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A. Answer the following:

1. Discuss the concept of freedom in the context of the following views:

a. Determinism
- The concept of freedom in the context of determinism approach is that all things has a cause and thus
makes future predictable.

b. Existentialism
- The concept of freedom in the context of existentialism approach is that freedom is existence. Every
individual has a choice and it is this choice that defines and characterizes each human being.

2. Give at least three notions of freedom.

a. Traditional Meaning
- Freedom is liberty or independence or the right of a person to do what he/she pleases to do as long as
his/her actions do not violate the laws. It is also associated with freedom of speech or the right to openly
criticize or affirm one’s actions of the people around him/her.

b. Political Notion
- Freedom is the right and capacity of the citizens to decide their own course of actions in the society. Thus,
freedom is relative as citizens can only enjoy their freedom in their respective society.

c. Philosophical Notion:
- Freedom is a right which all human beings possess. Curtailing it is an attack on the dignity of an individual
and a violation of human rights safeguarded by the laws of the state.

3. Why should you bear in mind the rights and freedom of others as you exercise your own?
- We should bear in mind the rights and freedom of others as we exercise our own because if you have the
right to exercise your own rights and freedom, then one should also think that others have the right to
exercise it. Human rights are basic rights that belong to all, it makes up the key values in our society such as
fairness, equality, and respect. Thus, we should bear in mind that we are equal in terms of rights and

B. In your opinion, what consequences will these choices/actions lead to?

1. You did not review for your final exam

- In my opinion, the consequence this may lead to will be one acquiring low grades that could lead to low
self esteem. Not reviewing for final exam may also result to poor academic performance.

2. You have been swayed by your peers to smoke

- In my opinion, the consequence this may lead to will be the possibility of having significant health
problems, like respiratory diseases, decreased physical fitness, and possible effects on lung function and

3. You choose not to pursue a college degree

- In my opinion, the consequence this may lead to will be the possibility of having problems with applying
jobs in the future as most jobs require college diploma or credentials. Thus, one can have problems with
future income and other opportunities.

4. You decided to get married right after graduation from Grade 12.
- In my opinion, the consequence this may lead to will the possibility of experiencing symptoms of
depression later in life, financial issues, risk of abortions, lack of complete education, and tendency to make
mistakes as you are still learning with the new situation in life.

5. You got impregnated

- In my opinion, the consequence this may lead to will be the possibility of experiencing risks in delivering
the baby (complications) between the mother and child, possible abortion, and maybe even halting in your
studies because pf the possibility of giving birth even before graduation. Another consequence this may lead
to will be future financial problems.


Activity for Deepening: Do as you are directed.

1. Give at least one situation that shows differences among people in each given social aspect?

a. Religion
- One situation that can show the difference of people when it comes to religion is their belief of food
connected to their religion. In a case where we assume two people eating in a restaurant, one is a Catholic,
and the other is a Muslim then we can say that the Catholic would be okay to eat pork, except of course
during fasting, while the Muslim won’t even dare to eat the pork.
b. Gender
- One situation that can show the difference of people when it comes to gender is of course the typical way
of how female and male differs in body and action. However, there might also be a situation where gender
stereotypes are broken. One example of that is the fact that male are often associated with toughness (strong)
and girls as fragile when in fact men can be fragile and women can be tough and brave too.
c. Political Views
- One situation that can show the difference of people in political views is their difference of perception and
expression of their opinions. For example, you may say that the government is doing an excellent job in
implementing plans/strategies to contain the spread of COVID-19 virus or the way they defend our
territories in the West Philippine Sea but I may have a different opinion in that where I can say that our
government is incompetent, corrupt, or power-tripping officials.
d. Race
- One situation that can show the difference of people in terms of race is of course the difference in skin
color, appearance, culture, and language.

2. As a young member of the society, how can you help to reconcile the differences you stated above?
- As a young member of the society, I can help reconcile the differences stated above by accepting one’s
belief/religion as it was the goal of ecumenism celebrated by the Catholic church as well, being open minded
about the different gender orientations and start dismantling the gender norms. I can also help to reconcile
differences in political views by acknowledging the fact that people can have different opinions about
something and respect it. As for the race, we should be equal in treating people despite our race because we
are all the same as a human being. In that way, we can experience peace and equality.

3. How can authentic dialogue or communication help reconcile the conflicting parties or groups?
- Authentic dialogue or communication help reconcile the conflicting parties or groups as it entails a person-
to-person mutual sharing and gratification. Thus, we can express who we are and what we are, not just as
individuals but as human beings. It can also help reconcile people attain interpersonal relationships with
each other where we can mutually share and acknowledge each other not as objects as we communicate and
accept each others’ individuality regardless of differences. If a person opens themselves in a dialogue and
sincerely listen to each others’ thoughts, considering the presence of tolerance, then inter subjectivity will be

C. Check your understanding

1. How should family and community members treat PWDs and the least fortunate members of the society?
Why should they treat them as such?
- Family and community members plays a crucial role in the life of PWDs. Therefore, they must treat them
with respect and make them feel accepted because if a disabled child feel rejected by the family or the
community, it is most likely that they will grow up with unlikable attitudes towards himself/herself and
towards society. The family and community members must then treat a disabled member as a part of the
family/society without rejection and special treatment. The family must also do their responsibilities for the
PWDs to access equal opportunities for them to grow, provide them of the special needs of their disabled
family member, encourage and motivate them as much as possible, and assure them to be treated normally
by other people. Lastly, the family and the community should serve as supports for people particularly with

2. What is the similarity in the teachings of Buber and Pope Paul II or Karol Wojtyla about relationships?
- The similarity in the teachings of Buber and Pope Paul II about relationships is that both philosophers
believed in the notion of concrete experience/existence of human person. For Buber, the social dimension is
represented by “We relation” and for Wojtyla is interpersonal by the “I-you relation”. However, what they
say about relationships are quite similar. Their philosophy is about human person as a subject, who is a
being different from things or from objects. The human person experiences his wholeness not in his/her
relation to one’s self but of another self. The human world establishes mutual relations of experience. Also,
the human persons as subjects have direct and mutual sharing of themselves. This implies person-to-person,
relation, dialog, and so forth. Thus, they both say that human person in not just being in the world, with
others, but also being in relation.

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