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Name Sex ID No Section

Gadisa Eba Regasa M 152 B

Getachew Misgana Likisa M 158 B

Fayera Beyena Muleta M 148 B

Desalegn Alamu Fufa M 138 B

Talile Chafe Barkessa M 191 B


November, 21, 2022


This is to declare that this project work which is done under the supervision of Mr.
Gecho. and having the title Bank Account Online Open Management System for Awash
Bank is the sole contribution of: Gadisa Eba, Getachew Misgana, Fayera Beyena, Desalegn
Alamu and Talile Chafe.

No part of the project work has been reproduced illegally (copy and paste) which can be
considered as Plagiarism. All referenced parts have been used to argue the idea and have been
cited properly. We will be responsible and liable for any consequence if a violation of this
declaration is proven.

Date: ____________________

Group Members:

Full Name Signature

1. _____________________ ___________________

2. _____________________ ___________________

3. _____________________ ___________________


This is to confirm that the project report entitled

submitted to Rift Valley University,

Department of Management Information System by: Gadisa Eba, Getachew Misgana,

Fayera Beyena, Desalegn Alamu and Talile Chafe are approved for submission.

---------------------------- -------------------- --------------------

Advisor Name Signature Date Date

---------------------------- -------------------- --------------------

Department head Name Signature Date Date

---------------------------- -------------------- --------------------

Examiner 1 Name Signature Date Date

---------------------------- -------------------- --------------------

Examiner 2 Name Signature Date Date

---------------------------- -------------------- --------------------

Examiner 3 Name Signature Date Date


First and foremost, and above all our biggest thanks would be to GOD because nothing could be
possible without his free will and the completion of this project is supported by him.
Secondly, we would like to thank our Advisor Mr.Gecho. for him a restless edition of our
documentation, input to the quality of this document, heart full guidance, valuable advice, and
providing to execute this project.
Thirdly we would like to thank Awash Bank Service corresponding offices for the full
willingness of interview, customers in answering to our numerous questions that help us to
precede our project.
Finally, Thanks Again to All Who Helped Us

DECLARATION ......................................................................................................................... I
APPROVAL FORM ................................................................................................................... II
Acknowledgment ....................................................................................................................... III
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................. VII
CHAPTER ONE ..................................................................................................................................1
1. Background of the Organization .......................................................................................... 1
1.1 Introduction ..........................................................................................................................1
1.2 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM ............................................................................................. 2
1.3 QUESTIONER ......................................................................................................................3
1.4 OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT .........................................................................................4
1.4.1. General objective ...........................................................................................................4
1.4.2. Specific objectives .........................................................................................................4
1.5 SCOPE .................................................................................................................................. 4
1.6 LIMITATION ....................................................................................................................... 5
1.7 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PROJECT .................................................................................. 5
1.8 METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY .................................................................................. 5
1.8.1 Observation .................................................................................................................... 5
1.8.2 Interview ........................................................................................................................ 6
1.8.2 Data Analysis ................................................................................................................. 6
1.9 DEVELOPMENT TOOLS ................................................................................................... 6
1.9.1 Hardware Tools .............................................................................................................. 6
1.9.2 Soft Ware Tools ............................................................................................................. 7
CHAPTER TWO .................................................................................................................................8
Description Of Existing System ..................................................................................................8
2.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 8
2.2. Description of Existing System ........................................................................................8
2.1.2 SWOT ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................8
2.1.3 STRENGTH OF THE OPPORTUNITY ....................................................................... 9

2.2 CURRENT PROBLEMS AND REQUIREMENTS ............................................................ 9
2.3 CHALLENGING RESEARCH ISSUES AND STATE OF THE ART .............................12
2.3.1 INTEROPERABLITY ................................................................................................. 12
2.4 MAJOR EFFORTS/PROGRAMS/PROJECTS ..................................................................12
CHAPTER THREE ............................................................................................................................ 13
3.1 Conclusion ...........................................................................................................................13
3.2 Recommendation .................................................................................................................14

Table 1 Hardware Tools ............................................................................................. 6
Table 2 SoftWare Tools ............................................................................................. 7


Bank Account Online Open Management System for Awash Bank is a web based
System that will greatly improve the efficiency and quality of care in Awash Bank practice. The
system will digitize all activities of Awash Bank Management system.

The current mechanism for handling the activity of the Awash Bank Account Open management
system uses manual cards for Customers registration, sending Customers information for
Manager, sending Customers information for Manager and generating reports.

The main objective of this project is to develop Awash Bank Account Online Open management
system for Awash Bank. Different Methodology is used to solve the problem throughout the
development of the project; Interview and direct observation for requirement gathering, Object-
Oriented system analysis, and design and iterative model for development approach.

Awash Bank Account Online Open management system is to solve problems in existing systems
by digitizing all the activities of the system like Staff information, create user account, assign
role to user and remove role from user, amount of birr registration, Customer registration, and
customer information, simplifying communication between workers and automatic generate


1. Background of the Organization

Awash Bank was established by 486 founding shareholders with a paid-up capital of
Birr 24.2million and started banking operations on Feb. 13, 1995. As of end of June 2020
the number of shareholders and its paid-up capital increased to over 4369 and Birr 5.87
billion, respectively. Likewise, as of end June 2020, total assets reached Birr 95.6 billion
with over 535 branches found across the country, Awash Bank continues to be leading
private commercial Bank in Ethiopia. Awash International Bank has flourished over 25
years in a quickly evolving economy. Started with a modest beginning and a visionary
aim, Awash Bank marks the history of Ethiopia to exceed a billion profits which makes it
the first private in Ethiopia in this regard in the financial year 2019. Since its
establishment, the Bank also has expanded in it ’s a combination of substantial
growth and an enhanced customer service experience

1.1 Introduction

The “Awash Bank Account Online Open management system” project is a model Internet
Banking Site. This site enables the customers to perform the basic banking transactions by sitting
at their office or at homes through PC or laptop. The system provides the access to the customer
to create an account, deposit/withdraw the cash from his account, also to view reports of all
accounts present. The customers can access the banks website for viewing their Account details
and perform the transactions on account as per their requirements. With Internet Banking, the
brick and mortar structure of the traditional banking gets converted into a click and portal model,
thereby giving a concept of virtual banking a real shape. Thus today's banking is no longer
confined to branches. E-banking facilitates banking transactions by customers round the clock
The primary aim of this “Awash Bank Account Online Open management system” is to
provide an improved

Design methodology, which envisages the future expansion, and modification, which is
necessary for a core sector like banking. This necessitates the design to be expandable and
modifiable and so a modular approach is used in developing the application software. Anybody
who is an Account holder in this bank can become a member of Awash Bank Account Online
Open management system. He has to fill a form with his personal details and Account Number.
Bank is the place where customers feel the sense of safety for their property. In the bank,
customers deposit and withdraw their money. Transaction of money also is a part where
customer takes shelter of the bank. Now to keep the belief and trust of customers, there is the
positive need for management of the bank, which can handle all this with comfort and ease.
Smooth and efficient management affects the satisfaction of the customers and staff members,
indirectly. And of course, it encourages management committee in taking some needed decision
for future enhancement of the bank.
Now a day’s, managing a bank is tedious job up to certain limit. So software that reduces
the work is essential. Also today’s world is a genuine computer world and is getting faster and
faster day-by-day. Thus, considering above necessities, the software for bank management has
become necessary which would be useful in managing the bank more efficiently All transactions
are carried out online by transferring from accounts in the same Bank or international bank. The
software is meant to overcome the drawbacks of the manual system. The software has been
developed using the most powerful and secure backend MYSQL database and the most widely
accepted web oriented as well as application oriented.


Satisfying customers is the first major mission and purpose of any business organization.
It is when customers are satisfied the organizations achieves higher sales, profit and market share
and vice versa.
Customer satisfaction also leads organizations to gain loyalty and achieve the desired
objectives. Therefore, it is essential for organizations to satisfy their customers promptly so that
they can achieve what they plan. Banks as a business organization should provide a great care for
its customers’ to attract, retain and gain their loyalty.

Nevertheless, banks found in our country (Ethiopia) have little care about their customers. This
leads them to use more obsolete and traditional technologies that cause dissatisfaction and
switching among customers.
This means the banks are not satisfying their customers enough due to many factors in which
using traditional technologies is among them. have confirmed and reinforced the notion that
consistent poor customer experience as a result of poor service quality leads to a decrease in the
levels of customer satisfaction and the chances of further willingness to recommend the service
(i.e., word-of-mouth advertising or referrals) is lessened. This is true for Awash bank of Ethiopia,
which is the leading bank in the country. Even though Awash Bank Account Online Open
management system has been providing many kinds of banking services since its establishment
in 1995, it cannot go further in satisfying its customers.
Simply customers of the bank have not being satisfying by its services. This is due to poor
service quality of the bank that results from absence of new and improved technologies.
The bank applied core-banking technology in 2004 E.C to integrate the services delivered in its
all branch banks and to improve the quality of its services. The application of this technology is
believed to have many contributions for the bank.
The researcher identifies the contribution of this technology on satisfying customers of the bank
in many branch of awash bank. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of core
banking and service quality on customer satisfaction.


The study answers the following questions:

1. What are the changes that have come after the application of core banking?
2. How satisfied are customers with the application of core banking service in Awash Bank ?
3. How satisfied customers are with service quality in many branch of Awash Bank?
4. What is the level of customer satisfaction in many branch of Awash Bank?
5. What must be done to further improve the services in many branch of Awash Bank?


1.4.1. General objective

The general objective of the project is to design and develop web-based Awash Bank
Account Online Open management system.

1.4.2. Specific objectives

In order to accomplish the general objective of the study the following specific objectives that
would together help us achieve the overall activities of the project as follows: -
✓ To solve the problem of information gap between Awash bank employees, Money and
✓ To secure the system user’s information through password encryption.
✓ To Create a database to store books number, customer and Awash bank employee’s
✓ To provide early alerts when blood in stock is underestimated amount and Expire Date
✓ To develop an online Customers registration form.


The scope of the project is the area covered in which any user can enable to implement
and develop a web site that is capable of providing relevant information. The scope of our
project to be improved is how and what the proposed system does to solve the problem of
existing Awash bank. Our project Open voluntary Account and organizations which Save Money.
Employers collect money from customers, then the collected money is checked in the by counter,
after that the Counter technician will identify the money through counter result or safe. the safe
money is stored in the bank account and managed by the bank manager. When bank Inventory
manager send money request to the Awash bank, the inventory manager of the Awash bank
checks the requested Money in the stock to give the required money to the Customer. Our
proposed system is implemented for the awash bank to automate the major operation of the

Awash bank. Our project does register Account number, manage account, view (report, customer
request, customer result) and send (report and customer request, customer money), adding
customer, update, delete and search customer, the system check account expired date and display
warning prompt when Birr under expected amount and keep users record.


This project report the result of the study of impacts of service quality and core banking
on customer satisfaction in Awash Bank Guduru branch and can therefore not be considered as a
representative of the whole service quality of Awash Bank; that is the generalizability of the
finding and the conclusion drawn will be limited to Some Awash Bank branch. Moreover, it may
not present detailed data to the intended level.


After the implementation of this project, the system is significant:

➢ To give fast service to customers who faced the problem of birr.
➢ To create a fast exchange of information between the service and the bank
➢ To reduce the manual work cost, effort or time, labor.
➢ To provide security features through password security where only authorized
user can access the system with different authorization level.
➢ To minimize employee workload.


1.8.1 Observation

Our group member tries to analyze by direct observation from Awash International bank
in d/t Branches. This technique helps us to gather accurate information about how the system
actually operates, particularly about the processes. It is a good way of understanding the existing
✓ observing how the tasks are actually operated.
✓ We observe the existing system is manual.

✓ When we observe the existing system, many papers are prone to error.

1.8.2 Interview

Interview is one of the best primary methods that helps us to gather information because
it allows simply asking clear oral questions, it has high response rate and the interview is a
flexible and adaptable way of finding information. So, our group member analyzed the
information of the Awash bank and obtained some basic concepts on how the awash bank is
managed in the current system. Our group members ask some question.

1.8.2 Data Analysis

We analyzed the related documents to provide information on how the existing system
works. When we are analyzing the documents, several data entry errors and retrieval problems
were encountered. We analyzed the related document for the existing system and we have been
identified the existing system problems.


To develop our project the following system development tools are used for different activities.

1.9.1 Hardware Tools

Table 1 Hardware Tools

Tools Activity

Personal computers To do our documentation and implementation

Keyboard Standard keyboard
Flash Disk To transfer the data from one device to another

Printer To print our document

Hard Disk To store data

1.9.2 Soft Ware Tools

Table 2 SoftWare Tools

Tools Activity’s

Notepad++ or sublime text For editing code

CSS For attractive layout

PHP Backend (Server-side coding)

HTML Client-side coding

JavaScript Client-side coding
MYSQL Backend (database)
XAMP server As server
Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome Browsers
MS office word 2016 For Documentation

MS Office PowerPoint 2016 For Presentation

MS Visio 2016, visual paradigm,. To draw UML Diagram and for designs

Bootstrap To design websites faster and easier


Description Of Existing System

2.1. Introduction

This chapter mainly includes existing system description, the strength of the existing
system, the weakness of the existing, and description of the proposed system

2.2. Description of Existing System

Currently, Awash Bank Management system has a series of drawbacks. Since the system is
manual the process of keeping, maintaining, reporting the information was very tedious and
lengthy. If we need any information, we have to see different documents that were recorded so, it
is time-consuming and error-prone to register donors, to generate report about Awash bank, to
open book which request and send birr from the Awash bank, to send and view report, to collect
birr have no information where more save birr found. The existing system uses different forms
and reports to facilitate different activates. In addition to the above activities, the following
activities are manual (paper-based).
✓ To store customers data,
✓ to exchange information between Awash bank, other bank and other workers
of the awash bank.
✓ Documenting and reporting are facilitated and stored in paper.


SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. A SWOT analysis
is one of many tools that can be used to map out an organization’s strategy. SWOT analysis can
serve a dual function: it can be used for both internal and external environment scanning.
SWOT analysis is the early but very important step in the area of strategic analysis when
conducting strategic planning. Indeed environmental scanning is essential for an effective
planning process. The planning firm needs to understand the environment in which it operates
before making any business decisions. A SWOT analysis focuses on both the internal situation,

that is, strengths and weaknesses and the external environment, made up of opportunities and
threats. Strengths are any internal asset such as motivation, technology, finance, etc. which
enable the business to exploit arising opportunities and to fight off any threat. Weaknesses are
internal deficits that make it difficult for the business to achieve its goals. Opportunities are
external circumstances or trends that favor the demand for an organization’s specific competence.
Threats are challenges posed by an unfavorable trend or development in the environment.
The aim of a SWOT analysis is coming up with a framework that can enable a firm to
choose a strategy that can help it meet its objectives. These objectives involve meeting the
demands of the environment while taking into account the existing internal potential. With a
properly done SWOT analysis, a mapping and identification of the driving forces that the
organization should focus on is done.


Though the Awash bank has recognized limitations in respected offices and uses some
strategies to minimize errors which are occurred during document storage and awash bank
Some strengths of the existing system are:
✓ They store files in a computer local disk.
✓ The forms of awash bank are available in three languages (Afan Oromo,
Amharic and English).
✓ Birr is stored in a bag to facilitate its management and to count easily.
✓ The existing system working procedures are important for the proposed system
to be developed.
✓ They have their own business rule.


The manual process including storing, recording of data and information, and blood
distribution and reporting has the problems such as Performance problem, access to information

problems, data storage problems, resource problems, security problems, Security and control
problems, service and economic problems.
The performance of the existing system is weak in case of the following reasons:
❖ It is time-consuming to facilitate services.
❖ It leads to error-prone results.
❖ It consumes a lot of man power to better results.
❖ It lacks security, control of data and information.
❖ Reports take more time to produce.


Performance problem: - The performance of the existing system does not provide fast
response time because it is difficult to access data from the stored document. And also, it is slow
/time and energy consuming
Information Problem: - The existing system has many drawbacks concerning data security
such as loss of data may occur, due to manual collecting of data, there exist redundant record,
inaccurate data and information may produce, Incorrect information leads to poor decision
making and poor flow of information between blood bank, Hospital, and donor.
Data storage problem: -Problems like
✓ lack of a well-organized database system
✓ data are not easily accessible due to the files are stored in different place.
✓ difficult to update information
✓ data redundancy that leads to inconsistency.

Resource Problem: - Due to the manual operation, most of the activities cause wastage of
resources like stationary materials, manpower, time etc.
Security and control problem: - The records of the existing blood bank management
system are stored in a manual way. So, it is difficult to control and secure these manual records,
the minimum security feature to have authentication and authorization system for users.

The requirement is a complete description of the behavior of the system to be developed. These
requirements includes: functional and nonfunctional requirements.

Functional Requirement:
A functional requirement defines the internal workings of the system: that is, the calculations,
technical details, data manipulation and processing, and other specific functionality that shows
how the use cases are to be satisfied. The functionalities of the system or modules are mean what
the system supposes to do.
For admin Module:
1. This system allows the admin to login with username and password
2. This system allows the admin to add a Bank branch details
3. This system allows the admin to accept or reject a manager/customer
4. This system allows the admin to approve or reject customer transaction request
5. This system allows the admin to View Managers & Customers details
For Manager Module:
1. This system allows the manager to register
2. This system allows the manager to login with email and password
3. This system allows the manager to accept/reject branch customers
4. This system allows the manager to view customer transactions
5. This system allows the manager to update personal information
6. This system allows the manager to reset password if password is forgotten
7. This system allows the manager to Register New Customer.
For Customer Module:
1. This system allows the customer to login with email and password
2. This system allows the customer to update personal details
3 This system allows the customer to reset password if password is forgotten
4. This system allows the customer to view his/her account balance
5. This system allows the customer to transfer money from his account to another
6. This system allows the customer to recover password
7. This system allows the customer to change password
8. This system allows the customer to delete profile
9. This system allows the customer to choose image point.


2.3.1 Interoperability: Data Modeling and Integration

Interoperability is the ability for systems and organizations to work seamlessly together,
based on common standards. The Opportunity Based on this increased interoperability, firms
have two key opportunities to embrace the open paradigm that new technology presents.
Data modelling has a huge potential in the field of project management. Project managers can
utilize these models to improve the project plan and increase the efficiency of the production
process. It also helps them in risk mitigation and quality assurance.

The process plays a major role in deciding the budget, policies and design in any project.
Investing in data modelling can supplement project management to increase the revenue for an


Effort refers to the number of labor units required to complete a task, activity or project, and are
often called ‘man-hours’. Effort is usually expressed as either
 time units (days, hours, minutes)
 a monetary value,
 or material needs.
In Bank Account Online Open Management System for Awash Bank, estimating the effort
required to complete a task or activity in a project serves as a foundation to determine
the duration of said tasks, activities and therefore the project. If e.g. a project must be completed
within 3 weeks and each work week is defined as having 5 work days with 8 hours each, but the
effort required for completing all the tasks exceeds these limitations, the consequences are either
 to require people work overtime,

 to put more people to the tasks (which can mean higher costs),
 extending the deadline,
 or reprioritizing the tasks and thereby changing the scope of the project.
Each change automatically affects what is known as the Project Triangle: scope, time, and cost.
 The difference between the time spent on e.g. a task (effort) and the time frame within the task
must be completed (duration) is best illustrated by this example: Writing a project proposal takes
6 weeks. To complete this and hand it in to my superior you have 5 work days (Monday-Friday).
We need to start working on our internship project proposal in 2 weeks.



3.1 Conclusion

Awash bank is a center where Account of customer is opened as a result of their data
stored and preserved for later use. The National Awash Bank Service (NABS) was established in
1969 by the Ethiopian Red Cross Society (ERCS). Since 2004 it has been transferred to the

Federal Ministry of Health Ethiopia (FMOH).The main purpose of the project is to handle and
maintain the Hawassa Awash bank management system and provide efficient birr transfusion
services. In order to gathering data that used for analyzing the existing system, we used
methodologies such as observation, interview and document analysis’. The analysis of proposed
system contains models based on functionality identified in functional requirements. These
models are use case diagram, sequence diagram, activity diagram, and class diagram and user
interface prototype. The managing of the records is made efficient, as all the records are stored in
the database through which data can be retrieved easily by user access privilege. Generally, We
have learned the way manual Awash bank management system works and its different stages of
manual Awash bank management process. After we have completed the project we will
overcome the problems in the existing system and it will satisfy all system users.

3.2 Recommendation

1. We recommend the system has to support Afan Oromo and Amharic Language as result those
people who cannot speak English language can use the system.
2. Our project not supports blind persons we recommend to develop web based blood bank
management system which includes blind persons.
3. We recommend the system has to include video demonstration in order to support people to
use the system easily.
4. Our system uses user name and password as main security mechanism. we recommend to the
next that it must have identification of digital signature of all allowable persons.
5. We develop this system based on Hawassa blood bank information but we recommended
developing for the national level.


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