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ACTIVITY #17: Share it!

(Final Exam)

Answer the following questions.

1. Among all the games that you've played in this course, for you what is your
most favorite game? Expound your answer. (20 points)
- Among all the games that I’ve played, I can say that one of my favorite is the
“Tumbang Preso”. I still remember during my childhood days I’m a bit scared
playing it so every time my cousins and siblings played it they always tell me not
to join because I easily get tagged. There is one time when I am the tagger, I
actually cried for being a tagger for quite some time during the game, so may
brother always get himself tagged in order to replace me. Thinking about it now
makes me laugh in all the memories that I have while playing the game. I can say
that playing “Tumbang Preso” again brings back the fun and beautiful experiences
that I have during my childhood.

2. Share your general experience in your PE 206 PATHFITT 2 PH Games journey.

(20 points)

- My PE206 PH Games journey is like a trip back to memory lane. Playing

different kind of games brings back all the childhood memories. Before, playing
Larong Pinoy isn’t just a game for us it is a kind of bounding between my cousins
and siblings. Through those games we are able to have that connection that last up
until now and every time we talked about it makes us happy. So having the chance
to experience it again it’s like I’m back from being a child, were all I think and do
is play until the sun goes down. I can say that having those experiences contribute
to who I am today.

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