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2022 November 22

Breakout Activity-
Report Submission
Group 1 members:
A time and motion study (or time-motion study) is a business efficiency technique
combining the Time Study of Frederick Winslow Taylor with a Motion Study of Frank
Gilbreth and Lillian Gilbreth.

Time Study
Frederick Winslow Taylor, an American mechanical engineer who was widely known for his
methods to improve industrial efficiency.

Motion Study
Frank Gilbreth, an American engineer, consultant, and author known as an early advocate
of scientific management and a pioneer of time and motion study.
Lillian Gilbreth, an American psychologist, industrial engineer, consultant, and educator
who was an early pioneer in applying psychology to time-and-motion studies
Describe how human resource is an integral part of a company’s strategic
planning process.

- Effective human resource allocation is essential to successful strategic plans, HR is

uniquely positioned to assist organizations with strategic planning. HR can assist other
departments in the company in defining their mission, long-term objectives, and strategies
for achieving these objectives. Strategic planning, institutional policies, and human resource
management are all closely related. It is the primary tool used to link the programs and
objectives of human resources to the goals of the organization.
Describe the contributions of F. W. Taylor and the Gilbreths to job
design and analysis, and work measurement.

- The Gilbreths attempted to make the process more efficient overall by minimizing the
motions involved, while Taylor concentrated on reducing process time. They believed
that their strategy was more concerned with the wellbeing of the workforce than
Taylorism, which prioritized profit over people. By locating and reiterating the one most
effective approach to execute a task, Frank and Lillian Gilbreth emphasized efficiency.
Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, a husband and wife team, supported rules and uniformity in
the workplace. They emphasized efficiency above all else, preferring a small, tightly knit
business to one with many moving components.
How did the development of the assembly-line production process at
Ford Motor Company popularize the scientific management approach to
job design?

- The idea that Henry Ford created the vehicle is a prevalent one. That is untrue. He
may not have created the automobile, but he did propose a novel method of
producing a big number of automobiles. The moving assembly line was used for this
technique of production. The conveyer belt was the assembly line component that
was used the most frequently. Other businesses, such as slaughterhouses, were
using the belts. It felt like a more efficient use of time and resources to move the
product to the employee. The Ford Motor Company team made the decision to try
integrating the. Henry Ford not only increased the pay of his workers, but he also
reduced the number of hours they had to put in. Henry Ford granted workers
increased wages while shortening shifts by one hour. Ford was able to add a third
shift and hire more personnel as a result of the shift length reduction. The assembly
line made it possible for Ford Motor Company to run round-the-clock.
Describe the steps involved in conducting a time study, and discuss any
difficulties you might envision at various steps.

- Develop a Strong Rationale for Conducting the Study, Choose What You Want to Measure,
Decide How Detailed You Want to Be, Designate a Representative Time Period to Study,
onsider Ignoring the First Several Days of Results, Use Responsible Sampling Procedures, and
review Your Basic Understanding of Data Trends
Describe why work standardization is important in any organization?

- Standardized work fosters consistency, reduces waste, boosts uptime and efficiency, and can
improve both employee and manager job satisfaction. This methodology aims to establish
guidelines or standards for a certain sort of activity.

Improves clarity — because a standard process will eliminate the need for guesswork or extra
Guarantees quality — because work is done in a pre-defined, optimized way
Promotes productivity — because your employees won’t need to ask around or comb
documentation to get answers
Boosts employee morale — because employees can take pride in having mastered the process
and refined their skills
Perfects customer service — because every ticket is handled in the best possible way

- A time and motion study examines the precise movements and amount of time needed for a
person to complete a task. After gathering this data, the analyst creates a more effective
strategy by eliminating some steps and substituting others. In the first part he got 1 min and 44
secs to assemble using his bare hands and in the second experiment there is a fixture where
you can place your bolts together with the parts making it easier to assemble and with this the
assembly time of it was only 58.31 secs which is faster than the first experiment. A time and
motion study improves your workers' efficiency and performance. By removing wasteful
motions, they can complete tasks more quickly. This results in them being able to complete
more tasks within a shift.
Activity 1

Left-Hand Task: Right-Hand Task:

Pick up the hex bolt. Pick up the flat and lock
Hold the hex bolt in place. washers.
Set aside the assembled hex Place the washer through the
bolt. bolt.
Pick up the next hex bolt. Pick up the nut.
Screw the nut to the nut
containing the two washers.

Main Task
To create an assembled bolt containing two washers and one
nut, the nut may not be fully screwed.

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