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Mankind’s Progression in the Absence of

Technology Would Not be Hindered

The advent of Technology instigated the massive influx of Human Innovation: these
technological advancements are what served as the foundation for the gradual
modernization of our world. Fast forward to today, and the digital age has made great
strides in mankind’s progression. We rely and utilize technology on a daily basis—to a
point where it seems we would not be able to live satiably without it. Our strong
dependability on Technology is what makes our interdependence to it hard to sever.
The following sections will focus on disproving my thesis statement with various
related literature and verifiable statistics.

Living life without technology in the 21st century is not as great as it seems., there
are many conveniences that we take for granted that we would not have without
technology. For example, being able to instantly communicate with someone through
text or email is something that we would not be able to do without technology.
Additionally, many of the things we use on a daily basis, such as our smartphones and
laptops, make our lives much easier.

While living life without technology may seem like an appealing concept to some,
it is actually quite a difficult lifestyle to sustain. It is often thought that life without
technology would be a more content life. This may be true for some, but not for all.
There are those who are content with the simple things in life and do not need
technology to make them happy. On the other hand, there are those who find
contentment in the latest gadgets and gizmos. They enjoy being able to stay connected
with friends and family through social media and they like having access to
information at their fingertips. For these people, living without technology would not
be as contenting.

Technology has become a integral part of our education system. From online resources
to research tools, we rely on technology to help us learn. In fact, many 21st century
jobs require some level of technological skills. It has made our lives so much easier in
many ways: For example, we no longer have to go to the library to do research
because we can just Google it. We can also get our news from social media instead of
reading a newspaper. How can students today even think about getting an education
without using technology? They would be at a complete disadvantage compared to
their peers who are using technology to further their education. They would miss out
on important information and opportunities to learn.

It would be impossible to educated without incorporating some form of technology

into the curriculum. In the classroom, students use laptops and tablets to access
materials and complete assignments. During the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic, They also
use apps and online tools to collaborate with classmates and submit work. Outside of
school, students use social media to connect with friends and family, as well as get
news and entertainment. It's hard to imagine living without all of these things that
we've come to rely on so heavily.

The latest studies and insights suggest that “The use of modern equipment
technology and tools, the learning and interactivity of students increases. They also
find it much more interactive, as well as full of interesting areas, when aided by
technology. The transfer of knowledge becomes very easy and convenient, as well
as effective.” (R. Raja*, P. C. Nagasubramani, 2018) What this means is, that our minds
now tend to work faster when assisted with the use of modern technology, be
it any part of life, here we talk about education. The reliance and dependence
of such an innovation, that simply makes life an easy, smooth journey is completely
unavoidable these days even in schools, universities and colleges.

The impact that Technology has made in the Business world is tremendous. It has
made great strides in the past century, which shaped the business world into what it
is now, and how it is perceived today. Technology has made business much easier to
handle. In the past, businesses had to rely on paper records and manual processes. This
was not only time-consuming, but it was also prone to errors. With technology,
businesses can now automate many of their processes. This saves time and reduces the
chance for errors. Additionally, businesses can now communicate with their
customers and employees online. This makes it easier to keep everyone on the same
page and makes it possible to resolve issues quickly.

Businesses would have to find other ways to communicate with clients, customers
and suppliers in the absence of technology. Video-conferencing has been the main go-
to for almost all communication in the business world. From client meetings to
webinars, the business world would crumble if it were to lose the benefits that
technology brings—which corroborates the fact that we most definitely need
Technology in our lives.

Private life and society without technology would be two very different things.
Starting with private life, individuals would have to find other ways to communicate
since there would be no cell phones, laptops, or any other type of device that uses
electricity or batteries. This would mean either learning sign language or lip reading,
which depending on the person could be difficult. Society without technology would
look a lot like the Amish community where they live a simple life without any
modern gadgets.

Al- Majali (2007) [3] Analyzed in his study “impact of internet use on the
social relations among university students in Jordanian society”. During his
study he took 325 respondents for the study purpose from Mutah University.
The study shows that social relations increased and people came close to each other
due to the use of internet and students spend too much time on internet. The study
also shows that students use internet mostly for the research purpose and mostly
they use it within the campus. Another study done by Siobhan McGrath (2012) [8]
analyzed a study based on impact of new media technologies on social interaction in
the households. This study analysis that new media technologies like computer,
television, mobile phones and other types of modern technologies have influenced the
human life with a huge impact. The study also reveals that our day today life is totally
dependent on modern technology and it has made the easy possible ways of social
interaction. What this means is that Technology brings out the sociability in us
humans, which, as a result, improves our quality of life.

You could just imagine how difficult it would be for society in this day and age
to live without Technology. Almost everything we do is aided by some form of

Technology has become such an integral part of our lives that it is hard to imagine
living without it. We use technology for everything from communication and
entertainment, to work and travel; however, there are some people who choose to live
without technology. They may go off the grid and live in a remote location, or they
may simply choose to not use any modern conveniences. Living without technology
can be difficult. It can be isolating and frustrating at times. There are also certain
dangers that come with living without technology. For example, if you need medical
help, it may be difficult to get in touch with someone who can assist you.

In conclusion, living without technology is not for everyone. It takes a special kind
of person to be able to live without modern conveniences. If you decide to live without
technology, make sure you are prepared for the challenges that come with it. It is not
worth it to try and live life without technology in the 21st century. It is simply too
difficult and there are too many advantages that technology provides. Instead, it is
better to learn how to use technology in a way that improves your life and helps you
achieve your goals.

All of the preceding information, insights and related literature were used to
contradict my thesis statement that states that living without technology would not
change humanity’s progression as a species. Living life without technology is a
hindrance to our development and growth. We need technology to progress as a
species and to improve our quality of life.

Naikoo, Aasif & Thakur, Shashank & Guroo, Drtariq & Altaf, Aadil. (2018). Development of
Society under the Modern Technology - A Review. scholedge international journal of business
policy and governance. 5. 1-8. 10.19085/journal.sijbpg050101.

Konsbruck Robert Lee (2022) Available at: (Accessed: 30 September 2022).

Raja, R. & Nagasubramani, P.. (2018). Impact of modern technology in education. Journal of
Applied and Advanced Research. 3. 33. 10.21839/jaar.2018.v3iS1.165.

Teaching without Technology (2022). Available at: (Accessed: 30 September 2022).

Student Engagement without Technology (2020). Available at: (Accessed: 30
September 2022).

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