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-The word Internet evolved from the terms Inter for international and Net for network. It
refers to a global collection of interconnected networks - a network of networks. Also
known as WWW(World Wide Web).

What is NETWORK?
-is a collection of computers, servers, mainframes, network devices, peripherals, or other
devices connected to one another devices connected to one another to allow the
sharing of data.


-A collection of inter-connected communication and computer equipment and
resources that enable sharing and distribution of information in an office building,
warehouse or campus.


-two or more interconnected LAN a bigger network called WAN.

-transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol

Internet Protocol Addressing (IP)

-is the default protocol for routing data.


-The three-letter code indicates the types of organization and the part just before the
zone indicates the specific organization.


➢ Email(electronic mail)- compared to ordinary snail mail, email is faster and
more timely, reaching the destination within an hour at the most.
➢ Mailing Lists, Discussions Groups- provides a means of users to electronically
correspond as a group and are usually associated with a special interest.
➢ Remote Logins- provides a means for users to logon to an internet fileserver;
users can engage in friendly chat and use server resources.
➢ Search Engines- Provides internet users with the ability to search a specific
➢ World Wide Web- provides a means for users to access multimedia information
using threaded access called hypertext
• Computer- a modern or a similar device and a connection are required only
wen the users is not connected to a local area network.
• Modern- a modern is needed to dial-up connections. If you are connected via
a LAN. In most cases, the company has direct access to the ISP.
• Telephone Line- a leased line and a cellular network are available locally for
connecting ISP’s.
• Hardware- the physical component of computer system, composed of input,
output and storage devices.
• Software- applications that run in your computer, they provide the means for the
human and computer to communicate.
• OS operating system, the environment where all your applications will run.
• RAM- random access memory.
• ISP- internet service provider, is a company that provides internet connection
services to the general public.


• Dedicate leased line- a connection used by large organizations such as
universities and government departments, the fastest form of connection thus,
the most expensive.
• Direct Connection- involves buying PC server, configuring it, and leasing some
fiber optic cable or similar transmission media; your computer becomes a node
on the network.
• Dial up Connection- most common and the cheapest form of connection a
user dials into an ISP every time a connection is needed; the slowest form of
connection nowadays.
• Broadband Connection- a high speed “always on” connection recommended
for small to medium size organizations.


• TELEPHONE LINE- for dial up connections
• ETHERNET- physical connection to LAN
• WIFI WIRELESS- connecting wirelessly to access points (hotspots); your PC has to
have it’s own wireless adapter or card to connect.
• BLUETOOTH- more common in cellphones. PDA’S and other devices to
communicate among them-selves not normally for internet connectivity.
• UPLOAD- process by which a computer sends data to the internet.
• DOWNLOAD- process by which a computer receives data from the internet.
WORLD WIDE WEB – is a set of software applications or programs that allow both
distribution of and access to information of the internet.

HYPERTEXT- Documents residing on Web servers all over the world can be linked
together and the reader navigates between them simply by clicking on highlighted

UNIFORM RESOURCE LOCATOR (URL)- is the standard way to give the address of any
resource on the Internet that is part of the WWW. It provides a single, standardized way
of describing almost any type of information that is available in cyberspace.

NAVIGATION TOOLBAR- allows you to access a Web site by entering its URL in the
address box provided.

➢ Back
➢ Forward
➢ Reload
➢ Stop

MENU BAR- The menu bar has several menu buttons. Clicking on one will open up a
drop-down menu selection where selected operations can be performed.

➢ File
➢ Edit
➢ View
➢ Bookmarks

MAIN DISPLAY PANEL- This is the area where the contents of a Web page are
rendered and displayed. This display area can be made full screen by either selecting

NAVIGATION TAB BAR- Browse multiple Web sites within one browser so you don’t
open several Mozilla windows.

PORTAL- is a Web site that acts as a gateway for providing information as well as links to
other sites providing information about your topic

SEARCH ENGINES- provides internet users with the ability to search for specific

ELECTRONIC BUSINESS- (e-business) is comprised of e-marketing, e-commerce, and

eoperations. Let’s look at brief definitions of them, respectively, to begin this course with
the top summary view.

E-BUSINESS- The application of Internet technology to streamline all aspects of business

E-MARKETING- Building an online presence, showcasing a company, and providing
detailed information. (The majority of small businesses on the Internet today are actively
doing e-marketing.

E-COMMERCE- Selling products and services online, conducting payment, handling

transaction details, and supporting automated customer inquiries.

E-OPERATIONS- Streamlining of business processes and steps to enhance business

efficiencies between functional departments of a company. (This also includes
streamlining the supply chain between your company and key suppliers.


What is HTML? is the standard markup language for crediting web pages.

-HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language

-HTML elements are the building blocks of HTML pages

-HTML are represented by <> tags.

• <!DOCTYPE html> defines the documents to be HTML5

• <html> is the roof element of an HTML page
• <head> elements contain meta information about the document
• <title> specifies a title for document
• <body> contains the visible page content
• <h1> defines a large heading
• <p> defines a paragraph


Elements that are surrounded by angle brackets;

• HTML tags normally come in pairs like <p> and </p>

• The start tag is also called the opening tag
• The end tag is also called the closing tag.

HTML Headings

HTML headings are defined with the <h1> to <h6> tags.

<h1> defines the most important heading and <h6> the least important headings.

HTML Paragraphs

Are defined with the <p> tags


The purpose of web browsers is to read the HTML documents and display them.
HTML Formatting Elements

<b> </b> (bold text)

<strong> </strong> ( important text)

<i> </i> (italic text)

<em> </em> (emphasized text)

<small> </small> (smaller text)

<sub> </sub> (subscripted text)

<sup> </sup> (superscript text)

<ins> </ins> (inserted text)

<del> </del> (deleted text)

<mark> </mark> (marked/highlighted text)

<tag name align =”direction”> ( specifies the alignment according to surrounding


HTML Attributes

• HTML attributes are found in HTML tags.

• HTML attributes only appears at start tag. It will never be on end tag.
• HTML elements can have multiple attributes.
• HTML attributes are composed of name/value pairs.
• They are some attributes that can be used on all HTML elements though they
may not have effects on some elements called GLOBAL ATTRIBUTES.

HTML attributes compose of:

An attribute name, An equal sign , A value surrounded by quotations mark “value”

Ex: attributename:”value”

Empty Elements

Are elements that do not have an element content and an end tag.

• <meta />
• <link />
• <img />
• <br />
• <hr />
• <input />

Attribute lang Example

“lang” defining the language of html file.

Attribute href Example

Nagbibigay direction sa link

Attribute Title Example

Nagpoprovide ng tool tip sa isang element

Attribute Style Example

Attribute to change style/color/size and font

• Background color <body style =”background-color:green;”>

• Text color <p style=”color:red”> I am a paragraph</p>

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