Circle of Life

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The Circle of Life

The poem is about the journey of a soul after death. It starts off with its existence in the open sky
and its beautiful waves existing in the nothingness of space, stating that this brings it hope that
creation would still continue, as it did from nothingness. This in itself is a marvel that traps those
who seek out inspiration because of its sheer volume and boundlessness. Then it talks about how
even in creation, beings go through the circle of life, step by step. And at each step they take actions
which fuel their own karma. If they take actions that go against what is good and right, they end up
creating their own incinerator, a bed of fire that’ll come back to burn them when they lay on it.

Then it talks about how one can rise from this retribution like a phoenix, after rebirth and then again
aim for lofty goals, the imaginary and seek to satisfy his dreams. It states how one can seek more
from life this time around and that the Universe with its entire breadth and magnitude, as visualized
by the open plains of Kagalagadi, would be enough for it to satisfy these goals. As the soul speaks of
being enlightened by the light of the Dog star and being reborn in that light, it moves from existence
into the flux between life and death. This causes a thunderstorm to start on the earth, with clouds
pouring as others wait their turn to rain while lightning and thunder rain symbolic fire, splitting apart
the landscape.

As the soul traverses through this chasm and towards rebirth, it sees the angels in its path,
extremely unique except for the fact that they truly were introspecting, hoping to reach their own
form of enlightenment. And unlike what you would imagine, the war they were fighting wasn’t with
demons but themselves, as even the human souls did. Unlike the humans, they did not have
unrequired temptations, that would often get imprinted onto a human soul over its life, through its
movement from creation to life and to death (as depicted by the Greek gods), moving through the
cycle so fast that we don’t seek to even cleanse ourselves of these.

As the soul moves forward through the chasm, it gets lost in its own thoughts, where it starts to lose
its sanity wavering between righteousness and incoherence as it faces sudden changes in moods,
thinking of going against the established path and of rioting against rebirth. It is implied that this is
because it wants to break free of life and rebirth to attain Advaita, as the angels themselves seek.

As this happens, it receives the last call to be reborn, leaving us wondering as to whether it took the
path to rebirth and went back to the circle of life or decided to exist in the open space between life
and death, never to return.

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