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Good morning/afternoon, my name is Selvira Diah Syahputri.
Decisions are the hardest thing to make, especially when it is a choice
between where you should be and where you want to be. So that is
why, today I would like to talk about joining and MNC(a
multinational corporation or company) and Small Organizations.
In this short talk, I would like to compare both similarities and
differences between these two things based on Salary, knowledge
sharing and other benefits.
As we know, both MNC and small organizations are a job or activity
you do to earn money, but of course there is a difference in salary
from one job to another. MNC tend to offer goods & services for sale
more broadly, and they clearly do so sustainably (profitably) because
otherwise they would not exist. On the other hand, in a small
organization usually pay you more less, although it’s often the
location and industry that determine paychecks. However there’s a
higher risk of bankruptcy so you should have some reserve money for
such a situation and if it happens you should try to find a new job in a
short time.
The second points i want to discuss is that they both become an ideal
place and stepping stone to keep growing your expertise. In a small
organizations you may experience multiple roles in one position. It
can be beneficial, take this as an opportunity to gain knowledge and
skills. Working on various projects will allow you to unlock the new
potential that you probably have not realized. Similarly, to grow as
big as MNC it definitely not easy, they must have a good knowhow
and strategies to bring them upfront and this is one of local benefits to
gain these kind of knowlegde from MNC as best practice
Lastly, I want to describe the other benefits of both the employee will
get during working time. MNC mostly comes up with a very good
brand reputation that paved by their own communication function and
locals percieve that working for MNC is a pride. I personally believe
this is one of motivation for employee to improving themselves as
they aim to work for well renowned MNC. On the other hands, small
organizations may not well unknown but you can get other benefits in
term of appreciations. You can show your ability while directly
discussing a problem with the director level because a small
organization does not have a complex hierarchy. Your boss will easily
recognize your achievement when you perform well because they do
not evaluate many people. It also means the competition is low, so the
chance of promotion is high.

To conclude, both MNC and small organizations are something that

has a big impact on your life. Both might have different salary and
others benefit in work, but their similarities show that they give you
experience which is perfect for your own growth. Therefore, whether
you choose between joining MNC or small organizations, the only
person who can answer this question is you. You have to be happy
about going to work. You have to feel comfortable in your
environment. If you don't, all of the perks, fast-tracking, opportunities
for growth or training will not matter.
Small Organizations:
1. You can show your ability while directly discussing a problem
with the director level because a small business does not have a
complex hierarchy. Your boss will easily recognize your
achievement when you perform well because they do not
evaluate many people. It also means the competition is low, so
the chance of promotion is high. (BETTER APPRECIATION)
2. A small company usually does not have many employees. It
means that you only interact with few people every day. You
mostly spend time with them also outside of works, for example
during breakfast, lunch, and coffee or tea break. The day-to-day
socialization will make you understand your coworkers
personally. After getting used to the company culture, you can
turn your colleagues into your friends; that is why working is
just like hanging out with your friends. (Good Colleagues means
good friends)
3. You may experience multiple roles in one position. It can be
beneficial, take this as an opportunity to gain knowledge and
skills. Working on various projects will allow you to unlock the
new potential that you probably have not realized. Carrying out
different tasks will add more excitement while enjoying your
work. Don’t worry, because a small firm usually only has few
people; your boss will guide you well. (More Experiences and
Projects) Joining a small organization can not be easily
overlooked. It may become an ideal place and stepping stone to
keep growing your expertise.
4. Small companies usually have flexibility. They are highly
adaptive to new circumstances. Work can be arranged and
distributed based on company policy which can be changed
anytime. For example, if you suddenly need a paid leave,
sometimes you can text your boss asking for approval.
5. In a small company you will learn to take risk, own more
projects, and work directly with customer success. Large
companies simply don’t take risk. Opportunities are limited and
many people are complacent. You will have to follow macro but
you wil learn here so much of things (KNOWLEDGE
1. Multinational tend to pay more and follow global guidelines and
training programs. As a local workers, we believe that working
for MNC will get better payment and other benefits than local
corps (WAGE/Create jobs for local people) Multinational
Corporations offer goods & services for sale more broadly (to
more people in more nations & jurisdictions on a Globally
Competitive basis) than national or local corporations, and they
clearly do so sustainably (profitably) because otherwise they
would not exist.
2. MNC mostly comes up with a very good brand reputation that
paved by their own communication function and locals percieve
that working for MNC is a pride. I personally believe this is one
of motivation for employee to improving themselves as they aim
to work for well renowned MNC. (PRIDE/Motivation for local
employees to get a better job)
3. + to grow as big as MNC it definitely not easy, they must have a
good knowhow and strategies to bring them upfront and this is
one of local benefits to gain these kind of knowlegde from MNC
as best practice. (KNOWLEDGE SHARING) - you will get
work done soon on the basis of provided tools but you will not
get that much knwldg.

This is not a question that someone else can answer for you. The
perks are irrelevant. The career path is irrelevant. The only person
who can answer this question is you. You have to be happy about
going to work. You have to feel comfortable in your environment. If
you don't, all of the perks, fast-tracking, opportunities for growth or
training will not matter. Imagine yourself in each location going to
work, day after day. In the large company there may be a cafeteria. In
the small company maybe everyone meets for lunch. In the large
company how many people will know your name. Will it matter.
These are they types of questions that you have to ask yourself and
you are the only one that can answer them. It is not a good idea to let
someone pay you to be miserable because you think it will lead you
somewhere. Ultimately you will lose yourself. I know you can make
the right decision for yourself. Good Luck! MM

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