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What do we get from cereals, fruits and vegetables ?
(a) Cereals provide carbohydartes, for energy requirements.
(b) Pulses provide us range of vitamins, minerals along with small quantities of protein, carbohydrates and
(c) Vegetables and fruits provide us range of vitamins, minerals along with small quantities of protein,
carbohydrates and oil.
Q2. How do biotic and abiotic factors affect crop production ?
Ans. Bio.tic factors like insects, fungi, pests etc. spajl crops, thereby reducing crop yield. Few nematodes help
in increasing soil fertility. Abiotic factors like drought, salinity, water logging, heat, cold and frost cause
major loss to crops. Plant breeders, therefore are actively engaged in developing resistant varieties to control
such stresses. ·
Q 3. What are the desirable agronomic characteristics for crop improvements ?
Ans. (i) For fodder crops. Characters, like tallness and branching.
(ii) For cereal crops. Dwarfness, early maturing cotton with long fibres and more fabric strength.
Q4. What are the macro-nutrients and why they are called macro nutrients ?
Ans. The mineral nutrients needed by plants in large amounts are called major or macro _ nutrients. As they
are required in large quantities, hence called as macro-nutrients.
Q 5. How do plants get nutrients ?
An!>. Out of 16 essential elements from soil as many as 13 elements are absorb d b t · · t1 ree ," re
. . e y roo s, remammg 1 "
obtained from air and water i.e. carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. -

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Q6. ---------------------1 HOLY FAITH abc OF SCIENCE - Bro LOe,y
Ans. Compare use of lllanures and fertilizers in maintaining soil fertility. 1

Refer Table 2 _of this chapter (Manl.lfe has organic substances of bi?~ogica_l _o rigin as resu!t they ca
degraded easily. It al~o h~lps in recycling of biological waste. Fertilizers improve soil fertility f n be
duration but ca use envirotqn~ntal Hazard). . . . .. or sho11
Q 7.
Which of the following conditions will give the most benefits ? Why ?
(a) Farmers use high quality seeds, do not adopt irrigation or use fertilizers.
(b) Farmers use ordinary seeds adopt irrigation and use fertilizers.
(c) Fiµ'D\ers use q1,1ality seeds, adopt irrigation, use fertilizers and use crop protection measures.
An s.
Conditions given in (c) should be followed by a farmer. By using quality seeds, crop yield increases. r_,.
qu ali ty seeds germinate
. .
properly. Fertilizers supply crop the deficient nutne~ts m nigh
. soil the:eby increasin
the _crop pr'?duction. Water provided by irrigation is needed by plants to vanous metabolic activities an~
to fight agamst drought strees.
Why should preventive m~asures· and biological control methods be preferred for protecting crops?
Preventive measures and biological control methods are preferred for protection of crc~~s because they are
not harmful to crop as well as to environment. They are ecologically safe, target specific and harmless to
other organisms . .
What factors may be responsible for losses of grains during storage ?·
Biotic factors. Rodents, insects, birds, mites, fungi, bacteria etc.
Abiotic factors. Moisture, temperah.U'e etc.
Q .10.
Which method · is commonly used for improving the cattle breeds and why ?
Best method of improving the cattle breed is artificial insemination because of following reasons :
(i) Several cows (about 300) can be inseminated by the semen of a single bull of good variety.
(ii) Avoids the transportation of animals.
(iii) Semen can be stored at freez~g temperature for long period.
(iv) It gives high rate of successful fertilization.
Q .11. Discuss the implications of the following statement ?
"It is interesting to note that poultry is India's most efficient convertor of low fibre food stuff (which is
unfit for human consump_tion) into highly nutritious animal protein food ."
An s. This statement is correct because the chicke~ feed on cracked grains of wheat, rice, barley, jawar, bajra
etc. and bone meal, waste meat meal, etc. which are not of much use for the human beings. These chickens
utilize the simple components of these Ie_ss important_food materials to synthesis and s tore highly nutritive
materials in their eggs and muscle~. Th~ir eggs contam 36% yolk and 64% proteins while the poultry meal
contains proteins, minerals and v1tamms.
Q .1 2 . How fishes are obtained ?
A n s. Fi.shes can be obtained by two ways :
t. Capture fisheries which involves catc_hing th~m fr~m the natural water sources.
2 _ Culture fisheries which involves rearmg of fishes m the artificial water sources.
Q .13 . What are advantages of composite fish-culture ?
A ns . All the nitches (ecological zones) are comple tely exploited.
2. o compe ti' ti'on occurs
l. N - - - - between different apedes of fo; hes.
J. These fi s hes he lp in the gro wth of each other.
Q ,14 . What are the desirable charact_e rs of ~ee v~rlety !luit~ble for honey production ?
An1;. Bee variety s uitable for bee keeping m4SI ~11w fo~lo~lrg ch11racters : docile nilture, hig h yielding o f hp1ll')',
. i'fi
I e pro ducing , wHh .le11s Rwarming an w,t1 i,ood defence mecha nism .
pro c gg d how it is related to honey pn>duction ?
(J J <;, What is paBturage an h lants which provide pollens d
(") Pasturage includes a ll t ose J:> c sorghum: s ~nflower etc an - nectar tu the honuy bees lil-.u mango.
AH• • ' . mun cocon ut, rose, ma1z _, - - , .

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ncem, 1a '
f he honey product>d dupend upon the .
1 1
(ii) 1 h e quda l~~ y~clld of honey, the bee keepi ng a~eil mus~~1,~~~
is coJJecte . . d 1
P erlO ·
honey {low
Q.1. '
Explain any one method of crop prc;>du1=tio~ which ensµr~s high yield.
Ans. Refer 'Crop Variety Improvement' of this chapter. ,
Q.2. Why are manures and fertilizers used in field ?
Ans, Refer 'Advantages of maµures' and 'Uses of c.hemical fertilizers' of this chapter.
Q.3. Wh'at are the advantages of inter-cropping.and crop rotation?
Ans. Refer 'Advantages of inter-cropping' and 'Advantages of crop ,rotation' of this chapter.
· Q.4. • What is genetic manipulation ? How is it useful in agricultural p.radices ?
Ans, In genetic manipulation method of 'recombinant DNA,techn~logy' or 'genetic engineering' is ~mploy~d.
It involves the transfer of DNA fragments from one organism to another. The organism in which foreign
gene is introduced is called transgenic org~ism or genetically modified organism.
Q.5. How do storage grains losses occur ? ·
Ans. Both biotic and abiotic factors are responsible for causing damage to grain during storage. Due to them
grain quality is degraded. Moisture and humidity invite disease inciting organisms. IJ qiax _lead to
discolouration, loss in weight and disintegration of food materials in storage grain. At high temperature,
microorganisms and enzymes become active~ thereby the damaging the quality of storage grain.
Q.6. How do good animal husbandry practices benefit farmers ? ·
Ans. Good animal husbandry practices help the farmers in increased milk production through proper cattle
farming; increased eggs and meat production through good poultry manage:Q:tent measures; improved
quality of fish meat through advanced methods of pisciculture; proper utilization of aajmal wastes to
produce compost, and gobar gas; increased honey and bee wax production through better apiculture
methods; etc. So good animal husbandry practices can ensure the proper nutrition of our growing
Q.7. What are benefits of cattle farming ?
Ans.. Cattle farming is done mainly for two benefits: Production of milk and for bullock power which includes
the activities like tilling, irrigation and transportation. In addition to these benefits, the cattle also provide
hides to prepare leather goods and dung which can be used to prepare manure .and gobar gas.
Q.8. For increasing production, what is common in poultry, fisheries and bee-keeping ?
An s. For increasing production these need good management practices like :
(i) Use of high-yielding varieties.
(ii) Maintenance of temperature and hygienic conclitions.
(iii) Prov iding good feed.
(iv) Prevention and control of diseases and pests.
Q.9. How do you differentiate between capture fisheries, mariculture and aquaculture ?
Ans. (i) Capture fisheries includes catching of fishes from their natural water som ces.
(ii) Mariculture involves rea ring of marine fishes, prawn or. other sea food sources in sea wa ter.
Oi i) Aquaculture involves rea ring of both animals and plants in both inland and marine ecosyst
. ems.
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