revealed three
planets orbiting a small, red-dwarf star,
though the exact location of the outermost
one, was not well-determined (yellow
band, top image). Follow-up observations
with NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, as
well as ground-based telescopes,
dramatically changed our understanding of
this system, revealing a total ofseven
planets in Earths size range.The original
TRAPPIST-1d was found to have actually
been the mixed-up signals of three other
planets e, f, and g (yellow orbits, bottom
image), and an entirely new d and h were
also added to the system.
Ice #25
Mammoth #19
Great #24

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