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3rd Year, Class - B, Daily Shift
English 6

Final project

Topic: Avaliation of the impacts associated with the dismantling of rock with explosive in
mining in valley’s company in the Tete-city particularly in Moatize district.


Johane Washington Sigauque


MA. David Constantino Colaço

Tete, November of 2022

I. DECLARATION......................................................................................................................4

II. ABSTRACT.............................................................................................................................5

III. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS....................................................................................................6

1. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................7

2. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM.......................................................................................8

2.1. Purpose of the study..........................................................................................................8

2.2. Delimitation of the study...................................................................................................8

2.3. Definitions of key concepts...............................................................................................9

2.3.1. Dismantling rock.......................................................................................................9

2.3.2. Fire plan.....................................................................................................................9

2.3.3. Environmental management system..........................................................................9

3. JUSTIFICATION OF THE INVESTIGATION......................................................................9

4. OBJECTIVES..........................................................................................................................9

4.1. General............................................................................................................................10

4.2. Specific objective............................................................................................................10

4.3. Research Questions.........................................................................................................10

4.4. Research Hypothesis.......................................................................................................10

5. LITERATURE REVIEW.......................................................................................................10

5.1. Rock dismantling with explosive....................................................................................10

5.2. Fire Plan..........................................................................................................................12

5.3. Types of explosives used for rock clearing.....................................................................14

5.4. Problems caused by dismantling rock with explosive....................................................15

5.5. Implementation of the environmental management system...........................................17

5.6. Plan..................................................................................................................................17

5.7. Implementation and Operation........................................................................................17

5.8. Verification and Preventive or Corrective Action..........................................................17

5.9. Review............................................................................................................................18

6. METHODOLOGY.................................................................................................................19

6.1. Research Methodology...................................................................................................19

6.2. Research Tools................................................................................................................20

6.3. Study...............................................................................................................................20

6.4. Data Collection...............................................................................................................20

6.5. Questionnaires.................................................................................................................21

6.6. Observation.....................................................................................................................21

7. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS..........................................................................................22

8. CONCLUSION......................................................................................................................25

9. RECOMMENDATION..........................................................................................................26

10. BIBLIOGRAPHY...............................................................................................................27

This final project belongs to Johane Washington Sigauque ,student that is doing Mining
Engineering at Instituto Superior Politécnico of Tete. It will approach about How rock blasting
activities with explosive, done by Valley affect the population in Moatize district. In addition, it
has aim to academic approbation.

The study of this research aims to discover the impacts associated with the dismantling of rock
with explosive in mining in Mozambique, caused by the valley’s company in the Tete-city
particularly in Moatize district. However this research is important because it allows us to have
knowledge about the prevention of impacts on the district of motion, through knowledge; it is
possible to create methods and strategies that help us to control and manage the impacts created
during the rock dismantling in the Moatize district since the region has been the predominant
place of the mining activity.

Not only, but also, will readers be able to understand the environmental management system and
the various impacts that the dismantling of rock with explosive has affected, causing society to
stop and think about how to fight against these impacts, in order to it does not aggravate them,
however, the environmental impacts or problems caused will help society to have knowledge of
how to avoid the risks helping the company in the clearing of rock for a society and clean
production. As well, they will understand the challenges that the company would face in the
absence of proper management of the risks caused by its activities, due to the lack of
professionalism of the operators and an optimal fire plan in the clearing.

The research was developed using three tools of data collection, bibliographic review, direct
observation made in the rock clearing and interviews carried out to company operators and
residents of the Moatize district. The results of the research showed that the method and
technique used by the operators has a negative environmental impact and discomfort through
ultralights, vibrations, dust emission, noise increase. So the complete implementation of the
environmental management system and the training of operators is a great challenge since, if not
implemented correctly, some operators may be misinformed, thus continuing the generation of
effluents on the environment. Evidence shows that some mining companies are being managed
by groups that need to have a good ability in the environmental management system so that they
minimize and solve these environmental problems within the company.

This research will not generalize the findings, but it is essential to take into consideration some
of the issues discussed in this project in order to improve the management of the impacts caused
by rock dismantling, considering some strategies in the mining company in Tete-city in Moatize.

After a long walk to the elaboration of the respective project, but a stage closes. Because I have
tried my difficulties and still have learned with words and strength of will, these essences
characterize a professional scientific environment, from the bottom of the heart.

My acknowledgement goes:

 First of all, to my God for the life he has given me, for the faith that sustains me until
then and for the wonderful family he has foreseen my thank you.
 To my parents, Washington Sigauque and Vaileth Muiambo (in memory) for the
encouragement and effort they have done for me has made me what I am today, for this
kindness of helping me in order to continue what had to be continued, for this inspiration
the which you convey in me once again my thank you.
 By understanding and fellowship, I say thank you to my colleagues at Tete Polytechnic
Institute and in particular to the friends who directly or indirectly support me, without
you none of this would be possible.
 To my teacher dr. David Constatino Colaço for making this work a reality, in his critical
and sour words, he has my deep attention and admiration.
 By the patience, I say thank you to the population of the District of Moatize and some
company workers worth without you the present work would not be a reality.

The constant search for the minimization of the impacts originated in the dismantling of rock
with explosive in mining around the world provides and stimulates a great improvement and
contribution of tools and methods that help in the decision making in the planning of the mining
operations, respectively in the fire plan.

In this sense, the present work was developed taking into account the impacts caused by the rock
dismantling with explosive in the company valley, in the province of Tete, in the district of
Moatize in order to create solutions and improvement the health of the population verified
through some collection of data and bibliographical revisions where the author approaches on the
fire plan, the environmental management system for a clean production, as well as the skilled
labor for the operation and among others.

According to Sánchez (1987: pp.234-235) states that: The control and minimization of these
effects is an important practice that should accompany the planning and execution of
rockclearing works. In this way the research intends to identify and implement strategies for the
management of the impacts caused in the operation of rock dismantling, since it is very
important for a future protection and minimization of the effects of ultralight exhaust gases to the
atmosphere, , where its implementation through knowledge, strategies and methods will help
society to become clean and healthy.

The study refers to an action research where possible forms of approach will be found with the
purpose of solving an immediate problem or reflexive processes of progressive resolution led by
the author contributing to a solution of problem previously mentioned, having as a procedure the
collection of data referring to area of study covering society and local operators, as well as
bibliographic reviews that address similar issues that the author addresses.

The research composed of the following chapters: Chapter 1: Introduction, Chapter 2: Statement
of Problem, Chapter 3: Justification of Research, Chapter 4: Theoretical Context, Chapter 5:
Methodology, Chapter 6: Study, Chapter 7: Results and Discussions, Chapter 8: Conclusion,
Chapter 9: Bibliography, Chapter 11: Appendices.

In the context of mine engineering, the dismantling of rock with explosive is a very important
factor to be considered as originating the impacts caused by the fragmentation of rocky mass. In
addition, a poorly designed fire plan can in any way affect the life of man and the infrastructure
contributing to a negative situation.

In this the process of dismantling of rock with explosives, one has to consider problems that do
not involve the poor design of the fire plan, since the lack of professionalism to the blaster is also
important for its study, remembering that many times the causes of the negative impacts caused
in the operation has its origin from the same blaster.

However, the knowledge and professionalism in the dismantling of rock with explosive is of
great importance in the mining to allow us to realize and to determine a plane of fire, for this
reason or in depth knowledge on a geometry, elements of the fire plane is advantageous and as
well as a way that they affected dismantling

2.1. Purpose of the study

The present work aims to present a study, for the research work carried out to prepare the final
report on the impacts caused in the process of dismantling of rock with explosives. We will
present some research and data processing procedures discussed around the research for the
identification and description of the impacts caused, aided to some methodologies that aim at
minimizing these impacts for a clean and healthy production of society.

2.2. Delimitation of the study

During the research in the valley company in the Moatize district, it was observed that during the
process of dismantling rock with explosives has caused a huge impact on neighboring and local
society, because when the operation is carried out there are irregularities about the atmosphere
such as gas emissions, ultralighting, vibrations among others that the author will cite around the
respective work.

Consequently, it was verified that these irregularities comes from several factors that relate to the
sizing of the fire plan, professionalism among others. Being that this fact is considered
investigative of the matter for minimize these impacts and transform the study area into a clean
and healthy society.

2.3. Definitions of key concepts
2.3.1. Dismantling rock
It consists of the fragmentation of rock mass by means of techniques and knowledge used or
determined in the planning to obtain the granulometry (size) of the desired block from the
opening of holes (drilling).

2.3.2. Fire plan

It is considered the geometry performed on the surface of the rocky mass that is to be dismantled
from the opening of holes for the allocation of explosives, which can be in rectangular, square
mesh and staggered depending on the granulometry (size) of the desired block.

2.3.3. Environmental management system

It is an environmental science tool used to control and minimize levels of pollution over a given
human activity so as not to pose a risk to human health and the atmosphere.


Considering that the dismantling of rock with explosive is seen as an operation of extreme
importance for the productivity of the company, where it guarantees the efficiency in the
fragmentation of the material by means of low costs in its operation when compared with other

According to the Ministry of mineral resources and energy, the operations of dismantling of rock
realized in our country has been used by means of explosives, mainly in rocky masses that
present a great hardness or resistance.

However, the author intends to start from this mining operation to achieve results of
improvement to the subject in approach, creating a future protection of the area in studies
through contributions related to the minimization of these impacts coming from this operation
for future generations so that it has a healthy environment.

 The objective of this research is to seek and transmit knowledge for satisfaction through
possible information related to the subject under study.

4.1. General
 . Improve the methodology applied by the company in the dismantling of rock with

4.2. Specific objective

 Lean around the rock clearing;
 Identify the impacts caused to the local society;
 Check the quantity and type of explosives in the holes;
 Develop an optimized fire plan.

4.3. Research Questions

 Why study rock drilling with explosives?
 How do the impacts of rock-to-explosive dismantling affect society?
 Why the implementation of an environmental management system?
 What is the material used for the borehole?

4.4. Research Hypothesis

 This dismantling operation entails enormous problems, which generate a great discomfort
to society especially when it is carried out in the absence of professionals;
 Impacts from rock-to-explosive dismantling put the health of the society (man) at risk,
leading to death when it is too dangerous and preventing a peaceful environment.
 The implementation of an environmental management system aims to establish criteries
that must be followed in environmental legislation in relation to levels of pollution in the
 The identification of the buffer material allows us to know if the explosives are confined
in a correct way that does not allow the ultralight to the environment, since in the absence
of this knowledge makes society very dangerous.

5.1. Rock dismantling with explosive
The dismantling of rock with explosive is an operation that constitutes the rock breaking in the
mining, where it is known that this operation carries with it several problems for the society
although it is an efficient and productive method. In detonations near urban areas, measures

should be taken for noise and vibration level of the soil, as well as ultra-launch and conditions of
the remaining mass.

Considering the planning for this type of dismantling within the company is influenced by
several factors, which need control so that the intended objectives of the dismantle are
effectively achieved. The choice of method and drilling equipment, the distribution, the diameter
and depth of the holes, the type of explosive to be used, and the qualification of the dismantling
team are, for example, factors relevant to the success of the dismantling. geological conditions
have a fundamental role and should always be considered in the project.

The use of explosives may also cause an over fracture of the massif, creating instabilities in areas
near detonations. According to Gomes et al this substance is described as follows:

"The explosive is a chemical compound, consisting mainly of combustible substances

(rich in carbon) and oxidising substances (oxygen rich) that when activated by a source
of thermal or mechanical energy decompose abruptly, releasing a high volume of gases
at high temperature " (Gomes et al, 2008: 23).

The problem caused by the dismantling of explosives is seen with great interest by governments,
explosives manufacturers and throughout the mining industry, with a concern to control and
minimize the changes caused in the operation avoiding their impacts on the surrounding
environment, considering that the damage done is detrimental to the health of the man.

According to Sánchez (1987: pp.234-235) states that: "The control and minimization of
these effects is an important practice that should accompany the planning and execution
of rock-clearing works."

Certainly with an application of the cleaner production in the operation of rock dismantle with
explosive in order to minimize these effects that are felt in an operation would be quite efficient
and advantageous for a company and a relation with the surrounding population, the residents of
the area in a study, but not being sufficient enough because the explosive dismantle comprises a
series of technologies and these techniques are carried out in relation to the surface of the rock
denominated drilling with the purpose of the opening of holes to allow a location of explosive for
later dismounting of the rock.

Therefore an optimum design of the fire plan for the company guarantees an efficiency in the
release of the volume of the rock and avoiding the impacts caused by the operation, the difficulty
that is being registered can be understood in the optimization of the fire plan taking into account
that this is a of the factors by which the valley company presents an inefficiency in this

5.2. Fire Plan

The optimization of a fire diagram, as already mentioned, is a rather complex operation because
of the difficulty in analyzing and quantifying the influence of a large number of variables on the
burst result. According to Lopez, Konya et all states that:

"In each situation it is necessary to establish the amount of explosive to be used and its
distribution in order to achieve the desired degree of fragmentation at a minimal cost"
(Jimeno & Lopez, 1995: p.27, Konya & Walter, 1990: p.27).

This operation takes into account the geometry of the drilling mesh taking into account the
drilling equipment for the hole opening, according to the area to be dismantled, being of extreme
importance relating the quality of fragmentation and the respective impacts generated to support
the clearing using explosives in the drilled holes.

The following conditions have to be taken into account:

 Characteristics of the rock;

 The type of explosive;
 The diameter of the hole;
 Seat height;
 Cap;
 Clearance;
 Loading ratio;
 Spacing.

Cap - is the top of the hole that is not loaded with explosives, but rather with earth, sand, or
other well-stuffed inert material to confine the gases in the explosive.

Valdir (2009), analyzing the geometric configuration of the plug in the loading of the holes,
share the following knowledge.

"In practice, the optimal lengths of the plug increase with the quality and competence of
the rock to be disassembled, varying between 20 D and 60 D. Whenever possible, the
length of the cap of more than 25 D should be used in order to avoid problems of sound
pressures, ultralight, and ultra break." (Valdir 2009: 67).

It is true to consider that the optimum buffer increases with the quality of the rock clearing, thus
avoiding ultralizations, but it is also necessary to determine the type of material according to the
characteristics of the rock since the sand, soil or aggregates used with buffer quality when
examined for each type of rock because the rocky massif more or less resistant present their
particular being important their determination.

According to (Kerber et al., 2007: pp.130-131) states that: the main errors and
deviations that may occur during drilling include deviations of the bore forwards or
backwards of the face of the workbench, lateral deviations, deviation in slope or azimuth
of the hole, length wrong hole and hole losses.

In this order of idea it can be seen that the impacts from the rock dismantle with explosive to the
population surrounding or surrounding the mining company, directly or indirectly are exposed to
the dangers because the quantity of explosives used can not only impact negatively as also the
openings of holes are related according to the way in which the operator works and these errors
are originated during the operations for the disassembly where it is verified that the errors come
from the drilling machine operator.

If the backward deviation of the face of the workbench increases, the tendency is to increase the
spacing, creating areas that will not be affected by the energy of the explosives in those holes,
which may lead to inadequate fragmentation and excessive vibration in the ground. Lateral
deviations modify the planned spacing ratio, resulting in problems in material fragmentation.

However, the fire plan used in the mining company is valid, as it has been noticed that there are
certain errors on the part of the operators, since the design of the fire plan refers to specially
prepared or professional fire operators for the respective operation. Because the good

dimensioning of this fire plan for the disassembly guarantees the minimum safety when it is
carried out by experienced. If it is followed according to the points mentioned above, a reduction
of a lack of quality in the fire dimensioning will be verified.

5.3. Types of explosives used for rock clearing.

The dismantling of rocks with explosives involves knowledge of the properties of the explosives
and the mechanical properties of the rocks to be dismantled. Remember that the structure of the
rock has a relevant role in the conditions of dismantling and fragmentation, such as joints,
lactation, fractures, alterations and others.

It can be seen that the explosives used in this mining company are divided into two categories
which are:

 Explosives used in the dry environment: O Anfo;

 Explosives used in the humid environment: The emulsions.

ANFO is the most used civil explosive in the world, consists of a mixture between two main
compounds, ammonium nitrate and fuel oil. Ammonium nitrate acts as an oxidizer, while the
fuel oil is the reductant.

EMULSIONS are the latest explosives on the market, which maintains the properties of
aquagels, but possess better potency and water resistance. According to the author regarding the
climate of the region under study it can be verified the non-constant importance of the explosive
use type emulsions since it is predominance of the region is relatively a dry climate. This time it
can be understood that the company has opted for the use of the explosive type anfo due to its

According to Olofsson it says the following:

"The force per unit weight of an explosive can be calculated by knowing the volume of
gases released and the heat of the reaction" (Olofsson, 1991: pp.64-66).

So, the explosive type anfo presents a chemical reaction formed between nitrogen, hydrogen in
the presence of oxygen, thus giving rise to ammonium nitrate and diesel oil. Being that it offers
some advantages for the production of the company regarding the dismantling as:

 Fully occupy the volume of the borehole, great insensitivity to shocks, few toxic gases
and reduction of the overall price of the explosive;
 Shock resistance;
 Good detonation speed.

It should be noted that the quantity of the explosive allocated in the holes for the detonation goes
according to the diameter, characteristic of the rock and the depth of the hole and in this case the
quantity according to the respective blaster is dimensioned, because the quantity can not be
determined without a knowledge of the charge ratio of the explosive, where the charge ratio
relates to the amount of the explosive and the volume of the rock mass.

If the amount of explosive used in the bore has an energy not very high the resistance of the
rocky mass and that of the cap inside the bore, it will be noticed that the energy released will be
at an average level according to the resistance of the rock and consequently certain anomalies
caused thereby.

5.4. Problems caused by dismantling rock with explosive

Currently in the mining community problems are common near the region of mining due to the
reflections of the process of drilling and dismantling of rocks, one of the main problems of
friction of the community with the mining is the dismantling of rocks by explosive. In these
situations, those responsible for the detonations often have little to do, since they try to find a fire
plan to optimize the rock dismantling without conducting a research, with the proper use of
instrumentation, to determine the influence of several parameters on the rock. environmental
problems generated by detonations with the use of explosives.

In this case, the dismantling of rock with the use of explosives causes unavoidable environmental
impacts and discomfort for the local populations and, respectively, the operators who directly
carry out the dismantling operations, which are exposed daily to their effects.

According to Dallora Neto (2004) highlights the following:

 Ground vibration generation;

 Particulate matter (dust);
 increase in noise levels;

 ultralight fragments;
 Atmos Atmospheric overpressure;
 Landscaping modification.

In order to avoid the occurrence of ultralights, Olofsson (1989) recommends that the following
operations should be performed:

"Perform cleaning of the surface to be dismantled of loose stones, use good buffering
material, correct the drilling mesh and the inclination of the hole, design the drilling
mesh test so that each detonation hole has free rupture and delay, and in the holes,
charge carefully and check that the right amount of explosives is being used. "(Olofsson,
1989: 112).

In order to avoid the occurrence of atmospheric overpressure, Silva (2003) recommends that the
following should be done:

"The presence of dust in suspension must be controlled not only by the inconvenience to
the population neighboring the quarry but also by the safety of the operators. Dust is a
particulate material of reduced dimensions, which can be part of the fraction respirable
by the operators or be carried by the wind, reaching the residences that surround the
quarry "(SILVA, 2003).

According to França et al (2011), states that: in practical terms, the vibrations do not always
decrease with distance, since according to the author, in stratified media, depending on the
geometry, the waves can concentrate or overlap with other waves high vibration values may
occur in more distant locations.

According to Azevedo & Patrício (2001), states that: the vibrations in general are attenuated by
the geometric mechanisms and also by the dissipation that exists during its propagation.

However, according to several approaches of the authors it can be understood that the main
environmental impacts resulting from the dismantling of rocks with explosives are associated
with the dissipation of the fraction of energy released by the explosive in the detonation that is

These problems can be reduced to an acceptable level by the community and in accordance with
environmental legislation, if the mining is carried out in a way that preserves the health, safety
and well-being of the affected population, adopting correct deforestation strategies and
continuously monitoring the parameters of the plan's geometry. fire, keeping them at least within
the correct limits.

5.5. Implementation of the environmental management system

The Environmental Management System (EMS) can be considered as a tool, an operational
model or an organizational structure that a particular organization adopts in order to achieve
continuous improvements in environmental performance.

According to Deming (1990), Environmental Management System (EMS), which is based on the
PDCA cycle (Plan, Do, Check and Act).

5.6. Plan
In relation to planning, the organization should:

1. Establish and maintain procedures to identify the environmental aspects of its activities,
products or services that have a significant impact on the environment;
2. Maintain an environmental management program to achieve its objectives and goals.

5.7. Implementation and Operation

1. Training, awareness and competence: the organization must identify the training needs. It
should determine that all personnel whose tasks can have significant impact on the
environment receive appropriate training;
2. Operational control: the organization shall identify those operations and activities
associated with significant environmental aspects identified in accordance with its policy,
objectives and targets.

The organization shall plan such activities, including maintenance, to ensure that they are
performed under specified conditions.

5.8. Verification and Preventive or Corrective Action

According to Dias (2009), the approach based on the following points is recommended:

1. Monitoring and measurement: the organization shall establish and maintain documented
procedures to periodically monitor and measure the main characteristics of its operations
and activities that may have a significant impact on the environment;
2. Non-compliance and corrective and preventive actions: the organization shall establish
and maintain procedures to define responsibility and authority to address and investigate
nonconformities, taking measures to mitigate any impacts, and initiate and complete
corrective and preventive actions.

5.9. Review
At this stage, senior management should periodically analyze the EMS of the industry, aiming to
identify opportunities for improvement and needs for changes in the systems, so that it can
guarantee their continuous improvement. Top management reviews take place through internal
and external audit results.

Considering the important points that the author mentions above, it can be verified that the
environmental management system is an indispensable tool, within the dismantling of the rock
respectively in the operation of the fire plan where the irregularities are verified through the
operators because this activity is development to the operators without a minimum qualification
of the environmental management as this would help to know about the impacts caused by him
therefore to adopt measures that aim at the prevention or minimization of the same negative
effects of the dismantling of rock.

In this way the Henriques and Quelha demonstrates their concern in the cleaner production
saying the following:

"In view of the above, the application of Cleaner Production is of fundamental

importance to minimize environmental impacts and touch society to better take
advantage of existing natural resources, as it reduces operational costs, as well as
seeking economically viable solutions for the reduction of the generation of waste, or
even the non-generation of "surpluses" in stages throughout the process "(HENRIQUES
and QUELHAS, 2007: 246-250).

Since the environmental management system encompasses the planning, execution, verification
and review of the operations, it can be considered that the review arises to evaluate the

compliance of the activity in order to guarantee the efficiency of the activity. In this way, it can
be verified that there is a weakness in the environmental review in the dismantling of rock
carried out by the valley company, thus causing its revision by means of environmental agents
sensitizing the operators in order to reduce the level of impacts caused, applying clean and
healthy strategies. Soon its implementation and monitoring by means of responsible in the
operation will guarantee its efficiency in the operation and reduction of health risk.

This research project will be based on the study of the dismantling of rocks with explosives,
addressing mainly the impacts caused and their possible minimization of the area under study. In
order to carry out this project, the author has repeatedly performed the analysis of the data
collected in the field based on the concepts of an action research, since the data will be collected
in a first phase, then the reflection, then the analysis of the data collected, the implementation
and finally the comparison of the results obtained with those.

The methods of data collection that will be used to carry out this work are interviews,
questionnaires and observations. According to Marconi and Lakatos, these tools are described as

"Interview is a meeting between two people, so that one of them obtains information
about a certain subject; the questionnaire is an instrument of data collection consisting
of a series of questions, which must be answered in writing, and observation uses the
senses in obtaining certain aspects of reality, consists of seeing and hearing facts and
phenomena. "(Marconi and Lakatos, 1996: 90).

The interviews were carried out with the operators working in the valley company, as well as the
surrounding population holding area of the company. The questionnaires will consist of simple,
straightforward, easily perceived questions, and these documents will have room to argue

6.1. Research Methodology

First a review of the literature that deals with the subject under study was carried out.
Continuously, the information was collected from access to international network (Internet).

After the survey, he followed the clash of data to provide important points and accurate

Like any research, the accomplishment of this work was not linear and subject to alterations,
adjustments, exclusions and corrections of aspect that relate to the subject under study in order to
focus on the important points of the study, done this, finally support a careful reading and review
for possible bug fixes.

6.2. Research Tools

The research tools used for the collection of data were based on the bibliographical sources
query related to the subject under study.

All the bibliographic sources found in several public domains are included, such as: Books,
monographs, theses and articles on the Internet. The author also uses to answer the research
tools, such as: observations, self-report, questionnaires and interviews.

6.3. Study
The research has as study and carried out especially in the company valley in Tete province in
the district of Moatize, related to the mining area. The applied methodology was qualitative and
quantitative, made by questionnaires and interview with the aim of obtaining important data for
the study.

The purpose of using the questionnaire and the interviews is to request advanced information to
support my proposal in the final project. It is noted that the completion of this questionnaire and
interview reduces the delays in the preparation of the project, requesting additional information
after a request has been sent.

This information was also useful during the process of discussing the results that were carried
out prior to the development and approval of hypotheses on the subject of the term.

6.4. Data Collection

This stage of the research concerning data collection, on the study in question, the author was
based, is not the use of technologies and tools, in order to seek information that bring reality in
the area of study. A collection of data was performed through interviews, observations,

questionnaires and instruments such as recorders, geophones and microphones and Caméra

Geophone: used to capture the particle vibration levels, supports the rock dismantling in the

Caméra photographic: used to take some photos in the process of the dismantling operation
Microphone: captures the noise levels caused by the detonation process.

With a help of tools in the area under study where they have in a way enabled a collection of data
on a survey, it has become a more efficient approach for providing information about the data on
found data.

6.5. Questionnaires
Regarding the questionnaire, the author sent 13 questionnaires to different people, being done in
the company of the valley and in the district of Moatize to collect data for the study in approach.
Where, in the same questionnaire, the author makes sense of the importance of getting answers,
trying to elicit interest in the recipient so that he fills in and returns it within the time allowed.

6.6. Observation
During the data collection phase, to better understand the impacts caused by the dismantling of
rock, the observation made by the author was a participant observation in which he contacted a
community or area of study to experience what created them enormous problem, a since it is
very important that the goal of the research is achieved by understanding the community.

However, once the observation for conducting the research was participant, the author was
approached around the respective work the impacts caused to the community that comes from
the company of the valley, since the author details in simple form each type of problems
originated in the dismantling operation of the rock on the community in the study area.

From the methodology used, we identified the environmental problems caused by the operation
of dismantling rocks with explosives on the community in the village of Moatize, coming from
the valley company, supporting the application of the Cleaner Production environmental
management tool, following the correct with a view to minimizing the impacts caused, including
new technical solutions to such problems. From the theoretical supports and methodological
procedures adopted, the results of the study in approach are presented below:

 Ground vibration generation

During the methodological phase and in the observation by the author, it was found that
supporting the process of dismantling rock with explosive in the valley company has caused
enormous vibrations on the surface of the village of Moatize where the communities live and
within the company, where considers that the part of the explosive energy that is used in the
fragmentation mechanism, causes disturbances that are manifested in the internal movement of
the surface, this is because there are some fractures in the dwellings of the community and is
evident when the operation is carried out once it is done feeling about man the sismic effects in
his body and as a consequence has been registering houses of communities around the mine in
extreme destruction of certain internal and external parts.

 Particulate matter (dust)

The particulates (dust) is verified by the author even within the process of dismantling rock with
explosive, which consists of the emission of fines to the atmosphere. However, it is felt in the
village of Moatize After that the harmful environment is dismantled by particulate materials,
where it is harmful to human health that can cause various respiratory problems.

The visual change of the air atmosphere where it was more abundant or compressed of
particulate materials was also verified and this prevents the community from obtaining pleasant

This time the people most affected are those who work directly with the operation and the
surrounding communities of the mine, because the dust is originated in the act of drilling and
later detonated together with the explosive.

 Increase in noise levels

The noise pollution caused by the explosive dismantling activities is related to the noise of the
detonations and the equipment that is part of the operation.

What most annoys the population surrounding the mine is the procedure of the secondary
detonation of the blocks, which blocks the second fragmentation and if carried out continuously
causes damage to the health and wellbeing of the exposed population.

It is also verified the low and high level of noises originated by the drilling equipment, in the act
of opening of holes or the design of the fire plan, since its execution is carried out by means of
the control of the operator and as a purpose has been registered some surrounding residents as
well as operators who support a certain time contracts hearing problems since with the worsening
situation becomes harmful to the man.

 Ultralight fragments

Considering the author's observation in the research, it was noted that ultralighting is one of the
evil effects resulting from rock-explosive dismantling and presents the main risk of accident
involving the workers and the surrounding community, because, because during detonation has
to consider the spacing between holes as well as the deviations of holes and among other factors
that lead to the minimization of ultralighting.

But it is noticed that the irregularities or flaws created by the operators in the design of fire plan
is what has created the respective ultralighting that are considered like small fractures of rock
blocks and when touching the man they cause serious problems and until mortal it due to its
speed and its size.

In the field of explosive rock dismantling, ultralights are verified in the village of Moatize simply
for the inner workers and the surrounding mining community, because the further away the man
is in the act of dismantling, the ultralighting does not create a problem.

 Landscaping modification.

As any that consists of the mining carries with it an enormous visual impact, because the natural
landscape is transformed in the artificial one and the respective change takes with it in many
cases the loss of the quality of the place.

Starting from the observation made by the author it is noted that the area of the rock clearing is
transformed into a place with depression because there is a huge pit, loss of soil properties and
later changes the quality as they come into contact with the gases released by the explosives .

Therefore, it is verified at the site of dismantling rock with explosive supports the withdrawal
and abandonment of the face of the artificially created visual bench which in turn is considered
the impact according to environmental legislation.

In the course of the development of the respective project under study, the author found that the
dismantling of rock with explosives can inflate negatively from several processes that consist the
operation such as the following:

 Borehole deviation during drilling in the rock mass carried out by the operators, which
subsequently leads to errors during detonation;
 The spacing and spacing between the dismounting bed and the holes made during the
 The charge of the explosive used in the holes, where the bad dimensioning also causes
errors during the detonation;

However, the above processes contribute to the impacts caused in this operation, since these are
one of the key elements that have determined an optimal disassembly and this makes these
procedures performed efficiently and carefully to ensure a desired operation.

This time the author concludes that the change of strategies and training to the operators in the
improvement of the design of fire plan will help the company to minimize the impacts caused by
them around the mining area and surrounding areas, because the continuation of the errors
originated in the dismantling of rock serious problems. For during the time that society is slowly
affecting the effects are increasing and possibly the future generation will find more dire
conditions, so it is important your correction in order to prevent.

During the research and data collection for the elaboration of the respective project that has as an
approach the impacts caused in the dismantling of rock with explosive in the company valley in
the district of Moatize province of tete were observed some irregularities in this operation that
consequently harm the health of the community of the study area. In this order of idea, the author
intends to recommend the company to be rigorous in the application of tools and knowledge
capable of minimizing the impacts of the rock dismantle operation in order to achieve a clean
and healthy production. Therefore, the following is recommended:

 Training of rock-clearing operators in the field of environmental management;

 Training of operators in proper fire plane design;
 Record of each emission level on the atmosphere;
 Uniformize the charge of explosives introduced into the various holes of the mesh;
 To convince the community closest to the mine to insulate themselves from the area.

Following the above mentioned and recommended points for the company, it is possible to
guarantee a clean production in the operation of rock dismantle since with the correction of the
failures originated by the operators, the problems can be overcome when applied the points
proposed by the author in this research with a view to improve community health and the
emission levels on the atmosphere in the dismantling of rock with explosive.

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