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Quarantine Service in Bangladesh

 Md. Hafizur Rahman

 Deputy Director
 Plant Quarantine Station
 Hazrat Shahjalal Int’l Airport,Dhaka
 Bangladesh
Organizational Strength
 Recently Plant Quarantine Wing of DAE has
been formed with headed by Director with
314 personnel.
 We have 30 plant quarantine stations.
Among these stations:-Land border check
post-23,International air port-3,Sea port-
2,River port-1,Inland container depot
 Besides these PQ centers, the head quarter
at Dhaka carry out the regulatory functions
and it also serves as a PQ station.
147570 Square Km

North-India (West Bengal & Meghalaya), West-India
(West Bengal), East-India (Tripura & Assam, Myanmar),
South-Bay of Bengal

Climactic Variations
The climate of Bangladesh is sub-tropical to tropical
monsoon marked by sweltering temperature and high
humidity. Bangladesh has mainly four seasons:
Summer (Mar-May), Area
147570 Square Km

North-India (West Bengal & Meghalaya), West-India
(West Bengal), East-India (Tripura & Assam, Myanmar),
South-Bay of Bengal

Climactic Variations
The climate of Bangladesh is sub-tropical to tropical
monsoon marked by sweltering temperature and high
humidity. Bangladesh has mainly four seasons:
Summer (Mar-May), Monsoon (Jun-Sep), Autumn (Oct-
Nov) and Winter (Dec-Feb)

1194 mm to 3445 mm (average during monsoon June-

Plant Quarantine Service
 In 1966 Pakistan endorsed ‘Destructive
Insects and Pests Rules’
 In 1974 Bangladesh became the member of
 In 1989 Bangladesh amended the
Destructive Insects and Pests Rules’1966
and the rules is still on
 ‘Plant Quarantine Act-2011’ has been
passed in 2011
 New Rules yet to be formulated.
NPPO of Bangladesh
The Plant Quarantine activities of the
country at national level are under the
Director of Plant Quarantine Wing of the
Department of Agricultural Extension
under the Ministry of Agriculture. He is
serving as NPPO of Bangladesh
Organizational Strength
 Recently Plant Quarantine Wing of DAE has
been formed with headed by Director with
314 personnel.
 We have 30 plant quarantine stations.
Among these stations:-Land border check
post-23,International air port-3,Sea port-
2,River port-1,Inland container depot
 Besides these PQ centers, the head quarter
at Dhaka carry out the regulatory functions
and it also serves as a PQ station.
Function Of Plant Quarantine Wing

 Enforcement of “Destructive Insects and

Pests Rules, 1966 (Plant Quarantine)
amended up to July, 1989”.

 Incorporate new Rules and Policies on

Plant Quarantine.

 Promote Plant Quarantine Activities at the

Check Posts of the Entry Points.
 Issuance of Phytosanitary Certificate
for export of agricultural products.

 Issuance of Import Permit for importing

Agricultural Products.

 Issuance of Release Order of Plant


 Recording & Interception of Pests and

Main Import (Plant & Plant Products)

 Rice, Wheat, Maize

 Raw cotton
 Fresh fruits
 Pulses
 Oil seeds
 Spices
 Timbers
 Vegetables
Main Export (Plant & Plant Products)
 Jute and Jute products
 Tea
 Tobacco
 Vegetables , Fruits and Potato
 Frozen vegetables, fruits
 Food stuffs and Food items
 Handicrafts, bamboo basket
 Aromatic and fine rice and spices
Quarantine Station in Bangladesh.
• Land port-23
• Sea port-3
• Airport-3
• River port-1
• I C D-1
• I C T-1
• Total-32
Major Markets Destinations of Vegetables and Fruits

7% 42% Kuwait
9% Bahhrain

 Lack of awareness about plant quarantine system
among different stakeholders ( at policy level, high
officials, businessman and mass people level)

 There is a clear structure and division of

responsibilities within the plant health service but
the NPPO is an independent body to carry out its
tasks effectively in line with the international

 The financial resources for the NPPO are provided

from the state budget. The NPPO is under the
Director General of the Department of Agricultural
Extension under the Ministry of Agriculture.
Export Supply Chain Management

 Absence of direct linkage

 Procure through middlemen / farmers
 Transportation in bus top or loaded truck
 Lack of supervised production, poor PHH & almost
absence of cool chain management

 Graded & packed in the sheds of exporter

 Traditional exporters packed in bamboo baskets &
2nd hand paper cartons. No traceability system in

 Acute shortage of air cargo space

Constraints of exportation to EU
 Exporters may be limited by various ways
- Potato is ban item to EU Markets
-Threats of additional restriction
Citrus for canker
Vegetable for Thrips and Fruit flies.
Ground nut, chick pea for Khapra beetle.
Mustard oil/Pickle for Urucic Acid
Chanatur for Aflatoxin.
Citrus Export (Constraints)
Additional declarations wanted by defra
- The fruits shall be free from peduncle and leaves
and the packaging shall bear an origin mark
-The fruits shall be free from Cercopora
angolensis and Guignardia citricarpa
-Official control of Xanthomonas campestris
(Bacterial canker)
- official monthly inspection during 3 months
prior to harvesting
- Fruits should be treated with sodium
orthophenyl- phenate (Article- 15 of EU directives)
Requirements in the EU markets
 Produce may be subject to random
testing at point of entry, MRLs or other
chemical contaminants;

 Detailed information and records on

primary production and post-harvest
handling to satisfy the requirements
specified under EC/852/2004 and
EC/2073/2005 for ensuring food safety of
products of non-animal origin
5 Years Export Report

Name of Products 2012 2013 2014 2015

Name of Products

Vegetables 11,000 mt 7000 mt 11200 mt 35000 mt

Zara Lemon 120 mt 240 mt 253 mt 1350 mt

1.Some strategic Agricultural export
• Vesetables-All kinds of gourds(Snake gourd,
bottle gourd,sweet gourd,ash gourd,bitter
gourd, spong gourd,Pointed gourd etc.)
Leafy vegetables, Aroid & Taro, Green Papya,
Plantain etc.

• Fruits-Mango,Jackfruit,Guava,Jujubee,Olive,
Hog palm,Papya,Citrus,Burmese grap etc.
2.a)Main Destination Market

• EU- UK,Germany, France, Italy, Greece etc

• Middle East- KSA, UAE, Quait, Qatar, Oman

• Others- Srilanka, Malayasia, Singapore etc.
2.b)Other Potential Markets
• Russia for Potato
• Japan & Korea for Mango
• Indonsia for Potato
• Twaian for Betel leaf
3.Key Challenges in export agricultural
products to International Markets
• Lack of Export Facilities
• Lack of Experts
• Lack of Phytosanitary Meassure
• Lack of infra structure
• Lack Digonostic Facility
4.What can be done to support for
export these products
• Incrase export Facilities
• Quarantine Peoples should be expertise by
trainning home and abroad.
• Increase Phytosanitary capacity
• Increase Infrastructure for export of good
quality and pest free agricultural products.
• Increase Laboratory facilities.
5.Which are the relevant standards,
food quality, food safety institutional

• Bangladesh Stadard and Testing

• Food Safety Laboratory
6.Specify some ways that Public and
Private sectors can work together to
improve export situation

• Bangladesh Government established a new

theme named Public Private Partnership(PPP)

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