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Jacob Leatner V. Saavedra

International School For Better Beginnings
12-Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics

             Cognition processes, refers to everything that is related to knowledge. In other words,

the accumulation of information that we have acquired through learning or experience. It is the

ability to process information through perception (stimuli that we receive through our different

senses), knowledge acquired through experience, and our personal characteristics that allow us to

integrate all of this information to evaluate and interpret our world. It is the ability that we have

to assimilate and process the information that we receive from different sources (perception,

experience, beliefs, etc.) and convert them into knowledge. It includes different cognitive

processes, like learning, attention, memory, language, reasoning, decision making, etc., which

are part of our intellectual development and experience.  

our intellectual development and experience.  

               It was cognitive psychology that started to look in-depth into how processing

information influences behavior and what relation different mental processes had in the

acquisition of knowledge. Different cognitive functions play a role in these cognitive processes:

perception, attention, memory, reasoning, Each of these cognitive functions work together to

integrate the new knowledge and create an interpretation of the world around us.
               The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak was an enormous shock for

governments, administrative agencies, businesses, and ordinary people. To control the rate of

infection, several countries have adopted isolation strategies, like the one that is implemented in

our country nowadays, which is the community quarantine/lockdown. The use of these strategies

early in the development of infectious diseases has proven to be an effective prevention and

control strategy, which can significantly reduce the number of susceptible and infected people.

The core logic of the isolation strategy is to reduce the spread of the pandemic by implementing

social distancing in the local community. As well as the immediate threat to public health, the

pandemic is producing substantial economic and social stresses, as societies introduce measures

to restrict the spread of the virus. It has affected people in a lot of aspects, physically, socially,

and especially mentally. Especially to students, it has affected them in a lot of ways. It brought

about huge influence on people’s physic and also for their mental and social well-being.

                    The pandemic can affect the cognition processes of the students, because the mode

of learning nowadays is different from what we usually do, which is online learning. It can also

affect the mental stability of the students, for we are in a lockdown and we have the tendency to

overthink about almost everything. 

               To further analyze the changes of students’ cognition processes and their mental health

stability during the covid-19 pandemic, the researcher will conduct a survey with high school

students in International School for Better Beginnings, with the mode of random selection, and

identify the mental health stability of students during the pandemic through

questionnaire/parameters with the ongoing pandemic because of COVID-19.

     This study will be concerned on finding out the significant relationship of students’ mental

health stability and the changes in their cognition processes when exposed in online learning.

Specifically, this will seek to achieve the following objectives: 

1. Determine the students’ demographic profile as to:

1.1 age

1.2 sex

1.3 grade level

2. Identify the mental health stability of students during the pandemic and adapt a

questionnaire from National Comorbidity Survey (NCS)

3. Determine the changes of students’ cognition processes when exposed in online learning

in terms of:

3.1 attention

3.2 memory

3.3 processing speed

3.4 organization of thinking

3.5 metacognition

4. Analyze the significant difference of students’ demographic profile in terms of:

4.1 mental health stability 

4.2 change of cognition processes

      5.   Find out the significant relationship of students’ mental health stability and the changes

in their cognition processes when exposed in online learning.

Literature Review

               In this chapter, one can access the variables that may furthermore improve your

knowledge with regards to the researcher itself. This chapter contains the sources and references

for each variable.

Cognition Processes 

            According to Anderson D. Smith, Andrew Kelly (2015) Cognition includes basic mental

processes such as sensation, attention, and perception. Cognition also includes complex mental

operations such as memory, learning, language use, problem solving, decision making,

reasoning, and intelligence. Cognitive aging researchers have found age differences in both basic

and complex cognition, but the degree of these differences depends on what aspect of cognition

is being examined. While mental or cognitive processes control behavior, they are inferred from

observations of behavior. Cognitive aging researchers have used various techniques or paradigms

to make these inferences. Experimental techniques are used with hypotheses to examine causal

relationships. Differential techniques are used to study individual differences in cognition and to

look for relationships among cognitive processes. Contextual approaches are used to understand

the relationship of cognition to everyday activities. In addition to cross‐sectional studies, change

is measured within participants in longitudinal designs. Neuroscience techniques are used to

determine the relationship between the brain and cognition. 

              According to M.A. Runco, in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral

Sciences (2001), Creative thinking includes some basic cognitive processes, including

perception, attention, and memory. Creative cognition involves perceptual processes when a

creative insight is a direct result of the individual's original interpretation of experiences or

associations. Creative cognition may reflect attentional selections when the individual benefits

from the recognition of experiences and associations that can be used for original ideation.

Creative thinking can depend on memory and the storage of information as well. Some creative

achievements actually depend on expertise and require years (to master the knowledge which is

required by a field). Recall what was said above, however, about expertise occasionally working

against creative insights by leading to routine and assumption. Other basic processes are

involved in associative and divergent thinking. In addition to these basic processes, creative

cognition may be metacognitive and tactical. In this sense we can exert a degree of control over

our own thinking and direct our cognition to the generation of original and useful ideas, insights,

and solutions. We can think creatively. Cognitive theories of creativity focus on the intellectual

structures and processes that lead to insights, solutions, and ideas that are original and useful.


Coronavirus / COVID-19

            According to Kumar Sharma, D. R., Thaku, D. V, Jassal, D. S., & Raina, S. (2020), The

disease caused by corona virus is come under the category of sudden/acute infectious disease in

which is caused by SARS-CoV-2. At time WHO stated that disease of COVID-19 is a worldwide
contagious illness. According to WHO, this contagious disease is a 3rd acute contagious disease

which is caused by infection due to corona virus in the current century after anticipated SARS.

Till now the exact mechanism of COVID-19, how it produces its ill effects to the host body is

still not clear. This disease of COVID-19 shows mild or negligible symptoms in most of the

population, but usually it progresses with people of old aged groups or patient having low

immunity. Nowadays most of the people or patients show no symptoms or otherwise are

asymptomatic. In this review, the WHO convention of referring to the disease condition as novel

coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has been followed. The virus will be referred to as SARS-

related CoV-2, or SARS-CoV-28. COVID-19 has been labeled as a public health emergency of

international concern (PHEIC), and the epidemic curves are still on the rise.

               The comprehensive implementation through which severe acute respiratory syndrome-

corona virus infects humans through binding of protein- S to ACE 2, the brawn of interaction for

danger of human communication and how SARS-COV-2 results in organs injury is still remain

unknown and for this more studies required to come across. These outcomes describe the speedy

imparting potentiality of the virus in humans and the greater number of authenticate cases of

COVID-19 contrast with SARS-COV disease. Contemplate the higher empathy of SARS-COV-2

binding to ACE 2 might be likely candidate for the therapy of COVID-19.

Mental health 

             According to Chen B, Sun J and Feng Y (2020), Mental status was assessed according to

five symptoms, namely, depression, neurasthenia, fear, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD),

and hypochondria. Due to the great uncertainty about the spread of the pandemic, risk perception

of young individuals was divided into three types: anxiety, vulnerability, and controllability.
            According to Ajzen, 2002; Xie et al., (2005). anxiety refers to the degree of anxiety of

pandemic, the degree of pandemic’s impact on individuals and society, and the continuity of

pandemic’s consequences, representing the risk dimensions that have the greatest impact on the

individual’s anxiety; Vulnerability refers to the estimates of the probability of respondents and

the general population suffering from pandemic; Controllability refers to the sense of control of

pandemic and the degree of mastery of pandemic related knowledge.

            According to Sadiković S, Branovački B, Oljača M, Mitrović D, Pajić D and Smederevac

S (2020), The COVID-19 pandemic, a health emergency with international consequences, has

brought serious impact on all aspects of society and affects not only health and economy, but

psychological functioning and mental health as well. Longitudinal changes in four emotional

states during the pandemic were examined: worry, fear, boredom, and anger/annoyance. Results

indicate a decrease in all four emotional states over time. The biggest decrease was present in

case of worry, followed by fear and boredom. Regression analysis showed that personality

dimensions, as well as behavioral responses in this situation significantly predicted emotional


              According to (e.g., Taha et al., 2014), findings revealed the Behavioral activation

system was significantly related to worry, fear and boredom, Fight with boredom and anger, and

the Behavioral inhibition system with anger. Adherence to protection measures, as well as

increased exposure to the media, had significant positive relations with worry and fear. These

results indicate that both stable characteristics and specific pandemic-related behaviors are

significantly related to emotional response during the pandemic.

                 As indicated in the title, this chapter includes the research methodologies of the study.

In this part, the researcher outlines the research locale, the respondents, the research design, the

sampling technique that the researcher used, and the procedure of data gathering. 

Research Locale 

                  The researcher will be conducting this study in the city of Lucena, Quezon Province,

particularly in the International School for Better Beginnings. The researcher wants to find out

the significant relationship of students’ mental health stability and the changes in their cognition

processes when exposed in online learning. Furthermore, the researcher wants to identify the

mental health stability of students during the pandemic.

Respondents of the Study

                   The researcher will evaluate some of the high school students in the International

School for Better Beginnings. The particular reason for this circumstance is that the Research

Locale will be in ISBB, and the people that will be evaluated are studying in the ISBB. One

would like to analyze the mental health stability of the students during the pandemic.

Research Design

                   The researcher will use descriptive-correlational research, for the researcher aims to

describe the variables and the relationships that occur naturally between and among them.  The

research approach that the researcher will use is the mixed method, which is by the means of

qualitative and quantitative study. The researcher will collect the results in the questionnaires, to

explain the results that the researcher has gathered. And after gathering the results, the researcher

will evaluate the results towards the objectives of the research.

Sampling Technique

                     The sampling technique that the researcher will use is “Stratified Random

Sampling”, and lottery method. The researcher will utilize this study by the means of dividing

the population of the high school students into smaller sub-groups and obtain a sample

population that best represents the entire population being studied. The researcher will also

utilize this study by the means of selecting the students in a lottery method to avoid bias and to

identify the population that will be evaluated.

Data Gathering Procedure

                   The researcher will make a questionnaire through google forms, towards the

significant relationship of students’ mental health stability and the changes in their cognition

processes when exposed in online learning. This will be validated by the English Critic to

remove bias. After gathering the results, the researcher will evaluate and analyze the responses of

the high school students. The researcher will make a questionnaire that aims to know the

students’ demographic profile as to sex, age, and grade level, the mental health stability of

students during the pandemic, analyze the significant difference of students’ demographic profile

in terms of mental health stability, and change of cognition processes, determine the changes of

students’ cognition processes when exposed in online learning in terms of attention, memory,

processing speed, organization of thinking and metacognition, and find out the significant

relationship of students’ mental health stability and the changes in their cognition processes

when exposed in online learning. 


        The researcher will make a questionnaire that aims to gather the data towards the significant

relationship of students’ mental health stability and the changes in their cognition processes

when exposed in online learning. The question that will be present is about identifying the

mental health stability of the students, and the changes of students’ cognition processes when

exposed in online learning in terms of attention, memory, processing speed, organization of

thinking and metacognition. The researcher will have choices that showcase a 4-point Likert


Validation of the Instrument

          The questionnaire will be validated by the English Critic in order to know if the

questionnaire is accurate when it comes to using the right English grammar to avoid confusion of

the questionnaire for the respondents. 

Statistical Treatment 

        One will evaluate and analyze the mental health stability of students during the pandemic,

analyze the significant difference of students’ demographic profile in terms of mental health

stability, and change of cognition processes. One would also determine the changes of students’

cognition processes when exposed in online learning in terms of attention, memory, processing

speed, organization of thinking and metacognition. One would also find out the significant

relationship of students’ mental health stability and the changes in their cognition processes

when exposed in online learning with the use of parametric inferential statistics. One would

gather data by the means of an online survey, and the survey would be assessed with the use of

the weighted average mean and standard deviation to determine the answers on the objectives of
the research paper. One would find out the significant relationship of students’ mental health

stability and the changes in their cognition processes when exposed in online learning.

The researcher would be asking respondents to rate each concern with the following scale:

For the 2nd Objective:

Rate                                                   Verbal Interpretation                                Range

   4                                                   All the time                                     3.6 - 4.5

  3                                                    Most of the time 2.6 – 3.5

2                                                             A little                                           1.6 - 2.5

1                                                               None                                            1.0 - 1.5

For the 3rd Objective:

Rate                                                   Verbal Interpretation                                Range

4                            Strongly Agree                                  3.6 – 4.5

3                                                            Agree                                            2.6 – 3.5

2                                                                Disagree                                          1.6 - 2.5

1                                                         Strongly Disagree                                1.0 - 1.5


One has computed the number of respondents with a formula that is given by the research

educator. One wants to conduct a survey with 100 High school students. To get the total number

of respondents in each grade level, One has gathered the total number of HS students from each

grade level (ex. Grade 7 total : 60) and divided it to the total number of students in ISBB HS

which is a total of 366 students. One has multiplied it to the number of respondents the

researcher wants to conduct a survey with, which is a total of 100. It has been done to each level

and one has used the method of lottery to select certain respondents who would be assessed.

Chart 1.1 Age



12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Chart 1.2 Sex




Chart 1.3 Grade Level


21 21


12 12

Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

The charts above are used to answer the first objective, which is the determining the

demographic profile of the respondent as to age, sex, and grade level of the high school students.

One has determined the demographic profile of students to analyze their mental health stability

based on their age, sex, and grade level.

The researcher would be asking respondents to rate each concern with the following scale:
For the 2nd Objective:
Rate Verbal Interpretation Range
4 All the time 3.6 - 4.5
3 Most of the time 2.6 – 3.5
2 A little 1.6 - 2.5
1 None 1.0 - 1.5


the of the little
time time
1. How often did you feel tired 15 73 12 0 3.03 Most of the
out for no good reason? time

2. How often did you feel so 14 67 17 2 2.93 Most of the

nervous that nothing could time
calm you down?
3. About how often did you 28 52 18 2 3.06 Most of the
feel hopeless? time
4. About how often did you 32 53 9 6 3.11 Most of the
feel restless or fidgety? time
5. How often did you feel so 28 51 12 9 2.98 Most of the
restless that you could not sit time
6. About how often did you 27 43 22 8 2.89 Most of the
feel depressed? time
7. About how often did you 35 46 17 2 3.14 Most of the
feel nervous? time
8. How often did you feel so 21 46 21 12 2.76 Most of the
depressed that nothing could time
cheer you up?
9. How often did you feel that 32 54 10 4 3.14 Most of the
everything was an effort? time
10. About how often did you 38 45 15 2 3.19 Most of the
feel worthless? time
of the
MEAN: 3 time

The following table would be used to evaluate the second and fourth objective of this study,

which is identifying the mental health stability of the students and analyze the significant

difference of students’ demographic profile in terms of mental health stability during the

pandemic using a questionnaire. One has adapted and paraphrased a questionnaire from the NCS

(National Comorbidity Survey). With the means of this table, one would identify the mental

health stability of students during the pandemic.

One has assessed and evaluated the table above and it actively demonstrates that almost

every student has issues when it comes to their mental health most of the time. Mostly females

have issues when it comes to their mental health and most of them experience a certain problem

most of the time. This is also seen with the opposite gender, which is males. Most of them also

experience these problems most of the time. One has also identified that Grade 7 does not
experience much mental health issues, one has noticed that they are too young to be experiencing

this kind of issue. One thinks that they do not have much knowledge about mental health

problems. When it comes to the upper grades and the ages that range from 15-18, one has

noticed that they are the ones that experience such issues. They stated that they go through a

certain issue most of the time. It is clearly visible that almost every student agreed that they have

concerns with their mental health. Even though every respondent has different responses, most of

them agreed that they experience a certain mental health problem, and one has used the weighted

mean to assess the 4-point Likert scale. The weighted mean resulted to 3.023, in which it falls to

the 3rd level and it simply states that the students are ordinarily having issues when it comes to

their mental health stability. One has also identified that the students should be taking notice of

their mental health for it actively demonstrates that most of the time, they are either depressed,

restless, and hopeless. One thinks that the students should also take action regarding this matter.

The following table would be used to assess the last three objectives of this study, which is

determining the changes of students’ cognition processes when exposed in online learning,

analyzing the significant difference of students’ demographic profile in terms of change of

cognition processes, and find out the significant relationship of students’ mental health stability

and the changes in their cognition processes when exposed in online learning.
For the 3rd Objective:

Rate Verbal Interpretation Range

4 Strongly Agree 3.6 - 4.5
3 Agree 2.6 - 3.5
2 Disagree 1.6 - 2.5
1 Strongly Disagree 1.0 - 1.5

Questionnaire about the changes of students’ cognition processes when exposed in online
learning in terms of:
Questions SA A D SD WM DR
1. My attention is 16 16 49 19 2.35 D
sustained (focused
to class) during
online classes.



Regarding the changes of students’ cognition processes when exposed in online learning in

terms of attention, one has separated positive statements from the negative statements to avoid

discrepancy on the data. It is clearly stated in the table above that the weighted mean for the first

question resulted to 2.35, which means the respondents disagrees that their attention during

online classes is not sustained to classes. One has noticed that most students from grades 7-8, in

both genders, have their attention sustained to online classes. One has also noticed that the upper

levels agreed that their attention is not sustained to online class. This states that they are clearly

distracted during online classes, which is on the next question of this category.

Questions SA A D SD WM DR
2. I am multitasking 25 67 5 3 3.14 A
during online
classes. (e.g using
your phone during
online classes)

3. My attention is 46 47 6 1 3.38 A
divided during
online classes.
4. I am easily 54 39 4 3 3.44 A
distracted by other
things during
online classes.

When it comes to the neutral/negative statements when it comes to changes of students’

cognition processes when exposed in online learning in terms of attention, it is clearly visible

that the response of almost all the students is consistent and not different from each other.

Almost every student agreed that their attention is divided during online classes and they are

easily distracted by other things while attending the online classes. Most of them has the same

response in which one has used the weighted mean to assess the 4-point Likert scale, in which it

resulted to 3.32, which simply means that the respondents agreed that they are multitasking

during online classes, and that their attention is divided, and they are easily distracted by other

things during online classes.

Questionnaire about the changes of students’ cognition processes when exposed in online
learning in terms of:

1. I am pleased with 12 26 45 17 2.33 DA
my memory ability
during this online

2. I easily recall the 16 23 41 20 2.35 DA

lessons I study in
online learning.

Regarding the changes of students’ cognition processes when exposed in online learning in

terms of memory, one has separated positive statements from the neutral/negative statements to

avoid discrepancy on the data. It is clearly stated that the responses are also not quite different

and almost three quarters of the respondents disagreed, in which one has used the weighted mean

and it then resulted to 2.34, and it can be described as the 2nd level that means the respondents

disagreed when it comes to being pleased with their memory ability during this online learning.

The respondents also disagreed that they easily recall the lessons they study in online learning.

One has noticed that the mostly females from all levels agreed that they are pleased with their

memory ability during online classes. One thinks that most females are really focused even the

mode of classes are different nowadays. One noticed that less than half of the students only agree

that they are pleased with their memory ability.

Memory SA A D SD WM DR


1. I tend to forget the 20 70 8 2 3.08 A

lessons I studied a
while ago
2. I tend to forget the 40 55 3 2 3.33 A
lessons I studied a
week ago.

When it comes to the neutral/negative statements when it comes to changes of students’

cognition processes when exposed in online learning in terms of memory, it is stated that it is

near to the point where everyone agreed that they tend to forget the lessons they studied either a

while ago or a week ago. One has noticed that the memory ability of almost all the students

during this time of online classes is slightly changed than the ones we had when we are in face-

face classes. One thinks that they tend to do other things at home rather than reviewing for their

studies, and this actively demonstrates that they tend to forget what they studied a few moments

ago or even a week ago.

Questionnaire about the changes of students’ cognition processes when exposed in online
learning in terms of:
1. I easily process the 16 25 47 12 2.45 D
lessons my teacher is
discussing during these
online classes.


Regarding the changes of students’ cognition processes when exposed in online learning in

terms of processing speed, one has separated the positive statements from the neutral/negative

statements to avoid discrepancy on the data. It is clearly stated that the responses of the students

are different from each other, and almost half of the respondents agreed, and more than half of

the respondents disagreed. One has used the weighted mean to assess the 4-point Likert Scale,

and it then resulted to 2.45, which expresses the 2nd level which means that the population

disagreed that they easily process the lessons their teacher discusses during online classes.

Nevertheless, one has noticed that mostly females from all levels agreed that they easily process

the lessons taught, and some males from grades 7-9 also agreed with it. One thinks that mostly

females are focused and can process the lessons easily during these online classes.
2. It takes me longer to do 20 66 14 0 3.06 A
an assignment/module
than others who do it

3. I am having difficulty 30 61 8 1 3.2 A

following instructions
during online classes.

4. I do poorly on online 35 51 12 2 3.19 A

assessments even when I
know the lesson.

When it comes to the neutral/negative statements when it comes to changes of students’

cognition processes when exposed in online learning in terms of memory, one has assessed their

responses and one has noticed that the answers are not that different from each other, in which it

is stated in the weighted average mean in the study resulted to 3.15, in which it means that the

respondents agreed that they have issues when it comes to processing during online classes. It is

clearly stated that almost everyone agreed that their processing speed is affected when attending

classes online. One has noticed that almost all the students have difficulty in online assessments

and modules and following instructions during online classes. However, one noticed that some of

the students in grade 10,11, and 12 disagreed about the fact that they are having difficulty when
it comes to processing. One thinks that they are somehow developed and aware of their

capabilities when it comes to modules, assessments, and following instructions during online


Questionnaire about the changes of students’ cognition processes when exposed in online
learning in terms of:
1. I approach problems in 17 65 17 1 2.98 A
online classes with a
strategy on how to solve

2. I plan the things I do 21 70 7 2 3.1 A

before I do online
3. I use critical thinking to 21 67 11 1 3.08 A
further understand the
information I gathered
during online classes.

4. I use different strategies 27 61 9 3 3.12 A

for different situations
during online classes.


Regarding the changes of students’ cognition processes when exposed in online learning
in terms of organization of thinking, the weighted average mean resulted to 3.07 in which it

means that the respondents agreed when it comes to being organized in anything that they do or

think during online classes. One noticed that the students approach the online classes with a

strategy for every situation that they will encounter. One noticed that they plan the things they do

in online classes. One also noticed that they use their critical thinking to fully understand a

certain information they learned in online classes. Nevertheless, one noticed that the grade 7 and

8 students are not fully aware when it comes to having strategies for situations during online

class. One noticed that most of them disagreed in that matter. One also noticed that most of the

students in the upper levels are aware with their organization of thinking during online classes.

To sum up everything that has been stated so far, with all the data that one has been

gathered, one ended up stating that the mental health stability of the student can truly affect their

cognition processes when they are exposed in online learning. One acknowledged that having

certain issues with their mental health can truly affect the performance of a student, especially

nowadays as students are exposed not just in online classes but also in social media, which is

mainly the reason why the mental health of the population is affected. One thinks that the reason

for this circumstance is that students tend to multitask and use their phones even they are

attending their online classes. One also recognized that the students are easily distracted by

phones and social media, unlike during face-face classes, in which the students are not allowed

to use their phones and they are focused to class only. One also noticed that the memory of the

students is affected during online classes. One thinks that they tend to do other things at home

rather than reviewing for their studies, and this actively demonstrates that they tend to forget

what they studied a few moments ago, or even a week ago. One has also recognized that even

though some of their cognition processes are affected during this pandemic and in the time of
online classes, the students still approach the online classes with a strategy for every situation

that they will encounter. They still have that organization of thinking which is vital during this

time of pandemic where everything that we study is online.

Summary of Findings

1. The study actively demonstrates that almost every student has issues when it comes to their

mental health most of the time. Both genders have issues when it comes to their mental health

and most of them experience a certain problem most of the time.

2. It is identified in the study that the lower levels do not experience much mental health issues.

The study shows that they do not have much knowledge about mental health problems.

3. The study shows that that the students are clearly distracted during online classes. Their

attention is not sustained, and they are easily distracted by other things during online classes.

4. The research indicates that that the memory ability of almost all the students during this time

of online classes is slightly changed than the ones we had when we are in face-face classes.

5. The study shows that the students are not much developed and aware of their capabilities

when it comes to modules, assessments, and following instructions during online classes. The

students are having issues when it comes to processing.

6. It is also identified in the study that the students are aware with their organization of thinking

during online classes.


To sum up everything that has been stated so far, the following conclusions are drawn:

1. One concludes that the mental health stability of the student can truly affect their cognition

processes when they are exposed in online learning.

2. One concludes that having certain issues with their mental health can truly affect the

performance of a student, especially nowadays as students are exposed not just in online classes

but also in social media, which is mainly the reason why the mental health of the population is


3. One concludes that the students are easily distracted by phones and social media, unlike

during face-face classes, in which the students are not allowed to use their phones and they are

focused to class only.

4. One concludes that the memory of the students is affected during online classes. One thinks

that they tend to do other things at home rather than reviewing for their studies, and this actively

demonstrates that they tend to forget what they studied a few moments ago, or even a week ago.

5. One concludes that even though some of their cognition processes are affected during this

pandemic and in the time of online classes, the students still approach the online classes with a

strategy for every situation that they will encounter.


Based on the findings of the study, one suggests the following recommendations:
1. One recommends that the future researchers should use this as a guide to assess the changes of

students’ cognition processes and their mental health stability during a pandemic.

2. One recommends schools to have seminars in dealing with mental health problems to help

students address this matter immediately.

3. One recommends having mental health awareness in the community.

4. One recommends everyone to have knowledge when it comes to mental health to help

ourselves deal with these problems in our everyday lives.


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