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UNIT 3: On screen

Name:___________________________ Class: 10A___

3A. Vocabulary
• Films and TV programmes
I. Complete the definitions with the types of films below.
action films historical dramas romantic comedies
science fiction films war films
1. _______________ often show the future. They sometimes include aliens.
2. _______________ are love stories that are also funny.
3. _______________ are films about soldiers and battles.
4. _______________ are fast, exciting films that often contain fights and car chases.
5. _______________ show a specific period in the past. You can see how people dressed, spoke and behaved
those days.
II. Read the sentences. What types of film are the people talking about?
thriller war film science fiction film western
historical drama horror film musical romantic comedy
1. I liked the songs, and the acting was OK, but the actors couldn’t sing. ______________
2. I love films about the Wild West, especially ones with cowboys and Indians. ______________
3. It was the most exciting and gripping film I’ve ever seen. You didn’t know who the murderer was until the
very end. ______________
4. I’m really interested in that period of history, but I don’t think the film was very accurate, so I didn’t enjoy
it. ______________
5. The special effect were amazing. I almost believe that it was 2050 and people actually lived on the planet
Mars. ______________
6. It was very funny, and the ending was hilarious. ______________
7. It was about the Battle of Britain in 1940. Very exciting, but also quite violent. ______________
8. It was probably the scariest ghost story I’ve ever watched. ______________
III. Complete the sentences with the correct words.
1. A(n) __________ film doesn’t have real people in it.
2. In a(n) __________ a lot of people usually die because of a terrible event like a war or a conflict.
3. A(n) __________ film is usually about the future.
4. In __________ the actors have to act, sing and dance.
5. A(n) __________ film is about a certain part of America.
IV. Read the sentences, and complete the words.
1. This is a really funny c_ _ _ _y with lots of laughs.
2. Many people enjoy watching d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _y films about wild animals.
3. My sister is watching a h_ _ _ _ _ _c_ _ drama about life in the 17th century.
4. If you like to be frightened, watch a h_ _ _ _ _ film.
5. In a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ films like Toy Story the characters are created with computer graphics.
6. My brother is interested in military history and he loves w_ _f_ _ _ s.
7. In m_ _ _ _ _ _s the actors have to act, sing and dance.
8. The new t_ _ _ _ _ _r is very exciting and full of surprising events.
9. The w_ _ _ _r of the Oscar made a very long speech.
10. The r_ _ _ _ _s of the competition were a big surprise this year. No one expected them!
V. Match 1-6 with A-G to make phrases and compound nouns. There is one word A-G you do not need.
1. film A. effects 1. ______________________
2. special B. scene 2. ______________________
3. fight C. industry 3. ______________________
4. stunt D. motion 4. ______________________
5. slow E. man/woman 5. ______________________
6. silent F. silent 6. ______________________
G. film
VI. Complete the text about popular types of TV programmes in different countries with the words below.
There is one that you do not need.
cartoons chat show news bulletin reality show
sports coverage sitcoms weather forecast
What People Watch Around the World
In most countries around the world, people enjoy watching TV. However, different types of programmes are
popular in different countries. Internationally, the most popular type of programme is the 1 __________ ,
probably because people like to know what’s happening in their country and abroad. But surprisingly, there’s
a place where the most watched programme is the 2 __________ . This isn’t the UK, even though the climate
there is famously poor; it’s Japan. More than half of those asked said this was the programme they watched
most frequently.
3 __________ is also popular in many countries, though different events are preferred. Some watch football,

others baseball or tennis. English football is watched around the world and it’s estimated that Manchester
United has got 354 million fans worldwide.
Both children and adults enjoy 4 __________ like Tom and Jerry or Mickey Mouse, and in recent years the 5
__________ , starring ordinary people rather than actors, has become popular everywhere.
Everyone enjoys laughing, and British and American 6 __________ are particularly popular. They’re exported
to many other countries, and often remade with a new cast. For example, The Office, originally a British
show, has now got American, Canadian, German, Chilean and Swedish versions.
• Adjectives to describe films and TV programmes
VII. Complete the definitions using the adjectives below.
funny boring entertaining gripping moving scary violent
1. A(n) ______________________film is one that you enjoy watching.
2. A(n) ______________________film contains a lot of fighting and blood.
3. A(n) ______________________film makes you feel strong emotions.
4. A(n) ______________________film makes you laugh.
5. A(n) ______________________film makes you frightened.
6. A(n) ______________________film is not interesting at all.
7. You can’t stop watching a(n) ______________ film because it’s so exciting.
VIII. Choose an adjective from the list below that best describes the film the people are talking about.
dull entertaining gripping moving
predictable scary serious violent
1. I knew exactly what was going to happen at the end. ____________
2. I’ve never been so bored in my life! ____________
3. The story was fantastic. I couldn’t take my eyes off the screen from start to finish. ____________
4. We were crying when we came out of the cinema. ____________
5. There was too much fighting and blood. ____________
6. There weren’t many laughs, but it really made me think. ____________
7. The photography and the special effects were amazing. ____________
IX. Choose the correct word.
1. I laughed a lot - it’s a really funny / scary film.
2. The story is funny / gripping - you really want to know what’s going to happen.
3. I enjoyed the musical - the songs and the dancing were really entertaining / violent.
4. The film was really gripping / moving. It made me cry.
5. I couldn’t watch the end of the horror film - it was too entertaining / scary.
6. The special effects were OK but the story was really boring / gripping. I fell asleep!
7. I don’t like war films. They’re too funny / violent.
X. Complete the sentences with the correct words below.
entertaining horror gripping violent moving
1. My mum refuses to watch __________ films because she doesn’t like all the fighting.
2. The film was so __________ that I cried at the end.
3. I like films that are __________ for the whole family.
4. __________ films give me bad dreams.
5. I couldn’t switch off the TV because the film was so __________ .

• Aspects of films
XI. Match the aspects of films to the definitions.
1. soundtrack _____ 6. blockbuster _____
2. screenplay _____ 7. set _____
3. performances _____ 8. special effects _____
4. cast _____ 9. plot _____
5. trailer _____ 10. scene _____
a. a huge popular film
b. an advert for a film, showing a short part of it
c. the story of a film - what happens
d. the music that accompanies a film
e. one part of a film (in which events happen in the same place)
f. techniques used for showing difficult or impossible action in a film
g. a place that is created for shooting a film
h. the group of actors who appear in a film
i. the script of a film
j. the act of playing the characters in a film
XII. Complete the text with eight of the words from Exercise XI.
The First Blockbuster
According to Guinness World Records, the very first Hollywood summer 1 __________ was Jaws, released in
1975. Here are six facts every film fan should know about it.
▪ The 2 __________ was based on the novel by the same name.
▪ The 3 __________ , by composer John Williams, won several awards. The most famous feature is the
simple two-note tune played in each 4 __________ with a shark attack.
▪ The 5 __________ - mainly robotic sharks - accounted for about one third of the total cost.
▪ Director Stephen Spielberg didn’t want top Hollywood stars in the 6 __________ , but instead hired less
well-known actors, to make the story seem more like real life.
▪ Many film critics praised Spielberg’s skill as a director, and the actors’ 7___________.
▪ Jaws was the first motion picture to be shot on the ocean rather than on a 8 __________ designed to look
like the ocean.
XIII. Complete the sentences with the words below.
audiences awards director documentary drama
film industry film-making full-length screen
1. Walt Disney made the first __________ animated film in 1937.
2. Action films are more exciting when you see them on a big __________ .
3. A __________ needs to have interesting characters and a good story.
4. Sometimes, a film is very popular with __________ but doesn’t win any __________ .
5. You can study __________ at some universities in the UK, but you won’t necessarily get a job in the
__________ when you finish.
6. The famous film __________ , Martin Scorsese made a __________ about the singer, Bob Dylan.
XIV. Complete the sentences with the below. There are two words you do not need.
actress ceremony director prize results speech winner
1. I watched the Oscars __________ on TV, but it was quite boring.
2. Jenny won a(n) __________ for a short story she wrote for a competition.
3. My dad made a(n) __________ at my sister’s wedding. He told some jokes.
4. Who was the __________ of the award for Best Actor this year?
5. I got my exam __________ in the post this morning. I passed.
• Collocations: verb + noun
XV. Complete the sentences with the below.
Opinion online games benefits grades research decision concern effect
1. You’ll enjoy all the __________ of being a member when you go to any cinema in our system.
2. The __________ was done by a team of scientists at Oxford University.
3. Tom worked hard and got good __________ at school.
4. Watching violent films will eventually have a(n) __________ on your mental health.
5. He expressed his __________ only when asked.
6. I want to think about it a bit longer before I make a(n) __________ .
7. He was up all night playing __________ .
8. The news about the war in region will cause __________ about the prices of oil.

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