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Multiple Choice Questions (Single Choice Correct) 1 The sum of 15 terms of an AP is 600, and the ‘common difference is 6. The firsttermis___ (as (10 cr os Let T, be the rth term of an AP for r=1, 2,3 oj if for some positive integers m,n we have Jaa 2 and T, =; then T,,, equals __. A 11 Oa ay 1 (Oo If the pth, qth, and rth terms of an AP are a, b, and , respectively, a(q - 1) + b(r -p) + cp - q) (A) 1 ec oa (0) None of the above If the sum of the first 2n terms of the AP 2, 5, @, .. is equal to the sum of the first n terms of the AP 57, 59, 61, ., then n equals __. (a) 10 (12 on (0) 13 The sum of the first 6terms ofa GPis ninetimes ‘the sum of the first 3 terms. Find the common ratio. (aya @. (Cc) -2 (0) 2 Wl + 2.21 + 3.31 + 4.41 +... is equalto__. (@) na @in+n) Omen The third term of a geometric progression is 4, ‘The product of the first terms is [ur 1982; 2M) (0) None of the above (a) @)4 joa (0) None of the above IFS, S,,S,,.., S, are sums of infinite geometric series, whose first terms are 1, 2, 3, ... p, and 1 pet whose common ratios are a 3 respectively, S,+S,+S,+ B Pipe (#) Fe+3) @ Bory +S, is equal to Pops Pop + (© 5 @e+3) (©) B@p+9 Sequence and Series 10. nn 2. 13, 1“. 16. Insert 19 arithmetic means between and -93. The last aM is__. 3 w-s (@ -83 © -et (0) None of the above Insert x arithmetic means between x? and 1 The first AM is. Wxe-xF1 @x-x-1 Oxex-1 (©) None of the above ‘The continued product of 3 numbers in GP is 216, and the sum of the products of them in pairs is 186, The numbers are @) 2,6, and 18 (8) 18, 6, and 2 (©) Either (A) or (B) (0) None of the above Ifthe pth, qth, and rth terms ofa GP be a, b, and c, respectively, a’ bi? cis equalto__. ®o (0) None of the above @ ©- Between 2 numbers, whose sum is 22, an even number of arithmetic means is inserted, The sum of these means exceeds their number by unity. How many means are there? we @n (©) 24 (D) None of the above Sum of the first n terms of the series a is equal to, [ur 1988) 2°48 16 A 2-0-1 (B) 1-2" ©ns27-1 (ae If the arithmetic mean between a and b is twice the geometric mean, a: b is equal to 243 T+4y3 a 8 8) 8 2-V3 7-4N3 2 © ©) 7443 16. if be the arithmetic mean of b and c; and G, and G, be the two geometric means between them, @? +Glis equal to @)6Ga (©) 266,a 366a (©) None of the above a, (02)"5re er) is__ (a) 2 (8) 4 sa (016 48. The sum of n terms of the sequence 101, 1003, 10008, .. is 100 ® ae +1) 1/49 () 3 (10"-1) © S(0" jen 0" aint 4 19. Consider an infinite GP with first term a and common ratio r. Ifits sum is 4 and the second 3 term is 2, then __. 4 @a=t, (@)a=2r= Oa=S.r=2 ()a=ar= 4 4 20. f (0 + 1)th term of a GP is 3. The product of the first (2n +1) term is__. (A) 3° (B)ar7 (3? (oa an The sum of 3+ 28. , 283. 3883, toe 13 (3) (13) (13) 5 7 r (a) 6 (8) nD 2 2 () 2 (©) a 22. The value of the product (1+ 3°) (1+ 34) (1+ 34)... 043" jis 2), 504 3f,_92" @ 3-3) @ Z{-3*") © 2-3") @ 3-3) e 5 4 AZ Oy 3 4 ©; OF 2a.if x > 1 y >, 2 > 1 are in GP, then “ ‘ are in Trloge’ Tlogy’ lege —s ar (HP oor (0) None of the above 25. The harmonic mean of the roots of the equation is (6+V2)x? -(44 vi)x+0+av6 = @2 4 os coe 26. Let the positive numbers a, b, ¢, d be in AP. Then abs, abd acd, and bed is (A) not in AP/GP/HP (8) in AP inp (©) in He 27. If three numbers are in HP, then the numbers obtained by subtracting half of the middle numbers from each of them are in. (ar (8) GP HP (0) None of the above 28. fin a APQR, sin®, sinQ, sinR are in AP, then (A) the altitudes are in AP (8) the altitudes are in HP (©) the medians are in GP. (D) the medians are in AP 29. Let a, a... a, be in AP and h, hy hy. be in HP, if a =h, = 2 and a, = h, = 3. Then ah, is “2 ()3 os (os 30. If a, b, ¢, d, and @ are in HP, then a b ce d bictdve’ avc+dve' arbedve’ arbicte e and oq wen. (ayar (a GP (HP (0) None of the above Sequence and Series BH. Sum 1 + 3x + 6x? + 10x! + 15x! being less than 1 to infinity, |x] 1 OF (0) None of the above 32, The sum of 1+2.2+3.2° + 4.2" +... + 100.2" is (A) 100.2 - 1 (c) 99.2 +1 (e) 99,22 -1 (D) 100.2 +1 33.115 425749594. 4nsr= 16 then (@a=ntib=5 (@)a=n+2b=5 (ja=njb=5 — (O)a=n-1,b=25 34.f ac oz}, then vit +x +24. is always (03 an greater than or equal to__. _[1IT 2003] (ns) 2tance @ @2 (0) secta 35. Let a, be the roots of x¢-x +p =Oand 3,6 be the roots of x? - 4x +q=0. If a, y,and5 are in GP, then the integer values of p and q, respectively are LT 2001) (A) - 2, - 32 (B)-23 -6.3 (©)-6,-32 36. An infinite GP has first term ‘x’ and sum 5, ‘then x belongs to, UT 2004) ()x<-10 @)-1010 37. If a and a, a, are positive real numbers whose product is a fixed number c, then the maximum value of a + a, taut a,_,+ 2a, is tut 2002) (a) n oy" (®) (n+ (C) 2net™ m+ ea” 38. Suppose a, b, and c are in A. P and a® b* c* are in GP fa @ (miter ©) m(Lmey (0) None of the above 46. If (+ 1}th, (n+ 1)th, and (¢ + th terms of an AP are in GP and m, n, r are in HP, then the ratio of the first term of the AP to its common difference in terms of n is @ © 47, The product of n positive numbers is unity, then their sum is. [ur 1991; 2m) (A) a positive integer (8) divisible by n ()equalto n++ (OD) never tess than n 48.1f a, b, c, d, and p are distinct real numbers such that (a? + b’+ ©!)p? - 2(ab + be + ed)p + (a+ bé+c%) < 0, then a,b,c, andd__ [ur 1987; 2M] (A) are in AP (8) are in GP (©) are in HP (0) None of the above 49. If the sum of the first n terms of an AP is cn?, then the sum of squares of these n terms is [IT 2009] ay Dlaet =the wy at the = (an? ~)c? ant + a)e? oe MIE Mate 50. Let Sk = 4, 2uny 100, denote the sum of the infinite geometric series whose first termi “—* and the common ratio is 7 Then the value of 100? | Big at Ye a+ 1)s,| is [2010] (a)1 (4 (3 (D2 Si Let a, a, Ayonna, be real numbers satisfying a, = 16, 27 ~ 2a, > 0 and a, = 2a, - a, for k= 3, dunt SAE TBs 99, then the value of S*®2*" "Pn js equal to tut 2010] @o @1 @2 os 52, The sum of the first 20 terms of the sequence 05, 0.77, 077, wy is [JEE Main 2013] z 20 7 (¢9-10 (A) gil178-10"") (@) 5 (99-10 ) t 20" a 20" C@Plre+10*) — @ Z{ea+10) 83, Ifx,yandzareinAPand tax, tan”y and tan"z are also in AP, then. [EE Main 2013] (8) 2x = ay = Gz (0) 6x = 4) @x=y=2 (©) 6x=3y 64, Three positive numbers from an increasing GP If the middle term in this GP is doubled, the new numbers are in AP Then the common ratio of the GPis__. (VEE Main 2014] @) V2 +V3 (@) a+V2 (©) 2-V3 (0) 2403 55. The sum of the first 9 terms of the series PLPaD ates! 1 143 143+5 e [JEE Main 2015] (A) 142, (B) 192 on (0) 96 56. If m is the AM of two distinct real numbers | and n (n> 1) and G, G, and G, are three geometri Gi +265 +6 equals. means between | and n, then [JEE Main 2015) @) 4 Un? (8) 4 Pmen? ©4tmn (0) 4 mn. 57, If the 2%, 5" and 9" term of a non. AP are in GP, then the common rati GPis__. constant, of this [VEE Main 2016] we ® BIN ole 1 ©) 58. If the sum of the first ten terms of the series (03) (23) -(og) +0 (eg) "5 5 5) 5 48m then m is equal to 5 [JEE Main 2016] e702 09 @) 101 (0) 99 Sequence and Series 59. For any three positive real numbers a, b, and c, 9(25a7 + b*) + 25(c? — 3ac) = 15b(3a + c). Then [JEE Main 2017] (A) b,c, and a are in AP (8) a, b, and c are in AP. (C) a, b, and c are in GP (0) b,c, and a are in GP 60, Let A be the sum of the first 20 terms and 8 be the sum of the first 40 terms of the series F4+2-274374+2-474+57+2-67 4... If, B-2A= 100) then 4 is equal to [JEE Main 2018] (8) 232 (0) 46a a, 8 in AP such that (A) 496 (© 248 61. Leta, a, ay Ya, ,= M6 and a, +a, =66.iF af +a3+...¢a% = 140m, then m is equal to [JEE Main 2018] (A) 33 (8) 66 (C) 68 (2) 34 62. The sum of all natural numbers ‘n’ such that 300 tis [JEE Main 2019] (a) 3303 (8) 3121 (©) 3203 (0) 3221 Multiple Choice Questions (One or More Choice Correct) 63. Let S, S,.. be squares such that for each 121 the length of a side of S, equals the length of a diagonal of S,,,.. If the length of a side of S, is 10 cm, then for which of the following values of n is the area of S, less than — (lIT 1998)(A) 7(8) 8(C) 9(0) 10 64, f the first and the (2n - 1) the term of an AP, GP and HP are equal, and their nth terms are ab and ¢ respectively, then __, [ur 1988; 2M] (@) azbze (0) ac - b= 0 (a=b=c (@ate=b Sequence and Series 65. For a positive integer n let a(n), t+te4 then 2 1 1,4 374 1 @)- [7 1993; 2] (®) a(100) » 100 (0) a(20u) + 100 (A) a(100) < 100 © (200) < 100 66. Let f (x) = ax + bx +c, a*0 and A =b? - aac. Fata? +f and o° +B” arein GP, then (rT 2005] @ azo © ca=0 (8) ba=0 (0) be #0 Paragraph Type Questions Passage Let A, G, H, denote the arithmetic, geometric, and harmonic means, respectively, of two distinct positive numbers. For n22, let A,,and H,, has arithmetic, geometric, and harmonic means as A, G,, and H,, respectively. [u 2007] 67 Which one of the following statements is correct? @ 6,>6,> 6, >.. @6<6,<6,<. ©6,=6,=6, ©) 6,<6,<6, <.and G,> G,> G, >.» 68. Which of the following statements is correct? APA. ®Aa and AALS A, Sen (D)ASA, A,> A, > 69. Which of the following statements is correct? @) H> H,> H, >. ®H HH, > OH H,>H, >» Passage Let V, denote the sum of the first r terms of an arithmetic progression (AP), whose first term is © rand the common difference is (2r ~ 1). Let T, = Vo, 2and 0, = Ty =T,forr = 1.2, 70.The sum V,#V,tu.tV,is___. [T2007] () nin +9 Gat -n¥) 2 1 ‘ (8) ned or +n+2) (©) near? n+) (0) 4n (an? ~2n +3) 3 71. 1, is always [ut 2007] (A) an odd number (8) an even number (©) a prime number (0) a composite number 72.Which one of the following is a correct statement? (ut 2007) (A) Qe Qu Que are in A P with common difference § (8) Qy QQ are in A P with common difference 6 (©) Qy Qy Qu are in A P with common difference 11 (0) Q= = = Assertion and Reason Questions 73. Suppose four distinct positive numbers a, a, ay a, are in GP Let b, = a,b, =b, +a, b, = b, +a, and b, = 6, +a, [T 2008} Statement-1: T he numbers b, b,, b, and b, are neither in AP nor in GP and Statement-2: The numbers b, b,, by and b, are in HP a. Statement-1 is True, statement-2 is True; statement-2 is a correct explanation for statement-1 b. Statement-1 is True, statement-2 is True; statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for statement-1 c. Statement-1 is True, statement-2 is False Statement- Is False, statement-2 Is True Subjective Questions 74, The fourth term of an AP is equal to thrice the first term and the seventh term exceed twice the third term by 1. Find its first term and the commen difference. 75. The sum of 15 terms of an AP is 600, and the common difference is 5. The first termis__. ws (@) 10 12 (O15 76. If the sum of p terms of an AP is 3p? + 4p, find its nth term. 77. If the sum of an AP is the same for p as for q terms (p + q), its sum for p + q terms is__. @Ap+a Or+y jo )p-q 78. f (p + 1}th term of an AP is twice the (q +7) th term, show that (3p + 1)th term is twice the (+ + M}th term. 7B.1f, log, 2, log,(2" -8), and log,| 2 3] are in arithmetic progression, determine the value of x. Lu 1991; amy 80. The third term of a GP is the square of its first. term. If the second term is 8, determine the sixth term. 81. How many terms of the GP 1, 4, 16, 64, .. will make the sum 8461? 82. Fa, b, and c are in GP, then the equations ax + 2bx + € =O and d+ 2ex + f= O have a common root, if 9,2, are in Ur 1985] a’b'e 83.Find the sum ton terms of the following series. (ety) + tay ty) +O + xy yt) to (a y2t and x2y) 84, Find the value of n so that +0" am’ +b' a geometric mean between two distinct positive real numbers a and b. may be 88. If 2 GMs g, and g, and one AM A be inserted between 2 numbers, show that 24 - 1 , 82 & & Sequence and Series 86. If the AM of two positive numbers a and b is three times their GM, then calculate a: b. 87, Find the sum of n terms of a series whose nth term is 1 n'an+a), 2 An(n? +1) - (6n? + 0. 88. Find the sum to n terms of the series 1 + (P4374 (PR +35) + 89. If the sum to infinity of the series 3 + 5r +71 90. Find the sum of n terms of a series whase nth term is 3(4° + 2n®) = an, 91. The interior angles of a polygon are in arithmetic progression. The smallest angle 120°, and the common difference is 5° Find the number of sides of the polygon. (TT 1980) If, 8. mun a,are inarithmetic progression, where a,> 0 for all i show that vata, pws ~ kone Ee ur 1982; 2m) b. Does there exist a geometric progression containing 27,8 and 12 as three ofits terms? If it exists, how many such progressions are possible? ur 1982; 2m 93. rind three numbers a, b, and c between 2 and 18 such that () their sum is 25 (i) the numbers 2, ab are consecutive terms of an AP and (iil) the numbers b, ¢ 18 are consecutive terms of ace ur 1983; 2m) 94.1F S, S,,S,, ., S, are the sums of infinite geometric series, whose first terms are 1, 2, 3... M and whose common ratios are 14,4... 1, respectively, then find the 23'a' "ae values of s?+s? +s} +..+55,, [wr 1991; am) Sequence and Series 95. The real numbers x, x,, and x, satisfying the equation x! —x? + x+y =Oare in AP Find the intervals in which f) andy lie. [NT 1996; 3M] ind the sum ton terms of the series 2 +4 + Ten+i6+ 96. 97. Find the sum to n terms of the series 14.5 + 2+22+95+.. 98. Find the sum of n terms of the series 1+.4 + wHagtt ind the sum to n terms of the series tat, 12°23°34 400. Find the sum of n terms of the following series; 5, = 1,1, 1 135° 357° 57.9 401. Find the sum of n terms of the following series. $,= 258+ 5.81 + 8iti4 +. 102. What is the ratio of two positive numbers, if their HM and GM are in the ratio (1) 4 : 5, (i) 2137 103, If a and b are distinct positive real numbers and 27 +8" ig the HM of a and 6, find the aoe value of n. 404.if b is the HM of a and ¢, prove that 1.1 1 105, £12 and 9 2 are GM and HM, respectively of ‘two numbers, find the numbers. 106. If a, b, and ¢ are in AP; a4, b then prove that either a = b , c# are in HP, corab, -£ 2 [7 2003; am] 407. The sum of the squares of three distinct real numbers, which are in GP, is $*. If their sum from a GP. as, show that a” <| iA 43). \3") [ur 1986; sm] © 108. Let p be the first of the n arithmetic means harmonic means between the same numbers. (cy \n-1) aM) 110.if a, b, and c are positive real numbers, then [UT 1991; 4M] prove that: {(1 + a) (1 +b) (1+ ¢)j’> 7" atbiet iT 2004; am) W.Let a, a, .. be positive real numbers in geometric progression. For each n, let A, G, and H,be respectively, the arithmetic mean, geometric mean, and harmonic mean of a, mud Find an expression for the geometric mean of G,, GouG, IN terms Of Ay Aju, Hye Hal! [IT 2001; 5m] 12.Let a and b be positive real numbers. If a, A,A,, b are in arithmetic progression, a, G,G,, b are in geometric progression and a, H,.H., b are in harmonic progression, show that (a+b) (a+2b) HH HH, Sab (UT 2002; 5M) Sequence and Series Additional Practice Problems Multiple Correct Choice Type (One or More Options Correct) LMC n sO eae Core Sae (a) Sa, =2" ea, = ned © a,>a,, forp< ©) @P -@F = "C,.0"C, -™C) HY hen pe tnal wil be rei 2 cet (A) greater than 2a) (®) greater than 1 2In+2) 1 (©) less than 5 (0) less than 2in+2) 3. a,a,,a,,.. are distinct terms of an AP We call (@, g, #) an increasing triad, if a,, a,, a, are in GP where p, q, f. N such that p OS Integer Type Sant 41 9 8. ifs-) 37 *1 then 2 ter s 6 Leta,a,,a.,a,,a, be five terms of an increasing geometric progression such that a, a,,a,,a,a, € N,and a, < 100. Then the number of possible geometric progression (is/are) 7. Ifa, band c are in HP, then the value of, Bia DFC i always equal to boa boc , 8. The total number of positive real values of x such that x, [x], and {x} are in HP, where [.] denotes the greataat integer function, and {} denotes fraction part, is equal to 9. If A be the AM and G, G, be two Ms between two positive numbers a and b, then aug 6 is equal to 40. Number of positive real values of x, such that x, bd and {x} are in AP where [.] denotes the greatest integer function and {} denotes fraction part is equal to 11. Ifaa,,a, 6, la, a, al 4, ay & aa, are in HP and A=|5 4 a,| then find the value of [A] is, where [.] denotes GIF. Comprehension Type Ifa, b,c are in AP and x, y, and 2 are in GP where a,b, andc €R-{0}, and x, yandz

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