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- Earth's climate is changing multiple lines

of evidence show changes in our weather,
oceans ecosystem and more.
- Natural causes alone cannot explain all of
these changes.
- Human activities are contributing so much
to climate change primarily by releasing
billions of tons of carbon dioxide and other
heat dropping gases known greenhouse
gases into the atmosphere every year.
- Climate changes will continue to the
- The more greenhouse gases we emit the larger future
- Climate changes will be changes in the climate system affect our health, environment,
and economy it's a matter of how are we going to adopt but are we adapting, maybe
yes? Because we are very intelligent to the point that we are making all these problems
but what about the others. Can they dream of having a better environment? Can they
believe that everything is goanna be okay, can they survive?


- Living organisms requires certain physical

conditions in order to survive the survival of
organisms, can be equated to habitability.
- Habitability is just the ability of the physical
environment to support life and for these
organisms to survive they need to
- Interact with the physical environment.
Organisms usually interact with the physical
1. over generations or long-term time scale
2. shorter periods or shorter time scale in over
- In many generations the physical environment is a guiding force of natural selection
while over shorter periods the physical environment influences an organism's physiology
and resource availability.

- One of the assumptions to many people

is that the terms weather and climate are
at some level interchangeable.
- The two terms are confused with one
another presumably because the same
elements such as solarization, humidity,
wind speed and direction or even
precipitation make them what they are
but there is more to the story.
- The main difference between weather
and climate is duration


- Weather as in weather forecast refers to short-term condition in the atmosphere in

particular location or region or it is the set of conditions in the atmosphere in one
location for a limited period such as throughout the day at night or at any point during the
- When your local meteorologists even Kuya Kim of tv patrol says that today will be partly
sunny and high humidity.
- He is talking about the weather conditions for some portion of a given day.
- Moreover, weather conditions change from hour to hour and even moment to moment
for a single point, Neighborhood town or city on earth's surface.


- Climate however describes the average condition of the atmosphere over a long
period of time
- such as across spans of 30 years or more for a given location
- climate conditions on the other hand are far less volatile and they are often used to
describe larger areas such as parts of countries all countries or even groups of
- Climate conditions also differ between one part of the planet and another. For example,
we know that Africa Sahara has a much hotter and drier climate than our country
 the reason behind this is the forces that shape the atmospheric conditions in these
two areas are vastly different for this it's easy to see why people who equate weather
with climate might not see the problem of climate change as a big deal since the
weather is always changing
 but when climates change even slightly the consequences can be much more severe
than an afternoon of inclement weather in the wild, for example, specialist plants and
animals that have evolved to adapt to one set of climate conditions face the
challenge of being thrust suddenly into conditions that do not suit them hence
adaptation is now a big problem for them.


- Earth's weather patterns like for example

the distribution of rainfall is influenced by
the solar radiation intercepted by earth's
atmosphere and earth's rotation and
movement especially in the aspects of
prevailing winds and ocean currents
- Solar rotation by definition is the
electromagnetic energy of stream of
photons produced by the sun photons
behave as waves and particles depending on how they are observed since solar rotation
is the electromagnetic energy. This electromagnetic energy is measured in terms of
wavelength which is the physical distance between successive wave grass it is also
measured by frequency which is the number of graphs that pass a given point per
second for a simple recall.
- All objects emit radiant energy and the energy emitted depends on the temperature of
the object it is coming from the hotter the object is the more energetic the photons and
the shorter the wavelength.


- This figure alone is self-explanatory,

generally only 51 of the solar rotation that
reaches the top of the earth's atmosphere is
actually absorbed by the earth's surface.
The remaining solar rotation is primarily
reflected and scattered by the atmosphere
and clouds.
- Once the sun's energy reaches earth it is
intercepted by the atmosphere, a small part
of the sun's energy is directly absorbed particularly by certain gases such as ozone and
water vapor.
- Some of the sun's energy is reflected to space by clouds and the earth's surface most of
the radiation however is absorbed by the earth's surface when the radiation is absorbed
by a substance the atoms in the substance move faster and the substance becomes
warm to the touch this absorb energy is transformed into heat energy. This heat energy
plays an important role in regulating the temperature of the earth's grass surface waters
and lower atmosphere.
- Every surface on earth absorbs and reflects energy at varying degrees based on its
color and texture.
- Shiny or smooth objects reflect more while dull or rough objects absorb more
- The difference in reflection impact temperature water and climate.

- Intercepted solar radiation also varies

season and that is because of the sun
and earth's relationship. The amount of
solar radiation Intercepted at any point
on earth's surface varies by latitude
with a gradient of decreasing
temperature from the equator to the

- So there's a decrease in temperature

from the equator so going from the equator to the poles so that's the trend there so as
the latitude increases usually the temperature starts to decrease so that is what you
mean by decreasing temperature from the equator to the poles, moreover seasons are
the result of earth steel and earth's movement in
the case of earth's movement it has a 24 hour
rotation and a yearly movement around the sun, the
earth completes one rotation each day and the earth completes one revolution around
the sun each year.

- These figures shown are the remaining topics and I just want you to GO OVER THE
BOOK LIKE the weather patterns such as air temperature, air pressure. The role of
Coriolis effect, the global precipitation, and the abnormal phenomena the El Nino and La


- In summary climate change encompasses not only rising average temperatures but also
extreme weather events shifting wildlife populations and habitats rising seas and a range
of other impacts. All of those changes are emerging as humans continues to add heat
trapping greenhouse gases to the atmosphere changing the rhythms of playmate that all
living things have come to rely on.
- What will we do what can we do to slow this human cause warming? how will we cope
with the changes we've already set into motion? while we struggle to figure out of the
fate of our earth as we know it coasts forests farms and snow cup mountains hangs in
the balance.

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