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Design and Calibration of a Large Open-Ended Coaxial Probe for the

Measurement of the Dielectric Properties of Concrete

Article  in  IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques · November 2008

DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.2008.2003520 · Source: IEEE Xplore


68 2,346

4 authors:

Bilal Filali François Boone

PhyVertX Technologies Inc. Université de Sherbrooke


Jamal Rhazi G. Ballivy

Université de Sherbrooke Université de Sherbrooke


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Design and Calibration of a Large Open-Ended

Coaxial Probe for the Measurement of
the Dielectric Properties of Concrete
Bilal Filali, François Boone, Member, IEEE, Jamal Rhazi, and Gérard Ballivy

Abstract—The subject of this paper is the design and calibra-

tion of an open-ended coaxial probe for the nondestructive mea-
surement of the dielectric properties of concrete. Measurements
are made between 100–900 MHz, frequencies which are often used
in geophysics and civil engineering for ground penetrating radar
inspection. The probe is calibrated using measurements on saline
solutions in conjunction with three different mathematical tech-
niques for comparative study. Measurements of mortar and con-
crete specimens having different water/cement ratios were made
in order to observe the standard deviations due to their heteroge-
neous nature. Similar to the case of relatively homogeneous rock
specimens (limestone and granite), the standard deviation for het-
erogeneous concrete samples do not exceed 5%. In addition, the
effect of the concrete’s porosity on its dielectric properties was
clearly observed: measured permittivity between 4–4.5 at 900 MHz
for porous concrete, and between 6.5–7.5 at 900 MHz for dense con-
Index Terms—Complex permittivity, concrete heterogeneity,
probe admittance, reflection coefficient, scattering parameters.

Fig. 1. Open-ended coaxial probe that was designed (all dimensions are in mil-

G ROUND penetrating radar (GPR) is frequently used for

nondestructive inspection in geophysics and civil engi-
neering. It is a particularly interesting tool because of its pre-
(HP85070B) [4], but it is not reliable for materials that have ag-
cision, speed, and easy setup; for instance, radar systems can
gregates larger than 0.3 mm in diameter (concrete’s aggregates
be installed and used on a vehicle. When radar is used on con-
are at least 1 cm in diameter). The only previous research in
crete, the results are mainly influenced by the concrete’s di-
which a large coaxial probe (4-cm diameter) was used for con-
electric properties. The waves emitted from the radar source
crete measurement focused only on the detection of steel fiber
are only partially reflected due to these properties, allowing the
reinforcements without discussing any of the other properties of
localization of various layers and targets inside the concrete
concrete [5].
[1], [2]. Several probes have been used in the past to measure
Finally, the research done at the National Institute of Stan-
concrete’s electromagnetic (EM) properties. For example, [3]
dards and Technology (NIST), Boulder, CO, on coaxial probes
used a coaxial probe to measure the EM properties of mortar.
dealt mainly with the modeling of results in order to analyze
However, that probe’s calibration method has proven to be in-
thin-layer or multilayer samples [6], [7]. In those studies, ex-
adequate for our research study. A commercial probe exists
perimental measurements from 50 MHz up to 50 GHz were
made and discussed, but the probes used to make those mea-
Manuscript received December 12, 2007; revised May 27, 2008. First pub-
lished September 12, 2008; current version published October 8, 2008. This surements were not described. In this paper, we describe a large-
work was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council band coaxial probe designed for concrete measurement. Since
of Canada (NSERC). This research was undertaken within the Industrial Chair traditional calibration methods are inadequate for our probe, we
framework of the NSERC for the concrete structures inspection (University of
Sherbrooke). discuss how the calibration was improved in order to obtain the
B. Filali, J. Rhazi, and G. Ballivy are with the Department of Civil En- true EM properties of concrete samples.
gineering, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada J1K 2R1
(e-mail:;; gerard.bal- II. COAXIAL PROBE PRINCIPLE
F. Boone is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, A coaxial probe is a waveguide formed by two coaxial con-
University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada J1K 2R1 (e-mail: Francois. ducting cylinders (Fig. 1). The interior cylinder is the core of
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2008.2003520 the probe and has a diameter. The hollow external cylinder
0018-9480/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE

has a diameter . The gap between the two cylinders is of this page, involving three unknown parameters ,
filled with a dielectric material. At the end of the waveguide, a and .
flat disc around the fringe ensures minimal field diffraction. The standard samples used here are the short circuit
The designed probe has a 50- characteristic impedance and , the open circuit, and a sample of known permittivity. An
operates at frequencies between 100–900 MHz. The internal and NaCl solution having a concentration of 30 parts per thousand
external diameters ( and ) are 10 and 32.5 mm, respectively. (ppt), whose permittivity is known through the Cole relation
Aluminium with a conductivity of 3.77 10 S/m was used. [11], [12], was chosen as the sample. These standards are asso-
In order to connect the probe with a vector network analyzer ciated to the , , and admittances, respectively. However,
(VNA), a subminiature A (SMA) adapter is used. is related to the permittivity by (1), whose resolution—ana-
The VNA is used to measure the reflection coefficient at the lytically unknown—at all frequencies represents a major dif-
input port of the probe when a sample is placed at the end of the ficulty. To solve the equation numerically, a vast amount of
probe. The sample permittivity is deduced from its admittance computing power is needed because of integration singulari-
, obtained by solving the following equation [8]: ties. This makes instant measurement impossible. In order to
simplify the impedance expression (1), three main approaches
(1) are developed, which are: 1) the capacitive approach [13]–[15];
2) the quasi-static approach [8], [16]–[18]; and the 3) Taylor-se-
ries development approach [19].
where is the modulus of the wave
vector, are cylindrical coordinates, and A. Calculations According to the Capacitive Approach
, and and are, respectively, According to this approach, the coaxial probe admittance is
the interior and the external radius of the probe. equivalent to that of a capacitor having a capacitance , which
The probe admittance can be obtained from the EM waves’ varies linearly with according to [14], [15],
reflection coefficient at the contact interface with the sample where is the capacitance of the probe waveguide and is its
using the following relation [9]: fringing capacitance. Knowing the two previous characteristic
capacitances, the admittance of the probe can be deduced from
(2) the following relation [3], [10]:
where is the probe admittance. (5)
The measured reflection coefficient (using the VNA) is re-
lated to the real coefficient by the following expression [10]: Once , , and are deduced, we can solve the system
(4) for the three unknown parameters , , and .
(3) In order to verify that the obtained are true, permittivity
measurements are made on a 15-ppt saline solution. However,
where ( ) are the probe scattering parameters. differences between the theoretical and practical values were
The probe calibration, discussed in Section III, makes it possible found (Fig. 2). This can be due to the inapplicability of the ca-
to determine the scattering parameters. Thus, by measuring , it pacitive approach to our coaxial probe, which would have re-
is possible to determine and then find the material permittivity quired the consideration of the nonlinear terms in the admittance
. expression (1) [8]. To do so, we replaced the capacitive approach
by the quasi-static one.
The calibration procedure consists of finding the param- B. Calculation According to the Quasi-Static Approach
eters. This is done by measuring the total reflection coefficient In this approach, (1) is simplified to a polynomial form valid
of three standards. This gives the three different reflection co- for frequencies up to 10 GHz and for a probe with a 0.3675-cm
efficients , , and associated to the three true coefficients outer radius used to measure various dielectric materials [8].
, , and . The latter must be deduced from the known ad- This form is expressed as follows:
mittances , , and using (2). -parameters are then deter-
mined by solving three independent equations, each having the (6)
form of (3), and leading to the system (4), shown at the bottom


C. Calculations According to the Taylor-Series Development

The Taylor-series expansion of the exponential expression
is given by


The use of expansion (7) in the admittance expression (1)

gives the following admittance expression:




This expression of shows that these factors depend only

on the probe geometry. Thus, they are calculated only once,
by numerical integration, whatever the frequency and medium
characteristics. Since the sum in the expansion (7) goes to in-
finity, we have to truncate it to elements, leading to a con-
vergence problem. A convergence study was performed on the
saline 15-ppt solution and the results are presented in Fig. 3.
These results show that we have to take at least 20 terms of (7)
to obtain permittivity values very close to the theoretical values
ranging from 100 to 900 MHz. Our calculation results for ,
with varying from 1 to 20, are given in Table I. Note that the
development at orders higher than 20 did not allow exact mea-
surements at frequencies over 900 MHz. That is due to the fact
that the probe radiates at those frequencies, making (1) inappli-
cable. The probe begins to radiate when the wavelength used
Fig. 2. Measurements on the 15-ppt saline solution using conventional ap- gets close to the probe’s diameter (3.25 cm). The same obser-
proaches. (a) Real part and (b) imaginary part of relative permittivity. vation is made in [19]. Thus, (1) is only valid for half-infinite
samples or samples that are sufficiently absorbant. That is not
TABLE I the case for concrete, which has a finite thickness and is not very
The good results obtained with the 15-ppt saline solution
were replicated on the 10-, 20-, and 25-ppt solutions (Fig. 4).
Measurements were also taken on a limestone sample and
a granite sample. The average real part of the permittivity,
throughout the frequency range, is 7 for the limestone and 6
for the granite. These are similar to values given in [20]. All
the while, the imaginary part equals 0 due to the negligible
conductivity of these samples.
This confirms that the probe is reliable for solid samples. It is
nonetheless necessary that the samples have a polished surface
where and are factors that depend only on the probe ge- so as to guarantee good contact quality between the sample and
ometry. For the designed probe, and have values given in probe to such an extent as to mimic contact with a liquid as much
Table I. as possible.
By substitution in the system of (4), the coefficients are cal- These results show that the capacitive and quasi-static ap-
culated from the impedances found in (6). The measured permit- proaches are only applicable for probes of smaller size (diameter
tivity of the 15-ppt solution disagrees with the theory (Fig. 2). from 3 to 6 mm) [17], whereas the approach using the Taylor-se-
This may be explained by the inapplicability of the quasi-static ries development is a general approach that can be used in all
approach at frequencies higher than 100 MHz. This frequency cases. This approach was used in particular in [19] for a small
limit is considerably lower than the 10 GHz limit studied in [8]. probe functioning at very high frequencies. In that particular
To verify this hypothesis and explain it, another calibration ap- case, the wavelength of guided waves was small, and the ratio
proach was devised using the Taylor-series development of (1), between the internal radius of the probe and the wavelength
which is more precise. was such that only the Taylor-series approach produced good

Fig. 4. Measured (solid line) and theoretical (dashed line) relative permittivity
 for four saline solutions. (a) Real part. (b) Imaginary part.

Fig. 3. Measured (solid line) and theoretical (dashed line) relative permittivity TABLE II
 for saline 15-ppt solution for different values of N for calibration. (a) Real CONCRETE SAMPLE CHARACTERISTICS: F : COMPRESSIVE

results. In our case, the probe’s internal radius is large, but the
frequencies used are low (from 100 to 900 MHz—frequencies
often used in GPR applications). Therefore, their wavelengths MC) were also examined. These two tiles were saturated with
are long. The resulting ratio between the internal radius and water (polished and without granulates).
wavelength lead us to use the Taylor-series approach. For a The concrete’s aggregates dimensions range between
probe of comparable size, Damme et al. [5] used an approach 5–20 mm, which is of the same order as the probe’s 32.5-mm
similar to ours. However, in that study, the admittance of the diameter. Thus, the concrete cannot be considered as homoge-
probe opening was calculated by a full-wave approach based on neous with our probe. In order to estimate the dispersion caused
a rational function. This lead to calculations that were long and by the sample heterogeneity, measurements at ten positions
difficult. In our method, the calculation of the parameters is were made on each sample (five positions on each face). The
independent of the frequency and of the characteristics of the means and standard deviations of the real and imaginary parts,
environment to be measured. The parameters only depend at 900 MHz, for all the samples, are given in Table III.
on the geometry of the probe, which greatly reduces the calcu- These values are close to those measured by [21] and [22]
lation time for a large range of frequencies. using the transmission line technique. Reference [21] in par-
ticular gives measured results on mortar similar to MB. These
IV. APPLICATION TO CONCRETES AND MORTARS results are shown in Fig. 5, to which we added measurements
using our probe. Moreover, Fig. 6 shows the permittivity
To prove that the probe functions on concrete (heterogeneous measurements obtained at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute
material), the permittivity of six concrete samples, dried in an and State University, Blacksburg, using a transmission line
oven until mass stabilization, was measured using the coaxial technique [22]. These measurements are taken on two concrete
probe. Their resistance to compression and the modulus of their samples that are oven dried until mass stabilization and that
elasticity are presented in Table II. Two tiles of mortar (MB and have different compressive strengths (42 and 35 MPa). Their


Fig. 7. Measured relative permittivity  on concrete specimens: real part and

imaginary part.

high water/cement ratio W/C of 0.84, giving it a nonhomoge-

neous porosity higher than the other samples. Indeed, the rela-
tive permittivity of the empty pores is clearly smaller
than that of the concrete, and thus, has more influence on the
permittivity fluctuation than the aggregates. With regard to the
saturated mortar samples, the standard deviations observed are
slightly higher than those of the concrete and vary from 4% to
6%. This cannot be attributed to the heterogeneity of the mor-
tars (millimeter-length scale), but rather to the nonhomogeneous
Fig. 5. Comparison between measured relative permittivity on mortar MB
sample using transmission line technique [21] and using our probe. distribution of the water content. Indeed, the water-filled pores
have the same permittivity as water , considerably
higher than that of the aggregates and the cement paste. To
conclude, a nonhomogeneous distribution of the concrete water
content causes more permittivity fluctuations than the aggregate
The measurement comparisons for the samples A–D (Fig. 7)
shows that concrete sample A, with a mechanical compressive
strength of 80.1 MPa, has the highest permittivity (approx-
imately 6.2 at 900 MHz), while concrete samples B–D have
strengths of 31, 23, and 15 MPa, respectively. Their permittivi-
ties are approximately 5.5, 5.1, and 4.7, respectively. This result
indicates that the permittivity of dry concrete increases with its
compressive strength. In general, concrete with lower compres-
sive strength has higher porosity, which explains its low permit-
tivity. Indeed, porosity in a dry concrete implies more impris-
Fig. 6. Comparison between measured relative permittivity using transmission oned air in its medium, which strongly decreases the value of
line technique on two concrete samples and using our probe on concrete sample its permittivity and conductivity (related to the imaginary part).
B (31 MPa) and C (23 MPa). These observations support the usability of the coaxial probe for
EM measurements on the concrete permittivity. More results of
real permittivity values are close to those obtained by the measurements have been already published in [23].
coaxial probe and decrease similarly with frequency. Their
imaginary parts are lower, which can be explained by the fact
that their samples are drier.
This supports the applicability of the coaxial probe on con- This paper has presented the design and use of an open-ended
crete permittivity measurements. Moreover, except for concrete coaxial probe to measure concrete’s dielectric properties. The
sample D, the average of the standard deviations of all measure- coaxial probe was built and calibrated at the Department of
ments is 2.8%. This proves that the concrete aggregates do not Civil Engineering, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC,
cause more dispersion than those of the limestone (considered Canada. Two calibration approaches, i.e., capacitive and quasi-
homogeneous) or of the granite (which is heterogeneous) on a static, have proven to be inadequate. However, measurements
millimeter-length scale (Table III). on four saline solutions gave coherent results for frequencies
The higher observed value of the standard deviation in the ranging between 100–900 MHz with the theoretical Cole for-
case of concrete sample D at 6.5% could be attributed to its mula using a Taylor-series development approach.

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ACKNOWLEDGMENT mittivity measurements using a coaxial probe,” IEEE Trans. Instrum.
Meas., vol. 46, no. 5, pp. 1093–1099, May 1997.
The authors thank the Industrial Chair partners for their [20] A. P. Annan, Ground Penetrating Radar Principle, Procedures and Ap-
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for his collaboration. The authors would also like to thank Destructif Età l’auscultation in Situ Des Matériaux de Construction,”
Ph.D. dissertation, Dépt. des matériaux, Ecole Polytech. Fédérale de
the technical support staff, University of Sherbrooke, for their Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1996.
contribution to the test processes. [22] K. Pokkuluri, “Effect of admixtures, chlorides, and moisture on dielec-
tric properties of portland cement concrete in the low microwave fre-
quency range,” Ph.D. dissertation, Civil Eng. Dept., Virginia Polytech.
Inst. and State University, Blacksburg, VA, 1998.
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Jamal Rhazi received the Bachelor degree in Gérard Ballivy has been with the Department
physics, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in applied of Civil Engineering, University of Sherbrooke,
acoustics from the Université du Maine, Maine, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, since 1976, where he is
France, in 1982, 1984, and 1987, respectively. currently a Professor. In 1977, he founded the Lab-
Since 1990, he has been with the Department of oratory of Rock Mechanics and Applied Geology,
Civil Engineering, University of Sherbrooke, Sher- University of Sherbrooke. He is the principal inves-
brooke, QC, Canada, where he is currently an Ad- tigator of the Centre for Research on infrastructure
junct Professor. His primary research interests are in concrete (CRIB). With the Rock Mechanics Labo-
the area of nondestructive testing of concrete struc- ratory, University of Sherbrooke, he has developed
tures. new testing techniques for the design of rock foun-
dations and participated in numerous programs for
laboratories and consulting engineering firms. He is Head of a Natural Sciences
and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)–Industrial Research
Chair on the auscultation of concrete structures, which has been approved
for two terms (2001–2006 and 2006–2011). The Chair has the support of 11
industrial partners and government. He has authored or coauthored over 100
scientific papers. His research concerns the field of geomechanics applied to
civil engineering. He conducts original research on auscultation and instrumen-
tation on concrete or rocks infrastructures in service, on the development and
characterization of high-performance cement grout injection, etc.

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