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MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.

Westinghouse F4F Slave Protocol
1MRS756644 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Westinghouse F4F Slave Protocol
Issued: 31.3.2010
Version: A/31.3.2010
Configuration Manual

Copyrights .....................................................................................5
1. Introduction ...............................................................................7
1.1. This manual ...................................................................................7
1.2. Document revisions .......................................................................8
2. Instructions ................................................................................9
2.1. Application programming ..............................................................9
2.2. Data transfer between the base system and Westinghouse .........9
2.2.1. Cross-reference handling ...................................................9
2.3. Analog inputs ..............................................................................10
2.3.1. Indications ........................................................................11
2.3.2. Time tags .........................................................................11
2.3.3. Pulse counters .................................................................11
2.4. Process output data ....................................................................12
2.4.1. Process commands .........................................................12
2.4.2. Analog setpoints ..............................................................12
2.4.3. System start-up ................................................................12
2.5. Device attributes .........................................................................14
2.6. Line attributes ..............................................................................18
3. Configuration example ...........................................................19
4. Index .........................................................................................21

1MRS756644 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Westinghouse F4F Slave Protocol
Configuration Manual

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1MRS756644 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Westinghouse F4F Slave Protocol
Configuration Manual

1. Introduction

1.1. This manual

This manual provides thorough information on the Westinghouse F4F protocol and
needed information related to it. It describes the implementation of the interface
between SYS 600 and the control center using F4F protocol.
In order to fully understand the concepts outlined here, the reader should be familiar
with the SCIL programming language, and general SYS 600 application techniques.
General knowledge about Westinghouse F4F protocol is also needed.

General principles
Since the Westinghouse outstation and SYS 600/PC-NET are completely different
hardware platforms, the protocol emulation is somewhat restricted and it should
therefore not be assumed that all features available in the Westinghouse outstation
are available in the PC-NET implementation.
The general strategy used in this implementation can be summarized as follows:
• The Westinghouse control center sees SYS 600 as a Westinghouse outstation.
• SYS 600 contains the necessary protocol conversion features that enable it to
send and receive F4F telegrams.
• The SCIL application program in base systems sees the SYS 600 F4F-emulator
as a WES type device.
• Commands and output messages sent by the control center are seen as process
inputs to the SCIL program. When this kind of input is activated, the application
reads the input value and performs scaling and address conversions, before it
activates the desired output.
• The PC-NET has an internal database for data that must be sent to the control
center. The control center sees the PC-NET internal database as inputs.
The cross-reference information needed to associate data in the base system with the
corresponding Westinghouse objects is included in the process objects of the base

SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756644

Westinghouse F4F Slave Protocol

Configuration Manual

Hardware and software environment

The following picture describes the minimum system:


control center Base System IED



Fig. 1.1.-1 Hardware and software environment

1.2. Document revisions

Version Revision number Date History

A 9.3 31.3.2010 New document

1MRS756644 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Westinghouse F4F Slave Protocol
Configuration Manual

2. Instructions

2.1. Application programming

The application program of SYS 600 is responsible for the data transfer process
between the local process database and the Westinghouse control center. The
application program can read and write data from/to a PC-NET internal database
using communication attributes. The PC-NET has an internal database to store all
information of the process objects which must be sent to the control center. The
PC-NET internal database simulates the IO-data of a real Westinghouse outstation.
All IO-data of the Westinghouse outstation is memory mapped the following way:
• One outstation contains 32 IO-modules.
• Each module contains 8 words.
• A word has 16 bits.
• Each word has two configuration parameters: a group number and a category
The address ranges are:
• Module number:0..31
• Word number:0..7
• Bit number:0..15
The group number of a word determines to which data reduction group this (analog)
object belongs. It is possible to use only analog data with group numbers. When
category numbers are used, the data objects are divided into 8 different priority
levels. The control center polls each priority level with a certain polling cycle.
The group and category information is automatically updated by the control center
when the outstation is restarted.
The PC-NET can simulate several Westinghouse outstations simultaneously. Each
virtual outstation has an ordinary device number (1..255) and a station address.

2.2. Data transfer between the base system and Westinghouse

2.2.1. Cross-reference handling

The association between SYS 600 objects and Westinghouse objects (IO-module
and word numbers) is implemented using cross-reference information of the process
Cross-reference information is added to the process object with the process object
editor. Information is kept in the FX and FI attributes.
The general syntax for an FX cross-reference is:

SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756644

Westinghouse F4F Slave Protocol

Configuration Manual

Logical STA number (range 1..255). The value is stored as 3 right justified ASCII
digits with leading spaces added if necessary. STA_NUMBER uses positions 1..3 of
the FX string.

The address of the Westinghouse object. The address is coded from the IO module
number and word number the following way:

ADDRESS uses positions 4..6 of the FX string.

Bit number range 0..15. This is used only if the process object is an indication. The
BIT_NUMBER uses string positions 7,8 of the FX string.
The FI attribute is used for commands and setpoints which are coming from the
control center. The base system database has intermediate process objects for the
setpoints and commands. There is a certain relation between the object address (OA
attribute) of the process object, the module number and the IO number information
associated with setpoint and command messages. The FI attribute of the
intermediate process object informs the SCIL program which is a process object
index (of SRIO). The process object index is connected to that output, see Section

2.3. Analog inputs

The following command procedure is activated each time the process object is
updated. It reads the updated value and sends it to the PC-NET internal database. If
the value of the word number in the PC-NET internal database is changed more than
the data reduction factor, the PC-NET sends a new value to the control center. When
the Westinghouse control center uses analog inputs as 12 bit value, some kind of
scaling may also be required.

1MRS756644 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Westinghouse F4F Slave Protocol
Configuration Manual

2.3.1. Indications
Indications are manipulated using the ID attribute. The ID attribute changes the state
of one bit in an object word. This means that if double indication is used, it is
necessary to update two ID attributes. The value of the changed word is transferred
directly to the control center, without using any data reduction mechanism. The
following example shows the usage of single indications:

2.3.2. Time tags

Time tag events are generated using the EV attribute. Time tag events look like
single indications with time stamp, which indicates the time when the change
occurred. It is not allowed to write time tags to the PC-NET, before the internal time
of the PC-NET is synchronized by the control center. The situation of the time
synchronization can be checked on the TI attribute. The following example shows
the usage of single indications:

2.3.3. Pulse counters

The Westinghouse outstation has special counter cards for pulse counting. The
implementation of the pulse counters for the PC-NET has some limitations. This is
due to the fact that the addressing of these counters differs from the normal input
cards and because the hardware has specific commands. The PC-NET does not
simulate any counter commands (for example freeze counters) and it is possible to
use only the first four counters of the card (0..3). The value of the pulse counter uses
two successive 16-bit words. The actual values of the pulse counters are stored in
the least significant 16-bits in a 24-bit long word. The highest 8-bits have hardware
specific information of the state of the pulse counters. This information is simulated
by adding a constant to the actual counter value. The following example shows the
usage of the pulse counters:
#SET STA’STA_NR’:SAV(%BLK_NR+1) = ROUND(%AI) DIV 65536 + 36864

SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756644

Westinghouse F4F Slave Protocol

Configuration Manual

2.4. Process output data

Since the SYS 600 application sees the protocol converter as a WES type device, the
data is transferred from the control center to the application as process input. When
this kind of input is updated, the value is read by a command procedure and, if
necessary, converted before it is written to the actual output object. The command
procedure is activated through an event channel which is bound to the input object.

2.4.1. Process commands

The process commands from the Westinghouse control center are handled as digital
inputs, with the object address (OA attribute) in the range 256..4095. The relation
between the object address and the actual address of the command is the following:
Object address = 128*IO_MODULE+16*WORD_NUMBER+BIT_NUMBER+256

When the PC-NET receives a process command message, it reads the object number
from the message and activates the SYS 600 process object with this object address.
Then it sets its value according to the command.
Below is a command procedure that is used when no special processing is required
for a command:
@OBJ_IX = ‘LN’:PFI(‘IX’)

2.4.2. Analog setpoints

Analog setpoints are seen as AI process objects. The object address (OA attribute)
range is 0..254.
The relation between the object address and the actual address of a setpoint is the
Object address = 8*IO_MODULE+WORD_NUMBER
Object address 255 is reserved for time synchronization information.
Below is a command procedure that is used to handle analog setpoint when no
special processing is needed to setpoint value.
@OBJ_IX = ‘LN’:PFI(‘IX’)

2.4.3. System start-up

When the systems is restarted, the PC-NET program is started automatically and the
configuration must be loaded from SCIL. See example in Chapter 3.
After the start-up, the PC-NET does not reply to any telegrams from Westinghouse,
because its internal database is undefined. The first thing that the application must
do is write all data to the PC-NET internal database that have to be sent to the control
center. This is done with the communication attributes AV and ID. When the PC-
NET internal database is updated, the application program must set the DI attribute
to 1 to start the communication between the systems.
It is not allowed to transfer time tagged events before the control center has
synchronized the clock of the PC-NET. The TI attribute of the PC-NET informs
when the time is synchronized.

1MRS756644 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Westinghouse F4F Slave Protocol
Configuration Manual

The handling of the clock depends on the type of time synchronization. The
Westinghouse remote terminals may have two types of time synchronization:
• With PIP time synchronization (PIP sync), the control center performs the time
synchronization by sending the time and a PIP code to slave devices by using a
special PIP card. Because the PC-NET cannot reply correctly to the PIP code, this
method does not work without changes in the PIP card.
• With soft synchronization (soft sync), the control center sends a certain message
to set the internal time of SYS 600. The PC-NET supports the soft
synchronization method directly.
The synchronization type affects the handling of the PC-NET internal time, because
the control center sends the absolute time to the PC-NET with PIP sync, but not with
soft sync. This means that with PIP sync the control center updates the time of the
PC-NET internal clock every time when synchronization occurs (every 12 min.).
Correspondingly, SYS 600 may synchronize the process devices to have the same
time as in the control center. The base system can detect the moment of the
synchronization using a process object, which is reserved for this purpose (analog
setpoint with the object address = 255). The PC-NET updates the value of that
process object every time it receives a PIP sync message.
With soft sync, the control center does not send new time to the slave, it only stores
the time of the synchronization.

Start up procedure with PIP synchronization:

1. Write all data (indications, measurands and pulse counters), which must be sent
to the control center, to the PC-NET internal database.
2. Write the PIP code to the PD attribute.
#SET NET1:SPD3=52309
3. Set time sync mode to 1 (it is always allowed to update the internal clock).
4. Start communication between the PC-NET and control center by writing to the
flag DI =1
#SET STA51:SDI = 1
;Time synchronization
when OA 255 is updated, time sync is received from the control
center (the PC-NET and the base system have the same clock)
;Timed events
writing time tagged events to the PC-NET is allowed after the first time
synchronization (STA51:STI == 1)

Start up procedure with soft synchronization:

1. Write all data (indications, measurands and pulse counters), which must be sent
to the control center, to the PC-NET internal database.
2. Set time sync mode to 0 (only first time sync is processed)

SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756644

Westinghouse F4F Slave Protocol

Configuration Manual

3. Start communication between the PC-NET and control center by writing to the
flag DI =1
#SET STA51:SDI = 1
;Time synchronization
after every 10 min. (time channel), the process may be
;Timed events
writing time tagged events to the PC-NET is allowed after the first time
synchronization (STA51:STI = 1).
Contact your local supplier for more information, if required.

2.5. Device attributes

The WES station has the following attributes:

AL Allocation
The F4F interface is reserved for a particular application. The value should always
be 1.
Access: R/W
Index range: no indexes
Value range: 1

AS Allocating Application
The application number of the application has reserved the F4F interface.
Access: R
Index range: no indexes
Value range: 0..250
0 = no application

AV Analog Value
The changes in the analog measured values that are to be sent to the control center
are written to this attribute. The value must change more than the data reduction
factor parameter before it can be transmitted to the control center.
Access: R/W
Index range: 200..317
Value range: 0..65535
The relation between the attribute index and the Westinghouse addressing is the
Index = 10 * IO module number + word number

1MRS756644 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Westinghouse F4F Slave Protocol
Configuration Manual

IO module = 20, Word number = 1, New value= 1111
#SET STA51:SAV(201)=1111

CN Category Number
This attribute determines the transmission priority of certain IO words. All category
numbers are automatically downloaded by the control center when the system starts
Access: R/(W)
Index range: 0 .. 317
Value range: 0..7

DI Database Initialized
At system start-up the PC-NET sets DI to 0. When the base systems has updated all
values in the PC-NET internal database, this attribute has to be set to 1 by the
application program. The PC-NET does not answer to polls before the DI attribute
equals 1.
Access: R/W
Index range: no indexes
Value range: 0 .. 1

EV Timed Event Values

By writing to the attribute EV, the base system is able to send an indication with time
stamp to the control center. The content of the EV attribute can also be read back,
but then the value indicates the number of the events in the time tag queue that are
waiting to be transmitted to the control center.
Access: R/W
Index range: 0..199
Value range: vector
Vector: <TIME>,<BIT_NR>,<VALUE>
Time: Time formatted with RTU_ATIME function
The relation between the attribute index and the Westinghouse addressing is the
Index = 10 * IO module number + word number
IO module = 10, Word number = 2, Bit number= 3 New value= 1
#SET STA51:SEV(102)=(RTU_ATIME(%clock),3,1)

SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756644

Westinghouse F4F Slave Protocol

Configuration Manual

FT Data reduction factor table

This attribute determines the data reduction factors of the groups. The data reduction
factors can only be used with analog measurands. All the group numbers are
automatically downloaded by the control center when the system starts up.
Access: R/(W)
Index range: no indexes
Value range: vector
Vector: (f0,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7)
f0: Data reduction factor for group 0

GN Group Number
This attribute determines the data reduction group of an IO word. All the group
numbers are automatically downloaded by the control center when the system starts
Access: R/(W)
Index range: 200 .. 317
Value range: 0..7

ID Indications
By writing to the ID attribute, the base system is able to send the new value of a
binary object to the control center. If the bit number is 16, the value is used as 16 bit
analog value.
Access: R/(W)
Index range: 0 .. 199
Value range: Vector
Vector: (<BIT_NR>,<VALUE>)
BIT_NR: 0..15,16
VALUE: 0,1
IO module = 1, Word number = 3, Bit number = 0 New value = 1
#SET STA51:SID(13)=(0,1)

IU In Use
Set the protocol emulator in/out of use.
Access: R/W
Index range: none
Value range: 0,1

1MRS756644 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Westinghouse F4F Slave Protocol
Configuration Manual

LI Line number
The number of the line to which the protocol emulator is connected.
Access: R/W
Index range: none
Value range: 1..8

MI Message Identification
The object address of the process object that receives the system messages from the
Access: R/W
Index range: none
Default: 26000 + station number

MS Message Application
The number of the application that receives the systems messages.
Access: R/(W)
Index range: none
Value range: 1..250

RT Sys Reply Time-out

The waiting time for a reply message from the base system.
Access: R/W
Index range: none
Value range: seconds

SA Station Address
The station address of the protocol emulator. The WES device replies only those
messages which have the right station address.
Access: R/W
Index range: none
Value range: 1..255

TI Time Initialized
The PC-NET sets the value of the TI attribute to 1 when it has received a time
synchronization message from the control center.
Access: R/W
Index range: none
Value range: 0,1

SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756644

Westinghouse F4F Slave Protocol

Configuration Manual

MD Time sync mode

Access: R/W
Index range: none
Value range: 0,1
Value = 0, The PC-NET updates the internal clock only at the first time
Value = 1, The PC-NET updates the internal clock at every time synchronization

2.6. Line attributes

The following line attributes have a special meaning for the F4F protocol:

DE CTS Delay
Time delay between the activation of the RTS signal and the start of the message
Access: R/W
Index range: none
Value range: 0..65535 (in milliseconds)

MS Message Application
The number of the application that is the receiver of the system messages generated
by the line.
Access: R/(W)
Index range: none
Value range: 1..250

When the PC-NET receives a PIP time synchronisation message from the control
center, it replies with a simulated PIP code which is stored to the PD attribute.
Access: R/W
Index range: none
Value range: 0..65535

RK RTS Keep Up Padding Characters

The number of padding characters inserted after a message, in order to delay the
passivation of the RTS signal.
Access: R/W
Index range: none
Value range: 0..255

1MRS756644 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Westinghouse F4F Slave Protocol
Configuration Manual

3. Configuration example
The base system station object must be created. The common way to do this is to add
the following lines to the SYS_BASCON.COM file:
ST = "WES",-
ND = 2,-
TN = 1)

Normally the TN attribute is equal to the number of the station, in this example
number 1. The object is created when the system is started.
When the system is running, the Westinghouse F4F line and station objects can be
created on-line using the following SCIL-script. The PC-NET node number in this
example is 2, line number is 1 and the station number is also 1.


@STA = 1
@LINE = 1

#SET NET'NET':SSD'LINE'="COM6" ; COM port 6 used.



1MRS756644 MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.3
Westinghouse F4F Slave Protocol
Configuration Manual

4. Index
address ...................................................................................................... 10
AL ............................................................................................................. 14
allocating application ................................................................................ 14
allocation .................................................................................................. 14
analog inputs ............................................................................................. 10
analog setpoints ........................................................................................ 12
analog value .............................................................................................. 14
AS ....................................................................................................... 14, 17
AV ............................................................................................................ 14
bit number ................................................................................................. 10
category number ....................................................................................... 15
CN ............................................................................................................. 15
CTS Delay ................................................................................................ 18
data reduction factor table ........................................................................ 16
database initialized ................................................................................... 15
DE ............................................................................................................. 18
DI .............................................................................................................. 15
EV ............................................................................................................. 15
FT ............................................................................................................. 16
GN ............................................................................................................ 16
group number ............................................................................................ 16
ID ........................................................................................................ 11, 16
in use ......................................................................................................... 16
indications ................................................................................................. 16
IU .............................................................................................................. 16
LI .............................................................................................................. 17
line attributes ............................................................................................ 18
line number ............................................................................................... 17

SYS 600 9.3 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS756644

Westinghouse F4F Slave Protocol

Configuration Manual

MD ........................................................................................................... 18
message identification .............................................................................. 17
message system ........................................................................................ 17
MI ............................................................................................................. 17
MS ............................................................................................................ 17
PD ............................................................................................................. 18
PIP Code ................................................................................................... 18
PIP synchronization ................................................................................. 13
PIP time synchronization ......................................................................... 13
pulse counters ........................................................................................... 11
RK ............................................................................................................ 18
RT ............................................................................................................. 17
RTS .......................................................................................................... 18
soft synchronization ................................................................................. 13
STA number ............................................................................................. 10
station address .......................................................................................... 17
Sys reply time-out .................................................................................... 17
SYS_BASCON.COM .............................................................................. 19
TI .............................................................................................................. 17
time initialized .......................................................................................... 17
time sync mode ........................................................................................ 18
time tag ..................................................................................................... 11
timed event values .................................................................................... 15
WES station .............................................................................................. 14

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