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CLASS: XII Duration: 90 mins
DATE: 28.11. 2021 Max marks: 35

1. The question paper consists of three sections.
2. Sec-A has 24 questions. Attempt any 20 questions
3. Sec-B has 24 questions. Attempt any 20 questions
4. Sec-C has 12 questions. Attempt any 10 questions
5. There is no negative marking.
6. All questions carry equal marks.
7. The following details have to be written in the OMR sheet before answering the questions. Name, class,
section, date, roll number and subject.
8. Partial bubbling will not be considered as answered. Ensure you bubbled your option thickly with a pen.
Section – A consists of 24 questions. Attempt any 20 questions from this section. The firstattempted 20 questions
would be evaluated.

1. Select the equivalent structures from the following.

A) Mega sporangium = Ovule
B) Outer integument = Tegmen
C) Pollen grain = Embryo sac
D) Both A and C

2 Find out the incorrectly matched combinations of label, structure and function.


A) P- Micropyle – Entry of pollen tube
B) O -Hilum –connects placenta and ovule
C) M- Polar nuclei- Endosperm
D) N – Integument- Protection

3 Coconut endosperm is formed of

A) Free nuclear divisions only
B) Every nuclear divisions followed by wall formation
C) Initially free nuclear divisions followed by wall formation
D) First nuclear division followed by wall formation

4 In embryo sac, n, 2n and 3n conditions are found respectively in
A) Egg, antipodal and endosperm
B) Nucellus, endosperm and egg
C) Antipodal, zygote and endosperm
D) Endosperm, nucellus and egg

5 Find out the correct statement.

A) High level of progesterone causes menstruation
B) Low level of LH causes ovulation
C) High level of FSH causes ovulation
D) Low level of progesterone causes menstruation

6 Which of the following statement(s) about sporopollenin are true?

I. Exine is made up of sporopollenin.
II. Sporopollenin is one of the most resistant organic materials.
III. Sporopollenin can withstand high temperatures and strong acids.
IV. So far no enzyme is known to degrade sporopollenin.

A) I & II
C) I & III

7 Select the correct labeled phase in menstrual cycle does implantation occurs.


A) O- Menses B) P-Secretary C) N-Ovulation D) M-Proliferative

8 The hormones which are present in the body of female only during pregnancy.
A) hCG, hPL, Relaxin B) hCG, hPL, Oxytocin
C) hCG, hPL, Prolactin D) hCG, hPL, Progestrone

9 The correct sequence of duct system in male reproductive system is

A) Rete testis - epididymis - vas efference – vas deference
B) Rete testis - vas efference – epididymis - vas deference
C) Rete testis – vas deference – vas efference – epididymis
D) Vas efference – rete testis – Vas deference – epididymis

10 “Apomixes mimic sexual reproduction”. Give the option/s applicable to the given statement.
I. Diploid nucellus cells grow into embryo sac and form embryo
II. Embryo formation from unfertilized egg
III. Meiotic division is avoided during embryo sac formation
A) I & II
C) I & III
D) I, II & III

11 Identify the correct answer related A and B.

A) A - Chasmogamous – autogamy,
B - Cleistogamous – xenogamy

B) A- Cleistogamous- flowers do not secrete nectar

B- Chasmogamous- xenogamy
C) A- Cleistogamous- opened flowers
B- Chasmogamous- closed flowers
D) A- Chasmogamous –attractive flowers
B- Cleistogamous – flowers do not secrete nectar

12 The ratio 1:1:1:1 is obtained from a cross between the parents

A) RRYY x rryy
B) RRYY x Rryy
C) RrYy x rryy
D) RrYy x RrYy

13 Recessive characters are expressed

A) On any autosome
B) On both chromosomes of female
C) When they are present on X chromosome of male
D) When they are present on Y chromosome of male

14 Consanguine marriage should be avoided as it causes more

A) termination of fetus.
B) Recessive alleles to come together
C) Mutations
D) Multiple births

15 Which of the following is an example of pleiotropy?
A) Mating between earless sheep and long eared sheep result in short eared offspring.
B) Wheat kernels can range from white to red in colour.
C) The genes for scarlet eyes and hairy body in fruit flies located on the same chromosome.
D) Human cystic fibrosis causes many symptoms from respiratory distress to digestive problems.

16 If both parents carry the trait of beta thalassemia, what is the chance of a female baby having beta
A) 100%
B) 50%
C) 25%
D) 15%

17 If a DNA strand has 32% guanine before replication occurs, what percent thymine will each strand after
A) 18% B)32% C) 64% D) 36%

18 Thymine is
A) 5’methyl uracil
B) 3’methyl uracil
C) 5’methyl cytosine
D) 3’methyl cytosine

19 In the picture given below, arrow labeled 1 corresponds to _______ and arrow labeled 2 corresponds
to _______.

A) Replication, transcription
B) Translation, transcription
C) Mutation, replication
D) Transcription, translation

20 Identify the mutated mRNA sequence that cause premature termination of translation.

21 Select the true statement regarding the role of sigma factor.
A) Required for promoter site recognition and subsequent initiation of transcription
B) Required for initiation and elongation of mRNA transcription
C) Required for termination with rho factor
D) Both A and B are correct

22 Identify M, N, O and P in the given diagram of mRNA if the red region is the one with exons.


A) Methylated cap Initiationcodon Termination Poly A tail
B) Poly A tail Termination Initiation Methylated
codon codon cap
C) Methylated cap Non- coding Coding region Poly A tail
D) Methylated cap Coding region Non coding Poly A tail

23 What happens to lactose operon when medium contains both glucose and lactose?
A) No transcription of Lac genes
B) Low level expression of Lac genes
C) Strong transcription of Lac genes
D) All are correct

24 DNA finger printing relies on

A) Repetitive coding short DNA sequences
B) Repetitive coding and non-coding short DNA sequences
C) Repetitive non coding short DNA sequences
D) Non repetitive non coding short DNA sequences

Section - B consists of 24 questions (Sl. No.25 to 48). Attempt any 20 questions from this section.The first
attempted 20 questions would be evaluated.
Question No. 25 to 28 consist of two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Answer thesequestions selecting
the appropriate option given below:
A) If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
B) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
C) If Assertion is true but Reason is false.
D) If both Assertion and Reason are false.

25 Assertion: Introduction of sex education in schools should be encouraged. C

Reason: This will encourage children to believe in myths about sex related aspects.

26 Assertion: Amniocentesis is often misused. A
Reason: Amniocentesis is meant for determining the genetic disorders in the foetus, but it isbeing used to
determine the sex of the foetus, leading female foeticide.

27 Assertion: There is chance of fertilization during 10 -17 days menstrual cycle.

Reason: Ovulation occurs during these days. A
28 Assertion: Gametes receives both alleles of a gene.
Reason: During gamete formation, mitosis takes place leads to formation of haploid cells. D
29 Select the correct match.

A) A- Placenta- prevents desiccation of fetus

B) B- Allantois – transport materials frommother
C) C-Amniotic fluid- Acts as shock absorber
D) D- yolk sac- provides food to the fetus.

30 In albuminous seeds, food is stored in and in non-albuminous seeds, it is stored in

A) endosperm, cotyledons
B) cotyledons, endosperm
C) nucellus, cotyledons
D) endosperm, radicle

31 Arrange the events in artificial hybridization in the correct sequential order and select thecorrect option.
1. Re-bagging
2. Selection of parents
3. Bagging
4. Dusting the pollen on stigma
5. Emasculation
6. Collection of pollen from the male parent

A) 2-3-5-6-4-1
B) 2-5-3-6-4-1
C) 5-2-3-6-1-4
D) 2-3-6-4-5-1

32 The number of ova and polar bodies formed after the completion of 1 oogenesis
A) 1 ovum and 2 polar bodies
B) 1 ovum and 3 polar bodies
C) 2 ova and 2 polar bodies
D) 2 ova and 3 polar bodies
33 Given below are four methods of contraception and their mode of action. Select the correctmatch from the
following options.
Method Mode of action
A. Oral pill (i) Prevents sperm reaching cervix
B. Condom (ii) Prevents implantation
C. Vasectomy (iii) Prevents ovulation
D. Copper T (iv) Semen contains no sperms

A) A-(iii), B-(iv), C-(i), D-(ii)

B) A-(ii), B-(iii), C-(i), D-(iv)
C) A-(iii), B-(i), C-(iv), D-(ii)
D) A-(iv), B-(i), C-(ii), D-(iii)

34 The technique called Gamete Intra Fallopian Transfer (GIFT) is recommended for thosefemales
A) who cannot produce an ovum.
B) who cannot retain the fetus inside uterus.
C) who cannot provide suitable environment for fertilisation.
D) all of these.

35 The number of meiotic divisions required for the formation of 100 functional megaspores?
A) 100
B) 50
C) 25

36 Failure of segregation of chromatid during cell division cycle, results in the gain or loss of chromosome
which is called
A) aneuploidy
B) hypopolyploidy
C) hyperpolyploidy
D) polyploidy

37 The universally applicable law of Mendel is

A) Law of dominance
B) Law of unit characters
C) Law of segregation
D) Law of independent assortment

38 In humans, an individual with an XXY chromosomal complement will develop as

A) a male
B) a female
C) an intersex
D) a super female

39 What pattern of inheritance is shown in the pedigree?

A) Autosomal dominant
B) Autosomal recessive
C) Sex linked dominant
D) Sex linked recessive

40 Two genes R and Y are located very close on the chromosomal linkage map of maize plant. When RRYY and
rryy genotypes are hybridized then F2 generation will show
A) higher number of the recombinant types
B) segregation is expected in 9:3:3:1 ratio
C) segregation in 3:1 ratio
D) higher number of parental types

41 Select the correct base of DNA, RNA and amino acid of beta chain resulting in sickle cell anaemia.

DNA RNA Amino acid

A) CTC/GAG GUG Glutamic acid
D) CTC/GAG GUG Glutamic acid

42 Dr. Khaurana and his colleagues synthesised an RNA molecule with repeating sequence of UG bases (UG UG
UG UG UG UG). It produced a tetra peptide with alternating sequence of cysteine and valine. It proves that
codons for cysteine and valine are

A) UGU and GUU

B) UGU and GUG
C) UUG and GGU
D) GUG and UGU

43 Which one of the following is not applicable to RNA?

A) Chargaff’s rule
B) Complementary base pairing
C) 5’ phosphoryl and 3’ hydroxyl ends
D) Heterocyclic nitrogenous base

44 Given figure represents the DNA double helix model as proposed by Watson and Crick (1953).Select the
option that shows correct measurements of A, B and C.

A) A- 3.4nm, B- 0.34 nm, C- 2 nm

B) A- 3.4nm, B- 3.4nm, C- 20nm
C) A- 3.4Å, B- 3.4Å, C- 20Å
D) A- 34 Å, B- 3.4Å, C- 2Å

45 Starting with 15N 15N (heavy) DNA, and after TWO generations in the 14N medium, Escherichia coli cells will
A) 25% 15N15N DNA, 50% 15N14N DNA, and 25% 14N14N DNA.
B) 25% 15N14N DNA and 75% 14N14N DNA.
C) 50% 15N14N DNA and 50% 14N14N DNA.
D) 50% 15N15N DNA and 50% 14N14N DNA.

46 Satellite DNA is an example of_________ DNA which shows DNA _____________ which is __________________in nature.
Fill in the blank with the right sequences of the answers.
A) genomic, inheritable, variable
B) repetitive, polymorphism, variable
C) polymorphism, variable, repetitive
D) repetitive, polymorphism, inheritable

47 The role of reverse transcriptase in viruses

A) Reverse transcriptase helps the virus bind to the cell
B) Reverse transcriptase helps the virus to enter the cell
C) Reverse transcriptase converts viral RNA genome to DNA
D) Reverse transcriptase copies the cellular DNA to RNA

48 The diagram given below lists simulations of the DNA "fingerprint" band patterns for six individuals―a
missing child and five young people who have the missing child’s physical characteristics.

Based on the DNA diagram, which of the five children might be related to the missing child?
A) Child 1 B) Child 2 C) Child 3 D) Child 4 or 5


Section-C consists of one case followed by 6 questions linked to this case (Q.No.49 to 54). Besidesthis, 6 more
questions are given. Attempt any 10 questions in this section. The first attempted 10 questions would be

CASE:- The Human Genome Project was an international scientific research project with the goal of determining the
base pairs that make up human DNA, and of identifying and mapping all of thegenes of the human genome from
both a physical and a functional standpoint.
The given graph is prepared according to HGP.

49 Which of the following chromosomes have the least number of genes and highest number ofgenes in them?
A) Chromosome 1 and Y respectively
B) Chromosome 2 and 21 respectively
C) Chromosome Y and 1 respectively
D) Chromosome Y and X respectively
10 | P a g e
50 Which of the following methodology is used to identify all the genes that are expressed as RNAin Human
Genome Project (HGP)?
A) Sequence Annotation
B) Expressed Sequence Tags
C) Karyotyping
D) Autoradiography

51 Find the incorrect statement regarding the genome of male and female.
A)Y chromosome has approximately 50 MBP and X chromosome has 156MBP
B) Both are having approximately 20000 genes in the genome
C) Y chromosome has approximately 250 genes
D) None of the above are incorrect

52 How many base pairs are seen in the human genome?

A) 3,000,000
B) 30,000,000
C) 300,000,000
D) 3,000,000,000

53 It is currently estimated that there are human protein-coding genes although thisestimate may
be reduced over time.

54 According to HGP, genetic similarity between all human is



Observe the image given above, identify the A, B, X, Y & Z.

A) Repressor Inducer Beta galactosidase Permease Transacetylase
B) Repressor Inducer Permease Beta galactosidase Transacetylase
C) Inducer Repressor Beta galactosidase Permease Transacetylase
D) Inducer Repressor Beta galactosidase Transacetylase Permease

11 | P a g e
56 The image given below shows the gene loci for alpha and beta thalassemia. Based on the image choose the
correct option regarding alpha and beta thalassemia.

1. Alpha thalassemia is more common in a population.

2. Beta thalassemia is more common in a population.
3. To become alpha thalassemic major 4 gene loci should be mutated.
4. To become beta thalassemic major 2 gene loci should be mutated.
5. The genes for alpha thalassemia is located on chromosome 11 and beta on chromosome 16.
6. Homozygosity of mutated beta globulin chain is a protection against malaria.

A) 1,3,5 and 6 are correct

B) 2,3,4 are correct
C) 1,3,4 are correct
D) 2,3,4 and 5 6 are correct

57 Observe the image given below and answer the following question.

Which of the following is the first part of the protein molecule that would be translated from mRNA2?
A) AA4 – AA2– AA7 – AA6 B) AA6 – AA7 – AA2 – AA4
C) AA3 – AA1 – AA6 – AA8 D) AA8 – AA5 – AA1 – AA3

12 | P a g e

Identify the correct match for the graph give above.

A) Non- Mendalian inheritance, quantitative inheritance, continues variation, both environmental factors and
genetic factors contribute to the phenotype.
B) Polygenic inheritance, qualitative inheritance, genetic factors only contributes to the phenotype.
C) Mendalian inheritance, discontinues variation, both environmental factors and geneticfactors contribute to
the phenotype.
D) Polygenic inheritance, quantitative inheritance, discontinues variation, genetic factors only contributes to
the phenotype.


In the given image of seed, identify A to D.

A) (a)proteinaceous sheath (b)reserve food (c)embryo (d) sheath covering plumule

B) (a)food reserve (b) protective sheath covering plumule (c) embryo (d) proteinaceous covering
C) (a)embryo (b)plumule (c)radicle (d)protein layer
D) (a) food reserve (b)embryo (c)plumule (d)protein layer

13 | P a g e
60 In the given T.S of human ovary. Identify A to D

A) A-Secondary follicle, BB-Tertiary follicle with antrum, C-Ovum, D - Corpus luteum.

B)A-Graafian follicle, B-Tertiary follicle with antrum, C-Ovum, D-Corpus spongiosum.
C) A-Graafian follicle, B-Tertiary follicle with antrum, C-Ovum, D-Corpus albicans.
D)A-Graafian follicle, B-Tertiary follicle eith antrum, C-Ovum, D-Corpus luteum.

14 | P a g e

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