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a quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

These are notes for the class ESC101:

Lecture 1: a quick brown fox, jumps over the lazy dog.

Lecture 2: a very quick and very brown fox, jumps over the very lazy dog.

Lecture 3: an extremely quick and extremely brown fox, jumps over a extremely lazy dog.

Lecture 4: I don’t know why I am writing this, since it is still natural language, I hope the algorithms
would find this useful. Although I doubt people would find this useful at all.

Though I understand there are many curious people here, who are just reading crap all over may find
this enticing.

Further to my ramblings, I used to read a lot many books, I feel I do not even remember the names
of several books that I have read, still I have a feeling or rather a hope that whatever I have read
have retained in my brain in some fashion and has helped me create my consciousness as I
experience it today.

Now that I try to see what I really remember about my life in utter clarity, I realize that I do not
remember anything except what is happening to me right now. Everything else is a combination of
reality and my perception of reality.

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