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Laboratory 4

(Major 9 Agroforestry Extension

Models and Approaches)

Submitted to: Ms. Marivel Ortega

Submitted By: Ligay, Paulo Y.


TITTLE : Training on Nursery Management and Plant Propagation

IMPLEMENTING UNIT : Local Government Unit of Roxas

COLLABORATOR : Department of Environmental and Natural Resources

PARTCIPANTS : Farmers and Residents in Brgy. San

Mariano, Roxas, Oriental Mindoro

DATE : December 16, 2022

VENUE : Brgy. San Mariano Plaza, Roxas,

Oriental Mindoro


Nursery management may be defined as the sum of the activities performed for
the successful production, care, and marketing of different planting materials (seeds,
seedlings, cuttings, etc.) in a different nursery section. Conducting employees properly,
maintenance care and protection of properties, etc.

The nursery business is a major part of the green industry and landscape
profession. It is a significant contributor to the overall economy of many states. The
nursery business has been around for centuries, and it is still a vital part of our society.
There are many different types of nurseries, but all share one common goal: to provide
plants to the marketplace.

There are several key components to successful plant nursery management. The
first is production. Nurseries must produce healthy plants that meet industry standards.
This requires proper facilities, equipment, and personnel. Production must also be
timed correctly so that plants are available when they are needed in the marketplace.
Nurseries also need to have a good marketing plan. This includes determining
who their target market is and what products they will offer.

Essential management practices arc briefly presented below-

1. Management of protective fence: Time to time, repairing work of the fence

may be needed.

2. Management of roads and paths: To keep the roads and paths free from
dust and mud, earth filling and lawn mowing may be needed.

3. Management of irrigation and Drainage channels: Channels prepared in

the nursery should be kept clean for the easy and quick flow of water by removing
weeds and silts.

4. Management of water sources: Care of the tube well, pond, etc., is to

ensure water supply during need.

5. Management of temporary plants: Optimum quantities of nutrients and

irrigation water are to be plied to the seedlings, saplings, cuttings, layers, and grafts
grown in the containers and in a different section of the nursery whenever required.
Proper measures against pests and diseases are to be taken. Weeding, mulching, and
training are common practices. Extra soil with a sufficient amount of organic matter
may be needed to add with the growing media of containers and beds.

6. Management permanent plants: For healthy growth and development,

proper care and maintenance like pruning, manuring, irrigation, application of
insecticides and fungicides against pests and diseases, etc., are to be taken for the
permanent plants. To provide shade and to supply stock, scion, and other planting

7. Management of planting material during marketing: At the beginning of

the pick period of marketing, the planting material is kept ready for immediate sale in
attractive condition. Carefully Ming of Seedling, grafts, layers, cutting, etc., is
performed by the laborers.
8. Management of structure: Measures are to be taken to keep the nursery
structure like a greenhouse, lath house, net house, polytunnel working shade, office
storeroom, etc., in good working condition.

9. Management of tools and equipment: To ensure high quality and the

maximum quantity of work, the tools and equipment must always be kept in good
condition (Sharpe and rust-free).

10. Management of staff: Cordial relations must be maintained with the staff

to describe their duties and responsibilities properly, sincerely, and efficiently with

In conclusion, nursery management is an important aspect of horticulture. By

following the proper procedures and guidelines, nursery owners can ensure the health
and vitality of their plants. By providing proper care, plants can be grown and sold for
profit, or used in home gardens. Nurseries provide an important service to both the
horticulture industry and the general public.

Since farmers and residents of San Mariano are our main clientele, this training is
introduced for practical understanding of the advantage of nursery management for their
main problem. It is important that nursery practices are favorable for maintaining
physiological processes of seedlings that will result in high capacity for growth and

survival after outplanting. These include preparation of nursery beds, soil management,
planting procedures, control of seedling density, use of fertilizers, irrigation, and pest
control. These are some advantages of nursery management;

 It is possible to provide favorable growth conditions i.e. germination as well as


 Better care of younger plants as it is easy to look after nursery in small area against
pathogenic infection, pests and weeds.

 Crop grown by nursery raising is quite early and fetch higher price in the market,
so economically more profitable.

 There is saving of land and labour as main fields will be occupied by the crops
after 1 month. More intensive crop rotations can be followed.

 More time is available for the preparation of main field because nursery is grown

 As vegetable seeds are very expensive particularly hybrids, so we can economize

the seed by sowing them in the nursery. 

In support of Department of Environmental and Natural Resources, a seminar

will be conducting on December 16, 2022 and will be start exactly 9:00 am onwards at
San Mariano Plaza, Roxas, Oriental Mindoro to introduce some new technique that
could play a significant role to their nursery management in various plants.


The farmer participants will be;

 gain information about the importance and benefits of nursery management

 able to understand how nursery management works
 adapt and engage more in nursery management


The training shall be attended by interested participants of farmers and local

residents in Brgy. San Mariano, Roxas, Oriental Mindoro.

Content of the Training

1. Introduction or training overview

2. Importance of Nursery Management
3. Demonstrations and Discussions of Preparation of Nursery Beds
4. Demonstrations and Discussions of Composting
5. Demonstrations and Discussions of Soil Preparation (Potting Media)
6. Demonstrations and Discussions of Raising Seeds and Seedlings
7. Demonstrations and Discussions of Pest & Disease Management
8. Demonstrations and Discussions of Plant Propagation (Marcotting and Grafting)
9. Open forum about the topic.


 Lecture or discussion
 Open forum
 Actual demonstration of resource person

Expected Outcome:

The participants or the farmer who attended the training will be able to:

 learned more about the importance of nursery management

 engage more to nursery management
Training on Nursery Management for Resource Speaker

Name of Evaluator: Date:

Speaker Name:


Score each of the following aspect of the Presentation on scale of 1 to 5

1 2 3 4 5
Excellent Good Average Needs Improvement Poor

5 4 3 2 1
Very well-prepared speaker
Comprehending of Subjects
Excellent and Comprehensive Slide
The handout added value to the training.
The topic is pertinent to the theme.
Give good instances
Provide pertinent facts on the subject.
Presented in a logical and straightforward order
My expectations had been met.
Speech clarity
Capability to respond to a question
The speaker was entertaining and receptive.

Remarks (if any):

Training on Nursery Management Overall Evaluation Form



Please respond to the following question by using the rating scale below:

1 2 3 4
Excellent Good Fair Poor
1 2 3 4
Learning Objectives
I comprehended the learning objectives.
I acquired knowledge and skills that are relevant to the learning
I understand the expected outcome of participating in this training.
I found the information such as presentations, handouts, and others to
be straightforward to follow and navigate.
I discovered that the complexity and degree of depth of the content
match my background and expertise.
Content Relevance
I anticipate being able to implement what I've learned today.
I believe that the training has provided me with the necessary knowledge
and abilities.
Facilitator Knowledge
The facilitator's expertise enhanced my understanding.
The facilitator's experience and example increased my learning.

Facilitator delivery and style

I participated actively in the training session.
I received enough of opportunities to practice or display the abilities that
I requested during the session.
During the session, I had adequate opportunity to ask questions and

receive responses.

I was happy with how fast it went and how long it went for.
Facility and environment
I found the area and layout to be favorable to learning, free of
interruptions, and comfortable.

Remarks (if any):

Facilities and Equipment

 Laptop
 LCD projector
 Camera/ Video Cam for documentation
 Training Kits (grafting/budding knife, wrap graft, etc.)
 Extension Wire
 Chair
 Table
 Seedlings

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